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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  July 24, 2019 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> so who manages when you are not there? >> the bartender. i have given them all privileges -- they know who to call for everything, they know the protocol, they all are key holders, and, you know, it is a very small bar, it is just a little -- >> it is great that you talks of the neighbors it seemed productive and positive. i started off reading that there was a comment about the bartender, as usual, not responding to a complaint, so i am partly wondering what your management is, because, you know , if you agreed at something and it has to trickle down, and your staff has to enforce that. i'm curious how you make sure that happens. i get that you are a single mom, i get you may not be able to be on site, but still having a strategy to make sure that every employee under you can be
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consistent about whatever you agree with is important. so i'm kind of curious how you plan to do that. >> every time there has been a noise complaint, my staff -- we have spoken about it they have told me that they have turned the music down or, you know, whatever he needed to happen. i am guessing that the neighbors were not happy with that. i mean, you know, any time there is a noise complaint, we respond to it. >> okay. i am supportive of this permit, but i want to make sure you do have a tight communication plan and a way to make sure that you hold yourself accountable. you know, you're telling us all the right things, but in actual practice, if we start seeing more complaints, it will come back to this question. like i said, it is great that you have reached out and you have had face-to-face time with your neighbors. that is almost the most
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important thing that you have that direct line of communication. >> again, like i have encouraged the neighbors to call me directly. and also, i think that was why we wanted to do the sound metering so we can literally mark on it, this is as loud as it can go, and put a piece of tape there, you can't go any louder than that. if there is a problem or somebody breaks that rule, then it won't work -- they weren't worked -- they won't work for me anymore. >> okay. thank you very much. >> thank you for coming in. i grew up in that neighborhood. i will have to stop by your bar, i haven't been there yet. my question is, besides the neighbor that has been complaining, did you get a chance to do outreach around the neighborhood. >> i did. i spoke to all of the businesses around and, you know, many of the neighbors, and everyone has
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been really supportive. >> all right. would you be open to doing a ledger of when the complaints come, write it down, so at the end of the time period you can evaluate if it is happening on certain days, different types, the frequency. >> absolutely. >> those are my thoughts. you might be able to check what is going on. >> definitely. >> yeah,. >> thank you. >> all right. i just have a couple comments. thank you for coming in. as an owner of many small bars myself, i know exactly what you are going through with neighbor negotiations. i just have a couple things that we have learned and i just want to pass him over to you. the most important thing that we have found is that if the neighbors feel like they have realtime control over the sound in your space, that it usually -- usually mitigates a lot of the issues. if they have a number they can call or text they can send, but some way that when it is
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happening, in realtime we can say, hey, it is too loud. ninety-nine out of 100 times with us, with 11 bars and neighbors lived -- living above them, is they can text and solve the problem. that is one thing. i would just recommend that as a best practice. >> and they have my phone number >> perfect. sometimes if you have a daughter , maybe it will be easier if -- sometimes there are group apps if your neighbor is texting, but if they are capable of texting sometimes they can send a single text message and it goes out to everybody at once there are things to look at. if you miss it, you are asleep, it is midnight, the next day is too late, and then they are angry and they can't sleep and they are up night. so if there is a direct way to do it, like a bat phone, you know, even if it is an old phone in the bar that they can call that says, hey, can you turn it
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down? that is one thing. is very helpful. it is almost of our problems. it is worth its wait in gold. the other thing i say is not all soundproofing is equal and not all acoustical engineers are equal. sometimes you pay them 2,000 or $3,000 and they tell you, you know, we did some readings and you say thank you and you get this report, and it is not so helpful. there are some best practices around soundproofing that we have put together and other bar owners, and there is a group of bar owners that is free to join, it is on facebook. we can connect through our staff and help you get on there. you can ask what is the best. you can say, hey, what is the best thing that you use? you can post that on there. is really helpful. we learned through that that you can do, for example, double she rocked. it is not even a third of the price, a quarter of the price, then you hang these acoustic springs off of it and you do
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another layer of sheetrock and the acoustic springs absorb it. it doesn't make your ceiling go down too far. and then you put the acoustic tile on top of that. when you are looking at sound techniques, you can spend $50,000 and end up with a worse solution than tried-and-true methods that other people have tested out. i encourage you to take a look at that. i would encourage sound mitigation for peace of mind. >> yeah,. >> i think what will help, since you are not on premise, and you have read our good neighborhood policy, share it with your bartenders and everybody that they have to go by that, and that will help make your life a lot easier so you don't get the full thing. >> would just revised it and it is actually very meaningful. it is much more meaningful than it was before. i think it is very specific about what we expect. all right. have a seat. thank you for standing there on your coaches of mac -- thank you
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for standing there on your crutches. [laughter] is there any public comment on this item? please step up to the microphone please state your name into the microphone. you have two minutes. >> my name is michael. i am one of the tenants above st. mary's. i put together a statement, but i think it covers a lot of what is already in the record, pretty much describing it. i don't know if i should read the whole statement or just give you a copy. >> your two minutes is counting. >> i don't think i've time to read the whole thing but i thank you guys have most of it. we are not opposing the permit, we do want to work with maria and we are very happy that she has been amenable to that. i guess you have that on record. i don't know if i can submit this? >> please.
