tv SFUSD Family Town Hall SFGTV July 9, 2020 6:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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>> next speaker please. >> this is brit calling in opposition to the charter amendment and in support of funding sfpd. defunding means taking police away from single moms, children exposed to drugs or sex crimes and victims of abuse and domestic violence. those who need them most. defunding means decreased moral, poor officer safety and little incentive for officers who care about their community. a well funded police department with good trading is where you will succeed in protecting young people and preventing drugs, guns and violence like the recent killing of jays young, a 6-year-old boy in the bayview. despite all, the good cops serve and protect their community with honor, loyalty and integrity. they deserve support, funding and proper trading. instead of making their jobs harder we need to unite and defend the police.
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thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker, please. >> >> hi, my name is alex and i'm a member of the dsa and resident of the district 10. however the 1,000 walking into the charter was at 94 ballot initiatives and the san francisco republican party and the violence crimes is down to low levels nation wide, state wide and san francisco where last year we had a 58 year low in homicides. the charter language is outdat outdated. and in the ballot guides, public
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defender jeff brown warned the staffing number will quote takeaway general fund money for critical services like health, drug prevention and youth facilities and that has come true. thank you president yee for introducing this amendment eliminating that -- >> next speaker, please. >> hello h. is sean cochran from district one in san francisco. i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate language that sets us minimum staffing requirements for san francisco police department. this is a minimum step towards defunding and deinvesting some
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damaging police force that has racist policies and practices that harm our communities of color. and our unhoused people in city. fur listening, you do take these steps we will vote you out. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. is there another speaker on the line? >> >> my name is rachel and i am calling 20 support the charter amendment to remove the sfpd staffing minimum. any language about maximizing police presence and the sf and this is call sfpd (inaudible).
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and and dealt with and sfpd is (inaudible). the police presence harms black people in the city and black people make up 5% of the population (inaudible). and 40% of the people. this board wouldn't be considering making racially motivated 9-1-1 calls if we didn't know the sfpd is dangerously violent towards the black community. we must defund, disarm and dismantle the police. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is breanne and i'm a resident of district two and i'm calling in support of the charter amendment. to be staffing requirements and i think we should stop wasting money on that and use it instead
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charter. this year, the sfpd implicit bias trainer and the doj said the degree of anti black sentiment through sfpd is extreme. maximizing police presence in the community say significant threat to the safety of communities of color. we thank the supervisors who brought fourth this amendment. it's time to take the power away from and put it back in the hands of the people's representatives. you have a choice. you can uphold the devastating impact and it's had on the black community or do your job as elected representatives and follow the calls for a new path for san francisco. >> we currently have 76 people listening online with us and 46 in the cue. can you cue up the next person?
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>> is there another speaker on the line? >> good evening, supervisors, my name is lawrence. i live and work in san francisco and district one and i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate sfpd minimum staffing requirements. i demand you remove any language maximizing police presence in the community and the city charter. police presence harm the black community. black people make up just 5% of san francisco's population and 54% of our jail population. and 40% of the people killed by the police. it's time to take the power away from sfpd staffing and away from
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police officers association. and put it back into the hands of the people representative. representative. (inaudible). i yield my time. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> my name is and i lived in san francisco for 35 years. all over the city, the people have spoken. so many people in san francisco have made it clear that they believe it does not and i'll calling the charter and this the sfpd minimum staffing require and the what is up with the language maximizing police presence in the community. we need to minimize police presence towards abolition of
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sfpd. police don't keep us safe. they harm our communities. since 1985, they have killed over 100 people and that to me is mind boggling. their names include my neighbor, and my name appeal and lopez and jessica williams, and. >> j. gonzalez: zoos and and matthew hoffman and keggen harding and. >> next speaker. >> >> good evening. this is kylie speaking and i'm calling in support of the charter amendment and this moment where there's a ground swell of demand for the sfpd to be abolished you remove any language regarding maximizing
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police presence in the community. this requirement is outdated and arbitrary it threatens the safety of communities of color, trans communities and unhoused neighbors. it's long overdue for a massive par dime shift but black abolitionist have been calling on for years and instead of maximizing police presence it's time to maximize affordable housing, accessible transit, equitable education for youth, health and well-being outcomes and true safety for all community members. this is an important first step and it cannot be the last. thank you. thank you for your comments. next speaker. i list in district 5 and i'm eliminating the staffing requirement maximizing police presence in the community.
