tv Government Access Programming SFGTV October 10, 2019 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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funding to go to the businesses before we check. we haven't done that for the registry. if you want, we can start doing that, if that's something that you think -- >> just to be clear, i don't -- nothing in my motion suggests that either -- that there's anything at fault. at adobe. we don't know that and there's no fault in the process. i think this is something we have not seen before and that we aught to cause and consider it's something we haven't seen before. let's see how we deal with this situation and avoid it in the future. maybe it's an outlier case and revisit it at the next round. most of the work has already been done. it's a matter of us doing our due diligence to be fair. >> with the legacy applications we hit all issues up front. you've seen that with all of the applications that we brought before you. we generally ask the businesses if there's anything we need to know, let us know, and we'll
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talk about that beforehand. if there is an issue and the business did not bring that to us, that is partially their fault. so we need to make sure that we know everything before we do the application. >> let's sort it out. >> clerk: there is a motion to approve the legacy business registry registrations and resolutions as described in the meeting agenda. [ roll call ] vote. >> clerk: motion passes 6-0 with one absence. >> thank you. congratulations. [ applause ].
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issued by the city that applicants for cannabis event permits identify the retailers that will be selling cannabis goods at such event sand affirm that said retailers hold city-issued cannabis business permits, and that recipients of cannabis event permits take steps to reasonably ensure that only said retailers will sell cannabis goods at such events; to provide that a material false statement made in connection with an application for a cannabis event permit may be subject to administrative penalty, cause for denial of a pending or future application for a cannabis business permit, and cause for suspension or revocation of an existing cannabis business permit; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. may be, cause for denial of a pending or future and affirm that said retailers hold city-issued cannabis business permits, and that recipients of cannabis event permits take steps to reasonably ensure that only said retailers will sell cannabis goods at such events; to provide that a material false statement made in connection with an application for a cannabis event permit may be subject to administrative penalty, cause for denial of a pending or future application for a cannabis business permit, and cause for suspension or revocation of an existing cannabis business permit; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. >> hello, i'm here on behalf of supervisor mandelman.
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in 2018 there was an ordinance issued on this file number. prior to the development of this permit san francisco residents experienced unregulated sales and consumption of cannabis. under the pilot program authorized by this ordinance, the city issued its first temporary cannabis events to grasslands at outside lands in august. this first permitted cannabis event was a success with zero medical calls or calls to law enforcement demonstrating that a legal and regulated approach can provide a safe environment for cannabis sales and consumption. i will also add as a happy and positive side note said that this was the favourite part of
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the festival. unsurprisingly. to further the goals of enhancing public health and safety and supporting our local small businesses, we are introducing an amendment that requires the following of cannabis retailers at these permitted events. first, to hold cannabis business permits issued by the city and county of san francisco. second, that applicants for cannabis event permits identify the retailers that will be selling cannabis goods at such events and affirm that all retailers hold city-issued cannabis permits. third, that recipients of cannabis permits take steps to reasonably ensure that only s.f. retailers will sell cannabis at such events. this requirement will allow regulatory oversight to ensure that the rules will be followed. it also appropriately for this commission ensure that sales that happen at san francisco
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events benefit our local small businesses. this amendment will also require event organizers to demonstrate their support to further the city's equity goal as part of their cannabis permit application. many s.f. cannabis businesses are required to show their commitment to equity. and this extends to cannabis event organizers. commissioners, we have been pleased with the early success of these permits and feel that the amendments described here will make the program even better more event attendees. i look forward to hearing the commission's feedback and hopefully having your support for this ordinance. i would also like to thank and our colleagues at the office of cannab cannabis. >> thank you. any questions, commissioners? i just want to say that you guys did a great job with grasslands
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at outside lands. you know, there wasn't any -- not one complaint, not one police action or event or anything. from people i know who attended, you guys had your act together. i think that was a great model that you did, and i can see you doing that at other events and in other neighborhoods now. i think you guys just did a great job with this and i like this a lot. do we have any other comments before we go to public comment? do we have any members of the public who would like to make comment on item number 44? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, do we have any support? >> sure. move to support the legislation as presented.
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>> second. >> okay. roll call vote. again, grasslands was great. that could be like a model in other places. office of cannabis is here. >> i do like to say -- first, thank you so much. thank you to all of you. we like to look at this example as sort of the model for grasslands or for other events similar to that, because of course we don't want smaller events to feel like they have to take that much onus with respect to how expensive it can sometimes be. it's such a large event so it's different, but we expect it will be just as safe and enjoyable for the entire community, all of our future cannabis events. >> and they were all local. >> that's right. >> and that's the beauty of it. >> yeah.
