tv Government Access Programming SFGTV August 10, 2019 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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keeping within a reasonable timeline for our developers because they have people that are actually paying the rent. that's what we need, right? we are -- i spoke about the early outreach plan. we are also doing extensive outreach and engagement on the c.o.p. program with community organizations that are working with our certificate of preference holders. we are really concentrating on the application process. we sent out an e-mail blast for every project that is -- that comes on-line. it is now over 45,000 people
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that are on this e-mail blast, people that have signed up to receive an e-mail every time there's a project that comes available. of course we're conducting the lottery process and monitoring the lottery process to make things as transparent as possible. used to be, when names come out of the barrel, we'd be there eight, ten hours. we're now -- the lottery probably takes in total about a half hour, and most of that is people signing in to say they were there, and us explaining how the lottery works, and people -- and people don't come to the lottery anymore like they used to. we used to have to rent the library downtown because we needed over 100 seats in the lottery. if we get three or four people coming to the lottery, that's a big crowd these days because
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people can see the numbers immediately on their cell phones or computers. you know, you don't have to be there to find out how you did. the -- we're administrating the housing preferences. when we have a preference like alice griffith returnees, where we're giving preference to people coming back to alice, we are monitoring that and making sure that the preference is given and that people are -- understand how they get that preference -- and other preferences that ocii projects offer. we're reviewing and approving all -- as i said, the resident selection criterias and doing leasing agency oversight. our staff, ocii staff and mohcd staff attend weekly monitoring meetings of the lease-up and sales where we're -- you know,
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when people are disqualified, we're, like, saying, okay, why, and how, and when? so how did you reach out to that person? if you say on a piece of paper that you called somebody, well, then, what time did you call? what number did you call? did you call the alternative number? we're making sure that folks are not missing out on these opportunities if they really want -- if they want any of this housing. that's kind of overy'aall what we're doing together with ocii staff. i'm sorry. i'm skipping all-around here, aren't i? no, i am. this is the one i want to go to. this is the fabulous sonia mcdaniel. sonia is our certificate of preference coordinator. she's here live and in person. she's mad at me yesterday
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sometimes it is not about housing, sometimes it is about something else, and she will take the extra mile to figure out, you know, how do i provide these resources to this family? they might not need housing right now but they need something else, so we are very blessed to have her on staff and in this role. >> i understand we're running out of time. i would like to get to the dahlia numbers. i appreciate, your work, you know that, but i'd like for us to keep moving. >> you got it. she is great. in fact, she will help me right now. so we will take you to dahlia. dahlia, if you have a smart phone, you have a laptop right there in front of you.
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if you go to our website, you will get to dahlia. and you see the page comes up. it has a rental side and a homeownership side because you can apply for both opportunities on this one site, and sonia, if you click on the right, i think there's only one available affordable housing currently available. i think this project is an inclusionary project on the city side, but every project comes up here. here's the information about the project. if you scroll down again for me, it gives you all the information that you need to figure out whether you are eligible for this opportunity, it gives you
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what to expect in the lottery process, what to expect after the application, who to contact, it explains all the lottery preferences. if you need help, it will tell you where to go to get help, rental assistance, and any other additional eligibility rules are there, right there on the dahlia page. it explains what we're doing with criminal background. and then, gives you more information -- here is a map of where the project is. additional information, the required documents you are going to have to have two apply, especially if you want to claim the preferences.
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and then the important program rules, here is the fine print. people can click here and find out getting into the weeds on the details of applying for the project. and then there is an e-mail housing alert to sign up of people aren't already signed up. we are actually going to open up an application. there we go. okay. before we begin the application, it is asking us if we have an account, because if you create an account, you don't have to fill it out every single time. you can just put it in once, and the only thing that you have to fill out, if you want to apply to another project, is your income. it will always ask you to update your income if your income has changed. it is in several different languages. you can choose the language you want.
