tv Commission on the Environment SFGTV June 4, 2020 9:00pm-12:00am PDT
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>> good morning. i'm mary ellen carol and the associate director at the department of emergency management. first, i want to begin by thanking mayor breed for her leadership, and my colleagues here today for their continued leadership during these last few difficult days. yesterday, we implemented a curfew in san francisco. we know that many of you came out to protest peacefully, and we want to continue to urge everyone to treat everyone with respect as we deal with these issues of inequities in society. i want to thank everyone in san francisco who stayed home last night to help keep your fellow
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san franciscans and our city safe. i also want to thank our city, our coordinating pardtners and organizations who continued to protect our businesses and community as a whole. finally, i want to remind everyone that we do continue to be in a significant and very serious public health emergency response, and so therefore, we urge everyone to continue to practice the mitigations and safe practices to protect yourselves and others, and this includes wearing masks and maintaining distance whenever possible. finally, i am going to introduce our chief of police, bill scott. i want to thank chief scott for his leadership and for the
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leadership and work of his -- his officers and the department over the last few days to help maintain safety and calm in our city. chief scott? >> thank you, mary ellen. i am chief scott of the san francisco police department, and i, too, want to thank mayor breed for her leadership in doing this during a time that we've endured over the past couple of months. to go and continue to be in a global pandemic and then the civil unrest that we've seen as a country is unbelievable, and
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i commend mayor breed for her leadership. second, i'd like to commend mary ellen carol for her leadership at the department of emergency management. director carroll and her team are responsible for coordinated a -- coordinating all of the resources. the community resources that have taken their time and energy to help take care of the challenges in this city, and that takes a lot of work, so thank you, director carol, for yo -- director carroll, for your leadership. i'm going to start off with a reminder of why we are here in the first place. you know, to see the loss of life as we've seen it, of mr. floyd, has caused an enormous
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and now worldwide response in terms of what we're feeling, and expressing our frustrations and anger. i think many of us, including me -- and i'll speak for myself -- share those emotions. and we know there's a lot of work to be done in policing in our country, and reform and change is needed, and it's a very, very important topic. when those changes occur, it won't bring back the lives that have been lost. it won't bring back the people lost at the hands of law enforcement, but what it will do is provide hope for the future. and as your chief and the chief of the san francisco police department, i want you all to know that we are committed to those changes. our collaborative reform initiative and the things that we're doing -- i know we have a lot of work to do, but we have really just began to move the needle on change, but we know
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that work has to be done, and we're committed to do that. constitutional policing, respect for all, providing safety with respect, those are the things that you demand of the san francisco police department, and we intend to deliver, and that is the commitment that i will make to you as your chief of police. the last few days have been very trying. saturday night, as was reported, we had looting, we had massive vandalism, damage in our city. the downtown area, union square, the westfield mall, stores across the city were looted, and it was a trying time. we didn't have enough resources. officers felt overwhelmed. i went out saturday night and talked to officers, and it was pretty sobering because we were overwhelmed. yet, we did all we could, and we were able to do some things
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successfully. we didn't have any great fires thanks to the fire department, and you will hear from chief nicholson shortly, but we lost a lot. businesses were destroyed, and businesses were lost, and many people have spent their lives building their livelihood, and they've taken another hit on top of what they've taken due to covid. it causes a lot of anxiety, causes a lot of people wanting to go out and express themselves. we have had criminal activity to occur. we have had people that have come or have been in these protests that were there to create chaos, that were there to destroy, that were there to take advantage, and those are the people that we have to make sure that we hold accountable. saturday night, my report
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yesterday, i reported that we made ten felony arrests for looting, and after we finished processing the reports, there were 33 arrests. of them, 19 have been presented to the district attorney's office for charging, and at this point, i think we have 19 that the district attorney's office have or is in the process of filing those cases. because of the urgency of this civil unrest, our mayor asked the state of california and governor newso governor newsom for additional resources, and they had additional officers sent to san francisco yesterday, and we deployed those officers yesterday, and that was a
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tremendous help. i told you saturday night, it was just a feeling of being overwhelmed. last night, the officers had a spark wi sparkle in their eyes because they were given the resources and given the support by the mayor's curfew order to do what was needed to keep our city safe. now we're only talking about one day. we have a long way to go, and there's still a lot going on, but yesterday was a good day. in terms of the curfew enforcement, 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. if you are not one of the exempted categories, which are basically emergency workers, such as police officers, hospital workers, firefighters, and people who provide emergency services, you cannot be outside of your homes after 8:00. we had peaceful protests of
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5,000 to 6,000 people yesterday. they started at the hall of justice, and they moved throughout the city, but even from the beginning, there were incidents. two individuals were arrested. throughout the evening, we saw other incidents of vandalism that we were able to quickly address. we saw an attempted loot of a business. we were able to quickly arrest those individuals, and we saw a lot of people who we believe were there for the sole purpose to commit criminal acts. because of the assistance that the mayor got for our city,
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because of those 200-plus law enforcement officers, we were able to prevent that from happening. at 8:00 p.m., there was a protest still going in front of civic center. our captain, who was in charge of that particular protest or monitoring that protest, captain joe engler, read a disbursal order shortly after 8:00 p.m. based on what was outlined in the curfew order. we gave those individuals who were there protesting an opportunity to leave and gave them ample time to leave. we immediately saw hostility: objects being thrown at the officers, fires being lit. the officers negotiated the situation, but ultimately, they arrested 34 people for
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violation of the curfew order from that group. that continued for about an hour, and other groups continued to assemble. when all was said and done, 87 people were arrested last night for violation of the curfew order. among those people, we recovered a loaded firearm, we recovered a backpack full of fireworks and explosives, and we recovered other items that i believe were there for the sole purpose of being used as either weapons or being used to vandalize or destroy property. here's the point that i want everybody to hear: we embrace peaceful protest. we embrace, in the city of san francisco, people to express
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themselves. we will not embrace violence against anyone. against other protesters, against police officers, against property. we will not accept that. we've been given a job, and the curfew is another tool. this is almost unprecedented in this city, but this is something that we have to do to keep order in this city at these current times. in addition to the 87 arrests that i had mentioned, there were also 33 other arrests for citations in the area of civic center, and there were also arrests in other parts of the city for criminal activity during this period yesterday. overall, though, yesterday was a very good day, particularly compared to saturday. there was sporadic vandalism.
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there were attempts to loot, but with the effort of our sheriff, paul miramoto that you'll hear from shortly, and the additional troops that the mayor was able to get us, we were okay. these events are very fluid. what i will ask and remind everybody is two things that we need you to remember. we are still in the midst of a global pandemic, first and foremost. second thing is we cannot get back to normal until we restore and maintain order in our city. the police department is only a small part of that solution. we have 800 to 1.5 million people day in and day out in
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this city when you talk about the daytime population. we need compliance by voluntarily willingness to do the right thing. that's the fabric that this nation depends on. law abiding people to follow the laws and understand that the police officers that are sworn to protect and serve are doing the work of the will of the people. and believe me, i understand we have to do that in a fair and just manner. i understand what got us here, believe me. and many of our colleagues, including our sheriff, understand that, as well, but we need the public to do the right thing. stay inside. please abide by the curfew order so we can get back to normal, so the mayor can make the decision to lift the restrictions, when businesses can enjoy their livelihood and conducting their business without having to board up the
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windows, and that will not happen until we have some order in our city. so for the people that want to express themselves, we welcome you to san francisco, but we need you to do it peacefully. with all the anger aimed at my life profession, policing, i understand, and i accept it; but i will ask also this of you: if you know a police officer, you have one in your family, you have one that you're friends with, or even if you don't know them, we need your support. we really need your support. if you know somebody in this profession, let them know that you support them. and with that, i'll turn it over to our sheriff, sheriff paul miamoto.
