tv Government Access Programming SFGTV October 29, 2019 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> so on behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff of sfgtv, coleena mendoza and michael balbazar who record our meetings and make transcripts available online. madam clerk, are there any communications? >> yes,. >> president. i have one to communicate from supervisor walton, who is conducting his civic duty today jurierjury and may attend later.
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>> colleagues, can i have a motion to dismiss. >> motion made and without objection, supervisor wallson is excused. today we are approving minutes from september 24, 2019 meeting. seeing none, can i have a motion to approve minutes as amended. without objection, those minuted after public comment today. madam clerk, can you call the consent agenda? to. >> items 1-11 on are consent considered to be routine if a member objects and an item may be removed and considered separately.
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>> colleagues, would anyone like to sever any of these items. >> seeing none, madam clerk, please call the role? >> 1-11. (role call). there are ten ay session. es. these objections are passed on reading unanimously. madam clerk, let's go to our regular agenda and please call item number 12. >> a resolution to approve the declaration of emergency submitted bit director of pub pc works for the heating failure on the rooftop of 1235 mission
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street in th. >> same item, same call. this is a yo adopted unanimousl. >> item 13 to raise in the approximate amount for the city as landlord and volunteers and medicine doing clinics by the bay and art span as tenants. >> this is approved. >> 14 is an amendment between the city and tiberoninc for computer-aided dispatch software maintenance for a total of 7.1 million.
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>> can we take this same out, same call? >> this is adopted unanimously. >> please call items 15 and 16 together. >> items 15 and 16 are two resolutions. item 15 retroactively to execute and file on behalf of the city actions necessary for the purpose of obtaining state and federal grants. item 16, a retroactively authorizes the port of san francisco to ac accept and expaa $100,000 grant from 28 port security grant programme to fund the build-out of an disaster operation centre at pier 50, september 1, 2018 through september 21, 2021. >> same house, same call and out resolution, they're adopted unanimously. the next item? >> item 17 is an aaro ordinanceo
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amend the health call to maintain and operate at full capacity a 41-bed adult residential facility. >> supervisor ronan, you have the floor. >> yes, thank you. colleagues, i am very pleased to share after months of disagreement, my office, representatives from 1021, dph leadership and mayor's office reached an agreement on the future of the adult residential facility. as you can see in the legislation before you today, this agreement will protect the health and stability of 32 severely mentally ill residents who live at the arf. the only board and care facility for severely mentally ill facility in san francisco. to resident will be forcefully removed from their home and the city's critical long-term beds for mentally ill residents will be protected. we have incorporated all of the
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key aspects into this ordinance. a few small non-substantive changes were incorporated since we heard it at the gao committee and they've been passed out to you, which are in the final amended version of the legislation you have in front ever you. specifically, these newest amendments add detail to the training requirements in section 4502, subsection e and add the wore objective when discussing the review in 4502 subsection f and 4503. other aspects of the agreement include the following, for the next five months until the ends of march 2020, dph should operate 28 long-term bed expose 27 emergency shelter beds. starting in april, dph will be required to maintain and operate the adult residential facility with no fewer than 41 beds. for five residents of the arf
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who will be offered clinic calal placement and will have the opportunity to discuss their option with the ombudsman person. dph will create a working group where the residential facility can come together on a regular basis and discuss regular care among other issues and no later than march 31, dph shall submit a report on the analysis and review and actions taken to date with regards to this legislation. we have been informed by the city attorney's office that the creation of the working group is the substantive amendment and we are working out the details regarding the structures and the parameters of the group together with the worker's management and dph staff. i will, therefore, be making a motion to duplicate the file to address the working group detailed separately at committee. meanwhile, i hope all of you today will join me in voting to pass the agreement and
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compromise legislation today. i want to thank you to everyone who is part of the fight to save the arf and who work closely with myself, supervisor matt hainey, my staff and supervisor hainey's staff to bring us where we are today. i especially want to thank the workers at the behavioral health centre who have fought is hard for their health patients and for jennifer who lit the fire under all of under the all of ue issue because we wouldn't have known about this to let us know what was happening. i also want to give a special shout-out to amy wong, connie chung, and the er nurses and julie muleter, to the conservatives, including michelle giordina, the profit providers, sarah short, roma guy
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and to staff lisa merowski who came out to support the worker's. thank you to the residents and families for being so courageous in telling stories. marcus housman, donna mateer and judith klein who have made all of the difference in the world getting us where we are today. i want to thank the amazing leaders in local 21, especially vivian aruyo, deborah gorval, jason klum and, of course, tim kavaloni for being there with us to the beginning is to the mayor and her staff, andrew powers, and rod simmons for coming together to reach this important together and last but not least
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to our deputy city attorney, ann pearson, for putting so much work into into legislation. i'll make my motion after supervisor safaye. >> just please add my name. >> great. >> and you can add my name, too. >> ok. add my name as a cosponsor. >> supervisor peskin. >> i want to thank and congratulate supervisor ronan and i just want to note this is one of unfortunate revelations at the department of public health. what i'm about to say, i did personally express to dr. colfax but supervisor yi called a hearing last week to further discuss the revelations at la
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golaguna honda and i was disturd the department of health issued a statement wherein they indicated the things they said on the record at that hearing were not correct and so it's like the arf revisited. >> i hopewhatever resources theo discharge their duty to the department of sanfrancisco be granted and made that clear to dr. kofax in no uncertain terms. we will award the amendments that i stated into the record and. >> is there a second? >> made by supervisor safaye. the amendments are approved without objection.
