tv Board of Education SFGTV May 28, 2020 12:00am-1:11am PDT
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silver giving foundation at 225,000 and somaland foundation 476,000, linkedin, 146,000 and the webb family foundation at 70, golden state warriors at 50 and walter and alysse haas fund and the tipping point community at 25, and the stepski foundation is 20 and i want to thank all corporate and giving foundations and individuals -- this is a response fund -- the ones their gave before throughout the year and this is the ones for the covid-19 response. and toma bravo at 1.1 and
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anonymous at $11,000, golden state warriors at 125 and the hellman foundation, 50,000 and palms against poverty is 28 and herbert and gene foundation at 25 and facebook is 20 and cohen elevators is 20 and the wells fargo 20 and google fiberton 10. wellington management 10, the 697 and alaska's airline 5,000 and o'dell family and dennis
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wulliver kelly and these are all that have given towards are covid-19 responses going to our meals program, to devices and technology and hot spots and we're thankful for the giving during this really difficult time and we hope that other corporate foundations will step up, as well because this crisis is going to continue. so again, thank you very much. section a, general information, regarding virtual meetings, ada accommodations and translation services and for the translation part, is this the appropriate time for comments? >> yeah, i've included them in dr. matthews remarks moving forward and he'll be making that
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(role call). >> superintendent's report. >> thank you, president sanchez and good afternoon, everyone. as you just heard, i'm going to repeat that announcement in english now and transportation will be provided throughout the day's regular board meetings and at all meetings moving forward. the translation for chinese and spanish will take place in separate google hangouts. for chinese interpretation, please call (484)854-2388 and pin number 721-60-9895 and for
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spanish interpretation, call 13193829676 and the pin number is 665-99-6976. we also will have translators on the zoom meeting for public comment as needed. and as a reminder, if you need translation, make this request 72 hours ahead. last week was the national teacher's appreciation week. during these challenging time, teachers have been true heroes for students and families and i can't thank you enough for all that you do. thank you for fostering the 21st century skills essential for success and thank you for being a role model and thank you for caring about the student's academic growth and emotional development and thank you for being a part of this community that is redefining school together in service of all of
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our students. we continue to learn as we go and here are a few updates. as student's well-being is our priority, we're providing for the wellness check in addition to each system of communicationg with students and families and supporting needs where possible and connecting with them and connecting them to the resources in the community. we are about to hold our second community partnership's forum to help us organize around the most common areas of need. 15,000 students were mailed kits last week and students should have received those kits by now. 12,400 chrome book and 37 hot spots for wi-fi access have been
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distributed to grades 3-12. by the end of the day, 99% of technology requests made by families for technology have been fulfilled. the district will be hosting summer programs this summer but all programs will be virtual. as a result, the department of technology is spending the next few weeks focusing on supporting techniques for the summer. tomorrow may 13th, is the last day to submit a request for a chrome book or hot spot for wi-fi access. and if you know of a student in grades 3-12 who still needs a chrome book or wi-fi access, they can visit our website a to fill out the online request form or call the family resource link at (415)340-1716. we know the office of curriculum and instruction together with the department of technology is
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now deploying devices to the paraeducator staff in our district. we will continue to do so through thursday of this week. we will be offering summer programs remotely for summer 2020 and prioritizing our largest summer programs, college and career readiness at extended school year for students with ieps and these programs will begin june 10th and will be offered in a remote learning format. students who are eligible for high school recovery and esy will receive information about the summer program offers. and we are working with community-based organizations and after-school summer programs to identify other summer programs and opportunities for students. and we'll share more information on summer learning options as they become available. as we continue to make our way through the covid-19 pandemic,
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we know that reopening schools will be a challenge and will require extraordinary coordination and planning. as a result, we have opened rfq, which is a request for a quote, from outside partners who wish to help facilitate and plan this work. the successful provider will partner with us to facilitate and plan the work for when we finally reopen schools. the rsq can be found on the sf usb website with our covid-19 school closure updates and resource page.
