tv Government Access Programming SFGTV October 3, 2019 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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life. i was one of the people arrested where activists rescued ducklings where animal cruelty has been documented. i've been incredibly proud to be from an inclusive and progressive city but the way these animals are treated is unjust and out of line wit. san francisco has paveed the way with fighting so many issues of injustice and i'm asking you to align with these values of equality by supporting the right to rescue. thank you very much pu. >> thank you. >> my name is alexander. i've been living in san francisco for the last five years. i want to emphasize how much we need your support. it's a lot of work do an undercover investigation of the
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farms, report it through legal means and find somebody who will take responsibility and then organize an action to rescue these animals. we shouldn't have to do this in the first place. there shouldn't be criminal, animal abuses in the first place so your support with this would help us to feel like we're not alone and to help us to continue our hard work in supporting animals. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. one big example in high school a long time ago --
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[ laughter ] >> -- san francisco legalized gay marriage at time where there wasn't much support for it and this bold act sparked controversy, but as we as a society talked more about it, the more we realized we should not press those based on who they love and now marriages are recognised in the u.s. today, there are others who are suffering and being oppressed day in and day out and they need our help and they are the animals animals. i see immense conditions in animal facilities.
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also to support the rights rescue. thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> my name is pria suhani and i'm one of the six felony defendants for exposing violence against animals, criminal violence against animals and i was born in pujab, india. we immigrated because we looked at this country because animals were treated better and people were treated better. the reason i started going inside of these farm and rescuing animals because i wanted the public to know what was happening and because as child when i moved to this country, i faced discrimination and i asked people, why didn't you stand up for me. i didn't want the animals to look at humans and ask that same
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question. we're asking you today to support the right to rescue and dis-avow these chargeses, not own because the animals need or help but because the public deserves to know what's happening in brutal places and the reason we are facing criminal charges is because these companies and corporations don't want people to know, don't want the public to know the violence happenin happening. if we could all see what's happening, there's no way we would support it. we believe in you all and we believe we can make this happen, especially with the help of san francisco. >> next speaker. >> were america is not quite right. we're prosecuting people that
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saves lives, whether it's animal or people. people that put water in the desert for migrants so that they don't die, they're prosecuted. american is not right. i believe everyone in this room would sign a bill proposing that we ban assault and semiautomatic weapons. san francisco value, why not our legislatures, you guys with the mayor, with our legislatures in isacramento and washington sayig we would like our city to ban those weapons and maybe other cities would join in with us. this is a moment that has come. i don't think hunters enjoy wanting people with semiassault and ak47 rifle.
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they slaughter people. it's time. let's move on that. when i was a young man, there was a peace corps in the 1960. instead of sending young men and women and not so young men and women out to other countries to help other societies, w and the weapons we're selling to every other country and an alternative for peace, somewhere along the line. it needs to be changed and we can do it right here. we can start doing it right here. thank you. >> next speaker.
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>> my name is julie and i grew up in the bay area, living here my whole life and i just want to say that what's legal is not always moral. it used to be legal in germany to murder jewish, men, women and children in gas chambers like they did to my great grandparents. it used to be legal to own humans because of their skin colour because they were legally considered property. it was legal for men to own women. it wasn't until the 1970s a woman could apply for a credit without a man's signature. it was legal to drown hundreds of dogs in a river in new york when they were overpopulated. in some countries, it's legal to kill a woman who was seen in public with a man she isn't married to. so i repeat, legality has never been synonymous and i ask you to
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forget about what is legal and considered normal and consider if what is happening to animals is moral and whether what my friends have done is moral or immoral. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> hi, thank you all for being here. my heart is beating so fast and so grateful for you listening. i've never done anything like this before but i want to say we're at critical time in history, where our governing bodies, choices and voices will determine the future of not only our species but all species. , as science now agrees. commercial animal operations is part of this climate emergency and it's due to the nature in which we treat animals and their waste and mass and we are in a position of moral obligation to end these commercial animal
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operations. one way we go about it, direct action everywhere, is by educating the world and recording the conditions within those operations. so you can see what otherwise you would never know. and also by taking the sickest manning them out anamong them om proper ve veterinary care. we are telling their stories and we and you to be the leaders of the world you are and support the right to rescue. as california goes, so goes the world. together we create a world that works for everyone. no one left out, humans and nonhumans. this is a great time to anyone youto be inyour shoes. be on the route sued o right sid thank you for your support to
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rescue. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon board of supervisors and present yi. i have graphics. with the new york city marathon coming up, i want to say good luck to olympic bronze medalist galen ruf. i just thought i'd show you that. can you see this? it says best friends, no more homeless pets. there it is.
