tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 3, 2019 4:00am-5:01am PDT
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causing materials and the tip of that than a total pack of a cigarette. is that clear? you're contaminating the public and it's predominately being used by youths and adults that think they can kick the habit of smoking cigarette and more tobacco and nicotine that they were in hell by using regular cigarettes. you're dumping a cancer causing activity into the community just like the navy did when they dumped cancer causing materials out at the shipyard that is annihilating people of color, the majority of black people and samoan people, and now there are white people that are catching cancer too. there is no different. the only difference is you have a license to do it but you're getting the same affect by having people exposed to cancer causing materials. you're brainwashing the younger
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generation with this high-tech device and claiming it's not a cancer causing material. i seen doctors on tv explain that it's causing anxiety disorders, compulsive disorders, and causing a destruction of concentration of young people in school. >> great, i do have some other folks that have identified this is the item they want to speak on. if any of those folks want to speak on this item, come on forward. they may want to speak on the next item, which they can. all right. so, seeing no further speakers, oh. mr. kelly. >> thank you very much, i'm dennis kelly, a retired teach, 35 years of classroom experience
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in san francisco and the former head of the united educators of san francisco president for 12 years. when i started teaching, we had smoking rooms for teachers on campuses. we had smoking rooms for children on campuses, also, we call them the bathrooms. we have moved away from that entirely. because of the recognition of what cigarettes do and what smoke does to children and to other adults, we no longer allow any kind of smoking on school grounds. it's time that we did the same thing on all government property. i am here in support of this resolution, thank you. >> great, thank you. next speaker. >> hello everyone, i'm roshawn, project coordinator for health
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and wellness. our mission is to eliminate inequalities in black and marginalized communities. i work and reside in district 10. as you may knew, -- know, we he the highest rates of asthma due to tobacco use and secondhand smoke and other environmental factors. the bay view community, i'm supporting this agenda item number 5 and also number 6, and passing both policies will help lower asthma diagnosis, prevent youths from addiction and improve general health and life spans overall in san francisco. i chewly appreciate your support in passing these ordinances. please protect the future and save lives. thank you. >> great, thank you. >> are there any other members of the public like to speak on this item. yes, come on forward.
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>> good morning supervisors, my name is star child, and i'm here if the libertarian party of san francisco. i'm here to strongly oppose any additional restrictions on what people may sell, consume, put into their own bodies. i think it's insane that in 2019, we're actually talking about expanding the war on drugs. make no miss take, that's what this does, when you criminal -- criminalizing to sell products that people choose to use. they may be better than the alternative, if people are trying to stop smoking, it's better to start using vaping products than continuing to smoke cigarettes. we know people who are trying to stop smoking are using vaping products. that means fewer people are able to use them, and in some case continue smoking products that are more harmful to them. even if someone wants to use the
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most harmful products, it should be up to them. it's their bodies, their choices. it's illegal for minors to use tobacco products, that's not changing, but san francisco needs to get a clue here. it really is just insane. to expand the war on drugs it will create more black markets, you remember eric garner, he was killed for selling loose cigarettes on the street. he was choked and killed by police. that's the thing we're setting ourselves up for, a black market and cigarette products and we know the problems that this creates when you create black markets in terms of criminal sayings of poor and marginalized people, minorities, lgbtq people. these are the people that tend to get caught up by the wheels
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by what passes for justice. >> thank you. are there any other members of the public that like to speak on this item? all right, if there are folks that like to speak on this item, i ask that you line up on the right side of the chamber. >> my name, and i'm the president of the coalition of lavender americans on smoking or health clash. the main thing i want to say is this is a dream gateway drug for the tobacco industry. they're thrilled to have it because it makes it so easy for young people to get addicted to nicotine. i also want to remind you that altria owns a sizable share of jewel, so we should call it
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jewel, they're drug pushers and back in 2006, phillip morris, and the other big tobacco companies were adjudicated racketeers for lying to the public for decades about the harm of tobacco and they're doing the same thing now. we wouldn't be here today if not for the lack of action on the part of the f.d.a., so like every other issue around tobacco control historically, it has to begin on grassroots, on local municipal and state areas in order to get what we need to protect the public. so, san francisco historically has been a leader in this movement and has done great work to save lives over the years. you're in a position now to prevent another generation from becoming addicted to nicotine.
