tv Government Access Programming SFGTV August 3, 2019 5:00am-6:01am PDT
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l.p., is currently applying for a permit to construct residential units on the site. the property owner is not supportive of the proposed landmark designation. staff would like to note that in addition to the approximately 96 letters of support included in the case report for today's hearing, the department has received one support letter and five opposition letters to the proposed landmark nomination. located in the portola district of the excelsior neighborhood, 770 woolsey street occupies one full city block bound by wayland street to the north, woolsey street to the south, hamilton street to the east, and bowed and street to the west. the properties are the former sight of a family owned flower nursery in operation from 1921 to 1990. this 2.2-acre site includes 18
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greenhouse buildings, organized into two rose, and although the greenhouses were built over several decades between 1921 and 1951, they are already woodframe structures with gable roofs and feature similar massing, orientation, and design. additional buildings on the property include a one-story woodframe boiler house constructed circa 1922, and a one-story garage and storage structure constructed in 1958. the site features include various metal tanks for water and pesticides, two hand dug wells, a woodframe shed, in approximately 20,450 square feet of open space. the subject property, as a cut flower nursery from 1921 until 1990 by the garibaldi brothers. they immigrated to san francisco
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from italy in the early 20th century and were one of several italian born families that owned and operated cut flower nursery is in the city, particularly in the portola neighborhood, 770 woolsey was one of 20 similar cut flower nurseries in the portola district in the early 20 th century. the garibaldi family were also members of the san francisco flower growers association, which was a business group established by the local italian community. this association worked in partnership with similar japanese and chinese flower cut organizations to establish san francisco's first wholesale market in 1924. followed by the current san francisco flower terminal in 1956. the subject property closed in 1990 and is the last remaining cut flower nursery in the portola district. the department agrees that with
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the applicants that the property is significant under a criterion one, both for its association with commercial flower growing industry in the portola district , and verse association with the rural italian and italian-americans that played in the city flower growing industry furthermore, staff finds a subject property is a rare example of a small-scale urban agricultural site and therefore it is significant, it is a significant cultural landscape under criterion three. designation of 770 woolsey meets the three of historic preservation commission's four priorities for designation. it meets the first priority which is the designation of underrepresented landmark property types, including landscapes. there are no urban agriculture landscapes or similar vernacular cultural landscape sites currently listed on article ten. designation also meets the third priority which is the designation of buildings located
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in a geographically underrepresented area. there is only one individual landmark building located in the portola district. this is the university mound will lady's home. there are no article ten landmark districts in the vicinity. the proposed designation meets the fourth krait priority which is the designation of properties with strong cultural or ethnic associations. the property is associated with the role italian and italian-american communities played in the local flower growing industry and in the portola district. the case before the historic preservation commission is the consideration of the community sponsor lead landmark designation for nomination of 770 woolsey street. staff asks the commission to consider whether the property is eligible for, and therefore should be added to the landmark designation work program, or the property is not eligible for the work program.
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the third option is there is insufficient evidence and further research is needed to determine whether the property is eligible for the work program the department believes the property meets the established eligibility requirements and is therefore eligible for designation. the department recommends to the h.p.c. to add the property to the work program. if added to the work program, the commission may direct staff to finalize the landmark designation report. the department will then schedule a second hearing before the commission for the initiation of the resolution followed by a third hearing for the commission's recommendation of approval for the designation. this concludes my presentation. i will be available to answer questions. the sponsor for the landmark designation is here and would like to say a few words. >> great.
