tv Health Service Board SFGTV June 8, 2020 8:00am-10:01am PDT
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security of our community, we get gamesmanship, and it's -- you know, how can you look at the last week and see what happens when the department doesn't get their act together and not feel disgust and shame? i'm glad you appeared tonight because i've been asking for it since at least january and then orally before that. and then tonight, i asked, back in may, after having to vigorously, vigorously, vigorously fight to have commission meetings -- and i'm not going to go back through that again, but they were the same people that did not want to have commission meetings and did not want to have these
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things out in public. and so i e-mailed commissioner taylor to add it on for action. commissioner taylor responds, i can't do that. it's on for status. i get an e-mail that that's what's going to happen, but there's no reason it's not on for action. this should be adopted tonight. this -- august 5? this should have been passed last august. this is disgraceful, embarrassing, disgusting conduct, and i -- >> vice president taylor: all right. don't be so hard. >> commissioner hamasaki: now, don't interrupt me -- >> commissioner dejesus: yeah, it's showing. you're being rude right now. first of all, parents are here. you're being rude, first of all, and second of all, i don't
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normally do this, but there are a whole bunch of lies happening tonight, so you want to have this conversation? let me finish. we're going to have this conversation now. first of all, we're not going to do is compare every situation to the slaughter of black people. not everything is a knee to the neck, and we're not going to do that. second of all, i was not on any e-mails or former president hirsch or kathrin mcguire because i have never set any agendas before i was acting president of this commission, and when i did become acting president, one of the first thing i did was reach out about the deaf and hard of hearing d.g.o. i asked you, i asked commissioner dejesus. i wanted to put it on the january 20 agenda. i wanted to know about the d.g.o. commissioner dejesus informed me that there were still issues pending. i am familiar with the rules, just as everyone else should be. when it's in concurrence, we
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cannot vote on it. furthermore, commissioner dejesus informed me we should have it on for status. this whole idea of mayoral appointees and supervisorial appointees is a lie. there are issues that we have aligned on, this commission, and commissions before that. and the idea of meeting -- but the idea that you have been fighting for meeting for sometime, i get it that you have put that out to the public, but the truth is the first time you ever made a request for a meeting ever to anyone was to the examiner on may 2. you never asked me for a meeting, you never asked the commission staff for a meeting. if you had, you would have learned what we had been doing. i read it in the newspaper when i woke up, whenever that saturday was, and you decided to e-mail the chief, i think, on may 1.
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that is the first time you requested a meeting, and it was not to me or to the commission staff. and beyond that, there were plenty, sir, of board appointees who were asking not to have meetings, if you want to put that out there because they wanted to make sure -- let me finish -- [inaudible] >> vice president taylor: commissioner hamasaki, i respect you. we can get along. you're being rude, and i think we should act with the decorum that this commission calls for and requires. thank you. that's all i have to say. >> commissioner hamasaki: thank you, and commissioner taylor, you know, i let it go at our first meeting, but if you want to go there, we had a 14-minute call on the sunday --
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>> vice president taylor: what date was that, sir? >> commissioner hamasaki: i've got a phone record. >> vice president taylor: i called you, and you called me back on sunday. >> commissioner hamasaki: can you please not interrupt me? it is fine for you to lie but don't lie about me, okay? you and i had a long discussion where i requested a meeting. that is why petra and i had to go to the mayor's office because you said to me repeatedly the mayor's office is not allowing us to meet, the mayor's -- i've asked the mayor, i've asked the mayor, i've asked the mayor. she won't let us meet. why do you think i spent six hours getting together all of the research, writing a long letter -- >> vice president taylor: sir, i think you guys like having your name in the press. >> commissioner hamasaki: please don't interrupt me. >> okay. we need to -- >> commissioner hamasaki: yeah, this is a disserve. >> commissioner elias: listen, you have said your piece, she
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has said her piece. it is what the facts show. let it go. we need to move on and get going on this because there's a lot more we still have on the agenda. >> we have people that have been on the line for hours. >> commissioner hamasaki: let me finish without be interrupted. the first deaf and hard of hearing i attended back in, i think it was august of 2018, we had a group of around 20 people very eager, putting in a lot of hard hours and work to get this done. by the last meeting, there was four people because the community was so disheartened by our actions, okay? and that is the source of the frustration that just keeps going on, and i am going to request that this is added for next week for action because there is nothing else to discuss.
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i'd like to give director mcguire a chance to respond because i just -- this is -- this is -- and you know what? this did not have to go down that other route that was just went down, and i apologize for my part in that. i handled that very briefly when it first came up, but i don't know why it came up again. regardless, at this point, you know, i -- we've got to serve the community. we've got to come together. we need to fix this. if i said some harsh words tonight, it's about a year of frustration of not being able to get this on the agenda, and then, when i got it on the agenda, it's put on for status. and to hear complaints that it's 12 pages instead of 10, it's not real objections at this point. so i'll let anybody else talk
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now, but we deserve -- we deserve -- we need to do better. >> okay. can i speak briefly just on this issue? i want to focus on getting this moved as expeditiously as possible, and that's my only request, as well. i think that's part of the solution for all of this. i will say that, you know, at d.p.a. we are very frustrated with this, as well. we just want it on as soon as possible. i would rerequest that it go on again in july because we have a conflict in august that i can't move around, so i'd ask that it go on sometime in july, as well, and i think that speaks to some of the concerns that commissioner hamasaki has raised and some of the frustration that i think we're hearing tonight on how this -- on how this d.g.o. in particular was handled and the community was handled. you know, i don't know that we're going to resolve that now, but i think that one of
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the answers, and the most -- the best outcome for the decision is to schedule this sooner rather than later, and it seems clear, even from the admissions from the department itself, that this is ready to be resolved and there is not much work left to be done. to the extent of work that was to be done, i think the gap of nine months would have shown the light on any big hurdles that would prevent us from scheduling this for a decision sooner rather than later. i just think that that would help, and august just doesn't work for d.p.a. >> vice president taylor: that's fine. i wanted to put it on may 20. i am new to this d.g.o. i am learning as to what the situation is. i have been told lots of things, and so i'm fine with putting it on in july. director mcguire? >> commissioner dejesus: you know, i'm sorry, i've been
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waiting. >> vice president taylor: oh, i'm sorry. commissioner dejesus? >> commissioner dejesus: well, i wanted it on may 20, but you said the department had -- there was another one, and i told you they could be resolved because they were minor, and someone told you that they were not minor, but they were minor. i want to point out some of the things that the d.o.j. says. it says you should cross-reference the policies under 911, you should check with local community leaders with how to capital deck or uncapital deck. if you're going to add a.s.l., you should define sign english. they're really minor -- they're minor things. if you use r.i.t., use r.i.t. if you give an example, this is exhaustive -- is it exhaustive or is it just a list of examples? they're really minor. there's only two or three that
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you might have to give some thought to, but these were all reorganized by the d.o.j. what are the supervisors' duties for learning communicative assistance? these are yes, no, yes, no, add it, subtract it, define it. if somebody sat down and went through this for an hour, this would be done. that's what i'm trying to tell you, they're minor changes that were made. they're nothing ground breaking, and the d.p.a. went through it with the stakeholders, and they agreed with it, so it's just the department lagging and not going through all the 25 changes and signing off on it. so i agree with the frustration that i'm hearing tonight. this thing is ready to go. we don't need months and months and months to answer questions that were put forth by the
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d.o.j. >> commissioner hamasaki: let me say one thing real quick. one, i shouldn't have responded to the other comments. i do want to apologize for that. that's a -- and cindy and petra and -- you were right to interrupt. i've just been -- i've been living with this d.g.o. for a while, and i really am frustrated, but to the degree that we went into other matters, and i expressed some things there, i do want to apologize. i don't want to lose focus on the d.g.o. that's what i care about, and i'm sorry for any distraction, any -- the side fighting created in my role in that. >> vice president taylor: thank you. i appreciate that. i apologize, as well. frustrations are clearly high, and this is an -- you know, an
