tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV April 25, 2020 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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benefits for 9/11 response and conflict in iraq or related extraordinary circumstances. however, because covid-19 response is not explicitly spelled out in the annual salary ordinance, they have been called into active duty and are being shortchanged. so today i'm introducing an ordinance to amend the salary ordinance to allow these individuals to receive the difference between the amount of the individual's gross military pay and the amount of gross pay that the individual would have received as a city officer or employee. had that officer or employee worked his or her normal schedule, benefits and retirement credit. i believe that everyone is fighting the covid-19 pandemic wherever they are is fighting to save us all. if any community in this country is exposed, we are all exposed. those who have been called into active duty for covid-19 relief
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should receive the same benefits as those in active duty relief efforts. these individuals who are bravely keeping our communities safe in the most destructive event in our lifetime should not have their pay diminished. additionally i request that the president waive the 30-day requirement due to the time-sensitive nature of this legislation. every week that goes by these individuals are further penalized while they work to defeat this pandemic. i'd like to thank andy molan and ann pierson and ann stotan for moving so quickly on this and getting this ordinance ready in one week. i introduce a resolution today to call on the federal government to increase funding to the paycheck protection program for oversight and to take steps to ensure that the financial institutions work with small businesses so they can actually access this vital resource. as part of the federal cares act to address the threats of the
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covid-19 pandemic, the program launched on april 3rd to provide relief to small businesses. it was designed to help businesses with 500 or fewer employees by extending forgivable loans to those businesses that kept workers on the payroll in order to prevent mass layoffs. unfortunately, we have seen the trump administration bungle the rollout of this critical program over the course of this month. while many eligible small businesses in san francisco and across the united states applied to the program, a survey of about 300,000 businesses found over a quarter of those who attempted to apply were unable to successfully submit applications. and bank -- banks and credit unions across the country are unable to process before funds were exhausted less than two weeks after the applications opened. the average award amount was over $200,000. and the trump administration awarded $20 million to the
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parent company of riewses chris steakhouse and $10 million to potbelly and $10 million to shake shack. and i want to recognize shake shack who opened up a location in district 2 for acknowledging that the program is administered unfairly and committing to return the $10 million that it received. it's reported that congress and the trump administration are nearing a deal to provide $300 billion in additional funding for this program. while it is essential that funding for this program is increased, the federal government -- the federal government must do better for our small businesses and it must act fast. in the next iteration, the paycheck protection program absolutely must include stricter oversight from the trump administration, and that administration must ensure that financial institutions are prepared to help small businesses navigate and access this resource. small businesses are struggling more than ever as we all know and they deserve nothing less.
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and i want to thank sam bennett in my office for pulling this together. >> clerk: thank you. supervisor yee? >> president yee: thank you, madam clerk. so, colleagues, friday april 24th is going to mark the 105th commemoration of the armenian genocide. the armenian genocide is recognized as the worst genocide of the 20th century. 1.5 million lives estimated were violently taken at the hands of the turkish government between 1915 and 1923.
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this trauma continues as we still have those that were denying that this ever happened. for over 20 years, the board of supervisors passed resolutions commemorating the armenian genocide and called upon the united states congress to formally recognize this historic atrocity. last year for the first time, the united states representatives overwhelmingly passed the armenian genocide resolution. this is the first time that congress has ever recognized the armenian genocide, despite the objection of the white house administration. it is clear that after a century of advocacy that there is still a need to educate and to speak truth to the terrible actions of the past in order to forge a future of human rights to be held globally. this year the annual commemoration will not be able
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to take place physically but the armenian community has organized commemorations to stream on friday, april 24th, starting at 7:00 p.m. on facebook and e.uyoutube. and as you can see that's the flyer that gives you all of the information and i highly encourage all of my colleagues and the members of the public to attend this. and we will not be introducing a formal resolution this year. supervisor peskin and i will be virtually delivering a proclamation on behalf of this board of supervisors to honor the work of the armenian genocide commemorative committee during this important year of remembrance. i also want to share that as part of this that the light it blue campaign, the council of
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armenian/american organizations of northern california will be illuminating the iconic cross and make it blue on friday night, the day of the commemoration. to show their support for the health care professionals and essential frontline workers serving all of us during the covid-19 pandemic. on behalf of the board, i thank the armenian genocide commemorative committee for coming together to unite us for peace and reflection. today i also will be introducing a resolution on behalf of the city administrator's office. and you should take the flier down since i'm talking about something else -- thank you. i'm introducing a resolution on behalf of the city administrator's office to have the combined charities campaign
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for the city and county of san francisco. every fall the city and county of san francisco employees participate in the heart of the city combined charity campaign to raise money for non-profit organizations in our communities. last year this program raised more than $1.2 million for over 1,200 non-profit organizations in our community. nearly 4,000 city employees participated in the campaign. today's legislation is required by ordinance to certify the determination of the city and the administrator's office to meet the criteria to participate in the 2020 fundraising campaign. the ordinance also dictates that this list was certified by may 1 of this year and given the deadline, i'll refer this item