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okay, great. welcome. >> sorry for the delay. my name is alisa and i am with the group, friends of 7070 woolsey, we are the applicants. i am going to hand over most of my time to stacy far who wrote the report, but i just wanted to give you a brief introduction of who we are. we are -- i don't have time to go through all of this, but i just wanted to be sure to emphasize and put to bed any notion that the application was in some way related to the condo development, which is the
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alternative. this has been an idea and a project that has been long in the works. from this timeline you can see that we have started having meetings about potential urban agricultural sights there since 2013. that is what this slide is that i will rush through because we are short on time. there was a green plant done by the community, there was a feasibility study that was done over two years ago. i will get to that in just a second. we also have had consistent support from the city and the supervisors' office. so the feasibility study is 100 -- is a 110 page document. obviously i will take a high level view of it just to let you know that 24 farms were considered in that study. we scaled the revenues and cost from all of those to what potentially could fit and could be done at 770, we created four potential operational models
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with different levels of investment required for each and concluded that it would be financially self sustainable to have an urban commercial farm there. i say all of this just to let you know that if this were landmark to, it would not be sitting there stagnant. it would not be left there to continue in its current state. it would be something that would have life and vibrancy for the community. i will skip that for time. so we did have -- we do have a signed campaign on going around the neighborhood. we have -- there are dozens of signs everywhere. we submitted over 120 letters of support. twenty more were dropped off on my doorstep this morning and i e-mailed them to you so you may not have gotten them just yet, but they are waiting for you. we had an online petition with over -- almost 3,000 signatures online, and another 250 on paper because not everybody is online. we had a meeting last month, 108
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people from the neighborhood showed up, which is a pretty good turnout if you have ever been to a neighborhood meeting. people are infested in this community and they care. that is ass, and that is some of the phases that are attached to some of those letters. i will turn it over to stacy now >> great, thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners thank you for hearing our landmark net on nation. i wrote it along with some assistance from donna graves who wrote the section about the broader horticultural industry. as i got started, you can tell by looking at it, it is a unique property type in san francisco. when i started doing my research , this historic significance of the site really became clear very quickly. the portola really was the city 's you flower growing district starting in 1865 for about 100 years and there are 60 different commercial flower nurseries in the neighborhood and the cap was in 1925 which
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was just a couple years after this nursery was established. in 1925, there were 21 nurseries that covered over 30 blocks in the portola, and 75% of them were owned and operated by italians and italian-americans. the significance of the flower culture industry in the bay area in san francisco detailed in the report has already been recognized in the finding of california register eligibility for the flower marked. these greenhouses were what supplied that industry with the flowers. they were the roots that power the significant industry and from a peak of 30 city blocks, this is the last remaining commercial greenhouse in the city. it tells a very specific, very significant story about the city 's history that no other site can tell. there is not another one. once i determined the significance, i got into integrity. obviously the greenhouses and the boiler house are in pretty poor condition, but the historic preservation professionals know there is a difference between
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condition and integrity. i developed a rubric to evaluate material integrity of the greenhouses and i found that 12 out of 18 retained sufficient integrity to convey their significance. i also want to say these are very -- the materials are not precious. the greenhouses are designed to be replaced, that is why they have small panes of glass. i don't think we would lose too much significant material for reconstruction. >> thank you. your time is up. >> i'm available for questions if you have any. >> great, thank you. we will open it up for public comment. there will be three minutes per public comment. i have two and front of me right now. karen, and after karen it will be michelle. sorry if i mispronouncing. >> can i make a request of the
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public? i would like to make a request of the public. there's obviously a lot of you and i suspect that many of you will be saying similar things to the people before you, so if you have things that you are going to repeat, please try to limit your time. we would all appreciate that. thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i have lived in san francisco since 1968 and i reside in the western edition. my interest in the university nursery dates back many years to when my family and i discovered the greenhouses. i cannot tell you what the site meant to me as a daughter of a missouri cut flower grower. i lived and worked in greenhouses growing up. i shared some of my experiences then with my two young sons. little did i envision that both would become connected to the portola as adults. even though not residing in the portola, one carlos was one of
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the founders of the greenhouse project and miguel recently moved to dwight. from the introduction, you can surmise that i am here in support of the friends of 77 -- 770's advocation to designate the university a historic landmark. our city has many needs, among them are diverse and connected neighborhood, as well as spaces for community, for education, and for inspiration. in my humble opinion, we also need to growing spaces. the portola's vision to develop the university mound nursery as a community asset for the neighborhood will add irreplaceable growing space for the city. the portola has been working towards this for many years as people have talked about it, long before the property was purchased for development a few years ago.