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>> now i would like to duplicate the file. >> ok, so request to duplicate the file. and the. on the original ordinance, that's been amended and can we take this same house, same call? and then it passes. passes on first reading, that is. and the duplicate will be sent to committee. >> mr. president, if the supervisor is making that motion, we'll need a second on that one. >> ok. so i need a second for sending the duplicated files to
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committee, seconded by supervisor safaye and without objection, it will be sent to committee. madam clerk, call items 18-21. >> item 18 is a resolution receiving and approving the and report for the tourism improvement district and mosconi district for fiscal years 2017-2018. item 19 receives and approves an annual report for the civic community district. item 20 to receive and report for the central market community district for calendar year 2017. item 21 is the resolution to receive and approve an annual report for the community benefit district for fiscal year 2017-'18. >> colleagues, same items, same call? without objection, these are adopted unanimously.
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madam clerk, please call -- i'm sorry, let me ask supervisor hainey, is it 22--4-24 or just ? it looks like just 22. so we'll skip over item 22 and re-refer it to later. madam clerk, please call item 23. >> an ordinance to amends the administrative code to require that any resolution approving a jurisdictional transfer of real property be recorded in the office of the recorder together with a legal description and map of the real property. >> colleagues, can we take this item, same house, same call and without objection, this is passed on first reading. madam clerk, next item? >> an ordinance to amend the planning code to allow a grocery store use that is a formula retail use in the fulton street
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grocery store special use district and to make the appropriate findings. >> supervisor brown? >> yes, thank you. colleagues, i'm here to present my ordinance to allow a former grocery store to be permitted in the fulton street grocery store district. it's 555 fulton at laguna and i want to thank the western edition in hayes valley for the support and the potential retailer. our community members in hayes valley have beenag been agitatia full-service grocery store for years and i've spent seven years working to bring a full-service grocery store to 555 fulton. it's been a struggle to find a grocery store tenant that fills up the space and keeps prices affordable for the community. the property developer reached out to a number of boutique grocers but many declined due to
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the higher-price point for groceries and had to look for larger companies. now we now have an interested tenant, trader joes. they have signed a lease but still in the process of due diligence at exploring the viability of opening a store in this location. hayes has a retail ban and i need to make a special exception to allow for former retail grocery store. if this legislation passes, the retailer will still have to go through conditional use authorization process which will include time to discuss and address community concerns. it is not an open door and does not repeal the entire formula retail ban in hayes valley. to be clear, that will remain in intact. under my ordinance, the grocery store retailer is subject to affordability requirements to make sure the western distribution hayes valley have
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access to fresh food. there is incredibly important as the medium income as the north side i is over $24,000. hayes valley south and north, baniker homes, laura miller, haines, include the last bit of affordable housing stock that serves primarily low income, african-american, asian pacific island residents. existing food real tail options in this neighborhood are either two expensive, don't except ebt or have a terrible reputation for quality. it's a problem and we need to address this. our residents deserve better and now we have a viable option. this actually is the first step.
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if this legislation passes, then trader joes will have to go through conditional use didn't entitlement process. i want to stress we want strong community benefits connected to this location and i support local hire and i'm working with the proposed tenant to make sure they hire in the community. i have stressed the developer and grocery store tenant must address transportation, parking, bicycle and pedestrian safety. and any measures will need to be vetted by traffic engineers by the sfmta. my preference is to keep this transit and pedestrian friendly and maintain to adjust conditions as they maintain or evolve. i want the western addition in hayes valley to thrive and we want to avoid a huge, gaping vacancy on fulton to bring a
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good affordable option to the neighborhood. trader joes has been in san francisco for over 25 years and shown to be a good neighbor in different parted of th parts of. we will impress do the same in our neighborhood. thank you. >> can we take this item, same house, same call? without objection, the ordinance is passed unanimously on first reading. call item number 25, please. >> item 25 is an ordinance to amend the health code and business and tax regulations code to replace the cut the curd preparation and current fees. >> supervisor peskn? >> thank you. this should be called the lisa o'maley act of 2019 and lisa, who we celebrated her many decade's tenure at the department of public health is here in the audience today and i want to thank her and our clerk,
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angela calvio, still wants to know where you got those cookies. but in all seriousness, this is a much overdue update to our restaurant inspection scheme in sanfrancisco that will bring us in line with counties around northern california and really around the country and i want to thank miss o'maley and her former staff for bringing this to my attention, as well as calvin yan, for commending that will it have a red, yellow, green scheme for restaurants instead relatively meaningless scores you see at restaurants. you may see a relatively low score but that restaurant did not have any problems that were related to public health and so, this is a much fairer scheme that is really good for the
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restaurant industry in san francisco and i hope you will all vote for it. >> colleagues, can we take this same house, same call this is this is passed unanimously. >> item 26 to appoint gordon marr for an indefinite ca indef. without objection, supervisor marr is excused. madam clerk, we will please call the role. (role call).
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there are nine ayes. >> in motion is approved unanimously. supervisor marr. madam clerk, please call the next item. >> 27 to appoint jessica cry and shawn richard, term ending december 23, 2020 to the cannabis oversight committee. >> supervisor ronan. >> thank you, colleagues. in the rule's committee we forwarded jessica cry and shawn richards to the full board with recommendations and only subsequently learned that shawn richards is not yet eligible for the seat because while he is in process of becoming a strongfront cannabis business owner, he has not yet started that business. it's in process, all of the permitting.
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so what we're going to do, i'll make a motion to amend this item, to remove lines 13 and 14. you have it before you and shawn richard's appointment to seat 12 and we'll move forward to jessica cry's appointment to seat 10 and revisit seat 12 at the appropriate time. so with that, i make a motion to amend as just stated. >> so motion made by supervisors ronan and seconded by supervisor peskin and without objection, the motion is objected. madam clerk, please call the role on a motion as amended. (role call).
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there are ten ayes. approved as amended. >> call item 28, a motion to appoint loni holmes, denise roma and and danielle macaleer and samual carr for indefinite terms to close the juvenile hall working group. >> supervisor ronn. >> yes, colleagues, i just wanted to say since supervisor walton is in jury duty that we couldn't be more excited to be empathinempaneling this working.
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what we did was to fight the political battle to shut done juvenile hall by december of 2021 and these experts will do the work in the small noninsubstitution-like facility that will be in place for a small number of youth that must be detained in san francisco. so jus just wanted to say how excited we are and how grateful we are for the overwhelming response to engage in the work in the city is hope you join us in helping us to do this historic work. >> colleagues, same house, came call? without objection, it's approved. >> item 29 is a motion to appoint and waive the residency requirement for jessica lehman, jennifer esteen and to appoint sarah short to the housing
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conservative ship working group. >> i'm sorry, residential wafers fowaivers for two of the three? >> 29, yes, i called 29. >> and did you mention -- >> yes, mr. president, i did mention the residency requirement to be waived. >> for who. >> jessica lehman and jennifer esteen. >> is there a reason why we're getting waivers for two of the fly appointees on this? and i ask this question consistently when i see so many people get waivers for residency