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incredible, and not in a good way time. i learned about this d.g.o. i was not involved in the process, and all i'm trying to do is figure out the quickest way to get this on calendar and for a vote, and all i can do -- the only way i can do that is talk to the people who are involved who have told me different things. and so i'm sure, through no fault of your own -- director mcguire, can you, once again -- >> commissioner elias: i've had my little icon up. >> vice president taylor: i'm sorry. back to the department. >> commissioner elias: no, i have two issues. i understand commissioner hamasaki's frustration of more than a year, and i think if any other commissioner were in his shoes, they would also be frustrated and upset, but i think what he's trying to highlight is the miscommunication from the department to the commission
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because i don't think oftentimes we are told exactly what's going on or they're competing sort of things that are happening, and so we don't necessarily get all the information. what i will say about this, and i do agree with commissioner dejesus, this has been going on for more than a year, so concurrence should have happened already. the fact that they're getting months is just unacceptable. we were just chastised by the d.o.j. about how we take things off calendar and how long things take, and we keep getting hit by the public who thinks that we aren't doing things fast enough, and this is just an example of why it is everything is taking us so long. and so while i respectfully understand why you keep deferring or why you're deferring to miss mcguire in terms of when she can get it back on, i think that time is passed. they've had enough time to deal with this, and they should have had it done by now, so waiting
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till august is just not good enough. >> vice president taylor: okay. executive director mcguire. >> thank you, commissioners. i am -- i believe i was the first one interrupted, so i do have -- some additional thoughts on the comments that have come up. first and foremost, there are eight members of the command staff. only two of those members of the command staff have seen any real -- well, they've all seen it now, but before we started concurrence, there were only two members who had seen any version of it. so there are training considerations and negotiation considerations and a number of other considerations that have to go into the concurrence process, and that's why the concurrence process exists. i also understand that the -- you know, from our perspective, the draft d.g.o. was not to us
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until january, and so that is -- that -- the eight months, nine months, those different perspectives are certainly understandable, but -- but, you know, we got the feedback back from d.o.j. in late october. the working group took a look at it again and gave us their feedback by january, so i totally understand that the january to now time frame, considering everything else, is still a long time, but just a reminder that concurrence involves eight people -- nine people. the -- and i also wanted to skip ahead in the presentation to the -- >> vice president taylor: before you skip ahead, i do want to get the scheduling thing down. so what is the earliest in july that you can get us -- that we
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can have this on for a vote? we're not meeting july 29. >> commissioner hamasaki: we're the commission. we can decide that. we don't have to ask the department, commissioner taylor. >> commissioner dejesus: let's just hear the answer. >> vice president taylor: thank you. >> yeah,iti commissioners, i'l just reiterate, without having those eight peoples' calendars in front of me. i'm fine with saying the 22nd, i'm fine with saying whatever director henderson -- >> commissioner elias: can i make a motion that we set it for the 22nd, because again, they can figure out their calendars. >> vice president taylor: i'm going to set it in july, so what i'm going to direct you to do is to meet with those stakeholders. that gives you a month -- almost two months to do it.
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we're at june 3. july 22 gives you -- >> commissioner hamasaki: what's july 22? >> it's the third thursday -- >> vice president taylor: it's the last thursday of the month. [inaudible] >> commissioner elias: he's saying july 15, because that's the third wednesday -- >> clerk: we won't be meeting july 22, it would have to be the 15. >> vice president taylor: oh, are we not meeting july 22? >> clerk: no. >> vice president taylor: so the 15. >> commissioner hamasaki: fine with me. >> vice president taylor: so that gives you 1.5 months. >> clerk: thank you. >> okay. i don't need to go back to my
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presentation, thank you. >> vice president taylor: okay. next line item. >> commissioner dejesus: no, i have a question. >> vice president taylor: commissioner dejesus. >> commissioner dejesus: director mcguire, i'm sorry you're at the end of this, but if the chief was interested in getting it done, and if command staff was interesting in getting it done, it would have been done. i realize you're sitting on the sidelines, and i appreciate all the hard work that's gone into it and the fact that everybody has helped, but we have to have a dedicated point person who is a subject matter expert on this and pushes it through and gets everybody who they need to get to the table because i look at these changes and they're so -- they're so simplistic. a lot of them are so simplistic. they don't need a lot of
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changes. i'm telling you, if you get the people in the room, even if you have to go through them one by one, this can be done. i wanted to say that, and i wanted to jech oecho, if the c wanted it done, it would get done, and if the assistant chief wanted it done, it would get done. >> clerk: and t >> i'm talking to you from city hall. i'm deployed, so if you hear some noise in the background, i'm sorry. i want to talk to you about the d.g.o. that samrin and the working groups did. to hear the comments takes me back a little bit because if you heard, some of those issues
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that were worked on talking about this d.g.o., if you know me know i've been in the police department for 37.5 years. still think it's the best job in the world. i live in san francisco, born and raised here, and i still live here. the reason this g.o. is important not only to the department but a little closer to me because my daughter is deaf, and her contact that she had with law enforcement really kind of changed and put perspective in this whole thing. now why am i that person? because i worked on the language on it. i worked on language access. i have my hands in all this. i have my hands on the d.g.o.s, on the elder abuse, but i agree. i would like to see this thing go through, and i give little props -- no, big props to my daughter who said dad, i want to make sure you make the community safe, but also make
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it safe for the officers. thank you. >> commissioner dejesus: thank you. >> commissioner elias: thank you so much for sharing, for calling in because it's really important. it's important to know that all of these d.g.o.s and policies and procedures, they matter. there's a face behind all of them, and it trickles down to them. and that's why i think emotions and frustrations are high. >> vice president taylor: commissioner hamasaki. >> commissioner hamasaki: thank you. i think your daughter was one of the ones that i met in the working group. i'll admit, i didn't know much about the deaf and hard of hearing community before, and when you sit down with them and understand the daily struggles that they go through just to live and just to exist in this
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world, and how they came together and worked on this -- i don't want my earlier comments and frustration to take away from the work that everybody did because everybody put so much time and heart into this, and i've carried that with me since then, and i think, you know, i was so excited to see this on the agenda and work on this with them and see their inspired faces. it's a very small community in the city right now. they, like a lot of other communities, have been pushed out, and i'm glad we're doing
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this, and i really am grateful to everybody for bringing this back around, and let's work together and get this done. >> we appreciate your comment. >> vice president taylor: next line item. >> clerk: sorry. we have public comment for line item 4. >> vice president taylor: oh, that's right. i apologize. public comment? >> operator: you have two questions remaining. >> good morning. or good evening, callers. once again, one of your commissioners, john hamasaki is using this commission to presumably inflate his ego. to think that he would use the murder of a black man by the hand of the police as a
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rhetorical tool while folks are still openly mourning in the streets is just disgusting. it is clear from the way commissioner hamasaki speaks to commissioner taylor and to other women as opposed to the way he spoke in public to commissioner hirsch and other men is a blatantly sexist, and i think he should follow his heart, as he said earlier, and resign from the commission. there is very important work to are done to prevent more police violence and state sponsored murder, and commissioner hamasaki is a clear road block to progress. the board of supervisors needs to find someone else to fill that position without commissioner hamasaki's preening and grand standing. >> operator: good evening. you have two questions remaining. >> clerk: good evening. you have two minutes remaining. >> hi.
