tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 8, 2019 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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it's really natural for me, i love it, i'm passionate about it and it's just been great. i believe it's such a blessing to have the opportunity to actually feed people every day. no food should go wasted. there's someone who wants to eat, we have food, it's definitely hand in hand and it shouldn't be looked at as work or a task, we're feeding people and it really means so much to me. i come to work and they're like nora do you want this, do you want that? and it's so great and everyone is truly involved. every day, every night after every period of food, breakfast, lunch, dinner, i mean, people just throw it away. they don't even think twice
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about it and i think as a whole, as a community, as any community, if people just put a little effort, we could really help each other out. that's how it should be. that's what food is about basically. >> an organization that meets is the san francisco knight ministry we work with tuesday and thursday's. ♪ ♪ by the power ♪ of your name >> i have faith to move mountains because i believe in jesus. >> i believe it's helpful to offer food to people because as
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you know, there's so much homelessness in san francisco and california and the united states. i really believe that food is important as well as our faith. >> the san francisco knight ministry has been around for 54 years. the core of the ministry, a group of ordain ministers, we go out in the middle of the night every single night of the year, so for 54 years we have never missed a night. i know it's difficult to believe maybe in the united states but a lot of our people will say this is the first meal they've had in two days. i really believe it is a time between life or death because i mean, we could be here and have
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church, but, you know, i don't know how much we could feed or how many we could feed and this way over 100 people get fed every single thursday out here. it's not solely the food, i tell you, believe me. they're extremely grateful. >> it's super awesome how welcoming they are. after one or two times they're like i recognize you. how are you doing, how is school? i have never been in the city, it's overwhelming. you get to know people and through the music and the food, you get to know people. >> we never know what impact we're going to have on folks. if you just practice love and kindness, it's a labor of love and that's what the food recovery network is and this is
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a huge -- i believe they salvage our mission. >> to me the most important part is it's about food waste and feeding people. the food recovery network national slogan is finding ways to feed people. it's property to bring the scientific and human element into the situation. . >> i love that i was in four plus years a a rent control tenant, and it might be normal because the tenant will -- for the longest, i was applying for b.m.r. rental, but i would be in the lottery and never be like 307 or 310. i pretty much had kind of given up on that, and had to leave
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san francisco. i found out about the san francisco mayor's office of housing about two or three years ago, and i originally did home counseling with someone, but then, my certificate expired, and one of my friends jamie, she was actually interested in purchasing a unit. i told her about the housing program, the mayor's office, and i told her hey, you've got to do the six hour counseling and the 12 hour training. she said no, i want you to go with me. and then, the very next day that i went to the session, i notice this unit at 616 harrison became available, b.m.i. i was like wow, this could potentially work. housing purchases through the b.m.r. program with the sf mayor's office of housing, they are all lotteries, and for this
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one, i did win the lottery. there were three people that applied, and they pulled my number first. i won, despite the luck i'd had with the program in the last couple years. things are finally breaking my way. when i first saw the unit, even though i knew it was less than ideal conditions, and it was very junky, i could see what this place could be. it's slowly beginning to feel like home. i can definitely -- you know, once i got it painted and slowly getting my custom furniture to fit this unit because it's a specialized unit, and all the units are microinterms of being very small. this unit in terms of adaptive, in terms of having a murphy bed, using the walls and ceiling, getting as much space as i can. it's slowly becoming home for me. it is great that san francisco
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shaking his head like, yeah. [laughter] we know there is something special about the city and something special about the neighborhoods and to have everything to do with the people who are part of these amazing neighborhoods. and i'm just really excited about some of the other things that we've done and more of what we will do to make sure that we are protecting affordable housing in the mission for generations to come. [applause] now we all know the sad history of rewoment in our city. the community that i grew up in the western addition and what happened to that community. a lot of propsses were made. a lot of housing was built. but when the time came, for example, in the public housing that i grew up in, 300 units torn down, 200 units built and the difficulty of so many of us being able to move back to the community.