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sonja, choose the english version there today. it gives you -- there is still no expiration. what to expect, when you are going to need for this application, and then we get to the application itself. and the only information that we really need where we are putting your name, it is hard to see if there with the transcript, but you put in your name, your birth date, and an e-mail address. if you don't have an e-mail address, you can still apply. it will warn you if you don't have an e-mail address that we won't be able to give you your lottery number right away, and
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that you have to wait until it is posted after the lottery to see what you're lottery results are. people can always apply, and i missed pointing that part out. and the listing, it will show that if you just want to print out a paper application and submit a paper application, you can still do that. we are never going to not accept a paper application, but if you do submit a paper application, if you want your lottery results , you have to submit a self-addressed stamped envelope that we will then send you what the lottery results are. she is now filling in the phone number and her address. when she puts in this information, in the background, dahlia is taking in the information so if the household qualifies for any preference like the live or work in san francisco preference, it will
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see that she lives in san francisco, and tell her, you live in san francisco, you may qualify for that preference, as well. it is telling us we've got something else to do before we can go on. we didn't put in -- that's very good, she put in a fake address. it knows all of the san francisco addresses, and tell you that it doesn't exist. go back again, and figure out the address. i am going to keep letting her go and keep moving on, but dahlia is -- we also have, we know that not everyone has a smart phone or laptop or a computer, so we also have -- the community has invested in
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nonprofits throughout the city to help people who have -- every week throughout the city there is a clinic, a rental housing clinic that people can go to and get help with dahlia, get help with technology. if you need to figure out how to create an e-mail account, so that you can do this, we can help walk people through that, and get full out housing counciling with help with credit , help with financial planning, and other resources to help people apply. i'm going to move to the next slide, only because we are running out of time. >> yeah,. >> can you exit this? we have to go back down here.
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i want to go back to displaced households in the sixties and seventies so that i can explain a little bit about what that 925 number is, and i want to apologize for confusion about these numbers because i think it has been confusing. it is the way that we've explained it in the past. so we currently have -- we know about 6,829 households that were displaced. there were, originally, we have records from the original displacement of 6,137 households , so that is the number we start with. but we have added 692 households
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how does that happen? back in the day, they gave certificates to households, not individuals, and it was just the head of household that got the certificate, but we are giving certificates to individuals that were in that household, so, lord have mercy, people have lots of children, so if the child comes to us and they are on the household list, we will give them a certificate. if the child comes to us and they are not on the household list, but they have their birth certificate and you are clearly part of that household, but for whatever reason, their parents didn't include them there, or maybe the head of household was their there aunt or uncle, and they weren't -- they didn't put them on the lease, the landlord might have been upset about that
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, so they didn't put them on the lease, they were clearly part of the household, they can document being part of that household. we will give them a certificate. so that's how we come up with the 6,892 number, which is bigger then the original 6,137 number. what we know about all those people, we know that 1,792 are housed, we know that 1,618 are deceased, we know that 925 are in contact with us. of that 925, many of them are housed already. many of them have exercised their certificate already. we will get there. that 2,494, we do not have contact with those people, and
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maybe we never did because when they left in the sixties and seventies, they didn't provide forwarding address or contact information, and or maybe they are deceased, as well. of those 925, around 400 of them have never used their certificate. 300 have used it already. they can use it twice. there are about 200 people that are actively looking for housing , or applying for housing this slide shows the 2017 and 2018 location of all the ocii
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projects and how many people have applied to those projects. there were 61 applications. eighteen of those 61 were actually housed. that sounds abysmal, doesn't it? it is tricky because it is the golden ticket. and through conversations with the people applying and from what we know, they are applying multiple times, and they wait until they get the phone call to decide whether they actually want to live in that unit or in that building. some of them say, i don't even look at the particulars of the property. i apply and i know i will get
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the call, and when i get the call, i will go and look. so there are a lot of folks that withdraw, or they don't respond because they actually are waiting for another opportunity. we have 35 of those people who were actually housed, while they were 18 housed in ocii projects, there were 17 housed in city projects, so it is a total during that year of 35 people. seventeen actually wanted to apply to be on a waitlist for a building that they really want, so when the waitlist opened, they apply, and they go to the top of the waitlist. there were 12 folks that were over income for the opportunities that they applied
