tv SF Public Utilities Commission SFGTV September 25, 2020 5:00am-10:01am PDT
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this is commissioner moran. i am the senior member of the commission and in the absence of the president and vice president, it's my duty to convene and preside over this meeting, at least until item 3. in that capacity, i would like to -- september 22nd meeting of the public utilities commission is called to order. and, madam secretary, would you call the roll. >> clerk: commissioner moran. >> here. >> clerk: commissioner maxwell. >> here. >> clerk: commissioner paulson? >> present. >> clerk: and commissioner caen is excused and we have a coreium.
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-- quorum. >> which brings us to item 3. >> clerk: mayty make a brief announcement before we move on to item 3? >> yes, please do. >> due to the covid-19 health emergency and given the public health recommendations, issued by the san francisco department of public health and governor newsom and mayor breed lifted restrictions on teleconference. this meeting is being held via teleconference and televised by sfgov tv. for those of you watching the live stream, there's a brief delay. on behalf of the commission, i'd like to extend our thanks to sfgov tv staff and sfpuc for their assistance during this meeting. if you wish to make public comment on an item, dial (415)655-0001. i.d. 146 500 3304 and then press star 3 to raise your hand to speak.
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i'm going to ask the commission and staff to please mute their microphones to minimize background noise, if they have not already done so. mr. chair, your first item is item number 3, commissioner vacancy and possible election of a new vice president. >> thank you. and let me ask the city attorney to explain the item and its presentation to us. >> sir, good afternoon, commissioners. the city attorney's office. this item is on the agenda because since the last time you met, there has been a resignation on the commission, who held the position of vice president of the commission. and under your commission bylaws, specifically rule 6 of the commission rules of order, when there's a vacancy in the vice presidency, by reason of resignation, rule 6 provides
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that the commission shall, at its next regularly scheduled meeting, elect a new vice president, who shall serve out the remainder of the term of the prior vice president. in this instance, the remainder of the terms -- on the vice presidency is just until october. so just a matter of weeks, because under your rules of order, as you will recall, you hold your elections at your first meeting in october. and that's when you elect both the president and a vice president and the term of those offices runs for one year. so before you today, under item 3, are two options for your consideration. the first would be a motion to suspend that aspect of rule 6 which would mean that you would postpone electing a new vice president until your first meeting in october, at which point you will hold elections of
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officers. you may do a motion to suspend the rules, that's provided under rule 2 of the bylaws. and that can be done by an affirmative vote of the commission. if you elect not to adopt a vogues under subsection a of item 3, you move on it subsection b of item 3 which it to elect a vice president to serve until october. >> okay. thank you. commissioners, how would you like to proceed? >> i move that we do the first and we bypass and elect a new vice and chair in our meeting in october. >> and this is commissioner paulson. i think that, you know, taking, you know, some type of action, not knowing who our new commissioners are going to be and some of the changes that have happened recently with the
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vice president resigning and the mayor still has to make another appointment, that my thinking it's better off not just at this last minute trying to do that. and i agree with commissioner maxwell that we should just continue until october and deal with it at that time, when we are a little bit more clear who we all are going to be. and i guess that might be -- so there's three of us on the phone, that would be a second if that was the motion, commissioner maxwell. >> okay. so that was the motion. and a second. and i'm getting feedback. from somebody. anyway. we have a motion and a second. madam secretary.
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>> so i would also like, you know, since you are by the rule acting president right now, i'd like to have your, you know, quick comments on that also. >> oh, sure. i think it's -- i think it's the right way to go. we only wish that the senate would be like-minded at this time. i think that makes a great deal of sense. >> okay. thank you. >> so we have a motion and a second to suspend rule 6. madam secretary, can you open this up for public comment. >> clerk: members of the public who wish to make two minutes of public comment on item 3, commissioner vacancy and possible election of a new vice-president, dial (415)655-0001. meeting i.d. (415)655-0001.
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-- 146 500 3304. and star 3 to raise your hand. mr. monitor, do we have any callers? >> madam secretary, there are no > callers in the queue at this time. >> clerk: thank you. public comment on item # is closed. >> okay. would you please call the roll. >> clerk: motion to suspend rule 6 of the rules of order. commissioner moran? >> aye. >> clerk: commissioner maxwell? >> aye. >> clerk: commissioner paulson? >> you have three ayes. >> okay. thank you. and before we proceed to the next item, i think we would be remiss if we didn't acknowledge
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what led to this item. and i'm sure that we'll have more formal recognition of commissioner's caen and vito at a future meeting. i did want to make a couple of comments. ann's term -- ann is still on the commission. she's not able to be with us today. her term will expire at the end of this month, which really is a pretty major milestone in this commission's history. she has served on the commission for it's either 23 or 24 years. i don't know if, donna, you were able to validate this or not. but she's either the longest-serving or the second longest-serving commissioner in the history. she was first appointed in 1997. she served eight terms.
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and if you do the math on that, you'll see that some terms are longer than others. she served five times as president of this commission. her passions have been in the areas of budget. she took on the role of chairing all budget hearings for the past many years. i don't know how many that was. she has a very specific and ongoing interest in fixing the digesters at the southeast water pollution control plant. and she a salisbury one of the voices that was instrumental in making sure that, as we built -- rebuilt the area, the base of it, the foundation was sufficient that we could add to it if we need to at a future date. so that kind of -- all of those projects are long-term projects and it was her long view and commitment to those issues that has served us so very, very well. commissioner vitor has resigned
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from the commission. she was first appointed in 2008, has served two terms as president of the commission. her passions obviously are the environment. she contributed not only to the awareness of the environment and all things utility does, but also making sure there were programs that made those commitments reality, instrumental in the bottom line, green infrastructure, and she was admitted to an ongoing effort that we had in front of us, which is the early implementation of fishery actions on the river. she ask that i read into record her resignation letter. and i will do that. dear mayor breed, please accept my resignation from the san francisco public utilities commission, effective immediately.
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i have appreciated the opportunity to serve the city and county of san francisco. i am proud of what i have been able to accomplish in my 12 years of service. from the successful launch and implementation of cleanpowersf, to the integration of clean infrastructure and our sewer system, and developing p.u.c.'s policies on environmental justice, community benefits and most recently racial justice. my unwavering commitment to a healthy ecosystem and addressing climate change, i believe that i am leaving the p.u.c. a greener, more just and well-regarded agency than what i joined 12 years ago. the sfpuc is now regarded nationally and internationally as an environmental steward and leader, as well as an agency that prioritizes equity and social justice, something i very much hope can continue with the next environmental appointment. thank you. i wish you all the best. sincerely, francesca vitor.
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i will also say that between the time i was general manager and when i came back on this commission, the organization had changed considerably and probably the most notable single way in which it had changed, it had become really a much greener organization and not just a matter of making green accommodations to utility practice, but really adopting green consciences as one of our core values. and that attributed to several general managers that followed me, as well as several commissioners most notably commissioner vitor. i'm sure we'll be doing something more official at a later date. i wanted to make a comments. commissioners, if you'd like to have your voices heard, please do so. >> i certainly would. i also have a statement that francesca wanted me to read, and
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this is freedom is the continuous action we all must take. and each generation must do its part to create an even more fair, more just society. and that was from john lewis. and i think it really speaks to her commitment, not only to the environment, but as me mentioned, about equality and justice for all. i think both of them have that commitment and have certainly made it forefront in the san francisco public utilities commission. i don't know where we'd be without them. i just thank them for their commitment to all of us, for the entire city, for all of these years. and for this time. >> and this is commissioner paulson. i'd like to say a couple of things also. i mean, things have happened relatively fast, as sometimes things do happen. i think that, first of all, you know president ann moller caen has been an anchor of this
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commission, you know, for many years. and i think we've all counted on her to make sure that, you know, the infrastructure of this meeting, you know, takes place. and her diligence and her -- because these are volunteer positions. you know, it was, you know, in my short time here and commissioner maxwell, you and i are the young ones on this commission. but, you know, i didn't get to know ann well enough. but she's been the anchor on this commission in my short period of time on here. and so, you know, a lot of this stuff is a surprise to me. you know, we need to honor her and to make sure that there's acknowledgment. again we're just saying, you know, our pieces as this stuff transpires before, you know, october and who knows who the whole gang is going to be. and then second i also -- because we're so damn busy. i mean, our day jobs like, you
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know, francesca works for the san francisco foundation. i work in the labor movement. you know, we all have things to do. and we all have histories of, you know, being in elected office and whatever. so we're very busy. and so, you know, i take this job seriously, just like the two people that were mentioned have taken it seriously. and i'm going to continue to take it seriously. because i do want to continue to be on this commission and serve with, you know, with commission maxwell and commissioner moran as we move forward. so i do want to at least be on the record to say the acknowledgment of those two women and their dedication to this commission has been well noted by me and it's an honor for me to have worked with them. >> well, thank you,
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commissioners. thank you for your comments. and we will look forward to more formal recognition of both commissioners at a later time. madam secretary, if you would call the next item. >> clerk: mr. chair, your next order of business is item number 4, approval of the minutes of september 8th, 2020. >> commissioners, you have them before you. do you have any additions or corrections or comments? seeing none, madam secretary, would you open it for public comment. >> clerk: members of the public who wish to make public comment of item number 4, approval of the minutes, dial (415)655-0001. meeting i.d. 146 500 3304 and pound, pound. to raise your hand to speak,
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press star 3. mr. moderator, do we have any callers? >> madam secretary, there are no callers who wish to make comment on item 4 at this time. >> clerk: thank you. public comment on item 4 is closed. your next order of business, mr. chair, is general public comment, item 5. i'm sorry, we need to approve the minutes, don't we. >> i make a motion to accept the minutes. >> commissioner maxwell. seconded? >> seconded. >> thank you. call the roll, please. >> clerk: commissioner moran. >> aye. >> clerk: commissioner maxwell. >> aye. >> clerk: commissioner paulson. >> aye. >> clerk: we have three ayes.
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>> thank you. the next item, please. >> clerk: now we have item number 5, general public comment. members of the public may address the commission for up two minutes within the commission's jurisdiction and not on today's agenda by dialing (415)655-0001. meeting i.d. 146 500 3304, pound, pound. to raise your hand to speak press star 3. i'd like to remind callers this is for general public comment for items that are not on the agenda. mr. moderator, do we have any callers? >> madam secretary, there are several callers who wish to make public comment. >> clerk: thank you.
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>> welcome, caller. you have two minutes. >> good afternoon. this is peter, the policy director. i'm really disappointed that commissioner vitor resigned. she was a great voice for the environment. and a strong thinker. a lot of people have asked me what i think happened and i really have no idea. but i can surmise, she resigned for personal reasons, which seems very unlikely, given that it was three weeks before her term ended, which brings up number two. she was pressured to resign because she didn't tow the line. and she was forced from the situation, where she could express interest in another term and not been appointed and gone the way of felicia marcus on the state water board. the third one is perhaps she was really frustrated, because often her questions went unanswered and her requests of staff were either ignored or twisted into something they felt comfortable
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responding to. and i certainly have this experience. i've tried to be constructive by presenting information and offer ideas for solutions. basically i get ignored and nothing happens. for example, earlier this year, we put forward an interim proposal, with the sfpuc voluntarily released the share of how the plan flows for at least two years and make it to the design draft. no follow-up. on. >> mayor breed: 11th, i -- on may 11th, i submitted a letter, how would sfpuc respond to the bay delta plan. no follow-up to that letter. when the s.e.d. for the bay delta plan was released in 2016, an op-ed by harlan kelly and nicole sanuklla saying it could cost jobs and $49 billion. well, we presented our information to the state water
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board at a workshop and very well received. basically what the sfpuc staff told me, we're basing our analysis on a 2014 draft report, they were basing theirs on a 2009 final report. well, the draft report twos a follow-up to 2009 and the final report in 2018 basically reflected 2014. >> sorry, caller, your two minutes has expired. next caller, you have two minutes. >> caller: thank you. acting chair and members, alita dupree for the record. my pronouns are she and her. i'm going to talk about the basics of power today and the importance of clean power. i was thinking this morning about trying to parse out where the different uses of my power go to.
