tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 13, 2019 12:00am-1:01am PST
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thrill arthey revert to the jurn of pu public works to avoid a fragments structure and we all know and have been dealing with streets and we know that the city has limited funds to maintain the current trees we have under or jurisdiction. so today, i am introducing an amendment that will require the project sponsor to extend the warrant period from three years to six years, to ensure the proposed new trees properly take root and well established with an understanding that at the end of the period public works and the project team will discuss the project sponsors ongoing maintenance of the trees. i want to thank the project sponsor for agreeing that. before i wrap up, i would really like to thank several people because this has been a process. first i want to thank the community for the feedback and input. i know there's been several different opinions on this project and i know several will
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leave unhappy today and i'm sorry for that. i cannot please everyone and can only do what i think is right for this community based on all of the needs that we need to take care of. and i want to thank those who weighed in without the vitriolic anger. we don't need that level of discussion talking about projects and housing and childcare. thank you all for your feedback and for coming to public comment today. i also want to thank our departments, oewd forrering that you've done on development agreement. there's many of you, so thank you. and our city attorney's office who has been helpful. it's a complex project.
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for those willing to work with them when i pushed back to achieve what i think is the best project for our community. and also, i want to thank my staff. this is an undertaking mainly daniel herstein, who has been great and helpful in this project, so thank you. colleagues, i want to wrap up by saying i have worked hours, days and years on this project as a legislative aid and now a supervisor and i have tried my best to balance the competing interest and opinions and i have been determined to land on a project that i know is right for the neighborhood community. i implore you to support the three ordinances to bring this project to life and to bring more housing to district too. thank you. >> thank you for the details. supervisor stephanie, you made a
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motion to amend, correct? >> correct. the first amendment with regard to the maintenance of the trees, does everybody have that in front of them? >> our city attorney has all of amendments. would you like him to describe that? >> yes, that would be wonderful. >> deputy city again. the amendment that supervisor stephanie mentioned requiring the permitee to take on three years of street tree maintenance is on page 3, beginning on line
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18 of the major encroachment permit ordinance, which is item 36. supervisor stephanie has circulate thed amendments to 345 and 36 to reflect the updated supplemental sequa findings. and has also proposed acceptingg amendments and the development agreement has been modified to change the parking ratios to reflect the amendments that were adopted in the la land use and transportation committee. >> any questions on the amendments made? so supervisor stephanie, you're going to make a motion for all those amendments and is there a second? seconded by supervisor safaye. can we take these amendments --
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>> supervisor, i'm sorry. i missed one of the amendments that supervisor stephanie circulated in the sud ordinance permitting arch activities. >> so i would like to amend the ordinance to add the sequa findings on page 2 to read, and adopt a supplemental sequa findings on board, as well as technical amendment on page 3, line 25, to strike other residential uses to replace it with art's activities. >> so we have amendments that were described by supervisor stephanie and our deputy city attorney, john givener. seconded by safaye with additional amendments. can we take these amendments without objections? then it passes.
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supervisor stephanie, do you want to make a motion to the rest of them? >> you need a role call, mr. president or without objection on the items? >> to 34, 35 and 36. let's take that as amended and is there any -- can we take this same house, same call? then all three passes as amend amended. so without they pass and the first reading. and madam clerk, to role call for introductions again. >> thank you. supervisor stephanie, if you kneeneeded to come pack, we coud come back to you or start with you for new business. >> submit. >> thank you. >> supervisor walton. submit. >> mr. president? >> sure.
