tv SFUSD Board Of Education SFGTV July 4, 2020 6:00am-10:00am PDT
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taylor. it's just disgusting, you guys. get it together. you need to let the public know what you're voting on. you need to actually, like, present the way you normally do because we don't know what's going on right now. >> vice president taylor: thank you. next line item. >> clerk: we have one more caller. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hi. good evening, commissioners, chief scott, and sfpd, this is beverly from the san francisco domestic violence consortium. we are calling in complete support of the resolution and d.p.a.s recommendation to address the delay in sfpds d.g.o.s. i've been really happy to be at the table on many d.g.o.s. currently on the domestic
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violence d.g.o. and the deaf and hard of hearing which is coming up for a vote later this month. but you should know that we were meeting on the d.v. -- domestic violence d.g.o. for four years before this, before the new process was put into place, and so those meetings were not happening without sfpd, those were meetings with the d.p.a., the domestic violence consortium and other shake holders and sf -- stakeholders and sfpd for four years, and we could not get this to the commission. now we're starting over, or there's a chance to start it over in this new process, so we support this resolution. also, the deaf and hard of hearing, which we talked about a month ago, that's been worked on at the table for two years. every day that sfpd does not have these updated d.g.o.s, san
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franciscans are in jeopardy. this must happen. i also signed onto a letter that was not available to the public that really delineated the process from bay area legal aid. we were honored to sign onto it, and we want the public to know that the community is engaged in this process -- >> commissioner hamasaki: i just want to briefly thank miss upton. she represents the consortium and has worked with a number of people in the domestic violence community. i think this letter is available in the --
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>> vice president taylor: every letter that we get is not part of the supporting documents for each meeting. >> commissioner elia >> commission >> commission >> commissioner elias: you know, this is really disheartening. all i want to do is move this along. the deaf and hard of hearing d.g.o. has been in concurrence for two years, and the domestic violence d.g.o. has been in concurrence for four years. the fact is, some of the
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amendments that we put recommendations that we put in were taken out of the d.g.o. it's just -- it's a sad, sad thing to me, but those are my personal feelings on the matter, and, you know, this isn't a personal process, but i wish that we could make reforms, you know, a little bit quicker, and not be justice delayed. >> commissioner hamasaki: yeah. i just want to clarify, commissioner taylor, the delay with deaf and hard of hearing wasn't delayed in concurrence until the very end. is there still public comment? >> clerk: yes. >> commissioner hamasaki: oh . >> clerk: good evening, caller. you have two minutes.
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hello, caller. you've been unmuted. you have two minutes. >> commissioner hamasaki: if i have to adopt a resolution, my motion would be to adopt the comments incorporated into the letter. >> commissioner dejesus: it's -- >> vice president taylor: it's already been seconded. sergeant youngblood? >> clerk: on the motion to adopt the resolution with the comments incorporated into the
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with. we have other ones lined up, and it's making things more difficult to circle back. >> this is why we can't get anything done. with all due respect, d.p.a. reports to the commission, not the other way around. >> commissioner dejesus: stop making it personal. [inaudible] >> commissioner dejesus: you keep saying i'm rubber stamping it, you're sandbagging me, you're making it personal. i did my review. [inaudible] >> commissioner dejesus: you have to stop bad-mouthing us if you don't agree with us. i did my homework and i reviewed the revision.
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>> vice president taylor: stop yelling at me. i wasn't yelling at me, i was giving my opinion. this entire time, i'm not yelling to you or at you. i'm giving my views on what i think is a fair result, and we all have the right and the entitlement to do that. >> commissioner dejesus: your comments -- your comments speak for you. you have been making it personal. just talk about the facts. >> vice president taylor: i have not yelled at you, i will not yet at you. that's not what it is about for me, it is about the resolution. so, you know, it is a sad day for me. that is the truth, and i'm allowed to have those feelings. those feelings aren't about you, those are mine. so with that, i'll move on. >> commissioner hamasaki: i think i would like to note, as well -- i appreciate that. i think this was a real moment
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where we came together, and the d.p.a. worked together with the police commission and brought forth a letter that delineated all of these. so we could have voted on it all tonight. we could have adopted it. we could have moved forward on it with a speeded up concurrence process, but also other issues that impact them moving forward. so, you know, i think that i'm disappointed, as well. i expected the resolution with the d.p.a.s to pass. i think we've all learned a lot through this process and being on the commission. i would ask that we treat each other respectfully during this process. >> vice president taylor: i agr agree. i agree.
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i don't know if it's worth putting forth the resolution as stated for a vote, yeah. so with that, let's move on. next line item. >> clerk: line item 4, discussion and possible action to issue department bulletins clarifying language for department general order 5.01, use of force policy, discussion and possible action. >> thank you, commission. and if i could ask sergeant youngblood to put up just a short slide, powerpoint, i'll be very brief in presenting this for the commission's consideration. >> clerk: pardon me, chief. it's taking me just one second.
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okay, chief. it's up. >> before i start -- this is a brief powerpoint. i just want to, in the spirit of some of the discussion tonight, point out that the department of police accountability and the commission had asked for this to be expedited given that the department was tasked with coming up with some we've done that, and d.p.a. turned this around quickly, so we've present this to the commission. so if we can go to slide 1, i just want to highlight some of the features of these policy updates.
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so the purpose in line with our strateg strategic plan, you know, really, our strategic initiatives, we have several. i just want to point out the ones directly -- that this policy update directly speaks to. our strategy, too, in terms of responsiveness, strategy four, ability to intervene. prohibit the use of chokeholds, which is already a d.g.o. and a feature of this bulletin. we want to go back to the policy that the commission has in 2016 to remind officers of their duty specifically to
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intervene. [inaudible] >> -- really speak to us being a better and stronger department. and that's prohibiting the use -- section 4, we'd like to amend and add a section that prohibits the use of physical control to the head, neck, and throat area. then section 5, we added a section consistent with the theme and the strategy statement of safety with respect, and that's to safeguarding the people that we come in contact with, and this speaks specifically to not putting people unnecessarily on the ground or seating them on the curb. it also speaks to when we have the typical facts, to lay somebody -- a person on the ground, that we get them up immediately when that situation has been considered stable. so, you know, leaving people on the ground is something we can
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do better at. we see it across the country, and it's -- we can do a better job. we can do it here in san francisco, and we can do it in other parts of the country, as well. we're also requesting a title change, d.g.o. 5.01 that clearly describes the scope and purpose of these d.g.o.s and recommended provisions. and also, one other thing, in part four, we can go to the bottom of -- yes, the bottom of the slide. part four, prohibiting the use of physical controls to the head, neck, and throat, to add language to prohibit applying pressure while using force to the head, neck, and throat of the person, and that was what we saw in minneapolis, and this was a change that was cited in our policy that we believe will
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make a clear bright line to this issue. section 5, safeguarding the dignity. as i mentioned, we ha-- the policy explains that. next slide, please. the next draft policy will be forwarded to the meet and confer process, and i know there's been a lot of discussion about that. and really, the discussion is impact, whether this policy has impacts on a lot of those associations. we do have -- we have a -- let me say this: we've hired two people from d.h.r. to stream line this process. part of the delays, they were involved in other work other than the police department.
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we brought them in. they understand this work, and we believe this will help stream line this process when meet and confer is legally required, so i wanted to add that to one of the things that we're doing to try to speed up this process. and the last thing, as far as next steps, we have basically works with all the parties, including d.p.a. and the commissioners assigned -- commissioner brookter and commissioner dejesus -- to work on this together so we can turn it around quickly and implement the changes. so that's the last slide. if you have any questions for me, i'm happy to answer them for the commission's consideration. >> vice president taylor: yes. commissioner hamasaki?
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>> commissioner hamasaki: yes, chief, you're saying that this amendment needs to go to meet and confer? >> so i know there's going to be further discussion about this, but yes. we -- as our processes go, any d.g.o. policy change, bulletin, those before now, went to d.h.r. for review to see if that triggered a meet and confer based on advice from d.h.r. and from the city attorney's office. it still goes through that process, except miss choi and miss preston do it now as members of the department. like every d.g.o. or bulletin, they review it, and they give us advice on whether these policy changes trigger meet and confer. the advice we were given was
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yes, this one does. >> commissioner hamasaki: chief, just to be clear, the commission makes the determination as to whether something goes to meet and confer, correct? >> the advice has been, from d.h.r., a d.h.r. -- and miss preston is on the call to answer any questions, but the advice has been to send it to d.h.r., and d.h.r. gives advice when appropriate as to whether those policy changes should go to meet and confer, and they give advice to the department, as well. that's been the process. >> commissioner hamasaki: sorry. i understand that process. when you're saying that it's going to meet and confer, that's a conclusion that i don't think we've reached yet because ultimately, the commission decides whether it goes to meet and confer, and i can't imagine this one would. that's all i have to say for this. >> yeah, understood.
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>> i don't understand why this doesn't go to meet and confer. >> commissioner elias: i've told the chief with respect to 5.01, this does not go to meet and confer. there was a court case where the p.o.a. served the department over the original 5.01, and they lost. and the court found that it was not subject to meet and confer, so for us to -- if we're making amendments or resolutions to a d.g.o. that is not subject to meet and confer, why would we backtrack and have it go to meet and confer? that makes no sense to me. >> yeah, thank you, commissioner elias. we feel that -- as far as i
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know, we still refer to the human resources people to make a determination to advise the department and the commission and also the city attorney, which we do on every d.g.o., including this bulletin. so i know sergeant cabrera is on the call, who wrote some of this resolution, and the city attorney is on the call. >> commissioner elias: i know we're going to discuss some of this next week, but this meet and confer is a problem for most of us. so i'm still not clear on why things get sent to meet and confer. it seems that everything --
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[inaudible] >> there's this deference that shouldn't be, and i think that's the point. it's this deference that's been happening no longer happens. >> commissioner dejesus: so i was there -- you know, i was there in 2016. and we passed the use of force, and we put it into practice, and they sued us, and they lost. this is a policy decision, and the policy -- the city of san francisco doesn't want their officers doing the carotid restraint and doesn't want that as a policy decision, that is a meet and confer. now, there was something about training, and they wanted to change the policy, and they lost in court. so when it's a pure policy, it doesn't go to them. they don't make that decision. when it affects their working conditions, such as training, then perhaps. but that training doesn't change -- what they try to do, when they take it in, is they try to change the policy
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itself. that's the double-edged sword that i'm saying, if we're not going to have it enforced, they have 30 days. but there's this policy deference that we're told that everything has to go in there. but the case is very clear, if it's a policy decision, management decision, it doesn't have to go there. >> commissioner hamasaki: commissioner, may i ask, were you given advice that that doesn't have to go into meet and confer? >> commissioner dejesus: there was a training that was resolved very quickly. as far as the rest of it, it was pure policy, and they implemented it, and that's when they sued us and they lost. [inaudible] >> commissioner dejesus: we should talk about whether our policy is open session. there's no closed session for
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policy. [inaudible] >> vice president taylor: what can you tell us? >> commissioner hamasaki: you're muted -- oh, you're calling on a phone. >> commissioner dejesus: it's on the bottom, the mute button. >> commissioner hamasaki: there you go. >> hello? >> commissioner dejesus: hello. >> hi. good evening. this is lawanna preston. thank you. so bwhat needs to go to meet ad confer are items or policy decisions that fall within the scope of representation. pursuant to the brown act, if there are changes to the working conditions that fall within scope, they are required -- the city is required to provide an opportunity to the union to
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meet and confer over those impacts. you all may remember that, on march 23, 2018, the city attorney's office sent out a memo to the police commission regarding meet and confer requirements. it was brought to the commission for discussion by katie porter, who's the city's chief legal attorney, and so there are things that we are legally required to meet and confer about. wh -- about when it comes to changing working conditions or it impacts the working conditions. >> it's kind of a catch-all descriptor, but why would the bias need to go to meet and confer? just everything gets swallowed
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up into that definition. it's covered so broadly such that everything we do ends up there, and i still don't understand why. >> commissioner dejesus: and i agree, not everything has to go there. we've carved things out that we've not negotiated on because not everything is in your purview. >> yeah. sometimes, it needs to be litigated. the city attorney needs to defend us when look, it's a policy decision. it's not subject to meet and confer, and we have to take that stand and allow that litigation process to take place and not be scared of it. >> how is the bias d.g.o. not an absolute policy decision? it's us -- in terms of employment, it's everything in terms of employment. there's nothing for us to be able to rely on. you know, since i joined this commission, i have been
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frustrated by this [inaudible]. >> the bias policing d.g.o. is scheduled for the july 8 closed session; that there are-that is --i is -- there are -- that is sent out for the next meeting. >> someone makes the decision -- [inaudible] >> are we able to say -- >> commissioner elias: i think, commissioner taylor -- i think some of those questions will be answered in our closed session. what i'm going to ask at this point is i'm going to make a motion, and i'm going to ask you, all of the commissioners
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to join me. given the fact that 5.01 was already litigated in the courts, and the court decided that this was a policy decision and not in the purview of meet and confer. given that, and given the fact that we're making amendments to 5.01, i'm making a motion that the chief not send this to meet and confer because it's not something that's subject to meet and confer. i'm going to make that motion, and i'm going to ask someone to second me and we pass it so that the chief doesn't send it to meet and confer. >> commissioner dejesus: i want to make a couple of amendments to it before we -- >> commissioner elias: i'm saying i want to prohibit the chief from sending this to meet and confer. i'm making a motion. >> commissioner dejesus: i'll second that. >> commissioner elias: -- so that it doesn't go to meet and
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confer. [inaudible] >> commissioner dejesus: you're breaking up. >> commissioner hamasaki: breaking up. >> vice president taylor: is this right, that meet and confer was found to go policy? >> commissioner elias: there's a court case on it, p.o.a. >> vice president taylor: is that right? >> commissioner elias: city attorney cabrera. >> vice president taylor: or miss preston, is that correct? >> this is alicia cabrera. i provided a memo that was distributed yesterday, and in there, i talk about that particular decision. so unless you want me to disclose my legal advice in public, which i don't advise, that is not what i said, so i refer you back to the memo.