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thank you. >> thank you, chief scott. i want to thank mayor breed for her fortitude in making decisions to ensure that everybody is safe as they express their feelings and show their feelings in the community over the recent events that have happened nationwide. as the chief mentioned, as well, we stand ready to ensure that people are safe as they express these feelings through the many protests, both planned and unplanned, and the many actions taken to share those feelings with the rest of the community. the curfew that's still in effect has been important in
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maintaining safety for all. it has been challenging the last few days, and i want to, at this time, thank everybody in public safety who has been out there dealing with the many challenges that have faced all of us as a community. more importantly, i want to make sure we thank all of the different agencies that have come here. the mutual order request for aid that was sent out led to the ability for all of us to make sure that everybody was safe as we enforce the curfew and also looking to make sure that everyone remains safe during the covid pandemic. the challenges that we faced collectively over the past weekend were met with the strength and resolve of the members of public safety who exercised discretion and restraint in making sure that we protected those who were out
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there, both peacefully, and to also ensure that those that were out there with malice intent were controlled and taken care of. we want to, at this time, also, make sure that everyone is aware as we stand on duty and protect the public, we kneel with regard to the many issues that we have, and we hold those collectively mia motor o
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currently, 23 individuals at our intake and release center. our jail count right now has risen and increased somewhat due to the many recent events. we still stand at 50% capacity in the jails, and we still work to ensure that there is social distancing and ability to meet the challenges of ensuring that there is not a covid pandemic outbreak in the jail system with our justice involved community population. i also would like to thank the staff who have been doing a wonderful job in the sheriff's office for their commitment to everybody's safety. both our in custody staff and those who have been out on the street. the protection of the public buildings and locations which have been targeted in other areas and other cities, for the most part, have been maintained as we facilitate other protests
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and demonstrations throughout the course of this week. we hope to continue to work with the leadership of these groups and organizations to ensure peaceful protests. i want to personally thank the organizers for yesterday's event that was announced in front of city hall to ensure that there would be compliance, cou to ensure that people, after voicing their concerns, would be going home. the vast majority of people attending did adhere to that, and the people that remained were people that had intentions of committing other acts. our staff is on hand and ready to deal with everything. the courts and the many courtrooms that we have at the ha hall of justice and the civic center courthouse at the hall of justice remain open today. the civic center courthouse is closed today, and we wait to
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hear from the courts as to when they will open today. i want to close by -- before i introduce chief jeanine nicholson from san francisco fire department, i want to close by saying again that all of us stand ready, again, here as members of public safety to ensure that people are able to express their feelings, to ensure that we have the ability to exercise our first amendment rights in a peaceful environment, free of any concerns of the many things that we have witnessed in other areas of the country. please understand that the challenges that we face together are what will bring us together as a community, and the foundation that we have in regards to how we've dealt with the covid pandemic over the months and how we've come together as a community should
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translate into how we also deal with the many issues that we face now in light of the call for making sure we hope people accountable in our profession as law enforcement professionals, in making sure that we support and work towards creating a better system in regarding to social justice, a better system in regards to some of the criminal justice reforms that have been asked for. and i, like the chief, pledge and commit that the sheriff's office will be a part of the growth and the change that people would like to see. at this time, i'd like to introduce chief nicholson. >> good morning, everyone. san francisco fire chief jeanine nicholson. i can say that i'm very proud to stand here and say that i work for mayor london breed,
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and i'm very proud to work with my public safety partners here, mary ellen carroll, chief bill scott, and sheriff paul miyamoto. i'm also extremely proud of the san francisco fire department, our fire department e.m.t.s and paramedics. as always, they respond when called, when they did an outstanding job this weekend of keeping people safe and keeping themselves safe. during the curfew, just a couple of numbers. during the curfew hours last night, we had 140 e.m.s. calls, which is a little higher than normal at night. we had 50 fire related calls and approximately 20 fires that we extinguished. for a saturday night, it was much higher than that. last night was not -- our
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public safety partners were able really bring some order to the streets. so what we know is there is a need for continued efforts as it comes to race and equity and social justice, and there needs to be a lot of growth and healing. the civil unrest and protest didn't come out of nowhere, and we as a city family are well aware of that. what i want to say to people is please remember during this time there is still a covid pandemic out there, so please wear your masks, practice social distancing, and take care of yourself and one anothers. thank you for your continued support and for heeding the
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curfew, and as always, the san francisco fire department is here for you. thank you. >> the questions for today's press conference are for san francisco police chief bill scott. okay. chief, your first question is from mel baker, san francisco press. our officers encountered people not wearing masks -- our people encountered officers not wearing masks. what is the protocol during the pandemic? >> i will say that the protocol
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for our officers is to wear masks. during an incident, it's very important when you're giving directions in tense situations that direction giving is clear and articulable. i know sometimes when i'm talking to people, and i'm wearing my face covering, my mask, i have to take it off partially. so our policy is officers are required to wear masks. policing is a very fluid environment, and there are occasions where it might be necessary for the officer to remove their mask. i don't know what's driving that question, but the policy is that officers are to wear their masks, their face masks. >> thank you, chief. could you please outline sfpds policy when it comes to interacting with the public rea
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demonstration or their interaction when it comes to dealing with members of the press. >> there are situations when we as law enforcement officers can close off an area due to safety concerns, and the california penal code gives us the authority to do that. but absent that situation, members of the press can be where other members of the public can be. they can't be inside a crime scene or area closed off because of a crime scene or investigation, but they can be where the general public. as far as interaction or arrest of a member of the press, only that member of the press committing criminal activity. nobody is above being arrested for criminal activity, including the press. >> next question is from began
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shah, nbc bay area. what is the protocol during the pandemic of the police, and are you satisfied with your response at this time? >> so i'm satisfied generally with the diversity of our department. we have a very diverse department. we reflect the makeup of the city and county of san francisco and then, in some cases, we exceed that. for instance, our department is about 9% african american, and the makeup of the city is about 6% african american. it fluctuates, depending on the demographic that you talk about, but overall, yes, i am pleased. we recruit a diverse pool of candidates. our demographic for female officers is near the top of the scale.
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we have 15 to 17%, depending on which year you're looking at. currently, i think it's closer to 16% women in the department, which is above the national average, but we are always striving to be a diverse department because diversity brings value because of the different perspectives that it brings to our policing profession, and that is needed. everybody has a perspective, a point of view based on their experiences. and when you have a diverse collective of perspectives, you usually have a better product in terms of policing, a better outcome. >> next question is from nellie nutter, abc 7. of the total people arrested for curfew violations, can you please give us a breakdown where they're from, what cities, and if they've been
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released? >> that information is still in process as far as where they're from. our initial assessment of saturday's -- when i reported them, of ten felonies, seven were from san francisco, and three were from other cities. we were here and officers were working throughout the night, and as the sheriff says, that booking process is very time-consuming, so we'll deliver that information as soon as we have accurate information. for the information that i reported yesterday on the ten, seven of the ten were from the city of san francisco. >> thank you, chief. your next question is from mission local. from where were the 200 officers that came in drawn from?
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>> they were from all over the state. they were from as far south as santa barbara, and some were from the north. i actually had an opportunity, last night during my shift, to go and thank them. the way it works is when there's a call that goes out for mutual aid, the organizers on that particular day will reach out to agencies from all over the state. based on what's going on in their city or county, they can afford or have the luxury of sending resources, they will, and so it's hit or miss. some counties had the challenges we did -- some counties had the same challenges we did. they were not able to send resources, but it's from all over the state. i'd like to thank definitely the mayor, again, for her leadership on that issue, and for the governor for granting
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us those resources. >> are there any quarantine factors that will have to be met before the curfew is lifted? >> this is a very complex situation we're in. quarantine's a very real thing. one in -- in terms of the curfew being lifted, quarantines won't impact that. what impacts that is people coming into our city, looting, destroying things, and causing havoc. that has to stop. how this works is i give my advice to the mayor as a police
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chief, and she makes a decision. my advice to the mayor is as long as we've seen what we've seen the last couple of days is to not lift the curfew. i can tell you i know that decision weighs heavy on her. she understands what's at stake, but we have to see an improvement in the behavior before my recommendation to the mayor would be to lift that curfew. >> next question is from tricia from san francisco chronicle. do you have an estimate of the damage caused this weekend? >> no, i don't. what i can say is there was an extensive amount of damage done to the city. i want to commend, again, our leadership. our director of public works, i talked to him at 3:00 in the morning on saturday night, sunday morning, and he got up out of his bed and started the
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cleanup process. and by day break, union square was clean. he accelerated the board-up process, helping businesses board up their businesses so they would not suffer at least further exposure from their businesses being open with all that's going on, so that's a tremendous amount of work. that's a lot of leadership, and it took a lot of partnership to make that happen. that was a tremendous effort, and the one thing that the mayor -- and i can say this because she said this directly to me, and i echo this, we did not want san francisco to wake up, and for san franciscans to see this city torn up. so we were committed, as a city family, to do everything we needed to do to cleanup everything that had been torn
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up saturday night, and public works did an outstanding job to get that done. if you go to union square, you won't see damage. they cleaned up all the graffiti immediately. we're still in the process of boarding up, but that's a tremendous undertaking because what it gets to is resiliency, the ability to bounce back to normal. this is a resilient city, and i'm proud to stand by all the department heads making this happen. we are a resilient city, and we will come back. >> does the city incur additional costs when it gets resources from other cities? >> there is a process for that, and, you know, we have a whole wing of the city that's keeping tabs on the time that's spent to address this public emergency, and there is a reimbursement. there's a lot of state procedures that are involved in that. that's not in my wheel house. what's in my wheel house is we account properly to give that information to the people who make the decisions, so we'll
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see who that -- how that plays out. >> next question is from holly, kqed radio. >> not to this point, no. the process in san francisco -- not that i know of, any way. the process in san francisco is we have a department of police accountability, which is an independent department from the police department. i say that, and i emphasize that because part of what's going on in this country right now is accountability. if anybody has a complaint, a member of the public has a complaint of the way we do business -- and we welcome accountability, you can go to our website. if you don't have internet, i'll try to get the phone number out to everybody. but we're transparent, and if the public has a complaint about the way we conduct our businesses, they deserve an investigation to be conducted, and the department of police
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accountability will conduct that investigation. >> can you outline the department's plan tonight and for the rest of the week. >> we're fully deployed tonight. we still have a cancellation of all days off. we still have the additional law enforcement resources that the state department or office of emergency services has provided us, and we're going to go back at it tonight. we are committed to protecting businesses and we have squads ready to respond to any criminal activity particularly in the midst of a public
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protest. there's a lot that goes into this, there's a lot of moving parts, but our officers are out there to protect the city and do a job, and i would just ask that say a kind word if you can. if i can go back to the department of police accountability, it's 415-664-7711. >> and the last question, dominick from the san francisco chronicle. can you respond to the protesters who came to our city to create chaos. >> oh, yes, i can. loaded handgun, explosives in a backpack. molotov cocktail thrown at officers. individuals who came to this city with crowbars, bolt
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cutters. we saw a van passing out bricks to throw at officers on saturday night. if that's anybody's idea of a peaceful protest, we need to talk about that. that's unacceptable, and we will not accept that. >> thank you, chief. the next questions are for sheriff paul miyamoto. >> thank you. thank you, sheriff miyamoto. your question is from paul, kqed news. of the people arrested, given the no bail rule, how long were people held before they were
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released. >> the events leading up to about 11:00 last night, those individuals were in holding areas, were outside in holding areas which we started the cite and release process for crimes and misdemeanors. of those individuals, there are 23 as of 5:00 this morning there were still in custody in our intake and release facility. >> how many people were actually booked, and what were the specific charges and demographics of the people who were booked into jail? >> i'll make sure that our office releases the specifics in terms of the demographics of those released to include whether or not they are from out of county or out of san francisco residents. we will make sure we provide that for everyone after this press conference. >> thank you, sheriff. this concludes our press
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>> hello, my name is jamie harper. in this episode, we are featuring the park locations in your very own backyard. this is your chance to find your heart in san francisco with someone special. golden gate park's largest body of water is this lake, a popular spot for strolling and paddling around in boats, which can be rented. created in 1893, it was designed foreboding and -- for boating. it is named for the wild strawberries that once flores. a pleasant trail follows the
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perimeter past huntington falls, 110 foot waterfall. two bridges connect the trail to the island. the climb to the hills summit, the highest point in golden gate park at more than four hundred feet. you can get quinces of the western side of the city through -- glimpes of the western side of city through a thick trees. the lake is ada accessible. it has a peaceful atmosphere where you can enjoy a warm day. walk along the lake and watched many ducks, and swans, and seagulls. it is a tranquil spot to stroll, enjoy each other's company, and sail away. many couples come here to take a ride around the lake, floating under the bridges, past the pavilion and waterfall. for a quiet getaway, it makes
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for a memorable and magical experience. located on 19th avenue, this grove is the place to wear your hiking boots, bring your family, and bring the dog because it has so much to offer you and your loved ones. it is a truly hidden gem in the city. the part is rich with eucalyptus trees. long paths allow you to meander, perfect for dog walking in a wooded environment. >> i enjoy this base and the history behind it. the diversity that exists in such an urban city, the concrete, the streets, cars, we have this oasis of a natural
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environment. it reminds us of what san francisco initially was. >> this is a section for dogs and plenty of parking. transit is available to get you there easily. and the part is ada -- park is ada accessible. there is also a natural lake. this is your chance to stroll and let the kids run free. it also has many birds to watch. it is the place to find some solitude from the city and appreciate what you share with a wonderful breath of fresh air. , an experienced this park and enjoy the peoples, picnics, and sunshine. this is a lovely place to take a stroll with your loved one hand in hand.
