tv SF GovTV Presents SFGTV April 30, 2020 4:20am-5:01am PDT
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visit. we are working on scheduling that asap. my understanding right now is again and we will work with my former colleagues at department of public works and folks i worked within the past. our understanding there is in impact to the school building nor is there to be any obligations placed on our custodial services. >> again, like the program and partnership. the right people will be involved. if anything comes up it will be addressed. it is 24 hours at the site. >> it is now. we modified the m.o.u. last month.
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>> again, it is to address concerns that i have every confidence that if something comes up they will address it and i look forward to hearing back once this is passed. >> thank you. commissioner moliga? >> i just want to say thank you to president sanchez and vice president lopez for introducing this resolution. i agree with all of the commissioners that it is our part in terms what we need to do for our city during this pandemic. thank you both. >> commissioner collins. >> i want to reiterate again appreciation for president sanchez and vice president lopez in working with creating this
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resolution and thanks mandelman as well and the board of supervisors. for any folks. i want to note that the unhoused population is diverse. it including a wide range of folks. it also including families. i think there is a characterization of homeless folks. there are a lot of families that are either transitional or facing homelessness or maybe homeless because of this crisis. i appreciate the leadership in working and being flexible to utilize our resources right now which are empty schools to support families and support unhoused population and recognize when they are on a schoolyard they are not on the street to help other families to
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access the street and access food and meals and things like that which i am hearing families are reticent to go outside because they are not able to socially distance in a safe way with encampments on the street. i appreciate this resolution and will vote yes. >> thank you very much. any last comments? thank you everybody. this is a joint effort with the city. i appreciate supervisor mandelman's vole. a roll call. [roll call].
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>> that is unanimous. thank you. >> the next item is another resolution we are going to need to suspend the rules for. i need a motion and second to hear 204-28a2 affirming support ab2016 california ethnic studies model curriculum draft in the san francisco unified school district. >> so moved. >> second. >> roll call on the motion to suspend the rules. [roll call] that is seven ayes.
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>> curriculum draft in the san francisco unified school district whereas in 2014 is 2 school district institutionalized ethnic studies. whereas students from a variety of mixture make up approximately 85:00 p.m. of the population whereas they have stated the values equity and social justice in the schools abcommitment to
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inclusion and whereas research indicates that ethnic studies in high schools has demonstrated an increase in gpa. high school graduation rates and college rates. california and the united states. with particular emphasis on portraying the role in contemporary society. ethnic studies originated in the civil rights and third world struggle. that is evolution including many ethnic racial backgrounds from around the world including living with depression, racism
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and who are denied the right to live with dignity and freedom. california ab2016 curriculum is currently in process at the california department of education and whereas the current california 2016 draft has vast support from communities of color and intergenerational ethnic studies and leaders across california and beyond. whereas california has one of the largest and most diverse student populations in the noise with 77% students of color. they affirm support of 2015 curriculum draft. be it further resolved they affirm support for pacific islander studies, west asian studies and their continued
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>> i am really, really happy about this resolution. i really appreciate that it specifically articulates that there will be firm support for some areas of study that are controversial at the state level, and that the state has been considering leaving out arabs and asian-american and central american. i want to really
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appreciate and echo julia about our disability community and our lgbtq and queer folks, and also the impact that the inclusion of the experiences of our kids with disabilities, and with 504s -- the difference that that really, really makes in terms of them being valued and seen among their peers and really encourage the inclusion of that and the resolution. thank you so much. >> thank you for the public comment. commissioners -- >> if i could speak to that, i thank you for sharing your comments. i completely agree, and like was mentioned by michelle, this is our district's effort to support the statewide
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effort to address what is happening at the state level, regarding what is controversial or what has been an issue for them to implement. and so i would love to see how we can contribute that language and support that as well, considering ethnic studies is beyond racial and ethnic. it is talking about all of the experiences that affect us as human beings, and how we interact with each other and learn about each other during these times. so i just wanted to point it out, that this was our effort to join the statewide initiative to combat the battles that we're having at the state level, but would love, also, to include that level, but would love, >> anybody else?
