tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV April 1, 2020 3:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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public health director grant colfax as well as the police chief bill scott, department of human resources director trent rohr. currenttor odirector of emergeny management. we will help guide you through this unique challenge. i want to thank the workers who are in the hospitals working with people every day, healthcare workers, nurses, doctors, support staff showing up every day. i have seen a outpouring of love and support from san franciscans who are social distancing outside and giving hand claps and love to our healthcare
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workers. we appreciate what you are doing every day to keep people safe. we also want to say thank you to first responders, police and firefighters, bus drivers, grocery store clerks, so many people who are showing up to work to help provide help and support and assistance to others. what you are doing on the front lines means so much to us. we truly have a deep appreciation for your commitment to serving others during this pandemic. we all know that yesterday the county health officers in the bay area announced an extension until may 3rd of this stay at home order with new guidelines that definitely are as far as i am concerned adding but reiterating the importance. i wanted to justi to continue to
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stress the need to practice social distancing. i want to refer to it as physical distancing. we cannot be physically close to one another, it doesn't mean we can't pick up the phone and reach out to people and reach out to neighbors and continue to do everything we can to support one another during this very difficult time because the likelihood this may 3rd date will be extended is possible. we already know that the school year for kids has been impacted tremendously, and we know that from some of the early reports that it looks like even though there are real challenges in san francisco, we are at 434 cases, and sadly, seven deaths, it could be a lot worse if all of
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you weren't playing an important role by staying at home when at all possible. for clarity, we know that people may need to go outside and take a walk, walk their dog or jog with babies or go to the grocery store. what we ask people to do is get the fresh air, get the exercise you need walking, jogging or biking. maintain your physical distance from people not in your household. i see friends all of the time, and i desperately want to go give them a hug, my neighbors. i can't do that. it is a natural thing to want to have that kind of connection with people, but i also realize the importance of not only protecting myself but protecting them. that is what this is all about as much as the natural reflection is to give love and support and extend a hand, it is
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just really critical that we not do that at this time. once we are over this, that knows? we might be able to hug anybody we want. who knows? i want to talk about my incredible experiences, as i mentioned earlier this week. i had a neighbor drop a slip in my mailbox to reach out to say they are my block captain and as a result of being the block captain they are there to provide grocery runs, pharmacy runs and also i can call or e-mail them if i want somebody to talk to. it was very touching. it made me think about our vulnerable population. we have been thinking about this. people have been doing this all
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over the city informally. i heard about another resident in the sunset. someone reached out and realized they were a senior and couldn't leave the house, dropped off groceries, asked if they needed support, first of all, asked if they spoke other languages besides english and provided a comprehensive outreach to support neighbors. i know there are so many people doing that. we are grateful for you. i want to take that to the next level. today i want to announce an opportunity for san franciscans to get involved and volunteer. people have been great, but so many have said my neighbors, i don't have that vulnerable population, i want to get involved and be helpful. the program that we are
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announcing today provides you with an opportunity to do just that. to help those who are seniors and are part of the vulnerable population, especially people living in isolation and can't run the basic errands in order to get groceries and support and resources that they need. the department of aging and adult services under be the direction of shreen with us here today. they have partnered with the office of transgender initiatives to develop a program where you can sign up and we will partner you with a senior. basically, it is like you are going to be responsible for caring for and taking care of that senior for the duration of this issue or this pandemic. i think that what is gained from this is not only the ability to
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do something to help support others, but it could be the beginning of a long lasting friendship. we know so many seniors are living in isolation. they may not have family members who are there and available to them. here is an opportunity for you to help someone who desperately needs help at this time. to get information about this program, you can look on our website at or call 311 or (415)355-6700. i also want to thank mona a.m.i.
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they have re-purposed the app to help us connect people with seniors who are living in isolation, and this program is also important -- a combination of mona and open house and others have been great in taking the initiative and doing the work. now we are going to expand upon the work that they are already doing in order to connect even more seniors to resources. that is really our goal. i think this is going to be an incredible opportunity for our city. if you are interested, please reach out to us. i also want to talk a little bit about some of our efforts and trent will talk more about hotel rooms, shelters and some of the things we have planned to help house our unsheltered
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population. i want to just start by saying that i know that we have thousands of hotel rooms here in san francisco. i know that people are asking why don't we just open the doors and let everyone who is homeless get access to a hotel room? i wish it were that easy. i wish it were that easy to help people who unfortunately are struggling with addiction, sadly struggling with mental illness. i wish it were that easy to provide a place for them to be. i want folks to understand part of the challenge we have here we have secured over 400 hotel rooms. we hope to increase that number and again trent will talk in more detail about the priorities and purposes and how we are preparing, but i want to be clear that the capacity and the
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resources in general needed to provide the wraparound supportive services for many of these populations make it very difficult to just open the doors and allow anyone to walk in. in addition to that, we don't have the ability to force anyone to stay anywhere. that also becomes a challenge even with our shelter system. it is going to continue to be a challenge, but we have a plan to talk about exactly how we are going to do a couple things. number one, deal with the challenges of our congregate living settings, places like shelters and single room occupancy hotels. we know that if someone gets the virus and they live in an sro where they share bathrooms with others, we don't want to send them back to a location where we know they could infect others.
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we want to isolate them and provide them with a hotel room so they can get better, and that is a real part of the goal of our program. we also know that there are proactive steps we can take, and with our shelter system we have identified a location to specifically help to spin out our shelter beds. masconie west and south will be a place for room for 400 people. the goal is to thin out the shelter system so people aren't as close to one another as they are in our shelters. we will start as early as tomorrow moving people from shelters all-around the city into masconie west with 24 hour services of support, food,
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resources and exactly the kinds of things that you need in order to manage a shelter system here in the city. this is something that trent will talk more in detail about. i also want to touch on something that came out yesterday about the budget impacts and the fact that, unfortunately, based on the controller's work and research around what is happening with the finances of the city, there is, of course, a huge hit to our general fund and huge hit to our economy as a whole. we can anticipate a budget deficit of anywhere between 1.1 and $1.7 billion over the next two fiscal years. that is going to mean really a hard blow to san francisco, a
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hard blow to our services. as we are also spending money and dealing with this pandemic locally to keep people safe, we also have to be mind full about what will happen if we are not financially responsible now. if we are not making wise decisions about resources and how we allocate things and prioritize things, we are going to be in a lot of trouble financially in this city. we are going to need to make smart decisions. we are hopeful that the resources that we anticipate from the federal and state government will be of help, but when you are talking about a 1.1 to $1.7 billion budget deficit, that is significant. let's be mindful of that. we know there is a lot of need now and we are doing what we can to not only take existing resources as well as raise
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private sector dollars to help our small business community and others suffering. this is a tough road ahead of us, and be we are working every single day to put together the resources and the people. we will have more to announce, some more information tomorrow about our recovery plan and how we are going to start to develop the right task force that would allow for labor and business community and city departments and others to come together to begin to talk about the future of san francisco, our recovery efforts and what do we do once this pendemic has been lifted. there will be a lot of people suffering financially and we need to get prepared for it. not only now but in the future. the other thing i wanted to talk about is the census, and i
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actually did the online census. it didn't take very long. i was surprised that it was so quick. i think it took me maybe five minutes to go online and put in the number analog in. it was very simple. you can go to my 2020 or call 18443302020. anything that we talk about today you can also if you have questions, concerns 311 is a great tool to get information as well or the city website at sf why is it important to be counted? we don't know if any decision to make changes to the census might occur in d.c., but we do know
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that when we are counted, we count. when you think about 2 trillion-dollar stimulus package that is being provided to the entire country, our state and possibly our city could have a tremendous percentage of that packet based on the number of people that are counted in previous census. people counted in the 2000 census, that is the data used to determine population and other things and resources and how we get our fair share of the pie. this is really important. every person should be counted. every person, meaning if you are a u.s. citizen or not. if you are part of the immigrant
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community, you are part of the san francisco community. this information will not be used against anyone based on immigration status. the census is protected in that way. we know this is a very challenging time. we want to impress upon people in the city how important it is for everyone to make sure that you complete your census information. you get that sent in as soon as possible. for those at home with access to the internet, you have no excuse. we need your help and support. please make sure you are counted. to the nonprofit agencies that receive funding for outreach, this is a great opportunity to work from home to pick up the phone to call people and figure out ways in which people can be counted. this will make a difference in how we continue to get the kinds of resources necessary to make sure that we get our fair share. that is what it is about.
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make sure you complete your census. it is critical to the future of our city and country. with that, thank you all so much for all of your work. everyone who is out there doing what we need to do to keep san franciscans safe, we know that it is only two weeks. it feels like it has been several months, but hang in there. take care of yourself, take care of your physical and mental health. try not to snap at your kids too much. they can't help themselves. i am sure they are feeling as challenged as you are during this time. my heart goes out to a lot of the families with children especially. i know that this is a tough time. so many kids not able to stay in school and hang out with their
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friends and see their teachers. just let's be mindful we are all going through this together, and for one reason or another are experiencing a number of probably emotional challenges as a result of this. let's be patient with one another, let's comply with social distancing, let's try to set an example and continue to hold our heads up so we can get through this together. with that i want to introduce doctor grant colfax.
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>> good afternoon. i am grant colfax, director of health. thank you, mayor breed. today in my update i want to thank everyone for their cooperation and everything they are doing to help fight the spread of the coronavirus. when you stay home, when you keep six feet apart from people during the times you must go out for essential reasons and when you wash your hands, you are saving lives. these efforts are important.
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they are not enough. we must redouble our commitment to slowing down the virus in our community to protect vulnerable populations and our healthcare system and to make the best path forward for recovery. some people have asked this week, is it working? are we as a community in san francisco and in the region flattening the curve in my message today for you is it is simply too early to tell. we know we are doing the right thing, and the data tells us that staying home is the very best defense. but at this stage of the game, there are still plausible scenarios that our healthcare system could be brought to the brink and even overwhelmed. i don't want that to happen. none of us want that to happen.
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that is why we are here doing everything we can to follow the science, data and facts to drive our decisions. yesterday, san francisco joined with other bay area counties to extend the stay home order to may 3rd. i know this is very challenging. there are roll zero o real serious economic and emotional impacts. these sacrifices are an investment in our future as a community and as a city. it is time to take a deep breath and get ready to stay home all month. the new order is much like the one that was put into place on march 16th. all san franciscans must stay home as much as possible abonly leave for essential activities like getting food and medicine.
