tv Government Access Programming SFGTV September 10, 2019 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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>> clerk: we have a quorum. >> could you please read the next item. >> clerk: citizens advisory committee report. this is an information item. >> mr. larson, good morning. good morning chair peskin and commissioners. i am chair of the citizens advisory committee to report on last wednesday's meeting of the cac. they reviewed the motion of support for $26 million in prop k allocation and one $100,000 prop k appropriation request on item 5 on the agenda. they responded regarding undergrounding the k and m lines to the twin folks tunnel and out to stones town.
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this harkins back to a feasibility study for less extensive that was to proceed to preenvironmental design in 2015. it was expanded in scope in 2016. when sf m.t.a. staff was asks if this was to proceed. they need priority against other major transit projects as part of the overall connect effort. it would be premature to engage in environmental review until the transit corridor and streets and freeway studies recommendations could be evaluated. with the ongoing congestion on 19th and park mer said, the mead for the m line is more acute every day. regarding speed radar signs, there was a question about combining with technology such as road sensors to capture speed
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data in realtime to gauge the effectiveness along with before and after studies currently performed. the cat recommended approval for all of the requests. during discussion of vision zero, item 7, a cac member observed the up take in facility seems to coincide with increase in cac vehicles on the streets. there have been no cacs involved in an accident it was part of the policy agenda. another member highlighted communities of concern and need to provide safe environments to bike to school, including bike education. staff affirmed bike training classes were part of the strategic actions the safe routes to school program was a specific initiative to achieve safe transit for children and
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foster zero goals. as part of the bus rapid transit update. project staff said to date no businesses had taken advantage of the free advertisement opportunity for bus cards on the vanness corridor buses. cac members urged more promotion for the opportunity to local businesses and asked for additional metrics of the effectiveness of the outreach in terms every responses from the business community, e-mails and text messages sent and attending meetings held. during public comment concern was raised with regard to the brt bus platforms in the center of vanness and the time it matador senior and disabled to get across the traffic lanes. with wants to turn right on red while people need to cross to get to bus islands to board. thank you. that completes my report.
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>> supervisor peskin: any questions for the head of our cac? is there any public comment on this item? please come forward. seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. that was an information item. could you please call the consent agenda. >> clerk: items 3 and 4. item 4 was approved july 23rd is now considered for final approval. staff will present if desired. any items may be removed and considered separately. >> supervisor peskin: is there any public comment on item 3, the approval of the july 23rd minutes? seeing none, public comment is closed. first i would like to have a motion to excuse commissioner safai who will be joining us in about 10 minutes. motion made by commissioner
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mandell men and seconded by commissioner mar. motion to approve the consent agenda and on that motion a roll call, please. (roll call). >> clerk: we have final approval. >> supervisor peskin: next item. >> clerk: state and federal legislation update. this is an informational item. >> supervisor peskin: thank you from sacramento where things are flying. >> this is information item only. i will give you an update on legislation that is moving or of strong interest. i will give you an overview
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where action on bills that you have taken this year have ended up with the bills. first in the packet, there is a reference to sp278. this measure is by senator bell. it is two year bill intended to be the operational language associated with the effort by bay area council, silicone valey and spur to develop a regional measure of revenues for a major investment program for transportation in the bay area. there will be more development work during the fall as the bill is a two year bill. they will come back to address it next year, and we will be monitoring that activity during the fall. in addition, there are three bills that i want to update you on. first ab1487. this bill deals with the
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proposed bay area housing authority. it is on the senate floor at the next-to-last stop. it was amended. the amendments designation m.t.c. as the authority. there are other amendments or language changes including the type of taxes or revenue steams to be tacked. partial tax, grocer gross -- the gross receipts. the board has a watch position on this. ab1605. the board has way sponsor support position. this is mr. ting's bill that provides reservation for the crooked street legislation. the bill has passed both houses. it is on the way to the governor.
