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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  August 15, 2019 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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>> good morning. welcome to life learning academy. my name is craig miller. i am a founder and the chief operating officer at the school. we are so thrilled to have everybody here today to celebrate this milestone event for the school, to provide a home for the kids who need us the most. terry and i and the entire life learning community could not be more grateful to all of you for everything you've done. i'd like to thank the sponsors for today's event. bear with me, it is a very
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healthy list. the northern california carpenter's regional council, ey, lows, jamel and tom perkins, linkedin, russell reynolds first bank, community vision and capital consulting, rubicon, kayhill construction, and oliver and company. i also want to recognize a few donors who have made the dorm possible. tipping point. valerie powder, the zeler box foundation, the louis r. laura foundation and linkedin. this group, along with the city,
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and sfusd exemplify a public-private partnership model that has come together to meet the needs of young people in san francisco. we are honored to have mayor breed with us here today and to have mayor willie brown's daughter, susan brown, here with us as well. without question, it is because of the support of mayor breed and mayor brown that we are standing here today about to open this beautiful dormitory for kids. [ applause ]. >> it's pretty cool. i would like to begin our program by introducing susan brown, who is going to comment on her father's long-term commitment to life learning academy. susan. [ applause ].
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>> thank you very much, craig, for that very warm introduction. i'm susan brown and my father is willie brown, former mayor of san francisco. he was unhappy because he could not be here today, but he asked me to see what i could possibly say. so i'm here to give you a few words. so our family is extremely proud and extremely happy and extremely excited for these dormitories. in 1998 when my father was mayor, he formed a partnership. and because of that partnership, life learning academy exists. what began with that partnership would culminate into what you see here today life learning academy, an organization which not only provides excellent educational excellence and
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experience for students but has acted as a catalyst for change for so many people who have walked through the doors. hundreds of lives have been positively impacted by -- through their programs over the years. and the dormitories today is a goal that they set, which is basically their mission statement at life learning academy. so it is my great honor to introduce to you today the principal of life learning academy dr. terry delane. [ applause ]. >> okay. some people out there who really know me know that i don't need a microphone, but i'm going to do what i'm told to do today. number two, i left my notes at home. so what i'm going to have to do is just go from what i know. i have been here from day one
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for 20 years i have witnessed kids come through these doors and in this school and commit to change and commit to non-violence. i am really lucky because i am somebody that has never forgotten where i come from. when i was 16 years old what stands out in my mind as a runaway and heroin addicted, i was with a boyfriend who was really violent. one night he beat me up, threw me out of the apartment we were in, in the middle of the night. what stands out for me is i was sitting on the street corner crying and alone and trying to figure out who to call. everyone needs to have somebody to call.
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not too long after that i got a chance -- a second chance at my life and i went to delancy street foundation, where my life was saved. i met mimi and i learned about community and i learned about fami family. and it has been my mission because i know that i owe for the rest of my life to right what's wrong for our kids. and especially those that don't have a safe place to live. [ applause ]. >> this building which you will all see is not a dorm. it's a home. what it represents is love and support where these students that live here will be able to
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thrive and grow and have the best of what they deserve. to build a circle of support of which you all are now a part of. when we go through this dorm, you will see how covered we are. we have the willie brown memorial -- mayor willie brown memorial family room. we have mayor london breed's beautiful baskets that she sent to us yesterday for every kid that's going to be living in there. we have mayor ed lee's legacy in our memorial garden named after him. we can't be better covered than that.
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[ applause ]. >> i am managing not to break into sobs because this is such an amazing day and i am thrilled because it is now our mission to make this a model so that other schools know what is possible when you can no longer go home each night knowing that you have kids that you love every day that don't have safety, not okay. and can nobody tell you what can't be done. now i'm tired of yelling at you all. it's not your fault. sorry, craig is used to that. he said, no, that's not you yelling. that's you talking. so i have here with me a young woman named lynnie. i call her lynnie and i've known her since she was 16. she knows what it's like not to
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have a safe place to live and she found herself a family. and then after being in a few high schools, she came to life learning academy and thrived. i want her just to tell you a little bit about herself and she came here from long beach to be with us. she is family for ever family. our life learning family has been going on for 20 and our kids never forget us. so i'd like to introduce lynn ward. [ applause ]. >> good morning and thank you so much for having me. my name is lynn ward and i'm a proud alumni of life learning academy. i was raised in a housing project by my grandmother. i'm the youngest of five sisters born to parents struggling with addiction and mental illness.
