tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV May 13, 2020 9:05pm-10:11pm PDT
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>> mayor london breed: we are on day way too many of this covid-19 shutdown. i want to just start by thanking sf gov tv and those who are participating in this virtual press conference today. i am joined by the department of public health, dr. grant colfax, as well as the police chief, bill scott. the director of the human services agency, trent rohrer, the director of housing and homelessness, abigail stewart khan, and i'm san francisco mayor, london breed, here to provide you with an update on what is happening with covid-19 in our city. as of today we have 1,994 casis
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of those san franciscans who have been diagnosed with covid-19, and sadly we've lost 35 people and about 70 people have been hospitalized, and as a reminder, we want to ask folks to visit for more information. i have a number of announcements today, and i am excited to announce some good news for a change. i know that last friday we made an announcement that on may 18 there would be a number of businesses, including florists and bookstores and cosmetic stores and other places that will be allowed to reopen for pick-up and delivery services. and the good news is that is still happening. the even better news is that we are able to extend this to all
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retail in san francisco with a business that is actually directly connected to the street. and so what this means now for our city is incredible because we're talking about many of those small businesses in various neighborhoods where you see many of those shops that are closed. they will be able to open for pick-up and for curbside pick-up and delivery, which is going to be incredible. this does not include malls, for example, but it does include all retail in san francisco, and we're talking about close to 95% of businesses that have unfortunately been closed, to provide this opportunity to our small business community is going to be incredible, but i want to be clear that there, of course, will be limitations. there, of course, will be certain requirements around wearing masks, around
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maintaining social distancing and also ultimately we want to make sure that these businesses understand and are prepared for these guidelines and are able to provide this level of service to the community. and i'm really excited about this because this is gonna not only support the jobs that hopefully many will return as a result of this, this will support the communities and the people who love these businesses and want to see them continue. it's a continued step, of course, in the right direction. we also, i want to mention, will be allowing manufacturing and warehouses to open as well. again, under certain guidelines, and we'll be able to provide that information as well just so that we can continue to gradually reopen our city as we see changes in very specific indicators. now you know from the very
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beginning what we've said was our guiding principle is the data, the facts, our public health officials, and we do appreciate what they have done to get us to this point where even though we continue to see in some cases the numbers increase, we do see the numbers flattening. they have not declined, but the fact is we are in a better place. not where we want to be but we're in a better place. and when making decisions around what opens in our city, we look at six particular indicators, and dr. colfax has talked about these indicators in the past, but i just want to remind people so that we are all -- clearly understand what those things are as we begin to allow businesses to open. what are we looking at, how are we making those determinations? well, it's whether or not the number of cases are flat or decreasing, and we see that they
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are at least remaining flat. we look at whether or not our hospitalizations are flat or decreasing, and as you can see, they are still flat. and our hospital capacity is stable because we know that in the event of an outbreak or a surge we have to be prepared, and the good news is we are in a good place. and we want to be able to at least get to a place where we could at least test over 1600 people a day in our city. and the good news is we are almost there. in fact, i'm really optimistic that based on all of the work that's being done, especially with our department of public health and community partners, we will actually get there hopefully next week. we have a comprehensive tracking program -- contact tracing program, and we want to make sure that that program is at a capacity where we can act immediately once we identify a
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case. and finally, a steady supply of p.p.e. and yes, sadly p.p.e. is still a conversation that we are having. we have been very creative and very fortunate that we have had generous people who have contributed, our partnerships with usf and their contributions and the support that they provided and other private hospitals. we have been fortunate, but we want to make sure that we have sufficient p.p.e. so those six indicators are exactly what's important to ensure that we as a city are able to open, and throughout the duration as we gradually allow things to happen, we want to make sure that we are always looking at these indicators in order to determine what is best. so i want to thank the department of public health, and i want to also caution everybody, because even though this is exciting, we still need to be very careful. it's because you all have been following the social distancing
