tv TIDA SFGTV January 23, 2020 12:00am-2:11am PST
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it's great to be in city hall during the holidays season. i i love to see the tree at the top of the stairs, it's a festive time here. welcome all. so, let's begin. >> for the record this is the december 11th, 2019 treasure island development authority board meeting. item number 1 call to order. [roll call] we have a quorum >> clerk: general public comment. this item is to allow members of the public to address the treasure island development authority board on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the authority board and that do not appear on today's agenda. in addition, public comment will be held during each item on the
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agenda. members of the public may address the board for up to throw minutes and you will hear a single chime when there are 30 seconds remaining, prior to making your comments, state your name and the organization you represent, if any, for the record. >> please come up, hello. >> thank you, very much. my name is and i'm the c.e.o. for health rights 360. the last time i spoke with you was a meeting on treasure island and you were about to turn the keys over to us for the additional units on marner street. and so, we've now opened those units. i just want to thank you so much for allowing us to mak use of te units. i don't think there's a program when we operate with the largest substance provider in the city and county of san francisco and i don't think there's a single program we offer that has more of an impact on our clients than these services we provide in these units.
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it's amazing. people who come to us for substance treatment are 94 of them are unsheltered and they have no homes at all. they live outside. they come in for residential treatment. the end of 90 days of residential treatment you know in san francisco there's no housing. what we've done with these units is we've deployed them in the service of a transitional recovery residents so that the clients can step down into residents and it doesn't have all the rules and restrictions and intensity of residential treatment. while they go to school or get jobs and they can continue their and it's been remarkable. so, clients condition their treatment and a high degree of participation and they get jobs, save money and move out. right. i mean it's really transitional.
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in the true spirit of traditional housing, people put together enough money to go and find places and apartments of their own. and so, i just want you to know that the impact. it has a broader impact than just that because there are some clients who are living outside and concerned about coming into residential treatment because they think like why bother, i have no housing on the other side. so it brings more people into care in general. you should know the impact of your decisions and in this case, it was amazing and very rapid. those units are all full. they stay full. sometimes they're residential treatment beds aren't full, these units stay full. i wanted to thank you for that and let you know the impacts. thank you. >> thank you. thank you for your service. >> good afternoon, sherry williams with one treasure island. i'm not sure if all of you saw the front page article in the
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chronicle that san francisco is now the most expensive city in the world to develop housing. one thing that i think is important for us to always keep in mind in that context is that treasure island will continue to be a very competitive place to build affordable housing. if you looked at the chart of costs, their age for site control to acquire sites is $150,000 a unit and ours is zero. if you take the authority units, the 1866 units, that the authority unit has power to build above the inclusionary, we're talking over $300 million so our housing on treasure island will always be competitive. it's not just because it's fro but it's also fully entitled, flat, they'll have the geo technical improvements and all of the utilities to the curb.
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i just wanted to just call that out that that's the legacy from all of the negotiations and the approvals that happen in 2011 that we will be in this position where women be com pe where we e competitive for those dollars and it will be a positive impact for affordable housing on treasure island. >> thank you. >> seeing no one else. next item, please. >> clerk: report by treasure island director. >> >> thank you, chair, members of the board. last night, it was the navy's restoration advisory board meeting on the clean up program at treasure island.
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also, this past m. th months, te office of civic innovation selected a proposal prepared by one treasure island and tida for their civic ridge program to prepare a construction job's forecasting tool that we would implement in partnership with alex francois and his program within one treasure island to there is a pro bono for the tool to be produced and if we are in agreement at that time we would move forward with the r.f.p.
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the last treasure island flee for 2019 was held november 23rd and 24th on treasure island and as i mentioned before, the fleet will be taking next year off as there's a utility work along the eastern shoreline in particularly the sewer force main and interim gas main that were not compatible with the proposed schedule for the flee a market. also on the eastside of the island, work is underway to remove the propane fuel thanks that used to fuel the fire simulators, the fire training academy. we are working with our environmental consultants to remove those and that work should be completed next month. work is continuing between tida
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staff, puc staff and d.e.m. to do an after-action assessment of the power outage that's we had on november 5th and november 11th with various groups looking at communications, systems and response and we've also authorized the p., c. to make pe improvement this is advance of the replacement of the installation of the new primary switch gear which is, we discussed it before, scheduled for the end of 2020. that will be a significant milestone for us in improving the reliability of the electrical system on the island. on the condominium being constructed is under construction and last month the construction crane went up at
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the site. if you drive in from the east bay there's a prominent construction crayon the eastside of the island. a real symbol of progress. on treasure island, the wood grain insulation at the wastewater treatment plant is nearing completion to be followed by the due technical improvement of the site where it continues at the wear wate breas well as the causeway reconstruction where the west side of the causeway is nearly ready for reconstruction with the schedule of that being fully reconstructed by may, june timeframe and traffic being shifted to the west side so that the eastside can b be reconstructed. ticd was awarded the utility and roadway construction packages for the first sub phase area on
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treasure island which will be critical as we worked to -- as they work to have those roadways and utilities in place consistent with the schedule for the development of the first residential project on treasure island, which is ccdc and source to plow shares building for former veterans. that project is expected to begin construction the first quarter of next year and be completed in the fall of 2021. work continues with ticd to plan logistics, demolition, utility relocations for the next sub phase area around hangar 2 and hangar 3 on the eastside of the island. on the -- as a reminder, our on
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island meeting schedule for next year will be to have throw on te on-island meetings in march followed by on island meetings in july and november. that completes my report. >> thank you, very much. there's a question. >> thank you. director beck, i wanted clarification about the generators situation. so i think in your report, you had mentioned that we were in this case luckily able to find someone to bring the fuel up and available to conduct i guess maintenance or follow-up work as needed. is that an ongoing, i guess, contract that we will have with them moving forward so that we cannot encounter the same fuel shortage issue in the future? >> yeah.
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we have through the p.u.c. we have an ongoing open maintenance contract with an agency that comes out and performs periodic testing the generators and so fourth and they're also on call for emergency repairs of the generators. the refueling issues we encountered on november 5th, we are working with vendors to make sure we don't have a recurrence of those delays that we had that first evening in the event of future outages. that's a critical issue, not just for the island but for all city-age facilities that rely upon emergency generator powers. those refueling capability needs to be there because the on site storage capacity is typically anywhere from 12 to 48 hours. for those that have either a
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higher consumption rate, as is our case, because we have quite large generators, or have limited storage capacity then they need more regular refueling. >> thank you. >> and i would just like to comment, bob, that there on treasure island when the flea market had its last flea market of the season and in fact for a couple of years. it was the traffic coming in and off the island on that day, of course it was a spectacularly beautiful day. it was incredible to get from one part to the main part of treasure island took almost 45 minutes just within the island itself. which points out how important this is for us to have alternative transit that we need to get people out of the vehicles. and part of our plan for the
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various transportation plan is exactly to do that. just wanted to point that out. >> thank you. >> clerk: public comment on item number 3? item number 4. communication 0 and received by tida. >> are there any questions about communications? hearing none. next item, please. >> clerk: item number 5, on going business by board of directors. >> yes, on this item, yes, i'm going to switch. >> i wanted to take this opportunity for those that are probably watching remotely, the treasure island development authority, our mission is not only to develop treasure island, i think us here have demonstrated that we have the skills to do that each and every person has skills. it's not a coincidence we're here.