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and about this time of year, i'm averaging about 30 to 35-kilowatt hours a day. and i'm operating in an all-electric home. and all of this power is renewable. the heavy lifting really comes if we can encourage the electrification of what i call the heavy load, water, heating, air conditioning. heating, space heating and cooking. and so if i use gas for all of those heavy loads, i think i would only be using about maybe -- not even 10-kilowatt hours a day. but because i operate all electric, all of these heavy loads are renewably powered. i'm very proud of that and i
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would like to see that be a trend, because our goals should be to use more electricity, but at the same time not use fossil fuels. because user more electricity and less fossil fuels will be more efficient and cleaner and greener for everybody. >> 15 seconds. >> to clear the air. thank you. madam secretary, there are no more callers in the queue. >> clerk: thank you. that closes public comment on item 5, general public comment. >> thank you. the next item. >> clerk: mr. chair, your next order of business is item number 6, communications. >> commissioners, any comments or questions about communications?
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seeing none, madam secretary, if you would open this to public comment. >> clerk: members of the public who wish to make two minutes of public comment on communications, dial (415)655-000(415)655-0001, meet. 146 500 3304. and pound pound. to raise your hand to speak, press star 3. mr. moderator, do we have any callers? >> madam secretary, there is one caller in the queue. >> clerk: thank you. >> caller, you have two minutes. >> caller: thank you, acting chair. alita dupree for the record. my pronouns are she and her. as i read through this, this is
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good work. and i want to see us continue to talk about cleanpowersf and definitely bring barbara hill back to talk about this in detail. so we're doing some good work with these proposals of heat pump water heating, which i mentioned in my last comments to you. and energy efficiency. the cheapest kilowatt hours, the one that we don't use in the first place. and the fact that we have finally completed enrollment. i see it right here on page number 2. so this is really good work so let's continue to encourage our new customers, who come online, to enroll in cleanpowersf. and hopefully, as i said before, we get everybody on super green. thank you.
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>> operator: thank you, caller. madam secretary, there are no more > callers in the queue. >> clerk: thank you. public comment on item number 6 is closed. >> through the chair, i would like to make a comment on the 2021 water san francisco brochure. i thought it was very well done and informative. i think i agree with the last caller. we're doing some good work. and i really appreciate having people -- people having an opportunity to see it, what san francisco is doing. so thank you for that. great, great piece. >> well, thank you, commissioner. okay. any other comments, could you read the next item. >> clerk: mr. chair, the next item is item number 7, report of the general manager. the general manager is going to
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give his report covering up to four different topics. to we have ensure public comment, we'll pause the report at two separate points, after item 7 b and 7d. each time we call for public comment, speakers will be given up to two minutes for each topic, topamax mum of four minutes per speaker. if the speaker wishes to speak on each of the two topics. the miss can discuss or ask questions about the four topics at any point during the g.m. report or before and after public comment breaks. mr. g.m. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i would like to give a brief update on our covid response. as san francisco continues its reopening path, based on local health indicators and unique challenges and successes of our
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local reopening, the p.u.c. continues to follow state and city guidelines across all of our work sites and facilities. and continue to support the city's overall response efforts. now i hear typing. our department operations center remains staffed monday through friday. and we are continuing to deploy team members on long-term assignments to the city's emergency operations center. as i said many times, our employees remain our number one priority at the p.u.c. and continues to, -- while we're continuing to provide water power and sewer services to our rate-payers. we have team members performing not essential -- nonessential duties and will continue to work
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at home as much as possible through the end of this fiscal year, which is june 2021. that will hel help reduce the sd of covid-19. based on this business continuity plan, the committee remains focused on doing as much as we can to ensure the health and safety of our on-site employees supporting telecommuting employees and assess our workforce to determine if there's more we can do to reduce the number of employees coming on site. we also continue to equip our on-site employees with the equipment, tools and resources they need to do their job safely. our lines of communication remains open to understand what -- how we can meet additional needs. we are also continuing to support our customers in need
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with our emergency financial assistance programs. our emergency residential community assistant program is designed to help residential customers struggling to pay their water, sewer and hetch hetchy power bills during this covid-19 pandemic. since the program launched in may, more than 6,000 customers have benefited from the initiative. those customers have saved a monthly average of $53 on their water and sewer bills. and $15 on their hetch hetchy power bill. by continuing to work with our customers, employees, city partners and others, we will look to move forward from the tough times as a stronger, better and more responsive agency. again i want to thank commissioners and everyone for the support in all of these
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efforts. and that concludes my covid update. >> the non-potable water ordinance update. who is presenting that? >> good afternoon, commissioners. >> welcome. >> water resources division manager. i do have a presentation. great. thank you very much. today i'm just going to share a few updates on our non-potable water ordinance, as well as our recycled water ordinance. next, please. in 2012, the city and county of san francisco adopted the non-potable water ordinary, otherwise known as article 12 c. what the ordinance does is it allows for the collection and treatment of alternate water sources, such as rainwater,
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stormwater, foundation drainage, rainwater and black water to be collected and treated within a building for use as -- for non-potable and uses such as total flushing and irrigation. in 2015, this ordinance became a mandatory requirement for all new development over 250,000 square feet or greater. the ordinance under the mandatory requires the treatment and reuse of gray water, rainwater and foundation drainage to meet toilet flushing and irrigation demands. and this ordinance is applicable city wide. next. just wanted to share with you a few examples of some of these non-potable water projects. obviously our headquarters at 525 golden gate we have installed and engineered wetland treatment system to capture and treat our water for toilet flushing and irrigations. the center opted to collect foundation drainage, as a
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voluntary project to collect it and treat it and reuse it to flush toilets, approximately 200 toilets. as well as to build a truck-fill station for department of public works to pick up the water for street-cleaning purposes. another example is the chase center. this actually is a project that falls under the mandatory requirement. the chase center has a system -- designed a system to collect graywater and rain water to flush toilets throughout the center, as well as the adjacent office buildings next to the arena. next. we've been doing a lot of analysis over the past few years about the non-potable ordinance and we recognize that there's an opportunity to further increase potable offsets from new developments and new buildings in san francisco. we've also had the opportunity to streamline some of the requirements. and also provide for increased
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opportunities for more cost-effective systems. next. so these proposed non-potable water ordinance amendments, that we're proposing, is that convert commercial buildings, that they capture and treat blackwater, all of their wastewater not just graywater. we've seen some buildings only being able to reduce about 20% of their potable offset, if they're using gray january-watt, unlike our building, we're able to use 100% of the water to flush toilets. so we can certainly see a greater opportunity to save potable drinking water. also within the multi-family, residential and mixed-use residential building sector, we want to add an additional end-use and that's for clothes washing demands, in addition to the toilet flushing demands.
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and finally, the other amendment that we're proposing for getting into the buildings is that for new developments that have more than one building, for example, the chase center, the project i just shared with you, to install one treatment system to share that water with several buildings within that new development project. next. we're also proposing some exemptions in the non-potable ordinance and this is to exempt 100% affordable housing and homeless supportive housing in san francisco. also to exempt hospital health service and institutional health care facilities. and, finally, facilities that are zoned for production, distribution, repair and industrial use. we have recommended that we eliminate the requirement to collect and treat and reuse rainwater. certainly can be voluntary in nature. but to not require it as we've
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seen it to really provide just a small potable offset. and finally there's some additional modifications that our partner in this, the san francisco department of public health is proposing in terms of penalty structure, as well as their application fees. next, please. also wanted to share with you a few recycled water ordinance updates that we're proposing as well. next. the recycled water ordinance has been in effect since 1991. the recycled water ordinance applies to new or remodeled buildings over 40,000 square feet, as well as new and existing irrigation over 10,000 square feet. and the recycled water ordinance, unlike the non-potable ordinance, is just designated areas in san francisco and it's shown on the map, in the purple area. and the recycled water ordinance also requires the installation of dual plumbing to serve the
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toilets. next. and our planning for recycled water, just to also provide a little context, really our traditional approach has been to assume centralized recycled water treatment plants on both the west side and the east side of san francisco, to produce recycled water for non-potable purposes. but our planning really has evolved over the last 25 years. that really has to do with san francisco geography and landscape. as we all know on the west side of san francisco, we have large irrigated landscapes such as golden gate park, and on the east side we have much more dense housing, as well as commercial development. next. we've certainly been working very hard on centralized recycled water opportunities. we have completed the recycled water construction at both the golf course in the city of pacifica and the hardin park golf course project.
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and we're completing the construction of the west side enhanced water recycling project on the west side of san francisco, the ocean side treatment plant. that plant should be up and running in 2021 and will serve golden gate, linkin park golf course and the san francisco zoo. next. and so really our proposal is to rescind the recycled water ordinance, as i discussed earlier since 2015. the non-potable ordinance requires all new large buildings to treat water for on-site -- treat water on site for toilet-flushing and irrigation. really the ordinance really captures the majority of the new indoor and outdoor demands there is a limited value to for the demands in the ordinance. as well as we see a much greater opportunity in the future,
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certainly in terms of greater water supply opportunities to treat wastewater for source of drinking purposes. next. and so in conclusion, we see that the recycled water, the centralized recycled water project, as well as the project that falls under the non-potable ordinance, will meet 90% of all of the feasible non-potable demands that we see today in san francisco. we are, however, studying the opportunity for a satellite, recycled water treatment facilities to serve the existing dual-plumed buildings, as a result of the recycled water ordinance to meet the remaining 10%. we also have a grant program that provides grant funding for buildings that have and installed dual plumbing. an example of that is the sales force tower. they did apply for a grant and went ahead and are in the process of installing an on-site
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system. and again as i mentioned, looking forward and certainly to the future, there are greater water supply opportunities to treat wastewater for drinking water purposes. we're certainly seeing this kind of application throughout california, as many communities are benefiting from purified water, including san diego, orange county and monterey. and i'm happy to take any questions or any comments that you may have. thank you. >> thank you. commissioners? >> thank you. i have no questions. >> thank you. >> i assume you're coming forward with legislation for the commission at a further date? >> yeah. >> rescinding? >> yes. we estimate that the drafted
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legislation will be done by the end of october. >> okay. thank you. okay, without any further commission comments, madam secretary, this is the point we were going to open this up for public comment, right? >> clerk: for items 7 a and 7 b. members of the public who wish to make up to four minutes of public comment on items 7 a and 7 b dial (415)655-0001. meeting i.d. 146 500 3304 and pound, pound. to raise your hand to speak, press star. and please identify which item or items you'll be speaking on when you call in. thank you.
