tv SF Public Utilities Commission SFGTV October 2, 2020 5:00am-8:01am PDT
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we take the difference of the adjacent neighbors and divide that by half to get the front yard setback. in this case, this is the detach line. we chose here to step this. if we go beyond the front yard setback, we have to look at the setback on the sides. we need to prevent any further growth to the front. the planning department have confirmed that the setback confirms to 137 of the planning code. the concern about sunlight claims that for 45 minutes of
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the sunlight is egregious. he does not acknowledge that for approximately seven months of the year the proposed project has no effect at all. >> can you pause the time, please. the president lost her connection. my apologies, everyone. she's connecting and will let us know when she gets back on. she's back. why don't we give an extra minute, please. >> we'll resume time at six minutes. >> this is in regards to the sunlight and the concerns about the sunlight in the summer solstice for 45 minutes is
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egregious. but he does not acknowledge that for seven months of the year the proposed project has no effect at all. it is important to note why there is any effect at all in the summertime. the appellants -- for the appellants the building is south of the project site. the reason why is in the summer, if you look at the sun diagram, you'll see that the sun is rising from a very, very shallow angle in the north. so therefore it does -- 50 steward will cast a small shadow beginning at 6:00 a.m. and ending at 7:00 a.m. in the morning, due to the fact that in the summer the sun shining -- is shining from the north side. there is no effect to this unit for seven months of the year.
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we gave the appellants full access to google share for their usage. we were perplexed about the claims of only receiving two hours a day. that doesn't make any sense to me. stepping the building at the rear and removing parts of the rear facade will reduce substantially the sun exposure for those neighbors. that's all i had to say. if you please have any questions for us regarding any of these complicated sun studies or the demolition, please let me know. thank you. >> okay. vice president honda. >> the question is --
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>> i'm so sorry, we need to take a five-minute break at the request of one of the commissioners. my apologies. hold on to your question. thank you for your patience, everyone. . >> for a, b, and c the permit holder just provided their presentation and we have a question now from vice president honda. >> the question was given that you found out it was a two-unit midway thri your process after you submitted your plans and i saw in the brief there was something taken off the back, could you tell the difference between that plan and the plan you see before you. >> yes.
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the original plan was a reverse plan where we had the living room and kitchen and dining room way up on the top and that was not cut back at all up there. through this process we once discovered that there was the second unit, we also had the main unit opening on the whole floor at the entry level or street level, so it was actually much larger, the unit. after the unit was discovered and there was already a concept that we were going to restore the unit on the bottom two floors because that's basically an empty crawl space basement. so we were committed to doing that. as through the different various processes of cutting back the project, what happened then is the second floor of the maine unit became the traditional
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living, dining, study, and then on top became the three bedrooms for the two kids and the parents. >> i'm sorry to interrupt you. what was the square footage difference between that plan and the addition of the second unit? >> quantity. let me just check with vaughan my project architect. i remember the unit being over 3,000 square feet -- it was 3,400 square feet. >> plan a prior to adding the second unit was 3,400 square feet? >> there was always the second unit in the project, but in the first original submittal, the main unit was 3,400 square feet and the lower unit was -- i
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believe that would have been 1,120 square feet. >> thank you. we also have a question from commissioner tanner. >> thank you. i was just trying to understand in terms of the -- this project had been developing over a while over several design iterations that happened. can you tell us about flipping the garage location from one side to the other. you'll have to have a new curb cut. i'm just curious about that. >> this was discussed at the planning commission hearing, but the fact of the matter is it's not only sloping downhill. so the current garage, the client cannot get their car into the driveway because it bottoms out and is too steep, whereas on the left-hand side it's a
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shallower slope. from a safety standpoint they were concerned because they have two children. as young parents they have a minivan so it was better to flip the garage to the other side. there was a discussion about this being safer for the grawj to be on that side because of the opening and the turn.arage to be on that side because of the opening and the turn. there was concerns of the blind corner there. >> can you talk a little bit also about through this process what kind of communication there has been with the appellants and other neighbors or interested parties, meetings, e-mail discussions. it also seems there are a number of adaptations not to the
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degree that the appellants want. >> they have been very thorough going around and telling people what their plans were. there was a long hiatus between the pre-application meeting because it basically took us a year planning to get back. so i think some of the apprehension from the neighbors came from the fact that there was long periods of time with nothing happening. although we did communicate saying that nothing was happening, hey, we're not able to disclose anything, we don't know what's happening with planning. there was a discussion with an adjacent neighbor. i believe that mr. pinkou bought
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it unit after the pre-application meeting i believe winning, but it was disclosed to him that there was a pre-proposed project. during that discussion with the neighbors we had a slope roof and there was a discussion, can you lower this and minimize the impact to our view of sunlight. we did drop that roof and then along with the other requirement, could we pull back the top floor adjacent with the rear building. so there was a lot of changes. unfortunately, the appellants have insisted that they're not against any development, as long as as it's basically within the existing volume. unfortunately that we've been working with them to discuss if this is allowed, it's almost 10
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feet shorter than the actual height on it. unfortunately, we haven't been able to resolve the basic sentiment that no development should be allowed. >> may i also ask the question. you asked how we have engaged with the neighbors -- >> i'm sorry, i'm sorry. commissioner tanner, is that fine? >> if you have a response to the question. >> my apologies. go ahead. >> no, thank you. we held a meeting in our home before march of 2017 before we filed the papers. that was an open house and any neighbor was able to come and we recorded the feedback and included that in our submittals. we had two meetings with the neighbors because they weren't able to come to the original
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meeting and another that lives down the street. there was a long time when the 311 notice issued and the dr -- if i remember the timing correctly, when we understood there would be a d.r. hearing, we had not heard before that and mr. pinkou did not live in his home when we had the initial meeting. we did not go down the block. me and my son knocked on doors. we asked if they had questions about the plans, some people did and some didn't. we talked to some on carson street and on 19 street that runs along. seward makes a triangle. >> when did you first engage with -- >> i'm sorry, it's not time for
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a conversation [all talking at once] -- >> there are untruths being said. >> it's not your time to respond. >> thank you. >> i think i get the sense that you had a lot of engagement and see that there have been revisions to the plans based on the sfooeb from your neighbors as well as the planning from your ns as well as the planning department. it sounds like you had a lot of feedback. in terms of constructability, i think that's one of the areas i was concerned when i looked at the numbers. it's obviously concerning to have errors. of course we're all only human, but that made me want to be sure that what we see before us are the final calculations you believe are accurate. is that correct? >> yes, i testified, yes, we
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triple checked them and it's always concerning if you missed a section. clearly, we were way, way under the threshold. >> when it comes to that and constructability and your experience, do you have concerns of the high-level scrutiny that will be applied to this project that not one wall, window, pa parapet would require you to seek this authorization, was it constructible as planned? >> as we have done over 800 projects in san francisco, i'm confident that the contractor used will be very aware of the situation and we will only emphasize it further about the level of scrutiny that is given to this project. so that is how most san francisco contractors are
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familiar with the situation have to perform. so i cannot attest obviously because i'm just the architect and not the contractor, but what the planning commission required and the approved project, we would put that as a condition, but that is what they need to follow. >> i'm not sure who's speaking, but it's not time for an open conversation. >> as a general point of order for the appellant, commissioners may have questions and i may ask them questions. there is still time for commissioners to ask questions, even if none have been asked to this point. >> thank you.
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we will hear from the planning department and they have 21 minutes. >> there are folks using the chat box which we have asked folks not to use. >> they're asking when they get to speak so we're responding to them in terms of the process, they're not making substantive comments. we do allow the chat box for assistance and not public comment. thank you. mr. sanchez. >> thank you. scott sanchez, planning department, the subject property at seward street. the subject building is an existing single-family building built in 1928 and there had been a previous legal dwelling. the building is a category c historical resource. that means it is not a historical resource. apologies for my dog barking in
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the back. the historic determination was made as part of the review process for this application. the subject building is a legal law-complying structure that extends into the required rear yard, which is approximately 16.5 feet and this encroaches 9.5 feet into the rear yard. this is a substandard yard under our minimum yards. the lot is wider than typical, 28.75 feet. it isn't a regular lot shape in that it has -- the front property line is not parallel to the rear property line. it has varying lot depths. on the longest about 78 feet and the shortest 57 feet. the building permit was submitted on april 19, 2017.