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i have been coordinating with your staff to ensure the best message is provided to the governor's operation per the recommendation by senator wiener who carried the bill on the senate floor for us. finally, senator wean nor has sp127. you have recently adopted a support position. this would required caltrans to develop complete streets elements in association with major state rehab projects under taken on conventional roadways. 19th street or others in the bay area in addition to fixing a culvert they would look for an opportunity to upgrade the sidewalks or provide bike lane facility or other complete street element in association. the administration has produced a cost estimate of over
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$1 billion annually, which would be to the detriment of the rehabilitation program for the state system, however, senator wiener has disputed the methodology, the bill is going down to the wire. i think it will pass the legislature and be a discussion between the author and the administration as to what the real cost effect is before it is decided. for this year, you tracked a number of bills. of the bills that the board took positions of support on, two have been chaptered so far, four of the support position bills are currently pending on the assembly floor, seven bills that you took positions are became two year bills, four of which were opposed, three were support
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in nature. there is one bill that was retained on suspension which essentially makes it a dead bill for the two year session, but sometimes they do come back to life. i think thus far, your staff perspective in bringing bills before you and you taking positions has worked to your benefit so i thank you. >> supervisor peskin: any questions? commissioner stephanie? >> supervisor stefani: thank you. i want to thank so many people that made ab1605 possible. i know andy hide is back and because of his good work at the transportation authority we were able to get assembly member phil tang to sponsor that. it is in the governor's desk. it came after years of trying to solve problems on lombard
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street. i tried for 12 years. it is good work of the ta. thank you for being at the community meetings. i hope we see relief in the area. we have tried everything. it is good to see you again. thank you for your hard work. i hope we have something to relieve the much needed traffic congestion in the area. thank you. >> supervisor peskin: mr. watts. >> this was an information item. there is no need for action. amber crab will present an overview for you in a moment. i want to add my thanks to working with your staff and other affiliates on that bill. the leadership that amber and michelle provided and working with mr. ting's office was exemplary. i have never seen that level of deep engagement by other agencies. i thought they did a very good
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job this year. >> supervisor peskin: go team. ms. crab come up. >> amber crab with transportation authority. a quick snapshot of the federal perspective. first i want to start off making note that after this hearing she has been asked by its america to testify at the house transportation and infrastructure hearing to talk about the wonderful things san francisco is doing relating to pricing and technology strategies. it is going to be turning on c span tomorrow morning. i want to note the reauthorization of the federal transportation bill work has begun. it expires september 30, 2020. there is a first draft of the markup of the federal highway
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portion of the bill. next it goes to the commerce and banking committee, then the house is also talking about its own draft. from a initial perspective, it is good news. the bill is $300 billion, which is a 27% increase above current levels. there is also new increases in freight programs, bike programs, and it surprisingly acknowledges climate change for the first time with a climate change program that has carbon reduction programs and funding for fueling infrastructure. that including planning and pilots for congestion pricing. we are working with the mayor's office and the transportation commission along with other agencies on advocacy to make
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sure that our priorities are known at the senate and house level. basic advocacy including growing revenues for the things we care about, especially on the transit side, vision zero, ensuring sufficient funding for congestion pricing, making sure, looking how the bill treats merging noticeability and new revenue sources, user based fees is the challenge moving forward is finding the revenues to pay for the new programs because the highway trust fund is only solvent through the summer of 2021. with the federal reauthorization things are going quickly or will be on hold with temporary considerations until after the 2020 elections. happy to take any questions.
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>> supervisor peskin: any questions for ms. crab? any public comment on item number 5? seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. i understand that ms. kirsch ball is on the way but not here yet. how about item 6? >> clerk: colleagues we will take item 7 out of order. i think we have ms. noe here. the floor is yours. >> good morning. have you read item 7. >> clerk: vision zero communications and education update. multi link gal and senior campaigning. this is an informational item.
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>> good morning. i am with the sf m.t.a. vision zero education and outreach coordinator. joining me later will be my colleague from the department of public health. we are here at the request of commissioner zero to provide an update on vision zero communications and education particularly with regard to multi lingual and senior campaigns. on the look ahead at the planned work for the 2019 calendar year, i will provide more detail on those campaigns in th the follog slides. this is a sample of some of the metrics that we track each month for communications and education work.
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you have these numbers in your packet. these are from the april through june quarter. next july through september quarter metrics will be provided on october fourth. i think the next slide will play a video. we will dive into campaigns we launched last quarter. ♪ ♪ . >> so this is a snapshot of the different media channels we use to push campaigns.