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you remember this joyce armstrong, what happened in the western addition and how it really sadly destroyed a very vibrant african american community. and we look at this as a lesson learned and we have to think of the challenges that existed back then and what we have to do to change that for the future of san francisco. and we are going to protect our diversity and our communities. we have to start making the right kinds of investments. it's why, when i was on the board of supervisors with this community, roberto hernandez was there and we stood proud to fight for and josh arsay, we stood proud to fight for neighborhood preference so that when we actually build the affordable housing in these communities, that the people who live in these communities have right of first refusal to access those units. [applause]
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and also when we have revenue this this city that we make the right kinds of investments that will make a tremendous impact for a community. i got to take a tour. in fact, it was a low-rider tour with roberto. yes, it was a nice day and the sun was shining and yes, we were bouncing up and down in the mission and people thought i was having a good time and i wasn't there working. i was working. i was working. i was on a fact-finding mission to really see what opportunities exist in this community so that we can build more affordable housing. and so we were standing out here on 26th street talking to a number of folks who grew up here, some who don't live here anymore because they can't afford to. and others who were just trying to hold on and they talked about
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housing and their children and their future. i'm really excited because government sometimes takes a really long time to make things happen. and we were really lucky that we got this windfall money that you heard about. and the first thing i thought about were all these sites in the commission and whether or not we would be able to acquire these sites for 100% affordable housing. and today that's what this announcement is about. 1515 south van ness will be acquired to potentially build 150 new family units sglfp [applause] and i have to tell you -- it wasn't necessarily fast for this community because this community had been working so hard to really identify locations, coordinate and work together and really address what we know has been significant dig placement. with the accusation of the site
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along with the four sites that we broke ground with, for affordable housing, with more to come, in the mission neighborhood, we would have preserved and built over 1,000 new units for this community. now we know this community has a goal of getting to 2500 and i definitely want to make sure that we get there. but i will say that this is a step in the right direction. and i just also would like to put in a plug for the housing bonds. $600 million without raising property taxes for affordable housing. woe have the money to buy the site, but we need the money to build it. so i'm going to be counting on the voters in san francisco to support the upcoming housing bond so that we can get this housing built for this community right away.
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and more affordable housing throughout the city of san francisco. [applause] so i want to thank all of you and so many of the community members that have joined us today. it just really is not only a beautiful day in san francisco, but an exciting time for this community. i've been to four ground breakings in the mission since i've been mayorment we look at other sites and we have been acquiring property. we've been looking at ways on small sites and making tremendous investments. and this is really just the beginning of what i think is going to be an incredible future for this community. but it won't be that way unless we work hard for it because we have to also make sure that the investments happen, we have to make sure that the resources are there to make this investment happen and we'll continue to do everything we can to make sure that the community is a part of this process every step of the way. before i thank all the folks
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that are responsible for this, besides, i just want to give a special shout-out to kate hartley from the mayor's department of housing for all the really hard work that she did to make this possible -- [applause] along with a number of city departments to help and jumpstart s.f. and the m.t.c. or m.t.a., which one is it? m.t.c. we have somebody from one of those transportation agencies. so, thank you so much for that and thank you to all the community members and everyone who's with us today. and to acknowledge so many incredible people from this community. including herself who myrna milgaard has been an incredible resource and incredible advocate. [applause] and just working with young people and staying focused. not only is she the president
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of the planning commission of san francisco, she runs jamestown community center, an incredible space for young people in this community. myrna melgar. >> thank you, mayor. so i was appointed to the planning commission by then president of the board of supervisors, london breed. [laughter] and people ask me why -- why are you doing this? [laughter] so muchwork! it is a lot of work. but i'm doing it because i, in addition to running the jamestown community center, i'm a mother of three girls who were born and raised in san francisco. and i want them to have a life in san francisco. i want my family close by and my community all around me. it's what makes my life worth living. like many of you. and i think there is no more important thing that we're doing right now than building
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affordable housing. and when then president of the board of supervisors breed asked me to do this, i was on it because i believed in her vision. so when i saw that she went to h.u.d. to advocate for neighborhood preference despite decades of people saying no, it can't be done, people in affordable housing saying it can't be done, she took her advocacy and got it done. and i was so proud of her. you know? because that was a game changer for us in san francisco. and, you know, i think that the advocacy, that community and this mayor's office is doing in terms of building affordable housing, of just thinking outside the box with small sites, with different ways of getting to where we need to go
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is amazing and groundbreaking and i'm so proud to be part of this. so i think that for the first time i'm looking around at all of my colleagues in nonprofit and all of the community, instigators and collaborators and this is the moment that i feel like in the whole time i've been in san francisco where the submission united. [applause] the first time. we're all on the same page that we are building affordable housing. not only preserving our community, but getting it back. those 8,000 families that have been displaced from san francisco that are part of our schools, of our churches, of our community organizations, we're getting them back. and we're all working really hard for it and this project is going to be a part of that story. we also have a supervisor who is on the same page with us.
