tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 19, 2019 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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madam secretary, i will keep my comments brief. congratulations to director huey who participated in the city administrator's office on school reisraelience in september. insuring seismic safety to our schools and remains a top priority for the city. the big one ed donnelly who manages the response unit and senior engineer and the plan review supervisor participated in the recent conference call with portland, oregon, building officials to exchange best practices on the respective city's emergency response and
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preparations. he is eager to accept taken by san francisco such as the seismic retrofits of the apartments, safety assessments to provide damage assessments and reoccupancy timelines and effective emergency response plan with key personnel prepared to act. with earthquakes near bakers field they need to get ready for the next one. that is top priority for all cities and residents. keep focused on that. big thank you to joe duffy and kevin who received letter from appreciation from a customer. the customer said we are thankful your staff are around makings sure we are surrounded by safe buildings. congratulations.
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congratulations to director huey for his past participation in the panel discussion which he briefed members on the safety programs including mandatory seismic retrofits of apartment buildings, private schools and structure evaluation and implementation of seismic safety recommendation and storefronts. congratulations to deputy director and senior engineer who participate tomorrow afternoon, july 18th in the meeting with supervisor peskin and the members about specific tier four mandatory seismic retrofit projects. they will update on the status of this retrofit and respond to questions. also to director hughie making remarks at the chinese real
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estate association expo on july 27th. there will be an update on important safety programs. finally, the international code council, icc, are hosting on july 25 a seismic roundtable in the state capitol to discuss the issues in developing a national appliable approach to seismic functional recovery for new construction. d.b.i. staff will be participating to improve communications, share ideas and facilities, collaboration among local, state and federal agencies for seismic safety standards and practices. that concludes my announcements. >> is there any public comment on the president's announcements? seeing none, our next item is item 3 general public comment.
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the bic will take public comment on matters not part of this agenda. >> i am kevin chang. i would like to talk about 18th street. in the review conducted by building staff. planning commission on may 9th requested a history review. building and planning inspected the site inspection on june 13th. in addition to 13 previously identified code violations. they identified 11 more issues. serial permitting. expansion of building, conversion of storage space without permits. building staff scheduled to present the findings to planning
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commission tomorrow on july 18th. however some issues. unpermited activity done in plain sight without any enforcement action taken. no less than 17 on site inspections and despite complaints by the public in 2016 to 2018, building inspectors took no action and determined no violations existed. complaineds concerning the permitting, some of the same code violations recently determined. not until after the planning commission requested the permit review did the building staff issue is notice of violation in may 2019. building inspectors issued one nov and identified in 2016 some walls which were fences built without permit but did not identify the majority every training walls were unpermitted.
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822 cubic yards of the original building was excavated without permits. it is like noticing the trees but missing the forest. trees were cut illegally but not noticing the entire forest was being raped. permit history review needs to be thorough and transparent. building inspection and code enforcement up-to-date has not been. how could this happen? what should be done? that is what the building inspection needs to investigate and must hold senior management to act. thank you. >> good morning. here are some sheets for each of you. it is about the bic planning
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commission joint hearing from april 2018. it is three hours and 13 minutes. i picked out people. i didn't just do the public. it is very interesting. the comparison with the one you just had in june is stark. there is one thing that stood out besides the comments i highlighted on the sheet for you. you were going to get together with the planning commission sometime before the end of the summer of 2018 and do something, you know, have a blue ribbon panel. i don't know what happened to that. i know the legislation came from the board. that was a good idea. i think there were a lot of good ideas at the hearing especially
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marrmare mary gallagher. i wish she were still here. with overhead, please. i was involved in a dr in an action at the board of appeals for a project across the street from me. there was an excavation to put a unit below the garage. i was concerned about that and concerned about the preservation of the façade which is a mediterranean battle front, it is very nice. that is going away. what happened with the second unit that was very pleasing to the planning commission and staff. it was three bedroom unit and after the dr, they didn't deal with the façade issue or the excavation of the unit. i thought to unit should go in the garage. it is made for that. with the revision they did
