tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 5, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the november 5th, 2019 regular meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors. happy election day. madam clerk, will you please call the role. >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor brown, brown not present. supervisor furer, present. supervisor hainey, present. m arc ndelman(role call).
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>> mr. president, you have a quorum. >> please join me in the believe of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republican for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. >> on behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff of sfgtv, lawrence brian and michael balazar who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available online to the public.
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madam clerk, any communications? >> yes, mr. president. i have one from the office of supervisor valley brown. she will not be at the meeting and requests to be excused. >> can i have a motion? supervisor furer and seconded by supervisor ronan. so motion to excuse made by first and seconded. supervisor brown is excused. today we are approving the minutes for the october 1, 2019 board meeting. are there any changes to these meeting minutes? seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented? motion made by supervisor furer and seconded by supervisor ronan and these minutes will approved
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after public comment today. madam clerk, can you please call the consent agenda? >> items 1-8 are on consent. these items are considered to be routine if a member objects, an item may be removed and considered separately. >> would anyone like to sever any items from the consent agenda? seeing none, please call the role. >> items 1-8, with supervisor brown being excused. (role call). there are nine a you're es.
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yes. >> the items are unanimously passed. let's go to our regular agenda. >> item 9 is and ordinance to amend the health code to require the department of public health to maintain and operate a 41-bed adult residential facility. out. >> colleagues, can we take this same house, same call? it's passed unanimously. please call item 10. >> an ordinance to amend the planning code to amend the housing linkage fee and inclusionary housing. >> colleagues, can we take this same house, same call? without objection, this is passed unanimously. >> madam clerk, the next item in. >> setting forsetting forth to y transfers for a vacation before
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being recorded in the office of the recorder and to affirm the planning department's confirm ace under the quality development act. >> the house has changed and role call. item 11. (role call). there are ten ayes. >> great. so without objection, the ordinance is passed. madam clerk, call the next item. >> item 12 is an ordinance to amend the planning code to allow
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a grocery store use that is a formula retail use in the fulton street grocery store, special use district on fulton street between laguna and octavia streets. >> same house, same call? this has passed unanimously. >> please call item number 13. >> an ordinance to amend the health code and business and tax regulation's code to update and replace the current food preparation and service establishment categories, disclosures and permit fees. >> colleagues, can we take this same house, same call? without objection, this ordinance has finally passed unanimously. there been a request to rescind? >> item 9 and 10, please. >> any objection?
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seeing none, then we will rescind the vote on items 9 and 10. >> supervisor pes capitokin. supervisothere was no second. seconded by supervisor walton and without any objection, then the votes are rescinded. madam clerk, call 9 and 10 again. >> item 9 pertains to the health code and city operated adult residential facility and item 10 amends the planning code for the job's housing linkage fee. >> i believe we can take this same house, same call. madam clerk. >> yes, mr. president.
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>> colleagues, same house, same call? seeing no objection, these two items pass unanimously. madam clerk, can you call the next item? >> item 14 is a resolution to approve and authorize the real estate division to sell city-owned real property located on west lucille avenue for 170,000 to richard s. jr. and to affirm the sequ determination and make the appropriate findings. >> same item, same house, same call? >> this has been adopted. >> item 15, rose los resolutiono execute an agreement for clean power sf, purchase electricity related products from pacific gas electric company for 11 million, january 1, 2020 through december 31, 2022.
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>> same item, same house, same call? this is adopted unanimously. madam clerk, item number 16? >> item 16 is a resolution to authorize the department of technology to enter into an agreement between the city and converge one, inc, to purchase cisco products and services for 65 million, term ending novembe. >> same item, same call? without objection, this has been adopted unanimously. next item? >> 17 is a resolution to approve a first amendment to the grant agreement between the adult probation department and the region of the university of california to operate the community assessment and service's center, to increase the grant funding for approximately 18 million and to extend the performance period for three years for a total term, november 1st, 2017 through october 31, 2022.