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order and wearing masks and doing your part that we're even here in the first place. and the last thing we want to do is get too excited and then start flooding our streets with too many people where we see that it's a problem and then the numbers start to go up, and then we have to dial it back and close some of these businesses. so the goal is to gradually move in a way where we start to get used to opening businesses, because the fact is we have to get used to the fact that the coronavirus is going to be with us for a while, so let's make sure that we are all prepared for what we need to do now and in the future to keep everyone safe. the more that you do your part, the more opportunities that we are able to provide to so many of our businesses who desperately need to open. i want to touch bases on that, just our budget impacts, and i know that you've heard about the fact that sadly the city is
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experiencing a possible deficit of anywhere between 1.1 and $1.5 billion, and i just want to put that into context because what is going to happen in the next year or two with our city, it's going to be even more challenging than it's already been. and even though we have had challenges and we still enjoy decent economic times, there has always still been a need for more muni service, for more housing, for more resources in general. so now imagine all of our efforts and everything we've done to get to this point. we are basically going to be in a situation where we have to make really hard financial decisions. and just to give you a perspective, i signed this fiscal year's budget last year. and sadly even before the fiscal year closes, we anticipate in
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our current fiscal year a $250 million budget deficit that we have to close. we also for the next fiscal year are looking at possibly a $1.5 billion budget deficit, and we know that the city has put away about $800 million in reserve, but there's also limitations as to how that money can be allocated. and we also have to be very cautious. so what that is going to mean is hard decisions, hard cuts, impacts on services. and so i just wanted to put that perspective out there because this doesn't even take into account the $375 million that we have already spent to help in the efforts around the coronavirus pandemic. that includes the hotels and the shelters and the testing and all of the things that you know we're doing.
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now we are hopeful and we expect most of it to be reimbursed by our state and federal government, but think about it, that may be now, but what happens in the future? we still need to do testing. we still need to do contact tracing. we still need to help our vulnerable populations, so whether or not those federal and state resources continue to come in is unknown. especially now that we know even the state is facing a $54 billion budget deficit. so the economy here locally, the economy in our state, in our country, and globally, it's going to be very challenging. and it's gonna require a lot of sacrifices. in san francisco alone over 100,000 people have applied for unemployment insurance. so as i said, it's going to be critical that we start thinking about economic recovery in a way to not only get businesses open
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but get people back to work. and get our economy moving again so that we can continue to develop the financial support needed to address the many challenges that we continue to face. now in that effort, i want to talk a little bit about the recovery -- the economic recovery bonds that we announced yesterday, and this bond is a work in progress. i introduced it at the board of supervisors yesterday. the goal is to support our city infrastructure, like parks and roads and expanding our facility for our most vulnerable populations, including those suffering with mental health and addiction. and i want to be clear that when we're talking about what happens with bonds in san francisco, oftentimes we are taking other bonds that we have been supported by voters in the past. you have been very generous in supporting parks bonds, housing
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bonds, the last earthquake and safety bonds, and what happens is we live within our means. so as we retire debt, we are able to assume additional debt, and we do so without raising property taxes, and that has been our consistent commitment, which is why every time we've come with a bond of this nature to the voters, they have been supportive and generous in providing the support. and i also want to be clear that this bond money is not -- we're not able to use it for operations. we are only able to use it for infrastructure, so that's why the ability to expand our mental health system and our programs and to bring those places up to standard, to expand our parks, which we are finding are even more important now than they have ever been, especially as we shelter in place, our ability to look at our roads and our infrastructure and our bike lanes and to not only focus on