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for, which always is disheartening, and eight that were under income. the rest were -- there were some other barrier that stopped them from being housed. we really come a long way with outreach to the certificate holders for those that are eligible for a certificate, and i know every time i come before you, commissioners, i tell you that, davis and the bayview senior center outreach center outreach program that they have their has been instrumental in finding and encouraging people to apply to see if they qualify for their certificate. so you will see when dr. davis
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was built, the and warmest number of applicants that we had to see whether or not they were eligible for the certificate of preference program. in 2017, we took the list that we had received, of all of the addresses that we did have a certificate of preference holders, and we did a mailing, at that time, it was 891, and we asked to do a survey of those 891 people. we got 114 responses, which is not so bad, and of those 114 certificate of preference holders that responded, we got -- we were able to capture preferences for what type of
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housing they were looking for, the location, their intent to even use their certificate. fifty-one of them responded and were interested in senior housing, that is no big surprise , and 85% of them said that they know that when they tell somebody, when they tell other people that they know who are qualified, that they are eligible for the certificate. the word-of-mouth is the number 1 way that we get, that we are able to increase the number of certificate holders. one family member realizes that they get this certificate or makes the phone call, then suddenly we have five more and from the same household making the phone call.
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the other thing we found out about, are many things we found out about with a hundred and 14 people, we are able to see gender and age of the group. we were able to see their income ranges, and where they currently live. the majority of the folks that we talked to were female, they were over 50 years old, no surprise there either, and the vast majority, or many of them were under $30,000, their income was under $30,000 a year. and 60% live in san francisco still. so we have taken that information and we have done,
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you know, some pretty relevant things with it. we are ensuring that those various levels of income that we are reaching folks below 50% of 80 and income. we are requiring a mix of unit types and sizes. we are continuing in our advocacy for additional rental subsidies. we are working with the cue foundation and other nonprofits that the city provides funding to to give rental subsidies to seniors and people with disabilities, and we are making sure that each and every certificate of preference holder knows that they can have access to applying for these rental subsidies so that they continue to apply.
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we are connecting comprehensive services with all age groups, not just seniors, but all age groups, and then we are, you know, we put together ocii staff who put together a pipeline of projects coming to the western edition, because we heard from these folks that they really wanted to return to the western edition, and there's not a lot of tilting in the western edition, so we put together this pipeline to show them that there is stuff coming. and may not be right here, but it is coming. we are making sure that those developers are doing that outreach, the early outreach, and then -- and that's the not prop -- the nonprofits are working with housing counciling agencies.
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san francisco housing development corporation were brainstorming with them programs that target certificate of preference programs. they have a service savings program so they can match their savings and pay for the deposits , and we are talking about a c.o.p. club, you know, working with other certificate of preference holders and, you know, having a networking kind of thing for folks that they are talking about hosting, and then, we are also making sure that we check in with them to make sure that those programs are working. i see that my time is coming to an end here. >> i know you have to be out of here soon. i want to make sure we have time for questions and answers from the public and the commission. how about if we go to some comments from the public.
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are there any public speakers? >> yes, we have oscar james. >> good afternoon, again. oscar james. i was originally on the committee that created the certificate of preference. there's a calendar, in 1968, you had it on your website. it goes through the whole history of joint housing and hunter's point and our subcommittees. in that particular place, they talk about certificates and where the certificates came from they came out of bayview hunter 's point. they had already torn down most of the addition, the booker t. washington hotel in the whole lot of historical buildings that were torn down. we were responsible for these
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development -- the development was responsible to go directly to h.u.d., at that time, it was paying the redevelopment agency. we were basically watchdogs to make sure that redevelopment didn't do what they did. we they brought justin herman out there. we gave him some words, and that's what came out of the certificate of preference. we got a certificate of preference, and each person over the age of 18 and up got $4,500. husband and wife, we got $4,500. if my son had of been 18, he would have got $4,500. he is 52 now. each person in that house, my daughter got a certificate, my son get a certificate, i get information on new housing that ocii builds in any part of the
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city. so anyone was in that house at that particular time, there was a lot of people who had six kids , ten kids, each one of those kids got a certificate of preference. they are now living in modesto and they will not come back here those were my nieces and nephews they have certificates. my problem is, a lot of these young brothers, they were young when i was young, they went to the pen, males and females who are coming home now that have certificates. what happens with the person who was making $15 an hour? we have no housing for those people making $15 an hour. this agency should look out for those peoples who is making $15 an hour. your ceiling this too high for a lot of people his. i was fortunate enough to put my money on my home which now is worth $154 million.
