tv Budget Finance Appropriations Committee SFGTV February 19, 2020 6:00pm-8:01pm PST
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poopal people that come up and want to wreck your ideas. that happen today eme when i went to candle stick part and wanted to [iudible] people told me no left and right. whether you go out for something you are passionate about our something you want to grow in and feel people will say no. go out and get it done. i can be the strong leader female and i love that.
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[gavel] >> good morning, everyone, the meeting will come to order. this is the february 12th, 2020, regular meeting of the budget and finance committee. i am sandra lee fewer, chair of the budget and finance committee. i'm joined by supervisors walton. i would like to thank those from s.f. gov. tv for broadcasting this. madam clerk, do you have any announcements? >> clerk: yes. please silence all electronic devices. and speaker cards and documents should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today
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will appear on the february 25th board of supervisors' agenda unless otherwise stated. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. i apologie apologize for being . can you call item number one. >> clerk: item on one to increase the contract amount by $5.9 million not to exceed an amount of $15.8 million, with no change to the contract term to commence upon board approval. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. we have cathy widener here from the san francisco airport. >> good morning chair fewer, cathy widener with the san francisco international airport. the item before you seeks your approval for a modification to an existing contract with ceta information networking computing u.s.a., for support services of the airport's shared-use passenger
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processing systems, which includes hardware, technical support, maintenance, system administration, system monitoring and supplies for equipment in our harvey milk terminal one, as well as in the international terminal. modification number one would increase the contract not to exceed amount by $5.9 million. this contract is the result of a 2018 competitive request for proposals process to support and maintain the airport's check-in and boarding systems, common use, self-serve kiosk and baggage reconciliation systems, information display systems, and pas passport control systems. the increase is for the additional equipment, coming on line in new gates and arriving and departing passenger processing fas facilities in harvey milk terminal one when this went out in
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2018. the cost of this contract and proposed modification is budgeted as part of the airport's operating budget. the budget andrew bell has analt recommends approval, and i would be happy to answer any questions. >> chairwoman: can we hear from the b.l.a.,? proceeding. good morning.i'll just sortf reiterate of what ms. widener had to say. the board is being asked to approve the modification with the airport agreement with ceta to display services in the international terminal and other domestic terminals. this contract increases close to $6 million, increasing it to $15.9 million. the increase is actually for the addition of services and equipment in harvey milk terminal one that was added after the
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r.f.p. process in the original contract. table two, on page three of our report, shows the increases under the proposed modification. we actually have reviewed the details of the increases in the contract budget and consider them to be reasonable. and we're recommending approval. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. let's open this up for public comment. any members of the public like to comment on item number one. seeing none, complic commennone, publiccomment is no. any comments? >> ms. widener, i do have a question for you. this increase is for terminal one because it was not completed at the time when you did the contract. is that correct? >> yes. the $5.9 million proposed modification is for the new gates and some of the swing -- the ability for us to have a arriving passengers come into terminal one. that was all in the
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planning stages when this was originally put out to bid in 2018. >> so the airport has how many terminals? >> three domestic and one international. >> so this is a contract for three domestic and one international terminal. is that correct? >> the whole contract? >> yes. >> yes, the equipment throughout the airport. yes, that's correct. >> it just seems disproportionate that it will be $6 million for one of the terminals, but -- >> i don't know the answer to that. i'll have to go back and look. my understanding is this is for new equipment. i believe partially what this contract does in the rest of the terminal is just maintain and operate the equipment, but this is to actually install the equipment that we need for our common use processing. >> okay. thank you very much. >> chairwoman: any comments or questions from our colleagues? seeing none, i would like to move to the board with
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a positive recommendations. madam. >> authorizing public works to accept an grant in the amount of $15 million from the united states department of transportation for the fiscal year 2018, better utilizing development transportation, discretionary grant for the better market street phase one, for the period of june 2020 to june 2025. >> chairwoman: okay. better market street. is this escar quinn toia? >> yes. >> i'm a capital finance analyst with san francisco public works. the resolution before you authorizes them to acceptp accet a $15 million grant for the better market streets
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phase one project. we were awarded this competitive grant in december 2018. this project will deliver transformative street scape, and transportation improvements along market street, between fifth street and eighth street, and go good repair and investments in our transportation infrastructure. the grant funds will be used for roadway work and traffic and pedestrian signal upgrades. as you might be aware, starting january 29th, market street -- most of market street became a car-free zone, and m.t.a. is currently placementing some of thimplementingsome imprd this will make the permanent and state of good repair investments as well. we are working with s.f. t.a.staff, and the preparation of the construction mitigation plan, as you might
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remember back in december, when the t.a. approved the didie signdesign allocations mog forward. i'm joined by our project manager to answer any questions. >> chairwoman: any comments or questions from my colleagues? seeing none, can we have a b.l.a. report on this, please. >> the proposed resolution accepts the $15 million grant from the u.s. government for the better market street program. if you look at exhibit 3 on page nine of our report, the total budget for the program is $176.7 million at this time. that is improvements to market street, between fifth street and eighth street, largely. so the $15 million grant is part of the overall budget. if you look in exhibit 3, of the 176.7million, there is about a $38 million funding gap that still needs to be identified for this project.
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however, the $15 million grant does meet the criteria, including the matching funldz, s funds, so we recommend approval. >> chairwoman: any comments on questions? supervisor mandelman? >> thank you, chair fewer. >> chairwoman: you're welcome. >> i can't say i'm new to this committee anymore, but i have a question about how to think about gaps on construction projects like this. and, um, if this is standard and what happens if you can't identify $38 million over the next couple of years? >> right now we're working with s.f. m.t.a., and also applying for other grant sources. yesterday we submitted an application for the affordable housing and sustainable communities
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grant program. program, and it's such a large project, so we're looking at state funding, such as the local partnership program, which will call for projects in a couple of months. so it is all about timing and making sure that at the time of award of the contract we have a fully funded project. we're still a few months away. we're working with our partners to figure that out. >> and you believe you'll have that gap closed before you award the contract? >> yes. >> chairwoman: okay. let's open this up for public comment. any members of the public want to comment on this item? >> supervisors, first and foremost, we have to look at the projects that one of you kind of alluded to but it was not precise. if you look at the central subway, we know what happened to that. it started with $600 million, and now it is $2 billion. if you look at the van ness project, and i just
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walked certain parts of it, it is pathetic. it is really pathetic. now, we've been talking about market street for a long time. but before we even initiate -- we already initiated closing it down for the causeway and keeping it open for the bicyclists, we failed to do a needs assessment on the surface of market street. especially when it comes to the elderly, or somebody like me, who wears a brace, and there are potholes. we are not paying attention to the rails. we went -- some of the new guys who come in, they have no clue how all of the improvements that were done to market street, and how businesses were impacted.
