tv SFCTA TIMMA Board SFGTV July 21, 2020 9:30pm-12:01am PDT
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the office special of racial equity about the comments related earlier to mission bay. lines 17 to 18 should read, urging that the office of the planning department and office of community investment and infrastructure, including the office of equity. just wanted to amend that. >> president yee: okay. second? >> supervisor ronen: second. >> president yee: okay. roll call vote on the amendment. >> clerk: on the amend -- [ro amendment -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president yee: okay. so the resolution as amended is adopted. madam clerk, let's call item 47. >> clerk: item 47 is a resolution to oppose india's exclusionary national register of citizens and citizenship amendment act and reaffirming san francisco as a welcoming city, expressing the city and county of san francisco's board of supervisors solidarity with san francisco's south asian community regardless of religion and caste. >> president yee: supervisor mar? >> supervisor mar: colleagues, i know it's very late, but i would like to speak to this item because so many south asian community members spoke out on this and it's important to them. through this motion, san francisco is joining an international movement in
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condemning india's exclusionary citizenship amendment and also joining cities like seattle, cambridge, massachusetts, albany, and st. paul. in this global pandemic, we now know more than ever how interconnected we truly are. we know how the actions of our leaders domest leaders domestically and abroad affect us. the national register of citizens and the national citizenship register is rooted in the far right government of modi. together, they lay the legal foundation to denaturalize millions of india's minorities to create the largest homeless
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population in the world. last automatic, the indian government required 33 million people to prove their citizenship, denaturalizing at least 2 million mostly muslim indians, rendering them stateless, and on january 27, genocide watch issued a genocide watch in india. the strong relationship between president trump and prime minister modi and the shared bigoted parties -- in february, trump announced a $3 billion arms deal with india. there is more than a foreign
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policy issue. the hindu nationalist ecosystem extends to san francisco and the silicon valley, and there are powers of caste oppression right here at home. so tonight, i hope you'll join me in affirming san francisco as a welcoming city. thank you to the many people who worked with us on this, and thank you to my constituents
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from the sunset for bringing this issue to my attention. and thank you to the organizations working nationally, including alliance of south asians taking action, alliance for justice and accountability, indian american muslim council, and council on american islamic relations. and finally, thank you to my cosponsors. thank you. >> president yee: supervisor haney? >> supervisor haney: i was just making sure i was a cosponsors. thank you to everybody who called in. >> president yee: supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: thank you, president yee. [speaking urdu language]
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>> supervisor peskin: i'm a cosponsor reticent to assume the role of a member of congress, but i agree that there is virulent racism that is happening in the nation state of india. i join it, but i caution my colleagues that we are not members of congress, but there are members of our community who have brought a righteous thing to us, but we should proceed with matters like this very, very carefully. [speaking urdu language] >> president yee: okay. roll call, please. >> clerk: on item 47 -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president yee: okay. this resolution passes -- is adopted. madam clerk, item number 50. >> clerk: item 50 is a motion modifying the amount of time required under rule 2.22.6 and 2.22.7. >> president yee: okay. i will make a motion to table this item since we did not feel it necessary to have a special meeting in a short time on
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madam clerk, 51, was it you that actually severed it? >> clerk: yes, mr. president. >> president yee: and if it is you, is that something that you're allowed to do? i'm just curious. i've never heard you do this. >> clerk: yes, mr. president. yes. >> president yee: okay. go ahead. >> clerk: so item 51 is a motion to urge california governor newsom to toll the two-year assessment peal hearing deadline. elected officials are asking each of the 58 counties boards of supervisors to approve a similar motion. essentially since the declared state of emergency, the san francisco assessment peals board, our very own a.a.b., has not resumed its hearings. if these hearings are not held, and a determination is not made
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within the time specified, which is a two-year time frame from a timely filed appeal, then, the applicant's opinion of the value stated in the application is concluesively determined by the appeals board is the method by which the taxes will be leveed. i will say the appeals board has almost 1,000 cases, mostly with deadlines approaching in 2021 and 2022 with an estimated value of $15.7 billion, with a difference on the roll and the
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taxpayer's value. former board of supervisors malia cohen, who is already doing this work with the state and the legislature, and our very own assessor, carmen chu, we are asking for this motion that would allow for the tolling of the two-year deadline in our office for the assessment appeals board. even if the governor grants this tolling, it is our intent to begin hearing these cases as soon as is possible so that we can have these cases scheduled and have the hearings scheduled in an orderly fashion. so thank you, mr. president, for being our sponsor, and we're asking for your support to the members. >> president yee: okay. roll call -- supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: no, i think the clerk just sum vismad that perfectly well. and who has replaced mr. moran,
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which, colleagues, a function of our board that we delegated to an appeal board? who is replaced miss doran? >> clerk: his name is mr. allister gibson. he came from the ranks and is willing and happy to talk to any member of the board to get a sense of where we're at in these appeals so that we can get them all scheduled. i believe there are only members made up to be on two of those boards as their several vacancy notices that are moving through the rules committee to fill the third board. >> supervisor peskin: so madam clerk, relative to vacancies,
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how many do we have, and is that on the complex board or the simple board? >> clerk: so supervisor peskin, it's my understanding that i believe it's board -- what i'm going to do is i'm not going to surmise what the answer is. i can't recall, so i would prefer to send you an e-mail. >> supervisor peskin: if you could send that to all of us and the public, i'd appreciate that. >> clerk: happy to. that'll help us get our vacancies moving through the committee. once we get more applicants to apply for those positions. >> supervisor peskin: and madam clerk, relative to the back lag of what you said was about 1,000 cases, because there's always been a structural backlog, how much has that been increased by covid-19? >> clerk: so, supervisor peskin, we have actually caught up with the backlog, i'm happy to say, from the downturn of