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>> commissioner dejesus: you can -- you can tell us there's a court case on it. it's a published opinion. >> right. and we engaged in effects bargaining, and we reached an agreement with training and discipline. >> commissioner dejesus: i said that. we reached an agreement with training, but they continued to say we had to meet and confer on shooting at cars, and we said no. >> an important part to remember is we engaged in bargaining, and -- >> commissioner dejesus: i agree with you. we did around that one issue that was resolved rather quickly, but then, it still got bogged down and we implemented it. >> commissioner hamasaki: you know, the challenge here is we've got three trial attorneys, and we're ready for trial. and i think the city attorney's office -- >> commissioner dejesus: no, i think we have to parse -- >> commissioner hamasaki: no, no, no.
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i'm not just saying -- >> commissioner dejesus: what falls within the meaning, and what doesn't. >> commissioner hamasaki: like, that's our role as commissioners, is we need to be ready to pull the trigger even when other parties that are involved are not motivated in the same way, perhaps. >> commissioner dejesus: no, i think we need to -- i'm sorry. let me finish. i think we need to understand what falls within the pr parameters of policy. go on, alicia. >> ultimately, whether decisions go to meet and confer are done by d.h.r. i wanted to make sure that that was clear. >> commissioner dejesus: well, they usually come to us for advice, and we tell them what
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they don't want to hear. >> yeah, they do come before the commission. [inaudible] >> again, just to stress, under the charter, those decisions fall under d.h.r. d.h.r. will always come and meet with the commission as they did back in 2016 and 2015 to get direction, to talk to the commission, but those decisions rest with d.h.r. i just want to make sure that's clear. >> commissioner hamasaki: thank you for that clarification. so we have no control over when anything -- >> commissioner dejesus: no, that's not what she said. d.h.r. comes and meets with us. >> commissioner elias: that's how we want to proceed, and we tell them as a commission what we think and how we should proceed, and they represent us. >> commissioner hamasaki: right. we've taken votes on this, and
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that's why i'm confused about what miss cabrera just said. >> vice president taylor: if we vote yes on commissioner elias' motion, d.h.r. would be required to meet with us, but what is the next step? i don't think that's ever been -- >> commissioner elias: the next step is we implement 5.01, and if there's a problem, they'll sue us, like they did last time. [inaudible] >> commissioner hamasaki: i think i'm totally confused. so we do or we don't vote on whether something goes to meet and confer. >> we don't. >> commissioner dejesus: that's why i want to agendize it. we should have a policy how we want to move forward in the future on these things, and we have a discussion on certain things and what should be
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included in the meet and confer. >> right now, what's at issue is the black hole and whether we want to get these policies or reforms implemented. >> commissioner hamasaki: i do think that what commissioner dejesus said, that we should have a broader discussion about this. i think there's discussion needed by the other commissioners, commissioner dejesus and myself. i'm ready to move forward with commissioner elias' motion. >> we need public comment. >> commissioner dejesus: i'm sorry. >> clerk: all right. so on-line item 4, the public is welcome to make public comment on-line item 4.
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you can dial 408-418-9388, and enter the access code 14694429932, press pound, and pound again, and then star-three. we have two callers. >> vice president taylor: okay. >> clerk: hello, caller. you have two minutes. caller, you have two minutes. i'll take the next call. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hi. my name is ana, and i'm calling to draw the commission's attention to language in the use of force change policy presented today? the change prohibits chokeholds and other dangerous so-called
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physical control but lists an exception when an officer is concerned for the safety of themselves or others. essentially, this policy states that if an officer wants to use a chokehold, it's okay as long as they make a concerned face and file a report on it. this is unacceptable. we cannot allow the police to act as judge, jury, and executioner. we know that the police are perfectly capable of apprehending even the most dangerous suspects with no violence or harm occurring to the suspect. there is no excuse for potentially using deadly force. i was originally going to end with this, but i'm realizing now that even this baby step will not be implemented any time soon. apparently, any small changes can take months or years.
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years is too long a timeline. people who are being harmed by the police right now can't wait years. you can't push toothless reforms that do nothing to address police violence. you can and have to do better. i want to see the commission pass a resolution that prohibits the use of force in any situation. if you can't work with the police, if you can't control them, defund them. make your job to serve the community. thank you. i yield my time. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hi. my name is peter. i support the proposed amendments to the department's use of force policy.
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i hope that these clarifications will be integrated as is into hiring and training practices. any officer needs to be told [inaudible] should not be entrusted to use force. anyone who would use this policy should be weeded thecm out of hiring. officers must be expected to protect and serve the public. officers who expect to hurt the public should expect to be fired or not get hired in the first place. also, fuck the p.o.a. thank you. >> clerk: good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> my. any na my name is gloria berry. i'm a veteran with 13 years of service and i'm a veteran of law enforcement with eight years of service. i have personally taken down and handcuffed men and got them
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off the ground myself with no assistance and definitely with no desire to bring harm on the person or definitely not wanting them dead. i think it's absolutely ridiculous that this item will be considered to meet and confer. i suggest not going by the chief's recommendation. he's saying these things because he has to work with these police officers, so he's in a tight spot. but i request that you guys who decided to be on this police commission do it for us, do it for the people, the citizens of san francisco. go forward with the amendment. if you get sued, you get sued. this is the time to be bold. if not, i highly recommend you remove yourself from this commission because we need to be about serious reform and sending clear message to the
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police office association that we are not scared of them, we are not scared of anyone right now, and black lives matter. thank you. >> commissioner hamasaki: thank you, miss berry. >> vice president taylor: thank you. next caller. >> clerk: good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hi. it sounds like -- i think that probably everyone wants this policy to pass, which is great, but it sounds like your attorney is trying to save you from yourself, and i'm really curious how long this is going to get held up once it's wrapped up in a court case and if it's more expeditious to go to meet and confer or rather just wait on making a decision around meet and confer so you're not involved in a lengthy court battle that's going to hold this up even longer. if your attorney is telling you wait until closed session, maybe you ought to wait until closed session and decide next week? >> vice president taylor: thank you, caller.
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>> clerk: good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hi. my name's marie. i'm a district 5 voter, and live long san franciscan. i want to echo the concerns of the first caller. if you have this language that they're concerned about their danger to themselves or others, it's an absolutely pointless reform, and it just points to how reformat this juncture is useless, and you need to be thinking bigger. we need to be talking about and considering abolishing and defunding sfpd. we don't want to hear you talk about your interpersonal squabbles and bullshit. i also want to reiterate the notion of fuck the p.o.a.
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thank you, and black lives matter. >> clerk: commissioners, we have no more public comment at this time. >> vice president taylor: thank you. >> clerk: so on-line item 4, on the motion from commissioner elias for chief scott not to send this d.g.o. 5.01 to meet and confer -- [roll call] >> clerk: vice president taylor, you have five yeses. >> vice president taylor: thank you. >> commissioner hamasaki: now we have to deal with the policy itself. >> vice president taylor: yeah. i think we have to call the
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next line item, but is there a vote on the policy? >> commissioner dejesus: no, no, no. i saw my name in there. i have some -- [inaudibl [inaudible] >> vice president taylor: commissioner dejesus? >> commissioner dejesus: all right. so i kind of worked with the chief on this, and i'm not a policy analyst. i'm glad that d.p.a. came in and tweaked it, too. they put a lot of good stuff, and i have to say for what it is, it's very -- it covers a lot of ground. but today, when i was reading the last paragraph, i got confused. so i took a break. i'll look at it on friday and didn't look at again until today, and i realized the last paragraph was really confusing and had a lot of extra
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language. i'm just wondering if we could just shorten it. i wish i could send it to you, but -- hold on. let me tell you what i think it should say. hold on. i've got to look it up. okay. so -- so, you know, on -- on the third line, it says poses a serious threat to the other officer or another person -- no, no. sorry. when it says on the fourth line, was not seated or in a prone position because of the safety of the person, the safety of those involved or the safety of the officers -- and then on the -- okay. let me just read it. i tried to shorten the paragraph, and maybe this is not the way to do it. i wanted to get it to you guys earlier. the very last line was confusing, and i thought if we said exigent circumstances exception, and exigent
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circumstances arrives [inaudible] >> or another person. as a last resort, or when exigent circumstances exist, the officer can place the person in a seated position. when the circumstances are over, officers shall take the person off the ground with dignity and respect. so -- so i just -- i just deleted a few -- try to make it clearer. you don't have to go with it, but i just think, when i tried to read it today, it was confusing on the last paragraph. but i think it was better because it was confusing on what we were trying to do. [inaudible] >> commissioner hamasaki: did
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somebody write it down? can you type it in the chat box so we can see it? >> commissioner dejesus: oh, i have to type it, you mean? >> commissioner hamasaki: yeah, so we can see it, make sure it sounds right. >> commissioner dejesus: i don't know how to do it. >> commissioner hamasaki: okay. you can read it out and i'll type it. >> commissioner dejesus: that whole paragraph? >> commissioner hamasaki: i can press fast. >> commissioner dejesus: can you? you know what? it reads the same. i'll just tell you where i changed the paragraph. on the fourth line -- it says -- on the fourth line, it says, or another person, period. i deleted, was not seated or laid in a prone position because of the person's safety, comma, the safety of others, or the safety of the involved officers, so delete that.
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and then -- so -- so -- so, so, so -- so i don't know. well, hold up a second. does your third sentence ends with poses a serious threat to the officer or another person? >> commissioner hamasaki: petra, i think it would be better just to read it out again. >> commissioner dejesus: okay. i'll read it slowly. exigent circumstances exception. exigent circumstances arises when an officer has specific and articulable facts that the detainee or arrestee poses a serious threat to the officer or another person. >> commissioner hamasaki: specific and articulable facts that the arrestee or detainee poses a serious -- >> commissioner dejesus: that the detainee or arrestee poses
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a serious threat to the officer or another person. >> commissioner hamasaki: a serious danger to the officer or another person. okay. continue. next line. >> commissioner dejesus: as a last resort, and when exigent circumstances exist, comma, an officer may place a detainee or arrestee in a seated or prone position. >> commissioner hamasaki: can you say it again -- as a last resort or when exigent circumstances exist -- >> commissioner dejesus: comma, an officer may place a detainee or arrestee in a seated or prone position, period. >> commissioner hamasaki: okay. last line, right? >> commissioner dejesus: yes. when the officer determines that the threat is over --
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>> commissioner hamasaki: yep. >> commissioner dejesus: that's comma. the officer shall immediately take the person off the ground with dignity and respect. >> commissioner hamasaki: immediately raise or place? >> commissioner dejesus: when the threat is over, the officer shall immediately take the person off the ground with dignity and respect. >> commissioner hamasaki: -- or the ground with dignity and respect. >> commissioner dejesus: an officer shall document in the incident report any time it is necessary to seat an individual on the ground involuntarily. >> commissioner hamasaki: any time it is necessary to seat --
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say that again, petra. >> commissioner dejesus: okay. an officer shall document in the incident report any time it is necessary to seat an individual on the ground involuntarily. you guys don't have to go with this. i just was confused reading the last paragraph. >> commissioner hamasaki: i mean, i think that's clear. is there anything that -- i think it's not particularly clear as written, but i'm fine with it. >> commissioner dejesus: yeah. it just -- it took off handcuffed or not handcuffed, may be seated -- but, chief, it's up to you. i'm just trying to make this clear. i mean, it's not up to you. you can put your two cents in. >> vice president taylor: i'm looking at it now. chief, do you want to weigh-in? >> yeah.
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commissioner hamasaki, if you don't mind putting that back up. i saw one thing. i think where commissioner dejesus said -- you typed in danger. >> commissioner hamasaki: oh, threat. okay. yeah, that's -- >> okay. that's not on my screen. >> commissioner dejesus: it's not on my screen, either. where are you posting it at? >> vice president taylor: it's in the chat.
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>> commissioner dejesus: it seems to me this is the first sentence. >> commissioner hamasaki: i didn't put the first sentence the title of the section. >> commissioner dejesus: an and in front of that, and exigent circumstances arises. >> commissioner hamasaki: yeah, exactly. sergeant youngblood, if we get this 99% right, you can clean it up from what petra sends you. >> commissioner dejesus: i'm trying to keep the same gist of it.
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[inaudible] >> i think the first sentence is really a little bit unclear, so i think this helps. >> commissioner hamasaki: yeah, no, i think it's definitely clearer. i'm -- >> commissioner dejesus: so i took out the first sentence that was confusing to me, only if exigent and fact ral circumstances exist in which the officer has reasonable cause to believe it may be necessary to set or lay a person on the ground for the person's safety or safety of others or the safety of the involved officers. and the one on top of that, that just seems really wordy and a little confusing, and --
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exigent -- i think you should make it clear -- [inaudible] >> i just think it makes it a little bit clearer. >> yeah. i don't know if i'm looking at the right thing because i still see the danger in there, so i'm looking at the chat the danger should say threat. in that first sentence, it should say threat, and exigent circumstances arises. >> commissioner dejesus: in the first sentence, you should have a-n. a-n, exigent circumstances arises. very first word should say an,
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>> i'm sorry. also in that first line? >> yes. >> can we have serious threat to another person, the officer, or to themselves? >> poses a serious threat to the officer or another person, it should be in the first line. >> yeah. >> or themselves, yes. yes, there we go. okay. that looks clear to me, commissioners. >> okay. thanks. that would be great. >> commissioner dejesus: that's it. otherwise, i thought it was really well done. i thought it was great collaboration. everybody made great changes. it makes it really clear, and
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it takes out the gray area. you put in the stranglehold part, which we don't have. i think it's job well done for someone in the field. >> you have some of the questions? >> commissioner hamasaki: i move to adopt with changes. >> commissioner dejesus: i second it. >> clerk: okay. we just need to take public comment on that before we vote
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on the motion. >> commissioner dejesus: okay. >> clerk: all right. we have one caller on-line. so for line item 4, for members of the public, dial 408-418-9388, access 1469442932, press pound, and pound again, and hit star-three to raise your hand. commissioner taylor, we have two public comments at the moment. >> vice president taylor: thanks. hello, caller. >> clerk: good evening, caller. you have two minutes. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hi. i want to echo the entire commenter's concerns about there being an exigent circumstances exception for
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chokeholds. i don't hear any concern about revising this exception or taking out this exception for chokeholds. i think we should just not have this as a thing in the police arsenal. thank you. >> clerk: good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hi. this is gloria berry, again. resident of san francisco, bayview-hunters point. i actually can't see the changes as you're making them. i was hoping that as y, as you the changes, you would read it so the public can comment. i'm watching you on government live t.v., and it's just blurry and too small to read what the changes are. if it still has any type of
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language that unless there's a circumstance that officers can use any kind of pressure to the neck, head, or what-have-you, that needs to be moved because there is no exigent circumstances to do that, and i'm speaking from 20 years of training and use of force experience. thank you. >> vice president taylor: can you play that back so the public can read it? i'll read it. an exigent circumstances arises when an officer has specific and articulable facts that the detainee or arrestee poses a serious risk to the officer, another person, or themselves. as a last resort and when exigent circumstances exist, an
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officer may place an arrestee or detainee in a prone position. when the officer determines that the dlaet is over, the officer shathe -- threat is over, the officer shall make the person off the ground with dignity and respect. this has to do with, a lot of times, we've all seen it, when cops detain someone, they'll just leave them on the ground or laying down forever. this is just a good way to have grown people kind of on the ground, like -- like, you know, not with the dignity and respect that they deserve, so that's what this paragraph is about. >> commissioner dejesus: yeah. and it does not allow chokehold or carotid restraints. >> clerk: all right.