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those things but to also really get our economy going, to get people back to work right away, and to do so in a financially responsible way without raising property taxes. it's gonna be critical to our economic recovery, and so i wanted to just touch bases on that because i know there were a lot of questions that members of the public had about, well, how are we able to do a bond and we have this budget deficit, and that's exactly how. so i'm excited about what that could do, so we have to, again, start thinking about our recovery and jobs and getting people back to work is going to be a critical part of that. i want to just talk a little bit about give to sf, and i really want to say to those who have contributed to give to sf, whether you were able to give a million dollars or one dollar, it does make a difference. we have had large contributors,
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we've had small contributors. and yesterday i announced a contribution from jack dorsey, the ceo of twitter, of $15 million to give to sf. the ability for the city to address, again, many of these challenges has everything to do with state, federal support, but it also relies on philanthropy. and there have been, you know, so many people who consistently step up when we ask, whether it's salesforce obamayang the helman foundation or ann and gordon gede or trillioand google and some of the other folks, they have rose to the occasion. we know that there is much more that's needed, so we'll be continuing to do outreach, but i want to really appreciate even the small contributors who have really made give to sf work in a
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way that has gotten money directly in the hands of people. and what's so amazing about what this program does is we have provided grocery store gift cards to families, people who are undocumented, or families who may not qualify for cal fresh or other subsidy programs. people who are maybe hairdressers and they have kids and were maybe not getting any government subsidy. people who were traditionally working, barely making ends meet, but never qualified for subsidies. i wanted to make sure that those families were not forgotten, and this is a part of providing assistance with food, providing assistance with rent payments and providing assistance to our small business community, which mostly employs a lot of these
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individuals, and so this program has been absolutely incredible, and i want to take this opportunity to appreciate some of the folks who have been on the front lines delivering these services. there's a community center in the western edition that have been preparing meals and serving food to families and people on a regular basis. mother brown, who serves homeless populations in the bayview hunters point community. in the mission, the carnivale committee, they have been doing an incredible job with getting food on a regular basis to the people in the mission, and we have been working with a number of non-profit organizations to get resources in the hands of people because we know that sometimes these are people who may not qualify for unemployment or they can't wait to get an unemployment cheque to feed their families, and so give to sf, the resources it's provided directly to san franciscans, has been invaluable, and again i want to thank jack dorsey for
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his commitment to this program. and if anyone is interested, please go to you can make contributions or you can find out more information in terms of how you get support from this amazing program. so i want to just lastly touch on another program that i think is absolutely incredible and is being proposed through our human services agency through the state. this program provides an opportunity under the cal fresh program for people who, for example, if you get cal fresh or medi cal or foster care families, you'll automatically receive in your ebt card $365 additional per child. but if you don't necessarily qualify for any of these but you also have children, you can still sign up for this program
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through the city. so we know that the school district, and we want to appreciate their work in providing meals at the sites for those families who need those meals during this time, but this is just an extra step, an additional program that has been absolutely needed to continue to support families. so if you have any questions and you want to sign up, please visit or call 311 if you are a family and you have children and you are in need, please reach out to us so that we can provide you with the support and the assistance that you need. for those, again, who fit into the categories of cal fresh, medi cal or the foster care system, it's going to be a lot faster and easier for you to get those resources because you're already getting those resources. they're going to be automatically added. but for those who don't qualify, we want to get you on -- you know, get your information and get in touch with you so that we
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can make sure that we get you signed up and get you your resources as soon as possible. and last but not least, i want to just say thank you to our disaster service workers. these are a lot of city employees who are working in so many capacities, whether they are here at the emergency operations center or they are out in the streets, out in the communities, distributing food, distributing masks. i mean, i've seen people at muni bus stops just handing out masks for people who wanted to get on the bus but they didn't have a mask to get on the bus. the kindness of so many of you and the fact that you are putting your lives on the line every single day, city employees whose responsibilities are things other than what they are probably doing right now, they have been the reasons why we're able to deliver as much as we're able to deliver in the city. i really want to appreciate your work and what you're doing. and in partnerships with the