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so one of you all alluded to it in a general way. it failed to ask the real questions because, remember, you can get millions of dollars from the federal government, but as i see it, the planning department -- [buzzer] >> -- and all of the committee meetings that you have, there is no real input from the public. and the san francisco county transportation authority has kind of an advisory committee, but they're all over the place. we do have experts in san francisco. [buzzer] >> chairwoman: thank you very much. any other public comments? seeing none, public comment is now closed. actually, i have a question, if you don't mind. i think the speaker brings up a pretty good point
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about the public input that we've done so far around this better market street project. and our small business people at the table. okay. >> i can speak to that. good morning, supervisors, i'm the better market street project manager. to date we've had five rounds of community outreach. these are large meetings held around market street to collect input from the community, not just residents, but also business owners, about the project itself and the impacts of construction. we're now starting to develop the construction mitigation plan. i think you might remember as part of the transportation authority -- your role as part of the transportation authority board, i'll be giving the presentation in
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march about our construction mitigation plan and support for small businesses. so we are clearly aware of the impacts. our estimate is that construction will take two years. to do the first phase of market street, between fifth and eighth streets. and we're working closing with our project partners at the s.f. m.t.a., as well as o.e.w.d. to conduct a survey of the existing businesses and to understand their needs and their expectations during construction. we're also looking at what we can do to reduce the construction duration, or minimize construction duration, possibly building the north side first and impacting the north side businesses for a shorter amount of time. moving to the south side, and then doing the center track way area, so that the impact to businesses is reduced by which side
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of the street you're on as well. >> chairwoman: so then i have one request: that when you come before us with the t.a., you would also include a proposed budget to help mitigate the negative effects on the small businesses. >> we probably won't have that in march, but we will have that as part of the plan. so in march, we're just giving you an outline, and then we give quarterly updates. so probably the next quarter will have more details and more of the budget. >> chairwoman: great. thank you very much. and then oscar, i'm wondering, i know that this is a grant from the united states department of transportation. why did we seek a grant for better market street but was b.r.t. included also in the grant proposal? >> personally, i'm not
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aware of that. this application was in july 2018, so i'll have to check on how -- do you remember? >> i know the decision was made as a city, which project to propose. it was thought at the time that it would be very unlikely we would receive any federal funding through the build program, just giving the current administration. so i think the city, as a whole, led by the transportation authority, i think, determined that we would summit the bill grant for better market street, and i believe that was the only grant that the city submitted for this cycle of build. but build is part of the u.s. department of transportation, transportation funding, so there will be future cycles for other projects to apply. >> chairwoman: so is there a plan to apply for these funds for the garry b.r.t.? >> i don't know. that would be a question
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for the transportation authority or for m.t.a. there are several cycles of build. it replaced tiger, and you may have heard of the tiger grant previously. in the past, i think the city has only received one tiger grant. so, therefore, it is for larger infrastructure projects. >> chairwoman: thank you. any comments or questions from my colleagues? seeing none, i would like to make a recommendation to move this to the board. a motion to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. and i can take that without objection. thank you very much. can you please call iams number three and four. >> [item called]
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>> chairwoman: thank you very much. is this mr. calvin healey? >> yes. >> chairwoman: great. you're from the san francisco p.o. c.? >> yes. good morning. i'm from the s.f. p.u.c. i'm here to request authoritauthorization to execute services for dams and reservoirs, and in particular for agreement 138aa, and agreement
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pro0138. the s.f. p.u.c. manages a very complex water system, stretching all the way to the city and county of san francisco. we manage dams, reservoirs, pipelines, tunnels, and treatment systems. in 2017, the oroville dam incident occurred. from 2017to 2018, the california division of safety of dams, the s.o.d., issued updated orders for dam reservoir owners. s.f. p.u.c. has a total of 18 dams and reservoirs under the jurisdiction. they have complied with the new s.o.d. requirements, performing condition assessments. they are proactively analyzing our damsp dams and reservoirs and has developed a capital improvement program. they are proactively seeking contracts for professional energy firms
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for planning, design, and energy support of our improvements through the various reservoir facilities. the specialized energy and dam and reservoir services include hydrology and structural engineering. and to address this, the s.f. p.u.c. issued a request for proposals in 2019. and three agreements are to be awarded to the three highest-ranked proposals. each agreement will be for 11years, for an amount of $1 million. $11 million. they deemed the three highest scoring proposals. january 14, the san francisco public utilities committee approved them. and the s.f. p.u.c.
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approved the p.e.i. contract. we will be coming back to the board for authorization to execute that agreement. pro01388, and agreement pro138c. these agreements are $11 million apiece for the dureritioduration of 11 years. >> a quick question: do these agreements include community benefits? >> yes. >> thank you. >> chairwoman: can we hair frohear from the b.l.a., please? >> good morning, supervisors. the legislation -- it is two resolutions, each approving a contract between p.u.c., one for energy, and the other for
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technical services. this was explained by the representative from p.u.c. each contract is for $11 million over 11years. the contracts were selected through a competitive process. we show on page 15 of our report, we show the actual sort of dams and reservoirs that each contract would cover under these contracts. h.d. r. would be for market and o'shaughnessy. and also as explained, there will be a third contract coming forward at a future date for the same program. we recommend approval. >> chairwoman: any public comment on items three and four? >> i've been following this for 40 years. and the way i'll state this is, some of the guys come in and give you the presentation have no idea,
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and have not read the regular act. they have no concept about a glacier, that is our main resource, which we won't have access to. while discussing about the dams and the pipes, nobody wants to address the leakages, millions of gallons of clean drinking water that seeps into the watershed. so this is not to say that the same old guys who make a lot of money and you supervisors don't have an audit on those things. we don't need the same engineers milking the cow. and that is what is happening here. at the same time, we need to have a needs assessment done on all of our dams in a timely manner. not when we have to spend
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millions and millions of gallons of water. i can divert a little bit on the mountain tunnel. somebody did a first-time assessment and it took a lot of money, and they found cracks in the tunnel, close to the hedgy reservoir. [buzzer] >> and they chose to repair it, spending (mumbling) omillions of dollars. nobody is asking the relevant questions because most of you are not engineers, most of you are not even aware in the year 2020 we flush our toilets with clean drinking water, which is a shame. it is all connected, but i don't want to go into detail. thank you very much. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. public comments? seeing none, public comments are now closed. any comments or questions from my colleagues?
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seeing none, i would like to move these two items to the board with a positive recommendation without objection. madam clerk, please call number five. >> resolution approving and authorizing the director of property on behalf of the department of homelessness and supportive housing, property located at 888 post street for an initial term of 20 years, anticipated to commence on october 1st, 2020, as a base rent of $1.5 million a year, increasing a 3% a year, one option to extend the lease for a period of 10 years, and authorizing the city's contribution towards landlord work. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. supervisor peskin? >> thank you, chair fewer, and supervisions for supervisorr hearing this matter, which has been a long time in the making. i think it was in july of 2019 that the board unanimously passed a resolution that sent us in this direction.
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i want to start by thanking the department of homelessness and supportive housing, mr. ca casinski and ms. schneider, and for negotiating with tidewater these many months. i want to acknowledge goodwill industries, as set forth, would be the city's sublessee at the ground floor. most importantly, i really want to thank the community in the northeast corner of san francisco, the polk street folks, the lower polk cbc, the lower polk neighbors. and mr. jacobson and mr. shulman are here, but folks from all walks of life who have come to a number of community meetings and have, on the most part, been very supportive, very helpful, made very good suggestions
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about this navigation center that the city is contemplating a 75-bed facility. so i am really delighted. it has been a long time in the making, and a long time coming, and i really want to express my appreciation. i associate myself with the recommendations of the budget and legislative analyst office, and you'll hear from ms. campbell in a little bit, and there are many members of the community here to testify on this item. and with that, madam chair, i'll turn it back over to you. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. i think we have a presentation. thanks. please identify yourself. thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. i'm t.g. rippley, i'm with the department of homelessness and supportive housing. i'm pleased to be here this morning to ask for your support of the proposed resolution for a lease between the city and the property owner at 888 post street, and 888 poster street llc.
