tv Government Access Programming SFGTV July 30, 2019 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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this week's business times. >> i attended the july 16 monthly council district merchant meeting. also on june 20, i attended the ten year anniversary of sfa. an organization that i founded to support local manufacturers, and a program oewd has been very supportive of over the last ten years he and much appreciated. >> i just wanted to report back in that with some heavy-duty construction going on in north each. they close down washington square park for many months. the norge -- the business associations along with neighborhood groups are still holding their feet to the fire to make sure it is happening in a correct manner that there are on -- no unnecessary delays.
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we would urge every other neighborhood that is facing such a major disruption to business to follow our footsteps. get involved, and make sure we are actively involved with whatever the department and contractors that are involved. >> yes, i have attended the dumb festival in chinatown. it is organized -- -- dumpling festival in chinatown. it is a promotion for the businesses in chinatown. many of the restaurants participated by providing different types of dumplings. delicious. >> i mentioned previously, i been working with oewd on a
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possible concert for jobs area that continues to progress. i just want to drop while everybody is here. when it hopefully pops up down the road, we are already to jump in and be supportive. >> any other commissioner comments? do we have any members of the public that would like to make comments on commission reports? seeing none. next item, please. >> item ten, new business. allows commissioners to introduce new agenda items for future consideration by the commission. discussion item. >> any new business or from any of the commissioners? do we have any members of the public who would like to comment on new business? seeing none. public comment is closed. >> richard kurylo please show the office of small business live. -- sf gov tv please show the
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small business commission lie. >> a reminder that the office of small business is the only place to start a new business in san francisco on the best place to get an answer to your questions about doing business in @ san francisco. the office of small business should be your first stop when you have questions about what to do next. you can find us online or in person here at city hall. all of our services are free of charge. small business commission is the official public forum to voice your concerns about policies that affect the economic vitality of small businesses in san francisco. if you need assistance with small business matters start here at the office of small business. >> next item. >> adjournment. >> do we have a motion to adjourn? >> meeting is adjourned at 4:05
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>> shop & dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their shop & dine in the 49 within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services in the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so we're will you shop & dine in the 49 chinatown has to be one the best
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unique shopping areas in san francisco that is color fulfill and safe each vegetation and seafood and find everything in chinatown the walk shop in chinatown welcome to jason dessert i'm the fifth generation of candy in san francisco still that serves 2000 district in the chinatown in the past it was the tradition and my family was the royal chef in the pot pals that's why we learned this stuff and moved from here to have dragon candy i want people to know that is art we will explain a walk and they can't walk in and out it is different techniques from stir
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frying to smoking to steaming and they do show of. >> beer a royalty for the age berry up to now not people know that especially the toughest they think this is - i really appreciate they love this art. >> from the cantonese to the hypomania and we have hot pots we have all of the cuisines of china in our chinatown you don't have to go far. >> small business is important to our neighborhood because if we really make a lot of people lives better more people get a job here not just a big firm. >> you don't have to go anywhere else we have pocketed of great neighborhoods haul have all have their own uniqueness.
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>> san francisco has to all >> it's great to see everyone kind of get together and prove, that you know, building our culture is something that can be reckoned with. >> i am desi, chair of economic development for soma filipinos. so that -- [ inaudible ] know that soma filipino exists, and it's also our economic platform, so we can start to build filipino businesses so we
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can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy her achbl heritage, and i discovered this awesome bok choy. working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything. >> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders. i haven't tried the adobe yet,
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but just smelling it yet brings back home and a ton of memories. >> the binca is made out of different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it. why not have nutella, rocky road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example. it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just
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right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and people love it. this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino culture to shine. everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally. >> i'm alex, the owner of the lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american
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experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia, but my food is my favorite foods i like to eat, put into my favorite filipino foods, put together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom. maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon cheese burger lumpia.
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there was a time in our generation where we didn't have our own place, our own feed to eat. before, i used to promote filipino gatherings to share the love. now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and sharing it with other filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system. >> so right now, i'm eating something that brings me back to every filipino party from my
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childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we compare ourselves to chinatown, japantown or little saigon, there's little communities there that act as place makers. when you enter into little philippines, you're like where are the businesses, and that's one of the challenges we're trying to solve.