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i will acts for another hearing on mental health and youth and what our city is doing around children's medical. 1-5 youth under the age of 18 suffers from some type of mental illness. the most includes anxiety, depression, eating disorders and attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder. and the world health organization found that half of our mental illness begins at the age of 14 and three quarters by
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the mid20s. if untreated, they influence the children's development and their education retainment and potential to live fulfilling and productive lives. children with mental disorder face stigma, isolation, discrimination as well as lack of control over their access to healthcare i and treatment. but while we know that prevention can work to help our children and youth, this has stayed flat and there is a major shortage of mental health services with children and adolescentses. adolescents. this is an alarming increase in suicides among our young children. , young people. according to the center for disease control and prevention,
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from 2000 to 2016, the rate from girls 16 to 24 rose by 80% and rose by 20% for boys in the same age category. and the cdcp found that suicide is now the second leading cause of death. death is more prevalent than death from cancer, aids, influenza, birth defects, lung disease and heart disease combined. so while we move forward with a united desire to fundamentally reform and improve or mental health system, i want to be sure that we understand the current state of mental health services and programming for our children and youth and what we can and should keep in mind as this
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reform effort moves forward. this is why i'm calling for this hearing on the topic of the joint school district and college select committee. in particular, i would like to know how the school district is heading to identify children who might need help and how our students who are identified refer to city services in helping you with mental health conditions to continue to support and expand. i want to mention that the world day of remembrance door world traffic victims is happening very soon and i personally want to invite each one of you to the san francisco bay area for safe
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street and walk at city hall this sunday at 3:00 bring arenas awareness. the rest i submit. >> thank you, and before i call on supervisor brown, supervisor walton, did awas you wish to spo his role call? >> i would love to be added as a cosponsor. >> thank you. >> supervisor brown? >> i also wanted to be added on as a cosponsor and president yi, i think this is such an important issue. i am wondering if i could make a friendly suggestion that it be sent to a full board committee versus a committee with the school district and city college. i actually think that i would like to find out what we're doing first as a city and to call the school district to a full hearing with the board?
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i can discuss this with you later. i just think that it would give us more time to really get the early ed folks there, too, and have a comprehensive hearing and i think this is an issue that is very fresh. we have not heard this before and we had not had a hearing on this before and i thank you for bringing this forward. i just wanted to actually cosponsor the hearing with you and make that friendly suggestion that we properly have it at a board of supervisors hearing. >> i would like to consider that and i will talk to, also, the chair of the joint committee to see what makes the most sense, thank you. >> thank you. >> supervisor brown? >> it's november and it's honored usher in american indian month here in san francisco. it's important that we reflect back on our collective history
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and remember the injustices that we have survived as a community. it's also a cause to celebrate. our culture is neither dead, not what you see in the movies or the stuff in history books. our culture is here, it's alive and it's thriving. and we accomplished a lot this year from the removal of the racist day statue to the thread exhibition to the second annual official ceremony honoring indigenous people in san francisco. i want to invite you all to our annual american indian heritage night celebration tomorrow, wednesday, november 13th. we will be celebrating here at city hall from 5:30 to 7:30 and i hope you all will join us. this annual gathering honors the american culture, local heroes and leaders who have worked to strength astrengthen initiatives
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will feature the kick-off of the american indi indian cultural c. i'm glad we're making this a reality. let's remember while justice begins with recognition, it hazardous not endoesnot end the. i will continue that fight on the rest of my committee. the rest i submit. >> supervisor fewer. >> colleagues, i'm thrilled to announce legislation to develop the business plan for the first public bank in san francisco. with the passage of ab857 creating a pilot program for charts in state of california, we want san francisco to be the first in line to create our own public municipal bank. the taxpayer money is currently
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held in private commercial banks that often engage in socially and environmentally destructive practises, fundamentally against the values of san francisco. a public bank would allow the city to have a more local control, transparency, self-determination and expect investments in affordable housing, small business development, loans to low-next house holds, renewable energy and reducing student debt crisis. sanfrancisco should lead the pact and this moves us closer to realizing the creation of a public bank. the legislation will engage key banking, fiscal and lending experts to a planning task force and bring on a consultant for the business plan which will come to the board's consideration is approval. i am so appreciative of the san francisco public bank coalition for their ongoing advocacy and our state policy makers for passing landmark legislation. thank you also to the treasurer for the work his office did on