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mr. moderator, do any callers? >> we do have some callers in the queue. >> clerk: thank you. >> operator: caller, you have been unmuted. you have as much time as you specify in terms of which items you're going to speak to. >> thank you, acting chair and members. alita dupree for the record, my pronouns are she and her. i'm going to speak a little bit on both a and b. concerning a i appreciate the continued focus on keeping safe in this crisis, that is covid- covid-19. i think the opportunity for at-work home is something that i would hope would become a new normal, one way that people can be more productive and to save
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money by not commuting is to work at home. and it makes their paychecks go farther and i think it's a benefit that can help promote longevity at the sfpuc. and as far as reducing the interaction with people to continue to work on ways that people can pay their sfpuc bill without having to go somewhere in person. just because the person is unbanked, doesn't automatically mean that they're restricted to cash. there are many opportunities out there that i would hope can be looked at. moving on to b, i certainly advocate conservation. i think the exemptions that are mentioned about affordable housing and health care, i think that needs to be investigated as to why we are proposing
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exemptions, when i would like to see people who live in affordable housing and homeless facilities be able to participate in this form of conservation, as well as health care facilities. this really needs to be an all hands on deck. the least expensive gallon of water is the one that we don't use. and i support conservation because the fewer gallons of water we can import from hetch hetchy, lower the per-unit cost for everybody. my water bill last month was $21.85. so let's continue to work on maximizing the use of our water and continue that very much. thank you.
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>> operator: thank you, caller. madam secretary, there are no more callers who wish to speak on these items. >> clerk: thank you. that closes public comment on item 7 a and 7 b. the next item under the g.m. report is item 7 c, presented by michael carling. >> good afternoon, commissioners. first, i'd like to take just a moment to express my appreciation for president caen and vice president vitor. i actually started at the p.u.c. when president caen came onboard. and so i've been here as long as her. and my first experience with vice president vitor was the night we adopted the water supply improvement program, programmatic e.i.r. and i sat there and rewrote a program in the resolution with her. so that was my first encounter with her and i enjoyed working with her all these years. both of them. thank you for allowing those comments. i'm here to talk about the voluntary agreement negotiations that are ongoing with the state.
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we have another meeting with the state team this thursday. the subjects that we will be discussing are mainly around habitat. the state has proposed an increase in the number of acreage of habitat to be proposed. they would like 160 acres of habitat restored. we've asked for information from them of why that habitat is needed and what the benefit will be derived. because it was their proposal and we need to understand. we've had tentative agreement on predator control. there are non-native fish that eat the native fish, especially when they're young, fry or smelt. so we have agreement on a predator control program. and we're still negotiating on gravel augmentation and wanting to breed in the upper river for fish spawning. we still have discussing critical water. this is one of the biggest subjects that we are at right now. as you know, water types go by
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wet, above normal, below normal, dry, and critical. so a number of dry years would actually lead to critical years when not that much water is available. we have a proposal on the table and we're still discussing with them whether or not that proposal is adequate. and how maybe we kind of enhance that proposal, so we can get agreement on that. so that's where we are in the voluntary agreement at this point in time. i'd be glad to answer any questions. >> thank you. commissioners, questions for mr. carling? mr. maxwell, you're on mute. >> i have a question. why do you think we're so far off in the restoration? i mean, it's half. we are saying 80, they're saying 160. what is -- why are we so far
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apart? >> it's 80 plus 160, so it would be 240. it's an additional 160 acres they're asking for. and we don't know how much acreage we can actually restore on the river. and they have offered we can't restore on the river, we can go outside of the watershed and restore some place else. we need to understand what the benefit is so we can explain why you're investing your money in that habitat restoration. >> i think i must have missed something. i thought you said we were at 80. and they were at 160. >> no. that's my fault. i should have said it was additive. >> that was my fault. >> okay. so they want to add another 160 to our 80? >> correct. >> so what goes into them thinking that we can do that? i mean, they did so analysis, right? i mean, i'm assuming that they
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did an analysis and i'm assuming they looked at things and said, wait a minute, i think they can do another 160. >> we don't have that analysis at this point. we've asked them for that. that was something we've asked for several weeks ago. and we still have not received it. so i just -- a little while ago i asked for it again. >> and did you get any idea of when? >> well, i hope before thursday when we meet with them again, so we can discuss that item. >> okay. thank you. >> any questions? >> clerk: you're muted, chair moran. >> i'm sorry. thank you. mr. kelly, do we have an item under 7 d? >> yeah. i just wanted to take this
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opportunity to express my appreciation for both commissioners ann caen and francesca vitor resigne -- vito. i have known francesca under willie brown. the first department head of the department of environment. we, you know, the city engineer at the time really helped me change the way i thought about capital projects from an engineering perspective to more of a community environmental perspective. i think her value on the commission has been fantastic. i think that she has really helped move this big large organization in a way that we, as you mentioned, commissioner
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moran, into a greener space. and she is a really good friend of mine. so i'm really going to miss her pushing the organization. and i know that sophie is going to push as well. and then also, you know, ann caen has been really a solid commissioner with a lot of expertise, as it relates to the history of the organization and her leadership on the budget. and then also really making sure that we live up to the commitment in the southeast, as it relates to the biosolid digester projects. so i just wanted to thank both of them for the time served at the p.u.c. commission. i think their service has been
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tremendous and it really has been, you know, helping this organization be what it is today. and i just wanted to say thank you to both of them. >> thank you, harlan. and i think we all share those sentiments. i appreciate your public comments on that. commissioners, any other comments or should we go to public comment? seeing none, we'll move to public comment. >> clerk: members of the public who wish to make up to four minutes of public comment on items 7 c and 7 d dial (415)655-0001. meeting i.d. 146 500 3304 and pound, pound. so raise your hand to speak, press star 3. again please identify which item
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or items you wish to speak on when you are called upon. mr. moderator, do we have any callers? >> operator: madam secretary, there are callers in the queue who wish to speak to this item. >> clerk: thank you. >> operator: caller, your line has been unmuted. >> this is peter with the river trust. i wanted to comment on the voluntary agreement. a couple of weeks ago presented you with a letter signed by a member of the environmental and fishing group that alerted you to peer review of the irrigation district's fish model. it was commissioned by the national fisheries service. and it found that habitat
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improvements and predator control would pale in comparison to higher flows. now we encourage you to take a look at this, perhaps at a workshop. and really think about what you're backing here. now maybe you can get away with voluntary agreement. and we don't see the improvements and people put up their hands and say we tried. but we know that they really have a poor chance of performing. and this is a really important time. we're going to see the extra salmon on the river. staff is not interested in that. they're going to wait until the irrigation district responds with their technical review. that's going to say more of the same. they obviously have a vested interest in not giving up water. but we shown over and over again the sfpuc is not threatened with running out of water. we don't have these discussions. it's really disappointing.
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staff keeps coming back with voluntary agreements. the reason they're stalled out, staff and state agencies know that they're destined to fail, unless drafted improvements. they have to push for more water and be supportive of that. thank you. >> operator: thank you, caller. there are no more callers in the queue, madam secretary. >> clerk: thank you. public comment on items 7 c and 7 d are now close the. the next item, mr. chair, is item number 8, results and follow-up actions for covid-19 employee pulse survey number two. this will be presented by justine hinderwhitener. >> commissioners, i should have
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a presentation mr., moderator. great, thank you. good afternoon, commissioners. i'm the chief officer for our wonderful organization. and before i dive into this presentation, i wanted to take a moment to acknowledge, recognize, celebrate, just a shout-out to some folks on my team, who were really -- who are really the brainchild behind our engagement. these wonderful individuals, alyssa is here with us today. so she and the manager over this
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group within our enterprise workforce planning group jenny rice, who is presently on a well-deserved vacation. so that only reason she's not here. they really for the last two years have pushed, guided, analyzed, communicated, done all of the things related to our burgeoning engagement culture here at the p.u.c. and it has done nothing but open our eyes to possibility, given us opportunities to improve in a pinpointed way, to really start to understand in a tangible way the value of employee voice. so i cannot thank them enough and i'm a talking head at this point for these things. so all of the credit goes to them.
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so thank you, alyssa and jenny. >> thanks, justine. >> okay. with that i'm going to dive right in. and i believe at some point in june, although that feels like 50 million months ago, and we talked about our survey results from our first covid-19 survey. the first covid-19 survey was launched in the beginning of may. and we talked about those results and things that we had learned and things that we would put into action, as a result in june. then we launched this survey. and if i could get a couple of moves forward for the animation. thank you.
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we launched this survey -- one more, please, thank you. the end of june and it was open for a week. so the goals of this second survey was really to measure our effectiveness of our current efforts to mitigate covid-19 concerns. those that we learned in the survey and then obviously it would inform our business continuity plan, including getting feedback for our business continuity group and our equity pillar within that group. [ please stand by ]
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groups in order to highlight areas of concern or areas where they could improve to just give a little bit more support to managers and to have certain conversations. you can see our response rate and favor ability on the very bottom tier this slide and it's pretty much on par with our survey, our first survey too so we're at 47% response rates and for a timeframe of only a week having it be open for only a week it's good. and our over all favor ability of 72% and just a reminder what our benchmark is for favor ability is 70%. next slide, please. so, tons of stuff has happened since we launched our survey in may. our first survey in may. we had lunch our business are
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business continuity team and that is a team that is basically taking all of this information as well as other information that we get through regular course of doing business and things that we learned through the city's covid response and we're looking at ways to improve the employee experience, whether they're remote workers or on site workers. and that group is chaired by myself and our chief operating officer and deputy general manager, michael carlin. it's one huge thing we did because under that team we have launched communications, resources, brand new programs all designed to improve communication and transparency to our workforce and in general
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provide them supportive resources and programs kind of in this new normal as we have now been saying over and over again since the beginning of covid-19. this captures some of those things, more at a high level but i can just tell you we have had on going communications, we've piloted and now run several series of brand new communications like our virtual all hands and coffee chats. we literally built from scratch some of these programs and specialities both highlighted down in yellow. these are brand new programs that did not exist until there was a need for them and then our amazing staff across the agency came together to put these things together.
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this will show us highlights, trends and specific to covid-19 items. you can see we have done a lot since the beginning or since that initial survey in may. already, responding to people's concerns and that is why you are going to be seeing a lot of up ticks so we had some improvement in our favor ability for our safety measures and maintaining a safe work environment and we had improvement regarding everything, covid 19 and i'm going to save the employee (inaudible) push forward and animation, please. you can see that we have very
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specific items that we ask our on site employees versus our remote employees because they are different challenges given the nature of their work so we have our on site employee charges and related to you guessed it, safety items and you can see that it's pretty well distributed as far as what people are concerned about. and then under our remote employee challenges, we have really a lot of it is related to not being comfortable having to scramble back home and shelter in place went into it in fact and not having a right set up and not having the right
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equipment and and and the last two items are our remote employees as well as items in our employee and the yellow really are highlighting probably one of the biggest trends and and it's a survey is people are really feeling disconnected. people are feeling the pressure to perform and it's hard to delineate and work and life when you are working and we have a lot of parents and care takers and our employee base and everybody, including so many people on my staff, myself include, our general manager, we have young kids and it's challenging to balance the personal and work demands.