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we have decades of research that show the police do not protect people but property and this is just a low hanging fruit of baby steps and the first of many on the path to defund and abolish the police and while this is an issue of community safety and human rights it makes zero financial sense and does huge economic harm to be spending taxpayer dollars of 2,000 police officers who the majority of whom do not live in san francisco and invest back into the communities they police. we're hem aging money out about communities and rum an rights. that's all, thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi, my name is emma and i'm a resident of the district eight and i support the amendment to remove minimum staffing and last week all the supervisors
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introduced a resolution and i quote, declining anti black racism as a human rights public-health crisis in san francisco. advocating for federal anti racist policies that advance efforts to dismantle system i can racism. you are the poll is h policymak. this is your decision to make and it's not hypocritical. we know from statistics and the stories that people have called into this meeting with, the sfpd is racist and i call on you to enact anti racist policies and not only remove the minimum staffing requirements but also defund sfpd. anything short that have is racist. thank you. >> thank you. can we have the next speaker, please. >> good evening, supervisor matt rainy and others if you are actually listening h. dillon, a
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resident from district six first of all i want today say it's reprehensible you don't have your cameras turned on. you should have your faces visible so we can hold you accountable and you are listening to us when we are making these comments. i'm calling to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement and i demand your move in language regarding maximizing police presence in the community from the city charter. we don't need maximum police presence and much of that work does performed better by non sfpd organizations working with the community without weapons or force and you have a choice. you can uphold the complex and the devastating impact it's had on the black community or do your jobs as elected representatives and follow the calls for new paths for san francisco. support the charter amendment and get rid of a staffing level that prevents us from investing in real public safety. thank you. >> speaker time has lapsed.
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thank you. can we have the next speaker. >> good evening, i live in san francisco district four. i've heard our neighbors giving public comment and the sfpd we've made it clear that police presence does not to our public safety. i'm calling to join and support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement and i also support you remove any language maximizing police presence in the community and city charter. removing the staffing requirement is the first step in healing for communities that have been most targeted and including black indigenous and people of color and trance communities and our unhoused neighbors. i want to thank president yee and the supervisors who brought fourth this important amendment. the amount of power over phd they have and urge you to put the power back in the hands of the people representatives this year. i look forward to seeing this
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measure on my ballot in november and being able to directly support our ability to defund the s sfpd. thank you for your time. >> thank you. can west next speaker, please. >> >> hi, any name is angelina and i'm a professor at the university and i am here to say that we should not have any language regarding the maximum amount of cops and we need to have staff and the maximum number that we should have staff is zero and no more than that. we need to defund sfpd and abolish sfpd. it's up to the supervisors to listen to the community pleading for the defunding of sfpd. it's no more about us sitting back and listening to things you have to say. it's for you to listen to what we have to say. your jobs are about supporting us.
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and we are the holding this together. it is very despicable we cannot see you and maybe your playing angry birds, but i would hope we have elected people who actually give a shit. fuck the police, the rich, and this community is ours and we will ache it back. how do you spell murder, sfpd. i do not yield the rest of my time. >> the time has elapsed. next speaker. please. >> hi i'm a ris resident and i'm calling to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement and i demand you remove language the police have proven time and time again to per or eyes the community and served the
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community. to education housing and public health in the midst of public pandemic is a very disgusting and unacceptable. this easily influenced by the poa and to the supervisors refusing to turn on the cameras, please, quit your job already. you are too spine less to be here. we'll vote you out anyway if you don't. i yield my time. >> my name is angela and i'm a resident of district two. as the others on this call as well as the hundreds of visit owns who called in yesterday and waited hours to make a public comment on the city budget, i call for the abolition of the san francisco police department. i'm speaking in support for the charter amendment that calls for the end of sfpd minimum staffing
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requirement, it's the minimum can you do. this is the smallest request your constituents are asking in the service of police abolition and if you do not comply, you are failing to fulfill your duties and spit north democracy and exposing the fact you care more about political posturing and wealthy donors and representing in your con sits. i yield my time. >> thank you, can we have the next speaker. >> i'm calling in support of your amendment to eliminate the staffing and demand removal of a language of maximizing police presence in the community. if it's not followed by the defunding of sfpd, the redistribution of responsibilities to qualify citizens and redistribution of funds to black and brown community youth, then it's just window dressing.
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and also it's the commissioner and all supervisors about this new may be radical and and all they would be the first do go. so they made it clear and we made a very well-informed conclusion and it's vital to keep our community safe. particularly black and brown communities. thank you. >> thank you. >> if you have not already done so, please dial star 3 to lineup to speak. if you are unmuted and we currently have 41 speakers on the line. can we have the next speaker.