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it's also important. we're also helping san francisco resolve a lot of the problems that its having. you need to ex down here. we have a lot of things figured out. the previous speakers with a 360, that model, that project it has great applications to all the problems that the city is he countering now. here you are where we have a solution. we have something taking place within the county of san francisco. now, everybody needs to know about that. they need to know not just us, that this is what wore doing as we are developing the islands. we are also utilizing spaces that we have to help hot and we also heard from one treasure island where you just gave that synopsis about hey, seems like let's get all the money earmarked to treasure island because this is what we've been preaching about.
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we have the land and the plans and we know how to make this happen. give us the money and we will be able to bridge the housing gaps in san francisco and so in the reason i'm saying this is that when we convey this kind of messages, it's going to be loud and clear that yes, let's teach them. lastly in addition, we are also, as we build, we are creating a workforce development and so far in all the programs that we look in san francisco ours is one of the finest and it has applications not only for san francisco but also for the regions. so cumulatively, i just want to tell the commissioners out here, when we go out there and people are talking about that we remind everybody and we also try to help so that this messages could be loud and clear. i know i'm doing it and everybody here.
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thank you, i just want to make that statement. >> thank you. >> thank you. i just wanted to mention, i've been asked by a number of people about our earthquake plan and we will be talking about that at the next on island meeting which is in march. >> thank you very much. >> clerk: item number 6 consent agenda. 6a approving the minutes of november 13th, 2019 special meeting. >> moved. >> second. >> all those in favor say aye. >> aye. although owes posed. the consent agenda passes. >> clerk: approving a second amendment to the housing roles and regulations for the villages at treasure island. >> so we've discussed this at the past several meetings what
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has been -- we were proposing and are incorporated into the package today with the actual edits to or amendments to traditional housing rules and regulations, i have a few slides i would go through for members of the audience or watching at home that might not be familiar with what we're undertaking here. the residents of treasure island include residents of the programs that fall under the one treasure island umbrella that includes health right 360, catholic charities and community housing partnership and those residents are slated to be moved into new units at each of those operators will be developing new residential housing facilities on treasure island. but for the market rate
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residents, we have households where all the members of the households were here on the island in june of 2011 when the disposition development agreement was adopted and those households were granted certain transition housing benefits to move into the new community as its developed. but that program did not provide for benefits for those people that would move to the island in the future. what we referred to as post-dda residents. so we have households where everybody moves to the island prior to the june 2011 and some rom mates moved out that were here in 2011 and new roommates moved in that do not have future
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housing benefits. and the conversation we have been having is what opportunities can we provide to these residents that moved here after june of 2011. as i mentioned, i just had a slowed that slide discussing ple operators to construction new housing and relocate their residents. for those that were here in 2011, they have a number of benefit options. one is to participate in pre marketing opportunities to purchase a new condominium on the island to move to a new rental unit on the island either an affordable unit or a transition unit which would be not classified as a portable unit but the rent would be tied
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to the current rent. or to take an inloop payment if the household declined to replacement unit. what we are proposing and what is incorporated into the change is provided in the transition rules and regulations. are what is plied to those residents that are living on the island today who arrived after june 2011, the date of the dda. and would provide the opportunity for those residents to participate in the pro marketing opportunities for market rate housing whether that's rental units or for sale units and would also prioritize that those individuals that meet the income qualification requirements for new affordable
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housing programs to be able to be prioritized for placement in those units as they become available on the island giving them an opportunity to transition in the new development and continue their residency on the island. the changes that are currently proposed before you do not extend the inlop payment benefit to the residents. it does not offer transition units other than affordable housing program units. consistent with the original transitional housing rules and regulations, do not extend relocation benefits to residential units that are leased by commercial entities. it would not extend benefits to future residents not yet living on the island.
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so the proposals that are before you, and we have to take any questions you might have. >> i understand this is an action item? >> yes, this is action item to adopt these and then we would move forward with outreach and education to engage the post dda residents and advise them of these. >> before i take comments and questions from the board, i'd just like to hear from the public if there's any general comment on this. >> good afternoon, sherry williams from one treasure island and we are very supportive of post dda households who are income eligible to have a priority for affordable units and strongly urge you to support that proposal. thank you. >> any other comments? and then may i ask you a question, mr. beck, the not profit sponsors of the housing, the first one which is the
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chinatown community development center, they serve a certain population and they have got them financing for the housing based on the populations that they serve. i just wanted to make sure what are the rules governing post dda if they're to get precedence. they're not getting precedence over the target population, which these non-profit groups actually serve. is that correct? >> yes. so, we have different buildings or different providers have different programs objectives and targets -- serve different target populations. our first building is sources to plow shares which is an operator that provides housing to former veterans, particularly coming out of homelessness. and being a veteran is a program
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or an ak pansy requirement for that building. we do have one pre dda household where the sole occupant of the household is a veteran and so he may have the opportunity to be placed in the ccd source to plow shares building. i'll jump over catholic charities and talk about our third building which will be with the community housing partnership and community housing partnership does deal primarily with populations coming out of homelessness and they are also our largest operator on the island. they currently operate 110 units on the island and so, than building will be exclusively for the transition of current residents on the island within
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their programs and they will -- they are expected to fully fill that building with existing residents from their current operation. the second building with catholic charities is projected to be 135-unit building. catholic charities has 66 households on the island today. they would fill half of that building. we also intend to build finance 23 of the units within that building without the benefit of tax credit financing. so, in doing so, those units would be possible for us to use those as transition units for pre dda residents that don't meet the income eligibility requirements so those 23 units
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will be used to transfer pre dd residents. also, catholic charities generally serves a broader spectrum. they provide a lot of family housing and so the balance of the affordable units within that building, because they're not as with chp and source to plow shares really targeted at a specific audience but really more of a broad spectrum of affordable housing residents, are pre dda residents have annan opportunitanopportunity to fillf they meet program eligibility requirement income levels. to the extent pre dda residents don't fully fill that building then post dda residents that meet the income eligibility requirements would also have the opportunity to take spots within
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that building. >> and then assuming that there's any units left after that, they can get filled to the list that the mayor's office of housing has and people who have been on that list for some years actually have. >> wes, it would go to the mohcd ranking after that. for health right 360, we're looking currently at our fourth building -- they are been part of our fourth construction project and potentially having a joint lease building where it would be maybe a vertical condominium with health right 360 occupying portions of the building and having their own entrance and a more family or mixed-use housing.
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that's two years out and we're analyzing programming and cost and funding for that site. >> t i'll open it up to the board. >> thank you u. it was a concern i had. it wouldn't create financing complications for the affordable projects already planned in the pipeline as we all can appreciate, construction, financing, of affordable projects are not easy. it's have i much gymnastics and very difficult to piece together so thank you for confirming that. i wanted to make sure that we fully understand the impacts of adopting this policy.