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please pass both of these ordinances. thank you. >> thank you next speaker. >> hello, i'm a local businessman in northern california. i don't smoke, but i been in business for 35 years, and i thought this was america. i thought we had a freedom. tobacco is a legal product. if a legal person over 21 is buying the product, what is happen to all those smokers that live in san francisco that pay t taxes. where are they supposed to go? are they supposed to go to oakland when they want a puff. we as citizens of this northern community, if it's a legal product, i'm a diabetic. if you say i condition have coke anymore, what am i supposed to do? thank you. >> just to reiterate, we're taking comment on item number 5.
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next speaker. >> all right, my name is stan, i'm a professor of medicine at ucsf and the director of tobacco control research there. i like to correct a statement made by one of the earlier speakers. there's about 60 or 70 studies looking at the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a smoking device and the vast majority that show smokers that use these cigarettes are less likely to quit smoking than smokers that use the e-cigarettes. the art that these are a way to quit smoking is not only wrong, it's a scam. they keep people smoking. the argument that the city should continue selling these and manufacturing these products on city property is some sort of public health measure is just inconsistent with what the evidence shows.
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ucsf was the last major medical center in the state to stop selling cigarettes a long time aborigines and -- ago and i think it's sensible that the city does not engage in promoting this legal product on their own property. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon, i'm ermay -- erm ermay ya, and with regard to this particular matter, i would want to urge you to move forward with this ban because fundamentally, san francisco would be in a conflicted position. it would have a conflict of interest because the city has, the city and county has public policy and particularly in the form of public health policy to try to discourage and prevent
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the use of nicotine products and if you allow the city and county to earn revenue from those businesses, then essentially you have a conflict of interest position. so i appreciate your willingness to solve this problem. thank you. >> thank you. are there any other members of the public that like to speak on this item before i close public comment? public comment is now closed. great. so, colleagues, supervisor walton, would you like to make a motion to move to the full board with positive recommendation. >> yes, that's the motion i would like to make. >> can we take that without objection? great. >> agenda number 6, a health
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code to prevent the sale of tobacco products including electronic cigarettes. >> great, thank you. supervisor walton this item is also yours and the floor is yours. >> thank you so much supervisor mandelman. with this ordinance, it restricts the sale, manufacture, and distribution of tobacco products including electronic cigarettes without f.d.a. approval on their marketing, and also limits online sales of e-cigarettes without f.d.a. approval in san francisco. despite the progress reducing smoking tobacco, the use remains the leading cause of preventable death in the united states, killing more than 480,000 people each year, and many forms of
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cancer, heart disease, respiratory diseases, among other health disorders that are more deadly than aids, alcohol, ca car accidents, illegal drugs, murders, combined. the number of middle and high school students reported to be current users of tobacco products increased to 4.9 million students between 2017 and 2018. according to the c.d.c., e-cigarette usage among high school students increased 78% during the same period of time. one in four high school students have used a tobacco product. four out of five kids that have used tobacco products started out with a flavored product, which we have banned in san francisco. i talked to numerous parents, teachers, and principals, and