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and that will house the first navigation center, low-barrier center, for young people. as supervisor peskin mentioned, it has been a long time priority for the department, for youth advocates, as well as a stated priority for the board. going back to may 2018. and we're really delighted that we have finally found a site and appreciate all the hard work and leadership of the supervisors' office. supervisor peskin and his staff, and all of the community partners who have gotten us to this staph. and i would like to thank the budget and analysts office for their work on this report. we're pleased to accept your recommendations and any amendments the city has on this resolution. as everyone on the committee knows, and on the board, san francisco is still in the midst of a housing affordability crisis. and we saw that in our 2019 point in time count,
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in stark contrast, where our unsheltered population increased by about 19%. more over, there were about 1,000 traditional youth, ages 18 through 24, experiencing homelessness on that day in january. 83% of those young people are unsheltered. meaning they're living, you know, in doorways, parks, vehicles, wherever they can find shelter on the streets. with that, we are proposing this navigation center for a low-barrier shelter for about 75 beds, with a non-profit provider who is really familiar with young people and their particular needs. and we're very pleased to be working with goodwill industries on sub tenant lease for the ground floor, which would include their drop-in, drop-off
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services, as well as opportunities for workforce development and partnership with our youth. so thank you for goodwill, and i believe we have a representative here in the audience today. i wanted to speak a little about the community engagement process. again, we really formed a strong partner with the supervisors' office, starting with two neighborhood stakeholder meetings that we held earlier this year. of course we always do a written notification to neighborhood businesses and residents, so they're aware of any upcoming h.s.h. sites, but we also held two large community input forums, one on january 9th and another on january 23, and it had representatives from the supervisors' office, the police department, the department of public works, goodwill, and our community partners at lower polk c.b.d., as well
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as music city san francisco. with that, we got a lot of feedback, and i think we have some really good recommendations from the community. and we've made considerable commitments going forward. so this is really a successful project, not only for our clients, but something that the neighborhood is really proud of and comfortable with in their community. so we created a community working group that will meet regularly, leading up to the opening of the site, to provide additional input and facilitate information sharing back to the larger community. h.s.h. will also work to develop our street outreach workers and outreach zone, in collaboration with the community working group, in which we prioritize outreach services to bring those young people into the neighborhood quickly into the navigation center. we also know it is not just young people ages 18 through 24 living on the streets in that community. so we'll also be working
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as part of our outreach work to make sure that adults that we encounter that we're engaging with -- those homeless adults on the street, and placing them in our navigation centers. we're also aware that the community has concerns about other h.s.h. sites in the neighborhood, particularly our shelter at gary and polk, and we are working closely with our service providers to address community concerns about, unfortunately, unhealthy street behavior around that site. and we continue our strong partnerships with a asoc city agencies, to ensure a response around encampments. especially addressing the lower polk alleyways. i want to briefly show you a few photos of these site to orient you. this is a view of the corner of post and hyde.
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the green arrow would be the proposed area where the goodwill vehicular entrance would be for those dropping off donations. the next slide is the hyde street view of this street, that shows the separate entrance for our navigation center clients, leading up to the third floor, which would be based where the navigation center would be the based. i'm happy to answer more specific questions on the budget, but i wanted to turn it over at this point to the director of the department of real estate, enrico penic. >> good morning, chair fewer, supervisors, enrico penic, director of real estate. ms. witley has done a tremendous job, and i don't want to take up much of your time, but for the benefit of the public, i
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wanted to go through some of the highlights of the lease itself. it is a straightforward lease for 33,980 feet over three stories. it is a 20-year term with a 10-year option to extend. the rent rate is $44.16 per square foot, with a 3% escalater. the city will be investing, and it will be capped at $5 million, in order to get the building ready for the intended use. we anticipate that the landlord will also have to put in an additional $5 million in order to make the site suitable for this use. of interesting note is the purchase option. we have a purchase option on this property for $29 million. that is exercisable at any time between the execution of the lease in august of 2022. we think this is an excellent provision, and
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that it allows us to, one, take advantage of the lease now and have the landlord put in that $5 million plus of capital improvements, while at the same time giving us a little runway in order to budget for this purchase should the supervisors so choose. i would like to thank the mayor and supervisor peskin for their leadership and support for this project. i'd alt also like to thank the b.l.a. for their hard work, and we concur in their recommendations. h.s.h. and they're staff are available to answer any questions you may have. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. can we have the b.l.a. report, please. >> the proposed resolution approves the lease between the city for 888 post street. it would be used, as talked about by ms. witley, as a 75-bed facility. the rent starts at
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$1.5 million and escalates by 3% over the initial 20-year term. you can see the term on table two, page 21. because the rent per square foot is less than $45, it did not require a separate appraisal, but the real estate department did do comps on the rents for this. the other financial issue here is that the city would be contributing up to $5 million towards tenant improvements on the site, that are part of the lease agreement. so, again, in following up, we do make two recommendations. there is an option to purchase this property through the -- the option is in affect through august of 2022. because the option to purchase at $29million is actually pretty reasonable rate, given the $40 million that the city would spend on rent, we recommend amending the
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proposed resolution to have the department come back and submit a proposal on purchasing this property no later than august of 2021. the other recommendation is for the lease structure itself. and the extension option would not come back to the board. we recommend amending the resolution so if there is an veep event where the city would be exercising the rent extension, that it come back to the board. other than that, we recommend approval. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. let's open this up for public comment. any members of the public like to speak on this item? yes. two minutes. >> good morning. my name is debra balk. i am goodwill's marketing and communications. our mission is to create second chances through training and the dignity of work. we do that through a highly unique workforce development approach of
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customized career services, industry training, and paid employment with benefits for individuals with barriers to employment. we look forward to bringing our proven model to the 888 post street navigation center in partnership with the city. thank you. >> chairwoman: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning, chris liberty. i own a bar at 1176 rec street. at our bar, i think we really need this in our neighborhood. the problems there, and not putting beds there would be stupid. i throw my support with this. thank you. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. next speaker. >> supervisors, my name is chris shulman. and i'm the executive director of the lower polk community benefit district. the board has not taken a formal position on the project just because we're still working on some of the community benefits.
