tv Government Access Programming SFGTV September 27, 2019 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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have an incredible list of speakers. and my only job is to keep you on time. it is hot, you're a distinguished group. we have in many ways the most important speaker to come first, a resident, a mom, a leader of this community. i welcome ms. betty hunter. [applause and cheering] >> hello, and good afternoon. good afternoon, everyone. my name is betty hunter. i'm 28 years old, and i'm a san francisco native. i've been living in sunnydale since 2011. growing up in san francisco, east/south districts, has not been easy. my parents were both addicted to drugs, and there was not much normalcy in my life. but with the help of my family members, they created some, and were very supportive. since i have become a mother, i have tried to instill the same values, support, and structure in my child's life.
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the affordable housing act will allow me to give my child the opportunity to grow up in a community where he is safe, and with habitable, loving conditions. it is a pleasure to know that fractured communities like these ones have been disenfranchised, and looked at as a waste of space, are now, in the near future, going to be a place we can all call home. being here and being able to speak today is an honor and a pleasure, and with the new development and promise from the mayor's office, as well as the housing office of development and mercy housing, i know that this project will be a great -- i'm sorry -- [applause] >> it will be great for those who have been disenfranchised, and the children that live here. i want to say thank you so
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much for your time and for allowing me to speak. [applause and cheering] >> let's give it up for betty hunter. amazing. thank you, betty. [applause and cheering] >> next we're going to bring up our field office director from the department of housing and urban development. it gives us -- you can't do this without leaders in b.c., and i'm honored to bring up mor gerard wynn. [applause] >> thank you. first of all, i would like to acknowledge betty. the reason we're here is because of the families in this community. we're so proud of what you've done with your life, what you're continuing to do, and what you will do. first of all, also, i'd like to thank an unrecognized, unsung hero at hudd, who does a lot of work for san francisco and sunnydale. his name is trevor alser, and he works for me in the
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local san francisco office. i would just like to acknowledge his contribution. [applause and cheering] >> thank you, trevor. i mentioned those cities across the country that are going through a severe rental challenge. the worst case housing needs study says that they pay half of their income on rent or sub standard housing. one way shud hudd is addressing this is to build housing in the portfolios. the strategies and programs are assisting the san francisco housing authority here at sunnydale. the san francisco housing authority has been a national leader in repositioning the public housing units. the housing authority has completed many projects in its commitment to preserve and approve public housing. to date, theyv approved more than 4,000 affordable
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housing units and leveraged millions of dollars to make these critical improvements. hudd looks forward to partner with san francisco and the city to help families living in public housing. and i would like to thank and congratulate joaquin torrez and barbara smith for their leadership and commitment to public housing in san francisco. please join me in congratulating barbara smith on her well-deserved retirement. [applause and cheering] >> i would also like to say thank you to the housing authority and mayor's office of housing staff. a lot of people made this. i want to thank you for the service that you provided. it is essential to this project. i would also like to thank tanya lake and her staff, the housing authority team, and her commitment to continue to address public housing
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challenges here in san francisco, and i look forward to working with her and her team in the future. i close by thanking, again, the families living here in sunnydale for their commitment to the community, for your patience during this process to obtain decent and safe housing. thank you again to the sunnydale community. [applause] >> mayor: thank you, and before i bring up the next officials, i also want to just remind everyone that we have a $600 million affordable housing bond on the ballot this november, that not only doesn't raise property taxes and is the largest housing bond in our city's history, it is the first time ever that we set aside $150 million to provide support and rehabilitation in the infrastructure needs of public housing in san francisco. so this is really
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exciting. [applause] >> mayor: and so with that, i'd like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the fact that we are so fortunate to have incredible state officials, people who do amazing work in sacramento, focusing on the kinds of things that are going to help create a better state with san francisco as a beneficiary because of the challenges that we deal with here locally. and two amazing advocates have been absolutely incredible. first of all, assemblyman david chu is joining us, and i want to acknowledge him and thank him for being here today. and at this time, i would like to invite our state senator, scott weiner, up to say a few words. [applause] >> thank you, madam mayor. having served with the mayor and colleagues on the board of supervisors, and now in a new role, working with our strong