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this is jessica lehman. i appreciate that you're looking at issues facing deaf and hard of hearing communities. of course, we -- well, i certainly have heard horror stories from best friends, particularly those who are black men, about dealing with police, and so i urge you to -- to move this along, as you've been talking about, but i also want to ask you, in this moment, to think about how you are treating people who are protesting because i know for a fact that does include people who are deaf and hard of hearing. i support the demands made by s.f. united in places, including not arresting people for nonviolent crimes, making sure people are not housed unnecessarily where they are much more likely to get sick from covid-19 and potentially
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die, that you should not ever be issuing citations for what's called quality of life for issues related to homelessness. san francisco has a sizeable homeless disabled community, and you should not be using tear gas and rubber bullets. i can't believe i am talking about this. i hope you'll take to heart the safety of all san francisco residents, including the disability community, the deaf and hard of hearing community, seniors, and everyone. i hope you'll look into having an a.s.l. interpreter for this part. deaf and hard of hearing people are not only interested in parts specifically related to deaf and hard of hearing communications, but the interpreter should be present at the entire meeting to hear
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the statements of the commissioners, as well. thank you. >> operator: you have one question remaining. opera >> good evening, caller. you have two minutes remaining >> yeah. so my name is orchid susune, and i'm one of the people involved with d.g.o. with the deaf and the office of disability council. this -- those people who have been working so hard for two years, i want to thank them for the work that they've done with deaf people. you know, there's a little bit of absence of involvement. that's essential for deaf people. we need to change the policies,
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you know, what happened with george floyd, i mean, it's just -- you know, he's a member -- he's a deaf guy. it was a deaf guy, carl. he was 41 years old, and he was a father himself, and it was the same exact situation that happened with him. there was a misunderstanding, and the situation -- and his neck was broken by the police. i mean, can you imagine? and the policies haven't change, and that was since 1961. we can't walk safely. we don't feel safe. we don't feel safe, we're afraid. there's not enough training, there's misunderstandings that happened, and i'd like to make the policies be enacted so we can walk around and feel safe. so deaf hope -- there's a lot of organizations, people who have worked tirelessly for
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these changes to happen, you know, to fit the current times. you know, we don't want to go back to old times. we have to catch up with the current times and what's going on, you know? also, we're not aware of the surroundings, so the policy -- there really needs to be a change. >> operator: you have zero questions remaining. >> clerk: commissioner taylor, there are three public comments that came in through the e-mail that i would like to read into the record. >> vice president taylor: okay. >> clerk: the first one is from nicolle bonn. i am nicolle bonn, director of the san francisco mayor's office for disability and hard of hearing. i regret not being able to participant live this evening, but thank you in advance for allowing me to participate in this way. the mayor's office on disability has had the pleasure of supporting the deaf and hard
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of hearing d.g.o. work group since 2017. members of the deaf community, along with domestic violence advocates and fantastic members of the san francisco police department have been involved in this work group since its inception, and fortunately, we had an exceptional example on the san francisco d.g.o. on which to base the work. implementing san francisco's d.g.o. now is of critical importance. july marks the 30th anniversary of the americans with disability act. the a.d.a. is intended to help people with disabilities and second as a tool to help all persons live and understand together in a community. this d.g.o. highlighted how to implement successful communication with other communities that has been mandatory for 30 years. this agrees with the second round of comments by the department of justice. i highly encourage the commission to adopt this d.g.o.
