tv Ethics Commission SFGTV July 22, 2020 4:00am-6:16am PDT
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at this late hour. i live in south san jose. [inaudible] >> i would like to start by thanking supervisors walton and peskin for their collaboration on a resolution that would bring caltrain leadership to the 21st century. i also appreciate supervisor haney's position because the taxpayers of santa clara county want a high speed rail as soon as possible. in closing, i encourage you to reach out to muni and the v.t.a. and providing rear transportation service in san
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mateo county -- [inaudible] >> thank you, and good night. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next caller, please. we have 38 members of the public listening and 22 in the queue. welcome, caller. >> hi, supervisors. my name is barnali, and i'm here to speak in support of agenda item 47, a resolution 200771, opposing india's exclusionary national registered citizens and citizenship amendment act. i'm a bay area resident. i'm originally from india who grew up hindu, and i'm deeply troubled by what is happening in my homeland. i hear from family members and
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siblings who say they're afraid for their families. many live in mixed families, and there's a fear of being torn apart. even though these actions might be impractical to implement in a country of 1.3 billion, they've already done the work of creating fear and destabilizing communities. we are not exaggerating when we say that this government has advanced many of the steps that lead to discrimination. now living here, i know there are others like me that often feel helpless that we can't do much, but i believe that actions like the one you're about to take today can go a lot -- a long way in letting the government in india know that the world is watching. with the global rise of isla
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islamophobia and racism against muslims. i believe that this resolution is a line to the stated values of the city of -- is in line to the stated values of the stated values of the city of san francisco as a safe city and a sanctuary city, and i thank you for your comments. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. [inaudible]
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i really do believe that the san francisco city police and sheriffs are in desperate need of reduction -- >> clerk: sir, i'm pausing your time. that item is not eligible to be spoken on in general public comment this even. it's already had its time in committee. >> i understand, but you're now seeing it again for the supervisors? >> clerk: no, this is when they act on the item. the committee is where the public comment occurred, just for future reference for you. we welcome all your comments at committee, but if you wanted to share other issues with us, please feel free, and i'll start your time. >> sure. >> clerk: okay. here we go. you have a 1:38 left.
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>> thank you, supervisors, tonight, for calling to see public transportation tax on the ballot. i think that program needs to be allocated to modern transit. i would like it to be part of the b.a.r.t. system. i don't think that the management system of caltrain is responsive to the needs of the community. i think long-term, the b.a.r.t. system needs to be run at all hours. i see our modern metropolitan needing those systems. i don't see caltrain responding to our demands. so when i am asked, is caltrain a good use of our money, as a
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constituent, i would say no. i think the question should be how do we reform it into the system that we need into this community rather than the problem that it is for this community, which i don't think it serves us well in its current form, and i think you're seeing broad agreement with that across the political spectrum. but i think for those sort of large changes to occur, for it to be reintegrated into somewhere else, the public voters are saying no, no, this isn't how we fund it, and this isn't the organization that we fund needs to and probably will now occur, especially now that money is especially tight, and that structure is an additional tax. i hope b.a.r.t. gets an opportunity and expects the opportunity to purchase -- >> clerk: thank you for your comments. we appreciate your flexibility this evening. thank you for your comments.
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before the next caller is put through, i'll just indicate that the items on the charter agenda today are not eligible for public comment, but you can speak about other things generally. okay, operator. please send the next caller through. welcome, caller. you have up to two minutes. >> hello. my name is nesbin fletcher, and i would like to thank the entire board for addressing the issue dealing with collaboration between san francisco and the cuba medical institutes. i'm not sure exactly what the number is, but it's the resolution that was proposed by supervisor ronen. my name is nesbit fletcher. i'm a bay area resident, and
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i'm a black man who is very, very invests in our city, that this resolution is passed because it deals with saving lives. my wife has worked in san francisco for over 35 years, and so we are very, very invested in what our board of supervisors does. i'm codirector of the bay area [inaudible] brigade and the national [inaudible] brigade, and i support san francisco and cuba's collaboration on medical issues. it is very important to me as an 80-year-old black man who has a number of preexisting conditions -- diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer -- to deal with and to hope that there can be some collaboration between san francisco and cuba so that a member of antivirals
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such as interferon, alpha 2-b, and other medical medications can be discussed, can be u utilized, and can be brought to the people here. it's important that san francisco, who's a world class medical institution city, joins in medical collaborations and for this item's agreement. cuba has over 2300 medical -- >> clerk: thank you, thank you, sir. sir, thank you for your comments. with y we appreciate you tuning in this evening and giving us your comments. operations, next caller, please. welcome, caller. >> hello? >> clerk: we can hear you.
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welcome. >> okay. so i'm calling on behalf of the collaboration -- medical collaboration cooperation with cuba, number 48, 200773. my name is david paul. i've worked as a nurse practitioner at san francisco general for over 35 years. i've seen how important it is to have collaboration between different medical services to address the complex needs health needs of our vulnerable population. given the global nature of this global pandemic, it is vital to have this collaboration between nations, which this resolution simply calls for. cuba has made great progress in developing antiviral medications that treat seriously ill covid patients, cancer medications, and has medications that prevent diabetic ulcers. all of these are used by other countries but are denied by our federal government.
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cuba has a very highly respected biotech industry, and cooperation between our scientific institutions was beginning over obama but is now being blocked by our government. access to health care should not depend on one's political views or one's ability to pay. this is a national issue, but it's important to san francisco because it's a policy that does affect the public health of our citizens. but denying access to valuable treatments and research for illnesses that our communities are suffering from. we call for you to put an end to the restrictions for this needed medication.
