tv BOS Rules Committee SFGTV October 19, 2020 6:10pm-9:01pm PDT
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been issued over the past couple years and making sure they are issued in accordance with the law and that spending is being done in accordance with the law. i think that because i'm now kind of seeing the end of my time on the committee, that i do think that it would be good for the board to think about is -- if this is the most critical thing that we have done over the last several years is to retain an outside auditor to perform this review. does it make sense to sort of encapsulate that into the processes of the city auditor and encapsulate that into the law that these external audits just need to occur regularly as opposed to having the revenue bond oversight committee to come up with this process ad hoc and making sure that it keeps going. i'm wondering if this was a standardized process that occurs every year, every couple years, something like that, if it might end up being more efficient over time than the committee trying to go glue that process, given, you know, that the committee is
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made up of folks that have full-time day jobs. you know, there's limited staff availability to the committee. so maybe just standardize that external audit process as opposed to having it to be something that the committee itself needs to organize every few years. >> chair ronen: that makes a lot of sense. thank you for that. maybe you can help to make that happen in the short time that you have left. that would be wonderful. let us finish w know if you cann any way. and i wanted to make sure that our colleagues didn't have any questions or comments? nope. then if you have no more remarks we can open this up for public comment. >> clerk: yes, the members of the public who want to provide public comment on this item should call 1-(415)-655-0001. and the meeting i.d. is 1469652968. and then press pound and pound again. if you haven't already done so, press star, 3, to line up to speak. the system prompt will indicate
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that you have raised your hand. wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted and you can begin your comments. do we have any members of the public to speak at this time? >> madam chair, there are no callers in the queue. >> chair ronen: thank you. then public comment is closed. and i would like to make a motion to forward the appointment of mr. cronen with residency waiver to the full board with recommendation as a committee report. can we have a roll call vote on that motion. >> clerk: yes, and this is for seat two. >> chair ronen: yes, for seat two. >> clerk: yes on that motion [roll call] the motion passes to recommend this out as a committee report. >> chair ronen: thank you. again, mr. cronen, both for your service thus far and for willing to serve this role in the interim, i really appreciate
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you. thank you. >> thank you, have a great day. >> chair ronen: you too. mr. clerk, can you please read item 2. >> clerk: yes, item number 2 is a motion approving/rejecting the mayoral nomination for the appointment of rachael tanner to the planning commission for a term ending june 30, 2022. >> chair ronen: thank you. and miss tanner, good morning, how are you? >> good morning, how are you doing? >> chair ronen: thank you, good, welcome. it was great meeting with you last week and getting a chance to talk and i would love to hear from you. i just wanted to make sure that neither of my colleagues had opening remarks. none. then, please, begin. thank you. >> thank you very much, chair ronen, and good morning, supervisors. it's good to be with you this morning and thank you so much for considering me and for speaking with me in the past week and i just really enjoyed our conversation. i wanted to share with you all and for the members of the public who are watching a little
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bit about my background and my path to and continuing public service. i was born and raised in michigan, in a working-class family. my dad was one of the first african american public safety officers in our small city's police force in the 1980s and had a big role in helping to integrate the police force here. and my mom worked as a lab tech in a local hospital throughout her career. from a very young age i have really believed in and seen the power of people working together to solve the issues that face our communities, whether it was organizing my elementary school to recycle all of those plastic grocery bags or a little earth club, i really thought that if we get together and we work hard, we have an idea, we can change the world around us. that belief has continued to fuel me in my work, in my career. in undergrad i started political science and really focused a lot of my energy in the field working with community development corporations in
