tv Government Access Programming SFGTV November 14, 2019 9:00am-10:01am PST
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oak. that was led by assistant chief rex hale that is here today. although it was a first alarm, it was very impressive. we had a lot of fire blowing out the top two floors of the structure, and the fire actually started -- we believe it started in the front doorway. the initial fire tag team went up the front steps, extinguishing fire all the way up. hit the top floor, perfect coordination with pulling ceilings and the company opening and ventilating and pushing the fire from the inside out. i just wanted to say kudos to those companies. they did a fantastic job. along with that, we had two bay rescues, with one meritorious that's been submitted. two surf rescues. we had a high angle rescue on the golden gate bridge, and we
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have another meritorious that's been submitted, and a cliff rescue. i'm going to mention lieutenant baxter, cliff baxter. he manages to be two or three places at the same time, but i really want to give kudos to lieutenant chief baxter. they're going to the police department academy, talking to the protectionabationary acade talking to them about what we need, doing it in a very professional way, explaining what we need in terms of parking, not blocking hydrants, and we're really building a strong relationship with the police department right now, that i really am proud of them for, and that's also with the help of captain hart from the sfpd.
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we also did 66 outreach in the month of october. that brings us to e.m.s., our e.m.s. from assistant chief sandra tong. you got a very extensive report from e.m.s. 6. thank you dr. pang and yates and chief sloane. that was wonderful. i'll take us all the way because i'm going to respect our time today, but on page 18, we have the narcan administration. we added a new graph for you up on top, and that's the multiple doses graph. but starting on the bottom graph, you can see we had an 11% increase in the month of october from september. 64 of those -- 64% of those were from the nonidentifiable home address. i've got to work on another name for that because it's so hard to say.
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homeless. thank you. and if you look it the report above, you can see above six doses, from one to six doses. so of the 155 narcan doses, we had 13 with three doses, and so on, so you can see we added more doses, and that will have to do with, more than likely, the amount that they took or the strain of fentanyl that's out there right now, so we're working on that and trying to get as much information as possible. so thank you, chief tong, for your report on that. that moves us to the bureau of fire prevention investigation update from fire marshal dicosio. on page 21, total permit
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inspections completed in october was a whopping 639, and the port, 113. another point i'd like to make is at the bottom of page 22, r-1, r-2 inspections. they're buildings below 75 feet, and buildings with more than two dwelling units. most of those inspections are done at the company level, so engines and trucks do them. the corridor between engines 4 and 3, and engine 36 are some of our busiest companies, so those companies that are going on calls during the day have to try to knock out five inspections during the day. it's very labor intensive, so fire marshal dicosio has knocked out a great program to
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try to takeoff the load of some of the inspectors in that area. so in october, you can see they did 72 inspections to help take the load off suppression, and that's been a fantastic program. also, the batallion chief monthly meetings have still been beneficial, so thank you, marshal dicosio. the community outreach, they had 15 community presentations, and they reached out approximately to 10,720 civilians. the training classes, we had a chance to visit with 4710, which is our arson unit. proved very beneficial. got a lot of feedback.
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a lot of people are interested in training in inspection and prevention. they did 16 internal training classes. they've developed five new classes, and we are going to start to develop a class now for our disaster preparedness where we take our inspectors, and we can send them out in a large disaster, and the best way for them to help on the disaster side, especially when we have a lot of shelter in place people, we sttell them t stay in their buildings, we're going to tag them and train them for the disaster preparedness. i'll bring us to the airport division, page 35. thanks to deputy assistant chief kaya lee for the division update. you saw a lot of the pictures that was actually in october,
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the weapons of mass destruction annual full scale exercise. that was very successful. it was a collaboration of 30 different agencies, and i got a chabs r chance to chance to go out and witness it. the live burn training, they are attending active shooter sessions. we will send you invitations on the 21st, we are planning on having an active shooter training at moscone center, and we'll let you know when that is. they had a total of 513 dispatches with 244 of those from bike medics. that continues to be a great program. homeland security, you see the many meetings, exercises, and
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event action plans that assistant deputy chief michael cochran has attended. we have our new mobile command is back in the city. it's stationed at station 38. it's just going through some final updates at this time right now, and we'll be doing some training with that. i have some photographs of the big event and all the hard work that went from homeland security into our fleet week. i got to knock a couple things off my bucket list. i was involved in the responder fly out, which i got to fly in a helo and land on the u. u.s. somerset. it was dedicated to flight 93, made out of the steel of 9-11.