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at this point it's been fully vetted, both the mayor's office as well as supervisors, the board of supervisors are on board with this and voted on this already. in terms of impact to tida financial laws operationally, can you just briefly go over that without maybe going into item number 8 too much because i know wor we're hearing that nex. >> so, this should not change in anyway our cost for us to construction and our eligibility for financing from various sources to fund our affordable housing construction. so from that perspective it
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should not change our cost nor do we believe it will cost -- change the cost of operating the facilities for the housing providers afterwards. the transition units that we provide for pre dd residents that don't meet income eligibility requirements have certain operating costs because since they're not strictly affordable they can be subject to property tax assessments and other -- they have certain implications that we are addressing and those buildings where we incorporate them. we will have some effort by tida staff and our relocation consultant to engage the additional post dda residents, provide them advice on their options and benefits but that cost relative to the larger
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costs will be -- will not be terribly significant. >> thank you. >> thank you, very much. i support this resolution. i also wanted to help to break this down from your escalation earlier. so, case in point, so we know that the cdc and the sorts to plow shares, they have this long list because san francisco being what it is, there's a shortage of housing. so these non-profit are working in the heart of the community and we know that they have all the long list already that they've developed to the community. are we saying here that that they have to exhaust so if i'm plow share and i have all this list, that i'm trying to that i have, are we allowing them to exhaust those lists before we
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kick into ours? the implementation is going to be key here and i think that's what we're talking about. how are we embarking on this implementation to make it work, especially how we are and we can help them. but just on this scenario that i have, we know they're only creating ex amount of units and in most cases, they have all the long list. people that they've had the list develop overtime and over years remember, it's taking decades for them to even get to where we are. meanwhile, the problems are getting bigger in the community there and i wish we can be building like i said earlier, the more financing we have we can help out more. in this situation here, how are question making it clear that they have to exhaust their list first or whatever or we tell them a 20%? i didn't quite get that. can you help me elaborate that?
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this is a scenario i just gave. >> the general principle is that the transitional housing rules and regulations create a contractual obligation that we have to current residents. and that contraction actual obligation supersedes the general city wide wheat for the assignment of individuals to affordable housing. for example, with the catholic charities building, that's why first pre-dda residents and post-dda residents have the opportunity to be placed into the catholic charity's building. in advance of going to the city wide list. there are exceptions to that.
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with the source to plow share building in consultation with orders to plow shares and mohcd, because of the additional programming that source to plow shares pro voids to their provir population having served in the military and perhaps dealing with certain stresses associated with that service, there are programs provided within the source to plow shares housing that was concluded that that should be they limit that housing to veterans should be carried on that building. our residents where we have households where there are
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veterans may have an opportunity to be placed there but based on the interviews we've done, we have a very limited number of that population. the catholic charities building will be filled with the existing catholic charities residents and income qualifying pre dda and the post dd a-list and then the general. >> we will help you here. let's develop the decision-making graph. it's great. where we say if this condition here, because what i'm hearing and again, someone is already on financing and it's already financed based on the criteria going in that that's why. we will have to translate and make this less cumbersome so that in the implementation we know basically where it goes and
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what we're doing. everything is implementation. i would still love to see the graphic and we can put some diagrams where everybody is transparent. if this happens, then what and all that and it's also great so that everyone is on the same page when we go about implementing this so that you know, we can -- the pre dda from what you said are the highest priority in all of this so we are meeting the primary obligation but then also, accommodating this new requirement that even the city has all along a source to have dis quantified them to make sure it happens. i would still would like to see something to help us and you and cdc and the plow share and everybody understand mohcd so
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that we can all be on the same page. >> i can try and prepare some sort of a cheat seat or a little flow chart on how that would work. the one thing that i realize i should have added on the source plow shares building is that we have funding from the states veteran housing and homeless prevention program which is also required those units be made available to veterans so it's sources plow shares operating requirement and a funding source requirement and there may be other funding sources that we pursue down the line for instance the states no place like home program that would require that portions of the units or certain units be dedicated to people coming out of homelessness or people with mental health issues or funding
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source requirements would be the zoo things that would factor into this discussion as well. >> just a couple qualifying questions. one is, it says that this change will not extend to future residents, not living on the island. do we have an effective date? >> yes, so we anticipate making it -- if it's adopted today it would be tomorrow. >> got it and i remember last time i asked about of the post dda residents, how many are income qualifying? >> we don't have -- we haven't done outreach with them. if the post dda residents meet the same distribution of incomes as our pre d.d.a. residents, then potentially 40% or more of the households would be potentially income qualifying.
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>> just so i'm clear, in terms of post dda households, if you are inqualifying you are eligible and you are eligible for pre marketing of units and that's it. >> yes. >> great. >> thank you. >> so moved. >> so it's been moved and seconded. this is an action item. and all those in favor say aye. >> aye. >> all those opposed. the ayes have it. did you want to? >> i was trying to remember did we provide a comment for public comment. >> yes, that's right. >> we d. >> we did it prior to discussion. >> there's been a lot of comments o on this over the months. i'm glad to have this resolution resolved and we can go onto the next item.
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>> clerk: item number 8 amendment to agreement with associated right-of-way servic services. >> i'm sorry but i actually don't have the item in front of me. do you have -- was there a physical copy of this item? >> the amendment? >> yes. >> ok. i apologize. thank you. so, did you read the item? >> yes. >> and so, bob -- >> i'm present on this also. marian who has been working directly with arws is here and says karen h edelman.
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so the amendment before you today is to increase the budget for the arws contract and to extend the term of the agreement exercising one of our optional terms extension that's were within the original contract to extend the term to 2024. increase the over all budget to five and a half million dollars. this will do a number of things and it will allow us to get through occupancy of our first two buildings as well as into construction on the third building with chp. it will also allow us to continue expand our current outreach to post residents and also move forward with addition
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engagement to try and pre income qualify people for the first inclusionary bmr units that we expect to market late in 2020 and those are intended scopes we would exercise and i'm happy to take questions that the board members have. >> so, again, on this item i'd like to hear from the public first and we will open it up to the board. let's open it up to the board. >> do you have a question or comment on this? >> hi. i do have a few questions.
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i don't believe i have the benefit of reviewing the original contract scope or the prior amount. could you please just briefly go over what the prior contract was? >> yeah, the original contract was for up to three years and one and a quarter million dollars. over our first almost two years now, our burn rate has been a little higher than we had originally estimated. primarily to reach that target of 100% engagement of the pro dda households. it's required a little bit more of a lift than we projected. so, we are at this point about a million dollars through that million and a quarter authorization and so this would add a additional terms to the agreement as well for that
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period. >> i can understand why are anticipated burn rate is different than our current because to reach everyone on the island and i still persist in that view because we understand it's not just like they are displace and they have nowhere else to go so i want to underscore that first. i'm curious as to what scope was supposed to be covered in that first one and a quarter million for three years because the current proposal is basically to increase it by $3.75 million if i'm not doing the math incorrectly in my head. that seems to be a significant
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increase and i wonder what is the scope difference other than you know the outreach goal of 100% rather than the prior goal. >> the prior -- we didn't have a specific goal on the outreach. i mean, obviously we were hoping to achieve a complete outreach. it started with developing an outreach plan and procedures and guidelines and then through the implementation, as it related to preparing for that first building occupancy was a source of plow shares building. so this will take us, this also will continue that engagement going forward and extent it but
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also the additional steps intended to begin to actually transition people i don't both new bmr inclusionary units as well as occupying the second building with ccdc were in that building, we're hoping to place as many as # 40 pre dd households into that will building and working with conducting the lottery and to rank who would be the first placed and then also working with households to try and walk them through the income have the indication process to be qualified. as i mentioned it's 135 unit building and 23 of them will be for don't meet qualifications
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but the other 57, 56 will be units where we'll need to get people through the income certification process if they're successfully placed into that building. >> it sounds like in the first initial contract of three years, it was anticipated to only cover the baseline assessment and initial outreach but not to cover any of the placement, the actual placement. now we're moving into placement adding the new baseline assessment and interviewing process that we had already begun for the pre dda households and now for the pro dda households. >> yes. as well as the home ownership, the bmr for sale component as well. that was not in our original. >> for the pr pre marketing?