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food bank and the salvation army, glide and other programs, we have been able to deliver and also hand out hundreds of thousands of meals. so i want to be clear, we are not doing this alone. there have been programs, like i mentioned, st. anthonys and glide, they were doing it already, but the work that we have been doing together to expand the support to reach to unhoused people, to reach out to our immigrant communities and others, it's been incredible. so i just want to thank and appreciate everyone who's out there on the front line doing your very best to take care of others, because that's exactly what is going to get us through this. it has been a very challenging time, and as i said in the beginning, we're on day i don't know how long. it's been a long time. but i do think that this weekend is -- effective monday, it's a great time to think about, you know, some of your favorite
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places that you may want to support to arrange for delivery services or pick-up services. so for example, flower shops were only available for delivery, and now the pick-up from a flower shop is an option. the pick-up from a cosmetic store is an option. pick-ups from a lot of these retail businesses, especially in your neighborhood, is not only an option but will be valuable if you can help to support them. this is how we're going to keep them in business, and i'm sure that since your kids are probably at home driving you crazy now the toy stores are going to be available for pick-up, here is an incredible opportunity to get a distraction for them. so i just want to say again thank you all for continuing to comply with this order and your patience. we are in this for the long run, but if we continue to do our part, wearing our mask, socially
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>> dr. grant colfax: good afternoon. i'm dr. grant colfax, director of health for the city and county of san francisco, and thank you, mayor breed. as of today, there are 1,994 san francisco residents who have confirmed cases of covid-19, and sadly a total of 35 san franciscans have died of the disease. while even one death is too many, i want to also stress to san franciscans that by flattening the curve over these past two months, these past two long months, you have indeed saved lives. san francisco's mortality rate due to covid-19 is four times less than that of los angeles
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and a remarkable 35 times less than new york city's. thank you, san francisco, for doing everything you can to slow the spread of the coronavirus here in san francisco and in the bay area as a whole. you have truly protected each other and you have protected populations who are most vulnerable during the pandemic. and today i would like to talk about our path, our shared path, our shared journey to recovery. we are anticipating, as the mayor mentioned, another step in that direction this monday when many retail businesses can begin to offer curbside pick-up and takeout services. this is, indeed, good news. not only for businesses, employees and customers who have
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been waiting patiently, but also because it means that our city is doing better. the number of people hospitalized with covid-19 is staying flat. since april 6, our hospitalization numbers have ranged from 70 to 94 patients. today there are 70 covid-19 patients hospitalized across our nine hospitals in san francisco. as i said on monday, this is the metric we would need to study before moving forward to open up more retail, and if all goes well over the next five days, we will be able to make that move. here is a brief summary of the plan. the new policy will allow many retail businesses to begin curbside pick-up, along with
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related warehouse and manufacturing businesses in their supply chain. the city's vision is to balance that very important and hopeful step with a continuing need to vigilantly protect community health. for example, the retailers that can do curbside pick-up must have no more than 10 employees on-site at any time, or fewer if the store is very small. related manufacturing and warehouse work with resume if there are no more than 50 employees on-site at one time. they will also need to abide by state guidelines for safety during this pandemic. all participating businesses must adopt a social distancing
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protocol and a health and safety plan. we are working in partnership with the mayor's office of economic and workforce development and the economic recovery task force on the safest way to reopen our economy. full instructions for businesses will be released tomorrow to allow them to prepare, and the formal health order will come out on monday if the indicators are still good. once that order is issued, businesses that are ready and able to satisfy the requirements can begin the next phase of reopening. this is a meaningful step on the gradual path to the new normal. as we take these steps, we will continue to keep a close eye on the data so that we can move
