tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 12, 2019 10:00am-11:01am PST
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shamann walton. our clerk is john carroll. i want to think sentences who government tv for staffing the meeting. mr. clerk, do you have any announcements? >> ensure his silence your cell phones and other electronic devices. speaker cards that can be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk items acted upon today will appear on the january 7th, 2020 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise super -- stated >> thank you. >> number one is a hearing to consider the transfer of a type 20 off sale beer and wine liquor license. >> great. let's have our al you come up. >> good morning, members of the board. board. before you we have a piece for the india sue brett. this would allow them to sell
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off sale beer and wine. they are on plot 518 which is located in a low crime area. they're in a high saturation area. northern station has no opposition. we recommend approval with the following conditions. number one, sales service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. each day of the week. number two, petitioners shall actively monitor the area under their control in an effort to prevent loitering of persons on any property adjacent to the presence -- premise. it should be noted on november 21st, 2019, the applicant agreed to the recommended conditions. >> great. it looks like we don't have any questions for you. thank you. mr. kaplan? mr. paddock?
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>> we are the landlord of 3060 fillmore. it is a project we have been working on for over two years. it is a combination of a san francisco first's shake shack restaurant, rumble fitness, and the brand-new custom concept partnership between center cal properties and michael mina restaurant group to bring a small format grocery store to the neighborhood. this concept will feature dairy products, eggs, milk, produce, fruit, greens, prepared and packaged foods, and custom beverages to the community. we appreciate you considering this motion and also referring the motion to the full board as a committee report for consideration for december 17th given our projected opening which is scheduled for
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the 1st week of january. >> great. i don't see any questions. you can have a seat. thank you. vice chair stefani, this is your district and you are good with that. >> yes. >> all right. then we can prepare -- we can direct -- good point. do we have any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. all right. mr. clerk, we will direct you to prepare a resolution finding that this licensed will meet public convenience and necessity i will make a motion that we forward that to the full board as a committee report with positive recommendation. we will take that without objection. all right.
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[laughter] my snarky vice chair. thank you. very helpful. helpful and snarky. please call the next item. >> number two is the hearing on the coordination of data sharing between public safety departments as it relates to crime prevention and investigation. >> thank you. we have joined by our president norman he. this is your hearing. take it away. >> thank you, chair mandelman and supervisors stefani and walton for having this hearing today. in every aspect of the government, we spend a great deal of time talking about the importance of data collection and department coordination. this is especially true as we are trying to solve the complex problems like public safety and criminal justice reform. a few years ago, as my office was trying to really uncover the
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gaps of addressing the spike in property crime, we stumbled across a little-known city project called justice. for the departments that are involved, this is very well-known, but none of us knew about it. it stands for justice tracking information system. it was established in 1997 to replace the aging cable system and allow various departments to coordinate upgrading they're outdated case management systems to speak to one another. on october 22nd, 2,000, the work of justice would rise to a desperate necessity. after clara joyce was murdered
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in front of her children. the system failed to protect her despite over 18 months of reported incidents and arrests. sfpd, the district attorney's office and adults did not have a coordinated structure or culture in place to share the information needed to prevent this tragedy. i bring this case up because it serves as a reminder that data is meaningless. it is not used and shared effectively to share -- save lives and break the cycle of crime. i called the initial hearing to shed light on the work of justice. the hearing was illuminating -- the hearing that they are illuminating has drawn attention to this aspect of local government that had a lot of potential. very little resources were implemented. we asked a lot of questions here and so do our constituents, like
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how we are tracking crimes and how do we identify frequent offenders who are responsible for a good number of quality-of-life issues. how are we doing with reducing crime? these questions can be answered in a holistic way once we have the system working. while the justice project spans 20 years, there was some progress made like notification safeguards and place -- and in place the departments coordinated. there is a lot of work that never seemed to order like fully getting us off the cable and onto the new updated system. at the conclusion of that hearing that i had, the board committee committed to ensuring that justice would no longer be forgotten, be a forgotten project and that this board would do whatever we could to
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get it unstuck. we want to bring in new elements that can also provide better transparency and access to the public so today, i look forward to this board officially receiving an update on their plan and to help us identify what remaining gaps there are to ensure that we don't have to wait another 20 years to see this project fully implemented. i want to thank the leadership of the city administrator naomi kelly and rest of the justice justice team for taking this task seriously. they got to work immediately after the last hearing and secure an expert consultant to develop a five-year roadmap that
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is already in progress. so with that, i would like to invite cindy administrator kelly to the floor to start us off. >> i am going to make a request. i think we talked about it in your office. we have several hearings today that could potentially become very lengthy in the interest of trying to get a handle on that, we will set time limits for speakers. if you need to go over you can, but we will ask this first presentation from mr. kelly set the time limit for 10 minutes. if that works. and then also, if colleagues can hold off on questions until the end. >> i will start the time. >> all right. i will talk fast. good morning. thank you, supervisor and president of the board for going over the history of justice and