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reduce this back for the neighbor down the hill. your knowledge staff said two -- building staff said they didn't have proper egress. i don't think they met the standards. my point is not to point fingers but to say it would have been nice if that could have been discovered at the beginning and the planning commission and staff and the neighbors could have had more information. what happened just to finish the story. we did go to the board of appeals. they didn't do anything about the façade. when the commissioner saw it he said you have got to have a second bedroom that is happening now. nothing has happened yet. it is sitting there. you know, i don't know how they are going to do the second
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bedroom and have a decent living room. it is kind of a mess. i hope it works out. i just think it shows that somehow building and planning need to work together at the beginning. if you have some issues, the building code has issues that don't mesh with the planning code or planning department's policy to try to dense fi, then something has to happen. i don't think this unit will be on the market. it is not very desirable. thank you very much. >> there are no additional public comments, we will go to item 4. action to swear in a member of the co-advisory committee. they recommend gina for the
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street to expire in 2022. >> we met and there was an opportunity to bring a new member into the code advisory committee, and, fortunately, a very well qualified experienced person stepped up t up to take e seat. it is gina sin tony. she lived here 30 years as a bay area native, runs her own contracting company. i have known gina many years. her intelligence and hard work and her commitment to this profession are exemplary. in doing home remodeling, these projects sometimes get very hairy, and people are not always happy, however, when you talk to
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clients of gina they are amazed by the strong outcomes. she is noted for always doing it right as the first standard that is throughout the project. it is with absolute pleasure that i welcome her to code advisory committee. as my wife pointed out, it is about time we had more women serving, and we are delighted to have such a qualified one finding the time to do this and serve her city. i would like to swear her in now. >> we have to do the motion first. >> all right. >> i would like to move we have
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states and the constitution of the state of california against all enemies, foreign and domestic. that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california, that i take this obligation freely without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion. and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which i am about to enter and during such time as i hold the office as a member of the
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code advisory committee, general contractor seat of the state and county of san francisco. >> okay. we are all set. if you would like to make comments, you are welcome to. >> it is a thrill to be here. i am anxious to contribute. i live this code every day. i am in the field. i don't dress like this often. it is a pleasure to form what happens going forward. thank you. [applause.] >> next item is 5. discussion and possible action to make recommendations regarding current membership and reappointments to the code
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advisory committee. terms to expire august 10, 2022. >> our other members of the code advisory committee have decided to stay on. we want to first and foremost thank them for their service and their willingness to continue with their service. i therefore move that all the other nominations be approved. >> second. >> motion and second. i will do the roll call vote. (roll call). >> would it be appropriate to read the names and seats for the record. >> just a minute. hold on. steven harris, chair, small
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projects civil engineer. j edgar finney, junior, major project architect. sony sanchez, general business community, disability access advocate -- arnie is disability. i am sorry. commercial property owner henry. robert wong. mechanical engineering contractor. for robert wong. renney project structural engineer. bryan sellers for fire protection engineer.
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think that is it. we have three year terms for all of our renewing members. if i had you in the wrong category, i do apologize. we appreciate your service. >> i will call the question then. >> we will do a roll call vote to approval all members of the code advisory committee. (roll call). the motion carries unanimously. would you all please come forward.
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foe the oath of office i, state your name, do solemnly swear, that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states, and the constitution of the state of california, against all enemies foreign and domest domestic. that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of the united states. and the constitution of the state of california. that i take this obligation freely without any mental reservation, or purpose of
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evasion. and that i will well and fate fe fully discharge did duties upon which i am about to enter, and during such times as a hold the office of a member of the code advisory committee. state your seat. of the city and county of san francisco. thank you all very, very much. [applause.] >> if anybody wants to say a record, you are more than welcome. thank you.