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the feasibility study and for being willing to engage with my office on this issue and thank you to my colleagues who are cosponsored this, supervisor walton, ronan, brown and all of you, i like forward through this legislation that we have taking the nex necktie next step. tout the resthe rest i submit. >> supervisor hainey. >> i introduced legislation to extend just-cause extensions to new buildings here in san francisco following up on assembly member chu's 482. this allows us to extend just cause protections ending what can still be arbitrary evictions on buildings not covered under our rent ordinance, including ones that were built over the
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last 15 years, which member chu's legislation did not cover and i'm introducing substitute legislation today to add an additional piece, an important piece to this legislation and with the new rent cap, new cap on rent increases, state-wide and the expanded eviction protections, there's been a spike in evictions as landlords seek to evic evict tenants befot goes into effect. others have responded with eviction moratoriums to protect tenants before the new law goes into effect and today i'm introducing our new version of emergency eviction and substitute legislation to the just-cause expansion and the emergency protections effectively make eviction protections retroactive for some tenants and protect tenants during the vulnerable transition
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period. i want to thank supervisors fewer and ronan who are cosponsoring this and i look forward to protecting people immediately and have this moving forward. the rest i submit. >> thank you. mr. president, seeing no other names, that concludes the introduction of new business. >> then, let's go on to item 38, public comment? >> at this time, the public may not address the entire board of supervisors up to two minutes on the subject matter of jurisdiction matters of the board to include the minutes from october 8th, 2019 and items 39-42. please direct your remarks to the board as a whole and not to individual members. if you would like to display a document on the overhead projector, please state such to sfgov tv and remove the document when you would like the screen to return to live coverage of the meeting.
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the passage of proposition f which i gather will be the law of the land, which will make it harder for developers to have undue influence on the planning process. that will help. i want to -- i got ten seconds here and i want to say once again we know as global climate temperatures go up, it has an increasing effect and it builds on itself and physical factors that are driving that. but the third and the biggest problem of causing global climate increase as temperatures go up is how humans respond to it. we seem to be responding to it by a great deal --
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>> public comment is now closed. madam clerk, can you please call for adoption of the calendar. >> 39-42 were adopted and a vote is required for a resolution to be approved today. otherwise, a me member may reque it to go committee? >> would any labor to sever items? seeing none, can we take these same house, same call?
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without objection, it's adopted and the motions are approved unanimously. thathat madam clerk, please read the memoriums. >> today's meeting will be adjourned on behalf of supervisor peskin for the late mr. paul weber. >> colleagues that brings us to the end of our agenda. >> any further business before us today. >> that concludes our business today. >> we are adjourned.
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>> clerk: this is a regular meeting of the small business commission held on tuesday, november 12, 2019. the meeting is being called to order on 2:04 p.m. the meeting can be viewed on sfgovtv 2, channel 78, or members of the public, please take the opportunity to silence your cell phone or electronic devices. public comment is limited to two minutes unless otherwise stat stated during the meeting. please place speaker cards in the basket to the right of the lectern. speaker cards will be collected
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in the order in which they were placed in the basket. additionally, there is a sign in sheet on the front table. sfgov, please show the office of small business live. >> president adams: okay. welcome. it is our custom to begin and end each meeting with a reminder that the office of small business is the only place to start your small business in san francisco and the best place to get answers to doing small business in san francisco. the office the small business should be your first stop when you have questions about what to do next. you can find us here at city hall. best of all, our services are free of charge. the office of small business is your place to voice concerns that affect the economic vitality of small businesses in
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san francisco. if you need assistance with small business matters, start here at the office of small business. >> clerk: item one, call to order and roll call. [roll call] >> clerk: mr. president, you have a quorum. >> president adams: great. next item, please. >> clerk: item 2, general public comment allows public to comment generally on items that are within the small business commission's jurisdiction but not on today's agenda and suggest items for the future commission's consideration. item 1, members of the public, you are welcome to come up and make public comment. >> president adams: so would anyone like to make public comment on items that are not on today's agenda?
