tv Government Access Programming SFGTV December 27, 2019 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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>> clerk: i would like to remind members of the public to please silence your mobile devices that may sound off during these proceedings, and when speaking before the commission, do state your name for the record. i'd like to take roll at this time. [roll call] >> clerk: commissioners, first on your agenda is general public comment. i have no speaker cards. >> would any member of the public wish to address the commission on items not on our agenda? close public comment. >> clerk: very good. general matters. item one, director's announcements. >> thank you. commissioners, simply want to wish you a happy holidays in
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advance. part of our holiday experience will be preparing our budget which we'll be discussing soon. we have received mayor -- budget instructions from the mayor and her office which include that no new positions are expected to be added through this year's process, so i wanted to let you know about that in advance. >> clerk: seeing no questions, item 2, review of past events at the planning commission and staff announcements. commissioners, items that may be of interest to you from the planning commission, december 5, they adopted the retained topic and special guidelines, and heard a presentation on the special japantown guidelines which will be coming to you in the new year. >> and jonas. >> clerk: yeah. >> at the board, wanted to let
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you know that the board approved 2251 webster street, 2168 market street, and 2731 to 2735 folsom. >> clerk: seeing nothing further, commission matters, item 3, president's report and announcements. >> i just want to thank the commission for a wonderful year. this is our last hearing of the year, and we will be having a celebration today at 5:00. i think it's in the notice, hayes street grill. >> clerk: very good. item 4, adoption of draft minutes for the november 6 a.r.c. minutes and the regular hearing for november 20, 2019. i have no speaker cards. >> any member of the public wish to comment on our minutes from the a.r.c. and the last h.p.c.? close public comment. commissioners?
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[inaudible] >> clerk: thank you, commissioners. on that motion to adopt the minutes for november 6 and november 20 -- [roll call] >> clerk: so moved, commissioners. that motion passes unanimously, 7-0. item 5, commission comments and questions. >> i think we're good. >> clerk: seeing none, we can move onto item 6, your proposed 2020 hearing calendar. commissioners, traditionally, we keep all of your scheduled hearings and calendars as needed, but if you see any reason to cancel any of those dates ahead of time. >> i did have a question. i was wondering why july 1 was being cancelled since it's three days away from july 4, and i was just wondering why
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that -- >> yeah. >> so i'm just curious -- >> it's up to us. >> clerk: i'm not sure -- i'm sorry. i'm not sure why that would have been. >> so we'll reinstate july 1 to regular meeting. >> clerk: so we'll just basically have every first and third wednesday of the month and cancel as needed. >> it looks like it, yeah. no action? >> it is. we should adopt it. >> okay. can i have a motion, please? >> clerk: we should have public comment. >> teacher: -- >> ah. getting ahead of ourselves. anybody here for public comment? can i have a motion? >> i would make a motion to
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adopt the schedule, cancelling as desired. >> second. >> clerk: very good. on that motion, keeping the 2020 schedule -- [roll call] >> clerk: so moved, commissioners. that motion passes unanimously, 7-0, placing us under items proposed for continuance, item 7, at 55 hagiwara tea garden drive for the music concourse in golden gate park. it is proposed for an indefinite continuance. >> okay. any member of the public wish to comment on this continuance? close public comment. commissioners? >> move to approve. >> clerk: to continue? >> continue, yes. >> second. >> clerk: thank you, commissioners. on that motion to continue item 7 indefinitely -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: so moved, commissioners. that motion passes unanimously, 7-0, placing us under your consent agenda. the matters listed here under constitutes your consent calendar. it is considered routine of the commission unless a member requests to remove the item, in which it will be heard in a separate vote. i have no speaker cards. >> would any member of the public wish to remove this from the consent calendar? seeing none, public comment is
