tv Government Access Programming SFGTV October 16, 2019 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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>> that's right. welcome we are glad you are here. this is the regular meeting of the san francisco school district. this is october 15, 2019. now, i will call this meeting to order. roll call, please. (roll call). >> thank you. tonight i am going to read a brief statement. it marks a year that i have been president of the board of education. i was vice president at the time of october and our good friend and colleague left to take an
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education leadership role in new york city. during that first meeting as president i decided to read a quote instead of the pledge of allegiance to honor the great american became a national news flurry and it drew criticism. i will honor great americans to start the meeting. i want to publicly thank my colleagues for support and americans across the country to help move our country forward. there are places in the world that i would have been prisoned or killed. at the same time we have americans in prison or killed who should have been protected by laws or institutions. i will start tonight's meeting in honor of them.
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michael brown, eric gardner. we just don't remember you for a night. we are getting reforms passed in schools, at the ballot box and in the criminal justice and healthcare system in honor of your life and sacrifice. thank you. section a is general information. 1. accessibility to the public. 2. teleconference information. section b opening items. 1. approval of board minutes of the regular meeting september 24th. may i have a motion and second on the minutes. >> so moved. second. >> any corrections? seeing none, roll call vote. (roll call).
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>> that is five eyes. >> number 2. superintendent's report. >> i would like to celebrate that september 15th through october 15th is the latin x heritage month. we also celebrate filipino history month, the many contributions of those that have contributed to the nation. the schools strife to be places where every student can be themselves where learning reflects familiar and unknown. numerous san francisco board of education policies specifically honor and support the efforts t ensure that all students are
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seen and heard. in their coursework and that each student's heritage is celebrated. the district continued to build robust language programs and our students can participate in the literacy programs from the first day of school in san francisco. happy lat inx hair tame month and filipino history. congratulations to lowell high school for being named a blue ribbon school. they are among 30 schools chosen as a 2019 national blue ribbon school. this affirms the hard work of teachers, administrators, support staff and families and most of all our students. also congratulations to paul revere elementary school for being the first school in the district to complete digital
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citizenship certification. here is to the principal for leading the effort. this week is digital citizenship week in our district. reaching the whole learner as we advocate safe and responsible digital practices from classrooms and school sites to central office and family engagement. it is more than choosing secure passwords. it speaks to the social and emotional well-being and key of the graduate profile. we are recognized by common sense education as largest public school district in california to be digital citizenship certified. thank you for visiting us today to see digital citizenship in practice in the fifth grade i will visit george washington
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carver elementary school tomorrow. this morning i had the pleasure of attending the culinary center opening. president cook and the commissioner were there. we are celebrating the grand opening of the culinary center as part of the national school lunch week the week of october 14 through 18. the upgraded kitchen will prepare fresh meals to be distributed to early education sites and the two high schools on the campus and academy and school of the arts. they will also distribute meals to select elementary schools. the culinary center serves as a model for the central kitchen and helps with the district's adoption of good food policy and commitment to health and equity of students and food system. having been there this morning it was great to see the students
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excited. they are excited about the food, the line is out the door. students are actually going in excited. i got to chance to talk to a few. one walked up to me and said are you responsible for this? and i said i can see he was excited. he walked up to say i want to shake your hand you did a good job here, you did a good job here. two young ladies walked up for lunch serving chinese food and talkcas. -- talk tacos. they want the food. it is nutritious and this shows it is a model for when partners come together and are excited what is going to happen to put
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commitment to that and want to make things happen for students and families. i am proud of the work on this and if you get an opportunity go by to see the kitchen. it is a model for the future. finally, our district is deeply invested in maintaining a comprehensive system of support for english language learners. we build on practices effectively to address the needs of english language learners and families. i want to share a small part of the video showing the teacher anna gear love working with the kids during the san francisco school district. this video is one example.