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located in the middle of pacific heights on top of a hill, lafayette park offers a great square a of a peaceful beauty. large trees border greenery. it features tables and benches, a playground, restaurants, and tennis courts. there are plenty of areas for football, frisbee, and picnics. it is very much a couple's part and there are a multitude of experiences you can have together. bring your dog and watch the mean go with the community or just picnic at one of the many tables and enjoy all of the park has to offer. many couples find this is the perfect place to put down a blanket and soak up the sun. it is a majestic place you can share with someone you cherish. it is located along the 1 and 10 buses and is accessed from the
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47 and 90 buses. it is ada accessible. for more information about reserving one of these locations, call 831-5500. this number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair building. for any athletic fields and neighborhood parks, 831-5510. you can also write us. or walking in and say hello at old lock cabin, golden gate park. and of course you can find more information and reach us at it. >> shop & dine in the 49
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promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their shop & dine in the 49 within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services in the neighborhood we help san francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so we're will you shop & dine in the 49 chinatown has to be one the best unique shopping areas in san francisco that is color fulfill and safe each vegetation and seafood and find everything in chinatown the walk shop in chinatown welcome to jason dessert i'm the fifth generation of candy in san francisco still that serves 2000 district in the chinatown in the past it was the tradition and my family was the royal chef in the
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pot pals that's why we learned this stuff and moved from here to have dragon candy i want people to know that is art we will explain a walk and they can't walk in and out it is different techniques from stir frying to smoking to steaming and they do show of. >> beer a royalty for the age berry up to now not people know that especially the toughest they think this is - i really appreciate they love this art. >> from the cantonese to the hypomania and we have hot pots we have all of the cuisines of china in our chinatown you don't have to go far. >> small business is important
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make san francisco the best place to work and will we bring shine to the programs and the people making them happen join us inside that edition of what's next sf sprech of market street between 6th is having a cinderella movement with the office of economic workforce development is it's fairy godmother telegraph hill engaged in the program and providing the reason to pass through the corridor and better reason to stay office of economic workforce development work to support the economic vital of all of san francisco we have 3 distinctions workforce and neighborhood investment i work in the
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tenderloin that has been the focus resulting in tax chgsz and 9 arts group totally around 2 hundred thousand square feet of office space as fits great as it's moved forward it is some of the place businesses engaged for the people that have living there for a long time and people that are coming into to work in the the item you have before you companies and the affordable housing in general people want a safe and clean community they see did changed coming is excited for every. >> oewd proits provides permits progress resulting in the growth of mid businesses hocking beggar has doubled in size. >> when we were just getting
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started we were a new business people never saturday a small business owner and been in the bike industry a long needed help in finding at space and sxug the that is a oewd and others agencies were a huge helped walked us through the process we couldn't have done it without you this is sloped to be your grand boulevard if so typically a way to get one way to the other it is supposed to be a beautiful boulevard and fellowship it is started to look like that. >> we have one goal that was the night to the neighborhood while the bigger project of developments as underway and also to bring bring a sense of community back to the neighborhood. >> we wanted to use the says that a a gathering space for people to have experience
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whether watching movies or a yoga or coming to lecture. >> that sb caliber shift on the street is awarding walking down the street and seeing people sitting outside address this building has been vacate and seeing this change is inspiringing. >> we've created a space where people walk in and have fun and it is great that as changed the neighborhood. >> oewd is oak on aortas a driver for san francisco. >> we've got to 23ri7b9 market and sun setting piano and it was on the street we've seen companies we say used to have to accompanying come out and recruit now they're coming to us. >> today, we learned about the office of economic workforce
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. >> chair fewer: thank you very much, madam clerk. can you please call item number 1. >> clerk: yes. item 1, resolution authorizing the officer of the treasurer and tax collector to amend a software as a service agreement and support contract with citybase, incorporated, to extend to a five-year options
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period of two years each, for a new term of april 17, 2018 through april 16, 2023 and increasing the contract amount by 27,400,000 for a total amount not to exceed $37 millio million. >> chair fewer: if you very much, madam clerk. we have a representative from the treasurer and tax collector's office. >> thank you so much, supervisor, for letting me speak about this contract. i'm going to share my screen, and while i do that a little
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bit, i'm going to try to babble and give you some time. it is a contract with citybase. it allows us to do all of our on-line payment processing: credit cards, debit cards, as well as e-check. this is a contract where the city is not actually allocating this contract awarded amount to citybase. the amount is really an effort to be incredibly transparent with you as well as to make sure we have really competitive processes. the fees that we pay citybase as a contract actually come from the revenue itself or are added by our constituents. i'll talk specifically about that and how it comports specifically in your day-to-day life when you make purchases.
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citybase is an on-line data platform that's used by the majority of our departments any time you do any kind of credit card payments, including taxes, fees, as well as in our community clinics or d.p.h. as well as our parking meters. it is serving as a gateway, which i'll present later, as well as payment options right now. it is a very simple, clean method for people to pay to get their information quickly into the payment gateway and then allow them to pay obligations that are owed to the city for services or taxes. it allowed for visa, debit, and a.c.h., as well. we're trying out an investment
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for our ability to do on-line payment. it's to, really, improve services for our constituents so they can pay for things, which is particularly helpful for shelter in place so they don't have to come into our place of business. as i tried to explain on the payment page, there are three ways we pay citybase. one is for taxes and fees, and in that case, we are adding a service fee on top of the tax and fee. government entities are the only ones allowed to add a fee outside of the industry because it's the only way that we can make sure that our services are reduced. we're not taking the service fee out of the principle owed
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to the city and sheet. other things that are services such as electricity and dog license fees, there is no service fee. the department is paying that fee to citybase. it's akin to when you and i pay for something at a grocery store, we don't see what portion of that is going to the gateway provider, we just pay the amount. and then, we option have a free option for on-line payments, and that is e-check. a small portion of the payment, but a very large volume comes through e-check. you're essentially putting on the digits from the bottom of your check where you would be putting in the back of your
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credit card information. to illuminate that a little bit better, there are two different ways that we experience a payment to a credit card company just created to pay a tax sale. let's say the bill is $110. the option to allow you to pay by credit card, they're agreeing to add to that the 2.4 or 2.5, depending on the type of tax, they're actively agreeing to add that $16 -- $15.28. that $15.28 goes to citybase to pay for all of those mastercard and visa fees and the rest goes into our general fund. on the flip side, you have a fee, and because it's a
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service, i'm paying $45. the $2 that i would be paying to citybase, or part of that $45, and then essentially, animal care and control is paying citybase the $2. the net effect for the city is $43, with $2 going to citybase to pay for visa and mastercard and all those other charges and $43 coming into the city. this will enable us to collect about $17 billion for the city and county. we estimate that the majority of the costs will be coming -- around $18 million of the 37 million will be coming from the constituents, so that'll be me paying my tax and adding and agreeing to that amendment. the other is when it's baked into cost, like dog license,
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copayments, you know, parking meters, and such. so again, i want to reiterate that we are regulated by what we can add a service fee to and what we cannot add a service fee to. it is important, i guess, for the credit card industry that this option is possible. and then, obviously, we have the e-check that i spoke about. this is a completely free option for all on-line users to pay that don't have to -- you know, they don't have a credit -- they don't want to use their credit card because they don't want to pay the additional charge, they have a free option to pay it. that e-check option is a great option and probably highly utilized for tax fees for obvious reasons. this gives you a sense of transactions by department. i did not include t.t.x.