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and i'm training the escalation and it's appalling how police still killed so many marginalized folks time and time geoff and the train having been put in place and thanking you over the jobs of members of a corrupt police department who only serve their own interests and not their city. we must defund the police and refund our dipoc, queer trans and communities. this is the bear minimum, a first step towards systemic change in the city. thank you and i yield my time. >> thank you, can we have the next speaker, please. > >> i live in district 5 and work in district 6. i'll calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement and to remove any language regarding the maximum
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police presence in the community and the city charter and the charter mandate and its current state with an arbitrary number of refers accept rents the complicity that is led to the death of community members. thank you supervisors who brought this fourth and i want to urge you to introduce more antiracist policy, this thank you. >> thank you. >> can we have next speaker, please. >> good evening. i'm a black women living in district 4. i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement further and i demand that you remove any language regarding maximizing police
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presence and police presence harms the black community and so many people have seen it. black people make up just 5% of the population yet 54% of our jail population. politicians attempt to gaslight my community and believing our experiences with the police are not justification and itself and to remove any language regarding maximizing police presence. my community is either pushed out of the city and can we have the next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm black buy racial queer born and raised in district 2 or whatever the fuck you call it now. abolish sfpd. y'all are a gang funded by a
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fascist government. please remove all language and increase police presence in your charter and increase police presence in our community has caused senseless deaths. when i was four years o. -yearsw the police kill a man outside of my window. his name was aaron williams. abolish the police and give it back to the community and imprisonment black people of the color. i am not yielding my time. fuck (inaudible). >> speaker time haz has elapsed. thank you. >> we have next speaker, please. >> my name is mark sallow man.
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i arrived in san francisco on october 6th, 19899 day the fire department had a bloody riot. i voted no on the measure in 1996. this black lives matter even back then i co managed prop h. we beat the biggs at the ballot box and you should do this assault time. i did my due diligence and the police must be eliminated and it's a corrupt organization. it's time to cut the subpoenaed tsfpd tozero and as we said in t up days, app cop no doughnut. thank you. >> thank you. we have next speaker.
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>> >> hello. >> you may proceed. >> >> my name is cory and i live and work in san francisco. i'm in district 5. yesterday and today and it's important to defund the police and we're in support of the amendment. to get on the ballot for november and it's very clear that the police do not protect the city of san francisco and our most viable members of black, queer, trans victims so it's important to support this amendment and continue to defund the sfpd i yield the rest of my time. >> thank you, can we have the
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next caller. >> >> good evening, supervisors, my name is sarah and i'm a resident of district 2. the people have spoken. the people of san francisco have paimade it clear it does not led to public safety. i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirements and i demand you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community and the city charter. the charter mandate was the arbitrary minimum requirement of 1,971 officers represents the complicity that led to the death of community members for generations. removing the staffing requirement is the first step in healing for communities that have been most targeted by imprisonment including black, indigenous and people of color and trans communities and our unhoused neighbors. we thank the supervisors who brought fourth this important amendment and it is important to take the power over sfpd
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staffing away from police officers association and put it back in the hands of the people representatives. you have a choice. you can uphold the prison industrial complex -- >> just to note, members of the public who wish to provide public comment at this time should call (408)418-9388. that meeting i.d. is (146)539-7752 and and if you have not already done so dial star 3 to lineup to speak. a system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. wait until you are unmuted and you begin your comments. at this time, we have 69 callers. with 34 in the queue to speak. next speaker, please.
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>> tyler, can you hear me? >> c. blakespear: i've worked in d6. i'm calling and so many others, to support the charter amendment to eliminate language in the charter for minimum staffing requirements, it's wild notice our charter. this is really a no-brainer do we want to live in a police state, i think not. i will point to the san francisco bar association letter filed yesterday with the board that san francisco doesn't need to engage in the meet and confer process with the poa to put this
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on the ballot. this is easy for the board. there's going to be harder fights against the poa and our supervisors, you are on the right side with this amendment. >> your time has elapsed. >> can we have the next speaker, please. >> i'm calling in support of the amendment and future efforts to defund and eliminate police presence in our city. it's uncon shall that anyone would support this racist institution whose only tool is violence. police do not make us safe. it's clear that priorities are to protect racist murderers and criminalize being black or brown and poor. i want to thank you for your inspirational leadership and organizing around these issues and the board of supervisors involved the future efforts to defund sfpd. also, please turn your cameras
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on. thank you. i yield my time. >> thank you. >> can we have the next caller. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is heath. i think it's unfair thaw turned off your cameras. and know we will remember this during the next election cycle. i'm calling in support of the the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirements. i demand that you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community in our city charter. maximizing police staffing does not make our community safe and it does doesn't protect the priority, it was prioritizing other people. san francisco still ranks number one in property crimes and the state of california. you have a choice, you can uphold the prison industrial complex and devastating impact it has on the black community and you can do your job with elected representatives and follow the calls for san
