tv Police Commission SFGTV April 25, 2020 12:50pm-1:46pm PDT
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first place. so i would hope there would be some light enforcement, where possible, rather than leaving to everything for a free-for-all and shut it down if people are irresponsible. >> 30 seconds. >> question: the stay at home order is until may 3rd and i understand that's to be extended but even to mid-june, it seems like two streets a week, the program wouldn't get ramped up to full until almost this is hopefully, fingers crossed, getting to be over. and so, this has been well over a month for folk and the need has built up. i would encourage quicker action to slow the streets and allow for more personal space. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you very much, mr. holtzman and thank you tor commenting. miss boomer, would you unable the next speaker.
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>> you have five questions remains. >> this is for topics discussed by director tumlin. next speaker, please. give us your name and we'll start your two minutes. >> question: i'm cliff barger and thank you for giving us the opportunity to call and give comments. this is the first time i've been able to give comments because of the time and place of the meetings. i want to thank director tumlin for his great presentation and thank you, chair, for your long service to the board and thank you, also, members. i want to applaud mta for approaching this slow-street's initiative. it was exciting to see our friends across the bay do this and i'm glad we're learning from their experiencing. as a resident, i'm glad to hear director tumlin mention the third street bridge and the possibility of extending closed streets to terry francois.
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opening up the waterfront is more important and one of the most crowded places i've seen since the lock-down has gone in place. and so thank you very pitch. much. i echo the previous caller to implement this as fast as possible. >> thank you very much. miss boomer, the next speaker, please. >> operator: you have five questions remaining. >> question: i'm paul barrara. that was a mistake and i died the numbers by mistake, so excuse me for that. i'm still adjusting to this. >> operator: next speaker, please. you have four questions remaining. >> question: this is hayden miller. i'm just calling to say that i
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urge you guys at muni to look at reducing the capacity limits on your buses. right now, for a 40-foot bus, you're allowing 20 people on it, which doesn't allow for six-feet instancing. other transit agencies, ac transit has limited it to ten people and golden gate transit has limited it to eight people, which i think will allow for better social distancing. so i encourage you to look into that and thank you for your service, mr. heineke. >> thank you, mr. miller, thank you for saying that. next speaker please. >> operator: you have three questions remaining. >> next speaker, please. >> question: good afternoon. i'm here for the record again. let the record reflect my pronounces are she and her and concerning the director's
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report, i'm appreciative of you bringing back the 28 line, which will help to close a big gap in the outer sunset section of san francisco, this is an area that i spent many, many nights in and probably my favourite area of san francisco. so this will help a lot of people to be able to get around in that very hilly area with long distances. concerning covid-19, obviously it's a matter i take very seriously. we can have limits. we can have mass requirements. it's important to ensure that they can be easily complied with. what we don't want is to have people who are left on the side of the road. there was an innocent in philadelphia in which a passenger didn't have a mask and it turned into a very ugly incident. we don't want to have a situation where bus drivers are trying to play good cop/bad cop
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and having things escalate and worse yet, having people get hurt. so it won't be easy if masks were easily had but they're not. i think it important for muni to be involved in the process of helping to get these protective face coverings so people can comply and not be left out in the cold. so i appreciate the work you do and to the chair, i'm going to miss you. you have been an inspiration to me to come and speak at these meetings to get involved. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> operator: you have two questions remaining. >> next speaker, please, give us your name and we will start your time when you start speaking. >> question: yes, my name is john mccore mechanic an mccormig
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in regards to the safer street's program that was just established. the tenderloin only has one block that has been blocked off. in terms of equity and common sense, i don't at all think that makes sense. tenderloin has seniors, children and people with the disabilities, the highest, and yet one block has been reserved for slower streets? if we're trying to be equitable about this situation, we need a whole route through the tenderloin. the sunset district has miles of blocks and blocks and blocks of the streets to these lower street expose we'rstreets and ig
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about the most vulnerable populations and helping them, we need to be putting more attention on the tenderloin and looking at the tenderloin to see where we can block off more streets so that the people that live there are treated fairly and equi thattablabley and i doe that reflected in any initiatives and directives. it just not fair and thank you. >> thank you for the helpful comments. miss boomer, anyone left in the speaking cue? >> you have one question remaining. >> question: i'm a community
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organizer and cochair of the intender loin people's congress and thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. i'm concerned, also, the last speaker spoke about the slow streets in the tern loin. tende. we have a crisis here and if you're not down here, you're probably unaware of this. i live here and i'm not able to access my corner store. i can do without my prescription from the pharmacy, because it's just not safe for me to travel outside. i'm an at-risk person exi haveae to be careful. streets are overcrowded. there's no safe passage and so, we really need some blocked-off lanes. we need some lanes reduced. we need parking lanes taken away, so folks can travel and access services in a safe waist.