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purposes. there's a lot of people in san francisco that live here and why can't we find anybody? and i'm not saying tease people aren't qualified. so i don't know if you want to -- >> sure. as the chair of the rule's committee, i'm happy to respond. if i remember and remind me, there were five applicants for these three seats. so we didn't get an overwhelming response to the request for applicants. that's number one and number two, the sad reality in san francisco these days is that the people often most expert to do the work who have lived in san francisco, who definitely work here and who focus on these issues can no longer afford to live here. and so the sad reality that we're seeing in the rule's committee is that this is happening more and more and that in order to get the best person
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for the job who's still working in san francisco and who lives and breathes this work and is immensely qualified and supported by the community groups, the unions, et cetera, no longer live here. and it's the sad reality we're all trying to combat with, you know, different measures on the ballot and with job's housing, which we'll here i hear in a mi. >> i appreciate your rationale and hopefully they don't take this like a personal issue that i have with these individuals, they do qualify, i get, but i feel like we need to challenge ourselves more to get our residents in san francisco more
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involved since they live here. and not particularly to this particular working group, but in the future moving forward. i'm not looking at you as a chair and blaming you at all. we're all a part of the solution and we need to be a part of that. so, then, without objection, this motion -- can we take this same house, same call? approved unanimously. madam clerk, let's go to our 2:30 special order. >> yes. it's now time for our special 2:30 in memorium, where we will place into our active memories of our beloved friend and colleague, deputy city attorney buck delvanthal. >> today as president of this board, i would like to rise to the point of personal privilege to share our deep sadness for
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the loss of our true civic leader and beloved friend, deputy city attorney buck delvanthal. i welcome to the chamber mr. delvanthal's family and our city attorney, dennis arrer arrera, as well as his staff at the city office. i want to point out we did something which means a lot to this board of supervisors. to my left over here, i want to recognise that the city attorney chamber's sheet is draped in black, bearing a vase of white roses and lillies to serve as a quiet homage to buck devanthal. again, this is the first time we've done this since i've been on the board of supervisors. so right now, what i would like
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to do, if i can is ask if dennis herrara to come up and say a few words. >> thank you, president, and members of the board of supervisors for allows us to have this in-memorium for a true san francisco legend. i know many of you have had the opportunity to benefit from buck's pearls of wisdom, legal and otherwise over the course of your tenure here and many before you during the course of his nearly 50 years of service to the city and county of san francisco. i know at least one of you and hopefully more than one of you have the opportunity to share some of buck's passions, like swimming in the bay, which he
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never convinced me to do. but i know he convinced many others to do. and i know you all had the opportunity to see him around the building with his whit, good natured smile, kind word for everybody. he was a legal mentor, colleague and friend to all of us but he was an even better person and san francisco was deep, deep in his heart. and the open thing he moved more than his family and his friends was his city. particularly as represented by this building, what it stood for in san francisco, the work that is done and that's represented in this building and his true belief, in the power of all of us that work here to make a difference in the lives of
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everyday san franciscoams. ssan franciscoans.i can speak or contribute than to speak buck's words today. we'll be having a public service at some point in the future where we'll have a chance to share thoughts and remembrances of buck. but buck, as all of you know, was a prolific historian, writ writer, linguist but he cared deeply about the history of san francisco and this place. and city hall's place in it. in the aftermath of his pass, p, we've started to unearth several nuggets and one of those was a very long, owed to city hall about its history, about the characters that were in it and its place in this city. so i spent last night fryin tryo
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make this more manageable and i could think of no better tribute to buck than to read his words about san francisco and this building's place in sanfrancisco, dated january 15, 1996, titled city hall. october 17th, 1989 was an exciting day. the giants had made it to the world series for the first time since 1962. they were playing the oakland athletics. i was on my home to pick up hi son ivan and was going to take him to candlestick park and as the bus turned, it began to sway violently. i thought we had been in an accident and quickly realized there had been an earthquake.