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subsequently the application was submitted in july of 2017. the environmental determination was issued in march of 2018. a year later in february of 2019 the section 311 notifications started. they initially started on february 2 for a 30-day notice period as it was pointed out, there had been this illegal unit issued which no one had been aware of previously, so we reissued the notice with a new start date of february 13 and end date of march 8. there are three appellants in this matter. the planning commission heard this matter on june 6 initially. at that hearing they continued the item and asked the project sponsor to look at addition of an accessory dwelling unit that would be a third unit on the
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lot. it was continued twice without hearing. the planning commission reviewed plans that included the 80-u proposal that they initially asked for, but took action on the project to require removal of the a.d.u. they just didn't feel that the a.d.u. worked, although it was something that the department was supportive of and was approvable of by the department, as the commission asked that the [indiscernible] be merged back into the lower swelling unit that was proposed. the building permit was subsequently issued in august, august 19 of this year. the three appeals that have been filed -- i only received one
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appeal brief and was not aware of the other two appeal briefs until earlier this week because they were not sent to me by the appellants. i have reviewed the materials and am prepared to respond to the issues raised in those appeals. i'll start with the front setback. the adjacent building to the south extends to the front property line and the adjacent building extends to the north property line. the building that is to the north is not parallel to the front property line. when this is the case under our code, the front setback is calculated based on the average depth of the buildings. so we have basically zero setback for that building to the south and goes 12 feet three inches to the setback on the north.
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three a little over six feet. the code does a method of averaging. the goal and the whole purpose of this is to have a gradual transition between the buildings. this is highlighted in the residential design guidelines, is having a stepping between the buildings. this is a unique lot shape and with building siding that is not quite complicated by the code. but we found that it complies with the intent and the requirements of the code and this is in the zones purview, i think as the code knows. under section 307, the code allows the administrator to make applications of the code. there have been applications made that the b.a. was pressured into making these decisions.
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the pressure can't be applied to mr. tieg. he has more problems saying no in my experience. that is an exceptional zoning administrator. he only makes a determination if it's fair and consistent with the code. in terms of what happened with this case, i agree. i think it's an appropriate and fair interpretation of the code. i will attempt with my limited technical abilities to try to share a document with a little bit of a graphic to help illustrate this. just bear with me while i find the one i intended to show. the top is a graphic from the residential guidelines and shows the step nature. this is part and parcel of the
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design guidelines and good design is ensuring some consistency, the carrying over of the pattern from the adjacent buildings. the bottom is a graphic exactly from section 132 which shows how it is applied. generally the mass is set next to the building that is close to the front property lots. the adjacent building comes closer to the front property line in relationship to the subject building with this wall setback, this building with the greater setback is to the north here. the building with the lesser setback is to the south. now, looking at how the appellants argue the code should be applied with the massing strictly as the code says, it
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would have something that would be inconsistent with the residential design guidelines. it would have the massing closer to the property on the south, which would not have the gradual transition of the residential guidelines and the code and graphic itself. looking on the right here, you can see the subject proposal and finding that that is more graceful and gradual with the front facade and complies with the intent of section 132. as noted by the permit holder, they have filed a notice of front setback, to make sure they don't change their minds in the future about how the code is applied. with that too, it was also reviewed by the residential design team on multiple occasions and bound to comply with the residential guidelines. context is important and it's
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not just looking at the guidelines on this block face, but also the properties across the street. it's not only the immediate context, but the broader context needs to be taken into account. i would like to look at the findings from our staff report as regards to the designs. it ranges in buildings from two to four storeys. the high parapets along with the modest height of the third-storey height results in a height that is greater than that noted. horizontally expanding the build at the front and at the rear improves the position at the rear.
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there is stuc stucco as well. this has a moderate glazing to solid materials. there are angled bays. this is one of several reforms found on this block. although the entrance of the location and garage has changed, the scale and pattern of the recessed entry has changed. the vertical recess with the horizontal expansion to the front will change the light effect, but most of the shading will fall on the roof of the
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adjacent building to the north of the street. the adjacent building is deemed to be de minimus. we appreciate the appellant does highlight the inconsistencies, but the permit holder corrected these inconsistencies. i think it is obvious that the permit is a demolition permit. the second is alteration permits. there is a proposal for 50% of the sum of the front and rear facade.
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while the front facade is going to be removed, the significant amounts, if not most of the side walls will be retained and of course there are new openings for new windows and doors. the last method by which it can be a demolition is a major alteration which proposes 50% of the horizontal elements. while they have that front setba setback, there are also other elements significant enough such that it is not a demolition. this is not the first time these have been raised to the board. we rely on the design professionals. this is not the applicant's first project in san francisco. he's had a few more than this.
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we don't have any reason to believe that the plans are inaccurate such that it will be a demolition. they are strongly advised and i know that chief inspector duffy will be able to speak to this as well. if there are unexpected conditions found, like dry rot that would not could want under section 314, then they need to make inspection aware of that to get the appropriate revision permit before the work is done. an additional layer of concern here would be that the rear is a legal non-complying structure. any removal and replacement in that area would trigger a variance. that would be another high level
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of attention that needs to be focused on the property. i would note that when we do have any kind of standard, you will have people that are well below the standard and people that close to the standard. this project is on the closer side of that for certain, but they are still within what the close allows. the commission does have the ability to adjust the numbers to reduce the amounts by up to 20% if they find what is allowed under the code is too much. the commission in more than 10 years have not done that, despite repeated calls by the public to make those changes and this has not been done. this complies with section 317 i have a great respect for
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mr. learner and i worked with him on various projects as well. maybe he didn't have all of the information, but at least one of the plans he showed was an elevation for the purposes of the neighborhood notice and wasn't intended to show the demolition requirement. i don't know if that was the misunderstanding or not. i think there was one issue raised as per the permit costs. having not necessarily had people state the permit costs would be too high, usually we have people coming in with concerns that the permits don't accurately reflect the
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construction costs, but it seems quite reasonable and there's a lot that goes into that, that i think the chief inspector can address if he thinks it's appropria appropriate. i'm available for questions. thank you. >> we have a question from vice president honda and commissioner tanner. >> you answered one of my questions, whether you were the z.a. at the time, but maybe it was cory. is this the max build that they could have done because they said the height and bulk was 10 feet less. could they have built a larger
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project and still been compliant? >> there is some room on the table and they are demolishing some of the construction at the rear, so they are reducing it. the height of it is 40 feet. i think there would be another story there they could do. >> considering there are exceptions with the as built or existing structure, are there any other variances given to this property? >> there are no variances with this project. >> one of the appellants had stated that there's really no room for interpretation regarding a direct lateral exposure. you did talk about that a little bit, but could you maybe further
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go into that? >> under section 307, there is a responsibility to interpret the planning code. the planning code doesn't address every situation that could exist in san francisco. so there are needs and necessities for having interpretations for specific circumstances in lots of situations and that's the case here. in my experience mr. kieg is not one to rewrite the code, far from it. he would not make an interpretation that was violating the code. i believe what he had interpreted here is a fair and reasonable application of the code. they have the opposite and what the appellant proposes would have to be inconsistent with the direction and intent of the code. when we were praising mr mr. casnor, part of the respect
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that people have for him is he knew the reason this was in the code. i think mr. tieg has exercised that here, understanding why the code provision exists, and that is to stack the massing against the adjacent building and to ensure a gradual transition between the buildings. that's what this project results in. it having the interpretation of the appellants is contrary to the intent of the code. >> thank you very much. >> would this interpretation be applied to similar circumstances where there was an odd corner, this building, quite frankly the front looks like a side or a back. it's an odd three garage doors
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and an entryway and doesn't look like a front of a build. would it apply in similar situations or how much does this open up for other setbacks? >> this is a unique circumstance and it is about the adjacent property to the north which extends out further to the north of the adjacent property. when you use this alternate method of averaging, it allows you to come out further and more match the setback of that adjacent building that comes out further. it's only in very rare and unique circumstances that this would be applicable and i don't see any adverse impacts from this interpretation moving forward. >> thank you. just to go back to the calculations, one of my favorite topics this evening, can you talk a little bit about the
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process on this specific project if someone submits calculations and they're wrong, who catches that? is it the planners adding up the numbers to see where they land? do they measure the number of walls being demolished and the linear square feet? what's the check on the submissions from the professionals? >> thank you for the question. there's i guess a couple of poin points at which this is addressed. this should have been caught by staff before the permit was approved and the calculations didn't reflect the scope of work shown in the work. that is what staff is required to do and we instruct them, don't just take the demolition calculations at face value but to compare those to the rest of the project plans to ensure
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they're consistent. sometimes there are honest mistakes and i can say that sometimes people might try to get that passed. even before i received the appellant's brief, i noticed some consistency in the original plans of what was demolished and not and what i had in mind to ask the project sponsor. then i saw exhibit 7 which had the corrections in it. i had a question where i highlighted those things. >> in addition, were you and staff able to verify the new submissions that those were accurate and corrected the errors that you found? >> yes, i reviewed the new
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material submitted and they appear to address the issues. maybe the next phase is the one constructed and i know the department of building inspection may give warnings to sponsors when they may be close on the demolition calculations that they need to contact e.d.i., if something goes wrong in the field, they need to come back in and give that address, not just to go in and knock down the wall. it does happen and those people are sorry because they have an additional permission they need to obtain. this permit was submitted in 2017. there's really little value for them to go through -- not having done through this at this point. they would have been done with the c.u. had this been done intentionally.
