tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 5, 2019 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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public transportation because it guarantees revenue. people will be deter fro deterrm taking public transportation if it's not safe. there's more than one ugly incident occurring in public transportation. that's one thing. i'd like to make a radical proposal. that is, that the security system be expanded to include violators of vehicles on the sidewalk. they could work and random basis and they could be assigned to randomly. it may only take one person, but that would deter people from riding on the sidewalk because they could be cited. and basically, there has to be safety around public transit stations and also on the sidewalk. now the police have a different priority. m.t.a. right now has a different priority. i know the bicycle coalition will throw a hissy fit but at
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the same time, people have to be safe on the sidewalks. and i would like to see the security services expanded for this. otherwise, i completely agree with what is proposed. we really need a safe public transportation system. >> thank you. any additional public commenters on the security contract? >> no one has turned in a speaker card. ma'am -- seeing none, public comment is closed. directors, it's back to us. any additional comments? >> all in favor. aye. item passes. moving on to our final item. item 15, approving the fiscal year 2019-2030 short-range transit plan. >> steve poen will present this
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item. >> >> this is an alternate item. >> all right. good afternoon board members. happy holidays. i'm here to talk to you briefly about that the latest update to the agency short range transit plan. also known as the srtp. so, what is an srtp. my apologies if you already know this. it's a required document and every public transit agency in the bay area has to provide an update of its srtp to mtc every two years. as for content, srtp are
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summaries of plans, policies, programs, projects and they include important financial information. on their most basic level, they are funding and on policy and performance all under one cover. if done right, they can make clear the connection between major policies such as the transit first policy, the service equity strategy, vision zero and the way those policies are reflected in the action's actions. as such, it's helping to hold the agency com pot able and act as a resource. and by the way, i should just note while this is a short range transit plan, as we are a multi motellal agency rsrtp includes
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information on agency finances as well as brief summaries of non transit programs. i wanted to call to your attention a future notable changes this includes updated financial and today you are being asked to adopt the srtp. following that, we will satisfied our obligation and we'll turn our attention to the next cycle. we are actually pretty excited about this. as this was the first srtp produced by the transit division. i know it's odd. the srtp was produced by the planning group of insustainability streets but as i said, this is relatively minor
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for the last one and we're hoping however to introduce fairly major changes in the next one and information on some of the subjects you see here. one of which the public transportation agency safety plan update is coming to you soon and they are here to talk about that. >> good afternoon. members of the board. my name is mike and i'm one of the managers in the safety division and this is my colleague robin courtney. for the past three years, we've been we've been pass with the public transportation safety. this is a project that's been
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longstanding going back years and it's the largest and major change in safety regulations over the past 25 years. it falls under federal regulation title 49 go to fed regulations part 673. it documents our safety management system. or s.m.s. this replaces the document we've been using since 1996, which is our systems safety program plan and in this case, it adopted -- it was adopted only for rail but this new document applies to all our remotes, both our rail systems, our trolley bus systems and our diesel bus systems.
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unlike the previous system safety program plan, it must be approved by you, the board of directors and it will be signed by the director of transportation. and when we have the package done, it will be effective next july 20th for a system safety plan and the former regulation having said that, let me turn this over to robin and give you an update. >> i wanted to walk through the timeline for completing both the public transportation agency safety plan. as of november 1st, we did
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complete the draft ptas which is this document here. we have submitted copies to our city attorney and also the divisions from their reviews. michael and i have been having a series of one-on-one meetings with all of the subject matter experts to get their feedback and we expect all of the comments to be returned to us by december 10th. we will then accumulate those comments, incorporate them into an updated draft and have a completed second draft available december 31st. to have a draft of the puc and
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and we have and we have been communicating with them through the process about our ptasp. we'll give them time to review and get back to us. we will expect to have a copy to the board of directors by apri april 2020. it will be signed off by our director of transportation, both of which are requirements and they'll be some time after that is certified by july of 2020. there's no requirement to send this document to the fta although it's their regulation mandate it and we will submit it for the rail but we do not currently have an oversight agency for the bus to be sending it to. >> any questions?