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>> same item, same house, same call? >> this resolution is adopted unanimously. madam clerk, please call items 18-22 together. >> items 18-22 are five ordinances, item 18 repeals the 2016 building code in its entirety and consisting of the 2019 california building code and 2019 residential code as amended by san francisco. item 19 repeals the 2016 existing building code in its entirety and enacts a 2019 building code, consisting of the california building code as amended by san francisco. item 20 repeals the 2016 electrical code in its entirety and enacts a 2019 electrical code, consisting of the 2019 california electrical code as amended by san francisco and item 21 repeals the 2016
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mechanical code this it's entirety and enacts a 2019 mechanical code consisting of the 2019 california mechanical code as amended by san francisco and item 22 repeals the 2016 plumbing code in its entirety and enacts a 2019 plumbing code consisting of the plumbing code as amended by san francisco and for all fiv five ordinances ados the appropriate findings. >> same house, same call? these ordinance are passed on first reading unanimously. >> please call the next item. >> 23 is a resolution to urge the treasure island development authority to expand relocation and transition benefits for post development and dispostion agreement households. >> colleagues, same house, same call? without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. madam clerk, item number 24. >> item 24 is a resolution to declare the intention of the
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board of supervisors to order the vacation of streets in the india basin project site located generally at ennis avenue between griffith and earl streets and sets the board of supervisor's hearing date of december 10, 2019 for all persons interested in the proposed vacation of the said street areas. >> colleagues, same house, same call? without objection, this is adopted unanimously. put madam clerk, item number 25. >> a resolution to declare a state of emergency regarding pedestrian and cyclist fatalities in san francisco. >> supervisor marr. >> thank you. i just want to be added as a cosponsor. >> thank you. >> well, i want to really thank supervisor hainey for introducing this legislation. as we all know, in 2018, there there were 23 traffic fatalities
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and more than 500 injuries on the streets. and right now, it's only early november and we have surpassed that number. it's hard to keep track because i get notifications from the police department with fears like on a daily basis or every few days, i get a notification that another person has been fatally struck by a vehicle. but we all must remember that for those family members and friends and for the survivors, it's a lifetime of heartbreaking and trauma. it's important to recognise in 201, we made promise on a number of fatalities. however, year over year, the number of severe and critical injuries has not gone down and 2019 is looking like one of the
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worse. a middle cooler was killed in my district this year and a young czech worker, feet from a protected bike lane was killed. a majority of those impacted are pedestrians in cross-walks and many are elderly. if these were homicides, we would be seeing headlines and protests but because these are pedestrian bicyclists, some don't make it on our radar. when we know that 70% of the fatalities and injuries occur in only 13% of our streets, that requires action. we are informed weekly of life loss by residents walking or cycling and we must do everything in our power to prevent these crashes. these are not accidents.
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they have preventible and this is an emergency and will be voting in support of this legislation. i look forward to working with my colleagues on tangible and aggressive policies to stop this trend of our residents dying in our streets. simply because they are trying to get around. so i want to thank my colleagues, so right now, supervisor walton. >> thank you, president yu. i wani.i want to echo your sentt and i asked to be added as a cosponsor. >> supervisor hainey. thank you. i want to thank you for your leadership on vision zero and continuing of championing this work. i think there clearly have been some areas in which we have had setbacks over the last year, but
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i know that with the leadership of this board, with your leadership, that we're going to turn it back in the right direction. this resolution really calls for more urgent immediate emergency actions that can take place to prevent traffic fatalities and we highlighted a few that are in this resolution and i think there's a commitment from the mta and from the mayor's office to work on those. we highlight doubling red-light cameras, expanding smt auyuittuq national parking control, auyuiq nationat auyuittuqnational parkh
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the mta and mayor's office to make sure this happens. and thank you, president yi, for this leadership we face as a city. >> thank you. supervisor safayi? >> thank you for bringing this forward and your leadership and to be added as a cosponsor, as well, please. >> supervisor stephanie. >> thank you, i, too, would like to be added as a cosponsor. >> thank you, colleagues. can we take this item, same house, same call? without objection, this is adopted unanimously. >> madam clerk, please call the next item. >> item 26 is a charter
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amendment, first draf draft to d the charter and city of sanfrancisco to provide retiree benefits to the employees housing authority who started working for the city on or after march 7, 2019 and before march 1 in between a break with employment with the housing authority and employment with the city and to affirm the sequa determination. >> so colleagues, can we have a motion to continue this item to the meeting of november 12th, 2019? >> so move. >> moved and seconded by supervisor safaye. without objection, this item will be continued -- >> mr. president, supervisor walton is on the roster. >> i'm sorry. >> just a question, why are we continuing this item? >> because that's what the charter -- we need a week. >> ok. >> supervisor furer. >> thank you, supervisor peskin.
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>> yes. president yi, i want to be added as a cosponsor. >> so colleagues, this is a motion to continue, made without objection and this is continued to tuesday, november 12th, 2019. madam clerk, please call the next item. >> item 27 is an aaron to amend the administrative code to dis-cost the workforce committee and workforce alignment. colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call? >> this is passed on first reading unanimously. madam clerk, the next item? >> item 28, to amend the administrative code to extend the sunset date for the advisory committee to october 1, 2020 and require the committee to recommend changes to its structure and doubts. duties.