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counter clockwise on the bottom right was from driving in today's sf campaigns where we developed videos reminding drivers to safely interact with street treatments in the city. on the top right is a card from the motorcycle safety campaign which launches every year in may. this is the third year we launched the campaign. we handed out the cards to motorcycle shops and clubs and riders throughout the street. on the right you may have seen these as part of the april awareness month. in the bottom left is an animation of our yielding campaign on social media. a step back to 2014, m.t.a. had
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safe streets campaign program. here are some pieces from that program. as vision zero started, this is an old branding. some of our older materials, and before we moved to the current branding that you will see today. our partnership programs we try to make sure we have the multi lingual posters as well. this is from the school partner ship. these are multi media pieces from the motorcycle campaign. before i hit the next slide, some radio pieces will play in spanish and chinese from the safe streets campaign.
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these are from last year's campaign for the senior safety campaign. you will language the banners and in the transit is shelters. this is a new campaign in may. these are outreach card on the left in spanish and chinese. i will play videos in spanish and chinese as well. that was parking protected bike lanes. the next one will be in chinese.
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so that was a snapshot of the work around campaigns. at the project level we also have a piece specifically for balboa park with a neighborhood priming effort to customize the outreach card with traffic safety and incoming projects so when members of the public attended they would have safety in the back of their minds and be able to support the project. on the left are posters from
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vision zero highlighting different street treatments so people can connect the street treatment with safety in the neighborhoods with vision zero. on the right are rapid response outreach. we go out to install memorial posters at the site of the crash. we have inlanguage speaking in chinese, spanish or filipino as needed. they will have crisis response cards on hand for additional resources and support. vision zero outreach rotates each month for farmers' markets and these are of the standard outreach and project information and boards that we have out on the tables. on the left are comics in
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chinese and spanish. these are for kids. we worked on developing the chinese card with chinatown cdc. on my left before i turn it over will be an update on chinese focus campaign. as part of the communications and education strategy and the action strategy is a heavy focus on equity and deeper engagement through traffic safety campaigns that speak to certain populations such as communities of concern or vulnerable populations. first is on the chinese speaking community in sf, the largest minority in the city. these are from a fair that we attended hosted by the chinese hospital in chinatown.
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we did outreach talking to mostly seniors and patients at the health fair. we are reaching out to cpos to set up focus groups to get a better understanding of the top traffic safety concerns and how they best receive and share information. this helped a campaign, what it looks like and the best media channels, whether they are chinese newspapers or radio. those kinds of things. i will turn it over to my colleague for an update on the safety for seniors program. >> thank you for the presentation and introduction. good morning, supervisors. i am with dph community health
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equity and promotion branch presenting on safety for seniors. in our branch, safety for seniors is for service providers on vision zero, also we want to collect feedbacks on the community to bring it back to the city agency so we can do improvements. our safety for seniors staff conduct multi-lingual service to the seniors and service providers. since april 2016, our program started. we reached over 2000 seniors and service providers in 62 locations. i will provide more details later. at the same time we also provide funding to the community-based organizations each year.
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in fi giancarlo fisichellain thd organizations to provide in depth education and outreach to the neighborhoods. in 18-19 we funded seven. in the current fiscal year we are funding also seven. to our city wide and neighborhood focus. they are including walk sf foundation and seniors and disability action groups. two are city-wide focus. the others are neighborhood focusin' concluding chinatown community development center and family connection center. they are located in excelsior. in the center they are focused on the tenderloin. they focus on the tenderloin and
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the lighthouse, they focus on the mission an and the richmond area. that is the neighborhood focus of the current funding. as i mentioned, our staff conduct presentation in outreach in senior centers and community events and different neighborhoods. all of the neighborhoods are located near the network including richmond, chinatown and tenderloin. our audience are diverse most of them are chinese, nonenglish speaking. some only speak spanish and like that. to address the language barrier so our staff conducts the
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presentation in spannition andening -- spanition and -- sph and english. we are able to connect with the senior center staff and they help provide the translation. through the presentation we are able to educate seniors what the vision zero, how they can protect themselves and very important we are able to collect feedback from the community. we ask their feedback. how do they feel walking on the street? how can we do better to improve the street safety so we can protect everybody? that is the most important part. after the presentation we will collect the feedback and bring it back to m.t.a. here is a picture of our staff talking to the seniors in
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tenderloin safe street for seniors event organized by our grantties last year. they are thinking to make it is an annual event in tenderloin. that is a big turnout last year. they track about more than 200 seniors there. also, our safety for seniors program we developed cultural educational materials for the community, particularly focusing on seniors. last year we saved brochures. all of this materials are translated into chinese, spanish. we distributed this material to the community through presentation, community events
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and other agencies. seniors and caregivers and service providers love it. most of the time we talk to you and find it very helpful. when they walk outside it is an ugly way to protect themselves from traffic. they can use it every day. here is my presentation so i am happy to answer any questions you have. thank you. >> supervisor peskin: thank you for that thorough presentation. any questions from members? commissioner yee followed by commissioner fewer. >> supervisor yee: you didn't talk about this. i am not sure this is what you do. we asked for crossing guards close to the senior centers and so forth.