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and now we can. >> the miracle of technology. >> i was panicking for a second. [ laughter ] >> hello, everyone. so student delegate campaign update. we would like to announce that the 2020 student voice survey/student delegate election has been extended to may 20th. our goal is to encourage engagement. the student delegate position gives students a platform for student needs and concerns. it's an amazing opportunity and we encourage every student. we would like to thank all of the candidates and second reading of the resolution. last night at our sra meeting,
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we had a second meeting and in resolution works with our allies, the youth commission, to relocate education funds. they voted to have this passed and presented to the board of education and we would like to thank commissioner astro and the cacabinet team for working hard. summer entranceship program. every year the sac partners provide a paid opportunity for high school students. due to the pandemic, this internship will be virtually ruled out for the summer internship program. the goal is to continue to provide the best mentoring experience for our peers.
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our next meeting is monday on zoom. this is a public council and anyone is welcomed to attend our meeting. if you would like to attend, make a presentation or would like a copy of our open coming agenda contact the sac supervisor, mr. salvador lopez and thank you. that's all. >> thank you. item 4 is recognition and
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resolutions of commendations. >> this evening, we have a video recognition. the st. warriors had a special surprise for teacher appreciation day on may 5th. so we will run the video and afterwards, i'll describe what was happening. [ ♪ ] >> come on in, everybody! (video playing). >> hello, everyone. we're going to start this meeting. you have a special guest here. >> hello, everybody! >> it's good to see you.
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>> thank you for everybody that you do and it's special and near and dear. and we know that the youth is our future and on behalf of the warrior's community foundation, we're excited to share the news that san francisco unified school district will be granted $125,000. tomorrow a national teacher's appreciation and we wanted to say thank you for everything that you do and you have been helping out the community and we know this is our future and as long you're taking time out of your day and helping out, we'll still do the same and we can help get through this together.
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>> you could hear what was going on, a video zoom call, a staff meeting and warrior's players, damion lee and announced the warrior's community foundation is partnershipped with the hewlett-packard foundation making $125,000 contribution to the san francisco unified school district. so it was a great way for the district to be honored, but most importantly for teachers to know how special they are and we thank the warriors for their partnership, for the hewlett-packard foundation bridging with us and for just recognising the special work that our teachers are doing, especially. it's all of the time, but especially in these times. >> thank you. i got to see it without the
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glitch before and it's such a wonderful video, so hopefully we can make it available somewhere. kind of zoom bombing. so i have a feeling that we'll be teaming up with the warriors with some fun in the near future. and item five a recognising all valuable employees, awards are announced tad. today and section c is public comment and so our host, mr. steel, will call on speakers and keep the two-minute time. here is the protocol. please note public comment will hear from the community on what's in the board's jurisdiction and we ask you refrain from using employee and student names and if you have a complaint about a district employee, you may submit it to the employee's supervisor in accordance with district policy. as a reminder, board rules on california law do not allow us to respond to comments or attempt to answer questions
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during the public comment time, as much as we would like to. if appropriate, the superintendent will ask the staff follow up with speakers and so we'll go into public comment items that are not on the agenda. >> thank you, president sanchez. please raise your hand if you wish to speak during public comment. >> before you call on people, just as another reminder, because we've been having problems with this, at least at the last meeting, please make your comments germane to the topic at hand and this is all i'ms that are not -- these are regarding items that are not on the agenda today. >> thank you. >> hello, ben? are you there?
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>> you have two minutes and you can go ahead. >> i'm the news director at the san francisco unified school district and i wanted to give you a heads up about good news we had. following up on the good news mr. sanchez shared to the district. our radio station has been honored with some really prestigious awards of late and i wanted to call your attention to that. it has to do with the learning-while-black series that lee romney made, about the fight for equity in san francisco schools. supervisor matthews and others might remember an event we held at the african-american community center where we brought together members of the community around this reporting and that series has been awarded best news series in the western region by the radio and television digital news association and it is one of many awards that this series
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received. so that is really great kudos to both our educational reporter lee romney and to the district where we have done this work. and also, the pulitzer prizes came out recently, and there was an audio journalism category for the first time ever. several people trained for kaw's training programs were recipients, including lina masitiz and she reported on a return to mexico winning the pugh lipulitzer prize and other finalists for the pulitzer prize with the team from peer hustle. we trained erlon woods and nigel poor to do that work. i wanted to give you a heads-up
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about the great training work and the awards that were recently given out at kalw. thank you. now. >> thank you. >> hello, michelle. >> hi, this is michelle parker and i'm the vp legislation for the district pta and i just had a couple of quick things today for you, commissioners. the first one is that i appreciate the updates to the agenda on board docs where it's more streamline.
