tv Government Access Programming SFGTV June 27, 2019 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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never happened. [applause] and finally, our next speaker for lending her support for this project, for championing the needs of h.i.v.-positive, the transgender, lesbian, gay bisexual communities, please help us welcome the one true queen of san francisco, our mayor, london breed. [applause] >> thank you so much, brian. and what an amazing story. it's great to hear. when i think about, you know, sadly some of the discriminatory practices that existed in our country for so many years, i definitely relate to those challenges and we all know the history of this country and how so many people, the african american community and the discrimination in housing, the lgbt community and
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discrimination as it relates to housing and that just shows us that we have work to do. because when we come together, when we come together for a common purpose, we can accomplish anything. and it also tells us that names make a difference. i mean, the rainbow flag apartments and the iconic rainbow flag and what it has meant to our lgbt community. when you come to san francisco, and you see this iconic flag that gilbert baker created in 1978, you know you can be safe. you know there is a place for you. and i'm just so proud of san francisco. in fact, last week when we raised the rainbow flag at city hall, it was my first raising of the rainbow flag for lgbt pride month in san francisco as mayor and i have been to those flag raisings many years before.
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itself was so special. because there were so many people who had pride in the city and so many people who were there who were not lgbt. so many folks from various communities celebrating what we know is important in our city. is to bring people together. to provide opportunities and to make sure in the process, as we deal with many of the city challenges, we don't leave anyone behind. i want to thank bill jones for being here today and thank you so much for, you know, just creating a safe space for people. what you did, you may have thought i'm providing an opportunity. your opportunity has led to not only thousands of people being housed, but other organizations that have changed and shaped the lives of so many people in the lgbt community and it will for generations to come. you started a movement with the rainbow flag apartments and now
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today the gilbert baker rainbow flag apartments. how amazing is that to do that in san francisco? and now that we're just talking about housing and housing affordability and opportunities, i'm really proud that in this past budget, one of the first things we were able to do in listening to the blgts community and people who came to my office to meet with me, to talk about many of the disparities that existed around housing with our lgbt community, we were able to add to our budget an additional $3 million to help with subsidies and support. $2 million -- [applause] -- $2 million specifically for trans people in san francisco because we know that they are 18% more likely to experience homelessness, more than anyone else in the homeless population. [sirens] we have to be deliberate in how we invest our resources and how
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we continue to provide opportunities for people to come together. [sirens] because that is what's -- [sirens] having an emergency is all about. [laughter] but the fact is, when we think about pride, yes we can think about our incredible lgbt community. we can think about inclusiveness. but having pride in our city so critical to the success of our city. it's about bringing people from all walks of life together, to celebrate, celebrate an opportunity to make us feel like we belong and we hear and you will hear us and we will be loud and we will be proud. thank you all so much for being here today. [applause] and with that, i'm going to do what mayors do best. i'm going to declare it somebody's day. [laughter]
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we know that just a few years ago, unfortunately, we lost gilbert baker and we also know that his legacy and the work that he has done in creating this incredible symbol will not only live on in san francisco, it lives on throughout the world. it will live on in the gilbert baker rainbow flag apartments and it will also live on in his estate, established in his memory to do the kinds of amazing things that will continue to advance the rites and love and support of the lgbt community. so with that, i'd like to present this proclamation -- oh, to you. come on up. [laughter] >> hi. thank you so much. >> introduce yourself. >> i'm charlie beal, the manager of the gilbert baker estate. >> and so on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, today we are going to declare it gilbert baker estate day in san francisco.
