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tv   Government Access Programming  SFGTV  November 19, 2019 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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cautiously optimistic that we are all going to work together to have a real and meaningful conversation about government reform at caltrain, and with that we are adjourned. don't go away. we are going to reconvene as treasure island mobility management agency board.
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>> all right. good morning. welcome to the board meeting of the treasure island mobility management agency board. alberto is our court. will you please call the role. [roll call]
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we have a quorum. >> thank you. we please call the next item. >> item number two, chair's report. >> i mentioned this, we have been getting our study of congestion management and pricing in downtown san francisco. we are starting our conversation with stakeholders. this thursday, the policy advisory committee for the study holds its first meeting and the meeting is open to the public and will take place between 6-8:30 p.m. at the offices located at 1455 market street on the 22nd floor. for more information you can visit the transportation authority website. i would like to thank staff who
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have visited treasure island at various times this year. to meet and do outreach to residents and stakeholders. they did a great presentation. as always, i encourage my colleagues to visit the island and get a feel for how it is being transformed. that is the end of my cherry part. is there any public comments on the report? seeing then. we please call the next item. >> item three, executive directors report. >> thank you.
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i just wanted to build upon earlier reference i made regarding caltrans and director visit to treasure island that was the transportation authority. i will read it again, it was an honor to be the new caltrans directors first stop in the. we met together with commissioner linda richardson as well as district 4 staff to provide an overview of all of the different sustainability features of the new development and all of the work that is happening on the island with transportation choices. we have been partnering successfully with caltrans and our contractors to deliver them
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on time and on budget. i am very grateful for their partnership. to eric córdoba as well. in addition we talked about things like trying to launch a clean ferry service. we are super excited. we know the residents are keen to see the transit improvements up front in program. the water emergency transfer to a ration of authority leader who operates the ferry system they have agreed to apply for sb-1 and funds of the summer, excuse me this winter and we hope to hear back by summer if that is successful. we will keep you posted. that would be a compliment to the ac transit buses as well as the on island and shuttles that we are also planning to develop over the coming years. we want to thank eric young, our communications director and rachel hiatt for all of the work they have been doing in terms of
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the outreach they mentioned over the summer. we did a lot of one-on-one interviews with residential and commercial tenant stakeholders. we appreciated their kennett input and feedback. we feel like we have been able to incorporate them in our recommendations on the agenda today. which is the first of many steps we will be taking over the next few months to reach a final conclusion to our policy work around the telling program. thank you very much. >> any questions or comments on the executive directors report? is there any public comments on the report? >> good morning, directors,
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commissioners rather. my name is jeff klein i am a 20 year resident on treasure island. i had a couple of questions for the director. you mentioned $200 million of federal money is involved in the treasure island project. i am wondering, i know environmental justice report was done for the ramps project. i am wondering if you have done a study or assessment for the treasure island congestion pricing and told? i have a copy of the u.s. d.o.t. environmental review checklist. this was under the fast act, 2016. $60 million a year, in particular the technology
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deployment, the new congestion management technology deployment and san francisco managed to get a nice chunk of that, almost. on this checklist, it's a short checklist, number five is social and economic impacts, uniform assistance. uniform relocation act. will the proposed project potentially result in the displacement of persons or businesses? yes or no? and, number six is the environmental justice executive order 12-898. will he project potentially result in a disproportionally high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority or low income populations. i am wondering if you have done your due diligence on the treasure island environmental justice. thank you. >> anyone else here for public
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comment? public comment is closed. >> mr. klein. we are ? >> reporter: -- aware of the requirements under the and have done so in prior stages for the capital side on the mobility management program that work remains to be done. it is part of the national environmental protection agency requirements and review. we will be doing that once we have a better sense of what the policy configuration would be so we can complete our analysis. thank you. >> we please read the consent agenda? >> items never-7, comprise of the adjacent -- consent agenda. these items are considered routine. staff is not planning to present on these items. if a member objects, and the of the consent items can be removed and considered separately. >> any questions or comments on the consent agenda?