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the reality is that there is a rising number of youths who have been able to obtain vaping devices. these e-cigarettes are discrete and easily concealable because it looks like a usb drive. it contains the same amount of nicotine as 20 cigarettes and in some cases, the same amount of nicotine or more in one vaping product as it is in an entire pack of cigarettes. we also had a press conference earlier and one of the doctors who presented had a case full of e-cigarettes found by middle schools and high schools. when we hear this mantra of it's not getting in the lands of our young people, they're not being targeted to our young people. this is in fact not true and there is concrete evidence that lets us know that young people
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are getting e-cigarettes in their hands. younger e-cigarette users are likely to become addicted to nicotine, have more difficulty quitting, and are at a higher risk of addiction to other substances in the future, which can lead to a lifetime of addiction. young adults who use e-cigarettes are more than four times as likely to begin smoking tobacco cigarettes within 18 months, compared to their peers who do not vape. vape products are sold all over social media and even the websites claiming they do their due diligence in verifying age, youths can buy e-cigarettes online 94% of the time and orders can be shipped to homes where parents or adults are at work when the mail comes. given the rates and youths among youths, the known lifelong
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affects of tobacco use and the harmful affects of vaping systems, it is more than prudent to control the use and accessible of such products, particularly because they have not gone through f.d.a. trials for approval of how they are marketed and have not been determined safe for use. as it stands, the f.d.a. is carrying out a national survey on the affects of e-cigarettes on youths, even considering an out right ban on electronic nicotine delivery systems in general. our legislation bans e-cigarette sales in san francisco until the due diligence is carried out by the f.d.a. companies like jewel have had three years to submit their product and marketing to the f.d.a. the question is why haven't they? the answer is simple, because
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their products are harmful, nicotine is harmful. nicotine kills whether it's in a cigarette form or electronic form. our young people and their health is under attack. please join us in protecting our youth from a lifetime of addiction. do not buy into the statements that vape products are harmless to adults as we know nicotine kills regardless of age. remember, they are spitting thousands of dollars trying to buy consul -- consultants, trying to buy communities, trying to make sure that they fight against people who are going to protect young people and the overall health of people in general in san francisco. i want us to remember this fact,
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nicotine kills more people than aids, car accidents, murders, suicid suicides, it's the number one preventible murderer. please join me colleagues in supporting this ordinance. thank you. >> thank you supervisor walton. any comments? looks like we have no comments or consequentialism -- questions, we have a bunch of public comments which supervisor walton will call. >> thank you very much supervisor mandelman. i want to remind the public that you have 2 minutes to speak. if you do wish to speak, you are going to line up behind mr. wright and i'll start calling cards now. dr. stanton, blithe, jeremiah,
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latonya, park --, christine. go ahead. >> okay, i am stan from ucsf. when i read this proposal, i thought it was one of the smartest local laws i seen in a long time. when the f.d.a. took jurisdiction over esignificance reside -- e-cigarettes in 2016, they gave them two years for a prema premarket order, saying they're allowing the marketing of the product would be appropriate for the public health.
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that same rule, the f.d.a. committed to getting the review done within a year at during which time the product would be marketed. so as supervisor wilson said, they could have submitted their premarketed authorization applications three years ago and if they before able -- would be able to make. then they would be sold under this ordinance. the trump administration suspended the rule giving the company until 2022 to even apply. in fact, they have been sued over that in federal court, in maryland, and judge has ordered that the f.d.a. is ignoring the law. the fact that the f.d.a. isn't doing their job is why this ordinance is even being considered right now. i think it's a brilliant move.
