tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 26, 2019 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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running a little bit behind schedule, so let's move on to our third presentation the affordable housing bond. presentation by amy chan of policy and legislative affairs the mayors office office of housing and community development. welcome to the council. >> good afternoon cochairs on councilmembers. my name is amy chan, i'm from the mayor office of housing and community development. thank you so much for having me present on the affordable housing bond that will be going before the voters in november. i'm going to go into a presentation that will describe why we need this bond is so badly and what the eligible uses
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of the funding will be and why we are so excited to have a go to the voters. >> so, we are incredibly excited to be put in board of supervisors in the mayor to be putting forward a 600 million-dollar general obligation bond to the voters in november. @ it is currently in the legislative process of the board of supervisors, pending two more votes. once that is completed it will be on the ballot in november. this is really incredible given in 2015, when we had our last housing bond, it was 310 million dollars. the amount has doubled, that's really exciting. we have also talked about putting affordable housing in the city's capital plans. we are really planning for affordable housing needs as part of our overall city needs and
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that we are accounting for that every 4-5 years. when we have expanded the bond proceeds that we are in q4 coming back for the voters to fund the affordable housing needs that we have two meet what our residents need. the bond will fund acquisition construction improvement, rehabilitation and preservation and repair of affordable housing. the bond funding will further our offices work in meeting the need for the population of people that we care about, including persons with disabilities. it would do so by providing the funding that we need to build out all of our new construction affordable housing. those housing projects meet the needs of persons with disabilities through assessable common areas and amenities on all of those sites.
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those are include 90% of units that are adoptable. 10% of units accessible with mobility features which is double the amount that is required. those percentages are higher in senior and supportive housing projects. 4% of the units, in the new construction project that we fund provide communication features. we also include a preference for persons with disabilities, in projects and consider reasonable accommodation as well. funding for housing preservation is really important for protecting persons with disabilities who are living in existing housing that may be at risk of displacement due to the housing either being converted to market rate housing or falling into physical disrepair. the 600 million-dollar total for the bond is broken up into these
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five categories after a process where the mayor and board president, convened a stakeholder working group process and had deliberated with many community members and stakeholders about how to proportion the many needs that we have for affordable housing. the consensus was to provide the following amount of funds in these categories. 150 million for public housing, 220 million for low income housing serving households up to 80% of the area median income. 60 million total for affordable housing preservation and middle income housing which serves very low income households at 30% of ami for the middle income portion at 175% of the area median income. a new category that was not
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included in the last bond specifically which is for senior housing. that would be $150 million for households up to 80% of area median income. finally, $20 million to fund teacher housing serving educators from 30% up to 140% of the area median income. i'm just going to talk a little bit about these categories why there is a need to fund affordable housing in these categories. our public housing needs. the city has been committed to revitalizing our extremely dilapidated public housing through the hope program. we are at the remaining stage of revitalizing two additional sites which is at the sunnydale site. the funding that the bond would provide would be to address the
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emergency and life safety repairs that are needed for the existing units to rebuild and replace the housing remaining at those two sites. also to add additional housing units at those two sites. and to really complete the work that we have begun to really revitalize the housing and infrastructure needs for these communities. the $150 million would be as an eligible use to go towards the repair and rebuilding of distressed public housing. prioritizing sites that have these urgent capital needs, creating new affordable housing units and accelerating the construction timelines of these units because we know that the units are in a very poor physical condition. in terms of the low income housing category. we know low income households are most at risk of displacement
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here in san francisco. these are populations that we want to house, and it's really important for us to do that. we continue to need to build more affordable housing to meet the needs of households at these income levels. unfortunately, we don't have the federal resources, they have been in decline for affordable housing for low income families. what this bond would do is enable 1,000 more units of pipeline projects to start construction in the next four years to serve residents that are seniors from homeless individuals, veterans and families. also, while we await a decision on proxy funds to's -- tran07 funds. this funding will help kickstart predevelopment, for securing new sites for supportive housing.