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>> directors, any questions? >> thank you for your time. we're going to open to public comment. any members of the public would would like to comment on this item? >> mr. wiener. >> good afternoon, david pillpel, i happened to be down here for the memorial service and it's very nice. >> mr. wiener is nice. apologies. >> thank you. i was saying that i was here for the buck delvin memorial. it was a very nice service. i heard two things of interest. one, the updated srtp which has not had a chance to review by read document like 40 years ago and it's just been evolving since then. i think it's important to look at the facilities portion, not just the potrero rebuild but the other facility needs of the agency. particularly as it relates to
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the fleet needs in the future and ultimately it goes back to the service plan if ridership is flat, and in some cases decreasing, and other cases increasing, i really question whether the fleet needs to be expanded overtime and whether the facilities need to be increased or simply renovated or remodeled. it's a large question to think about. as relates to the safety piece that was just presented, i didn't see anything in the slide about public outreach whether the citizens advisory council is being consulted and what other public outreach is being done relative to safety. it's important clearly to review internally with staff but the public has great concerns about safety on vehicles at stations, et cetera, and that needs to be addressed just as an example, over the weekend, the lights were out at westportal station
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for three days straight. it took that long to get the electrical work addressed. those are the kind of day-to-day safety concerns the passengers experience and should be incorporated into this? i did hear the staff say at end just now, although the state puc overseas with regaroversees, tht oversees them on bus. it's the chp that does safety inspections on bus and perhaps that could be incorporated. >> it's safety and increasing our funding relate today our facilities facility in the tunnels so we just approved an item that will address that issue substantially and then again, generally safety will be brought up both in the transit working group and also in our workshop. >> any additional comments? >> all in favor.
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aye. the item moved and approved. director, next item. approving a contract approval delegation and requirements policy which delegates to the director of transportation the authority to approve and execute an expenditure and revenue contracts amendments and other agreements within certain limits. and since i am presenting, i'm going to go over to the podium. >> if it's on speaker card. >> directors, i will keep this brief. the mta board has approved about four different contract delegations approval policies in the last 20 or so years. what we are doing today is we are consolidating them no one document. the last time the board adopted revisions to contracting policy was nine years ago. contracting costs have increased since then.
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and staff has recognized the agency enters into a lot of different kinds of contracts. some are relatively low value that are not within the directors erup' current delegatd approved authority. today we want to do is ask for your approval for our consolidated delegation and requirement policy. the biggest change in this policy is that we are increasing the directs or of transportation approval contracts from $500,000 to a million dollars. again, in the past years, contracts have increased and taking the time to bring relatively small amount documents contracts to the board results in delays in approval and it can stop construction contracts, construction from
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moving forward. so, we are trying to re-assign the approval authority so the director can sign documents that will keep projects moving forward. also, the document also allows the director of transportation to redelegate to certain establishmented individuals and within the organization and all of this is under the scrutiny of the board, as you would continue as you have for the past 20 years, gotten a quarterly report on contracts. also, it is under the scrutiny of auditors and the controllers and a lot of checks and balances. right now, his delegation authority of $500,000 is under what other city departments have and so we're just looking to make an adjustment because we don't expect to bring a revision
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back to you for a number of years. so, we don't want this change to make them have to change their path at the last minute. so, we're con if dent that by having an effective date of january 15th, 2020, this will allow those contracts to complete their process. with that, i think i will pause for questions. >> directors. >> these all look reasonable to me. the person to whom we'll delegate these authorities will change in a couple of weeks.
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>> yes. >> and has he been consulted? >> yes, he has. and he supports the documents. the policy. >> any other additional questions from director? my only question is, you mentioned the 500k increase to a million, it's also a section on redelegation authority. which grants to several division officers authority to approval contracts and amendments up to 10 million. so i just wonder if you can speak to that update? >> up to 10 million. >> there's a whole list of not exceeding 10 million of different authority granted to different division managers. >> ok, do you know where that is? >> ok, good. >> ok. >> rob stone, city attorney worked on the drafting of this document and knows the
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contracting process of the mta inside and out. great, thank you. >> you set a high bar. rob stone, deputy city attorney. the 10 million-dollar element is for the purpose of general goods, things like uniforms, fuel, tires, things that are generally consumable and some non professional service contracts, they're not construction contracts, they're not engineering contracts, they're the general day-to-day purchases of the city. the current practice of the agency, although it's not been captured in a board policy, is to follow the city purchasers' requirements and that's what is memorialized in this policy and made formal that the director and the directors' delegates,
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which are the director of purchasing for the sfmta will have the same power as the city purchaser but are required to follow the city purchaser's regulations and procedures will are generally advertising competitive bidding using the city's contract forms. amended as is appropriate for a particular contract but basically following those general procedures. >> is there any language in there around -- just in terms of accountability purposes with consistency with the existing adopting budgets or anything like that? any language that con strains that authority? >> the city's contracting process would not allow a contract to be served by it if the funds were not already budgeted. i don't know how deeply you want to get into the weeds on that.