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is there an update if that has been done and how many and where are they? >> sorry i don't know about the crossing guard for the senior center. maybe someone else can answer. otherwise i will full up and give an update next time. we will follow up. thank you. >> supervisor yee: in regards to education, it could be any of you answering this, there is a lot of material that you presented and has been developed. is it going to be any analysis of seeing what material or which mechanism is most effective way to get to our attended target audience? >> so far we don't have a very
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comprehensive evaluation, but we definitely collected feedback from every presentation. after the presentation i talk how do you feel? what do you think about the materials we see and the information inside? do you feel it is helpful or which one is not helpful? the most important thing they share with me is they were glad they know that 311 is a way to report the community concern to their agency. also, they would like to see this project update for the city. that is the part we got from most of our audience. i will relay your suggestion and create a surveyor easy way to engage senior and do analysis on that, and then we will report back to the committee.
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>> i think there are two levels of outreach or education here. one when you directly have a workshop with the seniors which is good. most likely they will get something out of it. you will probably reach 1% of the seniors that way. the other things i am seeing are things that you would put out on the street or put on social media and so forth. you would hope that probably the majority of the people you are trying to reach will go for some other system, and someone has a question that i have. it is the majority of people. what message is going to be most effective. will you do analysis around that area? >> for our education campaigns you will be able to track
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metrics. how many people we expect to reach, and, therefore, hopefully, genre rate awareness of vision zero and the traffic message we are trying to push and we will track that and hold an awareness survey and ask members of the people have you seen this message, have you heard of vision zero to see if the message is penetrating and being sustained. when we have funding for each specific campaign like safe speeds we will do a heavy evaluation as well. beyond education for our infrastructure projects we have the safe streets program to monitor how well they are working. >> supervisor yee: when do you think you would have the results of that type of analysis? >> we are currently wrapping up our safe streets evaluation and
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can share that. >> supervisor yee: that would be great. in regards to social media, what do you mean by that? is that facebook type stuff? >> yes, it is typically on facebook. this year we tried youtube pre-roll, the advertiesments that pop-up. who we are reaching, we will try to collect drivers in this age range in this specific part or who are interested in motorcycle riding and then track who we are reaching, how many of then, for things like driving in the sf videos on youtube. we tracked how many people see it are actually watching the videos. we have had like the completion rates for the videos. >> supervisor yee: are you also putting stuff on we chat?
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>> not yet. that is definitely something we are thinking of for the chinese focus campaign. >> as you know the chinese speaking audience are more reach out on we chat than on facebook. >> yes, agreed. >> commissioner fewer. >> supervisor fewer: thank you for this presentation. a few comments. my comments are more toward the pedestrian, i think, safety than the driver. i feel that i think it is great what you are doing to engage drivers. i suggested before perhaps there should be driver refresher courses because san francisco's transportation infrastructure has really changed. that demonstrates how to park in these bike lanes, what do some of these new signs mean, the traffic circles, all very confusing to people who have driven for a very long time. people have not driven in other
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countries have never seen a traffic circle. refresher courses that are free and people want to attend themselves are great. i want to mention what president yee mentioned about the we chat site. i think it is great for focus groups. i would have them review marketing materials to see if it really speaks to them or not. also, many of the in my district about two fatalities, both chinese seniors, and when i am realizing that a lot of my seniors were not drivers themselves, especially the chinese population. many of them have never driven before. they don't have the mind set what a driver's view is when they are driving. in my district i have seen the chinese seniors entering intersections, their head is down versus looking around.