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we are happy that things hopefully will get resolved and i think that should be it for right now. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming down. >> is there any more of the comment on this matter? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i would like to make a motion to approve this with conditions. >> second. >> there is a staff recommendation. >> just the good neighbor policy >> and setting a sound limit? >> yes. with a staff recommendation. >> wonderful. >> i would second that. [roll call] >> congratulations, your permit
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has been granted. just follow up with our deputy director at your earliest convenience. thank you very much. >> the next permit applications are for limited live performance and billiard parlor permit for the blue light located in 1979 union street. they are a bar and restaurant in -- i do come into compliance by applying for these permits with the l.l.p., they intend to continue hosting d.j.s for their weekly taco tuesday and other dance nights would live music. as previously mentioned in the enforcement report, there have been some hurdles with the blue light regarding neighborhood complaints and a citation issued for hosting entertainment without a permit. they didn't submit any neighborhood outreach to the staff, but we also did not receive any direct opposition. northern station approves this permit with one added condition, which as listed below on your memo, and the owner is here to tell you more.
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>> hello, i am johnny, thank you for listening to us. i recently took over blue light a couple of months ago as part of the group that bought it. they left that business. since i have been back, first of all, i want to address the one incident. that was against my better judgement, i guess. i made a mistake and i do take full responsibility for it. we did think it was not against the permit to have a hidden d.j. where they can make playlists and try to not have our ipad behind the bar controlling the music that somewhere out of the distractions of bartenders, as well as we didn't want to have -- we did not want any customers to see that we were doing that. it was a mistake.
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i called and as soon as i got the e-mail and she explained to me why it was a mistake. we will not do it again. since we did take over the blue light, we did make quite a few changes. blue light has been a busy place for a long time. right away we have applied for a permit, as well. we reached out to about every neighbor and there have not been any issues as -- at all. i gave the bartenders my cell phone numbers. i probably have ten neighbors with my cell phone number. any issues they have they can contact me. i have contacted them about this hearing as well. i feel like i am in a pretty good relationship with everybody i have quite a few happy fourth of july weekend his from quite a few of them as well. they tell us they are pretty appreciative of all the work we have done it? have turned on the speakers because that is where most of the issues were.
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i have met with the caption of the district and i have met with the 850 bryant street with michael in the cbc liaison. we have gone through issues in the past and there is no d.j.s at all at 10:00 p.m., but what we would like to do here is -- i am a big fan of acoustic music and acoustic shows. i have quite a few friends over the years who play acoustic guitar. somebody could come in and sing and they could do something similar with their shows. that places a great place to go to. live music has been dying out, especially acoustic music. i can even tell you a good place to go and listen to it. we want to see if we can bring that back. it would be before 10:00 p.m. and hopefully we can increase our early hours and hopefully we can bring some pretty good talents and have some nice shows
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we did, after a lot of neighborhood outreach, we did something on the street. i have quite a few signatures of support as well as -- while i was doing that, quite a few people got my cell phone. if they have any problems or issues that all they can contact me. i respond to everybody. he is also on quite a few of these chains as well. our goal is to be good neighbors and hopefully we will have a new and nice element into the industry versus anything else that could cause troubles. >> we have known each other for many years. >> yes, we have. >> if anybody would know the rules, you would, because i remember your old places back when the police had your permit.