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[applause] thank you for your work to continue his legacy. >> thank you. [applause] thank you so much for being here today. congratulationss to the residents who were so fortunate enough to be here and a little secret -- a couple of years -- probably about 15 years ago, during the pride celebration, i had a really great time during a party on the rooftop. [laughter] and i remember going back the next year and there was no party! >> uh-huh. >> reporter: i don't know what happened, but i hope what this means is a chance to celebrate pride, san francisco-style at the gilbert baker rainbow flag apartments in the heart of san francisco! have a wonderful time, everyone. thank you. [applause]
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>> thank you, mayor. thank you so much, brian. thank you everybody coming here today. again, my name is charlie beal. i'm the manager of the gilbert baker estate. i really am just one of his best friends who, when he died unexpectedly a little over two years ago, we tried to pick up the pieces and had no idea in a way what we were getting ourselves in for. but we found out a lot of things about gilbert. we found out that he had a memoir hidden away on his hard drive. it's now published. and available just this past week. in that book, he writes a lot about san francisco. and i learned so much about him from san francisco. i came here with him many times. i came here -- i was here, the art director in the movie "milk" and we were looking at research and all thesen n banners from the old pictures in the 1970s and i sent pictures to gilbert and i said do you know anything about
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those and he said, girlfriend, i made those banners. well, come out here and make them again because we have to make them again for the movie. my husband vincent here is also very active in the estate. we came out and made the flag for when we rise and i've held the end of the banner in more marches for gilbert baker than i can count don my -- than i can count on my fingers and toes. the heart of the rainbow flag is here. i'm from new york and new york, you know, stonewall is our heartbeat of the gay movement there, but here it is the rainbow flag. the one thing he wrote about in the book that always gets me choked up because he talks about that time he was out walking with cleave and artie and harvey milk was saying we need a new symbol and he was walking in this area over here and he looked up at the american flag and he thought about the power of the american flags and what he had seen in
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the bicentennial two years before. and then a while after that, after thinking we need a flag to begin with, he and cleave were out dancing and looked at the diversity of the crowd and he describes in the book about how, in san francisco, you just have everybody of every race, creed, color, type, sexuality, gender and he saw that and the swirling colored lights and he just saw a rainbow and that is how that experience -- that is the genesis of that symbol that we see around the world. and at that moment, he writes very passionately that the drag queens and the young transpeople at stonewall would finally have a symbol of their own. so, he felt like he had fulfilled a purpose and a cause in doing that. it still lives on. we're lucky here in san francisco. we see rainbow flags up and down the street. i just came from new york. stonewall 50.
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they can't stop putting rainbows up in new york. they're everywhere. my god. it is pretty incredible. we can never forget that if you tried to unfurl a rainbow flag in the middle of red square right now, you'd get arrested. i'm happy that in taiwan, you can get married. but there are so many countries around the world where you can't even love another person openly. and when they do try to proclaim their visibility the way they do it is by hoisting one of these. and when you are in a country and visiting overseas and not quite sure if you really belong and suddenly you see a cafe with the rainbow flag, you know you've found a safe space. brian, i thank you so much for doing this, for creating safe spaces for people with h.i.v., for dedicating to this to gilbert. it means so much to me and so much to the estate. i'd like to thank you and san francisco. thank you so much. [applause]
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>> our next speaker embodies what it means to be an ally. i'm more of a co-conspirator. i'm like somebody who's down there fighting hard next to you. and learning how to be an ally takes poo em who embody it and show you the way. and our next speaker i think that is really who he is as a person. and so we're really lucky to have him as our supervisor. in distribution six. please welcome matt haney. [applause] >> thank you, brian. thank you, mayor breed. isn't this a wonderful day? this is an extraordinary thing to be celebrating the gilbert baker rainbow apartments here on larkin street in the tender loin. i want to give a special thank you to you, brian. i can tell you that during the budget process, there was nobody who works harder than brian basinger and the q