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all right. so if you want to -- vice president lopez, do you want to add language now? >> i do, if -- i just need a little bit of guidance and can write that up. go ahead. commissioner arden? >> i'm just wondering if -- and i support the idea of having this language. and i want to thanks all of the comments for bringing it up. and i wonder if there is a way of writing a broadly-worded amendment to include all sorts of groups and, you know, people who identify in all different ways to this curriculum, so it is not just, you know, oh, but you forgot this group or you forgot that group. if we could craft something that is very, very broad, i wonder if that would be more
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inclusive? >> i think one of the things about this is that there has been discussion and debate over a long period of time about ethnics studies in terms of who is included. and these four groups were included at one point. and so this -- the coordination amongst districts and others and the board of education to support this legislation in it's current form is around that. so that's kind of my concern about adding lgbtq and special needs because it's not really part -- it gives it, in a way, a legitimacy to adding everybody into ethnics studies, which everybody isn't (indescernable).
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which has been kind of the crux of the argument for quite a while. allison, did you want to add anything? >> i wanted to add on a certain level, i think the value of this is -- it is important to name things. because if you say it kind of becomes -- i know this isn't your intention, but it becomes all students can be about all lives. and the point of black lives matter is saying traditionally black folks, and with anti-blackness in the world, and so making black life matters was a very specific thing. and ethnic studies specifically is targeting groups that have been both underrepresented and misrepresented, right? the fair act, which alita fisher was referring to, i think it doesn't address ethnicity, and i think that's why the fair act --
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i think maybe if we could incorporate in the whereas section a reference to the fair acts, because i think it is important to acknowledge that the lgbtq community and the disability community are also groups. and the native-american community, which is also referenced in that act, are also groups that deserve recognition, in the way we talk about them in schools. but i wouldn't want to -- there is a specific fight that is going on that we aren't experiencing in san francisco -- [audio is breaking up] >> but there are folks who are trying to -- basically it is like they're trying to insert themselves into the work that is going on at state level in order to basically make it not exist. it is like the mandarin groups --
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[audio is breaking up] >> gabriel, are you okay with adding a "whereas" clause? >> yeah. >> maybe, allison, if you want to just shoot something off, we can add it in. >> i would want to reference -- i don't know -- can we agree on it, saying we want to add a statement, like referring to -- because there are clauses in the fair act, and i would have to look it up. >> i would be okay with having that discussion and expanding on it. >> in lieu of voting on this now? >> yes. >> so you want to table this discussion? oh... >> if it is okay to say we're going to add language referring to the fair act. i would want to quote it. >> we've done that on occasion, where we have said we're adding a "whereas" clause, especially because it is a
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whereas, so i think that is really fine. >> all right. so with that in mind, and if there is no other comments or questions, we can go for the roll call. >> thank you. ms. collins? >> yes. >> mr. cooke? >> yes. >> ms. lam? >> yes. >> mr. lopez? >> yes. >> mr. eureka? >> yes. >> mr. sanchez? >> yes. [inaudible] >> that's seven yeas. >> thank you. moving on to section "m," board members report, the following virtual meetings have taken place since the last regular board meeting. we had a special meeting committee, tuesday, april 21st, 3:00 p.m., and vice president lopez chaired. i don't know if you want
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to report out that it was on distance learning rollout update and food distribution update. >> right. it was shared that a variety of options have become available digitally and non-digitally. internet access is expanding, and there are many efforts to get this to be a city-wide access so our students can participate in distance learning. there is 2.4% of students who have not engaged at all within the school districts, and with that, ways that teachers or reaching out, and schools are reaching out, getting in contact with these families who haven't yet been able to participate, with the learning kits distribution, it aligns with early education, and emphasize that when you receive the kits and fill them out, you have to return them to your teachers, for families
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(indescernable). we have a (indescernable). [audio is breaking up] >> this is for our families, who are special needs, and we have planted -- pa week ago to really have access throughout the city. and we love our student nutrition program. [screeching noises] >> somebody's microphone has to be muted. okay, thanks. thank you, vice president lopez. student delegates, i think it is time for you to leave. >> oh! >> i think you're hungry. thank you. >> thank you so much.