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they would be very disappointed and they triggered a c.u. by not following the plans. >> a couple of questions on a different track. can you talk a little bit about the design of this building, the supervisors and planning commissions, that if we do add development units that they're separate from each other that two families and households could occupy that. how are they designed to keep a separation between the units in two households? [please stand by]
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. >> i think the historic review analysis for this building, we found it wasn't a potential resource, or it wasn't a potential district, so i don't know that there would be legitimate basis for a historic district here, but it's certainly -- the processes would be of contacting our historic staff. but i know our staff is limited, and it would have to be something that would be in our work plan in order to pursue, to make a more direct approach to a district supervisor to see if they would sponsor some legislation to declare it a historic district. but i know in order for it to happen, it has to be a historic
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district. >> clerk: okay. we have a question from commissioner swig? >> commissioner swig: if you look on one part of the street, there's one block, but if you look on the side of the street that the house is located, this -- this would vary, it seems, both in height and massing, and in -- and as you look at the parapets on each of the houses, this would certainly be a deviation. where is that tipping point of deviation from the neighborhood? >> well, you know, staff reviewed that and those certainly were arguments that i think were made at the investigationary review hearing, as well. and in this case, the building is -- you know, it is a mixed block, and we did look at whole -- both sides of the block, so there is a set pattern. this is not a historic
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district. this is not alamo square or the painted lady. i think what would make it more palatable is this is at the end of those series of building. even that, it's one story taller, and it's set back, so it's not something that is bound to be too out of place, and, you know, it does have a mix of buildings. the building to the south is different than the building to the north, and the building across the street is found to be different again. so it's not found to be offensive or inappropriate for the design characters? >> commissioner swig: so your view if something is out of character with the neighborhood really is somewhat discretionary, as you just discussed. i'm not arguing with you, but
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it's an important point that was brought up by the appellants, and i want them to go away with comfort that -- on how it was evaluated. so my question, it really is a discretionary view from the planning department, and it can vary based on that discretion and consideration that it was brought up. >> the discretion, there's varying levels of that. staff will have the first review, and compliance with the residential design planning. the director of the department, the planning commission, and the planning commission found
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it to be compliant with the residential design guidelines. i want the board to understand that it would as well be your determination about the design guidelines, and we're just presenting to you the staff analysis, the commission review, and so, you know, it is before the board as the ultimate decider for the city. >> commissioner swig: okay. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you. we will now hear from chief building inspector [inaudible]. >> thank you, commissioners. joe duffy, d.b.i. this is at 50 seward. the evaluation was 1.870,
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$1,870,000, sorry. and what i heard in the appeals on the appellant on the permit holder's case, one of the biggest sticking point is the evaluation determinations. mr. sanchez did outline that. we have a process that we've outlined probably in the last couple of years that this has improved greatly in my opinion. so we would get a report. the building inspection division would call the architect or the owner or contractor or even the mall, and, indeed, i have spoken to mr. nom before on other
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projects. we'll say the addendum has been issued. you need to schedule a mandatory work inspection in order to go over the scope of demolition with your building inspector, and we also like to look at all the work that's going to be done. that has helped a lot on these types of projects because sometimes the contractor makes the demolition to the subcontractor, and they're not as familiar with 317, and the next thing, we've got all these things that are being done that shouldn't be done, and as mr. sanchez, thatten tiles a stop work order, and it could be 12 months of holdup. indeed, i've seen people lose properties because of these hold ups on these types of projects. so i think that's a big warning shot for anyone doing these
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projects that the demolition is very important, and if you bring into the equation on this one that there was an unconformed structure in the rear, that is something, as well. if they've got dry rot or something that they need to takedown that's ahead of the calculations, maybe that's after the start of work inspection, that may not be until you take the lath and plaster off, d.b.i. is happy to issue an adjustment permit. we did hear a little bit about a building code section or demolition. that building code is 103. it's merely a demolition without a permit. people try to throw it on these kinds of projects.
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i think d.b.i. stands with me. the permit is a legally issued permit. it's been reviewed by planning staff. it's not an unlawful demolition unless they go and exceed the scope of the demolition greatly and get into maybe an unlawful demolition process, which is not a nice process, either, to go into. but the -- they would have to really, really exceed the scope, and i don't think they're anywhere close to that. i mean, if it they start to get into 70, 80% of demolition, we're certainly going to look at that, and we're certainly going to work with planning to find out about the process that that's agone through. i don't think it's a problem yet, but i think, as i said, the problems that they'll have to conquer if they're not watching very carefully. just the excavation on these
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types of projects, i'd want them to be careful when they get into the structural addenda, that they're not dealing with any lot line excavations. and the framing, etc., would need to correlate with the demolition of the building. we don't have a architecture coming in and drawing the floor joists, ceiling joists, and that can be a problem, as well. i do think if this project is approved and the work goes ahead, there's going to be a lot of people watching it. there project will have an impact on that neighborhood if it does get the go-ahead, and they're going to make sure that the work they're doing is within the permit, and they're respectful of the neighborhood while they're doing that work. at this point, i'm available for any questions.
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thank you. >> clerk: okay. are there any questions at this point? okay. >> yeah. if not, if i may jump in here for a minute, i'd just like to remind everyone that we do have certain rules and procedures, as our executive director pointed out earlier, the chat is not to be used for any sort of comment on the proceedings, but only for technical assistance. additionally, there are a lot of times and places in the proceedings when certain parties are permitted to speak, and once that time is expired, unless a question is specifically directed at you, please do not speak up at any other time. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. okay. we are now moving onto public comment for this item. if you would like to speak during public comment, please raise your hand. we have -- if you've called in, you press star, nine. that's the equivalent of raising your hand, or if you
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joined by zoom, you need to -- okay. i do see someone's hand raised. one moment. so we have a -- okay. caller, there's no phone number associated, but can you hear me? can you please go ahead? >> hello? >> clerk: hello. welcome. please -- yes, we can hear you. you have three minutes. >> thank you. i am speaking anonymously today because i live on the same block as this proposed project, but the neighbors are opposed to this change, and i believe targeting this project somewhat unfairly, but i'm concerned about making enemies. i'm familiar with the plans for this project, and i've followed along with the progress as it progressed. overall, i want to speak in support of the project because i think the project would be a positive addition to the
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neighborhood. the proposal fits with the style of many homes that are already in the broader neighborhood, even if not necessarily home to the north, and i think it's a big improvement on what's there now. so i support the family in their effort to move forward with this project. it's my belief that the neighbors are targeting this project more because of the loss of some views across the street and construction rights for the project, or maybe they like the way that things are now, but none of these things should be a reason to perpetuate a project like this for a family. there's no reason that a project can be delayed so long at such a high cost for people that are trying to move forward with a project. to me, this is an example of why construction has become so
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expensive in san francisco generally because anyone can delay a project for any reason regardless if there's merit, so i do hope the board will consider this and deny these appeal and s appeals and allow the project to move forward. thank you. >>. >> clerk: thank you. is there any more public comment? if you've called in, you dial star, nine, and we'll tell that you're able to speak. okay. give it another moment. okay. i don't see any further public comment. we just had one commentator, so we're going to move onto rebuttal. mr. pincow, you have three
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minutes. [inaudible] i have to say under oath that i've watched their car go in and out of their garage and not bottom out. why not? there's zero issue here, except -- and this is key, that switching the garage side allows them to build a larger home. what a farce. this person's demo counts and statements are to be believed, i'm going to show that photo that i just took so that everyone can see. literally took that photo while others were speaking tonight. am i still sharing the screen? i can't hear anyone -- >> yes, we can see your screen.
