tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 17, 2019 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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good afternoon everyone. it is now 1:00 p.m. the successor agency commission to the san francisco redevelopment agency for tuesday, july 16, 2019. welcome to members of the commission and a special welcome to our newest commissioner. thank you. [applause] >> madam secretary can you call the first item. >> commissioner scott?
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commissioner brackett? roll foz the next order of business is item number two, announcements. the next regularly scheduled commission meeting will be held on tuesday, august 6, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic device. please be advised a member of the public has up to three minutes to make pertinent public comments on each item unless the commissioner has a shorter item. members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a secret card and submit the
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completed card to the commission secretary. item number three, report on actions taken at previous closed session meeting, if any. there are no reported actions. item number five, matters of new business: consent agenda. consent agenda all matters listed hereunder constitute a consent agenda, are considered to be routine by the commission, and will be acted upon by a single vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission or the public so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the consent agenda and considered as a separate item approval of minutes: regular meetings of april 16, 2019 and may 7, 2019 >> do we have any speaker cards? we close public comment on the consent agenda. my fellow commissioners have any questions, comments, motions on the consent agenda? >> no questions. >> can i have a motion?
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item i, authorizing approval of a memorandum of agreement with the international federation of professional and technical engineers local 21 for the term of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2022 discussion and action, resolution number 19-2019. item j, authorizing approval of a memorandum of agreement with the service employees international union local 1021 for the term of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2022 discussion and axon resolution number 20-2019. item k, establishing classifications of positions and compensation schedules for successor agency staff and establishing authority for appointment to and vacation from positions under said classifications and other matters. discussion and action, resolution number 21-2019. madam director.
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>> thank you madam secretary, and the chair. i want to thank the team, the hr team as well as general counsel for leading with the employee unions. what you have before you is typical, the city has gone through with their unions, we piggybacked on the work they have done. what you would see in front of you is mla's reflecting those negotiations and april will be giving a highlight of those business points as well as some of the provisions that are different from the existing agreement. with that i will turn it over to april to present on this item. >> thank you. good afternoon vice chair rosales, federal commissioners, my name is april ward. today i come before you on behalf's -- on behalf of oci.
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approving the memorandum of agreement for successor agency staff, bargaining units which consist of the international federation of professional and technical engineers local 21, the service employees international union local 221. in addition we are seeking approval establishing authority for appointments to positions under classifications with our resolution. to give you a brief history, the existing mla's with the unions cover -- in june 2010 -- 2017. agency commission approved amendments with folks local -- both local 21 at 221. over the last month, ocii held negotiation sessions with both
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and i'm happy to say we successfully reached a tentative agreement on several changes to the mla starting with salary and rage -- a wage range of adjustments. staff will receive an 11% increase over the next three years which is comparable to city and county of san francisco employees for local 21 and 221 bargaining units. the schedule is as follows. 3% july 1, 2019. 1% december 282019. 3% the first full pay. of july 2020. .5% december 26, 2020. 3% of the first full pay part of july 21. .5% january 8, 2022. the increase beginning in 2020 are subject to six months delays of projects exceeding
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200 million. some classification will receive an additional 1% or .5% july 2019 and july 2020. these classifications are outlined on the salary chart. going over some -- i am sorry, going over some of our key notes that we have negotiated. all represented employees are eligible to request an extended range that may be 2.5, five, or 7.5%. the proposed moa's have procedures for employees that would like to request extended range. the new language clarifies
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compensation. the next one is severance. currently the contract offers in the event of a layoff a maximum of four weeks of severance depending on how many years of service. and now offers one week per year up to 12 weeks. the employee must find a relief of all claims that could arise against ocii and an agreement not to pursue any grievances. in addition, an employee who accepts the severance package, and retires within two years of service must pay the severance back to ocii. these conditions are consistent with the ccsf bargaining units. subcontracting and contracting out. the existing labor agreement has language in regards to contracting work that can be formed by ocii staff. one of the procedures requires notification to the unit to meet and. the new language adds prior to layoffs, they shall reduce our
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work by contractors. and also allow staff to perform such work. floating holidays for the existing contract allows for floating holidays for employees. one additional day has been added which gives an account of five floating holidays. this remains consistent with the city and county of san francisco bargaining unit local 21 and 1021. telecommuting. currently telecommuting is only offered to local 21. it is now extended to members of local ten to one. they must meet the terms and conditions with the policy and procedures. workplace awareness. this is a newly added negotiated terms that provides an person group training but is focused on
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promoting, maintaining workplace awareness. it will include implicit bias, addressing disparity among the demographic roots based on gender preference or identity. union membership. on june 27, 2018 the united states supreme court ruled in the federation of state, county and municipal employees, i am sorry, that were mandate union fees and public sectors, violated employee rights under the first amendment to the united gates constitution. because of this the bargaining units proposed this limitation steps that now includes the following; they unions were ali reach out to new hires and current employees seeking voluntary membership. they will also be responsible for tracking cancellation of membership.
