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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  July 6, 2019 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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informal study we did previously was really just eyeballing and eye checking and a customers leaving and a points of business. and not necessarily collecting any additional data. it is worthwhile to pursue that data and may change the scope of the survey. and in terms of requiring additional resources. i just wanted to explain that may impact our ability or timeline to deliver on that, but it is something i will discuss internally with my colleagues in terms of how we can accommodate that if we can and even if we can do an informal assessment of demographic or engage with a customer to confirm their identity as opposed to making an assumption on someone's identity. i think that is a challenge with that kind of survey. >> just from the eyeball on the streets and go to a travellers market and a whole food. you will see the difference on who is carrying bags and who is
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bringing it. >> commissioner laguana. >> it is fine. >> so we have a motion by commissioner dwight and seconded by zouzounis. do you want to read it back? >> motion by commissioner dwight, seconded by commissioner zouzounis, to support the legislation provided that a study will be completed to determine how many consumers currently bring their own bags and to include, if possible, a breakdown of the demographics of those consumers. >> perfect. >> roll call vote. commissioner adams? >> yes. >> a commissioner dwight? >> yes. >> a commissioner ortiz? >> yes. >> a commissioner yee-riley? >> yes. >> a commissioner zouzounis? >> yes. motion passes 6-0 with one absent. >> thank you very much. >> next item please. >> thank you. item 5, continued from may 29, modified resolution urging the
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mayor and san francisco board of supervisors to adopt the small business commission's recommendation for economic transition assistance for small business impacted by city bans on the sales of certain tobacco products. discussion and action item. >> commissioners, we've revised the motion, simplified it, so just to backtrack a little bit, so the e-cigarette ban file number 19-312 passed at the board of supervisors last week on the first reading both in committee and last week at the board of supervisors there was discussion about creating a working group to deal with making recommendations and suggestions for mitigation measures. so i think what's before you is
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the simplified version with the urging for the mayor and the board of supervisors to follow up on that working group instead of articulating specifics in the mitigation measures, we can follow up with that. we know what the commission has, but i think we want to assure that the working group gets forms. and that they follow through with that commitment. and what we have included is a list of recommendations as to who would make up that working group, which would be the office of economic and workforce development, our office, and the small business development center, the city attorney's office, and then representation from the board of supervisors. >> i would like to recommend one one-word addition to this.
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it's in the fourth to last. it specifies the $70 million loss. i believe you mean an annual loss of $70 million. $70 million per year. right? >> a commissioners zouzounis? >> if we're going to skip to the data points, i do think we need to clarify the $50 million that the controllers report from the economic analysis of the ban on flavored tobacco, that was city losses, not industry. >> so $50 million in taxes and fees? >> i believe so. so this has been kind of an ongoing issue for us because we need to identify mechanisms for
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industry loss which the controller's office hasn't been able to provide. and part of why we're grapling with the monetary loss for the e-cigarette ban is there's not been a formal study conducted on industry loss even from the ban on flafred tobacco. from what i understand, $50 million was a loss to the city and i would assume based on our numbers of some retailers telling me they would lose 45,000 a year that that number in industry losses would be much higher. >> again, it should say annual. we have to qualify the time period over which losses are incurred. >> an i think part of our challenge with being able to fully articulate this was that in the -- is in the controller's report, they did not get to that level of specificity.
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and so if we're using their data to do some equating for the e-cigarettes, whichevers a disappointment that the office of economic analysis chose not to do an economic analysis for this piece of legislation -- we're sort of -- we want to make sure that we're not mistaking what the controller's data is by saying annually or sales tax revenue. so we haven't gotten specificity from the control ears office to what their economic impact report was. >> and my point is just throwing a number out, $70 million, we need to either throw it out -- get rid of it because it has no meaning or giver it meaning and that is it has to be characterized as to whether it's an annual loss and absolute loss over the next 10 years or what. it's just a number.