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very patriotic ship. you probably remember the term let's roll from the last passenger that says we're going to take and storm the cockpit, so it's a big huge 93 and a big "let's roll" on the side. it was a phenomenal day, and go to go to pier 32. we had our debris removal plan disaster plan, and that was a success, again, working with the military and then talking about how we're going to have the debris removed from the streets when we have our big disaster so we can get our fire engines and trucks through.
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our fire island use exercise, we got to use a lot of the military with our l.r.v., light rescue vehicles, and we worked on collapse, using pry bars and cribbing and anything that you can find. that was great training, and i want to thank the squads and station 5 and station 7 for assisting as assistant deputy chief division of training, joel sato. this was the first year, batallion chief crispin. he was our air commander, and he did a phenomenal job. i was to commend him. he did a wonderful job, so thank you, dean. our maritime operations, just some of the things that -- else we had.
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escorted the parade of ships, emergency diver stand by, water rescue, event perimeter, and sea burn monitoring. we also had a chance to do 25 soldiers do a ride along with our e.m.s., and that proved successful, and everybody really enjoyed that. also, the drone update for the questions, so we sent out a general order on november 1 for our unmanned aircraft system. we're calling it the u.a.s. program. the 8 eigth was the deadline t sign up. we're working on this internally, and we want to get everybody certified and get licenses, and the program that we're working on is an f.a.a. certification pretest school.
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it's two days of class, 16 hours plus homework. after that, a member will take a test in the palo alto-hayward airport. we will be practicing with night flights also. chief cochran is working on the k9 extension. we have three more members that are going to be interviewed to see if we can get them passed up with the k9s. also, just during the meeting, i want to -- a brief little announcement. there was a line of duty death in worcester, massachusetts, line of duty in the fire department. right before he rescued someone in his crew, he passed away. he was a 19-year veteran, so i'd like to dedicate this report to him.
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after saving the life of one of his crew members, he was supposed to go to disneyland with his family today, so i'd like to send our condolences from our fire department family to worcester fire department. i got a chance to go to the six firemen that died at the cold house some years ago, and they love their fire department. the parade that they gave for them, i've never seen so many grown men cry. it was very sad, but they, like i said, love their fire department, so heart goes out to them. any questions? >> president nakajo: thank you very much, chief wyrsch. at this time, i'll ask for public comment. seeing none from the public, public comment is closed. at this point, moving forward for the rest of the comment and
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questions, vice president covington will chair the meeting. i apologize to the fellow commissioners and the chief of department's command force, but i need to leave, so i beg your indulgence as i leave. vice president covington, thank you. >> commissioner covington: thank you, mr. president. commissioners, chief wyrsch has concluded his report. are there any comments? >> commissioner cleaveland: i have the ability -- >> commissioner covington: oh, i see. >> commissioner cleaveland: my monitor is not working. >> commissioner covington: commissioner cleaveland? >> commissioner cleaveland: thank you, madam president. thank you, chief wyrsch, and absolutely, we extend -- on behalf of the commission, we would extend our condolences to
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the worcester, mass, fire department for their loss. i wonder if you can give me an update on the k9 support program. >> the k9 support program, we would like to add two handlers. we have a total of three that have applied. we have to do an interview process. we have the actual handlers that will give us the dogs, we're going to put them on our interview board. >> i can tell you. steve nicholson. it's the national search dog disaster foundation, they'll make the final determination. acting captain thomas, captain
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miller, they do hurricanes, and they're available locally. they're looking for more dogs, so they've had informational meetings, told them how difficult it is to take care of a dog, ran through the program, and now we're at final stages for interviews. >> commissioner cleaveland: so you have the ability to have two dogs or you have two dogs currently. it's expensive, $6,000 per dog in terms of buying a dog that's been trained. >> so the national search disaster foundation provides the dog. >> commissioner cleaveland: with retalking about rescue dogs here? are we talking about --
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[inaudible] >> i use the word support because we're supporting this program, so sorry if -- for the confusion. but right now, we have two. if we can pass up all three, we might be lending one of those handlers to oakland. oakland is in need of one of those handlers, so that's a possibility. >> we're talking about support dogs for mental health, for ptsd. what's the status of that? >> i can speak to that. so our new health and safety chi chief, tasha parks is working on that. she has a lot on her plate, but she's working on that, so more to follow. >> commissioner cleaveland: thank you, chief. >> mm-hmm. >> commissioner cleaveland: okay.