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>> undercover love wouldn't be possible without the help of the mayor and all of our community partnerships out there. it costs approximately $60,000 for every event. undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in this way, what it allows san franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture.
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i think in san francisco, we've kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san francisco unique with just empathy, love, of being acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones. we've become so focused onic maing money that we forgot about those that make our city and community unique. when people come to discover, i want them to rediscover the magic of what diversity and empathy can create. when you're positive and committed to using that energy,
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>> supervisor walton: good morning, everybody. we will now call this july 29, 2019 rules committee to order. i'm going to be sitting in for supervisor ronen, who is absent today. and then, i want to thank supervisor mandelman for sitting in and taking my place today. our clerk today is victor young. and who do we have for sfgov? and today, we have michael baltazar and samuel wick. okay. so first, i'd like to have a motion to excuse supervisor ronen. and with that, i'll take that as a majority. with that, do you have any announcements mr. clerk?
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>> clerk: yes. please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. completed documents and paperwork should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today are going to be heard on the september 1 meeting or as otherwise stated. >> supervisor walton: with that, mr. clerk, would you please read the first item. >> clerk: item number one is a motion appointing supervisor gordon an mar, term ending june 30, 21, to the bay area governments executive board. would you like to make a motion to excuse-recuse supervisor mar? >> supervisor walton: yes. and supervisor mandelman, supervisor mar on board? we'll take that without objection.
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are there any members of the public who would like to speak on item number one, please standup. you have two minutes for public comment. >> coalition for san francisco neighborhoods here on my own behalf here in strong support for supervisor mar's appointment to abag as abag's role in casa. however, casa's role is changing. abag's role has become more critical especially in terms of ab 1487, david chiu's legislation. originally, ab 1487 was a housing authority bill with financial capablities. now david chiu has gutted his own bill so it is a regional
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authority, a taxing authority. even though abag is a public committee, they met privately with representative chiu. the abag meeting stated that the vote was whether or not to have the authority to place a regional finance authority on the ballot. despite this description, it was unclear what ballot this would be placed on and what the ballot language would be. based on my subsequent discussions with committee staff in sacramento, the most likely scenario for the vote was to place abag as a
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candidate for a floor vote. i would urge supervisor mar to look at these from a fresh perspective. >> supervisor walton: next speaker. >> permarsupervisor mar's been excused, but i appreciate the way you've been handling this. i made those presentations, and you moved accordingly. and yet, the board of supervisors got all the credit. yet that happened -- that happens to me all the time. even though president yee got most of the credit for that, i know you're the one that initiated that. i'd like you to follow up on my demonstrations by means of including all the income people who are on the documentation that's used to produce the
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income rates for so-called 100% affordable housing. you claim it's 100%, but yet every housing is targeted to the lowest income in order to be a tenant that come out of the mayor's office on housing is higher than the income that's reported on a requirement in order to be a tenant in the building. can't get you on discrimination based on race because the people in office is discriminating against people with the same skin color as themselves. it's disgusting. you sit up there saying that 50% of the a.m.i. is affordable housing. and people that make 55,000,
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60,000 a year can't apply. i move to have all that scale that's included in that housing authority -- the lowest income is not included in the equal housing opportunity. >> supervisor walton: thank you, mr. supervisor. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. so looking at the motion to approve supervisor mar, supervisor mandelman and i are on the same page, so we would like to move this forward with a positive recommendation without objection. >> clerk: committee report. >> supervisor walton: as a committee report. >> clerk: this item will be recommended to the full board
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as a committee report. >> supervisor walton: thank you very much. now we're going to take item number three. we're going out of order, and i'm going to recuse myself while the item is going to be heard. [agenda item read]. >> clerk: is there a motion to excuse-recuse vice chair walton from this? yeah. >> supervisor mar: so we're on item 2. >> clerk: item three. >> supervisor mar: i so guess we can go to public comment. is there any member of the