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that is the end of public comment. >> commissioner elias: i think that's something that the chief had advocated for over a year ago. >> right. >> vice president taylor: is there anymore public comment? >> clerk: no, we have no other public comment. >> commissioner dejesus: okay. i think we have a motion and a second. >> clerk: yes. on the motion to accept d.g.o. 5.01, use of force policy, with the changes made by the police commission -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: you have five yeses, commissioner taylor. >> vice president taylor: great. next line item. >> clerk: next line item is line item 5, general public comment. at this time, the public is now welcome to address the commission for up to two minutes on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the police commission. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department or d.p.a. personnel. under police commission rules of order, during public comment, neither police or d.p.a. personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. call 408 zsh 418-9388, and access code 1469442932, press
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pound, and pound again. to enter the queue, press star and three. at this time, president taylor, you have one public comment. hello, caller. you have two minutes. >> i have one question for the chief. why did the police attempt to block the protesters from marching up valencia for pride without interference? thank you. >> clerk . >> vice president taylor: thank you. >> clerk: commissioner taylor, there are no more public comments. >> vice president taylor: okay. next line item. >> clerk: line item number 6, public comment on all matters pertaining to item 8 below, closed session, including
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public comment on item 7, vote whether to hold item 8 in closed session. there are no public comment. item 7, vote on whether to hold item 7 in closed session, san francisco administrative code section 67.10, action. [roll call] >> clerk: vice president taylor, you have five yeses. >> vice president taylor: okay. >> how do we go in closed session? >> clerk: yeah. i'll take everybody into closed session. it will take me a second, and then, iwe'll all go out.
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>> commissioner dejesus: i keep going on mute. second. >> clerk: okay. so t on the motion not to disclose -- [roll call] >> clerk: you have four yeses. line item 10, adjournment. action item. >> vice president taylor: do i have a motion? >> motion. >> vice president taylor: do i have a second? >> second. >> clerk: on the motion to adjourn -- >> commissioner hamasaki: wait. can i ask a procedural question. if the motion fails, do we squlujust have to sit here?
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>> hi. i'm chris manners, and you're watching coping with covid-19. today, in a very special 13th episode, i'm going to the emergency room. the beach parking lots reopened recently here, so i decided to have my first surf session since the shelter in place order, and as i was getting out, i had a little accident right there. here's my story. as soon as i hurt myself, i went straight back to my car and took a photo so i could see what i'd done. be warned, the picture is a little graphic. next, i took out my first aid kit and applied a temporary dressing before i drove home. this first aid kit comes from the red cross, and a similar kit is available on their website for around $22. i quickly determined i needed some stitches, so i called the
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emergency room to see how busy they are. if you have a wound that requires stitches, you can call to see how busy they are, but don't wait too long. after eight hours, they won't see you. i was a little nervous about going to the e.r. during this pandemic, but my fears were completely unfounded. service was fast, efficient, and the staff whether all helpful and cheer -- were all helpful and cheerful. after using hand sanitizer, i went through security, checked in. my name was called, and they took my temperature and blood pressure while asking a few basic questions about myself and my injury. next, i was taken to a private space, and a nurse came in and thoroughly cleaned my wounds. then, a doctor came in, numbed my neck, and quickly put in seven stitches. i was released and back home in about an hour. the reason i made this video is
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there are reports that e.r.s are seeing less patients than usual. don't risk your health. my visit was very reassuring. they have all the appropriate covid-19 protocols in place, great professionals, and they're there to help. if you need to go to the e.r., don't hesitate to get the help you need. in fact, since i started this video, i've been back again to get the stitches removed with the same level of care. well, that's it for this episode. if you need urgent care, go to the emergency room no matter what your financial situation is, and call 911 if you need paramedics or can't get there by yourself. the doctors and nurses will get you there and get you the >> so if you know someone that needs spanish or cantonese
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interpreters. i call the special meeting for wednesday, july 1st, 2020, to order. misses could co, please have roll call. >> thank you. miss collins? >> thank you. >> mr. cook? >> here. >> miss lamb. >> here. >> miss lopez. >> here. >> mr. maliga? ms. norton? ms. norton? mr. sanchez. >> here. >> thank you. thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon, everyone. and welcome. welcome to superintendent matthews, all of our board colleagues, district staff and the general public in attendance. thank you for joining us for two important actions that we have for the 2020-2021 school district budget.
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we adopted the operations written plan in place of the lcap, which is now due in december of 2020. thus, this afternoon the board will focuses on the adoption of two adoptions. the sacks code and the s.f. recommended 2020-2021 budget. we're going to take the resolution first. and then we'll follow the -- followed by the recommended budget resolution. and we will start off with the staff presentation, then open for public comment and then with the discussion and any questions, final questions by the board. and lastly followed by action. and i would want to open this afternoon up with extending deep appreciation on behalf of the board to superintendent matthews, our chief financial officer megan wallace, director of budget services anne marie
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gordon and deputy superintendent mi young lee and the entire budget analysts team for their intensive and careful work in providing us with the 2020-2021 budget documentation and documents overall. with that i'd like to begin with the special order of business resolution 206-23 s02. the adoption of the fiscal year budget for the san francisco unified school district and the san francisco county of education in the standardized account code structure, the sacks format. the official state form prescribed by the state superintendent of public instruction, in accordance with the california education section 3129 and 42127. and it looks like at this time since we didn't have a prior motion, we will need a motion and a second to this item.
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>> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. and at this time i'd like to call upon superintendent matthews to introduce the designee for presentation and read the recommendation into the record. >> thank you, commissioner lamb. president sanchez, vice president lopez and board members present, commissioners present, thank you all for being here. as you have just heard, there are two items, one is around the sacks code. the second is around the budget. we have posted all documents, including a summary presentation regarding the budget, and i'm not sure if commissioner lamb, we posted the summary presentation. it's four slides and a cover slide. i didn't know if you wanted that at this time or if you would prefer to go straight to questions? but if you wanted the presentation, that is available. just didn't know what your preference was. >> is that for the -- i'm sorry
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the presentation you're speaking of for the sacks or more broad adoption of the budget? >> it's for the more broad adoption of the document. >> let's wait until the second item for that presentation. >> with that presenting regarding the sacks code will be our chief financial officer. >> thank you. >> great. good afternoon, commissioners and dr. matthews. so for this item, this is actually my first time through here. should i actually read the item itself to put it on the record? >> yes. >> requested action. >> yes. >> okay. great. so this requested action is for approval of the fiscal year 2020-2021 adopted budgets for san francisco united school district and the san francisco county office of altercation and the standardized account code structure form.
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and as prescribed by the state superintendent of public instruction and in accordance with the california education code sections 33129 and 42127. and with this the board of education would approve the adoption of fiscal year 2020-2021 budget and we recommend moving it forward. and in terms of more specific, you know, kind of explanation of what this is, is that the california department of education does require school districts and county offices of education to provide our budget, as you've seen in the district format. but in the standard form so that all districts and county offices follow that standard structure.
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>> thank you. at this time i wanted to open up for public comment. again this is specifically for the item of the sacks code format. mr. steel, do you want to see if there's hands up? >> sure will. thank you, commissioner lamb. please raise your hand if you'd like to speak on this item. hello, michelle. are you there? michelle? >> no. i had my hand down. sorry. >> clerk: no problem. thank you. >>fy need to, i'll raise it again. -- if i need to, i'll raise it again. >> clerk: hello, julie. >> caller: >> commissioner haney:. this is julie roberts fund.
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just a question. i'm wondering if this is the first time that our budget has been presented in sacks format? or if not, can clarify where we'd find previous versions. i'm also curious if this brings us into alignment with the presentation format that other districts around the state use and if this will be a common practice for us in future years? i'm wondering if we'll be able to get this information earlier than the -- a couple of days before the final budget meeting. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. hello, susan. hello, susan. >> caller: yes. thank you. mr. steel, so this is susan solomon, president of the united educators of san francisco. and i'm addressing issues about the budget. i hope that's appropriate. i got on a little late.
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so before and during the pandemic, sfusd leadership and and rank and file have continuously approached contract negotiations -- to the length -- >> clerk: susan, i'm sorry to interrupt. we took the second item, the special order of business first. >> caller: okay. i apologize. i got on a little bit late. i'm happy to wait. >> clerk: okay. i'm sorry about that. >> caller: no. my apologies. >> clerk: all right. that looks like it was for this item, commissioner lamb. >> thank you. so at this time i'd like to open up if there are any additional questions by the board. okay. seeing none -- >> sorry. >> gabriella, sorry. >> just similar to the public comment that was made, how is this different, or what -- what
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introduction is new to us. if we can get a brief explanation. >> yes. i can speak to that a little bit. although i may need to lean on debby, superintendent lee a little bit more for the historical context with the district. but this is the standard format that's required across the state. and it's really intended to create an apples-to-apples comparisons of budgets for all school districts, that anyone with knowledge of how the budget is structured could look at any school district and read this document. and have some clarity of what the information we're sharing. and i do know that we historically have posted this information and received, you know, approval from the board in this same resolution format. but i'm not quite sure how many years we've actually been required to provide it in this
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format. superintendent, do you happen to know that information? >> i can give an approximate timeframe. the state adopted this standardized account code structure, i believe it was somewhere 2002-2003 or thereabouts. and that was about the -- that was a big transition for most school districts, including ours. and that was the timeframe that i believe that they started requiring that districts submit budgets in this format, just to add one other point. the timing of this type of action, in prior years, has corresponded with the second reading of the budget. so that's -- that's not unusual, as you heard from chief wallace
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and others last week, when -- i believe it was last week. when the second reading was scheduled to take place on the 23rd. on that occasion, the sacks forms were not -- were planned to be lagging a bit. and not to be ready for a board vote to accompany the second reading. i think the plan was to bring the sacs forms back for another meeting on july 14th. but given that there was a delay in the actual vote on the budget, the staff worked incredibly hard over the past week to prepare the sacs forms so they could accompany the second reading of the budget. >> thank you. just a follow-up, given that it's -- it is a rubric, there are pieces that aren't filled out, especially on the county
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side. it seems like none of it is checked. does that have any -- does that matter? like what are we following -- how are we following up? >> so we are meeting the criteria. we were focused on the providing the core budget data, so you can see the sources and uses and application of fund balance to our proposed budget. but staff has continued to complete the various forms that show that we're meeting that criteria. so the submission will show that we are meeting all of those requirements. >> okay. thank you. >> can i also ask a question? >> go ahead, commissioner collins. >> thanks. i'm also understanding you have been making changes based on our feedback, as of last meeting? so that would also change --
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would that change any of the -- of what you were entering in the document as well, we just met last friday, right. we've been changing it, it's not like it's a set budget conversation. it's been moving a lot in the last few weeks. and i just want -- if that's the correct thing, i also want to acknowledge that you can't give us, you know, -- things have been moving every week. >> yes. so the sacs form does reflect the key changes that we discussed last week. and we worked to have the documents posted on boarddocs on sunday to meet the 72-hour act for a standard meeting. and so as of sunday, when we posted these documents, we did reflect the learning lost revenues, as well as the reserve -- the covid-19 reserve of
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$27 million and building in a place holder, approximately $22 million of savings. so we will be pursuing and further identifying. so over the course of the last few weeks, we've had a lot of conversations and staff have been working diligently to try to reflect all of those elements into the budget documents that are before you today in both items. >> thank you. soy just want to acknowledge for -- i mean, obviously it would be great if we could have more advanced notice for the public to review these types of documents. i also want to honor the fact that staff have been responsive and had to make changes and to get those done in order to make -- so because we've had input, things were changed and so now we don't have -- we haven't had as much time to review, that's because we're trying to meet these deadlines. >> thank you.
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any other questions? comments? okay. so at this time dr. matthews, you don't have any comments? final comments. i'd like to call a roll call vote. >> thank you. >> yes. >> mr. cook? mr. cook? >> yes. >> thank you. miss lamb? >> yes. >> miss lopez? >> yes. >> mr. maliga? >> yes. >> miss norton? nope. >> mr. sanchez? >> yes. >> great. thank you. our next item is the proposal 206-9sp-2. recommended budget. we already moved and seconded on june 9th. so at this time i'd like to call upon superintendent matthews to
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introduce the staff designee and read the recommendation into record. >> as i was saying earlier, we have a presentation. if you want that, that was the question i was asking. if that's the case, we have a short presentation, very brief. and then our chief financial officer megan wallace will be reading the recommendation into the record. >> yes. if we can have a review of this brief staff presentation, reading into the record and then we will open up for public comment. >> ms. wallace? >> oh, yes. thank you. all right. so could we go to the second slide, please, justin. okay. so the budget before you today is based upon the final state budget. the governor gavin newsom signed
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the budget on monday, june 29th. and in anticipation of what that budget, you know, contains, we were able to fold in some major assumptions around revenue. so what we found is that this budget is most likely -- the legislature's approach, which assumes stimulus funding will be received by the state and passed along to school districts. and in the event that that doesn't happen, the state would rely upon deferrals of apportionments or cash payments to school districts. so we'll need to manage our cash, but it's not as much of a budget problem as before, because it does restore lcff, but does not contain the cost-of-living increase that we had originally anticipated when we started down the path of developing our budget. so we are looking at $535 million of to yo -- of our local control funding dollars.