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i found comfort in books early on and excelled academically. i earned scholarships. i was always seemingly good on the surface, but my life home was very chaotic. the environment was making it hard to succeed and my neighborhood was filled with the enticing entrapments of the street lifestyle. this all came to a head in my junior year in high school where i was incarcerated for a robbery with a group of girls. this was a culmination of a long-time struggle for me on two diverging paths: the school or the streets. i had a choice to make and it grappled internally with this decision. i had a hard time believing in myself and could not see that there was a life different than the one i was born into. so there i was facing serious charges, kicked out of high school. i needed a change in my life and
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my best friend's dad asked if i was ready and to make a phone call. that phone call was to terry, the principal of life learning academy. i interviewed with her, and during my conversation i realized my life was not a game, that turning my life around was important to her, to the school, and that i had a community that was willing to support me. i knew this because terry told me herself that she would be on me like white on rice. those were literally her words, and she was. so was my college councilor, the vice principal. i knew the school's number and terry's cellphone number by heart because if i missed school or was late, they were calling me and asking me where i was at. a kid like me, that's what i needed. i needed caring and constant adults who noticed when i missed class, provided me with the
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resources to earn money and the environment to self reflect. i needed real conversations about the struggles i faced and opportunities for future success. i graduated this past june from cal state university long beach with a master's degree in political science. [ cheering and applause ]. >> i am a senior employee with a small business in long beach, having been with the company for four years. i'm a mentor. i volunteer. i like to travel. i like yoga. i live a positive life. without life learning academy, i would not be where i'm at today. sorry. life learning academy helps give you the building blocks to build my life to something better than i thought i could be. because of the impact on me, i was invited to speak about life learning academy at a conference this past october in san francisco. mayor breed gave the keynote
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address at the conference and i was fortunate enough to meet her. she took time to talk to me. she offered me an unpaid internship upon graduation. like me, mayor breed was raised by her grandmother and the housing projects of san francisco and was able to fight her way out through the support of her community and educational opportunities. i admire her because she's charted a path for herself, rising above the obstacles to become the first african-american woman mayor of san francisco. [ applause ]. >> she never forgets where she comes from, where we come from, and continues to advocate for more equitable society, especially for youth, evidenced by, among other things, her ongoing support for l.l. a. that is why i am so honored to introduce her today. ladies and gentlemen, mayor london breed. [ cheering and applause ]. >> mayor breed: thank you so
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much. thank you so much. it really is an honor to be here and let me just say thank you to lynn. we are so proud of you and this is what this school represents. i got to tell you, when i was growing up, we didn't have life learning academy. in fact, the very same kind of circumstances that lynn experienced was the same kind of circumstances that i experienced. the reason why i was raised by my grandmother had a lot to do with challenges with my family. and unfortunately, it didn't end up so well for my brother, who's still incarcerated, and my sister who i lost to a drug overdose. so i'm one of six siblings who was really fortunate to have supportive people in my life. that's why the work that i do is
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so important to support young people, because i know the difference that it can make. so when i worked here at the treasure island development authority many, many years ago -- some of you probably didn't know that -- i remember the day that mimi silver came to the treasure island development authority, building 1, and someone said, well, mimi is downstairs and they called upstairs. they're like mimi silver, send her up right away. people lost it because of the fact she was there because they knew how hard she worked for the community. she along with others were really putting together under the leadership of the former mayor willie brown this incredible life learning academy and i had the pleasure of working on the lease to get this thing done. i'm really proud of the work that i did. i made the mistake of attending
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the first graduation 20 years ago. for those of you who go to this graduation, you make sure you have your tissue because i was -- i think i was sitting next to mike delane, terry's husband, and i was boo-hookiing the whole time. these people couldn't believe they made it through. i remember the story of one of the young men who said he wasn't going to school that day when the delancy van showed up to pick him up. and the guy who was driving said i'll be right here waiting until you get into the van. they would not take no for an answer. they were on those kids like white on rice. they were not going to let one of those kids fail. so that's why today is so incredible. it's long overdue. it's long overdue to have a place for kids who may not have