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the 220 million-dollar in the low income housing would go toward the construction acquisition that we have permanently affordable housing that would serve individuals and families earning from zero up to 80% of the area median income. prioritizing projects that are ready to start construction in the next four years. which will include predevelopment funding to jumpstart construction where we have permanent supportive housing. projects that are close to public transit. projects that can leverage additional funding whether through the state funding or other resources to leverage the city dollars that we are putting in. also projects that are located in neighborhoods with limited affordable housing. in terms of the preservation need. we know there are extremely low,
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low, and moderate households that are at risk of being displaced from the city. through our work, our small faith program and other preservation work it's really critical that we acquire and preserve existing affordable housing so we are keeping low income and middle income households in in san francisco. the bond would also go towards this need. we have an older stock of affordable housing that is in need of rehabilitation. the bond funding would go towards the need to rehab and existing stock of affordable housing that are in physical disrepair. $30 million for preservation under the bond would go towards the acquisition i rehab whether it is at risk, due to loss of
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affordability, or the buildings physical decline. we would be prioritizing. buildings are at imminent risk of conversion to market to rate housing. we would look at neighborhoods prioritizing doing this work in neighborhoods where there are limited affordable housing production and also a documented high eviction or displacement rates. in terms of middle income housing. this is a group of households that we definitely want to serve. unfortunately, the market does not produce housing for middle income housings -- houses. we are also -- we don't see funding sources to meet the need for building middle income housing.
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the city is a critical source of funding. we provide a critical source of funding for building middle income housing. providing first-time homeownership opportunities for low income households to be able to purchase a home and stay in san francisco. we have an affordability gap in the bond would be helping with that. the $30 million for the middle income housing category would go towards the creation of new affordable housing opportunities for middle income households with assistance loans, purchases for building or land for new construction that would serve middle income households. we would prioritize down payment systems, loans for first-time homebuyers and also we have a teacher next door grant program
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that serves the san francisco unified school district educators. this would be serving households between the 80-175% and 200% of the ami. this new category of funding under the bond is for senior housing. the working group that was convened by the mayor and the board of supervisors identified this as a critical need as san francisco's population continues to grow and age. we have found that we have not had the pipeline of projects serving senior households keeping up with the pace of the needs of a growing senior population and so it was a priority for the mayor and the board to include funding specifically as a category to meet housing for seniors. we have for that in the bonds, $150 million specifically for
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creating affordable senior rental housing through new construction and acquisition. we would be prioritizing projects that are ready, able to leverage additional resources and locate neighborhoods where there is opportunities for production for senior housing. this would be serving households between the extremely low to low income categories from 0-80% levels. and then finally, is a new category for funding under the bond that we do not see in the last cycle which is for educator housing. this is a critical need to, because we have seen attrition annually in the san francisco unified school district where teachers are leaving because of housing affordability, that's one of the factors they have cited.
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we have seen through these surveys that the majority of teachers and para- educators are saying that they have some level of difficulty, very difficult, or somewhat difficult ability to actually afford their housing costs. including 69% of teachers surveyed, saying they pay more than 30% of their income towards their housing cost. we know retaining teachers in the school district, is really important for the stability of our students for the growth and success of our students. addressing the affordable housing need for teachers or something that we wanted the bond to include. that is why there is a 20 million-dollar category in the bond for educator housing that would go towards predevelopment and construction of permanently affordable educator housing serving san francisco unified school district and city college of san francisco educators @, and employees between the 30-140%
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ami income levels. similarly prioritizing the projects that i have mentioned before. with that, as i mentioned, the board of supervisors is moving the bond forward through the legislative process currently. we will soon be taking its last two votes to move the bond onto the ballot. we are really excited for that to happen. for us to have the opportunity to basically use this large amounts of critical funding that we need to advance our mission. probably early spring of next year, we will start with the first issue is of the bond around $200 million and then be able to issue a notice of funding availability for projects to come forward and apply for funding. with that, i am happy to take any questions. >> thank you for that excellent
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presentation. do any council members comments or questions? >> yes. >> we've got sally, and councilmember madrid and councilmember sassouni. >> first of all, i apologize, i was supposed to send you a list of questions from the council and i realize i never did that. i appreciate your presentation. i have a very basic question. what is the ami in san francisco >> the area median income, literally it is the median -- >> i know, what is the number? >> let me pull it up for you. it is roughly $80,000 for a
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single person household. $82,900. that is for a one person household. it is adjusted for the size of the household. and then we can also calculate it at, you know, lower than that 100% and that higher ami. i can pull up the chart. >> i just wanted to get an idea of what 30% of ami actually was. when you say something is affordable, how is that defined? >> it is defined as 30% of that household income. >> really? okay. that would qualify someone for low income housing if they made $25,000? >> in our low income housing category we have units that are between people who make a 0% of
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the ami, up to 80% of the ami. the affordable rent to would 30% of that household income. our units are priced at a range of incomes between the zero and 80 low income households. the moderate income household level, we have done much less of the moderate income housing, because unfortunately we do not have other funding sources to really leverage for building this type of housing. for low income housing we have something called tax credits that we can use, and that is the 0-80% level. for middle income housing it is all city subsidy. we have done some, but very few of these units. the ones we have done we are looking at -- excuse me the 80%
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up to 120% of ami typically. we do have the down payment assistant loan program. that does serve up to 175% and 200% of ami. we have been meeting the needs of middle income households primarily through first-time home loans. we have done some new construction housing for middle income households. much less than we would like to. for the low income housing we are serving between 0-80% of the ami. >> it is assuming someone satisfies that low income statu? there has to be more people wanting housing. >> we use a lottery system. we have a great housing portal, we have counseling agencies. if someone cannot go on their smart phone or a computer to
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look at all of the listings we have on the site and apply they can also go to housing counseling agency to help them with their affordable housing search and application. through that housing portal, an applicant can look at what they, can apply. redo the placement of those units, the occupancy of those units through a lottery system. the city also has something called housing preferences. this is mandated through our city laws. we have preferences for cop holders, people who were formally displaced from san francisco do to redevelopment actions. in the western addition. we have a displaced tenant housing preference, this is a preference for people who have been evicted do to an eviction or fire.