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public who wishes to speak to this item, please come forward. you have two minutes. mr. wright? >> air quality and management, you've got a problem there. hunters point, naval shipyard has caused unlimited amount of black people, and by the same response, other nationalities who live in that area to die because of cancer causing material. thousands, possibly millions have died, and you've got the same problem as treasure island. but you're building a complex. and now, you're building a
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complex for adolescents. there was a man who came to jane kim's office explaining how he had two cancer causing surgeries on his stomach while living on treasure island, and he testified how jane kim slammed the door in his face. it's disgusting. nobody's discussing this issue. air quality management, if you're going to be in charge, earn your pay and quit putting profit over safety. let's get this done. we have had this several times, several hearings, and nothing. and then, when the white men get caught falsefying results, you come running. but yet, when black people come to you, explaining how their relatives are dieing, nothing's
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being done. so you need to use somebody that's not on the same payroll system as yourselves so you can get a true and correct measurement of the air quality. >> supervisor mar: thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. i would just like to state that i think that it's great that supervisor walton is able to step up to the board of the bay area air quality management district. as the other supervisor that's on thatrd b board, i really am think that it -- it's important for supervisor walton to be on the board given that the most impacted areas are in district 10, so i think that it'll be important that we -- to continue to protect the health and environment of the most overburdened communities in san francisco. so i wouldn't -- i would move
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that we appoint supervisor walton to the bay area air quality management board of directors to the full board as a committee report without objection. >> clerk: this matter will be recommended as a committee report to tomorrow's board meeting. >> supervisor mar: great. all right. i -- i guess we'll -- well, we'll wait for him. >> clerk: next item on the agenda is motion number two, is a motion reappointing supervisor raphael mandelman, term ending june 30, 2022, to the bay area air quality management board.
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is there a motion to recuse? >> supervisor walton: yes. supervisor manned widelman, thu so much. with that said, public comment on item number two? you'll have two minutes. >> eileen bogan, coalition for san francisco neighborhoods here on my own behalf. hearing supervisor mandelman's reappointment to abag, i would like to thank him for his willingness to serve and his opposition for sb 1487 on july 13. i would also like to thank the planning commission for its informational hearing at its june 27 meeting. both supervisor mandelman and a member of the public read excerpts from the planning department staff report into the record at the abag meeting. the abag motion to support was subsequently defeated.
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the following are excerpts from the staff report on sb 330, and i quote. it would bar approval of any housing project that involves the demolition of certain affordable units or units where the ellis act eviction have previously been heard. the bill for further requires that any units that are provided must be counted towards the project's local inclusionary housing requirement. this would potentially reduce the number of new below-market-rate units in such
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projects. the bill's prohibition of new design standards after july 1, 2018 that do not meet the definition of "objective standards" proposes a significant reduction to the city's design review process over the next five years. thank you. >> supervisor walton: thank you. next speaker. >> i demonstrated well over several times before this pardon boapart board committee and to the offices of mr. mandelman himself, and i pointed out very respectfully that apartment complex is being built across the bay, 144 units for $56 million is the best deal yet. i've demonstrated what the $1 billion that's being handed down that's supposed to be targeted for the homeless people that you could build nine of these complexes that
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have 144 units in each complex. i've demonstrated where there's an 87-apartment building complex that, too, is three stories. and by the same response, if you put both these buildings side by side, you will take chunks out of the homeless population. each and every one of your districts, you've got 11 of them. instead of building these navigation centers, you build these two complexes. if you are my demonstration already up and running and in effect, you'd have about 1,000 surplus apartments to be occupied by homeless and no homeless people out in the streets. furthermore, i object to nonprofit, understand me, developers not being respected.
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i object to gavin newsom going across the bay with 100% affordable housing developer and showed how $80 million was used to built an 87-unit housing complex, and he responded by commenting if they don't meet all their requirements, he's going to fine them. i object. you need to fine him. >> supervisor walton: thank you, mr. wright. can i get a motion to affirecod to the full board as a committee report?
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>> clerk: that item will be recommended as a committee report. >> clerk: mr. clerk, please read item five. >> clerk: yes. [agenda item read]. >> supervisor walton: with that said, we're looking at seat 8. and is winnie chen here? miss chen, you want to come up and tell us a little bit about yourself? >> my name is winnie chen? i'm an incumbent from seat eight seeking to be reappointed?