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2008, so i'm really proud about that. essentially, we are in an appeal season right now. we opened up in july, and we will close september 15. so in addition to covid-19, and in addition to it being the current filing season for appeals, we are -- we are afraid that we will experience a similar backlog once the appeals schedule closes and we receive the appeals from the taxpayers in the current year. >> supervisor peskin: and relative to the statute, the time for appeal is how long? >> clerk: two-year -- two-year -- two years from the timely filing of an appeal to the decision being made on the appeal itself. >> supervisor peskin: thank you, madam clerk. >> clerk: you're welcome,
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items. do we have any? >> clerk: not that i'm aware of, mr. president. >> president yee: okay. read the in memory -- memoriams. >> clerk: on behalf of the former colleague and lejs laytive aid rob eschleon, and on a motion made by president yee and approved by the entire board of supervisors, for a 30-year career in congress, congressman john lewis. >> president yee: all right. madam clerk, that brings us to
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the end of the agenda. >> clerk do we have any further business before us today? >> clerk: there is no further business before the board today. >> president yee: all right. meeting adjourned. >> shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses, and challenges residents to do their shopping within the 49 square miles of san francisco. by supporting local services in our neighborhood, we help san
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reflect that during the covid 19 pandemic the participants will to the same extent as in the chamber. the members of the board believe it is essential that all communities with and without the internet have the following option to be able to participate remotely in this meeting. we will receive written correspondence and make it part of the legislative file. if you address the san francisco board of supervisors city call. 94102. you can send us an e-mail. if you're utilizing your computer to watch the meeting live stream. if you're utilizing your
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television, channel 26. there will be a broad casting delay. if you do intend to listen to the meeting and utilize your phone for public comment make sure you turn your television down when ready to make your comments. if you have access or connection issues, please contact my office. there is a live member of the staff who is there answering phones and we're working very hard not to leave anyone out of these proceedings. your touch phone can be used to listen to the proceedings and provide public comment. when you hear the prompt enter the meeting i.d. which is the number (146)153-1792, president pound twice. that information is going across
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your television and computer. when ready to speak press star three. listen carefully the system will prompt you when it is your turn to provide two minutes of testimony. in addition to public comments there are two three p.m. public hearings. public comment will be taken specifically on that. this is the amendment for the redevelopment plan for blocks 29 through 32. iteitems 33 through 36 we're tag public comment on the appeal for the vermont street project. all other items except for items forty five through fifty two
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have previously had at a noticed committee. if you want to speak during general public comment which is item 44 you're able to speak on the minutes and on the items is that did not go to committee. those are items 45 and 52 without reference to committee cal der. we have interpreters who are standing by who can assist peekers in public comment. please introduce yourselves and let the community know that you are hear for them. >> : thank you adam clerk. (speaking foreign language).
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language). >> : thank you to both the interpreters. we don't have miss agnus with us. lastly mr. president we believe we have pursuant of title two of americans with disability act. we have an individual who requested to make his public comment by telephone. >> : okay. are we waiting to do that in a second or right now? >> : i believe we have him queued up? >> : okay. if you're available mr. president, he can provide it next. >> : okay. thank you operations for allowing the individual to come through with his public
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testimony. is the speaker on the line? >> : hi, yes. >> : welcome. please proceed. >> : i'm a disability advocate and community organizer. this weekend is the 30th n versh anniversary of the americans with disability's act. july is disability pride month and for many of us this is a great time of celebration. i would be amiss and doing a disservice if i did not note the way nz which the city and governing board has neglected
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the seniors and disabled. keep us from accessing businesses and sidewalks. many of our community are stuck in a medical prison where patients are being sexually a abused to the point of multiple lawsuits being filed against the city repeatedly. to get a wheelchair takes on average three to four years and has to be reported by those of us with disabilities who are already struggling to get by. the human rights commission are deeply under funded and under staffed. during the covid 19 pandemic, the city hall has been cancelled out right. access has been very difficult. some departments are making zoom
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and video option available sto give public comment. i believe in desegregation in community. we are very much separated from our peers and people we love most. we desire to live in the way they envisioned. i hope that this board can take these concerns into account and support the seniors and disabled community. >> : thank you for your comments. >> : okay. i probably should have done this first before the speaker. but i'll take this opportunity if somebody can mute their mics. whenever is hammering with construction work. i would like to take this time
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to recognize and recognize the late honorable congress member. congress member lewis is legen legendary during a time which change was going to be homeless sm during the height of the civil rights movement, congress member lewis was inspired to take an action role and became the chair of the student commute ee. at the age of only 23 he helped organize the historic march in washington and was one of the key leaders alongside of martin
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luther king jeuner. congress member was a lefted more than forty times and-he led a march for the six hundred people bridge i in 1965 which is known as bloody sunday for the passage of voting rights. after being elected he consistently stood on the right side of history and championed equity on a national and global scale. in 2016 he shared his new piece of work, march sm he was doing
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some books on that. it's a graphic novel to into your knowledge nung wem to encouragto help youngpeople lea. a new generation of young people who are stepping into leadership. as congress member likes to say causing good trouble. our flags are flying at half day during his man. here is a quote. do not get lost in a sea of dpair. pe hopeful, be optimistic.