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it has -- >> can i interrupt please? >> clarify. >> clarify that what is stated in the economic impact report is that based on the data that they have, they estimate the value of flavored tobacco cigarettes that would be effected by the legislation at approximately $15 a year. that is the value of the product no, tt value that the city collects. >> good, value of the product. >> thank you for that clarification. >> annual sales or flavored, retail sales of -- i guess. >> it didn't specify annual or overall. i would not feel comfortable. >> you said per year. >> per year. sorry. so it's annual. >> so we will write in the
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annual. >> any other commissioner comments before we go to public comment? and we are comfortable levering in the $70 million loss in sales per year as a pro forma number? and also the $50 million response in loss of sales per year up above as referenced? >> in the chart, too. just put that. >> in the chart as well. >> if you -- dominica, obviously we're not economic experts, and dominica did use a calculation based on the cost of each e-cigarette and some evaluation. can we say it is an absolute
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number? without the office of economic analysis, we're doing our best judgment to provide an evaluation where the office of economic analysis lacked to do so. >> i don't have any objection. >> estimate. >> an it says on here estimate. >> looking at it, it does make sense because per product electric cigarettes are more expensive. is that how you ka imto that conclusion? >> -- came to that conclusion? >> the prort provided the estimated number of electronic users in the city and looking at the packet -- >> this is great. i was no way questioning the data. i was saying clarify as an annual number. that is all. >> i'm okay with that. >> do we have any members of the public who would like to comment on item five?
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seeing none, public comment is closed. do we have a motion? economying commissioner laguana. >> quick question. the attorney in me in here is wondering, should is an optional request. it is like -- so i am getting down to the part further resolved, economic mitigation measures should be developed in partnership with merchants, osb, oewd, and sbfc, controller's office, city attorney's office, board of supervisors. are we -- >> i would say, commissioner, good catch because generally "shall" means it's mandated. so should and shall. >> so is that your recommendation is that it -- >> maybe turn it down a notch.
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and not instruct all of those agencies that they have to all work together. maybe some of them want to participate and some do not. maybe it's appropriate for some of them. >> our reasoning for recommendation is because each provides some level of information and knowledge and expertise that i think it was out that entire package working together of departments that i think will get the best results with that entire package of departments working together. >> i don't disagree. is should the right word? >> do you want it to be stronger or weaker? >> i think a little more encouraging, less mandating, directing. does that make sense? weaker, i guess, would be the vote.
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>> are you thinking it should be stronger? >> shall would say these are the departments that need to be at the table. should is -- should is the weaker version. i was thinking you were going in the weaker direction -- >> shall means mandating. should is recommending. >> right. >> okay. >> that was the attorney in me and which i am not an attorney, and revealed. >> we'll keep it as should then. are we? >> i am good with should. i thought should and shall were synonymous. >> thank you for your work on this, dominica. and updating it to include our recommendations from last time.
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>> did we -- i'm sorry, did we call for public comment? >> we did call for public comment. do we have a motion? do we have the motion out there? >> i move to adopt this resolution. >> with the changes. >> with the amendment of putting per year. >> i second. >> roll call vote please. >> yes. motion by commissioner zouzounis to adopt the resolution as written with changes as direct bid commissioner dwight, seconded by commissioner yee-riley. roll call vote. commissioner adams. >> yes. >> commissioner -- >> is it too late to interject? >> while we are doing -- we are already doing the vote. >> fine. >> a commissioner dwight? >> yes.
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>> a commissioner laguaan a? >> yes. >> a commissioner ortiz? >> commissioner riley. >> commissioner zouzounis? >> motion passes 6-0 with one absent. item six, approval of draft meeting minutes, action item. >> has everybody read over the minutes from june 10 meeting? do we have any comments? if not, does any member of the public like to make a comment on the june 10 meeting? seeing none, public comment is closed. do we want to have a voice vote. everybody approve of the commission minutes? say aye. >> we need a motion. >> i move to approve the minutes from june 10. >> i have to abstain. i wasn't there. >> we have a second?
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>> so before we take the motion, then, if commissioner laguana is needing to -- is not abstained, but recused. you need to ask for recusal from the vote. first. >> who do i ask? >> do you want to recuse -- you don't need to. if you don't miss -- >> if i don't need to recuse, we won't bother. >> okay. i made my motion. >> do we have a second? >> an i'll second. >> all in favor? aye. any no's? motion passes. >> item 7, director's report. update and report on office of small business and small business assistance center, department programs, policy and legislative matters, announcements from the mayor, and announcements regarding small business activities. discussion item. >> so commissioners, i just want to bring to your attention for the accessible entrance program, we are now in the category three
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deadline so these are entryways with one step. submission for the checklist was due on june 1, 2019. and any building permits that are going to be filed need to be done by september 1, 2019. as always, this is regulatory item that we are encouraging clines, so even if property owners are missing the deadline, we're encouraging them still to submit their checklist and start their remediations. so d.b.i. just did send a letter to property owners that combined both the vacancy and update on that vacancy ordinance and a reminder of the category three deadline that was sent out in may. the california redemption value,
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the c.r.v., we were very close in getting $3 million in funding at the state level to start the mobile recycling. unfortunately, during the budget process, though our local elected officials advocated for this, we as a city, the mayor, advocated for this, and it did not get through committee. other members thought it was too much money going specific to san francisco, so we -- the department of environment, we will be convening in july and trying to figure out what to do with the next step. and there may be -- might revisit again or take a different look to get different funding at the local level and work through that through the next budget cycle. >> this would have been funding from the state? >> right.