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state/city partnership, it is just amazing to see her deep commitment to residents of public housing in the city and county of san francisco. for far too long we have -- this city almost forgot about the people who were living in public housing, often in terrible conditions, and that was never acceptable. and this mayor has been playing such a key role in turning that around, and making clear that public housing is critically important for so many families in this city. but it is also part of the future because we need to do more than just rebuild. we need to expand. we need to make sure everyone has a place to live in our great city, and that we are taking care and supporting all of our residents in all parts of the city. so it's a real honor to represent san francisco and sacramento in the legislature, and working hand in glove every day with assemblyman chu. the two of us chaired the two housing committees,
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and we're very lucky that san francisco holds both of the housing committee chairs. we worked very hard as a team to make sure that we are moving not just san francisco, but all of california in a positive direction on housing. we've spent a long time in california considering a negative approach to housing, that it sort of has driven the car into the ditch, if you look at the cost of housing in the bay area, and increasingly in other parts of california as well. and a lot of people are suffering as a result. so we are working very, very hard, with the support of the mayor, to try to turn things around and have a more positive approach towards housing, and recognizing that housing of all varieties is a good thing, and public housing is part of the solution and part of the future. but, of course, we -- whatever we do in sacramento, we don't build housing in sacramento. it is local communities that make sure working as a city, and with the
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non-profit partners and developers, to make sure that housing gets built. that's what this is about today, that the city, and mercy housing, and everyone working together to get these units built and to make sure people can live in them, and to keep going from there. this is incredibly exciting, and i want to congratulate and thank everyone who has made this possible. thank you. [applause and cheering] >> thank you, senator weiner, and assemblyman chu. this work wouldnit would not hae been possible without the tireless work of alita cohen. it is a great honor to bring up the board of equalization chair and former supervisor, malia cohen. >> how much time do i have, theo? 60 minutes?
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all right! this is amazing! you just look around, can you not -- look at the glorious day! blessings are falling upon us! and i'm so excited to be here, to leave hot sacramento to come to only milding hot samildly hot san fr. i feel like this is my victory lap. nine years ago, when i was a candidate running for supervisor, rani sat down and briefed me on just the plan, just the vision of what supereddal sunnydale could. this was nine years ago. i was a candidate, and i wasn't even guaranteed to win. the only person i could depend on was me and my mother. i was excited, not only did we win, but we continued to move forward and persevere. and it has been real interesting to watch how this community has grown, how it has matured over
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the years, from the towers coming down -- remember that? you've got the brick homes, and mercy coming in. all the while, there were all of these promises made about rebuilding sunnydale. today i kind of represent the class of folks who are no longer here with us. people who also had a commitment to this project and to ensuring the success of sunnydale. remember sharon hewitt? we must take a moment just to recognize sharon hewitt because her spirit is here with us. you remember the many residents who have lost their lives, one way or the other. the elders who have transitioned, and the young people who have been lost to violence. we remember them and we celebrate and honor them during this groundbreaking as well. it is with great pride that we also recognize and uplift mayor ed lee. my predecessor, sophie maxwell, also had an
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unwavering -- was a visionary in laying out the bones of this infrastructure. so we've come a long way. and i want to be honest with you, because today we're here celebrating and it feels really good, but maybe i'm the only one who has ptsd from the meetings, from all of the folks who told me it couldn't be done, that we couldn't rebuild sunnydale and paturo trail. they said we would never be able to raise the money to make this a reality. they said it couldn't be done. it is too expensive. but here we are today, by the grace of god, standing together shoulder by shoulder. i want to recognize also doug shumaker and bill witty, who have been instrumental in this project.