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eleven ayes. >> : okay the the item is passing eun ma eun an unanimous. >> : that allows the city to collect some or all for the goods and services. >> : supervisor before you say something i thought i to be added as a cosponsor. if you don't mind. >> : that would be great. colleagues i wanted to thank you all for your support on this
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>> : there are eleven ayes. >> : let's go to the neflt item. >> : call for a specialal election to be held in the city for the purpose of a problem significance to occur bond inditedness. to authorize 50% pass through landlord to residential ten at. bond oversight committees review of expenditures and set certain recedreproceedtoproceeding.
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>> : there are eleven iets. without objection the ordinance finally passes. >> : item nine is to amend the charter of the city. to set the powers and duties and thors the review of city programs and services. remove the public advoak eight to be held on november third 2020. >> : eusupervisor mar. the choice we make today when stied whether or not the persons in san fan sis ko s sach.
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are we going to do something about it or are you going to do something about it or are you going to look the other way. change is hard but as necessary. this has been proven by the death and corruption. each of us was represented to elect the will of our interests not your interest or the mayor or the culture of corruption that has gotten to this point. the public wants to have this choas on their ballot.
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the work they have done. the need for this reform has proven over and over again. investigations into public corruption has meet the public pubic utilities department, airport commission an the department of helping health. since 2016 inditements for public exruption ha corruption e need more us to address the corruption city wide is clear and measure. there's only one measure to address the publish measure
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stu about the cops and the tax payers that we allow corruption to go unfettered. say what we have now is working. i also want to be working it wouldn't have taken tech aids for this misconduct to be addressed. it went have taken a fred ral fl government came the president's fb c. you want to thu you for your koa conspiezor.
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had peb lick sector meeting, the lbgtq democratic club for their early endorsements and support f. i asked you to vote with your consengs but your duty with your consiconsentconstituents don't r day offer we're or decade go by knowing that you have this chance to make structural reform but didn't take it. they made this choice to sell in
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never-i've never had anyone serious suggest that the answer to san francisco i. i will be voting against the measure today. >> : thank you for principling this ford and thank you for rreminding me on that vote. i have seen a lot i love the idea of public advocate it intriguing. my regret is is that you did not
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brimming this ford. i any envelope hant had my eyes been open. i cannot support you this this. thank you very much people. s par seur par. >> : tru for recognizing necessity i pollize sphor not calling you back, i was speaking about supervisor walleton when you call a bill while owing. i respectfully want to say that the narrative that you prepted respectly is a nawl nai narrati. the agoment you head with the
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agoment against the public. the individuals have do you the work of oakerrations. we are are the to address. the wrair of the care a ynd county of san run stun oh. we are presinnedding over a moment of time where me r they him ition the sads. we are koa dough care of this where would be have people chai
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chiens people i would the fund the office of rarybl equity. thment makes no sense at this time. the way this mayor active has been krughtive anything nors the fact that the president that you named is eep soy we'll have by dft bbl college. will are we have a sometime keunt of krd force. i want this has a super four teen of the aft time, we will the people are who can tet the stone phone the top when, asked
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fire department heads et cetera. the board can hold hearings reserved to investigate things that seem inappropriate. if that's not happening and we're not happening to the extent it should, if we are not funding the ethics commission at the level it is able to do the work it needs to do. if we're not organized as a board to root out corruption. if we have not established the oversight for city contracts city wide. the creation of a under founded funded new office with new staff to pursue whatever item can happen to fall within that perp's view is not going to solve the problem. we have cha challenges around corruption in the city.
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going on for years and years and years. it's part of my ability to ask the right questions at the right time to see if they make makes any sense. i'm going to act on it. thinking of different ways, we all should be thinking of ways to root out corruption. our office we're supporting those entities that already exist that are under funded. let's see where i left off. supervisor preston. >> : i actually was going to
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invoke-supervisor already did that. it if the ethics commission is broken, let's fix it. starting a new department when we have a one point seven billion dollar deficit and we're trying to take care of people that need to eat seems nuts to me. our job is to root out corruption sm i've been doing that for the 13 of the last 20 years that i've been a member of this board. we don't need a new department. let's just do our jobs. if the ethics department is broken. let's help them fix it. >> : supervisor mar. >> : thank you. i'll keep it brief.
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i just want to thank all of you for your thoughtful comments and consideration of this important proposal. i did want to respond to some of the points made. first of all supervisor viewer, i wish the amendment was proposed sooner. supervisors your comments about faith in our existing systems and even the power fl of the bod to oversee scruption and misconduct. that's all true. we do have that power. clearly the existing systems of
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investigation and oversight into corruption and misconduct are not working. they made our case around that and even for the small step that have been taken to hold city officials just this year accountable for their misconduct on how long did it take to hold them accountable. it's been documented that misconduct and corruption is going on for years or decades and some of the cases. this is really about being proactive and not reactive. i don't think you can look at the decades of misconduct and say that the system we have is working. now is the time for transparency has never been more important. restoring trust in government has never been more important.