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how it originally got started. i will go quickly about two budget cycles ago. i transfer the operations of justice to the admin services department under the city administrator to the department of technology under the city administrator primarily because we were running into technology issues and needed the department of technology to help us focus in bringing justice to the no longer project but to the program. at the same time, the community on information technology funded the department of technology to enter into a contract to help develop a five-year roadmap to turn justice from a project to a program and identify the gaps of what we need to do to make this happen. we also address the governance issue and all of the department heads and elected officials, most of them, there was some great leaders like the sheriff and a few others who were attending justice council, but we were not coming to these
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meetings. we were sending our deputy or our i.t. staff to the justice council. that created a problem with governance because we needed to elevate it and needed the decision and policymakers there to make decisions -- make policy decisions on behalf of the city. and really through the leadership of the president of the board, and very stern conversations with all of us, we needed to show up. we have. we have created an executive board were i would say the department heads and the elected officials are coming to the justice council to make very important technology decisions. having said that, all of those who were attending are extremely important to making sure this department -- those who were attending on our behalf, are extremely important to making sure this project gets across the finish line and becomes a program. as a result, in addition to our governance, where the policy decision-makers are there, we established four advisory
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committees. one on tactical operations and maintenance, one on strategic technology, architecture, and planning, one on information and data sharing and another on oversight and performance monitoring where we have all the right technical people in the room and all of those who are dealing with the day-to-day operations of justice to make sure that we make it a program. i want to thank the department of technology, the share of's department, the d.a.'s office as they have some great technical folks there who are very helpful in making sure that we are doing the right thing and everyone else who is part of this group. next up i would like to bring up linda. >> i'm the director of technology and i would like to appreciate your time to share the justice roadmap with you. thank you very much to city
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administrator kelly for supporting and advocating for this roadmap. this roadmap is a culmination of meetings that the department of technology held with 10 departments doing detailed walk-throughs of each one of the departments. business processes. this led to the roadmap that really addresses and aligns with the city's goals around criminal justice, addresses risk around our legacy technology which must be corrected, and aligns us with the court system which will be moving to a new software system and all of this needs to come together. and also allows us to establish the new data standards and analytics that we will need to really build that next generation of the data science and centre of excellence for data injustice and deliver the kind of transparency that you are looking for, and then also the roadmap served as the
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funding basis for the funds. so now i am going to invite joe siegel from gartner who will walk you through the roadmap and the details. >> thank you, linda and good morning. i am joe siegel with gartner. i'm the vice president responsible for integrated justice consulting. it is a nationwide practice focusing on these sorts of issues going around. i wanted to briefly walk you through the process that we went through to create the roadmap and some highlights of that roadmap. there's a lot of information we can talk about in further detail , but recognizing we have limited time, i will keep the remarks at a summary level. we went through a process of interviewing 23 interviews and operational observations around the criminal justice community in san francisco to understand current practices, especially the current uses of data and how data impacts operational and policy level decisions in those various agencies and spoke to
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129 participants over the course of three months of data gathering data-gathering. we then took that information and combined that to create the future state vision. one of the guiding principles that are important for the city and county of san francisco to proceed in criminal justice and how technology can support those , and finally developed a road mac -- roadmap that is representative of those particular issues. over the course of that discovery exercise, we discovered eight or nine specific key drivers to the roadmap in establishing the vision. the first was related to quality-of-life and public safety outcomes. the policy issues that are important to the citizens of san francisco. as naomi mentioned a moment ago, we discovered there was needs for governance to have effective governance that represented all the agencies involved in was able to make quick and prompt decisions going forward. the technology platform as we heard earlier is currently based
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on some very old technology. the cable systems as they are referred to. we saw the need for modern technology to be able to be leveraged for effectively administering the criminal justice going forward. that included reporting needs as well. finally, we -- our other subjects included the ability to ensure the criminal justice system and the data sharing in place is not disrupted as a court moves from the current system to the new system. similarly, there are system replacements going on in the various agencies as well. we also recognize there are resource constraints. there will always be resource constraints. we probably never would expect unlimited resources so it is important to have priorities and other elements defined in advance. finally, the last item on the far right of the slide as around community collaboration. it no longer is data sharing for criminal justice. it is actually a mechanism to reach out to the community.