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foundation to make sure that everybody who is lgbt have a safe and secure place to call home. thank you, brian. give it up for brian and he leadership. i'm also very excited that we have this flag here in the tender loin. the tender loin is among, along with lower pope, the oldest lgbt neighborhood, not just here in san francisco, but across the country. it is a neighborhood where compton's cafeteria riots, the first ever documented collective uprising of lgbt people in the country took place in 1966 and it is a neighborhood where the compton's transgender cultural district, the nation's firsts officially recognized cultural -- transgender neighborhood is here today. it's a place that, for so many years, during some of the worst times in san francisco when the so-called public decency laws
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prevented them from being themselves. but tenderloin was an area they were provided respite from prosecution and harassment. the raising of this flag and the rededication of these apartments for gilbert baker, the man responsible for creating this beautiful symbol, reaffirms the importance and contributions ofpt community, to the tenderloin, to the city of san francisco and to the world. the gilbert baker rainbow flag apartments is one of the most important gateways to the tender loin. and from city hall to the comptons district, we envision a place where transgender, lesbian, gay, bisexual, h.i.v.-positive and every stripe of the rainbow lives in a liberated life, free from oppression, free from fear of violence and secure in knowing they're receiving equitable access to shelter, housing, jobs and services that we know that they deserve. one of most shameful things i recently saw is that the trump administration is now saying that this flag cannot be displayed on embassies around the world and when they pushed
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back, when they resort to the worst of it. when they try to deny people's identity and humanity, that is when we have to celebrate this flag and what it represents, even more. [applause] thank you all for being here. thank you veritas. thank you to mayor breed. to the q foundation. and thank you to everyone who made this possible. >> there is a small group of us who are survivors who have been through it all, from the depths of the aids epidemic, homelessness, all kinds of struggles. and i was thinking about it a couple of week ago. i said, you know, how many people have really risen from that experience and gone on to do wonderful things and to make meaningful contributions to society. really i was looking at who are my peers in that experience. and one of them is up next for
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us who is a long-time friend and ally of ours from the office of congresswoman nancy pelosi, please welcome gary mccoy. [applause] >> thank you, brian. this is very exciting for me personally to be out here today. i also have friends that lived here that were -- their housing was alsos subsidized and h.i.v. positive and really meant the life to them. on behalf of the congresswoman and speaker of the house nancy pelosi, have a letter i'd like the read from her. friends, we proudly gather today with city officials, community leaders and the q found diagnosis dedicate this historic building as the gilbert baker rainbow flag apartments. referencing the importance to san francisco and the lgbt communities. it is my regret that i could not be with you today. just a few blocks from here, gilbert baker created the now iconic rainbow flag by hand and it was outside of this building where the flag proudly flew.
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it is my privilege to represent san francisco with its large lgbt community. we're a city that thrives because of its diversity and take great pride in the innumerable contributions that the lgbtq community make to our great city and country. by hanging the rainbow flag once again, we affirm our connection to the acceptance of the lgbtq community. we honor gilbert's memory and legacy by dedicating this building in his name. when gilbert created the rainbow flag, he generously chose not to trademark it because he recognized its symbolism and knew it should be accessible to everyone to show their pry. this month, millions of lgbtq americans march through the streets with pride, celebrating the beautiful diversity and vibrancy of the lgbtq community, rallying around gilbert's contribution. last month, house democrats and
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i proudly passed this act to fully end legal discrimination against lgbtq americans. this month, we celebrate this momentum establishment and the generations of leaders, activists and allies such as gilbert who made it happen. as we reflex on this building's history and gilbert's place in it, it brings me great pleasure to say that 324 larkin street is once again a symbol of the love that we have for all people. best regards, nancy pelosi. [applause] >> our next speaker is a person of considerable distinction. in 1969, he was the first single adult in america to adopt a child. the fact that he did that as a gay man is really profound. he was also or tainted by mayor gavin newsome and has the distinction of marrying the most number of couples during the summer of love at city hall.
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he is the original owner of the rainbow flag apartments. he was the one who put up the name rainbow flag, who put up the flag itself and also as i said before, he was the one that gave us a chance. he said yes whenever other land lord that we approached in six monthses said no. he then said that's a security come of $3900. [laughter] i did not rob a 7-eleven, but i got really creative. and that single act of generosity, that single act of saying "yes" changed our lives. and hopefully -- [applause] that we have dedicated the last 15 years to paying that back.