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then we have a neighborhood preference. if someone is applying for, a unit in a project. helping residents to stay one that neighborhood. finally we have a live/work in san francisco preference which captures the large segment of applicants. through that lottery system, people that fit into these preferences are prioritized essentially. >> okay, who is next? alex. >> my question is, affordable housing, i know some of affordable housing is 1500-2500,
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>> what i am understanding your question to be, is how do we meet the affordable housing needs of people who are extremely low income like with disabilities, or seniors who are on ssi and have limited income? that is a challenge we have been addressing. typically in the affordable housing stock, what you see in our lotteries are units that are 30% affordable at what is priced , that is because of funding requirements we are seeing. with changes in rules of the tax credits, we are allowed to do income averaging. that might be more technical. but now we have this tool, when we are using tax credit financing for projects we can
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use this new option to provide basically income averaging an hour units. as long as projects are averaging 60% ami, we can do a range of units that serve less than 60%, up to 80% of ami. that will be one tool we can use to provide units for households that are less than 60% of ami. aside from not tool, we do recognize the need to have more rental subsidies and access to rental subsidies for those extremely low income households. and, the mayor and the board have addressed this by including funding in the budget for rental subsidies for a populations of people. i think the mayor and the board have included rental subsidies, i think, up to $10 million in rental subsidies for different populations of folks. we recognize that there is a
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need for doing that. board president yee is in the process of creating a senior operating subsidy. it is project need, rental subsidies that go towards the households to help them pay their rent. or, the buildings need operating subsidies where we are basically helping to meet the gap and what tenants are able to pay and how expensive the projects are to operate. it really is trying to find more rental and operating substitutes. we have been trying to do that for the budget process.
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>> the city of san francisco, section eight,. [inaudible] >> i think it would be great. i don't think there is any more voucher capacity. i think you are bring up a great. it would be incredibly helpful if we had additional voucher capacity and we were able to issue more vouchers to households who need them. >> hi. this is a brief comment,
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question rather. i was looking at your powerpoint presentation and it looks like you are prioritizing 4.5% -- regarding children in public schools, talk something about 4.5% of children there, i'm assuming that you're talking about k-12 grade children? my son for example, goes to school, and he is in the san francisco public unified in the school is full. the classes are really full. i don't even understand how they do it. we definitely need more teachers. i'm wondering how children -- how we are going to deal with this in the future with the rise in? i am wondering where you get the numbers from? 4.5% seems rather low. >> am looking at the site currently, i'm not sure if i see 4.5.