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to next week's -- to next week's adoption of our committee reference agenda. i know that our city employees have been selfless during this time of crisis and i hope that with this year's fundraising campaign that we will continue to contribute to the many worthy causes in the community when our support is needed most. i also want to challenge the board of supervisors, department one as supervisor peskin would like to call us, to rise to the challenge, and to sign up as many members and staff as possible for the combined charities campaign for 2020. thank you, colleagues. and the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you. supervisor fewer. >> supervisor fewer: today i'm
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introducing a resolution to look at the role of our release and recovery plan during and after the covid-19 crisis. the $450 billion in funds for small businesses through the congress stimulus package was an important start as municipalities and states struggle to provide relief with less revenue. but the funds ran out in only two weeks and many businesses face obstacles to assessing funds. some of the obstacles are created by the banks themselves. major concerns have arisen about the implementation of the p.p.p., and included a criteria for application created by the banks and the decisions of the distribution of funds. those awarded with funds include large chain restaurants with over 5,000 employees and construction businesses that have deemed to be essential and many smaller businesses found themselves locked out of the
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application process. and california received the lowest rate of distribution of all 50 states. such concerns extend not only to loan programs designed by congress but to large commercial banks that evidence suggests in recent lawsuits allege that there were key existing relationships with their biggest borrowers. as congress looks to distribute another $300 billion in loan funds, two democratic lawmakers are advocating for more of the funds to be directed to small businesses without existing banking relationships as well as rural areas and people of color who own small businesses. not only should we support this push within congress but we should call on congress to provide greater oversight, guidance and accountability for the banks as they disburse these funds to ensure that it is done fairly and equitably. big banks have long been critiqued for their role in and during the economic crisis, including the 2008-2009
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recession where large commercial banks and auto companies received a bailout of over $400 billion from the federal government. i worry that the role of the large commercial banks in unequally distributing p.p.p. loans show that they are ill-equipped to give fair leadership during this or any economic crisis. it is the small local banks and credit unions and the financial institutions that are responsive to the needs of local businesses and resident customers through this financial institutions those often have limitations on capacity, which brings us back to the need for public banking to provide an alternate to these large commercial banks. alternative to these large commercial banks. in a public bank it could be the mechanism to allow for low cost lending at a local level to support our restaurants and the small business corridors.
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and a public bank can lay the foundation for more equitable local economy by financing projects and having local infrastructure, creating good-paying and union jobs. if we had a public bank already in place we would be in a better position to respond like this, like the bank of north dakota who has a robust disaster relief lending program. and the development of a local, regional or a state public banking model now is responsible and strategic but it will require capitalization funds from the federal government. this calls on congress to support a new stimulus package that includes increased relief funding for small businesses and local governments, with greater guidance for banking regarding fund distribution and to support the development of local and regional public banks to making available federal funding for -- making available federal funding for capitalization. thanks to jackie fielder and the
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bank advocates at a local and national level with working with my office on this. and for supervisor hillary ronen and the staff for their collaborations and my deep thanks to my staff member for being the voice behind this, i would say that is ever since i think that came into office and trying to actually actualize a public bank for the city and county of san francisco. colleagues, today i have to adjourn today's meeting in remember of miss patsy, she was born march 7, 1940 in california. she and moses married may 3, 1964 and had three daughters. stacy nolan and aaron. they opened up maschoci sweet
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shop in 1964 where she worked every day, even through her treatment. she loved spending time with her kids and grandkids, and cherished the times of all of them running around like crazy at christmas and competing in laser games, adults included. she enjoyed going to lake tahoe with her grandchildren and the arcades -- and would spend hours at the arcade and getting excited when large chunks of coins would fall and he could give all of her tickets to the grandkids. and she was a hard-working and kindest grandma that there ever was. she'll be missed for her crazy saran wrap and her ziploc bagging of everything and her die-hard love for cheerios and a way that she could watch soap operas for hours on end. she had the funnest eating habits and always taking the
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seeds off her hamburger buns and eating donuts with a spoon. and whenever you asked her where she would -- why she would do something strange with her food, she would laugh and say a things that would only be described as t.m.i. they got to know her rich cultural heritage in japan town and through the labor of love as the sweet shop. and it became recognized formally as a native business for their amazing contributions to the city. the sweet stop has been an institution in japan town for over 46 years. and the bakery creates the loving sweet coffee cake and the treats that have become a staple and a tradition for many celebrations and milestones. in fact, i ordered a full sheet
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of the coffee crunch cake for my aide's baby shower and he had to order ahead because they sell out quickly each morning. i have the distinct pleasure of meeting patsy last year at the small business commission. and the sweet stop shop was considered for a business nomination and a sense of pride and joy that the family shared at that moment combined with the love they had, not only for the business but for the community as a whole. patsy was such a delight in the lives of everyone that she knew and she will be dearly be missed. may she rest in sweet peace. the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor fewer. supervisor haney. >> supervisor haney: thank you, madam clerk. i have a few hearings to introduce and resolutions. first, as you all know, our san