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she has made affordable housing her priority. when she ran and also during her office and i am so glad that she is working with us hand in hand. and with that, i'm going to introduce supervisor hillary ronan. [applause] >> thank you so much. what an incredible, incredible day. i don't think there is anything that energizes all of us more than breaking ground on an affordable housing site or acquiring an affordable housing site. there is nothing that manges us feel like the work that we do in the city so important. when i was running for office, i made a goal and a pledge to build 5,000 units of affordable housing in district nine in a decade and i'm counting each and every unit and right now we are at 1182 units!
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[applause] and that is because the mission is united. and not only is the mission united with itself, the mission is united with city hall, with our mayor whose priority is housing and affordable housing for this neighborhood, with the supervisor whose priority is housing and affordable housing for this neighborhood, with the director of the mayor's office of housing and community development whose priority is housing and affordable housing. we're truly, truly united and we have two extremely strong organizations. affordable housing developers right here in the mission district. mission housing and economic economic development agency. [applause] anja emphasize how important these organizations are. the executive director of one of those organizations because there was a decade, a decade when we didn't build a unit of affordable housing in this neighborhood. and part of that reason was
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because we didn't have affordable housing developer organizations who were at a stage that they could build housing. now we don't even have one. we have two. we have two and we have a community that is not going to stop for a second fighting for more affordable housing. and i just -- before i hand it over to roberto hernandez, i wanted tos also thank the former supervisor of district nine, david campos. because part of the funding to acquire the site, $5 million, was the first time ever david campos got that money from the m.t.c. it's a regional transportation body that i now sit on that has never financed affordable housing in its entire existence. but david made the point that you can't talk about transportation and jobs without talking about housing. you can't talk about housing without talking about
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transportation and jobs. he married those two and this is the first pilot project for the m.t.o. that they are investing regional dollars in affordable housing. so, that is a major milestone as well. so thank you, david campos, for your hard work. and now i wanted to introduce roberto hernandez who has been on the frontlines of this fight from day one. roberto hernandez. [applause] >> buenos dias! [speaking in spanish]! come on. let me hear you say it! [speaking in spanish]! [crowd repeats] >> a very wise, elderly man taught me at a young age that we write our own stories. every day when we get up, it is a page that's written and we have -- we can decide how that
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story is written every day. and then we write chapters and, by the end of our lifetime, there's a book written about us. that we write. we're the writers. because we're the creators of our own story. but i take it to another level and say we as a community here in the mission have been writing not one book, but many, many books because this story doesn't end here. it's a story that began back many, many years that actually started mission housing development corporation. it was a story that started off by a group of us who banned together called the mission coalition organization. the m.c.o. and aim glad to see that my compadre, my brother santiago reese is here because he was part of that. and michael nolan and pete
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gallegos and many others here in this space today. and speaking about my compadre, happy birthday, feliz cumpleanos because today is your birthday. this is your gift, my brother. this is your goift. this is your gift. there's senior housing that is being built right down the street and i know you're getting ready to retire. if you need a spot, there are applications given out. you can apply with them. you have it, brother? all right. we have a little spot. you want the top? penthouse? ok. all right. all right. then i want to be on top. [laughter] all kidding aside, our mission no eviction was created by jose
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carasco and myself because we picked up after the dot-com boom. we recognized when we started getting people calling us up and saying hey, am i getting evicted? and within a period of 90 days, 56 people we knew were getting evicted. you know? and so we formed our mission which iss a -- what did you call it? instigators? we are revolutionaries, you know? really. that's what we are. we're not funded by anybody. we're not incorporated. we don't have bylaws. we don't have a structure. we're just a group of people that band together and have been fighting. it is a beautiful end of the story, right? [applause] we didn't need no more luxury units.