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francisco. disarmed, disband and dis fund black lives matter more than blue salaries. we're following you and the corruption of police funding. thank you to the supervisors who brought fourth the important amendment. i yield my time. >> thank you. can we have the next caller. >> my name is ana i'm a district five resident and i echo the majority of previous call and he is i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the minimum staffing requirement and i'm also demanding the police presence in the community and city charter. we do not need a maximum police presence. much of the work that the sfpd
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is doing can be performed much better by other organizations. two-thirds of the sfpd should not be criminalized. we need to take the money from the sfpd and put it towards organizations to help address all the issues in the city that currently could be doing help much more with their money in supported for them. you have a choice you can oppose the conference and devastating impact it has had on the black community or do your and follow the calls for a new path for san francisco. thank you to the supervisors who did bring this amendment forward. >> thank you. >> >> so, good evening. good afternoon. so, call leads the state in property crimes and then in 1994 there were people in san francisco and there's 900,000
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people in san francisco and the report which supervisor yee asked for says the numbers should be 2176 and it supports the police and i hope you do not on the ballot. if you do and the supervisors should own it so that when it does pass or if it does pass, we know who to blame. thank you. >> thank you, can we have the next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is lawrence and i live in district nine where the police killed alex. i'm calling in my support of the charter amendment to eliminate the staffing requirement of
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1,971 officers. further, i demand you remove any language and maximizing police presence in the community from the city charter. take support to the department that acts against the interest of the public and give it to our schools and parks, health services and public transportation services. the city is currently look at cutting ma the majority of muni bus lines however we have been talking about funding the police at all. it's ridiculous. you have a choice, you can uphold the industrial complex and head on the black community or do your jobs as elected representatives and calling for a new path of san francisco. >> thank you. >> we have the next speaker. >> >> it was passed in 1984 and
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they introduced a new amendment to remove the minimum staffing requirement. it should never have existed. i'm in support of the new charter and i demand that you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community and in the city charter. however, we will not wait until fucking16 years to right the wrongs of the past. we cannot be ruled by archaic laws and board of supervisors this blood is being spilled on your hands and your time. remove all minimum staffing requirements to to your requested budget, hear our voices. no more amendment and no reforms, abolish sfpd, stop killing black and brown people. police do not keep us safe. we keep our safe. fuck the sfpd, trans black lives matter, i yield my time. >> can we have the next speaker,
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please. >> hi, my name is cindy and i'm calling in support of the charter amendment. further, i demand you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community from the city charter. we do not just want less police. we want no police. police do not protect us. they only serve to perpetuate violence against the most marginalized people in our communities and no amount of training can change that. take the money away from the sfpd and give it to the social services that our communities desperately need. we want to totally eliminate police violence. we want to protect our communities and that is only possible if we defund this arm, dismantle and abolish the police. this charter amendment to remove minimum staffing requirements is one step in that direction. i yield my time. >> thank you. can we have the next speaker, please. >> hi, can you hear me? >> yes, we can.
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please proceed. >> >> thank you. (inaudible). i am a resident of district 9. i am calling just like other (inaudible). we are in support the proposal to eliminate the sfpd's minimum staffing requirements. i'd like to add is by this norm enal effort to create sfpd and following the conversation yesterday that almost to the risk is part of the path we want to go but this is not all that we're demanding or asking for. officially, supervisors, your job is quite easy. this isn't controversial.
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everyone on this call has -- >> time has elapsed. thank you. >> i would just like to note at this time, we currently have 32 people in the queue awaiting time to speak. can we have the next caller. >> hi, i live and work in sf. all of you as city police officers and the police department are public servants. you are elect and paid to serve the public. i'm also calling in support of the charter amendment. we have responsibilities from the people of this city to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirements and further i demand you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence. police don't just fail to keep us safe they harm our communities and their countless stops to support that which plenty of people have shared already today. why we would uphold a minimum
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staffing level that was set in 1994 and the same time in our country's politicians black and brown children as super predators. we will no longer let anything that hams our marginalized community supplies including the police. we need to defund the police. if you refuse to put this on the ballot in november after hearing the explosion of support from your constituents, it will be a misuse of power and we won't forget. we need to abolish the police. >> can we have the next speaker, please. >> this is jennifer and i live and work in district 9 of san francisco. all over the city the people have spoken. the people of san francisco have made it very clear that police presence does not lead to public safety i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirements and by non
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sf and two-thirds of the sf should not be and you currently have a choice and you could uphold the prison industrial complex and paused on the black community or do your job at the official and the for san francisco. thank you for bringing second. >> thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> my name is gracie and i'm a resident of district four. i'll calling to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing and a demand that you remove maximizing police and the
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community and the charter and you turn on your cameras. police presence and disproportionate hides the ambulance and trance community. because then black people make up 5% of our population so why do they make up 54 and 40% of people killed by police and who are they serving and why jail the people you work for increased staffing does not make our communities safe and it doesn't even do it and protecting the priority. despite police presence increasing, san francisco still ranks number one in property crimes in the state of california. it's time to take the power over sfpd staffing away from the police officers association and put it in the people representatives and socialist and i yield my time. >> >> can west next speaker.