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therway.perhaps you could do len other neighborhoods, because the need, the need is greater in the tenderloin than in any other neighborhood in the city. we have a crisis happening here and there's a medical -- i mean, there is a real, real problem that's getting ready to happen because folks who ar aren't ablo practise social distancing. you'll end up with a disaster coming out of the tenderloin and that puts the whole city at risk, not just our neighborhood. so please, please, we need help here. we need help now. thank you. >> thank you for your comments, sir. >> operator: you have zero questions remaining. >> so anyone else who wishes to address the board and who is currently on the line, please dial 1-0. >> this is on the director's report only.
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moderator, please let us know if anyone else joins. >> this is the moderator and there are no current participants wishing to make comments. >> we'll close public comment on item 7 and as soon as the tech takes care of that. director rubki, you'll be up. >> moderator confirms that public comment is disabled. >> director rubki, please. >> thank you. i appreciate director tumlin's comments in the way it's meant to supplement muni service that
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was taken away but comments from the tenderloin and knowing we need more space in the tenderloin, in general, i would love to see the staff come back with some ideas how to make that space available in the tenderloin, in particular. and i know that staff is working so hard and i really appreciate it, but that is my one request on that. and on the essential trip trip'r program for facilities and seniors, i think a traffic way to help out our taxi industry and i think it would be really helpful to get feedback from the taxi drivers about their experience on this and see if there's a way to use this model in other ways, post covid and those are my comments, so thank you. >> chairman, if i may, i want to point out that the tenderloin is high on our priority list, as well. we are wanting to partner with community-based organizations within the tenderloin and we've got a strong relationship with
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them, particularly in the work that we've done on the 300 block of ellis and we're working with them on the 100 block of cheryl. we recognise in the tenderloin, we want to make sure there's a management plan for insuring the success of slow streets. not only is this the integrate concentratiogreatestconcentratin the city but there's incidents and fatalities as a result of traffic violence. so we want to use this as an opportunity to address that both in the short and long run, but do it in a way that involves more community involvement than we had time to do in a week and so we'll look forward to coming back to you with a more sophisticated approach from the tenderloin. >> and i would also note that it's also one of the greatest
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concentrations of children in the city, too, which is why i've personally asked that you all look at levinworth or some other streets as the next car-free streets and director tumlin understands that and i appreciate it. director eakin, please. >> thank you, chair. first of all, director tumlin, thank you for your heroic commitment to public service during this time. i know it's more than you bargained for to navigate your way through this challenge to work your way through the position. so please let us know how we as a board can support you and the staff during these difficult times. as to your update, it was, of course, exciting to see the mayor's announcement this morning, taking important steps to make more safe space for walking and biking. and the city has offered to do so in a way that's low cost. i'm glad we'll be monitoring and learning as we go and we can
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address some of the comments we're hearing today. i wanted to share a few comments as i look at the map. it seems there are definitely some parts of the city that have a great deal of pedestrian traffic and narrow streets that screen out more pedestrian streets and chinatown comes to mind clearly without any slow streets proposed on this map. and i also heard your explains very clearly about the nexus to transit. i think that makes a lot of sense. i'll note it seems there are parts of the city that have relatively less park's access than some of the parts receiving the slow-street treatment and i see some of the eastern neighborhoods and southeastern neighborhoods standing out with relatively less treatment and need for safe space for for rec creating, as well.