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everybody stay safe. all right. the report from the delegates to membership organizations such as msfca, any report? i don't think anybody has been going anywhere. all other reports by board members. yes, commissioner collins. >> i have a question, because we're not having regular meetings, i was just wondering when we were going to get an update on the district's assessments for students that are ongoing. because i just wanted to know if we have that, what's the plan on when we're going to find out about student assessments that we voted on last meeting. >> um...who can respond to that? >> i would suggest that we take that up... >> i was going to say pretty much i think we can
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put it off for the review -- >> because i was just wanting clarification on when are we going to get a report, based on our vote two weeks ago -- or no, last week, with the vote -- is that correct? or was it two weeks ago we voted -- >> on the assessment? >> the assessment, yeah. >> that was two weeks ago. >> so when were they supposed to report back? >> so there was a plan that was detailed, i think a week ago, that went out to the board and we just need to update the board on where we're at from there. >> because it is my understanding -- i was assuming we were going to get a report today, based on that vote. maybe i was wrong, but i wanted clarification, is that behind -- is that a wrong assumption that i made? >> originally it was today, but in the report that we gave you, that we're behind, about a week behind. it was in the report that was sent out to the board. >> okay.
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i also appreciate that, but i think it is important for the community to also know that. so i'm glad that you're sending that information to us, but it is also important -- because the community also wants to know if we're doing needs assessment, and they're also eager to see the results of the report. that would be great if you could share that out publicly, when it will be available. >> okay. thank you for that. any other board member reports? all right. the calendar of committee meetings, so as we know, the committees in general have been suspended, although budget is coming up, and we've had a curriculum, so the next budget meeting is wednesday, may 6th. we don't have a time yet. so i don't know if, commissioner lam, if you want to publicize a time for that? you have to unmute.
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>> we are awaiting confirmation from committee members. i don't know if that was affirmed. >> i let superintendent lee know that that time is fine for me. >> so can you confirm with me -- i know it has only be yesterday -- >> 3:00. >> okay, 3:00. >> 3:00? >> yes, 3:00. may 6th. and then we're going to have rules, policy legislation, monday may 11th at 3:00 p.m., if that's okay. jenny did you offer you're chairing that, so 3:00 is okay? >> yes. and staff is confirming our capital advisors to be -- >> okay, great. that committee has a big agenda. it is piling up. thanks, danielle.