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francisco unified school district and city college have both had a disruptions related to covid-19 and are doing what they can to continue learning for their students. i'm calling a hearing on the impacts of covid-19 on the san francisco unified school district and on city college san francisco. as chair of the joint schools and city college committee, this hearing will -- i hope that this hearing will serve to both update the city and the public on how covid-19 has impacted the schedules, policies and the provisions. of course, its education and services. what schools are doing to protect both students and staff during the pandemic. how schools are continuing to serve students and families, especially those that are most marginalized and vulnerable. and what plans are being made to ensure ongoing educational goals are met. and, additionally, we hope to hear how the city can best support the schools and what resources are required to ensure
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that they are able to succeed in their vital role as educational institutions. i am also introducing a hearing on our capacity for testing related to covid-19. many of us have had extensive questions come to us from our constituents and we've had questions ourselves about the city's policies, approaches and capacity for covid-19 testing. we've heard that we are testing just 400 people a day. but we haven't gotten clear answers on what our true capacity for testing is, what are the barriers that exist for mass testing, how our priorities shifting based on multiple outbreaks and in facilities and new data about neighborhoods and communities that have been disproportionately impacted. and how can we ensure that vulnerable populations have
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adequate access to testing? and with all of this what is our role to better support this work as the board of supervisors. we absolutely want to make sure that people have access to testing. we're all hearing that moving forward that the way that we are going to begin to go to the next stage of responding to this crisis is not only testing but also to much more extensive testing. so we are requesting d.p.h., d.m. and h.s.h. and the mayor's office as well as uscff and the hospital council and the clinic consortium to present. and i look forward to having a productive conversation with our departments and the board. i'm also introducing a hearing on our progress and our approach to procuring hotel rooms for residents of our city that are vulnerable or otherwise need to have a room to be able to
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shelter in place. thanks to the support of the entire board and the emergency ordinance to procure 8,250 rooms this past last week and presumably will go into effect this weekend, in order to receive a public update about progress in meeting the mandates in the ordinance as well as understanding the current operations and barriers and staffing, i'm introducing a key hearing co-sponsored by supervisors ronen and peskin and walton and asking that the hotels report. despite more than a month of conversation, advocacy, organizing efforts by all of us, there are still less than 900 individuals from shelters and s.r.o.s in private hotel rooms. our shelters and s.r.o.s are still too crowded and, unfortunately, as we have seen more and more, outbreaks are happening and are likely to happen if we don't move quicker. few shelter operators with
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expert knowledge of their clients have been fully engaged to work in and to build programs. and many of us have started to receive questions from the d.s.w.s and our labor partners about how this program is operating and what all of us can do to make sure that it's effective, successful, and that it fully protects both those who are being brought into the hotels as well as the people who are working there. this has been a huge focus -- area of focus and advocacy by the board and the public and i look forward to a more robust public hearing and conversation shortly. i'm also introducing a resolution to call on i.c.e. to release the longest detained transgender asylum seeker in the united states, kelly gonzalez-guilar. kelly is a transgender woman from honduras who left at age 12
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due to physical and psychological abuse related to her gender identity. she fled to mexico where she endured even more abuse and survived sexual violence and sex trafficking and labor trafficking and more. and she sought refuge in the united states at age 17 and locked in an immigration jail where she was released briefly and then arrested again and put in i.c.e. detention. she's never been convicted of any charges, and despite this fact she is currently held at the sabola correctional center in ne new mexico where she's hed in immigration jails for more than two years. during her time at this center, she was held in solitary confinement for four months due to her gender identity. she was often locked down for hours out of the day. her only human contact was when the guards would pass through to her a slot in the door. solitary confinement is found to take a heavy psychological and
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physical toll on people and is classified as torture. she's represented by attorneys at the national immigrant justice center with support from the aclu and the coalition. in december 2019, i.c.e. denied kelly's request for parole. despite the support that she has waiting in oakland and i.c.e. gave no reason as to why they denied the request. but she was reported to be sent to honduras which has a record of violence against gay and bisexual and transgender people. i ask that we as a board support kelly gonzalez-aguilar and her sponsors and call for i.c.e. to release kelly into the custody of the sponsors. lastly, i have a resolution which -- here we are -- i have a resolution which recognizes and
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affirms national sexual assault awareness and prevention month. with the current shelter-in-place orders, victims of violence are literally in many cases trapped with their abusers at a time when so many of our city's resources are to solve the overarching pandemic and you can't lose sight of those who are at risk of sexual violence. the national alliance to end sexual violence has seen increased demand in 50% of its programs and we're seeing calls and chats to sexual assault and domestic violence hotlines. and the alliance to end sexual violence had a survey on the impact of covid-19 on the efforts of rape crisis centers for survivors and they have seen a 40% increase in demand. reports are being filed that vulnerable people are being supported into survival sex in order to keep their housing.