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>> until that, i live in district 6 and i support the charter eliminate to -- i will read the list killed and me that i rest in power. [ reading names ] nicolas, jessica williams, mar row woods. herbert omar. alberto carlos, alex brown and matthew hoffman, and alex, and ger i can gain and dennis use and stephen young and peter
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would and tennis and charles hill and joshua smith, edward smith, leonard michael coal. >> time hazy lapsed. thank you. >> next speaker. and also to remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community. as a physician with the goal of caring for supporting and healing marginalized communities in san francisco, remove north is the minimum first step in healing for communities that have been targeted by policing.
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including black, indigenous and people of color and trance communities and those experiencing homelessness and it's sfpd reinvest and solutions that actually improve the safety and health in these communities. thank you to the supervisors who brought fourth this amendment. you must help the people reclaim the power held by the poa, do your jobs as our representatives and follow the call for a new path to san francisco. >> can we have the next caller? >> >> i am and i live in work in san francisco and district one and i am sad that the supervisors haven't made a charter amendment to abolish the police in san francisco and entirely. this is all presenter tend. the city leadership could very well listen and immediately to the public outcry for a new
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system, especially as so many essential services phase budget cuts during this miserable pandemic. i want people i love to feel safe in this city. i want this city to be as progressive as it pretends to be. be the nation towards something new. go down in history as truly, deeply good. i don't know if you are lins and i doubt it. i'm so happy i listen to you. it's a bunch of bullshit we only have a minute to say what we want to say. i don't yield the rest of my time. i probably don't have much left. i don't yield it. >> >> hi, supervisors, thank you for submitting i. john in district five and i'm calling in
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support of the amendment to abolish minimum staffing levels. a lot of people will look at san francisco's property crime problem and wonder why we need police. we can't go after the people committing these crimes we have to go after the reasons why they're. they are just looking money and looking for money because they're hungry. these are all fail year and we need to stop them and fund adequate social services. step one is reducing this massive overhead of the police. thank you everyone, i yield my time. >> thank you. i would just like to note, that we have 24 people in the queue waiting to speak. can we have the next speaker, please. >> hi, my name is jess. our suffering in the pandemic and hearing everyone's one minute makes me realize that you
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know, we definitely need to have more of a conversation and realize the cost at which funding is police has cost the rest of our community. i'd like to share a quote. the best math can you learn is how to calculate the future cost of current decisions and right now we're prisoners to the arbitrary staffing minimum from 1994 by the poa. lives can't be replaced. black and brown lives matter. trauma lasts a lifetime. it gets passed down generations. it's not fair for our fellow neighbors living with this and it should not throw money and to bullies with guns. time has elapsed. thank you. >> can west next speaker, please.
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>> i'm calling to support the charter amendment. it's silly we have aish tarry minimum. i think there's a lot of questions about what the police do and who they protect and they don't protect. i think that we should look very seriously at defending the police. thank you. >> thank you. can we have next speaker, please. >> hi, my name is martha and i'm a resident of district one. i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to minimum staffing requirement and remove any language regarding police in the community. abolishing the police does not mean we let san francisco burn like it's 1906. we need to move away from the narrow conception of public safety for those opposing defending the police, take a look at new jersey, they
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disbanded the police and saw violent crimes drop by 42% in seven years and too many people think this is a case of bad apples. it's not, would you go back to a store that celled you shi tty apples. it's built owe racism that was created intentionally. we need to disband it intentionally. i want to say thank you to supervisors who brought this forward to the rest of the supervisors, don't be a sentiment polo mall at. fuck donald trump, the police and i yield my time. >> thank you, can we have the next speaker, please. hi. i'm a resident in district nine. i'm an immigrant. i'm calling in support of the charter amendment eliminating the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. this really needs to go on the ballot in november. it's imperative you also remove
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any language in the community from the city charter and i want to say thank you so much to supervisor ronen for co sponsoring charter amend. thank you, can we have the next speaker. >> i'm also calling in support of the amendment and by my count, i'm caller number 141 and only two anti amendment sentiments have been heard on the call at least by me and also i'd like to indicate that district one two, four, five, six, eight nine and 11 are very represented on this call and i hope the supervisors are listening and they want to defund and abolish the police. i don't yield my time. >> thank you, can we have the
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next caller, please. >> my name is alex and i'm from district five in san francisco. i just want to call and support defunding the police and removing the minimum limits of how many officers we have. and redistrict to things that solve the mental issues and so you people that are healing care transportation housing, social services and many more. thank you. >> can we have the next caller, please. >> yeah, hi. this is sergeant thomas o'malley sfpd airport division. this charter amendment is ma lark'. you want to cut down on sfpd in the airport? think about how that would go? picture this? you are in terminal one in line at the super duper ordering five large fries with sauce. you look around and you don't see one person walking around
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with a gun. did you feel safe? just because you went through an intrusive security stand by the tsa. those guys don't even have guns. you have to look at data and consider public safety. you reel want to do all that work? i promise, we're worth your $700 million. ok. we're good. all right. i got to go get special features inter racial couples, you have a good day. >> thank you. can we have the next speaker, please. and staffing levels for sfpd and thank you president yee and all your staff for having the foresight in pushing this legislation and it's courageous considering your district and i appreciate and thank all the other supervisors for supporting police. they do not keep us safe. i do believe in the near future we will live in a city and county that has a system that looks at public safety