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[voice breaking] >> phil jones. [cheering] [honking] >> it's nice to be home again. [laughter] i know you guys are so hot. can you get in the shade, at least? i feel so sorry for you. yeah. i got -- i would like the give you a little history of it. this whole block was owned by hastings law school. and they wanted to tear down the buildings and build an extension of the law school. the city said no, we need the housing. so, they sold this apartment to me and two others on mcallister side to somebody else. i know how you feel. [laughter] it is an emotional thing.
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so the first thing i did, i painted the building and put in new carpets and everything and the tenants were worried sick that i was going to raise their rent. and then i did something absolutely horrible. [rustling noise] [applause] i did this. [cheering] [applause] and -- so then the tenants wrote in this little neighborhood paper. perhaps the greatest indication of the change overtaking the west block in the wake of the change of landlords is that the apartment building at 324 street is now called the rainbow flag apartments. it's a pretty silly name for a building with lousy wiring --
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[laughter] i love that. the flag that you see here didn't always just fly from the fire escape. i erected a 50-foot flagpole for one reason. that building wasn't built yet. city hall were putting roller skates under it so in case of an earthquake it could roll back and forth. the museum was -- the library -- it was a library, right. and so they were changing that and they were building a new library. so i was in this construction and was bound and determined that that flag would fly higher than anything else. and we got it up.
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four stories and 50 feet and i knew it would be photographed and i wanted us to be a part of what was happening at the civic center. so, that's how that happened. [applause] just one more thing. the flag didn't have an ending when i took it down. oh, i sold the building to an arab. the first thing he did, took off the letters. and i took down the flag. so i gave the flag to the university of pacific. they had a gay-lesbian alliance there. and the flag disappeared. they found it later in a latrine covered with urine. well that just -- when that word got out, hundreds and hundreds of students in pacific had a rally and thousands of
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people in stockton came down to protest what had happened to that flag. so it now hangs in the rainbow resource and study room. which i donated to university pacific. i copied the one that is in the library here. so, anyway, i feel vindicated. i feel absolutely wonderful about this. thank you so much. [applause] >> next up is one of my personal heroes. one of the national leaders for lesbian-gay-transgender and one of the architects of marriage
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equality, kate kendall. >> good afternoon. i'm going to stay the obvious. is this not the best of san francisco right here? [applause] i mean -- when i came to san francisco in 1994 from utah, i fell like i had arrived in oz. and to see -- to hear different languages spoken on muni, to walk down the street and see a diversity of the beautiful humanity of this city just meant so much to me and i know we've had some challenges recently in recent years. people have given a knock to san francisco. it's not the same place it used to be. the mayor talked about the challenges. but you know what? this is who san francisco is. this is who san francisco is. and i want to really do a
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shout-out to brian basinger. so brian -- [applause] brian, at huge personal sacrifice, that very few of us -- and i mean us -- would have ever made has made the leaves and the futures of thousands of people richer with dignity and depth in a way they could have never imagined. i adore you. i love you. thank you for everything you've done. [applause] and then finally, i just want us to move forward as i see ken will be up here in a second and deborah walker and so many people that i know here. we're in a perilous moment. we all get that. we were in a toxic moment. we're in a dangerous moment. we're in a moment where so many communities are terrified. but you know what? this is an example of the muscle memory we have of how we get through a moment like this.
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san francisco has been through this before many, many times. we know how to traverse this and the way we traverse this is by locking arms and saying no way, mother [beep] you're not getting through them without coming through us. and that -- >> whew! >> that is what this moment demands and what typifies brian's leadership. i'm so happy you're all here. happy to look arms with you. thank you so much. [applause] >> so, the history of the closet did not let any light in. there was no light to illuminate our history. so much of it went unwritten. unrecorded, unacknowledged and unknown. our elders are our historians. they're the ones that keep the flame alive, that tell us how it was back in the day and teach us how to navigate the
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world with grace, dignity and a little bit of fearness. fierceness. we are so lucky to have one of our own to come and tell the tales and my dear colleague and friend, ken jones. [applause] >> thank you so much for inviting me here this afternoon to talk about the rainbow flag and to let you know that your dues are due. all protest movements rely on symbols, boycotts, strikes, sit-ins and flags. this is an everyday complacency and forces us to think. today that flag embraces us and
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covers us. it keeps our fragile coalition together and moving forward and you know what? as a movement, we're old enough, mature enough and wise enough to know that that rainbow flag is our symbol, our hope and our future that speaks volumes. it says that fragile coalitions are possible. that we can stay together and work together. that we can make this a better place not only for those who are witnessed now, but for all those who will walk these paths in the future. that rainbow flag represents our membership and belonging in the community of lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender, intersex queer, questioning, two spirited and our allies.