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i wanted to let the public know the district is holding a series of meeting for the rest of the year and call 4-1-1 meetings for teachers across the district to connect and learned and we've had a district budget staff and we've helped to navigate in the community and navigate the pt business during these school district closures and we'll have our state legislators talking tomorrow night. next week superintendent matthews will be coming on and talking about what parents can expect moving forward and then the following week, we'll have board president sanchez and mr. lamb to advocate for more funding for our schools and you can find information at our website which is and that's it. thank you to much.
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>> thank you. >> caller, are you there? >> hello, everybody. can you hear me? >> yes, you have two minutes. >> i'm conceri'm kevin robinson. i would like to preface my comment, in response to public comments. the district does not own or have control of the radio station kalw. students can't walk across the stage or field to receive diplomas or share experience with family and friends, it will be great thinking outside of the proverbial box to provide radio time to as many 2020 graduates as possible over the next couple of weeks. they have a license to and content responsibility for.
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again, klw 97.1 f.m. to make that happen. beyond that, there should be more youth and education-focused programming and that means hours, not minutes, made by for and about our youth for the social, emotional and educational enrichments. thank you. >> president sanchez, that concludes public comment. >> thank you. thank you to the public for your comments and section d, advisory committee reports and appointments. we have the parent advisory council. so if there is a representative, a representative we will identify you. >> yes, good afternoon, president sanchez and commissioners, superintendent matthews, student delegates, staff and community members.
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i'm michelle vegas and i'm coordinator for the parent advisory council. and i'm joined today by a parent member herself. michelle, are you there and can you introduce yourself? >> i am, but whatever just happened to my screen? [ laughter ] >> it took away my notes so hold on one second. i don't know what just came up on the screen. >> it probably took away your split screen. >> thank you. i'm michelle delaneny. i'm the parent of a kindergarten and i'm here for the parent advisory council report for the board of education for may 13th, 2020. the roles of a parent advisory council is to represent parent voice expose perspectives t voices and perspectives. this is our first report in three months to the advisory
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group meetings. we would like to take this opportunity to present a slightly different report than usual, highlighting both the challenges and the situation that has been brought to our families, as well as express our ideas during this unprecedented times. covid-19 challenges for students and families. as families across our district, members have spent the past nine weeks trying to support the learning and well-being of their children and this juggling act has not been easy, especially for those whose students would be receiving aadditional support to be successful in their academic and social, emotional learning, including student who's are learning english as an additional language, students already struggling to achieve grade level proficiency, students who lack access to additional resources outside of school, students who rely on the social support of peers and site
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staff including teachers, after-school leaders and mental health professionals, students with ieps, especially those who are not able to access services like physical and occupational therapies and parents who may not have the skilled resources to provide the supports themselves in the best of times. let alone 24/7 in this highly stressful time. we recognised that taken families are frontline workers, restaurants and grocery store workers, delivery from transit drivers and so many more putting the safety of themselves and their families secondary to the needs of others in the community. we recognise this is a huge challenge for the district to adapt to a largely unknown scenario and in this time of unknowns. when will school start again and when it does, what will it look like and how can we provide all resources to the students in need, especially into the most vulnerable when we are facing a
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budget crisis and likely a recession? coming together to support students and families, during this time of shelter-in-place, we would like to acknowledge many people are coming together in a variety of ways to support the diverse needs of toker to st the students and families. the city will continue to receive much-needed nutritional support and we would like to express or gratitude for the staff who adapts to the free meals for the children of san francisco. we greatly appreciate the efforts in partnership with companies and providers across the city to provide students and now paraprofessional staff with access to much-needed technology including laptops hot spots and internet services and to provide families with young children with learning materials and would like to acknowledge many district and community-based organization staff who continue to work to support our students and family's needs. these are vital resources to help ensure the students to need