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♪ i am anna gear love. i teach second grade at glen park elementary in san francisco. >> today we are looking at the next part of our book. in the morning i work with four english learners during my eld time. let me read the first sentence. follow with me everybody. variation means difference. >> my two goals were to have them make a claim about variation and so that they could be able to explain and speak about it and exchange ideas using the academic language moves or we call it talk moves. i wanted to get them to go
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beyond being designated to integrated lesson to feel confident and also use their language. >> so in science we are studying plants and insects. this lesson is helping them understand more about the life cycle as well as what the concept of variation is. >> what is the variation in that beetle? >> that he is different. >> is he different? >> his color and size. >> we use the five essential eld integrated and designated practices. while i am planning, i always refer to that. >> so we can say a variation means something that is different. >> i want to remind them of the
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academic language they would be using as well as the word itself variation. >> when something varies it is different. >> willow and the three bears. exactly. that was a variation, a difference in story. now we are doing a difference in living things. >> thank you, ms. deer love. that completes my report this evening. >> before it goes to our student delegates. speaker cards for the regular agenda are necessary to address the board of education. members of the public reminded an individual can complete the card prior to the item being
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called and present to our executive assistant. members of the public have two members to address the board or time is set by the president. speaker cards will not be accepted for an item already before the board. 3. student delegates' report. >> we had our reps there with schools to make a list of three things, two things about the schools and one thing that could need improvement. most schools enjoyed diversity in schools and resources offered. all schools were echoing improvement of school bathrooms. there are issues with plumbing and bathrooms being locked during school hours. we thank you doctor convince matthews. we are glad to express concerns and questions regarding
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respective schools. we were impressed with his magic chicks. >> good evening, everybody. the holidays are approaching. ththe sac would support those student in transition housing. we are selling t-shirts designed by students. these are great holiday gifts. money raised will be used to purchase goody bags. we hope you will support or mission and aid the many students. we know the schools will see who can raise the most funds. we hope the departments and central office will do the same. a grad student from stanford presented at the last meeting regarding the vr technology to
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create experiences that target student issues. from the responses of our committees, all of our committees showed interest in working with this technology. we would like to thank the team at stanford for providing students an opportunity like this. thank you. >> if our next meeting will be on monday, october 21st, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the boardroom. thank you. >> thank you. section b opening items. number 4. resolutions and rick cognition of commendation. we have a resolution in recognition of the united educators of san francisco in the celebration of 100 years.
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[applause.] may i hear a motion for the adoption. >> so moved. >> second. >> and doctor matthews you were reading this into the record. >> i will hand it over to vice president sanchez. >> thank you. whereas we commend the united educators on the celebration of centennial year. as union representing the teachers and paraeducators of the san francisco public schools and the union part of the greater house of labor, seven teachers sought a charter from the american federation of
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teachers on april 1919. the first union grew to 16 at the end of april and 100 at the end of that school year and local 61. through major with the classroom teachers, uesf now represents over 6,00 6,000 certificate tea. and includes i the teachers have established as partners in education and leaders to see that each student has the opportunity to achieve a comprehensive education to ensure success in life. be it resolved the board of education and superintendent of
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schools celebrate those who are the backbone of san francisco schools for 100 years. >> i am susan solo man. president of united educators of san francisco standing here with some of the best people in the world, educators in the union. we want to thank you very much. you are all invited, some of you are already coming. we have the anniversary celebration this coming thursday, october 17th, at the holiday inn on vanness, a union hotel. thanks very much. i appreciate it. >> any comments by the board of
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superintendents? >> commissioner lopez? >> i will be there on thursday. congratulations on 100 years. i want to share that i was a former uesf teacher, and it was my first experience being in a union. i know that i learned a lot and that is close to me. i want to emphasize the building we are going to continue to do with the board and union and when i am back in teaching i will become a union member again. thank you. >> you guys are responsible for my education. (laughter). >> thank you for that. to another 100 years, i would
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raise a glass. i don't center anything. i am looking forward to the event on thursday. as a city we need to make every opportunity to honor the educators in the city to ensure that we have a place 100 years from now where the educators can afford to live. thank you. congratulations. 2. anybody? roll call vote on the resolution. (roll call). >> that is five eyes. >> number two. unite administrators of san francisco and their administrators' of the year awards.