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i am glad you own up to it, and whatever it is, having a d.j. in the backroom, you know, it is not a good message, so i question to staff is, you know, because i live -- before buchanan and silver street, i was there when they owned the bar, and to didn't have a full entertainment p.o.e.? he used to play there. is that allowed now? >> it is not allowed. the limited live was actually restricted to extend to 11:00 p.m. within the union street and c.d. that was lifted two years ago, so they actually could apply to go to 11 after a year of good behaviour or lack of complaints given our office and police department. no p.o.e. allowed. >> are you going to be on-site mac when the music is going on
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most of the timer will you have a manager on duty? >> it will be a manager or myself. i live right there. >> at 10:00, turning off the music at 10:00 p.m., we have been in the industry so long, we just get the party started and then we have to shut it down. you are all okay with -- all okay with that. >> there is a skylight in the back which i think that is where most of any kind of sounding with the pool taper is -- pool table is. i thank you have customers interacting. we put quite a bit of soundproofing and we put five pains of soundproof fabric to help. >> and you plan to have your musicians more in the middle? >> in the front.
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>> so to have enough ventilation to keep that door shut? because that is part of it. >> we have a full ventilation system. >> keep the doors shut while the music is playing. >> yes. >> okay. so you read the whole good neighbor policy? >> oh, yeah. we posted it. >> it is quite a bit different from before. >> sure, things are changing i enjoyed it. this commission is easier to work with. >> i saw that coming. >> i have known you before, and i have known you. >> i know you are a great operator. i will give you that. thank you. >> i am done. >> you are saying a fan of acoustic music and that is what you want, but the complaint and
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the incident with the d.j., that is not acoustic music. so what is -- what do you think is the type of invoice -- the type of music that will be played most frequently? >> i will reach out to quite a few musicians. it is not that big of a space and we can't do anything big. but if we do the two or three piece -- if there is a d.j., i don't want them the d.j. to play something fun. we serve for venues as well. it is like a dinner business going on. i don't want to scare that away. the goal -- i've had nothing more then a two-piece acoustic band and a singer that would be phenomenal, or a d.j. that is playing for fun and a sing-along you could use it like that. >> okay. thanks.
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>> good evening. more of just a comment. i just want to say i really hope your sincere about bringing in some live music because something this commission has been very passionate about is finding homes for these people, like you said earlier, it is almost impossible to even tell people where to go, especially when it comes to jazz and stuff, so i hope you are sincere about that because there's a lot of talent out there looking for places to work. >> there is. i know quite a few. >> and some really good talents. >> i went to a club up to the redwoods and we watch them play. >> i'm up there, too. [laughter] >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i have a question for staff. we don't usually see billiards -- we don't see many billiard parlor permits, and i think it was the planning department's who recommended up to two. is there a need for a limit to billiard tables? >> it comes -- it becomes more
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than ten. billiard par lures, you don't even need a permit if you only have one. >> we only have room for one. >> right. it looks like there's only one on the map. >> okay. >> i am just kind of curious because -- >> whatever, we just went through this last week because both caitlin and i were confused so planning is trying to restrict them to two pool tables >> -- >> i have never seen that before >> it is a recommended approval, up to two billiard tables permitted. i'm not sure what is up, but it doesn't matter because you can only fit one anyway. >> it was an interpretation from a commission in 1998. must have been from a previous. >> okay.
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i would hate for the code to even care how many billiard tables are at any given place, but anyway, i trust my colleague here who has worked with you for 25 years. i have not worked with you that long, but i think that -- >> hopefully we will be. >> yeah,. but i think we are always supportive of more spaces that run -- that are run by good operators. i want to take the commissioner 's word for it and i'm supportive of this proposal. thank you. >> thank you. >> all right, i don't have any questions or comments. you can have a seat and we will take it to public comment. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i have worked for johnny -- i started when he first opened the bar and then it switched over for a while, and i still work for him, and i also work in the music industry, so i have been wanting him to get live music and entertainment for a while. we have a lot of bands in my day job, and the bar affords me to
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work my day job, so i definitely am passionate about that. that is something that we definitely want to do. >> thank you for sharing. is there any public comment on this agenda item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> the blue light has been around for so long and, you know , he has been an icon, and it is good at least an experienced operator is taking over, you know, i'm disappointed about the d.j. in the back room, though, but the problem now is union union street is dying. when boss was around, it was a lot more entertainment stuff that was going on, but now it seems like union street is on the down again. i'm hoping that the blue light and you bringing in more live music to the neighborhood, which they love, will work and keep
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this bar alive. i am in support of the permit and moved to approve with the good neighborhood policy. and please share the good neighborhood policy with your staff if you are not there. >> did you want to add the northern station recommendation? just emitting the calendar to the commission and the station? >> in the request would be to differentiate between the e.c. staff's recommendation, and our interpretation of the northern station's conditions. >> i was going with your interpretation. >> great. >> that is fine. >> i will second. [roll call] >> congratulations. your permit has been granted. please follow up with our deputy director as soon as you can for your next steps. thank you.
