tv Government Access Programming SFGTV August 3, 2019 12:00pm-12:37pm PDT
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committee. essentially this is born out of a lot of the work that the entertainment commission has been doing over the past several years. specifically in dylan rice's work as our analyst looking at outdoor events and looking at how complex and decentralized the process is across city agencies currently. and so this committee will look at our current process and explore ways in which we can improve that process, not only through an organizational structure, but also through looking at our fee structures the way that they are right now, looking at creative financial solutions to support our community-based events, as well as looking at potential share to digital platforms which would also help enhance the customer experience so that there is one platform that they would use, as well as on the city agency side.
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so we are extremely excited about this. this is step one in what will be probably a lengthy process, but we are going to be -- our committee will be providing recommendations and a report to the mayor within six months. so we are looking at january for that. we will certainly share that report with you. we are preparing this alongside our move to 49 south van ness. when we moved to the new building, there will be a permit center there and so timing is really appropriate because we're moving into this space and we want to have a path for success once we are in there. that is one item. i'm happy to answer questions about that or just take questions at the end. whatever you prefer. next on the agenda is just introducing our newest employee to the entertainment commission. we are very happy to have jordan roberts join our team.
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he is filling the senior inspector role in the office, and jordan has about 11 years of experience in acoustical consulting. he got a degree from columbia college chicago and audio arts and acoustics, so he is really a fantastic person for this position. he is helping revamp our process for doing sound testing already. he is only five days in at this point, so jordan, we are very pleased to have you on the team. you will also see him doing the presentation of the enforcement report to moving forward after today as the deputy director is currently training him on all aspects of enforcement. moving right along, i wanted to update you all that the entertainment commission is playing this role that every time we have large-scale events in the city, pride was our most
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recent one where we partner with the department of emergency management in helping our events and our venues be better prepared during these big events pride was another example. we did the same work around new year's eve where we had our inspectors go out and flyer different venues and known events with alert s.f. so the patrons and venues can actually sign up for alert s.f. just in case there is any kind of emergency during pride or next it will be halloween, and so on and so forth. so they went to 73 businesses -- or they distributed 73 flyers at 36 businesses. we also do our work to compile events for all city agencies. we have our master calendar of events again focusing in on big events that are coming up. we go ahead and put together a
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master spreadsheet for all agencies to be able to see her situational awareness as and for what is going on. we attach that here in the binder fee to check out. finally, under corrective action , i had to unfortunately issue a suspension for public safety on june 21st to june 24 th for club malibu, and the details of that are in your binder. i would prefer not to discuss this in detail at our hearing, just because this is currently under investigation by the police department. but we are going to continue to monitor this -- these premises and ensure compliance with their security plan and conditions of their permit. do you have any questions about any of those items?
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>> i do have a question. is there any discussion in terms of the formation of the special events task force within the scope at this point? >> any discussion, what do you mean? >> what is the formation process >> so the mayor designated two cochairs as this hearing committee. so it is the city in ministry to kelly, as well as director torres from the office of economic and workforce development. so they are tasked with coming up with the agency that will be involved in the committee, and so we are looking at, primarily regulatory agencies that will sit on the committee. it is supposed to be made up of city agencies as opposed to event producers, but we do plan to engage other stakeholders throughout the process. they are just not voting members of the committee. >> thank you. >> yep.
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>> also related to that, first of all, it is exciting to see the city moving forward and building on all of this. it is so worth it, but how will this help move that forward? what is this going to enable this mission on the city to do beyond what dylan has already been able to do in -- and the work that is already underway? >> this is calling to light what the actual problem is that all of us have been so close to for the past several years, just because analysts have been working so closely on this and in keeping you all apprised, but now it is really getting much more recognition at a city level , which was very necessary, and we haven't brought together these agencies to look at this problem. i don't know if it ever has happened, so we are -- that is the first thing. we need to really discuss what the issue areas and the pain points are and come up with
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possible solutions to address those. we think we know what some of those solutions may be but we want this committee to have full hands on in determining what those positions are. >> i don't have a question, i just have a comment. i want to applaud our mayor for taking these steps. i think we have all known that if you are a smaller street festival or smaller cultural festival, that sometimes the bureaucracy and the fees are so much that it is almost impossible to put something on. suggest that we are able to talk about this now and bring people together is a huge step and it definitely shows we have a mayor who cares about these specific events, and that is awesome. thank you. >> i just have one quick comment i think absolutely this is fantastic that this is happening over the years they've heard lots about ten b. and the police department policy. it is something that nonprofit organizations in smaller groups
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have trouble predicting and then feel like often at the last minute they get a lot of high fees for extra officers, so i know that there is a whole gamut of things to talk about, but i would love to see some specific attention addressed to that particular issue. that could be passed on. besides that, this is a slight tangent, but are we still going to be holding hearings in city hall once the office moves? >> yes. >> cool. thank you. >> is there any public comment on the executive director's report? seen none, public comment is closed. they give very much for that. our next agenda item is a report from our senior analyst -- >> no. >> sorry, did i get it wrong? are deputy director. sorry about that. >> thank you. good evening, commissioners.