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whether that be to community-based organizations, individual citizens or otherwise one observation, we thought this was an important slide to show, is the amount of activity going on today across the city and county of san francisco. all those gold bars at the top of the diagram indicate a large number of system replacements that are going on today were system modernizations. this complicates the challenges of maintaining current levels of data sharing, but also enhancing them with so much change going on. this was another key element. coming out of that, what is the vision for justice going forward you can read the vision statement up there at the top. i will not elaborate on that, but maybe i will highlight the key objectives.
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a key objective or part of the vision for the group is to be able to have data-driven decisions, both when dealing with an individual person and an individual that might be impacted by the justice system, but also to make data-driven decisions from a policy perspective as well. having that information available to make decisions and then to reflect on the impacts of those decisions going forward interagency collaboration, that is really important for this effort. transparency and equity, by having appropriate data and having that data be reliable and accurate, current and shared, allows the community to have confidence in the criminal justice system by having view of that data and making sure that data is presented in an appropriate manner. we did our operational efficiencies, there's lots of paper still floating around in the criminal justice system. so the importance of creating efficiencies coming to paperless and removing data entry and so on. as i said earlier, enabling continuance innovation to apply technology, to apply the latest technology.
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we have so many technology enabled companies in place, we want to make sure that same kind of technology can be applied to the criminal justice system. and finally, the importance of having a secure, resilient and privacy protected system so the citizens of san francisco can have confidence in that application. the roadmap itself resulted from that vision. it has four major components. there is a schedule there that you see. we have a series of initiatives. there's about 25 initiatives that are in the roadmap today. each of those have a charter described. there's cost estimating for a five-year period five year period, and then we will call an implementation plan. i will spend a moment talking about the schedule there. we wanted to show you the rigour this is the summary slide that shows us 25 initiatives that are planned across justice over the next five years. we consider dependencies. they were kind of all stacked to
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the left because they felt really important but we realized we needed to appropriately paste the activities over the course of the five years. that was the exercise and the result we see today. on the next slide, some of the key highlights i thought we would mention from them roadmap itself. the key priority is risk mitigation. that is the decommissioning of the cable system that was referred by president you. that is not only a risk mitigation exercise but it is an important exercise for the city to free it of this older technology and enable you to be able to use modern analytics and other kinds of tools available going forward. importance of having effective and efficient governance was there. but executive board established that the advisory committees are meeting now on a monthly basis and are starting to make real progress at making recommendations going forward. reporting and analytics, one of the things we heard as we talk to each of the agencies. there is an extreme need for
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better access to information and quick access as well so policy leaders can make important decisions going forward. the roadmap calls for establishment of an analytics platform and progress has been made on that in terms of the cable decommissioning and establishment of a data centre of excellence which facilitates common methods for interpretation of this data by all the criminal justice agencies. recognizing the needs for continuous support for the superior courts, system modernization, as well as other agencies as shown on the other slide. all of these other -- efforts that i described her building the foundation to implementing innovations that are shown at the bottom of the slide, which include things like modernized integration platform which will even allow improved levels of data sharing going forward and master person management, which is bringing together information about a person across all the agencies. sometimes referred to as whole
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person care, again, to improve outcomes and break the cycle of crime. it is such an important priority finally, again, using technology as a portal to the community in order to have increased levels of engagement and sharing of information going forward. it is a really quick summary. there's a lot more information on in the roadmap. i would invite you to read it when you have time. i will now invite rob to come forward and give you an update on where the roadmap implementation status now stands >> how much time does robin need >> just a few minutes. two slides and i will fly through them. >> let's say three minutes. >> okay. good morning. i'm the justice program manager with the office of technology. i'm proud to report all the installed apartment case management systems are currently connected to the data hub. justice serves the county as a central -- central data aggregator for the information sent between systems.