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>> all right, last but not least , our final permit on the agenda this evening is for a limited live performance permit for orson's belly. it is a small neighborhood café and tap us bar. they are family owned and operated at her coming into compliance by applying for the l.l.p. permit. if granted, they hope to continue having live entertainment for the guests to enjoy. the reason they are on the regular calendar and not consent is because we have received some sound complaints, however, upon investigation of the complaints, the inspector has waited that most of them were made while the business was closed. they received 186 signatures of support from neighbors and patrons and no opposition with -- was submitted. richman station approve this permit with one condition which was lifted below on the staff memo. here to tell you more is the owner. >> hello, everybody.
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i will speak from the heart because i don't know howells to speak. when we have had orson's belly for almost three years now and we are located on balboa between 18th and 19th avenue, right by quan. when we chose that location, everyone said, are you kidding me, you are not going to do anything over there, that place is dead, there is no one there, and that is why we chose it because that area needed something. there is no place for people to gather, no place for people to congregate, talk, have a good time. i feel like we have been that spot for central balboa, for central richmond, you know, we have everyone from the parents and kids coming over, u.s.f., we have state students coming over, old-timers, p.d., fd, everybody.
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i want to grow my business with all of my heart and my
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effort until the last day comes, that is going to be with a permit. please consider it. >> i just want to know where the name othe orson's belly came fr. >> orson well's belly. it is another thing with our performances, so a couple weeks ago we had the culture night. there were as lot of brazilians. i will not have them come back any time soon. a couple days ago we showed a 1933 movie and a local jazz musician was doing sounds with it. it was so quiet we were hearing the bus pass by.
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sometimes it is loud, sometimes it is quiet. i am willing to work with people. i don't want to get on anybody's wrong side. in that neighborhood they will kick your ass. that is why we are here right now. i don't want to mess with anybody so that is it. >> i appreciate your candor and it sounds like a fantastic place to hang out. >> thank you. >> good evening, i want to comment you on acknowledging some of the complaints were legitimate. that is honorable. for clarity you operate from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. you don't go later than 10:00? >> when we started we were doing coffee, lunch, some beer and wine. it is not suggestion sustainable for us any more. my wife and i we are the only
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people there. we don't have employees. we usually do 9:00 to 9:00 or 10:00. we want to change it to noon to 10:00. we have been trying to change the hours. i think it is the same three one one caller. abc is reluctant to grant us that. we are doing 9:00 to 9:00. >> it is your abc conditions. >> we are in the middle of modifying it. >> you do understand the abc only regulates sales and consumption of alcohol. they don't preclude you from staying open. >> they gave us the noise complaint. the only reason i would say no to your modification is the noise complaints. >> bear with me a second.
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i want to comment on giving up on the bureaucracy. i was hoping you listened to the executive director earlier. there are people working hard to make it better for you. number one. abc regulates sales, service and consumption of alcohol. your sales are limited from 8:0. that doesn't preclude you from staying open. you can stay open, you just can't serve alcohol. plenty of businesses do it. it is not ideal. i would work towards ex standing the hours. the other thing is if it is just verbally wouldn't accept that. make application and go through the process. what is critical is to get the neighbors behind you. ultimately it is you and your neighbors. abc is a possessing agency. you are in a position to
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navigate. i don't see you not getting your hours extended. >> hopefully, for this permit we collected about 200 signatures. that is nothing. we got double. we can get more people if you need it. >> bear with me. >> abc doesn't look at support. they look at opposition. that is why it is important to work with the neighbors. i would suggest that you try to do it in steps. don't shoot straight for 2:00 a.m. right now. maybe if you are 9:00 or 10:00, think 11:00. do it in baby steps. >> if i did 11:00 then do 10:00? i am doing 11:00. >> i encourage you to work with your neighbors. they are the voice. you will have a 550-foot mailer
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go out. the most compelling are 100 feet people. 500 people you can overcome them. thoughts. good luck. >> thank you. >> how big is your place? >> 900 square feet. >> 4:00 you pan see? >> -- 4:0 49. selling enough to pay your rent? >> yeah. we do 9:00 to 9:00. it is my wife and i, and the majority of the costs go to breakfast, coffee, lunch. then we grew out of that. we were kids getting into the business three years ago. now there is a whole new world. we are doing very mout rver m.o.