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even then stay at least six feet away from others if they are not part of our immediate households. go outside to take care of a pet or exercise so long as you do not congregate in a group and you must maintain six feet of distance between you and other people not part of your immediate household. essential workers are still needed to help our community during this time so that people can buy groceries, get gas, do laundry, get prescriptions, travel for essential reasons, get essential healthcare and other basic important and vital functions. i am grateful to our essential workers in the public and private sector for all they are continuing to do every day to keep everyone as healthy and safe as possible.
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the new stay home order strengthens the previous one in some significant ways. here are four examples. social distancing, physical distances is now mandatory when people leave home. use of playgrounds, outdoor gym equipment and picnic areas and barbecue areas is prohibited. this is to remove the temptation to gather. number three. people who can work from home must do so. number four. essential businesses must put in place formal rules for physical distancing protocols to ensure proper sanitation that people stay a safe distance away from each other. these rules and many others are detailed in the order posted online along with updated frequently asked questions at
3:26 pm now, i would like to give an update on laguna hospital. we are very concerned about a growing outbreak there and are continuing to do everything we can to protect the health of residents and staff. this week we received help from the california department of public health, centers for disease control and prevention and other key federal partners. they are working closely with us on the current cases, contact investigations and recommendations for improved preparedness and response going forward. with regard to testing. as of today laguna honda has 12 confirmed cases of coronavirus. 10 are among staff and two are among residents. of staff, seven have been in
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patient care positions and three are no not to date 89 patient he been tested. 218 staff members have tested through the health department or through their own provider. as we speak, the centers for disease control and prevention their experts are on site conducting thorough tracing and contact investigation, taking action now and providing us with an evidence-based data-driven road map for aggressive action in the future. they are identifying and testing staff and residents that they are concerned may have been exposed to the coronavirus. with regard to behavioral health needs this is a challenging time for staff and residents. we added extra resources.
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we have opened a dedicated phone line staffed by psychiatry clinicians to provide support. this is in addition to regular clinical behavioral health services. we have a behavioral health specialist on site. he is reaching out to staff on the two units impacted to provide support and coping mechanisms. the specialist are available to all staff and they will reach out to provide services. caring for most vulnerable during this pandemic is some of the most intense and selfless work in the city. i want to thank the staff at laguna honda, residents and families for their forbearance
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and resilience and capacity to be part of our response to this pandemic. i am there, the health department is there, and the city is there for them. with regard to cdc, centers for disease control and prevention, and the california department of public health, i am thankful for the support we have received from them as well as our federal medical partners. there is an ever changing -- this is an ever changing situation, and the ability to develop and share best practices and protocols will help slow the spread of the virus both at laguna honda and other residential nursing facilities in the city and the region. again, i am most grateful for their support and expertise. the cdc, centers for disease
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control and prevention, has five physicians and scientists on site at laguna honda today. they are providing much needed staff and strengthening the contact investigations which is crucial to slowing and stopping the spread of the virus. they are also providing expert knowledge to assist clinical teams in the review of clinical protocols and guidelines and any revisionsness given the fluid situation. as we learn more, as we receive more data, we will adjust our response accordingly. the california department of public health is providing expertise and guidance on infection control practices throughout the hospital through direct observation. they have made recommendations for improvements in environmental cleaning and staff practices which are immediately
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acted upon by laguna honda staff and zuckerberg san francisco general hospital. let me be clear. these experts have insights from around the country and across the world to help us do better in our local response. they have also joined the ongoing department of health discussion with other long-term facilities in the city to assess current infection surveillance and control planning. i look forward to their "daily briefings" and recommendations for both individual facilities and monitoring our system as a whole. we and i will continue to do everything we can to respond to the changing situation at laguna honda. i will keep staff, residents, families and the public updated. i want be to remind everyone
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that we continue to focus our response efforts on slowing the spread of the coronavirus. preparing the healthcare system for a surge, expanding testing, supporting healthcare workers and protecting vulnerable populations including those at laguna honda. i am pleased to update the two drop in testing sites for their patients successfully opened earlier this week and have started conducting coronavirus tests. we have been identified spaces in hotels and motels for quarantine and isolation to protect people from homelessness and living in congregate settings. we are adding more spaces for people to shelter. we have made significant
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we are charged with providing housing and care in the city's disaster emergency response. in this case, the city's covid response. we acwe activated the center on. the most pressing need was to set up housing for individuals in response to covid. covid. we had to ensure a relief valve for individuals who did not need to be there but needed to be quarantined. we recognized the best way to do this would be to rent thousands of hotel rooms in san francisco. thanks to mayor breed's leadership early on she joined me and director colfax in a meeting with the hotel council where we asked for their help.
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they stepped up by providing responding to our request for quotes offering over 10,000 hotel rooms for this purpose. i want to walk through now with you all what the priorities are for these hotel rooms. i am going slowly because this is important detail, and it is important that not only the press but stakeholders understand these priorities. it is important to note that these priorities are at the direction of the department of public health, covid response to the city is a health response. we are taking the best guidance from the department of public health in terms of their needs. for the hotel rooms online. the number one priority is to discharge or divert individuals who need to quarantine because they are covid positive or have been tested and are showing
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symptoms. divert from the hospital or discharge from the hospital when they don't need to be there. 95% of these individuals are homeless. remaining would be those in single room occupancy hotels and can't quarantine at their home. next population that is important for hotel rooms are the vulnerable population, which are individuals aged 60 and older or individuals who have underlying health conditions that make them more vulnerable to the covid virus. first priority among this population would be the vulnerable in the homeless shelters. as we move to reducing the census in the shelters to create the physical distance -- physical distance required we will move to hotel rooms if they
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can self-care. if they can be in the room on their own with the minimum level of support from the city annan e nonprofit providers. then it is the front line healthcare responders, doctors, nurses, medical professionals who need a place to stay so they don't go home to potentially infect their family and loved ones. we can provide them rooms here to allow them to stay. some of the front line health responders are exposed to the virus and will be exposed. we have rooms set aside to quarantine in hotels in san francisco rather than quarantining at home. last population for hotel rooms would be the vulnerable population. let me restate that. individuals aged 60 and older or
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individuals with underlying health conditions to make them vulnerable to could individual. covid. they are living on the streets unsheltered. they are prioritized for hotel rooms. they need to self-care. if they are quarantined they will be in the rooms with -- with meals delivered to them. the secondary response. let me give you numbers. i know you will ask. to date the city has entered into contracts with six hotels providing a total of 479 rooms. the priority population for those rooms are the first category which are individuals being discharged or diverted from the hospital who are homeless and who are covid
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positive or have been tested. to date we have moved 123 individuals to the first hotel. we have additional rooms totaling 479. in addition, we have another two hotels totaling 576 rooms that we anticipate finalizing the contract at the end of today. they will be online by tomorrow. then we have discussions with one additional hotel, a large hotel of 1500 rooms that we hope to enter into contract by the end of this week or saturday. ithis brings the total hotel rooms to 2555 by the end of this week. it is important to know media and others ask what the target is. it is difficult. it is like projecting the curve, the medical surge and timing. it is difficult to know how many rooms we need.
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we are nimble enough to flex up to as many as 6555 rooms. say that again. 6,555 rooms. we are in contract discussions with hotels totaling that number. we are attempting to balance the need of the medical system and the need for isolating and quarantining and providing safe places for vulnerable populations. balancing that with fiscal prudence. we don't want to rent 3,000 rooms for a couple rooms. we want to manage the medical surge and manage the need of the vulnerable populations on the shelters, streets, single room occupancy hotels. the second piece is creating the physical distance in the homeless shelter system. cdc is creating three feet of
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distance in between in the homeless shelters. we are moving to six feet in between. we need to move individuals from existing homeless shelter system to shelter that we are setting up right now. as the mayor announced earlier, our first shelter that will be ready to transfer individuals into is at moscone west. it is 394 individuals with full neals, showers, -- full meals and showers. it will be staffed by department of public health shelter health workers as well as other nonprofit partners. we will be moving individuals from existing shelters into this facility tomorrow. we have two other shelter sites we are currently negotiating with. i won't say the location or the names because we are not
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completed with the negotiations, but this will provide us slots for an additional 460 to 510 individuals. these three facilities combined will allow us to achieve physical distance in the current sellther system and the shelters we are deploying by the beginning of next week. important to note individuals who are in our shelter system who are vulnerable age 60 and older or health conditions will not be moved to a new shelter. they will remain and we will arrange for transport to moments rooms if they can self-care. the last intervention that we are charged with deploying are the trailers the state of california is sending to us to
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the state department emergency operations center for the state. that is 91 trailers coming to san francisco. in addition we have secured an additional 30 recreational vehicles. we have identified a site and are currently negotiating with that site to finally the agreement and to begin setting those up. we anticipate those being primarily used for individuals who need to isolate but who have significant other needs, behavioral health or addiction or other physical health needs that need to be staffed by a medical professional, that need to be in an isolation setting but aren't equipped to self-care in hotel rooms. clearly this response takes the entire city to cooperate. hsa is not doing this alone. we are doing it in partnership with department of real estate, city attorneys and department of
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public health and in the case for moscone west we can't thank the director of the convention e confacilities for helping us set up th the space. it is amazing the level of work, expertise and partnership in the city. there is no way we could do this alone. no way the department of health can manage alone. mayor breed is steadfast in her leadership and guidance andy serves a lot of credit for the way the city has responded. thank you.
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>> good afternoon. i am assembly member david chu. i have been in touch with my legislative colleagues around the state regularly. what has been apparent to all of us is the leadership of san francisco and the bay area during this coronavirus we have been setting the standard, leading the way. i want to take a moment to thank everyone who is part of the emergency response and the public health response and the response to the economic challenges we are facing. the decisions that have been made earlier here in our region and our city have been setting the gold standard. i just want to come to thank you for that. having a chance to tour the eoc,
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we have a sophisticated operation with many moving parted. i want to thank the men and women who are part of this. i should say as the chair of the api legislative caucus today is census day. among all of the many things folks are doing if we don't ensure that every resident in san francisco is being counted, we are jeopardizing billions of dollars of federal funding to city and state. i would reiterate not only are you making yourself counted. please ask your friends and family to ensure that is the case. we are working hard to ensure that there are statewide resources and moving forward policies to ensure not only are we housing everyone unhoused but working hard to make sure tenants are protected during
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this time and that when we come out of this crisis we are planning to keep people housed and doing all we can during this crisis. we have managed during this time period to do all we can. there is more that we can do. i want to thank mayor breed and the leadership in the city for working closely with the state and with our federal government. together we will prevail for all of our family members at home, stay strong. we will get through this and we will come out the other side stronger than ever. thank you very much. >> questions for dr. colfax.