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any public comment? public comment is closed. can i have a motion on a second? in motion by commissioner ronen, seconded by commissioner viewer. do we need a. [roll call] we have final approval. >> please call the next item. >> item seven, approve a total exemption for this is an action item. >> i believe we have a presentation?
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no, we are not. did you want to say anything about the recommendation? summarize it. okay. >> good morning. rachel hiatt assistant deputy for planning. based on the outreach that we heard throughout last fall, throughout this year, we prioritized looking at provisions to support current residence and we looked at several options including exempting current residence from the toll. based on the demand forecast and the financial analysis that we did. we have identified what it would take, only a modest effect on travel demand patterns and the additional revenue needed to provide this exemption. it would depend on what the eventual toll level is but it would range from about 8.6 up to
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24-point 4 million over the course of the buildout over a 15-20 year timeframe. based on that finding, we do recommend a policy to exempt to current residence from the toll. we would need to identify specific implementation tools and definitions as part of the toll system business rules which will be brought back to the timma board in the spring. we will also bring back a complete funding recommendation along with the rest of the toll policies in the next six months through a course of several policy actions that would address the remaining policy issues that are undecided. we know we need to identify recommendations to support workers and to support future
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low income households on the island, and the rest of the toll policies themselves. hours of operation rate. we will bring all of these things back to you. the action before you today is the policy to exempt the current residence. that includes revisiting of this at the midpoint of development or 4,000 units. i'm happy to answer any questions. >> think you deputy director hiatt. i want to thank you for your extra ordinary work on this. you did give a very informative presentation with the subcommittee. thank you everybody that was involved with the extensive outreach to residents and for listening to them and what you forward. i think it is very important that current residence no that this is not something that is going to fall on them, particularly at a time when we are still building out adequate
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transportation infrastructure. most of the residents of treasure island are low and middle income. many rely on cars because we had, at this point that the is not adequate. we will have an opportunity at the midway point of the development to assess this policy and look at it at that., the services on the transportation infrastructure that is on the island. i would -underscore that we decided we were going to have a revisiting of this, not a sunset this is not automatically going to go away in terms of the exemption. there are decisions that need to be made with regards to businesses, future, low resident and comes on island. this is a very important step that we are taking. it does have some revenue consequences.
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the board of supervisors will need to look at how we are able to meet the demand and needs of transportation on the island and funded appropriately without relying on tolls initially on the current residence. i want to thank commissioners. >> far find walton who sit on the subcommittee for their strong support in coming up with this policy. i do see commissioner walton has questions or comments in then i will open it up for public comment. >> thank you. i was going to save thing you just said to make sure it was on record. i do want to say thank you to direct chang and the entire staff or listening to concerns. >> thank you, vice chair walton.
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with that. are there any other questions or comments from colleagues? let's open this up for public comment. >> jeff klein again, 20 year resident on treasure island. i think the board for hearing my comments. i want to thank supervisor haney and the staff are responding to residents concerns with this resolution and thanks to all who helped to move it forward. while this exemption for existing residents provides wealth and relief, does not address the potential disproportionate and adverse impacts of the toll project on present and future tenants. the logical solution is to return to the original 2,006 transportation plan where the developers propose that the toll would apply only to residents of
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the ti project. it was passed in the california legislature in 2,008 to allow for creation of a transportation agency with authority to implement and manage the congestion toll among other things. the intent of the author of 8981 that the toll would apply to residents of the ti project. not to existing residents through other drivers. similarly the treasure island project environmental impact report to the board of supervisors in tran11. specifying the visitors would not be charged, that is on page 45. sometime between tran11 and 2014 when timma was created the toll
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was radically expanded to apply to all drivers going to and from treasure island yet timma staff did not tell any of us residence until 2015 while most commercial tenants do not hear about the toll until late 2018. i urge the board to resolve what would be a huge problem for businesses by returning to the original plan to toll new residents of the project. thank you for your time and attention. >> thank you. >> good morning. my name is steve stallone. i am from treasure island wines and the treasure island organizing committee. there was talk about it not just being decided at the midway.of
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4,000 units being built, but also in that consideration we would be looking at where we were, as far as the alternative transit being part of what was going on on the island. the idea being that we really need to have viable alternative transit systems before we start moving into having the tolls. i don't see that reflected here. i am wondering if that was decided to leave that out or what? >> anybody else for public comment? i will respond to that when we done done. >> hello. my name is carol harvey. i'm an investigative reporter. i've been reporting on treasure island for the last six years.