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we have to do it or she is going to divorce me. she is so done. she is done. >> that neighborhood is sensitive. it is quiet. there are food pockets there. >> on our block there are six vacancies. why isn't anyone biting? >> it could be cool. we don't want to lose you and end up being another vacancy. that is the problem. when you started doing the music part is that recently? >> we have been doing events. it could be a screening. >> how long? >> three years. >> you have been doing this for three years?
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>> three years. her cousin was in town. she has a bad voice but likes to sing. i said let's do it. she got on the microphone. it was awful. that is when someone complained about the noise. ever since then i am like careful. brazilian is her cousin. it is over. never again. >> i hope they are not watching tv. >> so as far as that there is no amplified sound? >> we have a neighbor came in and said can i play tonight? what do you play? up right bass. we have nights like that and then we have nights where or days where we break out disco records and play music on the turntables. that is not that loud.
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we have people that eat during it. >> the doors are open? >> that was the issue. the doors were open and the officer came out to say the door has to be closed. now the door is closed. ventilation is rough, but i got a big air king deal. we are using that. the door is closed now. i am trying to go legit. >> there is no real sound system, whoever brings in a speaker? >> i have one speaker that we haven't used. i am waiting for this. it is like a powered speaker. >> you want a sound check so you know? >> mr. micro phone. >> otherwise it is acoustic.
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>> have you made anything to the interior? >> we spent money for sound paneling for upstairs. we did that. that is about all. >> the complaints. do you know where they are coming from? >> i have my guesses. >> they are not people calling you directly? >> we had one person that came over and said it is loud. that is it. otherwise it is 311 calls at 7:30 a.m. on saturday. >> this is when the door opened, right? if you shut the door do you think you will still get the complaints? >> yes. we shut the door and got complaints. >> that is the fine line you will walk as a permit holder. if we set a limit at the level
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that is like legally okay, you might have neighbors upset with that. i just would be cautious how you monitor the doors or any air openings because sound traveling easily. >> yeah. you guys are familiar with the area. if i'm walking up to balboa i can hear he laughing when i am on 19th. stuff bounces all-around there because it is so quiet. when there is no shops there either. there is nothing. that is the problem. i don't think we are loud. i think it is the corridor that has potential and it is so dead. >> i think you want to be careful how you do that. i think we support more entertainment happening not just downtown and the eastern side of the city. the folks on the west side are
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sensitive to noise and aren't used to the liveliness that it may have potential for. be cautious how you do it. it sounds like you are. the more people you bring in, the more buzz. you might have to think about a different actual physical location. i can tell you have big dreams. i think you may outgrow that space at some point. we see that in other parts of the city. i want a beautiful great sound box but it might not be the right location. tread lightly. i want be to support more nightlife in the area but the neighborhood has to come around to it to. i am saying it in a different way that the other commissioners here. >> we understand that. >> thank you. >> i don't think that you are
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not being honest with us. i will give you that. this is the most honest conversation we have had here. i live in that neighborhood. i have a four-year-old. i am looking forward to checking out what is going on in there. the things i recommend. two issues, us, doing the permitting. i don't know how it is going to go. i am supportive of it. then you have the abc issue. we just went through this removing a license and we had to do the 500-foot mailer and we had a lot of neighbors and the one thing i can say is that the there is actually one complainant, which could be, nine times out of ten if you can
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find that person and set down with them and make friends with them and they will support you. if they support you and the a bc knows it and they say i was against it but i sat down with them and i support this. the road is fairly smooth there. i would put out an all points bulletin. many, many people in the neighborhood to track down this person and beg them for coffee, take them out to eat, address their concerns. if you can find them, it is helpful. one-time out of 10 they are not budging. the other thing i would really recommend is abc is a state body, not local. we have the alu. definitely connect with the alcohol licensing unit. you have state representatives. i am not sure who your assembly
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person is. they do often have relationships with the abc. it would be foolish not to reach out and ask for their assistance. you are a small business in their district trying to do the right thing. the abc toneds to turn things down -- tend to turn things down. you can find they are more reasonable and talk to decision makers on the phone. they have office numbers that humans answer. if i were you, i would reach out to them immediately. >> sandra fewer. >> she is local. this is in sacramento. scott weiner is in your district. i would call one, don't call them both. they don't like it when you confuse them.