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we needed 100% affordable housing, you know? and we tried working with them. we told them build 100% affordable housing. they say it doesn't pencil out. oh, really? i guess you won't make that much money, right? then we said build 100% affordable housing for teachers. because teachers need housing and they make a decent salary so they can pay a little more than somebody who's a dishwasher, right? is and they said it doesn't pencil out, right? and then we said just give us the land back. just donate the land back to the community because you're a major corporation. everybody knows lennar, right? they're a major corporation. and this is like to me like a little cucharacha, you know? it's so small compared to all the big projects that they do. but at the end of the day, we lost and the planning commission approved it. the board of supervisors
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approved it. we appealed and appealed and after appeal after appeal and i want to thank scott weaver who is an attorney who volunteers his time for us and has done so much work. [applause] for free. pro bono basis. you know? and like him, there is so many other attorneys and so many other people who volunteer their time to give. and so this story ends like right here. and i want to thank mayor london breed from my corazon for going on that cruise with us. [applause] you know? and you're right. you don't know how many hits i got on facebook and twitter and everybody was blowing me up. oh, you were cruising with the mayor? think that we were having fun. i've been telling the story -- >> working! >> yeah, we were working and in fact there is a picture somebody gathered of me driving and showing her. sorry i shouldn't have been doing this. but i'm showing and explaining
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to her and it was like magic. you know? for her to go and get this done with kate -- thank you, kate. thank you very much. [applause] for doing all the work that you did. but for getting this done. you know? because this gives a lot -- us a major victory, more different than the other ones that we've gotten. but this one i believe in my corazon it will make a difference and give people hope and understanding that the times have changed. we have a mayor who loves and cares for the mission district. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you! i will say i'm just really excited to see my portrayal hill folks out here. [applause] supporting the mission. thank you all so much for coming out. thank you to our artist community. thank you, deborah and tammy. tammy from the fillmore. thank you, sam moss and all the
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people who are here and the work that you do to make san francisco a better place. and i just want to end it by saying that we have to be aggressive when it comes to getting more housing in this city. and, yes, the housing bond is significant. it's the largest housing bond ever introduced in this city's history and it doesn't raise property taxes, but we have to fight to get that bond passed. let me also say there two other measures that i'm proposing and i'm asking all of you to contact your supervisors for my proposed charter amendment. that charter amendment will make it possible so that all 100% affordable and teacher housing can be built as a right. so when meta and mission housing, when they're trying to
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go through this process to build housing and they have sadly sometimes people who are trying to stop it and they're not asking for anything other than what's already required by the code, they need to get it built and get it built faster. [applause] and there are people who don't want us to do that. they say they want affordable housing now, but i'm proposing policies that will get that affordable housing delivered now. so contact wherever you live, contact your members of the board of supervisors and express how important it is to pass this charter amendment out of the board so that we have no more delays around affordable housing. [applause] our future is depending on it. i don't want what happened to so many of us who actually grew up in this city, born and raised, and then we turned around and we looked and we
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were wondering where's our community? they couldn't afford to live here because we have not built enough affordable housing. yes, everyone wants affordable housing. yes, everyone wants to make sure that san francisco remains diverse. but it's going to take work to make it happen. it will take work. it will take changes to policy. it will take bold and brave leadership. so i'm asking for your support to get this done. the other thing i'm proposing is an ordinance, which i don't have to go through the board of supervisors, thank goodness.