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the question is whether we want to defend a broken system or give the people of san francisco an opportunity for change. >> : i just want to add to my previous comment in light of the some of the discussion here on the money. i here a number of colleagues talking about the deficit that we're in. as i look at not just the overall budget but we we had a robust discussion about that. if i look at today's agenda and $7 million, $54 million for subway design. $61 million for guest services
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at an airport that is barely functioning. i make these comments without comment on the merit of each of those items that we take great time and care to review. committees work to ensure we're getting the best deal possible. it's very hard to take that at face value the concern of an office that will cost less than one million dollars a year and will save far more exponentially more if it does it's job once it's up and running. it's not only a budget that is a statement of our values. it's how we expand and what we authorize and contract by contract and issue by issue. i think there is nothing more important than addressing the corruption that has been coming to light.
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>> : there are five ayes and six noes. >> : with a five to six vote it would be submitted on the november third 2020 ballot will not pass. >> : that's not submitted mr. president. >> : okay. let's go to the next item. >> : item ten is a charter amendment fourth draft to amend the charter of the city to amend the sanitation and streets to
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succeed currently performed by the department of public works. oversee the department of sanitation and streets and create a public works commission to oversee the department of public works to perform annual audits. >> : nobody on the roster? are you going to speak? >> : thank you. i'm very happy to present to you all with my coauthors and sponsors who i want to thank supervisors to announce our charter amendment which will establish a department of sanitation and streets. exand thexpand the cleaning of c
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bathrooms and essential keeping our streets clean and maintained. set policies and base lines and accountability for street cleaning and maintenance. a commission over public worked to ensure that the departments have become well known for corruption. i want to really under score and thank the rules committee. i think we're in front of the rules committee four times. thank you for your partnership and leadership. we took a number of amendments over the last few weeks to dramatically reduce the cost that this department wouldn't go no effect until 2022 by not having any impact on the next two budget years. we krair fied clarified a lot .
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people who live in our city especially those in neighborhoods south of market and the mission. throwing more money at the problem, things have not improved in recent years. in many ways things have gotten worse. and what that is connected to is a structure of government right now that cannot get the job done. the department of public works is a massive department. most of the work is not street cleaning or defacing. demonstrate the knowledge of the area of street cleaning or maintenance. it's in the area of public
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infrastructure. there's a disconnect of what our residents think they do and what they actually do. it's hard to hold the director accountable for the cleanliness on the streets. she is relate today public infrastructure and building. they don't require dpw to do a lot of the cleaning that needs to be done. there's no oversight in the dopt of public works. there's not a system of accountability or anyone watching the shop. requiring a solution to public input. nowhere for the public to go to get answers. there's no standards or metrics in place to keeping the cities
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clean. the head of the department will decide where to clean the streets and how to pick up trash and where garbage cans go on and so on. during covid 19 it's even more essential that cleaning and sanitation is ensured for the safety and health of our residents. we know the corona virus is in feces and can spread by coming in contact with surfaces. our legislation does a couple simple things. it will update our laws to require our city clean what needs to be clean. home owners need to do their part. there's trash cans and bathrooms especially where tourism is our number one industry. a real focus for the state of our streets. currently dpw has two functions,
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they act as the cities engineers and contract managers. they are responsible for the boots on the ground and maintaining our sewer system. this legislation finally puts a real focus and intentionality and oversight by creating a department solely focused on maintaining our streets clean, green, and sanitary. focus more intentionally on a particular need that our city is facing. it was done around the department of homelessness. i don't think anyone can imagine not having a clear and present challenge for the city. we'll create a commission for the dpw and the department of sanitation and street. these will set a base line for
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cleanliness. as hard as the public worked department works to keep the city's clean. the structures do not support them adequately. we have had tremendous support who know that the current structure is not working. there's a reason why many other cities densely populated cities like new york have departments that deal specifically with street conditions. public works needs a commission. that is not enough.
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we cannot just keep throwing money into the same system and expecting a change. we have made extensive amendments related to cost. we also require an audit to identify inefficiencies and cost waste within the system. my co-response wroors an cospon. we need a real change and commitment to address this challenge. it is an equity es issue. these communities that live in filthy streets, these are low income where most of our black and brown preses dents live. this is deeply unfair and inequitable create a system that is designed and focused and
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intentional to get the job done. it's deeply unfair to get have to live in these conditions and have a government that is not designed and focused to get it done. this effects every resident in our city. this is about people who live in every part of the city. people who live and work in our city. they know that what is happening right now cannot continue to be the way we operate. i know there's some cost to this, we have a 12 billion-dollar budget it could not be more basic to clean up the streets. with the broken structure we're not going to get the results that our residents deserve. we can make a real tangible distancdifference on the streetn
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francisco fra francisco. we represent districts that live here, the community is yelling and screaming and demanding this. they cannot live in these conditions anymore. they want to actually fix this challenge for them. even if it's not something from your hear about always from your consiconstituents. i implore you to support this. i want to thank my cosponsors all of whom have been such critical partners on this. some of the amendments that we took most recently. my office who has been working on this for yearly a year. we're proud to have you in front
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of it today. we believe the voters will support it if you give them that opportunity. >> : supervisor stephanie. >> : thank you. i voted against this item at rules committee. i appreciate the discussions we had in rules committee. i'm unable to support this oit ethis itemtoday. more transparency at the top of public works is absolutely necessary. our residents deserve absolutely nothing less. director has begun to make some changes and the controller recently recognized additional changes that i would like to see. a public works commission would be a positive and necessary change to our government. that's why the amendment i
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introduced earlier this month would have maintained the public works structure the was created. the condition is unacceptable and we need more urnin urgency d cleaning and being safe overall. a second department and a second commission will not make our streets cleaner. i understand the most recent changes that the sponsor has made in an effort to bring the proposal's cost down. the fact remains we're facing a two billion dollar budget short fall, we do not know when this recession will end. when we're talking about cleaning up the streets of san francisco, i find it hard to believe that what we need most or more of is managers, or hr
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investing in new bureaucracy will not be the best use of our scarce resources in the for seeable future. i will not be able to support this item today. thank you. >> : supervisor ronan. >> : thank you. first i want to say thank you-i'm sorry. can you hear me? >> : now we can. >> : sorry about that. it's working. >> : i think you might be breaking up a little bit but you're working right now. >> : okay.