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to continue to learn during this time. >> thank you, michelle. we are also pleased to see that efforts are made through the community partnership's forum, to the connections between the district, the city, community organizations and service providers and best meet the needs of students and families, not only in this time of crisis but going forward. we applaud the creation of the family resource link available under the family's tab on the sfusd website and by calling (415)341-1716. and we celebrate the work of the study's task force is able to continue during the shutdown, as well. the community town hall meeting held wednesday was well attended and we look forward to the next gathering tomorrow at 4:30 and hope our youth will join us as they were a vital component of the task meeting. update on the local control and
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accountable plan and stakeholder engagement. as we presented last wednesday and thursday, the california department of education has made revisions to the process and timeline for this year and the shelter-in-place instituted during the covid-19 crisis is very limited about the stakeholder engagement that is conducted by the task force this spring. we hope to be able to conduct more robust engagement in fall in order to both inform the 2021 school year now due in december of this year and the new three-year l-cap in the spring of 2021. the district advisory groups are making arrangements to meet to review the component of the report due to this california department of ed this june, to gather input from stakeholders to draft recommendations to present to the board of ed. information can be found at
12:35 am and sf-l-cap. they are recruiting new members for the new school year. and we include those from different neighbors, types of schools and backgrounds. this represents the arab, southeast asian and philippino communities, as well as those from lgbtq families and those with experience with foster youth, homelessness and secondary incarceration. they will focus outreach to include parents, guardians and caregivers from these communities and on finding ways to include voices in the work we do because we know not everyone can participate on a council. applications to join can be found at and available in chinese, spanish and english. applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. for more information or to request an application in a particular language email
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pack@sfedu. this is a great way to get a sense of what we do. our next meeting is tomorrow, may 13, and will be conduct askeconducted virtually. all are welcome. this month we'll be discussing impacts of school closures on students and families and we'll be joined by members of the community advisory committee for special education and others. we invite everyone interested to attend an upcoming pack meeting and the meetings are scheduled tomorrow, may 13th and june 10th. if you're interested in attending a virtual meeting or have any questions or comments about this report or the packs in general, contact me before we conclude or report, i would just like to make a request that the announcement of the interpretation be given out at the very beginning of the board meetings before any other
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comments are made and i want to appreciate the pta's offer to assist, making it a little bit easier for families and others to engage in board meetings. and we are curious as to how families can be involved in helping to plan what school will look like in the fall of 2020 and beyond. thank you. please let us know if you have any questions. >> thank you so much parent advisory council and i don't recall if we open this up for public comment. do we normally? any public comment? >> seeing none, president sanchez. >> thank you so much. >> board members, any comments or questions for the parent advisory council and justin, i
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can't see again, everybody. so i'll try. ok, it doesn't look like it. >> i had one question. >> go ahead, sorry. >> so i always appreciate parents, especially parents that are volunteering in this line role anrole.i want to say thankl parents in the pack and i'm grateful for their service and families that are interested in supporting our district to apply for the pack because it's a great way to get to know how decision-making that you are maybe used to doing at school sites, how you can actually support all schools by doing that at a district level. so just appreciate that. additionally, i had a question for you, michelle. i know that our district is engaging in family wellness check-ins and i wanted to know how the pack may or may not have been engaged with in order to do this work that we're
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undertaking. >> so i presume you're talking to this michelle, the coordinatorrer michelle. >> yes. >> i can speak to the pack itself. we're not involved in the wellness checks, but i have been a part of a lot of meetings that bring together the head of the advisories and district staff and community organizations to try figure out how we make sure that all of the bases are covered and all families are reached. thank you. >> did you want to respond? >> as far as with our school, our principal is doing a great job of checking in with the families and really, really proud. i misspoke over there.
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>> commissioner. >> thank you so much to the pack. i know so much a challenging time and to meet, but it's so much to express our deep gratitude to the advisory councils. i do want to spotlight for superintendent and staff how important it is to engage our parent advisory committees through this fall planning process and again, i think i appreciate that being lifted up and just wanted to echo the importance of engaging our parents, particularly before finalizing something and rolling it out. so thank you. >> thank you. i want to thank you, as well. i appreciate your work executivi know it's volunteer work. it's an added -- everything is added to with covid-19. so i know it's much harder right now to meet and deliberate. >> go ahead. >> hi, sorry.