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-- $1.4 million. i would not be able to live there today. do you understand what i was saying? no way in the world i could live there. that is what is happening in the western edition. the homes are a million dollars plus. but what happens to the peoples who are making 14 or $15 an hour you need to put in services where you have at least 500-dollar rent for those peoples, you know, you gave me too short of a time. >> thank you, i'm just try to get us on time. anybody else? >> linda parker pennington? >> she is back. i wanted to tell you a story really quick about three young african-american boys. when we moved in four years ago to the shipyard, we hadn't put up our window coverings yet, so our living room was just open to the street right on donahue, so
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the doorbell rang, and there were these three, young, african-american males at the door, riding their bicycles by the house, and they were ages 12 , ten, and eight. one's name was jamal. i remember that. they looked inside the house and they asked me, how much did you pay for that house? and so that sort of took me aback, coming from young men their age, and i said okay, i don't know what relevance is will have to you, but i will answer your question directly. it was less then a million dollars. so they looked around and they said, well, when they tear down our housing when -- where we are now, and they pointed up to the public housing, we are going to get a free house, and then they jumped on their bikes and their left. and i thought to myself, that can't possibly be true, but apparently this is how the story got to them of what was happening to them when this shipyard was developed, and then
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their places would disappear, and they would move somewhere, and it would be for free. that is what was going on in their minds. so fast forward to last saturday , i went to the bayview opera house for the anti- eviction mapping project, there launch party for the publication of dislocation black exodus. the problem is that this is a much bigger problem than certificates of preference. my husband worked for a nonprofit called s.f. urban a number of years ago, and he does first-time homebuyer training and he was trying to find people with certificates of preference from all over, wherever they got to, even modesto or stockton, or wherever to see if they wanted to come back and move back to san francisco, to the fillmore. or bayview, wherever. it was really hard. there's just not enough time to do that job, to find and
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reconstruct those people, make sure that they are descendents, they have an opportunity to buy, and all i want to say is, and i think the data is really excellent, but i think we need to do much, much more to stem the tide of black and brown people who cannot afford to live in san francisco. it is really hurting our city. thank you. >> number speaker cards. >> anybody else? seeing none, i'm closing public comment and i will turn to my fellow commissioners for any questions or comments. >> is a i have a comment to say thank you for your presentation, and i cannot tell you how much i appreciate your staff, sonya has just been remarkable. she walks with them, she holds hands, she goes beyond the details, and i have to report my nephew, whom i was so proud of,
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got into c.o.p., got the most wonderful apartment. he loved it, he passed last week , but sonya, dalia gave him a quality of life to the end. his children were proud, his family was proud. he had not just a quality of life, but dignity and honor. we cannot thank you enough. he -- when i called to say sonya , have you heard from charles ransom junior? she said every week. she knew everything about him. she helped us with everything, and i cannot thank you for the many others that are calling, and for what this program is doing. yes, we need more, it is not perfect, but it is doing remarkable things for the people that are telling me, we got in. sonya and steve, thank you,
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thank you, thank you. thank you to pam, and i can't remember your name. maria benjamin, thank you, so much for what you were doing. country neuters continue to upgrade it as much as you can. have you considered any more about the suggestion of putting adds on munimobile? >> yes, absolutely. we had a little snafu with munimobile. the staff person that is in charge of it left and you know how long it takes to rehire a staff member. so the artwork has been worked on, and we're just waiting for them to have a staff person who is going to put them on. inside buses, inside trains, and then on some of the bus stops, you know how the bus stops have