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>> commissioner walker. >> i want to thank all of these volunteers, both on this body and the board of examiners, who advise us so much with your specific and vast knowledge of code and construction. it really helps, especially those of us who aren't necessarily builders and have that knowledge, it is extremely important as we review these policies. thank you. it is really important to all of us. >> thank you very much. next item is item 6. discussion and possible action to make recommendations regarding current membership and reappointment goes to the board of examiners. term goes to expire
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september 15, 2022. manuel flores, patrick, bradley sugar man, sam, dan, james reed, michael, jeremiah, randy collins and michael robins. >> okay. i move that we accept all of these reappointments. >> second. >> we have a motion and second to accept all of the members of the board of examiners. i will do a roll call vote on that as well. any public comment? none. (roll call).
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the motion carries unanimously. are there any members of the board of examiners present? come forward, please. >> once again, thank you all very much for your service. please repeat after me. i do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california against all enemies, foreign and
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domestic, that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of di the united states and the constitution of the state of california. that i take this obligation freely without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion, and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which i am about to enter, and during such time as i hold the offers of a member of the board of examiners, state your seat. of the city and county of san francisco. thank you again.
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[applause.] >> if anybody wants to make any comments, you are more than welcome. that is item 6 as well there. before we close i want to thank commissioner and commission mere lee for the outstanding job. i don't think we ever had so many new faces. i really appreciate that. we know what work goes into that committee to get people's participation with all of the code stuff on the tall buildings and the earthquake and code.
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it is incredible part of this big cog of the wheel that makes the world go around. that is great work you are doing. thank you so much. did you want to say any comments or just sign your life away. appreciate that. with that, madam secretary, we will go to the next item. >> thank you. congratulations to the board of examiners members. item 7. commissioner's questions and matters. a inquiries to staff. at this time commissioners may make inquiries to staff regarding various documents, policy, practices and procedures which are of interest to the commission. commissioner walker. >> iowa like t -- i would like e an update about the cover program. a couple years ago supervisor
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weiner and i worked on a focused financial assistance program for landlords with code enforcement issues and couldn't afford to do the work. it took forever to get it up and running. i would love to get a sense from the folks in the mayor's office of housing and community development who managed that and maybe some of the code enforcement groups involved with referrals, it would be good to revisit that. i always intended to try to expand that because there is such a need for helping around code enforcement and getting things done especially around seismic. it would be great to have an update to be able to see the path forward, if there is one, that we can move from here.
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thank you. >> thank you, ms. walker. commissioner lee, please. >> commissioner lee: i would like if this can be on the agenda or some way to review the complaint process and be the issuance of novs on problems that involve two or more properties. i am not saying that i am critical of anything. right now it seems like we need to find a way to get multiple properties together and resolving some of these issues. i am trying to see if there is some way to get in front of it, have a third-party involved before it gets to the abatement process then to us. i don't know how. i wonder if we can review the process of how we do business, how we issued the novs, how
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the departments try to resolve this with the owners, then how it gets resolved. >> commissioner washall. >> is last meeting was with the planning commissioners. supervisor peskin presented a broad sweeping proposal for the first hearing with us, and many of the elements of it were in dispute and i know much more work is going to be done, but in particular for the building inspection commission, i think the very first issue that we would love to see is that a good
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statement jointly issued between the staffs of planning and building to resolve any differences in our definitions of demolitions come to fruition as quickly as possible. while the supervisor's office was excellent at reaching out to each staff individually, i think that it would be very, very constructive if we made a concerted effort to work with the planning staff and try to get a proposal on resolving this confusing and conflicting standard that then the supervisor can choose to either accept or modify and bring forward so that we at least as a first step on these issues get that dilemma finally resolved.