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listening to you talk about the success of transit and treating people as equals as opposed to agents of enforcement has been so effective and i'm wondering if we can take a page out of that playbook and think about the ambassador program and that style of enforcement could be a successful model as we think about the slow-street's network and how we encourage people to adhere to social distancing guidelines. >> that's what we've been doing, so our parking control officers have been partnering with sfpd and recreation park's department to help them with social distancing support in ocean beach and the arena. so we'll want to learn from that success. supporting compliance rather than topped-out enforcement kind of way. >> wonderful, director hemminger, you had one more
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comment. >> yes, i did and thanks tor for allowing me to double-dip, mr. chairman. >> this is the last time i'll allow it. >> that joke will gel ol get ole end of this meeting. [ laughter ] >> the only place i have myself experienced excessive crowding is in golden gate park, on the sidewalks there. i know there was discussion awhile back whether or not we could close some of those roads like we do on the weekends. and the concern i heard respected from the department of public health, they were worried it would draw too many additional crowds and i guess the response i would make to that is i think the crowds are there. i wonder whether that's worth another discussion with the department of public health so that we could avoid the crowding there. it's an obviously magnet for people. that's what they want to do with
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their dogs and kids and everything else. but right now, it's a bit of a madhouse on the panels. paths. i just wonder waed what your thoughts might be. >> we're engaged with the department of public health and rec's department. as most of you know, the streets in golden gate park are uniquely not controlled by sfmta but managed by the rec's department and during the covid crisis, w l city departmented are respecting the center. and so throughout this crisis, all of the work that we're doing has been coordinated through the city's eoc and we are so grateful for the very strong and
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direct leadership from the department of public health here in san francisco. you know, having learned from their experience from the last pandemic in sanfrancisco and gotten ahead of the curve here for the bay area, we respect their conclusions on golden gate park. however, we know that we're starting to have the conversation about how shelter in place starts getting rachetted down. at a certain point, we should be able to demonstrate and experiment on noninstagrammable street like kirkham. so we'll get experience with management techniques that work. in addition, at a certain point, the utility of a safe bike, commuter, corridor exercise
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place will be a risk for a regional attracter and those lines will cross as people in san francisco get used to wearing personal protective equipment everyday, get used to having socialized, social distance and having it be self-enforcing, unlike the situation we had last weekend where sfpd had to do some hard-core enforcement in deloris park and golden gate park. we believe at a point, people in san francisco will get used to this and that we will be able to take a second look in collaboration with rec park and the department of public health about what should we do with golden gate park and jfk drive, in particular. but in the meantime, i 100% support the conclusion of the department of public health and i stand behind them. >> wonderful. i don't see any other virtual
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mics up from the directors. so if none, i will say a few things. jeff, first of all, the taxi program sounds fantastic and thank you for your attention to the safety of our taxi drivers, as well as giving them an economic boost when they need it. i'm thrilled with the slow street's program. it's not lost. it's my last day and i do think that may be a little bit of coincidence but it makes me happy and i hope it gives us more information in that i know my remaining board members will be pushing for us to look at other car-free streets and similar benefits that we can provide to people in san francisco didn't i'm pleased about that. one thing that i would ask, jeff, and i don't think it's appropriate for today and i know you guys are thinking about this. but i think it's appropriate for a board member briefing or the next meeting would be starting to lay out your plans for how we'll dial service back up, how we'll come back online, how
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we'll turn the dimmer switch in the other direction to use the analogy everybody is using, and bring muni back because i think our customers and our employees need to start thinking about how that will play out so they can visualize it, so they can follow your directives and so they can feel the optimism that is going to come back. this agency is going to respond. the city is going to respond and we'll be ok. and i think starting to plan for that, which i know you're doing, and communicating those plans will help people understand what the situation will be like and i think it will make folks really optimistic. i suspect i'm not the only one who misses dearly riding on the subway. and then a question that i had for you, that i've asked you, but i wanted to share, i very much support the idea of getting the work on the 101 now when we were presented what it would be in july, it was there would be the least traffic and now we have the time where it's the