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landlords have been taking advantage of financial hardships of many tenants in some cases. and the need for greater outreach, education, and access to services and supports is as great as ever. april is sexual assault awareness month. and it's important that we as a city take the opportunity to recommit ourselves to having zero tolerance approach when it comes to sexual assault and violence and we do all that we can to raise awareness on this issue and to highlight the resources that are available. sexual violence is a public health issue that has been and continues to be impacted by the pandemic. and during this crisis sexual assault survivors need to know that their government is there to serve and to protect them. they often need access to resources and information and during this time those can be even be more difficult to provide and ensure that are available. i want to thank my co-sponsors on this, supervisors stefani and
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ronen and, again, acknowledge that this is sexual assault awareness and prevention month. we're in an especially hard time for people who may be at risk or are themselves are survivors and our city needs to do more to step up and to support people who are at risk. with tha the rest i submit. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, today i'm introducing a resolution to put the board of supervisors on record in support of the safe sleeping sites and shelter people to have social distancing and improve san statio sanitatit includes not clearing encampments and encouraging people staying in encampments to set up their tents and sleeping quarters with sufficient space between them and ensuring nearby accessible and adequately stopped restroom facilities.
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following this guidance has led to day-to-day changes in the city's response to homelessness. the healthy streets operation center has refocused efforts on covid-19 and is trying, though with mixed success, to keep the encampment areas clean and ensure that the sidewalks are kept clear and encourage people to stay one person per tent and tents at least six feet apart. at the same time in the castro and many other neighborhoods of san francisco, tent encampments are growing, largely without social distancing and/or access to hygiene. even prior to covid-19, the de facto city approach to management of people camping in neighborhoods was inhumane to those seeking shelter, frustrating for neighbors and how it impacted neighborhoods, and impossible for outreach workers and police to implement effectively. there's a never-ending game of
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whack-a-mole and people from one block or corner only to see a new encampment pop up a block away. covid-19 has brought that sad game to the end, at least for the moment, and offers us an opportunity to pilot new and different strategies to provide safer sleeping alternatives to those unsheltered people for whom we do not currently have an available apartment, hotel room, or shelter. my office is working with the city departments on a place for safe camping sites for covid-19 and i've been working with the city administration to find an appropriate location to open up a safe sleeping site in district 8 in response to the current public health crisis. it's my hope that this resolution will add political support and urgency to the work already underway to create these sites. this resolution urges that the city plan for and expeditiously establish safe sleeping sites in vacant parking lots and other appropriate spaces. it would follow the best
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practices and maintaining adequate social distancing and providing access to sanitation and facilities and food and water. any such site would be subject to a safety plan with 24/7 staffing, janitorial services and such other services that may be necessary and feasible to maintain the health and the safety of those at the site and the surrounding neighborhoods. i want to thank my colleague dean preston for co-sponsoring this resolution and the fine folks at h.s.h. and h.s.a. and the mayor's office for a willingness to engage on these ideas in the past many months and their heroic work for the unhoused population in this very difficult moment. and i thank the leaders pushing for safe sleeping sites even prior to covid-19 and to continue to work with and to push me and my office. and i want to thank the office for their work on this resolution and making effective responses t
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