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and in addition to that, the state took action to provide school districts with additional learning loss funds. our district is anticipating just over $45 million or $45.3 million. $23.1 million of which is based upon our supplement funding and students for disabilities funding, that's based on our census enrollment of ages 3 through 22. as well as $8.3 million to our district, based upon our lcff or average daily attendance with approximately -- with $165 per a.d.a. so while this is very good news in the scheme of things, what we have discussed over the past few meetings, is really the improved outlook does not fully cover the costs associated with our
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districts current budget condition. that we are seeing a lot of local loss in revenues due to covid-19 impacts on our economy. and by building in anticipated cost of $27 million for reopening our schools, we're actually definitely offsetting the majority of the learning loss funding that we're receiving from the state. so i just -- i will continue to overly emphasize that we do continue to have a structural imbalance in our budget. next slide, please. so this is the layout of our budget, prior to rolling in an offset. as you can see, with all of our revenues anticipated, as well as
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expenditures that the learning loss funds actually placed us in a $4.7 million surplus, due to -- with that increase. we're anticipating $18.9 million of a beginning fund balance. that's really that we're going to balance the current fiscal year to meet that 2% economic reserve. and so while that would give us an ending fund balance of $23.6 million, we'll have to continue to hold back $18.9 million of those funds in order to maintain our operating reserve. and then with the application of a $27 million covid-19 reserve, which will allow us to have a bucket of funds to support additional costs, due to reopening schools, that all of those things together leave us with a $22.3 million operating
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deficit. and then as you can see in the ongoing fiscal years, with that deficit continues to grow, and the key drivers of that are particularly related to our revenues, that the learning loss funds are only counted for one year. so you can see the revenues do drop significantly, going fy21-22. we are anticipating costs will continue to grow. so this is where we have our structural imbalance within our budget. but in the proposed budget before you, we have built in a $22 million operating offset, that we will continue to pursue and identify savings, in order to balance. that savings is assumed to be carried on throughout the following two fiscal years. however, as you can see, we
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would continue to have a greater shortfall that we do need to work to resolve over the course of the coming fiscal year for those following two years, in the projections. next slide, please. some of the key changes that we've built in our budget, over the course of our discussions, include $7.1 million of savings from reductions to our programming that we had to cut costs, in order to align with available peace dollars and we had built in an original assumption that we would absorb those costs within the general fund. we made the decision to just go ahead and cut those -- those expenditures from our budget. and transportation has a $4 million savings assumption, that a fair amount of work still needs to be done in order to
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implement those savings. aligning our schedules, looking closely at areas where we may need to shift the way we deliver services to various groups of students, that we think that through a combination of those things that we will find $4 million of savings in our budget. we did end up adding $2 million of costs to our budget, by recognizing that there were staff that had been reduced from school sites, primarily that cannot be laid off, but they no longer have positions in order to maintain them. so we have actually added those funding -- that funding back to our budget. and then as i mentioned, the $27 million reserve for covid-19 costs. between now and the end of july, our district is going through the work of determining what the fall will look like and how we will, you know, -- we will
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reopen schools on august 17th. but what to degree is distance learning versus on-site and what are the variety of costs that will go into either or a combination of those scenarios, that this reserve is in place to allow us to do that planning. and know that we have resources to turn to-go implement. however, the budget also includes a $22 million place holder between now and august, when staff is recommended that we actually return to this board with with an updated budget to account for our reopening plan and to show our savings, the implementation plan for those savings. that we will have followed for that place holder come august. next slide, please. so just next up recommendations and next steps.
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today is july 1st. happy fiscal new year, everybody. we do recommend your approval of the budget before you. staff will be submitting the budget to c.d.e. today, upon your approval. but looking ahead through july and even all the way through september, we do have a fair amount of work ahead of us. again just identifying our balancing reductions. we have a place holder. but we have work ahead of to us figure out exactly what those savings will be in july, coming back with a reopening plan. august 11th would be the closest board meeting to within that 45-day window of of the governor something signed the budget, that we would want to bring a budget re-certification for you at that point in time. and then september 30th is the deadline for school districts to submit our learning continuity
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and attendance plan. we notice that comes out to lcat, the acronym, that this is a requirement for us to be able to use those learning lost dollars. so that's certainly a critical one for us to have on your radar. so with that thank you for all of the discussion that have been brought to the table. this is a very meaningful and critical conversation for us to have around our budget. and i welcome your questions at this time. >> president sanchez. >> yes. thank you for the presentation. i know we're going to go to public comment. i just want everybody to understand, public, particularly a number of attached -- or accompanying documents, a lot of
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important dacs that need to be reviewed. a lot of it around central office cuts. just to note that the work that's been doing to -- staff has been listening to the board and to the public and i think there's been some headway made in that area. so if you haven't reviewed that part, you should take a look. thanks. >> at this time, i'd like to open the public comment. i do want to -- depending upon the number of participants, we'd like to also limit the public comment at this time. >> clerk: okay. thank you, commissioner lamb. so if you would like to speak on the budget today, please raise your hand. we'll kind of -- we'll wait a few seconds to get an idea of how many people are. >> okay.
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okay. >> clerk: seven right now. eight. continuing to grow. >> okay. let's limit to -- let's see. let's do 20 minutes of public comment. and at this time let's do one minute. >> clerk: okay. thank you, commissioner lamb. okay. hello, susan. >> thank you. so sfusd continuously approached contract negotiations in the pandemic through the lens of what's best for our students, especially students of color, newcomer students and students with i.e.p.s. after covid hit, proposed a two-year contract extension during negotiations. clear, we weren't asking for anything. we weren't asking for a raise. we wanted to or benefit increases. we wanted to focus on our students.
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this was an extremely difficult decision for our membership to make, that we even had to scale back on some of our hopes and dreams for our students, in terms of increasing services for them, with what they deserve. but we know we have to weather this storm together. that's what a community does. so instead of the district reciprocating saying let's work together, what we were hit with last week, the district's demands for huge concessions called labor contributions. which is going to make it really, really hard to support our students. we have made enormous contributions to our students. that's our job. that's our passion. it's our mission. it's what we want to do. we didn't get any proposals for concessions until june 23rd. the budget numbers seem to keep changing, the concessions being propose ready huge. you know, we're actually bewildered and confused. we don't know why the budget is taking the turns it's taking. we want to know what the board is going to do to make sure our students receive more support and not less. you've heard that on monday afternoon we released the
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petition. it already has over 2500 signatures and support of us approving an interim and final budget, that's aligned with our values of the community. so we're calling on you today. we're imploring you, let's move forward together, approach this process together with more transparency, both in our public spaces like this meeting and at the virtual bargaining table. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. hello, megan. >> hi. i'm the analyst with the school district. i wanted to give my appreciation for all of the work that's gone into this very difficult budget process, from everybody involved, including all of the speakers that have come to these meetings religiously, to advocate on behalf of the students in san francisco unified school district. i'm sure you understand we're extremely passionate about
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ensuring that the children we serve are served well. and to the greatest extent that we can, within the circumstances surrounding the whole world. and i urge the board and the district to continually push themselves to think outside the box, to meet our values, where we stand. it's so important that we keep students at the center. and that we keep the cuts as far away from them as we can. and i hope that as we move forward in the next month, and start planning for next year more deeply, that we can connect our values to how we balance our budget, other than balancing our budget before we understand how we're going to serve our students. thank you. >> clerk: thank you.
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hello, jan. >> hello. i'm work with sfusd and the d.o.t. tent and also the president of the local 20 protest local 21. and we're concerned that any of our union staff, that might be laid off, will be replaced by outside contractors. we in local 21 have already seen so much of our work privatized, in particular, the occupational therapists. we're asking the board to save our jobs and restore -- to find solutions to this budget crisis, that does not jeopardize our income on or our health benefits during this pandemic. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. hello, joan. hello, joan.
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>> sorry. okay. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes, we can. go ahead. >> good afternoon, president sanchez, superintendent matthews and commissioners. i am joan helperly, uasf coexecutive director. on behalf of the united administrators of san francisco, we're asking the budget with no layoffs of educator or support staff, every school employee, as well as employee support schools are essential to the health and safety of our students. if you do have to make budget reductions, we want to emphasize that you start by reducing the costly outsid contracts and consultants. if it's essentially to do reductions, we're asking it be done in an equitable manner. both the interim and the amended budget should reflect our values and commitment as a district and ensure the essential cuts are made for students and classrooms. we are requesting they advocate for more funding and the stakeholders support the
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district's quest for additional central funding. it's critical that the funding of the district deteriorateses the racial, social and emotional insubstitute for our communities. w and to create safe and secure school communities for our children. in closing, it is impair ephiphany these values be reflected in the district's budget to support the resolution the board has adopted. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. hello, julie. >> can you hear me? >> clerk: yes. >> this is julie roberts. i appreciate board president sanchez's shout-out to take a closer look at the central office staffing. the report that was uploaded to boarddocs -- i'm wondering if
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you're referring to something different. it did have the detail about the number of f.t.e. and the lead team removed, though. and from what i can tell, the cuts to school sites still remain the same, carver still expected to lose 2.6 staff, drew still expected to lose 4.8. so i would love to have more clarity on the movement that's happened between friday's meeting and this meeting. and last i want to appreciate the budget staff who are looking into the discrepancy that we discussed last week with reading elementary. we are losing 1.5f.t.e., even though the report that was shared shows us gaining .5f.t.e. so i'm looking forward to having that resolved in a more accurate representation. thank you. >> clerk: thank you.
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hello, shelley. >> thank you so much, president sanchez, commissioners of the board and superintendent matthews. i'm shell wiener, i'm the sect of the sfusd chapter 1021. i would just like some clarification on the doc that was uploaded called fy2020-2021. on the second page, the bottom line is facilities. and it says slow cleaning cycles for sites, which we would appreciate as we represent custodial, what that means. further, in the other document that was the concessions and adjustments made to central office, there are only 83 custodians listed. and it is our impression that with 163 schools, plus other sites, we certainly have well
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over 300 custodians and we're interested in what that means. lastly, legal is adding two manager and one executive director and we're just wondering, not that we don't have plenty that we need legal for, why we're adding three more positions in that department at this very bad time. thank you so much. >> clerk: thank you. hello luis. >> hi. good afternoon, dr. matthews, president sanchez, vice president lopez, commissioners. my name is lewis rodriguez and i'm the president of an elementary. i speak today as an administrator and a director of an executive board of the united administrators of san francisco. just to comment on the budget situation, the state legislature and the governor came together and found a solution to spare mostly k-12 public education. that's great leadership.
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the same type of leadership i think we have in our district. therefore, the invitation is for your leadership to come through and find innovative and creative ways to avoid further cuts that may go against what we say we stand for. every single school district employee from the classroom to the cafeteria, to the yard and even to the departments removedd from this school sites is necessary to support the academic and nonacademic growth and development of our school communities, especially during the pandemic like the one we're going through. it's unfortunate that the city and county of san francisco does not invest more heavily on the most vulnerable and promising members of its population. children are our present, effective and creative leadership should ensure that they are also our future. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. hello, kimtree. >> hi.
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thank you very much. i also want to just support what our secretary shelley wiener called in to say. and then add to that, you know, when we see there's an increase in certain departments and then one of the most important departments and services, our custodians provide, what are we doing cutting them? especially right now. that makes no sense to me. i'm a field rep for tender one, we represent custodians, school nutrition workers. those departments should be increasing their staffing exponentially. by the way, we still don't have a negotiated covid for hazard pay for our members. and we've debunked every excuse that's been given to us. why can't we get this settled? it makes no sense. we've given you every opportunity. please give these valued members of the san francisco unified school district community, doing
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front-line work, what they are due. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. hello, miss parcel. >> oh, good afternoon. just a second. good afternoon, president sanchez, vice president lopez, board of commissioners, superintendent matthews, our beloved esther. on behalf of the san francisco alliance of black school educators, we appreciate the work of the budget committee the past couple of weeks. we especially support the concerns of uesf. and we just want to reiterate what was said in the past couple of meetings that what we call first responders, everyone you see running the schools from the principle to the teachers to the parents, the custodianses, to the cafeteria workers and everyone in between. we beg the board not to make any cuts in those areas.
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they're a group of educators -- they're a group of staff who call themselves chiefs. we understand they make six figures. i've listened to commission colleagues try to give those figures. everything that we do is transparent. you can rarely see what a teacher makes, what our principal makes. number one, the word chief of next school year will change that across the country. we check in with all of those offensive names. calling our financial director chief, it really bothered me to this day. next year we need to look at taking away that name. but also make it public. what's that group of 12 chiefs make, so we can see their salaries. thank you so much. >> clerk: that's time. thank you.
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hello, tom. tom, are you there? >> yes, i'm here. >> clerk: okay. go ahead. >> i'm tom, i'm a special educator teacher. and i'm this is my fifth year teaching there. i stayed there of the culture, the community, the parents. i'm struggling to find where the culture in the sfusd is. i each year get parents and other teachers cut and then it falls on my shoulders. i would urge you to please, the board, consider that each person at a school site makes a difference. their smiles, talking to students and changing lives. we're not justin -- just cogs in the machines. come to the schools and you'll see that each person does matter. thank you. >> clerk: thank you.