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their efforts are inspirational. i had not heard of the preservation commission before. very few of the 287 landmark designations are known to me. i now have a new item on my bucket list walking towards all 287. in scanning the list of 287, i did not see one like the one that is before you. a piece of land that was part of our history was the garden district, but it was long forgotten. it has been renamed since and you saw the sign earlier, by the board of supervisors as the garden district. let part of that history remain standing at 770 wolseley. -- at 770 wolseley. if i am from missouri, i hope you will show me the portola and
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the city your support by protecting this important and frankly one-of-a-kind historical resources. help me add 288 to my walking tours. on my bucket list. thank you. [applause] >> if you could refrain from clapping, that would be great. thank you. >> jonas you have the next speaker cards. she just spoke. michelle wolf. >> the next speaker will be greg homes and then caitlin galloway and then laura kemp. >> hello, commissioners. i have raised three daughters in this district and in our district we don't have very many
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historic landmarks. we have the old lady's home on university and we are kind of a forgotten neighborhood. i know that we have a nice billboard that designates us as the garden district, but we really don't have much to play -- pay homage to the mid-to -- to the italians. this is another structure that they built and they maintained and it flourished. it was a very successful nursery for decades. it is very well known to the residents and to the neighbours in our district, but it is something that we don't want to lose. it is too precious. there is nothing else like this in the city of san francisco. no matter where you go you won't find anything like this and we would love to see it preserved. thank you. >> thank you. caitlin galloway? >> good afternoon, commissioners i am here -- i used to run -- run a farm called little city gardens in san francisco. it was the city's only commercial farm and we ran
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operations from 2010 to 2016. we lost access to our parcel that we farmed, it was a three-quarter aigle -- acre parcel. we lost access when it was approved for development into a private school. i am here on behalf of of the thousands of visitors and volunteers that joined us at the farm in our six years of operation. i'm also here on behalf of the hundreds of neighbours and residents that we fed from the farm in our years of operation, and also here on behalf of the dozens of small businesses that we collaborated with during our time, and all of us in that time were united in our enthusiasm and appreciation for san francisco as a city that supported and had a history of supporting urban agriculture. in the years since little city garden has closed, i have still stayed intimately aware and involved in urban agriculture in san francisco, and i have to be honest, it feels like it is dwindling.
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i see 770 woolsey as a crucial and very unique opportunity for the city to, you know, recommit to urban agriculture as a priority. i think we all know that we are in a climate emergency. urban agriculture will become increasingly important and crucial for any future city, so as a long time urban agriculture practitioner and advocate, and on behalf of the communities that i have worked with, i'm here to say that this where parcel is such, it represents not only the history of our city , but also a very important potential. thank you. >> thank you. laura kemp and then after laura kemp, bonnie bridges and jesse. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is laura and i have been residing in the portola district for the past 24 years.
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i'm here today to speak in support of historic landmark designation for 770 woolsey. the portola neighborhood has a ground vision. yes, we want to preserve this unique site. what it is the only one of its kind remaining in the city of san francisco. to preserve its history and legacy for future generations. however, our vision is much more than this. we have a plan to create and activate a center for learning, for hope, to foster knowledge, to develop and engage the skills needed to become a more resilient community. to provide access to locally grown food to both nourish and plan for the future. this is not just about cut flowers. life is not always a bed of roses. the site at 770 woolsey honours the unique contributions that immigrant families -- for
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immigrant families, but it guys are community vision and contributes in the face of uncertainty. this is about a community, the garden district of san francisco , coming together, learning to grow food together, share skills. it is about mutual support and cooperation and self-sufficiency the greenhouses at 7070 woolsey once provided the necessary food and nourishment for the community during the world war ii era. the next assignment might be even more urgent as we face an impending climate crisis and an uncertain future. let us be bold and visionary. we urge you to support our request for historic landmark designation for 770 woolsey. thank you. >> thank you. bonnie bridges?