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>> the pedestrian safety advisory committee was enacted in 2002. it was the first and still is the own committee dedicated to pedestrian's safety. we have division zero coalition, but that's made up of mostly city departments. although, over the years it has had many iterations, peacing act is as relevant today as it was 17 years ago. in order to strengthen the peace act, this legislation requires that within six months, peace act will submit to the board, recommendations on possible changes to their structure or duties. and the voice of the pedestrians among all street users must remain strong and at the forefront as they are the ones most impacted. we must all be committed to the vision zero and i'm thankful on the peace act for their dedication.
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i look forward to collaborate stronger policies and get us to zero. so thank you to my cosponsors, supervisors hainey, ronanr,n and martin and furer. this is passed unanimously. please call 29 and 30. >> items 20 and 30 together are two motions to approve the treasury's nomination for item 29 of amy brown and item 30, of brenda mcnolte to the treasury oversight committee, both terms ending september 30, 2023. >> can we take these items, same house, same call? these motions are approved unanimously. madam clerk, i guess we should go to --
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>> role call for introductions. >> yes. >> supervisor furer, you're first up to introduce new business. >> submit. >> supervisor hain earthquakes.. submit. >> supervisor marr? thank you, madam clerk, colleagues. for quite number of years, probably before john givener was the attorney to this body, we have been wrestling with the academy of art, some not me. the academy of real estate and today i'm introducing a number of documents related to a
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settlement with ongoing litigations thalitigation that y city attorney hererra. i would like to thank the city attorney's office for being remarkably dogged on this issue, which many mayors, not this one, have swept under the rug. a number of years ago, state senator scott weiner held a hearing in this room with regard to homelessness and kelly heramoto, who many of us know, was standing at that microphone, iand to tell the truth, i was doing emails and half listening. there was a question about stabilization beds. mr. heramoto said we had some 100 plus stabilization beds. i said the last time i was on the board, we had some 400
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stabilization beds. what happened to the balance of them? and she said, well, they were mostly master-leased buildings in the southern edge of what is district 3 and many of them had been gobbled up by the academy of art is i wen and i went to ty attorney and said, mr. city attorney, long past time we litigate this matter and i am quite delighted we are bringing the settlement before the board of supervisors. i'm honoured to put my name on it. i encourage all of you to put your names on it and this legislation will result in significant public benefits in the norm of affordable housing payments, administrative penalties and agreements relating to the division of student housing, as well as a reduce threduced footprint.
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i want to thank kristen jensen, dennis hererra and even you john givener and the rest i will submit. >> thank you, supervisor peskin. supervisor ronan. >> this weekend on 19th and susseness, we, too, had a senior pedestrian killed by a truck. she was crossing the intersection at 19th and her name was pil su saong. the board is declarin declaringt is beyond tragic that we are memorializing a victim of this awful, awful crisis that we have in our city.
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sfmta is taking a close look to see if there are things to do via engineering and construct to make that intersection safer and they and sfpd is investigating the incident and not released any details. but she is survive by her daughter, miss sook and may she rest in peace and may the family please except our deepest condolences. the rest i submit. >> today i'm submitting a request for the need for expansion of safe parking lots in the stay and county of san francisco. president yi has been pushing and has been standing shoulder to shoulder with me since we started this conversation about the lot that straddles both districts and my district and i know he's admitte committed to g
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that. we want a fuller conversation. since we started this conversation a year ago, myself, supervisor ronan and supervisor valley brown, we have a lot that is about to open and it will be the first lot in the city and county of san francisco, but one thing we've learned is that the increase in amount of homelessness in sanfrancisco has been almost 70% attributed to people living in vehicles. this is not a trend that is unique to sanfrancisco. this is something that is happening nation-wide. it has absolutely coincided with the recovery of our economy and with the expansion and the tightening of our housing market. so we need to have a fuller conversation, 33 spots, obviously, is not enough and we've already started these conversations with president yi and we're talking with
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supervisor walton and supervisor ronan, supervisor brown is and looking all over san francisco because the idea of putting up signs and pushing people block to block is a failed strategy. and so as supervisor hainey likes to say, every district in the city needs to do its fair share and every district in the city has people living in its vehicles for sure. so it is a inexpensive way relatively, even cheaper than navigation centers and i think the philosophy of looking at people that are unhoused, living in their vehicles, as already being in shelter-like environments is a philosophical shift we need to have here in the city is county of san francisco. so putting them in a safe place that we can then transition them into a coordinated home system is a positive step. so we want a hearing on that and we are asking for the homeless house, be department of real