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and we really want to encourage that and support our local retailers. of course we want to create a space where all brands can be exhibited, but we want local businesses to be able to be celebrated in that space. >> all right. well, we have a motion. >> thanks. >> clerk: morges by commissioner dwight to support the legislation. roll call vote. [ roll call ] vote. >> clerk: motion passes 6-0 with one absenc]with one absenw.
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board of supervisors file no. 190842: various codes - renewing and extending waiver and refund of investigation fee - persons registered with the office of cannabis - one-year extension of medical cannabis dispensary permits and temporary cannabis business permits. ordinance renewing and extending a prior waiver and refund of investigation fees imposed by building code, section 107a.5, for persons registered with the office of cannabis through december 31, 2020; amending the health code to extend the date beyond which temporary medical cannabis dispensary permits issued under article 33 of the health code are rendered invalid, from december 31, 2019, to december 31, 2020; amending the police code to extend the date beyond which temporary cannabis business permits issued under article 16 of the police code cannot be extended from december 31, 2019, to december 31, 2020; and amending the planning code to extend the date by which a grandfathered medical cannabis dispensary, as defined in the planning code, must have received a permit to operate from the department of public health to be deemed a temporary cannabis sales use, as defined in the planning code, from december 31, 2019, to december 31, 2020. the presenter is again tom temprano, legislative aide to
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supervisor mandelman in the office of cannabis. >> welcome. >> it's great to be back with some more cannabis for you this afternoon. this ordinance will allow cannabis businesses participating in the city's amnesty program to continue to access d.b.i. waivers and also extend medical cannabis dispensary permits through 2020. following the passage of prop 64, the city commenced a registration process and allow existing non-retail cannabis operators to come forward and make themselves and their opportunities known to the city. this process disclosed 250 previously unregulated activities in cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, testing, and delivery, and allowed the city to begin to move many of these operations into the legal and regulated market place.
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this registration process initiated an amnesty process for these operators to bring them out of the shadows and into a regulated and compliant space. these operators were then able to apply for a temporary cannabis business permit and as part of that process submit to inspections of the business premises. in an effort to ensure that these operators focused their financial resources on coming into compliance, the board of supervisors passed an ordinance in 2017, waiving and we funding that fee. that expired and due to unforesee delays and many processes that the applicants were subject to, some operators were not able to complete the inspections prior to that date. this ordinance will extend the deadline for these fee waivers through december 31, 2020, so
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these businesses can pass their inspections and come fully into compliance. the ordinance will also extend the effective date of the temporary cannabis permits that these businesses are operating under through december 31, 2020, as the office of cannabis works do their permitting backlog and processes permanent license for these operators. finally, because we're getting all of the deadlines done at once, this ordinance will amend the health code to allow for additional 120-day extensions through december 31, 2020, of existing medical cannabis dispensary permits. these extensions are necessary to successfully transition our medical dispensaries to recreational adult youth sales and allows them to continue operation and remain in compliance while supporting our broader equity goals. as part of their permit, we are committed to supporting the city's equity goals and our
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temporary authorization is a condition of their successful support for the equity program. commissioners, this ordinance will allow existing small businesses operating on these temporary cannabis permits to continue operating through 2020. we hope to have your support. i hope to be joined by our colleagues from the office of cannabis for any questions you might have about this ordinance. >> do we have any commissioner comments? >> i think this is another good cleanup ordinance that we need. >> i just want to echo that. firsthand, i've been helping a lot of small businesses go through the process. you hand hold them and make this easier. we appreciate that in the neighborhoods. >> it's helping get it out of the darkness and into a legitimate business. i want to echo that, i'm hearing a lot of good things.
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any other commissioner comments before we go to public comments? okay. let's open up item number 5 to public comment. do we have any members of the comment who would like to make comment on item number 5. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners. >> i second. >> clerk: motion to support the legislation, roll call vote. [ roll call ] vote. >> clerk: motion passes 6-0 with one absent. >> keep up the good work. thank you. >> next item, please. >> clerk: item 6, office of small business staff presentations, san francisco massage regulations. discussion item. presenter is dominicadon van,
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senior policy analyst. >> while dominicadon is getting set up to present her powerpoint, i want to extend a great amount of appreciation for the amount of policy work she's done. she's sent you the document. you may not have had a chance to fully read it, but because of it supervisor brown is utilizing this policy document to do the framework to amend the current massage regulations. and of course much of it follows the recommendations that the commission made when the first legislation or last set of substantive legislation was passed in 2015. so i will now turn that over to dominica. >> commissioners, thank you for having me.