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>> can you please -- stop sharing. okay. sorry about that. mr. duffy said he starts to look at demo counts when it's a 70 to 80% demo. that's not the standard. the standard is much lower under section 317 and what it requires. seriously, permit holder's attorney said that there isn't a cohesive character to the neighborhood. the r.d.g. expressly concerns itself with pattern. pattern is defined in the dictionary as a reliable sample of traits or other observable characteristics. it's also defined as a grouping. this goes beyond discretion. discretion is looking at the facts as they appear and using discretion to come up with something reasonable, not something arbitrary and
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capricious. the perm the -- there's been a loot -- lot of back and forth tonight, but let's not lose sight of what's really happening here. a, the r.d.g. violates the project in many ways. some of them might hang on the planning department's discretion, and some of those ways clearly violate [inaudible] in the r.d.g. it requires an unprecedented determination by the c.a. we should believe that it complies? how many exceptions and improper deviations from the all law needed to be issued and why? it should be denied, and this permit should be revoked. thank you. >> clerk: okay. thank you.
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we have a question from vice president honda? >> vice president honda: yes. sir, you just showed a picture of the garage. is there a reason why you didn't show above the home that you're facing? is it because that there's a view that will be blocked? >> no, i literally needed to take a photo with two seconds of time to show the garage. the view is -- you can see the view from google maps, google earth or anything, and frankly, i really don't appreciate that assertion which the permit holder's attorney made in their brief because he should know better. during the p.r. process, the exact same assertion was made by the architect, and i immediately replied that that is not at all my concern because i know it's not a valid one. >> vice president honda: that's a question why i asked because we're not allowed to use outside sources such as google maps. we're only allowed to use the materials presented to us. >> it was a slight reduction in
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their roof so there would be less interference involved with light and shadowing on my home. i told them, even if you reduce it to what i asked you to, i'm still going to have a major reduction in my view. the only view i'll have is downtown, so what's the difference? >> vice president honda: thank you. >> clerk: we have a question from mr. tanner. >> commissioner tanner: mr. pincow, if you could feel there has been some design adjusts made as you've dialogued with the permit holder, and what these changes might have been? it seems a change in the roof shape was made at your request? >> i appreciate that question, commissioner tanner. thank you. i will admit that the permit holders did reach out, and i said let's talk, but that type
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of conversation was extremely self-serving. i pointed out why i think the plans violate r.d.g. they chose their plan because first, they said there was going to be an a.d.u. then they said there wasn't an a.d.u. required. it had nothing to do with the appellants or the neighborhood? >> commissioner tanner: [inaudible]. >> change, i believe, in a roof line was in response to an rdac comment from 2017 or 2018. it had nothing -- i wasn't even a homeowner at that time. >> commissioner tanner: so you don't feel that they've made any changes in response to your request then? >> none at all. >> commissioner tanner: okay. and i just wanted to make sure i understand a little bit -- that's actually all my questions for now.
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thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. >> clerk: okay. thank you. so we will now here from mr. hillan. you have three minutes for rebuttal. >> yeah, thank you. and i appreciate the person who called in. it's important to have all perspectives. i think it is worth noting that 15 neighbors oppose this and submitted letters to the planning commission, so i'm actually not aware of any neighbor ever having said that they supported the project, but it could be just that people are uncomfortable coming forward, so i ladily understand that. almost all of the houses on this -- so i completely understand that. almost all of the houses on this block have been remodelled, so i understand construction. i can tell you that these people made zero changes based on what we did. we want to work with people. these are our neighbors. i just -- mr. sanchez, thank
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you for your comments. i would like to correct one thing. you say i -- [inaudible] sfr the owner's lawyer. the architect were certainly engaged with corey, the z.a. you can see this on november 18, but also, this very detailed letter about why it complies, and so this is -- i did ask if i could submit this piece. i didn't submit this, but i'm happy to submit this so that you can read this. i've been engaged very actively with the z.a. if this was so straightforward, i would like to understand why does the z.a. put the project on hold in november 2019? these letters coming from the
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architect pertain to the fact that he realized that there was a problem with the front set back, and the project was put on hold. so the real issue here is, unfortunately, the front set back is not complying with code, and so it would be helpful, i think, to have a legal opinion on that. that's really the issue. i know we heard, and i respect what the planning commission said, but any change to the code would be unprecedented. the z.a. said, i have it written in writing, this is unprecedented. there has never been a case like this, so it would absolutely be precedent setting. it would be a failure to apply the code. as you noticed, there was a ringing silence on the owner's attorney. the owner's architect did talk about the front set back but certainly did not contradict anything in my brief, so i think that's really the essence of what's important here. this is actually an illegal front set back.