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>> there was a percentage based on the s.f. unified school district, related with educators in san francisco unified. it was referencing the children, just wondering where that percentage was based on? >> i looking, bringing up the slide, there are statistics about the san francisco unified district requiring 3600 teachers to meet their classroom needs, that maybe the statistic? 10% attrition rate. >> specific the child population. where did you get the numbers from? maybe it's a previous presentation where it was discussed, there was 4.5% of children that live in san francisco -- are in the public school system? >> i'm sorry, i did not reference that number. maybe the question is also about
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how are we going to meet the needs to continue to increase -- >> specifically thinking of the families with children and families that live together in a household. part of the population, i'm just assuming, maybe this is from the other powerpoint. i'm thinking, are we talking about the entire population of san francisco? which population are we referencing? i thought that count was low. i know we never -- we need to hire more teachers in the future. i'm wondering what the prediction of population among children will be in the future? if that references different levels of income and households in the city? are we talking about a family in a one bedroom? when we talk about families in general, with children, there is a variety of living spaces, you
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know, and so many people, especially families are leaving the city because they cannot afford to live here. they cannot afford childcare. they are working on paying for child care and they cannot afford rent. there is a lot of factors involved with being able to stay in san francisco. if you are thinking about bonds that will assist families, families with children. i'm just thinking of, you know, we are thinking of not, you know, traditional style housing are wet people might imagine that should be. if you're thinking of the range of people that would be served by that -- those bond resources. my concern is lower income families, families with disabilities and obviously families with children. >> our office funds a variety of types of housing including family housing. family housing serving low income families. and all of our projects we include high number of 2-3
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bedroom units in those projects. in the ground floor, of our projects, we also include many community serving spaces including childcare centers on facilities. that is built into the work that we do with our project sponsors and the affordable housing developers in meeting the needs of family when we are looking out the projects that we are funding and building. we do have an existing teacher housing project, that is currently is in our pipeline in the design, predevelopment phase. that project will have a range of bedroom sizes to meet teachers that are single, two teachers that have families that are in families and have kids. we have studios up to three bedrooms in that project. i think that is something we absolutely agree with and care about. very cognizant of the teams -- need to meet the needs of
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families. >> that is why i was saying, especially when we are talking about young children. if we are discussing that percentage, i know it impacts dollars potentially. were talking a lower percentage.out 4.5, which child population are you referencing? especially for the families that live in san francisco. i know sfusd, the schools are full. my point is just that we look at the numbers, and how they are impacting the resources that we are trying to get so people can afford to live here. >> i agree. >> next is helen. >> thank you for your presentation. quickly, you had mentioned one of the priorities for the use of the bond money is physical accessibility, and some of the properties? >> yeah, i mentioned that describing how we meet
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accessibility needs for persons with disabilities generally throughout our affordable housing pipeline. you know, the bond funds housing in all of these categories that i have described. some of that work is rehabilitation. it is existing affordable housing, or existing housing that we are trying to preserve from either conversion to market rate housing or falling into disrepair. a large bulk of that funding will go into new construction projects or @ new projects that we are building. for all of our new construction projects that are funded by us, we do have these requirements around meeting accessibility standards for the developers of those projects. >> have noticed in the language, around this topic, that often accessibility is also used as a blanket term for economic
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accessibility's. i just wanted to make clear we were talking physical accessibility? >> that's right. >> you had said that his recently mandated rule within your department? i guess my broader question is, when did this become mandated? >> i don't know exactly when. i can find out. >> it is sounding to me like it is a newer rule. it was something i assumed had always been in place? >> i don't think it is a newer rule. if i did say that it must have been misspoken. i apologize about that. >> but it is a rule and it is one that is followed by the city >> yeah. >> they are federally implemented rules. in san francisco we have chosen in some circumstances, to go above and beyond the minimal
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requirements that are prompted through tax credits and other triggers. >> okay. >> all right, kate. >> kate williams. thank you for that presentation. when you refer to the list of lotteries, the input that i have from so many seniors, most of those lotteries are simply closed. which more or less locks people out of any option. there may be lotteries, but what happens when the lotteries are closed? what are the other opportunities for people to get on a list? my input is that most of them are closed. >> we have, i think, the applicants that are looking for affordable housing should sign up for e-mail subscription under the dahlia portal so they can get updates whenever there are new projects that come online,
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or even existing units that become vacant are now available for applications. that way people are getting up information. every time i have a new project that is coming online, it will be available throughout lottie'n the dahlia portal. we do have some senior housing projects in the pipeline that will be coming forward in the lottery system. what is great about this bond is that the $150 million set aside this typically for senior housing will ensure that we have a continued pipeline for senior housing. as those projects become -- are getting built, and they are nearing construction completion and they are getting ready for marketing and lease up, they will be on the portal for applicants to apply for. >> thank you.
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>> time is getting away from us, but i must have a moment, draw your attention to the rehabilitation projects. real estate developers, and homeowners, people interested in real estate, i like the prospect of being able to take housing that is just really needs a lot of repair and maintenance. we have these properties and make them available for affordable housing. in the bond, without cover the range of families, low income families, seniors, disabled. can you speak to that for just a moment. >> the bond does have a category for preservation. that would serve extremely low to moderate income, middle income households. we have done preservation work
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through our small sites and programs which is to help affordable housing providers acquire housing that would be at risk of conversion to the market , to acquire them and permit them to affordability. that program serves households, at a range of household incomes up to 120% of ami. there was existing affordable housing that was financed through a former bonds or loans that have been expired after 30 years. the bond will continue to fund that work through the preservation category.