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thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you for your comments, sir. next speaker, please. there are 35 listeners and 17 members of the public in the queue. welcome, caller. >> hello. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes, we can. >> hello, supervisors. my name is [inaudible] born and raised in san francisco mission district, currently living in noe valley. i speak today to strongly urge you to pass resolution promoting the medical and scientific collaboration between san francisco and cuba. in 2011, i was diagnosed with stage four kidney cancer and had surgery to remove my left kidney. the conversation at this time with my oncologist was buying me time. that summer of 2011, i learned
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cuba has a homeopathic to treat that cancer. i called my physician, and she had no data here in the u.s. it's shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. in my almost ten year journey with cancer, i've had treatments, mostly radiation and chemotherapy, and brain surgery in 2015. with kidney cancer, the five-year survival rate is less than 12%. i cannot find data on 12-year survival rates. when people ask me how well it works, i tell them i don't know, but i'm here to tell them about it.
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it's so important to pass this resolution and send a message to washington to collaborate with cuba and end the blockade. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your story. next speaker, please. >> can you hear me? >> clerk: thank you. good evening, supervisors. my name is narisa. i'm a south asian resident, and i've been a resident of san francisco for the last 25 years, and i support supervisor mar's resolution opposing
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india's exclusionary national register of citizenship and caste amendment act. the c.a.a. and n.r.c. not only lay the foundation for genocide, but legalizes it. you urge you to vote yes on resolution 200771 to condemn india's exclusionary campaign. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. welcome, caller. >> can you hear me now? >> clerk: yes, mr. pillpel, we can. welcome. >> it is david pillpel.
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just wanted to report in the last few days that i've been involved with several city meetings via different technologies with coit, capital planning, the m.t.a. meeting, to varying degrees of success, but really, the gold standard around town is the board of supervisors. all of the work that madam clerk and her staff do from early in the morning until late at night really implement and allow public comment. i also want to say with regard to the m.t.a., i'm not pleases about their proposed service restoration, i think it includes some areas of town, which is good, but excludes other areas and risks safety at
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the areas of church and west portal. we may have a longer discussion about that in the future. i also wanted to take just a brief moment to recognize the memory of harry brit and jane morrison, both of whom were wonderful people in this city, and this city has a loss and is much less interesting without them. thank you, and look forward to further talks in the future. >> clerk: thank you. thank you for your comments and for your compliments to all of the staff in the office of the clerk of the board. next speaker, please. welcome, caller. >> hello. yes, hi. i want to thank the board for their stamina and thank the organizing talents of the people supporting justice in south asia, but i'm here
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actually to speak on the issues that's being put forth by supervisor ronen has regards to cuba. hi name is kathrin cusick. i worked at sf general and have actually worked in cuba in their hospitals several times, and i go there a couple of times a year and am in touch with health care service there. i would say it's important to vote on issues such as this. we voted on the issue of el salvador many, many years ago, supporting the people of el salvador, and i hope we vote to support the rights of the people of san francisco as well as the people of cuba. i have seen the biomedical development that they have there, which is really
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impressive. as you know, they may be one of the first to come up with some treatment for covid-19. they just celebrated one week free of covid-19 infections, even though they have visitors from spain, france, and every other hot spot. i urge you to take a look at this resolution. it's certainly to the benefit of san franciscans if we can have cooperation with cuba despite our federal government, and it would be key to the people of cuba. cuba lacks many things. they can keep a 56 chevy running, but not a generator, because they don't have a block. [inaudible] >> in conclusion, thank you for introducing this, supervisor
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ronen. i'm in your district, and thank you, supervisors, for being willing to listen to the public. >> clerk: great. thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. welcome, caller. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is harry bernstein. the balboa reservoir project, which has been aimed in your direction for years, will be coming to two board committees next week, monday and wednesday. in june 1988, prop l authorized the construction of 203 houses. it also offered to set aside 16 acres of the college's west campus for a "future city
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college" if this property is ever declared surplus. the water department at that time repeatedly stated that it needs this property known as the north basin and will never declare it surplus, and that is one of the reasons that the college long relied on the p.u.c.-owned residencervoir lon it designed the performing arts center. it took the p.u.c. at their word, and that is the lower reservoir lot today, where the construction is being planned. also, the proposed sale of the balboa residencer vary is relatively controversial because of the less than fair market selling price of $16 a square foot in san francisco.
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the land should be sold for a price of at least 90% of the appraiser's. that the board waves the appropriate appraisal, how can you know that the property is being sold at a fair price? thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes, we can. thank you. >> hi. my name is [inaudible] >> and i am asking you to --
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200771 for condemning india's exclusionary act. i'll focus on some of the human rights organizations which have expressed concern on this. amnesty international stated that this legitimizes discrimination on the basis of religion and stands in clear violation of the constitution of india and human rights law. it purposes to be inclusionary while it is exclusionary. the process has been arbitrary, unfair, and hurried. unit y usdirf has called upon the
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united states to declare india an area of concern because of the government's action. [inaudible] >> a >> -- and send a message to the government of india that san francisco's residents stand with minorities in india. i wish you god speed in passing this resolution, and thank you very much for your time. >> clerk: thank you. thank you, sir. thank you for your comments. we have about 15 individuals waiting in line, about 35 listening. if you are interested in getting in line, just press
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star-three on your phone. all right, operations, please allow the next caller to speak. >> hi. my name is -- [inaudible] >> -- and thanks for letting me speak. i'm a physician practicing in the bay area for the past 35 years or so, and i'm calling in to support resolution 200771 against the n.r.c. and c.a.a., and the san francisco of city is seen as a beacon of light around the world, especially when it comes to matters such as social justice, equality, and freedom of speech, and freedom in practicing religion. we firmly believe that injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.