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>> hi, bonnie bridges. i am a resident of the portola. i have lived there for 20 years and raised my twin daughters there, were now off in college. i am an active participant in our nonprofit, and i got involved about eight years ago when we realized that the idea was so bold that it needed all the help it could get. i am involved in this project primarily from the idea of a sustainable city future and sustainable cities have many different parts to them, and a big part is grow your food where the people live. i think that is increasingly going to be important in the world at large. this project, being landmarked as historical agricultural use provides the validity for future
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agriculture. so i request your support in designating this as a landmark agricultural use. >> thank you. >> is it possible to use a projector? great. thank you. i'm the project sponsor and l 37 partners. this light is to represent our local team working on this project. page turnbull has peer-reviewed the h.r.e. very quickly about the partners, i have concluded -- included this slide. we've a 20 year track record. >> i'm sorry, are you here to support or comment on the agenda
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item? >> i am. >> okay. >> we have just been advised by the city attorney's office that you should not be presenting the project today, we can comment on the merits of adding the property to the landmark work program. >> okay. i would be glad to. this was just present contacts for who our company is. >> great. may i begin? >> sure. >> fantastic. thank you. we have been doing development in san francisco for 20 years. the warfield being one of the projects that has extort significance that we are currently working on. what i wanted to share today is that as far as this being preserved for land marking, there is nothing more that we would like to do then work with the community and coming up with a viable solution here. we have done that for 20 years and we have enabled community groups to take their dreams and turn them into a reality.
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we would like to work with this community group here. we believe there is an opportunity to do some of the goals that they have shared and also provide much-needed housing and other uses that are permissible at the site. as far as land marking, we have had -- we -- it has been a joy to meet with the garibaldi family. she met with us on one of these projects. it was her dad who worked on this project for the last decades when i was in business. she does not support this landmark application. she has encouraged us to continue, and it is challenging sometimes. we have asked to meet with this group and we have not had as much success as we have had on previous projects, but what i think again is most important is as local developers, we are extremely committed to working with them, and it also like to note that the project is going through the ceqa review process. it has been identified as a significant resource. we will actually have to return to the same form to really
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review it through there. there will be mitigation measures that will be conditions for approval, should we be so lucky to get that, and you guys would also have a chance to review this. we would respectfully request that the landmark request does not go forward and that we are able to review this project through the ceqa process at your pleasure. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> hello, my name is maggie weiss. i'm here representing the san francisco school, a school with 275-280 children each year, preschool through the eighth grade. in the 1990s, i drove by this lot and went, wow, what is this? i was just amazed. there was a for sale sign, so i called because it is a whole block. and i said i don't know what it is, but this is inspirational. the people who answer the phone
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said it has been sold and kind of left it there. but since that time in the early nineties, i brought students, i brought about 1,000 people in my 31 years at the school to this location. it is inspirational. the students, as young as three and a half, up to the 14 -year-olds, have reflected on their visits there and we have done service throughout the neighborhood at different locations, but direct quotes from the students about their reflections here. and part of this is because we practice play-based education which connects people to the spaces, the structure, and the land, and the nature that are nearby. and so is part of this education , we go out and we do service, then we engage in reflection, so these kids have identified this location as the last remnant of the garden
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district. a magical space of -- a poet's mean, a cool spot, and a place they want to break into. i have wanted to break into it, too, but i have restrained my impulses. it beckons, but i have restrained. i am hoping we can open this space to the community for its historic impact, its ability to connect us to the past, in particular the identity of the portola as a garden district, and for its ability to inspire all ages and stir the souls of gardeners, landscapers, neighbours, poets, artists, foodies, children, educators, regular folks, and historic preservationists. thank you sincerely for your time consideration. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners on behalf of san francisco heritage, i'm here to speak in