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treasure island, i understand you have an exemption for the residence. on an island that has one access point to toll businesses, or anyone on treasure island is unacceptable. these businesses, vendors, will not go to their businesses if they are having to pay tolls. the businesses have employees who cannot pay tolls. these businesses will not be able to get employees to work for them. the businesses should not have to pay tolls to have people work for them. this whole idea for businesses is simply unworkable, unsustainable, and it needs to be dropped completely in my humble opinion. treasure island as he have a supermarket. they need these businesses. they need them to stay there, and they need them to be continued there.
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i urge you not to toll businesses. because one of my research on this, i cannot see any reason why the developer whose idea it was to redevelop the island, can't pay for these tolls? the residents won't even be able to use the infrastructure they are going to build if the toll the residence. they won't be there by the time this new infrastructure is built. thank you very much for hearing me out on this. thank you. >> any other public comment? public comment is now closed. the question raised about what exactly we are proving in terms of action whether it explicitly includes that when there is revisiting that we will look at the public transportation
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infrastructure in the services? that is certainly my understanding of the language. i know some things still need to be figured out with the business rules on such. i just want to reiterate that was certainly our understanding and our expectation of what the languages that we will approve. director hyatt? >> yes, rachel hyatt. i want to confirm there are a number of points actually in the development project where we are required to evaluate, or will be required to evaluate the performance of the program. the first is set out in ab-981. that is no later than three years after the commencement of tolling. we are called to evaluate its performance overall including transit service levels. what we are achieving an report that to the california state
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legislature as well. i do agree and want to confirm the midpoint evaluation will include evaluation to transit service that is being provided. >> i want to reiterate in this action we are taking today we still need to have a conversation about businesses, employees. we aren't making a decision on those things today. i appreciate the comment about our continued need to focus on that and understand the realities and the challenges, the equity issues that our businesses face. that will be a conversation we are going to have to have here in terms of a decision that is made. with that. can i have a motion on a second to approve item seven? motion by commissioner walton, seconded by commissioner brown.
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can we take that same house same call? all right. will you please call the next item. >> item eight, introduction of new items. this is an information item. >> any new items? seeing then. is there any public comment on this? public comment is closed. will you please call the next item? >> item nine, general public comment. >> general public comment? >> good morning again. on november 8, 2018 i sent a letter to supervisor kim on the subject of errors and omissions of the 2016 treasure island mobility management study for the third project and copied the supervisors and executive
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director. i pointed out that the study failed to mention that 53% poverty rate of treasure island residents and instead claims only one third of households although income. they use their wrong standard when they should have used hud housing a fort ability numbers based they used the federal poverty level. that's wrong standard. if you used it the right standard that would result in 80% of households being qualified as lower income. the city wrongly claimed that treasure island driver spend more on transportation than average san francisco drivers. claiming $9,000 versus $7,000 a year ignoring the fact that median san francisco households have more than twice as much income. the correct expense numbers are roughly $7,000 a year for treasure island households and $11,000 a year for san francisco households. these are numbers three years ago. this is a 2016 study. census data show that the
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population is with a 53% poverty rate. the study did not cover justice for low income and minority communities which requires federal agencies to consider environmental justice in all programs, policies and activities. director chang did answer that question that the environmental justice report will be done. i look forward to seeing it, and reading it when it is available. i hope that is soon. i would just like to correct the record on the flawed study from 2016 as the basis for going forward with this congestion program. we need to go back and correct the record on that study and get the numbers right. you completely misrepresented the characteristics of this community. thank you. >> thank you. any public comment? public comment is closed.