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that is what they are there for and they can be helpful in these situations. we just went through an abc permit that was going to be denied after midnight in the outer sunset and be i helped the owner of the business get in touch with abc and granted them to him. it wasn't the same situation but it works and it is helpful. that was through state senator wiener's office. i recommend you to do that. thank you for coming in. have a seat and we will deliberate here. i don't see public comment. seeing none public comment is closed. >> i would like to make a motion to approve with the recommendations. >> i second.
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>> commissioner perez. i will say yes. >> (roll call) >> it has been approved. please follow up with the deputy director. congratulations and thanks for coming in. >> good luck. >> moving along to agenda item 8 election for vice president of the entertainment commission which we have to do yearly. i usually don't like to talk first. i would like to nominate somebody for this unless somebody objects. i would like to nominate the current vice president to this commission. i have had the opportunity to work with the vice president for the last year as the president,
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and i can say without any question that she is extraordinary passionate about communities and representing the neighborhoods. she is remarkably tough but fair. she clearly loves night light both from afar and from within. she is a wizard with communications. you don't realize how much you need a communications expert until you hang out with one. i want her to look over my e-mail that i send especially to my wife, and she is a memorialized in a mural which i don't think the rest of us can say that. these are incredible accomplishments. i enthusiastically put her forward for a vote and welcome any debate or conversation on the topic. >> second. >> any public comment on vice
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presidentcvicepresident c nomination. >> it is closed. (roll call) that was easy. congratulations. thank you for your service. next item is the nomination and voting on a president of the entertainment commission, number 9. >> thank you everybody for voting for me to serve a second term as vice president here at the san francisco entertainment commission. i would like to nominate president blieman for a second term as president. he has a special blend of
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awesome leadership which is quite thoughtful, creative and strong. during his tenure he led to the nightlife, entertainment and small business communities through protections and innovative policies. i am kind of blown away by what he said. i was memorialized in a mural. i don't think i can top that. i ask you to support me in the nomination of president blieman for president. >> i will second. >> any public comment? none. public comment is closed. >> it is great to see how you blossomed. i served as president for many years, i think you have taken the commission to another level. i always personally shied away
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from doing over advocacy because i wasn't from the industry. to have a representative from the industry as president is key because i think you see the industry night and day and late night. you know, i see it as a consumer and citizen of the city, but i think it is really important to have a staunch advocate from the industry in this role. i am grateful you are in the position for the past year and happy to see you continue. >> commissioner perez. (roll call) >> congratulations to me. i will check in with the deputy
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director. >> last item tonight is commissioner comments and questions. >> i don't know if anyone has had a chance to see it. over the last year the police department has done special shoulder patches. we did one for cancer awareness. that was cool. we did it for pride. it was a cool-looking patch selling for quite a bit on ebay. i think it is a great way to connect with the community. i wanted to share that with everybody. >> i would look to do a plug. the 26th annual festival is coming up on august 10 and 11. i invite everyone to check it out. i will give you posters to distribute. tomorrow is kickoff at room 201.
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you are all invited. >> i just want to mention that yesterday the interim controls that supervisor haney proposed to protect businesses passed a land-use committee unanimously, which was very exciting. there was significant support in the room, and it does feel like there is momentum here. i believe it goes before the full board at the next hearing. >> i think it has to go through committees first, small business commission. >> eventually it will go before the full board and we will make an announcement. it is exciting to see the community members and lovers of
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thmesinine. >> if you want a stance on the legislation, you could. >> one thing i was going to do is invite supervisor haney's office. we could then either then or later decide to take a position if we wanted to and discussion the merits at a later time. i personally would be very much for it. >> it would have to be a vote to take that off. >> maybe they present to us and we agendize the vote later. >> you can do discussion and possible action in one. we don't have to vote. we can't vote if it is not.