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that's all my questions. thank you. >> commissioner covington: thank you, commissioner cleaveland. commissioner veronese? >> commissioner veronese: thank you for your report. you did mention that there's an 1 11% increase over the past month, but in the last year, it's almost a 300% increase. i know that i mentioned this before, but now that we have this information, what are we doing with it? did we notify the department of health so that they know what's going on? i just want to make sure we're making the best use of this information. so i just want to make sure that that's happening.
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and then, if you could -- and i saw this morning, there was a -- a press release by the mayor's office, that they've reached an agreement with the board of supervisors on the comprehensive mental health agreement, and i'm just curious for a future meeting as to what the fire department's participation in that would be? >> i can speak to that, yeah. do you want it right now. >> commissioner veronese: if you don't have it -- skb >> i can't remembe >> yeah. in the mayor's meeting, we had the doctor speak, and i spoke with the doctor afterwards, and i said he was going to get -- and he said he was going to get back in touch with chief pang in terms of what e.m.s. 6 is doing around the behavioral health stuff, and we're on board. >> commissioner veronese: yes. >> and in terms of the statistics or the data that
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we're collecting, we are absolutely using that data with d.p.h. and in conversation with the mayor's budget office. >> commissioner veronese: thank you, chief, for that. and in connection with the wild fires going on -- i think we had a crew up there for a couple of weeks -- or how long was that deployment? >> seven to ten days. it was different for both. we had a couple of cruise for -- seven to nine -- crews for -- seven to nine days, depending on which line you were working for. >> commissioner veronese: maybe if we could get some more information on when the last time we looked at those length of deployments and whether or not they're appropriate in length. i mean, i'm sure you're constantly looking at this stuff, right? but it seems to me that these fires are different that they were before. they're certainly more intense and they're lasting longer, and
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i'm interested in the length and adapting to that, if we are looking at that. offline would be fine. >> thank you. >> commissioner covington: thank you, commissioner veronese. commissioner hardeman? >> commissioner hardeman: thank you, madam president covington. yeah, your report -- you just don't want us to ask any questions. you're getting so good, so detailed. the one that's interesting is narcan, the significant amount of needles that are found on the street. that's one benefit to fentanyl use, but it's also the worst drug, supposedly, so that's not good news of the -- good news.
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>> commissioner hardeman: -- he was like the guy that probably new more than them, any way, and everybody -- they would probably admit it if you asked him. but he just passed unexpectedly, boom. what a nice man and what a great person for the city and always level with you, gave you the straight scoop, and if
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you're a little confused on something, push it right to the edge, he'd always give you the best advice. so maybe we could remember buck also in this. >> absolutely. >> commissioner covington: all right. thank you, commissioner hardeman. thank you for your report, chief. i -- just in the interest of time, i think we need to move onto the next item. thank you again. it was very comprehensive. i appreciate it. >> thank you so much. >> commissioner covington: okay. madam secretary, can you please call the next item? cle>> clerk: item 7, fire commission meeting 2020. discussion and possible adoption on the 2020 fire commission meeting calendar. >> commissioner covington: okay. is there any public comment on this item? if not, public comment is closed. my fellow commissioners, it is tradition that we propose a
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date for next year's calendar. >> commissioner cleaveland: madam president, i move to adopt. >> commissioner covington: okay. the calendar hasn't been proposed. >> commissioner cleaveland: it's in our packet. just basically sticking to the same schedule that we had this year. >> commissioner covington: oh, well, we are consistent, so that's a good thing. all right. so there's a motion on a floor, there's a second. all in favor, say aye. any opposed? okay. this item passes unanimously. next item, please. >> clerk: item number 8, commission report. report on commission activities since last meeting on october 23, 2019. >> commissioner covington: okay. thank you. any public comment on item 8? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, what have you been up to? >> commissioner hardeman: yes, madam president covington, i was fortunate to go to the --
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to visit the museum western -- not western. it's in west sacramento, but it's the regional fire museum, which is a conglomerate of approximately 12 areas around sacramento, and i happened to be in sacramento saturday, which is when my grandson had a soccer game, a four-year-old at 9:00 a.m., so i was able to not take the bus with the big group that came up. any way, it was extremely well done. dave everly and the other powerful persons from the police department and fire department, e.m.s. were there. i think it was 18 or 20 of us, and it was eye opener, not only looking at their museum, which was very good, and the layout and the open space they had,
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but the plan that the guardians are coming up with, i'm very supportive of. and it's interesting. looking forward to the commission's support. you know what? i told them, i'm going to support you, whatever -- i don't want to write anything. you don't have to -- i'm going to approve what you want to do. you're an independent group of people volunteering, and you want to do -- oversee the first responders. it's not -- there's -- not necessarily talking about a physical place, hard museum in their ingredient. they're going to explain that to you. it's not my place. i told them i wouldn't explain it, but i think they have a great plan. i enjoyed the day, and i think it's very well done. i think those folks, captain jim lee and others that were involved were really terrific.