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we please call the next item? item ten adjournment. >> the meeting is adjourned. thank you. .
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>> good to have you here. welcome. i am the s.f.o. airport director. thank you all for being here. thank you. [ applause ]. >> thanks so much. you know, it's a pleasure to welcome everyone here today. this is such an important day and we're so excited to celebrate this unveiling and recognition and commemoration of our late mayor. we're so pleased to have the family here of ed. thank you, anita, to have you here, ed's wife. ed's daughters tania and rihanna, welcome to both of you, and natasha, the granddaughter, is also here, welcome.
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pansie for being here, thank you for being here. 94 years young and she traveled from seattle to be with us today along with other members of the family. i understand ed's brothers and sister are here, edmond and manny, welcome and thank you for being here. it is a real honor for me to be here as well as the airport director and to celebrate this wonderful commemoration of our late mayor ed lee and his life time and legacy. such an important place to have this commemoration. this is an appropriate dedication to our late mayor, as he was such a driving force in connecting our city to the rest of the world for business as well as cultural enrichment. he was so supportive and proud of our efforts to create such an
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amazing passenger experience and create the standard of a world-class airport. he would say he wanted everyone to feel like you were walking through a five-star hotel lobby when you travel through our airport. i think we achieved that vision. with a coalition of asian-pacific community organizations, the airport coalition wanted to honor the mayor and formed a special advisory naming committee. their job was to review the various proposals befitting of the honor that was proposed of our late mayor. i have to say it was a truly engaged and collaborative process. the committee came up with a unanimous recommendation to the airport commission, which also received unanimous approval for the airport commission which received permission from the departure hall in his honor.
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[ applause ]. >> you know, there was community involvement in this and we created a special advisory panel, including anita and members of the committee that were helping guide the implementation of the various elements of what this honoring of our late mayor would be, including the wood wall which we will get to see a little later on, including this mural behind me, which in the future will be replaced with a plaque, as well as a statue and a video about ed and how important he was to the city and county of san francisco. it will be this lasting commemoration in our airport of the extraordinary significance our late mayor ed lee had on the city and county of san francisco. with that, i thank you all for being here today. it is my pleasure to introduce the 45th mayor of san francisco, who served out the remaining term of mayor lee and who we all
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congratulate on her victory to a full four-year term as our mayor, welcome, mayor london breed. >> mayor breed: thank you, ivar. i'm really excited to be here today, especially with members of the lee family, members of our airport commission, and people that i served with on the board of supervisors when ed was our mayor, president of the board of superviseors, thank yo, supervisor yee, for being here. when mayor lee was mayor, we were like his kids. we really were. we would go into his office. we would ask for things all of the time. in most instances, he was almost always so supportive. he cared about this city.
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he cared about the people of this city. he cared about doing good things for san francisco. when i first sat down with him as supervisor and told him that public housing was my priority, of course we bonded over our shared experience of growing up in public housing. he said, yes, we will work to make the condition of residents and public housing better. i will tell you since i've been mayor, we've been going to a lot of those public housing developments where the promises of our city have been fulfilled and the conditions have changed significantly. it's because of his leadership and his work and his love and care for people. [ applause ]. >> mayor breed: his work for our public school system and our children, his work for public
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safety and for making sure that we are a city that focuses on making the right decisions, especially for future generations. you know, most mayors wouldn't say this, but since i've been mayor, i am really a beneficiary of all of his hard work. so when i go and i do those ribbon cuttings. when i go and we're saving buildings that mayor lee put in motion with funding and support, i know it's because of his hard work that we're able to make people's lives better. i only wish, i only wish that he was able to be here with us to see what an amazing job he did for the people of san francisco. [ applause ]].
