tv SF GovTV Presents SFGTV May 6, 2020 3:45pm-4:01pm PDT
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to protect workers? what protections are being put in place around the globe? what kind of health and safety regulations are developed? what will the virus mean for the delivery industry and workers? what are the best practices around that? to comment the resolution passed calling on the city attorney and the office of labor enforcement to enforce ab5 considering other aspects of ab5 or even force meant to protect the delivery industry. this will all come together in time for the may 15th meeting. we will have three presentations at that meeting. combined findings of the survey and the team is pouring all resources into that preliminary findings. we will have the report from us f class on delivery services and lafco recommendations based on the combined findings and
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research. that is the latest on the gig survey. i do have one other item. i want to pause to see if there are questions from commissioners? >> any comments or questions for our executive officer? >> i have a question. this is commissioner pollock. for the may 15th meeting, when do you anticipate we will get the three reports in draft form? >> thank you for the question. may 21 when we -- may 2 we will have the draft. april 30 i expect a draft from usf. when i receive those i will send to you and your staff so we can get your feedback on those. we will be sending them out to a variety of other folks who have been involved in the research,
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various worker groups, unions and stakeholders. >> the gig workers, jobs with justice. >> jobs with justice is doing a lot of outreach. they have been in touch with a variety of community organizations through this process. >> thank you. >> any more comments or questions for mr. goebel? >> is it too late to add a question to the survey? >> i can check with the survey team. the covid-19 survey is going to wrap up next week. i could ask the survey team that. >> i wanted to know the federal relief package included gig workers. i wanted to know if they applied for that, what is the status, do
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they know about it, have they going to apply for it? i don't think the checks have been issued. they are coming, and if they had received any relief. that was my question. i had another question and i forgot about it. sorry. that was the question. >> it is a very good point, madam chair in terms of unemployment. i have been reading reports about gig workers having difficulty accessing it. it is delayed until the end of the month. all kinds of problems. they might ask some of the workers they are doing interviews with. i am happy to do additional research and add to the presentation i give you on ma
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may 15th. >> because we are just hearing, also, issues about the small business funding and the glitches there. i am wondering if the workers have gotten relief. my second thing is among your recommendations are you going to include legislative recommendations for the board of supervisors and the commissioners it is on the board of supervisors to actually put in some legislation to help these workers and protect these workers? >> we are crafting the recommendations with that in mind. putting the ideas on the table to be legislated to protecting workers. yes, we are very much considering that as we draft the recommendations. >> thank you so much. any more comments or questions for mr. goebel? >> i have one other item, madam chair. >> go ahead. >> i am very excited along the
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lines of small businesses and, particularly the banks' responses to covid-19, as it's relates to small businesses. our newest intern is working on some related topics to that. kara has a public policy background and will attend law school this fall. she is a fellow in public affairs and has produced work for a number of agencies, including the mpc and office of management and budget in washington as well as working with immigration legal resource and graduate of princeton with a degree in public policy. i am excited to have her. i am going to turn it over to her to talk about the scope of work we have ask can see her to undertake. she came to work on public bank. she is working on related topics. i will turn it over to kara to talk about what she is doing.
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>> thank you. good morning, commissioners. great to be here with you. as i am sure you are aware another focus area of work is the public work. this is putting that public bank in perspective of bank accountability. i believe moments like this like the one we are in now magnifies areas that need changes. arguably i think the current pandemic is the perfect storm to evaluate bank accountability. i am looking at response by private and public actors in live time and assessing their epactions. the report has three key questions. in brief the report looks at incentive structure driving the large corporate banks andrews lessons to form forward
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solutions to immediate community needs and the report will look at what covid-19 means for accountability community actors like small banks and credit unions. given this present moment, i think we need the san francisco public bank initiative in the changing system of needs. this will be completed by the end of the month. i will share the recommendations with you at the next lafco meeting. with that i am happy to field questions or comments. >> thank you so much for your assistance with this. we look forward to that report. any comments or questions for kara? >> i just want to say thank you, kara, for putting this together. i am very, very excited to see
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what you come up with next month because we think we need to start thinking at a public bank at this point like something to help us get back on our feet with regards to affordable housing and issues that are going to be adversely impacted by a deep precision or depression with budget cuts. i am glad we are framing the public bank as part of the covid-19 response. >> commissioner haney. >> thank you, chair fewer. this is exciting. i am glad we are doing this. thank you for coming on. one of the things we have been looking a lot at is what banks have been doing for people who have struggled to pay mortgages or rent, and what policies are
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set up across the different be banks and what opportunities there are. that will continue to be an issue after this is done just to put a word in there if that is something to look at forgiveness and interest rates and all of that for folks having challenges repaying loans or mortgages. that is an important piece. it sounds like that is included. i wanted to flag that. >> definitely. thank you. >> thank you, kara. we also at the board of supervisors my office have been working with the public bank. we can use that information. thank yothank you for your your. i echo what commissioner heavy y rain me said -- haney said. open this up for public comment. any otheany other items.
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>> that concludes my executive officer's report. >> any public comment on item 6. >> there are no callers wishing to speak. >> public comment is closed. thank you both. we look forward to hearing from both of you on may 15th, our next meeting. madam clerk please call item 7. >> public comment. >> are there any members of the public to offer public comment? >> there are no callers wishing to speak. >> thank you. public comment is closed. madam clerk can you please call item 8. >> future agenda items. >> colleagues any future agenda items you would like to see us discuss in the future? seeing none, madam clerk is there any more business? >> we need public comment for this item. >> public comment for item 8.
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dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within neighborhood. we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant. where will you shop and dine in the 49? san francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. each corridor has its own personality. our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. >> you are putting money and support back to the community you live in and you are helping small businesses grow. >> it is more environmentally friendly. >> shopping local is very important. i have had relationships with my local growers for 30 years. by shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also
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supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. it is really good for everybody. >> shopping locally is crucial. without that support, small business can't survive, and if we lose small business, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see that become a thing of the past. >> it is important to dine and shop locally. it allows us to maintain traditions. it makes the neighborhood. >> i think san francisco should shop local as much as they can. the retail marketplace is changes. we are trying to have people on
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the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. >> the fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. there are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. at the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for everybody. >> shopping and dining locally is so important to the community because it brings a tighter fabric to the community and allows the business owners to thrive in the community. we see more small businesses going away. we need to shop locally to keep the small business alive in san francisco.
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>> shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. you can see the banners in the streets around town. it is great. anything that can showcase and legitimize small businesses is a wonderful thing. is the sanfrano public utility's commission. at this time, i would like to call the order. the regular meeting of the san francisco utility commission. today is tuesday, april 14th, 2020. madam secretary, role call, please. president king. >> here. >> vice president viatore. >> here. >> commissioner moran. >> here. >> commission maxwell. >> here.
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