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because the property is not zoned for housing. but the community wants teacher housing. i want teacher housing. and so it shouldn't take an additional two years to rezone the property. [applause] this is how we are going to create a better future. we're going to have to do things differently. we're going to have to make the right investments and, yes, we're going to have to come together because if we don't want san francisco to continue to change so significantly, where neighborhoods are neighborhoods that we don't even recognize anymore, we're going to have to make an aggressive investment in affordable housing. that is what today is about. it's an aggressive investment in affordable housing.
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it is the support from this community that has made it possible. so i plan to do everything i can to put housing at the forefront of our decisions, at the forefront of our discussions. at the forefront of how we invest our dollars and so i ask each and every one of you to continue your advocacy, to make sure that we not only acquire this property, but we get it done in less time than it typically takes us to get a project like this done. [applause] thank you all. thank you anne cervantes. thank you so much for being here, the mission community. now let's get it done. thank you. [applause] better.
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san francisco department of environment is a place where climate hits the street. we know that we don't have all the answers. we need to support our local champions, our local community to find creative solutions and innovations that help us get to zero waste. >> zero waste is sending nothing to landfill or incineration, using reuse and recovery and prevention as ways to achieve zero waste. the grant program is a grant program specifically for nonprofits in san francisco to divert material from landfill. it's important to find the san francisco produce market because there's a lot of edible food
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that can be diverted and they need positions to capture that food and focus on food recovery. >> san francisco produce market is a resource that connects farmers and their produce with businesses in the bay area. i think it's a basic human right to have access to healthy foods, and all of this food here is available. it's a matter of creating the infrastructure, creating jobs, and the system whereby none of this goes to waste. since the beginning of our program in july 2016 to date, we've donated over 1 million pounds of produce to our community partners, and that's resulted in over 900,000 meals to people in our community, which we're very proud of.
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>> carolyn at the san francisco produce market texts with old produce that's available. the produce is always excellent. we get things like broccoli, brussels sprouts, bell peppers. everything that we use is nice and fresh, so when our clients get it, they really enjoy it, and it's important to me to feel good about what i do, and working in programs such as this really provides that for me. it's helping people. that's what it's really about, and i really enjoy that. >> the work at the produce market for me representing the intersection between environment and community, and when we are working at that intersection, when we are using our resources and our passion and our energy to heal the planet and feed the
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>> good morning, everyone. you guys should be excited. good morning. thank you. i serve as the director of public works in the city and county of san francisco. on behalf of public works, we are very excited because we are going to be a tenant in this new building 49 south vanness. how about a big hand for that. [applause.] i am also excited to be here to celebrate a major construction milestone. today is very, very exciting not just for public works but for
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the other nine city departments that will be relocated into this state-of-the-arts building upon its completion. at the end of our ceremony, we will raise the final steel beam into place to complete the structural framing of this new 430,000 square foot building. 430,000 square foot building. how about a big hand for that. [applause.] it will house approximately 1-800-cit1800city staff to movet summer. this gives us a good reason to celebrate. i want to thank all of those forgetting us here today. thank you builders, the prime
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contractors. let's give them a big hand. the development firm and the architects worked on many projects. let's give them a big hand. public works takes great pride in the public private partnerships such as this one as they help bring the city's vision for a modern advanced san francisco to life. i also want to give a special shout out to the project management team. let's give them a big hand. [cheers and applause.] all of this work would not happen, however, without the leadership from our elected officials who allow for capital infrastructure projects to be
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approved and implemented. with that said i have the pleasure of introducing our mayor london breed to say a few words about this project. welcome, mayor breed. >> thank you. you know, as someone who grew up in the city and someone who has had to get permits and get permits specifically for festivals and community events, it was often times frustrating works through did bureaucracy. one minute it is the planning department in this building then to city hall, then down the street somewhere that you couldn't find, and the fact is this building what is so amazing. we are bringing 10 city agencies together in one building with a central permitting system that would make it easier to do construction projects, would make it easier for
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entertainment, easier for events and all of the things we do in san francisco that make san francisco such a great city. it is about making bureaucracy more efficient. that is what this building is about. i know people don't get excited around efficiency, but i do. because i know you all remember when it was taking us 18 months to build one accessory dwelling unit and putting out an executive directive to bring in the fire department and planning and building department to work together. we completely reduced the time. now it takes up to six months. streamlining the process is critical to building more housing and making sure the festivals and events and nightlife that we are so excited to have in our city continues
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without delay because san francisco as we know is a special place, but we only work when we work more efficiently together. i am excited, and i know those over 1800 employees are excited to have new bathrooms and shower and places to park bicycles and the other great things we are adding to new buildings. i want to thank everyone who is building this place and the work you are doing to get this building built on time and hopefully on budget. you know that is important to us. more importantly, how this is going to be one of the projects that really changes how we do business in san francisco. no longer will you have people going on line to those different places where they complain about the process and what they have to do to get a permit. what i want to see them going on line to say is, wow, the city makes it easier.