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part of it is as you know in your positions is after you've been there a year when you hit your stride. and i feel by continuing my work for the next twoers i can't, i can continue to benefit -- two years, i can continue to benefit the community? i have to say, mr. walton, i am a big fan of yours from the school board where you may have seen my participation in going to the school board and speaking on behalf of the c.a.c. and also -- which i'm a member of. i'm specifically more involved or have knowledge of children who have -- are in special education as well as low-income families and parents who access many of the services we have in san francisco. >> supervisor walton: thank you so much miss chen. supervisor mar, do you have any
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questions? >> okay. thank you. >> supervisor walton: thank you. next, i invite julie roberts-phung. >> hi. my name is julie roberts-phung, and i qualify for all three seats. i have a rising third grader, a daughter who's in an after school program and also 20 years experience working as a community organizer with families on racial justice organizer, most recently for the san francisco families union and an organizer for the close the gap organization.
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we've worked for sfusd and for community-based beacon programs? most recently, they've led advocacy with our indigenous, and parent of color group and i think they'd be a great asset to the committee. in terms of my priorities, i'm looking to align the interests in the city. i'm especially creating opportunities by closing juvenile hall and hopefully closing at 50 bryant. i need to make sure we're aligning our services making it easy fore families to access and strengthening the communities of front-line
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c.b.o.s that -- and community families that we want to serve. we know that families at the intersection of identities have -- you know, have the lowest level of opportunity for us in the city. i think dcyf has some opportunities to change that. the next area of priority i want to bring a racial equity and systems approach to this work. so i think both in my personal and professional experience, you know, as a member of the western addition community and a member of the public school in the tenderloin, i've seen the families that are least well served by our system tell
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us best how our system's broken? and by listening to the block youth we can best create a system that's going to support our youth of color and then expand it out to support the most number of families in the city and that's how we're actually going to improve, you know, meet the needs of the most people in our city. i've provided you a letter from a dozen people that i've provided support. i believe you have that in your packet. i just want to end by thanking dori in help us build a strong committee of candidates, and the rules committee for supporting us. you've got strong candidates, and i look forward to your support. thank you. >> supervisor walton: thank you. any comments, supervisor mar? thank you. with that said, we'd like to call up yamini butmegar.
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>> good morning. greetings, supervisor walton and supervisor mar? thank you for the opportunity to stand here today and speak to you about my application to serve on the children, youth and families oversight committee? i became interested in serving on this committee for a few reasons? one, i'm raising my two children here in san francisco. i have an 8-year-old who is heading off to third grade in a couple of weeks and a 4-year-old who is heading off to his second and last year in preschool. we rely heavily on the subsidiz subsidized and funds programs to benefit our children. i was brought here to san francisco as a youth by my family who emigrated here, and i've pretty much lived in the southeast districts of san francisco, district 10 and 11. i also want to say that as i
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look back, my transition as an immigrant youth would have been difficult and much more difficult in many, many ways if it had not been for the teachers and community organizers who stepped up for young people like me? and the same people went ahead and changed policy in this city and centered young people of color. third, in my professional life i've worked with and on behalf of young people in many capacities, in organizing for ethnic studies in our schools and more. i understand both personally and professionally the importance of the work of the department of children, youth and families and the staff at dcyf, and it would be an honor to serve on the committee. thank you. >> supervisor walton: thank you. any questions, supervisor mar? seeing none, we will now entertain public comment for this item. >> i've got a tenandency for
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speaking up for the most vulnerable. current events has demonstrated what juul cigarettes have caused six adolescents to be hospitalized in the city of milwaukee. the doctors gave a press conference explaining specifically how the devices are smart to look like a high-tech device has caused numerous lung infections and blood vessels to collapse along with other documentations and hearings that we have against juul. i find that the city and county of san francisco will ban their devices but yet you rent them an apartment complex which is the headquarters of the corporation who you're protesting. it's a conflict of interest.