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least traffic and i'm glad they're proceeding that way. i asked you and i thought the board members might like to hear the answer to this, can we utilize our time when the subway is out of auto allegation t uti. >> so these are all questions that we are spending a lot of time thinking about. there's this unique period of time as shelter-in-place starts getting ratched down but before the economy and congestion come rip-roaring back. it's an opportunity to get a lot of work done and deal with the residual fear that many people will have about getting on to a crowded train or walking on a busy sidewalk. these are fears that transit shares with the restaurant
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industry. in order for san francisco to come back and to be san francisco again, we need to be able to celebrate the closeness. so in terms of how the system comes back, we're also working with the department of public health about exactly what happens as it gets rachetted down. rachetted down. we've been hoping to get some major maintenance projects underway, but we realize the nature of that work made it almost impossible to keep people six feet apart. we need to have groups of people repairing the subway. what is the amount of personal equipment that is necessary at what point in time to allow this work to get started? these are questions that we're asking the department of public
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health and we're getting ready to get started on. i think this is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to keep the subway closedded a bit longer than necessary to address decades of deferred maintenance and get it right. moreover, it's an opportunity o rethink our service. much of the muni map remains fairly unchanged since 1912 when streetcar operators were competing for franchise. do we want to bring back that same exact map? how can we best make trade-offs between much better frequency on a fewer number of routes versus core frequency on many routes? should we even bring back schedules? so we have switched in a moment of crisis from having everything operate on a schedule to having
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most lines operate according to headway management. we're getting much more reliable service as a result despite the erraticness of operator availability. should we ever bring schedules back? we changed this week to predict the first few stops on every run and to eliminate ghost buses. should we continue that. should we bring the rail system back the way that it was? should the j ever go back into the subway or can we use the new malcolm heineke cross-over to improve capacity and frequency in the core subway and have lines that connect to it. unique among cities, the single-seat ride to the financial district is sa sacred. the job growth in san francisco is not in the financial district. it's scattered everywhere. in the new san francisco that we're becoming, we're going to
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need to get used to the idea of the transfers. so how should we make that work? should we make it work by much better frequency in our core line? should we be looking at timed meats like other cities do? again, we will never again have this opportunity to rethink the mobility system of san francisco from the ground up and be thoughtful about how and why we turn lines and services back on. >> well, thank you for that fantastic answer and i hope board members found it as inspiring as i did. i just wanted you all to hear that. this is a unique opportunity, not just on maintenance of the subway, but on sort of the planning discussions that director tumlin has talked about and i think as we are ambassadors for this agency, and some folks are really going to be pushing on us to turn the subway service on as soon as we can, we need to be mindful and communicate to our fellow citizens that there may be a
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little bit of a delay so that we can make the system so much better as we go forward and i think this is a unique opportunity and i'm thrilled jeff is doing what he's doing to seize the opportunity. with that, jeff, thank you for your kind word about me personally. i feel very strongly about this agency, but leaving it in your hand ans is a true relief to me. with that, that's the conclusion of item 7. miss boomer, if we can move on to item 8. >> item 8, this is advisory counsel report and we do not have a report so moving on to item 9, which is general public comment. if members of the public who wish to address the board on matters within the jurisdiction of the mta but that are not on today's calendar, please call
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(888)808-6929 and the code is 996-1614. and then finally dial 1-0. so that's the opportunity for members of the public to address the board on matters in the jurisdiction and not on today's agenda. >> operator: so summon each question, press 1-0. >> when it is the public's turn to speak, the system will prompt you and if you give us your name, we will start your two minutes when you start talking. >> operator: you have three questions remaining. >> first speaker, please.
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>> question: hello, this is hayden miller again. i just wanted to comment on something director tumlin just said about keeping the subway closed. i definitely support that and i think with the messaging to the customers, but back before with the t-central subway when it was first built, you would get a monthly or even like a weekly video about what work was being done. i think that's very important for us to see as customers, you know, what work is happening and how is the system getting better. so i think that could be a better idea for a message to the customers and then, also, more covid-related stuff. the recycling on the buses, there are still people bringing on who've bags of recycles and reaching on to the seats and floors and creates a real hazard. i don't see a real policy on that, but it's just a real safety hazard.