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completely differently and from today, where sfpd does not exist. shout out to the black lives organizers who organized this call i echo the sentiment this does get on the ballot to reach out to them and run the campaign campaign. we do need to say your face. this is a serious issue. we can't engage with you guys. i don't know whose decision, the clerk, sfgovtv but i hope we see your faces at the next meeting. we don't have to be crazy and you can take breaks and we understand. for the majority of the time, we should see your face. the lapd commissioner has cameras on and the board runs a -- >> thank you. can we have the next speaker, please. >> hi, i am shocked by the racist comments by the person supporting funding the airport
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sfpd. so i'm talking about banning commercials about inner racial marriage, that was shocking. about the point of defunding the police and abolition, i really encourage all of the supervisors, i actually study criminology and so i really encourage the supervisors to actually do the reading on the data and the data actually proves that policing does not keep us safe. everyone has been saying this on this call. i'm going to give you a couple of readings that i think you should do that will take 30 minutes of your time. the first piece would be reading the article by derica personal. reading an article the "new york times" op-ed that was out a few weeks ago and understanding that abolition is quite literally based on data. and it's based on anti racism and it's based on creating systems in our communities that will actually keep you are safe. this is about data. this is not about our feelings. this is about -- >> your time has elapsed. can we have the next speaker,
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please. >> >> hello moderator. i'm very happy to hear from you guys. i would love to defund the sfpd. they're two separate ballot propositions. i'm support of the ballot and to eliminate that minimum and it's essential and i would love to see a ballot proposition brought to the table of completely removing the sfpd and i think it's a waste of money. they are brutal and oppressive and they do very little to assist this anti-and with that i would like to say fuck the police! [♪]
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>> your time has elapsed. >> hi, my name is angela and i live in district seven and i work in district six. from the past six weeks of protesting, petitioning and public commenting, i and the rest of your constituents have made it cloud and clear in our demand for a decrease in police presence. i'm calling to demand you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community and our city charter. in addition, i'm also calling to support the elimination of the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. i do not want my tax money supporting 2,000 cops in the city. i want that money redistricted towards affordable housing and i want it going towards education, i want it going towards healthcare. not our police. thank you to the supervisors who
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brought fourth this important amendment to the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. have a good evening. >> thank you. can we have the next speaker. >> hi, my name is sonali. funding the racist organization that is the sfpd is a choice. blue lives don't describe people. being a cop is a choice not a skin color. it's a choice to enforce and prioritize white supremacy to protect wealthy white people and their property. the charter mandate in its current state with the arbitrary minimum requirement of 1,900 officers represents making a choice to uphold white supremacy. represents complicity that lead to the death of our community members for generations. increased police staffing and it does be only make our communications less safe, it doesn't do a good job of protecting the people and
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>> and just to note, members of the public who are already on the line and wish to speak should dial star-three at this time if you have not already done so to be added to the speaker line. we currently have 55 people on the line, with 20 in the queue to speak. can we have the next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm linda idlewiyld, and i'm
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please. >> good afternoon. my name is yevgeni, and i live in san francisco. all over the city, the people have spoken. the people have made it clear that police presence does not lead to a public safety. i'm calling in support of the charter amendments to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirements. further, i demand that you remove any language regarding minimum police presence from the city charter. maximizing police presence in the community is a significant threat to the safety of communities of color. we thank the supervisors who brought forth this important amendment. you have a choice. you can uphold the prison industrial complex and the devastating impact it's had on the black community or you can do the right thing, do your job as elected officials in san
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francisco. i'm a caller, not the first, and i won't be the last, and we're all going to keep an eye on things. do the right thing. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> good evening, supervisors. my name is nina gray, and i work in san francisco unified school district. all over the city, the people have spoken. the people of san francisco do not believe in funding the police. the police disproportionately harm black and brown communities. i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the minimum staffing requirement, and furthermore, i demand that you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community. thank you. i yield my time. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next speaker,
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please. >> hi. my name is vickie lang, and i live in district 9 in san francisco, and i have a student in san francisco unified school district. all over san francisco, people have spoken, and they've made it clear. i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to remove the san francisco minimum staffing presence. furthermore, i ask that you delete any language for maximum staffing funds in the community. as soon as schools closed, my child didn't have a device
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because the school didn't have any money for a device for her, so she couldn't talk to her teacher. defunding the police would allow you to have more funding to give to the school district which would actually have an impact for our black and brown children when the equity gap is low enough. >> clerk: thank you for your comment. your time has elapsed. can we have the next speaker, please. >> hi. my name is anthony, and i'm a resident of district 6. i'm overjoyed that someone called in in an attempt to abolish the police. people break windows and steal shit from cars because they're
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desperate, not because they're greedy. defunding the police and funding systems that help people don't feel so desperate that they feel they need to steal to survive. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next speaker, please. >> hi. my name's iris, and i live in district 10. i am calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. further, i ask that you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community in the city charter. we don't need maximum police presence. much of the work the sfpd performs can be done better by