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doctor matthews. >> october is lat inx month as well as filipino heritage month and national principal's month. give our principals a round of applause. this is a month that is observed throughout the nation. however, in san francisco we are more inclusive. for the month of october we not only honor principals, vice principals, early education and site managers and supervisors and program administrators dedicated to providing high-quality education and ensuring the well-being of our students through the 12th grade and beyond. we have 298 administrators leading our schools, leading the curricular initiatives and school support initiatives. tonight we celebrate several who
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have received the 2019 awards from our partner association. we will have two presenters tonight. our first will be bill sanderson, the assistant supervisor of high schools and president of the san francisco charter of california school administrators. he will be after he presents his 4-a wards he will be followed by the supervisor and president of the united administrators of san francisco. good evening. it is a little different at this microphone than those microphones. i am glad to be here. i want to acknowledge four administrators as part of region five. first i would like to recognize
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sylvia, who was the principal of the year. come on up. (applause). >> also, i want to recognize tiffany, who is assistant principal at rooftop school. tive fan flee was the elementary co-administrator of the year. the other two from region five i would like to recognize. row chavez, interim site administrator now director in the early education department. he received the valuing diversity award. finally, the long time principal, since retired,
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received the secondary principal of the year award. he went to the state to receive the california secondary principal of the year and he will be recognized here in san francisco on november 8th. congratulations to these four individuals. with that we will stand aside and i will ask caroline, president of united administrators of san francisco to come up to do the other awa awards.
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>> good evening, supervisor matthews, president cook. commissioners and student delegates. i am proud and humble to have been elected to represent the united administrators of san francisco. many of them are in attendance tonight. please stand and be acknowledg acknowledged. [applause.] they work, they are dedicated, committed to doing what is best for di students and families. they work tirelessly -- no, we
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do get tired. they are often tired. if you are a site administrator you know it is a tiring job. they make personal sacrifices at the school. i am sure many not here today are still at school or hopefully enjoying dinner with their families. on behalf of united administrators of san francisco, they do a great job of fund-raising and providing scholarships to new ad mores. last spring -- administrators. last spring the principal of glen park school was awarded the new ad morthenew ad mince straie school. she is the principal at anna deer love school. >> thank you.
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>> lisa is principal who was also acknowledged for outstanding achievement as first or second year administrator. a special award to a rising star and $1,000 to come out birch. it is an early education site administrator. i want to take a moment to congratulate you. most of our members were proud members of uesf. congratulations on that great achievement. thank you very much.
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jurisdiction. if you have a complaint about a district employee submit to the supervisor. board rules in california law do not allow us to respond to comments or to answer questions during the public comment time. if appropriate the superintendent will ask staff and follow up with speakers. i will read off names. when you hear your name make your way to the podium. >> mary ann massa cb, mia massaca. alexis david, ebel, theresa bar,
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good evening, everyone. i am a fifth grade student at bes see carmichael education center. if fera was reduced enrichment we would only have two to three hours each week to learn the filipino culture. we don't have enough time in the day. this is important to me because it is a second family to me. the staff and teachers are nice and kind to my classmates and i. also, all the staff taught me to read and write filipino stories.
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before this i was able to be with them from school dismissal to 6:00. older sister in filipino. as a result of these changes we only get to learn from them two or three times each week. if it is going to be reduced like this forever the students will live too little good the culture. it is to be a filipino school. the cultural heritage district and this is the only bilingual program in san francisco. it is here to support our school. if you let them take it away, this will be a great loss to youth, families and school and community. no history, no self-is a quoted that my teacher taught me to
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recognize. in this quote no as in you know something it means you are saying no to something. if you don't know the story of your people and ancestors, then you don't know yourself. i have learned a lot of things about our history. i would never have learned about these things and never known myself. we all demand that the program to be a full after school program and full summer program monday through 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. i ask your support to go back to the way it was before. thank you. (applause). >> good evening. i am a parent of two wonderful daughters in the program. the one who spoke earlier is my
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eldest daughter, and she spoke very eloquently. i am very proud of her confidence to speak in front of the board of education. that stems from the identity that it has installed in her. you grew up in anaheim and fullerton, where there was no filipino community and that identity was not instilled in me so i felt that something was missing. i am asking not to deny my parents of black identity. it is very important to me and my family that it be mounted from dismissal to 6:00 p.m. monday through friday. this is an expansion of the
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program offered in betsy car michael school. it is academic assistance for filipino students. it goes far beyond after school programming. it is also centered around family engagement. family is in the heart of the program. as the parent, security is important to me. i fully trust the pictures from my children and my daughters. also, it operates in the fell piano heritage district. october is filipino american history month. i ask you what ushdoing to --
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what are you doing to serve our families? we need your support. thank you. >> before my young friend is started. it is hard for me. i don't want to cut off somebody at two minutes. we hope you can do that yourselves. >> thank you. >> good evening, i am emilie othertay go. i have been here for four years. it has taught me how to speak filipino. the most important lesson i have learned is on filipino american history, that includes the history. please support it.