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the best environment at home, where we know the challenges of sometimes living in poverty can take you in the wrong direction. where we have seen too many of our kids cycle in and out of the criminal justice system, when we know they have so much indecreed potential to do amazing things. providing a safe place for them to be, a safe place to call home and be amongst one another and a supportive environment where they are part of a real family, because delancy street is a loving family, they provide love and good food and hugs. terry hugs everybody. that is what you need to grow and to thrive. they've been doing it for 20 ye years. over the years i worked with young people at the
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african-american culture complex and as soon as i had a child that was in and out one of the schools -- like, i've had kids who sadly went to almost every high school sometimes in san francisco. the person i would call and ask, can you please take my baby because he needs structure, he needs support, terry without hesitation always tried to make a way for any kid at the life learning academy because she knew if she got her hooks on them they were going to graduate and they were going to go on and succeed in life. now she's probably going to move into this dormitory because this is going to be an incredible place so that we can make sure that despite the circumstances that some of our young people are facing in their home environment, they have a home right here at the delancy street life learning academy. this is one of the most -- and i'm not crying. my allergies are killing me.
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but this is one of the most amazing things that we can do. this example that we're setting today by opening up this dormitory will be a model for other schools throughout the country. this is how we make sure that our kids succeed. this is how we make sure that despite the obstacles they're facing, that we provide that wrap-around support which includes a place that is safe, that is secure, and provides the love and the support that they need to succeed. in san francisco we know we have some major challenges with homelessness. when i'm walking the streets in the tenderloin in particular, i see a lot of folks who i grew up with who fell through the cracks. and i can't help but think if we as a city can do better by all of our young people, we will
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prevent that from happening to them in the first place. part of the investments that we have been making to end youth homelessness in san francisco, including the rising up campaign, has led to -- although the homeless point in time count has gone up for the city as a whole, for youth homelessness we've seen that decrease by 10%. we need to get that to 0. because we have an obligation. i believe as folks who have been fortunate to succeed in whatever capacity, it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor or what have you, we all can give time and of ourselves to invest in young people to make sure that they grow and they thrive. that's what i'm committed to, not only with the rising up campaign, but with the opportunities for all programs where we will make sure that every high school student in this city has access, lynn, to a
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paid internship if they desire. so today is an incredible day of celebration. we have waited so long for this, and i can't thank all of you enough, especially the people who have contributed to making this possible. yes, the city was able to provide some support and we should provide support and i will continue to make sure that we make investments to support this incredible institution. but the people who really contributed and continue to support the life learning academy and making this dormitory a reality for our kids, thank you so much. this is absolutely amazing. it's really an honor to be your mayor and really great to see projects like this happen because this is going to save and change lives for future
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generations here in our great city. thank you all so much for being here today. [ applause ]. >> okay. so, i mean, mayor breed said she -- the city put in some, but the truth of the matter is without mayor london breed we wouldn't be standing here. the city came to our -- what we asked for, the city gave us. the belief in us and the support from mayor breed, the vision and leadership from mayor willie brown is why we're standing here right now. so again, i want to really thank them and thank susan so much for coming. she took pictures of willie brown's beautiful plaque when you'll see as we do tours of the dorm. now, what we're going to do first is take some pictures --
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well, we're going to take some pictures up here for a few minutes. i'm going to have my kids come up. you can mingle around and have a bite to eat. our chef derrek is amazing. we eat like this every day. food is so important to us. then we'll come back and have tours of the dorm. thank you all so much. [ applause ] [♪] [♪] ♪ homelessness in san francisco is considered the number 1 issue by most people who live here, and it doesn't just affect neighbors without a home, it
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affects all of us. is real way to combat that is to work together. it will take city departments and nonprofit providers and volunteers and companies and community members all coming together. [♪] >> the product homeless connect community day of service began about 15 years ago, and we have had 73 of them. what we do is we host and expo-style event, and we were the very force organization to do this but it worked so well that 250 other cities across the globe host their own. there's over 120 service providers at the event today, and they range anywhere from hygiene kits provided by the basics, 5% -- to prescription glasses and reading glasses, hearing tests, pet sitting, showers, medical services, flu shots, dental care, groceries,