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a lot of speakers have talked about the legality and genocide, but i would like to talk from a human perspective and a human heart. this afternoon, my cat actually hunted down a bird and killed it and was eating it, and i watched it in horror, and it was painful to see a bird's design in front of me. and i cannot imagine as a human anywhere meeting the same fate. we have seen so many pictures of this, and a picture is worth 1,000 words. and i've seen pictures of people, they're getting their faces burned only because they were muslim. i was talking to a rabbi friends how some of the muslims are asked to drop their pants
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down by mobs, and it's to see if they're circumsized, and if they aren't, they are killed. they're using the same play book as the nazis are. >> clerk: thank you for your comments, sir. >> thank you. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. welcome, caller. you have up to two minutes. >> hi. thanks, and appreciate the board of supervisors of san francisco for taking this item -- agenda item number 47 --
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[inaudible] >> you are condemning that, and i'd like to applaud the conscience in the fact that other cities in the united states have already done that. just want to speak from a perspective of how this will impact the larger population of india. india has about 200 million muslims, and they form about 20% of the population there, and they have been living there for centuries, and they have lived side by side with their non-muslim neighbors. but the various programs that have happened in the last 20, 25 years under the leadership of prime minister modi all
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along the way, this is disturbing for india-united states relations at its core, because india is not only a growing economy but also strategy partner for the united states. and it is also in the united states' interest to safeguard the growing force that india is to counterbalance china. so from that perspective, we believe that india needs to grow, but not without its -- without taking care of its minorities and the underprivileged and the backward classes that it has so long neglected. so i urge all supervisors to pass this resolution, item number 47, 200771, and i congratulate them on taking up this agenda today. thanks very much. >> clerk: thank you, sir. thank you for your comments. operation, next speaker,
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[inaudible] >> clerk: thank you for your comments. operations, next speaker, please. >> hi. my name is olivia gomez reeves. i'm a doctor. in fact, i'm a graduate of ucsf, and my son and his daughter live in supervisor ronen's district. i'm asking you to support supervisor ronen's and peskin's resolution number 48, allowing collaboration between san francisco and cuba. cuba has been effectively able to control the covid-19 pandemic. the numbers bear this out. in the past week, in a population of 11 million,
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they've had 17 new infections only, and no covid deaths, and this is with extensive testing based on thorough contact tracing. i'd like to see san francisco lead the way in the u.s. using cuban expertise to control the pandemic. as one of the earlier speakers says, this is about saving lives. i thank you for your time. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. operations, next caller, please. >> hi. so this evening, i'd like to address a number of things. first off, i'd like to address the comment policy. i find it somewhat concerning that, you know, we're restricted on what we may and
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may not comment on. my feeling is there are certain restrictions due to the brown act, but i -- i don't understand why we aren't given a chance to comment on the individual items at the time they're brought to -- to order. and then -- yeah, i think that's -- people should be able to make comments on them afterwards, and so yeah, i find the restrictions on the items -- on the comments to be very disappointing. and so then, i'd also like to echo concerns about public transit. muni is still very difficult to use. i still have no idea what buses
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are running, and when they're running; and caltrain, most people who live in the city. i've taken caltrain before, and honestly, i don't find it very useful and i don't see -- for me, most of the time, i use muni, i use b.a.r.t., but caltrain, it's just not that great of a way to get to the south bay, so i don't think sticking more money is a good way of -- i mean, i guess i know if yi -- i guess, you know, if you want to put it to the voters, that's fine -- >> clerk: ma'am, i'm going to invite you to my virtual office hours on friday, and i'm happy to give a thorough explanation
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who callings in to the clerk's office. thank you for your comments. operations, i understand we have 12 members in the queue and 28 members who are li listening. if members listening want to get in the queue, press star-three, and operator, please send the next caller through. >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen. 42 u.s.c. 1983. i'm not going to start cussing yet, because i'll get cutoff, which is a violation of the brown act. i've been watching this, sitting on my ass since 2:00 to speak. any other council, board
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member, you get to speak at the beginning because the public -- because the public, they care about the public. they recognize our rights, they recognize our feelings. we're not the ones that are public servants getting paid to sit through these meetings c. that's you. that's your job. you're my elected official. you work for me. now the board of education, they've learned about the brown act. one day, one day you -- you will get screwed over by a brown act lawsuit. the city of los angeles paid michael hunt 240? yeah, 240, something like that. over $200,000 in damages because they violated his
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rights. don't let it happen to you. 42 u.s.c. 1983. fuck you! >> clerk: thank you for your comments. is there another caller on the line? operations, please send them through. >> hello, good evening, and i'm speaking to the resolution promoting medical and scientific collaboration between san francisco and cuba. good evening. my name's mickey, and i currently work with seniors in district 7 and district 11. i'm an essential worker with a community living campaign that advocates for san francisco seniors and disabilitied individuals. in honor of them and my mother, who was born in cuba and died in san francisco, i strongly support the resolution promoting medical and scientific collaboration between san francisco and cuba, and i totally urge the board to
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support it, too, as you continue to lose the fight with covid. i've seen the effect that covid has had on our seniors medically and the impact at that it has taken on -- impact that it has taken on their medical health. covid crosses gender and medical health. it's given communities who worked so hard to give back to their communities to suffer by
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not being able to see our children. the seniors remain isolated from friends and family they have made in groups such as the community connector program, often facilitated by my organization, the community living campaign. last night, i sent a get together of one of our videos to a senior, who e-mailed back that it brought her to tears because she missed her group so much. we reject our san francisco values -- >> clerk: thank you for your comments. thank you. operation, please unmute the next caller. welcome, caller. >> hi, thank you. this is adam from district 6. i wanted to call in and talk
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brief brief briefly about consumption storefronts. we already have an overabundance of cannabis stores in the district here. just like liquor licenses, they should spread equally across the city. district 6 shouldn't be considered as a party district for those who want to buy cannabis but don't want dispensaries near their home. right now, we've got one store trying to go up just around the corner from a kids' karate shop. there's already one store a block from the navigation center, and another one is trying to go up another block from that.
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they' they're trying to prey on the most needy. i'm asking the board members to please consider a moratorium on dispensaries in district 6. i know that supervisors have tried to limit these stores in their districts, and i know that chinatown has an exception to block all cannabis stores in their neighborhood. we're not asking for a total ban, but a moratorium until there's a more equitable distribution. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next caller. >> hi. th this is bodham.