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is it better without the camera? >> : okay. >> : first of all i just wanted to thank supervisor haney and his staff for their incredible work on this. believing that they can make the type of change that our residents are desperate for and sitting down over a year with employees in the department and inventing what would make a difference. what would make it better. the fact that you have the support of all the front line workers who are in the streets cleaning who say yes, this is the structure that would make this so much better speaks volumes. from my constituents and myself, i want to thank you from the
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bottom of my heart. i know this is not the case in every neighborhood. it's not even the case in heights. it's the case in the mission district and the port. people walk out side of their homes and there's human feces, trash, dirt, discarded items, and it feels awful. it does not feel safe for them and their children. especially during a time where there's a global health pandemic like this city can function at its most basic level. despite the thousands and thousands of three one one calls and, you know dozens of monthly desperate e-mails to my office where we do our best to advocate
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to make a change. we have been unsuck h he unsuck. the system doesn't work. it doesn't work for the bay view val eye. i know there's many many other neighborhoods that it doesn't work for. instead of throwing up our hands and saying well, this is just the way it is. we need to be creative. if things as is don't work then thinking that operating the exact same way is going to produce a change is literally the definition of insanity. it's not going to happen. we have to make changes to get different results. i've visited many countries throughout the world. the rest of them have figured owlt how to have clean streets. i don't understand why one of the richest cities in the entire
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maition can't do the same thing. when you talk to the front line workers, they'll tell you that the department is too big. the vast majority of the focus doesn't go to street clean tg goes to other areas. for that purpose creating a separate department of clean streets and sanitation makes all the sense inle in the worl. it's not rocket science. if this gets onto the ballot, my constituents will be cheering and jumping for joy. thank you so much for your hard work on this.
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>> : i think it is to the entire city government that our public spaces are in the condition they are in. my constituents are furious and they should be. i did not feel the solution to the problem was the creation of a new elected office. i don't believe that the solution to the problem of our clean streets is the creation of a new department and more bureaucracy. i think it is worth thinking a little bit and i have thought a little about about the example of homelessness and home hadless housing, several years ago because this issue was s importt and a lack of transparency around homelessness. a new department was created to focus like a laser to provide
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that accountability and transparency and full on confront the challenges that our city is facing. i don't think it's a failed experiment. it improved on the work of department of public health. i don't think it lived up to the promises. on our agenda today is a contract that we're being asked to approve that i will vote for near nearly a hundred million dollars for a contract that has not been competitively bid because they don't have the capacity to bid all of its contracts. the reason for that is very much because the city is still struggling to figure out what the right balance of administrative support and infrastructure is for this department. they don't have the support they
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own, although they are venues, which d.p.w. does not have o create transparency. the reality is, that staff can, as we've seen in the matter of cal-train, not present any of the facts. to their governing body. i air on the side, as my former colleague introduced many, many years ago, on having more transparency and a commission over d.p.w. even though, at this moment in time, our imperative is to save money, i believe that supervisor haney is right.
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which is the department of public works has so many different functions under it, it's in essence too large to fail and too large to prosperous. there are so many things from the county surveyors to all the construction projects that they oversee through the bureau of architecture and the bureau of engineering, i actually think that supervisor haney is on the right track, even though it's going to be more costly that many of these functions do not need to be consolidated in one department. by the way, some of the things have more time and have done a more time and effort. in most counties, the county surveyors works for the board of supervisors.
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that is what happens, i think, in almost the other 57 counties in the state of california. so there are probably other functions and we can adjust that overtime. there is way too much in this department. the notion of consolidating the street use and street cleanliness functions in one department and the other things in another department and makes sense to me. it comes with additional cost and and ultimately the voters will decide. >> supervisor walton. >> thank you so much president yee and i'm going to be brief. i want to respond to one
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statement. i hope supervisor mandelman was not alluding to our dirty streets are 100% connected to homelessness. i would say our dirty streets are separate from homelessness and that's not why we have trash on our streets. particularly in district 10. between the illegal dumbing and bad behavior on behalf of our small contractors, coupled with large industrial areas and we need a team that is and i disagree with that 100%. i know folks in my community would take offense to that and i believe that it's not what my colleague was trying to say. there are so many reasons why our streets are dirty and we need a dedicated team that will keep our streets clean, particularly in districts 5, district 6, district 10, district 9 will we see the bulk
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of to be clean and we need a responsive and committed department. thank you. supervisor safai. >> you are muted. >> it happens every time. i mute myself and forget. thank you mr. president. i just want to say thank you to supervisor haney and mow hag knee and his entire staff. they put a tremendous amount of time and effort into this. i worked for many years, the majority of my professional career in the tenderloin. many of you know i worked for the janitor's union which is housed there and the san francisco housing authority which was housed there and it's
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now the department of homelessness, supportive housing location so i've been there and seen how, you know, as supervisor haney says, it's a place for many immigrant families and it's a place for a lot of families and residents and services. it has been plagued for many years with streets that are not in the best condition and i think we can all admit that there's a lot of different causes for that and it's not just one or the other, there's a lot of different causes for that. in my district, it probably is not one more issue that is brought to my attention than the cleanliness of our streets. i hear it all the time. and some of you may know you may not know, but i worked for the department of public works.