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this is about mask guidance. is the san francisco department of public health issues mask guidance? when and where should people wear them? >> so our health department issued recommendations for health department employees and first responders to wear mask on a recent announcement. the key for these employees and teams is to prevent transmission of the virus from them to other people, including members of the
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public. there is a window period for some people where they do not have symptoms could transmit the virus. this is particularly important where there is high frequency of continued contact with vulnerable populations, such as in the hospital, in the emergency room, in our correctional facilities, and with our police officers and firefighters out there helping people every day. i want to emphasize san francisco as with the rest of the region and rest of the country has a severe, severe shortage of masks. i am very concerned about our ability as a health department to supply masks ongoing for people. we are asking everyone to keep that mask that you receive as
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long as possible, as long as possible until it becomes soiled. we need these masks for public health and first responder purposes. we are assessing along with many other jurisdictions right now with regard to facial barrier recommendations for the broader populations, and we will be continuing to look at that data following the evidence and pants and any further recommendations you will hear it from us with regard to recommendations going forward. thank you. >> thank you. a follow on to that question from abc 7. should people be wearing homemade masks or bandanna? do they serve the same purpose? >> at this time there are no recommendations from the cdc with regard to wearing mask.
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we are focusing on the people in the healthcare situations engaging with first responders. >> next question from the "san francisco chronicle." it pertains to the residents of laguna honda. are they all being tested? particularly the south floor unit. >> in my remarks i said we have a team of world experts assessing the situation right now. i am awaiting actionable recommendations from them. i will be debriefed today and every day going forward with regard to the recommendation. as soon as i receive the recommendations we will implement them wherever feasible and wherever possible. >> next question from ron lynn of the "l.a. times." can you tell us how many
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hospital as ic beds are in the city and how many are empty and how many are filled can coronavirus patients. >> we have 1300 medical surge beds where people with medical conditions or surgical issues would go. we have 1300 beds. we have p.m. 200i c .u. beds in the city at this time. we are working to expand that. the capacity of those beds is greatly increased because we have taken early steps to do things such as ensure that elective surgeries and anything that could be postponed was postponed so our bed capacity is higher than it was before the pandemic started. with regard to coronavirus patients in the hospital, i do not have those specific numbers at this time to share.
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at this time we are monitoring the situation very carefully. thank you. >> question from the ap. she would like to understand testing in homeless shelters and the shelter-worker population. have they been tested and have many tested positive? >> i have been really clear and the mayor is clear. i think across the country local officials and mayors have been clear. we need more testing capacity. we need more testing materials. i am so proud of our public health team which tripled testing capacity from last week to this week. we have very short turnaround times. 24 to 48 hours which is key to better understand why people need to be freeing the hospitals
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if people do not need to be in the hospital. now we are focusing on looking at the number of swabs that we have with regard to the testing capacity. very basic supplies that we need as well as people need across the state and across the nation are really the limiting step at this time. we are focusing and will continue to focus testing efforts until we have more supplies on people who need the testing most. those are people who are symptomatic with covid-19 symptoms. people in close contact with those people and our healthcare workers and first responders. i hope that as our testing sites increase across the city and as our capacity in terms of equipment increases that we will get the supplies necessary. i am waiting for more swabs to do more. >> next set of questions for mr.
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medical system to manage the medical surge. we have moved 123 individuals in. i believe in terms of number that declined it is less than 10. again, 94% of those were homeless. >> that speaks to the next question from the associated press. of last week's 300 hotel rooms how many are filled by people who are homeless and what are the remaining percentage? >> 123 rooms are occupied by individuals who are covid-19 positive and have no placetor self-quarantined. 94% of the 123 are homeless. >> question from john king of the "san francisco chronicle." will the hotels being contracted by the city to house first responders and homeless be
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rehiring hotel employees to help attends to the new residents? >> it depends on the hotel. the city's desire is for the hotels that are providing meals with restaurants or kitchens that we fully deploy to provide meals to the individuals quarantined there. if the hotel does not have meals we have to arrange for meal delivery. it is a step we would like to avoid. it is up to the hotel and ownership on whether or not and of course employees if they would like to remain, but it is our full intention that we have these hotels staffed with again kitchen staff, general lobby staff, housekeeping to do general cleaning areas, not room cleaning and the like. it is important, of course, the primary goal is to provide a public health response to protect individuals but
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secondarily given the significant hits that the hospitality employees have taken to about them is an added benefit, of course. >> clarification from nbc bay area confirms that as of now 23 individuals have been moved to the first hotel that came in line? >> no, 123. >> next question. chris. if a person in household is covid-19 infected should they move to an sf hotel. are there rooms set up for this type of stay and what rate? >> that is more of a medical question in terms how the health system responds to families. i will refer to dr. colfax. he will handle that when i am
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concluded. >> are you able to temfolks -- tell folks the name of the hotels the city has contracts with? >> we have made a decision not to name the hotels for privacy of the individuals in the hotel as well as protecting and ensuring the negotiations moving forward with other hotels. we are not releasing names of hotels. >> next questions are for chief scott.
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>> this is a question from maygan cassidy. how many officers or sworn staffers have tested positive and how many have been exposed or quarantined on your staff? >> we have had two officers test positive. we have had 53 quarantined. some of those are back at work. we have been very fortunate working with the department of public health and the mayor and others who provided leadership early on. we hope we can continue to see this good fortune. we have not been severely impacted at this point. at this point only two. >> follow up from sf gate. do you have plans in plate for
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the a significant number of first responders become ill. >> we do. we have seen other places around the country with this. we started with modifying our protocols, administrative units and officers that work those units were rotating in patrol to supplement. we modified the patrol schedule and have several models in the event we have significant short sage ages of personal. we have several models to go to. depending on the shortages there are different models. we have modified deployment greatly included limited activity in terms of in service training is canceled. we shifted investigators to patrol duties, some supervisors that work investigative units are shifted to patrol duties to
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supplement patrol. we want to keep social distancing and not over crowd police stations. yes we have models in event of shortages. >> thank you. that concludes our press the meeting will come to order. this is the meeting of march 25, 2020 regular meeting of the budget and finance committee. i am sandra lee fewer, chair of
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the budget and finance committee. i am joined by shamann walton, and raphael mandelman. miss clerk, do you have any announcements? >> clerk: yes. due to covid-19, city hall is closed, however, the meeting is happening via remote. committee members will attend the meeting through video conference or by telephone and participate in the meeting as if they were present. public comment will be available for this agenda via
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[agenda item read]. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. we have john lau from the office of economic and workforce development. >> yes, supervisors. i have a presentation, which i am opening now. >> can you share your screen? >> i just did press share. i do not see it. i'll try to open it again. >> john, if you h'd like, i ca pull it up quickly. >> let me try again now. >> chair fewer, you have someone on your roster.
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>> chair fewer: okay. >> supervisor walton: chair fewer, if i could say a few words? >> chair fewer: yes, sir. i'm sorry. >> supervisor walton: i'd like to say a few words. this agreement would lease 1.6 acres of port shoreline property to the developer for 66 years. in exchange, the developer will be responsible for constructing and maintaining the area as a shoreline park at no cost to
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the port or tworth tens of mils of dollars. with the inclusion of this port lease area, the project will have a dramatic effect on opening up the city's waterfront. port front access is very limited at this point, and this increases the access. so this comes to us with a positive recommendation to the port commission, and our district 10 office -- deep district 10 office is in full support. >> chair fewer: thank you. mr. lau? >> thank you, supervisors. i'm having trouble sharing the file. i'm here wi
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i'm -- david, i'll take you up on that offer. thank you very much. so oewd has led the negotiations for the development agreement on this project, working with multiple city partners. one of those partners has been the port of san francisco. one of those items is before you, the lease agreement of the potrero hill project. i do have a few slides both for the lease agreement's part of the project and then the project as a whole in context of the city. i'll go briefly through those. i know, supervisors, you have a number of items to get through today while dealing with this new format, but both david and i are available for questions, of course.
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so this project is what we refer to as the southern bay front strategy. it's kind of our organizing plan for planning for and organizing the suite of projects that the city has processed in the southeast part of the city in the past 15 years or so. so obviously, in combination, they represent a significant amount of public benefits of parks and open spaces, obviously, jobs and affordable housing, as well. so this has been the framework that we use to ensure that the development agreements that we negotiate on these individual projects serve overall the city and county ultimately. next slide. so here, you see the project in context of the needed waterfront and its neighbor to the north, pier 70, will really have a dramatic impact on
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connecting the neighborhoods of the central waterfront, particularly the dogpatch, and it's a part of shoreline that's never been publicly accessible and will be with this project. next slide, please. here, you see the project in particular, and you'll see the 2.8 acres of port property have been included in the project as analyzed under the california environmental quality act analysis project and certified by the commission at the end of january. that decision has not been appealed. next slide. so of that port property, 1.8 acres -- next slide. thanks, david. -- is a portion of the remainor
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of 23rd street, which the developer will improve and dedicate to the city as part of this project. so the 1.6 acres there you see on the shoreline area will be park project and publicly accessible land, and we'll get into a little more renderings of those in a minute. just briefly, on the overall project, it's been the subject of a robust 2.5-year community planning process with dozens and dozens of on-site meetings and meetings in the community with groups like the dogpatch association, potrero boosters, and other groups of the southeast really have made some significant changes to this project over the past 2.5 years
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in response to that engagement and input. next slide, please. you see the project here in total as a land use figure. 2600 units of total build out, in the total project -- that's okay, david. we can go to the next one. you see 1.5 million square feet of office and life science. you see it organized here as a massing study. next slide. and a little rendering about the shoreline itself, which is the topic of this lease agreement, and really a site and program that's geared towards drawing people to the waterfront and creating and engaging in dynamic experience once folks are there. again, part of the shoreline, which has never really been publicly accessible in the history of the city. next slide, please. there, you see a little bit about what the port property is
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today. and the next slide, how it would look after the project. i'll note that the bay trail, which is proposed to go through this area, it's actually on what is currently private property, and they will be an easement over that area, including east of that, a total of 1.6 acres. a 66-year lease, and in return, the developer will be spending tens of millions of dollars to improve and then maintain that area within the next slide. just a few slides, again, on the broader project because it is such a significant development. i'll go quickly through these. overall, the project has achieved a 30% b.m.r. level
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without public subsidy on a totally private project is quite significant. with the total project at buildout, it represents almost 800 units. the housing creates a menu of options for the developer to meet their b.m.r., which includes fees, inclusion throughout the project, at 40% development. the fee projects, if they fee out to that maximum, would all be dedicated to housing projects in district 10. we'll go next slide. and transportation of robust both t.d.m. program and $65 million in t.s.f. fees will go to a long list of projects that
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we've worked on with our colleagues at m.t.a. and the community. this includes potentially a pilot program for water transit run in san francisco. we'll go to the next slide. workforce development. again, we've negotiated a $1 million package from the sponsor which will directly fund getting san franciscans in the pipeline both on the construction and the users side in projects geared towards the type of users on the site that we anticipate, including science and biotech. and here, you see the subject port property in context of the open space, framework, really, a system of spaces throughout
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the project incurred by this new environment shoreline made possible by this lease agreement before you today. we'll go to the next slide. and then briefly, a suite of community spaces. they're included in this deal, including a 25,000 square foot recreation center, that the developer is required to provide the conversations with the ymca -- thoroughly advanced conversations, i should say, and the potential of a new public library in the neighborhood. next slide, please. historic preservation, three notable resources on-site, all of which the developer is intending on reusing, which they're required to do so by the planning documents.
