tv BOS Budget and Appropriations SFGTV August 30, 2020 2:05pm-6:01pm PDT
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providers of a critical and the pandemic has the pressure on all of our systems exacerbating racism and social inequality and why are we funding the police instead of so many other programs that pro voids safety and community for all and can you hang black lives matter all over the city but the empty statement unless we put our money where our mouth is and fund programs with socially quality tee. food, housing, reparations, healthcare and mental health services. we have to organize and we will vote out out. we're not going away and we're not giving up. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> caller: supervisors, first i want to thank you for two minutes for everybody. it's a long time senior and
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renter of district 5 and member of the senior and disability actions housing collaborative. there is so much stuff from displacement and high rents before the pandemic. and now, illness and income loss and inability to pay rent due to the virus. thousands of seniors, people with disabilities, other low income folks, and families of color are most vulnerable to the homes. i urge expanded support for the legal council programs and these are life lines to keep us in our homes. we rely greatly on the temporary rental assistance programs and also the permanent rent sub
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subsidiaries and we need them to be expanded especially now. so, less money for the police and more money for 100% affordable housing, no more market rates luxury housing and it contains just a trickle of affordable. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> caller: hi, my name is chris and i'm working at san francisco general and i'm on san francisco native as well as a member of s. sciu2021. i'm asking the board of supervisors to reconsider and not pass the mayor's budget as
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presented. we are definitely out here every day as front line essential workers, where disaster service workers and we've been coming in regularly every day as is called on or deployed when needed and it's time the city recognizes our hard work and dedication and assisting the city when needed, when the budget is needed to be balanced or when called on that they finally recognize our hard
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work and honor their commitment and their agreement for our payouts in our budgets. i'm calling on the board of supervisors to recognize and support all labor unions and getting their fair share and not balance the budgets on the backs of the frontline workers that have been out here everyday in these hotels and in these clinics at the hospitals giving out food in the shelters and the command centers down at moscni. we're asking and pleading for you guys to -- >> clerk: your time has elapsed. thank you thank you so much for your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> caller: my name is andrew and aim voter and residents in district 9. i urge you to defund, disarm and disband the sfpd and sheriff's department. the budget is a reflection of values and priorities. san francisco residents supervisors and the mayor cut fund ago cross the board and except no a oppressive system designed to punish people. what does it say about our values and priorities? your personal values and when we fund the place over school, healthcare and building up our communities rather than force it into submission. this proposal one where the sfpd and sheriff is have needed cuts and see budget increases next year and it's a thought to the clear message. everyone is aware of the challenge we see mace and on the top of my head, housing being healthcare, particularly in the global pandemic and the fires that are currently burning.
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this isn't going to be easy but how are the sfpd or sheriff's department equipped to solve these issues. they're with the real issues. and practice systemically they're ineffective and oppressive to our neighbors who are black indigenous and people of color. these funds are much better served elsewhere in our budget. a failure to recognize a we heard you say black lives matter so use your power to make the budget reflect that. this year and fire and. >> thank you, mr. dye. next speaker, please.
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>> caller: -- >> do we have another speaker? >> caller: hi, thank you so much for being willing to people. i'm a san francisco resident and also a white male and even a capitalist with a well-baiag job. so from that perspective i understand how one can consider the request to did he fund the police to be a radical notion. i used inform feel the same way thinking the police were here to protect us and care for our safety. sometimes back i ended up spending 10 years of my life working amongst and around the homeless of this amazing city and i was shocked to see a completely different side to the police. it was night and day to see how the same police force had treat medicine with respect and courtesy had turned into a terrifying and threatening force. all that changed was the
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police's view of what groups of people they thought i belonged to. i want to make it very clear, during this time, i had not committed crimes or had the appearance of illegal activity. i seemed to be of a group with the police department was more than willing to a ras, attack and destroy. they destroyed my property and they pointed their weapons at me and clearly were not here to protect me or the people around me. it's easy and say for a board member to look to reform and easy to ignore those problems that don't effect us who live a professional lifestyle or have the ability to sit on the board but we have learned through decades that reform of a system cannot work when the system is fundamentally broken to avoid any repair. there are better options. i beg of you to take the brave and powerful choice to not just pass this issue onto the next board or the next politician or mayor, but show the world that san francisco can take a leadership role and learning how to give everyone i live in a
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neighborhood ignored by police and they do show up or protect or put energies towards solving crimes here and we are still here. in this case the fire department has disproved the myth that we can't live without the thin blue-line. i would have sent it back for a refund if this was from, i'm not just asking for a defund of the police and i have taken my backs. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi, my name is (inaudible) and mother of two children. i'm calling like many others to
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urge to you aggressively deopportunitdefundthe sfpd. to listen to the recommendation of mega blacks and wealth and disparity to the black community and ininstead invest in the black communities institutions not a agency ignoring black lives. they process at long last and this is the first step towards long overdue reparations. do we still have you, caller? >> sorry, did you not hear that? >> i was just wondering, yes, do you want to continue? >> caller: yes. sorry. i'm finished. have a good night. >> thank you so much. >> next speaker, please.
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this is martin steinman and i'm a d9 receipt debt and i worked in central america resource center and first i would like to thank the board and for fully funding san francisco and legal defense class and also the san francisco and network and i'm working and i see everyday and especially in the context of the current administration on relenting assault on immigrants. just today, there was news of daca flaunting clearly the supreme court and trying to get rid of daca illegally. tomorrow there's another rule coming down regarding work authorization for asylum applicants so thank you for continuing this fund. in addition i would like to consider please, to row store full funding to rapid response networks and it pushes barks.
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in like they said, you don't take your umbrella down during a train storm because you are not getting wet solv. there's been expecting more of that and we need a rapid respect network to keep things safe and please consider funding the rapid response network and thank you for your time. onto the next person. next speaker, please. >> caller: hola. [ speaking spanish ]
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>> i can translate. >> sure. >> i'm an immigrant worker and we are facing an emergency situation where we don't qualify for government assistance. we need your help and i wanted you to know we really appreciate your work and i hope you have a nice night. >> thank you for the speaker. >> no problem. >> next caller, please. >> hello. yes, my name is roger scott. this meeting is the longest civics lesson of my lifetime.
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i'm a retired city college teacher and member of local 2121 delegate to the san francisco labor council. i feel obligated to criticize the recent and shameful board of trustees' decision to proceed with the balboa reservoir housing projects which repeatedly in my vow two humane concepts that public land should remain in public hands and that housing built on public lands should be 100% affordable. your committee can't grant the demands for social and economic justice to good people are urging and i would suggest that you recognize those that the convergence of the pandemic and the cool but historically familiar murder of george floyd has awakened the conscience of the people and change the word in ways that we'll never go back to. you are appropriate budget and appropriations committee doesn't have the power and resources to prosecute racist killer cops and disband law enforcement
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organizations but you have the power to do several things, three that recommend or one substantially reduce the police budget and social workers and other unarmed public servants. they help people who need it. two, increase funding to raise to the minimum compensation or the salaries of the low paid workers who provide essential services to most vulnerable community members. three, increase funding to the people trying to survive in the streets and are dying every day. listen to the people and you will do much better. thank you. >> thank you so much for your comments. next speaker, please. >> caller: good evening. my name is laura tang and
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executive director of cameroon women's residents. i'm here to advocate for funding has been cut to provide family support services for children zero to five-years-old in district one and in district four. and you know, especially during this time of covid-19 it's so important that we continue to engage with our families and the younger children hoping that we can did not. [please stand by]
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supervisors to be brave and take us into the future where city of san francisco cares for vulnerable neighbors. just be better humans. that's it. it's that easy. thank you. >> thank you much for your comments. next speaker please. >> hello. good evening. i was in district 9. i'm calling to urge this committee to divest from the san francisco sheriff's department presence in the d.p.h. and defund sfpd. today the video shooting of another black general made national news again.
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there's no evidence that the system is in effective way towards the law and prevent crime. we continue to pile on more and more money. there's mounting evidence police -- [indiscernible] i keep hearing police is not perfect. how is this acceptable? when it's matter of life and death we cannot settle for less.
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>> thank you for this all day phone in session for public. it's beneficial to know how constituencies feel. i'm on registered nurse and organizer. i'm a city worker. i truly believe in good work and everybody san francisco and city and county stands for. i call for defunding the sfpd and the sheriff in order to fund public services. i like to say that while those are great calls for changing the face of public safety, funding public services should be done through revenue measures because
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there are 75 billionaires who live in san francisco. they need to pay their fair share to fund public services. i would hate to see public servants suffer in order to benefit the residents in the city. defunding the police is an honorable aim -- we they had to put in place policies that benefit the resident and see the same for the essential workers who provide public services every single day. we need to make sure that our public servants are honored and accepted in all respects and all mean and for all the work they do, whether it's picking up our garbage, driving our buses or caring for our love ones in the hospital. we need to pass the ceo tax
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measure. we need to reform our businesses and we need continue to protect all residents of 46 wh san frano who are renters. thank you. have a good night. >> next speaker please. >> my name ben. i'm a resident of san francisco. i want to thank everybody for the very thoughtful and heart felt comments today and board of supervisors for asking this time to listening. i echo lot of comments. p.r. campaign is reimagining
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policing really seems disingenuous and seeing board of supervisors continue to just nibble around the edges with this budget. defunding policing and end years of failed austerity. the police are never going to ask for less. they fail to meet basic calls to reform. you seen p.o.a. as public menace. must defund, disarm and fire police officers. we must invest with confidence and vision and community safety, health and dignity. are you going to wait until there's less public engagement on these issues to decide to act? i do not believe you will. if you missed this moment it will not come again. history will not forget.
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san franciscans will not forget. minimal cuts will not be tolerated. all eyes are on you. reforms dud does not work. the police are not essential workers. they do not create public safety. they enforce gentrification, white supremacy. you heard from some many amazing people today advocating for service. please wake up. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker please. >> hi. i'm a latino organizer and
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>> i live in district 5. i live in a city where residents and politicians agree that all black lives matter. mayor breed said she was moving $100 million to community funding. that's why she is advertising the same. current budget does not fire a single officer. we need to cut overtime. reinvesting in communities includes having fewer police officers. we all want public safety. you supervisors are the ones with the power to make that happen. i'm talking about reinvesting in
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community, you increased funding over the last four years, homelessness increased. 50% of adults who experience homelessness in san francisco had their first experience homelessness by the age of 25. thank you. >> next speaker please. >> hi, i'm a front line worker at lagune hospital. i'm calling to ask the board of supervisors to continue to support front line workers.