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there's no way that a corporation that is causing death and causing cancer and causing lung disease in adole scents and kids is getting rent at a bargained price while the rent for everybody else is sky rocketing. juul, i researched them, they don't have a license to sell their product. you're involved in a corrupt and organized enterprise because you're selling a narcotic. nicotine is a narcotic. you don't have a license, so you're running a corrupt and organized enterprise, and you're depriving the most vulnerable people of their protection and equal access under the law. if you don't have a license to sell the product, you should not be permitted.
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i'm surprised the district attorney hasn't filed a complaint against them. it's just another example of the incompetence in the city and county of god damn san francisco. i've demonstrated several times where you have discrimination against blacks and you've done nothing about it. a black woman came in here and said when she worked for the district attorney's office, and she's called a black skinned woman of color, and nothing was done about it. >> supervisor walton: thank you, mr. wright. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> supervisor walton: first of all, i want to thank everyone who submitted to serve on the c.a.c. -- i'm sorry, o.a.c. it is a very important and vital role, and we appreciate
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every time someone wants to step up and serve. we do have four applicants and three seats, so sometimes we're forced to make a hard decision based on the excellent candidates. supervisor mar, did you have anything you wanted to share? >> supervisor mar: i wanted to thank you all for your willingness to serve on the committee and i would concur with supervisor walton, that this committee is very important, ensuring that all of our communities are able to continue to thrive in san francisco, so thank you so much for all of your work and your willingness to serve. i -- actually, i -- i -- i
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would like to make a motion that we rec -- let's see -- that we recommend the appointment of -- or that we approve the appointment of winnie chen for seat number eight, julie roberts-phung for seat number nine and yamani batnegon for seat ten to the board of supervisors in a committee report. >> supervisor walton: and we can take that without objection. >> clerk: yes. that will be taken as a committee report with full recommendation. >> supervisor walton: did you get all the recommendations? >> clerk: yes. i have winnie chen to seat
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i am a proud daughter of the excelsior. i'm proud of my heritage. since 2005, i've worked in district six, i've worked intimately in the tenderloin in midmarket and south of market serving some of the city's most poor and vulnerable populations. i come from a family of singers and dancers. as a child, i saw my family sing in cover bands and watched my parents' generation tear up the dance floor. as a small child, when i heard songs on the radio, i thought it was my family performing earth, wind, and fire. they performed all across the
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bay area in various venues which celebrated their hometowns and regions. i was lucky to accompany my family and witness these gatherings of proud immigrants who fiercely gathered in these microcommunities and kept their connection to their homeland alive for themselves and generations who followed. these events would also serve as fundraisers, projects who would benefit the people, to creating educational scholarships for young people here and there. i learned firsthand the power of community and fiphilanthrop. these laid the groundwork and my passion to curate meaningful
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events and experienced. today, i lead community engagement and communication strategies for the department of youth and their families. i was originally appointed to the entertainment commission in 2015. i had the privilege to fill the fierce and fabulous shoes of former commissioner joseph hyde. today, i believe we have built upon our strong foundation and proudly continue our commission's tradition of women in leadership with maggie weiland, katelyn acevedo and
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myself serving my second term. i've enjoyed working in partnership with president ben bleiman. our city's night life and outdoor cultural and entertainment events are the heart and soul of san francisco. the 3600 businesses, including restaurants, bars, venues, and other performance spaces employ over 62,000 people, bringing $80 million of tax revenue to the city and spending $1.6 billion on local supplies and services. outdoor events including street fairs, music festivals and parades attracts 3.3 million attendees annually and supporting 9,300 private sector
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jobs. even with all these major successes and impacts, night life and entertainment, its culture and industry are under assault with the same thing that every san franciscan faces: the cost of doing business in san francisco. in efforts to stream line processes and increase access to the permit process, we've gun digitizing the per -- we've begun digitizing the permit process. we've worked in partnership with mayor breed to create the formation of the special events committee. i'm proud of our efforts to
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create funding opportunities to create small businesses with technical assistance, and i'm also proud of our efforts to update the good neighborhood policy. i'm deeply committed to defining and designing safe inclusive and culturally forming spaces of night life and culture. last weekend, i attended the undiscovered creative night market and experienced a transformation of a market alley into a market of light. i was that little girl who watched and learned from their community as they claimed and created social spaces. today i continue this this tradition as a public servant, protecting, promoting our spaces that serve our