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are you giving basic strategies we might take for granted but could save a life in my neighborhood green lights pause, people run red lights in my district. i want to say what i think would be helpful for my chinese and russian speaking community is actually real strategies that can teach them how to be safer when they are crossing in the intersections especially high energy corridors, the clothing, the pace of walking, the reflective things you give out. i want to mention that we do have a lot of gatherings of seniors that gather regularly in locations. we have a lot of meals they come
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on a regular basis that is a opportunity to engage with others. also, i think m.t.a. and public works has to work together for the intersections. some of the intersections are so uneven footing. potholes in the intersections where seniors are walking. really hard to use a walker or any kind of appar rat tuesday when there are so many pothole in the intersections themselves. it is great if folks can call in the potholes to 311. my seniors tend to cross at regular intersections. i want to say to my seniors, it is important to cross at the intersection that has a light or stop sign. i don't know what kind of information you give out to them, this is what i observe in my neighborhood. i want to mention that i know
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that many of our programs are for spanish and chinese, but i actually have a large russian speaking population that depends 100% on public transportation. many of them do not drive. most of them live in section 8 housing or subsidized housing somehow. they are also seniors with a lot oof apparof ap apparatus withn the neighborhood. >> go ahead. i didn't mean to cut you off. >> thank you for the feedback and recommendations. >> commissioner haney. >> supervisor haney: i agree with the comments from the commissioners fewer and yee. in a lot of the tenderloin in some of their changes being made rapidly to intersections and
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bike lanes, many of them are very good changes. some of the things i noticed there isn't adequate signage when the changes are made and sometimes the signs are torn down. there are scramble intersections and not everybody is aware of that. can be more dangerous. they think it is their turn to cross when it is green for the car. then they are crossing at a time when the car thinks it is a free turn for them. i really want to make sure when we make the changes the signage is there for a significant amount of time and it is maintained and visible. on golden gate and hyde where i walk by every day. i am not sure everybody knows how that works.
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the other thing in terms of outreach to drivers, obviously, the folks who are the most dangerous are drivers who aren't doing the right thing. i am wondering how we are doing more to get to them in creative ways. are we working with like the airport or rental car companies? parking garages, really targeting people who are driving, and especially telling them to do the right thing is important. making it clear there is a focus on enforcement and putting up in clearer ways places where there are red light cameras, in the high injury corridors priority elevated enforcement. you are entering a zone where you better act right or there is traffic cops in this area.
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is that a part of what we are doing? i think that we need to get to those drivers coming to san francisco because they are driving for ride share or renting a car who are not going to get connected to the outreach in other ways except when they come to the city and let them know they should follow the law or there will be consequences. >> thank you. >> some of the feedback from my constituents. there are things targeted at drivers inside buses. they have just suggested to me -- not that that makes sense -- making sure they are in the places where people are driving are and really visible and letting them know about enforcement. >> the rapidly changing
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infrastructure in the tenderloin, we are aware of that problem. seven new scrambles are coming in by the end of the year. we are working on specific out reach cards to work with the tenderloin task for to pass out cards to residents to better explain what the new feature is and how to infer act with it. that is one thing we are doing to address that. in terms of using innovative ways to do outreach to drivers. in addition to the safe speeds campaigns we did outreach to rental card companies and made materials available to people coming in to rent cards. we also did outreach at dmv. we have a video playing at 170 field offices within california.