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so this is a lengthy enforcement report. i have highlighted some topics specifically that i want to discuss with you, but happy to answer any questions that you may have. let's dive on in. the first that i want to bring to your attention is the blue light. we did issue a citation at this location. the applicant is applying for an l.l.p. they are actually here this evening applying for an l.l.p. in the interim, they were -- they did have entertainment, and it was discovered by inspector savino. there was a d.j. that was performing in the kitchen out of sight of the patrons, but so we did issue a citation, and i have discussed that with the owner about needing a permit to do entertainment. the next on the enforcement report that i like to bring to your attention is st. mary's pub
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it is also an applicant that is present tonight for the hearing regarding an l.l.p. permit. i did just want to bring it to your attention that there has been a lot of mediation that occurred between the neighbors and the owner of the club. so i think that is important to highlight here. i did work with both of the neighbors and the applicant. on page 6, you will see that we had halcion on the enforcement report. we did issue a notice of violation. the inspector responded to a neighbor's complaint from the night prior, and when he went, they were out of compliance with their sound limit. miss milano was out of town at the time and the inspector was working with the manager that evening.
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the director did speak with miss milano and we did issue and an ob and they did bring their volume down to come into compliance that evening. and then skipping all the way to page 14 of the report, you will see all job is highlighted. this is a location that we currently do not permit, however , it was brought to our attention that they were having entertainment on the roof by a neighbor. and when inspector savino went out this weekend, they were having entertainment on the roof and downstairs in the bar area. we did issue a citation. the reason that we jump straight to a citation was because it was correspondence with the owner on possible occasions that was assuring me they were not having entertainment, when in fact, they have been. so i'm working with them to bring them into compliance, and hope that they will apply for a permit. they are zoned for a p.o.e. and an l.l.p. i'm happy to answer any questions that you may have.
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>> i'm curious for halcion, did they provide an explanation for why they were over their limit? i know that at one point we had a condition to say that there should be a limit on it and we were assured that they could, with their human powers and other machines, control that, i'm curious what the response was. >> the response was actually to tell the d.j. to turn it down. that is what the manager told our inspector to do, so our inspector stated that that is not his job to do, but rather to work with the management team to bring them into compliance. there wasn't really an expo nation as to why it was exceeding the limit. >> i see. i'm curious how halcion has not paid for fines on certain citations. i think -- >> correct. >> i'm curious, are they still indebted to us or not?
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this is outdated information. >> i don't know of any unpaid citations. the most recent citation they had was october, and that was the one that they appealed and one. they don't have anything outstanding so we reset the clock since it has been about a year, not quite a year, but over a year since they received a citation that stuck. >> thank you. >> refreshment memory, did that permit, did we insist on a limiter, or did we leave it off the table? >> no limiter. >> okay. if they had a limiter, we they wouldn't be able to go over that mark, so that is something to make a note of. if we have to come back again. >> can i just get clarification what you said to commissioner ten. did you say that when our inspector spoke to the manager
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that the manager told our inspector to go tell the d.j. to turn the music down? >> correct. >> okay. >> this is definitely something that i had a conversation with miss milano about immediately after she was -- after. she was out of town, i don't think this is an excuse. >> it was just the regular manager? >> yes. >> i mean, was there some kind of aggravation or something that would cause an employee to say such a ridiculous thing? >> not to my understanding. it is not a normal conversation that happened. they know who the inspector is, so, no. >> maybe i should go in there and give them a real citation. >> maybe you should. [laughter] >> i did have a couple questions
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actually, just one specifically. i know blue light is here tonight applying for a permit. well we have the enforcement side of things here, can you just walk us through the process where the multiple complaints on bluelight, is that how it started? what did we find when we got there? >> the complaint came in earlier in the week and it was a 311 complaint and then there was also an e-mail correspondence that was sent to the supervisor 's legislative aide. it was not a direct complaint more of a concern of what was happening with the permits. it was permit clarification. it got transferred to me and then i did correspond directly with the neighbor about those, clarifying what the l.l.p. means and looks like. the complaint did come in about 2:00 a.m. in the morning the night before and upon inspection -- upon investigation, inspectors arrived and heard loud music, but didn't see a d.j. in the normal front part of
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the building where they normally perform. so he walked in and went to the back and heard the music, and then observed through the kitchen window where the food comes out that there was a d.j. performing behind in the kitchen and so he observed that after 10:00 p.m., as well, and just made a note of it. there was no action that was taken at that moment in time. i did speak to the owner after the citation was issued about that and i did say that that is defined as entertainment regardless of if the d.j. is visible to the patrons or if it is a staff person. >> and i just wanted to clarify on the odd jobs citation. so we had multiple, or at least one or multiple complaints about a band playing on the roof.