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i juswe did meet with all of the coordinatorrer from the packs and michelle was a part of that meeting in designing the family wellness check-in. they gave a lot of input on the script and the process and they were involved in that process. >> thank you. and, also, going forward, as we want a task force, for lack of a better term, parent groups will be involved in that process, as well as labor and multitudes of others. we're not doing this on our own. >> thank you, president sanchez. >> thank you. >> section d is consent calendar, motion and second for the consent calendar, please. >> so moved. >> second. >> in concert. so do we have any public
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comments on the consent calendar? >> seeing none, president sanchez. >> ok, any items corrected or withdrawn by the superintendent? >> no items. >> any items removed for first reading by a board member?and any items severed for discussion and vote tonight? seeing none, we need a role call, thank you. (role call).
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>> we have six ayes, thank you. >> discussion and vote on severed for consideration and there were none today. section g, proposals for action and if i hear no objection from the board, we will take action on the next policy items in one vote. and so there's a number and they are board policies 5116.1, safety policy and number 500, accountability, number 4003, lactation accommodation, 5022, student and family privacy rights, 5131, student conduct and number 6143, courses of study and number 6178, career technical education and number 5117, interdistrict attendance and number 0420.4, charter school's authorization and
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0420.42, charter school renewal and number 0420.423, charter school revocation and number 02.1 charter school oversight and number 5142, safety. all policies removed and seconded at a prior meeting. rule's committee was met yesterday and we'll have a report out from commissioner lamb who shares that committee. >> president sanchez, just one note that board policy 511.61, safety transfer process was amended after this agenda was processed at rule's committee and in accordance with the committee's direction, the following sentence is being added. the definition of a description of the investigation process incidents are described in board policies 5131.2 and
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administrative legislation 31.2 and i wanted to note that was amended and we will make sure the final copy that is posted carries that amendment. >> thank you so much. commissioner lamb. >> was that to provide an update, president sanchez? >> yes, just generally speaking, that's what when do when we're about to vote. >> yes, thank you. so again, we've reviewed the various policies. i believe it's 15 in total and had line item by policy discussion and all were positive recommendations to the full board from committee. >> ok, thank you. >> sorry. can i ask questions at this time for clarification? >> i don't see why not. again, because it did get raised
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in the committee meeting for the policies proposal action 8 for career technical education. i know we're updating it with the policy, but i just wanted to get from staff, an update of how that is reported to the board now that it's moving to an annual base says. >> do you want a response? >> yes, please. >> just for clarification, ratherring our progress against the l-cap goals, i think what you asked for in committee is how are we currently doing it and under the new policy, how do we plan to do it? >> correct, thank you. >> so superintendent matthews, since that doesn't need a
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recommendation, do we need to do that? danielle? >> so with your permission, president sanchez, i would like to read one together. so our recommended action tonight is that you adopt the policies listed in items 1-11 as drafted with the exception that i previously noted around inner district safety transfer. >> thank you very much. so we'll call on public speakers, if there are any. >> no. >> so there was one, but i'm unable to figure it out because he has an older version of zoom. so my apologies.
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>> if it gets fixed, we'll hear from that person later. >> ok. and so any commissioners, any comments? or questions? seeing none, role call, please. (role call). (. >> six ayes, thank you. >> special order of business 205-1 and memorandum of understanding with united administrators of san francisco regarding sick leave during city
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shelter-in-place order and we need a motion and second. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. superintendent matthews. >> yes. chief officer of labor relations, carmello will be presenting this item. >> good evening, commissioner, superintendent and all participants. what i would like to do is ask for the board recommended action to at few th ratify the action g sick leave and stipends during the city's shelter-in-place orders. >> is there anything in particular that stands out that you would want to share with us about the mlu? >> nothing in particular, only that it adheres to all of the sick leave language that has
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>> that's six ayes. by the way, i just wanted to thank you, carmello, for all of your hard work on these mlus. section j, discussion and vote on consent calendar, items removed at previous meeting and there are none tonight. section k, introduction of proposals and assignment to committee. one public and comment on proposals and two -- a motion to 6.1.4, if needed. now. >> so moved.