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strong support of the landmark nomination before you. there is really no question that the site is unique and significant and there's concurrence from planning and multiple consultants on this project. they have always maintained the significance of the site, despite is deteriorated condition. we featured 770 woolsey on will see on the cover of of heritage news in 2017. last year, heritage awarded a grant to friends of 77 -- 770 woolsey to develop design guidelines for potential future appropriate development on the site should landmark status be granted. this is certainly a unique site and it is also uniquely challenging in terms of how it could be redeveloped while retaining its historic integrity the guidelines funded by our grant will hopefully include standard compliance compliance and a mix of restoration, reability asian and reconstruction and compatible new construction recommendations
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besides this obvious significance, heritage feels that the landmark designation is necessary because the h.p.c. and its expertise will be essential to ensuring the success of any potential future development on the site. thank you. >> thank you. thomas hayden. after thomas it is eileen gonzalez and then kelly torres. >> good afternoon and thank you for this opportunity to speak. my name is thomas hayden. i live at 527 wayland street, about a block and a half away from the greenhouses. i want to share a small story with you today about raising children in the southeastern districts of our city. i raised my children when they were nine and seven years old in a sense of place and a sense of history. we would read books about san francisco and when school is out of session, we make expeditions to the parts of our city that show up in the children's books
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and on postcards. we hop on munimobile and go to clayton tower, we come to city hall, we visit the cable cars, but we don't have a postcard location in the portola, we don't have a monument to our particular history, to the part that our neighbours in their neighborhood has played in the city's broader history. what i am asking today is that you consider whether the children of our neighborhood deserve to have their history memorialized just assume the other parts of the city have been to add value for all in the city. the 770 woolsey site is unique and it is uniquely heralded. it is the last of its kind in the city. i think that it is a core part of our neighborhood's identity. it is a core part of what has
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brought us together as a neighborhood and it has a bright future. i think for the children of the neighborhood and for the children of the city to understand more deeply another aspect of their own safety's history. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners my family and i have been a longtime resident of the portola district for 50 or 60 years. sorry, i'm really passionate about this. i live one and a half blocks from the project. i'm a proponent for designating the property as historic. the portola neighborhood has gone through many changes over the years. there's very little charm left of what was once known as the portola. just influence alone of the telly can -- italian-american community. our neighborhood is known as the garden district and should be preserved as so with minimal
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places left, making 770 woolsey a historic landmark, but also adding value to the city's landscape. i love my longtime neighborhood and neighbors would agree that making this will landmark would also leave a firm legacy. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, everyone. i am glad to be here. one will always wonder why the family that owns 770 woolsey left it inoperable for so long, but that doesn't even matter any longer. what matters is that the structures are still there. the families that supply families and people in the san francisco fire -- flower mart
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were hard-working, working class people. after the earthquake in 1906, they feared losing their businesses the focus was on rescuing, rebuilding but it was quite the opposite. people wanted more. the fresh, colourful flowers brought life to the crumbled, burning landscape. most importantly, it gave those that survived hope and beauty to lie on the graves of those lives lost. so why shouldn't we commemorate the people of the portola district at this space? the city's strategic plan goals should be strengthening and diversifying the city's communities and i am committed to this approach. urban development and revitalization that emphasizes community health, safety, historical preservation, and
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equity of opportunity. san francisco is a remarkable and diverse city with its own style, consciousness, and importantly, a unique feel. distinctive from other parts of california. it is essential to preserve these unique qualities and the character that defines our city. as a third-generation san franciscan with deep family roots in the portola, an important moment has arrived for san francisco to preserve a unique place in history. i support the designation of 770 woolsey as a historic landmark that recognizes the historical horticultural commerce that has long characterized the portola and preserved it for generations to come. kelly torres, i am a member of
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friends of 770 woolsey. >> thank you. >> i live on top of the hill overlooking the project here. from my spot on top of the hill, i see lots of houses, i see new houses going in, i see concrete, i see freeways, i see commercial buildings, then i looked down on this rough patch, this old farm and i see a diamond in the rough we always talk about housing, will talk about housing 50 years , a hundred years, 200 years from now on will be talking about the problems of housing. our grandkids, are great grandkids. wouldn't it be nice if our great great grandkids shared an experience about future of going to the form in their third grade field trip? they would have something in common. as i am looking at this passage, this old farm, the last farm the city -- in the city of san
