tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 4, 2019 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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the shares scooter pilot permit from scoot to bird in writing on july 11th. it's staying technically it's staying with scoot. scoot is becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of bird so scoot still owns the permit but we required in our permit conditions they notify us and seek sou our approval of any suh ownership changes. we did make the approval contingent on the meeting the permit conditions of course and importantly maintaining the high standards for labor harmony and compensation levels and we also have the c.e.o.s of bird and scoot come and sit with us and explain what their approach was and got insurance the staffing and local management will remain for the short term.
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we are tearing about short term because we're eight months through a 12-month permit and that is the transfer the permit. we did also ensure they would make progress towards the equity goals that they were coming up short on when we did our mid point evaluation. again, this will expire in less than four months. before then, if this board a proves an ongoing permit program and staff expects to bring you something before october 15th, to improve the program bird-scoot would have to apply just like anybody else for a new permit. so this current permit will end in october. we are, as we told you when we
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brought the mid point evaluation, using all of what we're learning as an ongoing program. so just wanted to give you a little back story on that. another one you may have heard of but just wanted to give you an update on, that there's a lot to say is being called faster bay area. formally known as mega measure. it's an effort to advance a revenue measure on the order of $100 billion to a ballot across the region as early as november of 2020. it is an effort that's being led by some of the large employers in the region along with large employer organizations such as the bay area council, the silicon valley leadership group and spur. their intent is to think boldly about future regional transfer needs with the focus on regional
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conductivity and modeled on or inspired by what los angeles and seattle did with their 120 billion and 54 billion respective transportation measures in recent years. the idea is to include the nine county bay area, 40-year revenue source that would generate on the order of 50 to $100 billion. they're using the term faster. faster as an acronym that stars for freedom, affordable, transparency, equity and reliability. these firms have engage consultants. communications firms and polling firms and there's been initial polling, which apparently, we've not seen any actual results, but we've heard has been suggested
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there may be support. while they're potentially aiming for 2020, there's a lot of details what the expenditure plan would be and what the revenue source would be, what any kind of governance mechanism would be. as well as the i'min timing. whether it's 2020 or later all tbd. they're opportunitily talking to currently talking withfolks. they met with the transit general managers a few weeks ago and they've talked to us here in san francisco separateliment they're doing conversations around the region and i think based on their next polling, if it's looking positive, it will be a much more public effort. we are currently working with the other transit agencies and the region to develop a proposed framework. slate of projects that we think, based on what we've seen, are
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the gaps here and what we've seen from seattle and l.a. would be appropriate. it would require, if this were to happen, for the legislature to authorize eyes placinize plan the ballot and in order for the governor to act on this on an emergency measure in calender year 2020. the good news is folks are trying to raise very significant amount of money for significant transportation improvements and i wanted to let you know what we know about that. a couple more things. i just wanted to remind you again -- really remind our riders that fares are going up on july 1st. as you approved last year in april, we are holding the cash
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fares, the cash single-ride fares. not the cash one the clipper. and muni mobile single ride fares. it's onlyel cash fares going up. indexes with inflation according to the boards' indexing policy. and in terms of u asked for an update based on some input you got on the internal workings of the agency, one of the things we have learned from our employee engagement survey it s that people who were looking for recognition for the good work that they do, particularly when they're doing work above and beyond just their job descriptions so based on that feedback last year, we created the agency's first ever peer to peer employee recognition program it's called the gem wards. gem being an acronym for going the extra mild celebrating the