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-- >> yeah. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> any other questions? >> i did have a question. i want to say thank you, as well , but i notice that there's currently 2,494 certificate of preference holders that have not been reached out to you. has your agency considered reaching out to genealogy companies and stuff like that to locate and identify -- >> you mean genealogy like >> not necessarily. there are genealogy groups out there specifically. there are once within the african-american community, and you are also looking at 78% of african-american people who are certificate holders. when you're talking about seven cisco displacement, we're talking about people, like they said, moved out other counties like modesto, maybe moved further down south, so how do we actually reach those persons, as well, to let them know about these opportunities? i think a lot of people have kind of given up the hope of
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ever coming back to san francisco, but knowing that these other future projects are coming down the pipeline, that may encourage them to apply or get their certificate of preferences and use that. >> in 2010, the redevelopment agency did a search with a company -- not as with technology like 23 and me, but they did -- whatever technology search was available into that -- in 2010, and they came up with a lot of additional addresses and contacts that we are now included in that 925 that we are back in touch with. i think they got us 200 more contacts, but we have never thought about doing a genealogy testing. we would need a funding source to be able to do that, but that
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is something to think about. >> my other question was regarding -- i also noticed in the report, you said there was only a minimal amount of people who didn't qualify due to credit , criminal, or other barriers. is that something that is happening -- i guess there was a no response of people who -- how much of that is them seeing the criteria after the fact, you know how it is a lot of times, people don't have time to read every single document on dahlia for whatever the qualifications are, they just see a property that they want to apply for, and then they are contacted by their agency, or they are sent that initial letter and in the co no, i don't have any of that. i will just let that go. >> yeah,. i'm concerned about that, too. when people don't respond, we
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give them a call. it's funny because they won't respond to the leasing agent, so she makes contact with them, and tries to find out, why didn't they follow through? what held them back? sometimes it is that. sometimes it is, you know, they wanted too much money and i didn't want to pay that much, or i saw with the criteria was, and they don't allow pets, i'm just grabbing things, or the parking was minimal, i didn't like the way the parking was, or, i want to live in this area, not that area, so we do get -- we true to -- we do try to get an answer. you are right. sometimes it is that i knew i didn't have enough of an income, so i just didn't respond. but usually it is not credit and
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criminal backgrounds. sometimes it is criminal, i shouldn't say that. the fair chance ordinance that we are requiring developers to follow says that they can't go back farther than seven years, but if somebody had a criminal record that was within the last seven years, there's not a lot that we can do to force a developer to take them in. that is something that, you know , we are thinking about. we don't know. reentry is a big deal. we do have a vendor box on housing. they can't ask up front. they have to make sure that all of -- that someone -- they still have the qualify with them with every other area before they can even run a background check, but people know, so if reentry is
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something -- i mean, we're looking at it on all lines, on all fronts because it is an issue here. >> thank you. no one else? >> i have a quick question. thank you for the report. each time you come, there's something new that i learn. the display of dahlia was actually interesting because it was more updated. i will ask again because i need to put on the record so the executive director will know what i'm asking, is remember the feature that i want to see, which is the matching feature, local business program, it is not perfect, but there is matching between the codes, and the classification of business, and the business opportunities, so that when there is notice of the opportunity, then it is really easy for the business to
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say, yep, that is me, i can go for that, that makes sense. it is not a generic notice. the housing area, especially with certificate of preference holders, that would be very good if they know that they can apply for what they really want, then there could be a more efficient system. >> that is a dream, we know that we are hoping to do the same thing. dahlia is very, very expensive and we have a lot of wishes for it. that is definitely one that we have so that dahlia will tell you that when you qualify for something, rather than they will just tell you about a generic thing and then you have to figure out if you qualify. it is absolutely something in our work plan. keep asking, but -- >> is it money, is it technology >> yes.