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we audit every transaction. in addition to the individual transactions, we move large-scale criminal justice data between agencies. this warehouse of data is available for supporting and analytics. the business intelligence systems are being modernized through the five-year roadmap as discussed, and as part as the cable decommissioning which is right now our top priority for risk mitigation. the same secure infrastructure or data sharing highway is also being used to facilitate cross agency initiatives and multi- department grant solutions such as the domestic violence lethality assessment tool. justice is a program that is in full swing with the formation of the office of justice technology within the department of technology, and moving aggressively to decommission the cables at or before the time that the system is ready to go live. we have been working with departments to have a rolling decommission rather than one big
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bang event. this won't be possible in all areas, but as we go through report conversion and replacement web development within the justice team, we are identifying where we can turn off systems in conjunction with the departments and the team that maintains the mainframe. as we perform the conversions for the departments, we're taking full advantage of any opportunity toward modernization and improvements, static reports will become dynamic using web technologies we are able to link the transactions together, reducing repetitive input time from department staff, which will ultimately provide improvements to the day-to-day business process. thank you. >> thank you. so what i would like to do right now is just ask some general questions of the presenters. that will set up the presentation of a few departments that will come up and talk about their role. so miss kelly, it is up to you
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who will answer this, but justice has a vision and charter document that documents that is supposed to be updated. has this been done, and what was the process in achieving this? >> thank you. the original justice vision was back from 2003. it is in the process of being revised through the four advisory committees that have been set up to advise executive leadership at the executive board. >> any timeline? >> i would say within the next six months. the executive meetings, the council meetings have already been established for 2020. so the advisory committees have been working with a very aggressive timeline to not only take care of day-to-day operations, m.o.u.s to share data between the departments, but also to advise executive committee on a revised vision and charter.
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>> okay. and related, as miss kelly already mentioned, the principles -- have there been meetings in terms of that discussion? >> what we have done is we wanted the advisory to get all the technical folks to weigh in on it. at our next meeting will be talking about the charter and the vision and the principles are there. they are coming to the meeting. >> one is that meeting? >> they are reviewing that meeting and they have a subcommittee level and then they will bring it back to the advisory board. we have a meeting in january. >> can you send me a reminder? >> absolutely. >> and then the workload question that i have, you have people basically that have been
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on this project prior to this new effort using the cable system and so forth. so those staff members are continuing to do current work without the new system in place, and then who is doing the new system? and do we have enough staffing for that? >> i think of the -- each of the individual departments will come to you in their budget ask during this season, during the budget season. we do know that what we asked wiz -- was prioritizing optic cable three system. we have to do it because there are two people who are way past retirement age and it is something that if they should retire, then we don't have a system. so when this slide said risk
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management, that is key. we have been working and rob has been working with the department 's team to make sure they have their existing daily workload but trying to help in the interim to get what they need done and also get off of cable three. i am sure i can't speak for the individual departments. they probably will ask for resources. >> it is really important that you take that into consideration otherwise it just sits there and existing staff will just basically get burnt out or nothing will move. i will request of this effort because sending you on a budget committee, a lot of times when departments come in, they come in with their ask and then this all gets absorbed into their department budget, but then we try to look at it from a project
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perspective. none of us will sit there and try and figure it out. this 20 departments and it is hidden somewhere and what i would like to ask of this project is to come up with the consolidated budget so that we can understand the needs. that would be really helpful because personally, i want to make sure that it is funded. so that is my ask for the budget stuff. >> okay. >> right now -- >> i think supervisor walton has questions. >> okay. i have follow-up. >> okay. >> i was just going to ask some of the department folks to come up. thank you. >> right now -- i see a few of
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the department folks appear. i would like to give them an opportunity to come up and talk about their piece of this and what they need. so first i would like to bring up our sheriff for a little while more. come on up. >> oh, my. have we communicated any time limits to you all? >> be very short. >> we are asking you to be a little short. >> thank you for calling this. my thanks to linda darrelle and naomi kelly, the city administrator, for the work they have done on this. i do not have a lot to talk about except to say that i fully support justice. i have fully supported it for a long time. i think many of us in the criminal justice world have been frustrated with the inability to get information that we need.