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one being the brick walls of the former brick fortress of station a, and the staff, which people recognize from all-around the city. next slide, please. i'm wrapping up here. and then, sea level rise, which is important. we're achieving two measures on this front. one being the intermentions in the project as it is built -- interventions in the project as it is built, and then, second, a community facilities district that we are establishing as part of this project will be out years, which the city will receive revenue from, which the city will be able to spend on intervention of sea level rise.
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so from the port's perspective, and they can comment on this if there are any questions, we are receiving important shoreline park resources, access to those areas that have never been enjoyed. the city is receiving those at no cost to the port in terms of this, maintenance, and liability. we're also including additional areas through easement in the public trust which benefits the area in a number of ways, and i think that's it. thank you. >> chair fewer: okay. thank you very much. colleagues, any comments or questions? seeing none, okay, let's hear from the b.l.a., please.
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>> good morning, chair fewer and members of the committee. this is severin campbell from the budget and legislative analyst's office. the board of supervisors is being asked to approve a 66 year ground lease between the city and california bell company with the purpose of developing a project on the port property. the proposed development agreement that's pending before the board sets out the development of the public park. the proposes resolution before you also would have the board approve the port commission's findings that the lease rate of $1 a year supports the public trust and the ceqa findings. you'll find in our report in exhibit 1 on page 6, we estimate the cost to the developer of the development,
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which we estimate about 69.6 million over the 66-year term. the actual cost of the development has not been laid out. there is a process laid out in the development agreement for that process. however, because we do estimate a net value to the port for this lease, we are recommending approval of the proposed resolution. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. any comments from my colleagues? seeing none, let's open this up for public comment. are there any members of the public that would like to comment on this item, item number 1? please remember to please 1-0. madam clerk, are you seeing any public comment on the roster? >> clerk: madam chair, you have no persons wishing to speak. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. public comment is now closed. madam clerk, i'd like to make a motion to move this to the full
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board with a positive recommendation. let's do a roll call vote. >> clerk: yes. >> chair fewer: madam clerk, can you hear me? >> clerk: yes. there is a motion to move the item to the full board with a positive recommendation. [roll call] >> clerk: your ayes are three ayes. the motion passes. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. [gavel] >> chair fewer: madam clerk, can you please call item 2? >> clerk: yes. item 2 is resolution authorizing the g.e. of the public utilities commission to execute an agreement with g.e.i. for planning, design, and possibly engineering
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support with an agreement amount not to exceed 11 million with a term not to exceed 11 years, for the period of april 2020 through april 2031. [gavel] >> chair fewer: thank you very much. we have april from sfpuc today. >> yes. hello, good morning. i'll send it off to calvin. >> okay. good morning. good morning, chair fewer and supervisors walton and mandelman. we have a presentation at this time. just want to make sure that everyone can see that. my name is calvin hui, and i'm here to ask for -- [inaudible] >> sfpuc manages a multifaceted
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water management range, features a complex series of dams, reservoirs, tunnels, and complex treatment systems. in 2017, the oroville dam incident occurred, and from 2017 to 2018, the california division of safety of dams, that is csod, issued an updated requirement for dams and reservoir orders. sfpuc had to comply with the new dsod requirements, submitting emergency action plans, and performing condition assessments. sfpuc is practically analyzing our dams and reservoirs and has developed a capital improvement program. sfpuc is accepting contracts for professional engineering forms to perform improvements
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to our various dsod facilities. and to address this, the p.u.c. has issued request for proposals -- that is the r.f.p. -- in september 2019. three agreements will be present today the highest-ranked proposers. each agreement will be for 11 years, with an amount of $11 million each. they were scored by a community evaluation panel. these agreements are -- consistent of the acom technical engineer services, h.d.r. engineering, and g.e.i. consultants.
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on january 14, sfpuc commission approved contracts with the acom and h.d.r. and in january, g.e.i. was approved. sfpuc is asking the board of supervisors to approve contract with g.e.i. consultants, incorporated for a duration of 11 years, with a total amount of $11 million. with that, i hope the b.l.a. will propose to support the
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agreement. and with that, i'll turn it over for any questions. >> chair fewer: thank you, supervisor hui, can we have a b.l.a. report, please. >> yes. thank you. members of the committee, you're asking to approve a contract between the p.u.c. and g.e.i. consultants. this is the third of three contracts awarded by p.u.c. the purpose of the contract is to comply with california state dam safety requirement. so the $11 million is allocated to several projects shown in table 2 on page 10 of our report over 11 years, and we recommend approval. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. any comments, any questions or comments? if not, let's open this up for public comment. is there any member of the public that would like to comment on item number 2? madam clerk, is there anyone
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lined up for public comment? >> clerk: madam clerk, there are no members of the public wishing to speak. >> chair fewer: okay. we'll close public comment on item 2. i'd make a motion to move this item to the full board with a positive recommendation. roll call, please. >> clerk: on the motion to move this item to the full board with a positive recommendation -- [roll call] >> chair fewer: thank you. [gavel] >> chair fewer: madam clerk, can you please call item 3. >> clerk: item 3 is a resolution retroactively authorizing the sheriff's
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department of the city and county of san francisco to accept and ex-pent-365,700 from the board of state and community corrections to assist local agencies for recruitment and training of corrections and probations personnel adherence to standards established from july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020. >> chair fewer: and we have someone here from the sheriff's department to present. >> yes. supervisors, this is a fairly straightforward grant. we receive it every year, and let me know if you have any questions. >> chair fewer: mr. holland, would you like to give a brief update on where the recruitment is with the sheriff's department now? >> well, we are still actively
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recruiting. we have been facing different struggles with the department, but we anticipate hiring 50 to 60 deputies, and this is about the rate as which we would like to be doing it on a regular basis so we stay on a regular curve and we don't get into the dip that we experienced prior to sheriff hennesey coming in. we are on track to meet our but budget goals for the current fiscal year. >> chair fewer: okay. any comments from my colleagues? seeing none, let's open this up for public comment. any members of the public wishing to comment on item 3? >> clerk: just like to remind members of the public to press 1-0. >> chair fewer: yes, please press 1-0.
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is there anyone in the queue wishing to speak? >> clerk: madam chair, there's no one wishing to speak. >> chair fewer: okay. i'd like to make a motion to refer this to the full board with a positive recommendation. and can we take that without objection? madam clerk, i think that suffices, or would you like to do a roll call vote. >> clerk: madam chair, i think it would be better if we did a roll call vote. >> madam chair, you would need to do a roll call vote. >> chair fewer: hearing from our city attorney, we will do a roll call vote. >> clerk: on the motion to
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move to the full board with a positive recommendation -- [roll call] [gavel] >> chair fewer: thank you. madam clerk, will you please read the next item. >> clerk: item 4 is a resolution retroactively authorizing the office of the district attorney to accept and expend a grant in the amount of 451,544 from the california governor's office of emergency services for the county victim services program for the grant period of january 1, 2020, through december 31, 2020. >> chair fewer: thank you. i believe we have gina from the district attorney's office. >> thank you, chair fewer. last year, our office served 8,551 victims of violent crime. we only work with victims of violence crime.
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it does not have to be a charged case. anyone who's been a victim of a violent crime can apply for resources through our office. we paid out $1.5 million in compensation. our office in san francisco accepts those applications, processes them, and finds if people are eligible or not and then pays out the resources to san franciscos from that pot of money also. in addition, we had -- san franciscans from that pot of money also. in addition, we had 1,877 volunteer hours. we had a very robust volunteer program, where students from the bay area apply for an internship with our offices, where they learn to provide services to citizens of san francisco. and that program helps us provide our in-kind match on
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grants from the state. this originally helped us organize our response to mass casualties. so we have one of the best programs of responding to mass casualties in california. so much so that we were deployed to las vegas after the mass shooting to assist officials and advocates. our model has been used in other areas in california, and assisted the state in creating a pot of money, $5.8 million, to give $100,000 to each county to develop a program like ours. now that we have the system in place for mass casualty, which fortunately has been beneficial in this crisis, we have more than half of our staff working
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remotely and still providing services to victims in san francisco. last week, we served 120 victims of crime all remotely. this week, we're on target to serve about 200 victims of violent crime, and that's everything from charged and uncharged cases to assisting them with finding resources during this health crisis, and also keeping them updated on cases that are being held over or continued while the courts are sorting out what's going to happen through the shelter in place. so i'm here to ask that you please approve this grant so that we can continue to work, and we're working hard for the citizens of san francisco. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. there's no b.l.a. report on this. let's move to public comment. are there any members of the public that would like to speak
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on this item? remember to press 1-0. are there any speakers in the queue? >> clerk: no, chair, there are none. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. public comment is now closed. [gavel]. >> chair fewer: i'd like to make a motion to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. could i have a roll call, madam clerk. >> clerk: yes, on item 4, with a motion to move to the full board with a positive recommendation -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are three ayes. the motion passes. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. madam clerk, can you please call item number 5. >> clerk: item number 5 is a resolution authorizing certain amounts to the indenture of trust and the loan agreement relating to the city's variable rate multifamily housing revenue bonds, currently outstanding in an aggregate principal amount of $211 million issued in 2016 for the
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purpose of providing financing for the acquisition, development, and construction of a 350-unit multifamily rental housing project located at 450 folsom street. >> chair fewer: thank you. at the request of the developer, they're wishing to this have item tabled. let's move to public comment. are there any speakers in the queue? >> clerk: madam clerk, there are none. [gavel] >> chair fewer: thank you. i make a motion to table this item. roll call vote, please. >> clerk: thank you. on the motion -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are three ayes, the motion passes. >> chair fewer: thank you. madam clerk, can you please call item 6.