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can you hear me? >> clerk: yes, welcome. >> thank you. i am talking in favor of this resolution 200771. this is an extremely important act by the san francisco board of supervisors, speaking out loudly and clearly across any sort of discrimination and any sort of discriminatory act that will result in millions of people who will become stateless -- [inaudible] >> we have known that the parent indian government is building detention centers to house citizens who do not have -- [inaudible] >> this is very concerning, and as a citizen of san francisco,
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with parents living in india, i believe we as a city of san francisco speaking out loudly and clearly against this act would send a strong message to our allies. with friends, we are ready to speak out. i also want to echo what the previous caller said about having this comment section at such a late hour. i would strongly urge to set an established time for public comment rather than making people wait from 3:00 p.m. all the way until 9:00 p.m. please consider this as a public service and set up an established time for public comment. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. there are 29 listeners and ten
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callers in the queue. operator, please unmute the next speaker. >> hello. my name is reeta. i'm calling you on behalf of richmond, california's regla cuba friendship community. we passed this resolution promoting medical collaboration between cuba and san francisco. as you've heard from many callers tonight, this is something that the residents of san francisco very much deserve. as a public health professional for 22 years, i provided services to san francisco general patients, mission neighborhood health center, native american health center, and san francisco children's council. i have also visited the biotech institutions in havana and heard from leading members of
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the -- their public health -- ministers of public health on the work they're doing. i also collaborate nationally with the saving lives campaign of which this resolution is part. i've spoken with representatives from minnesota, massachusetts, montana, chicago, and sacramento. everyone is preparing to pass resolutions. they're looking to san francisco for unanimous support on this. why shouldn't we all have access to cutting edge research and effective treatments for this terrible virus? so thank you for your support and your long hours of work. on above of the richmond regla committee, please vote yes to make san francisco a long leader in this growing movement. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. operations, please send the next caller through.
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caste-oppressed communities. this global issue directly affects local issues here in s.f. as these islamophobic actions are upheld by the trump administration. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next caller, please. welcome, caller. you have up to two minutes. >> good evening. i am speaking in support of the resolution calling for medical collaboration with cuba. my name is everardo gonzalez, and i am studying to be a high school educator.
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i currently reside in east palo alto, but i consider san francisco my second home. due to the pandemic, most of the adults in my household are currently unemployed. my father has arthritis, is a prediabetic and is unable to work. my mother works overtime to makeup for the lost income. we converted a living room into a bedroom for my siblings, and my father moved into a van in the driveway. my uncle has diabetes and copd caused by smoking. i have a nephew who stays with us with asthma, andbut the tru is we are a medical emergency away from financial ruin. we just last year received a
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two-month eviction notice from the landlord. he changed his mind, but we may not be as lucky next time. the virus is not expiring any time soon, which makes the response from our local government all the more time. cuban medicine naturally boost the body's immune system can keep families like mine healthier. please say yes to medical cooperation. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your sharing your personal story. next caller, please. >> hello. my name is maria guzman, and i
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want to thank supervisor mar for item 200771. i want to thank them for this very important resolution given that there has been a tremendous amount of human rights violations conducted in india. i am also calling as a -- a former resident of the san francisco bay area, and i'm also calling as a d&c delegate who worked on an amendment to t the d.n.c. platform, so i want to read to you the resolution which other delegates and i approved. while we wish to build upon our long-term strategic relationship with india, we --
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[inaudible] >> as noted in the reports of the u.s. department of state and the u.s. commission of international religious freedom, we affirm the designation of india as a country of particular concern due to a series of violations of religious freedoms and will work to persuade india to appeal its divisive international amendment act that discriminates against muslims. again, these policies are inconsistent with the san francisco values and its history as a welcoming city for south asian communities. we truly need to stand with our
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values and stand against these terrible values by india. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. thank you. >> hi, supervisors. i'm calling in support of the resolution opposing india's national registry of citizens and the citizenship amendment act which together lay the legal foundation to exclude citizenship to millions of indi indian muslims based on their population. it will bring us one step closer to the v.s.p.s government of a vision free n
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muslims. i urge you to vote yez on this resolution and join millions who are standing up against islamophobic detention camps. i believe the people of s.f. have the moral courage to standup to this global wave of islamophobia. we cannot remain silent. please vote yes on 200771. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. before the next caller's unmuted, there are five callers in the queue and there are 22 callers listening. this is the last call. if you want to speak, press
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star three, and this will be the last group until the end. welcome, caller. you have up to two minutes. >> hello. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes, we can. welcome. >> thank you, the board of supervisors, for giving me this opportunity to speak on resolution 47, number 200771. my name is nafar, and i have been a 12-year resident of the bay area. this resolution is important not just for indians but as a responsible member of the south asian community, this resolution is going to a huge impact and send a message to india's government.