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detroit, working to understand how they could develop strategies to redevelop the neighborhoods which at that time were much different than they are in this current -- well, the most recent economic boom time. and that really solidified for me that working at the local level, and working with people, is where i find the most rewards from my work and the most passion. i then went to -- on to do community organizing in my hometown with faith-based organizations. so working with congregations to think not just how do we help the people in our communities who need it, but how do we change the structure of our governments and our laws to prevent more and mere people from needing the help in first place. so we helped to pass some of the housing first legislation in our town, and more programs for youth and a host of other issues that really met the needs of real people who know what they need and know how to figure out the solutions to the problems that we have. and from there i went on to study city planning. i have a love of cities, all things cities, from
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infrastructure and understanding transportation and sewer systems, to building the people who make our cities really what they are. and, again, that belief that if we work together we can shape and re-shape our cities to be places of equality, places of equity, and places that are fun. and exciting to live. so after that i moved to california. i spent a little bit of time with the city of long beach working with the city manager there. had just a tremendous experience before coming here to the city and county of san francisco. i spent a few years working for the planning department, working particularly with the excellsior neighborhoods and thinking about the neighborhoods connected to each other through that main street. and thinking about what is the vision for that neighborhood and what is it that the residents from the different walks of life want to see and how could the supervisor and the planning department and really a host of other city departments work together to bring that vision to reality. currently, my work has taken me
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to paolo alto, and and i have t of technical understanding but what is my greatest asset as a member of the local government is my ability to listen, to bring people together, and to try to understand all sides of the issues and to work together to figure out what is -- not the only way, but perhaps the best way that we can deal with the reassurance that we have to move forward. i have also been very fortunate to serve the city on the board of appeals. i was appointed by then the president of the board -- or nominated by the president of the board cohen and affirmed by the board of supervisors and have been serving in that capacity since november 2018, so coming up just on two years that. time has just shown me how valuable it is to have board members who are thoughtful, who are inquisitive, who really do their homework and who want to understand what is happening and how we can best be of service to the city and county of san francisco through that body. it would be my pleasure to -- and an honor to work and to
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serve on the planning commission where i would really hope to focus on three things. the first is thinking about how is our department making good on its resolution to center racial and social equity. that is a lot to live up to. it's very exciting though, and i feel that we have so much momentum and so much energy that's really positive that we're building on something. and so i'm just really excited to work with the staff and to work with the community organizations to make good on that promise. i am also thinking a lot about our small businesses and our neighborhood commercial districts, what will be their future. and especially coming out of this covid-19 pandemic and the recession that's coming -- or i guess that we're in -- you know, what does that look like? what kind of services will people be need something how can we help the entrepreneurs either to reestablish their businesses or hang on? and what does that look like from a planning department perspective in regards to code or other things that we can do to help?
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and, lastly, thinking about our housing crisis. it's being reshaped right now dramatically and we have a lot to learn about how the contours of our city's housing crisis will look during and after the pandemic. so we're paying close attention to that. but i still believe that it relies on the core values of, you know, protecting our tenants first and foremost as well as our homeowners, preserving as much affordable housing as we can and making sure that we don't lapse in that. and figuring out how to produce the housing in the places that we want to see it produced in san francisco and for the groups that we hope that housing will serve. so i thank you for your time this morning and i'm happy to answer any questions that the committee would have. >> chair ronen: thank you so much. what a great presentation. do any of my colleagues have any questions or comments? >> chair ronen, i have a couple comments but i'll wait until after public comment, but i have no questions at this time.