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so many phenomenal service providers, and what makes it so unique is we ask that they provide that service today here it is an actual, tangible service people can leave with it. >> i am with the hearing and speech center of northern california, and we provide a variety of services including audiology, counselling, outreach, education, today we actually just do screening to see if someone has hearing loss. to follow updates when they come into the speech center and we do a full diagnostic hearing test, and we start the process of taking an impression of their year, deciding on which hearing aid will work best for them. if they have a smart phone, we make sure we get a smart phone that can connect to it, so they can stream phone calls, or use it for any other services that they need. >> san francisco has phenomenal social services to support people at risk of becoming homeless, are already experience and homelessness, but it is confusing, and there is a lot of waste. bringing everyone into the same space not only saves an average of 20 hours a week in navigating
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the system and waiting in line for different areas, it helps them talk, so if you need to sign up for medi-cal, what you need identification, you don't have to go to sacramento or wait in line at a d.m.v., you go across the hall to the d.m.v. to get your i.d. ♪ today we will probably see around 30 people, and averaging about 20 of this people coming to cs for follow-up service. >> for a participant to qualify for services, all they need to do is come to the event. we have a lot of people who are at risk of homelessness but not yet experiencing it, that today's event can ensure they stay house. many people coming to the event are here to receive one specific need such as signing up for medi-cal or learning about d.m.v. services, and then of course, most of the people who are tender people experiencing homelessness today. >> i am the representative for the volunteer central. we are the group that checks and all the volunteers that comment participate each day. on a typical day of service, we
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have anywhere between 40500 volunteers that we, back in, they get t-shirts, nametags, maps, and all the information they need to have a successful event. our participant escorts are a core part of our group, and they are the ones who help participants flow from the different service areas and help them find the different services that they needs. >> one of the ways we work closely with the department of homelessness and supportive housing is by working with homeless outreach teams. they come here, and these are the people that help you get into navigation centers, help you get into short-term shelter, and talk about housing-1st policies. we also work very closely with the department of public health to provide a lot of our services. >> we have all types of things that volunteers deal do on a day of service. we have folks that help give out lunches in the café, we have folks who help with the check in, getting people when they arrive, making sure that they find the services that they need to, we have folks who help in
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the check out process, to make sure they get their food bag, bag of groceries, together hygiene kit, and whatever they need to. volunteers, i think of them as the secret sauce that just makes the whole process works smoothly. >> participants are encouraged and welcomed to come with their pets. we do have a pet daycare, so if they want to have their pets stay in the daycare area while they navigate the event, they are welcome to do that, will we also understand some people are more comfortable having their pets with them. they can bring them into the event as well. we also typically offer veterinary services, and it can be a real detriment to coming into an event like this. we also have a bag check. you don't have to worry about your belongings getting lost, especially when that is all that you have with you. >> we get connected with people who knew they had hearing loss, but they didn't know they could get services to help them with their hearing loss picks and we are getting connected with each other to make sure they are getting supported. >> our next event will be in
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march, we don't yet have a date set. we typically sap set it six weeks out. the way to volunteer is to follow our newsletter, follow us on social media, or just visit our website. we always announce it right away, and you can register very easily online. >> a lot of people see folks experience a homelessness in the city, and they don't know how they can help, and defence like this gives a whole bunch of people a lot of good opportunities to give back and be supported. [♪] >> good morning, everyone. i'm tom mcguire and i have the
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privilege of acting as the san francisco m.c.a. we're here to celebrate the opening of this beautiful train platform. this is going to be the best way to get to the chase center arena. we're exciting to be cutting the ribbon on that platform today. this arena will be the most sustainable, transit-friendly and most successful arena in the nba. to celebrate this opening, i would like to welcome mayor london breed. >> mayor breed: thank you, tom. there are a lot of folks here today to celebrate this platform, and i just want to start by thanking each and every one of you for being here and helping us to get the word out, but i especially want to thank the warriors. not only have they committed to making sure that this is the most transit friendly chase