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2000. i'm calling in support of supervisor mar's resolution 200771. the resolution condemns the indian government for the human rights abuses and the skrim in a story laws. -- discriminatory laws. it has been internationally reported, including the new york times, that the violence was incited by a gentleman of
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prime minister modi's party, but the police refused to arrest him. the investigation was targeted towards one end. india's news media has reported that mass arrests of muslims have been ordered by ministry of homeland security, who is mr. modi's closest confidante, and the united states commission on religious freedoms has already called upon the u.s. government to sanction him. imagine being born during the holocaust and not being able to
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learn about the killing of thousands of jews -- >> clerk: thank you for your comment, sir. next speaker, please. >> good evening. my name is vickie legion, and i'm urging you to cosponsor the legislation urging medical collaboration with cuba. i was a lecturer at san francisco state. cuba has been asked to send their covid experts out to 28 countries around the world, working in coronavirus hot spots, but the united states are not allowed to accept these experts or these advanced medications or public health methods. so the bay area and cuba have
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roughly similar sized populations, but i want you to understand the difference in the level of virus control. so last sunday, the bay area passed 40,000 covid infections for the first time. and cuba has 2,500, which is one-sixteenth the number. one of them is cuba has a medication that is the top drug in the chinese formulary. under the u.s. blockade, our health care workers can't get access to the drug, and people in critical care can't be treated with this drug, interferon. so we know that we need to work
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together with cuba, and we thank you for cosponsoring the resolution for medical cooperation between san francisco, a medical power house, and cube, a medical power house. thanks a house. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. welcome, caller. >> yes. so i -- i would like to address the issue of san francisco condemning the actions of other nations, and i guess international -- i don't think that it's really the role of san francisco to sort of take this diplomatic role. i feel that it's a city government, and it should be focused on municipal issues, like getting the local transit
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running, and there are local issues that the city should be focused on, rather than what is going on in some other part of the world. you know, we have congress that makes treaties and does all these other things, and that's why we have congress to do these sorts of things, so i don't see why -- why the board of supervisors has taken it upon themselves to decide that they're going to play a role in international relations. there's just no need for it, and we need the board of supervisors to be focused on local issues, so i would strongly encourage the board of supervisors to stay focused on local issues and get the local issues to work. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> hello. this is lynn. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes, we can. welcome. >> hi. so i'm lynn, i'm a student at city college of san francisco. i'm a resident of district 4. i go to school in district 7, and i work at district 9 in a family restaurant in the mission, and so, you know, i'm here to support the resolution in promoting medical and scientific collaboration between san francisco and cuba. covid has impacted our communities greatly, and the conditions of covid has impacted those near to me at home and abroad. also, personally, my mom has asthma, so if she were to be
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impacted or infected, she would likely not survive. we work in the mission out of necessity, and we take precautions, but right now, cases are rising, and in the city of s.f., we follow protocols, but we know this alone will not adjust the long-term crisis because the crisis is disproportionately affecting african american communities and people of color. right now, you know, this is a social justice issue, right, and the most vulnerable are being impacted. the filipino as well as they makeup a lot of the frontline health care workers. a lot of us locally and
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internationally are speaking out. over 50 countries have requested the expertise from the cuban medical brigades and speaking collaboration. it begins with a resolution to call for the united states and president to -- >> clerk: thank you for your comment. great. thank you for your comment. much appreciated. operations, please unmute the next speaker. >> hi, supervisors. my name is mishan. i'm a resident of the bay area for eight here. thank you for your time, and i'm here to speak in support of resolution 200771.
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violence against india's minorities, oppressed castes, are becoming common, and millions are becoming homeless under these state laws. these allow government to target disproportionately affected people, putting them in federal prisons that are being built right now. i hope that bypassing this resolution, the city of san francisco will stand in solidarity with oppressed
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people in india and the millions of people who have protested these laws in india and around the world and with several community leaders who have been jailed by the government in retaliation and put at risk for covid. and i hope that resolution will also condemn the organizations in the united states that have not only funded but actively participated in the misinformation campaigns run by india's ruling government. i have faith in the leadership of the supervisors and urge you to pass this resolution today. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. operations, please unmute the last speaker. >> hi. thank you, board of supervisors, for giving me the opportunity to speak. i'm a resident of the bay area. i'm here to support the resolution 200771, resolution
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200771, which is the agenda item number 47. n.r.c. and c.a.a. violates the nuremburg law. [inaudible] >> this law will make a lot of people stateless. this government organization has killed thousands and thousands of minorities like sikhs christians, and there's a lot of churches being burned down in the northern part of india. it's important we set an example. please pass this resolution.
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thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. operations, unmute the last caller, i believe. >> hi. i cochair the conflict gender-at the center for raise and gender in berkeley. thank you so much for giving me this time. my appreciation for you considering resolution 200771. the hindu rights resolution in
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[inaudible] >> clerk: thank you for your comments. engineering, report, please. >> operator: yes, madam clerk. that completes the queue. >> clerk: thank you, mr. qao. mr. president? >> president yee: okay. thank you for all those comments. nice to hear other people from the bay area. so madam clerk, let's go to the for adopt without committee reference item agenda, items 45 through 52.
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>> clerk: items 45 through 52 were referenced without adoption to committee. alternatively, any supervisor may require a resolution to go to committee. >> president yee: supervisor mar -- before that, for anybody that wants to sever any of these items, go ahead and put yourself on this roster. supervisor mar? >> supervisor mar: i'd like to sever item 47. >> president yee: supervisor haney? >> supervisor haney: i'd like to sever item 46. >> clerk: mr. president, if there's no one else on the roster, i'd like to sever item 50, the motion tolling the
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appeals. >> president yee: i'm going to sever 50. >> clerk: okay. i i'm severing item 51. >> president yee: anybody want to sever 48? okay, no. >> supervisor ronen: i'm happy to sever 48 if anyone wants to talk more about it. >> president yee: no, i better not. for the remainder of the items -- we severed 46, 47, 50, and 51. madam clerk, please call the roll on the remainder of the items. >> clerk: on items 45, 48, 49, and 52 -- [roll call]
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resolutions are adopted and motions are approved. let's see...let's go to item 46. >> clerk: item 46 is a resolution to urge the planning department and office of community investment and infrastructure with the partnership of additional agencies to undertake a full assessment of the mission bay project and draft a community realm plan by 2022. >> supervisor haney: thank you, president yee. i spoke about this earlier, so i'm not going to speak too long. page 2, line 18, to call out the office special of racial equity about the comments related earlier to mission bay. lines 17 to 18 should read, urging that the office of the
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planning department and office of community investment and infrastructure, including the office of equity. just wanted to amend that. >> president yee: okay. second? >> supervisor ronen: second. >> president yee: okay. roll call vote on the amendment. >> clerk: on the amend -- [ro amendment -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president yee: okay. so let's go ahead -- so the motion passes. can we have a roll call on the item itself as amended. >> clerk: on item 46 as amended -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president yee: okay. so the resolution as amended is adopted. madam clerk, let's call item
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47. >> clerk: item 47 is a resolution to oppose india's exclusionary national register of citizens and citizenship amendment act and reaffirming san francisco as a welcoming city, expressing the city and county of san francisco's board of supervisors solidarity with san francisco's south asian community regardless of religion and caste. >> president yee: supervisor mar? >> supervisor mar: colleagues, i know it's very late, but i would like to speak to this item because so many south asian community members spoke out on this and it's important to them. through this motion, san francisco is joining an international movement in condemning india's exclusionary citizenship amendment and also joining cities like seattle, cambridge, massachusetts, albany, and st. paul.