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good work that so many of our individuals staff do throughout the agency. the program's focused on the core values of the agency which are respect, inclusivity and integrity and it was based on the feedback we got from employee engagement survey and from focus groups, employee town halls and looking at best practices from elsewhere. so it highlights specific accomplishments of staff each year with a focus on how they reaffirmed those guiding principles in support of bettering transportation in san francisco so the program has been pretty well received this past february. we got double the number of nominees that we had the previous year which was the first year and next week we'll be celebrating the 60 individuals who have been designated as gems as well as more than 300 that will be
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honorably mentioned. i want to ask you to congratulate those who work hard to improve transportation in the city. speaking of recognition, last week, the wts, the women's transportation seminar, which is a transportation industry group, supporting women in transportation, held its annual awards. the local chapter here and we had a number of our own from here in san francisco that were recognized. the executive director of our county transportation authority, tilley chang was recognized as woman of the year for the bay area. so a well deserved honor for her. our own annette williams who manages our accessible services program received the chapter's lifetime achievement awardment giving a recognition of her great work, in particularly her efforts in facilitating
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professional opportunities for women and minorities and people with disabilities. also from the m.t.a., danielle harris was presented with a rosa parks diversity leadership award for promoting diversity, inclusion and multi cultural awareness within the agency and within the industry in general. so great honors for a number of san francisco women by their colleagues from across the bay area. and last, i want to end on a unfortunate note. we lost a valuable members of our family on june 6th when sulu polega passed away. i think she worked for the city for something like 40 years starting out working under mayor brown and worked in those days advising a number of city
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departments as well as outside groups meeting affirmative action goals and generally working on diversity initiatives and outreach issues promoting equal rights and opportunities through employment and training. for us, he has been with the m.t.a. for about 20 years or had been and was best known for the muni transit assistance program mtap, which is the embassador program now being mirrored by bart and others across the country where we bring people from the communities from some of our disadvantaged communities to work with us and to work with schools to help maintain order and keep the peace on our buses particularly around the school areas and school times. it was really a creation of his and he was a great leader for that program for the agency and for the city and a great civic leader in the community so we
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perhaps we can adjourn the meeting in his honor. i just want it convey our great respect and condolences to his family and friends. that concludes my report. >> thank you. we'll definitely adjourn the meeting in his honor. at this time, are there any further questions for the director for his report from our board? if not, i'd like it to open public comment. if you have any comments, this is the time to comment. specifically on the director's report either what director ruskin. >> we have one person with a speaker card. alena duprie. welcome, you have two minutes to speak. >> chair board and members, a lot said. good report. very important to keep up with the subway.
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it's no fun in the afternoon when i'm sitting on a subway train and sometimes we're sitting at platforms with the doors closed. the door should be open when we're at platforms and trying that i guess double stopping thing again. so, we should have a nascar pit stop type of preparation so we can handle problems on the main line and keep those trains moving. matter of scooters was brought up and today i used scooters both here and on the other side of the bay so for those in the room who have never met an actual rider of scooters, you now have. and your life you will never be able to say that you haven't met a scooter rider again. and so, i am familiar with a number of operators. i am very encouraged about bird entering into this space. they're a reputable company.
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bird and the other big five operators have always been responsive to my concerns and questions. always been very easy for me to reach them in a very timely on the spot manner. it's important to have continuity with this. in los angeles there are about 22,000 of these scooters in the city of 4 million people so i think in order to satisfy equity concerns, we need to have more scooters. we can't have equity with scarcity and it can be constructive denial. bird, as a matter of fact, has a discount program for veterans of which i am one. so it's important that we have an open mind and have continuity in this matter. thank you. >> thank you. are there additional speakers at this time? >> tom gilberty. i'm a little concerned with the
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term nascar turn around. i kind of think it's going to be the employees of muni at the turn arounds to perform in a schedule that is up to nascar effectiveness. i don't think that that should be a goal of muni to make our workers rise up to that level. effective, efficient, yes. but we don't really want to dump on our union members to whip them so they can get the trains in and out at a nascar level. thank you. >> thank you. any additional speakers at this time? >> this is just on the director's report. we'll move on. >> i was wondering with the increase, the fares increase, i was wondering if we can do anything around our