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they have a new permitting process to get permit online and it doesn't take that long. that is what this place is about. i want to thank all of you for being here today. i also would like to acknowledge which i think is absolutely incredible that we will have an on site child care at this location as well so that families who work for our city in those various departments have a place to take their children. this budget that i just announced last week also including $7.7 million to digital the city permitter and create an electronic review process. san francisco is the technicaltal of the world but our city is a little behind schedule. we have to make the right investments to get to a better place. this is making bureaucracy more
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efficient. i want to thank all of you who have played a critical role in doing that. probably the only member of the board of supervisors who cares about efficiency the way that i do is my former colleague on the board who is supervisor for district 6. i want to ask supervisor aaron peskin to say a few brief words. >> supervisor peskin: thank you, mayor breed. i am the supervisor representing the northeast corner of the city, but i share with mayor breed the desire to have a one stopper hitting shop for everything in san francisco, and this floor print of almost an acre, 40,000 square feet, is precisely the right way to do it whether it is integrating planning and building and health and fire. this is going to be a huge step
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forward for the city and county of san francisco. thank you to related, thank you to public works. i cannot wait for it to be finished. [applause.] >> it is not easy to get projects done in our city. the person who is a leader to make sure we put forward the responsible policies and budgeting practices to allow an opportunity like this and recognizing we need to make the city more efficient and provide facilities that are safe and energy efficient is really the leader, one of the leaders of the city, our city administrator, naomi kelly. >> good morning. i have to say i am so honored to be here today. i want to thank mayor breed,
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supervisor peskin. they were with us in the beginning. we had to go to them to help with financing. part of that was selling off three city buildings to get into this one beautiful building that will have a one stopper mitt center. part -- permit center. why they supported us to open a restaurant you need 20 permits from 13 different city locations all over the city, not just one spot. if we get a one stopper mitt ste permitting that is how we kick started this. i promised we are not just about brick and mortar co-location. we need to streamline that process to make the permitting process more customer friendly through digital. i want to thank the mayor and
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board through funding those opportunities. in this building is the department of public works, building inspections, city planning, environmental services. in the one stopper mitter shop in addition to those major departments it will include the fire department, public utilities, office of small business, entertainment commission and we are looking at other satellite departments to touch the building in here, m.t.a., office of cannabis, disability. police, board of appeals and tax collector. that is all important. as the mayor talked about a.d.u. pilot and trying to streamline that process, let me drilling down what our team is looking at. as we currently before if you were an a.d.u. permit resident
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you needed five different departments, answer 516 questions and navigate multiple applications and forms, as we looked at that we want to unduplicate questions we are asking over and over. we needed 289 questions. we could stop asking the same question 227 times. that is what we are looking for. one clap is good government. that is the bureaucracy mayor breed and supervisor peskin wanted eliminated. then we will make it digital. i am excited to be here today. thank you tom, john, stephanie and all of those and ken leading this out of my office and melissa white house. you have all been fabulous to make sure we are not thinking about this as brick and mortar
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but streamlining the process. thank you. next up our partner in the begins, matt woody is instrumental to make sure he works with us every step of the way. he works on many projects. this is one that is near and dear to my house. up next matt woody from related california. [applause.] >> thank you, mayor breed, city administrator kelly, director, i am matt woody. we are overseeing the development of this unusual project. in the city like san francisco that is so land constrained, it is rare to find a 2.5-acre site, much less acquire it in the heart of the city close to public transportation and co-develop it. that is the reason we are here to celebrate.