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as soon as possible. the mayor's office is waiting to collaborate with our police department colleagues on any officer training plan or assist in any way that would be helpful to the department. please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns, and thank you for putting this item on your agenda. and the second one, this is from melissa mcnair, comment from victim advocate for the district attorney's office. on may 20, 2017, a young woman who was deaf happened to be arrested. the young woman's child had been abducted by the father, and she was highly upset. she was not able to communicate effectively with the police, she was scared and upset, and this led to her arrest by the police. the child was brought back to
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san francisco and was reunited with the mother successfully. shortly after, i was asked to join the deaf and hard of hearing working group so we could start a conversation on how we could support the police and how we could provide them with communication access for citizens who are deaf. and the last one, this is from student gonzalez. i submit this comment for the record. i joined the committee in july 2018. it has taken two years to get here tonight, two years for the committee to take a look at the d.g.o. two years of explaining, educating, outlining, correcting, suggesting. oftentimes, the deaf committee members had to justify the suggestions offered or corrections made, miss assumptions debunked with education and advocated for basic human respect. i would be remiss if i did not point out that there is little reference for this deaf plus
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abled community. there are many communities not mentioned in this d.g.o. and are just in need of the language access and consideration. [inaudible] >> best practices use knowledge and resources to ensure success or a successful outcome, especially in moments of high stress, high trauma, or both. the d.g.o. stresses the best communication and language access needs for deaf abled individuals. basic human respect needs to be fundamental in all interaction sfpd may be having with the
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deaf and hard of hearing communities. thank you, and that concludes the public comment. >> vice president taylor: thank you. can you please call the next line item -- oh, director henderson? >> yeah, i just want to say that there were a lot of advocates on the line that intended to speak, and they couldn't wait at long because it took too long for us to get to, but they have sent e-mails and have been calling our office to say that they support the work, and again, thank you for scheduling it for this july because this has been going on since 2017, and i know at the as scheduling and all that -- know it's scheduling and all that stuff, but i'm just happy to get all this moved forward and put it behind us and improve the department and improve the service for the community, so that's it. >> clerk: commissioner, it looks like there are two more public speakers on. >> vice president taylor: all right. >> clerk: moderator, if you could please patch the next two through. >> operator: you have two
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questions remaining. >> clerk: good evening. you have two minutes. >> oh, yes, good evening. good evening, commissioners and friends i am from the san francisco domestic violence consortium. i've been a member of the work group since the beginning? i want to thank samra from the d.p.a., i want to thank all my colleagues, the mayor's office on disability, youth leaders, commissioner hamasaki. inspector tony florez, and his wonderful daughter, jessica florez. this work could not have gone forward without the work of every one of them. melissa mcnair described the case that brought us to the table, a young deaf mom mistakenly arrested for domestic violence, handcuffed in back where she couldn't use her hands, and just -- you know
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what? community brought this, as well as a couple of other cases to the language access work group, and this case began from that, and it's just been something i think we can all really be proud of. now, we're learning from what could have been a terrible incident in san francisco. luckily, it didn't end up that way, but every day that we don't have this policy in place, deaf residents and visitors are at risk in san francisco. this is really work we can be proud of, and we should be doing everything we can to implement the d.g.o. as soon as possible, and i cannot thank you enough for this work. this will save lives. thank you so much. >> clerk: thank you. >> operator: you have one question remaining. >> hi. my name is david jiminez, and i
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have two deaf adults that i am concerned about their safety and security in the city, and i do urge the commission to pass this d.g.o. it does -- it represents the city awareness. it squashes ignorance. it also represents accessibility. i worry about my kids when they go out, and we are latino, and i don't want -- that's already a strike against them, for them to be stopped. and to the fact if they have to move their hands to point to their ear to let the officer know they're deaf, i don't know
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what's going to happen. i'm already afraid just talking about it, you know? i'm afraid for my kids' lives, so we need to pass this through. this is long overdue, so i urge the commission to pass this. and i'm just appalled, and shame on you guys how you guys interact with one another in public. you all need some team building activities or something to bring you guys in together. thank you. >> operator: you have zero questions remaining. >> commissioner dejesus: i'm on the comment board. >> vice president taylor: oh, commissioner dejesus. >> commissioner dejesus: i'm sorry, but when this comes up again, i know we missed a lot of people that wanted to speak,
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and i know we're going to have a lot of people who want to speak, and we have people with special assistance and devices. i wonder when this comes up, we can move this up to the first item on the calendar so we don't have them waiting so late like we did tonight? >> vice president taylor: yes, we can. >> commissioner dejesus: thanks. that's all i have. >> vice president taylor: okay. next line item. you're on mute. >> i just said i would like to thank mr. hamlin for his interpreting skills, and he is now going to leave us. >> vice president taylor: thank you very much. >> clerk: all right. so our next line item is going to be general public comment. at this time, the public is now welcome to address the
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commission for up to two minut minutes on items that do not appear on the agenda but are within the commission's jurisdiction. und speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or d.p.a. personnel. under police commission rules of order, during public comment, neither police or d.p.a. personnel, no, sir commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. individual commissioners and police and d.p.a. personnel should refrain, however, from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during public comment. moderator, are there any people on the line? >> operator: you have three
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questions remaining. >> clerk: good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hello. my name is luis, and i am a public schoolteacher in san francisco. i'm calling today for the fear of safety of my black and brown students at the hands of the police. sfpd should not use force on protesters. tear gas, rubber bullets and other crowd control devices may cause serious harm to members of the community and should not be used. secondly, due to covid-19 rapid spread details, sfpd should have a rescue book for nonviolent crimes, including resisting arrest. i urge you to act now to protect citizens by enacting the recommendations made by sf in crisis. thank you. >> operator: you have two questions remaining. >> clerk: good evening,
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caller. you have two minutes. >> hello, commissioners, director henderson. i am from the public defender's office. [inaudible] >> this week, the san francisco public defender released a statement called for six reforms this department and commission can make. we know the whole office is eager to facilitate these changes any way we can. so first, thanks to chief scott for moving on his own initiative for explicitly removing the type of pressures from the neck hold seen in the video earlier last week.
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>> operator: you have one question remaining. >> hello. i'm a resident of san francisco. i am also calling to support the demands made by s.f. united in crisis to ensure the safety of residents during the covid-19 pandemic and ask that the commission adopt these demands. due to the rapid spread through jails, sfpd should not arrest people for nonviolent crimes, including resisting arrest. it should reduce taking people into custody where there is reasonable imminent concern for public safety.
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mere citations should be issued for regular issues and sfpd should not use force on protesters as they regularly cause harm to members of the community and should not be used. we've seen 17 instances of force being used by the sfpd as mentioned by the police chief earlier, and i urge you to act now to ensure the safety of san francisco residents by implementing the recommendations made by s.f. in crisis. thank you. >> operator: you have zero questions remaining. >> clerk: commissioner taylor, we have a number of public comments for general public that have been e-mailed to the police commission that i would like to read into the record. >> vice president taylor: okay. >> clerk: all right. i'm going to -- three of these here are from different people, but they are the same thing.
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i'm going to time them, so bear with me. first one is from izzy, idea, and idya. i urge you to act now to ensure the safety of san francisco residents by implementing the recommendations made by san francisco united in crisis. law enforcement should decline to arrest people for nonviolent crimes, including resisting arrest where no violent precipitated the arrest and limit contacts, stops, warrant enforcement and instances of taking people into custody to situations where this is reasonable imminent concern for public safety and where a violent crime is involved. law enforcement should maximize use of cite and release for as many instances as possible within the jurisdiction's policies, including violent crimes. no citations should be issued
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for issues of life. medical conditions like asthma, heart conditions, diabetes, lung disease, and hiv. these populations have been shown to have higher rates of medical conditions listed. people cwith disabilities, people over the age of 50 and under the age of 25. anyone who does not pose a serious safety risk to the community upon release, such as anyone who is not involved in serious personal injury or death to another person.