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in this global pandemic, we now know more than ever how interconnected we truly are. we know how the actions of our leaders domest leaders domestically and abroad affect us. the national register of citizens and the national citizenship register is rooted in the far right government of modi. together, they lay the legal foundation to denaturalize millions of india's minorities to create the largest homeless population in the world. last automatic, the indian government required 33 million
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people to prove their citizenship, denaturalizing at least 2 million mostly muslim indians, rendering them stateless, and on january 27, genocide watch issued a genocide watch in india. the strong relationship between president trump and prime minister modi and the shared bigoted parties -- in february, trump announced a $3 billion arms deal with india. there is more than a foreign policy issue. the hindu nationalist ecosystem extends to san francisco and the silicon valley, and there are powers of caste oppression right here at home.
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so tonight, i hope you'll join me in affirming san francisco as a welcoming city. thank you to the many people who worked with us on this, and thank you to my constituents from the sunset for bringing this issue to my attention. and thank you to the organizations working nationally, including alliance of south asians taking action, alliance for justice and accountability, indian american
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muslim council, and council on american islamic relations. and finally, thank you to my cosponsors. thank you. >> president yee: supervisor haney? >> supervisor haney: i was just making sure i was a cosponsors. thank you to everybody who called in. >> president yee: supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: thank you, president yee. [speaking urdu language] >> supervisor peskin: i'm a cosponsor reticent to assume the role of a member of congress, but i agree that
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there is virulent racism that is happening in the nation state of india. i join it, but i caution my colleagues that we are not members of congress, but there are members of our community who have brought a righteous thing to us, but we should proceed with matters like this very, very carefully. [speaking urdu language] >> president yee: okay. roll call, please. >> clerk: on item 47 -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president yee: okay. this resolution passes -- is adopted. madam clerk, item number 50. >> clerk: item 50 is a motion modifying the amount of time required under rule 2.22.6 and 2.22.7. >> president yee: okay. i will make a motion to table this item since we did not feel it necessary to have a special meeting in a short time on friday at the budget committee, so can i have a second on this? >> supervisor safai: second. >> president yee: okay. motion to table, roll call, please. >> clerk: on the motion to
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table item 50 -- [roll call] >> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president yee: all right. motion to table is passed. madam clerk, 51, was it you that actually severed it? >> clerk: yes, mr. president. >> president yee: and if it is you, is that something that you're allowed to do? i'm just curious. i've never heard you do this.
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>> clerk: yes, mr. president. yes. >> president yee: okay. go ahead. >> clerk: so item 51 is a motion to urge california governor newsom to toll the two-year assessment peal hearing deadline. elected officials are asking each of the 58 counties boards of supervisors to approve a similar motion. essentially since the declared state of emergency, the san francisco assessment peals board, our very own a.a.b., has not resumed its hearings. if these hearings are not held, and a determination is not made within the time specified, which is a two-year time frame from a timely filed appeal, then, the applicant's opinion of the value stated in the
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application is concluesively determined by the appeals board is the method by which the taxes will be leveed. i will say the appeals board has almost 1,000 cases, mostly with deadlines approaching in 2021 and 2022 with an estimated value of $15.7 billion, with a difference on the roll and the taxpayer's value. former board of supervisors malia cohen, who is already doing this work with the state and the legislature, and our very own assessor, carmen chu,
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we are asking for this motion that would allow for the tolling of the two-year deadline in our office for the assessment appeals board. even if the governor grants this tolling, it is our intent to begin hearing these cases as soon as is possible so that we can have these cases scheduled and have the hearings scheduled in an orderly fashion. so thank you, mr. president, for being our sponsor, and we're asking for your support to the members. >> president yee: okay. roll call -- supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: no, i think the clerk just sum vismad that perfectly well. and who has replaced mr. moran, which, colleagues, a function of our board that we delegated to an appeal board? who is replaced miss doran?
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>> clerk: his name is mr. allister gibson. he came from the ranks and is willing and happy to talk to any member of the board to get a sense of where we're at in these appeals so that we can get them all scheduled. i believe there are only members made up to be on two of those boards as their several vacancy notices that are moving through the rules committee to fill the third board. >> supervisor peskin: so madam clerk, relative to vacancies, how many do we have, and is that on the complex board or the simple board? >> clerk: so supervisor peskin, it's my understanding that i believe it's board -- what i'm going to do is i'm not
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going to surmise what the answer is. i can't recall, so i would prefer to send you an e-mail. >> supervisor peskin: if you could send that to all of us and the public, i'd appreciate that. >> clerk: happy to. that'll help us get our vacancies moving through the committee. once we get more applicants to apply for those positions. >> supervisor peskin: and madam clerk, relative to the back lag of what you said was about 1,000 cases, because there's always been a structural backlog, how much has that been increased by covid-19? >> clerk: so, supervisor peskin, we have actually caught up with the backlog, i'm happy to say, from the downturn of 2008, so i'm really proud about that. essentially, we are in an appeal season right now. we opened up in july, and we will close september 15. so in addition to covid-19, and in addition to it being the
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current filing season for appeals, we are -- we are afraid that we will experience a similar backlog once the appeals schedule closes and we receive the appeals from the taxpayers in the current year. >> supervisor peskin: and relative to the statute, the time for appeal is how long? >> clerk: two-year -- two-year -- two years from the timely filing of an appeal to the decision being made on the appeal itself. >> supervisor peskin: thank you, madam clerk. >> clerk: you're welcome, supervisor peskin. >> president yee: we're voting to have it two years and 150 days. roll call. >> clerk: on item 51 -- [roll call]
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memoriams. >> clerk: on behalf of the former colleague and lejs laytive aid rob eschleon, and on a motion made by president yee and approved by the entire board of supervisors, for a 30-year career in congress, congressman john lewis. >> president yee: all right. madam clerk, that brings us to the end of the agenda. >> clerk do we have any further business before us today? >> clerk: there is no further
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budget budget and finance committee i'm joined by supervisor shamann walton and rafael mandelman. madam clerk, do we have any announcement? >> due to the covid-19 health emergency, city employees and the public, board of supervisors and committee room are closed. committee members will attend the meeting via video conference and participate in the meeting. public comment will be available on each agenda. both channel 26 and are streaming the number across the screen. each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak.
