tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 19, 2019 1:00pm-2:01pm PST
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blame, -- bleiman, and i am the president. we do ask that everybody turns off their cell phones or puts them on silent, including commissioners and staff. i want to thank sfgovtv and media services for sharing this meeting with the public, and we'll start with the roll call. [roll call] >> president bleiman: all right. the first order of -- on the agenda is for general public comment. this is for comment on any item that's not on the regular agenda. does anyone have anything to say? seeing none, general public comment is closed. number 2 is the approval of the meeting minutes for november 19, 2019 and december 3, 2019. >> i'll raise a motion to approve. >> second. >> president bleiman: is there
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any public comment on the approval of the meeting minutes? seeing none, public comment is closed. [roll call] >> president bleiman: all right. and we do have one proposed change to the schedule tonight. we do have one law enforcement member that has a meeting, a lieutenant, so we're asking that we move item 5-c, the beauty bar item, to now, but we will need a motion to do so. >> i move. >> second. >> president bleiman: is there any public comment on the rearrangement of our agenda? seeing none, public comment is closed. [ro [roll call] >> president bleiman: all right. it is so moved. if we could have acting
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director davido please introduce this item. >> the first permit on tonight's agenda is for an amendment to the place of entertainment permit for beauty bar, located at 2299 mission street. beauty bar has held an active p.o.e. since 1998, which was issued by the police department. recently, there was an incident outside the location that prompted the sfpd and the venue staff to review the security plan. due to the fact that the police department issued the permit so long ago, the owner did not have a security plan on file. following the incident, e.c. staff and sfpd mission station met with the owner and general manager about their operations and security. the owner and g.m. have been very responsive to our requests and recommendations, and they are making every effort to be safe and in compliance. so what i have outlined here
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is -- it's in section 5. beauty bar's the last permit section. we're just skipping ahead, and what you'll see is their existing p.o.e. permit, the police permit. so the recommendation of what has happened here is on the memo that i've written for you is a list of their current permit conditions and a copy of their existing permit. so what we are recommending -- >> president bleiman: so you can be clear -- >> yes, i can be clear. >> president bleiman: what we are looking at, the piece of paper that has red writing on it, which should be right next to the blue divider, or the divider, so the red are the old -- the old permit conditions? >> this is the original permit that i did not type out which was all covered by statute, which is the original permit that's in the file. >> president bleiman: great.
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i saw every flipping. >> so the recommendation is that we eliminate all of the existing permit conditions except for number 1-e, which is highlighted in yellow, and that we replace all of the existing permit conditions with the staff recommended conditions on the very last page of the memo. this has been discussed with the owners and mission station, and everybody is in agreement with where we're standing moving forward. >> president bleiman: all right. so just give a chance for the commissioners to find this. >> yep. >> we have an extra copy. >> president bleiman: we can use this page. >> let me just give you mine. i know you requested a copy of the memo or the permit. >> the memo, please.
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i can pass it back. >> okay. great, great, great. >> questions for staff. you mentioned the highlighted section on e. you're wanting to retain that. >> that is correct. >> but i don't see any proposed conditions. >> so on the last page, proposed conditions. so we're going to add e to your proposed conditions. thank you.
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>> president bleiman: yeah. just give a chance for them to catch up. so while we're reading through that, i think i would like to hear from the lieutenant who's here and so that we can send him on his way. >> thank you. good evening, mr. president, vice president, and commissioners. my name is chris canning. i'm a lieutenant at mission police station. i've been assigned there as a lieutenant over two years. and i wanted to put on the record what a positive experience this was. this is an example of an incident that occurred in an area where there was an
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establishment for evening entertainment that led to the response of the police department, and throughout the course of our investigation, we had the occasion to contact and work and speak with the owners and management of the establishment, and i wanted to let the commission know that we appreciate the assistance of your staff, the executive director, and the assistant directive director. we found this was a very positive -- assistant executive director. we found this was a very positive experience to work with the owner of the establishment to find a solution that we feel is going to maintain a continual working relationship, and so i wanted to thank the commission, the staff, as well, for this positive experience. i think this was a good example of the police department and owners and management working
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together to create a plan of sorts to identify things that may need to be reviewed and create a path for working together moving forward. so that -- for that, i thank you. i can take any questions if you have any, but i don't want to deal too much with the specifics of the investigation, but i can talk generally about the investigation that we had beauty bar ownership and management. >> hi. thanks for coming in. was the business owner able to provide you with a security plan that you were agreeable to? >> absolutely. and as to the collaborative part that i spoke about, we felt that this was a very good experience. there was a timeline that staff put in place.