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it does not comply with code, and i've spent a lot of time engaging and looking at all the prior -- you know, looking at this, so that's really the key issue for today. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you. we will now hear from the appellants from 20-059. >> thank you, and i want to thank all the commissioners for their careful investigation and very insightful questions. i actually would like to share a photo of the garage within the discretionary review document prepared by the san francisco planning department. you see 50 seward, the building, and this is the owner's own car parked in the driveway, and as my neighbors have already testified, we have seen the other owners pull their car in and out of the driveway multiple times. there's no gouges on the
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cement, and as mr. hillan pointed out, certainly, a 90-year-old building, and there was a problem, it would have been fixed a long time ago. with respect to neighbor engagement, i would say we had conversations with the owners and with the architect, but they did not resolve our issues. these plans were only changed in response to the rdat of 2019 and not to the neighbors' suggestions or input. i would like to call your attention to the suggestions at the time. the initial plan submitted in 2017 shows a giant box of a building to maximum volume on the lot, and then, the plans in 2019 were cutback in response to the rdat that i'm displaying at this very moment. i would like, again, to return
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to, excuse me, the issue of the look and feel of the neighborhood during the return -- the owner's attorney's presentation. they were showing google street view. it was a very edited version of the street. they were showing you the housed immediately adjacent to 50 seward and the mix and the less attractive end of the street. it did not show you the more attractive portion of the street, with 8 homes on one side of the street, six on the other. if we had been at city hall today and not on the phone, the person that called in would not have to identify themselves. we cannot be sure if they're a business partner, a contractor,
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or relative of the owners. public commentary is very important, and we have all identified ourselves publicly, and we would hope that other people would, as well. we appreciate your careful attention to this. it's very important. i have never been this engaged is well, and we thank you for your time to listen to us today. >> clerk: thank you. we will now hear from the permit holders. you have nine minutes. mr. tunney, whom would you like to go first? >> i think we're going to have our architect, mr. lum, speak first, and then, the property owner. >> clerk: okay. thank you. >> i just wanted to say that there's always great concern about de facto demos, but in this case, it's keeping the
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front portion of the three exterior walls, and we're saving both existing floors, so that's why this project is achievable and it's not unachievable or unrealistic to save those portions of the structure. there are some cases where you do these demo calcs, and you're removing all the floors. in this case, we're not doing that. and even if there is a scintillating way to keep the roof of this house, we would have done that. but there is a way to extend the calculations so you don't ever get close to the threshold, just wanted to mention that. we also are, as i said, kay and kyle understand the seriousness of this issue, and we're not going to be using a second-rate contractor who is not familiar
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with san francisco and the complexities that it's involved, especially because we're in a city that doesn't have any side property lines or set backs. so these are very, very difficult situations, and we understand that, when somebody does construction. given the scrutiny and concern for the neighbors, we are not going to be using a contractor who doesn't have a successful history in constructing a building. we did -- it's unfortunate that there's this concern about the driveway. kwan here will share the screen and show you three images of the driveway. and it's -- you know, you can easily see that this is a very steep corner on the right-hand side of the driveway. and in fact, the other thing that the appellants are not mentioning is that there's a power pole right directly to the edge of this steep slope,
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so it is problematic in regards to getting out. kelly and kyle, when they have a fully loaded car with their children in it, it does bottom out, so there's a lot of accusations that there's not truth telling here. it's a little offensive, i think, for these neighbors who actually have a very large nonconforming building with a 30-foot-wide curb cut to complain that this driveway is being modified to accommodate the residents of this building. so those are my comments for you, and kelly and kyle, did you want to offer anything in response to the appellants' rebuttal? >> sure. thank you for the opportunity to speak in rebuttal . we just want to say that we thank everyone for the passion that they have around this
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issue. part of why we want to remodel this home is because we like the neighborhood, and we like it as much as i think the appellants do, and so we do appreciate their concerns. we -- i know they feel that we have not taken their feedback into account. we have tried to take everyone's feedback into account, and we have taken these into account and made a number of revisions. what it seems that the appellants wanted us to do was to proceed with the plans that best served our family. as long as we didn't alter the envelope, they would not oppose the project. we understand there are strong interests here, but what we thought would best fit our
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family and best fit the need that we have would be to make these renovations. i suspect part of the changes with the democalculations is the number of times the plans have, in fact, changes. and with respect to neighbor engagements, we've never been through this process before, and knowing what we know now, we would have done neighbor engagement much differently. but we thought by opening our home, that people who were interested, who had concerns, would come to us, and we were trying to be respectful of our neighbors and not go knocking on doors. we didn't go knocking on doors until there is a d.r., because we didn't want to disturb people. we regret that we didn't do that before, but we thought we were being good neighbors. you did see in our package four letters of support in our
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neighborhood. i know that there are more letters of opposition, but we told that some folks were comfortable with us moving forward but did not want to get involved in a neighborhood dispute, which we also obviously understand. i think you also received a letter today that we received from neighbors on carson street, expressing support and thanking us for having taken into accounts the impacts to carson street and for having engaged in this and for having walked around and knocked on doors a year ago. i think if we had done this now, we would have been much better at it, but we appreciate everyone's engagement, and we appreciate the opportunity to present our perspective, as well. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. did you have anyone else who would like to speak, mr. tunney? >> that's it. thank you. >> clerk: okay. thank you. we will now hear from the planning department. you have nine minutes.
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>> thank you. scott sanchez, planning first. i'll be brief -- i was muted there. scott sanchez, planning department. i'll be brief. couple of points. first, in response to vice president honda's question about the allowed envelope. it says they could have one additional story and be up to the ho-foot height limit, so there is additional square footage that would be allowed under the code. that's not to say that that design would comply with the residential design guidelines, that's just what the code would allow. second, in regard to the question about what the on hold meaning and the suspicions about that, i mean, that's not -- not uncommon for the planning department to put a project on hold while they review things x in this case, it sounds like the appellant made as to their concerns with the front set back.
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i don't know the timing of their communications with the zoning administrator, but i know that mr. teague is very thorough in his review of the analysis. i wouldn't be surprised if he put it on hold to review the front set back and code compliance, but he did ultimately find that they complied. and i have discussed this with him since the filing of materials, and he maintained that it is an appropriate interpretation of the code, and i agree with them. lastly, you know, i agree the appellant requested a legal interpretation or kind of questioning the zoning administrator's authority. this is not uncommon, and we do have people who don't like a determination that comes from the zoning administrator, and so they'll ask, well, can the city attorney's office weigh-in on this, and any time that happens, they say planning code 307 is responsible for interpreting and enforcing the planning code. it's the zoning administrator's
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code. the zoning administrator is accountable and accountable to this board of appeals. so it would be a question of whether this board finds this interpretation is correct. this is the process, and as a former zoning administrator, there is a fair process to be had, as well, at the board of appeals for these code questions to be argued and to be heard, and i trust that the board will consider all the arguments that are made here, and i believe in the process and the attorney will uphold the zoning administrator's decision. thank you. i'm happy to answer any questions. >> clerk: okay. i don't see any questions.
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mr. duffy, you have nine minutes on rebuttal. >> just the mention on the 70 or 80% before we took the democalcs, i -- we will be looking at the demo calcs before the project starts. if they exceed the scope of demolition, we normally give them a stop work order for perhaps the whole project or certainly the area where the project has occurred. so if there's any exceeding the scope of demo, it's pretty typical for us to stop that, so i just want today clarify that. what i meant by that is when you get into more than 70%, 70, 80%, you're then treading into the unlawful demolition process, but again, we would work with planning on that, as well, because we are dealing
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with section 317, so i just wanted to clarify. that was all. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. okay. commissioners, this matter's submitted. commissioners? >> commissioner tanner: if i may, i just had a question for the city attorney. can you just clarify if members of the public are required to provide their names when providing public comment? >> good evening, commissioners. brad russi, deputy city attorney. no, it's not required when members of the public with providing public comment. >> commissioner tanner: thank you. >> commissioner swig: i can start. i see this project as -- i see the merit in the appeal. i don't support the appeal. this -- we always see -- we see
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projects, i think, that sometimes stretch the envelope. some of them go way over the envelope or way through the envelope. i think that mr. lum has designed a project which stays within the guidelines but certainly maxes out the opportunity for the site. i had concerns about, because i'm just a stickler for it, about compatiblity with the neighborhood. although there are some differences, i think it has compatiblity with the neighborhood. i think they had a challenge figuring out the garage. the garage is a worthy solution to a questionable condition. yes, there's added bulk, but it
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goes down the backside, and again, it's compatible with the neighborhood, so i would be willing to make a motion to deny the appeal in that the project is compliant. >> clerk: i did want to add, commissioner swig, that the deputy zoning administrator recommended that the revised demo calculations be adopted, which would mean that we would have to grant the appeal and issue the permit on the condition it be revised. >> commissioner swig: fine. i'd accept that language. >> clerk: okay. is that a motion, commissioner swig? >> clerk: yes. vice president honda? >> commissioner swig: but others have to discuss this. i don't want to steam roll. >> clerk: vice president honda, did you -- >> vice president honda: yeah. i think it's tough for change for anybody. this particular project has gone through an immense amount
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of process, considering that d.r., planning, board of appeals, several revisions through -- through -- through this process. unfortunately, i mean, i'm empathetic or sympathetic with the neighbors that they don't want to have the noise and bulk directly in front of their property for sun light and light and air, but at the same time, the property owners have gone through this process, and it's been a long process. i mean, for anyone could -- anyone that's gone through a remodel that's taken, at this point, a minimum of three years, and they haven't even started building, which means a minimum of 12 to 16 months. i think that, at this point, there is a lot of scrutiny on this project, and that the -- my recommendation to the project sponsors is that they do get a very diligent contractor with experience in san francisco so that threshold
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is not even close to it. i also, too, would support commissioner swig, too, to grant the appeal and reflect the demo count calcs and the timeline that was submitted. >> commissioner tanner: i would agree with my fellow commissioners. >> president lazarus: as do i. >> clerk: okay. it looks like we have a motion from commissioner swig that we deny the appeal and issue the permit based on the democalculations presented. on that motion -- [roll call] >> clerk: can we just clarify on what that motion is made --
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the basis of that motion, that it's code compliant? >> commissioner swig: code compliant, and the permit was issued -- >> clerk: properly, right, we have that part. so i'm just going to retake the vote because we didn't have the basis. the motion was made on the basis that the project is code compliant. [roll call] >> clerk: okay. that motion carries, 5-0, and that concludes the hearing on these particular appeals. we are now moving onto -- >> commissioner swig: can we take a short break, please? >> clerk: sure. how long >> clerk: we are now on item number 5.