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forward or pause or even increase restrictions depending on the spread of the virus in their community. as well as we have done here, the challenges before us are tremendous. as we begin to carefully transition to a new phase, this new phase, we must balance a continued emergency response alongside embarking on our path to recovery. but remember, the virus doesn't have a timeline. in fact, if we move too quickly, it will get much longer. but the good news is is that the way we live with the virus is largely under our control. there are three things that you
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can do to help, and i ask for your help. please continue to social distance. please cover your face with a face covering. and please get tested if you are working. these will keep us moving in the right direction, and we, i, as the city health leaders pledge to do three things as well. continue to expand testing access. build our contact tracing system so it is among if not the best in the country. and improve our surveillance symptoms to detect outbreaks and respond as quickly as possible, supporting individuals who have been diagnosed with covid-19, supporting their families. together, with those actions, we
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will accomplish three important things. we will see a reduction in infections and deaths. we will experience and feel more safety and confidence as we continue to reopen. and we will ultimately recover and enjoy more activities, even in a world where the virus remains a fact of life. that, that is the task before us. san francisco and the bay area is in uncharted territory. we are working hard at all levels and with our community and business partners to develop our local road map. and we are following key indicators in san francisco and across the bay area to ensure
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that the virus remains under control. these indicators include hospital capacity, watching our hospitalizations to ensure that our health system is prepared to serve patients with covid-19 and other conditions. personal protective equipment, or p.p.e., ensuring that there are supplies for health care workers and first responders for at least 30 days into the future on any given day. testing. we are continuing to expand testing in the city and are very close to meeting our goal of conducting about 1800 tests a day. contact tracing and supporting people to isolate in quarantine, and again, supporting them and
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their families and their neighborhoods with support. and continuing to develop a robust surveillance system for outbreak detection and response. over the next weeks, and many months, we will continue to monitor these indicators. we will work together with community businesses, region and the state to accomplish as much restoration as we can. the coronavirus is still here and we are going to find a way to protect each other and enter a new era for san francisco. question will continue to rise to the occasion -- we will continue to rise to the occasion and i am proud to be part of this effort. san francisco, i can't thank you enough for your steadfast courage, sacrifice and dedication to the health of the entire community.
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the way we have come together to flatten the curve proves that we can continue and will continue to build a new way of doing things. thank you. >> the first questions will be for dr. grant colfax. first question is from alex berrey, san francisco business times. do you anticipate making any modifications to the restaurant and dining restrictions before may 31, or releasing guidelines on how restaurants will be allowed to operate in san francisco when they do reopen? >> dr. grant colfax: so i think it's important to emphasize that this will be a gradual process to a new normal as we learn to
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manage our work and our efforts and our activities in a setting of covid-19. so there will be a gradual reopening with looking at the indicators that i talked about and monitoring that carefully. so there will be a gradual restoration assuming those indicators give us the confidence to continue to move forward. monday, the 18th, is a big step in that direction. with regard to specific guidelines for restaurants, those would of course be issued in advance of any modifications required, but i do not have a specific timeline to share with you at this point. >> the next question is from kerry fisto, hoodline. what is the status of the site at 180 jones street? the site is currently an empty lot guarded 24/7 by a city
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contracted security service. >> dr. grant colfax: so as we know, the behavioural health issues in san francisco continue, and certainly we are committed to ensuring and we have ensured as much as possible that people who have behavioural health issues, including meth addiction and dependence, are provided with care and treatments. we have continued those efforts, both on the street, in the hotels where people are sheltering in place, and also for people who are living with covid-19. i think that with regard to the actual center, my team is looking at that effort going forward. i can't speculate on the specific sites at this time given that we have been in the middle of a pandemic since march, but certainly we recognize the need for continued behavioural health care, especially for people who are