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because obviously the average is so varied between business and property, so it wasn't as meaningful. and the purple, which you can barely see, is what the department or the taxpayer is charged. >> chair fewer: excuse me. do you want to share a screen shot of that? >> it's not sharing it? >> chair fewer: no, we're only seeing your face. >> oh, my gosh! i'm so ugly. i'm really sorry. excuse me. it is not -- is it sharing now?
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>> supervisor fewer: no. >> clerk: madam chair, we have a copy of the slide. would you like me to try sharing the screen? >> chair fewer: miss shaw, would you care to have madam clerk share her copy on the screen? >> yeah. i'm really, really sorry, supervisor fewer. it just worked. we did it. >> chair fewer: here we go. >> clerk: do you know which slide? >> can you advance it -- advance it -- it's the graph with the bar chart. one more. >> chair fewer: can we pause on that one? >> sure.
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go back. >> chair fewer: yeah, yeah, let me look at this. >> so these are examples -- what we're looking at here is people -- animal care and control, we're using a dog license as an example, is that correct? what you're saying is someone would pay $45 for a dog license, and then the city gets $43 for it, and $2 goes to this company that allows them to use a credit card or debt credit card, is that correct? >> yes. >> chair fewer: and then, on the business tax bill, the fee is a little higher, 2.5% of the base fee or do -- so is the
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citybase fee 2% on all transactions? >> no. i can explain it a little bit. the industry determines the fee on the normal credit cards that are utilized to pay those items. so for property tax, for example, the fee is a little bit less if it tends to be consumer credit cards that are less expensive through the entirety of the banking and rural merchant. these are mastercard networks. if you think about our uses, we have cards that have rewards and mileage and then cards that have nothing. all of those benefits that we are afforded as consumers are paid for at this level.
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we gave them the power of utilization and transaction by card type as well as monetary value so we can get the most competitive rates out there. unfortunately, you know, whif you're getting safeway -- not safeway, but a cup of coffee, the generate is 3.5% to 4%, so the city is able to negotiate a favorable rate for ourselves and our constituents. >> chair fewer: so you're saying if you're using a card through a visa or mastercard network, it's one fee, and it's another fee if they're using a card outside of the mastercard network? >> the rates fluctuate, so we have the normal rates for business tax and property tax,
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for services, so, you know, it's not fluctuating type by type, so these are averages that we have. it's a 2.5% at the average. bu tax, and it's dependent on the history of the types of cards that have been utilized for business tax.r >> chair fewer: so would you then assume if you're using a different# kind of card to pa that, then that fee may be i know a lot of people have different kinds of cards. people use cards that often have m -- frequent flye miles, when we were! ableon u. >> correct. >> chair fewer: when you get into things like parking meters, for example, ds3ke a u use? >> that we were -- you know, we
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did a very competitive process with marking meters because obviously, you know, 40 cents for a tie, 2.25% is really expensive for the city and m.t.a. so we put together what we call an m.t.a. ticket, so they're allowed a different pricing structure. it's a really small decimal percentage on the 1.2525 or $1.30 or $1.40, depending on whatever we're paying on our parking meters. so if you have phone apps on
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upay, you sometimes see pricing over the day, .99, .99, and that makes it cheaper for m.t.a. to process the day. if i use parking meters three times a day, .25, .35, .35, i'm charged once, and that makes it easier for the city to be able to pay the industry. we were the first city to be able to do that. >> chair fewer: and what about people putting money on their surface cards? >> surface cards are n-- clipp
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cards? >> clipper® cards are not part of the larger municipal m.t.c. contract, so it's not part of this contract and not part of these pieces. i can't speak to that. sorry. >> chair fewer: okay. very interesting. please continue. >> no, i apologize if we advanced. i think i know what happened. i had to request control, but i still haven't been given control, which is a challenge, so i apologize. can we advance one more? >> chair fewer: yes, let's go to the next page. >> i think i will need assistance. >> chair fewer: madam clerk. >> great. thank you. so this is just the average transaction costs by department except for the office of the treasurer and tax collector since the costs there are so varied. the purple shows you the cost
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in relation to what they're paying for. so you can see that the fee is quite -- quite low. when i say that, again, some of these are fees that the constituent pays, and some of these are things that the department pays as part of the fee itself. >> chair fewer: miss shaw, so when people use their credit cards to pay their property taxes and things, are they advised that they're being charged to do that? >> yes. they actively have to affirm that they're being charged the service fee. only a few things have the added fee, which is only taxes and fees.
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we're only allowed to add fees to things that are taxes and fees so that the city's general fund or principle is not diluted because we have to take some of that money and pay for all of the inner change -- banking, visa, mastercard -- components of a credit card transaction, and we always have a free option, which is e-check, which is akin to putting in your credit card number, but it's putting the digits on the bottom of your check in, and those are free on all the platforms, and it's 29 cents by the city, and that's to make sure we have an on-line payment platform. and that is a very popular pay
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that people pay for taxes and fees around the city. if we didn't, credit card business would be very different. people use it because it's free. a credit card fee would be much more significant on a credit card charge. >> chair fewer: okay. and then, i think my next question is we weren't able -- so i see how this is actually a service that makes it easier for people, but i also think that the company has an incredible client in the city and county of san francisco. this is the best rate we can get?
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i think gouging people at this time -- and also, people feel more safer using a credit card also now on a lot of these transactions is that i actually feel -- i'm wondering why we weren't actually able to negotiate a better rate on this than 2.5%? >> 2.5 might sound like a lot on property, but it's actually a really competitive rate. coffee shops and things that you buy are usually 3.5%. that's why some places that you go to say they won't accept a credit card payment unless you owe an amount over $10 because
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it costs so much for that service. it's one of the -- it's fully funded the next day, and it's as incredible tool that we use. it essentially means that the business is floating up the city and county because they haven't cleared all the money that's been transacted upon. >> chair fewer: well, you know, and credit card companies are charging 30% interest on balances that are unpaid, and so, i mean, they're getting in bed with a huge that's corporation. we're just feeding that debt for them and that they're
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collecting upwards sometimes of 33% interest on unpaid balances. but having said that, let's hear from -- any comments or questions from my colleagues? are you through with your presentation, miss shaw? >> i think there is just one more slide to go forward with, which is really that this also affords a p.c.i. compliance. what this means is if there's a breach, we are not -- we are protected around liability. as you can imagine, there are many attempts to break in all-around. the product is really easy to use and many departments quickly on boarding. >> chair fewer: okay. that's it? okay. can we hear from the b.l.a.,
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please. >> yes. good morning, chair fewer, members of the committee. severin campbell from the budget analyst's office. the proposed resolution that's before you approves the second amendment to the existing agreement between the treasurer and tact collector office and citybase for on-line services. it extends the agreement to 2023 and increases the amount from 27.4 milli$27.4 million b million to $37 million. there are some new transactions that are being added to the agreement. so we summarize these sources and uses of funds in table one of pages 4 and 5 of our report. that is consistent with city policy and city processes, so we do recommend approval, and i'm available for any questions that you may have.