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>> mr. wiener. >> one of my concerns about this proposal is the concentration of power in the executive authority where there should be checks and balances. includes a boards of supervisors, it includes this board, it includes advocacy groups. and, i am unsure right now about this proposal. it seems harmless. it seems like conducting the routine day-to-day affairs but it could be expanded. it could be widened. it could be a loophole that you could drive a truck through. so, i would be very cautious in evaluating this proposal. i think that we've seen, right now, i see a centralization of
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power because this board routinely a proves everything that is proposed. i've never seen -- very rarely do i see a proposal denied by this board. basically this board has to be a watchdog with teeth. right now, it's a fury pet that cuddles up to the executive director. i feel that we should have checks and balances and that is why i question the proposal. thank you. >> thank you. i do want to say that we have a policy in governance committee that addresses or discusses a lot of these topics. traditionally that's why a lot of things aren't voted down because the board is not supportive, staff doesn't present it to us for us to vote it down. it doesn't mean that there are things that staff proposes that we support everything that staff does it means that staff doesn't waste our time entertaining items that we're not going to
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support. >> madam chair, in anticipation of a question so much of that, we did take a look back at the last 18 months, actually the last three years to see how many contracts that this change in delegation would apply and for the last 18 months, it was zero and for the prior 18 months it was two contracts. so, it does not have big effect. really the big issue here is the authority of the director of transportation to delegate a contract authority to his direct report so he doesn't -- the former direct are of transportation commented he adds no value but signing hundreds of poll license agreements for antennas so this is really to streamline the work that staff does. >> the fact that people can't spend unallocated money and the
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controller's office and so many other people are involved provides the necessary check and balances. so unless director have any further questions or comments -- i will entertain a motion. >> a motion to amend the -- >> to january 15th, 2020. >> i'll move the amendment. >> second. >> all in favor. aye. as we voted for the amendment and now the original motion. >> i'll move that. >> i'll second it. >> all in favor, aye. >> madam chair, that concludes the business before you today. >> wonderful. happy holidays and we'll see everyone -- i guess the workshop the first meeting. january 7th. we'll see you all january 7th. the meeting is adjourned.
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>> for joining us here today. we all know that our public transportation system in san francisco is important to our present and it is definitely critical to the future of our city. as our city grows, as our economy grows, as we build more housing, as more people work here, we know that we can't continue to grow in those areas without thinking about improvements to our public transportation system.
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as someone who grew up in this city, i relied on muni, the 31, the 22 philmore, the 44, you name it, i was on those buses. the 19, i know the routes by heart. but the fact is, you know, we need to do better. we need to make sure that people, especially people who rely on muni to get to work, school, doctors appointments, so many of our seniors who can't drive and need to pick up their medications and other things, we need to make sure that our public transportation system is reliable for all of our communities, in all parts of san francisco, especially on those communities that have consistently been neglected. it means safer streets for pedestrians and bicyclists and
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all of its users. we know over the years the city is a lot more congested than it has ever been, but we also know to make it a better city and to reach our climate goals, we have to leave it less congested. we have a lot of work to do and we are doing the work. in june we created a working group with city leaders and staff and industry leaders with the goal of making this better. i am looking forward to seeing the recommendations coming out. over the past few years we have made some significant investments. we committed to doubling the pace of building more protected bike lanes. we established a quick build program to increase the delivery of low-cost units.
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and we expanded our focus on traffic safety. thankfully the voters gave us one more tool to improve streets with the passage of proposition v. this will allow us to invest $30 million in light rail vehicles anduses as well as street safety improvements. so the work continues and we will continue to do the work that we can to move these objectives forward as quickly as possible. these objectives are the responsibility of the san francisco municipal transportation agency. the m.t.a. managing our streets, public transportation, other mobility options like bike shares and e-scooters, and a lot of public infrastructure projects, like the central subway and van neessb.r.t.