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>> to do and if you recall, senator passed legislation or a bill that was supported at the state that allows five mus any mallties to start -- to allow five municipalities to start a pilot program. so we're hoping that we could get that additional funding from the state to be able to initiate the pilot program. so we are getting nothing -- >> a we are not getting the additional $3 million that our local area was asking for from the state budget to be able to initiate this program. so and if we had the $3 million, it would have been easy for the department of environment to purchase the vehicles and really start to have a program rolled out by the end of the year.
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so this --. >> are you saying that they think $3 million is too much. so is that and we're not getting any from the state this coming budget cycle. >> oh, that is too bad. >> yes. so i just want to provide you with that update because we worked -- our office and department of environment had with the mayor's a u.s. had close conversations and worked hard on trying to get the funding. the active space legislation which you heard on june 10, that will be heard in committee in july after the city's budget cycle supervisor brown and mayor breed on legislation on the
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business streamlining. it was introduced in december of 2018, heard for the third time in committee today and we'll all know the result to pass on to you whether it moved out. there was definite pressure to really make some significant amendments, and i do know some amendments were being and probably postponing some amendments but not wanting to water it down too much. be able to pass that on after today. provide you wan update. the cash acceptance, the mandated acceptance of ka, for brick and mortar, the implementation date is around august 23. we ole get the specifics on that, but and which the mayor signed it. >> the amazons downtown all take cash now. >> a great.
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>> and then restricting the commercial tobacco activity activities for both on the port and and restricting the sales of e-and brick and mortar and online. both passed on the first reading last tuesday. again, as stated earlier with the resolution, there is effort -- there was discussion around creating the and supervisor walton's office did reach out to set up a meeting on mitigation strategist. not clear if it is the same thing as the working group, but we'll probably have a meeting in july once the budget cycle is done with. and i do think that we will fro federal lowed based upon the
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economic analysis that they have done. and with the flavored tobacco cigarettes, why they chose not to do an economic analysis with the and dominica's ability to do the basic analysis and that it's a larger economic hit and the criteria of which that is used when economic analysis should be done, that legislation met the threshold from our understanding. and so we would like to know why the choice was not to do why the and teddy is on vacation and he is the one to respond to that. we should soon, but not in time for today's meeting.
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and then i am very happy to report that supervisor peskin has introduced legislation that and the department of public health has been wanting to change the health scores from a numerical health score to the green, yellow, and red scoring, which most counties use and then this will also etlim and that many businesses have had about yelp posting the health scores and that's economically and the department of health has been wanting to do this for a little while, but they needed confirmation with a new director coming in and has given them -- has said, yes, let's move forward with it. so i know that this is something that the and i know this is
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something that the restaurant and food communities have wanted. it won't change the metrics of which businesses are evaluated, but it will -- it will no longer be something that yelp can use and -- which is important for our businesses. and request for two hearings that i thought would be important notes for you to know about that were asked for last week at the board of supervisors was a hearing on the niche tifr ordinance for the business and tax regulations rative which is proportionate with the pay. and also a hearing on the status of worker rights in the california gig economy.
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and so i know that and i know there is discussion about the other impacts of the businesses who operate the gig economy and its impact on small businesses. and so there may be an opportunity to expand on to expand on that, but just wanted to let you know that is there. and don't know when that is going to be scheduled yet. and then in regards to state legislation ab161, the solid waste and when the commission heard it on may 29, there hasn't been any updates. it's sitting in the state senate and it has yet to be scheduled for any hearing yet. >> that's a good thing. >> yes. and then one last thing that the office is going to be moving this thursday, friday, over to the other side of the tax and treasurer's office.