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communications to emphasize that the fare is not increasing with clipper and muni mobile. on the bus today, it shows the cash fare and people were saying it's going up and it would be nice if they're not using cash it's different. >> the car cards on the buses they show the new effective julw the clipper muni mobile fare, maybe we're not emphasizing enough that it's not changing. >> i pointed that out and i just feel like it's not very clear to the people on my bus. >> we can do that. it's a good time to remind folks if you are low or moderate income and you have a senior people can ride for fro or if you are an fault can you ride for half price. we'll refresh that messaging as well. >> thank you. any final comments from
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directors? an advisory council report. welcome. >> good afternoon, directors. i am neil ballard with the citizens advisory council and happy to be giving you a brief report today. we had no recommendations from our last meeting we held in july or in june. but we had a lot of public comment about the name of the fourth coming station central subway station it's going to be in china town. i'm here to remind this body that the citizens advisory council passed a motion last year in support of the existing naming policy to name stations after geographic areas. also, we heard a presentation about the southeast muni expansion project which was very struck tive and seems like there's a lot of good data
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gathering on on right now. the thing that stood out the most to me was the preference that respondents indicated for trips that go north to together see more service on those types of trips. i am talking about bus not the vebuses, notthe street car. when it comes to just getting around town on buses only, east-west, not a problem. but north-south, it's app area to focus on more. it was interesting to see that on the east part of the city where i don't make that many trips but i hear from people anecdotally that that's the case. the data backing that up was, as
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i said, struck tive and great for you to keep in mind as you consider the top-down big ideas the agency faces. 9 last thing i'd like to mention, the last gentleman making a public comment about the phase nascar like efficiency for the embarcadero. i think that point is well taken. i was thinking that myself. i back up julie with that idea. it's going to be a very worthy goal to really try to tighten that up so we can get the turnarounds going better. we don't want to alienate any operators. what i would like to hear from operators as we pursue this goal. if there were someone that would be able to talk at the citizens advisory council, maybe someone who is part of some new crack team that is responsible and really jazzed up about
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implementing this, i think that would be wonderful to see. so operation staff are on the same page and share the same goals with this. that concludes my report. i'll stay if there are any questions from any of you. >> any questions? >> thank you. and thank you for your service. >> thank you so much. >> is there any public comment on the citizens advisory committee report? seeing there's none we'll move on to general public comment. this say time to comment on things with the subject matter of the sfmta but not on today's calender. if you want to speak on today's calender, pick the appropriate item. if your item is something on the consent calender, then you do need to let us know because the consent calender are items considered to be routine so they will not be called separately so if you would like to speak on a consent item, please, ask us to pull it from the consent calender and we'll call that
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item up separately. inn who wants to speak on items in the subject matter of sfmta or consent item have it pulled, please and m an come and speak. there's a soft time and a final chime to let you know your time is complete. we do have a number of people that have turned in speaker cards. i'll read them off in advance so you know you will be due up. first one is betty louie followed by alena dupres, nathan dreary and jay natoli. >> hello. there are a couple of familiar basis. betty louie here with the chinatown merchants association. i'm a community activist and i am a china town revitalization person. i am here to ask you, and plead
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with you, not to name the central subway station after rose pack. i have been on both sides. i've worked with her. i've worked against her. she is too divisive in the community. we have not had the small businesspeople be able to come to meetings because they're busy working, they don't have the time nor the money to come here and launch a campaign. i promise you, there are many, many people in the community who do not want her name on that particular subway station. i also have a very personal story for her. this is to show what a bully she is. she gets what she wants and if you are not on her side, so be it. she'll do what she can. she's dead. but she also put out a death threat to my father in the chinese paper when she decided she didn't like what he was advocating at the time. so you will get many stories about her.