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>> correct. it was a neighbor, the same neighbor has e-mailed both of us stating that there was music on the roof and wanting to bring it to our attention, so i did reach out to the owner directly. it was never a 311 complaint regarding those previous e-mail correspondences, so it wasn't a realtime response, and upon e-mailing with the owner, the e-mail response was that no, we are not having entertainment. recently, however, there was a 311 complaint that when i looked on the google -- google map, it came up halfway down the block. i determined it was audit job because there's not much else around there. my e-mail to the owner with that anonymous complaint, the response was that there is no entertainment that night. so on saturday i received an e-mail around 5:00 p.m. that said they are setting up the band again, they will have entertainment, so i asked the inspector to respond then and he went around 7:00 p.m. they were already having music upstairs and planned to bring a
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band in at 8:00 p.m. downstairs. >> got it. all right. >> so is the rooftop actually set up to have public assembly on the roof? >> that is a great question. i'm not sure. i need to get more clarification from the owner of what they are eligible to do. >> you could call the fire department permit section and if you really want to get down to it because rooftop, you know, if they don't have enough exits to get out and things like that, it could be quite nasty. so if you really want to know, you can talk to permits, but rooftops are great, and i think we need more of them, but they have to be safe. we are worried about that. >> hello. thank you for this report. it is very lengthy. it is 15 pages. >> sixteen.
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>> sixteen. are you thinking there is an uptake in violations that we need to be aware of or is it just because we did not meet -- >> we did not meet, and then also what you're saying, too, is pride. inspectors went to a lot of places. they were working diligently to do a lot of enforcement. there wasn't a lot of enforcement needed on pride weekend, but this reflects all of the stops that they made. i'm happy to see jones in full compliance on all the multiple times that folks stopped by, and i also noted miss milano as being on an item other than halcion, eagle eyes. [laughter] >> i read the report. [laughter] >> it is challenging. >> interesting. >> i just want to make one last
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comment. i did notice just how much ground our inspectors are covering. please send our thanks to them. i don't know if they are doing over time or just hustling a lot welcome aboard, mr. roberts. we are looking forward to having a full team on. thank you. >> all right. thank you very much for that comprehensive report. is there any public comment on the deputy director's report? seeing none, public comment is closed. all right. let's try this again. the next item is a report from our senior analyst, dylan rice. [laughter]. >> good evening, commissioners. i know we have a lot on the agenda so i'll try to make this brief. our next education and networking initiative, which is the s.f. after events network is happening this coming monday on july 22nd at jolene's which is in the mission, i hope you guys can make it. it is from 5:30 p.m. until 8:00
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p.m. as you know, we do a different educational topic at each event. this one is an evergreen topic that will always be important, which is vendor management or we are calling it success through vendor management, and it is looking at best practices on how you can turn managing your vendors into a real revenue driver, but at the same time ensuring that the event is safe and compliant. we have a great lineup of speakers. we have michael blue who is the c.e.o. of a company called event tub. he will be doing a presentation and moderating a panel, calling a mini panel, which is two people. it is somebody from a restaurant that produces the s.f. street food festival, and then andrea kirk from dpm and from eat, drink s.f. they will bring a really great diverse background and perspective to their experiences pick the topic is heavy on the food and beverage management.
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so i will do another social media push and e-mail push this week. we have about 32 rcp his, so we're hoping to get that higher. that is coming up. and then our ongoing efforts to streamline our permitting process in terms of the commission, i am working with the digital services team -- we just did a user test for the screen door permit diversion of the one-time event permit -- one time indoor event permit, and my colleague, krystal stewart, has been helping. we oversell some testing. in your binder that will see the user testing no sever compiled by digital services. so it is very candid, raw data that we are going to take and tack to digital services this thursday and see how we can take
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and on to our regular agenda. >> the first permit on the regular agenda is for an extended hour's premise, change in ownership located at 3801 24th street. the location has held a permit since 2000. it sells doughnuts and sandwiches 24 hours a day. the neighboring tenants are in your file about the machinery, stating a fan runs throughout the night and located above the doughnut shops. the owner was provided with the summited opposition but did not share with the staff they followed up with the neighbor. included in your file is a copy of the letter that the owners postedded in the tenant's entryway. they were in compliance with noise regulation.