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>> clerk: yes. item 6, resolution approving the first amend to the contract between the city and county of san francisco and the tides center to provide supportive housing property management services at six city leased sites by the delivering innovation in supportive housing program to help formerly homeless tenants maintain housing and stablity, to extend the contract term by four years, for a total period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2024, and to increase the contract amount by $23 million for a total contract amount not to exceed 29 million. >> chair fewer: thank you. >> pardon me, chair fewer, while i bring this.
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these six buildings include four units of permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless extremely vulnerable adults? and the current contract is coming to an end, and we'd like to extend it for an additional four years. again, this is simply for property management services that d.i.s.h. is currently providing, although there's some state and federal dollars, as well, included in the funding source. as the clerk has mentioned, the current budget is about $5.5 milli $5.5 million annually, and this will be increasing over the course of the project. this amount is to extend the contract term by four years, to
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june 2024, and increase the contract, including a 10% contingency. as you can see, the cost of the project continues to be about 5.5 million annually, with a total not to exceed amount of the grant of $25 million, and i'm happy -- 29 million, and i'm happy to take any questions that you may have. >> chair fewer: thank you. do i have any questions or comments? b.l.a. report, please. >> yes, chair fewer, the b.l.a. is asking to approve a contract between the department of homelessness and supportive housing and the tide center. tide center is related to d.i.s.h. tide center was the only respondent to the r.f.p. for these six sites.
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they have been providing property management to these sites since about 2006. so the r.f.p. provided for a ten-year contract. the department entered into a one-year contract for $1.58 million that expired this fiscal year. they're asking to increase the contract amount from 23 to 29 million, and extending the contract through 2024. on page 16 of our report, the contract is for the amount of public funding. there is some tenant and other funding to the contract that meets the total expenditure budget. this is a difference between the budget over 26.6 million and the not to exceed amount of $29 million, however, that is
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to provide a contingency for expenditures, and we recommend approval. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. any comments from my colleagues? thank you. let's move to public comment. any public comment? remember to press 1-0. are there any speakers in the queue? >> clerk: madam chair, there are none. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. public comment is now closed. [gavel]. >> chair fewer: i'd like to make a motion to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. roll call vote, please. >> clerk: on the motion by supervisor fewer to recommend item number 6 to the full board with a positive recommendation -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are three ayes.
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the motion passes. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. [gavel]. >> chair fewer: madam clerk, can you please call item 7. >> clerk: item 7, resolution approving for purposes of internal revenue code, section 147, the issuance and sale of revenue obligations by the california enterprise development authority in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed 19 million to finance or refinance the acquisition, construction, renovation, rakes, improvement and/orequipping of educational and related facilities to be owned and operated by san francisco university high school, a california nonprofit public benefit corporation. >> chair fewer: thank you. i see we have several people joining us today. >> yes, that's correct. good morning, chair fewer and members of the budget and finance committee. thank you for your time this morning. this is julia eels, i'm the
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head of san francisco university high school. i'm joined by the chair of our budget and finance committee, our chief finance officer, and a graduate of university high. we are here asking you for approval of funds in an amount not to exceed $19 million. this will allow us to make upgrades and improvements to our campus and to continue with master planning. i want to provide you with a brief overview of university high school so you can understand us a little bit better, and i will be happy to answer questions, as well as others in our group, that you may have. san francisco university high school opened in 1975, located at 3065 jackson street.
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enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year is 410 students. we are accredited by the western association of schools and colleges, and we are members of the national association of independent schools, the california association of independent schools, the college board, and the secondary schools admissions testing board. we currently employ 110 full-time employees, along with 20 to 40 coaches and contract workers that live in the san francisco bay area. is the school has a diverse student body with a variety of racial, ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds. 52% students identify as students of color. our students come from 54 different zip codes, most in san francisco and marin county. at u.h.s., we believe the highest learning comes from people that embody a variety of
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experiences and perspectives. the school awards over $3.4 million in financial aid per year to 24% of the student body, making the average cost to attend for financial aid recipients approximately $15,791. most recipients of financial aid are students of color. 28 are san francisco university high school families fall below the san francisco poverty line. we commit to seeking and enrolling students from a diverse socioeconomic and cultural economic background, and we meet their need to ensure that they can fully engage in the u.h.s. experience. university high school does not provide special education to any of its students as it does not align to the mission of the school. however, the school does accommodate learning differences. this allows university high
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school to build and sustain an excellent and diverse learning community. additionally, san francisco university high school runs a tuition free after school and summer program called summer bridge. summer bridge was founded in 1978 at university high school and was the original site for a program now called break through collaborative, which runs 24 sites across the country. summer bridge is a member of that break through collaborative, and summer bridge has transformed the lives of over 1200 middle schools students and nearly 650 college age and teachers to be. since we've opened the program, this program prepares ambitious middle school students to enter and thrive in well matched high schools for the purpose of securing admission to, succeeding in, and graduating from college. we support, through endowment
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and philanthropy the yearly budget and provide services for this program at no charge. current enrollment for the purpose is 72 students, with 41% of those students falling below the san francisco poverty line. the average income for families in this program is $85,390. we are also proud of the $11 million development of the paul good field project in the presidio, which has made available for community athletic organizations, such as san francisco little league, as well as all san francisco residents to enjoy. we would be happy to answer questions that you and your committee may have at this time. thank you. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. colleagues, any questions for miss ells? i have one question. so your school doesn't offer
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any special education services, meaning none of your students have i.e.p.s, correct? >> actually, our students do have i.e.p.s, but they are in a range that our program can manage. but we certainly are responding to students' learning differences, and they do have individualized programs. >> chair fewer: and the racial breakdown of your student body? >> we are 52% students of color -- and give me a minute. i just lost that screen. sorry, i'm managing a lot of things. >> chair fewer: sure. and of that 52% students of color, what is the breakdown of that? >> sure. the breakdown is that 20% of
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our students are asian -- asian american, 6% of our students are african american, 19 -- 9% of our students are latino-hispanic, 4% middle eastern, 2% pacific islander, and 1% native american. >> chair fewer: thank you. there is no b.l.a. report on this. any questions or comments from my colleagues? is there any public comment? so we'll take public comment on this item now, item number 7. and if you'd like to offer public comment, remember to press 1-0. >> clerk: madam chair, there are no speakers. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. i'd like to make a recommendation to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. roll call vote, please, madam clerk. >> clerk: yes. on the motion by supervisor fewer to move the item to the full board with a positive recommendation -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: there are three ayes. the motion passes. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. madam clerk, can you please call items 8 and 9 together. >> clerk: ye >> clerk: yes. item 8, resolution approving amendment number 1 to the agreement between richmond area multiservices and the department of public health for behavioral health services for adults, older adults, and transitionate age youth, to increase the agreement amount by 13 million for an amount not to exceed 23 million and to extend the term by three years, for a total agreement of july 1, 2018 through june 30, 2023. and item 9 is a resolution approving the amendment number
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1 to the agreement between richmond area multiservices and the department of public health for behavioral health services for children, adolescents, and their families, to increase the agreement amount by 16 million for an amount not to exceed 26 million, and to extend the term by three years, for a total agreement of july 1, 2018 through june 20, 2023. >> chair fewer: thank you. and allison, i believe, is here, from the department. >> yes. allison is not here, so my name is jennifer, and i am here to present. each contract is currently two years, and today, we're proposing to extend each contract by three years, to end on june 30, 2023.
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each are authorized by several different solicitations, as noted in the report. r.a.m.s adult and older adult programs serves all adults age 18 and over in need of behavioral health services. it's designed with a special focus serving the asian and pacific islander and russian speaking communities, both immigrants and u.s. born, a group that are traditionally underserved. and the department agrees with the budget analyst's recommendation to recommend the contract. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. >> and thank you for your consideration. >> chair fewer: thank you. so is there any comments or questions from my colleagues? if not, let's hear from the
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b.l.a., please. >> yes, supervisor fewer, members of the committee. so there are two contracts here that are being reflected for approval. 5200164, item 8, is a contract between d.p.h. and richmond area multiservices, or r.a.m.s., for behavioral adult services. file 210065, is between r.a.m.s. and d.p.h. for area families. following a competitive solicitation, the department entered into contracts of less than $10 million, so they didn't have to come to the board. the department is now asking for an increase in item 8, for a total amount of 13.9 million. item 9 is asking for an
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increase of 16.4 million, not exceeding 29 million, and extending the term to 2023. the funding sources and expenditures are summarized for item number 8 in table 5 on page 25, and for item number 9, in table number 6 on page 26. you will note in our report that for the file 200164, the contract with r.a.m.s. for adult services, that there are actually some services included in the contract that exceed the r.f.p. limit, so we're recommending amending file 200164 by 412,633, so we do see the total not to exceed amount of 23.5 million, and we
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recommend approval of file 200165. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. any comments from my colleagues? seeing none, let's open this up for public comment. any members of the public wishing to speak on items 8 or 9, please remember to press 1-0. >> excuse me, supervisors. this is allison, and i'm here to answer any questions regarding children, youth, and families, contract 200165. >> chair fewer: thank you. mr. clerk, are there any speakers on the queue? >> clerk: madam chair, there are none. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. public comment is now closed. [gavel]. >> chair fewer: i'd like to make a motion to move and to approve the amendment brought forth by the b.l.a. could we have a roll call vote on that, please. >> clerk: yes. on the motion brought forth by supervisor fewer to amend item
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number 8, that is file 200164 -- [roll call] >> clerk: the motion passes. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. and now, i'd like to make a motion to approve items 8 and 9 as amended, and move it to the full board with a positive recommendation. could we have a roll call vote on that, please. >> clerk: yes. on that motion -- [roll call] >> chair fewer: thank you very much. so madam clerk, can you please call items number 10 and 11 together. >> clerk: yes. item number 10, ordinance authorizing the treasurer to secure a short-term line of credit in an amount not to exceed 20 million, or in the alternative, partner with one or more financial institutions for the purpose of providing
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short-term emergency unsecured loans to small businesses with a physical location in san francisco that are unable to meet rent, mortgage, or other fixed operating costs as a result of the economic downturn caused by sars-cov-2. item 11 is an ordinance appropriating 20 million of short-term loan proceeds and 600,000 of the general reserve to the office of the treasurer's and tax collector to administer individual loans for small businesses impacted by sars-cov-2, appropriating 20 million for loan default, and authorizing the controller to reduce the loan default appropriation to the amount defaulted by june 30, 2021.