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please release previously incarcerated people should be provided with health care and housing if needed and should not be subject to further indignities. thank you. and the next public comment is from hunter mcfarland. please stop using weapons of war against peaceful and nonpeaceful demonstrations in public that attacks your nervous system. please provide housing, rental assistance, and low-income housing to homeless people instead. okay. i have -- the next one is from lakeisha williams. i have watched the police commission meetings on sfgovtv for years. several of the commissioners are clearly driven by personal biases, clear desire to further
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their own political aspirations, showmanship, back door leaders with other -- back door deals with leader in other agencies. instead of helping sfpd become better, as of late, commissioners are leaning on false narratives, news headlines, and political gains. they commissioners need to be reminded that they do not act as individuals, they act as a body. the poor actions of one or two reflect on all of you. we need sfpd to be our partners in carving out long-term relationships. i hope for the sake of sfpd realizes that their own
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relationshi relationships outside of san francisco cannot substitute for residents of san francisco. if you don't respect the work of the rank-and-file, they won't respect the commission or any other changes you attempt to enact. take a class in collaboration or leadership before sending another tweet about your fake efforts to lead sfpd through reform. our lives depend on it. next one is from kristin lecke. my name is christine lecke, and i work in san francisco. i am e-mailing to ensure the safety of san francisco residents in light of the covid-19 and ask that the commission adopt these demands. one due to covid-19's rapid spread through the jails,
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police should not arrest people for nonviolent crimes, including resisti arrest, and o citations should be issued for quality of life enforcing a person's homelessness. i urge you to act now to ensure the safety of san francisco residents by implementing the recommendations made by san francisco united in crisis. and this -- this one is from maria harmon. police commissioners, one member on the police commission should be ashamed of himself. he made a statement during the may 25 police commission meeting saying he seemed to have ended up in the middle of the controversy. really? he can't understand how he
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ended up somehow in the middle of it. he should stop it with his feigned cluelessness. he's an arrogant, egotistical politician who is constantly posting on social media. his collaboration with some members of the board of supervisors and his antipolice comments to the examiner. i'm sure he feels a sense of self-righteous victory now that san francisco police are no longer able to wear the mask, but instead, he chose to put his bias on full display when he called for the banning of the wearing of the masks.
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he'd rather perpetuate the myth that all police officers are racist. the thin blue line is a tribute to all the police officers lost in the line of duty. why doesn't he try harder at representing all parties in san francisco, not just his left wing activist friends? there are some people who respect the san francisco p.d. officers and he has never respected their point of view. shame on you, john hamasaki, sincerely, maria h. next one is from deaf pope. without a high level of access, the integrity of policing becom becomes irrevocably
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compromised. we see this in snacenarios in which law enforcement officers use forceful aggression for not complying with their commands. we're also advocating for the complete overhaul of the system that has historically failed people of marginalized communities, including but not limited to deaf, deaf people of color, deaf people with additional disabilities, deaf immigrants, deaf people with mental health issues, deaf people living without secure housing, and deaf people who are substance users. o our question is for the commission to provide having
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input by deaf stakeholders to ensure that policies are just and officers are accountable for upholding the policies. warm regards. and the final one is from kaitlyn moss. good afternoon. i am unable to call into the commission meeting today and request my comment be add today the public record. i support the demand made by s.f. in crisis and ask that the commission adopt those commands. due to covid-19's rapid spread through jails, sfpd should not arrest people for nonviolence crime crimes, -- nonviolent crimes, including resisting arrest. [inaudible]
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>> clerk: and i apologize. these are the same as the other three. that ends the written-in comment. m moderator, are there any further public comments on the line? >> operator: no, there are not. >> clerk: thank you. commissioner taylor, would you like me to read the next line item? >> vice president taylor: yes, please. >> clerk: public comment on all matters pertaining to item 8 below, closed session, including public comment on item 7, vote whether to hold
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item 8 in closed session. item 7, vote on whether or not to hold item 7 in closed session, san francisco administrative code section 67.10. on that motion -- [roll call] >> clerk: vice president, you have five yeses. >> vice president taylor: okay. the motion passes. >> clerk: all right. so now, we are moving into closed session. alternate commissioners and other members, you are going into closed session. please leave this meeting and join the closed session at this time. >> vice president taylor: should we leave this meeting open though? >> clerk: yes. this meeting will remain open and we will come back t
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>> clerk: vice president taylor, you have four votes to adjourn. >> vice president taylor: thank you, everyone. good night. >> we didn't take the vote for disclosure. >> vice president taylor: oh, yes. >> clerk: line item 9, vote to elect whether to disclosure any or all discussion on item 8 held in closed session, san francisco administrative code section 67.12a action.
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>> commissioner dejesus: goo welcome back. >> commissioner dejesus: thank you. >> clerk: okay. one more, open session. vet to aelectricity whether to disclose any or all discussion on item 8 held in closed session, san francisco administrative code section 67.12a, action. >> motion. >> second. >> clerk: okay. [roll call]
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you're watching "coping with covid-19." today my guest is founder and c.e.o. of dispatch goods and former clinical profusionist at ucsf. she start add new initiative called project clean to provide alcohol-based cleaning products and hand sanitizers to at-risk bay area communities. lindsey, welcome to the show. >> thank you so much for having me. it's lovely to see you. tell us a little about your background and how dispatched goods of san francisco's restaurant community. >> sure. we launched, in october, we've been working on this for a little over a year. and we partnered with restaurants to provide them with a free reusable container system that could replace single-use products. we partnered with yelp! headquarters in downtown san francisco and 10 restaurant partners as of february before covid-19 hit and employees at our corporate partners could request the reusable containers when they were getting their lunch for takeout or if they
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were getting it delivered to their office. we then handled the pickup and dish washing. >> so, obviously the virus pandemic has hit and now you've had to pivot your company and i understand you lunched a new initiative called "project clean." can you let us know what the program is all about? >> sure. so we basically -- when this hit, we asked ok, what we do we have and how can we help? we also noticed there was a gap in the supply for hand sanitizers to certain community members and individuals and we talked to a distillery about making hand sanitizer and, in true form to our mission, we decided i bet we could collect enough containers from the community that we wouldn't have to supply more single-use plastic containers and we launched project clean and with that, we collected over 200
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containers. they're spray squeeze bottles and working on supplying the cleaning products. >> what has the response been from the community at-large and how have peopled help? >> we're donation-based and self-funded right now. we are buying basically the products at cost and is not charging us much for that. they're also just trying to cover our expenses and we had a little bit of donations coming in. but if you go to our website, you can either donate containers that you have, we'll come do pickup. we're doing it twice a week now. or if you yourself need any of the cleaning products, you can fill out the form and request those as well. and then there is also a place to make a donation. >> so, where are you handing out the hand sanitizer right now?
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>> we're doing it in the same route as the drop-off route. so, the hand sanitizer will be finished today. so, tomorrow we'll be doing our first round of drop-offs and we've been contacted by health care professionals who after they come home have nothing on their hands there. we have been contacted by retirement communities and contacted by physicians in their offices that they don't have anything and a individuals that just weren't able to get the supplies because they were sold out so quickly. basically during our normal pickup routes now, we will be doing the drop-off as well. >> that is fantastic. you know, i think that is a wonderful service you are providing, lindsey. thank you so much for coming on the show and keep up the good work. >> thank you so much, chris! i really appreciate it. >> and that is it for this episode. we'll be back with more stories shortly. you've been watching "coping with covid-19." i'm chris manus, thank you for watching.