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so just thank you. >> thank you, mr. miller. next speaker, please. >> operator: you have two questions remaining. >> the next speaker, please. wheel start your time when you give us your name. >> question: hello. i'm jessica wynne, i'm a student organizer and i'm speaking out against the fare increase. >> jessica, that is an item on the agenda. this is an opportunity for members of the public to address the board on matters that are not on today's agenda. so that is item 13. >> thank you, ok. >> next speaker, please. thank you for your cooperation. >> operator: one question remaining. >> question: i want to talk about the fare increase. >> that is item 13 on the agenda. >> thank you both for your cooperation.
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that's appreciated. >> operator: you have zero questions remaining. >> mr. chair, we'll pause for a moment to let anyone else dial 1-0. and if the moderator confirms that no one else is on the line, we can move forward. >> moderator confirms there are no additional participants. >> wonderful, that will close public comment on item number 9 and that will take us to item 10, which is our consent calendar. what i would suggest is call public comment right now to see if there's anyone who wants to sever an item and speak to it. would you agree with that approach? >> if i can read the item first so members can read what's on and then we will ask the moderator to open the phone lines. >> that sounds fair. >> thank you. so if members of the public do wish to address an item that i will read shortly, pleads dial
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(888)808-6929. these are considered to be routine and there will be no separate discussion unless a member so requests in which case it will be considered a separate item. mr. chair, just for the record, no member of the board has asked that an item be severed. with item 10.1, a lot's payment for various claims against the mta including donna marleno for 5,000, wang for 17,000 and 10.2 awards 1295 r, phase 1, metro rail to perform rail grounding services in the tunnels not to exceed 12.2 million in a term of 548 days.
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10.3 authorizes the director to approve a program of projects to execute the required certifications and assurances for all transit projects for fiscal year 2020. 10.4 finds the twin peak's boulevard to the sound end of figure eight is no longer needed tor vehicular travel and permanently closing the section of twin peak's boulevard to vehicular travel except for bicycles and emergency vehicles and changing the one-way direction of twin peak's boulevard, western alignment as stated above. mr. chair, those are the four items on the consent calendar item. >> public comment on those in. >> members who are watching this meeting on sfg tv, if you wish to address the board call
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(888)808-6929, i.d. 996-1164 and dial 9-0. if the moderator can let us know if members of the public wish to address -- >> operator: your question is in question and answer mode. to summon each question press 1 and then 0. your conference is now in question and answer mode. press 1 and then 0. you have one question remaining. >> so member of the public, when you begin talking, we will set your timer for two minutes. please start by giving us your name. and letting us know which item you wish to sever. >> question: this is hayden miller in regard to 10.4.
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i wanted to voice my support for the closing of twin peak's boulevard to vehicular traffic. i would support approving that. thank you. >> very good. any other speakers. >> operator: you have two questions remaining. >> next caller, please. >> question: hi, my name is matt rizina, calling about 10.4 and i support the closing of the eastern alignment to the cars, but i want to tell the board how much i enjoyed having this turned into a park for people during this crisis. and i would like to push the board to think more broadly about how we can help nature. there's a massive opportunity, maybe the biggest in all of san francisco for tree planting in
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that area which will work with the san francisco board before us to plant in that area and for tour buses to access and not for porsches to ride up and down. i would like to close all of twin peaks to cars. thank you. >> very good, next speaker, please. >> operator: you have two questions remaining. >> please give us your name and we'll start your timer when you start talking. >> operator: you have one question remaining. >> please give us your name and
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we'll start your two minutes when you start talking. >> question: my name is kristen leche, i'm on behalf of the san francisco bike coalition. i'm calling in today on behalf the 10,000 plus members to show our support for the road closure on twin peaks boulevard. since this pilot went into place, we have seen the speed limit dropping by 77% and most folks who have been surveyed are in support of this. so with the success, we're excited to see this moving toward becom becoming a permanet closure. from here, we look forward to working with the recreational park's department to focus on securing funding and creating this into beautiful park space, not only for san francisco folks but all of the visitors that visit during the year. thank you for your time. >> thank you. i don't believe we have any more
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speakers. >> operator: you have one question remaining. >> one more. >> if you could please give us your name and we'll start your two minutes. >> question: this is john mesabski on the mta cac and i speak in favour of 10.4. i think it's a great item and i hope it's just the beginning of turning twin peaks in a car-free haven for cyclists and pedestrians. thank you. >> thank you for your service on the cac. any further speakers? >> operator: you have zero questions remaining. >> assuming the moderator confirms that's it, we will close public comment. >> moderator confirms there are to more participants and public comment is being deactivated.