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♪ pussy cat, pussy cat, i love you and i want to rescue you. ♪ and i love lassie. ♪ it's no wonder we don't put them in the zoo, i love lassie and we want to rescue you. thank you. >> next speaker. you need some help? >> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. i'm ellen helms, i reside in san francisco at the jazz k tower
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and i'm now under the rad and hud and mercy's mercy. mercy is not merc full. merciful. i have lived in the building for the last ten years and for one thing or another, i have watched them use $2 billion that was issued to be remodeled and to be brought up because it is the memorial building. it's also an aba building, which i apparently i'm the only one that knows about it because every time i ask any of the organizations in san francisco, seniors and disabled, adult services, i've spoken to miss stephanie and they've tried for my district two and i have
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gone to every level to ask for help. bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, i need to know when is the inspectors going to come in to inspect the building and when will we have a fire on the building safety? safety is the most important thing. and for most reason, maybe you've forgotten it, and they're able to take the money and pocket it and then the warrantty will be up and no one cares. i don't want any money. i want a place to live in comfort. asbestos is still there. the water smells awful. the work that was done there is not done right. >> thank you. next speaker.
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>> public works projects is ensuring due diligence and ensuring the reliability and the reasonableness of call structures. i am hoping that you would be willing and able to provide independent cost analysis of finished material and individual component costs as reported prior to their insulation, possible through audit agreements and the transparent street level enclosure of a new escalator over this year. to promote a model of transparency.
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>> any a public comments? come on up, please. if there's anybody else that would like to make public comments, please line up or this would be the last speaker. >> i'm too old to stand that long and i am born and raised in san francisco and here on a total different subject. i'll read my letter -- >> please speak directly into the microphone. >> i made packages for all of you and i hope my clerk disperses them. i'm claudia stevens, and a domestic violence victim resulting from repeated domestic violations of the san francisco superior court, 2009, kamala harris ordered were not enforced. today is october 1st, domestic violence awareness month.
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ten years ago i asked beverly upton why i've never been invited or danielle honoured at the san francisco memorial office. beverly replied, claudia, danielle was murdered and this is san francisco. every crime committed against my daughter was here in this city. every violation that was held unaccountable for, here in the city. her nonprofit helps people from all over the world and every woman desimpl deserves an sos. thank you for your service. domestic violence is an epidemic and the homicide has gone up since 2009 by one woman a day and that's unacceptable, i believe. i will leave you with, i hope you get this and i would like to be invited this year, ten years lawyelater and hear my daughters
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name memorialized because she deserved it for the past ten years and nobody offered it to her or me. thank you very. [cheers and applause] >> seeing no other public comments, public comment is now closed. where are we? madam clerk, go to the next item. >> item 43. this is a closed session for the board of supervisors to convene on september 3rd, 2019 for the purpose of conferring with or receiving add surprisreceiving e city is a petitioner and a inspection guest. this motion was scheduled pursuant to a file approved on
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september 3rd, 2019 and continued to september 3rd. file 19-0887. >> so colleague, there are no updates from the city attorney at this time. the request is to table this hearing and we will schedule another closed session when there's more information available. can we have a motion to table this item? made by supervisor peskin and seconded by safye. and without objection, this closed session is tabled with a unanimous vote, i guess. madam clerk, please call for committee adoption reference.
