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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  June 1, 2020 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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we need to measure we're at and where we're going. and so i'm actually fairly agnostic on that. it talks about 463 properties and i can picture that this would be really big and important and critical for those people affected by it, but it doesn't -- outside of the commission, it's not something anybody tries to grab my attention about. it's possible i could have a blind spot there. i thought it was interesting that you highlighted that. and you know, so ok. (inaudible). >> you were surprised about this and i didn't hear you. >> well, i'm surprised that you highlighted it.
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it's not something i hear about outside of the commission. it's a big concern by the people affected by it. but for the community as a whole. but i'm not opposed to prioritizing things that have a big impact on a small number of people. it's just how you chart out that difference between degree of need versus spread of impact, the number of people impacted. and so, i'm open on that one, i guess i would say. and there is one thing not on this list, which should probably be on our list. (eour internal communications wh
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the community would be improved upon and if they were ie improvd upon, we might be able to answer these questions authoritatively and quickly. and that's just an internal infrastructure thing that we have to focus on. and so, plugging that all together, here is what i have, regina, as a short-order list. this is not in or. order. this is items there is a consensus about. one is the one-stop shop and two is reopening support and three is reshaping hcs -- sorry, soft story, four is land use, five is acso and six is data collection.
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and among that list, i wouldn't prioritize soft story. i would put it toward the bottom. and acso is complex with multiple parties involved and not something we'll be able to line up by the next meeting. i would put that in the longer-term projects because i think we have to have some communications with the labor community and it would be nice, i think, to get pat mulligan in to talk about how hcso is implemented and that's something that 1 i think were would be helpful to the commission.
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does ago agree that should be the next-stop shop? >> why am i always in this corner down here, huh? >> for me, you're on the top in the middle, just so you know. [ laughter ] >> i think that helping the business corridors reopen because they need a lot of help in terms of the technicalities is we need to really, you know, make it clear right away when these streets reopen o. people don't know what the heck is going on. >> i agree.
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>> we need the business orders for reopening. >> let's make this number two. >> when we're talking about the reopening support, this is where it gets a little -- this is where i need the specificity because the one-shop-stop want overlay with that and is it really information -- is it something that needs to be
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directed to dph and the city attorney and how information, the timing of it and is it new ideas and how do those new ideas, you know, come into fruition? so some of that could be the one-stop shop. if wear going to have a productive meeting, i do need a bit more specificity in terms of what you want to -- you intend to address with those departments so that i can make sure that they're prepared. >> yeah, so i think what might be helpful here and what commissioner tal dooley clarifi, we need to think about how to get the economy restarted and what is thesequence for doing so? i love the idea of a one-stop
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shop but as soon as she made her comments, i realized that's probably not what is needed in this moment but getting people restarted. i think we should probably tailor our input from agencies to correspond with the output to the communities in the order that's most helpful to the communities. and so i think that the two things we should probably zoom in on is helping businesses reopen and helping businesses when necessary pivot to a different use. >> can i interrupt you. i think from a logistical standpoint, so many of these things, whether we prioritize in one category or another, touch multiple enforcement agencies so if it is up to me, i would say,
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we invite particular individuals that represent these enforcement agencies and we send them our proposals and say, this is what we voted on is we won't talk about all of these things but we wanted to bring you in to see what from our list you're responsible for and how do we help with them? we let them come to us and tell us what they can do and can't do versus trying to parse it out by solution, because if we're doing it by solution, i mean, some of these solutions are all of the enforcement agencies and, obviously, we don't want to bring in dpw and say it's not my problem, it's planning. but we bring in dpw. we provide the proposals we sent out and we send that to them as prep documents, understanding that all of this is not possible, can you come to the small business profession and talk about how to man make movements.