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>> excellent. anyone on staff like to comment? >> this is nicole, thank you for coming. i would make a suggestion, while were talking about the bond specifically, and how it impacts disabilities, we might want to think about the different categories, and maybe adding a column that helps people understand especially when were paying attention to accessibility for people with disabilities. i don't know that the general public would assume that senior housing, for instance, also as accessibility components within it, assuming that as our population's age, they also have mobility and other communication changes in their life. we can maybe think about how to present that in away that the public can more easily digest
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the options that are available. >> that is great feedback. thank you. >> anyone else on staff? >> all right. i just want to thank you for your presentation. a lot of great information, and we will be going through that, and i do hope that we will be able to continue to cooperate with you in the future, especially if the bond passes. we don't have any more questions of you. are there any speaker cards? no speaker cards, okay. anyone on the bridge line? no one. okay. all right, we finished that presentation. thank you everyone for commenting, and asking questions. that's outstanding. all right, we are right on
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4:00 p.m., let's go with public comment, items but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. any speaker cards? no. okay. number ten, information item, correspondence. staff, do we have any correspondence? none today. all right. very good. okay. so, number 11, councilmember comments and announcements. any one of my colleagues want to make any announcements or comments? going once. twice. three times. all right. so, we are to number 12, adjournment. do i hear a call for adjournment >> adjourned. >> moved and seconded. my guide dog sec. it.
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okay. super quick, if we could just get everyone to turnoff any sound-producing devices that would go over during the meeting. also, we would ask that you take any secondary conversations outside so the meeting can proceed as efficiently as possible. if you speak today, we would request but not require that you fill out a speaker card. commissioner buell, how many minutes -- >> three. >> clerk: you will have three minutes to speak. if you don't have the opportunity to speak on item 4 because it is for only 15 minutes, you may speak on item 12. it's continued from item 4. when you address your comments
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to the commission, please note that neither the commission nor staff will respond to any questions during public comment in order to allow equal time for all. the commission may ask questions of staff when public comment is closed. last, if the firearm alarm goes off, you must exit the building in an ordinarily fashion. please note that the elevators will return to the first floor and are not available for use. if you require an elevator, please make your way to the closest gathering area, which is in the men's rest room. use the box. it will ring the fire department, and they will be able to assist you. >> i did receive a
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communication regarding the passing of an employee, doctor carlin. dan was an enthusiastic team member who never lacked for a kind comment or word of encouragement. he made me feel welcome here immediately upon my arrival at this department and always sought to be helpful. i've heard it said that dan is probably the few people we know who lived his life with vigor and had very few if any regrets. he was one of those people who could fit into any group and bring the fun do it. almost everyone knew dan and dan certainly knew everyone. living a great fun life was more important. he warned me about this on many occasions. dan will be very much missed here in the carpentry shop where he spent time. so with that, i would ask that
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we adjourn the meeting today in his memory and turn it over -- that concludes my report. >> clerk: is there anyone who would like to make public comment under the president's report? okay. seeing none, this item is closed. okay. we are now on item 3, the general manager's report. >> mr. president, commissioners, thank you for adjourning today's meeting in memory of dan. dan was an extraordinary employee, part of our carpenter team. dan was someone who had a smile that could light up a park, light up a room, light up a building. incredible amount of love and invested an incredible amount of love and time for camp mather. about 1.5 months ago, getting
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ready to open up for the season, dan led the charge to get it ready for the season. he worked up to 18 hours a day trying to get things done. and he did it with a smile because that was who he was. we spoke wi-- all i can say is that he will be missed and his memory will be a blessing for all of us. > turning over to more joyous topics, yesterday was play day. we were visited by over 1,000 kids, the large majority of which were our kids from the bayview, but we had kids from -- not just from our
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summer camps, but from nonprofits from all over the city who came for rides and games and activities. we opened up the pool. there was paddle boarded and kayaking and food -- paddle bore boards and kayaking and food and the pool. it couldn't do anything but put a smile on your face when it was there. so it was joyous, but seeing these kids outside, running around, being treated like kings and queens for a day was really something special. i want to thank lorraine banford who oversees these events every year, and it was really, really, really
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remarkable. turning -- or moving from the bayview to the mission, i want to talk about ian chanka hall and its community garden. presented by liveable city, the liveable awards honor individuals and institutions that have made contributions to san francisco's liveability. the hall opened in june 2017. it brought much needed green space to a dense, diverse neighborhood that was searching for a welcoming communal space. it was literally a parking lot. a committed group of volunteers helped us to transform the park's community garden into an
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area representing neighbors from across the globe. the group hosts cultural events and grows produce often hard to find in local groceries. as you know, our program supports and manages a program of 40 community gardens and growing. we have a couple more on the horizon, where members can grow produce and cultivate ornamental plants for person use. each is run by a committed group of volunteers. moving back to the bayview, supervisor shaman walton joined local kids on a newly renovated basketball court for a game.