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nonsfpd organizations. two thirds of sfpd calls should not be criminalized. let's not get rid of all our muni lines in favor of 2,000 cops doing what? thank you to the supervisors who brought forth this amendment. time to take the power away from the san francisco police officer's association and put it back into the hands of the representatives. thank you for your time, and let's get back to investing in things that result in real public safety. i yield the rest of my time. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next speaker. >> hello? hi. my name is karen. i am a resident of district 1, and i am a community college educator, as well as an sfusd parent with a child at lafayette elementary school. i also support the amendment to
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the charter to defund the police and to lessen the number of police officers. i'll just tell a very quick anecdote. i was driving down arguello, and there was a naked man in the middle of the street, just calmly standing there. and as i was driving by, i saw no less than three police officers approaching this totally naked man in the middle of the street. i just thought if there was a mental health issue, something going on there, it did not require three police officers in their squad cars to respond to this issue. so thank you for listening to my comments, and i yield the rest of my time.
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>> my name is jack stevenson, and i'm a resident of district 5 and a researcher at ucsf. i'm also calling to eliminate the staffing requirement of sfpd. i'm also shocked that in 2020, our charter still refers to maximizing police presence as if that's a good thing, and i look forward to seeing that language removed as we move toward a world where no people ever interact with police officers. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you very much. can we have the next speaker? >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is katy, and i live in san francisco district 10. all over the city, the people have spoken. the people of san francisco have made it clear that police
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presence does not lead to our public safety. i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. further, i demand that you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community in the city charter. we do not need maximum police presence. much of the work that the sfpd currently does can be performed, and much better, by nonpolice organizations and people who do not carry weapons. two thirds of sfpd calls should not be criminalized. i thank the supervisors who brought forward this amendment. it's time to take power away from the sfpd and the p.o.a. and put it back in the hands of the people's representatives. board of supervisors, you have a choice. you can uphold the prison industrial complex and the devastating impacts that it's had -- >> clerk: thank you, your time
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has elapsed. can we have the next speaker, please. >> [inaudible] woui would hopeu would have enough respect for yourselves to empower the community's needs. i would remind the people of the sfpd strike of 1975 when the sfpd basically held the city hostage. accountability for that era is long overdue.
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>> clerk: thank you. can we have the next speaker, please. >> hello, supervisors. my name is erin. i live in district 9, and i amall over the city, the people have spoken. the people of san francisco have made it clear that police presence does not lead to our public safety. i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. further, i demand that you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community in the city charter. we do not need maximum police presence. much of the work that the sfpd currently does can be performed, and much better, by nonpolice organizations and people who do not carry weapons. two thirds of sfpd calls should not be criminalized. i thank the supervisors who brought forward this amendment. it's time to take power away from the sfpd and the p.o.a. and put it back in the hands of the people's representatives. board of supervisors, you have a choice. you can uphold the prison industrial complex and the devastating impacts that it's h
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>> -- they're not effective, and these people don't feel safe, these people are desperate, and you guys aren't helping at all. >> clerk: thank you. speaker time has elapsed. can we have the next caller. >> hi. my name is emily, and i live in district 8. i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. further, i demand that you remove any language regarding
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maximizing police presence in the community in the city charter. i grew up in the city. i was alive when this language came into effect, and san francisco did not become safer or feel safer for me as a resident. this is archaic language. sfpd, we need to get rid of them, and getting this on the ballot is the first step. please listen to us. this is not, as some news outlets have reported, a bunch of activists. this is a bunch of people calling in from the city. yes, there are activists that are supporting it, but i am just a resident of the city, asking you to take this help to help defund sfpd. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller. >> hi. my name is victoria beckly, and
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i live in district 9, and i am a first time caller, kind of what the previous caller was saying. felt compelled to call in and support this charter amendment. like a lot of callers have said, i agree that defunding the police is not a radical act, and we shouldn't talk about it that way, and it's the responsibility of the board of supervisors to listen to the people and to work to defund the sfpd, but regardless of where individuals stand or people in the rules committee stand on defunding the police, i think this is an obvious first step for any level of police reform. we need to eliminate the minimum staffing requirement for the sfpd. earlier, someone said that it's ridiculous to have a minimum staffing requirement for police. instead, we should have minimums for school staffing or
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bus lines or maybe affordable housing units, so let's get this on the ballot, and let's give people the opportunity to voice their opinion -- >> clerk: thank you. speaker time has elapsed. can we have the next speaker. >> hi. i was just calling, like everybody else, to say that i am in support of dropping the minimum staffing requirements for the sfpd. i don't think that the sfpd should have any tasks. i believe that the police don't help our communities, don't make us any safer, don't actually do exactly what their jobs are intend today do -- intended to do, which is to serve the gods of white
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supremacy in this city, and they should be abolished. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller? >> hey, what's up? i live in district one. i just came in to say what everybody else has said. i support the amendment of the charter. i say, you all better be listening because if you don't enact what the people here are all asking for, i pray you have something to fallback on employment wise. how could you guys consider, even consider continuing to fund the police when, you know, you plan on cutting back on all the muni lines. all they're doing is harassing the homeless people in the city as well as issuing tickets.