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about exercising during the pandemic. first, i'm going to tell you what i've been doing, and then i'm going to be checking in with some friends and family. i've been riding my bike. all i take is a pair of gloves and a mask if i come into contact with anyone. i try to ride my bike during the time i'm sheltering in place. i try to ride for at least 30 minutes. surfing is my other regular outdoor activity. california state guidelines recommend you don't drive more than ten minutes for a spot to exercise, and although i'm close to ocean beach, i'm a bit wary to go there, so i'm using the time to do some
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maintenance. filling in gouges and dings, and sanding it down. i'm also repairing holes in my suit. fellow sfgovtv producer chris took his first yoga lesson a couple of years ago and used to go to a class regularly before the lockdown. he and his wife set up a space in their garage for exercising. this routine is from an on-line class by power yoga. deann and andy have been using the ping pong table that they bought off craigslist and set it up in their back yard.
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ellie has been using this home gym to stay fit. it has everything she needed. and lastly, if the weather is bad outside, you can exercise your mind by doing a puzzle, sudoku, or just by reading a good book. here's a quick recap. since i started this episode, the guidelines have changed. for instance, jack may be able to go golfing with some restrictions. go to to get the most up-to-date
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>> hi, everybody. i'm san francisco mayor london breed and i'm joined here today by our county health officer, dr. thomas aragon. he is a native san franciscan and has been with the department for over 10 years, has been responsible for all of the decisions that are being made to keep us all safe and healthy. just yesterday, we made an announcement about a safe re-opening plan and i want to talk a little bit with him today about the kinds of decisions, the very hard decisions as a public health officer that he has to make to keep us safe. i want to touch a bit on how are we going to re-open safely.
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why the decisions around masks and locations that are opening at the time they are opening. i know so many of you have so many questions and also there is a lot of uncertainty. so today we want you to meet your county health officer and we want to dig deep and talk about why the decisions that are made are important for us to follow and what we can do to remain safe and healthy in san francisco. at this time, i just want to welcome you, doctor. thank you so much for your work. we know that that we have been working hand in hand with other county health officers throughout the bay area. a lot of hard decisions that we've had to make in every step of the way, i know you focused on public health. let's start from the beginning. i know that initially we were having discussions about the need to start to reduce the number of people at events and then finally begot to this
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shutdown and it was necessary. so tell us a little bit about how the decision was made to really get to this point. >> that's a really good question. if you remember in march, everything was moving incredibly fast around the world. we saw what was happening in italy. we saw the number of cases, the number of deaths and understanding the information that was coming out of [inaudible] so i think that -- [echoing] i think that that information that was coming out and seeing how other countries were responding, the united states has not been there yet. we did not have a surveillance system. and so as we moved and started shutting things down, i think that really set the mindset. we were incorrodably supported by yourself, elected officials in the bay area were very supportive of everything as we moved forward.
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i think that is what really set up the ability for us to collectively make a decision because we really felt we have the support of elected officials and also of the population. that was on march 16 that we got together and decided collectively to do the shelter in place. >> yeah. and i remember those days because i remember -- as i was given arbitrary numbers of, you know, closures of events, i got to a point -- i know i ran out of. a little patience when i felt like, well, why sit 100 versus 50 or why is it 1,000 versus 500? we got to a point where we knew that, in order to protect as many people as we can, we were going to get to that point so why continue to kick the can down the road? so, we appreciate the support and the guidance you proud on helping us to make that decision. tell me the role of a county health officer.
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i am making decisions and leading the city, but i'm getting advice from from my county health officer. that's you. tell us about your role for public health in san francisco. >> the way it works in california -- so, authority really exists at the state level. and in california, we're fortunate what they do is that every health jurisdiction has a physician health officer, by law, to implement legal authority around health issues throughout california. and so that's existed for many, many years and so it's a big state to have policies that are customized to the issues that people are facing. san francisco's very unique because we're a city and a county. whereas the county health officer in los angeles has to deal with 88 cities. i only have to deal with one city. so, it makes it a little bit -- it makes it easier for san francisco to be much more agile in responding to public health
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threats and i think that is one of reasons why san francisco has been a leader in public health is because we're very agile and so that is basically how it works. >> so, yesterday we made an announcement. working with the economic recovery task force, the department of public health, we focused on and our assessor/recorder who has been leading this effort, we talked about ways to re-open safely. and we announced this plan and, of course, it was really challenging. because vefn though, from your perspective, you see the numbers are changing and the testing is going up, the p.p.e. and we're in a better place. people really are frustrated. they feel like this is moving too slow. and they don't understand why one business over another is
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able to open or why museums are able to open. or why did we pick the things we did to open. again, people are -- this is not just about me wanting to go to the hair salon. this is about the fact is those folks who have hair salons in places with direct contact with people, they have no income coming in and they are struggling. so, can you talk a little bit about the decisions that you're making? i mean, i believe they're too conservative. you believe that they are a little bit faster than what you would like them to be. help us understand what goes into making a decision as to who is re-opening and why, based on our s.f. safe re-opening plan. >> so, one thing to appreciate that -- we have never experienced this before. so, while it was in some ways straight forward to shut down the economy, opening it up is much more complex because there's so many stakeholders that are involved.
