tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 5, 2019 1:00am-1:13am PST
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advise to the standards that a whistleblower program should have to meet the needs of the whistleblowers in the public. it needs to be an independent audit and not by the same folks. we heard a lot about the rising quantity of complaints, but i want to talk about the quality or value of those complaints. since the inception, the whistleblower program has been plagued by minor complaints. the 2010-2011 civil grand jury found that 36% were true whistleblower complaints alleging fraud, waste, and abuse. then the whistleblower program developed a risk assessment policy that was designed to triage the complaints and sort them out into low, medium, or high risk complaints.
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for example, the medium risk cases involved potential losses of 10,000 to $50,000 or they implicate a mid level manager. the medium and high risk cases are not represented in the whistleblower reports. instead, we get a preponder remembers of cases of low level employees who use work computers for personal business, who leave work early, or show up late, who gamble or sleep on the job, or who smoke in city cars and park them inappropriately. preventing these abuses is worthwhile, but where's the beef? we don't hear about the big money violations or mid to high level official misconduct. why not? if the whistleblower program
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does not receive such complaints, they should know why. if the whistleblower program refers such complaints elsewhere, they should know how many involve violations of criminal or ethics law. since the whistleblower program already categorizes complaints according to their low, medium, or high risk, they should ask why they are not reported as such. thank you. >> thank you dr. kerr. any other public comment? good. can you call the next item. >> item number 6, opportunity for committee members to comment or take action on any matters within the committee's jurisdiction.
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2019-2020cgoboc work initiates. >> good morning, just to remind everybody the format of this agenda item is to have a list of administrative and committee functions that you are working on during the year and we can report progress on any of them as need be. i will just run down the list and stop me at any point with your questions or comments. standardized template. this was a desire of the committee during last fiscal year to look at the variations
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that you get from different programs and try to move towards a format you find most useful in terms of having them be common, use the same terminology, standard views for schedules and expense reporting, and so we didn't do work on that last year just given your capacity and ours. we are prepared to do work on it during the current fiscal year. i think that chair chu has designated herself, volunteered to be the liaison on this subject, and i think probably what will happen between now and your january meeting is i'll have some of my staff refresh and build on a matrix that we worked on before that shows the bond programs, the type of schedule they're providing, what their reporting period is, so we can see the variability that
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exists and we can explore how useful the committee has found the reports and where we may look for improvements. so you have a period now, november and december where you don't have an in-person meeting, so i think we should be able to find time to have a liaison meeting on that subject if that sounds appropriate. >> one other thing. can you ask them to go back and look at our previous meetings to you know, understand how we use it. brian was referring back to some specific information in some of the reports, so i think we can use that as facts on how we're using them, how that information is actively being used in a meeting. i know brenda also had interacted with the reports in an in-depth way. >> okay.
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>> the expenditure audit, this is where we have reviews of expenditures and bond programs. you will see issuances. mark, will you update us on your schedule, any changes that may have happened? >> sure. just a quick update. so we completed expenditure audits of eight various projects. we have one ongoing, the 2016 public health and safety program. we will be issuing that in either december or early january, right in time for your next cgobos meeting in january. then we have plans to touch the programs we haven't touched before, including the affordable housing program and the sea wall
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safety. those will be deferred to next fiscal year. we want to make sure there's enough expenditures to audit and that will be the case for the 2018 sea wall safety, so we'll put that on our work plan for next fiscal year, and definitely the 2016 affordable housing, we should have enough transactions to audit by the beginning of next fiscal year or end of this fiscal year. we're also planning on touchi touching -- or doing reaudits of the bonds we audited before. looking at those projects within those bond programs that we did not audit in the past, just to make sure we have a full extent in coverage of the various projects within each bond program and we can attest to the fact that we audited all of the various projects within all of the bond programs. >> do you have any concerns about the timing of the projects for the 2016 affordable housing? it sounds like -- i mean they
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don't start until next summer, a year from now or so. >> i have some, but i mean there weren't a lot of expenditures in that one the last time i looked. i understand that there's not much to look at. i believe it only gotten started on 3 of the 30 items that are in there when i was looking at it in our report. so obviously, i love to see them as soon as possibility, but we can't audit what hasn't been spent. i understand that we have to keep an eye on that. >> okay. so the port -- for me, it's very much about black box over there, and we probably would have learned more if they come today with some information. so, it feels to me that, that's one that may creep up on us, maybe not the whole thing. it's not the whole parks bond. >> right. >> those have not been issued.
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>> i'm talking about the 2012 parks bond. it's that. >> right. a more detailed report would be key. >> got it. >> and with the content they get from here, i'll reach out and meet up and see if we can get to the bottom of it and get a report. >> and we'll talk about it in our next meeting. that will end up having some concerns, particularly as we go into the sea wall where we will have a lot more money. >> we certainly can do as part of our work planning for next fiscal year is to revisit the bonds we have audited and figure out which portions or projects are attributed to the port and we can use that as our way to narrow down the scope of our o g.o. bond projects. >> okay.
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>> great, thank you. >> okay, next item 1c is the schedule of upcoming bond issuances. you have a memo in your packet and our director of public fitness -- finance is here to answer any questions or comment. >> the sea wall, will that go to the board in april? >> it went to the board last april. it has been healthed held up a little bit, but we should have an update at the next meeting or the meeting after. >> great. and i'm sorry if i asked this last time, but the transportation and road improvement, 258, that seems like a large number for issuance. i looked at the encumbered and unencumbered. we have 50 million that's unencumbered. >> prior to determining the
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final bond amount, we will make sure there are projects they have planned for expenditure within the next 3 years per i.r.s. guidelines. one note that was mentioned earlier, we are pleased to report that we did sell the last series bond for affordable housing last week, about 93 million and then we also sold the final series for the parks bond, which will be a port project, so that's in the amount of 3.1 million for that final port project. right now, we're just starting to do our work on vetting projects for both the public health and transportation bond to determine what size we will be bringing forward for issuance in the spring and we're evaluating some refinancing opportunities, given the low interest rate environments for our g.o. bonds. >> is the market looking
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favorably op our bonds? >> most definitely. we still have 2 of our 3 credit ratings are aaa and the next is aa-plus. that's a good thing. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> can i ask something. >> sure, please. >> on the 22b road improvement bond, do we have a scope for that yet, a description? >> i know rochelle is here in the audience. >> he's shaking his head. >> it's something that we're just now selling the bonds last week for the affordable housing and parks. this is our next area of focus and we'll be determining that soon. >> yeah. we're just getting started. we haven't put a financing team together yet. i've been in contact with project managers for both of those bond programs and they're
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