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>> that makes things easier and so, let me repeat back to you what you just said and turn it into, maybe, like a process staff can follow, and tell me if this matches up with what you said. so for each of proposals, there's going to be an agency or agencies that would be in charge of implementation and so for eachch these proposals, we identify those agency or agencies and then, we invite those agencies and we then create a new list for each agency and agencies with just the proposals on this list that affect them poin and we ask theo review it and come to the commission and simply share their thoughts about these proposals. >> that's it. that's it. and to answer your question, director, i don't think we should -- i think it's an unfair burden to put on you to then try
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to press every commissioner with all of the inner workings of every department. it should come out wit the question heads and if there's something we don't know, we'll ask them and to ease this on you and feel free to disagree, but i abs therunderstand there are soy things going on we are not talking about right now. i want to make sure the expectations are reasonable that we are not asking you to make sure every commissioner understands exactly how each department works completely with the department head. >> generally, i don't even think that's necessary. i don't need to know how everything works to know that i need one little thing and if they can explain why one little thing works or doesn't work, i'm good. i don't need to have an ensigh e
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of how it puts together. that's the role of the department head to understand. does that work for all of the of the commissioners? >> yes. >> any other commissioners on the call? commissioner adams left and azunis left. and who am i missing? artiz, did he have to leave, as well? >> he's still here. >> william, does that process work for you? >> yeah, that's good. >> who am i missing? that's everybody. >> can i just mention that we still, for the next meeting, we knee tneed to be working on somg
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that is guidelines for reopening that can se sent to the business groups in these areas? it's very confusing what the reopening is going to be and it does involve many different departments. is wno one understands what's gg on. mine, the reasothe reason we goe is because i spent the last six weeks on the phone with supervisor peskin's office. not everyone has that kind of access. i would like it to get to the point where we could have a fly they'rflyer to be given to busis about saying how to prepare for reopening. because they just -- it's so scattered right now and no one knows what to do. so i think that's important to get some document out there that people could understand. >> are you imagining that the
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commission would prepare this document or that we would direct oewd to direct this document? i'm trying to figure that out in. >> whoever is willing to do that. it hasn't happened yet. we have to give small businesses some way to find it and maybe that could be on our website. >> that sounds like oewd. director, i saw you nodding your head and what are your thoughts here? >> and i think this is part of dealing with the recovery and rebuilding from a big crisis like this, is that while we're trying to provide businesses with the opportunity, as soon as dph has said that we can take these next steps, you know,
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we're not necessarily fully prepared with the full package, so to speak. and so i'm nodding my head and reluck at that poinandreluctante commission take the steps of the guidelines because that results on us, our office, and our office has been making those requests to oewd. so we'll forward in that continued urgency to oewd. i know they feel very much the same way, as well, but they have the capacity to be able to develop and create the marketing materials to get out to the businesses. >> ok, so we'll continue to grind on them. what do you think about the idea of just simply determining for each of the 42 proposals, which agency is affected and then inviting the agencies to come in
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and speak as their schedule permits and as we can coordinate with their office as expeditiously as possible? does that work for you, regina? >> yes, it does work. it does work, and many of the things are -- many of the different sections, certain departments can speak to most of those categories. and so, yes, i will take that direction and just begin to work with each agency on scheduling them. >> can i ask that we draft a document that identifies which agencies are associated with which requests and let the group that worked on drafting this memo just review that prior to
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making the invitations? >> yes. >> just to make sure that we're not leaving anybody out and we're all on the same page. >> degree. yes. and with that group, i would like to have a further discussion around the hcso because there's understanding what's the goal and -- i mean, what do you want to first get at and look at?
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>> talk about hcso and come up with a plan of attack and let's try to do that. >> this is not -- this doesn't seem to be thatbl complicated. i feel by the time we figure that out didn't send out the notices, it's too late to get them to come to the next meeting.
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>> i agree, it would be better to have another meeting about in, but i think in in order for us to do this expeditiously, i think we just invite the department heads and we already know the five of them, for the most part.
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>> can they give you an idea of what they can and cannot do? >> i think it's always nice to be able to ask questions. certainly, it is helpful if they want to provide some commentary in advance so that they can ask for sophisticated questions. but i would strongly -- first of all, it's helpful to ask questions and second, to commissioner ukutio, i think it's important we build relationships with this body and these agency heads because our community is in so much crisis and because we are going to have to work closely with these folks. i think it's important we get to a place where we are having -- at least some kind of relationship and some kind of communication and we're not just some ether -- there's faces associated with it. and so, i don't mind getting a
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written response but in addition to meeting with us in person. but i would want them to meet with us in person or virtually. anybody else? director, do you feel you have enough to move forward? any other questions or comments you want to add? >> no, i have enough to move forward. >> good. do we have any public comment on item number -- whatever item number we're over. i think we're on number three. >> no one is on the public comment line. >> seeing no comment, public comment is closed. is there any further discussion? no, there's not.