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-- play last year. i made a lot of friends here and i also learned what the filipino flag meets. it is so fun with your language. anything about things filipino because they make it fun. all of my friends and classmates are very kind because we also learn about filipino style. this is why i love it so much. please help us so that it can go back to the way it was, a full program at betsy. thank you. [applause.] >> good evening.
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i am theresa. i know one of you goes back 15 years, 17-years. at the beecan program came into the center. under the program it is underneath it. it seems like there is no respect. i wish they would actually be mindful and know about our community, the filipino american community at the filipino education center. it is important for me as parent. my children started at the beginning 18 years ago. why do i love it? >> it is an expense of my family and extension of the program at betty carmichael.
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if you implement the beacon programs. batta will be destroyed. we don't want to lose this program. this is highly crucial to our community. most especially our children because we don't want to lose our identity. that is in filipino. for the longest time we have been felt to be ashamed of our identity. we are not the same ones from 50 years. we want to let you know our bilingual program is crucial the to our children. to let you know right now we have our children speaking up. i have a nephew coming here and
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he wanted to go to the bilingual program supthatthal to our children. thank you. [applause.] >> good afternoon. i am from the philippines. right now i have two children. they are in the batta program. actually, we did not plan to enroll our kids in that betsy carmichael because we live close to tenderloin school so i heard about the program. we have very much impressed with their programs. the children were taught the moral values, especially respect.
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[speaking spanish]. >> for the last three years, so my first one was in kindergarten. right now she is already in second grade. and then the second one is also in the program. if it will be removed. it is only -- what is that? a short time for them. this is not the proper program that we want for our kids. after school program.
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we are very much happy and content what they did the to our kids. right now they have only two hours and they are very much out of what to expect from our kids. >> i am maria. i son is in the school. he has special needs. it is hard for him in other things. i notice that it is a lot for doing a lot of things that he couldn't do before. this program is a program for everybody who needs a program. it is opening the door for us. they treat my son amazing. that program is amazing for me
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and for all of the kids. if only we ask as parents, please, can i keep this program five days each week? i know my son is in the program. they expect them to do homework every day. they give a lot of value for my son. i am happy. when i went to work my son is good in the program. only i am here to please help us to keep the program more days. the kids need it. i don't know what i can say is the program is amazing. i am happy. thank you for listening to the parents. thank you. [applause.] >> l.
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>> evening i am a betsy carmichael parent. i want to share about my story so the board and everyone is fully aware and understands where we need culturally responsive programming. i am a second generation filipino pushed out by the public schools. my american education failed me as a youth as child of immigrants with no culturally related teachers and staff. it was my parents' dream. they wanted me to assimilate. to speak only english to be american. losing my native tongue took a toll on my mental health. i was hospitalized three times before the age of 17, twice for suicide and once for running away from home. my story is not unique nor is it new. there is a growing body of
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evidence documenting mental health and higher rates of suicide among the filipino add do less cents. that is why i chose bes see carmichael. i have spent a lifetime reclaiming myself. i am a doctorate student in educational leadership. i teach health at san francisco city. i want to share data. filipinos are the second largest asian group in the united states. there is research documenting our achievements. filipino middle schools rank low her than whites. when compared to other groups we rank in the bottom 50%. we are experiencing downward educational mobility. we as second generations in the
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united states we are not attaining the same education as parents. we experience higher dropout and push out rates, lower college attendance and completion rates. please keep it. [applause.] >> thank you. turn the microphone back on. >> good evening. i am charity. i am the third grade filipino plus educator at betsy carmichael and the support staff for the after school program. i started as a volunteer. i was a child of immigrants who dealt with a lot of depression that led to my grandmothers who
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took care of us and my grandfather who was one of the principals at the philippine education center. he saw the need for our community. right now we have a philippine notice passage. it is culturally diverse. we want to connect the school day and after school connection. it is vital. i urge and plead that the after school and summer program becomes a pathway under the beacon initiative. it is getting a successful program that filipino families have been trusting for 18 years. the implementation is in a major cut in the programming. our voices need to be heard. students need to be held accountable at the center. my heart goes out to these families with the hope they will continue to support culturally
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diverse programs. i am a philippine american, first generation, who didn't speak and because of this i became an educator and now more social workers and educators emerged because of the program and moral alumni students. we come here to also encourage that we want to support the families. thank you. [applause.] >> i am maria. i have three kids in the after school program.