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she does a lot of back-handed, back-slapping, lying, cheating, cussing maneuvers to get what she wants. we don't need another bully in the community. we have one in the white house. do we really want to be reminded of her name on our subway station? please keep it to china town, i'm begging you. i know it's a divisive subject but i am so not in favor of this chinese six companies isn't the chinatown community, the merchants association is very much against it. thank you very much. appreciate your time. >> thank you for sharing your comments. >> next speaker, please. >> thank you chair, board and alena dubr i've been riding munn
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and off for 10 years. i think it is very important for everybody to be well practiced and pro efficient in their muni tasks and i like the idea of nascar. i've never been involved with nascar. i am one of those rare birds with a military background. so when you go out there in a far away place and conduct missions you have to do things right. everyday we need to be polished in how we do things. again, i'm very passionate about the shared mobility and these shared mobility programs have equity because they allow for people not to have to invest substantial sums of money in their own equipment which they have to maintain and unfortunately because of a rampant bike and scooter theft problem in this country, the
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loss of such devices can be financially disruptive. here we have the equitable program of having bike and scooter libraries much in the same tradition as our own san francisco public library down the street so i continue to advocate for that and the need for you to form standards when it comes to shared mobility devices. many people use them are people of modest means and challenges and so we need to keep those programs alive so we do not marginalize and constructively deny those people. with such challenges where we need to have abundance rather than scarcity in such programs that i continue to use and support responsibly on a daily basis. thank you. >> next speaker. nathan dreary followed by jane toley and david walton and eric wong. >> thank you. my name is nathan dreary and
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among the accomplishments of this life i graduated from everett middle school in 1953 but i'm not here to talk about that. i'm here to talk about the shallow support and recommendations in it. one of the observations that they made is the driver requirements set fourth in the regulations has not been enforced for some time. i believe around 10 years. another recommendation is the fees assessed to taxi permit holders should be reduced or eliminated. this year we received our bills, our fee and they are exactly the same as last year. so nothing has been reduced or eliminated. it is in the local lingo i am aware of a malicious and
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atrocious or whatever. it would be nice if you would consider doing something about that. the time is short. it's due on april 1st. july 1st. so if you have anything you want to do about it i would appreciate the consideration. thank you. >> next speaker is jane natoli followed by david walton, eric wong, rowen cato. >> hello. i'll be talking again later in the project. unfortunately i start by advocating for something much more basic. who i am. it's been a while since i've been here but the last time i spoke unfortunately i was miss genderegendered in the meeting. it causes concern. how can we advocate for change when we're in here advocating
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who we are as people as far as more bikes or better service. it effects my efficacy and i think a lot of folks. it's hard for me to tell another trans person come here and get involved after having those experiences. the barrier to speak to get up here to be involved is so high for so many people. i appreciate, especially director brinkman, i know when this happened you reached out and got things corrected and i am glad that we have that and i know mistakes happen and now it's just the question of what we deal with and what we do with that going forward. so, to me i think it's a simple solution to try and ask for speakers pronounce on the comment cards. it's an easy way to respect the people coming in this room to share their ideas or tell you about challenges they're facing with sfmta.
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>> thank you for sharing that and we're sorry. >> i spoken with our regular secretary, ms. boomer about moving to just gender neutral usage but i think your idea of asking for their pronounce i pri will bring it up. thank you and we a poll joys for that happening. >> david walton and chin shane. >> thank you for letting me speak. last meeting i attended a meeting on behalf of the 20th avenue bike project and at the meeting, i was surprised to learn that i had not heard of how to giffin put to the meeting and one of the merchants complained that they felt they were not given adequate opportunities to giffin pu giveo the meeting and i heard director torres quiz the project workers like how was input object taped from seniors who centra who hado
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the area in cars. the topic i wanted to bring was, to me it seems like the method, there whether two open house and san vaasing cause performed but the metric wasn't obtained, for example, 15 bike riders were interviews, 80% of the merchants were interviewed, 20 seniors, 15 disabled pedestrians. there was no metric that the method provided the data that you needed to ensure that all the demographic groups were represented. long story short, i wanted to propose to the board when the sfmta project workers are submitting proposals they provide a metric that all demographic groups were met and their needs were addressed. thank you very much. >> thank you. very good advice. next speaker. >> eric wong. rowen catu and shin shang and