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still be in the tax and treasurer's office. >> you are not available? >> going to ask for your help. but just to note to we and we will be moving to get relocated. and rick is very happy because now he'll be able to be sitting with us and we'll be sitting together and all together. the last thing that i would thought -- we don't need to have a conversation, but something to think about in relationship to the discussion with the bags is that -- this was a concern of mine with the requirement for and requiring businesses and buildings. and with sort of the
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environmental impacts of our sort of gig economy and the delivery economy and whether should the business pay for it all? or should -- where are we -- where is a friend who managed an apartment building and she took me down to the garbage area and there was absolutely no care or effort to breaking down boxes and caring about how the individual, most of the individuals in that apartment worked in the tech environment, just care about their disposables and how they are handling their dispoisable and garbage and -- their disposable and garbage and waste. and the's of that, well, the
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ease of it, where is the consumers' responsibility and always paying for their ease of creating more garbage as opposed to putting it on the business. and so whether it is, you know, our restaurants who are being charged a great deal by these delivery services and is it -- are businesses that have to deal with that facilitating that, is it the consumer or is it the larger entity? and it's just something to sort of think about and good to maybe get some direction because as our office meeting with the department of environment to get sort of a first hit or with supervisors kind of what is and so we can have dominica put this down under new business. we can have a discussion about
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it going forward when we have our weekly meetings. we can schedule it in. >> and maybe invite the department of environment to this discussion. >> so that's it. that concludes my report unless you have any questions for me. >> a commissioner zouzounis. >> i was told by the sponsor of the additional tax on businesses with disproportionate executive pay that part of the and is this a final allocation to mental health assess? is that what this -- >> i think that there are a couple ordinances that are similar to dealing with salary
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compensation. so this particular initiative -- >> this is the one she is talking about. >> no. >> an it goes to mental health services. >> were you having a conversation with supervisor haney on this? >> are you saying there are multiple? >> i think there is one other one that's similar. >> no, this is the one. >> this is the one. >> u a this is definitely the one. this is the one here, the one that you are talking about and he had this -- >> an i talked to supervisor mar and he came and presented this so the council of district merchants legislative committee and and part of it goes to small yet -- >> this is the one it is supposed to go into the small business stabilization.
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>> an it says here only mental health services. i am wondering if he said that because he was in front -- i have also heard him say the same thing. >> or it could be that it's -- well, we will take a look at it and get back to you. i have not had a chance to read the ordinance. >> that is the one -- and what you are talking about is that legislation and matt haney said that in or the neighborhood meeting that part of the funds is supposed to be small business stabilization grants. >> okay. so i will circle back around with you and yes. >> this one we have to be really choes on that before it get -- really close on that before it gets to the ballot that it is put on that. >> another thing we brought up as merchants is and big tech companies that contract with small businesses go under, and the small businesses usually eat
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the default, so part of an ask and how to we collecting and thousand her partnering small with big and how will the ordinances effect the big ones. >> a do you want to bring that up under new business? >> a bring that up under new business. any other questions for the director before we go on to the open public comment? >> okay. public comment. would anybody like to -- any public comment on item number 7? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> there was a motion made by the board of supervisors for business and backs legislations
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and that's separate from this. and the motion included that the additional tax would be some portion of it would be allocated towards small business stabilization. >> okay. so there is a separate. >> thank you. >> next item. >> item 8, commissioners' reports. allows president, vice president, commissioners to report on recent small business activities and make announcements that are of interest to the small business community. discussion item. >> okay. commissioner dwight. >> i attended the monthly cdma meeting and council district merchants last tuesday the 18th. as did our director and i just rebehinded everyone of the $15.09 an hour. >> thank you. commissioner riley. >> yes. ai tended the war -- i attended
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the war journal 2019 small business and startup seminar in chinatown on saturday. mayor breed was there, and she shared $9 million budget investment for small business. >> thank you. commissioner laguana. >> wanted to give my fellow commissioners a heads up that i have been chatting with some folks at oewb about a possibility of a concert for jobs, which would benefit -- and i think that would be a cool project for us to get involved with if it comes to pass. >> great. that would be the mayor's summertime work program. >> that is a good idea. >> the only thing that has to do with small business are my -- i am on the board of what is called the lazy beer fund.