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this is a system that looks at day-to-day operations as well as looking at the future and how we make sure that the challenges that existed now don't continue to exist in the future. this requires a strong vision and strong leadership. so today i'm proud to announce that the s.f. board will be recommending -- the s.f. m.t.a. board will be recommending jeffry tumlin as the next director of s.f. m.t.a. this is jeffry. you can clap. [ laughter ]. >> mayor breed: jeff is an international transportation expert who brings over 25 years of experience of improving transportation in cities. he was recently the interim director at the oakland department of transportation, where he laid the foundation for
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the agency's future success with a lens on environmental benefits and equality. i believe jeffry will do the same at s.f. m.t.a. throughout his career, he has been known for bringing a visionary perspective on transportation in cities and helping to implement innovative ideas that are desperately needed. he will be joining the city as a long-time resident of noey valley and will be the first lgbtq director in s.f.'s history. i look forward to working with jeffry to help us deliver a great transportation system in san francisco, and i want to thank the board, including the president of the board who is here today, malcolm heinikie and gweneth borden, thank you for your leadership and coordinating the interview process and
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everything that you did, to make sure that we found the best person possible to do the job to make our public transportation and infrastructure and all that we need to do to improve mobility in san francisco in a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly way to choosing that person who could do just that. ladies and gentlemen, jeffry tumlin. >> good morning. my name is jeff tumlin, and i have been in the transportation industry for a long time, for 25 years, advising cities and transit agencies how to clarify their values and then use transportation investments to make those values manifest. i like asking questions about what is most important, what does success look like, and more
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importantly how would we measure whether we were actually successful or not. that's where my technical work comes into play, trying to use tools to be able to measure social equity and environmental outcomes and to align our transportation spending in order to best achieve the public good. i ended up in this industry against my better judgment. i discovered very early in my career and sort of by accident that we in transport have a bigger impact on public health outcomes than the medical industry does. we have a bigger impact on economic development, than economic development programs do. and more importantly, we are arguably the biggest driver of opportunity. we decide how many jobs people can get to in a reasonable commute time. we determine whether children can get safely to school, which
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impacts their academic performance. we are fundamental drivers of economic opportunity or destroyers of economic opportunity. we have resources. if we use those resources wisely, we can correct the ways in which my industry has historically destroyed opportunity and wealth for people of color. early in my industry's history, if you wanted to build a highway project, you got extra points for removing light. light of course being defined as african-american and latino ownership. the city and county of san francisco did not escape that dark period in our industry, and we have a key responsibility to correct for the past and to equalize opportunity for
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everyone. we can also do what some mobility tech companies want us to do, which is to provide more exquisite convenience for the privilege. i'm committed to doing the former, and using transportation as a tool to make san francisco achieve its potential. that includes addressing problems like the fact that 25 people have died in our streets this year and were on track to injure nearly 3,000. we lose in injuries and fatalities about 647 people in san francisco. i want to change that. you can see from my social media presence that i've long been an outspoken proponent of changing core practices in my industry and using the power that we have in transportation to reduce
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climate change, improve quality of life, foster small business success, and advance equity. i've reached the point in my cle career, however, where it's time to stop advising and start doing. i've worked all over the world, and san francisco remains the only city that i felt was my home. san francisco has assembled all of the pieces that we need in order to create dramatic and progressive change. we've got a visionary m.t.a. board that i cannot wait to work for. we have the most talented agency staff in the industry. we have a tenacious and hard-driving mayor who i know will make a great partner. we also have a progressive board of supervisors ready to ask the tough questions. i am ready to serve all of them.
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i don't have a 30 or 100-day plan. my first task is to listen carefully to staff. we do have the most incredible assembly of talent of any city in the country. i trust their professional expertise. it is my job first to listen and then secondly, and more importantly, to remove obstacles so that they can do their good and productive work. i do not know all of the answers yet. it's going to take me a while to learn from staff what the best answers are. i want to close by saying that we have talent, resources and some clarity about what our resources are in san francisco, but there remains a gap between san francisco's potential and its current reality. i am deeply excited to do the hard work to close that gap.