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this is item 20-053, michael murphy versus the planning commission. 3601 lawton street, adopting findings relates to home-sf project authorization pursuant to planning code sections 206.3 and 328 to allow an exception for the conversion of an existing automotive service station, demolition of all, and instruction of a new 50-foot tall, five d story over basement, approximately 46,050 gross square foot mixed use building with up to 2,825 square feet of ground floor retail and 41 dwelling units.
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the proposal is pursuing a tier 2 home-sf project authorization which permits form based density in exchange for providing 20% on sign affordable dwelling units. this is case number 2019-023628 ahb, motion number 20776. mr. murphy, you go first. >> my plea is that you reject the home-sf, and i have a short video for you. are we good -- no, hold on. >> okay. here we go.
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this is the planning department's appeal presentation to the planning commission. >> my name is tanya singer, and i'm here to tell you how the planning department analyzes [inaudible] we are providing this presentation because at prior hearings, commissioners have expressed interest in learning more about how this traffic is analyzed and also because recently -- >> can we pause it? is this just video or audio? >> clerk: mr. murphy, we apologize, but is this a video? we can only hear audio. >> vice president honda: we've paused your time.
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we thought it was a video, but all we're hearing is audio. >> are you sharing your screen? >> yes. >> exit sharing screen, and if you're able to, you can share your whole desktop, and maybe we'll see it. >> yeah, currently, you're not sharing your screen. >> commissioner tanner is our i.t. person. >> my moderate zoom skills. >> yeah. >> clerk: there's a green button at the bottom with an arrow that says "share screen." >> yep. >> clerk: and we could also try to share it for you. >> commissioner tanner: there we go. you may want to start it over. >> he has six minutes on the time. you would like to give him more
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time? >> clerk: yeah, let's give him another minute. okay, i don't see a picture. okay. >> -- on how the planning department analyzes hazardous materials related impacts within the framework of the california environmental quality act, or ceqa. >> we are providing this presentation because at prior hearings, commissioners have expressed interest at how this traffic is analyzed and also recently it has garnered attention in the media and by the general public. i would like to point out that our primary responsibility is to conduct a robust ceqa review and protect the public health within that context. the other important question that we address during environmental review is this: is the property located on a
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[inaudible] dump site? we ask this question partly because we cannot issue categorical exemptions for projects on the [inaudible] list [inaudible] whether site [inaudible] depending on the history and condition of the site, as well as characteristics of the proposed project, a project may be eligible for a common sense exemption, which is a type of exemption that can be issued if if it could be stated that there is no possibility that the project would result in a significant impact. >> good afternoon, president
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koppel and commissioners. i'm lisa johnson, director of environmental planning, and we received direction that hazardous sites are to be included on the cortese list. we won't be issuing categorical exemptions for such sites. i think this is an important area of confusion. >> thank you, miss shaner and miss gibson for the overview of the process and the state context and everything that we do. i'm always in awe of our environmental planning team. >> exhibit f, this is the sponsor's presentation of the proposed development project at 3601 lawton street. they do indicate that they -- that they are going to attempt
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to mitigate the site. this is an extremely toxic site. thousands and thousands and thousands of gasoline poured into the soil and into the groundwater supply, and they indicate that they're going to negate that and as part of the mitigation, they're going to construct a parking lot on the ground. any project, whether it's a doghouse or alhambra should not be permitted without a plan to mitigate the extensive environmental damage that's been done over the years by fuel, by gasoline spillage. i do not want children, my child, i do not want myself to live in a neighborhood that's sprayed by toxic benzene dust and construction, and i do not want to drink gasoline.
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>> -- at 3601 lawton street. this is a conditional use authorization. >> [inaudible] in regards to building's footprint but was only 4 feet in height. project has been reviewed by environmental planning staff, and on july 8, 2020, project was issued an exemption was ceqa at the collins exemption. this project was continued from the june 25, planning commission agenda as the project had previously received an exemption to ceqa under a categorical exemption. project is located on a [inaudible] site, and the [inaudible] vapor contamination as part of the environmental
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review process pursuant to ceqa, and the commission received a presentation from ceqa on this last week. my executive summary. [inaudible] to reiterate, the project has received a common sense exemption to draft a motion provided to the commence, and a case report provided for this project includes the common sense exemption document. >> commissioner tanner: i'm sorry. are you ready to make your presentation? >> i am. >> okay. as we see what the 2017, as -- as you see in the upper image, the proposed design is the lower image. it was to demo an existing gas station, which is a public hazard, and remove it and clean
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the site and remove all the processes that will be [inaudible] california public health ordinance. we are not required to provide any working, but because of the concerns of the neighbors about parking, we provided a basement that we are excavating that will be part of the mitigation plan for the gas station. >> may i have the project sponsor's presentation to the planning commission, and they're working together to get this project rammed through. okay. that's the extent of my brief, brief presentation, a zoom within a zoom within a zoom, and i'm sure that -- i'm sure the commissioners will have
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questions. i've reviewed over 150 responsive documents obtained through public records requests, and i have extensive knowledge on the entire history of this site, and the toxicity. >> clerk: okay, mr. murphy, you'll have time in rebuttal. okay. we'll here from the determination holder, we can't hear you. >> can you hear me now. >> clerk: yes, thank you. you have seven minutes. >> good evening, board of appeals and president lazarus. the california environmental quality act, ceqa, common sense exemption issued by the planning department was adequate, accurate, and
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appropriate. we will ensure that any potential hazardous substances on the site will be remedied to safe standards for public use. [inaudible] pursuant to the sa state laws and regulations. [inaudible] and state law and regulations. the sfdph accepted and reviewed an and accepted a site model review for the project. sfdph will continue to monitor soil intake, soil testing and remediation over the course of the construction of the project. furthermore, as part of the permitting process, the
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department of building inspection must ensure that sfdph that any hazardous substance or any potential hazardous substances on-site have been removed or [inaudible] to the state's standard for the proposed use. upholding the project will alleviate their concerns that any concerns about the groundwater or soil will be addressed by the project. therefore, the findings made by san francisco planning commission, the accuracy of the project, and its accuracy under ceqa are valid and continue to be done, and we ask the board of appeals uphold the planning commission approval. thank you. >> clerk: okay. thank you. we have a question from vice president honda. >> vice president honda: good evening. so i have a couple of
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questions. so one, regarding the 24 parking spaces, how are they going to be disbursed and how are you offering them? >> there is a t.d.m. plan that the planning department is requiring us to abide to, and we are following the planning department on that plan. so there will be parking that is bundled to the units, and there's some other requirements that we abided to, and we sent the application to the planning department a long time ago. >> vice president honda: second question is how did you determine your bedroom count because you have one three-bedroom. out of the 27 one-bedrooms, they go down to as low as 363 square feet. >> the counts of the bedroom
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units on the project, along with the unit site, was coordinated with the planning department. we came up with couple meetings, project meetings. we had the lady which was responsible for home-sf in the planning department who came up with all the numbers, all the numbers [inaudible] and because planning code, and base odd that, we proceed with the numbers [inaudible]. >> vice president honda: thank you. thank you. >> clerk: okay. we will now hear from the planning department. mr. sanchez? >> thank you. scott sanchez, planning department. so the subject property at 3601 lawton street. the subject lot is approximately 10,000 square feet, and under the zoning
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section, it has a maximum density of 13 housing units. the board of appeals review of this matter is an error or abuse of discretion standard. it has some history to this site in terms of the effect that there was a previous project approval back in december 2017 where they sought a conditional use authorization. conditional use is required for a large lot and also conversion of gas station. the project was otherwise code compliant. 46,000 square feet, with 23 units. they were giving the two extra dwelling units because they were promoting affordable housing at more than 20%. a building permit was submitted for that project but has not advanced, and instead, a new project was submitted for
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review under the city's home-sf ordinance, and the history of this project, which proposes 46,000 square feet total, five stories over basement, mixed use building with 41 units and 2100 square foot of ground floor commercial, they had unanimous approval at the planning commission on july 30 of this year. prior to the hearing at the planning commission this year, a common sense exemption was issued for purposes of ceqa, not a categorical exemption. i think the board is familiar with the ceqa appeal processes. under the admission code, the ceqa determination can be appealed been 30 days after the planning commission hearing to the board of supervisors. it's basically, i think, largely the same period as to board of appeals for the home-sf authorization. there was no appeal made of the