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living with and using meth, and a sobering type model is supported by the science, and we look forward to figuring out how do we build a sustainable behavioural health system that reflects the new reality in which we are living in. how do behavioural health services continue to be delivered and strengthened and intersect with the real needs of people who are living with behavioural health issues, as well as at risk for covid-19. >> as a follow-up, could that empty site at 180 jones street, which is on a block with multiple encampments, provide another safe sleeping space since it is unused during this time? >> dr. grant colfax: i can't speculate on the specific site at this time, but certainly safe sleeping sites are being considered in a number of areas in the city, but i can't
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speculate on that right now. >> next question is from melanie woodrow, abc 7. once those businesses reopen, will the six indicators will monitored daily, and by whom? >> dr. grant colfax: so those indicators are monitored by the health department. you can go to our covid-19 data tracker and follow most of them with regards to hospitalization curve, the testing data and other indicators, so we will be monitoring those at the health department on a daily basis. in conjunction, i should say, with other health departments across the region. >> if the numbers begin to slide in the opposite direction, would businesses be immediately closed again? would you move back to phase one? >> dr. grant colfax: so i think, again, we've always followed the data, science and facts, and we have had -- we would look at the
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specific issues that would be cause for concern and make a decision on whether certain businesses, certain practices, certain areas or certain neighborhoods would need a more robust public health investment. i can't speculate on whether an entire system would be changed as a result of those indicators. but i do think we need to be clear, we are gradually phasing in. we are watching those indicators. we certainly all hope with the collaboration and support of san franciscans across the city that the public health measures that we will continue to maintain will continue to flatten that curve or have that curve go down. if in fact the indicators go in the opposite direction, we will investigate in as quickly as possible and make decisions based on the data about where and when we may need to scale
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back. >> next question is from liz cruits, abc 7 news bay area. is the bay area planning to extend for the next three months or longer similar to los angeles county? >> dr. grant colfax: i think that we are continuing to monitor the data looking at this gradual step-by-step reopening and ensuring that we take a reasonable approach that balances the fact that the real, the really good news is that compared to other places in the state, including l.a., we are in a stage where we feel comfortable moving to this next phase. and again, we will iterate depending on what the data show over the next few weeks and months in terms of the next phases to reopening. >> the next question is from
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"time" magazine. the city said in late april that it had the capacity to test 4300 people per day. mayor breed said the city hopes to be running 1600 tests per day by next week. why is there still a sizable gap between capacity and how many tests the city is still running? >> dr. grant colfax: yes, i think that's a -- i appreciate the question. it's an important point. so when we talk about that level of capacity, it's basically the machines that are at the health department and other parts -- and ucsf and other parts of the city, the machines that can actually run those tests. but in order to actually get those tests into those machines, a lot of things need to happen. we need to have enough supplied to to do the testing. that continues to be a challenge. it's getting better, but it's been a challenge ever since this pandemic began. we need the people on the ground, the staff who are collecting the samples, and that's something that is very challenging in this dynamic. they have to wear the personal
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protective equipment. the tests take time to actually do, and then we actually need to have people come in for the testing. and we've seen an increase in our tests over the past few weeks, a dramatic increase, but we need both the people to come in for testing, the supplies to do the testing, the staff to do the testing, the sites, scaling up the sites in different neighborhoods. we know that not everybody can access a specific site that might have capacity, if it's across the city, if they need transportation, and so forth. so we need to develop this broader culture of testing where people get tested on a regular basis and have universal access to testing. we are moving in that direction. we have the machines ready, but now we have to create the structure and the culture to meet that goal of at least 1600 tests today going forward.
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>> next question is from kcbs. as certain counties in california move into stage 2 of the state's road map, are you concerned about san franciscans traveling more between counties that have different restrictions? >> well, again, i think that as we -- as i've said, key to this is ensuring ongoing social distancing, that people wear face coverings and that people get tested. so i think that with -- across the state, as testing efforts scale up and as communities adapt, the social norm of wearing facial coverings, i'm hoping that san franciscans will take appropriate precautions if and when they do travel. >> thank you, dr. colfax. the next questions are for mayor london breed.