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center anywhere, but they can put their money where their mouth is by making investments in our transportation system here in san francisco. this platform is just one of their many commitments to supporting transportation to chase arena for the over 220 events that they plan to host every single year. we announced a few weeks ago that any event that you attend at chase center, you can basically show your ticket as proof of payment to get on muni and pull up right to the almost front door and walk over and enjoy a good time. and then when you're ready to go, you can hop right back on muni to get back home or wherever you're trying to get to. a year ago we formed a committee to talk about how we were going to be the most transit friendly location when chase center opened, and the warriors have
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been at the table, ucff has been at the table. the legislators have been at the table. i really want to thank ucsf for being here today and an incredible partner to make sure that people are able to get in and out this community, whether they're going to the hospital at ucsf or going to class or coming back from mission bay or going to chase center, this neighborhood which basically used to be a railway and empty space has now become a real part of san francisco as an incredible, thriving community, with people, restaurants, places to go and things to do. i've got to tell you, chase center is like the icing on the cake because this is where entertainment is going to happen, this is where the championship warriors nba
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champions will play right here in san francisco starting this fall for the -- well, actually coming home for the second time in our great city. i'm so excited about what's to come when we open this new center. but today is about really promoting our transportation plans and how we need to get people around this area safely, securely, efficiently. the thing that people ask about the most, first of all, san francisco has a lot of congestion, but now that we're adding another 18,000 people who are going to visit this area over the course of 220 events, what are we doing? well, we got bike share, we got plans with muni, we have so many incredible opportunities for people to choose the ferry service and transit options first. our goal is to get the word out
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and to hopefully when we open this amazing place we'll see tons of people getting right off at this platform to attend the first concert here and attend one of the first games happening here for the golden state warriors. i'm excited about this. thank you to the neighborhood for your patience and all the people that have had a tremendous role. i'd also like to add my real appreciation for the warriors and the four additional trains that we're going to be getting in addition to the platform and some of the other infrastructure improvements as their commitment to doing all they can to provide transit options for the visitors to chase arena. they've been an incredible partner in this city. at this time, i'd like to introduce another incredible partner, someone who's helped on the legislative side and continues to advocate for not only resources for san francisco, but continues to push the envelope around the kinds of transit options that we need to
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make san francisco and the bay area a more transit friendly, a more efficient place to move people around, that's assembly member david chu. >> thank you, madam mayor. san francisco, are we ready for basketball? are we ready for the warriors? so i was trying to think of something pithy to say that would be appropriate for this day. this is what i'll say in four words: this is the station for dub nation. all right. this is ride, this journey, has been long in coming. i was just talking to rick wells about how it was eight years ago when i was serving as president of the san francisco board of supervisors, i got a call about the possibility that the warriors might move to our great city. a lot as happened over that time. i remember asking him the question: how are we going to
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move 18,000 people in and out games this many times a year? today we announced we unveiled part of the solution to that blue-and-gold question. i want to also along with the mayor thank so many folks that were responsible for the day, starting with the mayor and her team at muni, along with our contractors and our engineers, our builders. of course to the warriors for your vision of what an amazing venue could be about. ucsf, thank you for not only your science but also partnership. i want to thank a moment to thank the neighborhoods, the neighbors, our transit advocates for bringing us to where we are today. i want to take a moment to thank the legislature and the bay area voters who last year passed regional measure 3, which is over $4 billion of transit and congestion funding to help ensure that we are building the best transit system in the world here in san francisco. let me also mention today is a
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ribbon cutting, but this is not going to be the last transit stop ribbon cutting. as i mentioned when we were moving forward with regional measure 3 it was suggested to me and my colleagues that we also invest in a ferry system that includes a future mission bay ferry stop. if all goes well, in 2021, we will hopefully do a ribbon cutting there as well with the temporary option, as mayor breed just reminded me. let me just close by saying that we all know that the greatest 21st century cities have great transit. we know we have more work to do in san francisco, but this is one of the major stops to ensuring that we have great transit here in san francisco and here in the bay. go dubes. with that, it's my honor to introduce someone who needs no introduction. someone who has overseen three