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>> for the inclusionary for sale units. also another thing that is more effecting our current burn rate and will have some impact going forward was we also initiated the early in lieu program that was not initially anticipated when we started our first contract. >> that's right. thank you for the reminder. so out of the $3.75 million that is in front of us as the current increase, what is the split between allocation versus the on going placement work? >> i don't think we've preached the budgeting that way. i can break that out and provide that to you. >> so maybe let me ask conceptual question first. it seems that obviously i'm looking at -- i'm assuming maybe
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ver bait um excerpt of this work and not the terms and conditions of the contract. i don't know all the details that went into the original contract as part of the current amendment. but it seems to me based on the information that was provided that this is basically not to exceed budget that's basically on time and material basis and not a fixed fee contract. and i just want to understand a little bit about the approach and why we're choosing to do it as a basis as opposed to fixing it. >> yeah, it has been really to meet the kind of our performance objectives and provide some flexibility to adapt as we go forward. you are correct, it's a not to exceed contract value and typically what we do is we develop a work plan for the next six months to 12 months where
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we're in that process right now developing a work plan for the spring where we will be tackling, if you will, the heart of trying to engage in a post dda households as well as trying to prepare that home ownership audience for the first bmr for sales and the bristol building so that's the focuses that are paramount in this next task order and so then it would be a negotiated task order authorization and not to exceed for that scope of six months or so. but then to give us flexibility as we go to the next period of time so reflect on what were the challenges and within the prior period and what are the new issues that have emerged. and do another task order
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authorization for the following six months or so. >> i see. so the approach is effectively to basically have staff manage the spending by doing progression of allowances? >> yes. >> ok. >> and within arws' contract, they also do have sub consultants that are providing translation services and the review and production of some of our mailings to to assure that we're using the appropriate language and phrasing that will reach our target audience at the level that they're at. so, those services specialize
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services influence the cost depending on how many mailings we do or how many public meetings we have. >> thank you for mentioning that because that was one of my questions. that is certainly very important because we definitely have a higher rate of minority language population and so we're really glad that that exists in the contract. i did notice there were about three consultants listed and i wonder what the consultants' roles are because it wasn't detailed in the body of the language. >> they do a lot of our translation services and danler assists the formatting and messaging and i'm sorry, the third is --
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>> myers? the third one is myers. >> yeah. legal. >> that's important. >> and that's actually a component of the contract that we have not had to lean on very much. >> ok. i think my general sense is that personally i feel that it's really important at the time of contracting that we are clear about our expectations and also clear about the performance standards. just like when we contract for construction contracts, there are milestones, there are percentage of completion tied with the payment which it sounds like you are sort of doing through allowance-type of staff level allowance approvals. but i think that in this case, it might warrant that we look at
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the language again to see how we can make it clear for both the city or tida as well as the consultant what the expectations are so that there's protection ex clarity on both sides. i would at the very least, like a bit more information about how we came up with this $3.75 million increase because it's a pretty significant percentage increase considering that our initial contract was only for 1.25. and i'm sure that the consultant has a really good reason as to how you came up with this number but i would just hope that we could get some clarity on that. thank you. >> i want to piggyback on the commissioner and i was looking the services here and even go through some of them. it says to conduct household needs assessments. well, if the original scope that's about what we spent for
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these years. i think it's conduct household needs assessment. it will be the baseline where we are jumping into justifying, ok, we've conducted the first needs assessment and we need to go here and i also remember when where talking about the post dda, i think one of the commissioners here asked the question, what does it cost to tida forward for us to do this. we need more questions. we need to know what the numbers we're talking about. where we are? wore at the deliverly board that we have completed so check them off. what are the additional that we are going to do that because again we're going from 250k to our 3.5. that is substantial. and also let me identify another scope that you mentioned here. the development and implementation plan for the
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household. we've already done that plan. we are a lud to see what we've done before and assess that and what it will take. are we adding and we are amending what the state required. it does question needs to be asked. then, the number three scope here. all the scope that you mentioned here and even with the as needed consultant services it is a little bit of what this is and we're not going to be able to answer all of those questions here because this is the first time that you brought this. this project is very significant. we wanted to do it right and when we started up, we know what the challenges are and now that we have the timetable this commission will also like to be participate to try to again see how, based on what we've heard and what people have added in,
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that we can incorporate and do this right. implementation is very important. i think we need to ask all the questions that people are -- and you do not have the answers here today. and why think -- i think we need to really look at the scope of services. i would definitely would like to look at the scope of services. what we've accomplished and what we've done well that accentuate on that can be the basis for the next one. what have we learned in them and what are we doing that maybe we could be doing differently and again, let's work on that. have a budget. and then we can say ok, this is what the expectations are. and lastly, because of the post dda we are going to be encountering some resources from tida and then that makes us,
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when wore doing that budget, again the budget is so low, i always say that. so now we can look at this stuff so that it's going to be reflected as we move forward. tida budget can no longer rest the way it is. so, let's get out this picture together so that is it. i want more pictures before i can really decide where to go to some hearing. in principle, it will but more questions that you cannot and you don't have answers to. >> thank you. mr. dunlop. >> thank you, very much. first, it does seem like there's a few questions that needs answering but this is part of seven, really, two things are together. we just approved 7 and so 8, if we don't approve it right now, there could be some potential complications. so, do you have the total number of people who are pre-dda versus
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post-dda so we can get an idea of the expansion? >> i'm sorry, marion, can you come up and answer that question. it's in the staff report that marion repaired and our pre-dda and post-dda households. i would also mention that the household needs assessment that we've conducted to date is a snapshot in time and it gives us a basis for planning. there will be a need for an ongoing dialogue with the households because the households will continue to change as they have since 2011 with roommates moving in and roommates moving out and people having spouses and children and so fourth and so then the replacement unit obligation that we're trying to plan for for
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that household changes accordingly with those household changes. another part of the counseling that i don't think we had anticipated or envisioned, well, i think we anticipated it somewhat, but what is really been driven through the conversations is there's a need to engage with households as they're making long-term plans for themselves about retirement or other things that could affect their ability to qualify for an affordable housing unit. someone may be in a position today where they might not be eligible for an affordable housing unit but if they make a decision to cut back on their hours or to retire, that they might fall no a category where they would qualify. so it's a very dynamic picture
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and there's a level of on going consultation with households as they continue to value wait these choices. >> just to answer that question, we reached 189 pre dda and we'll look to work with around 150 post-dda so really, you know, it's the effort is going to be just about the same that we've done in addition to the additional effort that is going to take, as bob mentioned, to do the contract indications certify for the elections process. there's a lot of work to be done in this effort. it's always that things come up that we haven't thought about just by the nature of this program and so there's many,
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many tasks orders to be done in the future and just to satisfy you on that, we get to focus on a quarterly basis what needs to be done and we discuss the deliver ables and the groups cost estimates on that so that is how we're approaching the spend down on this. one other thing that bob did mention that we do have lots of costs associated with translations and meetings and contact person that makes our materials look lease ente pleast our meetings organized in a way that makes sense for the community. there is a lot of groundwork done by them and launched by associate right-of-way services.