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this is like a giant reset button being pushed and we are finally moving forward. so you had some questions and i am here for that. >> why don't we just wait for everybody to say something. >> okay. then i will just -- i have a few comments. i think what gartner has done is given you a five-year roadmap. they have sharp -- talked about their goals. when we did the reenvisioning of the jail situation, we had a very difficult time getting accurate information and we still have to get a lot of our information manually. i look forward for justice. i think i just want to second the fact that we need consistent and robust support for justice. all of us need it. it should not matter who is sitting where you were sitting, who is coming and going, it needs to be continuous and it needs to be consistent. and this will certainly -- as
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was presented, it will support important transparency and accountability and informed decision making. something that we try to do the best we can, but we certainly need the resources to do that. in order to do that, we need consistent resources for everybody. including our departments. i kind of -- i like the idea, you know, i had a csa audit of my i.t. division a couple of days ago and they said i needed people. when i went to get the people, i didn't get them the first year. i didn't get anybody. this last year i got a few. we have been having debbie do this work for -- we have had deputy sheriff his doing this for many years. the resources in my mind need to go directly to justice and i would like to see them have
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independent the -- have the capacity to work with our departments and be on loan with us. we know what the full amount of money we need and the investment that we should be making. >> thank you. nice to see you again. somebody from the police department. >> good morning. katherine maguire for the executive director of the san francisco -- executive director of the strategic management bureau. i am going to take probably all of two minutes, but i will take the first 30 seconds and acknowledge susan merritt to has been our c.i.o. for nearly a decade now. i get to stand in front of you because of all of the hard work that she has been doing and really get to say good things about how the police department
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has progressed. so i just want to say, congratulations. she will be leaving us, retiring at the end of this year. so the things that the san francisco police department has achieved is we have moved off of our cable incident management system on the warehouse management system and the work that we have done to integrate into justice is an incident management system or the incident reporting module of the crime warehouse, is the vast majority of the information that justice is looking for. so being able to move to that system has really advanced as far down the road. very excited for the ideas and the concepts at the end of the
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justice roadmap of being able to follow someone through the criminal justice system and understand how we can start -- serve better our community and keep the public safer as well as being able to address the behaviours that we might be able to do through that analysis. i'm happy to be a contributing member and happy to have advanced the data sharing and i'm excited about doing more discussion, more with the justice partners of what the needs are at the police department and seeing how we can better meet the needs and serve the roadmap of the justice program. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next up i would like to have maria from the district attorney 's office. >> i am the director of research and analytics for the district
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attorney's office. thank you to supervisor yee for your leadership on this issue. data and data sharing may not be exciting to some people and i know i am biased, but it is exciting. it is so exciting we are experiencing a data revolution right now in the private sector and the public sector. that is because with data we can accomplish so much good. data is fundamental to good governance. it is fundamental to core criminal justice operations and it is critical. data and data sharing are critical to achieving the policy initiatives in san francisco regarding criminal justice and public safety from mental health s.f. to the busing settlement, to reducing recidivism. every single one of our criminal justice and public safety initiatives relies on data to be successful. the justice program of san francisco criminal justice sharing hub. the small, but mighty team has
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facilitated operations for two decades by enabling data sharing between the court, sheriff, and public defender. every single process and the criminal justice system from arrest to booking to charging to adjudicating, to sentencing to supervision relies in part or in full on justice. when they can, the justice team has only helped to realize policy initiatives. they assisted in automating a paper-based deal assessment transforming the assessment into a mobile application and providing a tool for first responders to keep domestic survivors safe. the justice roadmap process has been very productive and we have a really great plan. the district attorney's office is fully committed to supporting this effort. we look forward to more information about the governance going forward and more transparency about the budget. we are now at a critical moment
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at which we can elevate the work of justice to fully realize its potential to provide the foundation to the criminal justice policy initiative now and in the future. but what do we need in addition to the roadmap? one thing we need as legal advice about datasharing as we enter a new era era of datasharing, there's a consensus around the commode justice system as well as with our partners in the public health and social service sectors that we need help figuring out how do we share information safely and securely while also maximizing the data we share to improve individual outcomes and system outcomes? to that end we sent a letter to the city attorney requesting that assistance. we also need you. i'm so happy we are having this hearing because we need to the board to continue to be engaged with this effort to make sure that we align justice and that technology with your policy initiative because data is the key to closing county jails to
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executing the settlement, to addressing property crime, into reducing racial disparities. in short, it is the key to ensuring a safe and just community. thank you very much for your attention. >> thank you. i would like to invite our new d.a. i would not -- i will not be giving it to him. garner company could do it, but somebody should do it. next, i would like to call michael from the san francisco superior court. come on up. >> good morning, supervisors. i don't really have much to add in addition to what several of the other entities have
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mentioned and i know you are short on time, so very briefly, i want to thank the city entities that have been working towards decommissioning the cable system. it is something that is crucial to get our case management system up. we are hoping that will happen in the upcoming calendar year. that will basically allow us to go wide with our system and in our quest to get there, we need to make sure there is validation involved processes so the court can get it up. i do want to thank the city and the board in this effort and we look forward to a successful implantation of our system to dovetail into the overall system >> thank you. >> there is about 11 partners in justice and in the departments.