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commissioner lamb, that concludes public comment. oh, actually. i'm sorry. i missed one. oh, no, i didn't. hand went down. that does conclude public comment. >> thank you, justin. so at this time i'd like to just ask my colleagues of the board if you have additional questions or just discussion. sorry, i can't see your hands. i see lopez, cook and me. >> thank you. i can see you all. let's go to commissioner cook. i know he has limited time, too. >> i just want to say briefly,
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my apologies as everyone does. you know, this is still the time where we have to work. and so i have to step away at 4:00. i planned to vote "yes" on the proposed budget, as has been submitted. i just want to say that briefly before i stepped away. if the meeting is still going after my work meeting is going, i'll be back. i'll reserve my further comments for that time. >> thank you, commissioner cook. commissioner maliga. >> i don't have any comments right now. >> i'm sorry. sorry, lopez. commissioner lopez. >> thank you. so i'm very grateful for the work that's been done and the unlimited amount of hours we've all spent on this, especially staff that is seen by us, by the public. and i just wanted to note that. one thing that's really sitting with me, from friday's meeting,
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was the fact that, you know, after a certain amount of time, given the rights that employees have, which i am also behind, we can't really make choices regarding administrative versus school site positions, right. so i think i also am going to vote on the budget, of course. but i really do want us to think about the timeline that we are limited in making our choices, when we're thinking about the future. and this is like beginning in january of next year, right. and just to get that information. i'm -- you know, i didn't have that as a commissioner. and it makes sense. i understand that process. but it does create the scenario where the people who at the bottom, who make the least, are most at risk of being let go. and i want us to just address that in the future. so i'm making a note of that. and i hope that given the discussions that we've had now, and the transparent process we are building out, that will be
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included in future conversations. >> thank you. commissioner collins. >> thank you. and i do want to acknowledge, i think there was comments -- it has been kind of confusing budget season. i think that's true for all of us. and i want to acknowledge that that is -- you know, this year. it has a lot to do with covid, our economic shortfall that we had before and then after covid. and just -- i also think there's been changes that are positive, although stressful, due to the fact that as commissioners we've been pushing back throughout the year to ask for, you know, we revised the weighted student formula and mtss. and then there was feedback about that, whether commissioners felt that that was adequate and then the budget office came back with additional -- you know, with additional numbers. and then, you know, so there's
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been an iterative process. this is not normal in a lot of budget years and definitely before i joined the board. a lot of times the commissioners would get a budget and then just approve it. that's what happened when we came on the board last year. and this year was i think, you know, multiple revisions. and so i do want to recognize that that is stressful for the public in a sense, because it's -- it's hard to keep up. and then also there's been just, you know, at the state level funding has been kind of, you know, there were threats of 10% cuts by the governor and then the legislature and then, you know, all of those conversations, all of these things are coming down to the wire. and i think -- i just want to commend the budget staff and recognize the fact that i do think, as a district, you know, we should continue to make things more transparent. but the amount of work that they have been doing this year, like
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i'm just thinking about the whole year, is pretty immense, considering, you know, i don't think we've ever been through a budget year. and young, you can chime in, i don't think we've been in a budget year where we've had this many changes to the way that we budget, to the way we share information about our budget and how many times we have actually, you know, the budget team has put together a proposed budget and then gone back and made a change. so i just want to recognize that. additionally, i guess i have some specific questions. there's $27 million for reopening schools. and i wanted to know. nobody has ever -- has that ever been explained. how did you guys come up with that number, where does that come from? i'm happy to address that. i don't know if this is a
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complete answer. but i believe in a couple of our previous conversations, we've alluded to a study that a.s.a. produced a few, several weeks back. this is just one of several methodologies that different organizations have produced. but aasa is a national association of school superintendents basically. and they came up with a methodology and published a report that, long story short, estimated that the costs of reopening physical -- physical return to campuses would be -- i think it was $490 per student. and that's a national statistic. so definitely a somewhat crude number, -- >> that's probably going to be low, right? >> yes. >> considering higher -- our cost of living is higher. >> our cost of living is higher
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than the nationwide average. with that caveat, that figure of $27 million is approximately a little less than $500, applied -- per student, applied to our population. as you said, commissioner, that is probably on the low side for us. in this late stage of the budget, and as you pointed out, with all of these moving parts sitting, landing really late in the state budget and these learning loss funds being estimated or kind of taking shape really late, like literally within the past week or so, we have used this figure, this $27 million as sort of a working number for now. but for reasons that we've articulated in the past couple of meetings, it will be important, to as chief wallace mentioned in the presentation, to incorporate better information about covid costs, better information about our efforts to identify cost savings
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and any other material developments in the amended budget that we will be bringing back in august. so a lot of -- a lot of parts are still moving. and that is one of them. >> so just out of -- in that estimate of $490, does that include increased custodial costs and staffing? you know, i mean, it's not just hand sanitizer. i'm assuming that's why, you know, we have a higher cost of living. we pay staff more money, because it's more expense -- than say, i don't know, arkansas. that's my assumption. is that why if we were to just take this number and say, well, you know, we're assuming it's going to be higher. is that why it would be higher? >> that is the primary reason why it would be higher. and those are the most significant costs actually. the cost of people and whether
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it's for physical distancing or additional, enhanced cleaning efforts. those are the investments that i think would take the most additional costs, as opposed to cleaning supplies or hand sanitizer. i mean, all of those things are important and for some folks it's most obvious. to tell you the truth, they're probably the left costly elements of covid response. on the other hand, that national statistic does not include some good news that we've received from the state, that is pitching in and providing supplies of p.p.e. and cleaning -- i'm sorry, of masks and thermometers as well and sanitizers. so there are some things that we will not be completely on our own to secure and pay for. but again it's sort of a raw
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number and there's a bit of better news for us. >> but still it sounds to me like -- hand sanitizer costs the same across the country. >> right. >> but staffing costs are different. like it costs more here. and if -- so this doesn't necessarily reflect what we'll -- if we wanted to, you know, include all of those staffing costs across the board, it might be considerably higher because that's where we end up spending a lot of money is staffing costs. is that correct? >> that's correct. and commissioner, just so you know, -- to the extent we've been citing the report and their methanol, we have been, -- and their methodology, this is a national study and we think it is probably an underestimate of actual costs that we'll see. >> do we have a guesstimate on what would be a good conservative number for us, you know? >> we don't have a specific
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figure yet. a lot of that will be driven by, as our plans emerge. and that's going to become clearer over the next, as you know, over the next several weeks. >> okay. >> the end of july. so knowing whether we're going to be -- whether and to what extend we're going to be discussing or you'll be considering physical return to campuses in part or, you know, substantially, that's a huge driver of these costs. >> right. >> so part of our efforts are to inform those discussions while they're happening with cost estimates as well. so they're both parallel discussion topics basically. >> so in a sense, rhyme, we've got to get this budget in. this is kind of a place holder. but as we get more information about our plans, as we hear more
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from the state, and get more information about what even we need to consider in our planning, that's going to basically over the next few weeks we're just kind of -- i just want the public to know, because i wondered, you know, how did you get that number. that this is -- this isn't based on any specific plans. it's based on just a guesstimate from a good source. and that's why we're going to be kind of reevaluating our budget and then resubmitting with a lot of other factors in the august -- august 11th, is that correct? >> that's correct. >> okay. thank you. i appreciate that. also i just want -- so there's also -- for the public, i want to -- there's -- i want to recognize the fact that we have put back about $2 million into this budget, because we didn't want to cut staff. and i just want to clarify that. is that correct?
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we saw that there were family liaisons and some roles that received consolidation letters and we actually put them back in the budget. we have to find a way to pay for that. but we have included that -- we've put them back. and so that's a recognition that we do not want to cut, what we consider essential staff and support staff at sites. that is correct, chief wallace? >> yes. we did -- $2 million back to our budget. i think maybe to put a little bit more framing around the particular population of employees we're talking about. we're looking at employees who were cut and absent, you know, we were given them opportunities to find other jobs, like rolling
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through the consolidation effort, looking at other openings within the district. so this pot of funds is particularly for those folks who haven't been placed in another position within our district, that we would have funding to create positions and keep them employed. >> but it doesn't -- does that mean, though, that a school might lose a staff member? that was -- find a position some place else? >> i think that's where i may want to defer to deputy superintendent lee, if i may. >> so, commissioner, so for the time being, the fiscal team has re-established those -- the costs of those positions into the budget. and have begun to engage our colleagues about the actual
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assignments and whether the individual positions will be, you know, centrally funded back in the same roles, et cetera. so to tell you the truth, i think we have to discuss that a bit more, in order to advise the employees appropriately. but for now we've basically taken the step for the purposes of budget to reflect the cost of those position being maintained for the current year. >> okay. so that's confusing to me. because my sense -- my understanding was, you know, there are staff that are really essential to schools, right, if we're student-centered. so if a school had a family liaison, i heard like at carver, the family liaison position was cut from one f.t.e. to .85. so, you know, like my -- the way that i've been understanding things is like if you've got -- if you want to support students
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and you have a family liaison that's serving a specific role in the school, and then that position gets cut, then that makes it harder for that school to provide that service to students. and so i was thinking of it as service to students and kind of ensuring that those students were maintained, as opposed to -- i also do want to preserve, you know, i want us to be equitable in how we think about cutting staff or reducing staff and make sure that we're, you know, we're not just cutting the folks that are the lowest paid. you know, and so -- but it sounds to me like you all are saying that you're going to preserve the staff, but they may not be able to stay sayani site where they're considered a vital resource. that seems like, for the public and for me, when i hear community members say, you know, we need support. you know, i have heard a teacher say i have lost paraeducaters or i have lost, you know, if we
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lose our family liaison, makes it harder for us to meet the needs of families, that there still may be people leaving school sites that were consolidated. >> so the positions that were cut, what we have done is we have put those others back. what we don't want to do is say if a site -- if a site says we have made these determinations, made these decisions and in many cases it was a tough decision and it was an essential resource. if they say, yes, this was an essential resource and we definitely want this resource back, then that resource will be returned. we know some sites have made strategic decisions and they may not. so if we have restored a person to full time, then it will be okay. they're half-time here, the school says that, and then we would move that other half resource somewhere else. so they -- so when i'm saying is that we put the dollars back. but a school may not -- we don't want to say, yes, definitely that person is going back, especially if a school made a strategic determination that
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that isn't how they want to best allocate the resources at their school. does that make any sense? >> so say a school said, you know, we actually don't need a nurse, we want a social worker and that's just their decision, they need those those changes. you're saying a site -- well, mostly principals, right. because school site counsel hasn't -- like i heard haven't all been able to meet. and so principals are kind of fighting this, is that correct? >> no. i wouldn't say that. mostly where school sites -- school site council determination. yes, if they've made another determination, we don't want to say we're going to force this back on you. >> okay. so i just want that to be clear and understood for the public. that we've put the money back in to maintain positions where they're wanted and then it sounds like principals are leading the decision-making around that, whether that is maintained or not.
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>> that's not my understanding. but, yes. as i said, it was school-site council. >> okay. but they're not meeting right now. it's principals, right. let's be honest. is that -- they're not meeting. we're not meeting in the summer. >> right. right now. >> you can't guarantee that. >> right now at this time, yes. >> so thank you. so i would love to get follow-up on that, all of those positions. i'd like to ensure -- i'd like to keep track of that. i think other commissioners would probably also like to see that. let's also make that clear to our labor partners, because i want to make sure that, you know, we've worked really hard to make sure that folks, you know, we aren't -- you know, we are cutting staff where we can. and that should be very clear to the public. so then i guess the other question is, there's i keep
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hearing, well, the state and the legislature came to an agreement. so they're not cutting our budget. so why are we still making cuts. okay. that's a consistent question that people ask. and so i know we've presented on it and i think commissioner lamb had asked. is there a way for us to get an f.a.q. or some questions. we get repetitive questions. it's been hard to follow this conversation, if you don't follow every single meeting every time. you know, you may miss it. so, chief wallace, if you could explain. my understanding is, just to restate, and you tell me. i'm checking for understanding, right. if you could restate if this is correct. we're going to get basically lffs is roughly the same, but we're not getting cola and that's cost of living. is that correct? if so, can you explain what is the impact of us not getting the cost-of-living adjustment. >> sure. yes. you are correct. so we are getting our
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lcff restored to the same level as what we're receiving -- for fy19-20, the prior year. the cost 6 living railroad increase was 2.31% of that. that would have been worth about $12 million to the district. and even when we had the higher level of lfff with that cola, we still had a deficit as a district. without that cola, our deficit deepened and we had learning loss funds. that closed the gap. >> lcff is the same. we also are getting less money in some areas, that we normally would have gotten, right. so the cost-of-living and also peep is another, that's city money that we normally get. and because of revenues are
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down, peef is going to be down. normally we use those funds to pay for people that people think of as normal stuff so like librarians and arts programming and social workers and other things that are considered the basic things. they don't feel like extras. just essential things. shift some of those costs into the general fund, is that correct? >> that is correct. yes. because we had cuts to peef and we had to rebalance that bucket of funds. we also open -- actually the primary impact to us, as shifting costs, peef was no longer part of the solution.