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closed. commissioners, i need a motion. >> motion to approve item 8 with conditions. >> clerk: thank you. on that item, item 8, to approve the item with consent conditions -- [roll call] >> clerk: so moved, commissioners. that motion passes unanimously, 7-0, placing us under your regular calendar for item 9, establishing the american indian cultural district ordinance. this is an administrative code amendment. >> hello, commissioners. shelley cal at thtagirone from planning department staff. i wanted to bring paul monet up
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to provide some comments. >> good morning, commissioners. my name is paul monket. i'm a relatively new aide with supervisor ronen's office. pleasure to be here. so as you know, this legislation was intended to establish the first ever american indian cultural district in district 9. in san francisco, we're proud of the legacy that the district has shared and led with. we're home to one of the very first cultural district programs, calle 24, and we're proud to see how much this has expanded across the city, cultural place keeping, and we believe this is shine light and resources on a community that has long been the fabric of this land, long before it was the city and county of san francisco. this is a way for us to honor the american indian community
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in san francisco because of the cost of living in the bay area, these communities have suffered from displacement and gentrification both on the side of residents, but on the side of cultural institutions. we're proud to have some of the community partners with us today to bring this forward for your consideration, and we'll be around for question you if you have any. >> so with that, i'll tackle some of the more technical aspects of the ordinance. the proposed ordinance amends the legislation, and we did provide the specific boundaries in your case report. the ordinance also would require the mayor's office of housing and community development to submit written reports and recommendations to the board of supervisors and the mayor describing the cultural attributes of the district and proposing
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strategies to acknowledge and preserve the cultural legacy of the district. the deadline set for that report which we refer to as the chehs report is set for 2021, so we do have about a year. we did pass the cultural designation program back in may 2018, so it's still a relatively new program. we have our first cohort of districts going through the chehs program currently, so the american indian cultural district adopted would either be in the second or third cohort of properties going through that chehs process. i wanted to raise a couple of options for you to consider for your decision today.
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the planning department does have a relationship with certain native americans in the city that are identified as descendants of the ohlone group. that relationship is established through our ceqa consultation process and through our consultation process of tribal and cultural resources. we also have quite a bit of archaological groups located in san francisco, and we have our san francisco archaeologists today to answer any questions that you may have. we also wanted to note that we do believe that the mandated timeline of january 2021 is a reasonable timeline for the amount of work that we believe the planning department would be responsible for, which is generally to collect information in our records related to the cultural group
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and to assist with any technical expertise that's required in terms of working out strategies for landmarking in the district, developing cultural assets, inventory, doing general cultural resource survey work or any other aspects of our historic preservation work program. we also wanted to note that the ordinance does call for mohcd to establish a relationship with a community-based organization which will lead the chehs effort and outreach program for that strategy, and we fully support that community-led approach to the cultural district program. so with that, i wanted to note that we are recommending approval of the proposed ordinance, and that is how your resolution is drafted today. we do not recommend any changes. if the commission has any recommendations to amend the ordinance, we're happy to help you through that process.
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as we noted, paul is here to answer any questions about the legislative process or the development of the ordinance. we also have yulia sabry who is the cultural coordinator from the mohcd. she can provide you information how the program is currently managed and how the indian -- american indian program would be foldland into that, and of course i'm here to answer any questions you may have about the cultural district's role and specifically your recommendations for the ordinance. thanks. >> commissioner? >> well, you've already sat down. but you said there were five cultural districts total. is that right? >> there are five that are going throughar strategy of development currently, what we're calling the chehs process, but we currently have seven adopted -- sorry, eight.