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people gave up a saturday -- very important people gave up a saturday, and i just want to thank them. it's terrific, and i hope the guardians can come to us with a plan that we'll all support them, and the other departments will have the same result. thank you. >> commissioner covington: thank you, commissioner hardeman. commissioner cleaveland, commissioner veronese? okay. well, thank you very much. i think we can call the next item. >> clerk: item number 9, agenda for next and future fire commission meetings. agenda for next and future fire commission meetings. >> commissioner covington: thank you, madam secretary. are there any members of the public who would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. madam secretary, what are the possibilities? do you have a list of items that have been discussed or
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brought up previously but have not yet appeared on the agenda? >> clerk: i do not. >> commissioner covington: you do not have. fellow commissioners, would you like to propose items? if you don't at this time, please feel free to e-mail me or president nakajo. all right. okay. great. i would like to propose more information on the drone program, the preparations. i understand from chief wyrsch's comments earlier that people have been selected for the training, so i think it would be nice to get some more details about that. all right. well, seeing no other comments,
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next item, please. >> clerk: item number 10, public comment on item 11. public comment on all matters pertaining to items 11-b below, including public comment on whether to hold item 11-b in closed session. >> commissioner covington: would anyone from the public like to comment on this item? okay. public comment is closed. commissioners? >> commissioner cleaveland: okay. i move we go into closed session. >> commissioner veronese: second. >> commissioner covington: okay. moving to go into closed session by commissioner cleaveland, seconded by commissioner veronese, so we will now go into
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today we are going to talk about fire safety. we are here at the urban center on mission street in san francisco. it's a wonderful display. a little house in the urban center exhibition center that shows what it's like in a home in san francisco after an earthquake. one of the major issues that we are going to face after earthquakes are fire hazard. we are happy to have
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the fire marshall join us today. >> thank you. my pleasure. >> we talk about the san francisco earthquake that was a fire that mostly devastated the city. how do we avoid that kind of problem. how can we reduce fire hazard? >> the construction was a lot different. we don't expect what we had then. we want to make sure with the gas heaters that the gas is shut off. >> if you shut it off you are going to have no hot water or heat. be careful not to shut it off unless you smell gas. >> absolutely because once you do shut it off you should have the utility company come in and turn it back on. here is a mock up of a gas hear
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the on a house. where would we find the gas meter? >> it should be in your garage. everyone should be familiar with where the gas meter is. >> one of the tools is a wrench, a crescent wrench. >> yes. the crescent wrench is good and this is a perfect example of how to have it so you can loosen it up and use it when you need it. >> okay. let's go inside to talk about fire safety. many of the issues here relate to fire, for example, we have a little smoke detector and i see you brought one here, a carbon monoxide smoke detector. >> this is a combination of
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smoke and carbon monoxide detector. they are required in single homes now and in apartment buildings. if gas appliance is not burning properly this will alert you before the fumes buildup and will affect you negatively. >> this is a battery powered? >> this is a battery powered and it has a 10 year battery life. a lot of times you may have one or the other. if you put in just a carbon monoxide detector, it's important to have one of these too. every house should have a fire extinguisher, yes. >> one thing people expect to do when the power goes out after an earthquake about using
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candles. what would you recommend? >> if you have a battery operated candle would be better to use. this kind of a candle, you wouldn't want it in an area where it can cause a fire or aftershock that it doesn't rollover. you definitely want to have this in a non-combustible surface. >> now, here we have our stove. after a significant earthquake we expect that we may have gas disrupted and so without gas in your home, how are you going to cook? >> well, i wouldn't recommend cooking inside of the house. you have to go outside and use a portable stove or something else.