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so look at your neighbor and tell 'em your dues are due. one of the more importantless -- important lessons i've learned on this journey is legislation, proclamations and executive orders, they cannot and they do not change people's hearts. we change people's hearts not through any herculean interventions, no we change people's hearts when we are present, when we are authentic and when we are transparent and those are your dues -- to be present, authentic and transparent. you see, i'm getting old and i'm getting tired and i'm getting weary. of trusting the system for the change that is not happening.
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the change that is not coming. the change that is not on the way. no doubt about it, your dues are due until our 8 and 10-year-olds stop taking their lives because they can't deal with the bullying. our dues are due. until our transgender people of color can walk up and down any streets in this nation, unharmed. your dues are due. until all lgbtq folks are no longer attacked on the streets of san francisco, your dues are due. [applause] your dues are due until we cross that finish line. arm in arm together under our rainbow flag. your dues are due. thank you. [applause]
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>> so, our event today happens to coincide with the big meeting at the board of supervisors. so, rafael mandelman, has anyone seen him? he is not here. ok. there is a good chance he was going to get stuck at the board of supervisors. so i'm sure -- yay! good job. [laughter] so many of you know me. some of you have read about me. i have a reputation. that i've earned and i'm proud of. [laughter] >> some of it's true! >> and most of it's true. [laughter] so i've wanted this day to happen for over 10 years and almost everybody at city hall knows about it because it is all i talk about. for 10 years. i'm going to get that flag back one day. i'm getting that name back one day.
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and so credit needs to go where credit is due. and, you know, really want to thank the workers of veritas who helped put this together. you know, especially danielle washington. >> whew! [applause] >> there was a true spirit of joy in this. that you could see it in people's faces and the wae they showed up to support this. it was genuine and, if i was the boss, i'd give them all a big pat on the back. and here to do that is the new owner of this building. [applause] >> thank you, brian. really appreciate this. i'm so honored and humbled to be here today representing the veritas team and all of our partners as well, too. it's really touching to meet
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bill, the original owner of this building i thought it was a great opportunity to rekindle and look at what he was able to do with that photo of draping the rainbow flag across this building. we had no idea that this building was where the rainbow flag was part of its home as well, too. if you look up, you'll see that that flag is raised up high and proud for everyone to see. you'll see this flag right here as well, too. and we feel so proud and privileged to be stewards of this building for all. moving forward as well. we have a plaque there as well, too. and there is a little bit of old and new here. so, while we're respecting and harkening the old, what we're renaming and recristening this building as rainbow flag apartment, we have a q.r. code to learn a little bit about the history of what happened here as well. [applause] so, it is really a real privilege. thank you, guys, for having uss here and really on behalf of the veritas team, it is such an honor to re-raise the flag.
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such an honor to recristen this building as one of the homes of the rainbow flag which, to us, symbolizes diversity and inclusion for all. again, on behalf of all of our team members as well as partners, proud to raise our hand and raise a flag. so, thank you. >> now i'm taking off my brian basinger executive director of the q foundation hat and putting on my faint ruby slippers moniker. no dedication would be complete without the blessing and invocation of the sisters of perpetual indulgence. [cheering] this is your moment, ladies. >> we're so -- we're so proud that brian is one of our saints.