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and the city cannot act by itself so we work with a region and we work with the state. so we've been working with the state and really making sure that we have smart alignment with the state. the state has some challenges because they're going to come out with recommendations that's almost a one size fits all for california. so, while it may be too slow for humboldt county, it may be too fast for san francisco. we face some very unique vulnerabilities that other cities don't face. we're the second densest city in the country. we have, when commuters come in, we have a lot of folks and so while we have made incredible progress, we want to lock in those gains. we want to lock in those gains. and we want to move forward in a way that is going to be safe for everybody. we're really committed to not moving backwards and i think as we learn more about this virus and how it acts, we want to move forward and not backwards
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and safely in alignment with our region and the state. >> so, doctor, here's my pushback on that because, for example, in grocery stores where the system exists or even target is open because it has a component of a grocery store, you wait in line, you're wearing your mask. only a limited number of people are able to go in. you're still there. there's no rules about what you can and can't touch, even though people are, for the most part, socially distancing themselves within those stores and those locations. and they're not probably touching as much. they may have gloves. so, why is it that, like, for example, book stores and other retail businesses, you know, why -- why can't they do the same thing sooner rather than later? >> so, what happened was that we realised is that to open up the economy, we had to phase things in. so, that is really critical. and the state provided an
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overall framework and economic recovery task force applied criteria to identify the areas that had the highest risk and the lowest risk. and what you do is you start with the lowest risk areas and you just slowly move through those phases. and one of the challenges is that some people in the later phases say i can do that safely and that may very well be true. it's just that we can't do everything at once and that is really the challenge. even though some people -- some industries in later phases could, in theory, do things safely. we have to phase it out so that we don't move too fast. the next thing we do is we give it about two to four weeks to really understand the implications of what we just did. because we don't want to do too much and then have to move backward. just to give you an idea, there's already two counties and one is sonoma and the other
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is lassen where they felt they moved a little too fast. sonoma is slowing down and lassen pulled back from one of their re-openings. it is critical for us to be mindful and make sure we have enough time to make sure that we don't get ourselves into trouble. check the numbers. and then continue to move forward. and i think what we do know from the 1918 influenza pandemic, those areas that moved at a good pace did better economically because they did not have a large second wave of infections. >> let's talk about that. while we're averting one public health crisis, we're unfortunately creating another. and so i know that depression is seting in with some people. folks who had no income and no ability to take care of themselves and their families. we know that domestic violence,
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suicide, child abuse, all these things are a result of what we see happen and it is even worse for people in low-income and poverty. on the one hand, we are lowering the curve and really been a leader in that effort but there is another public health crisis that is brewing as a result of the decisions that we're making. how are we expected to sustain this? how are we expected to continue to live like this while, you know, there still are a lot of people suffering from something that's a different public health crisis. >> i agree. i agree with you completely. and i think that's really one of the challenges and, you know, when the health officers talk about the issues, we recognize that when you look at health in its complete way, the way you're describing, we absolutely have to take into account those trade-offs. and that is for me. my personal commitment, i feel like i'm now on a mission.
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i feel like i'm on a mission to get us to open up as safely and as quickly as possible because we know that we have to have get back to work, people have to get back to seeing their doctors and people have to pay the bills, pay the rent, pay for schoolsment all of those things that all of us need are absolutely critical and that is one of the reasons why some people say to us why are we being so strict? it's because i want to keep moving forward and i completely appreciate everything that you are bringing up and that is what makes these decisions very difficult. >> and what about the seniors living in isolation and need to see their family members in what about the kids who are maybe, you know, only children who haven't played with another kid for this long? like this is not sustainable. like emotional, it's having an impact on peoples' lives so i think it is going to be important that we give guidance. like what kind of guide :?
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the fact is, people for the most part r going to see their parents or their relatives or scheduling playdates and i know that we have said that is not a good idea. but people are probably going to do it anyway because they have probably had it. and i honestly don't blame them. so tell us a little bit about how people can do these things safely. i think human behaviour, we can't help ourselves. we want to be around one another. and we want to interact one another. i guess that we want to stop the virus, but we also have a -- you know, if my grandmother were still alive, she were at laguna honda, if she were still alive it would literally kill me not to go up and see her. so i just need you to help us understand, how are we going to see our relatives and other friends and folks safely. what is the solution to? -- to this? >> you are bringing up a really
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important issue and actually the health officers right now -- and actually the health department is going to design new strategies to bring people together, to bring households together for just the very reason that you're saying. and so in some ways we feel like can we dodge this bullet? and now we have time to do this right and you'll be seeing over -- hopefully over the next week, we'll be coming out with recommendations for the region on how families, just the way you're describing, can really come together. but we want them to really think through and make sure that they do it safely so we want them to be a aware of the physical distancing, wearing the face covering and washing their hands. it's really important for social connections to stay strong and so we will -- we're moving in that directionful and you'll hear more about it in
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the next few days. >> because we also know that, for example, there is going to be limitations to our summer quafrp and limited capacity for child care so what about those families whose kids don't make it into child care or summer camp? what are they going to do with, you know, their children. how -- how -- how are we going to make sure that they have access to other kids? and they have access to the abilities to be around one another and be around one another. i think -- i noticed that i see a lot of teenagers walking around together with one another. some of them are wearing masks, some of them aren't, but it's really tough. i do think it is going to be important that, as we continue to try and push forward more health directives, if we expect
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people to follow them, you know, we gotta also think about human nature to provide them with safe guidelines to do so. so that, as you said, we don't see a surge and we don't go backwards. so, i know folks are going to be looking forward to those guidelines because this is going to be critical to our ability to meet the goals of waiting for things to open and get back to work and the other things that we need to do. and i'm expressing the frustration of the people of san francisco because we know it is a fluid situation and i know people are tired. and it is really hard to sustain it and now there is another face covering requirement. can you tell us about that requirement and why is it now 30 feet, why are the
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requirements a lot -- they seem stricker. can you talk about what the new requirements are around face coverings? >> yeah. let me just really quickly just give -- a very quick background and why we're very concerned. when you think of covid-19 disease, we know that it's more infectious than the flu. it's 10 times more deadly than the flu. and so we're very concerned as we begin to open things up, how do we do it in a way that we continue to move forward? that is the first thing. because there is no vaccine and no real effective treatment, we only have a few tools available to us. one of them was the hammer, which was shelter in place. we don't want to go there. we want to move away from that. we have only a few things left, which is physical distancing, face coverings and hand washing. and so now we want to make sure, as we lift shelter in place, that we're doing the best we can in those areas.
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to give you an idea about face coverings. so, we know from the science that's emerging and from the mathematical models that have been developed that, if 80% of people wear face masks or face coverings consistently, we can prevent outbreaks. that is humongous. and so it's really important for us to appreciate that. the countries that are being successful in keeping their economies open are the countries that have universal face coverings so we have to have -- we have -- for the next year, until we get a vaccine, this is only temporary, it is not going to be forever. until we get to the place where we have a vaccine and we can safely have everybody -- most people immune, this is the bridge that is going to get us there. it turns out that the risk is very low, but the benefit is very high and it is going to allow us to have more movement and families to getting to and, over time, as the infection goes down and the risk goes
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down, we're going to -- more and more people will be able to come together. so, it is going to have a big impact. >> so, why 30 feet, i guess. compared to initially six feet. >> so, here's the way that i want you to think about it is that if every time you walk outside -- whenever you go outside the home, and there
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down, we're going to -- more and more people will be able to come together. so, it is going to have a big impact. >> so, why 30 feet, i guess. compared to initially six feet. >> so, here's the way that i want you to think about it is that if every time you walk outside -- whenever you go outside the home, and there is a good chance that you're going to have contact with people who are not part of your household, we want you to have a face covering. that is the first thing. easy to remember. when i'm outside my home and there is a good chance that i'm going to have contact with people that are not part of my household, then i should have a face covering. and there's two basis scenarios that that ha. -- that that happens. there's moving around, walking down a crowded street and hiking down a path. so the 30 feet is being hindful that as you approach 10 yards is to put your face covering on. it's about using common sense l. you have enough time to go ahead and put on your face covering. 30 feet, some people like to think of 10 yards if you like football or soccer or think of two average cars. so, when you're walking down the street. the other one is when you're stationary -- and this is really the more common one that you are talking about and that is six feet. so, if you're in the park with your family and you're away from everybody else and eating lunch or having a picnic, go ahead and put that down. this morning, when i got -- when i was leaving my house to work, across the street was a father and a daughter. he was holding her hand and they were walking the dog. they're totally outside and they didn't have to wear a mask and that is exactly how it should be. we give people plenty of opportunities to go ahead and pull it down so they can get fresh air. as long as you're not close to
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anybody, go ahead and pull it down so you feel comfortable. >> so, one of challenges we've had are runners. i noticed it, too. for some reason there are people who are running and i would say, you know, 50% of the time they'll get out of your way and move away from you. but sometimes they just run right past you and are -- so tell us why that -- people are saying i'm a runnerment i'm not going to run with a mask on. that is ridiculous, right? and i'm not a runner, but i know that it is hard enough to breathe in a mask sometimes. so, how do you expect people who are outdoors who want to exercise to wear a ?afk -- a mask? what are the guidelines? >> basically follow the same common sense guidelines. i'll give you the example that i do. i like to run up to twin peaks and so what i do is actually just have my mask right here and most runners actually, this is some of the runner magazines that they recommend to folks.