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it didn't feel rushed, but it felt it was a positive step in a direction moving forward. they've always been very cooperative in any past experiences that we've had in and about their establishment, and so this was another example, of businesses and the police department working together to ensure the business can succeed and we can provide the level of supervision nez for them -- necessary for them to have a successful business. >> lieutenant canning, nice to see you. it's good to have somebody willing to come down and speak
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to us. thank you. >> any other concerns you think we should be aware of? >> none at all. >> awesome. thank you very much. >> thank you, commissioner. >> president bleiman: yes, thank you so much for coming down. i know you have to run. i don't have any other questions. it's great to see everybody working together. it's awesome and justifies what we're seeing here. thank you. >> thank you, mr. president. good night. >> president bleiman: all right. i think -- i think just for the sake of amending these, that i would like to talk to the permit holder and the manager, if you guys want to step up. i just have some questions. is there anything that you wanted to say first? do you have anything prepared? you don't have to. >> no. i agree -- >> president bleiman: can you state your name, please. >> yeah. the meeting that we had -- >> president bleiman: i'm sorry. state your name, please.
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>> oh, aaron burhz. the meeting we had was great, and we're absolutely capable of following all the new rules or whatever, so yeah. sorry. little nervous. amendments, yes. >> president bleiman: absolutely. does anyone have any questions? yeah. so i would just say -- i don't have any specific questions, but i would just say -- so again, amending this permit, i think, is really important, especially if you read the previous conditions that you had which maybe don't hold up to -- >> draconian. >> president bleiman: which maybe don't hold up to our standards in 2019. but it sounds like you guys are in it to win it. it's follow up on these things. you can expect that we will definitely be checking in. i do understand that block very well, and i do understand that things have changed on that block recently, and different
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elements have moved in, and things maybe have gotten a little more unsafe for a brief period of time, and so i do think these -- >> we do have some solid plans that are going to keep it safe for our customers. >> president bleiman: yeah. we just want to make sure that there's follow through. it sounds like you guys have done this. another thing to note, there's a lot of different tools that we have as a commission. this one, amending, we specifically chose because you guys were so forthcoming with the police. i want to show everyone that if we work together, we can find solutions, rather than finding ways to work with each other. so i appreciate that, and thank you, and i don't have anything else. you guys can have a seat. >> okay. thank you.
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so is there any public comment on this topic specifically? all right. seeing none, public comment is closed, and we can discuss the proposed conditions. >> i was going to make a motion to accept the staff recommendation to delete all of the existing permit conditions except number 1-e and adopt the nine proposed conditions, and i'm happy to read them if needed, but that's my motion. >> president bleiman: i think we should read them into the record, whether it's you or deputy director. >> so it would delete all of the existing permit conditions except for the one requiring at least one manager and a sound technician to be on-site of all hours of d.j. or live entertainment. and then, the nine new proposed conditions, one is that a monthly event calendar be sent to sfpd and mission station and the entertainment commission at the beginning of each month. occupancy shall not exceed 49 people per san francisco fire
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department. property shall have three cameras installed on the exterior of the premises and two interior cameras on the interior of the premises. security shall perform pat downs and bag checks on patrons upon entry and reentry into the promises. management shall keep a list of patrons going into the premises. shall utilize a metal did etec and scanner. they're fairly standard.
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>> can i ask a question, and this might be for staff. i'm just curious, regarding condition number 4, why are we exclusively directing security to be lead trained? because lead trained is about the security dispensing of alcohol. so i'm wondering why we're requiring security to be -- >> president bleiman: would it be guard card? >> maybe, it's a typo. is it guard card? >> well, i said they all must be lead train. >> the guard card's there. i'm fine with that. >> that can be amended -- >> oh, no, i don't mind it, i'm just thinking especially since we have the owner here, it might open up the opportunity -- because if we're thinking about training, it might as well be the bar staff. >> it is a good neighbor policy, as well.