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>> 43-47 reference, alternatively a member may require a resolution to go to committee. >> supervisor brown. >> i would like to sever item 44. >> supervisor stephanie. >> thank you, can i please sever item 47? >> supervisor -- anybody else? i thought i saw another name? no. then i would like to sever 47. madam clerk, we have -- could we call item 45? item -- and you're severing item 47, are president? >> yes. >> item 45 is a -- you wanted me to call item 45? >> yes. >> it's a resolution to extent by 30 days in which the planning commission may renner renderino provide calculateses for all
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projects not seeking and receiving a density bonus, permit the legalization of un-unauthorized dwelling units of no fault eviction and permit residential care facilities in housing districts and to make the appropriate findings. >> can we take this item, same house, same call? seeing no objection, then this item is adopted -- this resolution is adopted unanimously. madam clerk, let's call item 44. >> a resolution to urge the rent stablization and arbitration board to adopt guidelines, to uphold the rent ordinance in chapter 37 for the use of reasonable releasance in the evaluation of maintenance pass through petitions.
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>> this is to develop stronger crew teato criteria. i want to thank you all. our hope is that the represent board will create objective standards on which a respect other than did, in fact, reasonably rely on the ability to pass through costs when they decided to purchase the building. my office is open to working with the rent board, to push forh language to help protect vulnerable renters. it's time to take a city-wide approach with meaningful policies to protect representativers and keep san francisco in their home. i'm concerned about the impact of certain things that include in rent increases, including operation maintenance pass-throughs. these are petitioned for by
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corporate landlords who own and manage with multiple buildings, with thousands of tenants. i encourage the rest of my colleagues to please sign on to the resolution, push our colleagues on the rent board and let's halt the uncertainty and face our constituents. thank you. >> supervisor? >> thank you, president and thank you president brown. in the spring of 201 2018 withii authored to ban landlords from passing a rent-controlled building. tenants made me aware of petitions being filed at the rent board. the vast majority coming from large corporat corporate landlo. as a small property owner myself, i have never filed a pass-through petition and was not aware of all of the passes
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available to landlords that allow us to pass various costs on to our ten ans. ants. there was a major flaw in the omn pass-flew petition that allowed landlords to impose permanent rent increases by passing through debt service and property tax expenses they incurred from simply purchasing a rent-controlled building. i am proud to have passed this legislation that is speculative and unfair practises for property purchased after april 3 april 3, 2013. the ordinance says that a landlord who had already purchased a property prior to april 3, 2013 can pass through debt service and property tax increases if he or she demonstrates that it had reasonably relied on its ability to pass through costs at the time of purchase.
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then the clause was to grandfather those to purchase the building prior to the introduction at the legislation with the understanding they are reasonably relied on this pass-through in order to realize a fair rate of return on their investment. but i'm concerned that the rent board's current interpretation of reasonable rely advance is too lenient and open they will adopt fair guidelines to uphold the spirit of the law. i would like to thank supervisor brown for bringing this forward and i hope we can all count on your support pu. >> colleagues, can we take this same house, same call? so with no objection, then, this resolution is adopted unanimously. item number 46, madam clerk. >> resolution to recognize
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october of each year to be italian american heritage month in honour of the countless italian individuals and organizations who have contributed to the city and county of san francisco. >> supervisor stephanie. >> today i ask to for your suppt recognising the month of october as italian heritage month in san francisco. october is important to the community, we when we have italian organization parade and they recognize what italian americans have brought to our city and country. across this country, italians cell brought their heritage in october and it's no secret that president president obama, bull clinton and george bush declared this as italian month, as the city of boston and it's time for sasan francisco to join them.