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i have a very strong insider perspective of this not as resources as major cities and supervisor haney started off discussing major city and if they were to compare versus what los angeles, new york, chicago or other places put, you are going to see a very big difference. the thing that i ultimately came down on and i want to thank supervisor haney for taking the amendment that's we worked on. it sounds like there's union nam tee around that of the department and we will have
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the -- when the voters give us that authority, we'll be able to create a commission. the second step is there will be a final vote by this board and to actuate and it gives us time to see if there's improvements made of the necessity of this and so i think that's a fair compromise and balance and i appreciate supervisor haney for following that. i just want to highlight, i think the things this does, i don't see this as a tremendous amount of bureaucratic creations, i see this really about highlighting and elevating a part of a department that is one piece of many. and, i don't get calls about the bureau of architecture, i don't get calls about the bureau of engineer or calls about many of
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the different bureaus within the department of public works. but the one piece of that that i do and that i think is often playing in a very reactive mode, is bureau of street and environmental services which is what now will be elevating and call a department of street and sanitation. i think that's snag is really important for this city. it may or may not be the cure. it will give us an opportunity to highlight in a magnified way, an area of an department that i think deserves that level of attention and level of working to be less reactive and being more proactive. when i came into office, one of the things is we worked to hire contractors that would work with the department of public works and focus exclusively on
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hotspots of illegal dumping and supervisor walton talked about and areas where we have a lot of trash. we worked to enhance the 9916 program which is an entry level program which we call our embassador program and you see folks in the yellow vest, many have them along the commercial corridor focusing on street cleanliness. at the end of the day, it's not elevated to the level and focus that i think it could or can deserve and i think this allows us the opportunity then to say we're prioritizing this. this is are not going to be an afterthought. we won't raid this area. we're not going to have the department of public works have to chose between distributing its money in different place and this allows us to fully fund ex elevate this area because the citizens of san francisco demand such and we have the opportunity to do so. i want to end with saying i really appreciate all the hard-working men and women of the department of public works. this is not an indictment on
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them, from my perspective in anyway, this is about elevating, highlighting and gives the appropriate resources to build on the last conversation an area of san francisco that they believe dough sis the transportation. supervisor fewer. >> unmute it. >> sorry, also, if my sound goes out, please let me know. i might have to shut off my video i'm having internet issues also. supervisor haney, i just like to say thank you for bringing this forward. we had so many discussions and i want to say thank you for also taking the time to talk to me about this and we've had many discussions about it. sunil agnihotri, supervisor haney and i have worked along the borders of education and we are close on local hire and
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issues like that and so, supervisor haney, i just want to say that i am so sorry that i cannot put my name on this today. i do know that you have enough votes to bring this actually to the voters of san francisco. and i do think we should have a commission over preliminary works and if we were in this budget crisis and if i wasn't budget chair, i wouldn't feel and if i wasn't leaving the board i wouldn't feel a fiscal responsibility about leaving the city and the best financial situation that i think i can help them be. so, while i know that you made so many amendments and i know you have worked to not have any of these department before and until 2022, i just want to say i don't know where we'll be here
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in 2022 so i want to leave this city in the best financial situation i can. i can't put my name on this but i know you have the board that agrees with you and will put this on the ballot so i just wanted to say that i think it would be actually if this cost $4 million to start this department where we are seeing a lot of street trash and to be honest with you, my constituents claimed to me all the time about the streets. i just think in the fiscal time, i am very concerned about the workers i just met with coalition of workers and have fun and all these other groups are asking for more money out of our budget too and i don't know what it will be like in 2022 but i want to say that
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congratulation and i just want to say to you that after all these years of working with you, and i'm supporting your canada see and your position on the board of supervisors -- >> supervisor yee: excuse me. i'you are out of line. >> to my colleague, i will not put my name on this but best of luck going forward. i identify with supervisor fewer's statement and i totally
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think we should have a condition i'm trying to be consistent in why i'm not voting for this one like i did for some of the reasons and the one that i did with the public advocates, so, i am glad that it seems like you have enough votes to move forward and i'd like to see personally, i really think it's important that they should have a commission to oversee them and have some common voting. i think we ned to move on and go and build on this. madam clerk, would you call ro
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together. >> items 31 and 32 the special order at 3:00 p.m. for a public hearing that was scheduled pursuant to a motion approved on june 9th, 2020 found in file 2594. the board of supervisors has agreed to convene as a committee of the whole for a public hearing held july 21st, 2020 to consider an ordinance which is the subject matter of item 32 to approve the redevelopment plan for the mission bay south redevelopment project in regard to blocks 29-32 also known as the site of the chase center which modifies the land use designation for certain property to increase the total lease of the square feet of retail space permitted on this property and the number of hotel and hotel rooms in the planned area and authorization certain dwelling units to be built on certain property on the plan area and make the appropriate findings.