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and so, we'll talk a little bit later about what we're planning on doing about that and the two items under the remote employee challenges and not having enough equipment or technology equipment and those two items, we developed from scratch two programs to support our employee's who are working remote and specific to those items and we started in again survey one and survey two. at this point in time, people were taking this survey they didn't know about that yet because we were still developing it and we hadn't launched it yet and for the most part, that programs have been a complete success and we've been able to
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address those needs and draw our agency with our remote workforce. next slide, please. moving on to our equity pillar within our business continuity plan. so we launched our business continuity team this was a foundational pillar that we really felt was important to lead with and we basically drafted a definition of what we believed equity should be and how it should be described within that business continuity plan and we floated that definition to our employees to gage their response and what do you think about this? are you satisfied with the approach and the definition or can we make some changes. two-thirds of respondents are satisfied with the draft definition and our approach. regardless, we know this there's always ways that we can improve
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and based on some of our initial analysis was within the comments, we're making some changes right out the gate. so we're going to broaden the definition and increase transparency. more people want to know what this business continuity team is all about. what are we doing? what are we considering. what are the things that we have done? what we are plan to go do this week or next week, we're going to be posting all the call-in and log-in information so that anyone within our organize gays can be a part of that discussion. they can come and give ideas and raise issues that mayor wiebe not awarwe're notaware of.
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that's the part of this group. it's cross sectional and we have 40 different members throughout our agency and those representatives are cast with being a conduit of information. it's a two-way feedback loop. what i love about this is we're able to invite even more participation, just by merely accepting up the invitation a little bit more broadly. and that way we can get more input and we can get even more ideas on ways to improve. and secondly, that we're going to be increasing transparency that i believe this part and we are going to have weekly health and safety round us that we post
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on our business continuity website. we were doing this more on a by weekly basis but we'll capture on the health and safety related items and that can be from city policy to cdc, information, or studies that have come out and all that kind of stuff. that's information that will be posted more regularly. next slide. moving into our results, related to the diversity equity inclusion and belonging, that's what deib stands for. and we are meeting or exceeding external benchmarks for valuing diversity and belonging that is that couple on the left and we're at 88%. and then, we also see that we
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are below our standard target rate of 70% for equity inclusion and trust for the sfpuc to advance racial justice and you can see that in the latter four to the right. next slide, please. and diving even deeper, we have throw main takeaways from this slide where we see some ethnicity differences in our survey items. so, most employees leave a diverse work is important however, a black multi-racial and latinx employees have a more negative perception of equity, fairness, inclusion and belonging here at the puc. we also see manager support. my meaning is supporting me during this time and that is a
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lower -- it's a lower rate for our latin x plaque and multi racial employees. in general, that's are favorable and you will see there's a absolutely there's room to improve especially in that second line where everyone here is treated fairly regardless of race, gender, age, ethnic background, et cetera. the last thing i want to point out as a takeaway is that we have and we talked about this before, where we see a lower response rate for our latin x and black employees. that's just a general challenge within anything engagement and anything communication and so i want to talk about experiment with it survey and to address that and we have some initial findings there that seem pretty
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promising and we'll talk about that in just a moment. next slide, please. moving on we also have gender differences and diversity equity and belonging items in our survey ask and in general, women value diversity and have a perception of equity and fairness at the puc. there were no gender differences for in conclusion and belonging however. next slide. please. you can see here that although generally again, fairly favorable, are on site workers have a more negative perception of puc's over all effectiveness during covid and a negative
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perception regarding our leadership safety and communication. next slide, please. so, here are what we have taken so far to take some action as well as things that were looking to do as next steps. so initially, we created what we call a covid issue tracker. it's basically just a system to parse out all of the specifically identifiable issues that were raised in this survey that we believe we can close out. we learned about an item and we would assign that item to either a individual or team to inquire
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or investigate the issue and figure out a way to resolve it and so so far we have resolved half. we're at 61% as of a week or so ago. we have 30% things still in progress and just about 10% of things not yet started. so it's been a really successful model for us to get things quickly identified or quickly identified and quickly i.d. people to take care of it and close it out. because the more that we can act on this information that we are gathering the better off everybody will be and the better off our leadership and our trust and our over all effectiveness will be. some examples of things that were identified. things like installing plexiglass shields. at the counters for our second
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floor and like our customers would enter those barriers to protect against covid-19 trance commission and we have (inaudible) so we put out education and communication within our health screening process in general. we under the communication and under thupped the visibility of different points that are important for the progress of those health screenings day in and day out. so those are examples of the discrete issues identified through these surveys that beef been able toll figure out and
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resolve. we also learned in particular from our on site workers that face covering compliance is a sticky issue. and there could be tons of different reasons for that and so we're not interested in coming up with a one size fits all approach because it is a avenue with our field workers which is, again, traditionally a demographic within our workforce who responds less to these surveys, responds less to other communication modes. and so, we have created a face covering compliance work stream in our business continuity plan team and they're going to be, and i think these are actually just starting, they'll have
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focus groups for the barriers to compliance are within our various different work groups. we have qualitative analysis and belonging items and we can identify themes from those comments in order to inform our upcoming racial equity action plan. and so it's something that we have done there too and would provided a guide how to express their work groups and results, related to the diversity equity and results and so that they felt a little more supportive on having some of these conversations and then our last point on this slide is we, and i mentioned this before, we really want to improve and explore how to better improve are diverse representation in the actual
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responses o our future survey so how do we get our black latin x and employees in the field, how do we get these various different populations of our employee workforce, to respond o these surveys because we want to hear from them. their voice matters and we want to support them in being able to respond. so one thing that we tested in this regard for this survey, we did this at our cbd division and our city distribution division and so what we did was we deployed through the support and assistance with i.t. and enterprise workforce planning group that alyssa and jenny are on as well as folks at cbd we deployed and iphones and during the survey open when the survey was open for response.
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we had harder indications that came from the did vision manager and things that were all over there facility there and they also set aside time and stack time for them to take it and these things may sound simple to do but it's you are coordinating all the comings and goings of almost a 300 person operation field operations where people are out in the city and it is a ton and coordination and people took it in tried and because of that effort we saw a 13% increase and response rate at cbd so that was just super excited and it's one of those things where it's like do you think we can do it and we just tried and you have great success
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and i love that and it was a cross functional approach where lots of different groups came together to see if we can make a difference and it did. so we're looking to see if we can replicate that and other areas for maybe that is not the right thing to do for other work groups and it gives us an earth indicators of how we can move the needle on that. the last thing i want to talk about is that we're also related to our communication surrounding us is that we have since this survey, closed and we got the responses. we've already had one coffee chat that is specifically designed to address some of the well-being mental healing and anxiety all of those things that we learn from our survey and i
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mean, i think it's just a palpable thing. people really feel it. you can feel it in the city and at work and you can feel it at home and it's just an anxious time. the more that we can be here for each another better off we're all going to be. it's tricky not everybody wants a hug and not everyone talks about their feeling so we're trying to come at with we are here as an organization to support you and we've had our leaders and our managers and really and do more explicit check inns. how are you in this regard? not just like hey, how are you doing today but really like, how are you doing? are you struggling with anything? how are things at home and what
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are you feeling challenges by and even though it takes time off and it's good to just have that time away and unplug from the work. how are you structuring your day. do you have breaks built in? can you go take a walk during your quote-unquote lunch break. all of these things really, really matter even though they seem super mall and it adds up to building more supported work-life ball approach and we've also had tons of other different communication 0hr but this is a work in progress and hopefully people will take it with the spirit that intended and to just make sure that everyone is doing ok and if they
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aren't they have people to lean on to go if they need it. so, with that, i'll take any questions or comments. >> i would just like to say, well done. and especially getting out and recognizing a lot of those guys and i think a lot of them are men, that are in the cdd. it's a macho thing as well. when you put that extra effort to say look, we want to hear from you. so job well done. we need to continue that and now that we know that it's easier and i just, i mean, just great work and it's just amazing what you find out. i mean, i'm really surprised
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about a lot of things you uncover. just uncovering it and people seeing it has made a difference so i just have to say it makes me feel good about how we're going about doing things and the lens is in everything we do. it's in everything. so thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> justine, that was a really they arely and many ways report and it's amazing. >> thank you. >> and again i want to thank your staff. you are right. you can see your work and the care and the considerations so i want to thank staff and thank you so much and for all the time that you all took to do this
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because it shows and it really makes a difference. >> 100%. thank you for recognizing them. thank you. >> one of the things about these presentations is there's a lot of information and that perhaps more importantly, i think it conveys a thought process and a mind set and where your heart is and that is tremendously encouraging and you thank you for all of that. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and i would be certainly want to go and deeper and have that opportunity and maybe at some point we can talk about some of those things. if that's ok. make you can jump in and figure it out.
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>> we can set up time to chat with you. >> >> can you open it up for public comment. >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of public comment on item dial (415)655-0001 and meeting id146 50000 3304-pound pound to raise your hand to speak press star 3. >> do we have any callers. >> there are no callers in the queue. >> public comment on item number 8 is closed. >> without additional commission comment, would you please call
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the next item. >> item number 9, a workforce diversity and equity update and we'll have two presentations. one by justine, again and the second presentation by agm richy. >> hi, again. mr. moderator i should have a thank you so much. ok. since you already mow who i am, we're just going to go right to the next slide, please. so what we're talking about here is really our human resources current on going approach to some items that were in our and our report and we have our approach to discipline and so these are things that we're
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already doing and and because it is a really specific regulated process. when new disciplinary issues are brought to hrs, which is the human resource services, that's the acronym for my bureau, when it's brought to hrs for in quarry we investigate the issues and we determine if a similar conduct is happening within the workgroup and we review any similar annal cases and you can
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see up on the next column, where it says public sector disciplinary process protections, already built into this process, there's lots of protection so there's due process w that means before discipline is finalize and where it's, you know, just being if it's going to get 10 days off for whatever bad thing i did, we issue a notice to the employees saying here is what all that discipline is based on and then we hold a meeting to talk about that. they are allowed to bring a representative, usually they bring their union rep, not always. and so all of this happens
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before the discipline is actually finalized. and then after the discipline is finalized there's a process and there's a lot of things already baked into provide checks and balances. moving down, we also have from a more kind of performance management framework struck you're, we have our competency model which i've mh370 to and i believe even jenny rice has come to this commission to talk more about the competency model and it's basically a performance management framework that shows to every employee what success in the job, in their job, looks like. it's also a way for them to understand, how can i progress in my career. then you can see what kind of competencies may be required for jobs that you are interested in. and so, we are developing this
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framework and it's currently underway and been underway since want to say 2014. through out our organization and that is such an important thing to show people what success looks like so discipline isn't even an issue, right. and and lastly things we are going to do is a huge focus of our employee labor relations group in a hr s and on going advice and that is specifically to guide and coach our supervisors on how to deal with the personnel issues and it may not be that discipline is the right thing to do and it may be that the employee needs to coaching and needs training and needs more specific and there
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designed to support supervisors so set jobs mor clearly and provide the support and guide their employees for success so we have developed this framework but we needed to create the training on how to apply the framework so it's underway now. we're also going to be getting, although we're vetting vendors now, and so it will be a little bit before this comes to fruition but a case management system for holistic analytics because all of these different prophecies related to performance management, whether it's coaching, and regular meetings and setting smart goals or whether it's discipline, all of that amounts to a lot of different paper, a lot of manual processes so it's really and
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there may be pockets of insights like, you know, a certain manager is experiencing a high level of turnover in their group and so what is going on there. do we need to swoop in and give that manager specifically some more support on how to better manage their staff. right now, we don't have a lot of in sight into those things unless people are coming to us and asking for that help. the last one, we're also developing more specific tools and procedures and again, this is really about that holistic approach and employee development and and that's due
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at the end of the year. >> can you repeat that. you broke up. >> the ore part? >> i don't know the acronym. yeah. the last piece, so, we are as an agency, and as individual enterprises and bureaus we're developing racial equity action plans as part of the requirements under the office of racial equity legislation that was passed in the city. part of that action plan.