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later that evening, my brother, mark, arrived with juliette. the world series game had been canceled and ivan, mark and i drove across town. people had taken it upon themselves to direct traffic through major intersections like garry that was uncontrolled when the loss of power shut down the street lights. coming upon the marina, we saw an extraordinary spectacle, emergency personnel and citizens were frantically engaged in a fight to save the district and many people strolled taking in the spectacle as if they were at the boardwalk and others were wandering about apparently unable to grasp what was handling. my attention turned to city hall where i worked. living the building as the quake struck, one of my colleagues saw the main pillar in the building swaying back and forth and some of the elegant sheaths on the walls came loose and several hall was closed several days as
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officials concentrated on collapsed a hazardous structures and displaced persons, especially in the marina and south of market areas. i was concerned about city hall. i doubted that the building was designed to carry the load standing above our heads. the collapse of the marble cladding in the stairwells was a source of concern and made me realize how heavy the marble sheets were,o, even more were te troubling support of the stairwells, made of the hollow, bricks and the walls were designed to absorb the earthquake by crumbling but performed their function and once they crumbled, they were not carrying any more shock. as a director of public works, issued a proclamation that the city was safe and city officials could reenter for work. little did we know, the debate
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was raging. after two years of haggling the superintendent of bureau inspection issued a repor reportfullied threport thedelay. city hall would have to be closed down for major repairs. after 25 years in city hall, i would have to vacate my office and after we were forced to leave, i realize wad an important symbol city hall had become for me. city human is in a beau-art's building and in 1970, it retained the 19t 19th century ethos. it was a monument to the rebirth after 1976. it atoned for the sins of earlier generations of leaders, bribing on corrupt contractors
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and kickbacks, . the uncompleted hall of records. now many of the walls had been filled with rubble rather than than concrete who bribed city officials to look the other way. city hall was completed in 1915. two years after johnson was elected governor of california. that catapulted california in major reform and governmental restructuring, the initiative, referendum and recall, women suffering and non-partisan local elections, competitive building of public contracts and civil service merit system for public employment were among the reforms that were adopted during the era. at the local level, studies were undertaken regarding city government and in november of 1931, the voters adopted a new city charter that took place on
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november 31. it had checks in balances and accountability that is largely eliminated high level corruption in sanfrancisco. with all the reforms, city government remained peroquial at the time. this is the local jewel of crown edifices in the united states. even the middle-class exodus in the 1950s, '60s and '70s did not undermine the preeminence in california. the building suffered the fate of most older edifices with the heedless onrush with disregard for tradition and the human dimensions of public places. assembly line 50's style lights replaced the elegant ornate
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fixture. during america's love affair with as best status and plastics, l lanolium had been ld down. the city hall demonstrations during these years focused on stopping the cuts that city government was often powerless to address. state didn't federal governments had to institutional presence in san francisco allowing access to elected officials and therefore, inevitable the victims of our economic decline always fine fid their way to city hall. it provided an unparallel venue, not only without equal but the
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own county seat in the state housing all three branches of local government in one structure. the front steps served as a special meeting place for citizens drawn to all aspects of the city alleges governmental interpretations. the courts ensured a continuous flow of people, spectators and journalists who would have no other occasion to visit the government. those drawn to the courts vitalized the public space in city hall. even when the building is restored, i will not be the same. the city is building a new courthouse that will hope in 1997 and the people will no longer assemble in city hall. there was much more of a vitality of city hall than the courthouse contingent and taxi cab drivers would periodically circle city hall honking horns,
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with the board of supervisor's refusal to raise taxi rates. some things never change. minority truckers would do the same with rigs to implement city policies and students and recipients would march in front of the building to demonstrate against federal and state cuts in their favourite programmes and even if the city had no power to do anything about the cuts. the board of supervisor's consideration to make the modest increase in rates was certain to attract crowds. senior citizens would come out in droves. only on the steps of city hall could one absorb the reverend ray bucheer and pink panthers. denninged out in full length h
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habuts. when the say was moving to close the bath houses, they lined up denouncing the city's action and comparing it to the early stages of the holocaust. so would harang city government with complaints that no one understood and others were unaware of their exentricities. the enormous device resembled a bicycle and ergonomic chair and he would perch on it and and g.
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inside the city's castle, there were many characters, some elect elected, but most not. in the late fall of 1994, city departments began vacating city hall. among the first to go were the courts on the third and fourth floors. the last department to leave was the city attorney office. i remembered walking out for the last time on friday, april 24th, 1995. as the building began to emmy, i noticed a marked change in the human environment. it was not just a matter of empty offices and vacant corridors. the war memorial building and
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houses the temporary city hall is a stately edifice. however, it lacks the vitality of city hall before it was vacated in 1994. nor does it appear to attract the cast of characters who made working in city hall so interesting. after all, it is the people more than anything else that i remember. city hall will reopen before the beginning of the next century. the next generation will have the good fortune to see awestruck san francisco. we can help thi hope this emulas creators. i look forward when the city corridors are returned to city
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hall. even with this, still hall will not be the same. first, the courts, with all of the participants and the legal drama will not return. more importantly, a building anyways aging before ghosts and eccentrics can find a place. nevertheless, when the seat of government is restored to city hall, they will return. even though city hall will not reopen for years, i await that day way a quiet sense of joy that i will be going home. so, i think that was a 27-page tone that i kind of cuddled down to four or five pages and i think you got the essence of who buck devanthal was and what mattered to him.