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estate and any other department to have a conversation with the need for additional space to have safe parking in the city and county of san francisco. and the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor. supervisor stephanie? >> thank you. >> supervisor walton? >> and president yi. >> thank you, supervisor peskin, please add my name to the legislation you just spoke of, thank you. submit. >> seeing no other names on the roster, mr. president, that concludes the introduction of new business. >> then let's go to our 2:30 accommodations. >> today we have commend datory requests from supervisor mandelman, walton and peksin. >> first up, supervisor peskin. >> every tuesday we honor a number of individuals in these
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chambers and all of those honors are profoundly important. the honor today is one of those important honors that i've had the pleasure of bestowing. we all represent districts and we all know of fisherman's wharf and the bay and salmon runs. but the woman that i have the pleasure of honoring today is truly san francisco royalty. truly san francisco royalty. when i called her and she is one of the most humble, lovable, self-less, egoless people i've ever had the pleasure of meeting
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and has a cute hat on says hey, i'm just an old woman of the sea. and that woman who we are honoring here today is captain and i want to underscore capta captain. jacqueline douglas who is the captain of a little boat called the whacky jackie. [cheers and applause] captain douglas, if you would please go to the microphone. captain, the microphone is to my right, your left and if you would like to unveil those images, that would be helpful to the procedurings that we are about to engage in. captain douglas was born in the
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city and county -- no, turn them around. well, actually, you can do it however you want. i would go that way because i think the camera -- turn it around. i think the cameras will capture it -- no, other way. [ laughter ] >> there you go. now you're talking. see that. so captain douglas was born in the city and county of san francisco just a handful of years ago in 1928. she quickly fell in love with the ocean as it ebbs and bloods. she and her husband george started with a small boat before graduating to a huge 28-foot double-ended boat that they were able to take up and down the
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coast of california. at the goading of other open-water enthusiasts, captain douglas took the coastguard exam, got her license and became the first -- let me underscore this, and still only female captain of a 38-foot commercial fishing boat in sanfrancisco, california. [cheers and applause] captain douglas saved her money for a number of years and purchased the boat that bears her name, well, kind of her name, whacky jackie which she has helmed now for over 40 years and is found at fisherman's wharf. she earned her respect, too, and not just because younger generations became more accepting of women in
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traditionally male roles. captain douglas recalls how old-timers scoffed at her, put her down, treat her with disrespect. but there was even an i hate wacky jackie club which sounds like a club from little rascals than what we would expect today but it actually happened. thankfulfullthankfully those dao long gone is she's an icon of the fisherman's wharf is the fishing community and raise has customers from every walk of life. we have here the president of the san francisco chamber, who has been on her boat, and judy irving who featured jackie in an
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incredible film, pelican dreams and with that, if i could ask miss irving to come up, we have cued up and calvin, if you could show a three-minute clip, jackie, the true lover of the sea and environment to all of my colleagues and those people watching, that would be remarkably helpful. >> they find fish for you. you know they're diving for live bait, a good sign there's salmon chasing the anchovies so the pelican see them with their optic eyes. >> hey, get out of here!
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hey! >> there's three pelicans hangin' around the line and what do you tell people to do? >> well, it's important that you educate your people when you're fishing, when you tell people reel up, we had a big salmon on. and in order for that person to play the fish, you have to get your lines out of the water so you tell them to reel up and then you see the birds come around, because you can't play them, they're hungry. they'll go for your bait. in fact, i yelled at a customer and i said get that bait up out of the water? and he got it up in time because that pelican was going to get that bait. >> i was at a fishing pai pier n i saw a young pelican grab a line. rather than reel in the bird and remove the hook, fishmen
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sometimes cut the line and the bird flies off dragging fishing tackle. this one got lucky. >> i caught a fish and a young pelican ate the fish. >> we're going to have to bring scissors and start cutting because it's all tangled around his rings and neck. see the one on his neck towards the wing? so many get tangled up in fishing line that it's one of the most common reasons they end up in wildlife hospitals.
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but the troubles don't end with the bait on the hook. >> you see this, all this here? >> yeah. >> you take all of this because he's going to fiet, and all of it is used for soup. none of it goes overboard. why throw things away when people want it? and it's not right for the pelicans. [cheers and applause] >> so before i ask my friend, rodney fong, to come up, i want to say one thing which is that jackie is 91 years young.