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they dedicate themselves to making this a world leader and destination. we know that sanfrancisco is named for saint francis, an italian catholic lead to act for all of those in extreme poverty and for world's natural space. the first immigrants settled in san francisco bay area in the 1840s, at the time of california's statehood and as i've stated before, this city ohs a great city of gratitude to the american individuals, families and communities who have made many incredible contributions to our city's culture, landscape and history. italian americans spans a broad array of the institutings, including the banks, performing arts and literature. they have been a part since the
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city's founding. perhaps some of the greatest contributions are in public service. three italian mayors have lead san francisco through momentous times. mayor angelo rossie pre-decided over the building effort golden gate and bay bridges. mayor alioto of the '60's and '70s through the trans-market period. power mid. mayor george musconi fought to keep the sanfrancisco giants in the city. at the federal level, san francisco has been represented for the last three decades by another incredible italian american, the speaker of the house of representatives, speaker nancy pelosi. i'm grateful to the coalition of italian american coastguard
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ligses known as ciao. the italian community services of san francisco and the italian cultural institute of san francisco to promote the italian cuculture and i introduce in all they do to celebrate italian culture. with this, we honour the contributions of italian americans to the city and county of san francisco. i want to thank my cosponsor, supervisor peskin, who, of course, represents north beach and also supervisor safye and walton for their sponsorship and i would like to urge your support. thank you. >> colleagues, can we take this item, same house, same call? this resolution is adopted unanimously. colleagues there were two people that were not let into the chambers when we were having
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public comments and probably because of capacity and everyone left and they were allowed in. so if you would like to agree to indulge and allow for public comment to be reopened, are there any objections? no. then i'll open up public comments for the two people that were not allowed in. and then what with lik i would o do, could i rescind -- can somebody make a motion to rescind item number 44? supervisors searc safye and sec. no objection, and i'm 44 vote is rescinded. the two speakers that were outside, you have two comments
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or i'll close public comments. are you the two speakers outside? >> there were a number waiting for the previous group to leave. so i think a number were waiting to speak and i'm part of that. thank you. good afternoon. i'm an unemployed tenant under rent control in district 3. for now, 20 years and i also happen to serve on the sanfrancisco rent board . thank you for passing supervisor brown's measure moments ago and i would like to give a bit of context following supervisor's fuer and brown in their comments about this. this all relates to a
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grandfathering clause that was placed into the original legislation. this clause was inserted due to the idea there might be small property owners barely getting by and had reasonably relied on the funds or they wouldn't have made their purchase. during these four months, this window of four months between december of 2017 and pul april f 2018 when the public outcry began, it was abundantly clear that these pass-throughs were considered inappropriate by the general public, that legislation to stop them was on its way and the overall san francisco community opposed them. and opposed the idea of large corporate lane lands. due to large landlord lobbyists, the four-month clause was inserted. the rent board of which i was not a member conducted public
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hearings on the legislation. during those discussions around reasonable reliance, there was a belief, but it was a mistaken belief there would be one or two cases because how many cases could there be of a landlord trying to use this loophole? however, one year later, we've seen there are way more than that and all are large corporate firms and not mom and pops. i believe this resolution would go a long way in providing more information to the rent board. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please.
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>> the rent in sanfrancisco is too high. landlord can afford to drop the 7% rent increase. 7% is rent increase is just pitt pittance to the landlord but to the tenant its huge. pittanclandlord renovate the apt and of course, it's passed through the tenants. that's why the rent goes through the loop. long-time resident of san francisco a leaving the city that they love. they simply can't afford the
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their buildings this year, i stan with oustand with our demap the rent hikes. the proposal is inadequate and frankly, insulting. for a multiple billion dollar firm to put the burden on tenants to disclose their financial information when they have disclosed nothing about their financial need for these increase. in conclusion, i urge to pass this resolution and stand here with my fellow tenants in urging you to help amly few the modest request of hundreds of rent-controlled tenants to drop these rent hikes. i thank you and i do believe the current rented ordinance is outdated for tenants facing the current crisis if san francisco. thank you. >> next speaker.