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there's a section that specifically addresses disciplinary and separation. (inaudible) issues and separation so part of our plan will be focused on these kinds of things and that is due to the city at the end of the year. >> and so i have a question, so, i mean, this is very thorough and you know, you really sound like incredibly benevolent boss, ok, if i just put it in that context. with that being said, this is very thorough and very good report, are you sharing any of this stuff that you are sharing right now with the commissioners with the union representatives when it comes to dealing with collective bargaining agreements and people that will enhance or effected by these policies that you are moving forward with.
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all of this done just in hr, so to speak, or are there any meetings with the representatives with your employees and as this moving forward and these are frameworks and tools and resources and it's not necessarily new rules or regulations that are being developed and are any of these discussions taking place with union representatives of the employees that do the work at the public utilities agency? >> no, with these specific items here we're not meeting with
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power and when it comes to a employer versus an employee. so, i think you've answered my question. >> ok. >> thank you. >> i think -- was there any questions on that side? i don't think so. i have a question regarding so all this you mentioned, all this is through a lens of diversity and trying to make sure that everybody has an opportunity and is heard and there and and we're
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really looking to create supportive, effective, more supportive and more effective managers to help them to achieve that success. >> you are trying to support the managers to help them be successful, to help the employees be successful and they're the ones who really are with them day in and day out. >> next slide, please. current and on going approach to management leadership development as i mentioned in an easterly year slide, we have -- earlier slide, we have new supervisor training and we have
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launched a great program for senior leadership development. that was launched earlier this year before shelter in place, oh my goodness. and in preparation of this program, we did a comprehensive needs assessment and we got feedback and information from front line supervisors all the way up to agns about what things would be useful. what things are useful to you, what things are useful to your team? what things are useful coming from your boss or your chain of command. to really try and get a more expensive understanding of the needs of our employees from if i lane so within this program,
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there's training modules, there's peer group coaching, there's one-on-one coaching, it's not just a come here, let's get in a little room and talk at you. it's super interactive and it was really, really thoughtfully developed. and i'll talk on a little bit what our plans are for this program. >> i'm assuming that the core competency also is look at a approaching different people with different cultures and
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diversity. if you are doing your report a lot of the problems are with african american and black and brown employees. so, this approach is dealing with all of those issues one of the modules is about how to create a respectful and inclusive workplace. and there's other things like coaching for engagement, which how do you coach your own employees, meeting your employees where they are at, from whatever walk of life they come from, how is it that you support those folks? to be successful and we are helping prepare employee for success and to basically advance
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again in the way that they want to. we piloted in 2019, a two-day workshop on how to get a city job, like literally, how do you navigate the application process, right. how do you apply? and what are the different things that you need to do in order to we've had a successful interviewing skills workshop that we've provided in the past that is not something that we have provided remotely so we're looking to see how we can pivot now and in this new day and age. those somewhere other items that we have been doing and we haven't scaled to the level that we would like to. next slide, please. and a plan from moving forward and we're really looking to
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increase our recruitments and from within and investigate and looking to increase our anti buy is and interventions during the hiring process as well as other timeframes when managers are exercising judgment. all hiring manager and internet have you panel members are required to take reducing bias in the hiring process training and that's something that the city has developed and so we no matter what, if you are a hiring manager or you are on a interview panel you have to take that training and then harkening back to our leadership development program we're looking how wexit rat we can it. we have our senior managers level like our division manager
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and getting down to levels where people are looking for advancesment opportunities and they can take this so that they're better prepared to take on either an acting assignment or get a promotion because this is something that we really took a long time to thoughtfully prepare and incorporate feedback that we got from throughout the organization and targeted feed become about what is good for you and how you want to be developed and what would be good for your teams to have and all in our framework that is management framework and so, really looking to harness the
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programs and the more success that everything will feel. lastly, we have genre lated to the office of racial equity and the city's office of racial equity and the legislation that came out of that and we have an action plan and one of the components of that action plan is for diverse and equitable leadership and management and that is due at the end of the year. and that is what i have. >> thank you,. >> you are welcome. >> that's a lot. >> >> it's important you are putting this together and it's incredible i wish we had more employers that were doing this
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kind of stuff. i'm still going to, for the record, say that this is done strictly from only a management point of view, i do have some concerns about it because we really like to have some of the employees feet they can talk about their own without thinking that this is the plan that came just from the puc so, having union reps as part of that conversation but it hasn't happened but maybe it can. i don't know where it ends up. i just always like to make sure there's a labor and management and hiring, disciplinary or job description slash ideas that are out there and see that happening and despite all the good stuff that i've just seen in this
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presentation today. i want to note that as we move forward. so, thank you. >> thank you. thank you all. and could you open us up for public -- >> there's one more presentati presentation. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i've been asked to present some of the activities going on where things happen on the ground. there's some planning but a lot of it is actually what is happening in the real work. so we've been engage for the last two years in working with staff at cdd, the city distribution division regarding particular low the safety culture and workplace conduct
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there, this conversation arose as a result of complaints and concerns raised and anything else by the tragic death of lilly, one of our plumbers, in middle of 2018 who was killed in a job site accident that was reallyunreally unfortunate and c and we still bear that burden. later this week, the cdd staff will be awarding an award to a pubmed ply owe who west represents lilly who outlook and attitude and professionalism that she was a valued employee. to cut to the chase, we hired a consult apartment to act as a ombuds person bringing someone in from the outside who they could talk to and do that in a confidential way and those conversations generated a lot of
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data and concerns on different issues. we got a lot of feedback there and that took several months of conversation and it took an action plan to respond to concerns so i'm going to talk about two highlighted areas briefly here, not to take too much time because it's a deep subject. one is the safety culture at cdd and one is about workplace conduct and respectful behavior and if i can have the next slide, please. on the safety front, we basically took a variety of actions to make sure folks were feeling safe in the workplace. reinvigorating safety committee that was a little bit too rote, not enough paying attention to hard, safety issues we made sure all staff were trained and
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restrained in safety practices including use of p.p.e. and it may seem fairly simple but sending the message constantly everybody on the job site needs to be wearing a hard hat and row fleck tive vest and people get lazy, it's a big deal. you need to be in the practice of being safe all the time and we dealt with our machine shop where there were dust issues and there we saw some of the problems that were occurring and many of them meant wear respirator and it's essential to protect workers ehealth. and we increase labor staffing for job site traffic control which i will get to in a second. you see job sites and all
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wearing vests and two of the employees are wearing hard hats and the other one, this is one we're still trying to solve is wearing a full face ris per eight or. he is a machinist grinding on the pipe we're about to install. we haven't figured out a good hard hat solution for the folks who are wearing receipt pir eight ors but it's a more critical piece of safety equipment. >> this is a job site that was actually just around the corner from here and it is if you look
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off to the right, you see two flaggers there with stop and slow signs and there's a truck park back there that has a flashing arrow on the front so the truck is blocking the site and the flashing air sew districting 2 and i want to give a shout out to our laborers because they've been performing traffic control and working kill gently and creatively to make you're job sites as safe as possible and just that truck back there is an example where instead of towing it around, we tuttle it on the backs of older trucks that don't need to travel a lot and can sit there and be part of the control of the track it's and he will carry all the safety equipment as well as the flashing arrows so, we think our job sites are getting safer but we have to push on this to make
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sure they're staying sale but it's really essential. if we can go to the next slide and talk about workplace conduct expectations and safety is a real high priority but one of the things we really heard feedback on was the level of civility within cvd and people weren't treating each other as respectfully as they so we formed a workgroup of staff, not managers, this is staff to come up with workplace conduct expectations and this is just the first set of bullets in that and it's about a four or five page document that gets into detail and i sometimes say, you could have just written the golden rule, you know. treat others as you would like to be treated and you can stop there because everyone could fit into that rubric but it's really important for people to treat
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each other well and out there for everybody to enforce. people can call each other on it in a gentle and respectful way and we don't get into disclosing private conversations but at the same time, we really need to behave respectfully with each other. this is something that was developed in late last year and early this year and i still recall the day it was rolled out to staff because it was march 6th of 2020 and so a week later we went into shelter in place and the world changed a little bit. we've been now going backout and reinforcing this with all the staff that's this is how you need to behave and if we're not behaving that way we're not doing our job properly. this is been a big step to get these expectations there. next slide. the last thing i want to talk about is how we expect to move forward on workforce diversity and equity.
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one of the things we're doing is we have a task order with the ombuds person to assist in training managers and supervisors and following up on respectful behavior in the workplace. its behavior that needs to be demonstrated to the top and reinforced with all the staff in the yard. we're bringing a consultant into assist if further data gathering and we already have a lot of data on cdd and we have more conversations there as well as out there with all of our workers and all voices are heard as we develop plans for the racial equity plan and as well as being responsive to the racial equity resolution and the commission adopted and i didn't consciously put this as the last punch line, commissioner paulson, we do need to bring in the unions to help us in the conversation not how to improve diversity and equity and to provide better career
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opportunities for all. wrack work at a management employee and i think the unions can be an important play ner that conversation to help move us forward into the future. that's a real once over and what we expected to do in the water enterprise going forward and and i would be happy to answer any questions. >> again, i'd like to thank you both for getting into the weeds on this and it's got to make things better. every bit of movement makes things better so thank you all for your work and thank you again just teen and your staff and thank you steve and your staff for recognizing it it may seem simple but we have to remember all these things, we just kind of get into our own little mind set and we don't think about other people so
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thank you. >> it will make a difference. >> thank you and with that additional comment, madam secretary, would you open this for public comment. >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of public comment call (415)655-0001 meeting i.d. 146 500 3304-pound pound to raise your hand to speak press star 3. >> do we have any callers? >> >> there are no callers in the cue at this time. >> thank you, public comment on item number nine is closed.
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>> madam president, mr. chair your next item is item number 10. the bay area power supply and conservation agency update presented by nicole san kuala. >> welcome. >> hi. welcome, thank you. good afternoon commissioners, and thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today and i wanted to report to you on two things from last week's board meeting first, mr. richy provided the update on the puc new alternative water supply planning program. it has been a year since mr. richy spoke about the 10 year capital improvement program to the board. he indicated the next vip would need to prioritize increased efforts to respond to the state and federal regulations and including a water supply program so fulfill its regulatory and
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contractual obligations. mr. richy,'s presentation was well received and the board is very interested in this program and they recognize that critical results are needed to ensure water supply reliability for the member agency and their water customers. they will remain closely engaged on this planning work as it continues at staff and board level. second, the board considered its continued participation in the reservoir expansion project and at this time, the water district who owns the reservoir, is asking the existing partner agency in the lve project and that includes bosca and the sfpuc so adopt a second amendment to the multi party agreement for the project and
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and there are several reasons bosca made this decision and including the lack of interest and at this time in securing that additional supplemental dryer supplies and via and the high cost of the next planning phase and over all projects and the number of unknowns related to cost and implementation of the project. at the same time, bosca supports the expansion project and this project is one of the projects being investigated by the sfpuc as part of the new alternative water supply planning program.