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we have more flexibility as a vote and we can also table the vote if we don't want to take action then. >> we will discuss that. the street fair. don't forget that. we need more muscle cars in the car show. anybody out there want to bring their cars saturday and sunday to the street fair. go to the website and sign up. >> i will discuss whether or not my key is a muscle car. >> is there any public comment? seeing none it is closed. we are adjourning the meeting at 7:56 p.m. .
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>> shop and dine the 49 promotes loophole businesses and changes residents to do thirds shopping and diane within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services we help san francisco remain unique and successful where will you
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shop and dine shop and dine the 49. >> my name is neil the general manager for the book shop here on west portal avenue if san francisco this is a neighborhood bookstore and it is a wonderful neighborhood but it is an interesting community because the residents the neighborhood muni loves the neighborhood it is community and we as a book sincerely we see the same people here the shop all the time and you know to a certain degree this is part of their this is created the neighborhood a place where people come and subcontract it is in recent years we see a drop off of a lot of bookstores both national chains and neighborhoods by the neighborhood stores where coming
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you don't want to - one of the great things of san francisco it is neighborhood neighborhood have dentist corrosive are coffeehouses but 2, 3, 4 coffeehouses in month neighborhoods that are on their own- that's >> once i got the hang of it a little bit, you know, like the first time, i never left the court. i just fell in love with it and any opportunity i had to get out there, you know, they didn't have to ask twice. you can always find me on the court. [♪]
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>> we have been able to participate in 12 athletics wheelchairs. they provide what is an expensive tool to facilitate basketball specifically. behind me are the amazing golden state road warriors, which are one of the most competitive adaptive basketball teams in the state led by its captain, chuck hill, who was a national paralympic and, and is now an assistant coach on the national big team. >> it is great to have this opportunity here in san francisco. we are the main hub of the bay area, which, you know, we should definitely have resources here. now that that is happening, you know, i i'm looking forward to that growing and spreading and helping spread the word that needs -- that these people are here for everyone. i think it is important for
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people with disabilities, as well as able-bodied, to be able to see and to try different sports, and to appreciate trying different things. >> people can come and check out this chairs and use them. but then also friday evening, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., it will be wheelchair basketball we will make sure it is available, and that way people can no that people will be coming to play at the same time. >> we offer a wide variety of adaptive and inclusion programming, but this is the first time we have had our own equipment.
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>> i went through a lot of struggles in my life, and i am blessed to be part of this. i am familiar with what people are going through to relate and empathy and compassion to their struggle so they can see i came out of the struggle, it gives them hope to come up and do something positive. ♪ ♪ i am a community ambassador.
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we work a lot with homeless, visitors, a lot of people in the area. >> what i like doing is posting up at hotspots to let people see visibility. they ask you questions, ask you directions, they might have a question about what services are available. checking in, you guys. >> wellness check. we walk by to see any individual, you know may be sitting on the sidewalk, we make sure they are okay, alive. you never know. somebody might walk by and they
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are laying there for hours. you never know if they are alive. we let them know we are in the area and we are here to promote safety, and if they have somebody that is, you know, hanging around that they don't want to call the police on, they don't have to call the police. they can call us. we can direct them to the services they might need. >> we do the three one one to keep the city neighborhoods clean. there are people dumping, waste on the ground and needles on the ground. it is unsafe for children and adults to commute through the streets. when we see them we take a picture dispatch to 311. they give us a tracking number and they come later on to pick it up. we take pride. when we come back later in the day and we see the loose trash or debris is picked up it makes
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you feel good about what you are doing. >> it makes you feel did about escorting kids and having them feel safe walking to the play area and back. the stuff we do as ambassadors makes us feel proud to help keep the city clean, helping the residents. >> you can see the community ambassadors. i used to be on the streets. i didn't think i could become a community ambassador. it was too far out there for me to grab, you know. doing this job makes me feel good. because i came from where a lot of them are, homeless and on the street, i feel like i can give them hope because i was once there. i am not afraid to tell them i used to be here. i used to be like this, you
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know. i have compassion for people that are on the streets like the homeless and people that are caught up with their addiction because now, i feel like i can give them hope. it reminds you every day of where i used to be and where i am at now. >> everybody, i think we're going to get started. our honorable mayor is here, and i know that we have a huge crowd and some big celebrating to do, so i want to welcome you to the groundbreaking for 88 broadway and 75 david street. so i'm cynthia parker, and i'm the president and c.e.o. of bridge housing, and i am the cohost today with our