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francisco, would be great to landmark preserve it for a farm, a farm for a farm. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is angela and i have been a resident for the potala district. i'm also a long time landscape designer and a licensed architect working here in the city. plenty of work, being done on multifamily housing. i know that housing is the issue a.d.u.s, all of the big push to get more housing. just as ray had said, we will always be talking about housing. i have been on both sides of this podium before pushing for housing and in this case, i'm pushing for a historic landmark designation on this site because as was previously stated, they used to be 21 of these sights in the portola district. twenty-one of these whole, large greenhouse operations and now we
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are down to one and there is no sign of those other greenhouses at all. what is there? housing has occupied that. we have one last chance to preserve this very unique site. the uniqueness that everyone has been talking about, and preserve it as an educational site for the many schools in that district, the many schools in san francisco that will have the opportunity to come and farm there. and for us to get our food locally grown. i think this is an amazing, unique, historical site and it should be preserved. i am in support and i'm also part of the 770 group. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> dear commissioners, i am a volunteer organizer with better housing i would like to share with you that the chinese speaking community in portola is overwhelmingly supporting building housing on this site and not -- prior to april 3rd, the portola community meeting about this, i was taking to organize a development of a natural, bilingual housing sublet in the chinese community for the housing situation. i was informed that the chinese community was not at the portola community meeting that took place in november 2018. according to a survey, 50% of the population in portola in asia, and 50% is immigrant.
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we believe the asian immigrant neighborhood in portola are generally not as informed and their opinions are not well understood. therefore, before the april 3rd community meeting, i have organized a door-to-door conversation to survey 500 chinese speaking households in portola. we received 122 completed surveys. we found that 93% of the responses support supports the current housing development plan and 770 woolsey. of 122, 58% indicated themselves as a renter and 42% as homeowners. 100% of the surveyors were in support of the housing development because of the affordable housing component that gave preference to the neighborhood.
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some renters expressed housing of any price could help. ninety-two% of the property owners expressed support of the housing because of the housing shortage. eighty% opposed based on the challenges on parking, crowds, and density. in addition, the survey was filed out and 300 people at a community meeting on april 3rd in lieu of the slide in. 162 people filed out of the survey. the rate of the support of housing was 88%, 27 surveys done english, the rate of support was 33%. overall, we have visited about 500 households and surveyed another 300 people in the
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community meetings. >> thank you. your time is up. >> your time is up, thank you. >> i am including the survey that we have done. >> thank you, you can submit that and we will accept that into the record. >> thank you. >> hello, commissioners. i am with l 37, i'm a property owner and i am a housing developer. we build -- i was overseeing the developer to of over 1,000 units of housing in san francisco. over 200 of them being affordable. we have built in the mission, we have built in soma, dogpatch, various neighborhood, with various different, diverse community groups with different needs. i always think that no discussion about housing develop into any kind of development needs to be binary, which is all or nothing, zero development, or all housing. i think we have tried to, and we continue to try to work with the community, and we have a plan.
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it is not to show our projects. i do want to show this is a viable way to do both housing and preservation, as a way to put this on this -- is there a way to put this on the screen? without presenting a project. it is alternate solution then the land marking. >> we are only hearing comments about the initiation or to place this project on our landmark designation. >> fair enough. i will reiterate the comment that it is not a binary decision we don't need to landmark the entire site to accomplish all of the valid and valuable goals that the friends of woolsey have expressed today. i believe we are willing to consider dedicating a large portion of the site, up to 20%, for historic preservation. on top of that, we would donate the land, and by working with the community and the city, i thank you can achieve the preservation goals by designing programs, buildings, different
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types of educational elements that would achieve all of these goals without having to landmark the entire site. furthermore, that will allow housing to be built, furthermore , that would provide a dedicated source of real funding for this to happen. i encourage that the landmark not to be approved, that we worked through the ceqa process with the planning department to come up with mitigation measures that will be presented to you once again, work with the community, and we will be able to hopefully arrive on a solution that works for everybody. land marking is not necessary at this point and that we worked through the process. thank you. >> anybody else? would you like to make public comment? >> would you like to speak to this matter? okay. what anyone else like to make public comment?