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ec staff explained to the concerned neighbors that this falls under the purview of public health, not the entertainment commission. i contacted jonathan piakus, a noise control officer with public health to share the neighbor's concerns. he asked me to schedule a sound test to check on the fan's noise combines and this ensures the operating levels curing al duril operations. this does not preclude your ability to grant the amendment. the mission statement approves no added conditions and i'm here to tell you -- note we have an interpreter so if we could just allow extra time between questions.
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yen. i'm the son of the previous licenses opener. owner. >> so usually the permit applicant will tell us about what they're applying for and why it will help their business and what their plan is. if you could give us a minute or two or more. >> generally the permit holder will talk aman or two if they choose what they're applying to and what they intend to do with
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the permit and how it will help their business and what their plan is for that. (speaking foreign language). >> for the permit i'm applying for, i want to continue doing the same thing and i still have the same customers. >> question, how long have this shop been there? (speaking foreign language). i mean from the day it opened until now.
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my parents opened the business or took over the business, i should say, in 1997. it was a bakery before that and i don't know if they had the permit but i believe not because my parents applied for the permit while they were in business. >> it's been running 24 hours ever since. >> every since you applied. >> it was originally a police department permit. >> but it was running 24 hours since '97. >> since tow. 2000. these people complaining, your neighbors, are these existing buildingings that have been there for awhile or are these new buildings? the ones that are complaining. the building is mixed use. >> so the tenants, that same
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building, where your do doe dout shop has been since since tow. 2000. >> the complainants live above the business. is that the understanding? i'm sorry, sir. they have called but i'm not sure where they live. it's a large complex and i'm not sure what unit they live in. >> but part of the same building structure, probably? >> probably, yeah. >> just since how you're familiar with past, has this fan issue been an ongoing thing for some time? >> sir, i'm referring under your parent's ownership. >> it's always been the same
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complainants who are hearing a noise issue. they believe it's coming from our location. a few years ago, they filed a complaint with the department of public health and we had an inspection. i think this was in 2015, i believe. my memory precludes me. but they said that the sound was within reasonable levels, the fan and the hood. so i'm not so sure what else the sound might be coming from. they said something about it was a generator. >> so if i'm understanding you correctly, you guys reached out to public health, it was. and they deemed the equipment within an acceptable range. >> within acceptable decibels. >> the complainant reached out. >> but the health department
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gave you -- you were within the limits, in compliance. >> they didn't find anything abnormal for the equipment we were using, the decibel level. some i think i need to interject was the deputy stated, this is under the purview of the health department. they have an active health permit to operate. health could come in at any time and inspect for compliance and we did encourage via email engines police italexplicitly hs could follow up. because this could do a check every six months on the fan to ensure it meets with the allowable noise emissions for the health code, but this is not something that we can regulate or enforce on, sound-wise. so just bringing that to your attention and i don't know how long you want to deliberate on that. >> the point i'm making, it's been running the same way.
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it hasn't changed. environments change and equipment does get old but if you're in compliance, then we shouldn't have any problem of that issue. i'm just curious if there's any new buildings that have come up and things like that. but you're saying you've been doing this for the last 20 years. >> right. it's been run the same way, more or less, license 2000 and you know, it's always been the same complainant for the past ten years. they call us, the police department to come over late at night to see what's going on with the noise and if there was a problem, yeah, we encourage them to contact the department of pub health because there's only so much to do with inspection and whatnot. the police came and said they didn't find anything abnormal late at night or early in the morning. but they keep calling anyway.
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so i think it's a couple of people, i believe. >> you haven't had any issues with security and people coming late and everything has been business as usual. >> of course, this new years, halloween, yeah, but other than that, everything is quiet. >> ok, thank you. >> the own comment only commenk to is what this does illustrate, there's three emails here and a couple of them are actually quite reasonable and i guess what i would have like odd hav o have seen is better communication and the fact that doesn't exist is concerning to me. it has been done, i would like to hear about it. >> we understand that they have concerns. as far as i know, they did call me, myself and my family before
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regarding the concerns. and we could turn off the fan but they never asked us to do just that. and i feel like we went through appropriate avenues to remedy the problem. >> i'm not sure if you just didn't pass it off to the city. you've got a neighbor that's having a problem and you toll them to call the city. i'm not getting it. i think perhaps you could have walked down to your doughnut shop, you could have sat down and discussed it and maybe even toured your business. because you eluded to it might be a generator generator. >> i don't recall exactly, but it was the fan so the only fan we know that's running is the hood and like i said, we had the sound test.
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