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and those of us in the city attorney's office than thank ofl of you for condolences and good wishes. in the nearly 20 years at city hall that's been opened and the 20 years i've been city attorney, a lot of of eccentrics have come back and a couple of ghosts, a as well. but let me tell with be the spirit of buck devanthal will reign suprem supreme in this bug and look out after all of us to make sure the people's business is always done here. thank you very much. [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you, city attorney for sharing those words. supervisor peskin, would you like to make some comments? >> thank you, president yi and city attorney hererra. i always joked but sincerely agreed with me that buck was actually the real city attorney. [ laughter ] to buck's widow monica and family, on behalf of the board, we want to express our condolences but i want to tell you a story. so as dennis said, buck really loved the city and really loved city hall. a few months ago, he asked that he receive a copy of that image that is in the hallway of a photograph that was taken here three years ago on the 100t
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100th anniversary of these chambers that he spoke to in that treatise in the corrupt old days of johnson and adolf sutro. and everyone of his clients, mayors from diane feinsten, every living member of the board of sou supervisors that was available, his fellow city attorneys over time, we were all gathered and a photo was taken didn't he wanted a photo and it arrived on thursday. and dennis we should visit him in the opt and i picked up the clerk is the clerk discharged her cutes and h duties and wouln proud and so i wanted to thank the clerk and the family for
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giving us that opportunity. i want to thank the mayors for flying the flags half mast. i don't know that was ever done for a mayor h who was not an official. i met buck a deck befor decade s a supervisor. i met him at the rowing club and wear the neo-prine cap he gave me. they don't make caps like that any more and they don't make people like buck any more. i have to idea how buck could have been such an accomplished city attorney because he seemed to spend all of his time regaling us with stories and mentoring generations of deputy city attorneys, not only here. i got a call from somebody who used to work with my house who is a retired city attorney in
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riverside, california who heard about buck's passing. pouhe imbued everybody in the cy and many who have gone on and some who have retired but to all of the folks in the city attorney's office who are suffering terribly, i want to express our condolences to you, as well. there is a mass of information that we have about your father, videos that jessie smith and other people took that we are going to start combing through and i look forward to the greatest celebration of buck devanthal's life with the city and people in sanfrancisco, all of the reporters he spoke to off
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the record for years and years, controllers like ed harrington and harvey rose, who worked with him for not his full tenure. for buck was here even before harvey rose. with that, i know there are a number of my colleague swho would like to speak and if there are any members of the family whfamilywho would like to speake welcome to. >> i see supervisor furer. >> thank you. i didn't know buck personally. but after speaking to those who did know him, it makes me realize that i missed a great opportunity in never having engaged in a conversation with him. i do know, however, of his love for san francisco and his dedication to serve the people of san francisco. on behalf of my 80,000 residents that i represent, i want to wish
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buck a lovely journey to his final home and may he rest in peace. my deepest condolences to his family and friends, as it is obvious he had many and will be greatly missed. >> supervisor ronan? >> thank you. i just wanted to give my condolences to buck's family and the city attorney's office. i had been working in this amazing building for about ten years as a legislative aid didn't now as a supervisor. and i think maybe i can count on one hand the number of meetings that i've had with a city attorney where at one point, they didn't mention -- oh, i need to ask buck that.
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every, every single city attorney went to buck, probably every single day. i wouldn't be surprised if that was true. because he was an encyclopedia of knowledge of our city laws and how they worked and how government law works in this country. and i had the pleasure of not once but twice spending the same week at camp mather as buck and his family is i got to see him in all of his glory outside of the building, as well. and that same beautiful, joyous, energic ball of energy -- i'm sorry for not being more articulate -- in the halls everyday in city hall was in his happy place with his beautiful
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family and grandchildren and i want to thank you all for sharing your beautiful husband and brother and father with us. we love him. we loved him and i'm so sorry for your loss. >> supervisor mandelman. >> thank you. i have only been here in this job for about a year and have not had the opportunity to work with buck devanthal. i had the opportunity to work with mark devanthal when i was doing assistant city attorney work for piedmonts and i just want to echo that buck was a legend, not just in the sanfrancisco city attorney's office but in circles around the stay. so he was a joy to know? and a constituent, i believe, in district 8 and my condolences to
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