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part of our balancing plan to shift some of our unstricted general fund costs over to there. and to drawn down those available balances. but because those balances no longer are there, it contributed to the ongoing deficit for our district, on unrestricted general fund side. >> so how much less did we get, after we got i think about $80 million in peef dollars. what did we get? you know, what's the difference between what we got last year and what we're anticipating in the coming year? >> it was just -- it's just under $77 million. >> okay. 80 before? >> right. but it doesn't sound like a significant decrease year-over-year. but we had anticipated upwards of $90 million, due to the
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accumulation of fund balance. you know, through -- and estimated growth in peef overall and the accumulation of fund balance, because we received one-time dollars of erath that came from the city. >> so we got extra money as well from these, you know, from previous years. that's also having an impact -- if we're not getting as much? >> that's right. >> we were getting it last year. >> that's right. so the overall amount has gone down year-over-year. and we're no longer getting that surplus. really i will say because we need to use it to help us balance in fy19-20. we thought that we were going to have more accumulation of funds to go ahead and apply in fy20
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fy20-21. so it was no longer part of the solution and we had to do some juggling around to make sure that peef balanced. i admi-- to make peef make more. when you look at peef, i think we were successful in realigning those expenditures so they're more coherent. and that expenditure plan makes a bit more sense. but it is part of the overall movement that i think contributes to some of the confusion for the public. >> and then prop g that was another thing that we decided to spend our rainy day funds. we were spending rainy day funds on that. we've drawn down that money, right? so we don't have that next year, like as -- we had a pot of money that we were pulling out of. and so next year is that gone? and, you know, is that also a
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part of the problem and how much is that? that covers. >> so we have about $34 million left in our rainy day reserve. in addition to that, the mayor's budget currently includes $6 million of erath. so that will help cover approximately $40 million budget. for our living wage for educators' act programming. so salary increases and professional development expenses. [ please stand by ]
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>> and the funds and would be rolled back to the school district and we would have to pay the city back for any funds to help close the gap and overall funding of what we have over the last few years and that otherwise any surplus of funds would be restored to the raindy nay reserve and make decisions around how to expend the dollars. >> if i can chime in on this, i want to clarify there are two different questions related to prop g. one is about the ballot measure that will be on the november 2020 ballot. and if that measure is successful, which would require 2/3 vote, then that would basically create a funding
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source beginning fy-21-22 and subsequent years. that ballot measure by itself has no bearing on what happens to the already collected amounts in the three prior years. 18-19, 19-20, and 20-21. so what i think chief wallace was just referring to is if the litigation ultimately resolved in the city and county's favor, that is active now, that there is a superior court ruling and they're still -- there are still unexhausted processes that still have to be resolved if that litigation is resolved in the city and county's favor, then the revenues that have been collected over the course of three years, those would be unlocked and made available again. just want to -- >> those would come back, but right now we are in a holding pattern and still have o get a
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budget for next fall without knowing about any of these kind of funds. and even if they are favorable, they are not coming in by the fall. they would be coming in for the next calendar year. >> the next fiscal year. >> a fiscal year, yeah, okay. i want that to be really clear for folks because i do -- i want to recognize the fact that i am -- as a board, i think we have been active in advocating for no cuts to site-based staff and i think based and where we are at right now, i think i am going to be -- i am not letting the state take over our district. i am not letting -- i have seen oakland how that was and had a board that basically made no decisions. we as advocates are an active board and we listen and go out into the community. we are making decisions around trying to be very responsive, and none of that will happen if the state takes over.
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i want to make sure that we are able to make those decisions in the best interest of our community. so i think i know folks want us to say no cuts. that is not a reality at this point. i can't promise that. so at least i want to be transparent with the public. i am not going to promise something that i don't think -- maybe it can happen. i am going to work as hard as possible, but it would be irresponsible of me and i think it would be irresponsible of our board to not put forward a budget right now. and we're going to continue to work on it, but i want folks to know that the worst thing would be if the state took over and nobody makes any decisions. nobody gets any input. so i just want to make sha clear. >> commissioner collins, thank you so much. i think that is a really important perspective. if i can, i know that president sanchez also had a comment and question and of course come back
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to the next round for commissioners. president sanchez. >> go ahead. >> all right. may i add one really quick point? this is also to the question that commissioner collins asked about state budget versus other changes in other funding source and i also wanted to mention there is a significant impact on a couple of other local revenue sources, namely sales taxes and a drop off in interest earnings and a drop off in tuition payments for our early education programs. so all of those are total up to several million dollars of additional reductions and have nothing to do with the state budget. it is all other local factors, local revenues, that are also contributing to us having a
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larger gap than we otherwise would. >> thank you. >> is it possible for somebody to in a very simple way kind of put some of the things together? i think our costs are the same. our staffing costs are the same. but our revenues have come down. and i do think it is helpful to have just year to year comparison. those people can see that. they have a summary of the major changes and line item revenues and for the sake of the board and public to provide more details around the revenue changes. >> all right.
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with the deputy with the commissioners and concerns and that cuts need to stay as far away from the classroom as possible and as commissioner hollins just said, that may not always be possible, but we will work as hard as we can to assure that reality. and the commissioner and lopez mentioned this in the comments which is around making earlier decisions around staffing so that we protect the folks that earn the at least and have more proximity to the students. that is a structural issue that we have to address but i think we can do it. we might mean two-year budgeting cycles to do that. so there will be a lot of
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conversation and a floor plan and what do all schools have to have as a with the baseline and is worth noting and commissioner collins talked about the property redo and the budget outlook is something that we all work really important and fiscal ballot measure to be concentrating on as well. the other question from the public and asked specifically around the salaries and the transparency of salaries and
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particularly around our chiefs and so i don't know if you can answer that now and if you can place people in the right direction about how to see those. i am pretty sure they are public. and then she did mention the problem addict term itself of chiefs and that is not germane and it is something we might want to look at and change the gnomen clay sure around. so thank you. >> if you could respond to that one question, that would be great. >> president sanchez, you are referring to the question about salaries? >> yes. >> or the terminology? >> not the terminology. >> i appreciate for what it's worth, i want to thank mrs. marshall for that comment as well. especially about the terminology. so regarding the salaries, i
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believe our chief general counsel is not here and every time this takes place and the salary cable is made public and the contract and the salary table is made public on board docs. >> i don't know if it is on board docs, but it is a public document. >> i think it is in the closed section documentation, but not sure if it is accessible by the public. >> is the it possible to have it
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just easily available? >> every public california employee including ms. marshall and every public salary is available and that is all of us, every dollar if it's paid for with public dollars is available online. so to speak to that a little bit and we have it and it is broken down here. and it has all of the job codeses and all the positions and the average salaries anded the benefits. it is and i found this for 20-21 and to point people in the direction of where this lives and that might help, president
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sanchez, but one of the questions i had is if why some positions are under central office and school budget and what the difference is in that. i'm sorry i jumped in, but i know that it exists, for what it's worth. and so that document was created with a request to get a summary of all the salaries based on the job codes in the district. that is an information request from him and the reason there
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are two different columns when it comes to the budgets process and in central office and based on actuals and the actual salary and that is what you have to cover when you balance the budget in central office and for site and recognition there is a range to avoid perverse incentives of having to pay more for different teachers and depending on their years of experience and for all teacher-related job codes with a
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level where every regular classroom teacher has the same salary and benefits cost with the same budget and the same rates. so that is the two columns. it was going to take a bit of time to figure out how to land on one number to get you all quickly, but that is why there are two different column. >> one note that i want to make in that report is a certificate job code and an example since one commissioner just mentioned this and classified chiefs and certified chiefs and i want to give you that heads up that the
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titles appear twice in the report. >> i just found it on transparent california dot com and you can look by district and the with the c.f.o. megan wallace and the concerns about the structural benefit and looking ahead to the year in front of us that starts today and the next few years. are there between now and august and one includes congress if they take any action, but any potential new information that
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would have an impact or changes to the multi-year projections? >> definitely still on the state side and really understanding to be held with no cola and still not clear to me if we should be assuming and in years two and three and applied an active approach to the numbers of keeping revenues flat. as we get more news about the inflation rate will be, that will improve and also on the local side, we are waiting for the city and county which is delayed from our process and i hope we will have much more
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information about the local revenue projections that we will build to our final budget. and actually, sorry to hop around a little bit, but on the state side, there are many other we are gathering about and build in placeholder assumptions but we are basically putting a marker down and this is one milestone and between now and august we will be doing a lot of work to further that revenue assumption on central federal, state, and local. >> i appreciate that and that is something to convey to the public. and what wefsh through as a district in the last couple of months and is felt like whiplash
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and riding a roller coaster, at the same time it seems like we will be in this face for a moment and similar to commissioner colins to express the deep concern around fiscally not only what we are having to decide for the district and really the implycations at times that are beyond our control and curious to look at how covid continues how that will impact the economy over a long duration of time and longer and very cares you to see the august numbers at the state level as well as the local level. so asking the public to understand that this is going to beager -- this is going to be an
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evolving situation and with the public and staff working with this board and superintendent around how to really mind the most sustainable solutions while holding our students at the center. thank you. with that, additional last, final questions. remarks. okay. all right. >> really quickly. as far as the timeline goes, we approve this and it goes to the state and then august 1 # 1 is the resubmission time and having conversations and engaging with public between now and then that staff is taking time away and summer schedule and plan for reopening and restarting schools. i want to get a sense of the
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process and that goes to the staff as well as commissioner lam. what are your thoughts on how to continue to share information with the public? to build that resubmission plan. >> go ahead. staff wanted to jump in and president sanchez, too. we can also answer. >> i was going to lead with the larger planning process and figuring out what the right approach is and a large urban school district and unique needs from other districts and the
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other areas with the savings and to have a discussion and a number of meetings planned along those lines with our groups. so i do want to encourage us that if we do have opportunities for budget and business services committee meetings that we also have staff eager to engage in deeper dives on the budget discussions in advance of the board approval. >> we all know that the board is meeting in july and we have two meetings in july. we normally don't meet at the beginning of august, but we
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might have to as well. and obviously commissioner lam and it is true that the opening discussion is so intertwined with the budget and we won't know a lot more about what the state has in mind until basically mid august and it does a disservice to us. and we have to play by those rules. so i imagine we will have ample opportunity to meet and engage with the public on those discussions. >> and also wanted to note that as susan and the labor communication and that will be the continued discussion and to come in the coming months and looking at what the solutions will be to arrive at.
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and so thank you to everyone. superintendent, do you have any final comments? >> no. roll call vote please. [roll call vote] that is seven ayes. >> thank you. >> thank you. so at this time i business of the meeting is completed. we will see you at the next regular board meeting scheduled for july 14 and hope you all including the public please stay safe and rest and meeting
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>> i tried to think about this room as the dream room, where we dream and bring some of those dreams to life. i feel very blessed that i have been able to spend the last 31 years of my life doing it my way, thinking about things better interesting to me, and then pursuing them. there are a lot of different artists that come here to work, mostly doing aerial work. kindred spirits, so to speak. there is a circus company that i have been fortunate enough to work with the last couple of years. i use elements of dance and choreography and combine that with theater techniques.
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a lot of the work is content- based, has a strong narrative. the dancers have more of a theatrical feel. i think we are best known for our specific work. in the last 15 years, spending a lot of time focusing on issues that affect us and are related to the african-american experience, here in the united states. i had heard of marcus shelby and had been in join his work but never had the opportunity to meet him. we were brought together by the equal justice society specifically for this project. we were charged with beginning work. marquez and i spent a lot of time addressing our own
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position on the death penalty, our experiences with people who had been incarcerated, family members, friends of friends. pulling our information. beyond that, we did our own research. to create a picture that resonated with humanity. it is the shape of a house. in this context, it is also small and acts like a cell. i thought that was an interesting play on how these people make these adjustments, half to create home. what is home for these people? the home is their cell. people talk a lot about noise -- very noisy in prisons.
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that is interesting to me. looking at the communication level, the rise of frustration of being caged, wondering, where does redemption fit into the equation here? [singing] i think both of us really believe the death penalty is wrong, and is flawed for many reasons. the list is as long as my arm -- about several others. we feel this is important for both of us, personally, to
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participate in the debate of this issue in a way that we can help people frame it for a conversation. >> good afternoon, welcome to the land use and transportation committee of the san francisco board of supervisors for today, monday, june 29th, 2020. i am the chair of the committee aaron peskin joined by supervisor safai and supervisor dean preston, our clerk is ms. erika major. mrs. major, do you have i in announcements? >> clerk: yes, due to the covid-19 health emergency and to protect board members, to the employees and the public the board of supervisors legislative chamber room are closed.
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how many, members will participate in the meeting remotely. this is taken pursuant to the state wide sta stay at home ordr and declarations of directives. committee members will attend the meeting through video conference and participate in the meeting to the same ex at the present time if they're present. public comment will be available on each item on this agenda. on channel 26 and each speaker will allowed two minutes to specific. and call the none on the screen. (408)418-9388. the meeting i.d. is (146)995-7258. again, that's (146)995-7294and
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you will hear the meeting discussion and you will be muted in is lening mode only. when your item of interest comes up dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. you may submit public comment in either of the following ways. e-mail myself, the land use and transportation clerk, at erica.major at if you submit public comment ve e-mail it will be supervised to the supervisors included as part of the official file. finally, items acted upon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda jule stated. >> thank you please read the first and only item on today's calender. >> an emergency ordinance to establish cleaning and disease prevention standards in tourist
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hotel and large commercial office buildings to help contain covid-19. members of the public, who wish to provide public comment on this item, call (408)418-9388 and the meeting idea is 146-995-7258 and if you have not already done so, press star 3 to lineup to speak. you will be indicated that your hand will raise. >> thank you, ms. major. i want to start by thanking my co sponsors, the vice-chair of this committee, supervisor safai as well as supervisor walton and i want to recognize my chief-of-staff, sunny angulo who has been working on this legislation over a number of months as the city gets closer
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to reopening. i represent the district that has long fueled the city's local economy with respect both to tourism asper wonderrance and northeast corner in san francisco and downtown and knob hill and fisherman's warf as well as office uses in the north of market area, the traditional downtown portion of san francisco. it's without question that the covid-19 pandemic has hit this city hard, not just because of the loss of visitors during this time but also to the impacts to workers and our essential workers. we all know from our daily brief beings with the department of public-health that our essential workers, particularly are low-wage workers of color and in the latin x community are at the
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top of the list of the most vulnerable grapple to go the virus. tens of thousands of jobs of san francisco's ability to attract visitors and san francisco has really set the standard tornado gating the spread of covid-19 starting with the early shelter in place ordinance to an order that my office worked on with the department of public-health, which created and the mayor's office which created minimum cleaning standards for our single-resident occupancy hotels. we know that strong sanitization and cleaning protocols have been
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a key factor in reventing the spread of the virus and keeping our transmission numbers down in san francisco where we have really been a leader around the country and around the world. so, as we move to reopen, we have to do so safely and to the recovery phase, today it was looking first at guidance set by the world health organization and as the culmination of months
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of discussion and collaboration with our department of public-health as well as the real experts themselves. including those office buildings. this morning, the secretary treasurer of unite here in local 2, had a piece in the chronicle where they eloquently stated housekeepers, know about cleaning rooms. listen to us. and to that end, we have received over 1800 letters and e-mails into court of this emergency measure as well as a few dozen e-mails from the hotel industry and the representatives in opposition. and i want to be clear about what we are going to do during public comment. there's a multi billion dollar industry that has been cutting
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corners when it comes to reopening. we have seen it in las vegas, we have seen it in other cities in as as were the health of guests and their workers has been con prom highed. compromised. they want to cut housekeeping out even though international public-health guidance recognizes the problems with letting grime and germs buildup on high touch surfaces. for the corporate c.e.o.s in this hotel industry, many of whom i have to note have gotten federal bailouts from the trump administration, actually president trump himself owns a number of hotels, let's be real, this is all about money. but today, we have an opportunity to vote on the correct side of history and pass policy that puts public-health and visitors and worker safety
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first and make san francisco. i have a number of non substantive amendments that i will introduce and that have been circulated to the clerk and the members of this committee and with that, i will turn it over to my co-sponsor, supervisor safai. >> superivsor safai: thank you, mr. chair. i think you hit on a lot of the important points. one of the things that i wanted to say is that it's really important that when we're thinking about the perspective of this and you did, you did emphasize this, i just want to reemphasize this, we're looking that the through the perspective of the workforce. this really important to think about how many of these conversations have played out over the last few decades.