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>> i'm patrick shannon. i live in north beach and this is my neighbour, lizy staub. she's a wonderful artist and is always work on some project or another and we've gotten along and never been a cross word between us. in the previous years, there was never a problem with the landlord. the landlord sent us a little note every month and said with an envelope to pay the rent and we paid the rent, never a problem. no one had a problem. we have a lot of history together. now recently what's happened, though, with the verutose take-over, things have changed and now we have different managers. we have had three different managers so far. the first thing that happened to us -- >> after you finish your two minutes, she can begin.
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>> i'm not going to speak. >> she's a little shy about that. we wanted to say that we thought reasonable rents, we all got along fine. we wish we could have that kind of relationship again. the rent, my rent, i showed my papers and they said your rent increase was 19% and that doesn't include in the two years, that doesn't include the attorney i had to hire. my wife and i had medical issues requiring hospitalization and surgery and this is when they took over the building. they didn't know about that. they didn't know what we were going through at the time. so may i have 30 seconds to finish? thank you. so we tried to retch out to resolve these things and then we found the ledger. every resident has a ledger and our account is so confusing and riddled with mistake.
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we're owed several hundred dollars in addition to the rent. they say we misfigured the numbers and the increase is only 14% in the two-year period. but that does not include -- >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> my name is nick godhart. i live in district 5. in a building on turk street. i've been in the neighbor for ten years. i moved into the building and three months after i moved in, veritose purchased the building, raised my rent. i love living in san francisco and dealt with that and now this year, they're putting an operation maintenance increase and a capital improvement's increase and a $200 rent increase in our apartment that i moved into in 2015. i not something i can do. i'm also here on behalf of six other tenants in my building who have been in there for 10 years,
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20 years and 30 years and i want to urge to pass this resolution today. we had our arbitration with the rent stabilization board two weeks ago. it was confusing and scarry. veritose presented $500 receipts for increased trash, a new door. the services in the building have decreased. they're slum dogs. please, thank you. >> next speaker. >> hello, supervisors. i'm james. i work for housing rights committee in san francisco. i've been supporting a building at 71 farrell. it's a chinese-speaking building, long-term tenants burdened by the maintenance pass-throughs. they've been very disoriented.
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have not received clear communication. their property management own speaks english and so, oftentimes they feel underserved by their lard. landlord. they have numerous maintenance and repair issues that they feel if they do tell their landlord, it never gets addressed, including rats, heater problems, alarm problem and garbage issues. so i am in complete support of the board passing this resolution and i think it's really important thinking about the additional communities that are deeply affected by the action and how they are further isolated from getting support and solutions. thank you so much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> i work at housing rate's committee of san francisco. thank you for opening back up the public comment for this and thank you for passing the resolution. you just want to add that last
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week, hundreds of tenants marched in the street to tell the largest lard to drop rent hikes at a relatively small number of their buildings, just about 25, out of the their inventory of 250 plus. we trade to deliver a letter to the ceo on that day and no one came down to receive the letter. so on thursday, we traveled to foster city where the ceo was a keynote speaker at a major real estate conference. after multiple attempts, we managed to get the letter into the ceo's hands. so we think the ball is in veritos' court to respond to this specific request from the tenants, not about the hardship proposahardshipproposal to discl information but to be honest
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with the city and with the tenants about whether they need these representative increases . this is affecting a large number of buildings. whatever the action the board can take, we strongly support and urge you to help amplify the tenant's original demand of dropping representativdropping . >> next speaker.