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and my understanding from the puc staff is the commission will be considering its own action on the second amendment to the expansion multi party agreement in your upcoming meetings. at last week's meeting the board strongly urged the sfpuc to remain engage in the expansion project as a potential project to meet san francisco's legal and contractual water supply reliability water obligation to the tulsa customers and i look forward to the sfpuc and evaluating a new alternative supply for the regional water system. lastly, i also wanted to take a moment to extend my appreciation to commissioner cane and commissioner for their service to the water customers, for all water customers that rely on the system. while their primary loyalty has been appropriately aligned with the citizens of san francisco, i
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found that they recognized and respected the sfpuc's role as a wholesale water supplier to the agency and the 1.8 million customers they served as well. i appreciate their unique voices on this commission and they ensure the water system is a reliable supply for future generations and this concludes my remarks and i would be pleased to answer any questions you might have for me today. >> >> thank you, commissioners, any questions? >> thank you. can you open this for public comment? >> >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of public meant on item 10 call --
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>> do we have any callers? >> there are no callers in the cue at this time. >> thank you, public comment on item number 10 is closed. mr. chair, your next item of business is item number 11. new commission business. >> any new business? >> i have one item and it's a follow onto the water supply planning budget work sheet and effort and discussions. we've had the last presentation that we had had the basic format and intend of the work sheet but
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it was missing a lot of numbers and i would request that the staff come back to this commission and no later than the second meeting in october with a version of that work sheet that's been populated with the appropriate numbers and i know there's some question about how to deal with official numbers versus what we think updated numbers should be and if that's not resolved we use the published official numbers and put noted appropriately but we can't let that stand in the way of progress the toll for us. that is my new business and nothing else from the commissioners? then, we do public comment on this as well. madam secretary, if you would open it up to public comment >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of public
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comment on item number 11 dial -- >> do we have any callers. >> there are no callers in the queue wishing to speak on item 11 at this time. >> thank you. >> would you like for me to call the consent calender or would you like to proceed otherwise? >> i don't see any otherwise. >> ok. item number 12 is the consent calender. all matters listed here are under constituted concept col der are routine by the san francisco public utilities commission and acted upon by a single vote of the commission. there will be no separate
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discussion of these items unless a member of the commissioner or the public so requests. in which event the matter will be re moved from calender and considered as a separate item. >> commissioners, how do you request to remove any items from the consent calender? >> i have none. >> seeing none. madam secretary, please open it to public comment. >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of public comment on items on the involve consent calender dial -- >> do we have any callers? >> there are no callers in the queue at this time. >> thank you. public comment on this item is
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closed. >> i make a motion that we accept the consent calender. >> did we already call for public comment? >> yes, we did. >> second. >> ok. >> thank you. >> it's been moved and seconded. madam secretary, call the roll. [ roll call vote ] you have three ayes. >> and the item passes. please call item 13. >> the san francisco public utility commission floodwater management grant assistance program grant requirements and terms. and this will be presented by sarah minick. >> thank you.
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>> >> this is greg nor bee i was going to start and hand it over to sarah. good afternoon, commissioners. assist apartment general manager for the wastewater enter are prize. i was going to provide a really brief couple of background information items on this and sarah, whose team runs this program, will go into more detail and we'll be available for questions. this is the grant program whose basic public benefit purpose is to help incentivize the private properties around the city that maybe at risk of flooding damage to make a variety of property upgrades that improve the flood resiliency of the built environment in that area. and so, this is one of many
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elements that we have for the flood resiliency goals of the puc in the city and others include the 100 year flood map that you are familiar with and the new disclosure requirements and tied to that flood hazard map and this grant program and also you know well north of about a half a billion dollars in future capital projects that are targeted at also and flood resiliency. this grant program has a fairly long but unfortunately uneventful history so far and it's been around since about 2013 and with that basic purpose in mind that i just described in total roughly eight years, we've executed and 19 grants and award beside 300,000 and in actual and
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and and so the purpose in front of you really quite simple in a level and they're meant to help improve the utilization of the grant program to the extent that we can influence that and the feedback we've gotten indicates that combination of concerns with the administrative process and et eligibility criteria and more recently, for some nhl lower income property owners and the challenges of completing the work in terms of when the grant money is released and so, again, that's the basic purpose of these proposed changes is to try to improve the performance of the programs and from the eyes of the community in terms of accessing and utilizing it. so with that i'll hand it over to sarah to go into a bit more detail on the specific changes being proposed. and we'll be happy to answer any questions after that.
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thank you. >> thank you, greg. good afternoon, commissioners. as greg pointed out we're here to troy to make modifications that will increase the up take of the floodwater grant program to help folks become more flood resilient and the primary issue before you today is our efforts to make the grant program more accessible to low income residents or folks who are experiencing financial hardship. in the current way that our grant program is set up, it's really a reimbursement process so applicants who are successful and pay their contractors to do flood resilient work and we reimburse those folks and firefighters brought to our attention by community wome mem. we thought they had a great point. this makes it very difficult for
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low income residents to avail themselves of the grant program because if they don't have the money to invest they can't be row i am busse bussedreimbursed. so to put fourth a small amount of the grant total so that someone experiencing hardships would be able to at least secure a contractor and therefore they would be able to start the work and be a part of our grant program and so to achieve that and also to manage the risk of giving money up front, our proposal is that folks who do show that they are hardship situation to get 10% or $1,000 up front and whichever is smaller order to secure a
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contractor vow a a deposit. to do that work. particularly some communities of faith who have spoken to us about wanting to participate in the grant program have the same issue so we did want to include those stakeholders in this change and so you can see in the resolution we would also like to put fourth an opportunity for small businesses and non profits to be able to have a contractor deposit and then finally our goal, along the same lines, is to reduce the grantee cost share from 20% to zero percent in hardship situations and the big picture level, again, we want to make sure that we're not out there saying we want you to become more flood resilient, but only if you can afford to be a
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part of our grant program. instead we'd like to say, you know, this grant program is for everybody who would like to be flood resilient and let's provide some tools for folks who may not be able to afford that up-front cost. that's our proposal here today. we would be happy to take questions as greg mentioned. >> >> i would say thank you for the changes. people were calling, i was getting calls and i'm sure a lot of people were getting calls about the program and i whatever we can make is easier and better and it makes it better for everyone. so, thank you for those changes and those modifications -- and we talked about to the item and i'm glad to produce that and
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present that would be fine too. >> you brought up a good point that we were not able to discussion. another piece of this, which we initially put forward which was an eligibility criteria and that would be the third item. we need more conversation on that item, we would like to stroke that. donna, can you give me direction how detailed -- would you like me to read the new resolution without item 3? >> if you can read all the changes that were made. all of the red line changes that were made. >> absolutely. >> let me put it in red line.
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>> the first change under the 9 whereas clause. so the items that we just discussed, which will stay as is, read, whereas, wastewater enterprise staff now recommends modifying the grant requirements and terms as follows, number one, for owner-occupied residential property owners who demonstrate financial hardships and a, provide up front payment of up to $1,000 for contractor deposits to secure work and b, allow reimbursement for the payment on invoice only, not proof of payment. and number two, for small businesses and non-profit oregonizations, provide up front for contractor deposits and b, allowing reimbursement for the
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final installment payment based on invoice only, not proof of payment, and c, reduce the cost share from 20% to 0% and then this following a stricken and remove eligibility requiring proof of prior flooding and replace with six inches of flooding in 100 year storm and this whereas is now stricken and whereas, under the proposed modifications app can't who do not meet the six inches of flooding in 100 year storm threshold could request a variance to be granted or denied by the general manager based on the standards set fourth in the grant requirement and terms. and then finally, one more whereas, that is stricken, or
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that is added, whereas, at its meeting on september 22nd, 2020 the commission amended the proposed modifications to the grant requirements and terms and the variant process on file with the commission secretary to remove the propose changes to the eligibility criteria for the program based on flooding in 100 year storm. >> sarah, also, there's a sunset that this is a pilot and we want to have those changes in effect for one year. >> i'm sorry, sarah. can you also please read the change in the result clause and the further row solve clause that is add at the very end. >> the second last resolve says,
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the commission a proves the proposed modifications to the grant requirements in terms on file with the commissioner secretary as amended by the commission at the 22nd meeting to remove the proposed changes to the eligibility criteria and authorization the general manager to execute grant agreements consist st. john's with the approved modified requirements and terms with property owners who have acted for wastewater services and subject to the availability of funding and be it further resolved, this is the addiction the modifications to the grant requirements in terms of approved here under shall expire one year from the date of this resolution. >> so i have a question, and since there's these minor tweaks that are coming in, are we going to be able to take a full position on this after public
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>> the item as amended passes thank you all for that and secretary if you would call the next item. >> clerk: discussion and possible action to discuss performance goals for fiscal year 2020 to 2021 for general manage. >> mr. kelly. >> good afternoon, commissioners. the work plan i bring to you today reflects proposed
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performance goals for my work plan for fiscal year 2020-2021. if approved by you, i will submit outcomes for each of them for your evaluation at the end of the fiscal year. i last submitted performance goals for the commission review for the fiscal year 2019 and 2020 and due to competing priorities during the commission leadership during that year those goals were not evaluated and new goals were not approved for the fiscal year 2019-2020. this year's goals falls into five categories as specified in my employment contract. the first item is general management.
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the second category is policy implementation the third is audit response. the fourth one is transparency and the fifth one is year specific goals. the first four categories are concerned with ongoing operational management while the year specific goals are focussed on specific organizations initiatives and priorities. while many of the year specific goals are in support of our core business functions, i also set goals to meet specific challenges which has risen to the forefront in the last several months. with continuity of operation and racial justice and rate affordability. while this year has brought exceptional difficulty, those challenges have also provided opportunities for us to continue
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exceptional service while raising to meet the unique needs of the moment and i'm looking forward to continuing to work with you to maintain our position as a leader utility. i also want to point out that i received comments from commissioner ann caen to add a goal related to the sewer improvement program and i included language to that effect. have you received the updated goals language and i would like to read it in to the record. if you have any questions i would just read what she has
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added to my work plan. so at the end of the work plan in the category of transparency it is item 5.9 which is ssip which is the sewer system improvement program. it states continue to execute the bio solids and head work construction on time and on budget while ensuring safety and community engagement. and that is june 2021. also she wanted to break that down into five subcategories.
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so i would like to read those as well. so under 5.9 sewer system improvement program she has identified 5.9.1 the phase 1 to follow the approved two-year and 10-year capital plan approved by the commission in february 2020 with the exception of bio solids facilities. and that is february 2021. the next heading under 5.9 is 5.9.2. that it the bio solid digestive facility to reflect the cost reduction efforts and cost in the scheduled presentation to the commission earlier this year where we are increasing the
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budget from 1.2$1.276 billion a the schedule from 5.8 to 7.9 years to final completion and that is also february 2021. the next one is 5.9.3. that's continue construction activities for both bio solidsfests and new head works facilities and complete all advertisements for trade bid packages for the new head works facility and that's june 2021. the next is 5.9.4 for the folsom
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flood resilient project and for construction. that's june 2021. and then the last one is 5.9.5 and that is the advertised west side station project for construction and award construction contract and that is june 2021. those are the comments that commissioner ann caen gave me to incorporate in my work plan. >> thank you. commissioners, any comments or suggestions on the general manage's work plan?