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next item, please. >> item 4, update on the city budget and budget adjustments required of the office of small business, fiscal year 2021 and fiscal year '21-'22, discussion item, the presenter is regina, director of the office of small business. >> i'm going to share -- attempt at sharing a slide. can you see this?
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at this point, based on the budget situation, we can anticipate that there won't be much variance, in terms of the proposed budget, except for dealing with the budget cuts. so right now, the first slide that you see here is this is the projected deficit of the entire. taking a look at the low-end was 195 million to then the high-end at 224 and now, we're taking a
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look at heading up close to -- looking at -- i'm sorry, those numbers don't look accurate and this is what was provided by the budget office. but we're looking at close to over $700 million and could be rising close to a billion. so this is the office of small business' budget and right now, without budget cuts, so the personnel, we have -- this is the cost for the personnel of staffing the office of small business and this budget does include -- this line item does include the one staff that was added last year for the legacy business program or in this budget cycle and that position carried forward into the 2021.
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but we have not hired for that person. so next is the overhead, our operational expenses are just over 93,000 and the legacy business program is at a steady budget of one millio 1,024,000 s could go down if we have a good number of businesses closing due to the delay and the extension of the business registration filing, that we don't yet have the n o number of businesses tht will be renewing their business registration. and so the total budget that we're projecting is at
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2,522,850. >> how much of that million-dollars legacy business is grants? >> that one million is grants. >> it's all grants? >> yes. and moving into 2021, most of that million will be absorbed by the rent stabilization grant. >> so we've taken from the legacy business fund to sustain the rent stabilization. is that correct? no, i apologize, you meant rent stabilization under the legacy program. >> correct. we have a standing one million dollars committed to the legacy business preservation fund and, so, the preservation fund in the
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preservation fund, the rent stabilization fund and the business assistance grant. >> side question, how many legacy businesses have announced they're closing in the wake of covid-19? >> to date, rick has been very good about being in touch with them. we have had a couple of legacy businesses close and that was pre- covid and none have made official announcements. >> thank you. >> i'm sorry, i think there was a comment. >> this is commissioner man inning y. ny. this is, apples, perhaps withind question but i'll ask anyway. the controller's office is asking for proposed cuts, but
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our office is on the frontlines trying to save small businesses from extinction and so, are there any special dispensations for departments that are providing a very crucial service? speaking specifically about the office of small business and the legacy business fund and how are you hearing about businesses about these cuts and everyone has to be doing cuts is no one gets exemptions. >> well, the general approach. the plan a is what the commission and the department determine is the best budget to execute the roles responsibilities of the department. and as it fits into this
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particular current time. and a further slide, i will be going over the recommendations and guidance around dealing with the budget cuts. and doing the best advocacy for that budget that both -- that the commission determines is needed for the department to execute its work. >> so the commission can help advocate for a budget that we feel will allow the department to succeed in its goals, right? that is a role that the commission can play to help you? >> yes. and the commission is to approve the budget so that is one of your roles and responsibilities.
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the mayor's budget directive is to do a 10% reduction.
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the third line is what that additional 5% contingency would be and then, looking at year two, to a 15% reduction is. , the dollar amount. there's covid operating and guidelines and vulnerable populations and provide equitable services for underserved population.
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our servicwe don't have contracy departments do with non-project organizations to help execute their programs and reduction of personnel costs, streamlining operations and consolidation and new revenue options. this will be something i work with the finance department and i'll be working with the commission president and vice president and, then, so you will
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have that and our next meeting is june 8th meeting. and then, the mayor's budget office, it's under review during june and july. and the board of supervisors is under review in august and then the budget is adopted. and so, as noted here, the first commission in june, i'll present the budget and items that i wil. items that i will be taking into consideration is, yes, this is a bit of an unknown, but pre- covid, our client services were up 20% over the previous year and the number of staff positions that the offices had in relationship to client
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services has not increased since 2008. supervisor's offices and the business, in general. so that's the end of my budget presentation for now. so happy to take questions. >> commissioner dool earthquakes. ey.