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it's always a little weird being on this side of the podium. sfgov tv, i have a powerpoint. today i'm going to provide you with a very high-level, as brief as possible, overview of the legislative history affecting massage regulations, existing law and regulations, issues and considerations, and the policy options which were all covered in the massage topic paper which you should have received a little less than a week ago. so to go over the legislative history, as you may be aware in 2003 the regulation of massage businesses moved from s.f. police department over to the department of public health. this was pretty significant for a number of reasons, but most importantly it legitimatized massage as a health service and established the linkage between massage therapy and healthcare
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and the department of public health would now be overseeing administration of regulations related to massage. it had been regulated through the police code prior to that because it was considered to be an adult service by city regulators. in 2006, a fairly comprehensive overhaul of land use regulations relating to massage was implemented and mandated, and it required that massage establishments be subject to conditional use authorizations in most commercial districts. this was responses to challenges that emerged to you to variations in businesses and land use across the city, which led to an overconcentration of massage businesses, both legitimate and illegitimate in certain areas of the city. most significantly in 2008 a state law passed which set the stage for how we see massage regulated as it is today.
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the state law limited local land use controls relative to local businesses as you may remember hearing about back in 2015. because of this localities across california started experiencing much higher volumes of complaints related to illegal commercial sex activity and human and sex trafficking, which was a very unfortunate, unintended consequence of that 2008 state law. in 2009, the city attempted to control for this in modifying certain land use controls with regard to massage, but it was extremely administratively challenging for the city to provide adequate oversight and regulation over both legitimate and illegitimate massage establishments. in 2014, the state recognized this and returned local land use controls to cities and countries, which is why in 2015 you saw two very significant
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pieces of legislation which were passed which regulated massage in san francisco, which this commission did hear, both pieces of legislation and had significant commentary for. some of you were here during that time and may remember that. one ordinance significantly regulated where massage can be operated in the city and significantly limited where it can be operated. it also defined massage establishment as its own land use very distinct from other health services and other medical services. i do recall that one recommendation from this commission was that massage continued to be considered a health use for those purposes, but it wasn't. it also required that all new general massage establishments,
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so that's any business that employees massage practitiones s undergo a conditional use authorization practice in sole practitioner massage establishments. those that are occupied by only one practitioner would have to participate in a neighborhood notification process. so both are fairly onerous and the conditional use authorization process, as we all know, is fairly costly. ordinance 7215 was also passed, and this ordinance comprehensively amended article 29 of the health code, which regulates how massage establishments themselves are licensed and how they operate and provided the department of public health with much more authority into oversight responsibilities with regard to massage establishments, including how and when fees and fines would be administered to
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those establishments. the ordinance also requires three types of licensing for specific massage permits. one is for a general massage establishment, the second is for a sole practitioner massage practice, and the other is for outcall massage practices. finally, the last significant regulations that were passed were around this time last year in 2018. that ordinance added further requirements to obtaining massage establishment permits and significantly limited how many full practitioners could share a physical space and provided the director of the department of public health with more authority for accessing criminal histories of massage permit applications. when i was going through my research and looking at all of the prior legislation that's affected massage establishments and the background information for the last piece of
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legislation, it was noted that one purpose of article 29 is to ensure that massage establishments do not become elements of the sex trade and engage in other human rights violations. and the amendments that were made would close enforcement loopholes and discourage that conduct that puts worker and client safety at risk, which as we'll see, arguably this has been very successful in that regard. so currently massage is regulated through the department of public health and it's regulated through the planning department, through the health and planning codes. briefly, as briefly as i can do this, before a permit to operate a general massage establishment or a sole practitioner massage establishment is issued, the applicant must satisfy two major requirements. the first being an 18 to 19-page
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for general massage establishment listed as $1,389, per year, which is modified depending on what month the individuals applying for the annual license fee and for soul practitioner massage establishments it is listed as when $86 we had -- -- $186 read i am seeing all of this to show you how detailed this process can be for an applicant. for an alcohol massage business permit submit a standard application to operate, written operational procedures with background checks, a declaration of a health and safety workplace, 471-dollar application fee in their annual license fee is three and $50. for brick-and-mortar -- -- $350,
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for brick-and-mortar they must ensure that there location is allowed as a massage use under the plan code. where general info practitioner massage establishments may operate is regulated through the planning code, as you can see. out of approximately 224 commercial zoning districts, massage is allowed in 91 of them, or about 40%. only 62 of those 91 on the first story only. that makes it extremely difficult to find a commercial base for you can legally operate massage, but also for sole practitioners, where most of the areas where you can operate are only on the first worry. that is also extremely limiting where you can operate area where first for a ground floor is much more expensive than the higher floors.