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>> mayor breed: so many of his friends are here, people who worked and served with him, people who loved and supported him. again, i want to thank the lee family for just your continued support of san francisco, your continued involvement in the things that we do to improve the lives of people in san francisco. this is at least legacy. i along with other emerging, elected officials, we are part of his legacy. the work that we did together in san francisco has really transformed our city and put us on the right path to continue to improve san francisco so it is
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fitting, as we dedicate the international airport to mayor lee to just also remind ourselves of the work that he did, but as the first chinese-american mayor in san francisco's history, the man was like a rock star. he was like a rock star. [ applause ]. >> mayor breed: now, ed didn't need a lot of attention, but i didn't let him not get the attention he needed. i remember when we went to china, we went to beijing and shanghai, and so many people with their cameras and everything else and just -- i mean, you would have thought that it was beyonce and j.z. it was mayor lee getting love
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and to smile like it wasn't a big deal. i would tell him to soak it up and not get excited. that was his personality. he didn't need the attention or the fame. he was about the work. he was about the results. he was about the people. as we honor him here today, it is only fitting because he was an international figure, that when people come to this city, the first thing they see is mayor ed lee greeting them. when people leave this city, they can see the same thing. it's the impression that they get, and that is that he was an important figure for the city and county of san francisco, so much so that he is acknowledged in such a significant way. thank you all for being here. thank you all to a lot of the airport workers that are here, the family, the people from the
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african and chinese communities, people who have come from far and wide to honor someone who was really -- such an incredible figure and incredible inspiration, and has done a lot to set our city on the right path. so it is only fitting that we honor him in this way today at the san francisco international airport. his legacy will continue to live on through us. thank you. >> it is now my pleasure to introduce a former president of the board of supervisors. he worked with mayor lee on many issues. a warm welcome for california state assembly member, david chu. >> good morning, san francisco. this is a san francisco day.
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i was thinking of how to start my thoughts, and maybe i would start with the following which is i am going to be short because he was and i am. thank you all for being a part of the community of san francisco and so many of the community leaders who led to this day, to this wonderful naming dedication. of course we want to salute anita and your family for your family, your sacrifice, and your love. all of us have countless memories of the mayor, and i'm going to relay just a few quick ones. it was exactly ten years ago to the day that i was in this international terminal with then-supervisor chu and mar. the three of us were the first
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chinese supervisors to serve together. we were heading on a good-will trip to southern china. we were joined by members of the chinese chamber, some of who are here. what was historic about that event for me ten years later is that we were joined by one incredibly competent, selfless, humble, and smiling city administrator, ed lee. i remember on that trip, those of us who were elected officials, we were new to our roles. we observed him as he interacted with our diplomatic counterparts, as he brought good will from this city, as he fosters economic and social ties with other parts of the world. that is the ed lee that became mayor that we honor and respect today. a second memory involving this very airport. the first week the current
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occupant of the white house was inaugurated. he issued an executive order that said that airports were about to become the site of his new walls to keep out refugees. i'm going to quote something that mayor lee said because he was always so mild minored, but not on that day. as the son of chinese immigrants, i am disgusted by the president's executive order to target muslim communities, to ban immigrants from entering the united states. these actions are a direct betrayal of our american values. we were also proud of him on that day because for our former mayor, it is important for him to lead a city where love trumps hate, where civility trumps rudeness. mayor lee stood for everything
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that is good about compassion and tolerance for all of our diverse communities. [ applause ]. >> let me end with my final memory of mayor lee, as anita knows. you and your husband like to make fun of me for not having a kid. i regret that my son lucas will not get to know uncle ed lee. what i can tell you is because of this photograph, because of this naming decision, we will have millions of kids from around the world, from china, from asia, from africa, from latin american and europe who will come through these halls and say i'm the child of immigrants, but maybe some day i can run a city. i am the son of a cook and a
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se seamstress, but maybe some day i can run a city. mayor lee has given us hope in our future. that is why we are here today and that is why it is wonderful to be part of our san francisco community. thank you so much and god speed. >> and now my pleasure to welcome up a district 4 supervisor turned supervisor by mayor lee. please welcome carmen chu. >> hello, everybody. so happy to be here with all of you and to see this day come forward. so many people who are here