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whether we're talking about daily cleaning, guest rooms. whether we're talking about the amount of men and women it takes to clean an office building. i have the great fortune of working on the frontlines with the janitors and as they cleaned office buildings, i've actually cleaned an office building. i've walked a day in the shoes with these members standing shoulder to shoulder with them over an eight-year period. i think it's very important to think about this through the perspective of workers. i think my co-sponsor, mr. chair, supervisor peskin, has dedicated his career to that. i know i've dedicated my career to that. i know supervisor preston cares about that. we're looking at this through the lens of the workforce and pulling on their experiences and what they have done in this industry. so when we talk about the current practice right now of
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leaving an option to guess whether they want their room cleaned, that's a current practice. to remove that and say to move to another step to say that rooms don't need to be cleaned, that is something that the hotel industry has wanted for many years. and that's not something that we would support in this legislation. in fact, we say that rooms should be cleaned daily whether a guest decides not to. office buildings need a significant amount of disinfect ants and cleaning in all common years. there will be thoughtful amendments made today on the amount of times that should happen. those are reasonable. but at the end of the day, we want to elevate and ensure that the workers and the workforce are protected. as we've seen this week, if we open up too soon, there's false starts that happen. and cases begin to rise and we put people's lives in danger. whose lives are being put in languager? these essential workers that are
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doing this work on a daily basis. we all want the hotel and tourist industry to open back up. we all want office buildings to open back up but we have to do it in a safe way and i believe we struck that balance with the amendments we'll make today. i also want to say that our county health officer, when he understood exactly what we were talking about, i think he engage dr. tomb as aragon he engage very wonderfully in this process and helped guide the amendments that we're talking about and some of the conversations listening to the workforce, listening to the industry and understanding the best way to proceed is. i'll save the rest of my comments for after public comment. mr. chair, but i think as you said, we have a a wonderful opportunity here to set a standard for an entire industry in this country as we have in
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other areas being the first, one of the first in the country to be cognizant of shutting down and sheltering in place. many of the standards and lessons we're learning to think about, whether it's giving paid time off to get tested so they'll be free to believe that they won't have any retribution for going to get tested. and those cleaning standards and those standards will then make office workers feel comfortable to come back to the office and feel comfortable to come back and visit our hotels and our great cities. thank you mr. chair and i'm proud to be a lead co-sponsor on this really thoughtful piece of legislation to help our hotel and office workers in san francisco. >> thank you, vice-chair safai. supervisor preston. >> thank you. i'd like to be add as a co-sponsor and would like to
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thank you for the really excellent piece of legislation and just wanted to associate myself with your comments and supervisors safai's comments and also add i think this strikes of balance of having specificity of making it meaningful while having the flexibility to make it workable and it just strikes me in reading it that these are more are just broad statements these are specific commitment and requirements and i'm particularly pleased to see the portions of the law that i think are absolutely essential that deal with protecting workers from retaliation if they believe there's an unsafe workplace and it either report that or refuse
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to work in an environment that is unsafe and unhealthy. i think it's absolutely essential as well as the more enforcement provisions but the anti protections are essential for our essential workers who are putting themselves at risk no matter what precautions are taken in the midst of a pandemic, we know that our essential workers are putting themselves at some level of risk and this ordinance will significantly reduce that risk for workers as well as for folks who are working in these buildings or visiting these buildings. i wanted to to thank you for a thoughtful piece of legislation and thank you for those in your office who i know worked hard on this. >> thank you supervisor preston. madam clerk, let's open this up
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to public comment. >> clerk: operations is checking to see if there are any callers in queue. looks like we have 37 listeners and 15 in queue. >> first speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is nick i'm with the environmental organization in california. where a state wide environmental organization based in sacramento but we have members all over the state. we submitted a letter on friday with some concerns that we noticed for the ordinance. i apologize that we did not engage earlier. it was not on the radar of the environment community until the the end of last week and there was a letter submitted in the sur rider foundation and we have a couple concerns. >> one is the requirement to use
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single-use bags which seem unnecessary and goes beyond the recommendations of cdc and then similarly, the requirements to clean the rooms everyday seems to be contrary to commonsense in terms of reducing contact and reducing exposure for workers. and we would encourage the board to consider any process at the department of public-health or through another entity that could engage -- hello? >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> thank you.
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president of the united local 2. thank you for taking think. as you know our union started expressing concerns about the future of the hotel industry a couple months ago. company executives were telling investors they saw opportunities it was a chance to make higher profits. of course we were worried. hotel workers are the hardest hit by covid layoffs and they face an uncertain future. those fears aren't theoretical anymore. if you want to see what happens when you leave it to the big hotel chains, to decide their own cleaning standards just look at some the place that's have reopened. tourist destinations like las vegas, new orleans, and florida. sheets are going uncleaned and corners are being cut. workers are going unprotected. hotel employees are dying as a result. there's no better case for regulating business practices than what we're seeing in those
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places. this just about covid. it's bringing tourists back in the coming years. as the situation and las vegas is known, it's not just hotel workers who are scared. so too are guests. what happens? las vegas doesn't really stay in las vegas and it will shape the opinions for years to come. san francisco needs to tell the world we're not going there. we're charting a different course all together. all of our hotels should be held with the highest standards now and after covid is see limb is . the healthy building ordinance does that 6789 i hop. i hope it passes and i want to thank you for your leadership and your time today. >> next speaker, please.
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>> caller: hi. the lodging association. we strongly oppose this pressure so that the health and safety of guests and employees can remain in the hands of public-health experts. as the hotel communities tries to rebound from the collapse of the demand due to the covid pandemic, ensuring the safety of guests in hotels associates is paramount. unfortunately, this ordinance before you today goes well beyond any public-health guidance and will increase covid exposure risk for our associates and our guests and create an incredible strain on the bids business operations. it includes requiring regular cleaning at least every 30 minutes of literally dozens of locations, furniture, equipment and ex creasing exposure between guests and employees. cleaning and dis inspectin disig
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contradicts cdc guidance. opening non automatic doors for guests creates exposure and the daily cleaning of it not grounded and creates a exposure between guests and employees and guidance for mandated the daily guest room cleaning must be upon the request of a hotel guests and i'm importantly, consumers are telling us they don't want interaction with staff either at this time. a recent poll reveals a majority of frequent travel ters travell% are uncomfortable with housekeeping entering without advance permission. please vote no so we can remove politics from this public-health decision and safely rebuild san francisco's hotel jobs. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker,
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please. >> caller: good afternoon, supervisors. an behalf of our hotel and cities i'm calling in opposition to the emergency health ordinance before you today. the health and safety of our employees and our guests has been and always will be our industry's number one priority. we want to bring back our workers quickly and safety to help ensure our city can begin to recover and our employees can get back to work. covid cleaning pro at the time and they are working with first responders and vulnerable populations working effectively with the city's department of public-health. this ordinance has been drafted
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by labor will play for employees at an increased time hell oh again, i was muted and unmuted. i don't know what happened there. but this ordinance was drafted by labor union -- >> we can hear you. >> and will place our employees at increased at a result of day loom room cleaning. staff enter guest rooms increases a risk to staff and the guests. and limiting close contact is the best way to protect our employees and guests from covid transmission. you will hear from hotels today about how this overreaching ordinance will prevent them from actually opening and keeping them from bringing our workers back. the board of supervisors should not be legislating specific covid guidelines instead it's targeted at specific industry. the department of health should be developing these guidelines like they have for other industries as well. this legislation is all cities,
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state and federal buildings and why are these being added for a specific industry and the public buildings where the legislation is. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is angi and i run the san francisco merit union square and i started as a room attendant and a public space cleaning working as a former housekeeper myself, i know we put our employees first when it comes to safety. we have strict cleaning and protection protocols that have been established based on our brand, standards, industry, state and cdc guidelines. my employees will be safe to come back to work and they do not need your intervenance. this ordinance goes too far and puts them at risk and why it's so important does it not apply to government building and only targets specific industries.
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if passes you are delaying the return of my 175 plus employees with their safe workplace and i owe piece thioppose this ordina. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> caller: we oppose this ordinance. pebble brooke owns 12 hotels and have invested 215 million into them. we paid $60 million in numerous taxes for san francisco's benefit. we've been big supporters of san francisco and we support our employees in the community in many ways. today 10 of our hotels are closed and the other two are operating at low occupancy. this means our 1400 employees have no jobs. currently our monthly operating loss is total close to $3 million. with our hotels closed, the city is losing out on critical revenue and taxes everyday.
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and our employees are not receiving paychecks. these requirements put fourth by the supervisors would result in us losing more money reopening our motels and keeping them closed. we need 30 plus points of occupancy just to offer these new costs and a minimum of 45-person occupancy just to break even and it's depending on base holding that. the market is not expected to run an occupancy for quite a while and you should expect most of the hotels to remain closed. and we would have to close our two open hotels which we've receive open for workers even they have they're running less than 10% occupancy. with ordinances not based on science, rather with our largest national hotel union is putting in many cities across the country. were wouldn't these rules apply to government buildings? what is the union doing for city and the citizens of san francisco? the union is only interested in contribute to go supervisors reelection opportunity. hopefully the supervisors are not pushing this ordinance
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because of political favors. we strongly urge the committee to post this legislation forcing us to keep our hotels closed. the only benefit is the union. san francisco has shown great leadership in this global pandemic. please don't ruin it with this ordinance. which is a job-killer. thank you. >> to the last speaker, i recent your comments. that are documentary untrue. you can go to the sf website and look at this supervisor's contributions in the past and currently and then realize that your allegations are unfortunate and untrue. next speaker, please. >> caller: good afternoon supervisors and my name is amy article and i'm the general manager of the san francisco court yard and it pleases me you are listening to the workforce as i have worked in the
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hospitality industry for 24 years and directly in the city of san francisco for 12. and i'm calling in with opposition to the american see healthy business ordinance. the health and safety of our guest and associates has always been our primary focus. which is why from the onset of this pandemic, we immediately partnered with the public and private entities to develop strict calm in standards. organizations have just a cdc, w.h.o., the mayo clinic, johns hopkins, perdue and cornell universities helped shape our policy limiting contact which helps stop the spread of this deadly disease. yet this ordinance mandates the opposite by increasing contact with daily housekeeping and putting the lives at great risk. it's not drafted by the health officer of san francisco and it was drafted by a local labor union who is trying to utilize it to further their own agenda. if this was true about health, why is the city, state and federal buildings are exempt from following these policies.
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if the health and welfare of the city ofs satisfy fran less important that are our associates. they start to reopen plans has paused and should this ordinance pass with this burden (inaudible) i do not foresee we'll be able to reopen for many months. that's 146 people, 85% of minority and 50% female and half live in san francisco and they will try to live in this extremely expensive area without a paycheck. san francisco has been a leader to the rest of the country demonstrating there's no place for politics in this crisis. this legislation, however, if passed would negate that record. i ask you to rise above political pressure and oppose this legislation. thank you for your time. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> hello, my name is susan pen rose and i work at the marriott hotel.