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let's try something else. let's put a roof over those people's heads. let's give them hope in this god damn held world. i don't yield my time. >> clerk: thank you. speaker's time has elapsed. can we have the next speaker. >> hi. my name is robin, and i live in district 5 of san francisco. as people have said earlier in this call, you know, we are just people, and we support the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. . the more money that has to go into coffers for sfpd, the less money we have to invest in
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infrastructure to keep us safe. you have a choice. you can uphold the prison industrial complex and the devastating impact it has had on the black community or you can do your jobs as elected representatives and protect the families of san francisco. thank you, and i do not yield my time. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> hello. my name is brian. i'm a resident of district 1, and i'm actually calling against this amendment. i don't think that it's well thought out, and actually, i think the discussion is kind of very biased. it's not even, at this point, kind of not even balanced, and i don't think it really represent the people of san francisco. i think it should go on the ballot because i think you'll find out that there are a lot of people that actually do not
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support this. you know, it's not just hug the schizophrenia away. i don't know what you're going to think that this is going to accomplish, but it seems to me that it's not well thought out. i yield my time, and thank you. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> hi, my name is jeremy. i work in district 9. i can't believe what i just heard, but i'm here because the people of san francisco have spoken, and they believe that the police department does not lead to public safety. i, like many of the
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constituents before me i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. further, i demand that you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community in the city charter. it's absurd that this is even a question. there's no excuse for it. reallocate the money, and you need to abolish the police. i yield my time. >> clerk: thank you. can we hear from the next speaker, please. >> good evening, supervisors. my name is jessie, and i live in district 6, where more resources are desperately needed for mental health support and housing, as you know, walking around my neighborhood, i regularly see people, police, harassing people instead of helping them. these same people could greatly benefit from a small fraction
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of the sfpd budget for much needed resources. it's clear that police presence does not lead to our public safety, and it's a waste of city money. i'm in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. further, i urge you to remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community in the city charter. thank you to the supervisors who brought forth this important amendment. support the charter amendment and get rid of an arbitrary staffing level that prevents us from investing in real public safety. please look up or #8abolition. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker. >> hi. i live in district 9 in san francisco. just like basically everybody else in this phone call
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i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. further, i demand that you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community in the city charter. when the police have public safety, their definition of the public has never included murdered individuals. increases in staffing does not make our community safe, so i'm calling on the supervisors to really listen to the public and listen to everyone else who's been calling in for the first time, maybe ever, and realize that this is something that the community feels really strongly about. please support this amendment. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> hello. my name is lucia.
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i live in district 6. i'm also calling in support of the i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. black people makeup 5% of the population and 54% of our jail population and represent 55% of all people called by police. black lives matter. i do not yield my time. >> clerk: thank you. i'd just like to state that members of the public who are already on the line and wish to speak should dial star-three if you have not already done so to be added to the speaker line.
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at this time, we have 24 people in the queue to speak. next speaker, please. >> hi, supervisors. my name is claudia. i live and work in san francisco, district 9. i, too, am calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement and also ask that you remove any language regarding maximizing police presence in the community. the charter mandate in its current state, with the abtemporary minute -- arbitrary minimum requirement of 1,790 officers has contributed to the death of community members for generations. it also goes without saying that that's just a very lazy way to manage a government service that has a $750 million budget. i do want to thank the supervisors who brought forth this amendment, and thank you.
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i yield my time. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller? >> hi. my name is page. i'm a resident of district 4. like many others before me, i'm calling in support of the charter amendment to eliminate the sfpd minimum staffing requirement. further, i demand to remove any maximizing police presence language in the city charter. the message of your constituents has been overwhelmingly clear that we want to defund and completely abolish. police. to be clear, we don't want chaos. we want a new system of public system that works to serve everyone. this works to serve our most vulnerable population. black lives matter, white trans lives matters, i do not yield my time. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next speaker,
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