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championships over the last five years, the the of the golden state warriors. >> thank you. another great day. we have been on this journey for about seven years now. i know it's a distant memory, but we had some press conference on pier 3032 about seven years ago accepting the mayor's invitation to bring the warriors back to san francisco. obviously a lot has happened since then. two people up here -- actually, all of them, but two in particular at that point in time were critical to this project david chu in his former role at the board of supervisors was one of the first advocates for this project. it seems really easy now that it's all done. at the time he took some arrows for us and there were some times when it wasn't the easiest position to be taking. david, we owe you a great debt of gratitude and the support you
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gave us then in guiding us to our new home at mission bay. i'm going to introduce this guy in a moment, but i want to say something about him before i do. chancellor hagad has been an amazing partner in getting this project done. through the time that i have known him, which initiated with this project, i've come to respect what an incredible steward you are for this amazing institution. he's a really good negotiator too. i will tell you that. he was -- you know, we had a common vision, but we had to figure out how to get there. the getting there was the part that chancellor hagood was so instrumental in making happen. mayor breed before she was mayor was a supporter. she even came with us to china a few years ago to see the warriors play there. she has -- since the time she has been in office has been an
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inbelievable advocate in focusing in on what it's going to take to make this project successful for the city. i think her encouragement is what resulted in our muni program. remember that, your ticket to any event at j center is our ticket on muni. free transportation on muni the day of the event. that's an incredible opportunity. i think it's not only going to be great for getting people familiar with muni on muni. i think it's going to bring a lot of people to muni that have never tried it before because of the guests from outside the bay area and outside of san francisco who now will have an experience with muni that hopefully they'll repeat over and over again. i think, mayor, you've assured us that tom has made sure with all this demand that we're creating, that the service is going to match that demand, right? isn't that what you told me? thanks to each and every one of you. you deserve to be up here.
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we're less than a month away from cutting a ribbon and welcoming our first event, metallica and the san francisco symphony. what else would you do in san francisco on september 6. thanks to all of you. i'm going to turn this over to chancellor sam hagood. >> thank you, rick. let me welcome you all here the medical center and university here. we're delighted to be welcoming the equally world class warriors to be our partners. it has been a journey as rick mentioned, but i am confident that everything is in place to make this a spectacular success not just for mission bay, but san francisco. at ucsf we strongly believe in the mayor's transit policies.
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we run our electric shuttle services to keep our patients, staff, students out of cars. we promote the use of transit whenever we can. that includes allowing city employees to access our transit to zuckerberg san francisco general hospital. i would like to especially thank the mayor, who from day one has made a commitment to the opening of the chase center and the operations of the chase center the great success that i know it will be. with the cooperation of the m.t.a. for their terrific work on this new pavilion. my office is just here. i can actually see this transit center and see the chase center from my office. i believe i'll be looking directly into rick's office. we'll be able to monitor very carefully how this all works, but we're very excited about welcoming the warriors to our neighborhood. i thank the members of the ucsf
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community, but the broader community who have tolerated a lot of construction including our own construction and the warriors and the transit. it will all be over soon and we'll be able to enjoy the fruits of everyone's labor. thank you for being here. it's a very, very exciting day. tom. >> thank you, chancellor. thank you again for your patience and for all the neighbors here in mission bay and all the neighborhoods who have been so patient with the amount of construction that has taken place and that has been required for a great station and a great arena to take shape here in mission bay. thank you also to our elected officials for their leadership encouraging us to put transit first. of course to the warriors for funding infrastructure investments. making your warriors ticket count for your muni ticket. i'm looking forward to seeing what our peer cities and other
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teams in san francisco, thank you, madam mayor. also joined by our board member who has been terrific. thank you to all the m.t.a. members who have been working so hard for the last few months to make sure that this station opened before the arena so we've got a great facility for all the fans who are going to show up in one month. with that, let's go across the street and cut a ribbon. >> ready? five, four, three, two, one. yay. we're open. [♪] all right. on 5, 5, 4, 3,
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2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 community opportunity and our capital improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on
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the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. anthony's formed a club and john then the superintendent the golden gate park laid out the bowling green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 san francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the parks commission paid laying down down green number 2 the san francisco lawn club was the first opened