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>> chair fewer: and we have supervisor ronen joining us today to present this to us. >> supervisor ronen: thank yo,. chair fewer. i'd like to thank president yee for bringing this to the committee so quickly. tens of thousands of small businesses and hundreds of thousands of workers are at risk. the shelter in place order, while absolutely essential for public health, has businesses scrambling to figure out how to stay afloat, and some businesses won't survive without us. i don't need to tell you because i'm sure you're hearing it as much as i am, but small businesses need our help, and they need it now. they need lots of different options to figure out the best way to withstand and survive this crisis.
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the moratorium on commercial evictions provides some immediate relief to shop owners as is the rent and mortgage moratorium that supervisors haney, preston, and i are calling from from our state and federal officials. but until then, renters are still on the hook for the rent and fixed operating costs. i worked with the supervisors' office to put together quickly a $20 million rent stabilization loan program. item 10 on your agenda is an ordinance to secure a line of credit, and to issue loans, and item 11 is the accompany ordinance authorizing those loans. through this, the city will provide no interest loans up to $15,000 to small businesses to cover the rent and fixed operating costs with no
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interest for 12 months. this will pair well with federal and state help that we hope is on the way. the controller's appropriation also includes a generous allowance of $600,000 to cover total costs for the program for staffing and interest on the loan. we're not sure that this $600,000 is needed, but we wanted to make sure that the treasurer's office had enough to completely administer this program. in response to feedback from colleagues, oewd, and the small business community, i am introducing two amendments today, which you will see on page 3. they are, beginning on-line 2, the treasurer shall implement such policies and procedures as required to administer the program, including, but not limited to, adding criteria for small businesses to be eligible for the loan so that the program is able to serve businesses at high risk of
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permanent closure. we want to ensure that there's enough flexibility built into this for the treasurer to implement it quickly and effectively. on page 3, line 19, we changed the definition of small business to include businesses with gross receipts up to $2,500,000. this captures more of the brick and mortar small businesses, retails, bars, restaurants, and nail salons. the federal small business administration has declared a disaster in the bay area, which opens the doors for businesses to apply for economic injury disaster loans. from what i have heard and learned about the s.b.a. loans -- and i did take a webinar provided by the san francisco s.b.a. office, it will take some time to get this program up and running, and it will be hard for many of our smaller businesses to access
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this program. it is likely to be many months before those funds begin to flow. under the best circumstances, businesses could use the s.b.a. or other federal sources, which have fairly long-terms, to repay the city funding. i know that oewd and the small business community is pushing hard for s.b.a. loans to lower their rates, simplify their application process and lower barriers. but until they do, san francisco must have a project in place. i want to explain some of the differences between the s.b.a. loan and the loan we are proposing here. the s.b.a. loan has an interest rate of 3.75% with a maximum of $2 million and is up to 30 years, but any loan that's over $25,000 must be secured, meaning, the business must have some sort of equity to back that loan in the business
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itself or personally. we know that many of our small businesses in san francisco are on a shoe string budget. they live month to month, and they don't have a lot of equity invested in some of their businesses. in order to apply for these loans, the barriers are extremely high. you must have an acceptable credit history, you must have a proven ability to repay the loan, you must submit profit and loss statements from many months back, you must have all your federal tax returns submitted. the applications are long, they're tough, they're high barriers. you cannot be on parole or probation to apply for these loans, and you have to be able to undergrow a very, very complicated application process in english. we know many of our small businesses owned by members of the i am this loan quickly, bu
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we need a low barrier option for these businesses that the city is offering so that we, at the end of this crisis, can continue to be a city of diversity of small businesses from all backgrounds. i don't want to end up, and i know that none of you want to end up a city of big box chain stores. in fact our small commercial corridors are known for our unique often immigrant owned small businesses, and we want to keep of character of this. several businesses have closed already because they don't see an end. they don't want to rack up the debts that they're incurring every single month because they're not paying their rent or their mortgage. so again, this is one option. it's a relatively low risk option for the city to provide because it's a loan. and yes, we will cover the interest payments, but it's not
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going to be the full cost of the 20 million that we're borrowing, and i would ask that you approve this today so we can get this program up and running and out the door and hopefully save some of the small businesses that are considering shutting down for good right now. we've already lost the slims bar. the oldest gay bar in the history of san francisco that is permanently closing. we can't let them do this. we've got to do everything in our power to help them, so i ask you to support this today, and thank you so much for your consideration. supervisor fewer, i can't hear you. is your mute button on?
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>> chair fewer: okay. let's hear from the b.l.a. for items 10 and 11. >> yes. supervisor fewer, members of the committee, item 10 would allow us to secure a line of credit, up to $20 million, or to find other options from other financial institutions to make short-term loans to small businesses. then item number 11 is an appropriation from the general reserve of 20.6 million, 20 million to be a reserve in case of default on the loan, and 600,000 to cover the treasurer's cost of administering the program and borrowing costs. we do note that the -- as of june 30, 2019, the general reserve fund balance is 130.9 million. under the admin code, the general reserve is to be equal to 2.5% of general fund revenues. this code does provide, in the
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case of a declaration of an emergency due to a natural disaster, to drawdown below the required general reserve limit. we consider approval of these two ordinances to be a policy matter for the board of supervisors. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. colleagues, any comments or questions at all? yes, supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: thanks, chair fewer, and thanks, supervisor ronen, for bringing this forward. i have also heard from many small businesses that are beside themselves with what they are confronting. i do have some questions about the structure of this question and also about the larger sort of city budget information, and i was sort of hoping that ben rosenfeld might be around. i know he was bouncing around from call to call. any way, if he does show up,
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i've got some questions for ben rosenfeld. so this does come with a $20 million supplemental appropriation. and i understand that we're not going to be spending all of that $20 million some, and we h hope money of these loans will be repaid. but there will be defaults, and those will come out of our reserves. i'm wondering if there's any way to anticipate what the default rate might be and how much of the reserve this might cut into? >> thank y . >> supervisor ronen: let me know if i'm supposed to put my name on the chat box to respond. that's a great question, supervisor mandelman, and i do wish that ben was here to
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answer it. >> clerk: he's here. >> supervisor ronen: oh, control ben rosenthal, do you have an answer, because you would be better to answer it than me. >> thank you, supervisors. controller ben rosenthal. i think it's a piece of information that we do not have complete information on, given the situation we're in. i think the program that supervisor ronen has suggested that we -- the treasurer's office put forward during the federal shutdown about a year ago, which in that case, the program was fundamentally physically a payday loan, where there was complete certainty that there would be a federal paycheck for a furloughed federal employee on the other side of the loan program, and we therefore expected to have a very low default rate.
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i think, given the situation we're in, what the economic loss will be for businesses is unknown, for what duration, and what number of them will simply not exist at the end of the program and will therefore be unable to repay the loan. so it's really information that we do not know at this point. the appropriation that you have in front of you has a full $20 million general fund reserve back stop, such that if you had complete daughtefault rate on businesses, from all businesses, we would be able to repay the loan from the general reserve. i wouldn't expect that to be the case, but i would expect the daughtefault rate to be hi. >> chair fewer: thank you. i see supervisor ronen, and supervisor mandelman. would you like to respond? >> supervisor ronen: yes. just to note, in the probation
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itself, it does give the treasurer the full ability to correct the debt, so anything that they would use normally. but i guess i have -- i share supervisor mandelman's concern and question about this, and i'm wondering, you know, whether a 20 million hold on the reserve is too extreme because we know we're not -- i know, we can be pretty sure we're not going to have full default, right, especially given that these other programs are on their way, and some people would be able to use these programs and then payback this loan. just have that question for you, ben. >> certainly. i agree that i think a full -- a full default rate or a default rate of 100% is likely to occur.
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what we're guarding against, though, is ensuring that we have a board approval to repay our own loan here such that we don't default on the loan. and absent that appropriation, we run that risk. so this stopgap would be an appropriate method. the proposal that supervisor ronen put forward does allow us to monitor dwaefault rates wit the treasurer in the coming year, and we would report that back to the board as we go r s through through the experience. >> chair fewer: thank you. supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: i would love to hear from ben, since he is on the call, kind of where we are financially right now as a city, if we're anticipating we're going to
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have to make any other additional supplemental appropriations for any of the costs that we're incurring around hotels and services and d.p.h. activity around covideo, and thcovideo, -- covid, and what we're anticipating next year. >> chair fewer: chair walton? >> supervisor walton: thank you, chair fewer. supervisor ronen and mandelman are touching on the pressure points that i wanted to bring up. but the one thing i wanted to remind everyone is this is something that's unprecedented, and something that we've never come across before, but i think we should be looking at what
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does it mean to coming back to municipalities to address the need for small businesses or being able to address some of the debt that we may incur providing a loan fund like this. but this is something we absolutely must do and need to do. and then, the last thing i'm going to say is even with all of the other relief packages and things that we are planning that are going to take a hit on our budget, they're not going to all be coming from the same pot, and so i just want to be very mindful of that. we're going to have to be very creative how we address this economic uncertainty and how we do everything we can to make businesses and individuals whole because i don't even know if we're at the worst point of this crisis, but this is very important. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. supervisor mandelman?
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>> supervisor mandelman: actually, then, i would like to hear from ben rosenfield about our current fiscal predicament, how this will play out in the current fiscal year, next fiscal year, and the year following. >> chair fewer: i will tell the colleagues that i have asked for the controller to do a presentation on this next week, but mr. rosenfield, if you would like to do some highlights, that would be great. >> clerk: madam chair, you have supervisor ronen on the roster, but after mr. rosenfield answers the question. >> chair fewer: i believe that supervisor ronen directed a question to mr. rosenfield, so giving ben an opportunity to answer that question before i go to supervisor ronen.
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>> as the chair mentioned, we are presenting next wednesday to the five-member committee regarding estimates and sort of thinking about our next fiscal year. we hope to have published our estimates of current year revenue losses by next monday, so we are furiously working on that as we speak. they will be extreme losses, even since i reported to you two weeks ago in across almost all of our major sources. tech revenue sources now are worsening. i would expect the current estimate to be well over $100 million and rising. we will likely, because of the level of uncertainty, will be expressing that as a range, kind of as a better or less worse case, and a worse worse case next week, but we will have that for you on monday, and it will be significant. the outlook for next year continues to worsen, as well.