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>> public item on 10 is closed. let me ask if there are any questions. i should note for public we did receive a fair number of advanced comments on 10.4, and those are circulated and reviewed by all board members. so with that, directors, i don't see any virtual mics up and i would entertain a motion on the consent calendar. >> move it. >> second. >> always downe count on senatoz to move it along. we had a second and miss boomer, would you call the role. (role call). >> mr. chair, directors, you have a unanimous approval. >> wonderful. that takes us to item 11. >> presentation and discussion regarding transit service. >> director tumlin, will we hear
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from you or miss kirschbaum. >> julie kirschbaum will be presenting. >> wonderful, the last time i get to do this with you. i'll be polite. >> hi, everyone. i'm the transit director. it's bitter-sweet that i give this last report and i want to echo all of the feedback we've heard on chair heine conscience. you've been an incredible support for me and the transit system and we appreciate everything that you've done in service to transit. i'm going to go ahead and share my screen. did that work? >> yes, we have the covid-19
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transit performance update slide in front of us. >> ok. this is a different type of transit report than we've had in the past because most of our focus right now is on keeping both our operators and our passengers safe. and we've had a completely different set of objectives that has guided our work to date. the first and primary goal is to limit the exposure of sfmta edges to covid-19 and then to also limit the exposure of our passengers to covid-19. one moment, please. my apologies. we're also doing everything that
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we can to maintain mobility and access to our customers as long objectives 1 and 2 are not pro myselfed ancompromised and you'e changes we've had to make. fourth, we're doing everything we can to maintain and communicate situation awareness. we're finding that really the only way to get through this is by preserving the trusts that we have with our employees and with the public and we take that very, very seriously. (please stand by)
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and then as jeff indicated, we have also established a very strong contact tracing for when a staff person does have covid-19, and we are also modifying procedures as we go with the goal of minimizing the amount of people that need to self-quarantine and reducing any contact that people can have. and that includes things like our mechanics now wipe down the vehicle before they even move it to park it. or they wipe down the area they are working in and share too manies are also cleaned as well. within the system we have also made sure the employees have the protective equipment we need including masks and gloves. operators go out with additional cleaning supplies and in addition to getting a clean bus.
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you will see in this photo we have made mandatory the protective shield. we're very fortunate that all of our buses have this. getting all of the buses equipped with this was a 90-day plan initiative, so it's really come back and been a tremendous value to us. our operators are protected by a shield of plexiglas and we discontinued those where operators protection was comprised on the cable car in the historics. the best feedback we're getting about staff safety is coming from the staff themselves coming from our union leadership so we are spending a tremendous amount of time listening, understanding what people's concerns are and responding as best we can. we also in addition to making the mandatory operator barriers, we have also implemented rear door boarding except for customers with disabilities. we have lowered the load
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standards to support social distancing and we are using our announcement system as well as printed materials like the sign here to deliver the information to our passengers. ridership as you know is trending down very dramatically in this time really by design. and we are working as hard as we can to make sure that people under that muni is just for essential trips so that we can maximize as much social distancing as possible. and we estimate right now we're at about 8% of our typical daily ridership. the covid-19 priority network was something that we put in not just because of operator resources but because of also places where we were stretched on units as well as to implement these increased car cleaning protocols. we have delivered service on 17
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critical routes and as director tumlin indicated, we will be adding four more. these routes were selected based on things like hospital access, ridership, after the shelter in place was issued, equity needs, as well as city wide coverage. as we see staffing levels improve, i am optimistic that we'll be able to continue to increase and get people back on transit. communications to the public have been key. we are a partnership on this. crowding is currently our biggest service challenge. we have been trying to address that through proactive marketing campaigns as well as the ambassador program that was described along with strong social media and web presence. any time we get an opportunity to talk about safe practices on muni, we do so.