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>> madam mayor, your first question is from the l.a. times. what is your reaction to the county going to phase two while the rest of the bay area moves more slowly? why do you think san mateo is doing this? >> mayor london breed: well, i can't speak to what san mateo is doing, but i think in the announcement today that we are able to open retail for drop-off and pick-up has been incredible. so i think we are taking probably a great step forward,
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and i think -- i want to be clear that every county is different and every county's numbers are different. and so their county health officer and how they make decisions, you know, i can't speak to, but i know that we are looking at the data. and as i talked about in the six indicators, we're making decisions on what can open and when based on those six indicators. and that's why we're able to move forward on may 18. last week we made an announcement that it would only be a certain limited number of stores and locations, and now we've expanded that to not only include all retail in san francisco that had curbside businesses, but also manufacturing and warehouses. so i think that is very significant. >> the next question is from heather knight, san francisco chronicle. the closures of several streets in san francisco, jfk drive, shelley and mclaren park, great
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highway and twin peaks, have been very popular among san franciscans. have you considered extending those closures beyond the shelter-in-place order and making them permanent? >> mayor london breed: i think it does depend on what happens in the future. because we are in a situation where -- i mean, covid-19 is going to be with us for a while. and so as businesses start to reopen, as people start to get back to work, things are going to be a lot different than they were before. so it won't be that we reopen the city and then all of a sudden things go back to what they used to be. and i think that we will evaluate every street closure and every decision that was made and make a determination as to whether or not we should continue or whether or not that street is needed for any other purpose. so it's hard to make a definitive -- it's hard to make a decision at this time about whether or not that will continue, but we will evaluate those locations on a regular basis, and i also want to just
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remind everyone also that sunday streets, which was a program before this pandemic, was a very popular program and choosing various neighborhoods to close streets. so we want to continue to provide those as opportunities, and so that will be taken into consideration. >> the next question is from holly mcneed, kqed radio. given the major budget deficit, which agencies are you most concerned could face the most significant cuts? >> mayor london breed: i think everything is up for discussion, and when we think about how far we've come and how we have expanded services and what we have done as a city and now we're facing a deficit that is something that we have not experienced before, we all have to be prepared. we all have to brace ourselves. everything is being considered, and it could mean challenges to services with muni, with our police department, with our fire
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department, with homeless services, everything will be up for a discussion. and the goal, of course, is we want to maintain excellent service. we want to maintain our street cleaning and all of the things that are important to the people of this city, but everything will have to be considered. >> the final question is from san francisco chronicle. before the pandemic, you and the bo board of supervisors were working on a massive and costly plan to revamp the city's behavioural health program. where does this plan fall on the city's priority list right now? is the plan still realistic as currently written? >> mayor london breed: i think many of the things that we have been working on before, there might be a need to shift our focus, not to necessarily not continue to move forward and push for the things that we know are necessary. we, in fact, in the bond that i just talked about, the recovery
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bond, there are proposed support for our mental health facilities. the goal is to expand our mental health facilities and to make them available for many of our vulnerable residents. and i want to have really, you know, the ability to do this and to move faster, but everything has to be taken into consideration when you're talking about, again, a huge budget deficit. it's going to be important that we are able to at least hold on and maintain many of the services that we have, and i hope that we will be able to enhance some of those services, because the problems that existed in san francisco before this pandemic were challenging around mental health in particular. it's why we care so much about that investment and why it's important that we are gonna keep that at the forefront of our thoughts as we move forward in this budget cycle to try and figure out the most financially responsible way to implement as much as we can. >> thank you, madam mayor.
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>> i am desi, chair of economic development for soma filipinos. so that -- [ inaudible ] know that soma filipino exists, and it's also our economic platform, so we can start to build filipino businesses so we can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy her achbl heritage, and i discovered this awesome bok choy.
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working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything. >> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders. i haven't tried the adobe yet, but just smelling it yet brings back home and a ton of memories. >> the binca is made out of different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it. why not have nutella, rocky
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road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example. it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and people love it. this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino culture to shine.
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everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally. >> i'm alex, the owner of the lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia, but my food is my favorite foods i like to eat, put into my favorite filipino foods, put together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom. maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things
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that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon cheese burger lumpia. there was a time in our generation where we didn't have our own place, our own feed to eat. before, i used to promote filipino gatherings to share the love. now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and
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sharing it with other filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system. >> so right now, i'm eating something that brings me back to every filipino party from my childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we compare ourselves to chinatown, japantown or little saigon, there's little communities there that act as place makers. when you enter into little
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for every event. undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in this way, what it allows san franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture. i think in san francisco, we've kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san francisco unique with just empathy, love, of being acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones.