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environmental determination. just to haerepeat that, and a of the issues that have been stated by the appellant was in the ceqa review. it was not brought to the board of supervisors within the required 30-daytime line. the project which is before you, which i will address, it is code compliant. they are able to achieve a density and one-story height development bonus by providing 25% affordable housing. that gives them up to the 41 dwell units. in response to commissioner honda's dwelling unit mix, it does comply with the code requirements for housing mix, and it's to be sold unbundled. parking is to be sold separately from the units. that's been in the building code for probably more than a
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decade. there are no permits on file for the project, only permits for the old project, so there's still some time for review of those permits when they come in. i think this is not a new argument. these arguments and concerns raised by appellant about the environmental conditions, this is the same appellant that we had in the matter at 3945 judith street, which was another home-sf project on a former gas station site that the board heard on january 9 of 2020, this year. and so in that case, there was also no ceqa appeal, and i know commissioner swig expressed very serious concerns i think that were shared by all the board. we get into great detail and applicability of the san francisco law and the maher ordinance that requires the property go through the process with the department of public
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health. this property is enrolled in the maher program, and we know that the oversight about ensure, and the project won't proceed until the project owner has cleaned up the site per ceqa standards, and that led to the common sense exemption that was previously issued. at the hearing in january of this year, i think i went into some great detail about the ce ceqa [inaudible] and the project complies with the requirements of the home-sf program, the concerns and
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issues raised by the appellant will be addressed through the permitting process and through the department of public health's application of the maher ordinance. they'll be required -- permit holder will be required to comply with the ordinance, that's the law, and ensure that the site is safe. thank you. i'm available for any questions. >> clerk: okay. we have a question from commissioner swig, and then vice president honda. >> commissioner swig: so as a graduate of the san francisco redevelopment agency, where we had to deal with bayview-hunters point and the very toxic waste in that area, i learned that it was the -- hyperimportant to be sensitive to the needs of the neighbors and the concerns of the neighbors because after all is set and done and the buildings are built, the neighbors are the ones that are left with the
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site and left with the residual impact of the site. in that case, there's still questions, was the process just. scott, how can the neighbors be comfortable that -- i'm not doubting this, but how can the neighbors with comfortable with the department of health, in conjunction with d.b.i., are going to do their job and really make sure that the inspection or the process of remediation, the inspection processes, and all related activities to ensure that that site is clean, are done
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properly? where are the checks and balances, especially since this is a -- this is a city projects, and these are city departments, so one could argue, it's the wolf guarding the hen house. could you give us assurance on what are the checks and balances, please, and how the residents of this area can get comfortable with this process, please. >> thank you, commissioner swig. excellent question. i think very similar to one that you had in january, and it's important to note that this is not the final step in the process. this is more the beginning of the process because once they submit the building permit application, it'll require department of public health review. once any time a permit gets submitted on a maher site, all sorts of flags get triggered, and d.b.i., and making sure that it gets routed to the department of public health.
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they will do their analysis and zied the plan that needs to be involved. as that permit is issued, it would then be appelable to the board of appeals within 15 days, so those issues could be raced or any other issues on -- raised or any other issues on the building construction. and any other issues or the d.b.i. if they're not following the appropriate approved plans that have been made for the site, and no certificate of final completion will be issued for the building until department of public health signs off. it's a very important public process, and i think it's important to consider that we're more at the beginning of the process than at the end of the process. i hope that answers your question. >> commissioner swig: yeah, that's great. so the public is not going to lose control of this property, so to speak.
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this is not the last time that the public will be able to ask questions, apply scrutiny, etc., etc. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you. we have a question from vice president honda? >> vice president honda: so since we don't have these types of projects before this board regularly, it gives me an opportunity to ask a couple of questions regarding it. so the reason they got a higher density is the state density bonus, is that what that is? >> there are state density bonus programs. the home-sf is more of an organic program that offers in the city over what the state offers. i don't want to make it seem like d.p.h. is not already involved, and they have been
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involved and engaged since the beginning of this project. they're actively overseeing the site of this project, and their involvement will increase as the project moves forward. >> vice president honda: the 25% affordable housing units is that by unit count or square footage overall? >> oh, by unit count. >> vice president honda: so that would account why there's a bunch of teeny little one bedrooms, 363, 364, 405, 414? >> we do require equal distribution throughout the building, and a representative quality of the unit. >> vice president honda: i don't mean to interrupt you, but when i was looking at the floor plan of the units, you know, there was a bunch of generous one bedrooms in the high sevens, eights, and nines,
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and there was a bunch in a corner that just seemed that got cut in half for higher density. >> it's long been a concern not just for this project, but for any project. we actually designate particular units to there is equal distribution throughout the building so they're all equal units. every unit has code compliance exposure, open space. i don't think there's necessarily a bad unit in the building, but the affordable units are distributed through the the building and the unit type. so what you're saying is sort
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of s of segregating the units, and that's not allowed. >> clerk: okay. we have a question from commissioner tanner? >> commissioner tanner: i just wanted to say that commissioner honda asked my question. >> clerk: okay. commissioner swig? >> commissioner swig: commissioners, i -- i just want to make one comment that, again, going back to my experience in the redevelopment agency question, we reached a point of questioning the sizes of units, and the distribution, and those questions are very fair, but this has been a discussion where there are -- which has been acknowledged, and unit sizes have reduced significantly, especially over the last five years for
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affordable housing. but it's a fair question. >> clerk: okay. we're not taking questions now, from the parties, so right now, we are moving onto public comment. if you're here to provide public comment, if you've called in, press star, nine, so go ahead. we have our first caller. there's no phone number, but please go ahead. can you speak? >> hello? >> clerk: welcome. you have three minutes. >> hi, good evening, president lazarus and commissioners. my name is kayla barnes, and i'm calling on behalf of the san francisco housing
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coalition. this environmental kill is without merit. please reject it. thank you. >> clerk: okay. thank you. is there anyone else who would like to provide public comment, please raise your hand. president star, nine if you called in. if you joined my zoom, you can click on the raise hand function next to your name. objection. i don't see anybody raising their hand. i do see some people in attendance. last call for public comment. okay. seeing that there's no further public comment, we will move onto rebuttal. mr. murphy, you have three minutes. >> i think what the planning department and project sponsor failed to acknowledge here is the fact that this site has had a significant, significant
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exposure to environmental toxin does. at one point in 2005, all of the product leaked out of one of the 12,000 gallon tanks, and that product percolated 20 feet through sand, and 30 feet through dense sand and silty matter. the exemption determination is only issued when there's no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. simply operating as a gas station since any testing's been done for the prior seven years is enough to render that
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determination completely a asinine. the other exemption that they rely is bundled with the home-sf package. planning commission attempted to conflate my prior appeal on judah, which still is on bill at this time. no action at all with a property owner who's in default of his taxes and not managing the site whatsoever. that common sense exempt bundled with the ceqa determination -- exemption bundled with the ceqa determination, our planning department does not issue callical exemptions. home-sf does. so if you do decide through -- if you do make the decision to let this project gou through and do not -- go through and do
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not honor my request, i will take the ceqa decision, which we're looking at right now, i'll take it to the board of supervisors. if the board of supervisors doesn't look at it, we'll take it to litigation. there's no plan, absolutely no plan to remediate anything on this site. they've had seven years to come up with an excavation plan. they've taken the tanks out on two occasions, but undernaeeat that, we will be exposed to toxicbe benzene in the dust, a we will have to drink the water. >> time. >> clerk: okay. mr. murphy, that's your time.