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we have eight adopted cultural districts. >> and what are they? >> oh, that is a good test. i should have brought my list. the last adopted was the castro lgbt cultural heritage district. prior to that was the african american bayview cultural district. i do have a list. we have japantown cultural district, which was one of the first recognized by the city, calle 24, soma filipinas, the compton transgender district, and i believe i've listed them all now -- oh, lgbtq leather district in soma. thank you. >> thank you. >> great. commissioner matsuda. >> thank you. i just had a question about the appropriate cultural partners that were noted in the staff report. would that be the american indian cultural center or --
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that's a nonprofit organization, right? would they serve the community as the nonprofit liaison or how would that work? >> it's actually to be decided. mohcd would actually issue an r.f.p., and folks will respond to the r.f.p., and folks in the community will be chosen through that process. and julia can answer any questions about how that process unfolded for this last cohort. >> no, i was just curious. so that will go through process. and then, you do have a lot of good information listed in the actual resolution about individuals as well as venues that are hopefully going to be a part of this process in the cultural district. i would just strongly suggest as you continue to collect this data, that you also collect oral histories of these
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particular businesses and community leaders because we lose people every day, and you want to make sure you collect their stories and make it a part of the record so that future generations will know the challenges that it took to get this far. >> commissioner so? >> thanks. completely second commissioner matsuda's comment. i've got quite a bit to say here. first of all, i think this is a really well-suited time we live in now in the current climate, that i am so thrilled that supervisor ronen draft this legislation to acknowledge the indigenous people of our peninsula, this land that we look to right now. it is close to my heart, being
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served on the art commission for four years, we have increased 70% our funding for the native american community. and i really want to make sure that when we draft an ordinance now, we have the ability to be responsible. i want to ask the supervisors to acknowledge all the different evolutions of naming of the cultural center. my understanding that since the 80's, it has been named several different versions but in our ordinance right now as it's draft in page 4, it's only listed as the only original indian center is the american indian cultural center. but my urge is to look since the 80s. i believe it's called san francisco american indian center, and then later on, it's called the native american
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center. i think it's important for different leaders who have lived in this community have correctly represented. it's a bit of a sad to me that we can only go by archaeological positions and not fact. another thing that commissioner matsuda said, we need to be focused on the community representation process because community representation are the ones that have the resources to show up in the meetings, but that might not be the community representation of the entire native community. so organizations that i'm aware of, in addition to what's being listed in this ordinance are this one called the association of ramatush ohlone, which is
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an acronym. i'm probably missing a lot of the groups that i'm not aware of at this moment. i really believe we're doing the right thing, and i believe we need to be inclusive. this community has been displaced systematically, and i think we need to do the right thing and be the trailblazer in this. the other part of it is i also need to be placing on the record that i have received some community comments by dr. jonathan cordero and dr. lana wohljack. it's my understanding of my years having served on the arts
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commission, it's great that we are here making part of the history. and i think that summarized what i have to say, yeah. that's it. >> great. thank you. commissioner black? >> i just want to mention that i strongly support this endeavor. i would like to see -- and i'm sure it's already being planned as part of the chehs component, but i'd like to see a strong education component for members of the community. part of the cultural places are no longer present, so there should be a mechanism of which people are informed of this incredibly important part of san francisco. i found commissioner matsuda's comments to be really well
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formed, and i support them completely. >> thank you. commissioner pearlman? >> from a process standpoint, i don't know if they finished their presentation, so i just wanted to make sure that's the case. >> well, we're in questions. >> but i didn't know if they were done with their presentations. >> staff doesn't have any more information to present, but i believe in the public comment section, there are community members here to speak. >> so i do have a question. do you have a notion of what some of the frameworks might be at this point? >> i honestly don't. the department does not have a historical context statement for contemporary native
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american landmarks in the city. obviously, the community can always recommend certain landmarks to be designated, as well, and we can work with someone on developing landmark designation. >> i was just wondering if something chad come forward tht might be obvious. >> okay. commissioner johns. >> i think that you made a very good point about the educational possibilities here. and the san francisco historical society which now has a location in the original mint at 608 commercial street is very interested in exhibits of this kind there's -- about the american indian cultural districts and other districts. i just had a brief conversation with mr. jocelyn about the
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possibility of the museum dp-- san francisco historical society, rather, getting together with us and allowing the planning department to exhibit some of the work that has been done which would provide information about some of these things that are going on. >> so i do have a question. shelley, did you want to respond to that? >> i did want to note for the commission that it seems like some of the discussion is moving into commentary, rather than questions, and we haven't taken public comment yet. >> yes. i do have a question, but i think i missed the name. julia is -- >> she is the programming
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director for content, and she works for mohcd. >> my question is or could you, for the benefit of the commission as well as the public -- i fully support this, but i just think it's probably of value if you can explain the consultation process. i don't think in my years on the commission that we've had a case where we've need today do that. >> the archaeology? >> so can you give an overview? >> so i manage the archaeological programs. we review projects to determine whether or not we think there is a potentially significant historical arch owaeological s.
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in 2015, with ab 52, we added a resource-type to the ceqa cultural resource review, which is tribal cultural resources, and that outlines a process that we go through. basically, when we're doing certain projects of ceqa level review, we reach out to native americans and ask them whether there's a tribal cultural resource that might be impacted by the site, whether or not they'd like to consult on the project, if they have suggestions for the level of environmental review, whether or not there's suggestions for mitigation measures, and so we do that in process quite often through the department. basically, anything that's beyond a categorical kpeexempt, we do that. through that process, we did initial outreach in 2015 where
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we met with local native americans who are on that state list and asked them if there are any tribal cultural resources in the see that they would like to consult. about the main thing we heard back from them is they would like to consider all the cultural resource sites in the city could be developed as tribal cultural resources, so we developed a strategy for tribal cultural resources that has to do with working with local native americans to do interpretation. and so and actually then doing an interpretation that would be done in concert with sort of local native american groups. and so that, you know, this would be a -- there would be many opportunities through that ceqa process, also, i think to partner with the outcome of this, the cultural heritage district, as well. things that you guys have mentioned already, educational,
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heritage displays, all of those could be done in coordination with ceqa process for archaeological and tribal process review. >> thank you for being put on the spot. why don't we go ahead and open this up for public comment. any member of the public wish to comment on this item? okay. seeing none, i'll close public comment. >> i think there are some. >> i'm sorry? >> yes, there are a few people. >> okay. please step up. you have three minutes, and about 30 seconds before the end, you'll hear a buzzer. please be bold. >> anybody, anybody come forward. >> hello, commissioners. this is ohlone land. my name is melda maldonado.
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as an immigrant, i came here in the late 70s. by good fortune, i ended up being very close and working at the native american center at 221 valencia. this was many moons ago. the people came from all nations at that time. i personally learned a lot, and it was my home for many years. san francisco, and specifically that area, valencia and julian, was the center, where people of all nations came together. there were times, and if you're familiar with the native
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american history, the people were sent from the reservations to urban areas, and san francisco was one of those places. but it was also a place in the late 70s -- and this is my history. i'm sure before that, there was more, but i am giving you what i know from personal experience. the people that came many -- of course there were many native americans of all nations living here in san francisco. but we also had the yearly different past throughs of migragss, that they -- pass-throughs of sigh gratetions that occurred here; that they would stop to see the family and move on.
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so the members of the american indian community at that time were able to meet people from the flat head reservation, from navajo, from athabascan, from every place in the united states, including guatemalans, mayans. and i believe being honored translating for people when she came here, especially for mother teresa, when she came here in -- i believe it was 1981, before she got the nobel prize. we are definitely here to support the cultural district.
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thank you very much for listening to me. >> thank you so much. next speaker. >> for give me. i'm doing this as i do the bath room dance at the same time. i'm kind of frantic. so i definitely want to mimic, you know, the inclusion process moving forward. i don't know in what way i'll be involved or whether it's with the cultural district or, you know, the cultural center. one of the things that i did want to give a little bit of context on, there's so much more that could have been included in this ordinance, but just understanding, we had three months, i'm new to san francisco. came from sacramento. was there for three years. i stepped in and listened to what i could from the community, but our goal was
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let's get this past in the time frame that we have this momentum. but i 100% agree moving forward that there needs to be additional consultation. i think a way to shape that scope moving forward is in four parts. the first part, 100% is being with 100% culturally affiliated tribes in this area and anyone else who is impacted by termination, relocation. the mission district, we have not just the ohlones, but people from all over california. the second part, i would say that community organizations need to come to the table. what they see, how they can best involve their own communities. because we're not just californiians. i'm kiowa, and people are from all over the place, so get people talking to their
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districts and how they can be in touch with individuals. the third part is timelines for community members and having input with individuals and community members. and the last part i see helping shape the district is going through preexisting resources. i've already connected with several professors, elders, people that have lived in san francisco since that have been part of even the whole alcatraz process, and it's been my understanding that a lot of our information has been released to oakland, san francisco state. it hasn't always been american indian cultural center, but there has been different leaders and different sources of funding, so looking back at that leadership and those sources. so just looking at those, and i hope that we can have one going forward. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> hi. good afternoon, commissioners. my name is mario demura.
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thi this is my co-worker, paul. we are from soma filipino cultural district. we are just here in solidarity with our brothers and sisters from the native american cultural district. we heard news from julia that this was on the table and moving forward, and a lot of our cultural districts were really excited and ecstatic and thought it was way due, overdue, that they would be recognized and part of this strategic effort to recognize communities in the neighborhood and also as a strategy for cultural and historic preservation. you know, we are all aware of everything that's happening in our world right now, everything that's happening in our city with displacement and gentrification. i think our brothers and sisters in the native american
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community can teach us a lot about how to resist, how to learn from them in dealing with issues of displacement, even deeper issues like genocide and colonialism. i think it's also an important lesson for us to learn from our native american brothers and sisters about climate in this era of climate change, of global catastrophe or climate
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cat catastrophe. >> good afternoon. woody labonte from san francisco heritage. i just want to quickly say, and i think that staff and planning might be aware of it, the latinx content that's in it, the staff has identified a number of sites in the mission district that might want to be involved in the just process, so take a look at that. it's a little shortcut. >> okay. any -- >> i apologize. i just think it's really important. i know that we're talking about archaeological historic resources. i think that's important, and i think that working with the cultural district and the ohlone, you're going to find that prevalent. i don't think going with the leather district and asking if
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there are archaeological sites, but i think it's great making them a pertinent member of the community, and that's all. >> okay. i think we had a pretty good discussion. i would just like to echo the comments of the last speaker. in the consultation process, i was just trying to get at the baseline. as with all of these cultural districts, we're just going to want to cast as broad of a net as we can for the engagement, so -- >> i'd just like to speak to that briefly to maybe help clarify? we had -- the cultural heritage districts are fairly different for what we've done for the processes of ceqa and the planning processes that way, so we don't hold the cultural
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heritage districts to that standard. we use the information in the cultural heritage districts to inform our determination and process, but we -- we see them as being actually fairly separate. and so we still have the process for looking at archaeological resources and tribal resources which will integrate with this to some extent, but we usually try to keep these processes separate as we move forward. this is a community process, so we wouldn't be holding our community resource standards to anything that came out of this process. >> thank you. any other comments? so what's our action? >> clerk: it would be to adopt a resolution recommending approval. >> right. and so do we have any amendments? we had a couple comments. so, commissioners, so you had a change that -- on page 4, so do
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you want to take a shot at offering a motion? >> a motion to approve with the following recommendation is to recommend the board of supervisors to take another inclusive acknowledging the actual legal statement -- legal terminology of the cultural center through the history of san francisco. there's several of them. and then -- i don't know what else you want me to motion on -- and the inclusive process, when we identify in the chehs process, to include as many organization and community leaders as we can within resource. >> okay.
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>> second the motion. >> i'm going to pull for commissioner matsuda's comments about oral histories being included, and also an educational component. probably both are contemplated, but it's reassuring to see them in writing. >> okay. >> shelley caltagirone. planning department staff. i just wanted to get clarity to the resolution. to clarify, the first resolution is to clarify language specifically for the american indian cultural center and its historic names in the ordinance. and then, the other two recommendations are to -- about process but not -- you're not -- are you recommending changes to the ordinance or recommending just generally good practice for the chehs process in the future? >> mine is really more toward the chehs process, the
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educational component. it doesn't have to be in the -- just -- and i'll let commissioner matsuda speak -- >> it's more inclusive, including all of the communities, especially the young lady about -- commenting about we got all the communities represented? >> i'm just clarifying because the 30-day deadline for the legislation is tomorrow. i'll need to be transmitting your comments today, and you won't have a chance to review, so i want to make sure i get the language correct. >> so it sounds like one actual change to the legislation to identify the previous names. and then three, summary recommendations that the commission thinks are very important to make sure is included in the process. that being the inclusiveness, the educational component, and the capturing of all the histories >> the last one, sorry.
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>> capturing of oral histories. >> thank you. and i can provide a draft of the -- of final -- of your final resolution at your next hearing so you can see what was transmitted to the board. >> thank you. so i believe we have a motion and a second. >> clerk: so commissioners, you do have a motion that has been seconded, and i would just suggest that possibly the amendments be included in the findings in the resolution to the board of supervisors. so on that motion recommending that the board of supervisors adopt this resolution including identifying american indian cultural center historical names and its findings potentially to make this process as inclusive as possible, including educational component and oral histories. on that motion -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: so moved, commissioners. that motion passes unanimously, 7-0. commissioners, that'll place us on items 10-a through f for case numbers 2019-022726 lbr, 2019022727 lbr, 2019-022000 lbr, and 2019-022005 lbr for various properties. these are all legacy business registry applications. >> hello, commissioners. shelley caltagirone, planning
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department staff. i just wanted to let you know that i have received an e-mail just before the hearing. i have not reviewed the e-mail prior to the hearing, but i have copies for the commission and the public if they would wish to review it. so with that, i'm going to give just a very brief summary of each of the proposed legacy businesses today, and then, i would invite any community members or property owners to speak during the public comment period and provide further information about the applications. the first is caffe sapore. it's located at 790 lombard street. the cafe opened in 1997 as a european style cafe with med terranean influences. the owner is a chef who has successfully operated many restaurants throughout san francisco. you may have noticed several recent news articles that have been published and news
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segments that have been aired highlighting the importance of the cafe within the community. the cafe has operated continuously in san francisco for 22 years, which you will recognize is less than the 30-year requirement for listing on the registry unless a business is under significant threat of displacement. we have determined that there's a significant threat of displacement. their lease is being terminated on december 31 of this year. therefore, the lower threshold of 20 years applies to this application. we have noted the following features to be safeguarded. the mediterranean influences, the beer and wine, the catering services, the murals, the original hardwood floors, and we are recommending support for the application. the next application is courtney's produce, located at
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101 castro street. courtney's produce was established in 1971 by patrick and lola courtney. the store stocks fresh produce as well as a an assortment of fresh cut flowers. they provide sandwiches and juices made fresh daily. we are recommended approval with the following features to be safeguarded. the neon sign of courtneys, the organic foods, their natural foods, and the famous peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. the next is ecletic cookery located at 103 cline avenue. it is san francisco's first and largest commissary kitchen, established in 1984 by
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california culinary academy graduates. this business is located in the hunters point navy shipyard dock number two, constructed in 1903. it has no historic resource. we are recommending approval with the following features to be safeguarded, the at the same shared kitchen and culinary processes, the time honored resources and character adaptability. the next is gapescape, locate -- gamescape, located at 333 divisadero street. it was established in 1985 in san francisco by robert j. hamilton. robert envisioned it as a place where the local community and
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gaming enthusiasts could gather and enjoy the world of tabletop gaming. the business is renouned for the selection of games that fo purchase as well as gathering location. we are recommending support of the application with the following features to be safeguarded. the gamescape logo, the locally hand made sign, the edwardian era retail space, the dedication to offer the best tabletop gaming products and services and their open gaming space. the next applicant is lorna kollmeier ornament taal plaste. it was established in 1988.
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it was a traditional retailer for ornamental plaster. in combination of its already extensive collection, they hold the only archive of san francisco's cast architectural sculptural detail. as noted, located in the historic shipyard. we are recommending support for the applicant, and the following features to be safeguarded. the collection of plaster molds and their plaster ornament services. and the last applicant today is the potrero view, located at 1458 18th street. the view is san francisco's oldest continuously published community newspaper, beginning in 1970. they aspired to emerge into a
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newspaper that could influence municipal policy decisions, and it began publishing in june 1972. we are recommending support of the application as well as the following feature to be safeguarded. the monthly free community newspaper publication. if you have any questions about the applications, i'm here to answer them. i believe rick kurylo is here to answer any questions about the applications or the process, and with that, i'll leave it to community members to come speak. >> okay. thank you. why don't we open this up to public comment. you'll have two minutes, if that works, and you'll hear a ring when you'll have 30 seconds left, okay? please step up. >> members of the commission, thank you very much.
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my name is janet crane. i'm 50 years in the neighborhood of caffe sapore, who i'm supporting here. i belong to all the neighborhood organizations. i run a nonprofit for keeping seniors in their homes in north beach, and caffe sapore has been an enormous community living room for the area for all these years and has been threatened -- is going to be evicted in the middle of their lease for no good reason, so we're desperate to keep them going and relocate them about a block away. there is a slip here hopefully that they can take over. i have a petition here of 1,984 signatures of caffe sapore remaining in the neighborhood and obtaining its legacy business classification because of its incredible service to the neighborhood over all these years. it has provided a safe and warm
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environment for everybody. reason foods, reasonable prices, all kinds of gathers, neighborhood meetings, wedding receptions, memorials, chili cookoffs, all sorts of things. the legacy business registration helps support businesses like caffe sapore. there are 26 vacant storefronts in five blocks around caffe sapore, and the last thing we need is a successful business to go under for no good reason. we're hoping that the designation of legacy business will help this from going under. >> okay. appreciate it. next speaker.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. thank you for listening. my name is elias sapai, and i am the owner of caffe sapore. i opened the cafe 22 years ago in a neighborhood where nothing was around there. i cherished every neighbor that came in, and i love them. i watched them growing. some of them, i actually raised, and they're actually working in the cafe right now. they were babies -- even though they come from college and they work in the cafe. it's a community cafe, supported by a lot of people. i serve every single day, every single customer that's been coming there 22 years. it's not their work, it's not
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their home, it's their third place where they come to meet each other. elderly fellows, they come in, they sit down, they eat their lunch. i married people there. it's a very important place. and again, in north beach, like i say, there's so many businesses that are closed, and a lot of it has to do with the greed of the landlord, the price of the rent is so high that we can't afford it. and actually, i'd like to support caffe sapore, but the legacy business will help keep us going with the support of the community. thank you for listening. >> thank you. next speaker.
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>> hi. my name's gloria rogan. i can't talk about caffe sapore without crying. sorry to be this emotional. but i've been going there since elias opened. i'm 71 years old, and i don't cook and sometimes, i think oh, gosh -- i have cancer, and i don't like to eat vegetables. sometimes, i go to caffe sapore, and i order a salad, and it makes a real difference to my health. i'm a real estate agent, and i've been one for over 30 years. i understand -- i work with a lot of investors. i understand the dynamics here only too well, and i feel it's -- it's a travesty of -- to see this kind of business
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being involved, let alone threatened of being removed. i'm telling you, one day, my cocker spaniels will be on the cover of a chinese travel magazine. they get their pictures taken all the time, and i have so many people who want to send me photographs of the dogs, and so on. i can't begin to tell you how unique this place is, and i thoroughly support the legacy business designation. thank you. >> okay. thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is charles forester. i'd like to thank you for the benefits you provide for recognizing the historical assets of the city. caffe sapore has been a big part of my city.
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for me, there was no place for me to go to consult my business. i was a consultant, and it's right at the border of the tourist area. and not only -- not only myself, where i got my first full-time job in what is now my career, but that neighborhood and that community depends on caffe sapore to do their business, to meet. it's also a valuable asset for the community for their families. i became involved with a lot of community organizations there. so i -- -- i'd like to strongly request that you grant this resolution. thank you very much for the time. >> great. thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello.
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my name is dick lumagi, and i make pottery for a living, and my pottery is very much influenced by the life in japan. in japan, they have a prize called the living definition treasure. it's somebody who's risen to the top of their trade. the definition of this award is the holder of an important tangible cultural property. and i think by that definition, caffe sapore deserves your support. it has a singular talent. there are hundreds, thousands of us who live close by that place, and we live in small apartments. there are few you are and few you are places for us to meet. it's a soulful, wonderful, vibrant place, and i hope that you lend your support to their
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petition. thank you very much. >> great. thank you. >> hello. i'm here for courtney's produce. i'm robin courtney. i'm patrick and lola's daughter. okay. good afternoon, commissioners and planning staff. thank you for considering our legacy business application. founded in 1971, courtney's produce has been located at the corner of 14th and castro for nearly 50 years, and before that, courtney's had a market in the haight for two years. the market is very special because everything is sells is fresh from the fruits and the vegetables that are picked up fresh from the produce market every morning to the fresh squeezed juices and the fresh
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sandwiches it makes daily. the business has another k key attribute, and that is that it has never sold alcohol. when my parents established courtney's at the corner of castro and 14th, they changed the neighborhood. they had the bars from the previous owner removed from the windows and the doors, and they strung up lights and added seating around the magnolia tree. they became a location where children from the school across the street would come to get a special treat with their parents. it's been available for the patients and the staff at the medical center across the street, where they can get nutritious and healthy food at a reasonable price. it's improved the quality
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