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i think it will force the f.d.a. to start acting and it will say to jewel, if you think you can make a case that can be defended scientifically, that these products are appropriate for the public health, make it and then they can be sold. this is a much more moderate proposal than what beverly hills just did when they simply outlawed the sale of all tobacco products. i strongly urge a yes vote for this ordinance. >> testimony from the doctor there just gives me further ground to make my demonstration on my hands on demonstrated experience. i'm triggered and quick to react that the fact that you do not have a license from the drug administration to sell a narcotic, you're in violation of civil law and criminal law. you need to make a
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recommendation to file charges in both sets of courts, pertaining to criminal law and civil law because you are selling a narcotic without a license. i want to put a strong emphasis on it. you're putting profit over safety and you're selling material that you have to be licensed in order to sell. you're not doing that. so that should be done as well. along with the testimony from the doctor, you can't get more clear cut per ponder remembers from a professional to verify that this study, 60 to 70 of the people that are tested are not going to quit smoking cigarettes. it's a false narrative and it's actually fraud because you're making statements that are not true and correct. so, both city attorneys, the criminal law attorneys, the district attorney's office,
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should be notified of this fact that there is no license for them to be selling this product in the first damn place, so you sue them and counter charge with a multibillion dollar lawsuit. that will take care of that and then they will clear up their act because they will be facing not only a civil suit, but criminal liabilities. you're sell an illegal drug to minors. you're poisoning minors. you're in violation of environmental and safety protection rules by -- >> good afternoon, i'm the community advocacy director for the american heart association in the greater bay area. this proposed policy would prevent access for targeting and addicting new nicotine users, particularly youths. the tobacco industry is working
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to addict new young people, particularly of those from community offense color. they know that the formulated liquid within the jewel products and other vaping devices which makes inhaling nicotine easy to use. vaping e-cigarettes is tobacco in a new costume. many people will say they used e-cigarettes to quit smoking and these products are sensation devices. those are f.d.a. approved products.
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and i'm a professor at san francisco state university. we have a crisis the likes of which we've never seen. we have young people being exposed and using nicotine in a form that's never really been tested and at concentrations that young people cannot absorb. we've conducted a study at 12 bay area high schools. these are the slides i wanted to show you -- looking at documenting the environment impact of e-cigarette products. they contain metals, litheum ion batteries, and from what i understand from jool. take a look at this. last year, they say they manufactured 20 million pods
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p -- in 2017, they say they manufactured 20 million pods a month. and in 2018, they manufactured 40 million pods a year. that's a half a billion pods a year. and i have bags and bags and bags of pods that we've collected. and i want to point out it's not just jool pods. we know these are products that eventually entices young people to switch over to smoking cigarettes. i want to encourage you that young people need your protection, and san francisco
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needs your protection from the dangers that come from these products. >> supervisor mandelman: professor, if i may ask you, one of the arguments fagain ths ban is e-cigarettes are doing less damage to a person's body than traditional cigarettes, and i was wondering if you could share your thoughts on that argument. >> right. so if you're probably aware, there's a very visceral, vociferous debate going on from people who have worked in tobacco for many years about the dangers of these products.
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the fact is there are no trials that indicate these are safe or efficacious for use. so essentially, the f.d.a. reneged on its deal. one of the reasons is that the emerging scientific research is that they're more harmful than originally reported. the harm reduction was based on a premise unsupported by science. that premise was any nicotine deliverable device that was not a cigarette must be safer than a cigarette. but there's not been any study to prove that presumption, and
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what we've seen are studies showing that people are higher risk for heart disease, lung disease. now we're finding flavors that are carcinogenic in the product. we have products to help people quit smoking, and california has been more successful than just about anyplace in the united states in helping people quit smoking over time, and that's borne out by 30 years of helping people quit smoking rates. i live in marin county, and we have some of the lowest smoking rates among teens in the country. we have seen a rise in recent years of e-cigarette devices. self-reporting ranges are in
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the range of 28 to 30% for 8th graders. that's 0 to 30% in three years. so whatever cost it is that makes people move from regular cigarettes, there's a enormous public health cost. for every adult who quits smoking cigarettes, there are 80 youth that go on to smoke e-cigarettes, so the cost dramatically outweighs whatever benefits there might be. >> supervisor mandelman: thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi. my name is patty, and i work
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for the american heart association. i'm here to support restricting the sale of vaping devices? we have a report like what the doctor just shared? i know firsthand the impact nicotine has on san francisco's youth through our use with san francisco unified school district? i hear every day the pressures that students face for vaping, and teachers have no idea that students are vaping in their classrooms. teenage is the perfect age for nicotine addiction, and jool and the industry know this. please protect the public health with this policy and san francisco kids. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is nick, and i work
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on the community impact team for the american heart association. simply put, my mission is to help youth live longer, healthier lives, make better decisions. the time i spend with youth in this city, really, anywhere, it shows me how impressionable they are. i know how impressionable i was. i'm sure you can remember how impressionable you were in elementary school and high school. -- in relation to this, i find it interesting how there is never really a push in the marketing of currently f.d.a.