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christopher pettersson. >> mta directors, my name is eric wong. have you seen the movie the godfather. in that movie the godfather was portrayed as a community leader, patriarch of the family who took care of the business and we need to help community members. it is ruthless and brutal against other clan members. including the family members. as someone who lives in san francisco and witnesses how rose pack handled things when she was around, it is back in a certain way resembles the godfather in the movie. it's very controversial and very polarizing among chinese, especially chinatown communities and business establishments. for the new york or las vegas
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honor the family by naming a transporttation as a new york godfather station? would you think they should commemorate him in that way? if not, then why do we want to do it here? i hope m.t.a. would vote for the boast interest of the whole community. please stay away from godfather type of figure and vote for china town station. simple. clear. and direct. thank you, very much. >> next speaker, rowen catu followed by shane. >> good afternoon, directors. i'm going to try to gather the comment about making people feel comfortable to speak up and the comment about the 20th avenue. at the previous meeting two weeks ago, during the i.m. of the 20th avenue neighbor way the
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speaker before we called it quizing and we witnesses highly inappropriate behavior by director torres who talked over a staffer trying to answer questions and interrupted him to ask if he lived in san francisco and asked that m.t.a. employees who don't live in the city are not capable of doing their jobs. this is obviously highly inappropriate because it creates a hostile working environment for m.t.a. staff. it's not like you are a pay your traffic fantastic salaries and it's a lot of the reasons some don't live in the city because not everyone can afford to live here but you are not making it easier to attract staff to present to those board and subsequently get personally attacked by someone on this board while they gave their presentation. kudos for standing up to this behavior but it should not be a requirement for the job it holds. this is not the first time we've seen inappropriate behavior from
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mr. torres. he spoke about the commenters that showed up saying quote can't we just approve the motion so they can go home end quotes and i'll remind you those people were there because a member of their community died 10 days prior. and at the october 16th meeting which the project was approved last year, when discussing this project and the sixth street project he discussed widening the sidewalks would lead to more homeless encampments and we heard him speak over a public. it's unbecoming of a member of this board and someone who a acts in this way has no reason to be. >> may i respond? >> i mean, this is technically unfortunately not -- >> i will respond later. >> next speake speak -- >> good afternoon. board directors. two weeks ago, supervisor peskin
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legislative aid impressed how much she likes -- she's her office called her own tee and aunt tee rose has been so nice to them. we respect her affections towards another person. loving someone is always a positive emotion. please, don't mess with our public institutions. rose pack may be is is a lot of people's nightmare. the central subway station snow squalls a publiis apublic insti. it us didn't belong to supervisor peskin. it never happened in san francisco b i read from media that peskin will continue pushing it but i want you to know if he suck he's. it will establish a very dangerous precedent, public institutions can be private gift and if the gift giver is very
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powerful enough. the allegations made of rose pack are serious and even just a few of the accusations are true, it would be very much enough to rule out rose pak from consideration of such an honor. supervisor peskin, you should back off and our m.t.a. board members should stay strong. nonameing after rose pack, please. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is christopher peterson here today to talk about the balboa reservoir project. adjacent to the city college main campus. that project is proposed including 550 below market rate residential units and it could considerably include as many as 775 units. not surprisingly, there's a lot
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of controversy will the project. among the high-profile controversy are concerns about traffic, parking and the capacity of muni to serve the development. on paper, this site should be a very good candidate as it transit oriented development within walking distance of the balboa park bart station served by the kay, the eighth, the 29 the, the 43rd, # 39 but the reality of that service often falls short so the planning commission meeting about the project last week, a lot of concerns were expressed about the project as being too big and i don't knobeyond the capacity . the president of planning commission herself and i'm quoting her now, said that the transit infrastructure of the area quote sucks. unquote. so, i think it really would be a tragic opportunity if that
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project were denied or scaled back because concerns about the ability of muni to serve the project so i urge muni to make it a priority to look at ways to improve the quality and the capacity of service from the area including by providing transit signal, priority along ocean avenue and addressing two train service and addressing sources of delays such as left turns on ocean, chronic problems at saint francis circle, overcrowding in buses by students during peak school periods, so i hope muni will look at those issues on an e an expedited basis. >> next speaker -- >> good afternoon, everyone. good afternoon directors. my name is dashy song. i'm a chinese teacher. i live in san francisco in