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that is another way we are trying to reach drivers. in terms of enforcement i don't want to speak for the police department. they have recently piloted a traffic citation task force group to focus on the five citations and they are adding more officers to do morsitations around the city -- more of the citations around the city. >> with the messages and videos, we are letting people who are driving know that is happening and in certain areas with more enforcement or red light camera, the places where we do people should know it is there as a prevention mechanism. i know where they are and it is not especially visible and it should be to be a real
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deterrent. >> thank you. >> supervisor peskin: commissio. >> chair mar: thank you for all of your work on these important initiatives. i had a few points to add to the points my colleagues have made and a few questions. you know, the multi lingual outreach and to seniors is important to ensure that everyone in the city understands vision zero priorities and is engaged in the vision zero campaign. both in terms of just raising awareness of it and changing behaviors with pedestrians and drivers. it is important in order to build more understanding of the different policy and program
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initiatives through vision zero especially those that are contentious. like daylighting might result in removal of parking spaces in commercial areas. my office has been working with m.t.a. staff on expanding daylighting in district four in the sun set district. we are identifying the 100 priority intersections for daylighting in our district. we see the need to ensure since that residents understand the importance and why we are moving with daylighting in the sun set and city. this can help build more support for these efforts. also, i really like the
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comprehensive approach in the senior outreach, both broad-basedded education through radio ads, social media and the deeper education and engagement that happens through the outreach at events and presentations to community groups. it looks like through at least -- i had a question. it looks like some partner ship with community-based organizations as well, funding provided to do deeper and more intensive outreach to clients and constituents. is that only happening in the senior safe treats for senior program or does the funding and partnership for community organizations also happening through the multi lingual vision
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zero outreach? >> the seniors program we give out funding every year to community based organizations. they will have our very in depth outreach in that neighborhood. then there are like cb o i am sharing. they have the language to capacity and the capacity to reach out. seniors and service providers from different cultural backgrounds. >> that is very important. do you have a similar partnerships to outreach to families and children that are not seniors with organizations that are serving those populations? >> we will have partnerships when we develop the campaign for
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the chinese focus campaign, we will work with the chinese hospital. when we want to develop specific materials we will work with cb os to test the messaging. do you think this works? if not, how shall we edit it. the comic cards are something we created as a result of the partnership with the c.e.o. >> there are some neighborhoods like the sun set have a large chinese population, large nonenglish speaking population. there is less service providers in the neighborhood like the sun set compared to other neighborhoods. i wanted to highlighter that and say that i think for a neighborhood like the sun set where the conditions exist, you
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know, i think it would be good to look at other types of ways to reach the community since we don't have as many service providers. that is a good way my office is able to reach the chinese community in the sun set. >> thank you so much. >> supervisor peskin: any other questions from members? seeing none, is there public comment on item 7? thank you for your collective presentations. first speaker, please, mr. de cost. >> when it comes to vision zero, i can give you an example so that you supervisors can understand. the people who speak here are practical or not practical.
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there is one intersection on bruno over two months now the lines that were removed because of asphalting haven't been painted, the crosswalks. the last time i was here, i told you there was a ditch and a chinese woman sat in the -- fell in the ditch and broke her arm and did not want to go to the hospital. we had to reach out to somebody to translate, get a relative. they took her home. i don't know what happened. now when we talk about whatever we want to do in generalities, we have to have a check list. i say that many times. right now somebody like me, i
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have no time to waste. i will send an e-mail to mo to o mohammed. if it is done how can you pay those people if they haven't met the checklist? how can adversely impact the children at the schools, impact the seniors and yet you are talking in denarralties of who is going to do the outreach? the chinese hospital or something? no, no, no. it doesn't look like that. now, finally, sir if we have some groups who do the work, there must be some representation here today to
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tell you all whether or not it is effective or not effective. thank you very much. >> supervisor peskin: any other members for item 7? seeing none, public comment is closed. would you please read item six. >> clerk: allocate $16.1 million anal locate $100,000 on prop k sales tax funds for 2012 requests. this is is an action item. >> good morning commissioners, deputy director for policy and programming. i am pleased to present 12 requests for you this morning. first is the muni subway expansion development. this project would study the potential undergrounding of the
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n line and k line as they are entering to the twin peaks tunnel and also conceptual designs and cost estimates. this is for these particular lines to study a particular segment of the m line area that is shown on your slide. the benefits to improvements to the metro in this particular area would be recognized throughout the city providing speed reliability and capacity to the full system. next is the request for the midlife overhauls project for schedule d overhauls based on manufacturer's allocations. julie is here to present be a power present presentation included in your packets. i will be brief on this slide
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andlet julie go into detail on this allocation request. next is public works for cleaning of the street and repair. we fund this every year for a handful of vehicles and equipment that have used their useful life. public sidewalk and curb repair for damage to curbs not caused by trees, by poor construction or damage from construction vehicles. members of the public can request sidewalk repair by calling 311. next is for tree planting. the maintenance of trees throughout the city is funded by prop e general fund set aside to maintain the city street treats and public right away to be planted and watered regularly for the first three years then maintained by the city.
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