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i'm not sure if you would like to make a brief comment, really brief. any other departments? okay. i believe that supervisor walton had some questions. >> thank you so much. thank you for calling this hearing. and thank you to all of our justice involved and law enforcement public safety departments for coming in today. i do have one question as we talk about whether -- public safety and as we look at that. i'm glad we are modernizing and becoming more efficient. how does data coordination get used to help with informed decisions to close the county jail number four and significantly reduce in our jail population? i'm open to whoever answers it. that is why i'm glad everybody is here.
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>> please speak into the microphone. >> good morning. i am with the safety and justice challenge which is an effort to work across departments to safely reduce the jail population and enclose county jail four. most of your familiar with this initiative. we have been one of the strategies we have been implementing through it are ways to increase our collaboration across departments using data to identify places where we can reduce the jail population safely. this maybe through strategies such as increasing access to behavioral health support, improving case processing times and focusing our collective efforts on frequent utilizers of the jail. all of these efforts as you can imagine require good data and
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good data sharing. through that we have in this ground project identified funds to facilitate additional training and support to help us share data effectively and make sure that we have the slowing of information that we need to accomplish those goals. >> is there a timeline on whether we will have good information to know how we can reduce the jail population? >> we have a lot of information we have been gathering over the past year in terms of where we think we can make improvements. the project timeline is a two year timeline. in-line very much with the current roles articulated, but we expect to have ideas and proposals about how we can make progress before then and working on those strategies within the next six months to a year. does that answer the question? >> it does. i am not happy about the answer but it does answer the question. two years is too long for us to shut down the county jail.
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>> please let me clarify, two years as the project timeline. that is not the timeline for goals and progress and we would be happy to work with our partners and others on the board to talk about reasonable timelines were or close the jail >> thank you. >> i guess this is more -- there is the cable system or whatever we are changing to or the new iteration of a system with justice, one of the issues going to the meetings and listening to the different departments go back and forth, and until we really, really solve this issue, we will probably remain stuck. this whole issue is about sharing data and yet this
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reluctance or -- there is not enough common understanding how to share it, and we need to get over that. if we don't get over it, the supervisors 20 years from now will say what happened? because you could set up new things and do new things and you could keep on having the same discussions. i really appreciate maria mcgee 's comments about getting legal advice. this project should -- but to have a neutral person not representing any particular department to say what should be done and what shouldn't be done, otherwise i will have the same
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arguments. when you look at your budget, make sure that you build that capacity into it. okay? >> to give you background on that, we're moving forward in that area. so first we have the advisory committee that is 100% on data sharing and the architecture of how we would share data. we also have been supplied with a city attorney from the city attorney's office will help us to feeling -- developing those m.o.u. we're using it as a template between healthcare. so healthcare has big data sharing needs as well. we have taken that template and are modifying that to look at how that would serve the justice community. we are rapidly moving forward in that area. but your point of leaning into that effort is well taken. >> i appreciate that.
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again, this is about -- maybe it has been spoken to this issue about governance, but they're reformatting in the last year or so having these committees, has it been working? how many times have the principles met -- being responsible for the governance and policy decisions? >> a frequency as to how often the executive board meets? that is four times a year. that schedule is already sent out and agreed to by the criminal justice and public safety heads for all of 2020. the advisory committees meet on somewhat of a different schedule , so operations and maintenance is every two weeks because they're handling more of the day-to-day tactical issues that come up. architecture and data sharing is
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monthly, and those are not just meetings to meet, those are work product meetings where we actually worked through the issues of the work that is being performed in between the actual all of us coming together in one room meeting. and then we have systems and large projects. >> somebody mentioned about the decision and in regards to this system and gearing up and thinking about the budget, has that been taken into consideration yet?
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-- there maybe additional issues that surface as we move through. the initial investment for the technology side of the world was under $50,000 to get that data and to a sharing state. but again, as we learn more about the implementation of the decision, there maybe additional needs. >> in regards to -- this was in terms of the stakeholders out there and figuring out how to get information back and forth and more transparency. are there any attempts to reach out to the stakeholders to figure out what would be useful
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for people out in the community? >> one of the things that justice will be working on through the roadmap and the business intelligence modernization that is happening as part of the cable decommissioning is to work with data s.f. to provide them regularly pushed data that meets with all of the criminal justice record information requirements. whether that is identified data, but basically to create a realtime transactional data repository that could be published to the public via data s.f. >> thank you. supervisor stefani? >> thank you. just a few questions in terms of the data sharing. are we talking about an integrated platform that works as an independent connector or are you relying on everyone to
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