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i think i'm getting two nos. i have one comment and then two suggestions. one is that the end of your section 2, there's a numbering problem that needs to be fixed. that's a nothing. and the specific goal under 5.2, that complete feasibility studies for at least three water projects and i'd like to add for consumption and environmental demands through 2050 maybe we can only have concrete plans for three projects but we need an overall view how we're going to deal with the larger water supply plans going forward and
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especially the challenges that replace solids from various environmental requirements. the second thing i'd like to do is add part of 5.3 is include the update for the power enterprise business plan. we've had a lot of things going on in that world and i'm concerned the business plan may not reflect all of that and want to make sure we take a hard look at that and adjust it accordingly. what if 5.3 is not included with the business plan? i don't see what's not included the way it's written right now. >> there's a very specific document. there's a business plan document
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that lays out the strategy for how we're going proceed and make the system work politically and financially. that needs to be updated. it's based on a legal theory we couldn't sustain and need to adjust it to our current world. >> okay. >> i think the document seems to cover that is why i'm asking. >> in 5.3 we can tay continue business planned an continue to obtain the rest of stuff in there >> that's fine. i just want to make sure because there's a very specific document that laid out how this whole
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thing is going to balance out financially as we proceed in our policy goals. . the rest i have no argument with at all. >> i get it. >> mr. chair, would you mind once again reading the language you want added in 5.2. >> for meeting consumptive and environment demands through 2050. >> thank you. madame secretary can you open that to the public. >> clerk: members of the public who wish to make public comment dial 4 5-655-0001 meeting i.d.
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1465003340 and press pound pound and raise your hand to speak. do we have any callers? >> caller you have two minutes. >> caller: hello? >> you are connected. >> caller: hello commissioners. i'm dick allen i'm a founding member of the task force established in january 2000 and served as co-chair of the water committee in district 7. i have four questions that
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relate to tracking mr. kelly's spread sheet performance goals. question number one, what performance category is the watershed report assigned to? how many other reports is this valued at. question two. what performance category is the m.o.u. between the san francisco p.u.c. and the rec and park department assigned to? how many points is the m.o.u. valued at? question three, what performance category is the reagan park department's issuance and the request for proposal dated december 2015, how many points is the request for proposal valued at? last question, number four. what performance category is the
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tuolumne river eco system and habitat assigned to? how many points is assigned for complying with the federal and state endangered species act. thank you, commissioner. >> thank you for your comments, caller. madame secretary there's no more callers in the queue. >> thank you. public comment is closed. >> commissioners. >> i'd like to hear recognition of that and if not, where it could be. mr. kelly >> the lake merced is with
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previous years ago we worked with rec and park and we worked out an m.o.u. i think one of the themes we need to make sure which is part of the m.o.u. is annual updates of where we are and i think that's something that i can bring to the commissioner on what those your dates are. as far as points are concerned, there are so many specific thooe things we're working on that would be under the category and you would have to weigh themes we were able to move forward and apply those points on your
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opinion of how well we did in those categories under each one of those nine items. so we don't have a specific goal on it and because we are not assigning points on each one of the items that we can put it under transparency to give you an update on the lake merced as it relates to rec and park and the m.o.u. and just give an update where we are as you know rec and park is responsible for managing the recreation activities on lake merced. and as far as the tuolumne, we
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have it as part of our update and we didn't apply points to anything specific within the category. >> >> if i can give background, i forgot how many years ago it was when we first tried to put something like this in place that would have public work plan that the commission could then judge performance at the end of the year. that also has a tie-in to harlan's contract where depending on how the performance review is there could be a bonus award. the difficulty in putting together a document like this is this is a huge organization within a million requirements to get done.
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the rec park thing when we adopted the m.o.u. there was a specific request in there there be periodic reports with certain content to it. and there's requirements of city law or ordinances on the general manager. it's impossible to capture all that in one reasonably sized document. the thought was at the beginning of it there's broad categories to guide the general manager. and for us to judge compliance so things like adherence to policy is a broad category. we don't enumerate all the policies about the it covers it in general. then we put in this section which was to allow the competition to put in specific things the commissioners had specific interest in. this is above and beyond law or
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agreements or ordinance or whatever requires the job generally if we had a specific thing we're interested in and this is an opportunity for us to put something on the general manager's work list. so commissioner caen's interested in the digester. my interest in water supply planning is why i make those adjustments. this say list for things individual commissioners have a special interest in we wanted to highlight beyond just the general categories of how to do the job. >> >> do you think it would be appropriate to put in there or was there another way we can do
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this because i've heard this a lot. this is very much of interest to the people in that area. is there some way we can go to transparency for once a year update? >> i would say whatever we identify is not the only thing we'd be working on and working with you on so if there's something that comes up you would like to elevate we could do that and this list is not the end all be all but at the beginning of the year we wanted to make sure we focus on these areas but it doesn't exclude you
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from elevating other items and issues. if there's something you'd want us to focus on that would divert resource to that we would have to look at other areas where where we would amend this work plan but i think we're highlighting things we plan on doing and put in dates and want to be accountable for those to achieving that. as far as the lake merced, we'll provide the annual update and if you would like we can agendize it whenever you would want input. i wanted to let you know whenever you have a topic or issue people bring up we can
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always work with you to agendize and talk where the status of that is right now. we had a report on what we're doing was it the pump station at lake merced? >> yeah. >> could we have an update at that time? the pump station is not finished, right? >> what we can do is have a veg update where we are as it relates to lake merced and start there so everyone is familiar what the m.o.u. states and what
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is our role and their role to get everyone up to speed to where we are because sophie and tim are new to this so we want to bring you up to speed and by then hopefully we'll get another commissioner on board to bring everyone up to speed. that's my recommendation we agendize this and give everyone an update and at that time we'll have public comment and based off that you can give me direction on what you would like to see our next -- are next steps. >> is this better for rec and park than p.u.c.? >> again, my recommendation is to give you what the mou because i know mr. all enhe feels p.u.c.
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should take a larger role in managing the property and not delegate to rec and park. anyway, i just wanted to point that out. >> thank you. >> i i would be comfortable with that. >> comments or questions? seeing none, madame secretary -- well, we've done the public comment haven't we? what we need then is a motion and second. >> commissioners, this is francessca, i do think we need to clarify -- can you hear me?
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i want to clarify the changes to the work plan and i believe harlan named some changes and commissioner moran added. if someone can list those out with the motion. >> didn't we make a motion and pass it to amend and now isn't that where we're at? >> that was the flood letter item. >> all right. >> if i can suggest the motion be to adopt the work plan with the additions suggested by commissioner caen and the two additio additions requested by me and i think those are already read in to the record as far as the specific language.
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>> does that mean we can move on this one based on what chair moran just annunciated? i'll move it. >> always a good rule. i think i have a motion from commissioner paulson. call the roll. [roll call] >> thank you. madame secretary if you would read the items to be addressed in closed session. >> item 18 existing litigation.
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[inaudible] -- to boards and commissions making it possible to hear commission hearings remotely. on may 29, the mayor's office authorized all commissions to reconvene remotely. this will be our 7th hearing. we request your patience in advance to enable public participation, sfgovtv is broadcasting and streaming this live and we'll receive public comment for each item on the agenda. sfgovtv is displaying the call-in number on the bottom of the screen. and comments are opportunities to speak during public comment are available by phone by calling 1-415-655-0001, and entering access code, 146 179 5679. when you are connected and would like to submit public comment for an agenda item, press star
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and then 3 to be added to the queue. each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes. when you have 30 seconds remaining, you'll hear a chime. when the allotted time is reached, i will announce time is up. best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and mute your television or computer. i'd like to take roll. >> president hyland: here. >> vice president matsuda: here. >> commissioner black: here. >> commissioner foley: here. >> jonas: commissioner johns? >> commissioner pearlman: here. >> commissioner so: here. >> jonas: thank you, commissioners. first on the agenda is general public comment. at this time members of the public may address the commission on items of interest
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to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the is reached in the meeting. we should open this up for public comment. each member has three minutes. members of the public, this is your opportunity to press star and 3 to be entered in the queue. commissioners, i have no members of the public raising their hand requesting to speak. so we can then move on to department matters. item 1, director's announcements. welcome, director hillis. >> good afternoon. good afternoon, commissioners. a couple of items. one, i think after your last meeting, you heard that jeff johnson is not -- and liz has stepped in as -- [inaudible] director for planning. we're undergoing a search to
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fill that position permanently. so in the interim, [inaudible] contacts, elizabeth and mark will be the present contact. i will also, if you need me at any time, please reach out and i'll try to --. i also would like to let you know that the department was approved. i think it's got some final approvals, or the mayor has -- [inaudible] it was about for the city-wide survey program. -- [inaudible] to what we proposed in the budget reductions. so there is funding in the budget to carry us a significant way. the city-wide survey, we'll come and report on that to you. so that is my report.
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other items as well, but thank you and good seeing you. >> jonas: sorry, commissioners, i'm just trying to help out commissioner johns in the background to enter the hearing. thank you, director hillis. item 2, review of past events and planning commission, staff report and announcements. i don't believe there are any announcements other than what director hillis provided. we can move on to item 3, president's report and announcements. >> president hyland: no report or announcements. >> item 4, consideration of the adoption draft minutes for the august 19 and september 2, 2020 hearings. commissioners, we should open this up for public comment. members of the public, if you wish to address the minutes, please press star and 3. i see no hands requesting to speak. commissioners, the matter is now before you.
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>> president hyland: okay. any comments on either of these two, or a motion for approval. >> motion to approve. >> second. >> jonas: thank you, commissioners, on that motion then to adopt the minutes for august 19 and september 2. >> commissioner black: yes. >> commissioner foley: yes. >> commissioner johns: yes. >> commissioner so: yes. >> vice president matsuda: yes. >> president hyland: yes. >> jonas: so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously, 7-0.
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i will remind commissioners and staff who have entered at panelists, the web x microphones are extremely sensitive, so remember to mute when not speaking. it would be very helpful on the feedback. that places us on item 5, commission comments and questions. >> president hyland: i don't see any. anyone have comments or questions? okay. >> jonas: we can move on to consideration of items proposed for continuance. item 6, 20189197coa vallejo street. [please stand by] [please stand by]
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numbers 2020-7531, 7532, and following. for properties at 915 howard street, 1315 and 989 market street. and these are legacy business registry applications. is staff prepared to make their presentation? kate? >> yes. >> clerk: okay. you are not the presenter. >> i believe we have a new staff person who i believe is going to be introduced.
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>> who is making that introduction? >> thank you, jonas. sorry about that. so we have a new staff person with the planning department and i would like to introduce him to the commission. he is a san francisco native. he's got a bachelor's of science degree in landscape architecture. he came to planning and came to the department in may of this year as an assistant planner in the southeast quadrant and is one of several staff working on legacy business combinations. please welcome al. >> good afternoon, commissioners. katie willburn of planning staff. we have five legacy business applications today that i will quickly introduce. the first two applications will be done by al and directly after i will present on the remaining three. go ahead. >> hello, commissioners.