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>> chair fewer: thank you very much. any comments or questions from my colleagues at all? i have one more question, miss shaw. what are these new transactions that are going to be included in this? >> what are the new transactions? we are adding more d.b.i. onto this. the recorder system has gone live. i think the county clerk is going to be going live. there are new mayor's office of disability and board of appeals that are going live that will happen right now, within the next three months, and then, i'm sure there will be others as more of the planning and on-line centers go forward, and i'm sure they'll be added onto this platform. >> chair fewer: thank you. seeing no queue, and no comments or questions from my colleagues, madam clerk, can you open this up for public
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comment. >> clerk: yes. madam operator, can you please queue the callers on the line. would the clerk let us know if there are any callers who wish to comment on this item? >> operator: madam chair, there are no callers who wish to speak. >> chair fewer: thank you, madam clerk. public comment on item 1 is now closed. so colleagues, any questions or comments at all? i just want to say for the record that i understand that this is a service that's very important to the city and county of san francisco. i also want to say that credit card companies are gouging people, and they're gouging the american people for multiple reasons. people who don't have other means of credit, people who
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don't have savings, so even though i know this is a service that we're going to depend more and more on, i just have to say this on the record. this is immoral to charge people these high interest rates, and by doing this, we are also perpetuating that cycle of indebtedness and poverty, and i just want to say that i -- you know, i feel very reluctant on this today to vote on this and pass this out of committee because i think that people who are trying to recover will have an even harder time, and we know these credit card companies tend to not give credit to many people in our community, that it is difficult for many people to get credit cards, and i think
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that there is an abuse of credit card use in our society. i know this is an important vehicle for the city and county of san francisco to collect fees. it worries me, i think, that we are not able to get a better deal than this, and so my next question to you, miss shaw, is what are the other city and counties neighboring -- what type of transactions these are actually getting from the credit card companies and are they using the same company? >> yeah, thank you for the question. i do want to reiterate that we do have the free option, the e-check, for those very reasons, some of those that you
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mentioned. >> chair fewer: and what are their rates? >> we are finding that santa clara is piggybacking on this contract, as well as denver and austin. they are benefiting for themselves. denver, austin, santa clara just agreed to the piggyback, not as a request by their own choice. they did a request for a contract, as well as seattle and another one, and i'm trying to think of any others that we know of. so our neighboring communities are looking at these contracts and finding the rates to be acceptable. we will continue to look at these and continue to be as transparent as possible with
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our rates. >> chair fewer: some of these cities are looking at these contracts and putting them in a community benefits package ask asking them or including it in optional, of course, for the people who get into these contracts to have a community benefit contract. so i would advise the city and county of san francisco treasurer and tax collector's office to look into that. so i don't see this credit card company -- citybase, i think is it's name. you say we're getting a great deal. i think they're getting a great deal. we are bringing customers to them. they don't need to advertise or anything, that every
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transaction, every service that we use in san francisco, the infrastructure that we pay for, all the parking meters that actually, they're benefiting off of all of that. they're benefiting multiple times by the taxpayers of san francisco. they are benefiting also by these user fees for convenience, and they're also benefiting when they're charging upwards of 30% interest on people who can't afford this in their lives. is there a time constraint on this contract, miss shaw? >> yes. >> supervisor fewe >> chair fewer: and what is that? >> it's a contract with two extension options for two years. >> chair fewer: no, what is the
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time for the next r.f.p.? >> it's a ten-year limit, and we won't go back for r.f.p. until we reach the ten-year limit. >> chair fewer: so this is an item that can be continued, is that what i'm hearing? >> yes. it would mean that we would -- i would have to look at when we would hit the existing threshold to see if we can continue to do the collections that we have live right now. >> chair fewer: colleagues, what i'd like to have miss shaw do is investigate the transactions that are ongoing. is that clear, miss shaw? >> yes. i want to know if i'm answering your question correctly. if i'm -- >> chair fewer: what i'm going
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to do is continue this to the call of the chair. would that be a problem in renewing this contract? >> i would have to see when we're going to reach the limit of fees on this contract, and then, if we reach the limit, when, and then, after that, the impact of that time to figure out when we could then continue the contract, right? >> chair fewer: would moving along here to item number 2 give you number time to check with people at the office to see if this is something that can be continued for further discussion next week? >> i will try, yes. >> chair fewer: okay. madam clerk, can you please call item number 2. >> clerk: yes. before that, madam chair, i see supervisor mandelman in the
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queue? >> chair fewer: okay. supervisor manned wi-- mandelm? >> supervisor mandelman: yeah. i just want to be clear that this committee is uncertain about this contract. what i'm hearing and what i'm sympathetic, too, is concerns around encouraging people to use credit cards and the rates getting charged and whether this is a beneficial enough contract to the city, and i'm also hearing a desire not to take action on this today and to allow some of these concerns to get addressed or give us some time to think about it. so i think what we're asking is, does that create a problem for you in the next week? >> chair fewer: yeah, and to be clear, supervisor mandelman, i think the questions i did ask miss shaw is within the week's times are what are the rates that oakland is getting? what are rates that some
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nearer-sized cities are getting charged? what are our neighborhood counties getting? i understand that other cities want to piggyback onto us, but i would love to hear what kind of rates they're getting from other people, like, for example, in the city of oakland, alameda county, for example, what kind of credit card rates are they getting? so i believe, supervisor mandelman, does that answer your question? is that more clarification, and also, he has that clarified, and also, miss shaw, we'll come back to you after item number 2, so madam clerk, can you please call item number 2 now? >> clerk: yes. item 2, emergency ordinance to delegate board of supervisors approval authority under charter to city departments to
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amend certain existing agreements to comply with recommendations and requirements for potential reimbursement of funds from the federal emergency management agency or the california governor's office of emergency services for expenditures in response to the public health emergency related to covid-19. members of the public who wish to speak, please call 1-415-655-0001. then dial the access code,
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926891085, press pound, and then pound again. if you wish to be placed in the queue to comment, press star, and then one. >> chair fewer: okay. do we have mr. bill barnes? >> yes. sorry. i don't have a presentation. the ordinance would allow departments to amend contract agreements that generate more than $1 million in revenue specifically for the purpose of adding fema requirements to those contracts. in order for them to get fema reimbursement, they have to meet certain requirements that
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the city and controller have produced. so in your committee packet, there's a memo issued april 22 by the city administrator that outlines those requirements. they include things like making sure you have an independent estimate, making sure you're using the right contracting procedures, and that type of work, and so all that information is in the committee packet. this ordinance would allow department heads, with the agreement of the city attorney, only to add to these fema requirements to these contracts. so rather than coming back to the board of supervisors to amend each revenue agreements just to add the fema requirements, this would be authorized during the emergency. the department head would have to certify that the expenditures are being made as part of the emergency, and then, the controller and city attorney would be able to seek reimbursement from cal fema and o.e.s. this is already the case for many contracts that don't come before the board, but relative to revenue agreements, the
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advice was we would have to come back on each revenue agreement, rather than the emergency addition that allows us to add fema resources citywide and make sure we're in the best positions to have state and departments reimburse us. i'm happy to answer any questions you have on this. >> chair fewer: thank you. there's no b.l.a. report on this. colleagues, do you have any questions? seeing none, mr. barnes, i would wonder if we can have a report that lists all the changes made to contracts? >> we would be happy to report on a real-time basis. not at the end of the emergency, but we can do that
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on a real-time basis, say, every week. >> chair fewer: okay. that is something you can do. no comments or questions from any of my colleagues, so can i please call for public comment on item number 2? >> clerk: yes. madam chair, operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. operations, please check to see if there are any. if you have not already called in, please call in and enter the access code. if you have already called in, please press star-one to be added to the queue. >> operator: madam chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. public comment is now closed on item number 2. i would say that this -- i'd like to make a motion -- no comments or questions from my
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colleagues? seeing none, i'd like to make a motion to move item number 2 to the board with a positive recommendation with the agreement that they will supply the board of supervisors with reports on changes made to contracts on a -- as sort of an on-time basis and also at the end of the emergency ordinance. >> that's correct. >> clerk: for clarification, madam clerk, would you like to formally amend the emergency ordinance to include those amendments? >> chair fewer: i think we would have to, is that correct? is the city attorney with us today? >> good morning, chair fewer, members of the committee. if you'd like to amendment the resolution to add those reporting requirements, that can be done. my recommendation would be that we do that as a full board so that we have time to prepare
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them. if you move the item and send it to the full board, we can do them there and so there won't be any subsequent delays. >> chair fewer: that would be great. so i would like to make a motion to move this to the full board. madam clerk, can i have a roll call vote, please. >> clerk: yes, on the motion to move the item forward to the board -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: thank you, mr. barnes. let's go back to item number 1. miss shaw, are you back with you with the answer? >> the contract as stated is a cap of $9 million. we will be at the cap, we were estimating, by the end of june, so we would be unable to continue services effective
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july if we are not able to move forward with the contract. >> chair fewer: so if we were to continue this a week, we would be able to continue the timeline of getting this to the full board and out the door by july 1, is that correct? >> i believe so. >> chair fewer: so miss shaw, i'd like to continue this item for one week, and if you could bring back to this committee the rates that other neighboring committees -- jurisdictions are using, that would be great. and i understand that this is a need that makes actually a lot of people's lives easier but in reality actually makes people's lives a lot harder. so i'd like to make a motion to
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continue this item to the next meeting of the budget and finance committee. i made a motion. could i have a roll call vote, please. >> clerk: on that motion -- [roll call] >> chair fewer: thank you very much, miss shaw. >> thank you. >> chair fewer: madam clerk -- thank you very much. can you please call items number 3 and 4 together. >> clerk: yes. item 3, resolution approval amendment number 3 to the agreement between the san francisco aids foundation and the department of public health to provide hiv prevention services through citywide syringe access and did i see posal services to increase the contract amount by 6.5 milliontor a total amount not to exceed 42 million with no change to the contract term.
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and item 4, resolution proofing an amendment to an zbreemt between the department of public health and the san francisco public health foundation for program administration and support services for the san francisco sugary drinks distributor project. members of the public who want to provide public comment should call 1-415-655-0001, and then enter access code 926892085. press pound, and then pound
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again, and pretty star-niss st be entered into the queue. >> chair fewer: on this item, i'd like to continue this item to the request of d.p.h., so i h had -- so i'd like to continue this to the call of the chair. >> clerk: madam clerk, would you like to have public comment? >> chair fewer: yes. >> clerk: operator, could you please let us know if there are callers in the queue. >> operator: yes, i have one caller. i will go ahead and unmute.
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>> hello. >> chair fewer: welcome, caller. >> hi. i want to, first of all, say thank you to sandra lee fewer for ther proposal to make jail calls free, and your continuance of the first item. and i also am here to express my opinion about policing. we need budget reform right now in san francisco. i believe that ignoring the calls of the people right now is ignorant, inflammatory, and discriminates against more san franciscans. >> supervisor fewer: excuse me, caller.