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run around when there's no people. when there's nobody around you you don't have to have it on. but when you're running by a family, let's say, go ahead and put it on. that is the 30-foot rule, the 10-yard rule. and when you pass them and no one else around, go ahead and pull it down. we're trying to make sure it's really common sense so that people do it in a way that is respectful of other people as they come close to each other and come near each other for a short period of time. the 10-yard rule is to remind them to slip it on and then when you're past them and alone again, slip it down. we're not expecting people to wear it the whole time. >> if i'm at the park and having a little picnic in one of my circles, then most likely i can leave mask off. >> correct. exactly. yes. >> ok. all right. i get that there is a lot of confusion there and sounds like we're telling people be on your best behaviour. use common sense. don't police other peopleful just do the best you can.
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we're all in this together and we want to make sure that we keep people safe and keep ourselves safe and keep other people safe. >> exactly. and the way you described it is perfect. >> ok. here's the other question. say, for example, woe see the numbers blow us away and surprise us and go down considerably. is there any chance that, based on the timeline of the dates of re-opening, is there any chance that we could see that timeline moved up or things moved out of the timeline and up into the forefront? >> so, you mean moving the intervals closer? >> so, for example, if we see all of a sudden over the next week, we see a sharp decline, right, in the number of hospitalizations and we already see testing has gone up considerably. we're doing a great job with testing. so, we see a sharp decline and whatever you need to see a decline in. all of
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a sudden, you know, there's a strong desire for people to see more happening faster. do you think there is a possibility that this safe re-opening plan could be moved up so that is some of these things are available sooner rather than later? i'll give you a perfect example. museum, right? it's not because i want to go to a museum, but i think about the people who work at the museum, the security who works at the museum and the fact is you don't need to touch anything at the museum and there is ways in which we can guide people in the restrooms and so on and so forth. the academy of sciences, they're furloughing employees. but these are locations where there's a real possibility to limit capacity and they're in phase three. i'm using them as an example. >> you're asking a really good question. and i think for us the way that we've been thinking about this is because -- it's because san francisco just -- we know that we're -- we know that we're just higher risk. that is the baseline.
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and so that's why we've been really anchoring to the state road map and the state road map is moving very fast and is very likely for some of the things that you're mentioning, is very likely to allow more and more of these things to happen. and so if the state allows that to happen, we will look at -- we will -- if the state starts moving faster, we'll look at our number and if it looks like we can do it, then we're going to go ahead and implement it safely in san francisco. that is what we're allowing the state to really be that [inaudible] that they -- [echoing [ >> yeah. and i want to express my appreciation again for your leadership and also for the timeline and giving the people of san francisco a lot more certainty about what to expect. it is not what we want, of course. we want more. and i will continue to push for more. but, you know, i appreciate the opportunity to have this open discussion. you know, i just want to say to the people of san francisco,
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again, thank you for all that you are doing to help us through this. the better that you follow the guidelines around masking, around social distancing and hand washing, the safer we will be faster which will give us an opportunity to do more. and i know we're asking a lot of the people of san francisco and we appreciate that for the majority of you, you follow these protocols and we're also well aware that some people are really suffering. and that is at the forefront of our minds when trying to push for changes faster. but we also want to make sure that we are safe and we don't roll back the gains that we made so far. it's difficult. it requires a lot of sacrifice. it's easier for us to ask you to do it than i know it is for you to actually do i. but we appreciate everything that all of you have done to take part in helping to keep san francisco safe and healthy. you know, i know it is one
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thing to be a leader and another thing to be the person stressed out and whether or not they will be able to hold on to their shop or hold on to their apartment after this is over. so, we are keep, those things in mind and i appreciate the work that you are doing, doctor. thank you for joining us here today. please feel free to continue to submit your questions. these conversations are really about trying to get to the heart of the questions and concerns that people have. rather than to do just a regular press conference. this is an opportunity for us to have a discussion about everyday questions that people have. you can definitely call 3-1-1 for testing or other questions and concerns or feel free to e-mail me, mayor london and thank you for joining us here today. >> thank you!
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>> hi, i'm chris manus is sfgov tv and you're watching "coping with covid-19." today i'm going to the gas station. [music playing] now, these are just my stories. i'm not a medical professional of any kind. i'm a video guy. and the reason i'm getting gas so we can go to the doctors. if you want to get the most up-to-date and definitive information about the coronavirus pandemic, i highly recommend the f.a.q. that is available at sfgov. there's great info there. today i'm taking two plastic bags and a hair tie and
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following the new bay area guidelines and i'm wearing a mask. i'm taking the smallest number of items with me. just my car key, credit card, i.d., the bags and the hair tie. i don't want too many items to wipe down later. as aleave, i put on the outside shoes i've left on the porch. can i track the virus inside with my shoes? i honestly don't know. but my floors are cleaner now. when i get to the gas station, i get out of the car, remove the gas cap and put the big plastic bag on my right hand and secure it with a hair tie. there are three main share surfaces here i'm concerned about touching. the p.i.n. pad, the pump handle and the button to select my gas. after i use my card, i put it into the smaller bag and stash it. most gas stations have a paper towel dispenser or maybe there is a piece of paper already in your car that you can use. once i fill my tank and replace the pump, i walk to the trash
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can, roll the hair tie up my arm and let the plastic bag fall into the can. on my drive home, i'm careful not to touch my face. i leave my outside shoes on the porch and as soon as i get through the door, i wash my hands for at least 20 seconds. next i wipe down my credit card, i.d. and my car key and, as an extra precaution, i wipe down the front door nob and clean the sink taps. finally, wash my hands again. that's it for this episode, i hope you found it helpful. thank you for watching.
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