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i would have been 13 years this month and i'm also a member of united here local 2. today i asking you to vote yes on this healthy building ordinance. the ordinance will require our hotel to adopt standards for more frequent and detailed cleaning in the world health organization and (inaudible). that's important for the people we're serving and the business itself. nobody is going to want to come to a place they feel unsafe. i've been furloughed, being out of work is taxing just emotionally and mentally. it's important guests feel safe to come back so business returns and we can all have our livelihood. it would be a shame to do things in haste and cut corners and not take every precaution within our means to be able to fight the effects of pandemic and get handle on it. otherwise we're shooting ourselves in the foot. we don't want to e exacerbate a crisis. please, listen to hotel workers and vote yes on the healthy
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ordinance. thank you all very much for your time. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> thank you, we have 43 call and he is 243 -- 43listeners ano speak. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. dr. paul and i'm speaking on behalf of the global virus advisory council so thank you to submit testimony on the emergency ordinance. gpac helps organizations businesses recover from biological threats, bio hazard situations and real time crisis. we're a division of issa the worldwide cleaning industry association and we've been working with leading experts in prevention and control as well as professionals cleaning committee to develop comprehensive guidelines for cleaning and infectious disease prevention. we're pleased to see san francisco enhance cleaning disinfecting to the forefront of
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discussions regarding hoping the economy. we have two concerns about the proposal ordinance. one is that we recommend (inaudible) in hotel rooms given the current outbreak and cleaning disinfection every 30 minutes requirement is unworkable and does not follow the best practices and could do more thundershower an good frome the spread of sars covid 2. it only increases the risk of both the staff entering the room and the guest in the event the staff member is infected. living in that close ak is the best way to protect and mandating daily service is not supportive of that effort. guidelines from the health ministry of baldwin count britid we recommend they take those source orecommendation, it's nod
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on scientific assessment. any decision on proper cleaning to take into account traffic and usage is a two main criteria. the cdc and world health organization and american hospitalizations cree that it should focus on the high-touch surfaces and not general areas that are not being touched. thank you for your time. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> caller: good afternoon, supervisors. my name is cliff clark i'm the general manager at the a hotel in one of marriott's 30 brands and i'll calling in opposition to this ordinance. it goes too far and it's non state guidelines. it requires daily hotel room cleaning even if the guests don't require it. it would increase covid exposure for employees and guest as like and we have learned from the hotel that's have remained open throughout the pandemic that nearly all of the guests staying
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multiple nights do not want daily housekeeping service as they wish to limit person-to-person contact in covid-19 exposure risks. the health and say tee of my employees and guests is our number one priority at palace and for mo marriott. we have a program for all 30 brands and it's developed in conjunction with the cdc guidelines, health guidelines and top medical research universities. it focuses on frequent cleaning and disinfecting, high touch areas and less contact through physical distancing and redesigning food and beverage and hygiene. this ordinance will likely force hotels to remain closed. the pandemic is the worse economic crisis on record, worse than the great depression, 9/11 and the great recession combined. nearly 50% of my 600 workers at the palace live, work and vote in san francisco and they're your constituents that are among
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the ranks of the unelement employed. this ordinance will force many san francisco hotels to dis panned business operations for the remainder of the year. that's not helping with unemployment or with the tax problem that they have endured cancellations in business that equates to 6 and a half million dollars less in contributions to the city general fund than in 2019. this ordinance exempts city, state and federal office buildings and targeting specific industries are not fair. i ask for you to oppose this legislation so we can keep san francisco hotels and tourism open in san francisco. thank you for your time. >> thank you, sir. i will just correct one misunderstanding or misstatement which is that the legislation very clearly and repeatedly says that guests can opt not to have their rooms cleaned. next speaker, please. >> thank you.
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members just a reminder. members of the public who wish to provide public comment call (408)418-9388 and the meeting i.d. is 146 99-75278 and press pound and pound again. if you have not done so already, press star 43 to lineup to speak and please continue to hold until you are prompted that your line is unmuted. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> caller: good afternoon, thank you for hearing all the opinions laid out today. the opinion that you have laid out does really prove that you are very much out of touch with industry. my name is mark and i'm the general manager of hotels in supervisor haney's district and i'm here to oppose the ordinance. my hotel is one of the lucky hotels to remain open. and i do not take this lightly. our policies and procedures are in line with cdc, chnla and
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delivered to our corporate guidelines. these are the highest standards and what happens in vegas does not necessarily mean it happens here. please understand this, 100% of my focus everyday is to bring in a little bit more business today than we had yesterday. if i can do that we can accumulate more work and bring people back hour by hour. we have started to bring in room attendance and this week we have brought in a house man and this is meaningful. getting them to agree to come back was not simple and for my room attendant a major concern was going into rooms. based on the cdc recommendations and our brand directors we assured them they would not go into rooms until 48 hours after the gusts checked out and their relief was palpable. the regulations you are look to go put in place fly in the face of the cdc guidelines and imposed by no medical authority under no col rabbation yet you demand that my team put themselves in harm's way.
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let's put the cleaning of the rooms aside and turn to washing of the walls every 30 minutes. you have to know that this will stop hotels and opening up and close hotels down which are open. this is of course astounding that these rules will not apply to your office. so let's be real. this is not about money. the reason of this of course is for the labor unions to legislate out green party and crazy ideas out there and negotiate them away leaving this green program in the legislation and victory is theirs and it's amazing you are willing to pry on people during their most difficult times. our quest of coming to work everyday to create jobs is beginning to bear and you are on our team's in harm way or my livelihood. >> thank you, sir. next speaker, please. >> caller: good afternoon, supervisors. my name is emily gregson and i'm the general manager for the buchanan hotel in japan town under the ihg family of brands.
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it was a pleasure to meet you supervisor preston and thank you supervisors for hearing us today. many points have been made. i couldn't agree more strongly with my colleagues from the hotel and i would caution that this supervisors look to the hotels that are operating in any capacity and ask them their experience of calling employees back to work. as we offer that work, few members of our furloughs they are scared to return to work and they fear and entering rooms and really being at work is look out for these employees and ensure the safety protocols are in place for them and the guests and i just want to urge the exercises to where there are other under represented employees and citizens groups across this great city. we have in san francisco very strong union representation as we know and this is legislation that reflects that.
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so instead of getting involved in something that should be best handled by a investigation between the hotels and the unions themselves, i would urge the supervisors to look elsewhere to people who are more truly under represented and in need of an advocate. i will also like to say that brands and ownership groups are motivated to keep their hotels clean. cleanliness is the number one concern, even above friendliness or the normal stands ar of service so we are motivated and do not need additional motivation to prioritize cleanliness. lastly, i do urge us to think about what will happen in the media and unfortunately and political form so i will turn to president trump and say that we know he has a field day talking about san francisco and the conditions of our streets. so imagine if he can then in the future say, oh my goodness, san francisco, they're going to have you in their hotels going into their room. your room will be invaded by
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>> caller: my name is and i housekeeping supervisor and please put yes on this ordinance so the hotel can be safe and strong. in my family working in the hotels. right now, we have no work so it's very hard for us to pay the bills. i don't want to go back to work until it's safe for everyone. i know the hotel are saying we need to rise to reopen but i don't think so. we should not open the hotel until it's safe for everyone. for me, my co-workers, for all my familiar will he members who work in different hotels and for the guests, it's not the right way instead we make a plan so that the san francisco hotels have the safest and cleanest in the world.
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that way the guests can feel comfortable to come back to our city and check in into our hotels. thank you so much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello caller, you have two minutes. >> caller: hello. my name is nicolas and i'm a server at the oak room at marriott. and i'm a proud member of the united local 2. when i was laid off as a server in march i couldn't afford to keep paying rent. it's hard to put into words the level of fear and anxiety that comes from knowing that you might not have enough money for rent next month and so i have to give up my place. i was able to move in with my partner and manage with the extra $600 with the cares act but it's going to expire soon and i feel like i'm living on
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borrowed time. i want to go back to work. i'm worried that business won't return unless the guests are fully able to trust the hotels and restaurants are clean and safe and that the workers themselves are returning to a better, safer workplace. trust and the business itself, from our guests will only be rebuilt by emphasize the highest safety standards and sufficient staffing levels to do the job. so believe me, as a tip employee, i need people to come back to the city soon for my income and we must do it the right way. i'm asking you to vote yes because we need the strongest safety and cleaning standards to bring our guests back to our hotels. one of the companies wants to go the extra mile so while the guest with our service, we must also now wow the public with our commitment to health and safety first before profit. my livelihood depends on it. thank you, very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please.
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are. >> my name is maria. good afternoon. and i am a housekeeper at the marriott w hotel in san francisco for eight years. i'm proud to be a member of unite here local 2. today, i ask you to vote yes on this law so we can have a strong standard for safety and cleaning in the hotel. please listen to the hotel workers because we know the right way to reopen. for me, it's very important because now we need to have a high standard in the hotels. we need to sanitize the hotels because the covid-19 is everywhere. we need to disinfect to the public areas, the elevators and cleaning as frequently as
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possible. this is important for our guests. the guests need to make sure that the material has a strong standard so they can feel safe to check in. if the guest don't feel safe, they won't come back. if if they want come back, they then have no work, we don't have no work. we need to adjust to pay the rent and we need to buy food, we need to help our children to go to school. as a housekeeping and cleaning, we know how to reopen the right way. please, listen to the hotel workers and vote yes on this. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. thank you. good afternoon.
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my name is mandy leiu and i'm at marriott marque for more than 10 years -- (inaudible). so we can have strong force. we need to show the guests and the cleaning and safety. if the guest come to the hotel and everything is clean, they will not worry too much and come back and the hotel and they have san francisco state is a safe place to be. it's good for everyone. it's good for the guests, for us and the hotels. and it's not only for us, it's also good for the community.
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>> thank you, thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> caller: any name is laura and i'm a hotel housekeeper at marriott marque for more than eight years and i'm a proud member of united local 2. after the housekeeper like me on how to clean a hotel room. and it's especially important to me. it's much harder to sanitize a room that no one has cleaned in days but now with covid-19, we have to be more careful because the coronavirus can stay for two to seven days or the high touch surfaces like door knobs, facets, plastic light switches and the tv remote, the wood head boards, staff and chairs and tables and if they touch it. the coronavirus can even lead on the trash and we should follow
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the highest standard of cleaning and safety. it doesn't make sense to let any part of the hotel go days without being disinfected. as a housekeeper, we are the experts. we are the ones who enter the room to clean. we know that the right way to reopen our hotel is to clean more and not less. please leave them to vote yes on this ordinance and thank you very much, supervisors. >> thank you next speaker, please. >> caller: good afternoon, supervisors. my name is lisa lam i am a cook at a restaurant for 38 years. i am a member of united local 2. please vote yes on this law so we can take care of the business
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and reopen with a strong safety standard. this law has strong standards to the open and the right way and this is standard is from the work of (inaudible). we want this standard in the san francisco to respect our jobs and our families. we want to have each other and put safety first. please reset us and vote yes. thank you, supervisors. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am a room service server at the marriott for 15 years.
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covid-19 has hurt me and my co-workers very much. in the union local 2 they are close to 9,000 hotel workers and almost all of us have no work because of the pandemic. i'm asking you to vote yes on this ordinance because i think hotels need to open a safety to bring the business back. i want to go back to work but it's not my business and it's not work for me to go back to. i am a single mom and the head of my household. my kids suffer from asthma so for me it's really important to work and get my healthcare for myself and my daughter. it's important for me to earn a paycheck. it is helpful but it's not enough to cover our rent and food. this ordinance is important for
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our city because it will set a standard that guests can trust. that's how we're going to bring back the bids. we need this strongest standards for cleaning and safety and question not take any short cuts. please vote yes. thank you, so much. thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, supervisors, my name is joanne and i'm a housekeeper at marriott san francisco for 13 years. i am a member of local 2. lease vote yes on this law. in my family of four, we have no work because of covid-19. my husband's job is also connected to the hotel. so if it's very important to me that our hotel can reopen safe and strong.
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the hotels are should rush and reopen as soon as possible. but i'm worried that the guests won't come back unless they trust that our hotel is safe, clean, placest to sleep. if there's no business, i have no work and my husband has no work. instead of rushing to reopen they should make sure that our hotels are safe for everyone. it's to all the guests that the hotel in san francisco are the cleaningest in the world. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is todd and i'm the general manager of the harvard court hotel and i'm calling in strong opposition of this emergency healthy business ordinance. cleanliness and safety of our guests and employees has always been a top priority in our
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industry. we're very few industries that are not as quite to the level of our guests and our own brand and standards. as hotel area it was the blow with covid-19 route break. i saw a lot of our industry leaders combined together with brands, state and local association and even competitor hotel to create strict but clean, fair guidelines for cleaning protocols for every nook and cranny in departments of hotels. all in alignment with cbc and state guidelines. this is a genius and specifically targets totals by government buildings aren't seen dealing with that and mower outrageously it contradicts the cdc guidelines having them enter rooms which increases the likelihood of airborn transmission which we know is the biggest cause. ultimately if you feel we are endangering the lives of our staff and guests it will delay
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openings, guests can't come to open hotel and i ask you oppose this and help our industry get on the road to recovery faster. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> caller: good afternoon, supervisors. my name is ashley and i'm the general manager of hotels at fourth and market. i live and work in san francisco and i'm calling to oppose this legislation. 70% of our employees are san francisco residents. we actively give back through volunteering to help marginalized groups within our community. it will increase exposure to our employees and guests so it's from the mandated daily room cleaning which goes against industry experts recommendations as well as state and cdc guidelines and this ordinance would disproportionately effect minority groups who occupy the positions who would be at the highest risk of exposure.
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i would also like to call attention to the mandate of single-use plastics which the cost divides sustainability efforts. in california we have been at forefront of green initiatives such as banning plastic straws and reducing water waste. this would mandate waste rather than giving the hotel community the opportunity to come up with creative alternatives. passing this ordinance will make it cost prohibitive for hotels to reopen and not financially substantial. this ordinance exempts city, state and federal office buildings and targeting specific industries is inconsistent and suggests and i know i speak for many of nur industry. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is terry louis and i'm the complex general manager for the hilton union square and hotel properties leading
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employer and tourism embassador for our city for decades. i'm here today on behalf of my team members and the to express strong opposition and healthy building ordinance and which regards personal safety of guest who's may not wish to be in such close proximity and it's ant for me and to it's always been our top priority. protocols exists high standards well before the pandemic and we acted quick three adapt our protocols and procedures based on the changing needs of both our team members and guests and the wake of covid-19. this is exemplified by out newest collaboration with rb the maker of lie sol in consultation with the mayo clinic to develop elevated practices and team-member training. upon our reopening this industry-leading program will be
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the center piece of our operations and the owner is mandates this emergency ordinance presents not only complicate these product caleches and procedures under the guiding hand of these prom nant health experts, it would also inflect serious financial harm and a business working responsibly towards the goal of reopening our doors and to welcome back guests and our signature hilton and bringing as many of our 1400 currently furloughed team members back to work as soon as possible and the total industry has long partnered and organizations to establish brand and industry wide and employees and the covid-19 pandemic is not different and we'll continue to work together in order to put our people first. health guidelines and expertise in the field not by the -- thank you and i urge the -- we have 44 listeners and next speaker,
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please. >> hello. my name is laura and i work as a housekeeper and two hotels in san francisco for 12 years. i run my own cleaning business. i didn't have asthma before i began working as a housekeeper, i developed it due to the chemicals i was exposed to. then i changed to work for a hotel in the san francisco green business program which required all the products that we use to not have asthma-causing chemicals. my asthma became much less severe. this ordinance will expos hotel housekeeper, other employees and check in staff and and this a at a time when covid-19 more and respiratory requirements. this ordinance should require all hotels to use safer cleaning and
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