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however, the board and myself want to speak strongly in support of the process that has taken place. the outreach has been exceptional. supervisor peskin first kim tcame to a lower polk's meeting a year ago, broaching the subject about this property. we've had stakeholder meetings, and we've had larger community meetings. at the last meeting on the 23rd was really heartening. the crowd was literally cheering each time members of the public would come up and share stories and speak in favour of this location. we're working closely with h.s.h. for the community benefits, along with the supervisor and mayor's office. we're very pleased with the direction that it is going in. we're happy there will be a more formal group that will work on outreach zones and outreach plans. i would like to thank
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supervisor peskin, the various departments that have been involved, the mayor's office and others. it has been a really good process. thank you so much. >> chairwoman: thank you. >> hi, my name is peter jake conson, and i've been involved in this project for a little under a year now. i speak as the general manager of music city s.f. it is encouraging to see so many of the problems we brought forth being addressed in the presentation by the city. there are a number of things we would like to see included in this project that have been reacted to very diligently by the departments involved. this represents an optimal location. this building has sat vacant for as long as i've worked there, and we have the opportunity to transform it into a beacon of hope for the young people of this city who face homelessness. the partnership with goodwill could not be
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better for a project like this. one of the area's best employment resources. it is perfect. and having a general knowledge of the value of cross-examinatioconstruction ang in that neighborhood, this represents an outstanding value for what the city would be getting. there is a perfect amount of space for a project like this. the public support within our neighborhood has been overwhelming for this project. we were prepared for a battle, and what we found is that generally everyone in the neighborhood, with some exceptions, of course, has supported this project from start to finish. thank you so much. [buzzer] >> chairwoman: thank you. >> thank you, peter. >> good morning, shari lynne adams. i'm speaking in favour of the project. 1100 young people are
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homeless on any given night in san francisco, and most sleep outside. so this navigation center in this district with the leadership of supervisor peskin, with the leadership of all of you, who have done so much for young people in our city, and the department's support of getting a navigation center, and it is a welcome, joyous, and wonderful happening for us. and it has been -- i've been at one of the community meetings, or a couple of the community meetings, and they've had staff and young people at other community meetings, and it has been really lovely and heart-warming and inspiring to hear the community's support for this project. we're estatic and excited and look forward to working with all of the providers to provide support for this navigation center. thank you. >> chairwoman: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning. my name is katie risen, i'm the director of health
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and safety at huckberry youth programs. > we have too many young people out on the street, and we look forward to being part of the community to make this center something we all can be proud of. >> chairwoman: thank you. >> supervisors, we all know that this city has empathy and compassion. what i see here is that the city is ready to expand $6 million, and if the land owner spends a matching $5 million, we get that right. have we done a needs assessment on how many of
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our youth crash all over this city? i heard the health department say and speak in generalities, but i would like to remind the health department, as one who has been monitoring this, this particular type of issues for the last 35 years, that again and again, the san francisco health department, with a $2 billion budget, has failed us when it comes to wrap-around services. so one of you supervisors who is on this committee is very -- works with hummingbird and those type of models, we have to make sure in these type of navigation centers we provide wrap-around services because a lot of the young people have mental issues. i know that because i deal with them. [buzzer] >> so it is very good to
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give them a place to lay their head. wrap-around services, nutrition services, health services -- this is what you supervisors should be asking the questions. follow the money, that's true. we have a lot of money, but we waste a lot of money. i would wish that we would spend a billion dollars on this. it is worthwhile fou for our youth. those are my comments, and i want the health department to do a better job. thank you very much. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. >> good morning supervisors, i'm sarah short. we're a supportive housing provider. we operate a navigation center, a civic center, and we have a building for,for -- to house youth.we caw important it is to have our first youth navigation center in san francisco. this would be monumental.
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we see far too many young people on the streets, who are deprived of the services that they need so very much. i just want to support this purchase of the lease and say, you know, from the bottom of my heart that these young folks deserve a home. they deserve to not be, you know, wandering in the streets, at risk of all sorts of danger to their body and their mind. and that, you know, san francisco will be making a real leadership move by having this very specific opportunity just for our youth who are living on the streets. so thank you very much. >> chairwoman: next speaker. >> hello, supervisors. my name is austin trang, and i'm with the youth commission. i'm here speaking on behalf of our youth
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commissioners who cannot make it today. the teen navigation center is a long time coming and we're super excited to see this coming true. we truly believe that with this navigation center, that this provides wrap-around services. and we hope this navigation center works with the office of transit initiatives, to make sure there is an lgbtq dorm in this facility, because currently homeless youth are lgbtq, as well as people of color. so when considering this, please make it sustainable. and think about permanent supportive housing. and we look forward to your vote. >> chairwoman: next speaker. >> good morning, supervisors. i'm also part of the youth commission. i'm staff lead for the housing committee, and i'm here to speak on behalf of the youth commission and
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our young people. they have supported this teen navigation center for many years. they're also in support with the grant challenge. and i think if you all support this today, we will work towards ending youth homelessness for lgbtq young people and young people in general. thank you. >> good morning, supervisors, i'm the director of the san francisco youth commission. i just want to echo what my colleagues say, as well as speaking on behalf of our 17 youth commissioners. i've been on staff for three and a half, almost four years, and we've been working on this for that same amount of time and even prior to that. this has been a long time coming. we're in favor and support this. on behalf of our youth commissioners, any chance they get, they vote in support of the teen navigation center, especially for our young people who are homeless and houseless. we look forward to this vote. we hope that you will continue to support this issue. thank you. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. any other public comments?
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seeing none, public comment is now closed. yes, supervisor mandelman? >> i actually just want to get -- ask a few more questions about sort of timeline and rollout. it sounds like there is a fair amount of physical work that needs to happen on the building. >> so you can hear this from staff, but if everything goes according to schedule, it is about an eight-month buildout, and it should be open by the end of this calendar year. >> great. and there is a $5 million to $7million contribution to that build-out, and beyond that it is on the owner? >> yes, supervisor peskin is correct, we hope to open by the end of the calendar year. the city's contribution so far is the commitment of $5 million, up to
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$7 million if needed, but the balance of the expenses would be borne by the property owner. >> and do we have a sense of how much that is? >> the department of real estate's staff is saying up to five. >> all right. >> chairwoman: supervisor walton? >> just a quick problematic question. i don't know if you can answer it now or later -- >> sure. >> what is going to be the outreach to systems involved, to youth? >> i didn't quite hear the question. >> what is going to be the outreach plan to make sure that systems involved to teen youth know about the opportunity and the nav center. >> i don't want to misspeak, so i went to bet back to you on the comprehensive plan. i can say that a navigation center is only a piece of what we do for our youth. we have active youth qord
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coordinated access programs, and arriving initiative, so all of that is going to be leveraged not only through this emergency shelter, but it is part of a broader system of care. let me get back to you on the outreach plan throughout the system, not just in this zone, if i'm hearing you correctly. okay. >> chairwoman: any other questions or comments? seeing none -- supervisor mandelman? >> just a comment. i -- this -- the youth commission has suggested it has been a while, but i want to congratulate the homeless housing, and supervisor peskin. supervisor peskin has been advocating for a number of years to get appropriate homeless services into his district. and i know he has worked really hard to make this happen. and i know a lot of people
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city-wide have been trying to get appropriate services for youth. so this is a pretty important step. it is great to see the support in the community. and i want to congratulate everyone and thank them. >> chairwoman: thank you. and i also want to congratulate supervisor peskin as he has been talking about the house of fans for a very long time. i think i bought a fan there in the 1980s. and i think there is a geographic equity around the investment, and these type of services to every district, as i have none in my district. with that, i would like to make a motion to set the amendments, to approve the amendments of the b.l.a. and they can take that without objection. and i would like to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation as amended. we can take that without objection. thank you, colleagues. >> thank you. >> madam clerk, can you please call item number
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six. >> authorizing the department of public health to accept and expand a grant in the amount of $1134,000 from the department of health, national institutes of health, for participation in a program entitled leadership and operation center, for the period of december 1, 2019, through november 3, 2020. >> yes. my name is dillia maloy, and i'm the department director of bridge h.i.v., and this is a branch within the population health division of the department of public health. i am here representing dr. albes actually attending a micr
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microbicite meeting, and he was unable to attend in person. so this grant provides resources for dr. lu to continue this work providing leadership as the chair of one of the protocols that has recently been completed, successfully completed, and now dr. lu is engaged in working with the protocol team to analyze the data and prepare manuscripts. and also to prepare abstracts for upcoming scientific meetings. so this grant partially reimburses the department of public health for 4.40 f.t.e. of dr. lu's salary. i'm here to respectfully request the approval to
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accept and expand these funds retroactive to december 1, 2019. the department received the letter of funding allocation on november 28, 2019. just a few days before the project period of start date, december 1, 2019. there were additional delays processing and submitting the legislative package due to the holidays. and i'm here to answer any questions.