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in the united states and the oldest on the west their registered as san francisco lark one 101 and ti it is not all fierce competition food and good ole friend of mine drive it members les lecturely challenge the stories some may be true some not memories of past winners is reversed presbyterian on the wall of champions. >> make sure you see the one in to the corner that's me and. >> no? not bingo or scrabble but the pare of today's competition two doreen and christen and beginninger against robert and others easing our opponents for the stair down is a pregame strategy
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even in lawn bowling. >> play ball. >> yes. >> almost. >> (clapping). >> the size of tennis ball the object of the game our control to so when the players on both sides are bold at any rate the complete ends you do do scoring it is you'll get within point lead for this bonus first of all, a jack can be moved and a or picked up to some other point or move the jack with i have a
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goal behind the just a second a lot of elements to the game. >> we're about a yard long. >> aim a were not player i'll play any weighed see on the inside in the goal is a minimum the latter side will make that arc in i'm right-hand side i play my for hand and to my left if i wanted to acre my respect i extend so it is arced to the right have to be able to pray both hands. >> (clapping.) who one. >> nice try and hi, i'm been play lawn bowling affair 10 years after he retired i needed something to do so i picked up this paper and in this paper i see in there play lawn bowling in san francisco
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golden gate park ever since then i've been trying to bowl i enjoy bowling a very good support and good experience most of you have of of all love the people's and have a lot of have a lot of few minutes in mr. mayor the san francisco play lawn bowling is in golden gate park we're sharing meadow for more information about the club san francisco is surrounded on three sides by water, the fire boat station is intergal to maritime rescue and preparedness, not only for san francisco, but for all of the bay area.
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[sirens] >> fire station 35 was built in 1915. so it is over 100 years old. and helped it, we're going to build fire boat station 35. >> so the finished capital planning committee, i think about three years ago, issued a guidance that all city facilities must exist on sea level rise. >> the station 35, construction cost is approximately $30 million. and the schedule was complicated because of what you call a float. it is being fabricated in china, and will be brought to treasure island, where the building site efficient will be constructed on top of it, and then brought to pier
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22 and a half for installation. >> we're looking at late 2020 for final completion of the fire boat float. the historic firehouse will remain on the embarcadero, and we will still respond out of the historic firehouse with our fire engine, and respond to medical calls and other incidences in the district. >> this totally has to incorporate between three to six feet of sea level rise over the next 100 years. that's what the city's guidance is requiring. it is built on the float, that can move up and down as the water level rises, and sits on four fixed guide piles. so if the seas go up, it can move up and down with that. >> it does have a full range of travel, from low tide to high tide of about 16 feet. so that allows for current
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tidal movements and sea lisle rises in the coming decades. >> the fire boat station float will also incorporate a ramp for ambulance deployment and access. >> the access ramp is rigidly connected to the land side, with more of a pivot or hinge connection, and then it is sliding over the top of the float. in that way the ramp can flex up and down like a hinge, and also allow for a slight few inches of lateral motion of the float. both the access ramps, which there is two, and the utility's only flexible connection connecting from the float to the back of the building. so electrical power, water, sewage, it all has flexible connection to the boat. >> high boat station number 35 will provide mooring for three fire boats and one rescue boat. >> currently we're staffed
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with seven members per day, but the fire department would like to establish a new dedicated marine unit that would be able to respond to multiple incidences. looking into the future, we have not only at&t park, where we have a lot of kayakers, but we have a lot of developments in the southeast side, including the stadium, and we want to have the ability to respond to any marine or maritime incident along these new developments. >> there are very few designs for people sleeping on the water. we're looking at cruiseships, which are larger structures, several times the size of harbor station 35, but they're the only good reference point. we look to the cruiseship industry who has kind of an index for how much acceleration they were accommodate. >> it is very unique.
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i don't know that any other fire station built on the water is in the united states. >> the fire boat is a regionalesset tharegional assete used for water rescue, but we also do environmental cleanup. we have special rigging that we carry that will contain oil spills until an environmental unit can come out. this is a job for us, but it is also a way of life and a lifestyle. we're proud to serve our community. and we're willing to help people in any way we can.
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