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>> so it wouldn't be safe to use your fireplace to cook? >> not at first. you should check it by a professional first. >> outside should be a safe place to cook as long as you stay away from buildings and doors and windows. >> yes. that will be fine. >> here we have some alternative cooking areas. >> you can barbecue and if you have a regular propane bark could barbecue. >> thank you for joining us. and thanks for this terrific space that you have in this exhibition space and thanks for helping san francisco stay
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safe. . >> good afternoon, everyone, and thank you so much for joining for the grand opening of our public lobby. it has been a long process. we're so honored to have you all here today. first, before we get into our short speaking program, i first want to acknowledge a few parties that have worked really hard to make this all possible. i'd first like to thank our budget analyst and project management team that have worked really hard to make this run smoothly. thank you very much for that. [ applause ]. >> they've also worked very closely hand in hand with the mayor's budget office. i'd like to thank kelly
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kirkpatrick for coming here today. thank you. [ applause ]. >> next i would like to thank our public facing team who provides excellent public service. our public service team and our recorder division. thank you very much. [ applause ]. >> they provided excellent customer service even throughout a lot of -- yay. they provided a lot of excellent service even throughout a lot of construction. thank you for keeping the office running. we also are joined by some neighborhood friends. so thank you to them for coming. we have some people from the women's building here. yay, thank you. [ applause ]. >> and we also have people from the dog patch northwestern petril hill green benefits district. it's a little bit of a mouthful.
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thank you for coming. of course thank you to our neighborhood historians who have joined and helped us go through a lot of historic photos that we have and we have been able to create a little wall. thank you for that. we have the western neighborhoods project, s.f. heritage, glen park history project and sunny side history project. thank you. [ applause ]. >> so now i would like to introduce our beloved assessor carmen chu who is newly back from maternity leave and later we will be hearing from our director of public works and also our city librarian. thank you. [ applause ]. >> i have to say that it's rare that i ever hear the word "beloved" and "assessor" in the same sentence, but here we are. i want to thank isabella from my
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team. they've done quite a lot of work to help and partner with our public-facing folks in order to make sure that our lobby is well thought out and we have a great plan to help improve service. thank you to isabella and vivian. [ applause ]. >> so when i first started as assessor years ago, i think when i first came in, i think i walked into this office and probably like a lot of taxpayers i came in through different doors at different points in time and at the time it was confusing. how do you get into the office and where do you go for service. and if i couldn't speak the language, which luckily i could, where do you go for help and who could assist? it was with that eye that we started to take a look at our front lobby area to see how is it that we are able to improve customer service and access and be cognizant of the different people coming to our city every
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single day, whether you are an immigrant who can't speak the language well like my own parents or someone with a disability who needs assistance or people who don't know how to find documents in our system. how is it that we as a public service and government serve our public in the best way possible. we started on this process to say, well, the first thing they do is come into our office and try to figure out way-finding signs and the way forward. we need to make sure that when people come into our office they feel welcomed and they feel that we have an abundant amount of services available here. with that, we really started to say let's do a few things. i think today when we're doing our big unveiling along with the blue angels out there cheering us on that we're showing our good faith. a few things that we want to point out to you here, and this is something we couldn't have done without the partnership of
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our dpw is that we've done a few things to reconfigure our lobby area to improve public access. we've transformed the physical space. we have a wonderful and lovely seating area for people to come here and wait comfortably, to be able to get their documentation and information. we actually have implemented a kiosk system so when people first come into our office they can directly find and get tickets, that they're served in an expeditious way. we have implemented a lobby navigator, someone who is greeting people when they come in to make sure they're in the right place to make sure they're not wasting valuable times waiting in the wrong lines. that does happen at city hall. we want to make sure we're preventing that. if you look around our office, you will see many of our kiosks and information are in multiple languages. we're cognizant of the fact that san francisco is a universal city with universal languages that we want to access and share
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with people. this is also something that is part of our lobby system. of course we're doing a lot more to make sure that it's a welcoming environment here. so we hope that some of these improvements are really going to show that government is open to everyone, it's accessible, transparent, and we welcome you here. we're here to serve you. with that, i want to say thank you. we hope you're going to take a look at around. we have more spaces for people to be served. we know this is going to be a public improvement for the public as a whole. we couldn't do this without the partnership of wonderful people. i know some of our folks behind the scenes that were helping. i want to thank the mayor's office for helping us fund this, but of course i want to say if we bring in the money, help us serve the public better. thank you for all of your assistance and your partnership. no further ado to bring someone forward who i've known for quite a long time, who most of the
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time is doing work outside on the streets, picking up litter or cleaning up graffiti, but one of the lesser known things he does is help our buildings function better and stay in a state of good repair. with that i want to introduce mohamed nuru and thank him and his team for the fantastic work helping us make these improvements in a historic building. thank you, mohamed. >> thank you, carmen. yes, kelly and carmen bring in the money. i get to spend the money. [ laughter ]. >> i think a few years ago when carmen brought up the idea of doing the project, we were very excited. it had a lot of different work that needed to be done. it is a historic building. so trying to match things and to really make a place that really works with all the things we heard from carmen was something that we were excited about.