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practitioner massage establishment are principally permitted, except that they have to go through neighborhood notification processes, and all general massage establishment again have to go through this process. any questions? issues and considerations. it's really important to understand who massage practitioners are, and also who owners typically are of these establishments. we are talking about the legitimate one. 88% of most massage practitioners are women, and that is from the american massage therapy association and that is using federal data to determine that. they are likely to be sole practitioners. in san francisco they are about
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180 permit to operate, either general establishment, or a sole practitioner establishment. only 28 of them are so practitioners. which is significant if the data tells us that most practitioners are supposed to be sole practitioners had -- practitioners. flexibility is really important to them, and their success is dependent upon repeat clients. if you can't find a stable brick-and-mortar space to operate out of, which is what we keep hearing from the community here in san francisco, it is pretty hard to rely on repeat clients if you're moving constantly. their median income is about $43,000, which in san francisco is far below living wage. according to the bureau of labor statistics there are about 2,116
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massage practitioners in the local area. we estimate that about 1900 of them are probably in san francisco. the bureau of labor statistics also projects that the industry is growing faster than others, through 2026 it will increase by about 26%. we want to make sure that our city regulations are providing those individuals with a pathway to establish legitimate businesses, if the data is telling us that the industry is going to grow as such. issues and considerations that have arisen from feedback from the community, feedback from you in prior years, feedback from my own research is that massage is not regulated like other health services we had planned controls are too restrictive and zoning structure and permit fee
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structure is a significant barrier. policy options, with regard to that. this topic paper, suggesting that massage service fee included in the definition of health service we had in this regard it would open up in the planning code where massage can be practiced across francisco. this is important because a lot of where it's often in buildings that cater better to being client -- like -- a physician like room. particularly for so practitioners, who are looking for affordable ways that is not on the ground floor commercial. i'm also suggesting that the health will be amended to establish a healthy massage program.
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it would primarily focus on public education outreach around massage, and its relation to the medical community, and the health benefits of massage, it would also have a component where it would emphasize the health and safety of massage practitioners, would also educate again human trafficking and sex trafficking. that's an issue we have seen in massage businesses, but one that is also in other areas as well. there's also a suggestion to reassess the fee structure, as we have heard the application process is very onerous in the fee structure is a significant barrier for prospective massage business owners. one small, but very important suggest, to remove massage
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parlor from respective city code and to encourage city employees, and city appointees from using massage parlor interchangeably with massage establishment. massage parlor is associated with nefarious activities, and we really want to distinguish the bad actors from legitimate massage establishment. with that all being said, any questions? >> any commissioner question? do we have any members of the public that would like to comment on item number six in the dozen tatian? seeing on. public comment is closed. very good presentation. very informative. thank you. >> next.