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>> maybe a conversation with our executive director about what that money looks like. okay. just suggesting. >> okay. , so, my other -- i think i had one other question. yes. the 2017 -- the lake research partners survey, is that the same, or different then the survey that we commissioned? >> it is the same. >> okay. that is good. so i brought this up before, as well, i don't think i remember the answer, frankly, but now i'm a little clearer on how the cue foundation is able to provide these rent subsidy supports, because this city grants them money. for some reason i thought the money came from the private sector. and i know we are not
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implementing proposition see. and maybe this is just a food for thought thing, i never understood that within props see , there was monies allocated are expected to be allocated to prevent homelessness, and it seems to me that rent subsidy falls in that category. i seem to recall that rent subsidy did fall within that category. anyway, food for thought. but when props see is implemented, that perhaps there is a way to connect to the c.o.p. program to the funding source. >> the rent subsidies are on everybody's mind in trying to finance them and figure them all out, and the certificate of preference holders are right there in the population that we are trying to serve. it is definitely in our thoughts
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>> i just have two things. one is, almost 2500 unknowns. i want us to find them. we need to figure out a way because if we keep on just focusing on 125, and there still folks that may want to be part of it, they are making people within the 2500, if that they knew, they would be interested. i think using some of those new systems to take a look, having just played with, all you have to do is put someone's name in, and then you have 20 generations of people popping up like that. you never know who you might -- you might be related to somebody so i really would encourage us. if we are looking for some resources, there some partners who do the outreach that may not do as good of a job as we would like to him. maybe we would save some money off that and look at dahlia and
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maybe be able to look at some of these genealogy sites. going back -- i don't know if it is the be in my bonnet or what, but we had 55 total that were under income, over income, credit, criminal, or other barriers. we have 55 households who are interested, but somehow we said, no, and when we go back to the history of what happened during redevelopment, people were not displaced because of their income, whether it was under, over, they weren't displaced because of a criminal background , or a credit score, they were displaced because of race. and so i'm not sure why we keep making it harder, and if that is
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a policy question, then that's a policy question we should be able to determine, because people were not kicked out because of these things, and now we are saying we kicked you out, we took your family's wealth for generations, we moved you out of your community, and now you're going to come in and you to jump through all these hoops, when we didn't put any criteria for picking that. i really think we need to talk about it, and if that is something that we can talk about as this commission body, because there's 55 families that could have gotten in, but we said no, so that is an ethical question, it is a moral question that we need to ask ourselves, and if it means we need to talk to the board of supervisors where the mayor, or the state, because it is just not right. it is just not right, so that is something i think i am willing, and would love some support from my fellow commissioners to tackle. i'm not sure how we would go
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about doing that, but if it is a policy question versus law, then -- not all laws are just, so unjust laws need to become just. that is not something you have to answer right now. >> i love the spirit, and i do think it is a state fight. >> we've got a governor who, you know, supported this commission and knew about, and actually when i was appointed by him, he said, do the right thing, you know, let's undo the wrongs. so i'm hoping we can do something because it is just not right. anyway. >> i have one last final comment
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being that the city and county has not built enough affordable housing to keep pace with the demand for housing with the certificate of preference holders and all of these other ancillary issues that were spoken about to keep them out, i was wondering if there's any possible way that we can revisit an old resolution of the board of supervisors back in 1998 in which they started talking about grandfathering in certificate of preference holders because now the grandparents are not dead, the parents are not dead, we still have this lineage that is going on, and maybe we can make that into perpetuity and not have a five-year reauthorization and maybe stop that and make it a -- you have a right to come
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back to san francisco. >> i think that that is definitely a policy question, but it is also, you know, dissolution. i leave this to our attorney here, but there are rules about the certificate of preference program grandfathering out as far as the redevelopment dissolution, and that is a policy question that the city certainly can look in to and consider, and figure out how to move forward with that. >> great. i would ask our executive director if there some way we can begin to follow up on these items. thank you. >> thank you. >> just one comment. and just to make a comment. one of the things that was happening the last three months, we were getting phone calls every month regarding the