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>> commissioner walker. >> i totally support that specific focus, but there are also as brought up by one of our members of the public, there are many issues that we as commissions came together around. it would be nice to -- if we can do it. we had one meeting to set up the next meeting which took a year and a half. it would be great if we had a working group to help facilitate this and set up the agendas for the next meeting. our departments are moving in together, hopefully, at some point to be defined later, we will have a permit checking system to bring our departments together. to that end maybe we could include that as a second agenda
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item, more expansive process. >> i couldn't agree more. all of the items were under discussion should be reevaluated and moving forward on as many of them as possible is good, but a first step is really what i am proposing around this one where there is complete agreement, we need to clear up the discrepancy. i absolutely applaud the idea of working more closely with our colleagues and as you point out before our meeting a year and a half ago, we had a very long gap on joint sessions. we then had a year and a half gap as we were waiting for the supervisors draft to be heard and i share your feelings that
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the joint sessions can be very useful, effective and build our relationship with our colleagues. i would very much like to see them regular into annual, semi annual and special needs whenever required. moving forward with some effort to work with our colleagues to normalize the joint session and regularize it would be something i would welcome as well. >> thank you, commissioner. the feedback from the hearing was quite positive, i believe. i think from regardless where you are on the issue, i think everybody felt it was a needed and transparent conversation about a piece of legislation
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trying to work the way through. i am not sure where it is right now. i am hearing it has gone back to the drawing board on a lot of issues. i haven't heard any conversation. has staff reached out? maybe they could give us an update next month with the planning and supervisor peskin's office on what is happen of course. i do concur this should be more consistent on a regular basis. i think we start off every year trying to get that. a year and-a-half is probably better than four years. >> commissioner walker to your point, i do agree. on the other aspect if i was looking i am seeing a lot of legislation, and i know one is at planning tomorrow in
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reference to making buildings more dependent on the carbon footprint and the city determining how we are going to get our buildings more efficient. i see a lot of legislation. there is one on commercial buildings over 50,000 feet tomorrow. i know there is another hearing on monday at the land use which is a discussion on the future of how we are going to get the pretty much how the city is going to move the energy needs and its green policy and procedures. it has to do a lot with buildings in the future. i wouldn't mind a close eye on that to see how those conversations with going and give us input what is expected of the department as the legislation will grow and develop over the next year. not necessarily next month but please if we could get updates on that, i would really
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appreciate it. >> next item 7b. future meetings. there will be future meetings anagenda. the commission may discuss and take action to set the date of a special meeting and/or derm those items that could be placed on the agenda of the next meeting. it will be august 21st, 2019. is there any further commissioner comments? public comment on items 7a and b? >> thank you. good morning. i am jerry drantler. i share the positive statements of intention regarding common definition of demolition. i would like to see the positive statements move forward towards
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something more actionable. my suggestion is to clearly define the problem and propose the solutions in a reasonable timeframe. at some point there be a motion toward that end. thank you. >> any additional public comment on this item? seeing none, item will discussion and possible action regarding the san francisco amendments to the 2019 california building standards code, including the building, existing building, residential, mechanical, plumbing, electrical and green building codes. >> i am michelle with the department of building inspection. throughout this year we worked hard with the members of the d.b.i. as well as the subcommittees and cac to review
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repeal the 2016 san francisco code amendments and adopt the 2019 san francisco amendments in conjunction with adopting the state amendments to the codes. i bring forward a proposed packets of six drafts what the codes will be in 2019 and will be effective in 2020. it will be the san francisco building code amendments 2019 alongside the san francisco existing building code amendments 2019 edition proposed san francisco electrical code amendments 2019 code. plumbing code amendments 2019 code addition. and proposed san francisco
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mechanical code amendments 2019 edition. for your review, when we are providing this draft for you, the shaded do you see that? it is the unchanged language in the national code or the california code. then if they had made changes crossed out or underlined and we have incorporated into the san francisco amendments that are shown here. some of these are shaded to let you know this is what the state has and the unshaded is what is the changes that san francisco made to them. i just wanted to give you an overview of what we did. basically the changes you may see in here have to a lot of it has to do with section no. changes. we go through the numbers and
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the section numbers changed with the national or state code. another item that we made sure we are ensuring that we don't duplicate the language either in the state or national code. the great thing about some of it the national or state code has caught up with san francisco. the fact we are very diligent in our building safety and environmental impact of the housing and building stock in san francisco. the state has acknowledged that and the national level and state level. sometimes they have taken that language and put it in the state code. therefore in the san francisco amendments we don't need it any more because the language is incorporated already which is great for us. the other thing that the last thing we made sure we caught a
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lot of the ordinances that have passed that may not have been incorporated in the building code yet is in the processor it has passed -- the ordinance has passed maybe the publishsher has not put it in the code. we don't want to lose that. when we repeal in 2016 it doesn't get lost in legislation. as you see it we have the six draft of the code here. i would be happy to answer any questions you have unless you want to go through item by item. i know them now because i went through all of it. >> thank you. hats off to you. it is a lot of material to learn and to know and to be smart
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about, and it is well-done. thank you for all of that. >> thank you very much for coming up today. is there any public comment on this item? if not we will do a motion to approve. >> so move to approve. >> second. >> the code amendments. >> there is a motion and second. i will do a roll call vote on it. (roll call). it carries unanimously. >> madam secretary.