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>> thank you, we will not convene as a committee of the whole to consider an amendment to the redevelopment plan for the mission bay south blocks 29-32 redevelopment project. without objection we will proceed as follows. a brief presentation from staff at the office of community investment and infrastructure. two minutes each for those who wish to provide public comment on this amendment. consider the ordinance approving and amendment to the redevelopment plan after the hearing is held. i see no objection, we will proceed as proposed. so, i believe we have gretchen heckman from the office of community investment and infrastructure. to present. are you here? >> yes, thank you. president yee, can you all hear
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me? >> yes. >> i'm just going to share my screen so i can bring up the presentation. mr. president -- >> supervisor peskin, yes. >> thank you. i do want to devote insofar as given our conversations about the public advocate, and the culture of casual corruption, and the issues happening around caltrain that i was informed by the warrior's organization yesterday that caltrain attempted to intervene with the warrior's organization relative to cal train, it has nothing to do with the item before us. out of an abundance of caution
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want to let my colleagues and the public know that. thank you supervisor peskin. proceed ms. heckman. >> thank you. as president yee mentioned my name is gretchen heckman and i am a development specialist in the mission bay group. today i will be presenting on the redevelopment plan amendment associated with the golden state warriors hotel and residential project which is proposed within the existing chase center site in ocii mission bay south project area. we will start with a few render of the project and the overview of the mission bay south project area. this shows the pedestrian view stand north the future bayfront park which is is and will be located across from the chase center -- are you trying show
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your slides to the members and the members at home watching this on channel 26? >> i am. is it not working? >> it's not presenting. >> i apologize, one second. >> great, thank you for letting me know that. so this is a rendering i started speaking on. this shows the pedestrian view in front of the future bayfront parka cross from the chase center site. the proposed project is the building to the right of the arena. currently within that footprint stands a three-storey retail building which will be replaced with the warriors' hotel and residential project when it's ready to start construction.
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this shows the viewpoint looking towards downtown san francisco. the blue arrow on the slide points to the proposed project. now we're going to zoom out a bit and look at chase center site within the mission bay south project area. as you can see and as we will go through on the next slide, it's very close to being completed. this slide takes us out and shows the two project areas in mission bay. mission bay north in brown and miss bay south shown in blue. the plan documents for mission bay call for 6500 units and most of which have been built. 29% of those units are affordable. mission bay will have 41 acres of open space and more than half
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of which has already been built. in addition to residential uses, there's commercial space in mission bay and in addition to the ucsf campus, children's hospital, and warrior's arena they have the library on fourth street, the public safety building headquarters and fire station on third street and a elementary school in owen street. this shows us where the site is within mission bay south and the red rectangle indicates where the hotel footprint will be on this site. this is the chase center site plan. it shows the existing arena, the two office towers and the proposed hotel and residential project in the upper right hand corner.
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currently sits a three-storey retail building. which rises from street level to the esplanade level on the site. the plan action before you today, changes the zoning for this lot so that a hotel and residential mixed use building can replace the existing retail structure. it allows for hotel uses on the portion of the site we just saw on the previous slide. up to 200 hotel rooms and 21 residential units. the zoning change subsequently increases the number of hotels and hotel rooms allowed in the planned area. the amendment also effects the larger chase center site as it reclassifies on the site from exempt to non exempt increasing the retaile entitlement in order to do so. while the proposed zoning change
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allows for flexibility, in hotel rooms and residential units they're entitled for a specific design of a building with 129 moment rooms on the lower floors and 21 residential units on the upper floors. this shows the land use summary before and after the zoning change for the hotel and residential project. you can see the hotel and residential are being added to the site and the retail square footage appears to be increasing by 65,000 square feet which is really a reclassification from exempt space to non exest space. the golden state warrior will pays the standard development impact fees required by the redevelopment plan and planning
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code for this project. including the transportation sustainability fee, san francisco unified school district school development impact fee and the childcare fee. in addition the warriors will pay impact fees equivalent to the job housing linkage fee and the inclusionary housing fee. these funds match what is required and the planning code with the exception of the inclues ary housing program which is an augmented fee. they have increased their contribution to this fee and over $1.3 million by increasing the percentage of gross floor area assessed from the required 20% o 30%. they have agreed to pay a park maintenance fee meant to offset the wear and tear costs associated with patrons of the event center and utilizing bayfront park which is located directly across from the chase center site.
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the warriors have achieved good outcomes on professional services and workforce for the chase center and we expect this to continue with the hotel and residential project. they have the 50% small business enterprise hiring goal for professional services for the hotel and residential project, the warriors are on track to meet that goal as they worked with ocii on procurement. they have agreed to apply that 5% goal to the work for the interior of the hotel. once the project moves into construction, the warriors will work closely as they have done with the chase center, with ocii on first source and local highering. they will continue the work they've done on training programs with non-profit organizations and young community developers.