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>> commissioner tanner: mr. murphy, i just want to understand that your opinion is through cleanup of the site that the cleanup itself will release the materials? the process that mr. is not chez outlined would -- mr. sanchez outlined would remediate that concern. is your concern during cleanup, the materials would be released? >> well, it requires a little bit of explanation. there's a map that shows where the cross hairs are. i've seen what happened. on noriega street, what happened was they took the cap. there's a one-foot asphalt and
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concrete cap. on noriega street, they took the cap off and let it sit there for a year, a full year. >> commissioner tanner: so it seems like -- [inaudible]. >> pushing everything into the groundwater supply, and when i even approached the building inspection department about this, they're horrified. >> commissioner tanner: it seems like -- not to cut you off -- >> go ahead, i'm sorry. >> commissioner tanner: partly i lot a little bit of connection. the concern is during construction period, things can happen that would obviously be concerning, but is that -- that's the main period, like, the construction and the cleanup period is the period that you're concerned about? >> yeah, that's correct t. >> commissioner tanner: yeah. >> if the applicant and owner had gotten together over the
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last seven years, taking the top soil off and taking it somewhere to be burned, and draining the groundwater, i'd be okay. nobody has come up with a device yet that will take these toxic materials and transport them into a black hole. >> commissioner tanner: yeah, that certainly is right, that hasn't been invented. >> clerk: okay. mr. kodorski, you have two minutes. sorry for the delay. >> [inaudible] in all the studies that this should be done, so we have a consultant that is on board that they are doing that, and they're in contact with d.p.h. about,
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like, last week or a week ago. mr. murphy talks about removal of the soil, he said he would be comfortable with 500 square feet, but we're removing 3,750 square yards of the site. [inaudible] we are actually excavating 12 feet almost down of the soil, and if there's anything that's going to be coming up under there, we will be mitigating it by any system like vapor barriers or anything that would d.p.h. would
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require. i wish he could have approached us before so we could explain all of this to him, but we cannot do any of this prior to the approval of this permit because, you know, it's a process. so we are in the process, and we are moving ahead with all the proper agencies. we would like you to know that we are doing all of that and what is an accessory to maintain the health of any inhabitan inhabitants. we want it to be successful, and healthy and safe for people to live in. we're doing all the mitigation plan, everything that mr. murphy is asking about. [inaudible] out of any control. we're so aware of it.
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and as mr. murphy mentioned, there was thousands of gallons of [inaudible] completion certificate which was issued by the department of public health on june 27, 2017. it showed all the little spots on the site was eliminated, and the case was closed in 2016 because there was no more issues or hazards, and it's a low, low hazard case. so actually, from the beginning, it's not a -- >> time, time. >> clerk: thank you. we have a question from vice president honda. >> vice president honda: so as the appellant as asked, are you aware of any reports that indicated that one of the tanks of 12,000 gallons of fuel had leaked out? i mean because 12,000 seems quite a bit. >> yeah. you know, the owner of the gas
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station who [inaudible] i mean, it's just -- >> vice president honda: no, so the question is -- [inaudible] >> vice president honda: sir, sir, sir, sir, sir, can we stay on track here. just you're not saying that you're not a -- you're saying that you're not aware that there was 12,000 gallon leaks from one of those tanks? >> he's on mute. >> vice president honda: oh, you're on mute, sir. >> no, we don't have a 12,000 gallon leak, otherwise, we'd be floating on a sea of oil.
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>> vice president honda: okay. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. we will now hear from the planning department, mr. sanchez. >> thank you. scott sanchez, planning department. commissioner tanner's comments are particularly important because there are toxic or hazardous material on the site, it will remove until the site is redeveloped and it can be cleaned by a process overseen by the department of public health. and under the maher ordinance, the d.p.h. sets the process. this it be a very costly -- this can be a costly process, which is why a lot of the consulting project and process doesn't get done until we have a project for the site, coming up with those standards, that process, until they have an
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approval for the site. they review an analysis of all the requirements of d.p.h. there will be a building permit issue that addresses that, and that can be brought back before the board on appeal. this was a common sense exemption, not a categorical exemption. unfortunately, the appellant did not appeal -- in this home-sf project, while this appeal was filed timely on the home-sf appeal, it was not filed timely on the ceqa appeal. that timeline was passed. i think if the appellant was to go to the board of supervisors on the ceqa appeal, they would find it's not timely. this is something that we had explained at the previous hearing back in january, as i think everyone should have been well aware of the appeal requirements. certainly, the appellant is
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more than welcome to take that and run through that process with the board of supervisors, but it's my understanding that under the administrative code, that has passed. in regards to the judah project that was before the board in january, it's my understanding that it is still under review. thank you under process, and i think it's before the fire department for review, and i don't think it's yet been routed to public health. that's a later step in the process, so there is time ahead with that. i don't know what financial straits the property owner may be in, but i'd happened to look at the permit tracking, and it does appear to be making some process through the permitting system. i'm available for my questions. thank you. >> clerk: commissioner tanner has a question. we don't hear you, commissioner tanner. >> commissioner tanner: sorry. can you hear me now?
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i want to make sure that i got it right so that hopefully mr. murphy can continue his information. authority of the authorization process is getting authorized by planning commission, then creating the reneediation plan, which they would execute, and that remediation is completed before the building permit is approved? >> so the remediation plan is developed as part of the building permit process, but i believe once the building permit is issued, then all the remediation will be done under that permit issue. >> so if there was, in that remediation process, any irregularities, hey, something that's not wrong. it seems somewhat out of order, perhaps, would there be a call to building inspection, what would be used to alert other
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departments? >> it would be important to alert both the department of public health who is the lead agency overseeing the abatement measures on the site, and then also, the department of building inspection since they're responsible ultimately for the building permit and ensuring that everything is compliant with building permit, and both of those agencies would be appropriate. >> and in no case would be soil be able to be remediated without these plans, and the soil would just remain there until a plan came forward to remediate those soils. >> that's correct. i haven't asked d.p.h. if there's something that needs to be done even if there is no project, but that's my understanding. >> commissioner tanner: okay. thank you. >> clerk: okay.
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commissioners, this matter is submitted. >> commissioner swig: i don't see a -- i am very, very concerned over the issue of contamination on this site, as i voiced on the previous case. i think i'm comfortable with going through the process. i'm comfortable that there will be checks and balances. i'm comfortable that the public will be protected by d.p.h., and also the ongoing public scrutiny as it proceeds through the final permitting processes. that being said, i'm comfortable with making the motion to deny the appeal in that there was no error or abuse. >> president lazarus: commissioners, any additional
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comments? >> clerk: vice president honda? >> president lazarus: vice president honda? >> clerk: we can't hear you, vice president honda. >> vice president honda: i've been trained by our president to use the raise the hand thing. so i don't remember the noriega coming before this body. i do remember that eugene came before this body. i believe that there will be process here, and the fact that -- that there is concerned public that will stay on point to make sure that our public is safe. at the same time, i do believe that, you know, density does need to be equalized throughout the city, and i don't we are not having the huge housing
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crunch as of recent, i think to prepare for -- for, you know, our future to be evenly disbursed between districts, and the sunset, proportionately has not had any density since its inception, so i would agree with commissioner swig that there was no error and abuse. >> clerk: commissioner tanner? >> commissioner tanner: i agree with my fellow commissioners that there is no error, abuse, or discretion, but likewise with commissioner swig, ensuring our departments are monitoring the property owners and the property. mr. murphy, i hope you remain vigilant, being the eyes and ears and continuing to track it. i think it's great seeing these projects happening on these sites so the soil does get remediated, so we have some
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improvements in this area, as well as housing. it's a win-win for the city to have remediation and housing projects. i hope that the d.p.h. is looking at this with great scrutiny and the fact that the soil is getting cleaned up, so i would support commissioner swig's motion. >> president lazarus: okay. are we ready for a vote, then? >>. >> clerk: okay. i just also want to clarify, commissioner swig, did you want to add to your motion that the matter was properly noticed? >> commissioner swig: yes. >> clerk: so we have a motion, and on that motion -- [roll call] >> clerk: .
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