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>> is it? >> yes. >> i believe you. >> having just completed my lead training on-line, i actually found it to be worthwhile. >> oh, no, i'm cool. if it's in the good neighbor either way, i'm covered. >> president bleiman: okay. so the motion is to -- >> i'll second it. >> president bleiman: okay. so once again, the motion is to amend the conditions except for 1-e and including the proposed conditions from staff, which were read into record, and it has been seconded. [roll call] >> president bleiman: your permit has been amended. thank you for coming in. please follow up with the deputy director at your
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earliest convenience just for next steps, and again, thank you, lieutenant. i know you have to run. appreciate it. >> president, can i ask a question of staff? >> president bleiman: sure. >> so it's -- it was impressive to read these conditions from 2002? do you have a sense of how many of our existing venues have a permit with such outdated language in it? >> there's a decent amount that have outdated language, however none of these extent. there were a lot of permit conditions for one dated this long ago. so one, for a police department permit, they may have a couple that read wonky compared to what our permits read now. >> do you know why beauty bar ended up with such -- >> is it was such an old permit that we didn't obtain the file, so that didn't make the
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transfer over. somehow we had an electronic version of the permit but no physical version with a list of the conditions. >> all right. thank you. >> president bleiman: all right. now we're back to our regular agenda order, and i believe we're on number 3, am i correct? so approval of minutes. oh, agenda -- it goes straight -- yeah, okay. the next item on the agenda is number 3, which is a report from deputy director, also acting director azevedo today. >> okay. so it's been a month since we've met and talked about enforcement, so it's a fairly thick report here, so i've highlighted on some items to share. highlights on page 4, i have a 26 mix. i have spoke with management, and we are bringing them in in january to sit down and talk with director weiland and
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myself about the ongoing sound complaints. it's been determined that this is not from inside the venue but patron noise outside, and we plan to figure out a resolution and make this problem be solved soon. going down to oracle park, there was dream force, correct? dream force that just happened, and so fleetwood mac played, and we received six complaints, and letting you know that we forwarded the complaints and they will let you know how they handled it. item 4, this is about record
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lounge. there's also been complaints about repetitive singing, and so we've found that there's a restaurant that after hours is letting their staff do karaoke. we're letting you know that we're getting to the bottom of it. we're getting the pizza place in compliance, and i've spoken to the restaurant staff, letting them know -- the restaurant owner, letting them know that they have to have a permit, even if it's just staff singing at 2:00 in the morning. an update, on page cafe, when this was submitted, we did issue a notice of violation on november 16 for being out of compliance with their sound
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limit on saturday, the 14. revolution cafe owner is coming in to speak with me on thursday, so we are hoping to discuss their programming and hopefully make the complaints go away. page 14, you'll see that i've highlighted trade market and copyright. we are -- inspector fiorentino did an inspection, and they were violating at 11:30. further down the page, color block, we also issued a citation for this venue. this is a location that has applied for an l.l.p. they're required to apply for one-time permits in the interim, but they've had an
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event and told about meeting requirements for one-time events. they had a d.j. that did not have a one-time event. i'll note that color block has been very good about applying for one-times and has been consistent with that since that violation was issued. i highlighted 906 location. th this location applied for a permit but it was denied. in turn, we ended up denying a one-time event permit that they applied for. they had entertainment that night even though it was denied, and so we did issue a citation for that. page 17, i just highlighted color block to tell you that they've been -- being good actors since citation, and
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that's all that i've highlighted, and i'm happy to answer any questions that you might have. >> i just -- i notice the one dated december 1, bottom of the hill, first night, moved into new home adjacent to bottom of hill, and all the walls in the basement keep shaking. cannot sleep because of the sound. is this a new or old -- >> new neighbor. >> new neighbor. >> so we are working on that. so we don't have any new places. >> several other -- i notice there's several other calls about bottom of the hill, but i assume it's just from the same individual. >> that's correct. >> and bottom of the hill is working on their sound. >> and it's anonymous, their
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complaints, so we're unable to contact the neighbor who is making the complaints at this time. >> who chose to move in next to an active bar-club. >> rock and roll. >> yes. i don't really have any comment other than that. >> okay. >> i just was noticing, and i wonder why people move in next to bars and then complain about it. >> president bleiman: can you tell us more about the revolution cafe and what happened over there? i know you just went over it. >> yeah. revolution cafe has no sound abatement, and so they're not really really equipped to hold sound, and their programming has been more and more geared towards
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d.j.s with heavy bass and bands with full drum kits. so my visit on thursday is to revisit the sound limit, which is 70 d.b.a., which is very, very low, and discuss a plan of action for how they might mitigation future complaints. >> president bleiman: all right. anymore questions? thank you very much for that report. is there any public comment on the deputy director's report? seeing none, that agenda item is closed. the next item agenda is number 4, which is discussion and possible action to adopt written comments and recommendations to be submitted by the executive director of the planning department and/or department of building inspection regarding noise issues for proposed residential and/or hotel-motel projects per chapter 116 of the administrative codes, and i'm