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today from all different parts of mayor ed lee's life, his family, the community who loved him, and of course the city's family who adored him and saw him as a mentor for many of us. i think the trip that we took was spoken about. when you travel with him, just like in relationships, they say it really reveals someone's true character. can you travel well together, were they fussy, were they hard to get along with, and so on. i have a memory of mayor ed lee on that trip. on that trip we were walking through these beautiful gardens where you can see the scenery around. i see our mayor who wasn't mayor at the time, who was a city administrator, and he was looking at the trash can. he was looking at the trash can to understand whether the design of the trash can was something
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that we should mimic and bring back here to san francisco. so i think revealing the character that was our mayor and i think the family knows this too for all the times he brought you out to do cleanups, our mayor cared about the details to run the city and run it well and he did so with every part of his life. he could have been doing something different, but he was looking at a trash can. the mayor that i knew and the one that all of us came to love came from humble beginnings, someone who has struggles in the family, who didn't have very much, where you saw your own family struggle with the language, and where somehow, some way, you became a lawyer who advocated for civil rights
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to make sure that injustices were not something that could be tolerated in our community, to be someone who cared about how we run our city for the benefit of the public, he became the mayor. one of my proudest moments as a daughter of immigrants was walking down the hall in the rotunda after selecting ed lee to be our mayor. that was probably one of the best votes i ever made as a supervisor. if there was one thing i could have left behind as a legacy would be that i selected and supported that san francisco had our first chinese mayor. [ applause ]. >> as we're gathered here today to watch this unveiling and to see all of this, i think it brings us hope and pride, david
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spoke about this earlier, all of the people who will come through the san francisco international airport, all of the people who will look up and say who was this person and how was this person relevant to san francisco, and say i'm walking through this place, an international city, a place that sets the world's trends and to know that this man not only moved san francisco forward, but that he is a man who enexpires so many generations to come. my parents cooked in restaurants and they're proud that we have a voice and we can stand up and fight for the injustices and see that when people are attacked in our community, we can stand up. it doesn't matter in you're chinese or latin american or another other background, i
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can't tell you how meaningful this is to have his remembrance at the international terminal. thank you. [ applause ]. >> next we have someone who worked with mayor lee on housing policy issues. now as our very own airport commissioner, malcolm young. [ applause ]. >> first of all, i need to apologize to assembly member chu. i think i laughed a little too loud at your short jokes -- mayor lee's short jokes. and then carmen nudged me as well. thank you for that. when the press asked me about why i was so adamant about seeing this terminal named after mayor lee, i gave a response that in a city that was home to
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the chinese exclusion act, it is fitting that this gateway be named of a chinese-american civil rights advocate, someone who devoted his entire career to breaking down barriers. in that context, i want to point out the naming of this terminal is incredibly ironic and important. if you ask me without the press around in a quieter moment why i was so adamant about this, i want to give a much simpler answer. ed becoming mayor made me proud to be an asian-american. in a city and state where asian-americans had a long and unrecognized role of building, ed lee becoming mayor was important and this is a point we continue to mirror as a community. i wasn't surprised when there was so much unity from our community when we first started
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organizing the committee and the campaign to bring this after mayor lee. the commissioner said the airport damn well name the terminal after ed, because i've never seen so many people who don't like each other in the same room pushing for the same thing. and maybe to put it in terms that our elected officials and advocates can understand better, this naming campaign got the president of the community residents association out staples it got the head of the realtors out for an entire year. i got asked the question, when is that ever going to happen
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again? thank you, ed. ed is not the only person that we need to thank, but we love that you're here and this is amazing. i want to talk a little bit about the effort that it took to get us here. this was a 13-month campaign and it was led from and came from the chinese american community. i want to say thank you to all of the supporters who came on board to push for this. i want to call out some individuals and groups in particular, and i know we will do that more later. there were some folks who stepped-up. first and foremost i want to acknowledge annie chung. annie was on the naming committee. annie was the moral compass of this effort, but also i want to thank you for stepping out early. your leadership in this community and this effort really i think lent the credibility that we