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we have the tools and all of the resources that we need, unlike really any city in the world. i can't wait to get started, particularly with the help of all of you in this room, the press. with that, i'm happy to take questions. malcolm, did you have words to say? >> absolutely. i know i stand between you and the questions for our new director of transportation. i am the chair of the new m.t.a. board. if i seem excited, it's because i am. we are in the process of hiring a star for san francisco. we are very excited here today. the first person i want to thank is is the mayor, not just because of her commitment and support, but also i want to thank the mayor for not just her support and partnership in this, but the fact that you challenged
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us you were the result of a challenge to get a bold leader to take this agency forward. i'm grateful for that challenge. that challenge led us to an international search. we searched far and wide. i want to thank the search committee for the wonderful job that was done to conduct a truly international search that led us to someone in our backyard, a san franciscan to run our agency. what has struck us about jeff more than his expertise, dedication, and his experience is his passion. you just heard it. he recognizes how transportation affects people's lives, making it better when it goes well and worse when it doesn't. with that, we are very excited. i wish jeff the absolute best. i know he won't need luck because he's a true professional
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and i'm excited to see him be a star and a partner. in my closing comments, i would like to say this, the last few months have been tumultuous at the agency, but not as much as without a director. the acting director kept the ship steady, was professional, calm, and an absolute pleasure to work with. thank you for your service. with that, i will turn the podium back to the super staff to answer our questions. thank you for the questions. >> what questions do you have? >> [ indiscernible ].
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>> good afternoon, everyone. i am so excited to be here today with hamilton families, with google, and youtube to really announce something amazing. a significant contribution that will help us address what we know is one of the most challenging issues we face in the city and in the bay area. that is homelessness, the more specifically, homelessness as it relates to so many families. i am so excited that in san francisco last year, we helped 2,146 people exit homelessness and of that number, 325 families , that was absolutely amazing and we couldn't do that work alone.
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is a public and private partnership. it is real investments in creativity. took the leadership of families. it took some amazing people to get us to where we are because i know, with about 1800 kids that we have in our public school system that are homeless, that this is a solvable problem. we can do better because we have amazing, amazing people who care about putting forth the kinds of resources that are going to help us get to that place. today, i will let susan make the announcements. her husband brian is here with her they are gifting a significant contribution to help
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address this issue to hamilton families. this, again, is how we are going to move faster in addressing this issue because we know that with those families to, unfortunately are homeless, and need a safe, stable, affordable place to come home, they can't wait another month, another day, another year. we have to get to them now and provide the resources necessary to get them there. it will be significant. so susan and her work with her husband and what they have done to invest in making the kinds of changes necessary to help with this issue is absolutely remarkable. more importantly, it is what others need to continue to do if we are going to get to a better place in the city and in this state as it relates to homelessness. with that, i want to invite up
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susan and thank you, and thank youtube and thank google and for the work you have done in san francisco and we will continue to do it to end homelessness for our families in the city in the very, very near future. thank you so much. susan? >> thank you. thank you, mayor breed. i am so glad to be here with you i'm so inspired by your words and all of your leadership and fighting homelessness. i also want to say thank you to all of the people here at the hamilton families for the incredible work that you are doing and the impact that you have had on our community and in the lives of so many different families. sometimes the scale of an issue like homelessness can make us feel like it is impossible to solve. and even though we know how
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important it is, sometimes we wind up doing nothing because it feels overwhelming for us. now the work at hamilton family shows us how we can make a difference in a tangible way, one family at a time. over the years i have recognized how serious the problem of homelessness is in the bay area and i have contributed, along with my husband to many different organizations that support people in need, but i'm here today because of an idea that first started with a school project. earlier this year, my daughter was working on a project about homelessness and as i listened to her questions and her reactions, i realized i didn't have a lot of answers for something that was so important and affecting so many families in the bay area. we spent time together
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researching different solutions, including coming here and that is how we wound up connecting and meeting all of these fantastic people here at hamilton families. we were impressed with all the services that they offer and the way they gave families a fresh start. that is why we are gathered here today to announce the new grants to further support all of the incredible efforts being done by hamilton families to find permanent homes and meet the needs along the way providing shelter, meals, and more. i want to say we appreciate everything you do, everything from offering counseling and job resources to giving children the chance to succeed at school. so today, is contributing $850,000. [cheers and applause]
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and together with my husband, we are contributing $500,000 for a total of $1.35 million to boost the work of hamilton families. [cheers and applause] over the next year, this grant will make an impact in our community and it will help hamilton serve 700 families and find housing for another 200. it will also find an outreach effort, a series of videos and podcasts that will tell the stories of individuals who are facing homelessness. our goal is to help the community understand the problems that can lead to homelessness and also inspire others to get involved in whichever way they can. sometimes the greatest gift that we can offer is our time. in that strain, we will organize an event for youtube employees
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that come to the shelter to volunteer. we are very excited about that. homelessness is an incredibly complicated challenge for our society, but if we all come together and we look out for one another, our combined contributions can make a big difference. and so now i would like to introduce my husband who will say a few words and thanks to all of the incredible people here at hamilton families. [applause] >> thank you, and thank you mayor breed. today we are very excited to be here and very honored to be here today. i want to echo susan's comments and say a big thank you to everyone on the hamilton families team. we really mean it. thank you for your hard work every day to help families feel safe and taken care of.