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and i'd expect the budget either changes our projections for the next couple of fiscal years beyond this one will be in the hundreds of millions of dollars in worsening. it's increasingly certain that the u.s. is in a recession at this point, and the only question now is, is the shape of that recession -- will it be what's called a short, v-shaped recession or will recession, with a quick snap back, or will it be a longer one? >> chair fewer: supervisor ronen? >> supervisor ronen: yes. i have a question for mr. rosenfield, and then, a comment. i skipped over the $2 trillion package from the feds. do you have a sense of what that means to municipalities? >> i can let you know what i
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know as of this morning, and obviously, the mayor's office is tracking the senate bill as we speak, and it has not yet been reconciled with the bill at the house. it's something that we will know in the next couple of days as they come together. we are seeing significant relief from what we're talking about here. we do know that in the senate bill, for example, there's $150 billion for state and local government relief to offset the cost of health care response and other expenses that both the state and local governments are going to face in this emergency. we also know that there's very significant new allocations in the small business loans, in the grants in the bill,.
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$367 billion has been allocated in the bill. again, i think the details in the bill and how that will be administered, we've not seen that yet, but will expect to in the coming days. >> supervisor ronen: thank you. and i'm wondering if you can ask a question to the city attorney, madam chair. is ann pearson available? >> yes. ann pearson here. can you hear me? >> supervisor ronen: yes, i can. i was wondering if we could add into the legislation a provision that requires at least partial repayment of the loan or maybe full repayment if the business is allowed to access assistance from the federal level? >> i think you would be able to make that amendment. i think it would be substantive, and it would require a continuance, but our
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office would be happy to work with you on that. >> supervisor ronen: okay. that's great. thank you. so what i would just say after hearing all of these answers is i realize that there's a ton of information that we don't know. we don't know how many of these businesses might not be able to repay these loans. we don't know what the full extent of the economic damage is going to be to our city and county budget. we don't know how much of the house the $2 trillion in help from the feds will fill many of those gaps. it's just not filling the gaps to small businesses, but many of the gaps in our budget are going to be filled by the feds in other ways. i just came from r.t.c., for example, where many of the gaps of the m.t.a. will hopefully be
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filled by this $2 million package. i understand that we just don't have the full picture yet. what i would say is that i know, because i've been on the phone with -- with -- with tons of small businesses, that every day we wait, we're going to lose more small businesses in our city permanently. and so what i would ask is that we act today. it's a small way that we can make a difference, and it will save some small businesses after this crisis is over. we've built into this a ton of flexibility, so have the treasurer's office to shape this. and they can alter the criteria in order to make it most effective. it is an investment. it is an investment in funds, but aside from the $1 million
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fund that the mayor put in there, and the delay of business taxes, we don't have any other concrete fund out there that will make the difference between the business continuing or folding. and what i've heard directly from those businesses, and we have the support from sharkey laguana, the chairman of the small business commission, a letter of support from the golden gate restaurant association, if there's not something, something that's fast and low barrier, then say good-bye to some of our favorite businesses. and i know representing both the portola and the mission district, that so many of the businesses in the mission and in portola are immigrant run. these are not businesses that are ever going to have the capital, the assets, or the capability of applying for
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these high burdened s.b.a. loans. so what i would ask of our community is knowing every detail. this is going to be a constantly changing situation, and by acting today, we're saying, you know, we're willing to take this risk to support our small business community in a time where we're never going to have the full information. and with that, i turn it over to you. >> chair fewer: okay. thank you very much. let's open this up for public comment. are there any members of the public that wish to comment on items 10 or 11, and if you would like to comment, please remember to president 1-0.
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can you please let us know when there are speakers in the queue. >> clerk: madam chair, there's no members of the public wishing to speak. >> clerk: chair fewer, supervisor mandelman is on the roster. >> chair fewer: oh, yes, supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: thank you, chair fewer. i have concerns about this, significant concerns. i know we probably can't anticipate what the default rate is going to be, but i think it's safe to assume it could be 50%. it could be bad, it could be more than that, and if that's a 10-to-15 million hit to our reserves, not to say we shouldn't do it, but i think we need to have a little bit more information before we potentially subject ourselves to that kind of risk.
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i think, you know, our first priority in this city has to be public health, and it's going to be continuing the response to our public health needs, meeting the needs of unsheltered people who have high levels of vulnerability, and i think if we're going to be able to do that going forward, we need to be careful about our resources. i also think we need to better understand what's coming in this federal aid for small business, and what private philanthropy would be tapped in the short-term. i'm wondering whether a smaller amount of grants would be more helpful to small businesses who don't know what the endpoint is, and we'll have anxiety about taking on additional loans. maybe that's not a direction anyone is interested in going, but it is a thought. i -- i -- i -- at this point, i
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would like to give this a little bit more time and get more information from the controller about where we are next week and then move forward on this. >> chair fewer: thank you. supervisor walton? >> supervisor walton: thank you, chair fewer. i certainly understand supervisor mandelman's concerns, but we are in a time of uncertainty. certainly, the questions that supervisor mandelman wants answered are valid. i think if we look at the federal stimulus package, we can see that our top priority is keeping everyone healthy and keeping everyone safe. i think the idea is we're going to have billions of dollars from the federal government to address the health care needs here across the country, which i think is important to note. and we also have to look at the fact that we have businesses
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that are literally dying today, dying today as we speak in all of our districts if you look at the third street corridor, which happens to be high vacancy rates in terms of businesses in general, our businesses are bleeding. most of them are not open. they don't have a way to participate and keep their doors open in terms of delivery. it's not just happening in district 10, but it's happening across the city. and we have to do something with crisis response and emergency response. and this gives us the opportunity. i do not believe in any way, shape, form, or fashion, that we would exhaust the funding in this legislation, but we would be able to save some of our businesses, and the controller's office would be able to reassess how much of those proceeds we have used up until a certain point. even though i understand your
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concerns, and they are very valid, this is the only opportunity we have to act and move today for some of our fall businesses to save them. otherwise, we won't even have small businesses continue when we come up out of this crisis. so i would like to move items 10 and 11 forward to the full board with a positive recommendatio recommendati recommendation, understanding all the concerns that exist. >> chair fewer: supervisor ronen? >> supervisor ronen: thank you, supervisor mandelman. this is a constantly shifting situation. we're never going to have all the information. we have to act boldly and take a leap of faith at times to say we see you, we understand what you're experiencing. we understand you're deciding today whether or not to close or stay open, and here is another option for you to help
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you make that decision and hopefully allow you to stay open for three more months while all these other programs are put into place. the idea is to act fast, and it is to act without high barriers, so that all businesses, even those run by immigrants, have a chance. >> chair fewer: thank you. so i want to say that i don't even know the full picture. i know there's been efforts from the city to help with the funds. i don't know where that is, but i also want to say that i just got off the phone this week with merchants in my neighborhood, and yes, small businesses are suffering, and they will continue to suffer throughout this whole pandemic,
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which we don't know where the end is. i think the questions for me is what are the criteria that we're asking to secure a loan without the possibility of paying them back. also, in this loan, there's nothing about geographic balance, and i don't want to see these loans going to one pick neighborhood, when we know that every business in every part of san francisco is suffering. another concern is language access. from speaking to commissioners on the small business commission, i think they're having an issue on getting information out in an equitable way through language access. again, how will this be implemented? i also think that i'd want to know if there are other loans that we have in place that the
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treasurer's office might be looking at a possible default, and that this isn't the only loan out that might be defaults. i also want to say that yeah, i am completely down with what this is trying to do. and i'd just say if i wasn't on the budget committee, and i wasn't the budget chair, i wouldn't know what is going on in the city and county of san francisco, and i'd want to know. and so when we are looking to see folks, when we are looking for all these support systems, i would feel much more
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comfortable if i had the whole picture. and i say that also for the most vulnerable people that are living in san francisco, that they're going to need unique financial help individually themselves. and so our small businesses, as i know, are the backbone of our community, and i want to help them, too. i just want to get a bigger picture, and absolutely, i said my job as budget chair is to get the bigger picture. and so we have a motion on the table today that supervisor walton has brought forth to continue this item -- i mean, to vote for this item, to pass it to the full board, and i would like to propose a motion that we continue this item for another week as we first hear from, as i said, scheduled next week is a full report from the controller about projections, and they'll have much more information then. i am also requesting information on the $1 million
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that the mayor has set aside, has that fund grown, what is the criteria for that, and how are these two differently -- different, or is it a meshing of these two? so i do have some other questions, actually, from the treasurer's office, but i can submit those during the week if the motion passes. so first, i'd like to have an opportunity to vote on supervisor walton's -- >> clerk: chair fewer, one of the clarifications, at the beginning of the meeting, supervisor ronen did submit amendments to item 10 for your consideration. would you like to consider those amendments? >> chair fewer: i think we can vote on the amendments, quite frankly. so let's have a vote first on the amendments to supervisor ronen's legislation. so could we have a roll call vote, please. >> clerk: yes. on the motion by supervisor
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fewer to amend item number 10 as stated earlier by supervisor ronen -- [roll call] >> chair fewer: and then, we have a motion on the table from supervisor walton to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. could we have a roll call vote, please. clerk yes. on the motion by supervisor walton to move the items to the full board with a positive recommendation -- [roll call] >> clerk: there is one aye and two noes with supervisors mandelman and fewer in the dissent. the motion fails. >> chair fewer: thank you.
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i'd like to make a motion to move this items 10 and 11 as amended to be continued to the next meeting of the budget and finance committee. could i have a roll call vote, please. >> clerk: yes. on that motion -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are two ayes and one no, with supervisor walton in the dissent. the motion passes. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. madam clerk, do we have any other business before us today? >> clerk: there's no further business. >> chair fewer: thank you, madam clerk, and thank you so much, everyone, as we're trying to figure this out. the meeting's adjourned. [gavel]
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shop and dine on the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within neighborhood. we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant. where will you shop and dine in the 49? san francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. each corridor has its own personality. our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. >> you are putting money and support back to the community you live in and you are helping small businesses grow. >> it is more environmentally
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friendly. >> shopping local is very important. i have had relationships with my local growers for 30 years. by shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. it is really good for everybody. >> shopping locally is crucial. without that support, small business can't survive, and if we lose small business, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see that become a thing of the past. >> it is important to dine and shop locally. it allows us to maintain
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traditions. it makes the neighborhood. >> i think san francisco should shop local as much as they can. the retail marketplace is changes. we are trying to have people on the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. >> the fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. there are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. at the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for everybody. >> shopping and dining locally is so important to the community because it brings a tighter
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fabric to the community and allows the business owners to thrive in the community. we see more small businesses going away. we need to shop locally to keep the small business alive in san francisco. >> shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. you can see the banners in the streets around town. it is great. anything that can showcase and legitimize small businesses is a wonderful thing. is -- >> our united states constitution requires every ten years that america counts every human being in the united states, which is incredibly important for many reasons. it's important for preliminary
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representation because if -- political representation because if we under count california, we get less representatives in congress. it's important for san francisco because if we don't have all of the people in our city, if we don't have all of the folks in california, california and san francisco stand to lose billions of dollars in funding. >> it's really important to the city of san francisco that the federal government gets the count right, so we've created count sf to motivate all -- sf count to motivate all citizens to participate in the census.