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and we honor the work that he has done for sisters and everybody else in the community. he is a great force to be reckoned with. and now we're going to channel the fierce energy of one of our sisters, sister chanel, number 2001, gilbert baker. [applause] to keep the demons at bay and make this a sacred space. may the saints and the sinners who have gone before hear our petition. >> may the hungry be fed and the homeless housed. [applause] >> may the outcast find a chosen family and the misfit find a fit. [applause] >> may we honor those among us on their own path, taking the road less traveled. [applause] >> may we correct and admonish
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our peers with represent and love and may we receive correction with dignity and openness. >> may the divine in me see the divine in you, not the holy divine the actress. [laughter] >> may we be known for radical inclusion of the other and may we call bullshit on the exclusive, the clique, the no blacks, no asians among us. [applause] [cheering] to the she, to the he and to the they, as it was in the beginning and it is now and will be forever, all men, all women and all the others! [applause] >> that concludes our ceremony today.
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prohibition of sound producing device during the meeting. anyone responsible for a cell phone going off in the room, may be asked to leave it. item 4, communications. mr. chair, directors, i have none. item 5, citizens advisory council report. there is none in the room. moving on to your regular calendar. mr. chair, would you like me to call the labor contracts all together?
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>> chair heinicke: i would like this say that and i would like to welcome director heminger on the board. it's a pleasure to have you on board, your experience, knowledge and commitment and your willingness to do this after you're already ill lueseous career. i look forward to serving with you. >> i will be calling items 6 through 13. this is adopting and implementing the decision and award of the arbitration board, or adopting and implementing successor m.o.u. with service employees international union local 1021, t.w., 250-a for automotive works, one with the international association of machinists, one with transport
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union local 200, one with the international brotherhood of electrical workers and one with the municipal executive associations, all setting wages, benefits and working conditions for represented employees fort term july 2019 to july 2020. >> chair heinicke: 2022? through 2022? >> yes, through 2022. >> chair heinicke: i asked they all be called together because i get the sense there is no concern about these agreements at the board level, in fact, real happiness with the way this has all gone down. let me see if there is public comment on the contracts, seeing none, public comment is closed. director riskin, i assume it is your strong recommendation we adopt the contracts? okay. board members, any questions.
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>> please, just pardon the new guy a couple of questions. i must say i thought the formatting of this was opaque. and i'm trying to get to a big bottom line financial impact and if i'm adding these together correctly, the three-year financial impact is about $150 million or thereabouts. is that right? >> yeah, it's something on that order. the fiscal year 19-20 budget has been approved. it was approved by the board a year ago for this current and next fiscal year. that covers the first year of the agreement. and the first year fiscal impact is on the order of $34 million, if i recall. and we had reserved something on the order of $27 million in the budget, so there is a small gap for us to close in the upcoming fiscal year. and then we would incorporate these costs that will be known
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costs in the next two-year budget cycle. >> this is back loaded, right so that delta that is not covered is going to be larger in the third year? >> it's cumulative. at least the wage increase portions of the contract. >> director heminger: because they compound, correct? >> correct. >> director heminger: there is also acceleration of progression up the ranges in the proposal, correct? >> just for one classification, the transit operators, which is the biggest classification. >> director heminger: right. when we budget, do we budget at the top of those ranges, so even though not everybody will be at the top of the range, we're prevented from any unpleasant surprises? >> now we're getting technical. let me ask the chief financial officer to respond. >> yes, i'm chief financial officer for sfmta, and yes, we
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do budget at the top range, but we include a factor in the budget to show that everyone is not a top range step adjustment factor. to the extent we adjust that during the year, we monitor our spending through the year to make sure -- >> director heminger: what i'm not sure what your answer means. do you budget top of range, or having assumption everybody will not be at top range. >> we have assumption that not everyone will be top range. you can see how large the assumption is in one area, which is the step adjustment factor. >> will you have to adjust that, or was that already assumed in the two-year budget, now that the progression is more rapid. >> the $7 million delta is that. that's probably one of the largest items, so what we've had to do, just to clarify a little bit, to cover that $7 million, we're not actually opening up
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our budget this year. we have a fixed two-year budget, but we're allowed to do technical adjustments. so to stay within the total spending, we were able to do adjustments such as to temporarily -- well, to adjust other spending items in the budget to allow for the additional spending under these contracts. and we'll be monitoring very closely in the first month of this year as to how our actual spending is going under these contracts. we are planning to be coming back to you in the fall with a supplemental appropriation for the new budget year, because we have to for other funds that require your approval. at the time we'll present to you our budget status, what we're seeing as the actual effect of the negotiations as they patrol through and if we need to make other adjustments.