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sunset. for the past five years. as a members of the china town station coalition, we are here to ask the m.t.a. board of directors decision of not passing the proposed to name the china town subway station after rosa pak. today, many small business owners in chinatown cannot come because they have to maintain their business normal operating hours. they requested us to bring their voices here. over 400 merchants and their staff in chinatown will send us an online version. most of us have never spoke at a government meet being before. nearly 50 people spoke here last night before that more than 100 people spoke at a board of supervisors meet being for these four weeks. honestly speaking, we have to overcome the pressure of public
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speaking and we have to take a day off and wait four hours to speak for one or two meetings. on top of that, we have to overcome the fear of rose pak because she is an extension of the chinese government in san francisco so you can see that she represents intimidation. i also would like to adjust during the four weeks at the board of supervisors meeting not only one single person spoke out in support of the naming. i would like to point out that for mrs. peskin, who started the naming to those who used to leave enter the sea of ms. rose pak, it feels like a nightmare is starting all over again. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker -- >> board of directors, my name
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is alan and i live in bernal heights. i work at chinatown. i'm also here to thank you for not passing the name of chinatown subway station an ross pak two weeks ago. the reason i come back again because the issue is not over. peskin vowed in the chinese media saying he will push this again. and rose pack is a healey divisive and controversial figure. and she bullied people and broke laws cash allly and got housing for herself in an illegal way. she act as the defacto proxy of the chinese government and the shut down any voice that the communist regime doesn't like. and she got a policy in place three years ago. and m.t.a. train set stations or stops need to be named in the became that clearly communicates to the location to frequent and infrequent and the perspective transit use and he is visitors to the area. however, supervisor peskin was
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continued pushing this despite a strong objection from the community. and the early may he vowed that is the m.t.a. does not follow along he will cut m.t.a.'s budget. a few days ago, he told the media he backed off from that. however, if m.t.a. does not follow along, he could change the city charter and the takeaway the special municipal charter status for m.t.a. which means taking the naming right from m.t.a. so, i ask -- he is forcing the board to do what he wants. and despite and doing so will be a violation of m.t.a.'s own policy and establish a dangerous precedent that m.t.a. board does not follow its own established policies. is this right? should supervisor peskin and elected officials act this way? should he run the city this way? what is really behind this
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this is the time to open a new page in history. and now we're also facing the time to open another page in history and let's not repeat the same mistake. there are so many people who came over here with their own time to express their opinion against the naming intention and it's really important we have to
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use this time to argue. maybe we should spend our time on more important issues about san francisco. all because of peskin single happenedelly trying to push it through. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> i'll do the translation again. honorable members of the m.t.a. my name is angela. i have been in san francisco chinchinachinatown for 10 years. i met many friends here in
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chinatown. now the subway station is close to completion. supervisor peskin proposes to name it after rose pak. my friends felt really surprised and they are really against it. they're reminding me that several years ago, the chinese hospital in chinatown -- i notice a little alley has been changed after rose pak. then later on i realized that in
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april 12 of 2016mta passed the resolution. because no one raised their voice against it for the past week. there are two reasons for it. at that time there was no chinese media reporting on this so very few people knew about it. so it passed silently. at the time rose pak was still alive. she is a very controversial figure and more like -- she is a
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loud-mouthed, a lot of people are afraid of her. because she will retaliate against people who are against her. so this time reporting -- at this time the media reported extensively about this proposal. next peake speaker -- >> thank you for having me here speaking. i've been living in san francisco for close to 20 years and i certainly didn't know who was rose pak. all of you can google rose pak
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and show her she's -- she is a controversial speaker. one thing i will mention is you might think that the chinatown station is only for chinatown. it's not only for chinatown. san francisco is a work that is a nations and when you have relatives your family comes to san francisco we all bring them to chinatown. you really want a name after rose pak chinatown station? we chinese don't want to do that and i'm here. the time short and i want to express that aaron peskin, leave the chinese people alone. just let the chinese people in chinatown and people aroun aroue world decide this is chinatown station. we don't need to name 16th street, 26th street trump station, we certainly don't need inform add a name to any station. it's just confusing for the uber drivers and confusing for anybody and chinatown should be
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chinatown as simple as that and the other way day when i was at home my children in my family asked me wh whose is rose pak. you can google it. if they're in china they cannot google it. you can find out who she and and what she has done to chinese people in san francisco and chinese people around the world and we all come here for freedom. we all come here to embrace american freedom. i hope that we would not name someone if the human rights violator and in history i think hopefully history not on the back page of the history. >> dear board of directors, my