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come on up. >> clerk: and members of the public, if there are going to be many of you, if you could lineup on the right side of the meeting room, that would be great. thank you. >> thank you for having me today, small business commission. my name is ben bleiman, and full disclosure, i am president of the entertainment commission, but today, i am speaking as a citizen and a small business owner, myself. small business is in a serious crisis as we speak. businesses are shuttering left and right. entire blocks are lying vacant with no hope in sight, and a lot of this is possibly well meaning but unintended consequences of actions taken in this very building by our city leaders. we need city leaders that recognize our situation right now and see it as the crisis that it is and take immediate action to help us. this is why it was such a relief to us for the past
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recent history to see a reinvigorated small business commission that really seemed to be asking tough questions of our city leaders, tough but respectful and really holding them to account on the effects that some of their proposed actions would hold on our businesses. when you did that, we cheered. my point is not to call out people or to shame, but it's to beg and ask our city leaders to work with you in doing the job that you have been given, and -- and to thank you each individually and together as a body for doing the work that you do and let you know that we have your business. on that account, i wrote a letter to the entire board of supervisors last week. it was signed by over 200 local
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businesses of all different stripes, and colors, and so we are here to tell you that we have your back and we hope you keep doing what you're doing, because without you, we may all die. >> president adams: thank you. very much appreciated. [applause] >> good afternoon, commissioners. mario mcgann, president of the council of district merchants. long time san franciscan and small businessperson in san francisco for 25 years. i unfortunately don't know all of you and some of you may know me too well. i wanted to congratulate you on crossing a chasm of -- the last meeting or a couple of meeting ago was confrontational. if anyone who knows me, i always say dialogue is messy, but it is necessary. if you're asking questions and the other side is getting
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frustrated or animated, you're probably asking the right questions. i come here on behalf of our 33 organizations, and hundreds of small businesses on the commercial corridors that we represent, to please keep it up. do not be discouraged. yes, transition is tough and it can be hard to take, but please know that we have your backs, and we will support you. please keep advocating for us. we have long thought that we have been either dismissed or totally ignored at times, or at least that's the way we feel, and a lot of times, legislation does not have a pulse of how small business needs to really function, and you are our conduit for that, and i commend you for that engagement that you had. i also ask everybody on all sides to take the high road, and to, you know, ask questions, be professional, be understanding, be patient, but
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keep asking questions until the questions are resolved. thank you very much. >> president adams: thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners. henry campagnolo, vice president of the small business association. in san francisco, small businesses are moving out, and a couple are not coming back. it'd be nice if the city could somehow get involved with help these folks could get back into the buildings once their soft story is finished off. we pay fees, and if we go out of business, that's fees that
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the city won't collect. so it doesn't make sense for this city to try to collect fees and then have us go out of business. also, there's the issue of zoning and conditional use and things like that. they just take forever. you know, it can take seven to nine months for getting a conditional use. it's insane, and the amount of money it costs. and so i feel like we've got to do something about it, and what a body that can help us with that is you guys out here. i would like you to say hey, folks, let's sit down. what can we make sure that small businesses not only exist, but be successful and grow. thank you. >> president adams: thank you. next speaker, please. [applause] >> hello, commissioners. jay chang with the san francisco chamber of commerce.