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>> chair ronen: okay, supervisor mar? >> supervisor mar: i think that i'd like to wait until after public comment. >> chair ronen: okay. i just had a couple of questions, which we had talked about during our meeting, but i just think that it's great for the public to hear your responses. and you spoke about this in your opening statement, about the planning commission's strongly worded resolution, to the harm to the communities of color with present-day planning and zoning policies and committing to a bold and forward-thinking strategy to advance racial and social equity in san francisco. and can you explain to us a little bit more in detail how you might apply this commitment to change the real-life impacts on communities -- communities of color and low-income residents and low-wage workers and small
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businesses, and what tools that you see that are available to the planning commission to do this? and last, but not least, what challenges might exist to apply those tools? i would just love to hear a little bit. i know that it's one of your top priorities, which is exciting, but i'd love to hear more details because it's one of the most important things that we need to do. thank you. >> absolutely, i'm happy to talk about that. i'm so passionate and i will try to keep my answers brief so please cut me off if i go on too long. you know, i am so proud of our planning commission for making that statement and i think that there's a couple things that i really see as tools that we have. the one is the allocation of resources, which in a lot of times that relates to staff time. and what are the projects that the planning commission allocates resources to. we have the wonderful example, i think the mission action plan
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2020, which is birthed out of community response and, you know, the city saying, okay, we will work with the communities to develop this really robust planning process and i think that as important as the plan itself -- i mean, the plan is only as good as the people behind it are the relationships forged and the understanding that was built, and the commitment to saying, okay, we can't just keep doing what we've been doing. and i know that was hard fought, but i think that it was really meaningful because it wasn't just lip service. it was real people, you know, working with each other. i would like to see if that model can be applied to both different communities geographically or thinking about the black community of san francisco, is it philmore and bayview or a broader city-wide strategy? and, agai again, having that understanding and seeing if we can slow, if not reverse, the exodus of our black community from san francisco.
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i think that we can do it. i think that we've seen in the latest update on mission action plan 2020, some of the plateauing perhaps of some of the out-migration of latin x families from the mission. i don't want to say that we've solved it, but i think we saw some good signs. so, okay, let's build on that, let's figure that out. we have also seen, you know, efforts such as the mission bay to look back and to say, okay, we have this area plan, how did things turn out. let's take an audit of what are the racial and social impacts of the plans that we have done, especially as we're planning for our housing element. again, we don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past, but we can also learn what did work and what didn't work. as far as the challenges -- so those are just a few things, you know, how we apply our resources and how we learn from our successes as well as the challenges that we may have had. and the challenges are, of course, myriad. i think that perhaps the one that takes a little bit of the wind out of the sails a little
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bit can be the downturn of the economy and how will we start new projects and new outreach. but this is the time to do planning. this is the time to think about what our success will look like after this. this is the time to think about what kind of city do we want and to plan for success. this recession will end. we will have, you know, a chance to build and we can do so in a way that is more equitable. if we don't plan now though we'll have the market continue to do what it does, which is to have us take us on another wild swing and likely have more of the same negative impacts that we've had when the market is just unchecked and kind of running wild in san francisco. so those are some of the items. and the last thing is to continue to raise the conversation in the planning commission meetings. when it's in the packet, the house staff are reviewing policies and actually asking the questions which i have seen and really appreciate. and then let's discuss it, let's talk about it. if it's not discussed and it's not made a priority for staff because the commissioners aren't
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discussing it, then it becomes a box to check versus the meaningful dialogue that impacts how we understand policies and projects and the decisions that we ultimately make. >> chair ronen: i appreciate that answer very much. and just one question related to that answer, because, of course, this is the most important thing to me as a supervisor. part of the success of the mission action plan 2020 wasn't so much the strategies that were developed in that plan, which you kind of noted -- the relationship -- i completely agree with you that -- that the trust and the relationships that were built were probably the most powerful thing about it. but what i think that has been -- being the supervisor of mission and watching for the last 10 years because i was part
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of being a supervisor, what has the displacement of latino families in the mission -- and maybe gotten us to a point now where the thousand plus units are about to come online, can we possibly reverse the loss of 10,000 latino individuals and families from the mission and the gentrification of the neighborhood. i think that, you know, -- not what i think -- what i know was the reason that we're about to lease up or, you know, over a thousand units of below market rate affordable housing in the district was the combination of activism that got several mayors to dedicate persons of housing bonds and revenues to purchasing properties in the mission, a concentration of the neighborhood, and the ability of