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we are the one. that is our first single that we made. that is our opinion. >> i can't argue with you. >> you are responsible please do not know his exact. [♪] [♪] [♪] >> i had a break when i was on a major label for my musical career. i took a seven year break. and then i came back. i worked in the library for a long time. when i started working the san francisco history centre, i noticed they had the hippie
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collection. i thought, if they have a hippie collection, they really need to have a punk collection as well. so i talked to the city archivist who is my boss. she was very interested. one of the things that i wanted to get to the library was the avengers collection. this is definitely a valuable poster. because it is petty bone. it has that weird look because it was framed. it had something acid on it and something not acid framing it. we had to bring all of this stuff that had been piling up in my life here and make sure that the important parts of it got archived. it wasn't a big stretch for them to start collecting in the area of punk. we have a lot of great photos and flyers from that area and that. that i could donate myself. from they're, i decided, you know, why not pursue other people and other bands and get
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them to donate as well? the historic moments in san francisco, punk history, is the sex pistols concert which was at winterland. [♪] it brought all of the punks on the web -- west coast to san francisco to see this show. the sex pistols played the east coast and then they play texas and a few places in the south and then they came directly to san francisco. they skipped l.a. and they skipped most of the media centres. san francisco was really the biggest show for them pick it was their biggest show ever. their tour manager was interested in managing the adventures, my band. we were asked to open to support the pistols way to that show. and the nuns were also asked to open the show. it was certainly the biggest crowd that we had ever played to. it was kind of terrifying but it did bring people all the way from vancouver, tee seattle, portland, san diego, all up and down the coast, and l.a.,
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obviously. to san francisco to see this show. there are a lot of people who say that after they saw this show they thought they would start their own band. it was a great jumping off point for a lot of west coast punk. it was also, the pistols' last show. in a way, it was the end of one era of punk and the beginning of a new one. the city of san francisco didn't necessarily support punk rock. [♪] >> last, but certainly not least is a jell-o be opera. they are the punk rock candidate of the lead singer called the dead kennedys. >> if we are blaming anybody in san francisco, we will just blame the dead kennedys. >> there you go. >> we had situations where concerts were cancelled due to flyers, obscene flyers that the city was thought -- that he thought was obscene that had
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been put up. the city of san francisco has come around to embrace it's musicians. when they have the centennial for city hall, they brought in all kinds of local musicians and i got to perform at that. that was, at -- in a way, and appreciation from the city of san francisco for the musical legends. i feel like a lot of people in san francisco don't realize what resources there are at the library. we had a film series, the s.f. punk film series that i put together. it was nearly sold out every single night. people were so appreciative that someone was bringing this for them. it is free. everything in the library is free. >> it it is also a film producer who has a film coming out. maybe in 2018 about crime. what is the title of it? >> it is called san francisco first and only rock 'n' roll movie. crime, 1978. [laughter] >> when i first went to the art
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institute before the adventures were formed in 77, i was going to be a painter. i did not know i would turn into a punk singer. i got back into painting and i mostly do portraiture and figurative painting. one of the things about this job here is i discovered some great resources for images for my painting. i was looking through these mug shot books that we have here that are from the 1920s. i did a whole series of a mug shot paintings from those books. they are in the san francisco history centre's s.f. police department records. there are so many different things that the library provides for san franciscans that i feel like a lot of people are like, oh, i don't have a library card. i've never been there. they need to come down and check it out and find out what we have. the people who are hiding stuff in their sellers and wondering what to do with these old photos
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or old junk, whether it is hippie stuff or punk stuff, or stuffestuff from their grandpar, if they bring it here to us, we can preserve it and archive it and make it available to the and make it available to the welcome to the transportation authority meeting for today, tuesday, may 12th, 2020. my name is aaron peskin. and i am the chair. our clerk is ms. angela tsao. ms. tsao, if you could please call the roll. >> clerk: yes. commissioner fewer? >> present. >> clerk: commissioner haney? >> commissioner haney: present. >> clerk: commissioner mandelman? >> commissior
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