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we represent over 1,000 businesses, large and small. we're here to stand with all the small businesses here today in thanking this commission for your strong advocacy and your sharp questions. you know, this commission, like all commissions, is a public forum, and the purpose of the public forum is robust discourse. and when that discourse is robust,
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when i started three years ago, and i have eight now. i have eight gyms and yoga studios thanks to the planning process that has taken up space on ground floor retail, replacing clients -- potential clients with people that are in a hurry and late for their yoga instruction and too sweaty, oh, i can't go home now, i've got to take a shower. at the end of their work out. they don't help the neighborhood fabric. they don't help my business at ca cafe flor. we need to relook at these neighborhood processes, but we need you people to say up or down when these ideas first come forward because the ones that are currently saying that i don't believe they've ever run a small business, and that
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would allow this to run unchecked. thank you. >> president adams: thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is duncan lei, and i am a small business owner. i'm here to let you know that i support you, also. the number of people that is in support of facebook and e-mails and texts is far greater than the people that are here and want you to know that. and i also want to say that -- to say thank you to regina who's probably been the most steadfast supporter, staunch advocate in city hall that i know for the last decade, so thank you, and we appreciate what you guys are doing. >> president adams: thank you very much. [applause] >> president adams: anymore
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speakers? okay. public comment is closed, and i just want to thank everyone for their kind and awesome words. i think that means a lot to not only myself but all of my fellow commissioners. commissioner laguana? >> yeah. i wanted to say thank you for coming out. we respect working with the board of supervisors. we respect our leaders. we are here to -- purely as an advisory role. we don't have any teeth, as one of the speakers mentioned, so all we can do is ask questions with an effort to try and make the legislation better for all of us. everybody on this commission is a volunteer. we aren't paid a dime to come here, we aren't paid any money to try to evaluate the paperwork and make sense out of it. we're all small business
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owners. we're all in crisis, we're all struggling. i don't know if i'm going to make payroll this friday. i came here because you guys are here. so i just want to say thank you, it means a lot to us, and we will keep trying to push forward and make this better for all of us, all citizens of the city. let's just come together and make it better for all of us. we can do that. [applause] >> president adams: okay. next item, please. >> clerk: item three, approval of small business registry applications and resolutions. action and discussion. the presenter is richard kurylo, legacy program director of the of the small business
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registry. >> before you today are five applications for your consideration of the legacy business registry. the applications are reviewed to me for completion, submitted to commission on october 9, and heard by the historic commission on november 6. item 3-a is academy of ballet. the business is a ballet school located at 2121 market street in the castro neighborhood. it was founded in 1923 by edward sassoon. the business offers training
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for chimp, adult, students preparing for a professional career and other benefits. when janet sasoon retired, she returned to san francisco and managed the business until 2009 when she sold the business to its current owners. item 3-b is li po lounge. the business is a bar established in chinatown in february 1937. it was named after li po. it is a small and unpretentious business. it is mentioned in numerous
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guide books as a place to visit when visiting san francisco. item 3-c is lyra business. m and h type, established in 1915, which is now one of the oldest and largest continuously operating type foundries in america. located in the presidio, lyra corporation is owned by and works in conjunction with the
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nonprofit grab horn institute, established in 2000, which supports the only paid apprenticeship program in book binding in the country and houses one of the largest collections of type faces and associated ornamental cuts that reaches back in the 1800's. item 3-d is rebuilding together san francisco. the business is a nonprofit organization established in 1989 to promote safe and healthy housing and community spaces by providing home repair and renovation opportunities for homeowners and community spaces. the organization was established as christmas in pr april foundation.
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until 2001, the organization's work consisted of one major annual event called christmas in april. hundreds of volunteers were assigned to ten to 20 homes and community spaces in san francisco. in february 2002, the name was rechanged to building together san francisco to reflect the nonprofit being secular in nature with their annual event still being named christmas in april. item 3-e is zazie restaurant. the business is a bistro established in 1992 and named
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after a film. it quickly became a popular locals favorite restaurant. jennifer bennett joined as general manager in april 2000, then purchased zazie in 2005. jennifer took over ownership with a unique mindset determined to make the staff part of zazie. she established a 401-k with 4% employer funded match, and paid parental and sick leave. zazie is not yet 30 years old but faces a significant risk of displacement because of a double of their lease the last lease
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