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>> ok, any public comment on this item. >> there is none. >> any board comment to this first reading. it doesn't look like it. >> i just had a question and it doesn't need to be followed up. i wanted to know how this is different than -- i'm assuming that it's an amendment or revised revision and it would be great to find out what's different. >> mr. sanchez, did you want me to address that now or follow up separately? >> follow up separately, unless other commissioners are interested. >> i would be interested. >> go ahead. >> so this item is actually
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memorialized in our current student hanbook. includes languaa and one thing, we have noticed over the years that many of the items that should be board policies have been codified in the student family handbook as opposed by the board. so we're trying to make sure as we catch these things that we transition them to board po policies and we reiterate them in the student handbook and this is one of those items, but we don't expect this to be a change in practise. again, this is just to memorialize what we're doing and if we want a longer discussion about changing that, we can do that. but we're trying to get the status quo adopted. >> thank you. >> so unless i hear otherwise from legal council, i'm referring the policy to the rule's committee. >> great.
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>> great. section l, proposals for immediate action on the rules and there are none tonight. and section m, board member's reports. ok, so the following virtual meeting have taken place since the regular board meeting. and budget and business services, which was wednesday may 6th. and that was at 3:00 p.m. commissioner lamb. >> thank you. so we got a very detailed update from cfo, megan wallace, and with young lee and embarking on our process and knowing, also, with histori historical deficitt we had initial projections, both for this coming year, coupled with some additional covid-19
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so i believe under the leadership of pelosi, there's a great push in the coming weeks to see if we can get what the next package will look like and so again, all hands on deck, both within the district, our city leaders working with the state legislators as well as our federal leaders around what that will look like and the summary there. >> you don't want to press us with the real numbers?
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>> the initial protection for next year is upward of 80 million. the staff presented some initial budgeting solutions that worse case scenario with the budget solutions, we're nearing about over $55 million. >> thank you. >> go ahead, superintendent. >> the may revise comes out then and we'll have a much better -- i was going to say a better picture but it won't be a better picture. but at least the governor's first projection after this pandemic, so it will have what he is seeing and what he views as the effects of the pandemic on the economy. so we'll have more after thursday. >> great. thank you.
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before we move on, engaging with the public and so that similar -- how critical it is to engage our stakeholders to understanding what this would mean as far as tough decisions ahead and tough conversations. >> thank you, commissioner lamb. and any reports from board delegates to member organizations such as csba and cgcs? all other reports by board members? >> actually, i have one question about the budget. i was looking through the agenda. are we coming back to this?
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>> it is not on our agenda. >> so just one thing quickly i wanted to say to the proposed changes i looked through. i just have questions and i would like somebody to follow up with what the cuts to those positions will mean around the affinity work. that's critical to the students that we serve to those programs and i know that is one of the proposed solutions to the cost measure and i'm not trying to get into it now, but i just wanted to make that public and for someone to talk to me about what they see as the impact on those students, when those positions are filled. >> commissioner collins. >> i had a question because i had raised questions and it's related, somewhat, to commissioner cook's question i had raised, some specific questions that i said i wanted and i thought i wanted to get
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follow-up on. theres was a whole bunch of positions that were eliminated in the student's family community support and i wanted specifics and i'm just wondering, i think it would be helpful for all of us as a board to get that information, and i was hoping in a report, i would like a dialogue and i am wondering if we could put that up on the cal-meeting agenda because staff is supposed to respond. i think other commissioners will be interested and i think it's more after dialogue than one way. >> ok, so when we do agenda review, we will make sure to fit it in more. >> thank you. >> so the next is calendar committee meetings and i don't know, mr. steel, if -- i know you've been in contact with the different advisory committees. >> yes. so i have been gathering
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information on who's ready to report and i'm going to bring that to a general review for us to continue to schedule for the remainder of the year. >> and as far as our committee meeting, does any board member have a date and time for their next committee? >> it is posted in the agenda, mr. sanchez. >> oh, they are, ok. my bad? i'll read further. the upcoming meeting on student assignment which is monday, may 18th, at 5:00 p.m. and then budget and business service's committee meeting is wednesday, june 3rd and this is at 3:00? >> yes. >> great, thank you. and that's all we have right now. >> and i would like to schedule a meeting, but i'll be sharing that once it's scheduled. >> thank you. >> that's for curriculum. >> section m, other informational items are staff reports and one with updates and