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i would like to recognize the vision and leadership of our former mayor ed lee. many years ago as city administrator mayor lee began creating the one stopper mitt center to simplify the process. this including the food truck to a project like this, everything you need approval for in san francisco. this is less than a year away from realizing his vision. later on, as mayor, he was instrumental in acquiring this site from goodwill industries in 2014. this is the type of thing we look to do. it is something we are going to be proud of it a year from now when it opens. i would like to recognize the people you have heard about from the supervisor and mayor.
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chief among them is john updike, josh keene, john ram, jeff jocelyne and dan snider from planning. edgar lopez at public works and charles sullivan from the city attorney's office who work with us to get us to this point. related has been partnering with the city and working in san francisco for over 30 years on large projects of this type. innovative public private partnership is the type of challenge world class developments we work to do. 49 south vanness fillings the need to consolidate the city to one place as you have heard. by designing abconstructing both buildings at the same time we had the unique opportunity to plan and consider the needs for
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both buildings. i would like to kill out som and their team who work with us and the city to get these two buildings less than 200 feet apart to look as compatible as we can agree they do. the results of 1.3 million square folk and two magnificent buildings to bring 1800 city employees and apartment complex is unique in san francisco. this mixed use is proof of what san francisco can accomplish when we work together with optimism. thank you very much. >> let's hear from the team on the ground getting this building done. come on up. >> thank you for introducing me. i am joe mckeown.
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i have the honor to stand up with this great group of speakers. i hope i can live up to their charm and wit. welcome. this is a place of pride for all of the workers. this is our daily life and family. we are here to work together to build this great building for the city and county of san francisco. we appreciate related california and the city and county of san francisco to build this building that will live on for the next 100 years to serve the city and county of san francisco. a special thanks to the teams that show up every day and work hard building this building. [applause.] it is the skilled trades men and women behind me today that have worked over 260,000 hours on this building. they excavated 92,000 cubic
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yards ofvillsoil. today will hang the last beam of 2200-tons of -- 2300-tons of structural iron. i am proud to represent this team and i would like to ask you to join me in a great round of applause for the men and women behind me who are the heart and soul of this project. thank you. [applause.] >> thank you. now, mayor, we will go sign the beam and we can get our signatures and it makes the journey to the 16th floor to complete the structural work, and next summer this building will be occupied with the city agencies you heard and the one stop to get anything you want done in the city.
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>> we have been able to participate in 12 athletics wheelchairs. they provide what is an expensive tool to facilitate basketball specifically. behind me are the amazing golden state road warriors, which are one of the most competitive adaptive basketball teams in the state led by its captain, chuck hill, who was a national paralympic and, and is now an assistant coach on the national big team. >> it is great to have this opportunity here in san francisco. we are the main hub of the bay area, which, you know, we should definitely have resources here. now that that is happening, you know, i i'm looking forward to that growing and spreading and helping spread the word that needs -- that these people are here for everyone. i think it is important for people with disabilities, as
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well as able-bodied, to be able to see and to try different sports, and to appreciate trying different things. >> people can come and check out this chairs and use them. but then also friday evening, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., it will be wheelchair basketball we will make sure it is available, and that way people can no that people will be coming to play at the same time. >> we offer a wide variety of adaptive and inclusion programming, but this is the first time we have had our own equipment. [♪]
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good morning, everyone. the meeting will come to order. welcome to the july 8th, 2019 meeting of the rules committee. i am supervisor hillary ronen, seated to my rule is supervisor shamann walton and seated to my left is rules committee member supervisor gordon mar. and we are joined by board president norman yee. there is translation for this meeting. [speaking spanish] supervisor yee.
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