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name is victoria and i am a student from sf and i'm still against naming the central subway station after rose pak. i believe subway stations should be about the community not political leaders. it's wrong to politicize our subway stations. people are able to control our community inns using. she was controversial and subjected many people to abuse and punishment if they did not support her agenda. several time residents testified at the sfmts citizen advisory council after personal experience with rose pak. they received death threats from rose pak and another older gentleman talked to his boss about highering gems her to kill someone. this gentleman was terrified to share this publicly. he feared for his life as he worried that rose pak's people
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would kill him. it's hard to believe but many people in chinatown are living with the fear and terror created by rose pak and her life. some of you had positive experiences with pak. many community members were subjected to intimidate, threat and there have been serious charges of possible criminal activities reported by the media. if only some of these accusations of misconduct by rose pak are true, i really do believe we should use the name of a controversial person on a public facility. thank you. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon director. i live in district 3. i'm here to support you to stay
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firm with your own naming policy. rose pak has di deceived many. they claimed she qualified for low income housing. as reported by the examiner. yet after her death, her sisters were fighting over her estate worth more than half a million dollars. according to a san francisco gate article, former mayor ago ner was shocked end quote. to learn of the dispute because quote i had always thought pak was poor. i thought i knew he i knew her y well. she had different ways of deceiving different people. she flattered those in power positions, for example, state senators. she tried to give gifts as
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peskin admitted in a "new york times" interview. in chinatown she demanded free hair cuts and free restaurants. she extended the chinese communist regime propaganda and incited hatred towards minority groups, for example falon gong. is this the way of a noble community leader? that should be honored? can those who saw her as a friend or called her auntie be sure that they were not dis decd too or ways rose pak's the way of a corrupt communist agent? i hope you stay firm with your own naming policy. >> if i can remind members, if you have sound-producing devices turn them off or put them to silent. the ability of the speakers to
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be heard. thank you. next speaker, please. >> dear directors, good afternoon. i ran a small mobile shop for more than 10 years and i'm here to tell you that as a business owner in chinatown, i am against naming the chinatown station after rose pak. chinatown is chinatown. it has 170 years history and is throughout a culture. the name chinatown is what a tracks tourists to come and bring more visits here. many shops at grand avenue and in the last two years and this is cannot afford to pay the high rent.
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she does not represent chinatown. she isn't part of it at all. she's a power broker. people in chinatown don see her name as a good name. many business owners refer to have her name after chinatown station. many chinatown business owners cannot speak well english and not speak up what they forced to the government. so can you imagine that when my kids grows up, goes to the station and asks me who is rose
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fak. i don't know about what to answer. she such a complicated people to explain to my kids. it will be just so confusing. so please, keep chinatown as is. thank you. >> so before i begin i would like to clarify that i'm tom and jack is my brother and he will speak after me. sorry. good afternoon. two weeks ago director torres spoke about how rose pak said many bad things about fong go. you all saw the many fong go practitioners who have come here to voice their strong objections so i will provide more background here so you all can understand what is going on. so falon gung is a self-cultivation math odd that aims to improve mental and wellness through medication and exercises. the core values of falon gung is
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truthfulness, compassion and tolerance in china, they have thousands of years of history and from this spiritual foundation of chinese civilization. falon gung was introduced to the public in china in 1992. it spread quickly. in just seven years, 100 million people were practicing if mainland china. they begannered support from chinese agencies. however, fearing the popularity of this practice and losing control, the general secretary of the chinese communist party banned the exercise and launch persecution against it. since then, millions of people who practice have been wrongfully jailed and tortured. thousands of deaths confirmed in custody. end pend at investigators have said 60,000 were killed so their vital organs could be used to fuel a booming organize and
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transplant business in china. such persecution cannot continue without people noticing so all web sites were blocked. alongside the censorship, the regime has scandalized it with propaganda. state media outlets launched publications and radio and tv shows and police station exhibitions mean -- my speech w. >> good afternoon. continuing off the previous speaker's comments, the same things also reached the awe states. people like rose pak who were close to the chinese con sol et received a dose of indoctrination. rose pak was a personal friend of ming and it was likely he may have introduced his views to rose
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