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and we wound up delivering a check to for $33,000 to the guernville chamber of commerce through the -- and affected by the flood up in that area back in march. so with that said, it is pride week. happy pride, everybody. >> shop, eat, and drink in the castro. we need the business. >> any other commissioner reports? >> do we have public comment on item 8? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item please. >> item 9, new business. allows commissioners to introduce new agenda items for future consideration by the commission. discussion item. >> a commissioner ortiz. >> i wanted to follow up on an email i sent to the president and director regarding the lack
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of regulation regarding car share and the amazons of the world. the purview obviously is to take care of small business, and we do a great job preventing legislation from the supervisors that are sometimes bell attended. think about the traffic. the biggest issue is the quality of life, but it is also affecting the small businesses because you don't go to certain neighborhoods and can't take public transit or uber or your vehicle to get across town during certain hours. that is having a large impact on small businesses like restaurant and the delivery services charge up to 30%. i grew up in the mission and street tax wasn't 30%. so this is getting crazy. and it's getting out of hand. and we don't regulate this. amazon wants to apply for a liquor license. >> their formula retail via app is crazy. crazy that us as small businesses are not forcing the
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legislators to do something to regulate. key example today and they are the ones generating the most waste now in our city, but yet we have to pay? the consumers of small business. that's crazy. that is just crazy. nobody is regulating. all we look at is the legislation passing through. and we're not -- the big corporate culprit is the formula retailers with the gypsy apps. we got to do something. i propose we have an economic impact report and we got to make it happen fast. our small business -- i bet you they are declining. i bet you there was more small businesses 10 years ago. with all the crazy legislation we nasz and amazon hugs, is that what we're doing? >> we're going to put this down. i want to make this a priority. thank you. >> and one last thing. what do i have to do seriously, and i am getting really upset
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about the paper thing. >> speaking of environmental waste. do i have to get a supervisor to legislate us to do it? or can't we do it ourselfs? >> there is some -- i will get back to you because there is some sort of criteria that it's not just as easy for us just to buy tablets. let me just put it that way. so we may have to legislate it. but we'll get back to you on that because and i have had some discussion with the finance section of the office. >> i think we should be the first commission in san francisco to ban paper from our meetings. >> an i love it. >> a commissioner zouzounis. >> self-imposed. >> i want to echo what the fell hoe commissioner here said and also what -- fellow commissioner has said and commissioner dwight said we can't just fight the
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technology innovation that is happening, but we need to hold them accountable to better work with small businesses and with that said, i am curious if there is some types of legislative precedents that we can advocate for as a commission far lot of these cloud kitchen is a new one up in front of public safety and neighborhood services on friday asking for a type 20 and 21 off sale liquor license. and these are all companies that will be delivering to individuals, and that will really effect the small businesses especially the officers and will be competing with delivering. ands a and buy from san francisco and independent businesses if they -- because i
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heard anl amazon's pitch to the committee, and they did not characterize and i know they met with dog patch and i am curious how they presented it to you all because it was very unclear the intentions when they presented to the board. >> commissioner laguana. >> i want to speak strongly in support of both of you. on both of the topics including the paper, but in particular the gig economy and a case winding through the courts now about it seems they both try to have it
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both ways and can't establish a price together because that would be illegal. there is a move afoot to classify them as workers on a level playing field with small businesses. i wonneder if there is a small, minor role for us to play in terms of advocating for that and whether it's a resolution of some kind or you think inning some of the supervisor friends into doing something a little more substantial, but it does seem to me that it's not a level playing field. and that they are taking advantage and the city suffers for the lack of it. >> okay. we can add that.