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so section "n," other informational items, a staff report on the acceptance of the monthly report for the month of march. section "o," there is none tonight's. at this time, we will take public comments, there will be a total of five minutes for public comment. >> i'm not seeing any. >> the board will now go into closed session, so i'm going to call a recess of the regular meeting. so we're going to hop off this and
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it's to raise women's voices. >> learn a little bit about what you should be thinking about in the future. >> we had own over 300 -- over 300 people who signed up for the one-on-one counseling today. >> i think in the world of leading, people sometimes discount the ability to lead quietly and effectively. the assessor's office is a big one. there are 58 counties in the state of california and every single county has one elected assessor in the county. our job is to look at property taxes and make sure that we are fairly taxing every single
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property in san francisco. one of the big things that we do is as a result of our work, we bring in a lot of revenue, about 2.6 billion worth of revenue to the city. often, people will say, what do you do with that money, and i like to share what we do with property taxes. for every dollar we collect in property taxes, about 68 cents of it goes to support public sstss, our police officers, our fire departments, our streets, our cleaning that happens in the city. but i think what most people don't know is 34 cents of the dollar goes to public education. so it goes to the state of california and in turn gets allocated back to our local school districts. so this is an incredibly important part of what we do in this office. it's an interesting place to be, i have to say. my colleagues across the state
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have been wonderful and have been very welcoming and share their knowledge with me. in my day-to-day life, i don't think about that role, being the only asian american assessor in the state, i just focus on being the best i can be, representing my city very well, representing the county of san francisco well. by being the only asian american assessor, i think you have a job to try to lift up and bring as many people on board, as well. i hope by doing the best that you can as an individual, people will start to see that your assessor is your elected leaders, the people that are making important decisions can look like you, can be like you, can be from your background. i grew up with a family where most of my relatives, my aunties, my uncles, my parents, were immigrants to the united states. when my parents first came
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here, they came without any relatives or friends in the united states. they had very little money, and they didn't know how to speak english very well. they came to a place that was completely foreign, a place where they had absolutely nobody here to help them, and i can't imagine what that must have been like, how brave it was for them to take that step because they were doing this in order to create an opportunity for their family. so my parents had odd jobs, my dad worked in the kitchens, my mom worked as a seamstress sewing. as we grew up, we eventually had a small business. i very much grew up in a family of immigrants, where we helped to translate. we went to the restaurant every weekend helping out, rolling egg rolls, eating egg rolls, and doing whatever we need to do to help the family out. it really was an experience growing up that helped me be the person that i am and viewing public service the way that i do. one of the events that really
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stuck with me when i was growing up was actually the rodney king riots. we lived in southern california at the time, and my parents had a restaurant in inglewood, california. i can remember smelling smoke, seeing ashes where we lived. it was incredibly scary because we didn't know if we were going to lose that restaurant, if it was going to be burned down, if it was going to be damaged, and it was our entire livelihood. and i remember there were a lot of conversations at that time around what it was that government to do to create more opportunities or help people be more successful, and that stuck with me. it stuck with me because i remain believe government has a role, government has a responsibility to change the outcomes for communities, to create opportunities, to help people go to school, to help people open businesses and be successful. >> make sure to be safe, and of course to have fun. >> and then, i think as you continue to serve in government, you realize that
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those convictions and the persons that you are really help to inform you, and so long as you go back to your core, and you remember why you're doing what you're doing, you know, i think you can't go wrong. it's funny, because, you know, i never had thought i would do this. i became a supervisor first for the city under very unusual circumstances, and i can remember one day, i'm shopping with friends and really not having a care in the world about politics or running for office or being in a public position, and the next day, i'm sworn in and serving on the board of supervisors. for many of us who are going through our public service, it's very interesting, i think, what people view as a leader. sometimes people say, well, maybe the person who is most outspoken, the person who yells the loudest or who speaks the loudest is going to be the best leader. and i think how i was raised, i like to listen first, and i like to try to figure outweighs
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to work with -- out ways to work with people to get things done. i hope that time goes on, you can see that you can have all sorts of different leaders whether at the top of city government or leading organizations or leading teams, that there are really different kinds of leadership styles that we should really foster because it makes us stronger as organizations. >> take advantage of all the wonderful information that you have here, at the vendor booth, at our seminars and also the one-on-one counseling. >> i wouldn't be where i was if i didn't have very strong people who believed in me. and even at times when i didn't believe in my own abilities or my own skills, i had a lot of people who trusted and believed i either had the passion or skills to accomplish and do what i did. if there was one thing that i can tell young women, girls, who are thinking about and dreaming about the things they want to be, whether it's being a doctor or being in politics, running an organization, being in business, whatever it is, i
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think it's really to just trust yourself and believe that who you are is enough, that you are enough to make it work and to >> good afternoon and thank you for your patience. i'm mayor london breed and i'm joined by the department of human sources, trent roher and department of housing, the police chief, bill scott and you'll be hearing from some of them in just a moment. as of today, we have
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