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give her a minute. >> good job. next item, please get. >> item seven, approval of draft meeting minutes. action item. >> any question on the minutes? do we have any members of the public that would like to make comments on the minute? item number seven. seeing none. public comment is closed. we have a motion? >> moved to approve the minutes as amended. >> second. >> all in favor? motion passes. >> i promise by october 28 it will be appropriate item eight, directors report update and report of the office of small business on the small business assistance center, department
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program, policy and legislative matters, announcements from the mayor, and announced once regarding small business activities. discussion item. >> i do not have a written report for you today, it is a verbal report. he highlight is -- key highlights, on september 11 the mayor signed the legislation, i think you heard it back december of 2018, i did submit to you a copy of a one page summary through the e-mail. if you did not receive it, let me know. some of the highlights are focusing on food and entertainment establishments, a good portion of the streamlining was reducing repetitive fees, duplicative referral fees. one important thing for a cafés or businesses that just take out business, the department of
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public health how adopted a code specific to san francisco that required a restroom. an accessible restroom. this, of course, those kinds of businesses operate in very small places read the state code does not require restaurants so we took away that requirement. an administrative outcome that wasn't in the legislation but was developed to this asset was that a business that has to go through a change of use, which is a neighborhood notification, once the neighborhood notification is complete there is no complaint. the business is able to take their permit application and walk it around and get sign offs. over sign off after that. before the process was it state internal. it got routed through the different agencies. that has taken off about them
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to-3 month worth of time for these businesses that have to go through a change of use. so, there are a few other things in their, but i will not go into everything .-dot the legislation accomplished, just to refresh your memory. the department of building inspections for the accessible building entrance program mailed out 9,000 letters a couple of weeks ago to property owners who have yet to submit their checklist. in this letter it did state that there will be a notice of violation issued if the property owner did not get their check list in by december. so, just in case you do here from businesses, it was sent to the property owner. property owners who are also businesses will have received it.
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that has definitely garnished the attention. we have noticed there was definitely, as we kept sending notices, you know, this is your compliance deadline, over the last two years there has been a slow uptick. since december is the final deadline for tear 4 entryways to have their checklist submitted, we just said that that is it for all property owners area and then -- as presented to you, we are working with supervisor brown's office on developing legislation to have regulation for massage, and then we will be starting the tobacco mitigation in october.
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and then -- with your binder is a project timeline of some of the key projects that are before the commission. we are working through the backlog for the request of presentations. if i sent an e-mail to you asking some questions just to ensure that the presentation that we are requesting from the department is the presentation that you want. if you would be on the lookout for those e-mails and then try to respond as quickly as possible, so we can get the scheduled. i would like to try to get presentations with a community benefit districts on the 28th so i will be getting some e-mails out by wednesday.
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if you could respond right away, then we could get the department here to present. unless you would like to need to go through this in detail, you have it here and if there is any question you have, you now -- now or at a future time i will be happy to answer. >> thank you. any questions for the director? let's open it up for public comment. any members of the public that would like to comment on the directors'? seeing none. public comment is closed. next item, please. >> item nine, commissioners reports. allows a president, vice president commissioners to report on recent small business activities and make announcements that are of interest to small business community. discussion item. >> i want to report that i did sign the mayor's small business streamline legislation on 9/11,
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and i also attended the renaissance entrepreneurial center fundraiser -- when was that? two weeks ago. the 13th. no, the 12th. on september 12th. that is what i have two report. commissioner riley? >> i was on vacation from september 1-11, prior to that i attended the press conference for the moon festival in chinatown. a lot of things happening in chinatown. they do everything they can to bring in more visitors and more business to chinatown. >> great ragged any other commission report -- -- great. any other commissioners report? any members of the public like
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to comment on item number nine? seeing none. public comment is closed. >> item ten. new business. allows commissioners to andersoa items for future consideration by the commission. >> any commissioners that have new business? any public comment? seeing none. public comment is closed. >> item 11. >> it is our mission to begin and end with a reminder that the office of small business is the only place to start your new business in san francisco, and the best place to get answers to your questions about doing business in san francisco. the office of small business should be your first stop when you have questions about what to do next. you can find us online, or in person here at city hall. best of all, all of our services are free of charge. the small business commission is the official public forum to voice your opinions, and
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concerns about policies that affect the economic vitality of small businesses in in san francisco. if you need assistant with small business matters, start here with the office of business. of a small business. >> item 11, adjournment. >> do i have a motion to adjourn the meeting? >> the meeting is adjourned at 3:18 p.m.
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shop and dine on the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within neighborhood. we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant. where will you shop and dine in the 49? san francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. each corridor has its own personality. our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. >> you are putting money and support back to the community you live in and you are helping small businesses grow.
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>> it is more environmentally friendly. >> shopping local is very important. i have had relationships with my local growers for 30 years. by shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. it is really good for everybody. >> shopping locally is crucial. without that support, small business can't survive, and if we lose small business, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see that become a thing of the past. >> it is important to dine and shop locally.