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mr. fong -- [cheers and applause] >> thank you, aaron. i just want to share my appreciation and congratulate jackie douglas. she of my fishermanworman wharf. she's looked after kids, babies and salmon. she's looked after the rivers that support the salmon and understands the real circle of life and i wanted to say congratulations, jackie. we've known each other for a very long time. i wanted to share this photo really quickly, because if i can catch a fish, anyone can.
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people fish in the san francisco board with the whacky jackie fish board. thank you. [cheers and applause] before we bring captain douglas up, i want to thank nate dreary, a long-time customer and almost as young as you are, who said that it was time to have you formally honored. you have received incredible honors, including from the congress of the united states of america, but to my knowledge have never been honored by this board of supervisors. so i want to publically thank nathan dweary who ran a company call yellow cab for a number of years for bringing this to my attention. i want to thank elaine forbes
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and captain douglas, the floor is areas. yours. [cheers and applause] >> my hats off to all of you, all of you here. >> jackie, pull that microphone down. there you go. >> can you hear me now? >> yes, ma'am. >> i just appreciate all of you being here. such a wonderful thing for me to have to put all of this in my heart because you are a bunch of loves around here. i just love everyone of you. and to honor an old lady of the sea, 11 years old, god darn. but i happened to fall in love with the ocean when i was a little girl. my grandfather would take me out and he would float and i would
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go diving. i went right for the surf and i'm still doing it right now because it's something that keeps you -- believe me. how many here have gone fishing? raise your hands, please. quite a few, so you know what i'm taking about when you're out there hoping for that fish to bite your line and what it dose. does.i don't fish. being the captain i am, i pass off my rod, ok? so i put up my rod everyday and this is exciting. one day, i was just -- you count so many feet and so you stop and while i was doing that, get a load of this one, a big salmon. a screamed like i never screamed before. because wit it was a thrill for. i don't play a fish now.
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his real name al samino. he says, she's always scream when she gets a fish on and that's when i was a customer way back when. you people that have been fishing know that feeling, don't you? you do, you feel it. it's something that's so exciting. you want to come home and fry it up, because that's what i live on is fish. so i'm 91 i'm going on 16. [cheers and applause] >> thank you, thank you very much. i appreciate and honor you guys, all of you, all of you. you deserve the honors. it's so wonderful to be here, have this marvelous experience in my family and daughters here,
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ronnie and all my friends and it's all because of you guys that i'm here. if i didn't have people -- if i didn't have everybody that loved me so much, i couldn't go fishing. wow, i got a love boat and it's wonderful. it takes you away from what was gong when we all have to appreciate what is going on with these fires and people losing their homes and et cetera so sad. it's so sad. you pray for all of these people but out there, you're enjoying the ocean and a chance to see whales. they come up and spy hop. i have to tell a story, my deck hands are here and it was my birthday and i'm coming under the golden gate. of course, i'm birthed in the san francisco wharf.
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>> thank you very much and now i would like to call up our next supervisor to offer his accommodation. supervisor mandelman. >> thank you, president yi. is lisa lightman around? come on up. today we're going to talk about the great lisa lightman. now, i think that a number of you know that until her retirement last friday, lisa was for 13 years the director of san francisco's nine collaborative court's program. her passion for alternative courts dates back to 1997, when
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she landed the job of director for drug courts in new mexico's administrative office of the courts. lisa made her way to san francisco joining the judicial council of california where she was responsible for developing training programs for collaborative courts and in 2006, lisa began her tenure in the collaborative justice courts. san francisco's collaborative court's program provide alternatives for incarceration, working witworking with familiee welfare systems who face substance abuse, mental illness and other social welfare challenges. the court's programs include behavioral health court, community justice center, drug court, intensive supervision court, young adult court and family treatment court. and these programs provide a pathway out of incarceration, recidivism and relapse but offering a better alternative to jail time. it gives participants a chance
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to build a better life through access to services, housing, treatment and a support system of case managers, councillors, district distric district attorf and judges all encouraging participants towards their own success. i've had the opportunity to visit the behavioral health court and drug court and have been consistently impressed by the work of the court staff, their partners and by the participants and graduates themselves. under lisa's leadership, the collaborative courts have been transformed from disjointed to a national model that has been replicated by alternative courts around the country. during her tenure, lisa oversaw an expansion adding four new programs, family treatment, justice center, veteran's justice and young adult court. recogniseing housing is social to recovery and wellness, lisa secured supportive housing for court programs and secured multiple federal grants to fund