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going to ask senior inspector roberts to introduce this project. >> thank you, president bleiman, for reading that. good evening, commissioners. the proposed project would demolish an existing two-story residential building and construction a 12-story tourist hotel with approximately 165 guest rooms. representatives of the project sponsor have conducted outreach with nearby places of entertainment as shown in your file have received no opposition that we're aware of. a sound study that was measured and calculated multiple sound sources, including sound from each place of entertainment. the sound study recommended sound rated windows at various building facades in order to achieve noise level criteria. entertainment commission staff reviewed the project documents, and we are recommending the following. approval with standard conditions for chapter 116,
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residential projects, and the following additional conditions. 1, the project is to incorporate all recommended facade s.t.c. ratings as in the environmental noise study as shown in your file. if the design of the project changes, the sound study shall be amended accordingly, and the project is required to resubmit design documents to the entertainment commission for review before coordinating updated recommendations. and here to present on behalf of the project sponsor and answer any questions that you may have is sandra chow, senior project architect of stanton architecture. >> hi. good evening, president bleiman
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and members of the entertainment commission. my name is sandra chow. i'm a senior project architect with stanton architecture. i'm here to present some slides about the project and answer any questions that you may have. the project is located on sutter between stockton and powell street downtowns. it's a block from union square and nearby hotels such as the hampton, the marriott, and the sir francis drake. this makes it the prime location for our project, which we're proposing to demolish an existing two-story residential and office and construct a hotel with 165 guest rooms. the building programming will include a hotel lobby with bar and retail at the ground level
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and publicly accessible open space on the rooftop. levels 2 through 12 will have 15 guest rooms per room, with windows oriented to sutter street and toward the side property lines. the rooms themselves are small, a little less than 250 square foot each other average, but since the project is a select service hotel product in an active area, we don't anticipate the guests to spend a significant amount of time in their rooms. we're currently working with the planning department on finalizing the end design of the building, so that's why the design that you see in front of you on the screen is slightly different than what you have in your package. but we have recently submitted our second round city, and
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they have limited comments, so i don't see too much problem moving forward. the project will still meet the requirements of the sutter-kearney historic guidelines and will continue the plane of the existing street facade, the storefront at the ground level will provide the main entries into the hotel lobby and the retail, and there'll also be a secondary egress to the side alley of the building, as well. once the project is in title, we'll bring on things such as building designers, and we'll also continue working with the acoust acoustical engineers who will
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provide the studies. we weren't surprised that the p.o.e., noise, did not significantly add to the ambient noise at night. additionally, we've been working at frost street lighthouse, and we haven't received any opposition to date, but both ross and i are here to answer any questions that you might have about the project. >> president bleiman: have a questi -- i have a question. there's a bar at the ground level. is this bar that's being built, is it going to be the owners of the hotel or they're going to
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bring in a management crew to run the hotel? >> it's going to be the latter. they're looking for it to be a brand, but it's yet to be selected. >> president bleiman: so the bar area, the coolest trend is to have a d.j. always in the bar. so the windows that you have in the front, are they going to be enough to keep sound from leaking out versus obviously, the other clubs are kind of far away. i don't think you're going to impact too much, unless the people on the higher floors, but i think the closest club maybe is 11 propaganda, but that's just around the corner. if you put in a bar, will it be an issue? do you have the proper rating of the windows going out? >> we'll have to check with our
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acoustical engineering. we don't have the ground level set yet. i think we're envisioning this to be a pretty luxurious hotel. >> president bleiman: you've been to the w hotel, right? >> yes. >> president bleiman: and you know their lobby? >> yes. >> president bleiman: it could be as loud as that, or it could be just ambience. you know, the better the insulation, you know, the better the sound, so i'm just thinking if you had that in mind. >> we haven't thought about that, but we will bring that up with our acoustic consultant. >> president bleiman: and
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there's no function rooms in this hotel, is there? >> no. >> president bleiman: okay. thank you very much for presenting. it does seem like the permit holders are pretty far away from you. we thank you for coming in. we would encourage you to upyo up your s.t.c. rating as much as you can so you can coexist. >> thank you. >> president bleiman: thank you. and then, we will take a vote on putting forward these recommendations to the -- to the planning commission if i'm not -- if i am correct. but first, we'll see if there's any public comment on this agenda item. seeing none, public comment is closed. and do we have a motion to put forward the staff recommendations? >> approve.