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the first legacy business -- [breaking audio] >> clerk: i am going to interrupt you because it seems as though you are having connectivity issues. if you stop your video, sometimes the audio will come through better. if you kill the video feed, then the audio will come through at least. >> okay. would you like me to restart? >> clerk: yes, please. >> the first legacy business application we have is ambience, a 37-year-old family owned boutique that sells specially cure rated women's bothing and
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accessories to the san francisco community and visitors. ambience selectively chooses pieces they feel the community would enjoy at the four locations in the city. they have also help and supported multiple community events and fundraiseers. the owners of ambience has dedicated sales towards community events and including forest fires, school fundraisers, and larger efforts such as black girls code. that supports a resolution recommending ambience to the legacy business registry. the next legacy business is farley's a31-year-old family business that sells coffee and tea paraphernalia in san francisco. farley's is open daily to their customers 364 days a year. farley's has played a crucial
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role in the neighborhood as a central gathering spot for the community. farley's has helped host neighborhood decision making events and also host many community groups such as planning meetings for the neighborhood, clubs, and art classes and stand-up specials, live music and poetry and poetry performances. that supports our resolution recommending farley's to the legacy business registry. thank you. >> thank you. the third ap ligation is glbt a 35-year-old nonprofit dedicated to collecting, preserving and sharing the history of san francisco's queer community. it has come to be internationally recognized as an irreplaceable asset. they have two locations, one on market street for the publicly accessible archive and program,
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and another within the castro cultur cultural district with a museum space. the society ensures that the unique experiences and contributions of the lgbtqi community are remembered and honored and spreads awareness and respect for this community and the cultures they create. staff supports this application and recommends a resolution to add the lgbt historical society to the legacy business registry. the next legacy business application is for the san bruno supermarket, a 31-year-old family-owned grocery store that offers inclusive products that reflect the vibrant community. the market offered produce, meats and seafoods that can't be found at other grocery. the items are primarily chinese, filipino and vietnamese in origin. the owner is committed to safeguarding the business's use, signage, and interior features. staff supports a resolution
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recommending the san bruno supermarket to the legacy business registry. the last application is for val de cole wine and spirits that was advertised as far back as 1939. val de cole is known for the personalized experience, friendly and welcoming environment and the inclusive offering at all price points. it may primarily be for wine and spirits but the soul of the business is the community it has helped foster and maintain for 80 years. they are in the cole valley historic district and staff has discussed adding additional features to be safeguarded with the applicant. collectively, we recommend the following be preserved. the business's name, signage, friendly environment, and products offered at all price points. the department supports a resolution recommending val de cole to the legacy business
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registry. this concludes staff presentations and we will be available for any questions. thank you. >> clerk: very good, commissioners. we should open this up to public comment. members of the public, this is your community to press star and 3 to be into theed into and to speak to any of the legacy business applications. i will take the first caller, and you have three minutes. >> caller: hello, commissioners. i am chris hillard -- i apologize i am getting some feedback here. sorry about that. commissioner, again, thank you for allowing me to speak. i am chris hillard, and my wife and i are the co-owners of farley's, the coffee house on petrero hill. we have been there for 31 years now. and my father started farley's
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originally when he broke his french press and could not find a replacement part and found petrero hill could be the ideal location and we really became to embrace our motto which became community in the cup when the earthquake happened in 1989 and a lot of power around water in the city was out, except on petrero hill, and no one was going to work, so the neighborhood really came together and came to farley's and we became a community gathering space. that is really how community in a cup, our motto, began, and what we embrace today and we certainly hope to be approved for a legacy business to carry that on. as we all know, community is
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san francisco since 1981. i regard my role as a solemn duty and the a formidable collection perhaps anywhere in the world and is sacred keeper of some of the greatry threshshies and stories. i am proud to build on the work of the founders. recently we helped found a cultural district and the cultural heritage festival which was sent and grown since the early days in northern california and the diversity and expanded the program to include a wide array of exhibitions and
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work in historical preservation to house the archives and new home that will be the first full-scale museum of lgbt in the united states, but for now we and many other organizations face daunting odds and we plan to reopen on a restricted basis with the mission of collecting and preserves during our history. we are grateful to the commissioners for their support for this nomination and hope the city strengthens the support for the legacy program to preserve the cultural heritage of san francisco. thank you very much. >> go ahead, caller. >> caller: thank you for taking
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my call. my name is john muskat, property enowner of san bruno supermarket at 2480 san bruno avenue. a little background here, the family property in 1940 started a grocery store with several remodelling and it has service the neighborhood over 80 years and has been a part of the muskat family the entire time. the lee family has leased the property and is operating the market now for 20 years. we have recently re-negotiated a new lease for 20 more years through the year 2040. this will mean the location will
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be open as a grocery store for total of 100 years in the district. we are proud to have the ling family operation the grocery store in our building and having this added as a legacy business that will only strengthen this commitment and to add historic value to san francisco legacy businesses for many years to come. we appreciate your consideration and look forward to receiving a favorable outcome. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. i will remind member of the
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public that this is your opportunity to submit testimony on any of the legacy business registry applications by pressing star 3. seeing no requests to speak, commissioner, the mater is now before you. i apologize, commissioners. we have one more request to speak and will take that caller now. >> hello, thank you, commissioners, for taking my call. i would like to thank the historic preservation commission and city of conversation to consider ambience to be acknowledged as a legacy business. and with the historic neighborhood and iconic black and white awnings and gift boxes
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familiar to many in the city. our stores are in vintage buildings and with the remarkable exterior and had an artist create a huge mural. we are well known and well aboved by many in san francisco. and ambience has received many requests to restore the different city, different state and even a different country. they make contributions to the different ways. for the past 24 years, we have had an ongoing relationship with
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schools and any school that asks us receives a donation and supported fashion shows and fundraising shopping parties in the stores. we organized a drive with the custom collections and with the different trade yards and merchants association and we love the city of san francisco where we live and work. very honored to be considered for this status. ebl that our happy presence truly adds to the san francisco experience. at the peak we employed 98 staff and provided health and dental for our employees. thank you for your consideration. that is it.
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clerk lr thank you. members of the public, this is your community to press star. i see no additional requests to speak so the mater is now before you. >> commissioner, would anyone like to speak? >> commissioner pearlman? >> i believe you are muted. >> we can hear you now. >> okay. and for some reason it's having a problem.
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i want to congratulate all the businesses. i have spent many an hour at farley's and two of the businesses are 80 year old and cruising to another 20 for 100 years old and the gentleman who spoke about the lgbt and the comment about the sacred duty to doing this work could sum up everybody's responsibilities and feelings about their own businesses as they present to us, and i heartily endorse all of these. i will certainly vote to approve them. >> clerk: i apologize to interrupt. we have a late request for public comment and should take that caller.
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>> go ahead, caller. is the member of the public prepared to submit your testimony? you should mute the television or computer. there is a delayed broadcast. >> hello? >> a yes, i run val de cole. >> can you hear me? >> yes, we can hear you, sir. >> should i speak about the store or what should i say? >> this is your opportunity to address any of the legacy business applications.
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ed you have less than two minutes. >> val de cole is one of the oldest wine store liquor stores in san francisco and i believe it started in the 30s and there was an older couple who always kept their newspapers and everybody loves our store and is always coming back. one year the american express called us a second store for repeat customers in the country with the same people and the same customers.
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i started in 1977 and worked for a previous owner whose name was jacob and we learned all about wine and beer. the place is always respectful and we open holidays and we never close. i think it's a good addition to the community and in a different neighborhood. so there they really like us. this is there for many, many
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years. >> you have 30 second, sir. >> that is why i am requesting for the legacy for the store to stay the way it is because it is very that is very classic. thank you. >> a commissioners, the mater is now before you. >> remind the commissioners to mute the mics when you are not speaking. next commissioner please. >> commissioner: i want to congratulate all the legacy business applicants for this round. all of you spoke with great passion. i am so happy and proud to be added to the list.
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and i want to call out the comment by the san bruno store and with no communication and no real understanding with the landlord about how important the small business is and thank you for understanding the small business that is in your property and very happy that you understand and realize how important it is to keep small businesses alive in the city.
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awe same thing as was already mentioned. i want to overall congratulate everybody and also welcome our new staff coming in. to do the application for us. i have a few to talk about and first the san bruno supermarket. i love that store and is always an anchor and to hop in and hop out with the ethnic food and is also a much needed grocery store with the minority and asian and other culture. i really applaud the landlord to work so flexible and embrace to continue with the always changing district.
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congratulations. i fully support the application. farley's is my coffee shop. i really appreciate what farley's and ambience where i shop, too. i am proud to be able to sustain your business and have that legacy for the generation. and the society is amazing and i hope you work with the neighborhood and their business
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to preserve and thank you for your application and your time today. i appreciate your stories and my pleasure to hear them again. >> absolutely. go ahead. i just wanted to congratulate and one of the comments i want to add is the legacy businesses donate so many dollars and goods and services to the schools and charities to do that so generously.
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congratulations, all of you. >> i always was not on the list of commissioners -- >> commissioner johns, please go ahead. >> u a commissioner black and i share another thing in common, but after the wonderful and quite accurate comments that the commissioners have made, really the only thing left is to move that all these applications be approved and sent forward. >> second that motion. >> very good, commissioners. there is a motion that is seconded to adopt approval for
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all the legacy and commissioner black? commissioner foeley? [roll call] so moved. commissioner, that motions passes unanimously 7-0 and concludes our hearing today. i will remind commissioners that we have an officers meeting that we can join separately. great. thank you, all. all right. we are adjourned. stay well, everyone. >> thank you.
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[♪] >> i just wanted to say a few words. one is to the parents and to all of the kids. thank you for supporting this program and for trusting us to create a soccer program in the bayview. >> soccer is the world's game, and everybody plays, but in the united states, this is a sport that struggles with access for certain communities. >> i coached basketball in a coached football for years, it
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is the same thing. it is about motivating kids and keeping them together, and giving them new opportunities. >> when the kids came out, they had no idea really what the game was. only one or two of them had played soccer before. we gave the kids very simple lessons every day and made sure that they had fun while they were doing it, and you really could see them evolve into a team over the course of the season. >> i think this is a great opportunity to be part of the community and be part of programs like this. >> i get to run around with my other teammates and pass the ball. >> this is new to me. i've always played basketball or football. i am adjusting to be a soccer mom. >> the bayview is like my favorite team. even though we lose it is still fine. >> right on. >> i have lots of favorite memories, but i think one of them is just watching the kids enjoy themselves. >> my favorite memory was just having fun and playing. >> bayview united will be in
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soccer camp all summer long. they are going to be at civic centre for two different weeklong sessions with america scores, then they will will have their own soccer camp later in the summer right here, and then they will be back on the pitch next fall. >> now we know a little bit more about soccer, we are learning more, and the kids are really enjoying the program. >> we want to be united in the bayview. that is why this was appropriate >> this guy is the limit. the kids are already athletic, you know, they just need to learn the game. we have some potential college-bound kids, definitely. >> today was the last practice of the season, and the sweetest moment was coming out here while , you know, we were setting up the barbecue and folding their uniforms, and looking out onto the field, and seven or eight of the kids were playing. >> this year we have first and second grade. we are going to expand to third, forth, and fifth grade next year bring them out and if you have middle school kids, we are starting a team for middle school.
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pandemic. first, i'm going to tell you what i've been doing, and then i'm going to be checking in with some friends and family. i've been riding my bike. all i take is a pair of gloves and a mask if i come into contact with anyone. i try to ride my bike during the time i'm sheltering in place. i try to ride for at least 30 minutes. surfing is my other regular outdoor activity. california state guidelines recommend you don't drive more than ten minutes for a spot to exercise, and although i'm close to ocean beach, i'm a bit wary to go there, so i'm using the time to do some
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maintenance. filling in gouges and dings, and sanding it down. i'm also repairing holes in my suit. fellow sfgovtv producer chris took his first yoga lesson a couple of years ago and used to go to a class regularly before the lockdown. he and his wife set up a space in their garage for exercising. this routine is from an on-line class by power yoga. deann and andy have been using the ping pong table that they bought off craigslist and set it up in their back yard. ellie has been using this home
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gym to stay fit. it has everything she needed. and lastly, if the weather is bad outside, you can exercise your mind by doing a puzzle, sudoku, or just by reading a good book. here's a quick recap. since i started this episode, the guidelines have changed. for instance, jack may be able to go golfing with some restrictions. go to to get the most up-to-date
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