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we are dealing with items 3 and 4, which deals with the san francisco aids foundation and the san francisco sugary drinks distributor process. i think you're -- >> yes. i just wanted to make sure that that's included, and to make sure that the people of the san francisco know, so this seems like an opportunity to be having my voice heard. >> chair fewer: oh, at 1:00, we'll be convening a hearing of the budget and appropriations committee, and that's where we'll be hearing about the next rebalancing plan. and maybe item number 1, which is nonprofit sustainability in the age of covid-19, you might want to give those comments in the age of nonprofit
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organizations over police funding. >> okay. great. thank you. would i find this on this same link? >> chair fewer: yes, i believe. madam clerk? madam clerk is nodding yes. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. any other speakers in the queue? >> operator: no, madam chair. that completes the queue. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. public comment is closed for item 3 and 4. i'd like to make a motion to continue items 3 and 4 to the call of the chair. madam clerk, roll call vote, please. >> clerk: on the motion -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. madam clerk, can you please call item number 5? >> clerk: yes. item 5, resolution declaring the intent of the city and county of san francisco to reimburse certain expenditures
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from proceeds of the future bonded indebtedness, authorizing the director of the mayor's office of housing and community development to submit an application and related documents to the california debt limit allocation committee to permit the issuance of mortgage revenue bonds in an -- for 55 mason street and 216 eddy street. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. i believe today we have carolyn mccormick with us from mohcd. >> yes. good morning, chair fewer and supervisors walton and
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mandelman. i'm carolyn mccormick from the mayor's office of housing and community development, and i will be presenting on actually items 5 and 6, the proposed issuance for the item for ambassador risk and the yosemite folsom door, and i won't be using a powerpoint for this presentation. the purpose of the resolutions are to approve the hearings the city conducted on may 11, 2020 in order to comply with the federal tax equity and financial responsibility act, or tefra, including the submittal of applications to the california debt limit allocation committee to secure an allocation of bonds to make the projects happen. the proposed bond issuance will be conduit financing and not require the city to pay any of its funds for the repayment of
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the bonds. there are two different projects up for your consideration. the first is the ambassador writs. the ambassador writs will involve the rehabilitation of two buildings located at 55 mason street and 216 eddy street. all of those are single room occupancy units. we are pursuing a unique financing structure where a portion of the units will be utilizing a 4% rehabilitation and acquisition credits and another portion of the project will be pursuing a 9% allocation for the city and county of san francisco geographic set aside. and this particular request is related to the bond allocation, so the 4% component. the project team anticipates that approximately 187 units will be allocated to the 4%
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portion. this bond allocation will cover the project rehabilitation, projects in need of some pretty significant life safety upgrades, including seismic upgrades, upgrades to needed kitchen and baths and other life safety related improvements. 100% of the units will be affordable to households earning no more than 100% of sfami. 89% of those units will be set at 80% of sfami. temporary off-site relocation will be required in order to rehabilitate inside of the units, so that is ambassador
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writs. yosemite folsom door, it's located at 480 eddy street and 75 dore street -- >> chair fewer: excuse me. madam clerk, you only called item number 5, correct? >> clerk: yes. >> chair fewer: can you call item number 6 because we are getting a presentation on item number 6 -- hold on. are we able to call item number 6 at this time? >> clerk: yes, we are. >> chair fewer: okay. go ahead. >> clerk: item number 1 is a resolution declaring the intent of the city and county of san francisco to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness, authorizing the director of the
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mayor's office of housing and community development to submit an application and related documents to the california debt limit allocation committee to permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds for 480 eddy street and 75 dore street. >> chair fewer: thank you, madam clerk, and for our listening public, we will be calling public comment, then, for items 5 and 6 together. miss mccormick, please continue. i believe you were now addressing item number 6. >> yes, thank you, and i apologize for not clarifying that earlier. so yosemite folsom door is also a rehabilitation of two existing buildings, and those buildings are located at 480 eddy street and 75 dore street
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in the tenderloin. that is compromised of 64 studios, 40 one bedrooms, and 80 two bedrooms. it will cover a major upgrade, so seismic updates, accessible kitchens and bathrooms, so making the building safer and just kind of doing a major rehab. it will be affordable to households making no more than 10 100% sfami. similarly, no residents will be displaced as a result of the rehab, but there will be temporary off-site relocation needed in order to rehab inside of the units.
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in terms of the schedule for the projects, mohcd will return for bond approvals in late 2020. ambassador writs is anticipated to close in april 2021 and for yosemite folsom door, it's expected to close in 2024. thank you. >> chair fewer: i think -- oh, colleagues, any comments or questions? there is no b.l.a. report on this, so for these projects, 55 mason street, 215 eddy, 480
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eddy, and 75 dore, what is the average a.m.i. for these tenants? >> sure. let me pull up these project descriptions. yeah. so the average a.m.i. for yosemite folsom door is about 65%? and then, for ambassador writs -- the ambassador writs, it looks like it's about 65, as well, but i can also double-check and get back to you on that, but those are the averages. >> chair fewer: it's about 65% of the a.m.i. averaging out, even though they're all 100 --
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they're all under 100% a.m.i., is that correct? >> yes. >> chair fewer: any comments or questions from my colleagues? seeing none, let's open up public comment for item number 5 and item number 6. madam clerk, you're on mute. i think you're muted. >> clerk: my apologies. madam chair, operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. operation, please let us know if there are callers that are ready. if you have not already done so, please press star nine to be added to the queue. for those already on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been admitted. mr. chu, please let us know if there are any callers who wish to comment on items 5 or 6. >> clerk: madam chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. >> chair fewer: thank you very much s. public comment is now
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closed on items number 5 and 6. i'd just like to make a comment -- so i want to speak on this in my district. let's move these two items 5 and 6 to the full board with a positive recommendation. could i have a roll call vote, please. >> clerk: yes. on that motion -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> clerk: thank you very much. madam clerk, can you please call item number 7. >> clerk: yes. i'd number 7 resolution approving the as amended, the issuance and sale of residential mortgage bonds by the city in an aggregate principle amount not to exceed 80 million for 2340 san jose
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avenue. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. so i think i'm going to be introducing lydia enright, but it looks like -- are you lydia? >> yes. can you hear me? >> chair fewer: yes, lydia eagleeyes from mohcd. is supervisor safai in attendance? i wanted to recognize him if he's here. supervisor safai? okay. maybe not. miss eagleeyes, please standard. [inaudible] >> my name is lydia ealey. i'm the acting director at
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mohcd, and i'm presenting on 2340 san jose avenue, which is also known as balboa park upper yard. as similar to the presentation made by my colleague, carolyn mccormick, we're presenting this resolution for you today for the approval of the hearings that the city conducted may 12 in compliance with the tax equity financial report act or tefra and some bond applications later. that includes debt limit allocation committee, and a number of other allocations, and other activities that take place at mohcd. this'll be an $80 million bond
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issuance, and this is conduit financing. there's no obligation by the city for payment. the obligation goes to the developer. this is an exciting project. it's 141 units at the southwestern side of geneva and san jose. we're going to have a family education center, a family wellness center, and some community serving retail. two thirds of the units are going to serve households earning up to 50% of the san francisco a.m.i. the remaining one-third of units will also be affordable for households up to 80% of the a.m.i. out of the affordable units, we're going to have 39 units subsidized with a housing
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voucher that will be set aside for residents at sunnydale. this is an option for households who opt to move into the new units at the upper yard site. as folks might know, the site is currently being used by our department of homelessness and supportive housing as a vehicular triage center. that's going to be in place until the end of this year, and the land and jurisdiction will transfer back to mohcd for development. so we'll be back before the board later this year for our bond issuance and approvals. so on behalf of our office and the project sponsor, which is related california, with mission housing, i would like to thank you for your consideration. i'm happy to take any questions. i do think we have
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representatives from related available via the public comment line, not via the team connection. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. i see that supervisor safai has joined us today. do you have any comments that you would like to add to this? >> supervisor safai: yes, thank you chair. it's hot out here today. sometimes i'm a little formal, but i've got a t-shirt on today, so that's good. i just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to say a few words. this is a project that we have spent a considerable amount of time focusing on from the minute that i came into office as was presented by mohcd. we were the first site in the city to do safe parking. i was just at the site a few minutes ago. it's working exceptionally well. we've been able to transition
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people into transitional housing, so that's been working really well, and this particular -- this particular site is extremely important in that this will be the first affordable family housing development ever built in district 11. we have this one and the valenci funeral home. i've been on the phone for the last month with the state office of finance as well as related, one of the main project sponsors, to ensure that we are given strong consideration for this bond financing allocation and then made available in the next round of tax credit allocations. when we came into office, this project was anticipated to be built maybe another year or two out, but i want to thank and acknowledge the mayor for working with our office to do a local match significantly, and i know that we're going to talk
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about that later in the budget agenda later today, but this project and the valencia funeral home represent over 260 units of affordable housing for families that have never had that opportunity in our district. so i want to thank mohcd. i know that this is an application for bond financing. we support that, and we've been doing that. and i want to also state for the record very clearly that this project has never lost any money. the one at the valenci funeral home has never had any money taken away from it, but in fact has had the support of this budget chair, has had the support of the mayor, and has had the support of the community to move this forward in an accelerated fashion, particularly with the funding we got with the support of the mayor and this budget chair last year. thank you very much, and i appreciate the presentation. i know this is a formality, but
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i also wanted to set the record straight because there's some confusion out there in the public in terms of the support for this project and funding for this project out there, so thank you, madam chair. >> chair fewer: yes. thank you very much for joining us. colleagues, any comments or questions? seeing none, madam clerk, can we please take public comment on item number 7? >> clerk: yes, madam chair. operations is letting us know if there are any callers in the queue. if you have not already done so, please press star-nine to be added to the queue. for those already in the hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been admitted. with the current set up, any callers who wish to comment on item number 7? >> operator: yes, i have one caller. one second, please. >> chair fewer: welcome, caller. >> hi. my name is -- can you hear me
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okay. >> chair fewer: yes, we can. >> my name is gina, and i've lived in san francisco my entire life. i currently live in the excelsior district, and i grew up in ingleside by balboa park. i am a disabled welfare recipient and just knowing that more affordable options are going to be happening in my neighborhood means a lot. and then, i also had a question to pose. i'm sorry. i am forgetting names, but the woman who was speaking at the housing project at balboa mentioned sunnydale and specifically mentioned the setting aside of 39 units, and my understanding was that the sunnydale projects house a lot more than 39 units, and i just am wondering what is going to be done to address the conditions at sunnydale because
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it's been terrible there for many decades, and yeah, i feel like many more than 39 families are going to be needing new digs. so i just wanted to see what's happening with that. >> chair fewer: thank you very much, caller. we will address your comments at the public -- yeah. >> operator: that completes the queue. >> chair fewer: yeah. no one else in the queue? >> operator: that is correct. >> chair fewer: okay. public comment is item number 7 is now closed. miss ealey, maybe you'll answer the caller's question about the 39 units set aside for sunnydale. >> certainly. happy to do so. thank you for the question, it's an excellent question. the sunny -- the revitalization of the sunnydale housing is
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part of the hope s.f. program that will replace all of the public housing and add additional units and affordable units over the next 10 to 15 years. the replacement of units is already underway at sunnydale. we have already completed 55 units and have 139 under construction. the 39 units that i have pointed out today is a very small number of units that need to be replaced. what we're doing is offering folks, as i said, at their option, the opportunity to move off-site if they so desire. it it's going to take us so many years to repair and replace all the sunnydale units. this is a small number of units available foor a large number of households, but the good news is the sunnydale
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revitalization project is well underway and showing great progress. >> chair fewer: thank you, miss ealey. supervisor safai, i have a question, if you don't mind. >> supervisor safai: yeah. >> chair fewer: so this project at 2340 san jose avenue is not going to be jeopardized by the mayor's balancing plan? >> that is exactly right. initially, when we found there was going to be a need to balance our sources, we found other sources within the pipeline budget and had dedicated those for this project, so there's no need for anyone to be concerned that we don't have the funds for this project. as supervisor safai pointed out, it's a huge priority for the city and for our office, so rest assured, the project is unharmed by that recent rebalancing. >> chair fewer: thank you very much.