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two, the may william's quarterly report. section o is memorial adjournment and i am going to ajourn this meeting in memory of marlene kayhaus. we will ajourn our meeting in memory of marlene who passed away after battling with ovarian cancer and survived by her mother, teresa, her sister who is 51 and her only daughter, michelle. marlene was born in san francisco, california to el salvador immigrants. marlene grew up responsible, mischievous. marlene loved family and grew up in a family with grandparents,
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aunts, uncles, cousins with precious memories along the way. growing up, marlene went to russian river, playing and listening to music and summers in el salvador with her family. alongside family, marlene loved education. marlene was fond of the arts and was a phenomenal student. she had a great economic career where she met many life-long friends. marlene went on to attend mercy high school and met more of her life-long friends and they grew up listening to motown music and disco. she studied to be a nurse. after a long deliberation, marlene went on to live in el salvador with her family. it was there that she realized her true passion for helping others, specifically children. in el sa salvador, marlene workd
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for her uncle's clinic. upon her ru return to the u.s.a, marlene changed her major and pursued an major in education. she pursued an masters in education. as her passion and skillsets continued to grow for education, marlene began working at the san francisco unified school district. marlene spent 37 years in the district and received many awards, recognitions and named principal of the year and marlene transcended diversity,en conclusion by being the first latina principal. in addition to leading, she was the principal at the spring valley and er taylor elementary schools. in her tenure at usfsd, she was with the commodore stockton. par lean was always kind, open
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and loving mentor. marlene always touched the lives of her students and teachers with her positive attitude and was always searching for ways to improve in the futures of unrepresented children and i personally will never forget her smile. the board of education and superintendent of schools extends sincere condolences to the family. so wit at this time, we'll take public comment who wish to speak to closed session items and there will be a total of five minutes. >> the board will go into closed recess and we'll
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>> the board approved contracts for two principles, the board voted seven ayes for the principles. and the board seven ayes approved the contract for one interim assistant principle. and the board approved the contracts for one supervisor in the matter of p.s. versus s.f.u.d., and case 202 on 251, a vote of seven ayes. and case 20021 -- to pay up to the stipulated amount. the board by a vote of aches ayes and one absent approved the non-re-election of two provisionary zero certificate employees. the board by a vote of, i guess
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>> hi, i'm chris manus is sfgov tv and you're watching "coping with covid-19." today i'm going to the gas station. [music playing] now, these are just my stories. i'm not a medical professional of any kind. i'm a video guy. and the reason i'm getting gas so we can go to the doctors. if you want to get the most up-to-date and definitive information about the coronavirus pandemic, i highly recommend the f.a.q. that is available at sfgov. there's great info there. today i'm taking two plastic
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bags and a hair tie and following the new bay area guidelines and i'm wearing a mask. i'm taking the smallest number of items with me. just my car key, credit card, i.d., the bags and the hair tie. i don't want too many items to wipe down later. as aleave, i put on the outside shoes i've left on the porch. can i track the virus inside with my shoes? i honestly don't know. but my floors are cleaner now. when i get to the gas station, i get out of the car, remove the gas cap and put the big plastic bag on my right hand and secure it with a hair tie. there are three main share surfaces here i'm concerned about touching. the p.i.n. pad, the pump handle and the button to select my gas. after i use my card, i put it into the smaller bag and stash it. most gas stations have a paper towel dispenser or maybe there is a piece of paper already in your car that you can use. once i fill my tank and replace
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the pump, i walk to the trash can, roll the hair tie up my arm and let the plastic bag fall into the can. on my drive home, i'm careful not to touch my face. i leave my outside shoes on the porch and as soon as i get through the door, i wash my hands for at least 20 seconds. next i wipe down my credit card, i.d. and my car key and, as an extra precaution, i wipe down the front door nob and clean the sink taps. finally, wash my hands again. that's it for this episode, i hope you found it helpful. >> mayor london breed: good morning, everyone. i know that many of you have been tuning in to our press conferences for updates on how we have been responding to the coronavirus pandemic. but often those updates really don't give us a chance to talk
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