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>> second. [roll call] >> president bleiman: all right. congratulations. thank you very much. moving along to the next agenda item, it is number 5, which is hearing and possible action for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission, and we've already handled 5-c, so i'll cross that one out. i'll let acting director azevedo present the other two. >> thank you. the next item is change of permit and ownership for el toro, located at 1740 el toro avenue. the new owners intend to keep the same programming as the previous owner of t.
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the applicants held a community meeting to discuss their permit application, where they received support from the portola neighbor association. they also collected 75 letters of support, including four tenants in the neighboring residential building. they received no opposition. here to tell you more are owners juan burgos -- and no, i don't know your name -- is owner juan burgos. >> hello. good evening. yeah. as miss kaitlyn stated right now, keep it going, we had a meet and be merry the other day in the community, and just want to keep el toro going as is. i started going to el toro 20 years ago, and my -- my manager here, he's promoted el toro. he brought different bands, groups, stuff like that, to the
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previous el toro -- to the previous owner, jorge, sr., and jorge, jr., and keep working with owners of the past, so that's what we have planned. >> okay. so can you tell me more about -- as running an operation like this? i mean, have you been in this kind of business before? >> yes. i currently have a bar in hayward, a bar and night club in hayward. i've been there four years. it's at 21859 mission boulevard in hayward. >> i like that plug. in case you want to go to hayward. any special nights to attend? >> they're only open friday and saturday nights. >> okay. >> yeah, friday and saturday. >> and then, on your manager -- and you've been working at the place for a while? >> since 2006. >> 2006? >> 2006. you've been running all the
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security, sound, everything? >> well, mostly, the big name bands we have there on mondays, saturdays, but i've been there since 2006. before that, i was a musician, so since 1992, i've been performing at el toro. >> okay. and you guys have in-house security? >> correct. >> okay. >> so it's a company. >> it's a company? >> yeah. >> you pay the company -- you don't pay the company, you pay the employees? >> yeah, a company. >> well, there's no complaints. i don't see any issues, so i guess you've been running it pretty well. >> we try. >> since my colleague was just talking about security, how do you staff your security? >> we bring our security guy, juan -- he's out of town, but he brings us on a busy night,
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six guards. he brings us one at 6:00, and the rest come in at 9:30, 10:00. >> and what's your occupancy? >> 250. >> okay. great. thank you. >> questions? i don't have any questions, so thank you very much for coming in. appreciate it. wish you continued success. >> thank you. >> nice to see a -- nice to see a place continue in the same vein, in the same neighborhood for so long. >> is there any public comment on this agenda item? seeing none, public comment is closed. did i see staff recommendations on this one? >> yeah. it's the same memo that had the other staff recommendations? >> so do we have a motion to
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approve? >> motion to approve the -- with staff recommendation, approval with the good neighbor policy, existing internal sound limit, and the additional condition that the permit holder is that send monthly calendar of events to sfpd bayview station. >> i second. [roll call] >> okay. so the final permit on tonight's agenda is for a limited live performance permit for el trebol --
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[inaudible] >> -- but since then, they have not -- they have suspended all entertainment until tonight's hearing to determine if they were granted the l.l.p. permit. please note that the applicant previously was having entertainment until 2:00 a.m., however, their zoning district only allows for an l.l.p. unless they go through a conditional use authorization with the planning department, and they are aware and have agreed to only have live entertainment until 10:00 p.m. the owner distributed 200 fliers in english and spanish. there was one person that
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submitted a letter of opposition, and that is included in the file. mission station did approve the file, but had some concerns about safety and security. as such, they have included the conditions below. none of them required discipline, but there is to ensure responsible safety practices going forward, and here to tell you more is owner francisco ramos. >> hi. >> hello. my here is jose gonzales. i'm here to assist mr. ramos with translating. >> hi. i don't speak so good english, and i want to make sure i get it right so i don't do nothing wrong here, so thank you.