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>> for the immigrant community, a lot of people aren't sure whether they should take part, whether this is something for u.s. citizens or whether it's something for anybody who's in the yunited states, and it is something for everybody. census counts the entire population. >> we've given out $2 million to over 30 community-based organizations to help people do the census in the communities where they live and work. we've also partnered with the public libraries here in the city and also the public schools to make sure there are informational materials to make sure the folks do the census at those sites, as well, and we've initiated a campaign to motivate the citizens and make sure they participate in census
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2020. because of the language issues that many chinese community and families experience, there is a lot of mistrust in the federal government and whether their private information will be kept private and confidential. >> so it's really important that communities like bayview-hunters point participate because in the past, they've been under counted, so what that means is that funding that should have gone to these communities, it wasn't enough. >> we're going to help educate people in the tenderloin, the multicultural residents of the tenderloin. you know, any one of our given blocks, there's 35 different languages spoken, so we are the original u.n. of san francisco. so it's -- our job is to
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educate people and be able to familiarize themselves on doing this census. >> you go on-line and do the census. it's available in 13 languages, and you don't need anything. it's based on household. you put in your address and answer nine simple questions. how many people are in your household, do you rent, and your information. your name, your age, your race, your gender. >> everybody is $2,000 in funding for our child care, housing, food stamps, and medical care. >> all of the residents in the city and county of san francisco need to be counted in census 2020. if you're not counted, then your community is underrepresented and will be underserved.
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>> roughly five years, i was working as a high school teacher, and i decided to take my students on a surfing field trip. the light bulb went off in my head, and i realized i could do much more for my students taking them surfing than i could as their classroom teacher, and that is when the idea for the city surf project was born.
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>> working with kids in the ocean that aren't familiar with this space is really special because you're dealing with a lot of fear and apprehension but at the same time, a lot of excitement. >> when i first did it, i was, like, really scared, but then, i did it again, and i liked it. >> we'll get a group of kids who have just never been to the beach, are terrified of the idea, who don't like the beach. it's too cold out, and it's those kid that are impossible to get back out of the water at the end of the day. >> over the last few years, i think we've had at least 40 of our students participate in the city surf project. >> surfing helped me with, like, how to swim. >> we've start off with about two to four sessions in the pool before actually going out
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and surfing. >> swimming at the pool just helps us with, like, being, like, comfortable in the water and being calm and not being all -- not being anxious. >> so when we started the city surf project, one of the things we did was to say hey, this is the way to earn your p.e. credits. just getting kids to go try it was one of our initial challenges for the first year or two. but now that we've been doing it three or four years, we have a group of kids that's consistent, and the word has spread, that it's super fun, that you learn about the ocean. >> starting in the morning, you know, i get the vehicles ready, and then, i get all the gear together, and then, i drive and go get the kids, and we take them to a local beach. >> we usually go to linda mar, and then occasionally ocean beach. we once did a special trip.
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we were in capitola last year, and it was really fun. >> we get in a circle and group stretch, and we talk about specific safety for the day, and then, we go down to the water. >> once we go to the beach, i don't want to go home. i can't change my circumstances at home, but i can change the way i approach them. >> our program has definitely been a way for our students to find community and build friends. >> i don't really talk to friends, so i guess when i started doing city surf, i started to, like, get to know people more than i did before, and people that i didn't think i'd like, like, ended up being my best friends. >> it's a group sport the way we do it, and with, like, close camaraderie, but everybody's doing it for themselves. >> it's great, surfing around,
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finding new people and making new friendships with people throughout surfing. >> it can be highly developmental for students to have this time where they can learn a lot about themselves while negotiating the waves. >> i feel significantly, like, calmer. it definitely helps if i'm, like, feeling really stressed or, like, feeling really anxious about surfing, and i go surfing, and then, i just feel, like, i'm going to be okay. >> it gives them resiliency skills and helps them build self-confidence. and with that, they can use that in other parts of their lives. >> i went to bring amy family o the beach and tell them what i did. >> i saw kids open up in the ocean, and i got to see them connect with other students,
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and i got to see them fail, you know, and get up and get back on the board and experience success, and really enjoy themselves and make a connection to nature at the same time. >> for some kids that are, like, resistant to, like, being in a mentorship program like this, it's they want to surf, and then later, they'll find out that they've, like, made this community connection. >> i think they provided level playing fields for kids to be themselves in an open environment. >> for kids to feel like i can go for it and take a chance that i might not have been willing to do on my own is really special. >> we go on 150 surf outings a year. that's year-round programming. we've seen a tremendous amount of youth face their fears through surfing, and that has translated to growth in other facets of their lives.
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>> i just think the biggest thing is, like, that they feel like that they have something that is really cool, that they're engaged in, and that we, like, care about them and how they're doing, like, in general. >> what i like best is they really care about me, like, i'm not alone, and i have a group of people that i can go to, and, also, surfing is fun. >> we're creating surfers, and we're changing the face of surfing. >> the feeling is definitely akin to being on a roller coaster. it's definitely faster than i think you expect it to be, but it's definitely fun. >> it leaves you feeling really, really positive about what that kid's going to go out and do. >> i think it's really magical almost. at least it was for me. >> it was really exciting when i caught my first wave.
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>> i felt like i was, like -- it was, like, magical, really. >> when they catch that first wave, and their first lights up, you know -- their face lights up, you know you have them hooked. >> i was on top of the world. it's amazing. i felt like i was on top of the world even though i was probably going two miles an hour. it was, like, the scariest thing i'd ever done, and i think it was when i got hooked on surfing after >> working with kids, they keep you young. they keep you on your tones -- on your toes. >> teaching them, at the same time, us learning from them, everything is fulfilling. >> ready?
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go. [♪] >> we really wanted to find a way to support women entrepreneurs in particular in san francisco. it was very important for the mayor, as well as the safety support the dreams that people want to realize, and provide them with an opportunity to receive funding to support improvements for their business so they could grow and thrive in their neighborhoods and in their industry. >> three, two, one! >> because i am one of the consultants for two nonprofits here for entrepreneurship, i knew about the grand through the renaissance entrepreneur center, and through the small business development center. i thought they were going to be perfect candidate because of their strong values in the
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community. they really give back to the neighborhood. they are from this neighborhood, and they care about the kids in the community here. >> when molly -- molly first told us about the grant because she works with small businesses. she has been a tremendous help for us here. she brought us to the attention of the grand just because a lot of things here were outdated, and need to be up-to-date and redone totally. >> hands in front. recite the creed. >> my oldest is jt, he is seven, and my youngest is ryan, he is almost six. it instills discipline and the boys, but they show a lot of care. we think it is great. the moves are fantastic. the women both are great teachers. >> what is the next one? >> my son goes to fd k.
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he has been attending for about two years now. they also have a summer program, and last summer was our first year participating in it. they took the kids everywhere around san francisco. this year, owner talking about placing them in summer camps, all he wanted to do was spend the entire summer with them. >> he has strong women in his life, so he really appreciates it. i think that carries through and i appreciate the fact that there are more strong women in the world like that. >> i met d'andrea 25 years ago, and we met through our interest in karate. our professor started on cortland years ago, so we grew up here at this location, we out -- he outgrew the space and he moved ten years later. he decided to reopen this location after he moved. initially, i came back to say, hey, because it might have been
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15 years since i even put on a uniform. my business partner was here basically by herself, and the person she was supposed to run the studio with said great, you are here, i started new -- nursing school so you can take over. and she said wait, that is not what i am here for i was by myself before -- for a month before she came through. she was technically here as a secretary, but we insisted, just put on the uniform, and help her teach. i was struggling a little bit. and she has been here. one thing led to another and now we are co-owners. you think a lot more about safety after having children and i wanted to not live in fear so much, and so i just took advantage of the opportunity, and i found it very powerful to hit something, to get some relief, but also having the knowledge one you might be in a situation of how to take care of yourself.
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>> the self-defence class is a new thing that we are doing. we started with a group of women last year as a trial run to see how it felt. there's a difference between self-defence and doing a karate class. we didn't want them to do an actual karate class. we wanted to learn the fundamentals of how to defend yourself versus, you know, going through all the forms and techniques that we teaching a karate class and how to break that down. then i was approached by my old high school. one -- once a semester, the kids get to pick an extra curricular activity to take outside of the school walls. my old biology teacher is now the principle. she approached us into doing a self-defence class. the girls have been really proactive and really sweet. they step out of of the comfort zone, but they have been willing to step out and that hasn't been any pushback. it is really great. >> it is respect. you have to learn it.
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when we first came in, they knew us as those girls. they didn't know who we were. finally, we came enough for them to realize, okay, they are in the business now. it took a while for us to gain that respect from our peers, our male peers. >> since receiving the grant, it has ignited us even more, and put a fire underneath our butts even more. >> we were doing our summer camp and we are in a movie theatre, and we just finished watching a film and she stepped out to receive a phone call. she came in and she screamed, hey, we got the grant. and i said what? >> martial arts is a passion for us. it is passion driven. there are days where we are dead tired and the kids come and they have the biggest smiles on their faces and it is contagious. >> we have been operating this program for a little over a year all women entrepreneurs. it is an extraordinary benefit for us. we have had the mayor's office
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investing in our program so we can continue doing this work. it has been so impactful across a diversity of communities throughout the city. >> we hope that we are making some type of impact in these kids' lives outside of just learning karate. having self-confidence, having discipline, learning to know when it's okay to stand up for yourself versus you just being a bully in school. these are the values we want the kids to take away from this. not just, i learned how to kick and i learned how to punch. we want the kids to have more values when they walk outside of these doors. [♪]
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