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now we're going to switch back to renderings for a few slides to show the project from a different angle. this is looking down at the north p facade of the project. you can see bayfront park which is under construction and for which the warriors are proposing to pay that maintenance fee we saw on the previous slide. this shows that the pedestrian view standing on the north side of warriors way looking to the waterfront. it activates the groundfloor uses anwa an on warrior's way. the plan amendment before you today was presented to the mission bay citizens advisory committee twice. once at a workshop and in january of 2020 as an action item when it passed by majority. the warriors have done outreach
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work to other organizations outside of ocii and those organizations that are listed here. as shown on this slide, the ocii commission has vote today approve the redevelopment plan amendment and the planning commission has adopted its findings of consistency with the general plan. after the board of supervisor hearing the oversight board and the department of finance will review the plan document amendments. that concludes our presentation and we're happy to respond to any questions. there is a project sponsor representative, peter brian who are is the vice president of construction and development at golden state warriors on the line as well as other staff members from ocii and the planning department. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> i don't know who would answer this question, one of the things discussed for this complex or this area that at least one childcare center would be built in your presentation, i noticed that it was pain into the childcare development fees and so these fees so is there a contradiction here? >> thank you for that question president yee and yes, let me get back to the development fee slide. so you are correct in that the project sponsor the warriors are proposing to pay a little over $400,000 in the childcare fee and there is no plan at this time to incorporate an on site
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center within the proposed project but they will be paying the required fee. i don't know if it's -- i had a discussion briefing not long ago and and what was told to me is maybe it's not hotel site for somewhere and -- >> it's the uber headquarters that you are referring to. i have a slide that goes through our childcare centers in mission bay. >> supervisor yee: is the overhead related to the warrior's development? >> it's not directionally direco
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it. on the parcel next to the chase center site. so if you look at the map on the left-hand position of the ride, the red rectangle is the site of the uber headquarters and the 59-spot childcare center plan for that site. >> it was a miscommunication and i thought it was a quick turn around. there was an organization that committed to building and looking into a building a
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childcare center itself so what happened to that commitment? bee air brian from the warriors can you respond to that? >> >> hi, supervisor yee, can you hear me. >> yeah. >> thank you. i am not familiar with what you are referring to if there were discussions back in 2014 or 2015 with regard to that. there say childcare center to the north on the adjacent property and our proposed and paying from the childcare fees to help support that those developments within the plan area.
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>> maybe you weren't a round but that's fine. it was more verbal and maybe it was my bad for thinking that a verbal agreement would be honored but it seems like they're not honoring that agreement so i will not support this. ok. supervisor fewer? >> thank you, very much, president yee. i am a similar question about the site there and i see that you put down the fees $285,000 which is minimal but there's a we're doing a rapid development of that area and so, have we been in communication with sfusd
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about the public school and there was no public school in that area and even with affordable housing, with mission rock and for multiple times before and especially during mission rock development conversations is that we have been in (inaudible) to people so seeing an update what is happening with this site that is there. >> was there a question there? >> i asked for an update on what is happening with this school site? >> >> can someone give an update? >> >> thank you for that question supervisor. the fight is in its pre development stages so i believe it has hired an architect who helped with its design and is looking through any of the necessary pre development
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hurdles in order to make it schedule which had the project being delivered i believe it was 2025. >> because they will lose control of that site if they do not (inaudible) by 2027. having worked with the school district, many of us on this board know it's a long time to build a school. everything i mentioned is i know this is like the last place so plan but i really just have to question my selves if this is gentrification and it was a new development all over again. (inaudible) it's a program for the rich. >> supervisor yee: you are breaking up. supervisor fewer, we can't hear
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you. >> is that better? >> thank you, president yee. i'm going to repeat this whole plan looks like a mass gentrification and we have not learned from our lessons of redevelopment and we are looking like a playground for rich, white people and so, i would request that we would do an evaluation of racial analysis to find out to give us some overview of a plan and what can this community look like in the future and who are we plan forgeron and who are we leaving behind? i know i'm coming in late to this plan. this plan is almost all done but i want to say, this, i look at this and the way mission bay is situated, it's say suburb of an fran not incorporated into the city and county of san francisco but developed adjacent to san
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francisco it seems like and i look at what is happening and the fact the school isn't even built yet, even though we've had that (inaudible) for so many years it's disturbing and after i was briefed on this but my question about this whole development is this is racially equitable who will live here? who will partake in san francisco and it will be for all and this is just exclusive area for just rich people and people who can afford it and i know thd job of making it includes incls you design something like this and it's not and so, i guess what i'm asking for is a racial analysis of the entire plan by
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the office of racial equity so that supervisors can actually evaluate what sort of, i think, things we can add to it or change that can be equitable and make it more equitable and racially creditable. thank you. >> i see a name on the roster but i have no idea. >> it's the project sponsor, mr. >> >> president yee, i am the manager (inaudible) and i was just. >> reid: raising my hand to chn on the school site. apparently they're in negotiations to take down the land because we know it goes away so the school site as well as the real estate division are working with ucsf currently to make sure that the city gets the site so it does not go away.
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any other questions? sophia? thank you president yee to supervisor fewer through the president the mayor actually did instruct ocii in the planning department, to do a joint report on the complete community of this and make sure it addresses the needs of a neighborhood. he also introduced a resolution to that effect. i'm not sure whether it's on the agenda or referred to committee but it's something that the mayor is very interested in and we will make sure the department follow-up and make sure the offers of racial to be involved. >> supervisor haney. >>
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