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you are making an incredible, incredible impact. we are giving families a second chance. we are so grateful for everything you do and we look forward to hearing about all the lives that you will change over the next year. thank you again. now i want to introduce tamika moss and brian stanley from the hamilton families group. thank you. [applause] >> thank you all so much. thank you susan and dennis, thank you, mayor. thank you hamilton families. i had the privilege of leading this organization and working with susan and her daughters when they came to our shelter, but i just get a represents the incredible work that the staff does on behalf of the families that we serve here at hamilton families. this problem is solvable. family homelessness is solvable
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and we're doing it together. it takes partnership like this. it takes investments like this and it takes all of us doing our part in order to tackle the challenge of having no family experience homelessness in our community and they deserve that. and every single day, each one of the staff here at hamilton families works on behalf of those families to end their housing crisis, restore dignity and provide an opportunity for those families to thrive. i'm so grateful to be along for the ride. congratulations and thank you so much susan and dennis. [applause] >> thank you again so much and the entire day area team at google. we are humbled by your support for hamilton families and the communities we serve. when i first heard, i think it was last spring that you had
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visited the shelter, i was surprised. i think what most struck me was the sincerity of your commitment and passion for this issue and your willingness to lean in with us. sometimes these things happen. thank you, guys. thank you, all. we know it takes partnerships like this one to help us redefine what is possible and help families stabilize and thrive. i thank you very much for the partnership of google, for your partnership, as well as your husband's partnership, and at the end of the day, opportunities like this give us hope. reminds us that this is not just a moment for the movement, but
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we are involved in transforming outcomes for san franciscans. on behalf of staff, participant families, thank you to google, thank you to susan and dennis, and thank you to our media partners. the bay area media coalition and the arts and technology group. [cheers and applause] we are excited to go forward. thank you to your support. thank you. [applause] >> hi, everyone. i am an incoming board vice chair at hamilton families. thank you, mayor breed for being here today. we know you have many requests for your time and we are grateful you could join us here. speaking of gratitude, as a board member, we are so grateful that the city and mayor breed share our commitment and family homelessness. and now we are joined in this work by susan and dennis and google, it just makes us so very proud. as brian mentioned, hopeful.
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on behalf of our board and all of us at hamilton families, thank you for your commitment and for this extremely generous and significant gift. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. now let's get to work. [applause] >> i lived in the mission neighborhood for seven years and before that the excel see your district. 20 years a resident of the city and county of san francisco.
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i am the executive director of a local art space nonprofit that showcases work that relate to the latino community and i have been in this building for seven years and some of my neighbors have been here 30 year. we were notified from the landlord he was going to sell the building. when we realized it was happening it was no longer a thought for the landlord and i sort of had a moment of panic. i heard about the small sites program through my work with the mission economic agency and at met with folks from the mayor's housing program because they wanted to utilize the program. we are dealing with families with different needs and
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capacities. conversations were had early in the morning because that is the only time that all the tenants were in the building and finally when we realized that meda did have the resources to buy the building we went on a letter writing campaign to the landlord and said to him we understand you want to sell your building, we understand what you are asking for and you are entitled to it, it's your land, but please work with us. what i love about ber nell height it represents the diversity that made me fall in love with san francisco. we have a lot of mom and pop shops and you can get all your resources within walking distance. my favorite air area of my homes my little small patio where i
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