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>> thank you, very much. so, i guess if we didn't pass this today, let's look back at november at our meeting that we're all there that there were quite a number of people who felt this was extremely important we move forward. if we didn't pass and that's what someone is suggesting, nobody has suggested that, but would that be damaging? >> if we didn't get started tomorrow, the opportunity to participate in pre marketing opportunities, bob, discussed earlier, that will be launching for marketing, will be starting to market opportunities and this group of people 150 will end up have the ability to participate in this pre marketing opportunity. so we would like to get started
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we've been satisfied with the work that's been delivered and linda and director richardson, we have been providing this group with monthly reports on deliverables and they're part of your package. we put it in there so you see the work that being done by associates right away on a regular basis. and so, we're comfortable that this amendment will help us not only meet the goals, the initial goals we set fourth for the program but also this new opportunity for post-dda people to participate in the programs immediately. >> thank you. >> i think the question here for
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people that are listening, tida is not abandoning this work. we've been working on that. we've been working with the staff and asking questions, asking for time lines, asking for all kinds of stuff. nothing has changed. what we're talking about here is we are going. we have fiscal responsibilities here. forward for us to be able to help you help us help them -- there are questions that we still have to ask here because this is an ongoing process. they can do that. it's not stopping you because we've had this contract for when, for all this time. and in fact, waiting until the end of -- so the justification now for this amount is it because we are just post dda.
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based on that, how much is that add to go what we're having when we, according to your statistics here, you started with 19 and the budget was 250k, right. ok. that's what we have now. but now, you are adding post dda, 150 and the budget is throw and a halthrowand athreeand a h. people have to be done right so we are asking all the questions is that this project has been on going for some time now and even how you are going to be a session the 150k and all of this. we have not even seen the work plan. that is the question. i cannot just -- even if the amount is a million for three to adjust throw and a half million. please, let me finish. for someone out here, you be responsible, not just asking how
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you are going to get to that. next time you come here it's us supporting this thing before and there might be things i like to see in the plan that the commission has going to see. i can speak to the fact that your commissioners are asking these questions, not just to me that we need to resolve those questions for us to move forward. that's what we're doing. >> one more information piece, bob. if you want. we are always planning to bring a budget amendment to this body at this time. in deed, we are at our billing rate of the million 250 so with this month's payment. we had always intended to bring the amendment to the body at this time. and it just so happens that in addition to bringing just an amendment for what we needed on our original contract we needed
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to add what the additional work would be done for the post dda. >> thank you. you have additional questions. >> thank you. perhaps mixed in with a comment here to address miriam's feedback. so, i think at the strong urging of this board, the performance has certainly improved a lot. when i'm doing the path o math , we're two years into the three year contract. our current burn is at a million right now. basically it means we've been spending about $42,000 a month on this service. and we're currently proposing in the next three years to increase that spending to $118,000 a month. so my reques question is to undd
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why we're increasing the spending two and a half times and i feel like i don't have the information to get there. i'm not opposed to providing the service and as mark already pointed out, we definitely need this budget increase in order to accommodate the post dda work that we have just voted on that we are unanimously supporting here. but i think fiscal responsibility is also important here and i don't know that we have enough information to really approve a very significant budget increase in the magnitude of $4 million here. i hear what you are saying. it seems like maybe we've already burned through our $1.25 million contract and we don't want any interruptions and services. so my suggestion is perhaps we can look at an interim approval. can we on the fly right now amend some sort of interim
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approval to allow for a little bit of a leeway so that this next month of work will not be interrupted. >> i think just as matter of procedures, there's enough concerns and questions raised by the board so i suggest that we not take action on this matter today and it be brought back in january after we've had a chance to get all the information. of course, we are supportive of the work that is being done and the question is under the current contract and under the current contract amount can they provide services for the next month's of work? >> i believe that we would seek -- i'll ask mariam to comment as well. i believe we would seek some limited increase in the amount. i know that we're approaching the limit of the contract. i know that we were intending to
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send out mailings and do outreach this month. we currently anticipate that the initial pre marketing opportunities for the units on ybi will occur and open in the late january and so we wanted to begin the outreach effort with post dda residents immediately. >> mailings. that's mailing. to 189 pre-dda to 150 -- >> i believe we have a question of staff. the board obviously would like to continue this item. we don't want to interrupt any of the services that are needed.
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and so is there an action required to allow the services to continue? >> let me direct the question -- >> my hope is there is leeway, given the current contract for there could be work done in the next month. >> marion, could you speak on our ability to continue work through january 8th without an amendment? >> i do believe we're at the end of our contract agreement with the spend-down of receiving an invoice in january or december and that will take us to the limit at 1.250. we've been discussing it. we have been working on an initial scope or a task from
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january to june. and the amount of which is $420,000. and so if you did decide on doing a friendly amendment to this, i would hope that we at least get through the next six months without interruption. >> is that acceptable to the board? would the board like to entertain a motion to that effect? we will continue this matter which is the request for an increase to five and a half million that means the further discussed in january. can we give an interim approval for $420,000 for the scope? >> and not exercise in the extension in term will come back with additional information that
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we can provide informational updates in furtherance of a february action so that when we do take an action on a larger amendment, the board has confident in what its authorization. >> right. >> i have a procedural question. so, because this item is notified as a regular action item, how do we amend the current notifying -- >> you would amend the resolution. there would be a motion to amend the resolution. eliminating the extension of term but offering an increase in contractment. >> i move per job's suggestion making that you are that obviously staff has the ability to continue to approve allowances per the work plan as
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developed. >> second. >> and just have some clarification here. so this would take the work until june. >> we can come back in january, provide you an informational update and hopefully -- >> to state where we're working the 400,000 until june. you can add that commitment in there i would approve that. >> ok. >> so, we've got a resolution to extend the contract until june for 420,000 but the staff will come back to us with the further details and proposals on the 5.5 million. >> yes. >> and i think i will take the -- it's been moved and seconded and all those if favor. aye. >> all those opposed. i think that you've heard the
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concerns of the fiscal amount is quite significant. we just want to make sure that you have integrity. >> absolutely. >> ok. so we will have the next item, class. >> clerk: 9, parks separations and maintenance. >> chris from cmg will present this item for us. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i'm with cmg landscape architecture and we've been working in collaboration with njm management group and the tida team to develop the maintenance and operations
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manual for treasure island over the past six to eight months. as many of you know, our practice has been engage in the project for a long time now. and given that context in our familiarity with the parks system, we recognize that the importance of this work to the long-term success of the project to tida and to the city's goals. so, one thing i'll note about our role in this process is given our intimate knowledge of the parks system, the specific program attic aspects of the open space system, we've been really effectively organizing the process and facilitating the work and they are relying on to bring their expertise in terms of parks operations and management and maintenance processes as well as cost. and so we're really helping to facilitate that process over
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all. to get the contents much what we've been working on. with that i'd like to touch on a few of the goals of this manual and the set of documents that we're working on. the first is really to create a comprehensive system-wide manual along with park-specific operations and maintenance guidelines. so it will have an over all system-wide framework as well as the detailed requirements for each park. and in order to guide that, we're taking a approach that defines level of service for each park based on the location, scale and program of the park. and then looking at each of the major categories of maintenance and operations for those parks and when namely management, engineering, scape and
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janitorial. to develop operations and maintenance budget that will be detailed for the parks that have been designed to a construction level and the phase 1 stage one area. and then projections for the parks that would come online and phases 2 through 4. key to this is to create a living document and a framework for a document that can be updated and added to overtime recognizing the phasing of the project over many years and decades. and lastly, to structure it so that it can be used as a guide to procure services and develop rfps for contracting for the work. so those are the key goals here. you are well familiar with the over all plan and it's a large system of 300 acres of parks and so being very thoughtful about the diversity of programs, and the types of open spaces we'll have are key to the development
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of the manual. i mentioned the phasing again, looking at how this will be realized through time and understanding projections for when the parks will come online. both from an operational standpoint and also from a budgeting standpoint. just to reflesh, these are the parks and the phase 1, stage 1 area that have been designed to the point that they're real ready for construction and scheduled for completion over the next couple of years so these are the areas that we've focused in on details. in terms of how the documents are going to be structured, there are four major chapters. there's an executive summary which really lays out the intent of the document and there's a chapter on over all system wide management and then in turn, the details park maintenance sections that will be designed for each space and then there's
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a lot of supporting documents and i'll go through each of these so you can have a sense of the details. the over all executive summary will include the project overview, the document overview and phasing considerations along with the detailed overview of the parks in the first phase. that will be added to overtime as the parks come online. and then in the system wide management section, there's an overview of the general procedures and policies that we'll be guiding the operations and maintenance on the island and so those are general city requirements as well as specific tida related policies, for example, parks rules and regulations and those kinds of things. there will be environmental policies and procedures that would be included in the next section really guiding the wark in terms of howorkin terms of rl
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as sustainability goals for the project. there's the legal of service which i'll talk a little bit more about in a few moments and then in each area of management engineering, landscape and janitorial services, a review of the system wide requirements for those. and then lastly, there's guidance for the management and operations of the art program and in concert with the arts commission and guidance on the maintenance facilities that will be required on the island to operate the systems. we move to chapter 3 that will take each park and look at them in detail and in terms of the very specific requirements for each one. those will be based on the levels of service that are identified. they will include detailed all manner of maintenance requirements.
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as i mentioned the other phases, as they're developed, it will be included in the document. so what a typical section for each park would look like is to include an over all concept statementing recognize the design intent and program for the space. detailed requirements for each of the major service areas and then the special considerations that would be unique to that park including events, arts and other infrastructural requirements.
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it will be bound if binders used by field staff as well as in the office. it will be a substantial document and it's coming along well and we're looking forward to sharing more with you in the new year. on the maintenance levels of service concept, i did want to spend a few moments touching on that idea and breaking it out into these three major categories of service pre vision.
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what is important to guide how resources are allocated that they're targeted in the right place. an example of this would be at the ferry terminal in building one where there's an incense use of activity. clearly, the janitorial services will be higher level than they would be in the yerba some buena highland areas. the idea is to target the disciplines so they're appropriately aligned with the needs of each space. it's higher and lower intensities for each of the areas. we have the key responsibilities so there's utility systems, paving, rest room facilities and then the management of the furniture and fixtures and equipment. in the landscape area there's the throw major categories of the irrigation and water management and tree and plant
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maintenance. and in the janitorial area there's a maintenance and cleaning of the furniture, fixtures and equipment, paving, waste management including collection and sorting and then graffiti removal and monitoring and then the rest room cleaning services. in terms of the actual program and the facility and this is evolving as the scale and type of the open spaces come online and what we've done as a team is to outline what we think the appropriate final maintenance yard for the whole system wants to look like in terms of its scale and what it would include. you can see on the program, there's basically a one-acre yard that we're envisioning and we would include an office, warehouse storage, parking composting facility for
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management of green waste and then in concert with that we have been discussing how that can be aggregated with a public works facilities yard, puc facility and waste management area for collection from the waste from the public realm and it's sorting on island. that's the overview on that. it's roughly what that would look like as a diagram of the area. roughly 140 by 300 feet with a preliminary layout of the facilities. a few locations where this might be placed in the long-term plan, mostly within the ag park area recognizing the potential for integration with those programs, and in the face for open space. so, looking forward, we're wrapping up the system wide chapter this month. we are going to be delivering a draft budget also bit end of the
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month and coming back with refinement based on comments from tida in january and then we'll be presenting the draft manual and budget at the february board meeting. we'll then refine that based on your comments and input and try and wrap it up in the march and april timeframe. that's the onm story for today. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> i'm glad you are making progress on this. this is something that we've, as a board, within very interested in and are only now getting some information. i'm glad that you are making progress and we're go to see the budget which we've been asking for for some time because it's important part of the financial calculations for the project. in terms of the manual, would it be something set up online so
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that it's easier accessible by the park employees and the managers of the park? has it been some thinking as to other than the physical copies, how would it be manifested? where would we reside? >> it's organized so it can be placed in a digital access. we haven't discussed that specific need yet. >> i think there's maybe, as you look at the production of it, that maybe that's something that should be considered. the other question that i had, is it just in terms of the maintenance yard layout, these are specifics that we will get into later but there's never enough room for equipment storage and have you looked at other -- is this informed by looking at other comparable maintenance yards that are
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comparable acreage. some of that is wetlands and open space. still, it's significant. >> yes. i can't touch on that but they benched mark the program and the size against numerous of the city parks and rec and park facilities as well as the facilities that they have at mission bay and in other park locations to gage the size of those facilities. one other thing i would note is we are looking at identifying some smaller auxillary locations, one on yerba some buena island and a second one would be associated with the northern park area so that you could have equipment storage or smaller equipment storage in those locations so you are not having to go back and fourth to
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the main yard for some of the smaller needs. >> and then in terms of the pest management, which is something which is being talked about a lot recently, that there's reliance on chemical fertilizers and other insectiside. where does that building in the manual? how will that be detailed so that future gardeners and future park sewers will follow those guidelines? where will that be? >> it's coming in two places. one in the environmental policies and procedures where it will make reference to the over all intent but then in turn, reference the san francisco department of environment i.p.m. program. which is pretty comprehensive. and then it will also come into play within the landscape maintenance section more specifically aware the detailed requirements for i.p.m. are included in the system wide
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chapter and the over all goals of having a sustainable equal logically principled approach are captured and there we're referencing the bay friendly landscape guidelines which compliment the city's policy over all. >> also soil. is that part of the landscape? are you detailing what type of competition the soil set will be brought onto the island because the soil is an important ingredient in native species and other series. >> absolutely. that's fundamentally addressed in the document for the construction of the parks and where they're identified and as part of the phase one work currently we were able to salvage soil from some of the areas on yerba buena island and that soil is being amended in places as part of the vision for
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some of the early park spaces. as part of the operations and maintenance manual there's a soil management in fer activity how to sustain those soils overtime. >> thank you. let's see, others who want comment? >> thank you, very much. some questions here and there are your model for the comprehensive you are putting together. is there any area national international model that what we are doing is pat end? i wanted to be able to add the question and that's number one. number two, i know that one of the things we talked about with tida they're not going into that is the over all maintenance and
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caretaker and management the parks that's one of the reasons we went to new york to look at standard goals and other cities have done what we are trying to do 'em park here so we can learn from them. this exercise document that we have right now and i know we have not gone to that exercise. so, whatever information you put together is great. we need to look at budget and anything and to help us to translate into again, the over all maintenance, one of the things also i would like to see in your document is that we are developing the island and the maintenance and we want to provide jobs and so the treasure island and all of that and in all of these documents, we need to convey our intent up front. it's a lasting document so i'm putting all this together as you are putting all the plans
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because we will review that and look at that but for the commission, the question for us is when are we going to information them back and there are other discussions as 20 how we're going to maintain the management of the parks. we don't want any assistant model because we don't want work is that based on the development so, they need to be taken into consideration in all the plan and i'm telling you so we might be able to work simultaneously and with the ipm because i was part of the people that i helped to established the ipm for the commission of the environment and his gold standard. the implementation of it has been depending on who you talk to. in our plans, we need to related by the agencies that we are going to be working with and all of that, everything has to be
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spelled out so that everyone that can look at this document knows what their roles and obligations are and especially when you are dealing with city agencies, that is going to be very helpful. if you can put all of that together and those fundamental things i would like to see about the maintenance should be reflected if we do that to what we have in-house this is what is going to be and all that have and i would like to see that. thank you, sir. >> yes. mr. beck. >> yeah, just on the maintenance side of things.