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programming in several facilities in line with a successful programme initiated in vancouver called tenant overdose response organizations. it is retroactive to february 1st. >> thank you. and the reason that it's retroactive is probably because it was given to you late by the state. correct? >> correct. >> there was no vla report on this, any public comment on number 7, seeing none, public comment is closed. i would like to move this for a positive recommendation to the board and we can take that without objection. thank you, madam clerk. i want to say that we were joined today by former supervisor gonzalez and i forgot to recognise him before he left the room. but if he should be listening, i just wanted to say to him, thank you for joining us today and, of course, for his years of public
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service. >> item number 8, resolution authorizing the office of the district attorney to accept and expand the amount of 201,000 from the california department of insurance for the automobile insurance programme, for the period of july 1st, 2019 through june 30, 2020. item number 9, resolution authorizing the office of district attorney to accept and expand a grant in the amount of 850,000 from the california department of insurance for the workers, competence insurance programme, programme period of july 1st, 2019 through june 30, 2020. >> thank you very much. i believe the staff from supervisor safye's office, would you like to speak first? >> thank you. i'm here on behalf of supervisor safyaye. it's to expand grants and one is the automobile insurance grant
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and the other is the workers compensation insurance fraud grant. i'm joined by the grants and contract manager for the d.a.'s office and, of course, with misg attorney and program director. so she's here to answer questions on your behalf. thank you. >> thank you very much. good morning. i am the managing attorney of the economic crime's unit at the san francisco district attorney's office and both of these grants are for authorization for our office to excepaccept grant funds in ordeo more effectively investigate and prosecute insurance fraud cases. thank you very much. >> is there any public comments
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on items 8 or 9? seeing none, public comment is now closed. any questions or comments? seeing none, i would like to make a motion to this to the board with a positive recommendation, 8 and 9 and if we can take that out objection. tout madanumber 10? >> the housing and community developmendevelopment agreement and the affordable housing and sustainable community's programme for a total of 20 million, including 13.7 million dispersed by hcd, for purpose of affordable housing at 500 turk street and 300 million as a grant to the city, public transportation improvements for the period starting on the execution date of the standard agreements through june 30, 2029.
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>> good morning. i'm joyce len, the manager presenting item number 10 and this authorizes to accept and expend the grant of 6.$3 million for transportation improvements and related amenities approved by the california department of housing and community development, hcd and authorizes to execute the standard agreement with hcd under the affordable housing and sustainable community's programme, for a total award of $20 million. 13.7 millions of which will be dispersed by hcd has a loan to turk 500 for the affordable housing project and 6.$3 million grant to be dispersed as a grant to the city for public transportation improvements near 500 turk street in collaboration with ssmta and the tenderloin neighborhood. the asic programme allocates
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grants and loans to projects to achieve greenhouse grants reduction. this is developing the 100% affordable new construction housing project at 500 turk street, a 108-unit, plus one manager's unit building at the corner of turk and larkin. the $13.7 million asic loan is critical to permanent financing to the project and the $6.3 million transit improvements and related amenities will support number one, mta's market and the segment of the garry rapid project, the fifth street improvement project and sixth street pedestrian safety project. number two, bart's civic senterr and residents for three years. construction for the 500 turk
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affordable housing project began as of this week, which is very exciting. and jacob goldstein is here if you have any project-related questions. thank you. >> let's open this up for public comment. no daily report and any members of the public to comment on item number 10 and seeing number, it's closed. and i would like to make a motion to move this to the board for the positive recommendation and if we could take that without objection, thank you very much. can you please call item 11. >> resolution authorizing the recreation and park departments to accept in-kind grants from the san francisco grants and improvements from recreation to bayview, playground valued up to 180,000. >> thank you. this is tony moran, the capital division's manager for rec and park. >> good morning. the item before you is the
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request to authorize the authore recreation and park department to an in-kind grant up to $180,000 for the playground -- excuse me, bayview playground for playground equipment. in 2012, the kaiser permanente was working to establish bayview, healthy eating, healthy living zone and this hill zone supports active programming in the bayview neighborhood, as well as provided some in-kind grants to fund the programming, but also to help fund playground equipment and equipments at bayview. in 2016, the in-kind grant received by the hill zone organization was set to expire
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so the san francisco public health foundation moved forward with securing two equipment credits valued at $180,000 for playground equipment with ross recreation. and in 2019, october of 2019, the recreation and park commission recommended that we present this in-kind gift to the board of supervisors for acceptance and since that time, throughout this whole period, the rec and park department has been working closely with the community on the playground design and the playground equipment selection. and currently, project is expected to be advertised this spring with construction starting in summer or fall of this year and project completion to be in spring or summer of 2021. are there any questions? >> thank you very much. any questions or comments for
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miss morane. would anybody like to comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. i would like to move this to the board with a positive recommendation and we can take that without objection. madam clerk, can you call item number 12. >> resolution retroactively authorizing the park and rec for 400,000 from california department of recs for july 1, 2019 to june 30, 2022. >> thank you, miss morane? >> yes, this item is the direction -- the recreation and parks is requesting thundershowerauthorize agrant fd in the amended amount of $388,000. the local assistant grant for the west port yeathe west portad
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by the park's department. it was $400,000. however, on december 19th, the park department was notified by the california state park's department that the award would be reduced to $388,000 to allow the california state park's department to recover grant administration costs. i have provided revised copies of the legislation to reflect this amendment. so i'm happy to provide that to you at some point. so the funding will support the west portal playground renovation project that's a part of the let's play sf initiative to renovate 13 playgrounds in the city. here is the modified version and
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then that's the clean copy. thank you. so this is a part of the let's play sf initiative and basically, this funding was used to close a funding gap in the construction project. the project is currently in construction and that's why we're requesting the funds to be received retroactively and it is expected to be -- sorry, i misplaced my notes here. we expect the project to be completed -- yes, we're expected to be completed this summer. >> thank you very much. there's no report and i see an amendment to change it from 400,000 to 388, and is that substantive? >> deputy city anne pearson. i haven't seen the amendment but increase amount of money being accepted? >> decreasing.
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>> oh, decreasing. that will not require a continuance. >> that's great. thank you. >> no public comment and i would move this to the full board with a positive regulation as amended. can you please call items 13 and 14 together. >> 13, resolution authorizing the issuance from time to time in one or more series of not to exceed 1.4 billion agre aggregae privilege among not to exceed 225 million to be designated as the city and county of san francisco and series of 2020-r1.
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item number 14, approving the controllers office of public finance policy in accordance with government code section 855 and determining other matters in connection. >> thank you. and i think this is anna vandegna. >> yes. >> and i ab understand you're requesting a continuance? >> i would have a couple of words i would like to share to anna and public finance would like to request we continue items 13 and 14 to february 26th budget and finance committee meets. for item 13, the general obligation funding, our office has recently received comment from our external bond council will result in non-substantive changes to the resolution and we would like to give the bla time to review and provide comments.
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>> ok. for item number 14, the debt policy resolution, the recent sec legal bulletin, february 7, 2020, has provided clarifying guidance to municipal debt issuers which should be rested reflected in the debt policy. while there may not be changes to the debt resolution, we would like to consult with the council to give them time to review the changes and provide comments, if necessary. >> so for item number 14, if there should be changes that are substantive, is there a typ time constraint on this? >> we are now anticipating any changes that are substantive, and there's no time constraint on it.