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it allows us to maintain traditions. it makes the neighborhood. >> i think san francisco should shop local as much as they can. the retail marketplace is changes. we are trying to have people on the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. >> the fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. there are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. at the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for everybody. >> shopping and dining locally is so important to the community
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because it brings a tighter fabric to the community and allows the business owners to thrive in the community. we see more small businesses going away. we need to shop locally to keep the small business alive in san francisco. >> shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. you can see the banners in the streets around town. it is great. anything that can showcase and legitimize small businesses is a wonderful thing. >> you're watching quick bite, the show that has san francisco. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> we're here at one of the many food centric districts of san francisco, the 18th street corridor which locals have affectionately dubbed the castro. a cross between castro and gastronomic. the bakery, pizza, and dolores park cafe, there is no end in sight for the mouth watering food options here. adding to the culinary delights is the family of business he which includes skylight creamery, skylight and the 18 raisin. >> skylight market has been here since 1940. it's been in the family since 1964. his father and uncle bought the market and ran it through sam
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taking it over in 1998. at that point sam revamped the market. he installed a kitchen in the center of the market and really made it a place where chefs look forward to come. he created community through food. so, we designed our community as having three parts we like to draw as a triangle where it's comprised of our producers that make the food, our staff, those who sell it, and our guests who come and buy and eat the food. and we really feel that we wouldn't exist if it weren't for all three of those components who really support each other. and that's kind of what we work towards every day. >> valley creamery was opened in 2006. the two pastry chefs who started it, chris hoover and walker who is sam's wife, supplied all the pastries and
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bakeries for the market. they found a space on the block to do that and the ice cream kind of came as an afterthought. they realized the desire for ice cream and we now have lines around the corner. so, that's been a huge success. in 2008, sam started 18 reasons, which is our community and event space where we do five events a week all around the idea of bringling people closer to where the food comes from and closer to each other in that process. >> 18 reasons was started almost four years ago as an educational arm of their work. and we would have dinners and a few classes and we understood there what momentum that people wanted this type of engagement and education in a way that allowed for a more in-depth conversation. we grew and now we offer -- i think we had nine, we have a series where adults learned
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home cooking and we did a teacher training workshop where san francisco unified public school teachers came and learned to use cooking for the core standards. we range all over the place. we really want everyone to feel like they can be included in the conversation. a lot of organizations i think which say we're going to teach cooking or we're going to teach gardening, or we're going to get in the policy side of the food from conversation. we say all of that is connected and we want to provide a place that feels really community oriented where you can be interested in multiple of those things or one of those things and have an entree point to meet people. we want to build community and we're using food as a means to that end. >> we have a wonderful organization to be involved with obviously coming from buy right where really everyone is treated very much like family. coming into 18 reasons which even more community focused is such a treat. we have these events in the evening and we really try and bring people together. people come in in groups, meet friends that they didn't even
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know they had before. our whole set up is focused on communal table. you can sit across from someone and start a conversation. we're excited about that. >> i never worked in catering or food service before. it's been really fun learning about where things are coming from, where things are served from. >> it is getting really popular. she's a wonderful teacher and i think it is a perfect match for us. it is not about home cooking. it's really about how to facilitate your ease in the kitchen so you can just cook. >> i have always loved eating food. for me, i love that it brings me into contact with so many wonderful people. ultimately all of my work that i do intersects at the place where food and community is. classes or cooking dinner for someone or writing about food. it always come down to empowering people and giving them a wonderful experience.
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empower their want to be around people and all the values and reasons the commitment, community and places, we're offering a whole spectrum of offerings and other really wide range of places to show that good food is not only for wealthy people and they are super committed to accessibility and to giving people a glimpse of the beauty that really is available to all of us that sometimes we forget in our day to day running around. >> we have such a philosophical mission around bringing people together around food. it's so natural for me to come here. >> we want them to walk away feeling like they have the tools to make change in their lives. whether that change is voting on an issue in a way that they will really confident about, or that change is how to understand why it is important
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to support our small farmers. each class has a different purpose, but what we hope is that when people leave here they understand how to achieve that goal and feel that they have the resources necessary to do that. >> are you inspired? maybe you want to learn how to have a patch in your backyard or cook better with fresh ingredients . or grab a quick bite with organic goodies. find out more about 18 reasons by going to 18 and learn about buy right market and creamery by going to buy right and don't forget to check out our blog for more info on many of our episodes at sf quick until next time, may the fork be with you. ♪ ♪ >> so chocolaty. mm. ♪ >> oh, this is awesome.
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oh, sorry. i thought we were done rolling. ♪ >> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball
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courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features. >> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real
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responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really, really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay.
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