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>> good afternoon. corey smith on behalf of the san francisco action coalition. hearing these interesting stories, and obviously a lot of history in a really fantastic neighborhood, i have attended a few community meetings and i wanted to hear from folks. up while i know there's a lot of conversation happening, we have to look at the practical reality of this. designating this as a landmark stops homes for people. it will make it harder for people to live in san francisco. 20% of these homes will be below market rate, subsidized affordable for families. i really, really want and the most desirable outcome for me is to try and see if there's something that does work for everybody. our city is changing, so how can we do both? how can we make sure we are preserving the garden garden district and remembering the history, and at the same time,
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taking a piece of land -- by the pictures, it doesn't look like it is being preserved. it looks like it is in really bad shape. we have an opportunity now. we're going to preserve open space in a site and it will include housing, what if there is a garden included in that as well? what if we are doing training for young kids so they can learn how to garden and something on site that remembers the history, so we can see what was there in a better and more magical situation that currently exists. open space is critical to building any community. mclaren park, one of our best parks in the city has great views of the city. it is just a couple blocks away. all these opportunities do really exist, and i really just worried that if you do pass landmark and ink -- and i encourage you to not do so today
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, that you are rejecting homes for people. at the end of the day, that is the actual reality of it. when we look at the scope of the city in the region, and we think about what younger generations will need, if they want our great grandkids to be able to cherish the opportunity of learning about this as well. we want to build homes for people. are great grandkids will not be here if we don't build homes. again, i encourage you to let it go to the office with the regular e.i.r. and we can figure out a way to make sure that we are preserving the site in a way that is remembering the past, but at the same time, preparing for future generations in san francisco. thank you. >> thank you. would you like to make public comment? >> historic preservation is an effective strategy for maintaining a tangible, physical
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connection to the past. preservation is a significant historic and cultural property and it is an important aspect of planning in san francisco. much of san francisco's character enjoyed by residents and visitors alike depends on the retention of its rich, historical building fabric. these are not my words. you probably know them already. these are your words. these are the words directly from s.f. there are layers of san francisco history that are well-known, such as mission dolores, which is the oldest surviving structure in san francisco, the presidio, golden gate park, it was built in 1887 when san francisco was emerging as the so-called paris of the west, but san francisco also needs to prioritize the protection of the historic legacy of san francisco landmarks in danger of being extinguished. i live at 301 get beer street,
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which is a university mound right in the heart of the portillo district. it was once known as san francisco's garden. in 2016, supervisor campos officially named it the garden district. for the title of the garden district not to sound hollow, the city must follow through and help restore university mound greenhouses. it is the last -- if the -- it is the last of the 21 greenhouses that used to be scattered throughout the portola in the 1920s, the portola was home to 19 family-owned nurseries. this is where the overwhelming majority of produce and flowers were sold in san francisco. cities need to become more sustainable. 770 woolsey can be reborn to its past glory by becoming a thriving example of urban
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agriculture and what is the second densest city in the country. it cannot only become an important community asset, but a model for other cities. building a condo, luxury condos on this precious historic plot of land would eradicate part of the social fabric of san francisco history. i urge the members of the san francisco historic planning commission to enthusiastically support the community sponsored landmark designation application at 770 woolsey street. thank you. >> thank you. is there any other member of the public who wishes to make public comment? okay. i will bring it back to the commission. commissioners? i have a few questions. can i ask mr. taylor -- can i ask miss taylor to answer a few
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questions? you referred to the environmental process meaning that i am assuming that an e.i.r. is taking place or will take place, and they are suggesting that this commission followed that process rather than adding 770 woolsey to our landmark designation list. can you explain the difference to us, as well as the people who are here today? >> sure. i can explain the difference between what a landmark project looks like and what a secret process looks like. >> with the particular effect on this project. >> right. so if a site such as this is found to be significant for the purposes of ceqa, and if there is a proposal to demolish the site, then you would need to go through an e.i.r. process.