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when your item comes up, dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. you will submit following in either of the following way, email to me, the budget and finance committee clerk. if you submit public comment via email, it will be forwarded to supervisors and will be included as part of the official file.
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if you have not already done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much. today we have just one item before us this, the small business and economic recovery act. which we amended at the special budget meeting thursday of last week. amendments was strengthen san francisco recovery by providing more tax relief for small businesses who have been hit hard by covid-19. this is a well thought out measure that will benefit small businesses and allow the city to unlock hundreds of millions of dollars in funds that we have collected from big measures in 2018. after public comment, i'm going to be making a motion to send this to the full board as a
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report. i like to thank a few people for all their hard work to make sure that this happens. first president norman yee and his step that take into account both economic recovery and city need for new revenue to keep the lights on during this budget deficit. my colleague, supervisor aaron peskin, matt haney and their staff and my staff member for all the time and work they put in this including many late night team meet. our comptroller ben rosenfield, tax attorney scott weaver for all your time, knowledge, expertise and patience and constantly walking us through the complexity of our tax system and your willingness to go back to drawing board and also to community and neighbor partners to make sure that we are strong partners in this measure and
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this measure is as strong as possible. i believe we have president yee joining us today who can speak more to this measure and has an more announcement to make. >> president yee: i'm pleased to share that the mayor officially announced her support for the amended version of small business economic recovery act. i'm glad that we are joining forces to deliver the message to our voters in the next monthing comes. i don't want to repeat too much what has been said. i really believe amendments we have introduce strengthen those measures so that better response
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to our current unprecedented economic crises what they fear equitable recovery, especially for our working families, small and entrepreneurs and family owned businesses. when we talk about recovery, it can't be just for a few. it must start from a bottom up, we need to provide immediate relief to the hardest impact industries and businesses and provide a response sustainable economic recovery. includes the ability to unlock funds already collected through our city our home and early care and education for all that are tied up in litigation. the measure will free up $300 million from the general fund by placing a 20-year
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backstop. we have incorporated a charter amendment to ensure that the revenue generated for this specific tax is not subject to baseline reductions. this will allow a full amount to refund claims and to support the general fund. while also bringing up the dollars intended for housing support and early education. this measure excludes small businesses making $2 million or less. this will benefit around 3100 small businesses. many of which are barely getting by now. small businesses making less than $1 million will also see a reduction in their registration fee. there are significant tax reductions in industries that are hardist hit by th -- hardest
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hit by covid-19. like food services and restaurant and manufacturing over the course of the next few years. lastly, it's clear that economic -- economy recovery is going to be much longer than expected. therefore, we are proposing that no new taxes are considered until january 2022 in which there will be a small increments to the tax rates for large industries. we also are proposing reporting requirements so that the comptroller provide recommendations to the board if taxes need to be further deferred or reduced due to economic conditions. i believe that the updated measure is balanced, bold bringing immediate relief to who needs it most. while offsetting the costs to
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mainly large industry who are less cost sensitive. we will still need to make difficult budget decisions this year. this measure can help minimize the impact. we can prevent massive cuts, reinvest in jobs and community revitalization that is so desperately needed to lift us all of this devastating pandemic and economic crises. i want to appreciate as chair fewer mentioned, i think it's worth mentioning over and over, the work of the comptroller, ben rosenfield and ted egan our chief economist and city attorney, scott weaver for their work as well as my colleagues and their staff.
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i want to recognize the coalition of labor and community partners who have been involved during this whole process. colleagues i hope i can count on your support for in measure. thank you. >> supervisor fewer: thank you very much president yee. our comptroller ben rosenfield is here for questions. we don't have any presentations. we heard the report last week. can we call for public comment for item one. >> yes, i will check to see if there's callers on the queue. if you have not done so, press star 3 to be added to the queue. for those on queue, please
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continue to wait until the system indicate that you have been muted. >> i have one caller in the queue. >> hi. can you hear me? >> yes, we can hear you. >> i'm speaking to support the proposal to allow access child care funding voters already approved. we were team working with signatures to be put on the ballot. it passed. it's time for big business to pay their fair share because during the economic boom, they
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captured lot of the gains in the economic growth. about 3000 small businesses would benefit from this. the child care industry is an essential service and it's necessary for economic recovery. they are being asked to do more for less. we need them to keep their doors open. once child care license closes its door, it is permanent. the city invested so much in early care education and we should protect children as well as their investment. as a stay-at-home mom, it took me three years before i was finally able to work. when i started working, my first paycheck went to pay for child care. this doesn't make sense for parents to go to work just to pay for child care. many families like mine go to extreme measures just to get the children in care. i had to send my children to
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grandparents outside of the country and with covid-19, and it's no longer available. you can help us right now by approving this. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you for your comment. next speaker please. >> good afternoon supervisors. i'm public policy communication director for children council of san francisco. we have one of the referral agencies that match children with child care on behalf of the city. we run a program to help more people become child care workers. there's a shortage in san francisco. the majority of child care in san francisco is women of colour and extremely underfunded.
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most child care workers make around minimum wage. covid-19 highlights the reality of how dependent our economy is on child care and k12. the funds that will be released if this ballot measure will allow child care industry to keep workers afloat and expanding access to child care. there are currently 3500 low income children on the wait list for child care and the numbers expanding as more families fall into the income requirement due to recession and covid-19. black children do not start kindergarten at the kindergarten readiness level. as a city, we must do better. child care providers are small business owners. it is one of the main ways women of colour, including immigrant women -- [indiscernible].