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[speaking a foreign language]. >> i will translate. i have three kids at the program. i am here to face you to ask your support for the program. it has to come back and it has to continue to be strong and prosperous for my children and future generations while i am alive. i will thank you. let's support this for all students and the student body. thank you. >> hello. i am lee and. i am a program leader involved
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since 2014. second generation filipino american. we have a strong sense of cultural identity. many feel a great distance from the homeland because of marginalization. this bridges the gap. it is imperative to give youth the basis to form identities. it can feel isolating to be separated from your culture. colonization is not only a national battle but internal battle. it is one of the reasons why filipino american youth have the highest rate of suicide. it is critical that youth learn about themselves. it is a way to liberation. the late doctor said ethnic study answer three questions. one, who am i? two, the story of my family and
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community. three, what can i do to bring social justice to my community and the world? we do the work to answer these questions. this is ethnic studies. it is a family where we are all welcome. i want to see the youth and other american youth live to see liberation. thank you. please support or fight to sustain our program. [applause.] >> good evening. i am andrea, one of the after school program leaders. the program reflects the real values of multi-culturalism. this enables me to build positive relationships with staff, parents and children. i am able to provide needed academic support and share my backgrounds with the youth. this program helps me to keep in touch with the roots, foster
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positive relationship and claim identities. it has the purpose of providing guidance to the betsy carmichael students. the major changes to the program resulted in massive reduction of youth participants, negligence of the family input in the situation and failure to preserve the culturally sensitive after school education. what is more, it is sending a message that it is okay to disregard the voices of the family in need and neglect the cometologily rich program. i hope for all of us to support the sustainability of the program. we want to continue to provide what the filipino community needs. this is more than just another
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enrichmant program. i am here for more than a job. my purpose. with that being said this is not based on personal interest and not to put anyone in advantage but rather to support and empower we the community. thank you for understanding. [applause.] >> i am irina. i am a proud product as a junior counselor and staff for the last three years. as a new student to the u.s. in 1997, i experienced first hand the importance of cultural programs that is provided to our youth. with the school community growing and diversifying we see the need for having this as a choice for the multi cultural families, not just filipino families.
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it helped me grow as artist, arts administrator and educator. i teach to the youth for the past three years. because of those who raised me we ask you support or need for monday to friday to 6:00 p.m. a pathway program to foster a safe space for all youth. (applause). >> good evening. i am jamie. thank you for your time and patience through this process. i stand before you as a filipino community member, and i also stand before you as a person concerned about what is happening to the program. you grew up in a mult multi-cull
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home. i had the opportunity to go to law school and practice law in san francisco. here today i am really here to urge the board to support the children and parents to find financial support and to continue this in the full operation for the year. i just want to note a couple of studies to demonstrate the relevancy of programs including studies the school have under taken for language learns is beneficial to both the english language learners and the immersion program and the c r study. there is also data around language learning and benefits for students' reading abilities and also the sarah study 2001, garfunkel in 1991.
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there is evidence to transfer from language to other subjects. under the cunningham study that year. they will makes these programs relevant today and the future are the cooper study where the correlation between the language study and higher scores is proving time and time again. i urge you to support the filipino children. our language and rights thrive in education. thank you.
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and the children give importance to the teachings until they grow up. speaking foreign language]. >> the goal is for children to reach their dreams and pass this program to the next generations. thank you for understanding. [applause.] >> good evening, everyone. i am a counselor from the south of market community action network. i am here to express my concern at the betsy carmichael school. i am an alumnus from the first
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class in 2008 and also the after school program since the inception in 2001. it is important to run their program. it is because they provide a crucial role of language access. since filipino is the third official language in san francisco, this must be part of the programs provided for families. not only do you support the immigrants but the multi racial families that need support. without it, the autonomy is much needed. without this program i wouldn't be be speaking in both filipino and english. please support this program because we need your support upon implementing the after
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school program from the school dismissal to 6:00 p.m. one hour is not enough. iitit has a credible program toe betsy carmichael community. there is a special language, culture and education. it is open to everyone. please support the program. we will not allow it to disappear. thank you very much. >> good evening thank you for ago allowing us to share our concerns in english. i started in 2005 as a volunteer. i found my second home. for 14 years i haven't seen families
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