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last, they will forward union dues and payment -- to the union and transfer dues for the employees. ocii human resources department will no and new hire packages or information to a new hire orientation. previous negotiated items before you is paid parental leave. previously we negotiated to add an additional benefit to our existing fmla policy. he consist with the city of san francisco policy and procedures. the mla now has language that has paid parental leave and policies and procedures. one of the highlighted benefits is inclement full use of 12
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weeks of baby bonding being guaranteed under the california family rights act. my last approval request is our salary resolution. the salary resolution you have before you establishes rates of pay for all ocii classifications for represented staff that have been negotiated. this resolution also allows the under presented staff to follow the same rules of the salary ordinance and see salary increases. in addition it also adds that the executive director, his or her designee has the appointment authority for all classifications with the exception of the executive directors classification.
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this concludes my presentation. we recommend your approval on the local 21, local 221 on a resolution. last, i would like to thank both bargaining unit negotiation teams. local 21 and local 221 members stand to be recognized. thank you. i am available for any questions you may have. >> thank you. do we have any speaker cards? >> yes, we have two. james susskind. >> good afternoon.
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my name is jane susskind, assistant development specialist at ocii and a representative of the ocii chapter of the international federation of professional and technical engineers local 21. as stated by mr. ward and her presentation, our bargaining team and ocii management reached a tentative agreement that our members recently voted on, and all of the voters unanimously ratified. we have 32 members and 28 of them were present for the vote and all 28 of them voted to ratify. therefore we are satisfied with the proposed memorandum of agreement, that is the subject matter, a resolution 19 -- 2019. i am before you today to request that you commissioners vote to approve the new agreements. i would like to thank ocii
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management team and our spectacular bargaining team for diligent, collegial, straightforward and relatively mellow negotiation process. on behalf of our members, i respectfully request that you approve resolution 19-2019 moa with ifpte local 21 and the associated 21-2019 salary resolution. thank you. >> good afternoon. i am an associate planner at ocii @ of the seiu local 1021. i am representing my union and i personally am happy to say, as stated by ms. ward and her presentation that both
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bargaining teams have reached an agreement that has been ratified by the members and we are satisfied with the new contract. as you know, it is only tentative until it has been formally approved by the commission which is why i am before you today. i would like to thank the management team and our bargaining teams for a smooth and easy negotiation. on behalf of the members of local 21, we ask that you please approve seiu local 1021 at resolution-2019. thank you. >> thank you. >> no more speaker cards out of vice chair. >> is there anyone in the audience that would like to address the commission on these matters? i will close public comment and turned to my fellow commissioners for questions. >> i have no questions. i want to think april ward.
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thank you so much for such a well put together report. and delivering it so well. thank you union representative for sharing that you have approve this. i didn't get your name, i am sorry. jane. thank you so much. i, too, agree and believe that we need to approve. >> thank you. commissioner brackett any questions or comments? >> i don't have any questions. i want to thank all of the union representative for making this a smooth process and also to make sure that all of our labor and workers are able to get the same terms as the other members of the union and all of our other members are in compliance. i just want to mention that.
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>> my only comment is the word "smooth" came up twice, i think. [laughter] that's wonderful. there is labor harmony as they say. i'm in full agreement. i think this is a good package. our staff works very hard. we are very grateful. all of these benefit are well deserved. >> i move that we agree on the mla for the ifpte local 21 at 2021, for the term of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2022. >> i second the motion. >> it has been moved by commissioner scott and seconded by commissioner brackett.
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of understanding the san francisco office of economic and workforce development to provide workforce compliant services to the office community investment and infrastructure subject to annual appropriation of funds. action, resolution 12-2019. madam director? >> thank you. this item before you is routine approval, if you recall a few at the last meeting we adopted for the budget, 1920 budget. before you today is the workforce development, and the work they provide for us. they tend to work on all of our related matters. i know we also will have representatives from workforce development as well. >> good afternoon. contracting plan supervisor with ocii.
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the commission i before you today. to request oppression -- commission approval into the mou with the office of economic and workforce develop meant for workforce compliant services. a request authorizations for the directive executive each fiscal year to reimburse lew d. as a side note, the reimbursements are for actual oew staff cost that did not have the fiscal year budget. as a background, the ocii implements enforceable obligations for developments admission date, and a point on the shipyard.
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each of these development obligations require the developers with good faith effort to comply with ocii workforce program. also a local training hiring for design professionals. a little bit about each of the programs. the construction hiring as been talked about extensively and prior workforce reports. the objective is to hire to the best of the contractor's ability, 50% of the construction hiring by trade and by hour. the current attainment, we will talk more about the attainment in our next semiannual report. overall 25%, 17% participation by other trades. which of note, is that oew d,
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provide services to us with essentially with staff support. we were with six oewd staff members for compliance and placement services. certainly oewd does implement our workforce program on a day-to-day basis with respect to contractor compliance for construction workforce. along with what they bring to us, are the services of city build account to be. they do provide recruitment and placement with sponsorship services for ocii working closely with contractors. there are neighborhood access points including base organizations that provide referrals to oewd in terms of workers that are interested in the construction trades.
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again, to emphasize they do reimburse oewd for staff charges but really for compliant services only. the city does cover the cost of training emplacements. a little bit about the training program. the objective of the program is to provide training opportunities for essentially college students that are enrolled in architecture and engineering. a career pathway in terms of exposure to the fields. it focuses economically and socially disadvantaged residen residents. as an obligation design professionals with contracts of service engagements over 100,000 are obligated to make efforts to hire one or more trainees based on contract size. in 2016, ocii did launch a training program in an effort
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effort to beef up the program. working in collaboration with oewd and the japanese community youth center. to help employers meet those particular obligations. the current mou does formalize the relationship with oewd. we have 22 employers that have participated in the last two years. some of this is on the screen and in your handout. we have placed 38 san francisco residents into various design professional firms. we have had great success getting the first range of individuals, san francisco residents into the program. providing statistics for your consideration.
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it has been very gender diverse as well. we obtained students from city college which has been a primary focus along san francisco state university. we are projecting 12 participants in this current summer cycle. as far as some key provisions in the mou that i would like to highlight. the inclusion of the training program. it is a continuous mou to be terminated by either party, mutual consent or completion of our enforceable obligations. the funds to fund the mou, that is through the approval practices overseen and approved by the commission.
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again, i would like to highlight the fact of the reimbursements are for oewd after staff cost. for the past cycles, there has been about 861,000 budgeted for the past 4.5 years. it is running under budget overall. our current fiscal year budget is about 239. we don't have the actual to da date. for fiscal year 2020, it is 242,000 that was presented to the commission and approved by the commission in may of our budget. some of the next steps certain certainly, if approved, authorized the executive director to execute the interview. certainly we will be reporting on a semiannual basis, as usual
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the results of our sve and our workforce reporting. the budget or the funds for the mou is appropriated each year and will be presented to the commission each year. with that said, i will be happy to answer any questions. i believe -- okay. we do have the director of economic and workforce development here to answer any questions that you may have. of we also have the director. >> thank you. does mr. addison want to address the commission at this.? >> hello commissioners.
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director of workforce development for the office of economic workforce development. i apologize, i got the tail end of the conversation he had i think i have a good sense from our pre- meeting in the buildup today about our trailer for our partnership with ocii as well as some of the outcomes of some of the programming. i will differ to our acting building director about some questions you might have about construction. if it's an appropriate point to talk about some of the work. i know we wanted to talk about some of the training programs. would this be an appropriate time -- i guess what, i mean, to say, commissioner, i would be happy to answer any questions you might have. >> let's see if we first see if we have speaker cards so we can hear members of the public so that can inform any conversations we might have. >> again, we thank you for the
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partnership with ocii. >> no speaker cards. >> does anyone in the audience want to address the commission at this point on this item @? there we go. please state your name for the record. >> i am patrick josiah bell with the bay view on his area. i am really opposed to the city bill and compliance. i have asked them about who does the compliant -- -- compliance for the hiring for the minority. i have been informed that they don't have anybody that really goes out to check. to see if the contractors are
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doing more than "a good faith effort." i think a good faith effort is a bunch of crap. it is what minority people have been facing all of their lives. i have asked the workforce people for a monitor, to go out and check. i've asked them to do what we call random audits. our response to random audits. this city is spending millions of dollars and nobody randomly orders these companies to see if they are actually in compliance. we rely on the contractors to do good faith.
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i know contractors lie. the contractors lied about their auditing and what they had done. so, i think the commission needs to address this issue of having independent audits, random audits. i told the people, from the mayor's office, that once the word gets out, hey, you could be audited. i'm not saying audit everybody, but a random audit. the word will spread so quickly, the compliance will come in order that people would stop making a good-faith effort and start doing what they agreed to do in the contract.
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>> thank you. is there anyone else in the audience that would like to address the commission? the matter is closed for commission questions. at this point, we can address anyone that has questions, comments? commissioner brackett? >> and have a couple of questions. there is comments about 50% local construction hiring by our and by trade. what percentage are we at currently? >> on and over no -- on an overall basis, 25% for laborers and carpenters. the other trades, what includes what we consider to be a lot of trades that the placement, or
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the dispatch of individuals from the unions, it is 17%. . >> commissioner brackett: which unions does not comprise of? can you list them out? >> i can list a few, but i thint position to answer that. >> okay. >> thank you commissioners. first i want to thank the issue being raised. we definitely want to engage in the community. it's actually something we are proud of to work with the community to figure out how to improve the numbers. specifically to answer the questions about the trade that has specific requirements, electricians, plumbers, sheet autoworkers. no matter what we do, there is a process that the union has set in place to get people into the
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union to make sure that individuals go through a process to get referred out directly through dispatching process. since it was a collective bargaining agreement. what we have done, as city bill than what we have been working with the various trades. for example, using electricians. we have a direct interview. people who graduate from a program can bypass some of the initial process and they can go directly to interview for the electricians to get into that craft. that is one example on how we have been working to try to basically get our residents to do that craft. we continue to work in improving the program. unfortunately, we only have two cycles per year, 50 per cycle. what we have done is worked on special training. working with community recruit for example.
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we have a special going on right now for the ironworkers. some of the things we have been trying to engage with is working with the community to see where the opportunities are and get them access into this trade. especially, i will be following up to schedule a meeting to employ what we have done on a compliance end. and doing audits on these companies which we have been doing. i'm going to schedule meetings to go into detail and get any other recommendations we have for the program. >> would you mind giving us a synopsis overview of what that compliance looks like for the record? >> yes. looking at where the performance of payroll is. tracking whether the contractors have identified, in a preconstruction meeting. that is attending a meeting. submit their workforce forms as part of the partnership that ocii has. we review what their hiring
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needs are so we can see if they meet the 50%. they do not identify that they have to meet local residents. they have to submit a hiring plan on how they are going to meet that plan. once they start work we have monthly meetings. these are site meetings that have been inferred. we meet with contractors on a monthly basis to review if they have met those steps and if they hired anybody, any local resident. if they have not done so, they have not done or demonstrated in good faith we schedule them into the office to meet one-on-one to see what they have done and make recommendations on how they can solve the corrective action. afterward they submit to us on various documentations needed to demonstrate whether they are in compliance or not.
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. >> commissioner brackett: what are the penalties and ramifications for being not in compliance? >> i'm going to give that to ray from ocii to talk about their processes. >> the compliance aspect is spelled out within our workforce contracting plan that allows the executive director, first and foremost an arbitration provision within the policies that calls out arbitration proceedings, if there is a dispute regarding their effort. it does allow the the executive director to stop a job. we have not had that particular instance.
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it's really through that process. . >> commissioner brackett: have one last quick question. of the 50 per cycle do you get a full, or is it partial, or how many in the last year? do you get 50 participants each time? >> actually it ranges, give or take. in this current cycle we accepted 54. the last cycle we accepted 48. it is really close to the 50 per cycle for our city build academy. [inaudible] we try our best, and also we have a special emphasis on choosing females into the class.
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. >> commissioner brackett: i noticed in one portion there is a mention currently being under budget. you guys are currently operating under budget. is there room within that budget to increase the number of participants that you guys can accept per year? >> the budget has increased through the years. i believe there is some additional staff members that city build is hiring. certainly as our needs dictate based on the contract that we have, they would place additional resources onto them. i don't think it's a matter of resources as an example. the chase center which has been quite active and nearing
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completion. those resources certainly can be dedicated when chase completes, those resources would certainly be reallocated to other projects and other city projects as well. >> commissioner scott? . >> commissioner scott: a couple of things, i did attend the graduation with the chase center last year. i was very impressed with 40 graduates, minorities, and the majority of them were from our bayview center's in san francisco. the social levels impressed me as well.
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homeless now in homes. folks that could not afford to stay in the city now can. i was impressed with even the diversity. i was impressed with sunnydale, with with hunters point, bayvi bayview. i was impressed with the male, female range and the class that the women worked their way into and how pleased they were with it. i am not impressed that we are still under the number. i am not impressed that the accountability. i would say with mr. kim's words saying he would like to meet with master build, and if there's any others that can sit with you and help you work that up to a better standard.
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that would be a great thing. i also went to your open house which was a full attended, and i went to every section where women were learning welding. the electricals, the carbon t. the men and women, the diversity of the group. i was extremely impressed with that. those dots were working towards graduation, the jobs and the fact that they are not just being trained here at your site, but they go to other sort -- sites in the bay area. i'd do want to see this go on, because it is building up our men and women for generations. it is giving them the hope and the skills, the income, economically that is much needed. i would say, if you follow through on the things that need
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improvement, you certainly have my vote to approve this. >> if i can provide some context to the numbers. it seems to be a prevailing theme that the percentage is l low. while it doesn't meet the 50%, it is rather significant. i say that for the chase and as an example. over 3.8 million hours have been put onto the project. and, with today's construction environment being very active and the local resident pool in the construction field you can see that 50% is rather ambitious in that respect. again, overall with our project this past six months, i believe
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2 million hours have been performed on our projects. so, 25% of that is still very significant. >> i was just talking with mr. lee to maybe add one additional thing that i think is something of initial value that we can provide through the partnership. that is just knowing who the men and women are that are out there looking for work, but not working. kudos to mayor breed for our newest commissioner, commissioner brackett. we knew you were going to be pushing for answers and information for us to make sure in the words of mayor that no one gets up to behind. thank you and welcome. doctor scott is right. the chase center training represents something we sought to do as we saw percentages
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brought. when we were having conversations ten years ago, during the redevelopment era. the unemployment rate hit 10.1% in january of 2010. 40,000 men and women, citywide looking for work but not working. and then our low income community our rates were more like 30-40% of unemployment. looking here today, unemployment just hit for the first time in the city's history three weeks ago hit 1.9% unemployment. it's the first time in the history of the city that we are under 2%. that 45,000 number is now 11,000 approximately. 11,000 men and women out there looking for work. i think we all agree, no one left behind because we still know in are southeast neighborhoods in fillmore, mission, lakeview, we have to make sure to tell you that, because we just got some data from the state that shows that the pockets of unemployment that we know are concentrated because
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we know unemployment discriminate. those pockets are nine 1214. this is across average of 2018. that is the highest unemployment as far as any zip codes in the city. as far zip codes in the city with the highest looking for work. we just got this data on july 3. we are arty putting it to work. this is no additional cost to ocii. this is what we are doing to further your goals area the goals on the percentage, a good-faith policy creates limitations. what we appreciate about your staff and your leadership, u.s. commissioners, as you provide the push and the catalyst to be creative. if the percentage is not there. the chase center training. the 32 minute women who came in from our neighborhoods build that arena and now have their career going. that creativity helps us and bring them into the industry.
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>> joshua would you be willing to take a group, on eight tour of your site as well as the chase center so they can see what the numbers in actuality look like at that 17%. >> absolutely. that is what is needed. if we just see it on paper we don't see who is out there, who is benefiting of that percenta percentage, then it leaves you feeling not hopeless, but just questionable about the performance and the need. >> absolutely, we would ask doctor scott is with the agreement we could invite our committee members from the pac a, joyce armstrong, everybody from the cic if it is the will of the commission. we would love to do that. >> that would be the answer. >> absolutely.
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>> i have a couple of follow-up questions. the first one is for mr. lee. we are talking about overall attainment, right? 25% laborers and carpenters, 17% others. can you give us a read on hunters.? what does that look like? >> the bayview hunters point is in the mid 30s. low to mid 30s. there is greater emphasis certainly in the bayview hunte hunters..-ellipsis hunters point. . >> commissioner brackett: i did remember that. what about the verification of those numbers? the concept of audit, random audits, surprise audits, i don't think that is like something new. the city does that, the controller, maybe we will talk to the controller on the next
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item. the controller does that, you know randomly by legislation, takes local businesses or any business and then looks at what they are doing. is that something we can do, something we can do at the controller's office if we are not doing it directly? or are we? >> we are doing it. i believe it resulted from comment about close to two years ago possibly. there has been activities undertaken by city build. >> can we get a rape art on what those have been? i mean, it is a public record, i presume. >> correct. the next annual report is augus.
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i will provide context in that report. >> okay. i had a couple of other questions. one has to do with the way the proposal, the resolution, just to be clear. in my six years of the commissioner, the mou with oewd and other city departments have come annually, foz on front of us and then of course we look at it again during the budget process. i am understanding that annual individual review that we are doing right now, we would not do? >> you would continue to do it in the context of the budget. certainly the reports that we provide on a semiannual basis. it was really to reduce paper, because it is routine in that respect.
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there is a provision that allows termination by either party or mutual consent. we thought it was more effective because the item does get presented on annual basis during the budgetary process. as a commissioner, i don't have a problem in doing it that way. i've got plenty of other things to do. i want to make sure that the commission knows each time there is an opportunity to review the scope of the services, because we may want to enhance the scope or change of the skull. we won't want that or whatever appropriate time clearly adding money is one piece of it. but adding scope is another piece of it. >> we take input during the semiannual reports as well as the budget process. >> we need to make sure, and
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then remind fault -- folks and use the monitoring process to allow for feedback. you can always call me, as well. >> speaking about enhancing the scope, have another question. i mention this to our executive director. i don't see it here but i'm going to bring it up. it was brought up unintentionally. if i'm interested in i've been interested for a while and having some of our staff or our sister agencies staff in this case oewd and bark on what i call a custom census of job classifications in starting, i would propose for the reasons that were mentioned. we have asked and i'm glad
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there's new data. i would love to see that data. we have been asking the unemployment rate citywide is this amazing 1.9. i still have not heard the number for baby boomers point or mission bay. with bayview hunters point if it's the highest, is at a high meaning 3%, 10%, when you do a custom census you look at the job classifications not just on construction but what are the capabilities of the employable folks and the employed folks in the area. in this case bayview hunters point. and then we can start thinking about workforce development, not just on construction which sounds like we are doing well but in other parts. this is something that may lee wanted to do before he passed
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away. he mentioned it to me this commission has to begin to look beyond construction. the supervisor and send it me just recently. when we do workforce development we have to think beyond construction. don't forget construction, but we have to look beyond. the only way we're going to do it is with a custom census. we need to have money allocated. money is important is that something we can task at the mayor's office of workforce development to do? >> absolutely. i'm reading through the raw data. it is for the average, again this, the thing about unemployment there's two ways to reported, locally, the state of california reports a certain way and then the feds report a certain way. the number we consistently hear
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is the state number. the number i'm saying now is citywide of .9%. it's at 4.5% unemployment. that means according to this. remember everyone's is not working. this is individuals looking for work but not working. there is a factor of several times more who are not working. that could be being shut out of work because of the failures of the justice system. that could be limited english, that could be work authorizati authorization. that could be also just the challenge we try to work through when we think about what does workforce development look like in this time of record low unemployment versus record high-end employment. it means looking at barriers like the challenge of living in public housing more affordable housing where there is income limitations. there is unfortunate conundrum which is about moving up
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economically in terms of self-sufficiency and going from subsidized housing to owning your own home going out and renting an apartment. the challenges with the price of housing so high there is a big jump between subsidized rent payments are then going to rent your own place that we are seeking a challenge for. going to work is going to make your rent go up. for every dollar that your rent goes up it's two more dollars in your pocket. talking about that at some of the work we are trying to do to advance what workforce looks like. back to the data it tells us 94124, tells us on average last year there were approximately individuals working but not working. when we look at 94112, which is lakeview. working to open up a new acces access.for the first., a job
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center lakeview here in the coming months. it is appropriate, because while the percentage is lower than 914243% versus 4.5%. in lakeview there is 1590 individuals. we would be more than happy. again this is just additional. we are grateful for the funding we get it's interesting, it's a challenge for all of us to leave no one behind to not say 1.9% is a great number when it's 1.5 in other neighborhoods. we can definitely do this for you and there is a lot we can do beyond construction. the board of supervisors just gave more resources. based on the terms of entitlement on the implementation of your policy.
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that is a policy we use to get entry-level referrals for disadvantage san franciscans to get into some of these other nonconstruction additional courier building opportunities that are out there. particularly through your training program. we were talking to maria about the potential out there in the coming year. thank you. >> excellent. thank you. >> just one thing. in all fairness, i would like to just state. i had the opportunity of going to communities graduation where they gave wraparound services through the whole 11 week process getting our people ready for work, and on-the-job. amazingly they said historically, it was the largest
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