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>> i would say our small businesses and if we're also dealing with a priority from the mayor and the board of supervisors, focusing on the equity lense, that's a vulnerable population. so our office is directly dellindealing with vulnerable populations. our client services particularly were dealing with pre- co-vidcoh populations and so we are providing those direct services >> if we feel like we're not
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being heard, or that it's going a different direction, then, think, we regroup and talk about whether, as a commission, we want to take some sort of more normaformal action. but i think, probably, informal communications is probably more helpful right now at this point in time. and we all have extensive networks and friends in both of the relevant bodies, so i think we should just make sure that everybody understands that osb has taken on a lot more work and, you know, a budget
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reduction should be off the table and we should strongly consider at least some sort of modest increase to the budget to better address this moment and i think the commission's works speaks for itself in terms of what osb staff has been facilitating and i think that is another component here. so, those are my observations. i open it up to anybody that feels differently or would like to at or subtract from what i've just said. seeing none, director, are you otherwise done with your presentation? >> i am done with my presentation. >> ok. >> so we will open it up to public comment. is there any other public comment on item number, whatever
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number we're on now, 4. laughter [ laughter ] >> no one is on the line. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> next item, please. >> item 5, director's report on the office of small business and small business programs, policies and announcements regards activities. discussion item. >> commissioners, i am sharing with you my director's report. so our covid updates, the small business councillors to date have serviced 2,230 businesses and that was by close of business day on friday and that's up 210 from my last
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report to you at the last commission meeting. we've sent out to date a total of 28 informational eblasts to small businesses. in addition, our office has worked with -- we worked with ssf and our legacy businesses to initiate the developing of b to b, ppe purchasing list and knowing that there is interest and the city is looking at whether it can help support small businesses in procuring ppe, that being explored, and so is a ways away and knowing that businesses had to access ppe, we have put together resource list and it is now up on the sf gov website under the covid section and that link is there. so everything from hand sanitizer, mansio masks, facials
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for cash registers and things of that sort. and really want to express our appreciation to the number of local businesses that are providing this information and want to be a part of it and support our local businesses. , our small businesses. and did a quick analysis, so i don't have a detailed analysis, but the number of businesses that have closed since 3/16 to 5/21 is 825 and that i have been able to pull up on the sf data website and i did not have time to be able to take a look at what are the number of food related businesses, regular retail and to be able to categorize them, but that is being worked on and we'll
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provide that to you. and it is a little bit less than the same period last year and i anticipate that part of that is because generally, in march, is when businesses have to file for their licenses' renewals and if a business has not identified it, then when they receive the notice for their license renewal, they end up closing their business. but, i think we should anticipate -- >> operator: we're sorry, your conference is ending now. please hang up. >> we can anticipate to see -- i mean, anticipate that these numbers will rise over the next month. and next, our office is working in support with oewd on efforts to develop the guidelines for
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the return-to-work and so, our office is focusing on personal services. as the commissioner mentioned, in that criteria, also are dentists, po podiat rits and wee working on chiropractors, massager therapists, day spas, pet groomers.
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they urged the governor to waive the finds for small businesses and this has been something that our office has been engaged with and working with the department of the environment and making these changes, but the fines are still being levied on our small businesses and so, really do want to appreciate supervisor hainey for doing the resolution. it's state, not local, but we did have the cosponsors for supervisor walton and safaye and it passed last week. and then, there are two pieces of legislation -- actually, a third, but i did not include, but today, we received a referral on a motion ordering -- this will be for the ballot and so a referral for the commission
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to weigh in on this ballot measure. and that's proposed for the ballot by the board of supervisors. they're dealing with the grocers satisfactiogross receipts and t. supervisor peskin, the reduced fee and approval process, that was referred to us, but that is not making any movement right now since the stay-in-place has been in place.