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any other new business. public comment. do we have any members of the public who like to add any business? >> public comment is closed. >> i have to give a shout out to my son because it is his birthday today. happy birthday. >> what is his name? >> alexander ortiz and his eighth birthday and we went to universal studios and best bud trip. >> happy birthday from the small business commission. >> seconded. >> all in favor? aye. next item. >> sfgov tv, please show the small business slide. >> it is our custom to begin and end each small business commission meeting with a reminder that the office of
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small business is the only place to start your new business and the best place to get answers to your questions about doing business in san francisco. small business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions and concerns about policies that effect the economic vitality. if you need assistance with small business matters, start here. next item. >> item 10, adjournment. >> i move toed a adjourn in honor. >> i will move no honor to adjourn to my son, al ander, eight years old. and happy bit birthday, son. i love you very much. >> all in favor? aye. meeting adjourned. -
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>> shop & dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their showing up and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so where will you shop & dine in the 49 san francisco owes must of the charm to the unique characterization of each corridor has a distinction permanent our neighbors are the economic engine of the city. >> if we could a afford the lot by these we'll not to have the kind of store in the future the kids will eat from some restaurants chinatown has phobia one of the
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best the most unique neighborhood shopping areas of san francisco. >> chinatown is one of the oldest chinatown in the state we need to be able allergies the people and that's the reason chinatown is showing more of the people will the traditional thepg. >> north beach is i know one of the last little italian community. >> one of the last neighborhood that hadn't changed a whole lot and san francisco community so strong and the sense of partnership with businesses as well and i just love north beach community old school italian
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comfort and love that is what italians are all about we need people to come here and shop here so we can keep this going not only us but, of course, everything else in the community i think local businesses the small ones and coffee shops are unique in their own way that is the characteristic of the neighborhood i peace officer prefer it is local character you have to support them. >> really notice the port this community we really need to kind of really shop locally and support the communityly live in it is more economic for people to survive here. >> i came down to treasure
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island to look for a we've got a long ways to go. ring i just got married and didn't want something on line i've met artists and local business owners they need money to go out and shop this is important to short them i think you get better things. >> definitely supporting the local community always good is it interesting to find things i never knew existed or see that that way. >> i think that is really great that san francisco seize the vails of small business and creates the shop & dine in the 49 to support businesses make people all the residents and visitors realize had cool things are made and produced in san
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>> it's great to see everyone kind of get together and prove, that you know, building our culture is something that can be reckoned with. >> i am desi, chair of economic development for soma filipinos. so that -- [ inaudible ] know that soma filipino exists, and it's also our economic platform, so we can start to build filipino businesses so we can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy
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her achbl heritage, and i discovered this awesome bok choy. working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything. >> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders. i haven't tried the adobe yet, but just smelling it yet brings back home and a ton of memories. >> the binca is made out of
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different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it. why not have nutella, rocky road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example. it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and people love it. this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a
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long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino culture to shine. everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally. >> i'm alex, the owner of the lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia, but my food is my favorite foods i like to eat, put into
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my favorite filipino foods, put together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom. maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon cheese burger lumpia. there was a time in our generation where we didn't have our own place, our own feed to
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eat. before, i used to promote filipino gatherings to share the love. now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and sharing it with other filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system. >> so right now, i'm eating something that brings me back to every filipino party from my childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we compare ourselves to chinatown,
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japantown or little saigon, there's little communities there that act as place makers. when you enter into little philippines, you're like where are the businesses, and that's one of the challenges we're trying to solve.
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>> undercover love wouldn't be possible without the help of the mayor and all of our community partnerships out there. it costs approximately $60,000 for every event. undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in this way, what it allows san franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture. i think in san francisco, we've kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san
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francisco unique with just empathy, love, of being acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones. we've become so focused onic maing money that we forgot about those that make our city and community unique. when people come to discover, i want them to rediscover the magic of what diversity and empathy can create. when you're positive and committed to using that ener , >> welcome to another episode of safety on today is episode we'll show you how 0 retroactive you're home let's go inside and take a look.
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>> hi and patrick chief officer and director of earthquake for the city and county of san francisco welcome to another episode of stay safe in our model home with matt we'll talk about plywood. >> great thanks. >> where are we we if you notice bare studs those are prone to failure in an earthquake we need to stabilize those they don't lean over and plywood is effective as long as you nail along every edge of the plywood for the framing we'll nail along the sides and top and on the bottom 0 immediately you'll see a problem in a typical san francisco construction because nothing to nail the bottom of the plywood
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we've got to wind block between the studs and we'll secure this to the mud sill with nails or surface screws something to nail the bottom of the plywood. >> i notice we have not bolted the foundation in the previous episode thorough goes through options with different products so, now we have the blocking we'll a xoich attach the plywood. >> the third thing we'll attach the floor framing of the house above so the top of the braced walls one to have a steel angle on top of this wall and types of to the top of the wall with nails into the top plate and the nails in this direction driving a nail it difficult unless you have a specialized
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tool so this makes that easy this is good, good for about 5 hundred pounds of earthquake swinging before and after that mount to the face of wall it secures the top of wall and nailed into the top plate of the with triple wall and this gives us a secure to resist the forces. >> so you now see the space is totally available to dots blocking that he bottom and bolted the foundation in corneas what the code in the next
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episode you'll see you apply >> this is a reminder to silence all electronic devices. this is the regular meeting of the fire commission of wednesday , dune 26, 2018. item one, roll call. [roll call]