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approved smoking cessation devices toward youth. we don't see those widely used in schools. kids aren't hitting up a patch in the bathroom, they're hitting up a jool and their favorite vaping devices. it's well known that the drug nicotine combined with a whole host of other chemicals in this case does not help anyone lead a longer, healthier life. while san francisco can't fix all of the issues at any given moment that it sees, the city can keep being a leader in progressive policy that benefits the public and works to improve the health of its citizens, specifically its youth. please continue admonition tmo forward. [names read]
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>> good morning, supervisors. my name is ronald shea, and i was t was -- and i am the manager of happy vape in supervisor yee's district. i represent a group of more than 500 patrons, community members, and relatives. we are against the ban as we originally came to the supervisor's office with a land use issue. getting our vape shop to open up was originally getting a license. so turning to health issue, we which we had to revisit as a land use issue, and finally turned to getting our tobacco and paraphernalia shop marketing license. and we have been regulated in
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this industry from that point onwards. you guys initially approved us, and now all of a sudden there's this ban that it's going to proposed that's basically going to remove us from business. if this does pass, is there any compensation to the businesses themselves, especially shops like us who are dedicated vape shops who only sell vape products? the most is that most of my customers are not being educated before they enter a vape shop. smoking is legal, smoking marijuana is legal, but vaping is demonized and now facing a ban. we're allowed flafrd alcohol which most children would start drinking is and is sold within stores and reached within
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grocery stores, however, vaping is used as marketing to children. should we also be banning bars and mixed drinks -- [inaudible] >> my name is christine chessen, and i'm a san francisco mom of three in supervisor stefani's district. i'm part of a grassroots movement of parents across the country working to halt the explosion of non-f.d.a. approved e-cigarettes such as jool that are creating a brand-new generation of nicotine and tobacco users. my own son is now being treated for nicotine thanks to jool's and aggressive predatory campaign to grow a new clientele for its business.
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big tobacco has snuck back in to the addiction business through the tech side door by luring teens and young people down this path. jool has refused to submit their ingredient lists with the f.d.a. how many young people are they addicting? a recent study just cited by ucsf found for every one adult that makes the switch from spoking to e-cigarettes, 80 young people a day will start
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start using e-cigarettes. this isn't just bad for any son, this is bad for an entire generation, and we should not be willing to pay this price. thank you. >> clerk: next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is vanessa, and i'm a current college student at mills college. i've never smoked a cigarette in my life but known people that have. when e-cigarettes were first announced, the whole idea of e. cigarettes became a trend. curious as to what it would be like, i took my first puff in high school. i had no idea how a little puff, followed by a little dose of nicotine.