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[speaking spanish language] >> mr. ramos has been involved in the community for the last 38 to 40 years. he's been involved in many of the taquerias, managing them, running them. he's pretty well known in the district and respected. >> would you mind asking him -- can you just tell us a little bit about what kind of entertainment you're hoping to host going forward and whether or not you'll be bringing in promoters and what kind of sound system you have. those are going to be the questions we have. >> yeah. he only plans to have a d.j., just to play the music that the clients like. he has no intentions whatsoever of bringing in any outside entertainment. >> okay. and can he tell us a little bit about the sound system that the d.j. is playing off of? >> not really, no, because the d.j.s, they put -- so he does
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have one d.j. box, and it's an old system, and it does have speakers within, but when the d.j. comes in, they usually bring their own system, so he's not too knowledgeable as far as what kind of systems they have. maybe about four speakers. >> so basically, he allows the d.j. or whatever the band to bring in -- >> well, there's no band, just a d.j. >> okay. so does he have any plans to have his own system there, because when you bring in -- okay. >> go ahead -- yeah, he does plan to bring in a d.j. he does have a system that's very old. it's about the size of this
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system. the area that you has for the -- that he has for the d.j. is very small. it's about four by five. >> yeah. that's not the problem. the problem is when an outside person brings in equipment, they don't really understand the outside level that your building can hold the sound. >> so he says that he'll go ahead -- whatever condition they have, he'll sit with them, speak with the d.j.s, and let them know what the criteria is. >> well, the deal is if you want to limit the complaints or
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citations, you know, it would be interesting if he would invest in that. or he has to have a sound meter to at least whatever the inspector sets you at, if you're going to go over that, you're going to get a ticket. >> so what alternative he says, he can go ahead and use the existing system, which has i believe passed a sound limiting test. so what he can do is use not any outside d.j.s whatsoever, use the existing system until he decides if he wants to invest in a new system, and then have it approved. >> yeah. if it's already been approved, have the d.j. bring his
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computer, and he can play, and you should be okay. i'm just giving you the future around what issues can happen. and i'm just curious, how did he get into this business of owning this bar? >> because i was working in the mission for years. i was working in the taquerias. and he had a bar. and i'm management to him. and then, i think i do well, he did very well. and now, i have the same opportunity. i have the hub for business plus the bar now, and he thinks it's good. i'm never drinking, i never do anything, but i think the bar is a good thing. people are happy, and they like it in the mission area. >> and the other bars that you
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ran had entertainment, as well? >> no, this is the first one. >> okay. and so you're familiar with other bars that do have entertainment and issues that they may have with patrons and security? >> oh, yeah. >> okay. >> yeah, of course, yeah. >> and then, the d.j.s that you're bringing in, how do you find these d.j.s? >> okay. i have two, but they contact us, and they say oh, i'm
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working in wherever, and then, we try -- if people don't like it, they don't like it because some people don't listen. i have two guys only that i've had for many years. i control them. i tell them if i don't like this, they don't do it. >> so you control your own d.j.s and the music format? >> yes, of course. >> and you understand this permit is only until 10:00? >> yes. unfortunately, yeah. >> if everybody is having a good time, and it's 10:00, you're going to have to shut it down. >> you know, the problem is the mexican community, the latino community, they're -- but it's okay. i will respect the rules and will check with you guys. i don't want to have any problems with you guys, either.
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i want to have a successful business over there. >> okay. thank you. >> i did have -- we have some more questions. >> hello. thanks for coming in. just want to make sure that part of the conditions of the good neighbor policy, that you are responsible for maintaining outside of your business within 100 feet to be clean and sanitary every day. you understand that? >> i do. >> and what's your plan for doing that? what's your plan for keeping it clean and sanitary? >> so at the end of every
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night, he says that he has a cleanup crew, and he can go ahead and direct them -- he doesn't know if they go 100 feet out, but he'll direct the area. >> okay. so he'll direct the staff -- >> yeah. they go right out front, but he'll just direct them to go further out. >> okay. thank you. >> i just want to acknowledge the fact that you have been doing business in the mission for over four decades, and you, yourself, are an institution, so i'm really happy to hear that you have multiple businesses at this point. el farrolito's is one of my favorite places. >> i'm engineer for most of my career. i came to the united states because i have an opportunity for work. i'm an electroengineer, but
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salvador gave me an opportunity washing dishing for $2 an hour. i started working with him. the second week, he offers me a career. six years later, i'm the manager for everything. i'm going to speak english, but it's hard for me sometimes to understand very well. but i try to do my best in the places. el farrolito, do you know puerta vallarta? >> yes. >> that's one of our places, too. >> one of the things that i want to say on this is the entertainment commission, my colleagues, we want to support you on the opening of these bars. i know that you are actually the real stakeholder that wants
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to see the night life and entertainment and all the small businesses in the 24th street mission corridor to succeed, so i just want to kind of reiterate that we are here to support you in this process and get you into compliance. there's a list of staff recommendations here. i just wanted to confirm that they have been reviewed with you around the good neighbor policy and also these conditions that were recommended by the san francisco p.d. mission station, is that correct? >> yes, it is. >> yeah, we discussed them. he's in agreement. >> yeah. i just wanted to bring up one of those specifically, and i just want to make sure that he understands what it is, which is number 6. the permit holder is required
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to have an i.d. scanner, and i think some people think it's if the i.d. scanner is good or not, but in this case, the i.d. scanner captures all the i.d. information of every person walks into a bar and holds it in a data bank. i just want to know if that might impact his business to have everybody to enter a database to enter. >> yeah, let me explain that part to him. >> yeah. [inaudible] >> i thought it was just validating an i.d. >> just so you know, my personal feeling, i.d. scanners, they should only be used in extreme situations, and we're not there yet, but i just want to hear his opinions if he thinks it may hurt his business to have everybody enter their
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information. >> so mr. ramos, he says he has no choice. if that's a condition, he has to follow it, but he's not sure his clients are going to follow this. >> we may be able to, once he sits down, to clean that up. i think we'll see how we fall on that. i just wanted to see how he fell on that topic. >> you mentioned earlier, the lead training. i have other clients that deal with lead training.
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>> okay. and then, i have a couple other things. i know, mr. ramos, you're a staple in the community. i have some bars in the commission myself, and we -- some bars in the mission myself, and we value you in the community. you had a d.j., you didn't do anything -- there's much worse things to do than have a d.j., but i just want to make sure he understands what compliance means. we're going to be checking your security, and i think some concerns from police and staff haven't necessarily been around sound so much as security concerns, so incidents that cause people to be injured or things like that.
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>> he's going to talk to his managers about that and beef up security and make sure they're properly trained. >> part of that compliance would be following these security procedures, and we're going to be checking specifically to make sure they're being followed at all times, and our inspectors are kind of relentless in this case, so i just want to make sure he understands that we're always checking on everyone, and -- yeah. and then -- yeah, so that's a big thing. and the other thing is making sure that sound is not an issue going forward, and it sounds like it's not the main issue, just that we're going to be --
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but i also want to explain that we're great partners, and we want to work together as opposed to against each other. so i don't think there's anymore questions here. you guys can have a seat, and we can discuss this. so first of all, is there any public comment on this jaeagen item? seeing none, public comment is closed. i do have concerns about the security i.d. scanner language. >> i have a proposal. >> okay. >> what i would like to propose, once everyone's kind of had their comments is we approve the conditions as written, but regarding condition number 6, it remains as states with the exception that i.d. scanners shall be a condition that works toward the age and validity of the i.d.
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being presented. >> that appeases me. >> and what i'm saying is there is no data storage. which is not what i'm saying, but that's what occurs. >> yeah. i just feel like a neighborhood bar with a d.j. is not necessarily -- like, when we say you need to be winding down, people and so on -- >> well, i think that the police were recommending that given historical things that have happened in there that have caused them to be a little more concerned about this. >> and if i can make a suggestion, perhaps down the road, with some good behavior, we can relook at these issues because we do have some history here that we might want to be mindful of? >> yeah. i think generally, i appreciate the sfpd and the mission station's concern for security. i just -- and i think that, you know, when there's been a history in the venue
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