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to continue to support the services we deliver every member of seiu represent the people who are giving the services that are necessary to keep san francisco going. the workers at laguana honda are protecting that hospital. that long-term care facility from having a pandemic. it's the workers who came up with the idea and insisted that management follow. it want the other way around. it's the same worker making sure emergency room is well staffed so we can deliver the services. we are delivering the services. not only are we delivering the services but we are also giving back some of our paychecks we gave back $50 million in july.
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the union did that. union workers did that. we are saying that we are prepared to give back next year if there's a deficit. the contract was built to manage a situation like this. it was built around that. we will give up some of our paycheck, we will give up some of our moneys that we have in that contract by deferring our wages. we have already met that condition. we have done that. we are giving our lives. we are giving back. more and more healthcare workers, more and more contract workers coming up positive for covid. >> thank you so much for your comments. next speaker please.
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>> i'm a resident of district 8 calling to implore to reject the proposed budget and defund the police department. i'm also a black man who has been pulled over by the police for simple act of walking while black. i've been wrongfully profiled because color of my skin. i seen that among many patient i treated. tiny 2% cut to budget is not sufficient. it will be disheartening to hear black lives matter while watching your calls to the
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budget contradict the movement. we need to hole our leaders accountable. i yield rest of my time. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker please. >> good evening supervisors. i live and work in district eight. the police do not make me or my community safer. what we need is housing, library, job, art school, food and heart care. you name it. community services will make it safer.
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let's make san francisco progressive city. the money is here and wil the wl is here. defund sfpd and sheriff's department. you work for us. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> first thing first. coalition is an accurate representation of the needs of the community compiled by people serving the community and
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>> good evening supervisors. i'm talking today about the programming and request to the board of supervisors to make sure that expiring funds for the council are restored. the council serves over 350,000 in san francisco. we serve underserved needs to make sure the population is addressed and represented. thank you for your attention tonight. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker please.
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>> good evening supervisors. my name is kim. i'm a career city employee and member of local 21. i work for the department of technology who's staff has been instrumental provided tools and resources for city employees. performed remote work during this pandemic. my department staff set up telecommunications and wifi for the covid-19 emergency center and developed applications to help manage d.f.w. workers. we sacrificed enough. we're asking you to stand with us. we need to invest in our employee workforce. no one else has more dedication to public service and best interest of the city. our critical essential workers need a budget that's committed to their welfare and allow them
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to support their families and communities. thank you. >> next speaker please. >> hi, my dad was a kindergarten teacher for 30 years. as kids every sunday will go down to the flea market. his class was so underfunded he wouldn't have pens, paper or pencils. now your plan is to cut school budget and among other budgets to fund the police. i like to remind you board of supervisors that you are public servants. you serve us. we are not asking you, we're telling you to defund the police. the people has spoken doofer tod
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the police. for the 90 other folks listening, if board of supervisors do not comply with our demands, the next step will be to recall the board members in no longer serve us. i yield my time. >> next speaker please. >> good evening board of supervisors. my name is susan marsh. i'm a resident of san francisco. i work with a variety of tenant organizations. i want to urge you to look at the budget and in particular, i would like to call your attention -- [indiscernible]
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our black lives. there are 300 of us -- there are 180 on the line. no one can feel the pain and death of black people. i think it's important. like to speak for myself. i'm in favor of the extension. i'm in favor of things that need to be relocated in black communities. let us speak for ourselves. thank you. >> thank you. before we call the next caller. just for update. there are 76 members on the
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sheriff's department. for the past four years, i worked in the mental health facilities and homeless shelters. sfpd does not keep our community safe. people in san francisco need shelter, education and healthcare. please invest in these resources by keeping us all safe and invest in the community. thank you. >> next speaker please. >> i'm born and raised in the city. calling in on behalf of my
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>> next speaker please. >> i live in district 4. i'm calling to ask defund and disband sfpd and the sheriff's department. we need to cut the police department by at least 50%. we need a budget that fires sheriff's deputies and cut overtime. you take that money to invest in the community, -- police don't keep us safe. that was made apparent again. we need to make drastic changes nationwide and san francisco can lead the way. communities are those with better acts with housing and healthcare and education.
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invest in people and communities, not cops. thank you. >> next speaker please. >> i'm calling on behalf of my family of districts 7. please adjust the budget and reallocate police and sheriff money to public housing. you are funding the next death by the police and sheriff. think about that. people are real lives to lead who died at the hands of police and you're continuing to fund them. they are murders. the board and the mayor have
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said about care being black lives movement, but refuse to change anything. we see your hypocrisy. >> next spheric please. >> i want to say to the clark and board, this is first amendment zone for public comment. don't tell us not to swear. i'm calling to demand you defund, disarm and sfpd and sheriff. fire the police, fire the sheriff, fire them all this year. one, i have homeless encampments that live outside my house. sfpd came to put homeless lives
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defund and disband sfpd. i want to thank all my neighbors who have called in tonight and all these weeks as we try to get our elected officials to listen to us. supervisors, i i want to say that i'm incredibly saddened and disheartened to see that despite the pronouncement that the mayor has made to watch you guys bend over backwards to preserve as much as sfpd's budget.
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>> thank you supervisor. my name is catherine walter. i live san francisco and i'm a epidemiologist. we ask you defund the sheriff's department now. we heard you say black lives matter, please don't vote for a budget and put black people in harm's way. take that money and invest it where the constituent nee -- ci. reparations for the black community. we urge the supervisors to stop privatizing that cost jobs. please clearly don't -- police
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don't clearly don't keep us safe. we urge supervisors to invest in people an communities. healthcare and housing for this pandemic hit. now this pandemic is going on, san franciscans has even more needs that are unmet by the city. the city has an opportunity now to direct the money it has towards the critical need of healthcare, education and reparations. supervisors we urge you to do it right thing and defund, disarm and disband sfpd. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker please.
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>> hi. i'm a resident from district 5. i'm calling to urge you defund sfpd and sheriff's department this year. reinvest in community resources that will keep us safe. we've heard hours of comments telling you community resources that san francisco rely on. we should be funding those instead. eliminate police and schools and housing. the community engagement communities, traffic and airport unit, personal training increases and any other raises that are apparently set for sfpd. >> thank you. next speaker please.
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>> hello, i'm an attorney. and san francisco resident. i want to thank the committee for showing up for us in face of global pandemic. you sit uniquely but the racial disparity in community in color are affected by public health crises. it's appalling. without too much detail, i have unique perspective of my role. i can attest for the dire need to support multiple housing. things have changed since the 1980s. last week i supported a teenager who was kicked out their home by their family. san francisco hopes to maintain that legacy. trans people of color gets assaulted in the streets, in
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their home and by the government. these funs are essential. i want to say to think about the cost of covid-19. according to a report that i just heard, clearly an hour ago, this is exactly what's happening. covid-19 has noticed the effect that hiv epidemiology. hiv testing has decreased by 90%. million dollars in housing subsidies for people living with hiv will have direct improvement on the hiv death rate. san francisco cannot can control the hiv pandemic or address the public health crises. thank you all.
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>> thank you. next speaker please. next speaker please. >> hello supervisor, my name is laura. i live in district 11. let's take a deep breath together and just take inhale through your nose, and exhale, really slow through your nose. whatever. wait up. each member of the sf board of supervisors, ask yourself, why are you in the position you are
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if you are strapped with cash -- [indiscernible]. public land should remain in public hand. i yield my time. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker please. >> hello, illyria i live and wos district 6. it makes so since all the city talk about black lives matter, we've not taken the most basic steps of defunding the police department and sheriff's department. last year, black people made up only 5% of the population but they accounted for 40% of police searches and half of the jail population. even after we've had decades of
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i am someone with social capital and privilege at this point in my life. as a teenager, i was brown kid on the street corner. that experience, lived through at least half dozen violent incidents on behalf of sfpd against me and other people mostly young men of color in front of me. i know the experience of people being beaten by sfpd.
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then being told when i try to complain to a public defender, i better worry about the charges and not worry about trying to press charges on the sfpd. all that to say, i'm in total support of cuts to sfpd. because this an evidence-based approach. increasing safety in san francisco. we know from data and research that investment in employment, social services and elsewhere will get us to safety much more than increase investment in sfpd. i love to see at least $125 million in cuts to sfpd and the sheriff's department. i want to see all that money go to support the wellness of san francisco's african-american community. i would like to see preservation
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of funding -- >> your time as expired. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker please. >> hi, eelier i i live in distr. i'm urging you to tonight to put the money where your mouth is. you can invest in resources to that keep us all safe including housing, healthcare, education and so much more. please don't make excuses. make it happen. we've been over the facts, scale of policing has not shown any correlation or impact to crime. a study from the institute, less than 5% arrests lead to
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violence. funding of police is only help to perpetuate criminalization of poverty. even after so called reform, 76% in q4 last year were against people of color. sfpd officers still point their guns at people, 2.4 times a day and other use of force categories decrease less than 3% from 2016. any money spent on policing will be better spent on programs. i urge you to reject the budget that was passed by mayor breed and redistribute the money to much needed social services in san francisco. thank you for your time. >> next speaker please.
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>> hi. i agree with supervisor mandelman comments last week about what happens when the planning department has plans and we should not allow bunts that allows bad cops to serve in the sfpd. as a longtime mission resident and the mother of a black son who is a victim of police brutality in 2015, i can attest to the trauma and harm. one cop involved, he should have been involved about he put together 30-page bad come case study report. this is present to a joint board of supervisors police commission meeting november 15, 2015. all supervisors and all police
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commissioners were given multiple copies of the report. the d.p.a. stated montoya was on the radar. nothing was ever done. the city settled two more losses on his behalf, beside my son. line item of the settlement amount, the city paid enormous costs for rogue policing such as the investigations and the legal defense by the city attorney. the uprising and trauma around killing of george floyd, brought us back together to create a petition to highlight and demand the city to fire him. we gathered approximately 10,000
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signatures. the d.p.a. and the e. punishment f. hai.f. hasnot protected citi. >> next speaker please. >> hi. i'm calling in to ask you to reject mayor's budget proposal as more need to be done to help things such as covid relief, housing relief, education, homelessness, and more. these departments are being cut more than the police bun budget. i became aware of the city
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charter. we will be voting on to end and no longer be tied by this. by voting yes on prop e. one thing i'm sure is that there's probably more ram in the budget. more money to be invested in the police to be use to fund some of the departments i mentioned above. it will help the community drive versus punishing it. as i hear people on this call to ask for your help to funding essential workers, i hope you will take action so san francisco can be an example for the rest of the country. thank you. >> thank you very much for your
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i thought i called 5.5 hours listening to organizers, teachers and ask for basic funding for their program. they are worried about austerity and extremely difficult time. there's a source of funding for all of these important programs that serves san franciscans. they are run by caring compassionate san franciscans. our budget shows our values. we should be investing this things that increase public safety and create a equitable city. child care, healthcare, mental health, housing and reparations for black san franciscans. sfpd and the sheriff's department do not keep us safe. they are primarily served to traumatize san francisc -- san s and eat up the budget. we hear you say black lives matter, we do community actions
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with police. fire sfpd officers. there's lots of bad ones. fire sheriff's deputies. invest in resources that keep us all safe. all eyes are on you. be on the right side of history. do your job and represent us. >> thank you very much for your comments. next speaker. is there a caller on the line? >> my name is anthony. we don't receive city funding. i empathize with the nonprofit
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worker. i wonder if people know how to feels to hear people fighting to avoid layoffs and police officer and sheriff's deputies while nonprofit workers from facing layoffs for themselves. it brings to my mind, operators, in which when the [indiscernible] laying off officers and reducing them is a reduction at the hands of police.
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way back to the public comment queue. >> let's take a 15 minute break. it is about 8:35 now. we'll reconvene at 8:50. thank you very much. thanks to the listeners and folks on the line. we welcome back. thank you. >> we will begin again with public comment. >> please connect us to the next caller. is there a caller on the line?
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>> i live in district five. i'm exhausted. i'm exhausted trying to get the attention of our own elected officials. san franciscans have shown up to make it clear that we want public safety for all. we care about black, trans folks need to change now. lives depend on it. we made it more than clear that this budget is far from good enough. you know about the specifics. you know about the way sheriffs perpetuate of poverty rate. implore to listen to the community that voted for you and keep us safe and represent what we want. we will vote again. you have an incredible opportunity to be a leader right now. this current budget does not make you a leader. it shows weakness and work priority that do not respond to city values.
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where is the public safety for all? we hear the voice of support from some of you, we do not see the number. it's time to fire cops and sheriff's deputy. this cannot wait until next year. you still have time to do what's right with this year's budget. you have all the people on this call who will back you up. so please pass the budget that fires cops and sheriffs and give us safer streets. i yield my time. >> thank you very much for your comments. next caller please. >> my name is lindsey. i deliver in district 5. i'm calling to defund sfpd.
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i was so excited when mayor breed, couple of months ago, wanted to stop police from responding to non-criminal activity. i'm not sure what happened with that and how that is no in the this budget for 2021. that involve creating new jobs that will have more people out in the streets. where does this go? what happened? if you care about this. do it. it takes work.
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i expected better you said you would do better, you're not doing better. reject this budget and please defund the sfpd. thank you. >> thank you very much for your comments. next speaker. >> hello everyone. my name is karina. i live in district 3. when will this stop? look at your own bloody history. we're in the mil middle of a pandemic and wildfires now we're asking for more funding to
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department that kills people. it is ridiculous as people in pay taxes and people left of you, we have to spend weeks and months protesting and e-mailing to be heard. i'm a white woman and i'm a immigrant. when i was 17 after moving to country, i trespass school party, not knowing what to do when the police came. i ran. i was thrown to the ground and as i was handcuffed to a chair, bleeding and crying, the officers threaten to deport me. it traumatized me. looking back i know if i was a black teenager i know i will be shot. if you do nothing the souls that we lost will be on your hands. think about the world you want to leave for your children. think about your black colleagues and friend. i urge you to step up and do what is right. until there's justice for the black community, there cannot be justice for all. i urge you to defund the sfpd
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question to commissioners, mr. secretary, thank you for all your work with these extra long days. i'm a proud 25 year resident of san francisco district five and executive director of the coalition for health and wellness and i'm from san francisco black wall street. i've been on this call for nine hours and 22 minutes. i feel that once again black voice have been bamboozled and silenced. we were never told we could have video or group calls. we have sacrificed too much for this city being foundation to its creation and maintenance. we're not marginal and should not be treated with more respect. i was qualified at ocd that they never listen to us meaning black led organizations beau they didn't have to. we hadn't been vocal or organized enough because there are these systems of systemic racism that keep us distracted and wounded and upset like today
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with the change in the rules. also the murder of two black men by the police over the weekend. it impacts our psyche and our health. as black citizens we implore you to respect black voice and leadership. we can and will advocate for selves without talking over us. it's your job to listen and not push a personal agenda. stay out of our pockets and supervisor walton alone. we want the $20 million. we reject any budget that recases or takes away from this allocation and ask to maintain these funds. it's not sole' about the san sod for their antiblack miss and harm to black led organization and the black neighborhoods and black families.
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>> you said you have another speaker you were going to pass the phone to. >> yes. >> here is the other person, hold on. >> i implore you, please. defund the police department with $120 million that was identified by mayor breed to go directly to black communities and not unfunded city wide mandated initiatives. we will take any budget that reduces or even takes away from this allocation. in addition, please, i implore you to make sure that transitional housing available to young people so they have opportunities of housing and unlike some of us who are unhoused at this point. lastly, if we could look at the hope site where there's department and homes not yet filled we can begin reparations in those spaces for the black community. and create how home opioid ownep
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for black communities and as we have some preferences based on blacks. we don't have language but we definitely know we have some unculturated situations. >> thank you. >> next caller, please. >> caller: hi, my name is shanty and i'm a district 3 resident. i got involved in san francisco politics six years because they rejected a symbolic resolution endorsing barack obama milk guidelines. they rejected that. i have spent my 20s working to elect several members of this site. i feel like i'm coming full circle. this budget proposal and anyone who supports it and saying one thing. we're fine with punishing teachers, nurses, janitors, along workers, community
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organizers, transit drivers who are dis purport disproportionat. is this committee fine with cutting their resources and sending them packing in the middle of a pandemic as long as we make sure not a single cop experiences a single reduction in their employment. based on one supervisor, this committee is only talking about how the cuts dis purchase position atly impact employees of color and one is about cost but not anyone else. multiple groups who have spoken have put sensible proposals forward to cut ver is and the environment that we're in. if you do not heed all the people who are talking to you, especially the city employees, in this world historical moment of use tu austerity you are makg faith with across the marginalized people of the city. you are breaking faith of working class people, people like me who picked up a phone, or knocked on a door because they believed in you when you said you wanted real change.
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i urge you to consider that. thank you. >> thank you for comments. could we be connected to the next caller, please. i work in district 6. and i am calling today because i think that it's rather interesting that it's perfectly all right for every department other than the police department, have to deal with the fact that well, times are hard and you know, things are -- there's a pandemic on and the city doesn't have unlimited money and they need to suffer from the oppress of the police department. the police department gets a raise in its budget even though the percentages are reduced. i think that the question that ends up being asked then is if you are going to live in a world in which bad things are going to happen anyway, we're going
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toffee convictions and homelessness and people facing hunger and poverty and various kinds of mental breaks do we want to fund the non profits and funding the schools and funding the libraries or do we want to try to address that with the people. not every call is going to get answers and poem are having bad things happen in the streets but dissolution that we've been pouring money into that everybody did not want is cops and the solution that everybody wants has been over and over nine hours in this public comment. in previous public comments and i know that you refuse to do your jobs and listen to the people, but i don't know, this is a moment where it gets rage is the public. so there is that. try to do something. troy to defund the police. that would be cool. thank you. >> thank you, very much for your
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comments. next speaker, please. >> caller: good evening. ok, hi, my name is april young and i'm a member of parent voice and chan english and i'm a essential worker providing care for disabled persons and seniors. i've been on wasting list for four long years and i've been doing the best i can do to support my families. some days i have to take my daughter to work and others i can leave with a friend or family member but with the covid crisis it's hard to find stable care. with the stress of the world right now the last thing a parent should worry about is where their children will be while they're working. this is why i will continue to fight for the 3500 children on the wait list.
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they need this funding. our livelihood depends on it. our children are growing and deserve access to childcare with a safe and nurturing environment for them. we are asking to provide sub sid doze for children or childcare waiting lists and honor the prop c budget priority. reinstate cuts to cares 2.0, fund bce, support for black children, from the defund the police budget savings and reinstate cuts to parents for public schools. we appreciate the efforts to allow us to access baby prop c funds. thank you so much. >> thank you for your comments. can you connect us to our next caller. >> hello my name is jose and i am the organizing director at the baker center for human rights. i'm also former chair of the legislation and policy of the san francisco council and i'm
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also currently on the san francisco commission which is intrusted with ensuring the safe closure of county jail number four. this is personal to me because i'm a san francisco native and i'm also formerly incarcerate rate and spend time, years inside county jail number four. before you today, you have a very real opportunity to divest the millions and millions of dollars that are going into incarcerated black and brown people in san francisco. it's an embarrassment, it's absolutely ridiculous hassan fran has a black population that is less than 5% and yet we incarcerate rate 50% of people in san francisco. until today the call to defund sfpd is not something new. it's something that has been revamped and something that is getting more mainstream audience right now. some of you know me personally
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and you know that i've been working this for a long time along with our organization. let's just talk about how last year alone, san francisco sheriff's department gushed out $4.16 million in just overtime alone for the san francisco sheriff's office. that is unacceptable. imagine where that 4 million could have gone to fund fund resources. let's talk about san francisco police department and how $700 million is the operating budget right now. compare that to other operating budgets. compare that to other non profits or resources that could happen right now in the community. unapologetically urge you, urge you to divest from policing and incarceration and reinvest in the community resources. you do not want to be on the wrong side of history. now south time to act. >> thank you, very much. >> could you connect us to the next speaker, please.
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>> hello, supervisors. my name is ma lane and i'm a district five resident urging you to reject this unacceptable budget and insist on meaningful cuts to the police department. black lives matter, black disabled lives matter, black survivors matter and black employees matter. please, do more, supervisors. as an activist i urge you to listen not only to those who have access to power but to those who lack such privilege proximity or influence. take out and listen to people with disabilities. immigrants and unhoused people who are dis prattly harmed by bias policing. listen to la loose's family and other families of police trauma. listen to the many rape victims from sfpd the domestic violence victims that had to zoo the city because police refuse to give them simple documents for protective orders. settlements for unlawful policing don't come out of their
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budget. police don't protect us. they harm us in so many ways and bleed our funds dry. they harm black and brown communities especially. listen to sf labor. i'm a disaster service worker and a local 21 member. i'm building emergency infrastructure and a medical field hospital. unlike police, we're not eligible for overtime or horses, motorcycles and s.u.v.s to ride to work. it's shocking the mayor wants to balance the budget on the backs of essential workers when there are rainy day funds available as well as another extremely obvious solution. defund, disarm and disband sfpd. that is where we need the immediate layoffs and eventually the abolishment of policing. austerity up holds racism. the street of our city workforce is vital. again, black lives matter, black disabled lives matter, black survivors matter and black employees matter. thank you. >> thank you for your comments.
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connect us to the next speaker, please. >> caller: my name is christine and i work in district 3. to supervisors, i want to talk about police (inaudible). i honestly have been told with an rage all day. i woke up today thinking about jacob blake, i woke up thinking about how yet another black man has been shot by the police and how they practice the same violence where he was shot and i woke up thinking about just on friday supervisors on this committee were still ringing their hands over police and sheriff days off. it's not only kills marginalized people trying move in their daily lives, law enforcement kills law enforcement doing the work of violence prevention and they're over and over and over
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again. please stop asking for perfect community models. you need to acknowledge the police, the sheriff and other forms of policing don't end the way of working done. you need to acknowledge that so long as they have policing forces on our streets you will never be able to finish that work. it's not about better training. if all distractions from dismantling this quote justice system that enables abuse and enables impunity and reducing anyone who doesn't uphold to status quo and then criminalizes or destroy the lives of those who disagree. i just, i encourage them to push
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hard. for everyone else, i would be so offended if i were in a position of power and see these connections and receiving to make them do better. that's it. >> thank you, christine. >> caller: good evening, supervisors. my name is monica. i live in district 5 and work in san francisco. from hearing all of the public comments, it's heartbreaking to hear families from our communities share countless testimony als. how the police have not protected them and has actually inflected harm and trauma. calling in victim retrauma or being targeted took courage and i'm so proud to call them neighbors. i'm moved by their stories. you also have family. i hope you are too. we're pleased that more funds are desperately needed for health, mental health, to put
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food on the table and shelter, these are basic human needs. as a volunteer every week, i and helpless wait in the hot sun during a it's critical to evaluate the current budget and trim the fat of departments and sfpd and sheriff and row invest and marginalized. do not allow for the budget to pass and provide artificial public safety at the expense of black and brown lives. the budget towards the community needs and it's not adequate. there are budgetary needs elsewhere. we urge you to re district sfpd share funds to overhaul and rebuild a better community by decriminalizing mental health, homelessness and provide a better social safety net for everyone. thank you for your leadership
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and mic north happen. >> thank you for your comments. next us to the next caller. >> caller: hi. my name is catherine rivers i'm a 16 year long resident of district the 9 and i live in san francisco because i believe that this is a city where everyone could be welcome. that is no longer the case and it's up to us to fight for everything this city can stand for. equity injustice for everyone. in addition to supporting words today, i want to ask you to hold the mayor's office accountable for a budget that claims on the first page to take $120 million from law enforcement for city measures and i combed through the 309 page document twice department by department and at best i have found only a cut of $69 million from the sfpd, the sheriff department and juvenile probations department combined y is $40 million being put from
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the public library and where is equity and reparations. sfusd cannot provide technology for every family so education happens equitably especially in district 10. this budget continues to severely express underserved communities. defund sfpd and the sheriff's department by 50%. do not be bullied by the sfpoa negotiations on unjust salaries and blocks to change. prioritize cbos in district 9 and 10 fighting for families to secure basic needs. prioritize life and street use and lion martin and other health right 360 organizations that need funding. i have been a client of lion martin for 16 years and they're a place where everyone is welcome. it's your duty to be just with our money. considering for going your raise this year and your bake needs are not at stake in this economic crisis and why is taking home $700,000 per year in compensation? that is not just advertise.
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>> i'm sorry i didn't hear everything. the sound was muffled. this speaker is a single mother who is working with parent voices. she is saying that herself and many parents don't know where to leave our children when we are working. so we are advocating to divert money towards education and opportunities for their
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children. >> thank you both very much. can you connect us to the next speaker. is there a caller on the line? >> hello. good evening. my name is elliott hell man and i've been in san francisco most of my life. i grew up here and i learned about the world here. i live in district 6 now. i'm calling because i've seen how sfpd funding is impacting the city reece sources at the expense of our social safety
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net. i'm a sign language interpreter and have worked in our public schools for decades and i've seen the negative relationship between our kids and the police and i've heard many stories of the negative interactions between kids and their communities and sfpd. now, i know that many of of you have experienced concerns about finding police officers, especially now during these tough economic times. i share that human concern as well. however, i'm more concerned about the impact of police shootings and incarceration on our kids and on our communities. considering sfpd's track record, the department's inability to reform itself even after years of efforts considering the long list of sfpd killings of black and brown people and frankly the disinformation and the attacks on some of you and the mayor by
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the police union, doing right by the people you are here to serve should compel you to defund sfpd. we need house, healthcare, education and reparations to keep us safe. question need you town vest in people and communities. i look forward to san francisco being an example to the nation and how do reallocate funds towards cutting programs we need and that you, our city leaders, will be able to innovate and making san francisco the equitable, sustainable and just city that we all want to be. >> hi, my name is julie robert and i center a video and the justice coalition submitted
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earlier today. i'm sorry, what was the video's name called? julie roberts fung. the justice coalition folder. >> thank you. >> all right. one moment, give me a second. you kind of surprised me right there. >> after six and a half hours. >> i see it. one moment, please. i'm cueing up right now. i'm sorry. oops. >> hi, my name is julie roberts fong and i'm contacting you to urge you to fund the nourish the tender line pro proposal and all the proposals of the public
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justice coalition. the nourish the tenderloin proposal is important as the city of san francisco lost its usda waiver that lost them to provide free meals to any family. this loss has meant that in the tenderloin alone we've lost 8,000 meals a week. during the pandemic my family lost income and we were picking up grab and go meals and from the pop up pantries and it was a relief that we could feed our family and also make the little money we had coming in stretch to cover the bills we had to pay. our friends in the tenderloin told us that they weren't able to pick up. there was no pantry in the tenderloin and there was no sfusd grab and go site. families shared they were afraid to leave their homes. some had covid cases in their
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building. people also didn't feel like they could walk out into the streets and socially distance and some reported being harassed by police officers. so the community came together and tenderloin fashion and community based organizations figured out a way to deliver foods to families at home. this is been a huge help and it's complicated to figure out that last mile system for delivering food. it's urgent we fund this the nourish the tenderloin program and create sustainable food delivery systems for our families. i thank you in advance for your support for the nourish the tenderloin program and supporting mental health sf and other priorities of the budget justice coalition. thank you. >> can you connect us to the next speaker, please.
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i am a resident of district nine for more than 10 years and i'm also a nurse for and i'm calling to ask you to defund and as many other speakers have booked to and 19 years of reforms and trainings and all the this other stuff later so i'm asking to you also defund the sheriff's department since i work at san francisco general and they provide our security and most
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hospitals don't have law enforcement providing security and it increases the chance that someone will get hurt and while they're well funded and i just spoke to a sheriff deputy last week who works when they're not busy and it's his redded scheduled overtime and as nurses were being denied any overtime at all. i'm doing contact tracing and when we had a huge spike and early july and it was vital to the health of the workers in the hospital and the patients, we were told not one hour of overtime. it's better staffing and the clinics need better staffing and there's a million things, schools, ihss, childcare, muni, all these other things that housing especially and addiction treatment and i think addiction treatment and housing would do a lot more to take care of our
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community and also decrease the harms that come from people that are on substances. >> thank you, very much for sharing your comments. mr. tee can you connectio conneo the next speaker, please. is there a caller on the line? >> caller: i've just been unmuted. my name is sarah and i'm a dress enter of district 10. defund and disarm and disband. we've heard you guys say over and over that black lives matter but it's nothing but perform tive and we need action. fire sfpd officers and fire sheriff deputies and invest
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in-housing, healthcare, education and reparations. sheriff's budget is a waste of money. the sheriff budget has increased by more than 50% while the jail population has fallen by 60%. last year average total compensation for a deputy sheriff was $210,000. the recent expansion of electronic monitoring is jails and surveillance into the homes and communities of black indigenous, brown, trans and poor people even worse, it's ineffective and it hasn't helped the city decrease its jail population. they cannot be reformed because it harms communities of color. the sheriff duties is put people in cages and perpetuate the poverty and race. we can never provide better treatment and services and any money spent on jailing would be better spent funding community based programs available to the general public. instead of expanding communities which are already targeted by surveillance like electronic
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monitoring we should support networks that can help people heal and black lives matter, black trans lives matter. i don't yield my time. >> can you connect us to the next speaker, please. >> caller: can you please share an update on the queue after my comment. i'm an attorney and a resident of d7 and as someone who worryings can system impact and formally incarcerated people and who have had family and friends threatened by policing institutions around the country, i'm here to impose each of you, please, do the right thing. defund the sheriff and sfpd and vest in people and our communities. not cops in cages. all summer long, san franciscans have called on the city to stand up for our communities and help us build lasting public safety. while the city find itself in a
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deep budget short fall, and despite the mayor's rhetoric the proposed cuts to sfpd and the sheriff are a drop in these department's budgets. all while life saving services, face uncertainty and massive cuts. this is not the time to prioritize cops and jails over our community's basic needs. cops won't keep us safe when people are facing a pandemic. a recession, and a threat of eviction. i appreciate some of your proposals. including the proposal to cut overtime and academy classes but we can do more. let's cut electronic monitoring and get deputies out of our public institutions, hospitals and clinics and buildup those alternatives. it proves that more police does not make you're community safer. how many more studies and working groups do we need. i urge you, please help build a new legacy or for our see the
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city. thank you. >> thank you very much for your comments. we have 71 callers listening to the call and 38 of them are in the queue. connect us to the next caller. >> good evening. this is julie fisher. district one, 35 year member of the united food and commercial workers five now-retired. i appreciate the opportunity to speak. i'm calling for one specific topic, our non-profit city funded workers.
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>> good evening, my name is matt and i live in district five and thank you for holding space for our comments tonight. we've heard from wondering community organizations about their need for funding and i think it's very clear that by defunding the police, we can meet all those needs and then some. $120 million a year was quoted and it's been all over the press and i don't know why we should accept a penniless. we know the police have failed to keep our communities safe. it's a great deal of violence upon black and brown communities and those communities would greatly benefit from resources that those police are using and
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black lives matter and san francisco can do so much better. >> thank you for your comments. connect us to the next caller. >> caller: my name is jana and i'm born and raised in public 10 and public-health official and educators and (inaudible) and these hearings for the last few months urging the board of supervisors to abolish and defund sfpd now. i've listened to hundreds of callers and communicated our people's priorities and the to
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defund the police and the sheriff's department and re district money to healing. we project the mayor's austerity budget and urge you to stop balancing the budget on the backs of those vulnerable because that will intensify health disparity across the underlined. we must be critical about all forms of structural violence, pever tee, health, underfunded schools, hospitals and trance is systems. i've also like to raise a question about department and community based organizations and while not challenging a fully funded institution that inflicts violence and trauma with taxpayer money. i'm disappointed after countless hours of public comment our demands are fallen on deaf ears. we're not challenge the institution of white supremacy.
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our city should fund a culture of care not harm. if this budget is passed, response to our community's demands it's a continue structural violence on our families. we need to be bold and stand up to the poa. we will not forget how you move forward. we want 26 million cut from the academy and overtime but no less of 50% be put in order to fund the priorities by the budget justice coalition. police make us feel less safe and it's the only responsible decision to make given their history of misconduct, lack of accountability and justice for all the people and all the victims of police violence and across the country. black lives matter. connect us to the next speaker, please. >> >> good morning, supervisors, my
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name is jackson and i'm a member of local 21. i'm a coordinator with the city and county of san francisco. my job is staff at the medical branch and i coordinate on boarding of medical staff and ac6 sites. i'm in shock we are choosing between our jobs and our ability to a arrive with a pandemic. if i'm unable to afford the cost of living in the bay area how can i serve the public. the city has one billion dollars inly serve. thank you to unfilled job having vacancies we have agreed to a six month cost of living alone and each department presents boys and $50 million has been saved during fiscal year loans and isn't the time they use the reserve for workers who helped build this reserve. we are all waiting cut to the bone. given, given our fair share trying to in order to survive
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this pandemic, you need a workers to survive and continue delivering much needed services. there should be no more budget cuts or layoffs. let us serve the public in the pandemic as you say, we are your heroes and show it. invest in us. thank you. >> my name is carrie knicks. i used to live in bernal heights. we havif a social worker respone would still with be us today. i'm calling to disarm, defund the from other speakers and
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funds services shown vibe antsy of our communities and stand with the people and against the mayor's budget proposal that fails to show any of these promises, be brave and bold as so many community members and please see police budgets for what they yield and please do the right thing and i yield the rest of my time. can we have the next speaker, please. >> caller: [ speaking spanish ] >> s >> shenc lives in san francisco and she needs help with her rent. >> thank you both for your comments. >> could you take us to the next speaker, please.
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>> jj this is my fourth call. you guys, you are not getting did message or you are and you are ignoring it. hillary ronen, thank you for supporting the police movement. you took your time and you didn't respond to my question about whout else is with you? there are two-parts. one is the black community. this $120 million is fantasy. i went back and forthwith supervisor safai with six or 10 e-mails. he couldn't squarere it. you are all lying. you are a bunch of boot liquors. if youf were spending $120 million on the black community, which would beld gre, you are not getting rid of the
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cops which are posing a danger. also, what a would that do to marioio woods, alex and shawn. all of these people have been killed by the cop in the bay area? we need reparations and less police on the streets. the state is on fire and you are cutting the fire budget. what are you doing? just a bunch of boot liquors. you act like you are pro aggressive. this state is run by democrats from the top to the bottom. democrats hold the power. you are just lying, $120 million headline. none of us care about cops losing jobs. we care about the essential
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workerss who are losing jobs. we care about poor people and the crime. >> thank you for your comments. could you connectnn us to the nt speaker, please. >> good grief. how do i follow. that? it is fa fantastic. it is wonderful to listen to the diversity of voices on this call over several hours. i do appreciate it. this is at least my fourth phone call. this is what i wanant to say. mayor's budget. it is an insult. i will tell a story. when i wasve nine years old and grew up in district 10. we 1 had a public library and i got my first library card and took my little brother to the
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library. ms. jacobson, my first librarian,ar filled our arms wih books, as manyan books as we cod carry. that woman, that library opened doors to experiences and categories and subjects and worlds that would not have been open to us any other way at that time. that woman affected us both positively for our lives. two little kids. i cannot think of a single law enforcement officer who has openedas doors to any child's le in thein same way with the same impact. law enforcementt officers do not belong on any school campuses anywhere ever. they need to be removed immediately, whether or not the
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damn budget goes through. children need guidance counselors,ea teachers, art, music, all kinds of programs. they do not need law enforcement officers. defund, disarm. just get rid of this force. tony montoya, please get blues. >> thank you. please connect us to the next speaker, please. >> i live in district 4. i am going to give my public comments in a song. ♪ if we defund th the pd we wil have reparations and healthcare. if you will only cut the cop
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budget 8% ♪ so many reasons to cut more night my two minute time ♪ >> the police force. [ inaudible ] >> we could have better home programs if the police are not in the forces. policing has no correlation to crime. you heard that it is de funding time. $700 million to be distributed. many services need those funds. cops do not. please don't vol yukons for our
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community. proof to us you care, defund the fpd. andd sheriff too, please, that would be tops. if you would defund the sheriffs and cops. >> thank you. i don't yield my time. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> that wases beautiful. thank you, jj, for the best public comment. i will start. how m many more book people need shot or killed by police for you to learn this part of the job? what is the number? when did you decide. when somebody gets killed it is easier to say something must change. we need police and the numbers
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of shooting and deaths are acceptable? the only way to stop is stop contact and shrink the size of policing. there is nheo justice after the shooting. the conditions aren't just. this is a quote from scholar and ii suggest you all, especially mandelman because you are my supervisor. read her brief article from last month. i have lives in district 8 my whole life. i have seen horrendous impact of we needless police on the h streets. s pleaset defund sfpd and make new jobs that are notifyvens are no. 50% is a conservative demand. part of our misunderstanding about the nature of policing we
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keep imagining police are social workers toen make them nice. police are violence workers. they have capacity to use violence. when wee turn the problem over o manage there will be violence. are the tools they are most equipped to use. instead of trying to reform we must have better alternative solutions. last month the sfpd chief endorsed the community-based programs. he is stillll asking for more money for the police departments. this must come with defunding the police. even the police chief admitted that. >> time is concluded. next caller, please.
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>> district five reinvest in true public safety for all. a few members of board recognize the mayor's budget trying to get the headline without doing anything. at the same time i was out in the heights last week. i's was asking for a hero and champion. it is so sad. to sort of glove el at the feet of you, elected officials. that is a a f low bar. asking youou to represent the values of r people that put you intoic office. they a have progressive platfor. now you see m people that want o vote for representatives and for a change. these are people that have been on the receiving end of violence and police their entire life.
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it would be heroic to do the bare minimum. i urge you to stand up for the mayor's disarm and disband the costs. separations, everything people haveve said. thank you. >> thank you very much fornk sharing your comments. >> we have 72 callers, 33 are in the queue to speak. next caller, please. >> i am juan. i am a resident of district 5. i am calling to urge you to please defund, disarm and disbandra the san francisco pole department and san francisco sheriff's department. i r am tired of seeing my house
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less neighbors in district 5 constantly being harassed by the police. there is a lot of people in this district that do need serious help. thehe police are absolutely the last place that that help assistance, love, everything should beer coming from. there are so many other community organizations and groups thatti are trying to provide these people with that help. i thinkk really, you know, it is on us to try something new. we don'tob know what is going to work. no oneone has the perfect solutn to many of the problems that we are dealing with. one thing that is so clear that we all know is that police is not the answer. it s isn't. yes, it is unknown.
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it is hard, but i think we have to be a city that leads the fighto to try something new because there has got to be so many other solutions out there. we have to find it. i urge you to please listen to all a of the people that are callingur in. listen to our voices. we want to defund, disarm and disband the police department to house unhoused neighbors. theree' are so many better uses foron this money, and i know as the city we are capable of making great change. please, supervisors, reject the budget. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments. nextou caller, please. >> >> i am david chen, district 7. i don't have much new to add. i know the countless callers in
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hours and hours before me said it all. i am calling to plead, really plead with the board of supervisors to please reject the mayor's budget and make real substantive cuts to the sfpd police budget for the upcoming year. it is embarrassing really that the mayors claim hundreds of millions of dollars in cuts it isy only $18 million, less than 3% of the total budget. it is an insult to the citizens andd voters in the city. you know, our voices have been made loud and clear over the past few months and for even longer. we want real substantive cuts to the sfpd budget has got to be more. it has to be more. listen to your constituents, listen to the community, listen too the voters.
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roaotherwise, we will vote you t of office. i yield my time. >> next caller, please. >> i am with stop crime san francisco. speaking on behalf of 100 plus members. we are advocates of families of victims. we oppose cuts to the police department budget and police am academy that would graduate 150 nenew150new officers. we need to recruit hire and
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train new police forces. san francisco needs to continue to fund police training if we t are going to implement reforms in the use of force and deescalationca policies. i also want to say that transferring police duties to social and community services and creating programs to take tens of thousands of homeless calls and mental health calls done in the flip of a switch. it needs careful planning and hiring and training new staff over months if not years. san francisco is currently experiencing a dramatic up surge in murders. homicides up 30% this year. 31an people in san francisco hae been murdered. car thefts up 32%. we need to lease to investigate
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crimes and enforce the law. i strongly urge you to oppose the cuts in the police budget, particularly the academy cuts, but also i want to say that we oppose defunding the sheriff's department. shall we stop the mental health programs in jails? >> thank you for sharing your comments. could you connect us to the next speaker, please? >> hi. i want to remind everyone what that last caller said did not work. we know that. we all know we need to disband the sfpd and the sheriff's office and defund them. we have seen the reforms that end up with people. supervisors in district nine and
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all day long and all night long youu have people from san francisco that demand that you take action and make tangible commitments to cut the sfpd budget. you have failed to listen to the community. you work for the people. you work for black and brown neighbors who continued to be paralyzed by thee police. it is smoke and mirrors budget that doesn't defund the police or fire any officers this year. this i is not just a budget iss. this is real public safety. you have heard of countless heart breaking stories of people threatened. you have heard how violent the police are. i demand you cut the police budget. do t the humane thing. thisev is a several
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hundred-year-old nationwide emergency. stop expressing on twitter. stand up for the community you are supposed to serve. the city budget is the moral value of the community. the people need for real public safety, not the police. defund did sheriff's department and fund the services people need. also, you work for us. the police do, too. we will not continue to take murder an and an and andter terr neighbors. >> next speaker. >> lj johnson. i work at the clinic for transgender youth. i am a member of dph.
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i urge the committee to diverge and invest in care for marginalized community. suicide is the second leading causere of death for lgbtq. is emergency services at san francisco general hospital. my patients are fearful to seek care due to the sheriffs. they have been mistreated and killed. the presence of sheriffs at sf general is a threat to their very lives. sheriffs are unqualified to respond. with two $1 million currently budgeted we could expand programs like emergency response team to provide trauma informed care. we can and must be better. i tell youth i want a world in
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which you are safe andor loved. supervisors you can joinis by funding services to keep our community safe. we need you to follow the leadership of the community. we have beenme marching because our lives depends on it. i join my community in demanding this board invest in the health and safety of our communities. all blackck lives matter. thank you. i yield my time. >> next speaker, please. >> i live in district 8. i am a librarian with the san francisco public library and disaster food worker with the food bank. the staf staff has been deprivef
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information. wet f have had to fight for ppeo fight covid. we have dealt with it. we have had concerns about vulnerability community members and ideas for serving the communities. we keepes showing up. this budget is another step in the wrong direction. it is so disappointing and worrying this fails to adequately support our communities of color who have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. i am disheartened to balance the budget on the backs of city workers. we are currently holding the city together. the city. is and will continue o rely on us during this pandemic and throughout. you have the option to make the changes n needed to support city workers and our communities of
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color. first, into the rainy day funds of $1 million. curtail expensive contracting and granting out. support initiatives to make sure the wealthy corporations pay their fair share to fund public services. lastly, listen to callers. people are asking to reallocate funds toub public services. i hope you will consider how detrimental in budget is to workers and the city at-large. thank you and good night. >> next speaker, please. >> good evening, supervisors. i am dan fetter man, d5. ipolice officers threaten the
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safety and are ineffective. thee. city's money is better spt elsewhere. onexa example. the sfpd traffic enforcement officers ff had drastically enforced traffic violations. eliminate 80 positions and move to an organization that considers equity in theit work. that is a savings to the black and brown communities. that iss one example. community to defund the police and serves. i beg you to have the political will to do so. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> >> i am kj. i am a teacher and resident district 4. i am calling to ask you to listen to your community and
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reject the mayor's budget. we are asking you to defund the police and redistribute that money to those successful at reducingng harm. you can't flip a switch. many organizations in the communities have actually shown success in reducing harm. yet those are the people who are on the line calling and begging for money. we need to spend more on chief nicholson'sss successful ems16. wwe need to fund the fire department. the state is onn fire. we need cost of living raises for front line workers who kept our community safe throughout in pandemic.c. we need to fund libraries and public transportation and mental
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health. workers need ppe. we are askinge you to listen to theun hundreds and do the bare minimum to take away military equipment they are using against my neighbors, your voters. stop buying more tactical gear and escalate violence. we believed you would support the marginalized members of the community who continue to live in the city through the pandemic when most of the wealthy residents fled. the policehe and sheriff's departments are prioritizing the whims and protect property over people and shelter themselves and each other from discipline and reform. i want to tell my students there are public officials they can believe in. >> next speaker, please.
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>> hello. i am calling to ask the supervisors too please adjust te mayor's budget and defund, disarm and disband sfpd. there are so many crisis related to child care and housing and jobs. we need to redirect resources to provide real safety instead of maintaining violence perpetrated by police in the community solutions that are needed to solve the issues. i amhe asking the funds redirecd from sfpd and sheriff's offices go to the black community and agencies thater serve the plaque community not just to general -- thee black community. thank you. i yield the rest of my time. >> next speaker, please.
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>> i live in district 4. i am calling to urge you to defund, disarm and disband the sfpd and sheriff's department. real safety starts with investment in the community. this has not been shown to have any correlation or impact to crime. the study last year found that less than 5% of the police arrests were related to violence. what has beenas proven effective in reducing violence be and harms within the community is access to paysic needs, resources and community programs. continuing to invest in punishment and control harms the community and will not be the change wee need. it is time to divest and focus onoc building community priorits that our communities need to stayd alive and thrive. we need to address inequalities and use the budget to fund
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reparations. not cages. i am urging you to defund, disarm an and disband the police and sheriff'stt departments. you don't vote on over policing and putting black people in harm's way. we need to fire sfpd and sheriff's deputies and eliminate academy classes. invest in black communities. ston prioritizing cops jobs. police don't keep us safe. housing, healthcare and reparations keep us safe. don't invest in cages. do better. thank you. >> i have 61 listeners. 24 in the queue to speak. nextt speaker, please. >>
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>> caller, you are on the line. >> good evening. i am vice president, secretary of the healthcare professionals chapter local 21. i am a very tired city worker. very tired with the events of the last eight weeks. feeling fragile like a bomb, exhausted. ite am 55 years old. if the locusts don't come, i will see 56. i have worked at dph as a contractor. four of those are a city worker. i am not able to retire for six years. that is another talk show.
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however, every day i leave this housend i risk my own health, pre-existing conditions. ii listen to the mayor talk on the news how we essential workers are in the news daily, what a great job we are doing. we go from hero to zero. the mayor believes city workers do not deserve to be compensated for valuable work every day. it is time for twitter and billionaires paying their fair share. we are holding the city together. we have all been impacted in ways we could never imagine. we all owe continuing gratitude and support for the courage and sacrifice of so many. i urge you, board of supervisors, to not pass this budget. our work is not expendable and
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nester are we. honor our contract and do the right thing. thank you. >> next speaker, please. [speaking spanish] >> hi, i am h here to say i need help paying myay bills and my rent. thank yououk very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> i am edith district 11. i am so frustrated by the actions of supervisors and this moment of powerful racial
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justice organizations. the poa is more important than black lives. every program needs more funding. these calls for disarming the police are a not naive. people are lost loved ones and you are reticent to make cuts. people are starving and you are unwilling to take money to fund city's basic needs. we have had enough of your actions. we are calling for ending police brutality. we dream ofre a world where elected officials listen instead of looking at phones. the city that invests in communities. your actions are more important than ever w and people will remember who stood for them in the next election cycle. >> next t speaker, please.
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>> i am a student. i am disappointed at the failures of the mayor and board of supervisors. the proposedth budget cuts publc services. it further criminalizes poverty and people of color. i am calling you on to defund sfpd and fund public services for unhoused people. furthermore do not accept funding from the sfpoa. >> straight from the underground. [ inaudible ]
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>> next speaker, please. >> i am kelly hayes. i live andly work in san francio and reside in district 7. i t am the daughter of a police officer whoho was the presidentf the association. i am joining did others who have spoken to urge you to defund, disarm and disband the sfpd and sheriff m and reinvest in the my organizations we have heard from today for vital work. to prove this budget it looks like you are attempting to place rightfull citizens without helpingpr to provide opportunits for the marginal and vulnerability community members. police reform doesn't change outcomes and police interactions. howw many decades of ineffective
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training must endure while the people ofth color and mentality ill are murdered? to changee the nature of policig we must defund the racist and violent sfpd and reinvest in publicng health, housing, community programs and reparations. these should be a right not a privilege. defunding sfpd and reinvesting in the community won't result in chaos. there is a w better way. reimagine how to achieve a safe, healthy vibrant san francisco. stand up to the poa. listen to constituents. you work for us. blackck lives matter. >> nextt speaker, please. >>
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>> i am march maria. i live in the tenderloin. [ inaudible ] the man who defunded it earlier. [ inaudible ] i will urge you to reject the mayor's budget like other callers. i have been on several calls throughout the past week as we listened to people comment on this issue. you have heard hours of comments. people are passionate and crystal clear that we want you to defund the police and do
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what you can. spend the money on ways to make people a safer and the library. please do what you can. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> >> i am jeff watson. i ami' a resident and voter in n francisco. i am calling to reject the budget as it currently stands. we have been calling for weeks. i can count the number of dissenting voices on one hand. we are staying up late to ask the budget better reflect our values. wepo are to be liberal, able to have the political will to make
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these progressive choices. recently i read an article that our mayor c was going to cut funding by $120 million to the sfpd and sheriff's department. i wasg hoping for more. then i see no more than $27 million in cuts to those two departments. i was ashamed. what happened? programs that eliminate poverty crime. affordable housing programs do that. education funding does that. i like many fellow citizens are callinger on funds to be divertd from the p police and sheriff's department that do not make our communities healthier or safer. they may being our communities healthier andhi safer. i will vote against any supervisor that votes for this budget invi the current form regardless of what else is in theirhe platform in favor of a
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candidate that better supports our values and will vote in accord dance with our interest. i yield my time. >> i have 55 listeners, with 18 in the queue to speak. next speaker. you will be notified your microphone is unmuted. >> >> i am on strike. i have been working in san francisco. i am raising my daughter. [ inaudible ] we need more care for black families.s. we make up less than 2%. in 2018 -- [ inaudibleis ] this year i made the only midwife to be honoreded with the support to develop a family
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program. ilo am black and first generatin american to graduate from u.c.s.f. nursing program. only one graduate nursing program. [ inaudiblem. ] i am currently the only u.c.s.f. black faculty and black provider tock provide care from the beginning of pregnancy to the end of pregnancy to black families. i can't describe the pain of working with black families in prenatal care and touching black and brown babies. on july 8th. i experienced trauma in proximity of t six armed sherif. read myde letter.
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i know longer feel safe to provide healthcare. it is staggering our city has chosen to sanction our hospital. it is imperative to rely on factual decisions. it is most important human safety. reform is notes acceptable. disband the cops. fund mental health, housing. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> >> i am mary in district. on saturday i was defunding sfpd. as we drove through the city we got one finger, sure, they are
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overwhelmed by the onlookers who joined on the way. this is a beautiful reminder overwhelming the people know the police aren't herece to protect and serve us. they would rather protect the interest of privateth property. they know police officers pose a direct and urgent threat to people of color and trans people in the community. theo people of the city know public safety is by ensuring everyone has resources to thrive. housing neighbors in real homes by providing free healthcare and preventing them from getting evicted. paying teachers livable workers and invest in the black and tran communities. the people know that. that is why we filled the streets with thousands led by the youth yelling that black livesd matter and defund the police. westst protest week after week.
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the publicee comments are longer than ever before. people of the city believe in defunding sfpd and the sheriff's department this year. supervisorrv ronen and fewer and president yeend we need you to e brave and stand up to the p.l.a. the city wants to defund police they will remember how you respond. as you it is in the seat, is what you are going to do with the power. who are you moving it for? thank you. >> next c speaker, please. >> >> hello. i grew up san francisco. i liveal in district 7 and workn san francisco. when i was 16-year-olds a was tackled by a police officer and sent to juvenile hall for the crime of sleeping on public property an resisting arrest. after myju family was evicted in
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district 5. the police are a terrorist organization. the citys policies derailed my life. age 29 i have a ged and working for a degree. where you you may being cuts to u.c.s.f. andnd not police. we need to fire sfpd officers. their jobs do knot matter more than the people who pay tax dollars.s. racism is not just watching people die. they are being harassed and traumatized. we are demanding you evaluate the impact policing has on the lives of police. it is not acceptable to respond to morepo than 20 hours of publc comment saying police threaten our safety. they are attacking and killing us. hillary ronen, you should have
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advocated. norman yee i live in your district. your constituents are afraid of police and will hard to unseat you if you do noto fire police. we are pushing because you are threatening our safety. you heard from many community organizations and essential workers, members of black and transcommunities that need funds. it is not acceptable to ignore them. you deserve no congratulations. wehe are being attacked and murdered. >> next speaker, please. we have 54 listeners and 16 in the queue. >> [ inaudible ]
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i am nina, resident of district 1. it is calming to hear these comments. democracy is in danger from the federal level. i want to believe in the importance of public comment and the elected representatives will listen to constituents. listening to everything saying beautiful stories tonight, and it is very clear what we are demanding. i hope from the bottom of our heart you listen to that. black lives matter movement is the largest in the country. demands are very clear. i encourage you to deny this budget, defund, disarm and defund. redistribute to those in meed during this crisis. i am talking about transgender residents with housing, food,
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mental health, addition and child care and purchasing personal protective equipment for essential health workers who have been completely with lack of protection. i have been volunteering with the food bank and saddened by ththe number of residents withot needs met. i am concerned about the budget that put police in schools, libraries and hospitals. these are places with at risk populations that need social workers and support and not to be harassed by police and locked up. putting police in public places will keep back and brown communities safe. i yield my time. >> next speaker, please.
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>> i live in district 3. i am calling to reject the mayor's budget. if you know better than the many san francisco residents who called in to voice experiences and demands or if you fear the ire of the sfpd, keep wringing your hands. the current budget has taken money from social services. it is the only human choice to cut funds. invest in constituents, not the institution that threatens them with violence. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> >> i am jeremy. district nine. i have been in and out of the call listening to members of the
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community. i ask you to reject the mayor's budget and make the substantial cuts to the sfpd and the sheriff's office. hohow sad is it to want neighbos for the neighbors. supervisor fewer you are worried of the jobs of officers color? why are the first to go black and brown. inclusion was an afterthought and pr stunt. representation is of little value here. diverse police force doesn't need to reduce police violence. black and brown folks are to ken. have you not been listening today. it provides for people. we have had the audacity to keep this going for the past month
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forcing working class people to find the time to participate in this public comment. one day you could spend the time on taking care of themselves. folks have called in speaking of being supported by dcdo. you are not taking care of your neighbors. you are causing them harm and leaving them to fend for themselves. you leave the work to be done by the regular constituents. hundreds of callers and nonprofit organizations and essential workers, salaries in jeopardy as auyou balance the budget on their backs. what i hear today is that they aren't calling to speak up for the people they service. they are now needing to call for themselves. this solidifies all systematic this is. don't let it be lost that the work is duband where to cut the sfpd and who to reinvest city
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dollars. >> next speaker, please. >> i am gabriel, district five. i am urging you to defund the sfpd and sheriff's department this year. please reject the mayor's budget and insist on a budget to redirect taxpayer money to improve the living conditions in our city. housing, healthcare, education, mental health and addiction support. we don't need more police. we need a different approach. we need to disband, disarm and eliminate the need for police in the city in the first place. we don't trust the police. we want to trust our mayor and supervisors. we are relying on you to trust us. we tell you to reject this budget and defund the sfpd and
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i am erica patrick district 8. i have lived here for just over 10 years now. i worked at family resource centers with youth and children since i moved here. working with families and youth impacted by domestic violence and child abuse is part of my work. there are numerous horror stories from clients interacting with police. they have been victims. they were hit on or sexually harassed and wrongfully arrested as perpetrator when they were the victim. i am asking as many of the callers are asking as well for you to not approve the mayor's budget and divest from the police. callers advocated for family resource centers. i truly believe in the value of
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community-based work and i have seen the impact in helping the community. this is not an issue of hiring more cops that would not solve the rashist institutions. in a recent article in february. showing the sfpd completed 16% of 272 recommendations for reform by the d.o.j. a city worker came forward with racism in the department after teaching anti bias classes for officers for more than two years. this is not an issue, it is a form. callers are constantly saying we need to pull back money from this institution operated from a point of trauma, racism and perpetuating that and fear as opposed to safety. they are not peace officers. this is an institution that is maintaining the protection of
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property and devaluing property. >> thank you. >> i live in district 8 and work in public health. i am echoing the constituents. please defund sfpd. the presence of police no matter how they look carries the weight of trauma for those targeted since the inception. police kill, terrorize and fail to help in particular black people, unhoused people, people who use drugs, victims of violence, queer people. police show up on the scene. their presence strikes terror. they do not keep us safe.
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they do not prevent harm. do not contribute to culture of community care. the investment in continuing this institution responsive for so much trauma demonstrates lack of imagination. we do not suggest this support. a cut of 5% is insult. no more money towards community policing. this kindder form of violence. no more money on programs for community trust of police. this is a contradiction. abusive relationship, time to redistribute funds to organizations in community be based coalitions where this trust exists. defund sfpd and the sheriff's department. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> i am a member of the democratic socialists of
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america. district 6. tomorrow is my birthday. it would be a great birthday present to cut the sfpd. someone said a cut of 5 to 7% is really just symbolic. we need so much more. please defund the police and defund means double digit percentage cut. thank you. >> next speaker, please. yoyou will be notified your line is unmuted. >> hello. thank you very much for being here don't. i am thomas robert simpson, 36 year resident of san francisco. i work in san francisco. i am a member of the san
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francisco black organization coalition and in agreement with the points of mega black wall street and al lies. san francisco has an opportune time to make good and uphold the principles of black lives matter movement. we know you have a large task of balancing the budget. i request that you give urgent consideration to the need of the black community. in particular, i enthusiastically support redirecting $120 million from sfpd to the needs of the community. over the past few months. hundreds of members met to prioritize where to target these funds. i implore you to hear our voices, accept our ideas and he'd to the priorities that resulted from a wide range of input from the community. i wholeheartedly ask you take
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action to begin to remedy the years of neglect, dislocation, under education, disparity and the myriad of public yields the black community has endured. i mention sfpd. i urge you to work closely with san francisco office of racial equity to hold all departments accountable to ending current racial disparities that exist in our great city. as a member of the fabulous arts and culture community, i especially ca ask you to pay special attention to the funding that exists within that department. thank you very much.
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beginning of the george floyd protests, i was in a peaceful protest that was led by black and brown people. and there were all these cops there, and they kept rising and rising until they outnumbered us 2:1. and they had motorcycles and riot gear, and they got paid overtime. and the next day, cops converged on a handful of peaceful protesters sitting on the ground, and they got overtime pay. we just listened to a nurse describe how her workload has been increasing, and she's been spending all of her time contact tracing, and she barely gets paid for it. we have just listened to all of the people help the people of san francisco survive this pandemic begging for money for health care, for rent, and
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instead, we are paying cops overtime to intimidate the citizens of san francisco. if this is what it's like for us, what is it like for black and brown people? why are we spending money on this in our budget? supervisor mandelman, supervisor ronen, i live at the intersection of your districts. i know people who call cops on the homeless, and, you know, rather if we had sweeps, it would be great if we spend that money -- spent that money on drug assistance and finding them a home. if you pass this budget, that is what we would have to achieve. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> good evening. my name is maria, and i am a [inaudible] i am also a social worker at a city shelter who struggles with child care. unfortunately, my child care provider closed, and we've been struggling to make sure that my son has his education that he needs. so i have to wait until the weekends when my son needs to continue learning, so we need to expand opportunities for child care providers. child care is one way for our economy to recover. [inaudible] as a priority, to fund more p.p.e. support for
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black and brown children so san francisco can be saved, and reinstate [inaudible] health care needs help to recover and to get it to where we want it to be. thank you so much. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. you'll have two minutes. you'll be notified that your line has been unmuted, and you may begin your comments. hello. you've been unmuted. hello, caller? okay. we'll give him another chance. we'll circle back. let's take the next speaker,
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please. >> hello. my name is sean titus. i'm a resident of d-9, and like many others calling in, i'm demanding that you defund the police department. yes, this means laying off police officers. i heard some concerns from others in the committee about laying off officers, and i just want to talk about that a little bit. i understand that no one wants to see people losing their jobs. why is there so much hesitation laying off officers who are harming the community they actually serve? if you haven't been convinced by the hundreds of others sharing their experiences and that policing is harmful, i don't know what to say. the b.l.a., their time has
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passed, and i'll spend an insane amount of time making sure that they lose. cancel the last academy class. why don't we use the money to keep public employees who don't carry a gun on their jobs or one of the others set to be cut that we've identified. i've heard chief scott talking about how they reduce use of force in the city. i took a look at the data. sfpd points their guns at someone has decreased, but the number of times that they've struck somebody has increased. that's not real change. i don't want cops to shoot me or beat me up. i would prefer neither.
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any way, you know the deal. take the money away from the cops and put it to those that need it. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good evening. peter warfield here, executive director library users association. in doing any allocation for the library which actually serves everyone, we ask you to review how the library uses some of that money, and that's because the library is not providing even basics. it is a husk providing what it used to provide. i might say that a lot of workers are working other jobs. just last week, we were told that 15 of 27 branches would be commandeered for other uses. providing children is a worthy
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goal, but it should not be done at the cost of libraries to all. plans for the next round of openings for september 1 include only four more library locations. that's less than a quarter of the locations nearly six months from initial closure. there's no plan for recovery after vaccines. there's no plan for providing any newspapers or magazines. no new york times, no nation, atlantic, etc. there should be much more provided to people who don't have internet access from home. this is suffered by minorities, poor, and the elderly. improvement should not just be getting folks connected, but
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providing them materials that they can access now. in fact, the amount of of -- >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. you'll have two minutes. >> supervisors, tonight, i'm calling, echoing the rest of the presenters, calling to defund, disarm, the militaryized and violent polan. we can't afford to cut our schools. we can't afford to cut our nurses. this is the middle of a
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pandemic. the thing we can't afford to do, the jobs that are -- are absolutely expendable in our society are the brutally violent oppressors beating us senseless for absolutely no discernible reason. there's no reason to send violent thugs to disrupt people's gatherings. there's absolutely reason to pay our teachers. our board of supervisors and mayor is showing their values, though. they're defunding education while funding the oppression.
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sandra lee fewer, i know these comments have been seeking you in some way. if it's a nurse's job or a policeman, or a teacher's job or a policeman, our community is begging you to stop beating us by thugs of police. pick one of those professions to save. pick one of those lives that matters, and stop prioritizing -- >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. it looks like we have 44 listeners, and we have eight in queue. >> hi. i am a resident in district 8, and several months ago,
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representatives of alexandra o o'cascio cortez made a point. i live in a tiny community with no police presence. but i had 100% positive experience in my town. i went to a very well funded public school. people back home ask me what living in the bay city is like. [inaudible] and they're having the same conversations over there right now. all the time, funding communities isn't some sort of
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impossible dream. the money is there for kids in the bay area to have the same experience as wealthy areas. bay area has received in indescribably vast amounts of money in the past decades, and it's time we put it where it can be used. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm audrey benson from district 9. i'm calling in -- i think you guys never have heard this before, but i'm wondering if you guys could defund the police? any ways, i want you guys to defund the police, and i've got a few things that i want you guys to fund.
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first off, hiv subsidies. if you could give $1 million to that, that would be really cool? people with hiv are disproportionately affected by homelessness, having the fourth highest level of homelessness in the city. another thing you could invest that in is shelter for the lgbtq community, so $400,000 to jazzy's place, started in 2015 and first shelter dedicated to the lgbtq community. lastly, if you could please fund supervised construction site. san francisco stepped up at the beginning of the aid epidemic when many others didn't care, and we need to be at the forefront of treating people
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with respect and honoring their values. i yield the rest of my time. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. when you hear your line is unmuted, you may begin your comments. >> hello, supervisors. i'm a resident of district 10. i'm asking you to defund the sfpd and sheriff's departments. i'm asking you to cut their budgets deeper than you discussed on friday so we can invest in things that keep us safe. according to the sfpd's only reporting last year, police officers committed an average use of force against san franciscans five times every day. you're telling us that the 250 police officers are worth more than what you say you want to keep us safe for.
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the health care that we need is more important than ever, funding the reparations that we talk about, please divest from sfpd and sheriff's department and invest in the communities. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for calling. we have 44 listeners with nine in queue. next speaker, please. >> good evening, supervisors. my name is margaret cho, member of local 21. i'm a legal assistant with the san francisco public defender's office and [inaudible] thank you for your time and did evot to the city. [inaudible] i'm here to express shock that you're now being
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asked to choose between our jobs and our ability to survive in the bay area. if i am unable to afford the cost of living in the bay area [inaudible] it's time for this change of 1 billion of funds for city workers will help build the fund. we are already cut to the bone. in order to survive this pandemic, you need workers to survive in the bay area to continue delivering services. there should be no more cuts to services. let us continue serving the public during this pandemic,
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and as you say we are your heros, then invest in us. don't choose to cut frontline workers. if you really do want to cut, you should be cutting managers, since they make exponentially more than the average worker, and the city has an excessive amount of managers who make an exorbitant salary. this is the city and county of san francisco, a government that is run by the people for the wonderful people of san francisco. they shouldn't be taking pay cuts. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi. this is martin leno, calling from district 5. i just want to share my disappointment in the board. this is probably the most progressive board that we've
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ever had, and the fact that they aren't taking the cuts to the police as significant and really starting to have that conversation, rather than having violence being the option for how we enforce our laws here in san francisco. it's very disappointing, so i'm going to keep my comments short. please defund the sfpd, and start that now, during this budget process, not in the future. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello. my name is donna, and i work and live in san francisco, in district 2? i'd like to thank those of you who are on the board of supervisors who are brave enough to propose real significant cuts to defund, disband, and disarm sfpd, a budget where officers actually
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get fired. for the rest of you, i know it seems like the easy, safe thing to do is to approve the insignificant reduction for the current proposed budget. maybe you think passing the budget while posting a performative message on social media that you support black lives matter and george floyd, but it's not enough. we all see you. 10,000 of us came up to protest against police. thousands of us have made public comment over the last several months, demanding that sfpd be disbanded and defunded. the aclu came out and said the current system of policing is broken and needs to be defunded. i just want you to know that everyone in my universe, all my friends, my family, my neighbors, my co-workers, all of them think san francisco police department should be defunded. it's not even a close call. so while you may have heard a
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ton of people make public comment, even more of san francisco agrees with what we are demanding. san francisco police department is one of the highest paid least effective departments in the nation. let's start making real changes and stop paying a brutal organization that terrorizes our community. please listen to those who voted for you. please listen to san francisco. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi. my name is vincent, and i'm a resident of district 10, and i think we all realize at this point that police cannot provide public safety, and that includes you, board of supervisors. [inaudible] i've heard it said
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about liberals that liberals are only interested [inaudible] so i want to ask all of you supervisors on this call, is this you? are you just going to ignore black lives matter? i'm here asking you along with other people to object the mayor's stroke of the budget and vote for a measure that defunds the police. fund muni, fund the libraries, fund health care, fund housing for the unhoused, but defund sfpd. take away their academy classes, take away their toys, take away their horses, take away their motorcycles. take away everything. thank you for your time. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. currently, there are six callers in the queue, and i just wanted to remind those of
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you who have not already done so, please press star, three to enter the queue and raise your hand. next speaker, please. >> hi. can you please let me know if you can hear me? >> clerk: yes, we can hear you. >> okay. hi. this is sher from district 6. can i get a quick nod from the supes if you agree with defunding the police. supervisor fewer, you've been trying to cut the sfpd's budget for years. we want you to know that we support that. supervisor ronen, you're ready
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to layoff. we are, too. we support you. supervisor yee, prop e was just one step. the next step, police have to be disarmed, defunded, and then disbanded. go ahead and cancel that next class that you have scheduled for january. go ahead and fund the library and housing for the unhoused. go ahead and do what we're asking. i yield the rest of my time. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, supervisors. this is debbie lerman from the san francisco human services network. it seems very surreal that only six months ago, we were looking towards a san francisco budget with new programs for housing, homelessness, mental health, child care, and more, and our nonprofits had hopes that the city would invest in the capacity of our underfunded
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sector, and the opportunity to provide or workers with more liveable and equitable wages. then covid-19 hit, and it devastated our economy and our budget, and now thousands of our residents are sick or out of work. but as they always do, our community based nonprofits stepped up to fill the need. every day, thousands of essential nonprofit workers risk their health to bring health and human services to every single person in needs, but every single nonprofit is facing a budget cost because of the elimination of any cost of doing business increase in the budget. flat funding is a cut. without it, service providers have to absorb increases in rent, health insurance, food, covid related costs, and other insulationary expenses. and without it, we have no chance to give our workers the raises they need and so well deserve. since march, i've heard so many city leaders express their
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appreciation for our nonprofits, and it is time to put our money where our mouths are. our nonprofits need a 3% increase in cost of doing busine business. [inaudible] and other departments, divest funds from law enforcement to support services and economic justice for the black community and support the asks of the budget justice coalition. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> hi, supervisors. my name is [inaudible] and i've been an s.f. resident for ten years. [inaudible] the sfpd claims to solve problems, but we all know
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people. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> hi. my name is pep peppers, and i am a resident of district 10, and i live a few blocks away from where mario was murdered by the sfpd. just want to reiterate what everybody else has said tonight. the people have spoken, and we urge you to defund, disarm, and disband the sfpd. we heard you say that black lives matter, we need a budget this year, not next year that fires p.d. officers, fires sheriff's deputies, and cuts academies. police don't keep us safe. housing, health care, education, and reparations keep us safe.
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invest in people and community and help build lasting public safety for all of us. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> my name is alice, and i'm a black woman living in district 6. between the sfpd and sheriff's office, san francisco is wasting $6 million. the facts and the evidence show that police are a dangerous to our communities, and the only way to end that trauma is to end the number of interactions that we have with police officers. we can't lose more lives just waiting and wishing and hoping that police officers stop being racist. every time you fund the sfpd, you are placing their officers
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over black peoples' lives and preserve a system that alarms us. what does it mean about what you think? what does it mean that black people don't matter to you? clearly, we are the people of san francisco. we hold the power, and our collective power will not be denied. we are demanding that you fire officers, fire sheriff's deputy does, and eliminate academy classes and cut overtime. y'all better get to fucking work. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi, supervisors. my name is darius, and i live in district 6. i work at a bar in the tenderloin, and i see on a daily basis how sfpd treats tenderloin community members, especially people of color and
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members of the lgbtq community? san francisco has a chance to take steps to be a true and equitable city by making cuts to the sfpd budget and funding communities. i urge you to defund the sfpd and sheriff's department. we've heard you say that black lives matter, so use your power and do something. this is my fourth time calling in this month. fire sfpd officers, fire sheriff's departments, and invest in measures that keep us safe, like housing, health care, education, and reparations. thank you, and i yield my time. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> operator: madam clerk, that is the last caller. >> supervisor fewer: okay. thank you very much. public comment --
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>> operator: i'm sorry. there's one that just came on. >> clerk: hello, caller. >> hi. so i just want to say that 12 hours of public comment, i'm sure you're all tired. we are all very tired of this situation. we're tired of you guys not listening to us. i, like the people before me, are asking you to please not approve this budget. i have gone to so many public comments this month, and i don't know what else you want us to do to be taken seriously? haven't we made what we want abundantly clear? what excuses are you going to make to avoid doing what has to
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be done? i agree with the words that -- that everyone has been saying, calling to defund the police and fund services, so i just want to end the night off with a song. ♪ i can't hear my brother crying, i can't leave. now i'm in the struggle, and i can't leave, calling out the violence of these racist police, we ain't going to stop until our people are free. we ain't going to stop until our people are free ♪ >> clerk: thank you for your comments. are there any other speakers? >> hello?
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can you hear me? >> clerk: yes, we can hear you. you have two minutes. >> good evening, supervisors, and thank you for your endurance. my name is bonnie gilliam, and i have worked for the san francisco recorder's office since 1995. i'm a third generation san franciscan and a third generation union member, starting with my grandfather, who organized a local, as well. all of us have been deeply affected by this pandemic, and we all know that you have difficult decisions to make. these difficult decisions are affecting all of us. personally, my family's restaurant at point lolo
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decided to permanently close its doors during the pandemic, a legacy small business employer. when third generation families can't maintain a living, businesses, or reside in san francisco, we are losing parts of our history and culture, but more importantly, our future generations. it's hard to imagine new san franciscans can even begin to take seed without a ladder from those that came before them. the new san francisco that future generations, future employees, will be far and few if you, the board of supervisors, don't standup to make this city budget a budget for all. i'm asking to really look into each department's proposed budget with the lens of maintaining city services. please look into pet projects and those contract projects that are not started earlier or
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>> hi. my name is trina, and i live in district 8. i have been disappointed about how you all at the board of supervisors have handled this budget. as a resident of the mission district, i have seen how the police department has constantly been unable to keep people safe. i would like to be able to call a number to keep people safe, a number that doesn't lead to sfpd coming in to take care of situations like the unhoused. i would love to be able to call a number to help women and indigenous to keep them safe, and a number that doesn't involve sfpd coming on
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