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what's great about this project is it involved many parts of our building of bureau repair, carpenters, glazers, locksmith, laborers were all involved -- well in fact, every shop in public works was involved in one way or another in making this happen. it's a very unique project because we have a lot of staff that actually custom-built many of the shelves over here, matching the doors, all the things that we had to work with. all of those were built at public works at our shop. it was really an exciting project for the team. i think we delivered. i think you're very happy about that. just so you know, we do a lot of these type of services for all over the city departments. city hall was very special, trying to match the wood, the different glass and just making the rails, building all the
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cabinets, painting and sprucing it up. you know, the paint was actually peeling in some cases. so doing all the scraping and going through all the processes making the space happen. i'm excited and our teams are excited. we'll continue to serve you or any of the city departments that want us to do work for them. we actually do many of the jobs in many of the city offices. thank you very much. we'll enjoy it. thank you. [ applause ]. >> mohamed's nickname is mr. clean. now that extends to cleaning up our city buildings as well. thank you, mohamed. when we talked about the services here, again, city hall is very special and unique to all of us because of its historic nature, but also because it is an essential place people go when they want to access government and the people
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who represent them. it's important to make sure that these doors are open and accessible to everyone who comes in. i think there's no other patron group that feels that same way than our public libraries. we know that no matter which branch library it is that we go to across the city, we have an open door where people can find a safe space and learn and get educated and borrow materials and really explore. we have worked in great partnership with our city librarian michael lambert who is also working with us. you might seen behind me is a wall of 15 different curated historic photos. one of the things you may not know is in order for this to be accomplished, we had to clear out many of our old property files. we went through this intensive process to digitize over a million files.
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when we went through that process, we found many, many historic photos we thought was not only worth preserving but sharing and putting out to the public space. something that is important to our history, buildings that used to look a different way but are important of our fabric, it is important to share that with san franciscans to come, not to put the away in a box never to be seen. we worked with the library to make sure we cataloged and got those photos to them to be accessible. we're proud to announce we have over 92,000 photo images that are available at our san francisco public library in order for people to see our history and our shared buildings and resources. these photos here are just a small set of the photos that are now available in our public library. we couldn't have done that without our city librarian's staff and time.
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i want to invite michael up to say a few words. >> thank you. it is so wonderful to be here with my esteemed city colleagues and so many members of the public. this lobby is magnificent and sparkling. i want to congratulate assessor chu and all of her staff. what a remarkable job you've done with public works to transform this space. i admire the commitment to service excellence with all the tenant improvements and significance enhancements. what a warm, friendly atmosphere you've created here. i appreciated the office of the assessor-recorder, not only for providing the library the biggest book budget in the country, but also for the partnership we enjoy. earlier this year, assessor chu and her team transferred over 92,000 photographs to the public library. you see a sampling here on this
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wall. it really makes history come alive for all the visitors to this space. these photographs are priceless. they are an invaluable snapshot in time of san francisco and some places that don't exist anymore. these photographs are now accessible to any member of the public that wants to view them. they can come into the library to the san francisco history center and they can take a walk down memory lane and reminisce and relive some treasured memories of their past. it's so wonderful to have this partnership. i want to congratulate assessor chu and her team again. thank you so much for the partnership. [ applause ]. >> all right. so now i'd like to ask evelyn and amy from glen park and sunny side to come up and woody and nicole and david from western history project to come up as well.
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