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[applause] >> thank you. and kate hartley, who has also recently departed, had an instrumental effect in this project. hope s.f. has been raising leaders and encouraging people to get involved in this community. theo, thank you for taking the helm of that awesome task. i'm here just to run this victory lap with you. my name is melia cohen, and i'm chairman of the board of equalization. the board of equalization is interesting, because it is the board that makes sure that projects like this maintains an extension status, which means it allows this property to remain affordable. remember the fears of displacement and out-placement and being pushed out -- we need to continue to band together and celebrate and sing these praises because we're thwarting those forces. this san francisco is for
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folks like betty and her children, who were raised here and live here and want to remain here. thank you forgiving me an opportunity to speak and to the entire residents and the community, talofa, my heart is filled. i love. thank you very much. [applause and cheering] >> thank you, mad madam chair. and last, but not least, bill ginsburg is here. we bring up the supervisor of district 10, mr. shamann walton. [applause and cheering] >> thank you, theo. good afternoon! >> good afternoon! >> to some this is just block six, a place in sunnydale. to others, it is a public
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housing community. but to the residents, this represents hope, this represents home, this represents a community where many promises have been made over the past. i am excited to see the second building, the second homes go up here at sunnydale. you've heard from a lot of the leaders who have been working on this for years. i've been fortunate enough to work on this project as executive director of w.c.d., working to make sure that people in this community actually got to work on the projects here in their community. it is exciting, as i look around and see some of the residents that live in other hope s.f. communities that came to support, because they know and understand what this represents here today. and as i look around, i see phil, and we talk about the hudd that we're
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going to bring to this community, a world class community center, basketball courts, things that make a community thrive, things that make you want to be here, want to live here, and want to take care of. as i look around and see residents coming together on this beautiful sunny today, which we know district 10 is the most beautiful place here in san francisco, but i continue to be filled with joy every time we get to do a groundbreaking like this. in the words of that great philosopher jay-z -- you wonder why they call it the projects? because it is a project. but we are changing with hope s.f. these are communities that demand the respect, that demand for us to pay attention to them and make
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sure that that isolation that has existed changes. so this is not just about the housing that is going up; it is also about the grocery stores that we fight for to come to this community. it's also about making sure that the streets and the roads look like other areas here in san francisco. it is about the joint partnership with bains and nibby, and bains being the biggest black contractor that we have working on projects here in san francisco. it's about all of those pieces working together to create a vibrant community for the people who have been made so many promises for years. as someone who has lived in public housing, and who had opportunities and mentorship and people helping me be able to grow, so we can come back and work together to realize the things we've talked about for decades. and that is the vibrancy of hope s.f. communities. so i just want to say i'm
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excited, of course, to see block six go up. i'm excited as we look over and see parcel "q." and we know and understand that this is only the beginning. this is only the beginning. so i just want everyone to look at this beautiful day and remember this because once we have this new affordable housing come up, once we raise the $600 million that mayor breed talked about, we're going to continue to see more housing come up in this community, across all hope s.f. sites, and continue to thrive and grow and give the community what they deserve. thank you. [applause and cheering] >> real quick, i just want to acknowledge my colleague on the board of supervisors, supervisor safai. thank you for showing up and supporting us. we share aborted, and so it is definitely a pleasure to have someone
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who supports this work showing up and standing with us in force. thank you, supervisor. [applause] >> thank you, supervisor safai. let's lead the mayor over to that incredible shovel and dirt over there, please thank our i incredible speakers. madam mayor. [applause] >> this neighborhood was lived for approximately 22 years. >> yeah, like 21 years. >> 21 years in this neighborhood. >> in the same house. >> we moved into this neighborhood six months after we
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got married, actually. just about our whole entire married life has been here in excel. >> the owner came to the house and we wanted to sell the house and we were like, what? we were scared at first. what are we going to do? where are we going to move into? the kids' school? our jobs? >> my name is maria. i'm a preschool teacher for the san francisco unified school district. >> my name is ronnie and i work in san francisco and i'm a driver from a local electrical company. >> we went through meta first and meta helped us to apply and be ready to get the down payment assistant loan program. that's the program that we used to secure the purchase of our
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home. it took us a year to get our credit ready to get ready to apply for the loan. >> the whole year we had to wait and wait through the process and then when we got the notice, it's like, we were like thinking that. >> when we found out that we were settling down and we were going to get approved and we were going to go forward, it was just a really -- we felt like we could breathe. we have four kids and so to find a place even just to rent for a family of six. and two dogs. >> we were going to actually pay more for rent and to own a house. >> it feels good now to have to move. it feels for our children to stay in the neighborhood that they have grown in. they grew up here and they were born here. they know this neighborhood. they don't know anything outside san francisco. >> we really have it.