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foundation. they were months behind, and they were just calling to notify us that they hadn't paid the subsidy part for months, and it got four months behind, but he recently passed and they said, yes, i think a week ago they received only two months, so it is still behind, and that is just something -- who are the eyes to make sure we they said it was not a financial issue, so who are the eyes to make sure the cue foundation does what it is supposed to do? >> that is just for information. >> is not a question, just a statement. >> thank you so much, everybody. >> thank you. >> madam secretary, let's move onto the next item. >> the next order of business is item five d., workshop on the annual housing production report
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, fiscal year 2017-2018. discussion. madame director? >> thank you. jeff white will be presenting on this item. as you know, it is from 2017 to 2018. it will be the 18-19, but because we are working on the annual housing report, we delayed the issue until the report, so today there will be a version of it. with that, i will turn it over to jeff white and we will want comments and feedback as we move on. >> good afternoon. i'm jeff white, housing program manager, and i am here to present the housing results for fiscal year 2017 and 2018. if you are looking at those dates, yes, we are a little bit
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late presenting that report. over the past year, we have created a new format. we hired a graphic designer to help us with the report, and we are very happy with what we came up with, and i hope you are, too please keep in mind, as i go through these results, i'm saying that just because some of this might sound a little bit like old news because the project, you are already familiar with. we do intend to follow up with the fiscal 18-19 report in the fall, and then we will be back on schedule. we are also presenting this report as a draft, and because we got a new format to the extent that ideas came in, we are open to hearing your suggestions, and we will try to incorporate those into the final that final will be distributed
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to inserted parties and then will be posted on our website. as we go through the presentation, i will roughly follow the flow of the report itself. it is an overview of the housing program, the project areas, the fiscal 17-18 results and activity, including marketing outcomes, and then more specifics on housing completions and starts, and projects in construction, c.o.p. highlights , which we just went over, soil touch on that briefly , and then the workforce results, and then following my presentation, you will hear more about those results in detail.
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starting with the basics, sorry about the small-scale of the map , but we wanted to capture the three projects, the three main project areas, and in the north, you will see transbay, and then you've got mission bay north and south, and then the shipyard phase one and two with candlestick. and then this chart, which is also in the report, really goes through the major project areas and outlines the status of the housing production, both market rate and affordable under ocii's purview. overall, you will see, and if you call them four project areas , we have more than 21,820 units, and 32% of those will be affordable.
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i didn't want to touch on each of the project areas really briefly. in phase one, as lila went over, we have hilltop and hillside. hilltop is a one, parcel a1 as she talked about, and hillside is a two. construction has not yet commenced on hillside, and that is expected, i believe early next year. through fiscal 17-18, 439 units have been completed in phase one , and 99% of those are affordable. in phase two, candlestick point, we will have 10,672 units total, 30 1% of those will be affordable, as that will be into fiscal year 17-18, 3% is complete, and all of those units are affordable, no market rate units have been completed. in mission bay, total we have
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mentioned before, we are very active in mission bay south right now. slide a, this is just what you probably already know. i just wanted to touch on who our clients are at our affordable development, and we have limited housing options. i am just pointing out different area median income levels. we have folks that are very low, or below 50% median income, and then folks between, up to 80% is low income, and then we have housing that serves folks at moderate between 81% and 100 20% median income. and slide nine shows our
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completions through fiscal 17-18 , but these are showing genial results of completed projects and i just want to point out, right now it is at 78 % family rental, and then we've got 9% homeownership, and 7% senior senior rental, and 6% supportive. we do have projects in the pipeline for homeownership, more supportive, and senior rental. those percentages will shift over the next couple of years. okay, now what i want to do is jump in and just go through and plan out the specific projects in fiscal 17-18. we had four projects that completed, three and the shipyard candlestick, and one in transbay.
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in the shipyard, we had alice griffith, and then that is a family rental project that also includes not only former alice griffith residents moving from the old alice griffith, but also residents coming through the regular lottery. we also completed two market rate projects on the hilltop, and then in transbay, we completed natalie commons or transbay south, which is 120 units. we added slides 11 and 12, which provides more detail on each of these completions, and that is also in the report. you can peru's that at your leisure. -- you can peru's that at your leisure. as far as housing starts, we had three projects
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