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please correct your mistake and the way you promise. you see everything is there and you suffered that and say, if this programme failed, we buy them back. this is what we asking. we not asking anything extra. i cannot do it. i come day-by-day. this is a joke. please, get serious! open your eyes pu. >> thank you, next speaking. speakerrer. speaker. >> good afternoon. the same taxi issue. we spent $250,000. we are not a beneficiary of
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i request you all to please buy back. you just help to us get rid of these cab companies that they are sucking us up. day after day. everyday we pay $25 to the cab company, just for what? nothing. they do not do anything for us. they just buy 500 or $1,000 colour scheme and they are charging me $7,000 a year. please help us out. thank you very much. >> thank you, networks speaker. next speaker. >> good afternoon. we keep coming over and over and
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we wouldn't keep coming and taking our time from work and missing what we make for our kids. we came here because we have a pen. it'this pen, because we had borw ed thiborrowed that medallion. we have been working decades for this city and we should have been given that for free. we bought it because we wanted to support that city. when we bought the medallion, the isn'promised if it didn't we would launch something like, what do they call, technology and this and that. so we'll buy the medallion back. so, sir, why don't you just question these people. if you promise they'll give the money back, what is that holding you guys to get that together
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and get us out of debt? because we love the city and we're not a political people. we're a hard-working labour people and we serve the city and we deserve our supervisors and our president and our mayor. even though the governor, they should look after us, we're individuals and i know because we don't have any big issues. we are individual taxi drivers. but we are human being. we have a family. we have a heart beating in our bodies. the colour is different but i swear to god, we love this country as much as you guys love it. so i beg you with my respect, when we come here, we feel embarrassed because some people are taxpayers and walking aroun- >> thank you.
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>> i see no other public comment and comments are closed. we'll do number 44. >> supervisor. has item 44 been called and need to be called again? >> yes. >> i would like to speak to that item when it's called. >> yes. item 44 urges to adopt fair guidelines for the use of reasonable reliance in the evaluation of operating and maintenance pass-throughs. >> supervisor peskin? >> thank you. i said most of what i said to say last week but let me thank my colleagues, supervisor brown and fuer for their words and sponsorship and cosponsorship and let me reiterate because hopefully somebody from veritose is watching or send them a clip, which is, if you don't get it together, your administrative hardship waivers
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notwithstanding, it will result in a backlash that will be very similar to the backlash that created rent control in the beginning pup want tbeginning. i want to say that for the record. my neighbor, patrick shannon, who i intervened on his behalf when veritose bought the building but has gotten a 24% rent increase and it is unconscionable and you need to listen or you'll wonder why you messed it up for everybody else in the industry. with that, i look forward to voting for item 44. >> so can we take this same house, same call? this resolution is adopted. it's adopted unanimously. call item 47. >> is a resolution to urge the municipal transportation agency to consider compliance with california state assembly bill
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number 5 when issuing permits to emerging technology entities, contractors, vendors and any business entity required to have a permit in order to operate in the city. >> we're voting on a resolution that i know that all 11 of us cosponsored and i want to thank everyone of you for that. that urges the sfmta to give permits open to applicantses that hire employees. these workers are denied the basic benefits that all employers are entitled to, such as unemployment, insurance, healthcare subsidies. what i have learned some of these companies have hired third
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parties so that the workers can technically be considered employees and receive a w2 but they do not receive any of the benefits afforded to employees such as health insurances. noas a city, we must evaluate impact on these technologies. not only on our public infrastructure but on our residents, including loopholes to take advantage. i want to thank my colleagues for your support on this resolution. i hope to have your support on the office of emerging
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technologies so that we can be confident in establishing a clear and streamlined process to evaluate impact of technologies before it is. is allowed to launch in our city. this resolution is adopt. can you please read the in-memoriums. >> none to report today. >> that brings us to the end of our agenda. any other business for today. >> no other business. >> thank you and we are adjourned.
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after all, we're at the meeting of land and sea. - our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and world-class style. it's the birthplace of blue jeans, and where "the rock" holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. - our 28,000 city and county employees play an important role in making san francisco what it is today. - we provide residents and visitors with a wide array of services, such as improving city streets and parks, keeping communities safe, and driving buses and cable cars. - our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. but most importantly, working for the city and county of san francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the city's future. - thank you for considering a career with the city and county of san francisco.
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[roll call] at this time we ask that you silence also phones and sound producing devices. >> thank you. may i have a motion to approve the agenda? >> so moved. >> second. >> any discussion? all in favor? >> aye. >> the motion carries. may i have a motion to approve the august 7th, 2019 meeting minutes? >> so moved. >> second. >> any comments or changes? all in favor? >> aye. >> the motion carries. item four, director's report.
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