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>> manufacturing in cities creates this perfect platform for people to earn livelihoods and for people to create more economic prosperity. i'm kate sosa. i'm cofounder and ceo of sf made. sf made is a public private partnership in the city of san francisco to help manufacturers start, grow, and stay right here in san francisco. sf made really provides wraparound resources for manufacturers that sets us apart from other small business
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support organizations who provide more generalized support. everything we do has really been developed over time by listening and thinking about what manufacturer needs grow. for example, it would be traditional things like helping them find capital, provide assistance loans, help to provide small business owners with education. we have had some great experience doing what you might call pop ups or temporary selling events, and maybe the most recent example was one that we did as part of sf made week in partnership with the city seas partnership with small business, creating a 100 company selling day right here at city hall, in partnership with mayor lee and the board of supervisors, and it was just a wonderful opportunity for many of our smaller manufacturers who may be one or two-person
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shop, and who don't have the wherewithal to have their own dedicated retail store to show their products and it comes back to how do we help companies set more money into arthur businesses and develop more customers and their relationships, so that they can continue to grow and continue to stay here in san francisco. i'm amy kascel, and i'm the owner of amy kaschel san francisco. we started our line with wedding gowns, and about a year ago, we launched a ready to wear collection. san francisco's a great place to do business in terms of clientele. we have wonderful brides from all walks of life and doing really interesting things: architects, doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists,
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other like minded entrepreneurs, so really fantastic women to work with. i think it's important for them to know where their clothes are made and how they're made. >> my name is jefferson mccarly, and i'm the general manager of the mission bicycle company. we sell bikes made here for people that ride here. essentially, we sell city bikes made for riding in urban environments. our core business really is to build bikes specifically for each individual. we care a lot about craftsmanship, we care a lot about quality, we care about good design, and people like that. when people come in, we spend a lot of time going to the design wall, and we can talk about handle bars, we can see the riding position, and we take
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notes all over the wall. it's a pretty fun shopping experience. paragraph. >> for me as a designer, i love the control. i can see what's going on, talk to my cutter, my pattern maker, looking at the designs. going through the suing room, i'm looking at it, everyone on the team is kind of getting involved, is this what that drape look? is this what she's expecting, maybe if we've made a customization to a dress, which we can do because we're making everything here locally. over the last few years, we've been more technical. it's a great place to be, but you know, you have to concentrate and focus on where things are going and what the right decisions are as a small
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business owner. >> sometimes it's appropriate to bring in an expert to offer suggestions and guidance in coaching and counseling, and other times, we just need to talk to each other. we need to talk to other manufacturers that are facing similar problems, other people that are in the trenches, just like us, so that i can share with them a solution that we came up with to manage our inventory, and they can share with me an idea that they had about how to overcome another problem. >> moving forward, where we see ourselves down the road, maybe five and ten years, is really looking at a business from a little bit more of a ready to wear perspective and making things that are really thoughtful and mindful, mindful of the end user, how they're going to use it, whether it's the end piece or a he hwedding gown, are they going to use it again, and incorporating that
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into the end collection, and so that's the direction i hear at this point. >> the reason we are so enamored with the work we do is we really do see it as a platform for changing and making the city something that it has always been and making sure that we're sharing the opportunities that we've been blessed with economically and socially as possible, broadening that >> right before the game starts, if i'm still on the field, i look around, and i just take a deep breath because
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it is so exciting and magical, not knowing what the season holds holds is very, very exciting. it was fast-paced, stressful, but the good kind of stressful, high energy. there was a crowd to entertain, it was overwhelming in a good way, and i really, really enjoyed it. i continued working for the grizzlies for the 2012-2013 season, and out of happenstance, the same job opened up for the san francisco giants. i applied, not knowing if i would get it, but i would kick myself if i didn't apply. i was so nervous, i never lived anywhere outside of fridays
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know, andfridays -- fresno, and i got an interview. and then, i got a second interview, and i got more nervous because know the thought of leaving fresno and my family and friends was scary, but this opportunity was on the other side. but i had to try, and lo and behold, i got the job, and my first day was january 14, 2014. every game day was a puzzle, and i have to figure out how to put the pieces together. i have two features that are 30 seconds long or a minute and a 30 feature. it's fun to put that altogetl r together and then lay that out in a way that is entertaining for the fans. a lucky seat there and there, and then, some lucky games that include players. and then i'll talk to lucille, can you take the shirt gun to the bleachers.
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i just organize it from top to bottom, and it's just fun for me. something, we don't know how it's going to go, and it can be a huge hit, but you've got to try it. or if it fails, you just won't do it again. or you tweak it. when that all pans out, you go oh, we did that. we did that as a team. i have a great team. we all gel well together. it keeps the show going. the fans are here to see the teams, but also to be entertained, and that's our job. i have wonderful female role models that i look up to here at the giants, and they've been great mentors for me, so i aspire to be like them one day. renelle is the best. she's all about women in the workforce, she's always in our
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corner. [applause] >> i enjoy how progressive the giants are. we have had the longer running until they secure day. we've been doing lgbt night longer than most teams. i enjoy that i work for an organization who supports that and is all inclusive. that means a lot to me, and i wouldn't have it any other way. i wasn't sure i was going to get this job, but i went for it, and i got it, and my first season, we won a world series even if we hadn't have won or gone all the way, i still would have learned. i've grown more in the past four years professionally than i think i've grown in my entire adult life, so it's been eye opening and a wonderful
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>> good evening. it is 5:36 p.m. i am a vice chair at the san francisco human rights commission. the chair could not be here this morning -- this evening so i will be chairing the meeting. will thank all the folks who are in tendons to discuss this important topic and i will ask the commission secretary to read the roll call. w
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