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>> ok, thank you very much. and let's open this up for public comment? any members would like to comment? seeing none, pull comment is closed. so i think we'll hear, then, this total item with the blasm report alareport of february 26. could i would liki would like to february 26th, 2020. thank you very much and take that without objection. >> can you call items 15 and 16? >> reretroaction for a group purchasing agreement for the purchase of pharmaceutical for a total amount non-to exceed 381 million for a tem of five years, february 1, 2020 through january 21, 2024.
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and item with biologic lcc for pharmaceutical project for a total amount not to exceed 295 million for a term of five years from february 1st, 2020, to january 21, 2024. >> mr. david was the chief pharmacy officer? >> yes, good morning. good morning. there's two resolutions to approve to agreements between department of public health and mckessan corporation and plasma and biologics which is a subsidiary of the corporation a few things, mckessan districts the drugs to the health pharmacy. they do not negotiate drug price for the dph. they purchase drugs and
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biologics for manufacturers and the health department pays them for the drugs. and in alignment with health industry standards, the dph has utilized wholesale distributers for the procurement of a vast majority of the needed pharmaceuticals for many years and a distributers enables the health department to streamline the procurement process by allowing the department to have a reliable source of drugs rather than requiring the dph to maintain relationships with hundreds of drug manufacturers directly. currently, we do business with more than 575 drug manufacturers. using a distributer enables the dph to have reliable delivery, typically next day, save staff time and reduce administrator burdens all while providing essential medications to patients. in its distributer capacity, the two apply price discounts for
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dph's bulk purchasing and there's biologics through the two distributer distributers fon $60 million annually combined. we are updating the department's practise to protect the city. the proposed two contracts before you contain language that has been cus customized to the distribution function to minimize potential risks to the city. additionally, the proposed contract language that explicitly clarifies the purchasing authority when utilizing the distributers by clarifying that the department has access to all of the different buckets that the distributers utilize to obtain the cheapest price medications for our patients . the prior language was ambiguous, so the department included this clarity in the update to the administrative code and the new contract language. just a brief explanation to the
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retroactivity of this contract. the new clarifying contract language included in these contracts is linked to the passage of an amendment to administrative code 21a2 passed by the board of supervisors yesterday. since the approval of the contract is linked to the amended ordinance, the department tried to time the start date of the contract to the approval date of the proposed amendment to the administrative code. working collaboratively with the city attorney's office, amendment language took longer than completed to complete that thank you. >> thank you. >> could we have the baley report, please? >> the proposed resolutions are approves two agreements with mckessan for pharmaceuticals, specialty drugs, gene therapist.
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the file 20-0012 is for 4 million and file 20-0013 approves an agreement again for five years and in the amount of 295.9 million and you actually see the spending plan on table one, on page 35 and table 2 on page 36. there are increases built in to account for the increasing prices for drugs over the term and contingencies based on sort of drugs that may be needed that are unique or one time or limited use. these agreements were purchased through the department of public health in a group purchasing organization, so there's two comments here and we did actually recommend approval based on the department providing a report to the health commission and this is actually
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a required report when the board of supervisors of amended the c, they required a report every five years on sort of the financial outcomes, and because largely participation is not a competitive process, that there's not a competitive process to select a gpoch we were provided after a report was issued a memo to the commission that, we believe, complies with the minimum code requirements. my understanding is because of the timing of the board's approval of the legislation to amend the code to further sort of facilitate the department's participation of group participation organizations, that may have timing on the impact of this contract implementation. so i may have miss pearson speak
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to that. >> deputy city anne pearson. the aboard approved a to the amendment code which is the chapter authorizing dph should be a member of a group purchasing ordinance and as was referenced in the presentation, certain amendments were made to chapter 21 to allow the department to become a member of multiple gpos, but also to allow the department to purchase products from suppliers that were selected who were not sought out competitively but sell items at a competitive rate. my understanding is that these contracts were procured consistent wit the procedures as they're reflected in the newly amended ordinance and that ordinance having passed yesterday will not become effective now for 40 days. so it might be appropriate then
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to not refer this matter to the full board until that ordinance has become effective, which, i think, it means it could be referred for consideration at the march 25th full board meeting because the ordinance, assuming it's signed by the mayor, would be effective at that time. >> miss pearson, so we have the opportunity to continue this item, to bring this back to our committee in time for the march 25th meeting. we also have that option, is that correct? >> that's correct. >> thank you very much. let's open this up for public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed. yes, supervisor walton. >> thank you, chair. this is an exclusive distribution agreement, correct? >> yes. what are controls in place to keep mckessen from price
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gouging? >> so again, mckessen does not determine drug prices. the prices are determined through this and other means and so, what we have is basically a discount based on a volume purchase and that is what mckessen gets. >> do they get to change or determine what they charge us for their service at any given time? >> no, they don't. >> so, basically, mr. woods, then, this is a procedure that is out of convenience, would you say? we don't know about the cost effectiveness because we are purchasing this through mckessen who wills it all together and then we use mckessen to buy these pharmaceuticals but mckessen does not negotiate prices with the manufacturer. is that correct? >> so our drug prices are determined through a different mechanism, not through mckessen?
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and i can explain that, if you're interested. >> i think what we would like to know here on this mea committeew are we guaranteed, then, that we are actually purchasing them at the most cost effective price? >> so the buckets that we purchase drugs from are through the contracts which was eluded to here, the gpo. the other main bucket is through a federal drug pricing firearm, called the 340b program, a federal program and with that program, because we are a safety net institution, then we are actually able to access federal pricing, which is some of the lowest pricing in the nation across the board. and the third bucket is called wholesale acquisition which is not determined by mckessen so we choose the lowest of the prices
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and purchase based on eligible location and the lowest price. >> and are we purchasing generic drugs, then? >> over 80% office ou of our dre generic. >> any comments or questions for my colleagues. >> would you like mr. woods to follow up with you individually about this, because we have time, quite frankly? this is, actually, a fairly large contract, $281 million, i would say. so if there's other questions or comments, we could continue this item until march and have it in time for the march 25t 25th meeting of the board. >> any negative consequence? >> we'll continue our current process and there's no negative consequence other than i'll be on vacation in march.
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>> ok, i see no comments and questions and no motion to continue, so let's first approve the amendments that were suggested by our bla and so we can take that without objection. thank you very much. oh, yes? >> we actually didn't have a formal amendment. we were basically requesting an amendment for a memo and they did that after the report went out. so we believe they have met the condition. >> it's not a formal amendment to this, thank you very much. so, then, i think we can move this to the full board for the meeting of march 25th and we can take that without objection. thank you. >> madam chair, i believe march 24th, tuesday, is a board meeting to award it to. >> ok, march 24th, board meeting, thank you, madam clerk. we can take that out objection?
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objection. madam clerk? >> please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices and copies of the documents should be submitted to the clerk. >> madam clerk, can you please call the items? >> yes, i'd number one, hearing to consider the annual review and adop adoption and proposed t from 2021-2022 for office of the clerk of the board. >> we have our clerk, miss angela. >> members of the committee, chair and clerk of the board, herlast week, as you were contemplating our department's budget, there were two outstanding budgets we were to bring to you with the answers having to do with the support to the youth commission and the
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classification for the aid. subsequently, the question regarding the classification for the force aid has been withdrawn and so today, we will just bring information regarding youth commission. >> thank you. >> so on this slide, the next slide, the youth commission staff have been making efforts and engaging youth in schools with limited resources. here you'll see that more resources would help with their outreach efforts. junko has been engaging with the stafthestaff to have them brings to us. as you recall, the charter does not allow compensation for the youth commissioners. so in conjunction with the city attorney's office, we looked at a couple additional resources
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that would not violate the spirit of the charter and so, we have for you on this slide a couple of items for resources that would assist in bringing more served communities to the commission and by utilizing digital resources and collaborating with other youth-serving organizations, the youth commission could recommend an additional 5,700 and boost their outreach efforts for things like town hall events, printed materials, advertising and promotional items. and as far as compensation is concerned, as i said, the charter is clear and we cannot provide compensation or reimbursement. however, there are other ideas. for example, providing meals for their commission meetings and committee meetings and it's one way to incentivize commissioners to attend meetings.