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and then also supervisor peskin did introduce the third party delivery at seacap, separate from the emergency declaration after the emergency declaration is over and he's proposing legislation and that, then, would carry on. afterwards. if you are not aware, supervisor weiner introduced a bill, sb 39n echo from me? >> not right now. >> the bill deals with commercial tendencies and this actually is reflective of a very specific request that the commission had in its letter to the mayor to advocate at the
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federal level to release small business owners about the standing lease obligations, if they permanently closed due to covid. there are other requirements there and i will make sure you get a copy of it. but that's in the bill, definitely, addressing. and i am now having to work on planning how how this office will operate once the stay-in-order place is lifted or
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allowing workers, city hall will open back up. and with the understanding that the social distancing requirements are going to be applied to office space and so, how will the office function and provide its counseling, knowing that not all staff can return to the office and work. and what kind of technology will we need to have to continue to conduct our counseling while complying with the social distancing and hopefully not interfering with our ability to service the need of the small business. businesses.
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and, then, dealing with contingency plan for in we have to have reduced hours of operation. so that concludes my report for now and i'm happy to take any questionses have. any questions? seeing none, any public comment on the director's report. seeing none, public comment is closed. next item, please. >> commissioners report. reporting on making announcements that are of interest to the small business community and discussion items. >> commissioner ortiz.
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>> i just wanted to defensive aa shout-out, i have had help from several businesses that help med with the mission food bank and even though they're on super hard times, their commitment to community is unwavering and that is what small business is and that is why it's is crucial toro our community. if you allow me to read off the businesses. evan and gill, john and gill clark from foreign cinema, eric from grocery harbour and jeff and edward goman pair operator
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(inaudible). i appreciate all of your help and all of the businesses i just mentioned. you help the community. so thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. just to add on to that. as a percentage of next, i don't know anybody that's contributed more than small business. you know, it's one thing.
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they still make a contribution, to me that's a lot more meanin meaningful and it's exactly what makes small business so critical to our city, is because that commitment to community and i really appreciate you raising up those people that make those contributions and making sure that those contributions are publically noted. so thank you. commissioner. >> thank you, this is commissioner manny and working
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on a lot of things and there's one i want to bring up here, which is, we are in the midst -- we have bid out to a few vendors to come back to illuminate the corridor and we'll be engaging in a fundraising campaign and i talked to my counsel and they're offering us $1500 to help with the project and we will need to raise more money in order to fund it.
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so we're hoping to actually get the corridor illuminated and it will be an exciting feature and bringing featur people to the va corridor and this is a stretch of small businesses in america. >> they were generous in giving me time to speak at the end of the meeting and i updated cdma on the recovery task force and got a delightful bit of feedback
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from daniel in north beach. i'm afraid i don't know his last name because zoom didn't say it. it's mackarini. >> there it is. he had issues with formula retail and then he said that commissionercommissioner dooleys ally for many years and he is one of my favourite people and i'm so honoured to serve with her. and that she is a firecracker that tells it like it is. i just wanted to convey your name was brought up and we had a discussion and i relayed, you knoandthis will take voter actio
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change it and let's not get too districdistractedded about our recommendation t. this won't be something anyone can make big changes to. and i have had nonstop communications with all of the business associations almost everyday.
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i wanted to move forward on the memo and it was a bit of a distraction. it was very thoughtful and i begged him for the public comment and we got a public comment in morning and i've read it but i haven't read it in detail. i'm hoping to reach out to each of those business owners and just let them know that we read it and we did our best to represent their views. i think there's another e rtf ed
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there's something else. i am having some background conversations about how to move forward on hcso and it's such an incredibly challenging topic to engage in, thoughtfully an, witi think the recent revelation there's $140 million in a fund that hasn't benefited workers or small businesses is an important revelation. (please stand by).
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-- i know that our community is interested in the topic as well. so let's -- if we're going to have the program let's make it work and it works for the benefit of the workers and the businesses. let's not just have it to be some random tax that goes to the general fund. other than that i don't have any other reports.
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so if any members of the public would like to make comments on item 7, please do so. any? seeing none, the public comment is closed. next item, please. >> clerk: item 7, new busines business. did someone say something? okay. item 7, new business allows commissioners to introduce new items by the commission discussion item. >> any commissioners have any new items to suggest? seeing none, are there any members of the public who would like to make comments on the items that we did not recommend? seeing none, comments are closed. next item, please. >> clerk: