tv Health Service Board SFGTV September 17, 2020 9:00pm-12:01am PDT
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outside of their control. and especially in light of the pandemic and how to stay protected against the virus further exacerbated by poor air quality and the coming seasons that will risk lives. this is absolutely urgent. the current definition of vulnerable based on age doesn't recognize the no difference for in house people compared to those who are housed including respiratory, cardiac, multisystem, conditions, and functional impairments. in addition to the chronic stressors, food insecurity and the mental health impacts that they are experiencing daily. ucsf shows that unsheltered individuals experienced conditions at rates that are on par with housing individuals 20 years or older. this appropriately defines vulnerable at age 45 rather than 60 for those who are unhoused and enabling them to access services that as a physician i know are desperately needed to address the preventible health disparity. this could potentially impact the neighbors during the pandemic and also improve longer
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we don't count all the homeless people. then you want to make an age difference. it is not about age. this is the mentally challenged and physically challenged and people who have ailments, young people, 15, 16 years old. that are die betting i, on the street, dying. and going to wait until they are 65 years old to give them son benefits? come on, san francisco. you say that you are leading. we are not leading like the lady
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said. other than one of the comments that you made. they opened up hotel rooms in august. why? because they want fema to pay for it. i'm going to sit by fema because i have some influence by there. you will not do that unless you make that list. >> thank you very much for your comments, mr. decosta. next caller please. >> good afternoon. as someone who has worked with the unsheltered neighbors and the impact of this is worse than anything else that i have seen so far.
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the feeling of abandonment is pervasive and how it can impact what makes them vulnerable. the rumor went around that there was going to be hotel rooms. i had to say, i don't know, i hope it's soon. by weeks four, five, six, people started to realize the rooms weren't going to be for them. the mood in every neighborhood plummeted. people already felt abandoned by their community. this is a with the other
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stresses and to die by their own community. and appreciate what the doctor said about knowing our lens and our focus. and when you tie of an overdose, they are so dead. when you die of a heart attack, you are still dead. and the pervasive sense is driving some of those deaths. next caller please. >> caller: this is joe wilson, executive director of hospitality house. i appreciate the committee's
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work on this and having this hearing and we see every day the ravages of homelessness and poverty and the toll it takes on our community. as a formerly homeless person, i have to say it is extremely disappointing that 35, 36 years i had to stand in line to get shelter to avoid dying on the street. several decades later, homeless people are still standing in line waiting to die. this insis the answer on data is -- this insistence on data is
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76% are age 50 years or younger. 60% are under age 40. how much more information do we need to take action? that level of density to a younger and younger age group that also means, frankly, driven purely by economics, that group is the fema cases. so let someone explain to us why they are not. when a certain point, medicine has to be fuelled by no do no harm. and living on the street is harmful for people. it is doing them harm. we know all the information that we need to act. their immune systems are comprised by stress. dr. borne knows this.
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>> thank you very much for your comments mr. wilson. next caller please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. thank you so much, supervisor preston, for introducing this. and thank you, chair mar, for having this item on the agenda. i am just listening to discussion and shook my head in disbelief. the person who has argued against the legislation is saying the criteria for priority treatment and given sick hotels to the homeless should be based on rates and ethnicity and not the age. well, i should remind this lady that it's not like we have done anything for the people of color who are homeless in this city. we're not treating them any better and in fact, this is the city that has just totally forgotten about its homeless.
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so my question to this person is, what have you done for the people of color who happen to be homeless? this is a no brainer. people who are out on the street, they tend to age much faster. it is not a san francisco thing. it's a worldwide. i urge anyone including the lady arguing against this to spend one week on the street and see how much she is going to age. this is not a matter of kambuccha or holistic healing and whatnot. most people don't have access to the luxury items that person people's health care insurance will provide. so the best that we should do is look at the situation and realize that the most practical thing is to have people housed especially in the mid of the pandemic, and it is a no brainer that people on the street age
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faster. if you go through the scan, and age at 60, 65. so how about that for evidence-based medicine? please, support this legislation, supervisors, because that -- >> thank you for your comments. next us to the next speaker please. >> caller: hi, supervisors. my name is micah and i am a resident in district one. and i would like to thank and just feel the support for expanding the definition of vulnerable communities. i think the question of how much does the city value the lives of people who have been unsheltered by the structural system in the city and in the country. i feel like that's the question at the heart of this debate and
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i urge supervisors to really think about how much they're willing to fight for the folks in our communities on the street. so please support this resolution. thank you. >> thank you very much for your comments. connect us to the next caller please. >> hi. this is renae and i am a resident of district five. i want to echo what everyone else has been saying in support of this legislation. and it is just unconscionable that we have the smoke-filled skies and covid epidemic and even in the ideal conditions that we have so many people on the street and so many empty hotels and residential units that aren't -- just sitting
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there. so that is all i had to say. thank you. >> thank you very much for your comments. are there any further speakers? >> that completes the queue. >> thank you. public comment is now closed. but thanks again, supervisor preston, for sponsoring this very important measure and i like to move we recommend this to the full board. supervisor preston, do you have any furthering remarks? >> supervisor: chair mar, i want to recognize the entire committee has really been so active since the start of shelter in place. and every one of the supervisors on this committee in advocating
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to change this sort of zero sum game mentality. when i hear the analogy that doctor talking about the doctor with the heart or the lung, and which to give someone. i think we need to recognize that the analogy here would be a doctor who has plenty of hearts and lungs to choose from and yet goes to the patient and says, you can only have one. that's what we're looking at. we as a city could be doing more, should be doing more, you all on this committee have been leaders in that. the board has made this clear. and i think that the final thing i just really want to emphasize is the timing here because we are in a season where we are on the verge of more and more people as we follow the current path and the plans of the administration being moved into congregate settings. and when we start to deal with
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rain and winter and more and more people with the additional outreach and the broader definition. if we don't do those things and go into hotels, we will have more and more people in congregate and we know from the public health department and the public health officer that increased dramaticcally the likelihood of having outbreaks of covid-19. thank you, chair mar, for the time on this important item? >> mr. clerk, please call roll.
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[roll call vote taken] mr. chair, there are three aye's. >> thank you. agenda item 8 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to subject dwelling units at midtown park apartments a residential development owned by the city and county to the residential rent stabilization and arbitration ordinance and making findings pursuant as required by the california tenant protection act of 2019. members of the public who wish to provide public comment should call the public comment number 415-65 # a-0001 and enter the meeting i.d. that is 14 146 706 3442. press the pound symbol and star
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3 to enter the queue to speak. please wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted which will be the time to begin your comments. mr. chair? >> thank you, mr. clerk. thank you for sponsoring this important measure as well. the floor is yours. >> i am speaking to provide rent stabilization to the longtime tenants in district five and this is a lock-standing issue in our district and of significance across the city. so i will start with background in context with midtown and
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discuss the amendments i plan to introduce today that have been circulated to committee members. mid soun park apartments dates back to 1967 and created as replacement housing who lost their homes in the notorious redevelopment era. it was in many ways an admission by the city that dwomd caused tremendous damage and that complex was seen as a way in part to redress the injustice and displacement of the redevelopment era.
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addresses and changes what we believe is the unshare results to deny the benefit of rent control. i will say that as an aside that the city made decisions and is unusual and in the past and to roll them back and there are many reasons for that and at the end of the day it is not possible and despite a with the
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legislation as introduced many months ago provided to roll back and the tenant who is occupy the units and base rent would be set to the time of may 1, 2014. and would be subject to allowable increases and would be excite led to a credit for that amount in april, my office met with a number of stake holders
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and the with what became clear is certains a peblths needed to be adjusted to avoid unintended consequences and describe the amendments which directly address the concerns. to aplay the roll back would stand to benefit a majority of the midtown tenants and those who had the increases. so their rent decrease and to reset their rent is the last thing and nothing to do would require an inq3s and make clear
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that they would pursue the increases on the lowest income residents at midtown and we are proposing alternative model as part of the amounts, our amendments instead provide tenants with a choice. their rent is set at the 2014 amount with allowable rent increases in the intervening time period is what we call the rent control option or choose to calculate with the flexibility and stability and predictability to the mayor's office or future
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owner of midtown. there were concerns with what happens with a sudden and traditional rent control does not provide explicit tools for adjusting down the rent in such an event. for tenant who is initially elect the rent control path under our ordinance, we wanted to make sure in that unlikely but possible situation with a big shift over to the percentage and is essentially an opt-out of rent control that they can do once at some pint in the future as they need, to and the amendments provide
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the flexibility to avoid unintended consequences. the second main concern that was expressed to the office regarding the original version that they could interfere with the certification that may be necessary for certain tax credit and financing options in the future. in response we also are proposing an amendment who choose that path, they are no longer required to income certify and in the event they
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need information for an application to secure financing for state or federal funds that they can demand the information and would be required to provide for informational purposes but not for calculation of rent and determining eligibility to be at midtown and most importantly doesn't preclude the city from having access to all financing tools. finally, it is pointed out by mopd that this would significantly lower our proposal to lower midtown availability to cover costs and this is not an issue we speak to resolve
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through amendments today and will not too so and the majority are african-americans and many others who are immigrants and many other communities of color. the city needs to step up and make midtown thrive now and well into the future and we also believe the estimated costs are overstated. this brings me back to midtown history and the very existence of this complex is an attempt to right the wrongs of the redevelopment past with a mixed record and called midtown home for generations and to impose
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massive rent hikes and we hope this will go a long way to rectifying the situation. to the extent there are costs we need to invest in midtown, we are living in a moment where so many people and the country are taking to the street demanding our leaders recognize not only the black lives matter but that black homes matter. we need to address the racial injustices of the past. i am hopeful with the leadership that we start a new chapter at midtown in which the edesires of the tenants of midtown are centered and rent hikes were imposed and the entire plan to demolish midtown was advanced.
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unconscionablely in my opinion without the support of midtown residents who had to organize for years to defeat and hopefully we are entering into a new era where the city can rebuild trust with the community. in closing i just want to thank the midtown tenants association and all the residents who meet quickly and have been very much involved in every step of this complex legislation and i appreciate their organizing determine to stop the demolition of midtown to force the city to abandon the misguided plan. again and again you fought not just for yourself but a better future for all the residents of
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midtown which is so important to our city. so thank you mr. chair and as i said, i believe the amendments are substantive and require the item to be heard again at your next meeting. >> thank you, supervisor preston, for all of your work on this legislation and the amendments that were brought forward today to stabilize rent and support midtown community. i do want to know that we do have -- colleagues, we do have mocd director shaw and other staff available to answer questions and we also have nick menard and actually, nick, can you present on your fiscal analysis? >> yes. and hello, supervisors.
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nick menard from the budget office that amends chapter 37 of the administrative code to make midtown apartments owned by the city subject to residential rent stabilization and overall this will lower the project total rent collected as we say on page five of the report. the estimated increase of the operating subsi diwould be $550,000 a year. and this is just looking at the legislation that is immediately before you and not the amendment that supervisor preston is eluding to. we did have two recommendations and one is to request clarification from mohcd and the rent board on how the proposed ordinance would impact tenant rents. tenants that are temporarily relocated there with the permanent residence under construction and request clarification on how the proposed changes would apply to the background owed by certain midtown tenants and other wise consider this a policy matter for the board.
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>> a thank you so much, nick. >> supervisor: before we go to public comment and i believe there are a number of members of the public who will be commenting on this item. >> supervisor: i do. thank you, supervisor preston, and thank you to the tenants at midtown apartments who have been organized and treated very unfairly during this process by the city. just so i understand it, so for units that are owned by the city, we have the power to by ordinance place those units within the explicit requirements of the rent control ordinance. are there any limitations to
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you take an affordable housing model and allow for protections and plot that on a place where people either were rent controlled or thought they were rent controlled tenant and that raised issues and complications and we worked through that and did legislation and supervisor peskin made clear tenants weren't losing the protections even if you overlaid affordable housing. honestly, colleagues, if midtown had been build in 2014 and everyone had come in we wouldn't have that problem and that's a shift in people with rent control protection to another
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program. many protections of rent control exists in the program for example eviction protections, you don't need the rent board and frankly there's more loopholes in the rent control that allow people to be protected so in some cases the rental housing is stronger and you can't just assume the program authorized or operated by the city would have protections that are as strong and there's exclusions for city-owned property but there's nothing i'm aware of and the city attorney can correct me if i'm wrong but there's nothing from limiting that exception and saying in certain circumstances we're going to extend all to
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something that is city owned. >> thank you, we appreciate that. >> chair, i just wanted to clarify and something we brought up after reviewing the proposal we have discussed this estimate of revenue dropping by an estimated $550,000. i just want to clarify that so there are many vacant units, right now 22 in midtown, 17 are being used for temporary relocation from other projects the one in district 5 tenants are temporarily being relocated. when we look at the balance, i
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believe no revenue is on the balance sheet for that. in other words, if you look at 22 units and the revenue off of that that would more than make up were those units rented out would make up for the 550,000 but regardless event if there wasn't direct payment and this is saving the city money, it would otherwise have to be paying for temporary re-location. i want the public and if you can clarify that'd be great but i want the public to understand that we're advocating we have to do it regardless of the cost, the cost is not necessarily the full 550,0$550,000 because of t revenue potential as well as to the benefits 17 units that are provided aren't reflected in the
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annual count. >> through the chair, i don't we looked at the existing rent the estimate is based on what people are paying right now and how that would change. it doesn't take in to account that. >> and that's consistent with our discussions that the current revenue versus expenses does not reflect any revenue or benefits the city is getting by using the temporary housing at midtown on those 17 units. just wanted to identify that. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor peskin for that verification. why don't we go to public comment. mr. clerk, are there any callers on the line for this. >> operations checking to see if we have callers in the queue.
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let us know if any callers are ready. for those who already connected via phone press star followed by 3 to be add to the queue to speak. for those already in the queue wait until you're prompted to begin and you'll hear a prompt that your line has been unmuted that will be your opportunity to provide your comment. for those watching the meeting on cable 26 or streaming link or did the org if you wish to call in follow the instructions on your screen by dialing 1-415-655-0001 entering today's meeting i.d. when prompted which is 146 706 3442, push the pound twice and enter the queue to speak. do we have any callers?
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thank you. >> thank you for your comments. please connect the next caller, please. >> i'm from a local grassroots organization our city san francisco. currently one of our tasks is to fight the biggest worse landlord in san francisco that's veritas and what has struck me an organizer watching the fight over midtown is how the city and county acted as a bad landlord and this helps change that. the other comment is to the substance of the item itself and
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that's rent control. we hear what if some of the people who live in the town suddenly get huge incomes. what about that. what people need to understand is what your income is irrelevant it's the policy just like with security -- social security and they get it and understand it and defend it. we need to get to that objective of all rent control so everyone has it and respects and protects it. if that were to happen a lot of people would change their head about rent control. it's is an important measure that needs to be passed. thank you.
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[indiscernible] thank you. >> thank you very much for your comments. mr. cooper the next caller, please. >> good afternoon, this is ross vipperini. i want to register my support for supervisor preston's rent stabilization ordinance. midtown is owned about the city and in effect city hall and the board of supervisors are the landlords and i believe the ordinance is a critical fail safe in stablizing the rent procedures while there is still
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consideration for the original promise of midtown. 50 years ago midtown was designed to become a housing cooperative so this diverse population of working class and predominantly black res departments would be home owners and the rent paid off the mortgage such as the time when i was supervisor and the office intervened and advocated we modernize affordable home owner strategies for cooperative housing but that faced stiff resistance from two mayors who had different designs for midtown. the story is midtown were heroes for decades before their mortgage note was satisfied and the reason it endured so well and effectively without assistance from city hall was the community and board of directors. we fought hard during our period in district 5 to see if we can return back to that original promise, which i encourage
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current city hall administration does. in the meantime, i think this ordinance from supervisor preston is important and deserves our wholehearted support. thank you. >> thank you very much for your comments. next caller, please. >> good afternoon, this is milton beltran calling from district 1. i'd like to pledge my support for the passing of the item. i have no doubt you'll continue hearing from supporters for affordable housing but please make it easier for the both of us and legalize rent control for elders in our community soonz as soon as possible. >> thank you for your comment.
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next caller, please. >> i've been a resident for 50 years of the midtown apartments and there are several families here that have been here for four generations. we all lived here and went through hard times, good times, bad times. i'm presently a part of the tenant committee that is pushing for rent control in the town. we appreciate everything
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everything you're doing. there's one neighbor who was paying her rent at $700 some odd a month and they refigured and she wound up being asked for $2700 a month. she is a preschool teach working for minimum wage and lost all her savings and still trying to hold on to it in midtown. the majority of us need you to please pass this and keep what we've been promised all these years. >> thank you for participating in the discussion.
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next caller, please. >> this is lorie beardman thank you for the residents who have been ignored and misled by the s city of san francisco. midtown apartment began as a token compensation for the massive displacement of the black community from the fillmore district. it was established as a rent to own development with the city as landlord and failed miserably to maintain the structures over a period of decade resulting in extensive deferred maintenance and the city failed to comply with the americans with disability act. tenants never applied for b.m.r. housing units and they were not
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adjusted by any factor other than that established under rent control. when the residents paid down the mortgage without resident engagement the city hand the property to mercy to manage as b.m.r. this was outside the promry -- promissory notes of rent to own and there was a new payment structure with harsh impacts and imposed rules of indignity and a plan for massive new development. this proposal is a vital step to restore the promises broken and restoring housing nor residents of midtown. please support it. thank you. >> thank you. next caller, please. >> i'm david wu i live in
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district 5. i want to echo all the sentiments that have already been expressed. i'm speaking in support of supervisor preston's ordinance to return rent control protections to midtown. the displacement historically occurred in the western edition unfortunately continues to this day. it is through the organizing of community members and tenants that residents fought back and ask the board of supervisors support midtown tenants and approve this legislation. thank you >> thank you, mr. wu. next caller, please. >> good afternoon. i'm a resident in midtown. i've been a resident more than 30 years .
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i am an african american citizen and retired school teacher. under the program rent has increased by 300%. over the years i've watched along with my neighbors promises broken. rebelieve black lives matter and and if you believe black lives matter i urge you to vote in support of the legislation and be on the right side of history. thank you to supervisor preston and to supervisor haney for
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doing the hard work. thank you. >> thank you very much. can we get the next caller, please. >> hello. this is a member of san francisco tenants union. i'm in full support of restoring rent control to the midtown tenants. it's egregious what happens to them in the past while mercy came in and everything got shifted around. the repairs need to be done. the city is now the landlord we want to have rent control. please pass this measure and move it on to the full board. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next caller, please. >> supervisor.
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lauren penny here. i'm a member of senior and disability action. most importantly for today i am a long-time neighbor of the good folks at midtown apartments. i recommend restoring rent control in midtown and this the first step for repairing the damage the city has done to the people of midtown. midtown residents, largely african american and some other people of color and their succeeding generations i feel have been betrayed by the city many times over for more than 50 years. first displaced from their homes in fillmore in the '60s by racially targeted redevelopment. second, they thought they were
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paying off their rents with midtown and they were denied and new management proceeded to raise the rents and you heard and threatened with demolition. many residents are seniors and people with disabilities. since 2014 they have endured six years of extreme anxiety and uncertainty. the very least the city can do at this point is restore rent control. this is an issue of fairness. it's an issue of justice and humanity. it is an issue of black homes matter. this is the city's chance to begin to correct the wrongs the city itself has committed. thank you very much. >> thank you. could we get the next caller, please.
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hello i'm care line hatch and in support of this legislation. it's high time we made some reparations for the things that were done to the black community in the fillmore district through redevelopment and think this is a good start but think there's more we should do. thank you for your time and i urge you to support this legislation. thank you. >> thank you, caroline hatch. next caller, please. >> i'm a resident of midtown apartments and asking for support of supervisor peskin's
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ordinance regarding the rent control protections for the midtown apartment. i believe this legislation is for resident thought we were under rent control based on documents signed and however, that sl suddenly changed as stad from supervisor peskin's testimony when our rent went up 300% or more and if changes are not made it will cause displacement and people would have to move out. the majority of our community are african american and other minority groups. this protects residents from being forced out and priced out of their homes. if you would like to support our community, i urge you to please support this legislation. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you very much for your
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comments. please connect the next caller, please. >> hi, i've been living here in midtown more than 20 years. and i'm a native-american indian. and retired from the navy 20 years and i'm one of the tenants you've been hearing about having gone through increase 300% when mercy came and took over as the landlord back in 2014. i urge the supervisors to support supervisor peskin for the legislation.
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next caller, please. >> i want to tell stories of residents who were told they'd were under rent control and then got to old age and then suddenly have rent increase. we have to take it seriously it wasn't the deal tenants had and we need to restore what they thought they always had. the other issue even if this costs the city money and i think we will in some way, the city needs to make that investment. not only is it essential for
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reparation to the community that's been disadvantaged for decade and we need to invest that money. it's worth it. and it's not only a lack of reparation but the opposite, if the city doesn't invest the money, what happens is the tenants working people who saved money all their lives what tried to put aside something for their children and future and old age every month can no longer do that or build their own equity and savings for the future because they're required to pay every extra and pay out more every time. it's a continuation of a system that has adviso disadvantaged l black community for decades. >> thank you.
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please connect the next caller, please. >> i'm heidi peterson. a resident in district 5. i'd like to thank supervisor peskin for his support of the residents and rent control. i want to make one point the seniors and especially the long-term residents in our community are creating a long-term community. the should support the couldn couldn't -- continuity that comes from long-term tenant. i want to support this and say thank you and please remember the value of the residents and
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their long-term status is far beyond the residents gut the city and community too. >> next caller, please. >> hello. i'm a resident of san francisco in district 8. i have been work in housing iss issues for the last couple years and wanted to come here because my midtown is a great example of how the city let people down. midtown was built in 1967 as a replacement for the fillmore families that lost their homes during the urban development. it's a shameful time in the city's history and something we have to work for decades and decades and centuries to make up
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for the enormous disruption to families here in san francisco. i'm calling to urge the committee to approve this legislation and adjust the rent owned by long-term tenant to what would have been rent control and provides future direction. we have to make sure that we show up for our black community here in san francisco which has already been decimated over the decades. we need to show up and we need to support them. this legislation is about fairness. rent control is for a reason and mid town is no less deserving of rent control than anybody else. without rent control
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historically black midtown communities that risk displacement and if you believe black homes matter please vote yes on supervisor peskin's legislation. thank you very much. >> thank you for the comments. next caller, please. >> this is the first step residents deserve to own. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next caller, please. is there a caller on the line?
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if you heard your line is unmuted you are live. we'd love to hear your comments now. >> my name is natalia. i'm a long-term supporter of midtown and have also written extensively about midtown history and would like to thank supervisor peskin for introducing this incredibly important legislation that offers the form of reparations to the black community in midtown and will hopefully set them on a path to long-term equi equity. the situation as a result of
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decisions made by the city neglect and discriminatory so i thank supervisor peskin for recognizing an investment needs to be made to right the historic wrongs of city policy and restore represent control to midtown. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next caller, please. >> i just made a comment so you unmuted the wrong caller. >> thank you for your honesty. we'll move on to the next one. >> hi, i'm 22 years old and been living with my parents here since i was born and the whole rent increase thing made me fear i'd have to move out of s.f. and
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i'll be able to live with my family no longer so i appreciate the rent control legislation because it would allow me to continue living with my family which is important because this community is what i've grown up with all my life. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> am i next. >> you are live. begin your comments. >> i thought someone else was speaking. >> perhaps your television or
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computer are on delay. start now and i'll begin your timer. >> this is betty trainer with senior disability action and we wole heartedly support this legislation and thank supervisor peskin for interdufrg -- introducing it. i live in a co-op down garry from midtown and we were built also because of the redevelopment so we understand what they're going through but also we as a strong co-op have been able to do maintenance at our place. we have a tenant controlled co-op. so i really feel this legislation is so important to begin the role for the tenants there to have more control and to be treated fairly by the city to stop this deferred
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maintenance that's happened all along. it's crucial this be the beginning of something that is so needed by the tenants there at midtown. thank you very much. >> thank you very much for your call, betty trainer. next caller, please. >> my name is alice. i live in s.f. and calling in to support the ordinance to return historic rent control protection to the midtown apartments. i think this is important legislation being put forth and rent control is crucial now in covid times. it was for the families who lost their homes during the urban redevelopment and we can't ignore the fact it's mostly black people, right. so midtown was developed as cooperative housing with an opportunity to own but the city
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never fulfilled that promise to the residents and the legislation addresses the rent hike and it also provides future protections against major rent increases. i think this is important and something all the board of supervisors should be supporting. thank you so much. i yield my time. >> thank you. are there any further callers? >> there's one more caller. >> hi, hi name is emily and i live in district 9. i'm calling in support of supervisor peskin's ordinance to return to historic rent control protect to midtown apartment. we know midtown was built in 1967 as a replacement housing for fillmore families who lost their home during the racist
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urban development and developed as rent to own but the city never fulfilled this promise to residents. the legislation addresses the rent hikes by addressing those tenants and rent control and provides future protection against rent increases. it's a first step to fairness. the town deserves rent control protection just as much as anywhere else in the city. without the rent control the historically black community is at risk of displacement. please restore the rent control. >> next spaeshgs, please. -- >> next speaker, please. >> my name is rufus watkins. i'm a tenant of midtown park apartments and am african american and grew up here for 30
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years. please support the legislation. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is joseph wyatt. i am a 26 year resident of midtown park apartments. i'm african american and a senior citizen. i am calling in full support of supervisor peskin's legislation for rent stabilization at midtown park apartments. i'm looking forward to a bigger and brighter future for midtown. thank you. >> thank you very much for your comments. do we have any further callers?
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>> that completes the queue. >> thank you. thanks to everyone who spoke during public comment and thank you to supervisor peskin i'd like to be added as a co-sponsor. do you have any final remarks? >> thank you. thank you for all the time on this item and previous ones on a busy agenda that i know you have. i just want to thank all the folks from the community and mid town not just for calling in but being part of crafting the legislation and it took many months and amendments but i think we've landed on something that will really help. i also want to recognize and thank district perrini not just for taking the time today to call in but his active engagement when he was supervisor.
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he did a resolution this body long before my time actually in his second term that was an important resolution about talki talking about the history of midtown and the promises made and as many callers stated there's a longer term discussion we need to have about how we return ownership or control or both in a smart way determined by and to the residents of midtown so residents have permanent stability and this will help stabilize the homes of so many people whose time at midtown has been destabilized by huge rent increases that are unfair and wrong and this legislation will address head on.
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thank you and i appreciate your co-spons co-sponsorship and look forward to the measure with recommendation. >> supervisor haney. >> thank you, supervisor peskin and the members of midtown park apartments and would like to be added as a co-sponsor. >> supervisor peskin. >> thank you, chair mar and supervisor peskin. i have a history with midtown back in supervisor perrini's day and worked with your predecessor to figure things out and you're the first to figure it out. more than supportive and wanted to added as a co-sponsor. i think what you want us to do and the motion you want us to make is to adopt the amendment and continue at one week. >> thank you. i apologize.
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thank you for those motions. mr. clerk, please call roll on the motion by supervisor peskin. >> on the motion to amend the ordinance as amended by supervisor -- motion made by peskin but the amendment by supervisor peskin on the amendment. [roll call] . >> mr. chair on the amendment there are three ayes. >> and i'd make a motion to continue the item to the next meeting of the government audit and oversight committee. >> the next meeting is october 1 just to note for the record. on the motion the item be continued as amended to the october 1 government audit and oversight committee meeting.
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[roll call] >> mr. chair, there are three ayes. >> thank you. >> mr. clerk can you please call item number 9 resolution supporting usf workers united, a broad coalition of workers and faculty members at the university of san francisco, drastically affected by furloughs, cuts in healthcare and employment benefits, and lack of safety protocols during covid-19. members of the public who wish to proved public comment call the number 1-415-655-0001 now. enter the meeting i.d. it's 146 706 3442. press pound twice to connect to the meeting and then press the star key followed by the number 3 to speak. a prompt will indicate you
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raised your hand and wait until it indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments and i'm in receipt of a memo requesting this be agendized and consideration for the board of supervisors during the september 22 regular meeting next tuesday. >> thank you, mr. clerk. mr. haney, the floor is yours. >> this should be fairly quick. colleagues, today is a resolution in support of usf workers united a broad coalition of workers standing in solidarity during the public comment is closed to protect the well being and workers at usf and the faculty and students at the university. i drafted this resolution with the coalition members and opeiu local 29 and united service workers west, local 87 and loge local 2 and usf part-time
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faculty association.oge local 2 and usf part-time faculty local 2 and usf part-time faculty association.e local 2 and usf part-time faculty association. local 2 and usf part-time faculty association.local 2 and usf part-time faculty association. the workers are in a position that many have found themselves facing furloughs and facing potential layoffs and cuts and reduced hours. the result is that many are wondering not just how they're going to pay the bills also how they're going to qualify for needed benefits and continue to be able to access health care. the university of san francisco is an essential institution here in our city with a very long and proud history including a tradition of social justice. this resolution comes in that spirit and asks them respectfully they bargain in good faith with the members of usf workers united and prioritize the following. continue to offer access to
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affordable health care for usf community members laid off or furloughed or lost teaching unit or bargaining for a safe return to campus. understanding custodian recommendations for re-opening and the protection of all workers and students at usf. during the economic crisis we must look out for our most vulnerable workers, service workers, labor workers and janitors are generally the first group to be target the by furloughs and layoffs and must be support and voices heard. before we move forward with any comments in public comment, two clerical amendments. and we distributed these amendments to the committee. one is correcting the number
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where faculty association represent the approximately 468 non-school faculty and librarians correcting the number to 468 and adding the word librarian. my understanding is this is a challenging time for the university and they've also experienced losses to revenue and student enrollment. with that said there's reasonable things the university can do to support their workers during this time and i think it's important that our board stand in solidarity with the usf workers during this public comment is closed. -- during this pandemic. >> thank you, supervisor haney, for this resolution and i'm in support of the workers as they bar fan with the college --
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bargain as they lobby for their jobs and continue to work. i'd like to be added up support. we can move to public comment. >> for those who connected by phone press star followed by 3 speak on agenda item 9. for those on in the queue continue to wait nul -- until you hear your line is unmuted. and for those on cable 26 or through sfgov call 1-415-655-0001 and press meeting
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number conference and pound twice and 3 to be entered in the queue to speak. do we have any callers? >> i have callers in the queue. i'll cue the first caller. >> hello, supervisors. this is david wu again as a form former usf student i urge and support you to support this resolution and all the workers at usf. thank you. >> thank you for continuing to participate, mr. wu. next caller, please. >> good afternoon i'm charles cross. this pandemic affected us significantly and we're only providing essential housing as defined by the city. we have fewer students and
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greater financial aid needs due to changes. we provide $100,000 annually to provide financial aid. the revenue shortfall is about 16%. we're only housing 200 compared to 2500. food service provided by bone appetit management is only serving for 200 students compared to 8,000 needs per day a year ago. housing shortfall is about $35 million alone. we implemented furr lows and lay furloughs and layoffs at all levels and the moment is less than 40 of almost 2,000 employee. the layoffs were in areas where we have no work to be performed. approximately 20 employees opted for retirement programs and we have covered the benefit cost for those employees furloughed during the summer.
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we implemented salary reductions across the university and the plan is progressive with reductions starting at the $70,000 level and progressing up to 20%% to the highest paid employees. no employee under has experienced a reduction in salary or benefits. usf has provided the safest environment possible for faculty and staff but the situation has created financial constraints. we addressed the shortfalls in responsible fashion and made the cuts necessary so solve this problem. unfortunately not all have participated. those units that did not participate did not experience -- >> thank you for your comments. can we get the next speaker, please.
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>> hi, i'm with opeiu local 29 and i have the pleasure of being the program representative for office assistants of the university of san francisco. we repeatedly tried to engage the university in concessions based bargaining we're fot blind to the challenges but usf refused to engage with us on what could have been significant savings by looking at the retirement program that costs them $17 million a year. we unfortunately are now in a position where we have 12 members who have permanently lost their jobs and we have had members who have been forced in to a part-time situation without health care benefits during the public comment is closed. mr. cross's representation of the budget is hiyperbolizing an
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they have chose enprofits over people and need to get back to their jesuit values. thank you. >> next caller, please. >> i'm amanda mckale on behalf of the resident directs at the university of san francisco we live on campus for those living on campus and our exposure rates are extremely rate relative to other employees who were given the opportunity to work remotely. the university of san francisco made the decision to remove our employee status previously spoken to us about and move it
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to reduction in hour status removing health care benefits, educational benefits and any other benefits previously conferred by our position. this prevents us from protecting ourselves while on the job. i want to implore you to continue to advocate on behalf of usf workers and all aspects of the university and want to thank mr. hany for sponsoring this bill. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next caller. >> good afternoon. my name is ann marie belda and live in the tenderloin, supervisor hanney's district and also an employee of usf and an
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urge the board to approve this resolution. as part of the many employees partially furloughed i did not receive any benefits package. contrary to what the earlier caller said i took a pay cut because i was told so. we ask the university sit down and speak with us. all unions. it's not really taken place. no discussions, all unions i know on campus are wanting a discussion and we are waiting to have that meeting and that's not happened. we also ask union leadership with the mission of social justice to please meet with us and different members on campus as we want to talk about this and this has really had some real time impact on our lives.
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i think the board for bringing this resolution up and to supervisor haney for all the support to usf workers united. >> thank you. next caller, please. >> hello. i am a member at the university of san francisco part of staff. thank you supervisor haney for your support. this situation has [indiscernible] and these are colleagues and people that matter. they have been removed taking away the benefits at a time like
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this not only puts pressure on the staff to continue to do the great work they do on campus and passes on responsibilities to them for what is going on and that's extremely ridiculous at a time in which they are subject to covid and the other things going on in our society. this is a way for the university to [indiscernible] and i implore you to look into this. >> thank you for providing your comments. please connect us to the next speaker, please. >> that completes the queue. >> thank you. thanks to all the speakers during public comment. supervisor haney would you like to make a motion. >> i'd like to move to send this
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to the full board and committee report. >> did you want to make the amendments? >> yes, sorry. i want to move the minor amendments first. >> on the motion to amend offered by member heaney. [roll call] . mr. chair, there are three ayes on the motion to amend. >> thank you, mr. clerk. i want to move the resolution to full board and committee report. >> recommended to a committee report on that motion. on that motion. [roll call] . mr. chair, there are still three ayes. >> thank you, mr. clerk. last but not least can you please call item number 10.
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resolution urging the association of bay area governments (abag) in its upcoming regional housing needs allocation (rhna) process to focus on san francisco's unmet needs for housing affordable to low- and moderate-income residents, counteract the displacement of low- and moderate-income communities of color in core urban cities like san francisco and oakland, prioritize increases to the region's above-moderate rhna allocation in high resource and high opportunity jurisdictions, and limit increases in above-moderate rhna allocations to bay area cities with concentrations of sensitive communities. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this resolution call the public comment number now it is still 1-415-655-0001, enter the meeting i.d. for today's meeting is 146 706 3442 press the pound
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symbol twice to connect to the meeting and press the star key to enter the queue to speak. prompts will indicate you have raised your hand. wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. that will be the time to give your comment and i received a note for nis to be continued to september 22. >> we considered this item and i've spoken on it a few times before but i wanted to share brief remarks today given how important this is in solving housing affordability crisis along with the board and this is to be assigned to bay area city
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through the regional housing needlecation process. the so-called allocation is important in shaping the total number of new homes each jurisdiction needs to build and how affordable they need to be to meet the housing needs of people of all income levels. i'd like to add to the summary of the key points to the resolution outlined by the clerk and i'll highlight the resolution urging to consider past over performance in above moderate income category so we're less likely to be subject to sb 35 streamlining of condos. and urging the potential s.b.35 impact on cities like ours with concentrations of sensitive communities to avoid the inequitable outcomes of gentrification and racial disparities and segregation. san francisco has taken on much of the regions housing development far above our
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regional share of households and data showed we overbuilt luxury apartments and our city was at 140% of the goals for above moderate market-rate housing with over two years to go in the current cycle. meanwhile, we vastly under produced new housing to meet the needs of low and moderate housing and the covid crisis is triggering changes in housing and exacerbating quick -- inequities and many are left to seek housing elsewhere. low-income households ton live in overcrowd and unfit conditions and working class essential workers continue to commute to their jobs from ever longer distances. what we build and who we build it for matters and the market
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won't solve the problem it help to create. we need to prioritize addressing the housing affordability needs of our residents and that begins with setting the right goals and following that through the housing element of the san francisco general plan. i would like to thank my co-sponsors supervisors ronin and mandelman and groups including the council of coalition and others and i'd like to thank planning director rich hillis and planning staff and finally my legislative aid who did a tremendous amount of work on the complex and important resolution. i urge your support in moving this forward today. unless colleagues have comments
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or remarks, i move to amend. mr. clerk, are there callers on the line? >> operations check if we have callers in the queue and i'll go over the routine the last time. for those who connected via phone press star added by 3 to be added to the queue to speak. for those on hold wait until you are prompted to begin and you'll hear the system inform you your line has been unmuted. for those watching on cable channel 26 or through sf gov you can dial 1-415-655-0001 and enter the meeting i.d. by 146 706 3442 when prompted then press pound twice and then press 3 to enter
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the queue for the item and we're ready to hear from the first caller if they are also ready. >> supervisors, this is david wu again. i live in district 5 and work in district 6. i fully support this resolution and want to thank supervisor mar and all the supporting supervisors for putting this forward woe must focus on actual unmet needs when it comes to the promise. we cannot continue overbuilding over housing and gentrification that results from trickle down housing has to be addressed. i support this resolution and urge the full board to pass it. thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm calling on behalf of the san francisco action coalition owe
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posing the resolution because it will exacerbate the housing affordability crisis. while the resolution takes aim at market-rate housing it would stop the city from approving subsidized affordable homes and limit the increase of the city's requirement for above moderate market-rate housing targets. should the city's rate be artificially low mixed-income housing will lessen the number of affordable homes for low and middle-income san franciscans and by punting our housing responsibilities housing cost wills continue to skyrocket and the workers who keep the city functioning will have no choice but to commute for hours to san francisco to work. in san francisco market-rate housing pays through the inclusionary laws. for example, these units have accounted for over 1700 new
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affordable homes between 2015 and 2019. that's roughly 35% of the total affordable housing created. additionally it's provided over $350 million to be used on 100% affordable projects. over 22,006 housing. market rate units create and fund affordable ones yet this resolution demonizes these lies and we oppose the resolution. thank you. >> next caller, please.
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>> hello. we are dealing with displacement. we are dealing with communities of color that are being displaced from cities like san francisco and oakland and i approve of this legislation. i read through the entire new and improved legislation. i'm happy that my supervisor mandelman from district 8 contributed to the language and i encourage all supervisors to support this measure. thank you. >> thank you. next caller, please.
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>> my name is gary in district 2 with the san francisco land use coalition. i'm calling in support of supervisor mar's resolution the number of entitles are half as many as 2018. if the board of supervisors approves overly aggressive goals this would increase the current level of housing speculation in san francisco which is unacceptable. it would not increase the housing units. thank you and thank you supervisor mar for your resolution. >> thank you.
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is there a caller? >> this is cath ran -- katherine howard. i support this resolution. i'm get muted and unmuted. i hope this gets through. i support this resolution and i appreciate supervisor mar and the co-sponsors for introducing this. along with residents from all over san francisco we submitted a letter to this committee and put people's full names and district number on it. since we resubmitted it you get the idea. one of the goals the letter was to save the committee's time so i'll end my comment by reaffirming our support for this
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cant be used on the site and think of supplementals on housing legislation and implement. thank you. >> next caller, please. >> i'm a member of the members disability action and long time renter from district 5. i sent a letter and spoke out in favor of supervisor mar's resolution earlier for the previous hearing. i just wanted to report back that upon reading the amendments i believe they have my support and to me they've strengthened
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the reasons why they should recognize affordable housing and should act accordingly if the choice between affordable and market rate housing with an emphasis. our homeless and seniors and people with disabilities and low-income families and people of color [indiscernible] in real time. help us now in real time by passing this resolution. thank you. >> thank you. next caller, please.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm with the mission economic agency and calling in strong support of the resolution before you. we're currently only meeting 20% of our low and moderate housing goals and think it's important there's an anti-displacement lens when handled in certain ways it can contribute to displacement of low-income residents and there's history of market rate housing in overbuilt, low-income areas in the city. recent study of university of minnesota identified rent pressures can be put on those who are paying the lowest rents in an area near new market rate
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housing. what kind of housing you build and for whom and where matters a lot not just quant. on the quantity front we think there should be no increase insensitive communities as mapped by the urban displacement project. for these and other reasons we think it's very important that we head in this direction and again we're in very strong support of this resolution and thank you for bringing it forward, supervisor mar.
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>> is there a caller on the line? a reminder to all the caller's in the queue continue to listen until you hear a system prompt that says your line is unmuted and that means you are live and we're ready to hear your comments. >> i just got notification. >> i'm with san francisco land use coalition. good afternoon, supervisors. thank you chair mar for introducing this resolution. this is what we need at this juncture in time. for those who think we sudden
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look at how many market rate homes we have for sale. how about over 2,000. and more interesting we have over 1600 of them sitting over 90 days. this market at this point in time we do not need more market rate housing or need to have an increase for market rate housing because it's not something that is going to happen. we don't have a situation that's meetable. the idea of a quota and goal is to have something to strive for when the country is going through horrendous economic downturn with people with jobs
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that won't come back. this is not the time to increase the quota for market rate housing. it's the time to think about how to take care of these people. homelessness will increase by 30 million to 40 million people cannot pay rent. what will happen to them? this is not the time to think about more market rate housing and trickle down housing that will come to the rescue. no. you, supervisors know this the best. i urge you to support it. this is what we need at this time. someone to look at the numbers. >> thank you. next caller's comment, please. >> i'm with senior an disability
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action. i'm calling in deep great support for this measure. thank you very much for the amendment to truly focus on the needs of our city is what we need to do right now. i live in district 3 where i have seen so many seniors, people with disabilities, service workers, caregivers, safeway clerks and people of color and bus drivers being displaced and not being able to find affordable housing because we've not been building enough affordable housing to meet the real incomes of our essential workers of the people that we need every day in the city. so i urge you to support this all supervisors and let's pass this and let's get started on building what we need to build for our city. thank you. >> thank you.
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next caller, please. >> good afternoon. cory smith on behalf of the housing action coalition. the numbers were artificially low and the methodology used to calculate is why the state legislate passed s.b.828 to have a more adequate calculation for housing numbers going forward. the idea san francisco hit the previous numbers and viewing from the success is given the number of cities, 40% across
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california hit to the targets. orange county had 82,000% and many consider orange county a place where more housing makes sense. and we want to point out more market rate housing does mean more affordable housing and we will be able to build fewer affordable units throughout the next cycle. while many people like to coin market rate housing as part of the problem and continually state this is not the solution, we're not hearing any counter proposals as to how we can dig out of this mess at a big picture level. there are homes available to purchase that i and others have zero chance to be able to
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accomplish that piece because of the price and because of the lack of quant the city and region has built in the last 40 years. we -- >> can we get the next caller's comments, please. >> good afternoon. i'm in support of this legislation. i concur we need all types of housing however, what we really need is housing that's affordable and low-income for the most vulnerable residents in the city. it's failed to meet number for low-income housing and i was pick up a report where there's a u.c. berkeley report that the best thing to address affordable
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housing is to build affordable housing directly and let's focus on the housing most needed very low income. >> thank you for your comments. next caller, please. >> i'm with the council of community housing organization. fully in support of this legislation. i think this is the time when all of us should be looking at racial segregation and how segregation patterns are working themselves out throughout the region. the causes of that and the causes are displacement in the inner cities and lack of affordable housing in our high-opportunity cities for people. this legislation directs our representatives to argue for exactly that.
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move the housing where it should be in high-opportunity areas near those jobs and to support affordable housing where we need it the most where communities are struggling against displacement if we're going do our work for racial equity it means thinking about housing and land as a place where a lot of these things play out. thank you supervisors for this piece of legislation. i think it is the beginning of thinking about much larger pictures at the regional and state level about how we plan to create a truly equitable region. thank you. >> thank you, fernando. next caller, please. >> i'm showing support in this resolution. i agree with the speakers we
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need to focus on low and moderate income. the crisis we're in will take years to recover. and [indiscernible] i want to highlight more than of we're going to need to focus on housing and actually most of the market are going to people out of work right now. >> thank you for your comments. next caller, please.
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>> i'm a san francisco resident. i oppose this legislation because the focus on the pipeline doesn't make sense because it looks like the website is still not doing its part. >> are you still there? >> yes. >> prioritizing increases to the regions above market allocation and high resource and high opportunity jurisdictions does not appear to affirmatively further fair housing so my concern is that it's still a bad resolution and i'm concerned it may be an effort to keep shelters out of high opportunity areas. i think every part of san
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francisco needs to do its part to construct shelters and transitional housing and low-income housing. i oppose this legislation. >> i oppose this measure for a few reasons. first, is that this has taken years to build. some is on tox is sites like treasure island and we need to look at high resource
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neighborhoods on the side where there's good transit and access to jobs and low housing due to the fact it's still low density and by building housing there it would help find affordable housing throughout the city in helping serve people at all levels of the income spectrum. finally, i'm a little disappointed the board of supervisors is wasting everybody's time with this. this is eventually avacs decision not the board of supervisors decision and the opposite of signalling. it's just the board of supervisors complaining about something they can't control. just to indicate they're opposed to more housing and if you really cared about fair housing upzoning the west side and quit wasting everybody's time with
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these measures that won't do anything. >> next caller's comments, please. >> this is laura foot from indie action. there's a lot in here i want to say i understand and appreciate and i think we understand people rin crisis and what do we do about that? i want the government to focus on getting more affordable housing built. that's a great use of your time. unfortunately this doesn't do that. we spend a lot of time saying we're going to work and stall and stop and slow down market rate housing as if that does anything to help affordable housing. it doesn't. we need more market rate housing. i want you guys to focus on doing more to get more affordable housing built faster
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in san francisco and across the bay area and across america we need more affordable housing. if you continue to focus on saying someone else should be building market rate housing you are in fact not doing affordable housing any good. you're fork -- forcing us to have the argument it doesn't seem reason to say san francisco is not a high opportunity area and a live here and more people should get to live here and think we can handle more neighbors and the more we say it's somebody else's problem and everybody is jumping all over themselves to say it's somebody else's false and next town's over we're not that bad. no, it's all of us. the bay area has chronically under built housing for a generation and we need to get out of the way of market rate
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housing and do everything we can to help affordable subsidized housing. i wish we were focussing on affordable housing but that's not what this risk resolution will do and hope to get more affordable housing built in the city. thank you. >> thank you, next caller, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm a renter in district 5 and speaking on behalf of the membership and we're strongly opposed to this resolution. as some previous callers pointed out it's the worse of san francisco politics and where people are fed up. you have a group of supervisors who say they're progressive and doing everything they can to make sure the wealthy parts don't have to build market buildings. the satate law is clear through
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te housing accountability act we need to build apartment buildings on the west side. that's going happen through state law. if you can't get out of the way we'll do it through state law and you have to allow building on the west side. it's disingenuous and acting like passing a resolution trying to block new apartments on the west side does anything to help affo affordability. we know you're trying to protect your constituents who think an apartment building near them will ruin their quality of life. apartments don't ruin quality of life they improve it and i live in one and it's fantastic. finally, regarding the numbers, there's over 400,000 units of units and if san francisco somehow succeeds in getting that
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push out it will go to another area. think of where the fires are and smoke is and jobs are and equity and racist history of our zoning and where should we be up zoning it should be the west side, where there's clean air, access to jobs and transit. if you say all the market rate housing has to go to the east bay you're condemning a generation to living near fires. >> next caller, please. >> i would like to agree with the other caller but i don't understand the point of this. why is the board of resolution wasting time encouraging avac to
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do anything because they'll do what they're going do. why is the board of supervisors writing a resolution? it is going to influence avac one way or north? i don't have an opinion on what housing policy should be. i don't see how this resolution is going to help anyone one way or another. i agree with other callers we should focus on san francisco housing policy not what we can do to get other counties to change their policy. i understand there's a regional aspect to housing but i don't
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see how this is going to change anything. thank you. >> i'm a resident of san francisco since 1976. i'm calling to strongly support supervisor mar's resolution and to focus on the affordable housing needs in the city. i listen to all the comments and want to say that we are' place where we have a participatory government and have checks and balances and i feel it's the supervisors' job to protect the interest of the cities and counties they represent and to be aware of and focussing and
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seeing the possibly unintended consequences of different legislation among other things. not to do that would be de dereliction of responsibilities and would result in speculators taking advantage of the provisions of s.b.35 and i think that's a dangerous thing to just being handing over control of the planning of the city to people that's primary interest is making money. as far as comments with the west side being all rich people that's not true. almost all the west side is working class families. we're not talking about francis wood that's the exception. because just some properties are worth a lot of money it's in the true and i think this is a good
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sla legislation and strongly support it. >> do we have further callers? >> hello. i'm a renter in the mission. i want to agree with the other callers we shouldn't ask for less housing. the bay area is one of the richest areas in the country and the median household income is well over $100,000. there's a lot of rich people and people will lose their jobs and gentrify oakland or richmond or other places in the east bay. please don't push gentrification into cleveland -- oakland and other areas in the east bay. i don't think for instance which
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is mostly a bunch of rich people on the west side. maybe your not multi mull -- millionaires but are because of your home so don't say san francisco being a rich city will not accept other rich people and will push them into other poorer cities in the bay area. i don't think that's fair or very nice and it's definitely not progressive. thank you. >> do we have any further callers? >> that completes the queue. >> thank you to all the speakers during public comment on the side of colleagues.
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i'd like to make a motion we send this forward to the full board with positive recommendation as a committee report to the september 22 board meeting. >> on the motion the item being recommended vice chair peskin. >> [roll call] there are three ayes. >> thank you, mr. clerk. do we have further business? >> there is no further business today. >> okay. thanks everyone. we are adjourned. >> thank you.
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following into the record. the mayor declared a state of emergency related to covid-19. further more, the mayor and governor issued emergency -- [inaudible] -- to boards and commissions making it possible to hear commission hearings remotely. on may 29, the mayor's office authorized all commissions to reconvene remotely. this will be our 7th hearing. we request your patience in advance to enable public participation, sfgovtv is broadcasting and streaming this live and we'll receive public comment for each item on the agenda. sfgovtv is displaying the call-in number on the bottom of the screen. and comments are opportunities to speak during public comment are available by phone by calling 1-415-655-0001, and
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entering access code, 146 179 5679. when you are connected and would like to submit public comment for an agenda item, press star and then 3 to be added to the queue. each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes. when you have 30 seconds remaining, you'll hear a chime. when the allotted time is reached, i will announce time is up. best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and mute your television or computer. i'd like to take roll. >> president hyland: here. >> vice president matsuda: here. >> commissioner black: here. >> commissioner foley: here. >> jonas: commissioner johns?
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>> commissioner pearlman: here. >> commissioner so: here. >> jonas: thank you, commissioners. first on the agenda is general public comment. at this time members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the is reached in the meeting. we should open this up for public comment. each member has three minutes. members of the public, this is your opportunity to press star and 3 to be entered in the queue. commissioners, i have no members of the public raising their hand requesting to speak. so we can then move on to department matters. item 1, director's announcements. welcome, director hillis. >> good afternoon. good afternoon, commissioners. a couple of items. one, i think after your last meeting, you heard that jeff
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johnson is not -- and liz has stepped in as -- [inaudible] director for planning. we're undergoing a search to fill that position permanently. so in the interim, [inaudible] contacts, elizabeth and mark will be the present contact. i will also, if you need me at any time, please reach out and i'll try to --. i also would like to let you know that the department was approved. i think it's got some final approvals, or the mayor has -- [inaudible] it was about for the city-wide survey program. -- [inaudible] to what we proposed in the budget reductions. so there is funding in the budget to carry us a significant
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way. the city-wide survey, we'll come and report on that to you. so that is my report. other items as well, but thank you and good seeing you. >> jonas: sorry, commissioners, i'm just trying to help out commissioner johns in the background to enter the hearing. thank you, director hillis. item 2, review of past events and planning commission, staff report and announcements. i don't believe there are any announcements other than what director hillis provided. we can move on to item 3, president's report and announcements. >> president hyland: no report or announcements. >> item 4, consideration of the adoption draft minutes for the august 19 and september 2, 2020 hearings. commissioners, we should open this up for public comment.
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members of the public, if you wish to address the minutes, please press star and 3. i see no hands requesting to speak. commissioners, the matter is now before you. >> president hyland: okay. any comments on either of these two, or a motion for approval. >> motion to approve. >> second. >> jonas: thank you, commissioners, on that motion then to adopt the minutes for august 19 and september 2. >> commissioner black: yes. >> commissioner foley: yes. >> commissioner johns: yes.
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>> commissioner so: yes. >> vice president matsuda: yes. >> president hyland: yes. >> jonas: so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously, 7-0. i will remind commissioners and staff who have entered at panelists, the web x microphones are extremely sensitive, so remember to mute when not speaking. it would be very helpful on the feedback. that places us on item 5, commission comments and questions. >> president hyland: i don't see any. anyone have comments or questions? okay. >> jonas: we can move on to consideration of items proposed for continuance. item 6, 20189197coa vallejo
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>> clerk: okay. you are not the presenter. >> i believe we have a new staff person who i believe is going to be introduced. >> who is making that introduction? >> thank you, jonas. sorry about that. so we have a new staff person with the planning department and i would like to introduce him to the commission. he is a san francisco native. he's got a bachelor's of science degree in landscape architecture. he came to planning and came to the department in may of this year as an assistant planner in the southeast quadrant and is one of several staff working on legacy business combinations. please welcome al. >> good afternoon, commissioners. katie willburn of planning staff. we have five legacy business applications today that i will quickly introduce. the first two applications will
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be done by al and directly after i will present on the remaining three. go ahead. >> hello, commissioners. the first legacy business -- [breaking audio] >> clerk: i am going to interrupt you because it seems as though you are having connectivity issues. if you stop your video, sometimes the audio will come through better. if you kill the video feed, then the audio will come through at least. >> okay. would you like me to restart? >> clerk: yes, please. >> the first legacy business
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application we have is ambience, a 37-year-old family owned boutique that sells specially cure rated women's bothing and accessories to the san francisco community and visitors. ambience selectively chooses pieces they feel the community would enjoy at the four locations in the city. they have also help and supported multiple community events and fundraiseers. the owners of ambience has dedicated sales towards community events and including forest fires, school fundraisers, and larger efforts such as black girls code. that supports a resolution recommending ambience to the legacy business registry. the next legacy business is farley's a31-year-old family business that sells coffee and tea paraphernalia in san
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francisco. farley's is open daily to their customers 364 days a year. farley's has played a crucial role in the neighborhood as a central gathering spot for the community. farley's has helped host neighborhood decision making events and also host many community groups such as planning meetings for the neighborhood, clubs, and art classes and stand-up specials, live music and poetry and poetry performances. that supports our resolution recommending farley's to the legacy business registry. thank you. >> thank you. the third ap ligation is glbt a 35-year-old nonprofit dedicated to collecting, preserving and sharing the history of san
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francisco's queer community. it has come to be internationally recognized as an irreplaceable asset. they have two locations, one on market street for the publicly accessible archive and program, and another within the castro cultur cultural district with a museum space. the society ensures that the unique experiences and contributions of the lgbtqi community are remembered and honored and spreads awareness and respect for this community and the cultures they create. staff supports this application and recommends a resolution to add the lgbt historical society to the legacy business registry. the next legacy business application is for the san bruno supermarket, a 31-year-old family-owned grocery store that offers inclusive products that reflect the vibrant community. the market offered produce, meats and seafoods that can't be found at other grocery. the items are primarily chinese,
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filipino and vietnamese in origin. the owner is committed to safeguarding the business's use, signage, and interior features. staff supports a resolution recommending the san bruno supermarket to the legacy business registry. the last application is for val de cole wine and spirits that was advertised as far back as 1939. val de cole is known for the personalized experience, friendly and welcoming environment and the inclusive offering at all price points. it may primarily be for wine and spirits but the soul of the business is the community it has helped foster and maintain for 80 years. they are in the cole valley historic district and staff has discussed adding additional features to be safeguarded with the applicant. collectively, we recommend the following be preserved.
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the business's name, signage, friendly environment, and products offered at all price points. the department supports a resolution recommending val de cole to the legacy business registry. this concludes staff presentations and we will be available for any questions. thank you. >> clerk: very good, commissioners. we should open this up to public comment. members of the public, this is your community to press star and 3 to be into theed into and to speak to any of the legacy business applications. i will take the first caller, and you have three minutes. >> caller: hello, commissioners. i am chris hillard -- i apologize i am getting some feedback here. sorry about that. commissioner, again, thank you for allowing me to speak. i am chris hillard, and my wife and i are the co-owners of
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farley's, the coffee house on petrero hill. we have been there for 31 years now. and my father started farley's originally when he broke his french press and could not find a replacement part and found petrero hill could be the ideal location and we really became to embrace our motto which became community in the cup when the earthquake happened in 1989 and a lot of power around water in the city was out, except on petrero hill, and no one was going to work, so the neighborhood really came together and came to farley's and we became a community gathering space. that is really how community in a cup, our motto, began, and
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>> sir, we lost your audio. >> caller: i am pleased to serve for the lgbt and a resident of san francisco since 1981. i regard my role as a solemn duty and the a formidable collection perhaps anywhere in the world and is sacred keeper of some of the greatry threshshies and stories. i am proud to build on the work of the founders. recently we helped found a cultural district and the cultural heritage festival which was sent and grown since the
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early days in northern california and the diversity and expanded the program to include a wide array of exhibitions and work in historical preservation to house the archives and new home that will be the first full-scale museum of lgbt in the united states, but for now we and many other organizations face daunting odds and we plan to reopen on a restricted basis with the mission of collecting and preserves during our history. we are grateful to the commissioners for their support for this nomination and hope the city strengthens the support for the legacy program to preserve the cultural heritage of san
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francisco. thank you very much. >> go ahead, caller. >> caller: thank you for taking my call. my name is john muskat, property enowner of san bruno supermarket at 2480 san bruno avenue. a little background here, the family property in 1940 started a grocery store with several remodelling and it has service the neighborhood over 80 years and has been a part of the muskat family the entire time. the lee family has leased the property and is operating the
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market now for 20 years. we have recently re-negotiated a new lease for 20 more years through the year 2040. this will mean the location will be open as a grocery store for total of 100 years in the district. we are proud to have the ling family operation the grocery store in our building and having this added as a legacy business that will only strengthen this commitment and to add historic value to san francisco legacy businesses for many years to come. we appreciate your consideration and look forward to receiving a
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favorable outcome. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. i will remind member of the public that this is your opportunity to submit testimony on any of the legacy business registry applications by pressing star 3. seeing no requests to speak, commissioner, the mater is now before you. i apologize, commissioners. we have one more request to speak and will take that caller now. >> hello, thank you, commissioners, for taking my call. i would like to thank the historic preservation commission and city of conversation to consider ambience to be acknowledged as a legacy
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business. and with the historic neighborhood and iconic black and white awnings and gift boxes familiar to many in the city. our stores are in vintage buildings and with the remarkable exterior and had an artist create a huge mural. we are well known and well aboved by many in san francisco. and ambience has received many requests to restore the different city, different state and even a different country.
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they make contributions to the different ways. for the past 24 years, we have had an ongoing relationship with schools and any school that asks us receives a donation and supported fashion shows and fundraising shopping parties in the stores. we organized a drive with the custom collections and with the different trade yards and merchants association and we love the city of san francisco where we live and work. very honored to be considered for this status. ebl that our happy presence truly adds to the san francisco experience. at the peak we employed 98 staff
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and provided health and dental for our employees. thank you for your consideration. that is it. clerk lr thank you. members of the public, this is your community to press star. i see no additional requests to speak so the mater is now before you. >> commissioner, would anyone like to speak? >> commissioner pearlman?
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>> i believe you are muted. >> we can hear you now. >> okay. and for some reason it's having a problem. i want to congratulate all the businesses. i have spent many an hour at farley's and two of the businesses are 80 year old and cruising to another 20 for 100 years old and the gentleman who spoke about the lgbt and the comment about the sacred duty to doing this work could sum up everybody's responsibilities and feelings about their own businesses as they present to us, and i heartily endorse all of these.
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i will certainly vote to approve them. >> clerk: i apologize to interrupt. we have a late request for public comment and should take that caller. >> go ahead, caller. is the member of the public prepared to submit your testimony? you should mute the television or computer. there is a delayed broadcast. >> hello? >> a yes, i run val de cole. >> can you hear me? >> yes, we can hear you, sir. >> should i speak about the store or what should i say?
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