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we thank the board of supervisors for all the work you have done on this measure. thank you. >> next speaker please. >> that completes the queue. >> supervisor fewer: public comment for item one is closed. i like to make a motion to move in with a positive recommendation as a committee report to today's board's meeting. [roll call] >> supervisor fewer: is there any more business for us today. >> there's no further business. we are adjourned. thank you very much.
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>> we have private and public gardens throughout the garden tour. all of the gardens are volunteers. the only requirement is you're willing to show your garden for a day. so we have gardens that vary from all stages of development and all gardens, family gardens, private gardens, some of them as small as postage stamps and others pretty expansive. it's a variety -- all of the world is represented in our
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gardens here in the portola. >> i have been coming to the portola garden tour for the past seven or eight years ever since i learned about it because it is the most important event of the neighborhood, and the reason it is so important is because it links this neighborhood back to its history. in the early 1800s the portola was farmland. the region's flowers were grown in this neighborhood. if you wanted flowers anywhere future bay area, you would come to this area to get them. in the past decade, the area has tried to reclaim its roots as the garden district. one of the ways it has done that is through the portola garden tour, where neighbors open their gardens open their gardens to
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people of san francisco so they can share that history. >> when i started meeting with the neighbors and seeing their gardens, i came up with this idea that it would be a great idea to fundraise. we started doing this as a fund-raiser. since we established it, we awarded 23 scholarships and six work projects for the students. >> the scholarship programs that we have developed in association with the portola is just a win-win-win situation all around. >> the scholarship program is important because it helps people to be able to tin in their situation and afford to take classes. >> i was not sure how i would stay in san francisco. it is so expensive here. i prayed so i would receive
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enough so i could stay in san francisco and finish my school, which is fantastic, because i don't know where else i would have gone to finish. >> the scholarships make the difference between students being able to stay here in the city and take classes and having to go somewhere else. [♪] [♪] >> you come into someone's home and it's they're private and personal space. it's all about them and really their garden and in the city and urban environment, the garden is the extension of their indoor environment, their outdoor living room. >> why are you here at this garden core? it's amazing and i volunteer here every year. this is fantastic. it's a beautiful day. you walk around and look at gardens. you meet people that love gardens.
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if someone calls you and say we want to documents for our school or nonprofit i've been in a position with my previous employment i had to say no all the time. >> my name is art the owner and chief at straw combinations of street food and festival food and carnival food i realize that people try to find this you don't want to wait 365 day if you make that brick-and-mortar it is really about making you feel special and feel like a kid again everything we've done to
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celebrate that. >> so nonprofit monday is a program that straw runs to make sure that no matter is going on with our business giving back is treated just the is that you as paying any other bill in addition to the money we impose their cause to the greater bayview it is a great way for straw to sort of build communicated and to introduce people who might not normally get to be exposed to one nonprofit or another and i know that they do a different nonprofit every most of the year. >> people are mroent surprised the restaurant it giving back i see some people from the nonprofit why been part of
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nonprofit monday sort of give back to the program as well answer. >> inform people that be regular aprons at straw they get imposed to 10 or 12 nonprofits. >> i love nonprofits great for a local restaurant to give back to community that's so wonderful i wish more restrictive places did that that is really cool. >> it is a 6 of nonprofit that is supporting adults with autism and down syndrome we i do not involved one the wonderful members reached out to straw and saw a headline about, about their nonprofit mondays and she applied for a grant back in january of 2016 and we were notified late in the spring we
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would be the recipient of straw if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer thems in the month of genuine we were able to organize with straw for the monday and at the end of the month we were the recipient of 10 percent of precedes on mondays the contribution from nonprofit monday from stray went into our post group if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer theming fund with our arts coaching for chinese and classes and we have a really great vibrate arts program. >> we we say thank you to the customers like always but say 0 one more thing just so you know you've made a donation to x nonprofit which does why i think that is a very special thing. >> it is good to know the owner
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takes responsibility to know your money is going to good cause also. >> it is really nice to have a restaurant that is very community focused they do it all month long for nonprofits not just one day all four mondays. >> we have a wall of thank you letters in the office it seems like you know we were able to gas up the 10 passenger minivan we were innovate expected to do. >> when those people working at the nonprofits their predictive and thank what straw is giving that in and of itself it making an impact with the nonprofit through the consumers that are coming here is just as important it is important for the grill
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>> we broke ground in december of last year. we broke ground the day after sandy hook connecticut and had a moment of silence here. it's really great to see the silence that we experienced then and we've experienced over the years in this playground is now filled with these voices. >> 321, okay. [ applause ] >> the park was kind of bleak. it was scary and over grown. we started to help maclaren park when we found there wasn't any money in the bond for this park maclaren. we
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spent time for funding. it was expensive to raise money for this and there were a lot of delays. a lot of it was just the mural, the sprinklers and we didn't have any grass. it was that bad. we worked on sprinkler heads and grass and we fixed everything. we worked hard collecting everything. we had about 400 group members. every a little bit helped and now the park is busy all week. there is people with kids using the park and using strollers and now it's safer by utilizing it. >> maclaren park being the largest second park one of the best kept secrets. what's exciting about this activation in particular is that it's the first of many. it's also
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representation of our city coming together but not only on the bureaucratic side of things. but also our neighbors, neighbors helped this happen. we are thrilled that today we are seeing the fruition of all that work in this city's open space. >> when we got involved with this park there was a broken swing set and half of -- for me, one thing i really like to point out to other groups is that when you are competing for funding in a hole on the ground, you need to articulate what you need for your park. i always point as this sight as a model for other communities. >> i hope we continue to work on the other empty pits that are here. there are still a lot of areas that need help
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provisions of the brown act and recent executive orders to facilitate tele conferences. ordinarily the brown act has strict rules foretell a conferencing. the governor's order has suspended those rules sm the department has met all of the applicable notice requirements. as noted on the agenda members of the public may observe this meeting via sfgovtv. they may offer public comment by calling the public comment phone number. i want to welcome members of the public and sta.
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