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activism to shape market-rate projects and how much affordable housing was included in those projects. or other community benefits that came out of those market-rate projects. and very sadly in my opinion, laws like fb-35 and 330 from the state level are sort of offering a one-size-fits-all approach that would have taken away the power and the ability of communities to shape those projects. so that the very successes that we have seen in the mission that i think that should be studied and replicated all over the country in gentrifying communities are not going to be replicable to other communities if those one-size-fits-all streamlining state laws pass. so how do you see this phenomenon playing out and sort of what are your opinions about those laws and how we can -- you know, to replicate these
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successful strategie strategiese have seen in the mission in the face of those laws? >> well, that's a fantastic question. and, certainly, the landscape of state laws continues to change, you know, every session and we're constantly working to integrate or adapt or, you know, to make sure that we understand what is the new implications are. and i'm really proud that we have such a stellar team of planners who work very quickly to understand what does this mean for our city and how do we make sure that we're staying on right side of the law, of course. i think that one of the things that the state laws make more important than ever is our long-range planning work. because we have to be anymore ne enough to understand what the needs of a community are and to create objective standards so that we can be sure that we can have -- it's almost like integrating the activism at the front end. you know, what are the community benefits that we need the projects to deliver and have a
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really clear plan of how we outline them, how we are tying them to projects and development standards so that as projects do perhaps avail themselves of fb-35 or some of the other housing accountability requirements, that we have baked it in to those strategies. and it's a little bit different of a tactic than we've used so successfully in san francisco, but i know that we can work together to figure out, okay, if this is the new terrain, how do we be nimble and have those supports? which, again, is why i think that it's so important to plan right now in this downturn because we know that, yes, people go, i'm not going to build this and that -- we don't know when that will end and we want to know what the benefits that we want from projects are once those applications do begin coming forward again. >> chair ronen: okay, thank you. i appreciate that answer. it looks like we should --
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supervisor mar did you want to chime in now? >> supervisor mar: i did have a few follow-up questions on your questions and particularly your question around, you know, the -- the planning commission resolution on racial and social equity and how we can really make that real as soon as possible. and, miss tanner, i really appreciate you making this as a priority and looking at stepping into the planning commission and yourfuyour thoughtful responses. and the business as usual to this point, you know, has not furthered that goal and has, you know, -- and exacerbated inequities, particularly for communities of color in our city when it comes to housing and land use. and one -- one important aspect of that is that the imbalance in
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the housing production that we have seen in recent years where we have been overreducing market-rate luxury housing, particularly, you know, luxury condos, and, you know, where i'm sure that you're aware that we're currently at over 140% of our market rate housing projection goal in the current cycle with two years to go, but we've been underproducing and having supportable to moderate and low-income households. it's great, as chair ronen just touched on the work that's been happening in the mission district to try to advance more talent, and development in the mission that really meets the needs of the community. so i just wanted to hear your thoughts about, yeah, how we might be able to really put that balance in our city where we're building the housing that is really meeting the needs, you know, of our working families
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and the communities of color. and, yeah -- >> um-hmm, so a great question. i think that it's a challenge, certainly, and one that we have all been i think -- many of us have been trying to figure out how do we get more housing out of the private market and under the control of -- whether it's the city or whether it be non-profit organizations, but organizations that are not driven by the profit motive in terms of the provision of housing. and so continuing to do that and to pursue that as effectively as we can, we're very fortunate in this city that we do have a number of resources, especially now with the friends -- there's a lawsuit being resolved. so we have funds for housing and for building it. so, you know, there's no one solution, as i'm sure that you know. and it's all of the above. from a structural standpoint in regards to this, and i would say
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that the city would be engaged in discussing and trying to advocate for the best allocation for the city that is in line with the goal that we have, which certainly could potentially maybe be accomplished with the income shift applied to the methodology where it does shift the allocation more towards low and very low-income housing as a priorities within a city's allocations. i know that then affects other city's allocations and it's not like a see-saw, you do one thing one place and you have to balance it elsewhere. so that is one kind of option there. but, again, the allocation just allocates and it doesn't build the housing, right? and it doesn't result in the units coming online. so how do we plan with agencies a strategy for where we can build more affordable housing and how we can be nimble during this downturn to build as much as we can of affordable housing. and perhaps to have some greater scale.