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as weeks and months went by, i noticed how addictive they had become. if someone warned me how addictive e-cigarettes would be, i never would have taken my first puff. many college students think of vaping as something fun to do with friends, not as a product with health risks? the prevalence of vaping has grown with peers and people would go out of their way to sell them? this has to do with how big tobacco companies market the product which has created new addicts for their customer base. nicotine harms the brains of youth? nicotine unlocked special reseptors, molecules in the brain, and signaling molecules like dopamine helping users to
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reach the special high under developed brains can develop more of these reseptors? as more reseptors develop, the more nicotine people will need to reach that high. thank you. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, speakers. i am carlos, and i am the c.e.o. of the hispanic chamber of commerce in san francisco. thank you for letting me tell you why we oppose this ban. we are representing over 900 businesses over here. we are not just the mission district, we are the entire city of san francisco. we are here because the small business commission offered we need more time to find a specific alternatives for small
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business. every talk about the health issues. the health issues are a concern to us. i have six kids, none of them smoke because we strongly believe that education starts at home. education starts with your family. not only that education starts with your family, but it also needs to continue to have programs by education, but that doesn't mean doing it by punishing small businesses. we're losing small businesses. today, yesterday, i was here in city hall. i went to visit three of my businesses, they're already closed. we're losing small businesses. it's not just an issue of health, it's an issue of small businesses. this, we have the right to have small businesses to sell it. this is the life and the survival of small businesses. so we, the hispanic chamber of commerces of san francisco that support a small business finding that put alternatives
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to the small business, and in the meantime, as soon as it is legal, please allow them to do the sale. we need to survive the small businesses in san francisco. we are going to lose it, and if you don't do something about it, we're going to continue to lose it. i know that supervisor walton says he doesn't care about the business -- >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. before we continue on, i'd like to through the chair and honored guests, remind the public of rule number 3, that we will not hear any booing or chattering or thumbs up. if you don't approve of what the speaker is saying, a thumbs down. thank you. >> yes, my name is roland chen,
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and i'm with the vapor smoke shop in downtown district 6. this vape ban will end my business existence in s.f., leading up to empty stores and on the hook for a long-term lease agreement. my business is 100% vape products, evtherefore, i'm goi to be 100% out of business. personally, i was an occasionally smoker, but when i found vaping, i have been healthier since and haven't had a cigarette in almost six years. our store doesn't only provide smoking reduction products, we provide education on what product to give.
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i.d. checking has been a directive number one in our store since our inception back in 2013 when legal age was raised to 21. nothing has changed for verification processes. our store has a clean record for almost five years. if this ban is approved, the front line age verification will be demolished. it's almost a guarantee that a black market will arise, and therefore, the age verification will be gone. you're going to have more students, more underage getting nothing this process without any front line verification at the retail front. i'm not here to say that vaping is 100% safe, but when compared to a traditional combustible cigarette, it's exceptionally better, and isn't harm reduction a focus in san francisco? with needle exchanges, and harm reduction facilities, why is san francisco being critical of
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determine an impact that this ban would have on both city revenue and industry. in the report referenced in the legislation, the youth risk behavior survey, it was noted that less than 7% of current san francisco high schoolers are using electronic cigarettes. 30% of them verified they got it from a store, which they did not verify if that store was located in san francisco. less than 1% of san francisco students are accessing these products in stores, which were
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not confirmed in san francisco. we are in support of the legislative intent of this as it relates to consumption, abating youth consumption, we do not feel this legislation will have the intended effect of reducing youth access as it is not addressing the -- [inaudible] >> clerk: next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is stephen, and i smoked for over 50 years. and i tried the other patches, i smoked over the patch. but since i switched over to e-cigarettes, specifically jool, my lungs cleared up. i don't have phlegm anymore.
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i can breathe better. my health is a lot better. i'm going to be 69 this year, so i'm very blessed that cigarette smoking didn't kill me, but i think this city is a little hypocritical here with the non-f.d.a. approval. the whole state just approved marijuana, and that's definitely not f.d.a. approved. i don't know, just like i don't know if you can really use this as an excuse, okay? but i understand why because we, this p.c., okay? politically correct, and that's all i've got to say. thank you very much. >> clerk: next speaker, please. >> hey, that's what i was going to say. supervisors, my name is will. i'm here with the coalition for
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reasonable vaping regulation. i was a smoker for ten years, and quit for a while with the gum, and then had some trouble last year. to kill the nerves, i started smoking again, but i didn't want to go down that road again. so i learned about vaping, which is an elegant solution. it's much like smoking, but i didn't have the same kind of health effects. i'm a valet. i run for a living, and once i switched to vaping in very short order, well, i could keep up with the rest of the guys and, you know, i have a resting heart rate of 54 beats per minute, oh, that's right. so i find it a healthful,
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useful tool for going from combustible cigarettes for adults. the ban would make that impossible -- it's not only stores where the ban is taking place. it would ban on-line sales, which is the bulk of the source of getting my jool pods in this case, and that's just too far reaching in my opinion for getting me away from something that was harmful and towards something that is helpful, and i'm -- i'm against the ban for those reasons. thank you. [names read]
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>> my name is imad, and i am business owner in san francisco since 1993. what i'm going to say is about -- oh, my god, i forgot. all right. -- about the banning. what i'm trying to do is give you example about banning the cigarette. first of all, i have kids, and i don't want my kids to die from smoking or i don't want my business to survive on the backs of my kids. but when you ban the flavored cigarettes and the menthol cigarettes, what it's created, it's created the black market. when you ban the e-cigarettes, a truck starts coming from nevada full of flavored cigarettes and menthol cigarettes. i ask my kids, how do friends
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get all these pods for the cigarettes. they tell me they are not getting it from a local store. everything, they are getting it from on-line. they can get fake i.d., they can get access from alibaba. he has all kinds of cigarettes, all kind of e-juice. actually as business owners, we are responsible. we are setting the standard for selling to minors, so we are always responsible and we always check i.d. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, next speaker, please.