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>> director heminger: just two more questions, mr. chairman. on the numbers, it's a 4%, 3.5, 3.5 deal. in terms of our competitive position with other transit agencies, which i know has been an issue, do we think those numbers are going to stand up against the deals that bart and ac transit and others are putting in place? >> generally, yes. we look at the comparables across the region. this wage pattern was really set after the city's negotiation process, which the operators accepted. our operators continue to be among the best compensated in the country. and this will keep them competitive. and e.t.a. reached impasse, so we don't know where they will end up, but fairly confident that with the wage increase and going back to a four-year -- or going to a four-year
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progression, we'll remain competitive. >> director heminger: you brought up the last question. the question of impasse. the negotiating framework for this, was that set by prop e back then or more recently? >> it's really set in the city charter what the prop e and prop a did was take a portion of the way the city negotiates agreements, and take for what is called service critical employees and put that under the m.t.a. it mirrors the city charter framework. it puts the director of transportation into the shoes of the director of resources. -- >> director heminger: we've had these arbitration provisions for some time. >> it's been for quite a while. >> director heminger: it appears in these deals, almost all of
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them were at impasse and went to arbitration. not all, but almost all. is that the typical m.o., every three years we get to impasse and we go to arbitration, or is that unusual? >> so looks like three out of the eight went to arbitration. the rest were negotiated agreements. and again, i can ask derek, our h.r. director, or carole the labor relations director to speak to historical patterns. >> good afternoon, director for sfmta. in the past we would have ones that went to impasse and arbitration, but this year, half ended up in agreement. only three went to arbitration. i think the last time, director heinicke can give us a hint what the arbitration award would come out to be, even the ones that
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went to impasse and went to arbitration, there was quite a bit of agreement. i want to say maybe only one was a true arbitration award. but there was a lot of agreement. >> director heminger: to answer the question, this is regular, in my experience, this is 13 years of this and what happens many of the terms are agreed to, but the terms that can't be agreed to go to arbitration, and even there there has been a lot of progress, so the arbitrators is picking between condensed conditions. so you have a time when the arbitration is getting it over the final hurdle or two. here we negotiated without that more than half. if you're asking if this is common or rare, i would say that aspect is rare in my experience. we had more negotiated full agreements here than before. and those things resolved by arbitration, it's not as if in this situation, we went into
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arbitration with union at a and us at z. it was more a versus b and it was chosen and there was a sense how that would trade off. i think the answer to your question, this is relatively common. what is uncommon, there is more negotiation. of the ones i've seen, this is the more harmonious in my time on this board. >> thank you, mr. chairman. >> chair heinicke: okay. >> i thank our negotiators for working so hard on this, derek, and your team. >> chair heinicke: i echo that and everyone has worked hard on this, in particular, director riskin for guiding us through in the final months here. with that, i will entertain a motion to adopt all those read? all those in favor?
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any opposed? congratulations everyone. >> item 14, asks the controller to allot funds and draw warrants for payment against the following came. latrice millard versus the city and count, it's unlitigated in the amount of $40,000. >> chair heinicke: we received a report. the city attorney is happen to stand on the report? directors, any questions for the city attorney? >> second. >> chair heinicke: all those in favor of the settlement? opposed? thank you very much. >> that concludes the business before you today. >> director heminger, they are not always this short. [laughter] >> chair heinicke: thank you very much, everyone.
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