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to get support. then there are the broader questions that i think you were alluding to of, do we want a conservancy for the parks of treasure island and what that did look like and what is the appropriate timing. those are all conversations that we plan to bring to the port in the year ahead. >> i just wanted to say looking
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at this, beginning outside and all-inclusive and you've always done an incredible job. i have one question, as optional on sight nursery, i kind of thought we had one up on ybi. >> there is an on site nursery now used to cultivate plants as part of the construction and this is an idea to include a nursery for the on going maintenance. it's noted as optional because we're at a stage in the process where we haven't defined it as bob noted, the exact surface structure and what would have operational for the nursery so it's something everyone on the team thinks is a good idea.
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the question is, does it work from a cost-benefit standpoint and it would take some more work to really understand that thoroughly. >> being as we're trying to get more native plants there, on site nursery seems like a great idea. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> are there any other questions? >> mr. beck, do you have a comment? >> i was just going to add to the nursery discussion. we had established, with the ledge literacy for environmental justice nursery on ybi, as the access to that government more and more challenging with the work on yvi that currently is around the old jag building on avenue h. we're looking to maintain that throughout construction and particularly through the reestablishment period on yvi. and it is a program that we may be able to incorporate into it
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the agriculture farm footprint in the future. that whole agricultural farm footprint is also to be determined. how we program that acreage is still ahead of us for exploration too. >> thank you. >> thank you. so, mr. beck, i think and also chris, i hope that we will have adequate time. it's taking a lot of time to put this together but i hope that we, as a board, are going to have enough time to really look at it and so, we do get us a draft before the final. i wouldn't want to see the final before us and having spend -- having to vote on it before we've had some time to digest, discuss and really understand the document. i hope that you can do that. >> and i think we fully anticipate this is a living
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document. both kind of within the basic framework but also each new park that comes along welcome back amended into what is a system for operations. >> thank you, very much. >> you are welcome. thank you. >> do we have any public comment? >> yes, please. >> sherry williams from one treasure island. i wanted to piggyback on a comment that bob made that in the jobs and equal opportunity programs, which is part of the one treasure island agreement, there are set a sides for first right of refusal for contracts specifically for landscaping, as bob knows rubicon as well as janitorial on the island. i know that there was some mention of rfps or contracting
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the manual might include the language from those agreements should be reflected in the manual and perhaps included in an appendices. it would be helpful to sit down. rubicon has been doing the landscaping out there for almost 30 years now. tool works has been doing it for 20 years now. there might be helpful to even sit down and talk with them about what their experience on the island has been to date in terms of looking at levels of ser ris and so fourth and what that would actually take. i would just encourage there's those conversations and there would be some reference to it to that agreement and to those right of first refusals in the actual manual. >> thank you. >> item number 10, proposed sustainability committee of the treasure island development authority board. >> so, i just wanted provide the
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board with some opportunities for discussion today. prior to our january board meeting, we will have the meeting of the ad hoc nominating committee to both propose officers for next year and committee assignments to the i.t.c. and the sustainability committee. i wanted to talk a little bit about sustainability today and also give some initial recommendations but really to provide a forum for the board members to talk about this before assignments are made in january. can we bring it up. thank you. >> so again, the idea for the sustainability committee was brought up at the october board
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meeting. some background that not all board members may be familiar with. sustainability is really built into the development of treasure island and treasure island was one of 16 projects initially recognized under the clinton climate initiative as demonstrating climate-positive development strat goes. there were 16 projects from around the world and demonstrating climate-positive development strategies. this is a slide that pre dates my own involvement of the programs but used in discussions at the time of entitlement about sustainability and social equity and environmental stewardship as
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a foundational element of the treasure island program. on the economic front a public-private partnership creating job and employment and economic opportunities and positively contributing to the city's general fund making a significant commitment towards affordable housing and economic opportunities through one treasure island as we were just discussing and also developing community facilities, recreational open spaces and the stewardship side, remediating the former military base pursuing lead and goal certification but as i mentioned in a momenter we're on track for plat enough. we have program for specific green building standards and almost 60% of the total acreage of the program is going to be going into the future open space
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network. it also runs through our entitlement documents from the design for development and the infrastructure plan, housing plan, the transportation plan as well as the yerba buena island management plan. a lot of the attributes of our program are just kind of built in. given what we're developing and where we're developing it, we are an infilled site with smart land use pam a am teres with grn infrastructure, grow green buil, the reuse of historic buildings as well as habitat preservation, sea level rise at apptation strategies and out of those strategies, we're developed here
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in formally in 2011 adopted with the development plan but really developed in the early 2000s through 2006 development plan and going forward and have been held up by bcdc as a regional example of how to plan for sea level rise. on the lead for neighborhood design, ace mentioned, based on our preliminary assessment, we are online on track for lead platinum for neighborhood design. we did our initial assessment in 2016. we were tied for the highest scoring lead agency project in the world. and the largest development project under the current version of lead version 4 in both acreage and square footage and the largest plan to receive
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platinum certification. a stand out amongst standouts if you will. and we still have, based on that initial assessment, some opportunities for improvement in our scoring. some of the topics explore at the sustainability committee and include updates on our lead status and and on bnn building design and habitat management and spar park design and streete species selections, transportation demand management and congestion management policies, stormwater management, recycled water, on site power generation, economic development opportunities, social equity, and other innovations.