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supervisor safai? >> supervisor safai: yes, yeah, i just wanted to say a couple of things. so one, i started my career in this city working for the housing authority. i'm very authoriproud to have former housing authority commissioner. when we were working with the mayor's office of housing, the mayor mayor, and the stakeholders, we wanted to do our share to help and allow families in public housing. this won't be the only site in our district -- the valenci funeral home will have some housing residents from potrero hill and sunnydale have some units set aside for them. i think when you're thinking, sunnydale has almost 800 units -- 770 -- almost 770 units. it's the largest public housing site in the city's portfolio.
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potrero hill, if you add the annex and main site together, it's also one of the largest. so the idea of relocating hundreds of families all at the same time is not really an option, but they're doing it in phases. so when affordable housing comes on-line, i think mayor's office is giving the option of relocating. we fully embrace that and think that's a very nice way to transition families rather than have them be relocated into different places, but they have the option of moving into brand-new mixed income affordable housing. the other thing i wanted to say, and i'm glad that you asked that question, this isn't the first time that these projects and this project in the city have had to switch out some funding.
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it's a normal part of the process. as projects come on-line, sometimes, the mayor's office of housing has to shift funding around. back in 2018, they did that because their 88 broadway in district 3 was ready to come on-line and our project was still going through the planning and entitlement phases, and so -- but we were able to gain that and accelerate the project by one sb 30 which allows for the acceleration of entitlement and review. that's one, and then two, as i said in my at the sastatements when you and the mayor's office and i got together, we ensured that this 2340 would get one of the gap fundings as needed. that helped us applying for different state financing to
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kind of close the funding out for both of these projects. so i'd like to set the record straight in that regard because switching money doesn't mean you're losing money, and in fact, this project has been accelerated in a good fashion. so thank you for the opportunity to stay a few words, chair. >> chair fewer: and the budget director is joining us. kelly, did you want to add anything to the presentation? did you want to add -- >> yeah, no, i just wanted to affirm what the supervisor said and share that we're all on the same page, that the rebalancing does not jeopardize the project at all and make sure that we were all on the same page. >> chair fewer: that's great. so hearing that assurance, i would say let's make a positive recommendation to the full board, and could i have a roll
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call vote, please. >> clerk: yes, on the motion that supervisor fewer to send this item to the full board -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: yes, supervisor? >> supervisor safai: thank you, committee. thank you, chair fewer. appreciate it. >> chair fewer: madam clerk, can you please call items 8 and 9 together. >> clerk: yes. item 8, resolution retroactively authorizing the airport commission to accept and expend a grant in an amendment not to exceed 7 million and any additional amounts up to 15% of the oeshlg grant that may be offered from the federal aviation administration for the continuation and expansion of the noise insulation program, contingent on receipt by the
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airport commission of a grant offer from the federal aviation administration for the period of october 1, 2019 through september 30, 2024. item 9 is a resolution retroactively authorizing the airport commission to accept and expend a grant in the amount of 254 million plus additional amounted up to 15% of the original grant amount that may be offered, from the federal aviation administration for any purpose for the period of january 20, 2020 through january 19, 2024, contingent on receipt by the airport commission of one or more grant offers from the federal aviation commission.
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>> chair fewer: thank you very much. we have miss widener. good to see you, kathy. >> thank you, chair fewer, members of the committee. kathy widener with the san francisco international airport. the two items before you for consideration are both part of the federal coronavirus aid and security act. item number 8 is the airport's noise insulation program, which is the expansion of the federal share of the existing airport improvement grants, and item number 9 is an accept and expend of s.f.o.'s allocation of the airport c.a.r.e.s. grant in the amount of $254.7 million, which is s.f.o.s portion of the grants
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money that takes into account airport debt service. item number 8 is an accept and expend for the airport's noise insulation program, with a total budget of $12.7 million. prior to the award of the additional c.a.r.e.s. money, the airport commission could award up to $7 million. with the expansion of the funds, the federal aviation administration will fund $5.2 million, and the c.a.r.e.s. will fund an additional $2.8 million. additionally, the airport required matching fund was reduced by $500,000. due to the increased funding by the c.a.r.e.s. grant, after the
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original item was introduced, the airport is requesting that the resolution be amended to reflect the updated amount as well as to include c.a.r.e.s. grant language and conditions. a copy of the amended resolution has been provided to the clerk, and the budget analyst's report has a recommendation to approve and reflect the higher grant totals. the airport's -- excuse me. a copy of the amended resolution has been provided to the clerk, but i would be happy to send that to the committee, as well. the second item is item number 9, it's a grant accept and expend s.f.o.s portion of the c.a.r.e.s. act. as stated in the airport's financial recovery plan which was shared with the committee last month. s.f.o. will use the grant funds to pay for debt service on general airport revenue bonds. a budget analyst's report is not required since there is no
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matching requirement with these moneys. the airport's finance team is currently projecting a $364 million shortfall through fiscal year 21, request a conservative estimated recovery by fiscal year 22-23. the $254 million in c.a.r.e.s. grant funding will apply to this shortfall. the rest will be covered through identified contract reductions from projects that have been deferred and potentially through p.s.c. revenues. the budget analyst's office does recommend approval on the a.i.p. grant, and i would be happy to answer any questions you have on either of the grant items at the airport. >> chair fewer: i see there is an amendment mentioned that will be presented.
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-- [inaudible] >> yes. the budget and legislative analyst's office report does include the higher grant amount. basically, we have substituted the higher amount in the funding that has become available through the expanded a.i.p., so we took the original not to exceed amount of $7 million and increased it to $7,077,0 $7,077,039, which is available. >> chair fewer: so i'm seeing that this amount is not substantive. >> i'll let the city attorney answer, but it's the amount that's being increased. >> correct. >> chair fewer: and may we hear from b.l.a., please. >> residence. severin campbell, b.l.a.
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it commits the airport to $5 million in matching funds, so this project would be 12.8 million. we summarized the sources and uses in our table on page 22 of our report. as you see here, of this amount, 5.2 million is from an f.a.a. grant. another additional nearly 2.6 million is from the c.a.r.e.s. act, and 5 million is from airport revenue bonds. and as i understand, i just want to make sher, the 2.6 million in c.a.r.e.s. act funds is separate from what's being requested in the subsequent legislation. miss widener is correct, we commented on the resolution being introduced to this committee, and we recommend approval. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. any comments or questions from my colleagues on items number 8 or 9? seeing none, let's open this up
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for public comment. >> clerk: yes, madam chair, operations is checking to see if there are callers in the queue. if you have not already done so, press star-nine to be added to the queue. for those already on hold, please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. mr. chu, let us know if there are any callers who wish to comment on items 8 or 9? >> operator: madam chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. public comment on items 8 and 9 is now closed. so we need to approve an amendment, is that correct, madam clerk? >> clerk: yes, on item number 8. >> chair fewer: so i make a motion to approve the amendment presen presented on item number 8. could i have a roll call vote, please.
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>> clerk: on the amendment -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: now, i'd like to make a motion to move number 8 and number 9 to the full board, and could i have a vote on that, please. >> clerk: yes. on the motion -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: thank you, madam clerk. madam clerk, is there any further business before us today? >> clerk: there's no further business. >> chair fewer: okay. this meeting of the budget and finance committee is now adjourned, and i will see everybody in the budget and finance appropriations committee meeting at 1:00, and thank you, madam clerk.
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platform, so we can start to build filipino businesses so we can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy her achbl heritage, and i discovered this awesome bok choy. working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything.