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>> our next is item 9 update on sf permit, accela person mitt and project tracking system. >> deputy city attorney. i want to caution there are some on the advice of council we do not advice going to any issues with the contract with the accela system. we will leave this to a factual discussion of the work thus far and hope to have an update on other issues at the next big hearing. >> i am with the department of technology working on the implementation of the sf permit for the department. in terms of current status, we started the end to end test
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round. in contrast to the previous test rounds. end to end is designed to exercise the system as it would be used in live production within d.b.i. so we are testing the hand-offs which are very critical in the processes as permits go from intake to plan reviews to issued and inspections conducted. the process plus the hand-offs are the focus of end to end. that began a week ago monday. we are into our eighth day of end to end testing. we have out of the end to end testing as of this morning, we have logged 92 -- well one severity one and 91 severity two issues. the amount of issues that we
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have amassed halfway through the test cycle is concerning to us. within the project team and with the executive committee we have taken those discussions up with the appropriate parties at acella to ask them to come to the table with ideas to improve things so we don't have these issues coming out of the test cycles this far along in the program. in terms of total number. there are 122 total. since the last update on may 15, there is 170(1) issues completed and closed. we have asked acella at the end of the plan a week from today to come back to address the current issues we have.
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as the city attorney had given guidance, we plan to be able to provide an update to the commission after the meetings have taken place. that is all my comments. >> thank you, henry. just so i understand. stop me if i cross that line here. when you did the test and i think you made the comment that you had one severe and 91 secondary severe concerns when you did the test, is that correct? >> the difference between severity one and two. one is what we call the critic criticallish shoo. it is a major issue. twos are major. they are problems we cannot go live with. it stops the process or part of
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the process. >> when you are launching a new system it is the stage that these would start raising the ugly heads because you are doing the test. up to this point you would not have known about them until you fire up everything, is that correct? >> we have had a series of test rounds since june or july of 2018 when we started the first test rounds. in the nature of a software product in the early rounds you find more things. it is the first time you have the users in front of the system so you expect to log more issues. as the things are getting fixed it should be maturing for the stability of the platform. we expect less and less issues out of each subsequent past round. the pattern we are seeing not
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satisfying in that regard. >> thank you, henry. >> is there any public comment on this item? seeing none. next is item 10, director's report. update on d.b.i.'s finances. >> good morning. i am dan, the finance manager, deputy director is out today so i am here to present the may 19 finance update. we are still closing the fiscal year. we should have the year end finance report in september. actual operating revenues
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$72.6 million. we project total revenues for the year $79.5 billion. this exceeds the budget by $8.2 million. actual expenditures is $62.7 million. we project total year end to be $78.2 million. that is under the budget of $81.2 million. on top of page 2 is year-over-year operating revenue comparison. the first 11 months the revenues are up over the same time last year. year-to-date expenditures up $6.1 million over the same time last year. the last section has on page 2 has information on the number of permits issued and related valuation.
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33,000 permits issued which is 2% higher than last year. related valuation is $4.6 million which is 11% higher than last year. it will be available next month and we will share with you then. any questions? >> thank you for coming today. >> 10b. update on proposed or recently enacted state or local legislation. >> good morning. bill strong, legislative and public affairs. there is a land use hearing coming up on monday, the 22nd, at d.b.i. with the department of environment and planning and
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possibly a few other departments will be reporting answering some questions. supervisor mandelman called this as president mccarthy mentioned to take a look how the city is doing to reduce carbon emissions. it turns out about 44, 45% of all emissions come from transportation and 42 to 43% come from building and construction. they are interested in moving the discussion forward, particularly in terms of talking about more elec electrification. this is to make everybody aware we are trying to move forward and take those kinds of things, incorporate them to the building and construction industry. >> i have a question related.
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berkeley passed an ordinance to not use gas in their new construction. they are going to all go to electric. curious if there is any discussion about that from here. >> that is among the topics that will be under discussion. the devil is in the detail. we have a lot of existing buildings with mixed fuel, including gas. with good intentions of wants to move toward electiontrification it is going to take time to move towards those goals. the other thing i want to mention is on thursday of this week there is a gao committee meeting where the mayor's office and board is bringing backna piece of legislation we talked about at the end of last year,
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beginning of this year whereby only d.b.i. selects fees for,tic particular fees would be waved as a pilot project applied to a.d.u. projects and 100% affordable housing projects to see if that incentive encourages more construction of both of those categories. we will be going over to the committee meeting to see if there are any questions. you may remember the commission did adopt and supported moving forward with this filot year project. auyou will expressed concern d.b.i. fees were waiver waved and others would have been
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stronger. that ordinance is back with us and will be moving forward based on what the city attorney has told me so far. they may change the retroactive date from february 26 of this year which it was originally to something closer to now or june to give a full year's opportunity to collect some data because three months before the actual end of that pilot year, d.b.i. will provide a report to the commission and to the board that will essentially identify how many projects took advantage of this and what was the total amount of fees waived and that sort of data point to give the mayor's offers and board an opportunity to see whether or not a reduction in fees makes a difference in terms of these kinds of projects.
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i think that is about all. following up from the joint hearing we will check in with the supervisor's office to see what kinds of steps so far we have not heard from them since the joint hearing. we will monitor that closely and get back and report to you when we have more detail. >> thank you, mr. strong. >> next item 10c. update on major projects. >> good morning. director of building inspector. not much changes there. any questions? >> thank you, director. >> next item 10d. update on code enforcement. >> good morning, commissioners. ed sweeney.
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i have the numbers. 5424. complaints 435. responses 428. complaints with first notice of violation 64. abated complaints 40. second notice of violations 33. housing inspections performed 926. complaineds received 384. complaint response 370. updated complaints 427. number of cases sent to director's hearing 35. routine inspections 162. code enforcement. number of cases to hearing 156. number order of abatements 48. number of cases under advisement
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18. cases abated 113. code enforcement inspections performed 138. there was no litigation committee in june and therefore there was no case. well one case sent to the city attorney in june. code enforcement outreach programs. i believe they are issuing this quarterly. we will get the next update next quarter, next month. the numbers are before you. they haven't changed. >> thank you. is there any public comment on 10a through d? >> i am kevin chang. i would like to report on 2114 state street. the staff identified errors in
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the vacant building fines and have refunded those fees. i want to thank staff. on the monthly monitoring fees i have asked for a refund of the fees. i hope those will be granted, and i hope that the move to lien the property will be withdrawn and cancelled. i have yet to received documentation to that effect. you requested a status update on hopkins. i look forward to a future presentation on that. thank you very much. >> next is item 11. review and approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of may 15, 2019. >> move to approve. >> second. >> there is a motion and second. any public comment? seeing none. are all
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