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in terms of data a lot of the data that we typically look at is not relevant here. things like subway travel times and other issues. i do want to point out that we are seeing very good safety data. significant reduction in collisions many day where is we go zero collisions or one collision, so as we have reduced the service miles, we have seen safety collision data improve. we continue to see, i think, a troubling trend is on security issues. so while we significantly reduced the amount of service, our security instances have not changed very much. per vehicle security instances is quite high right now and something that we need to continue to monitor and support.
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in terms of next steps, we are continuing to look nationally and internationally for public health best practices as we think about how we go from the current shelter in place to what will eventually become a new normal. we are monitoring staffing levels and vehicle availability constantly, and we are also launching the complimentary program for essential trips that jeff described. we are working in close partnership with the emergency operations centers so while most of our service has been for muni passenger, we have also been supporting city wide transportation needs including connecting people who are in shelters to sheltered facilities. this photo here shows a partner shup of us working with the sf hot team, and we continue to
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provide support as needed city wide. so just in conclusion, i do want to put a thank you out to our incredible staff. they're demonstrating resiliency every day. people are doing new work, new locations, different hours, different schedules, and they're doing it because they know that this is an unprecedented emergency and that our role as public servants has never been more important. so i just wanted to say that everything that we're doing is really because we're backed by an incredible staff who is willing to keep san francisco moving even under these incredibly challenging times. >> wonderful. >> that concludes my presentation. i can answer any questions that you guys have. >> president: so let's first see if there is public comment on item 11, ms. boomer, and thank
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you very much for the words and the person encouragement to me. i really appreciate it. >> secretary: members of the public who wish to address the board on this topic and watching via sfgtv, hopefully you have called into the line. i will give the number 888-608-6929. the code is 9961164. and then you will dial 1, 0. the moderator will queue those up. great. when it is your turn to speak t system will prompt you automatically. moderator, please let us know if there are people on the line. >> you have one question remaining. >> all right. good afternoon. please give us your name and we will start your two minutes when you start talking.
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>> this is hayden miller again. the presentation particularly to the customers so i think one area where the communication could really be is improved is for the stops regarding the metro buses. there's been a lot offen cofusion and people waiting at s line stops particularly in upper market where it has the little yellow flag from when the twin peaks was happening and those stops no longer line up to the early bird metro shuttle plan that is being run. it is very confusing and a lot of customers have been getting passed up i have been seeing on twitter. so maybe removing those signs would be helpful. thank you. >> thank you, mr. miller. any other speakers, mr. moderator? awe off you have zero questions remaining.
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>> all right. if our moderator confirms there is no one else, we will close public comment. moderator confirms there are no additional comments. >> thank you so much. okay, with that, vice chair borden please. >> truly i want to thank you for all the great work you are doing and i am so thrilled we're going to be able to add back some of that service. you talk about how we're looking on the operator side in terms of the staffing for our phasing up of our service. the other question i have and maybe this is more of a director question, but with people not wearing masks, that changed the social distancing needs that we have for our buses. so if you could answer those two questions, that would be great. >> absolutely. the staffing levels, i think, have stabilized. we do not have enough operator who is can drive 60 foot buses,
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and so that continues to be a challenge. we're addressing it by increasing frequency on 40 foot buses which is how we, for example, handle that this week. and we also are constrained on the 40 foot bus side with some of the maintenance needs. for example, out of our woods division, we're actually preparing more buses than we would during a typical weekday because of the double cleaning. so in some cases we're continuing to be very tight on operators and in other cases like at some of the 40 foot divisions, we have operator availability and are working through maintenance constraints. in terms of social distancing as far as it goes with masks, we have not received updated guidance from the department of public health so we're continuing to approach it that
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even with the masks social distancing is important to provide support for. >> very good. director eaken. >> thank you so much, chair heinicke. i have been doing a ton of thinking about what this crisis means for our transportation field broadly and what it means for our transportation system here in san francisco. and thank you so much, director, for the very helpful transit update. i also observed the creation of the economic recovery task force that was convened by the mayor to think about seeing how we recover as a city. i wanted to just put out a request to staff at this point and if it's possible to get any input from my fellow board members thinking about malcolm's comments earlier in the meeting about when and how we're going to signal to the public that the transit system is
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