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transitional housing units and then studied the positive outcome stemming from those grants and this work lead to national recognition from the obama administration's office. when the grant funding ran out, lisa set aside 15 units of housing dedicated to collaborative court. lisa secured a hud homeless grant securing ten permanent housing units for participants in young adult court. lisa's tireless and visionary leadership of the collaborative courts have changed many lives and for that i want to extended my and our deepest gratitude. while she's looking forward to retirement and looking forward to making art, i can't promise to bug you in the future when i need your expert advice and guidance on criminal justice reform and alternatives to incarceration. lisa, thank you for your service
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to the city and county of san francisco and many, many congratulations on a job well-done. thank you, lisa. [cheers and applause] if you would like to say a few words, you may. >> yes. thank you to supervisor mandelman and the board of supervisors. i'm pleased to recognise my colleagues from the court, city agencies of nonprofits who is core to everything we do. this moment is for them, as well. when i moved from the east coast to new mexico in 1996, where i started my career, i could not have foreseen the positive changes that this field would encounter. while there are multiple forces at play that have galvanized justice reform, i have little doubt our programs have added to that debate. i want to take this rare
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opportunity to honor those with whom i worked for so many years. this is work with heroic demenses. for exampledimensions. >> those who rise up against years of the unimaginable, surpassing the resiliency to some other place entirely. and to our justice partners, probation, district attorney and public defender who at times tug and pull, proclaim and in the end when we're negotiating who will enter and who will enter our programs and graduate, their respective positions shift to a decision that embraces care and compassion. to our frontline case managers, many of them remind me of the hero's journey, mentoring helper leading others to revelation and transformation. and to the superior court and the extraordinary collaborative court justices, past and present
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who inhabit whole worlds of patience and fairness, who create a climate of respect and indignity and leading our participants to a path of renewal. when the first drug court started in 1989 in miami, dade, san francisco embraced the model really early on. our initial drug court program in 1995 inspired the development of nine other programs. as you mentioned, supervisor, we now work with veterans, young adults, people with mental illness, patrolees, juveniles returning from out of home placements and parents in the child welfare system and we learn as we grew and we're changing still. always adapting to changes in the city and always willing to push ourselves beyond established mindsets while remaining mindful of the legalities of each case. over the past four years, program graduates totaled nearly 1200 across our programs. in our veteran's justice court, a snapshot of one year shows a 65% retention rate and a 60%
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graduation rate. i know many of you have visited our programs and are familiar with our work. in august, mayor breed spoke at our young adult court graduation. if you have not yet, please come and visit us. these are your programs, as well, and i thank you for this communicatiocommendation that hn crucial to the success of out programs. thank you so much. [cheers and applause]
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>> so now we have our district supervisor from district 10, supervisor walton, please share your commendation. >> thank you, president yi. we are amazing young people here in san francisco. colleagues, the entire city and countcounty of san francisco anl of district 10, i'm pleased to have the pleasurec pleasure of s sabrina mcfarlan, our national youth of the year. sabrina's hard work and
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commitment to the club to achieve a succeed, make her the perfect choice for national youth of the year. sabrina committed to the club in visitation valley as a 6-year-old and in turn, the club committed to her for the next 12 years. everyday after school and all summering long, the club provided sabrina with important programs, focused on academic success, healthy lifestyles, good character, community engagement and job readiness with earning potential. by relying on her family, and the skills and caring staff at the visitation valley clubhouse and camp menacino, is is sabria became the outstanding woman she is today. more valuable than anything else, the club made sure that
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everyday that sabrina felt heard, valued, loved and understood. and let me tell you how big this national accomplishment is. each year thousands of youth from boy's and girl's clubs across the country, thousands vi for the title of youth of the year. starting with their own clubhouse. and the youth of the year program provides a platform for youth to find and tell their stories and doing so, they develop strong leadership skills and confidence. the youth of the year program opens our eyes to the challenges that far too many young people face. as a national youth of the year, sabrina will share her values with the rest of the nation while serving as an ambassador for all boy's and girl's club member. we are confident and excited
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that her year-long experience has national youth of the year will compliment and strengthen her experience as a freshman at barnrardt college in new york city. as boy's and girl's alumni and someone who knows how present prestigious this is, i want to let you know how proud i amount of you. to have this in our own backgrounbackyardleaves me spee. your commitment to young people, particularly young women provides insight to the possibilities for all of us if we work hard and focus on our goals. (please fanned by). stand by (.
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