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>> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders. i haven't tried the adobe yet, but just smelling it yet brings back home and a ton of memories. >> the binca is made out of different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it. why not have nutella, rocky road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from
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filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example. it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and people love it. this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino culture to shine. everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally.
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>> i'm alex, the owner of the lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia, but my food is my favorite foods i like to eat, put into my favorite filipino foods, put together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom. maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon
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cheese burger lumpia. there was a time in our generation where we didn't have our own place, our own feed to eat. before, i used to promote filipino gatherings to share the love. now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and sharing it with other filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system.
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>> so right now, i'm eating something that brings me back to every filipino party from my childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we compare ourselves to chinatown, japantown or little saigon, there's little communities there that act as place makers. when you enter into little philippines, you're like where are the businesses, and that's one of the challenges we're trying to solve.
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>> undercover love wouldn't be possible without the help of the mayor and all of our community partnerships out there. it costs approximately $60,000 for every event. undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in
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this way, what it allows san franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture. i think in san francisco, we've kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san francisco unique with just empathy, love, of being acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones. we've become so focused onic maing money that we forgot about those that make our city and community unique. when people come to discover, i want them to rediscover the magic of what diversity and empathy can create. when you're positive and committed to using that energy,
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>> announcer: you're watching "coping with covid-19." >> hi, i'm chris manus and a you are watching "coping with covid-19." today joining us is susan girardeau of the california pacific medical center. and mow to cope with emotional stress of a major daf. she's here today to talk to us about how to help young children cope with this ongoing pandemic. dr. girardeau, welcome to the
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show. >> thank you very much. >> let's start by talking about some of the issues that 5 to 11-year-olds might be facing. what are some difficultties they might be experiencing during this pandemic? >> the biggest difficulties that all children experience is fear and anxiety and it's displayed in a variety of different ways. the kids have a fear of a family member getting sick or themselves getting sick. they have a fear of separation. obviously with our quarantine, all of us at home, children still have a fear of separation in own home, which means from room to room, that they cannot be home alone without a parent. it is very difficult and even at night to sleep in their own
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bed can be a problem and an issue that is under the umbrella of anxiety. the other parts that play into it is the anxiety of when will this end? as we know currently, we don't know and that is the most difficult. and all kids, their peers, are an important part of their development. so it is often asking when can i go to school? at this point, they are very tired of online school. when can i take my friends and when can i see extended family? >> right. what kind of indicators are there that a young child is struggling right now? >> particularly behaviors that are really across the age spectrum of 5 to adolescence is
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sleep disturbances and increase in nightmares and in the younger kids, night terrors. woe see across the age speck trup, fear of the dark. the other behaviors that we are seeing is the regression in their normal developmenttal tasks. for the younger child and as i referenced sleeping in their own room. other types of behaviors that parents or caregivers might see are meltdowns over relatively minor issues. often we're seeing a decrease attention and focus, especially with online school. we're also seeing headaches, stomach aches that we typically see when there is stress and trauma. >> i see. let's say we've realize add
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child is having difficulties. are there specific ways we can talk to them to get them to open up, perhaps phrases or ways to ask questions that will encourage them to share their concerns? >> there are a number of ways. number one, the biggest thing that parents can do is to really listen to their child. often times we're rushed. we are working parents, plus as well as now teachers online as well as playmates. so, to pause and really listen to what their fears are. as parents, we often don't get down to a younger child's physical level, look at them and listen to them and talk to them directly. i often use the technique of nailing a feeling and kids often times -- they're not
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going to, especially in times of stress, come up with this feeling that they can name. so, i recommend to parents always of naming three feelings. happy, sad and mad. and you've been through those three. not frustration. but just nailing it to those three. another technique that i highly recommend is to use the third person. in a way such as i have heard other kids say that they're scared and they don't know why they're scared. do you think that happens with you sometimes? this is a way that kids feel much safer in talking about their feelings because they don't feel like they're on the spot, but other kids are feeling that same way. >> i understand. do you think that there is secondary concerns for kids as
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concerns are gradually lifted? i know one small child frightened to go outside right now. >> yes. and we're seeing that already right now. because with -- as one -- as restrictions are lifted and we're able to go outside, you know, people are wearing masks and that can be very frightening. even if halloween. many kids won't wear a mask. children under 2 do not wear masks. under 7, they don't have to. but over the age of 7, it is highly recommended by the c.d.c. that kids wear masks. that is going to be difficult. so, what i've recommended is for kids to make their own masks. they can make their own designs on the paper surgical masks. and so it is there. they can't put [inaudible] on it, whatever makes it feel a lot safer for them.
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other things that i have heard are kids are afraid to go outside. i heard this from a number of families because they haven't really been able to do so so they're afraid they will get sick. i recommend that families start very small steps and the first step is take a ride in the car. that is the first way to go outside, windows down. and if you have a sunroof, open the sunroof and unbuckle the seat belts or car seat and be able to stand up and that is a small step to feel like the outside might be safe. so, it has to be in small steps for the fear it is going to be exacerbated. >> absolutely. so, could you tell me a little bit about your book, disaster shock? >> yes, "disaster shock" has been originally written for the
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1989 earthquake in san francisco. this has been a number of disasters since then and families in 1989 gave us the feedback that it was extremely helpful because there was really no literature available on how to help children and families that haven't talked to them. unfortunately our natural disasters increased with tornadoes and the last wildfires affecting northern california. it has been updated again for the pandemic. >> right. and finally, what would you say to parents about how to talk to their kids in general? could you suggest some good ways to re-assure them? >> a few ways that i have been suggesting is, number one, you have to be honest. about what you know. and be able to explain in developmentally appropriate
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terms what is happening. and that we are all learning. we don't know. there are many things we don't know. but that parents need re-assure the kids that they are safe, that the family will be together. but they need to be able to get the kids a little leeway, so to speak. and i'm not saying not disciplined, but what your discipline techniques may have been before may need to lighten up a little bit because these are very unusual circumstances for adults, but as well as for kids. but i always suggest and recommend that parents be honest with the kids because that is the trust that children have in their parents. parents must be really aware their kids will hear, they will read their body language and
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understand the anxiety we all feel, but the parents need to be honest that they -- the kids will be safe. >> i understand. well, thanks for coming on the show, dr. girardeau. i appreciate the time you've given us today. thanks again. >> you're welcome. >> and that is it for this episode. we'll be back with more pandemic-related information shortly.
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we used to do 200 a year. now we are up to 600. >> if you are building a new house you need fire protection. you have to make application to the water department for that. if you go through the process we come out and install the new line and the new fire line. >> the project got kicked off by two of our a gms, steve and eric. they recognized the need for improving this process. they pulled together the project and selected the team members and asked me to lead the effort. >> on c cd there is permit and no parking signs and installing the service, having water caught at the check off and pave. >> it is a lengthy application process with manual tracking. for construction because we communicate with ccd we have to
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stay in touch with ccd to inform the customer for updates. >> at one time there was three separate visits to activate the fire service. water quality and gate manment and then gate man would go back. now the gate man goes one-time, one visit and it is done. >> we dissected the process and looked for ways to streamline the process and use technology to make the experience smoother and what we are building is an online portal for customers to apply without coming downtown and they can get updates. >> with the online application everything is there. it is built in condition logic with tracking to communicate with the customer without having to take notes. >> we want to tell you these are 10 steps and you are on step
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three or four. >> we streamlined the process. we knocked it down to 65 days. the goal is half of that. from the time you make application to put the check on the table to the time we pave the street, we want it down to 30-days. >> i am proud of the team for the work to get together to understand each other's work and come up with solutions. i really wanted the rest of the team to understand the time and deliberation and thought so they could get the recognition that they deserve. ♪ >> welcome to hamilton recreation and aquatics center.
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it is the only facility that has an integrated swimming pool and recreation center combined. we have to pools, the city's water slide, for little kids and those of you that are more daring and want to try the rockslide, we have a drop slide. >> exercises for everybody. hi have a great time. the ladies and guys that come, it is for the community and we really make it fun. people think it is only for those that play basketball or swim. >> i have been coming to the pool for a long time now. it is nice, they are sweet. >> in the aquatics center, they are very committed to combining
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for people in san francisco. and also ensuring that they have public safety. >> there are a lot of different personalities that come through here and it makes it very exciting all the time. they, their family or teach their kids have a swim. >> of the gem is fantastic, there is an incredible program going on there, both of my girls have learned to swim there. it is a fantastic place, check it out. it is an incredible indication of what bonn dollars can do with our hearts and facilities. it is as good as anything you will find out why mca.
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parents come from all over. >> there are not too many pools that are still around, and this is one-stop shopping for kids. you can bring your kid here and have a cool summer. >> if you want to see some of the youth and young men throughout san francisco play some great pickup games, come wednesday night for midnight basketball. on saturdays, we have a senior lyons dance that has a great time getting exercise and a movement. we have all the music going, the generally have a good time. whether it is awkward camp or junior guard.
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>> from more information, visit [roll call] >> great. i believe that commissioner bernal might have something to say. >> yes, mark. thank you. before we begin, i'd like to address some thing, members of the public who are watching. we are made aware after the last health commission meeting on may 19 that there were issues accessing the public comment line. we apologize for those issues. we asked a representative from
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sfgov tv to join us today to moderate the public comment call line to alleviate any issues. and we will have this resolved today and moving forward. mark, would you like to give some specific instructions to members of the public who would like to make comment? >> sure. i want to remind everyone to please [inaudible] and we're hearing someone make a
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