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so, in terms of the meetings, my recommendation to the board would be that we plan to meet quarterly beginning next year. i suggest january, april, july and october. and the initial meeting focused on the lead n.d. framework and providing an update on current scoring with subsequent meetings to focus on specific themes developing consultation with the committee chair and that we we utilize the time slot for the infrastructure and transportation committee. so we would be able to operate within the hearing room assignment that's we currently
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have at the board or at city hall so that would be the third tuesday of each month and that calender would allow each committee to support the discussions we anticipate over the next year. if need be, we would call special meetings if the need arises. those were some of my initial thoughts but i open it up to the board for your discussion. >> i want to thank you for taking seriously i was the one that called thinking about putting together this committee and i think there's such a leading edge in what we're doing. and there's much more that we can do as far as education to
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the public not only just for residents on the island but in the city and actually nationally and internationally as well. and there's also the opportunity for collaboration with many institutions in the city and again also nationally. in fact, chris' partner at cmg, kevin actually even suggested that maybe there could be a partnership at the university of california davis. what we're doing is planning new plantings and wore really on the cutting edge as to how do we do that and partnering with academic institutions, also with the data, scientific data that they might be interested as well. there are so many levels that we can do and including maybe even an annual symposium where we bring in the leading people, the
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leading thinkers on these issues and to bring them here so that we can talk about treasure island specifically. this is a great proposal and i hope that the board will agree with that and so if it's everybody, you know, is interested we'll put it on the calender for january and if you are interested to be on the committee itself, please, let me and let bob know. but certainly all of the committee meetings will be open to all the board members. i think that we will probably have three committee members and this doesn't takeaway from the infrastructure committee meetings which is very much important and that committee will be meeting three -- it would be every two meetings and
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then there would be a sustainability committee meeting. >> yeah. >> so every quarter. >> yeah. >> so, it's really only four times a year that we would do this. does anybody have comments? >> yeah, thank you. i think this is a great, a significant decision. everywhere we go. not just in the bay area, across the country internationally, people are now focusing on treasure island and we keep reminding them, what we're doing here, even for the city and county of san francisco for the region and north america, wore doing things that no one has ever endeavored to do that's basically developing this island and putting into situations where we know utilizing new
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technology for seawall and and i know for the longest they have been calling her for this kinds of dialogue for brother engagement and yes, we should have pip partnership with the universities. even in north america, we have outstanding universities here? they need to know what we are doing. also we need to help san francisco city agencies help them because if you look at some of my agency, the mayor's office of housing, the mayor's office of economic development or whatever, they need so we know san francisco has done. some of us have been part of that. what we are doing here is different. we need to teach them and help them so we can all be doing that. one thing that we need to be doing in 2020, is organizing our own symposium.
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a workshop educational so we can talk to people. we have the resources here to invite automatic these outstanding institutions so to be part of what we are doing. so the legacy of treasure island, we are planting new trees here, i mean you look at this. all the things that you put together and they're very impressive. so yes, i am extremely excited and i cannot wait until we begin the dialogue to really do that. i guess it's long overdue, thank you. >> ok. >> yes, thank you also director beck for putting this together. i was also one of the directors that expressed a lot of interest particularly around the utility and energy evaluation of art how we're meeting our sustainability goals or exceeding it and finding new and innovative ways to continue to be leading that
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charge for san francisco. so, i have maybe two suggestions. one is, i think we should probably add waste management into this list. we have a lot of expertise we should take advantage of and belongs in the sustainability discussions. this is maybe more of a question, a couple of these items, particularly around the congestion management and transportation management, topics, seem to also overlap with the i.t.c. and i'm just wondering how we propose overlapping topics to dovetail. you are correct, some of these obviously infrastructure and transportation are two items that are on our list of sustainable topics. but i think some of those topics have multiple opportunities for
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discussion and maybe on the implementation side, we talk about congestion management at the i.t.c. i think it's important to continue to highlight it. we talk about achieving a 50/50 mode share split through the congestion management pricing. the city wide goal, as is i am bodied in the department of environment and m.t.a.s, climate action goals, is to get to 80% of trips by transportation by 2030. we're still in build out at 2030. congestion management is one of the things that is not going to be necessarily just to treasure island but in a broader context.
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>> and so wondering if, in that body, if there is going to be -- i mean, that requires knowing how much things are costing and getting into that detail, and so if that's not the right place for that, that's fine, but that's just kind of a question that i have, especially in development, the upfront costs for being green are high, so in terms of why that matters in terms of
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framework, it could be interesting to do that. another thing is why it matters for people? i think that stormwater regulation does matter for people, especially when it's raining and things are flooding. that's a huge reason, so i'm wondering if this body could help with translating how some of this work shows up in people's day-to-day lives. and part of that could be with the university's developing scorecards on why those things matter that can be easily disseminated and digested by the community. and the other thing is just metrics impact. thinking through -- one of the things i was thinking is interesting -- there's already a lot of what you mentioned here, too, in terms of goals
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and items that treasure island is delivering on, but i still don't know what those things are and what they actually mean. we talk about carbon sequester, but what does that mean to people? i guess, like, what is the baseline in like, lead m.d.? is everybody doing that? if not, we should be targeting why everybody is above the baseline. we should be mentioning is this baseline that you're touching on or are you not going to talk about that? >> very much concerns. let's dunlap? >> thank you very much, madam chair. i think this is a great,
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brilliant idea, and i'm really excited about the potential for being platinum. i think that's exciting, and it sort of raises a question, though, you know, we never hear about treasure island getting platinum, the lead platinum. we hear about outages, that kind of stuff. i think another way to get it to the press so we start getting the really positive press we deserve because everybody's staff, board has worked extremely hard, and you know we're doing meaningful work, but it all ends up in people's heads, at least, that oh, you're the people that are poisoning everyone, and we're not. you know, there's so many great things, so a committee like
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this could maybe also tip the press balance. so i really like that idea and of course explaining why it matters. thank you. >> i think we need to generate our own press, and that is what this is. and i just want to say certainly sustainability and position and the global everything, and even where they're going to be overlapping, land use and transportation is land use, and all those things are related into that. this allows the flexibility into one where we are finishing one discussion, now we have two others that we can supplement that, you know, back and forth, back and forth. and i also would like to also have zero waste, which is really where san francisco is leading and all of that to be a key item also in what we're doing because our development plan, the reason we have this
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lead platinum, again, is what we're doing with stonewater energy and all we're using them, and the plan that we have with the p.u.c. and the waste and the solids and all of that. this allows the opportunity to how we have this new island, and how we are even going to go beyond what san francisco main already have. so no matter how we cut this thing, we now have the flexibility to do what we ever wanted to do with our discussions. thank you. >> thank you. is there any public comment? hearing none, next item. >> clerk: item number 11, discussion of future agenda items by director. >> any future items? >> i just wanted to point out really quickly that, again, in the march meeting on the island, we will be looking at the very, very important issue about earthquake preparedness.
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adjourned. >> shop & dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their shop & dine in the 49 with within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so where will you shop & dine in the 49 my name is jim woods i'm the founder of woods beer company and the proprietor of woods copy k open 2 henry adams what makes us unique is that we're reintegrated brooeg the beer and serving that cross the table people are sitting next to the xurpz drinking alongside we're having a lot of ingredient that get there's a lot to do the district of retail shop having that really close connection with the consumer allows us to
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do exciting things we decided to come to treasure island because we saw it as an amazing opportunity can't be beat the views and real estate that great county starting to develop on treasure island like minded business owners with last week products and want to get on the ground floor a no-brainer for us when you you, you buying local goods made locally our supporting small business those are not created an, an sprinkle scale with all the machines and one person procreating them people are making them by hand as a result more interesting and can't get that of minor or anywhere else and san francisco a hot bed for local manufacturing in support that is what keeps your city vibrant we'll make a compelling place to live and visit i think that local business is the lifeblood of san francisco and a vibrant
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