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community. >> supervisor walton: thank you, miss caminong. do you have any questions? thank you. i will now call up domingo williams. >> my name is domingo williams. i, too, am a san francisco native. born and raised here in the city and had the opportunity, ample opportunity to go to college in las vegas, nevada and play in athletics. once leaving that particular setting, i then returned home and immediately began work in the private sector. not being fulfilled with that, i transitioned to civil service. currently a sergeant with the san francisco police department. i'm a sergeant in the business crimes unit, which you can
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imagine is a busy unit. what drove me on that is access. access for people that don't feel they have opportunity to engage with city organizations such as the police department. that moved me to seeking a greater capacity within the city and looking to the entertainment commission as a seat to engage with the city in. to me, it's important to be able to have entertainment that reflects the diversity that are san francisco and that creates san francisco, and unfortunately it doesn't seem that way consistent throughout the map. i currently reside in district ten. i navigate district ten. i understand that is your district, supervisor, but there is a lack of entertainment, and there's a lack of entertainment for the constituents that are there, and not necessarily for that one district, but for other districts. as has been spoken to this morning, there is a problem
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with gentrification, and it would be my intention to be able to increase the access, place a face, and then also create some diversity in, one, the particular body and two, the type of entertainment venues, and i guess festivals for lack of a better word, that we naturally see. we see a few that happen throughout the year, however, in the circles that i run in, a lot of the young professionals who are college educated often travel out of san francisco to seek entertainment. i don't feel that should be the only option. with that being said, for me, it's about inclusion, it's about building relationships, and i believe this is one of those organizations that has the ability to do both. to not belabor any further points, i appreciate the opportunity to speak in front of you. i do have letters of support
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for your review that can be sent to you via e-mail should you request. >> supervisor walton: supervisor mar, do you have any comments? seeing none, we will now take public comment on item number six. >> this word, gentrification is a cover up on what's actually happening. it's not gentrification, it's called discrimination based on geographical location and by the same response, this so-called gentrification which is discrimination based on geographical location hits people of color, especially black people. you hipped and ethically cleanse millions of my people
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from the area. and it's not only affecting housing and making my population drop-down to 2.5, 3% in the western addition area, and as far as the bayview area is concern, the population of black people used to be 45%. now it's down to 4 % or 5%. you're running a criminally corrupt enterprise from day one. from the day of slavery, from the day of the navy putting that cancer causing radio active material at the hunters point shipyard, which was 85% to 90% black. and the balance of samoan people, too. how many of those people are catching cancer causing material from them? you deliberately dropped off that material in that area because it was predominantly black. you didn't go to pier 39
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because it was predominantly white. you had numerous testimony from black people testifying how they're being creme nated in each and every department in the god damned county of -- discriminated in each and every department in the god damned city and county of san francisco. you don't want people like us in positions of authority to understand what's happening to us. >> hi. i'm julie roberts-phung, and i'm here to speak on behalf of dori caminong. i think she would make an excellent candidate for the
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committee. thank you. >> supervisor walton: next speaker. >> good morning, supervisors. it's a pleasure to be here this morning. when i found out that dori was being setup for reappointment, i was actually back east, in baltimore, and i took an early flight home to be here. i met dori 13 years ago when she started community work in the tenderloin for glide, cecil williams. and when i met her that morning, i remember, 13 years ago, i remember, i says tenderloin is going to eat you up. and wouldn't you know, she ate up the tenderloin. i'm a chair of a board for the city.
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we're all volunteers, and a lot of people take this opportunity just to get something on their resume. you can either do that or you can do the work. i wound up doing countless hours of volunteer work for the city of san francisco. also dori. i go to 20 to 30 volunteer events a week, and i see dori at 15 to 20 of them. there's two great candidates here this morning, and they both show a lot of pride and effort to volunteer for the city of san francisco. i wish i could endorse both of them. but this morning, i'm here to support dori. she's a wonderful person, and she gives her blood. dori shows up, and she will continue to show up, so i implore you all to consider dori this
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