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>> supervisors walton, stefani, and mandelman, i'm standing here to oppose this ban and i'm calling you to educate. as the president of the dr. martin luther king foundation, dr. king smoked. he was a smoker, and i think what is needed is more education. we can't just sit it in the lap of families, we have to involve community-based organizations. we have to engage our board of education. my son goes to school. he's learning about puberty in school, junior high. are kids learning about smoking in school? i think we have to think creative and not take away people's choices. a lot of people have the opportunity to choose what they'll do. i call for you all to create
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regulations for this particular item. thank you. >> that's a hard act to follow. berman, executive director of the american petroleum and convenience store organization. we represent a number of convenience stores here in san francisco. we support the attributes of what the proponents are trying to do, in terms of keeping tobacco products outside people under the age of 21. however, our methods are a little different. as the gentleman previous to me said, it's about regulation. we should have more enforceable regulations. we as retailers are on the front lines of age verification. we don't want to jeopardize our businesses for selling tobacco
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to anyone under 21. we want to be sitting at the table with policy makers to try and carve sustainable, realistic approaches to try to deal with this public policy dates. i'll give you two dates. 1920 to 1933. what happened between those two dates? prohibition. alcohol was banned. what happened during that? a lot of people enriched themselves. the black market. a lot of people died because of bathtub gins and a lot of things in america. this will create an illicit black market for these items in america. i'm willing to sit at the table with the american lung association, members of the city council and work to carve something out. that's all. let's work together.
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>> hello. my name is kevin. i'm a local businessman, northern california. doctor just answered a question that one of the speakers asked, do we have a study if the e-cigarette is less harmful than the regular cigarette. i would request the doctors, the american association and our local policy makers, why not ask the question to the horse's mouth? ask the smokers how they feel? ask the vapors how they feel? have their life changed? instead of making decisions ourselves just because it looks good, think about the freedom. when someone is over 21 is buying a legal product. the f.d.a., if jool was so bad, they would not have allowed it. if you ask the smokers and the vapors, you'll get the right
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answer. i can't ask a truck driver to drive a plane. i definitely don't want to crash. thank you. >> good afternoon, committee members. my name is stephen and i'm with t.h.r. policy. even though the city's density of minors is far below the national average, the percentage of retailers is extremely high. this policy will not accomplish its goals. we encourage the city to have the conversations with retailers to work to form solutions. [inaudible] >> it says to former smokers who use vapor products that the city prefers they start buying cigarettes again. i can't think the city desires
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to see the creation of another illicit markets, though i guess deadly sales of combustible cigarettes would further the prohibition fee. policies to drive sales of deadly combustible products should not be the driver of this. we're told it's because of the health risks, yet open sewers are not a health risk? this policy is telling us that the city's priority is selling traditional items. i find it difficult to believe that residents of this once amazing city would agree to policy that would alienate tourism, destroy policy and also lead to premature death
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