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they typically start at 5:00 a.m. and last an hour and a hal5:00 p.m. and last an hour aa half to two hours. that's the average of time and we're looking, perhaps at an additional 750. commissioners expressed and in attending training and conferences to expend knowledge and assist with development as youth leaders. a potential 7,000 is what they're requesting. lastly, youth's commission staff believe they're providing a small budget for three issues based committees to host own events to fulfill their charter mandated duties in a more impactful way and they're looking at 4,950 and if all items were approved, it could increase the youth commission's budget by 21,400 in fiscal year 2021. i have to say that were many other items that the youth commission is requesting.
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however, we only brought forward those issues that pertained to the supervisor's question. the next slide provides the budget request which i just discussed a moment ago and you can see the total that we're providing is at 13,851 -- $35,000.251 for the proposed amount and if we go to the next slide, that does talk about overtime pay. i had an inquiry from the member of the board who was curious about overtime pay for the administrative assistants and i wanted to put that information
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upfront. titen administrative assistants are on board and have clocked in. and on average, they're working 7.92 hours of overtime per aid, per pay period. so there's other detail there, but just wan wanted to put that. some administrative assistants are being paid overtime pay. while others are earning compensatory time. one has actually reached the fiscal year cap and so there is the blend that's occurring and the union rules allow for that to occur. it's 120 hours. so if there aren't any questions about those two items, we'll talk about the summary of proposed changes and moving on
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to slide 6, if all the changes are approved in the department's expenditure budget, it would increase by 810,000. after discussion and public comment, if the committee desires to authorize this proposed budget to be submitted to the mayor and the controller, the action should be to move forward the budget to the mayor and controller. of course, in june, i'll be back to provide any details that might have changed between now and june and to certainty review all of this information with you once again. we're available for questioning. >> supervisor walton. >> thank you. i just wanted to say that i am 100% in support of the increases for the youth commission. of course, i wish that we were able to compensate our young people for all of the th hours d
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time they put in. knowing that our youth commissioners take this work seriously and how much time they spend but i do appreciate you working with the city attorney's office in trying to figure out the things we can do to help support their work and so i do support that and i support the resources putting youth commission in the position to be able to market and advertise the things that they do and make sure we can get more folks on board or more diverse pools. so thank you so much. >> ok, thank you. supervisor mamd elmam. >> thank you for the presentation and for your creative solutions and challenges we present. i do think as we go forward towards this 2020-2021 budget,
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in which we'll be hauling department heads in here and asking them about their overtime budgets and asking them to think about how they can get a handle on their overtime, that this board of supervisors needs to spend a little bit of time thinking about how we're using our overtime budget and thinking through, you know, what sor whas acceptable and what limits. because right now we have none. we're putting a budget in, but what happens if we blow through our overtime budget? >> at that point, i would like to my salary line and any funding in the salary line, it won't be auto losed t utilized r costs. >> at some point you would have to come to us for supplemental in overtime. i think just if this is many of us are using significant overtime in our offices, we think of what kind of box to put
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that in. >> currently, supervisor, overtime or comp-time should be utilized if the employee has asked the supervisor or manager in this case or any case in our department in advance to tang te that overtime and comp time. >> absolutely, but that doesn't set -- you mean, we have infinite work. >> true. >> if we had a happy admin who wanted to work 80 hours a week, and would be happy earning that additional overtime and my constituents would be completely having that additional 40 hours of constituent response, there's no -- from the perspective of an individual supervisor, there's no reason why not to just completely, you know, respond to the constituents and spend as much as you can doing it. so i do think that it's a little bit of a tragedy of the common situation or something and we should think about, ok --
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>> happy to work with you on that. >> i think supervisor mandlenam brings up a good point where we add staff to city departments. we would hope that the effect would be they would be reduced overtime. and i mean, i think that this committee has themselves condemned, certain departments saying we have increased your fte account and we've given you more and now we see there's more overtime, so it seems as though we should sort of abide by our own philosophy, which is that now that we have more help, it seems as though it would be -- it's a little, i think, hypocritical to say than we would use more overtime. and so, anyway, just wanted to also say that i am in support of the increase for the youth commission and i hope that with
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your ability to advertise, that we would actually bring in more youth commissioners that are from our public schools, from our housing projects, from some communities that have not been represented in the past and the youth commission. and fully in support of that and i believe, i would like to be given an opportunity right now for mr. o'donnel miss o'donnellp and make a statement from supervisor hainey's office. >> thank you, chair and members of the committee. i'm courtney mcdonald. i am here today to make you aware of a request that we have for the budget for the clerk of the board and the board of supervisors and we recognise this is coming late in the
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process, but i did want to do our due diligence and make sure you're aware. as you probably though, last week, supervisors hainey, mar, ronan and preston asking that the clerk of the board for a competitive bidding process for a special investigator to conduct a really detailed review and recommendations for internal control of an oversight for departments that are susceptible to fraud. and we're very supportive of the investigation and auditing that the controller and the city attorney's are doing and we really, really look forward to working with them and we also think it's really critical that the board exercise its role and authority to exercise the power of inquiry and request that these investigations being conducted. so with that said, because this proposal is really one that's in process with the news of the
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federal investigation coming relatively recently, so i want to recognise that the scope of what we're proposing is still very much in process and the board has not yet voted to move forward with the motion, but we hope that the board does and our reference would be to add a line item for $300,000, which is the estimate that the bla has helped us to come up with and what it would cost to conduct an investigation of this scope and we also recognise that you're moving forward with a proposal today and that that might be added or considered later on in the budget process. but again, just wanted to make sure that you are aware of the requests and if you were open to it to move it forward today. happy to talk any questions. >> so miss mcdonald, this proposal has not been voted on by the full board, has it? >> that's right, it has not.
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>> so i'm going to just make a suggestion that we would consider this, i think, at the full budget and when it is once passed by the full board and that we know that it has been a mandate by the full board. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. this opens up for public comment. any members like to comment on this item? come on up now. public comment is now closed. >> no, no, i was just checking. so i know around 1993, there was a youth commission and one of the things this board has not done chro chron logically evalue the youth commission.