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the e.i.r. process, the environmental impact review would identify if there is a significant impact, and then mitigation for this impact. it also, if it was under preservation, it would come before a.r.c., and a.r.c. would look at preservation alternatives. if it is a landmark, then it would come before the commission under certificate of appropriateness. so with a.c. of a, you could not demolish the site without losing his landmark standing. but if there is a ceqa process, then there is a possibility of demolishing the site. with mitigation you could then mitigate that significant impact >> you said if it went through
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the c.o.a. process it can be demolished right cannot be demolished? >> the c.o.a. process, well -- >> i will jump in real quick. technically they are allowed to grant demolition for a landmark, but it is under your purview. if it is put on the landmark, then it is listed as a landmark. in that case, while being a landmark doesn't prohibit explicitly demolition, obviously is not something that we would recommend or would've -- or would have occurred in the past, given the history of this commission. >> can i jump in here? but under the ceqa process, then there would be preservation alternatives, so, you know, referencing what the property owners have mentioned here today , they would be an opportunity to review some kind of a compromise between housing
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and some level of preservation. >> a good way to think about this is it is about how historic or what kind of designation. in either case, it is very clear from the staff's perspective that we recognize that historic resource is present on the site. environmental review is currently undergoing and we have come to that determination that we think that certain resources present. it is going to be evaluated in a focused e.i.r. as part of the larger project. and the question is, whether or not, if it is a historical resource under ceqa, versus a city landmark, which deserves recognition for our landmark's program. >> right. so which would provide more protection? >> it is about process,
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realistically. because both can provide protections, either through ceqa or through a landmark process. i will say landmarks process would afford it more process and more review by the h.p.c., most certainly. >> more of a direct review. >> more of a direct review, correct. the ceqa process looks at the impacts of a project on a specific resource and offers mitigation accordingly to offset those impacts. >> would you like further clarification about the ceqa process? >> are we good with that? [simultaneous talking] >> that i had one other question before. sorry to take of the other commissioners. the owners are interested in building housing and the owners
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are interested, as they have said today, to work with the community. has there been a meeting between the friends of woolsey and the owners to have a conversation about this? it appears that i will 37 is not going to go away. they are interested in this process and they're interested in creating property and we understand that that is a very important priority of the city and have they had any conversation, any direct conversation with the community and the friends of woolsey to have a discussion about how we are going to move forward. >> it is my understanding that the friends of 770 woolsey have met with the developer, that the developer has held community meetings with the friends of 770 woolsey to discuss the proposed project on the site. >> and the result?
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>> i would probably advise the developer to advise on whether community outreach has been. >> i would like to hear from the friends of 770 woolsey. >> hello. thank you. we have met and the proposals that were presented to us were either a very tiny corner of the 2.2-acre site, or a strip along what is a sidewalk, a glorified sidewalk garden. the two proposals that were presented to us at the second -- i think we met more than once. >> were there any counterproposals on your part back to them? >> could we have -- i would like to hear from the other point of view. yeah, thank you. >> thank you. we were invited to present to the neighborhood association. we share the presentation and at
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the end of every presentation where we normally exchanged a dialogue, we were asked to leave there was no comment and there was also no counterproposal provided for us. we are still waiting for one. >> thank you. >> to have a sustainable farm, you need at least 2 acres and the site is 2.2 acres. >> is there any possibility of a conversation happening in the future? i mean -- >> yes. >> how can we facilitate that conversation? >> i don't think that is our purview to decide. [laughter] >> we are not a community organizer, but i am just feeling that, you know, this is a very important site, a very unique site. i think there is no doubt that we all feel that this is the only thing remaining that talks
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about the history of the cut flower industry and of particular communities that are very active in the flower growing industry, but the reality is, that these people own the land and, you know, i want to make sure that the insurance are going to be, in some way addressed so we can have really true dialogue. i am just wondering what we could do to make that happen. sorry. >> is that a rhetorical question >> commissioners, i might chime in here obviously my role is also as a manager of the southeast quadrant, and so my team is also handling the development review of the project and making sure that we have appropriate levels of community outreach and engagement is definitely something that our staff as a whole work through
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