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rec and park, as you know, has been making a significant investment in the southeast part of the city and specifically in district 10. i don't know over what period of time, but capital projects in district 10 right now total about $80 million, and the operations division alone has invested nearly $1 million in resurfacing projects in district 10. and since 2012, district 10 has received well over $40 million in philanthropy. so a lot of good things. bayview playground, k.c. jones is in the construction design phase.
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youngblood coleman, you know quite a bit about india basin which is in the concept design phase, and a variety of other improvements beyond the court resurfacing projects are underway, so a lot of good things happening in the southeast sector of the city. all right. let's turn to soccer. fresh off the excitement of the u.s. national women's soccer team's stunning world cup victory in france earlier this month, we are proud to partner with street soccer u.s.a. and other agencies and nonprofits to bring two fields to the city for a summer of play. there are open field times for youth and adults. there's organized team play. anyone can use the courts, so for more information, visit our
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website at we move on to golden gate park and stern road. we have the stern road festival. outside lands comes to golden gate park august 9 through 11, but now, through july 22, the san francisco botanical garden hosts its annual flower-piano event, placing 12 pianos in some of the garden's most beautiful locations and inviting anyone to come and play whatever they want. this year, flower-piano invites more people to play, more performances by professional
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musicians and special events for families including two new even time flower piano at sunset. there's also been a piano sing along, free lessons, flower piano at night, including one this evening, and it's where the garden is all lit up, and there are food trucks. it's really amazing. the 12 pianos are tucked away within the garden and are available for the public to play 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. through july 22 except during select performances. if this piques your interest or you're interested, contact while we're still in the summer, it is not too early to
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begin planning for fall. registration for all begins on-line and at 15 select locations throughout the city. we have something fore everybody. you can log on to to register. next week, i and several others will be attending the greener park conference in denver. we hosted this conference in san francisco in 2015 where we'll share the role of parks and recreation departments
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today. i will be involved in two sessions, one creating family friendly downtowns, where i'll be discussing our work at civic center plaza and best practices for driving equitiable investment in parks, we're really proud to be taking such a prominent role in this conference, and we will certainly report back next month. all right. we do have a brief bit of recognition before we conclude the report. it is national recreation and park month, and so in celebration of national park and recreation month, we want to give some recognition to an outstanding volunteer group. we really like to thank airbnb, who has become one of our most active and dedicated volunteer
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groups. volunteers from airbnb over the past year have dedicated their time and energy to improving our park spaces and proving to be really traffic community members. including at victoria manolo park, where 10 to 15 volunteers gather to cleanup the park. in total, airbnb volunteers have provided more than 2,200 hours of volunteer time in the last year alone, making them easily one of our most prolific volunteer groups. we have several of them here with us today, so mr. president, join me in offering a certificate to them and
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receiving this recognition, but really and truly, we want to thank you all for opening your doors to our volunteers and allowing us to support the wonderful park and recreation department that we see do amazing work every single day. i thank you all for creating space in the city that's accessible to everyone, and so really just want to be grateful to you all for creating that space for us to volunteer. a little bit more about our program. each employee, a full-time employee at airbnb has four hours a month to volunteer in our community, and we want to make sure that our employees have an opportunity to give back to the city that gives us all so much. so thank you all for the space, and i don't know if you have anything else to add. >> keep volunteering. [applause] >> all right.
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commissioners, we conclude with the video of the month -- before he you do, ryan, let me back to soccer. you see the women's national team push for equity, but one of the real challenges in the sport of football or the sport of soccer in the u.s. that we face is the u.s. soccer federation and all of us have to do a better job of exposing this game to communities of color, particularly african americans, making it more affordable, making it more accessible and more equitiable. if you look just -- i'm a soccer fan, so i'm going to go off a little bit. if you look at france's success and their success on
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