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we have to give them credit with this and mix this with matt hainey. this city should be ashamed of themselves, that the fbi, a federal agency had to come in and teach all of us, all of us that we have to checks and balances. and so we have a sunshine task force that totally doesn't work. the ethic's commission totally doesn't work and the controller's office has a gun to their head with people telling him what to do and what not to do. since 2014, i won't do the research and tell you the city attorney hasn't been doing their job and so, corruption in this city and county of san francisco has reached a saturation point,
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where millions and millions and millions of dollars are wasted. and you know, when the youth commission needs something like a couple of thousand dollars oh, you know, this and you know that. they should have, like, a million dollars. you are the future. we need the money. without the money, you can't have the honey. so i'm saying you all don't do due diligence. do due diligence and be educated on issues and have your natter n the right place. thank you very much. any other public comments. >> hello again. i just want to say thank you for this potential increase the budget. we take this really seriously around what you're saying around outreach and we noticed a difference around not getting public school students or other marginalized young people to have their voices at the table and so we think that with this increase that we can do some due
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diligence and hopefully expand the types and identities we have and we're excited to move forward with this if you all approve it and we hope to see this come to fruition when we look at our upcoming terms. and also, just want to say that we are in the very, very beginning process of figuring out how to do a long-term campaign about changing the charter to see if we can actually change the charter to get stipends for our commissioners because we know how hard they're working and deserve to be paid for the labor they're doing. >> thank you very much. no other public comments, public comments now closed. madam clerk, do we file this or move it to the full board? >> i believe the appropriate action would be to move forward this draft budget to the controller and the mayor's office as presented by the clerk of the board and also to file this hearing. >> i make a motion to do both
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those things and we could take that without objection, thank you. any other business? >> no further business. >> this meeting a adjourned. - working for the city and county of san francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city that's on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. after all, we're at the meeting of land and sea. - our city is famous for its iconic scenery,
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historic designs, and world-class style. it's the birthplace of blue jeans, and where "the rock" holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. - our 28,000 city and county employees play an important role in making san francisco what it is today. - we provide residents and visitors with a wide array of services, such as improving city streets and parks, keeping communities safe, and driving buses and cable cars. - our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. but most importantly, working for the city and county of san francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the city's future. - thank you for considering a career with the city and county of san francisco.
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shop and dine on the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within neighborhood. we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant. where will you shop and dine in the 49? san francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. each corridor has its own personality. our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. >> you are putting money and support back to the community you live in and you are helping small businesses grow. >> it is more environmentally friendly. >> shopping local is very important. i have had relationships with my
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local growers for 30 years. by shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. it is really good for everybody. >> shopping locally is crucial. without that support, small business can't survive, and if we lose small business, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see that become a thing of the past. >> it is important to dine and shop locally. it allows us to maintain traditions. it makes the neighborhood. >> i think san francisco should
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shop local as much as they can. the retail marketplace is changes. we are trying to have people on the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. >> the fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. there are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. at the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for everybody. >> shopping and dining locally is so important to the community because it brings a tighter fabric to the community and allows the business owners to thrive in the community. we see more small businesses going away.
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we need to shop locally to keep the small business alive in san francisco. >> shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. you can see the banners in the streets around town. it is great. anything that can showcase and legitimize small businesses is a wonderful thing. >> growing up in san francisco has been way safer than growing up other places we we have that bubble, and it's still that bubble that it's okay to be whatever you want to. you can let your free flag fry he -- fly here. as an adult with autism, i'm here to challenge people's idea
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of what autism is. my journey is not everyone's journey because every autistic child is different, but there's hope. my background has heavy roots in the bay area. i was born in san diego and adopted out to san francisco when i was about 17 years old. i bounced around a little bit here in high school, but i've always been here in the bay. we are an inclusive preschool, which means that we cater to emp. we don't turn anyone away. we take every child regardless of race, creed, religious or ability. the most common thing i hear in my adult life is oh, you don't seem like you have autism.
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you seem so normal. yeah. that's 26 years of really, really, really hard work and i think thises that i still do. i was one of the first open adoptions for an lgbt couple. they split up when i was about four. one of them is partnered, and one of them is not, and then my biological mother, who is also a lesbian. very queer family. growing up in the 90's with a queer family was odd, i had the bubble to protect me, and here, i felt safe. i was bullied relatively infrequently. but i never really felt isolated or alone. i have known for virtually my entire life i was not suspended, but kindly asked to not ever bring it up again in first grade, my desire to have a sex change. the school that i went to really had no idea how to
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handle one. one of my parents is a little bit gender nonconforming, so they know what it's about, but my parents wanted my life to be safe. when i have all the neurological issues to manage, that was just one more to add to it. i was a weird kid. i had my core group of, like, very tight, like, three friends. when we look at autism, we characterize it by, like, lack of eye contact, what i do now is when i'm looking away from the camera, it's for my own comfort. faces are confusing. it's a lack of mirror neurons in your brain working properly to allow you to experience empathy, to realize where somebody is coming from, or to realize that body language means that. at its core, autism is a social disorder, it's a neurological disorder that people are born with, and it's a big, big
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spectrum. it wasn't until i was a teenager that i heard autism in relation to myself, and i rejected it. i was very loud, i took up a lot of space, and it was because mostly taking up space let everybody else know where i existed in the world. i didn't like to talk to people really, and then, when i did, i overshared. i was very difficult to be around. but the friends that i have are very close. i click with our atypical kiddos than other people do. in experience, i remember when i was five years old and not wanting people to touch me because it hurt. i remember throwing chairs because i could not regulate my own emotions, and it did not mean that i was a bad kid, it meant that i couldn't cope. i grew up in a family of behavioral psychologists, and i
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got development cal -- developmental psychology from all sides. i recognize that my experience is just a very small picture of that, and not everybody's in a position to have a family that's as supportive, but there's also a community that's incredible helpful and wonderful and open and there for you in your moments of need. it was like two or three years of conversations before i was like you know what? i'm just going to do this, and i went out and got my prescription for hormones and started transitioning medically, even though i had already been living as a male. i have a two-year-old. the person who i'm now married to is my husband for about two years, and then started gaining weight and wasn't sure, so i we went and talked with the doctor at my clinic, and he said well,
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testosterone is basically birth control, so there's no way you can be pregnant. i found out i was pregnant at 6.5 months. my whole mission is to kind of normalize adults like me. i think i've finally found my calling in early intervention, which is here, kind of what we do. i think the access to irrelevant care for parents is intentionally confusing. when i did the procespective search for autism for my own child, it was confusing. we have a place where children can be children, but it's very confusing. i always out myself as an adult with autism. i think it's helpful when you know where can your child go. how i'm choosing to help is to give children that would
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normally not be allowed to have children in the same respect, kids that have three times as much work to do as their peers or kids who do odd things, like, beach therapy. how do -- speech therapy. how do you explain that to the rest of their class? i want that to be a normal experience. i was working on a certificate and kind of getting think early childhood credits brefore i started working here, and we did a section on transgender inclusion, inclusion, which is a big issue here in san francisco because we attract lots of queer families, and the teacher approached me and said i don't really feel comfortable or qualified to talk about this from, like, a cisgendered straight person's perspective, would you mind talking a little bit with your own experience, and i'm like absolutely. so i'm now one of the guest speakers in that particular class at city college. i love growing up here.
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i love what san francisco represents. the idea of leaving has never occurred to me. but it's a place that i need to fight for to bring it back to what it used to be, to allow all of those little kids that come from really unsafe environments to move somewhere safe. what i've done with my life is work to make all of those situations better, to bring a little bit of light to all those kind of issues that we're still having, hoping to expand into a little bit more of a resource center, and this resource center would be more those new parents who have gotten that diagnosis, and we want to be this one centralized place that allows parents to breathe for a second. i would love to empower from the bottom up, from the kid level, and from the top down, from the teacher level. so many things that i would love to do that are all about changing people's minds about certain chunts, like the transgender community or the autistic community. i would like my daughter to
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know there's no wrong way to go through life. everybody experiences pain and grief and sadness, and that all of those things are temporary. sfgovtv sfg . >> the san francisco health commission is called to order. i will call roll. [roll call] >> clerk: the second item on the agenda is the approval of the february 4, 2020 minutes. >> commissioners, after review, does anyone have a motion to approve? >> motion to approve. >> second. >> all those in favor? okay. >> clerk
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