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maybe our dollars could go a little further at this time period, which would be really be excellent. and then continue to press the envelope on how can we get more and more inclusionary housing into or out of any market-rate development. i think that we just have got to keep finding ways to sharpen that pencil and make sure that if there are market-rate units going and we've got to get the benefits for our communities, which are those affordable housing units out of those projects. so, again, it's not an easy balance to flip, but i am hopeful that we can do that. and i also have been speaking with some folks about ideas to try to look at could we work to get more moderate income housing, like where folks aren't eligible for affordable housing units but, certainly, have a very hard time making it in the private market. and are there some developers that we could work with for whom that could be a sweet spot and we could figure out how to do something so it is income restricted and, again, to be the
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pioneers that we have been in affordable housing to find ways to meet the needs of our community. so i think that is what san francisco is known for and i would hope that we can continue that innovation. >> thank you. >> chair ronen: great. then we will now open this item up for public comment. >> clerk: yes. yes, members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call 1-(415)-655-0001. the meeting i.d. is 1469652968. then press pound, and pound again. if you haven't done so, dial star, 3, to line up to speak. a system prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand. please wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted and you may begin your comment. do we have any public commenters on the line? >> yes, i currently have 10
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callers in the queue. i will queue the first caller. >> caller: hi, i am renee curran and i have been a tenant rights advocate for the last 11 years. i have some concern about mayor breed's lack of or failure to appoint people with a proven record in looking out for the needs of tenants. and i don't know a lot about rachael tanner and i'd like to know what her record was on the board of appeals when tenants were opposing, for instance, a.d.u.s that were taking away long-term rights that they had as far as parking and laundry sources and storage spaces, it's always been part of their tenancy. and i also do have some concern
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about the vagueness in the answers that i'm hearing today. but i guess, yeah, that's it, next caller. bye. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: good morning, supervisors. my name is al (indiscernible) and i'm an advocacy director for the electrical industry, and i'm calling in to have support for miss tanner's nomination. and the aspect (indiscernible) and a number of the issues that were discussed earlier and i think that it's -- it's really important in this session to have a planner with an expertise to help to drive policy. her background and experience i think is the right fit for what san francisco needs right now.
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i think that as the -- if you try to implement the special equity resolution, as we try to find ways of really focusing affordable housing, really moving forward as -- as we try to really to contend with this (indiscernible) is an understatement what we are going to be facing. it's important to have someone with the sort of background being able to help with policy. you know, the last thing they want to leave you with is that i noticed that supervisor (indiscernible) i do want to note that of the fb-35 projects so far submitted and approved in san francisco, i think that virtually all have been by the
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folks at (indiscernible) and affordable housing developers (indiscernible). again, those are 100% affordable and i think that the one market rate one, it is (indiscernible). so, you know, these policies (indiscernible) and i think we can really make smart use of them and i appreciate. >> clerk: thank you, your speaker time has passed. can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: hello, good afternoon, supervisors. i'm the executive director of refugee coalition. i'm calling in on behalf of the black and black wall street. we support rachael tanner for the planning commission. we are a network of community
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servants and cultural influencers committee committed to supporting the brake-led organizations in san francisco. we understand the importance of having a seat at the table and our community needs need representation on the commission, and without representation the planning department's commitment to black lives and racial equity ring hello. we need leaders in san francisco who are connected to and understand the challenge that we have in black san franciscans in historically black neighborhoods. and the planning department have been agents of destruction but the city is turning to a new way of approaching planning and development to build on our cultural history, instead of tearing it down. the city can join with us with building black spaces and wealth through homeownership and supporting redevelopment, and understanding the needs of our community and has committed to this for the city. i urge you to strongly support
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rachael's nomination. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, next caller, please. >> caller: good morning. my name is jerry grantler with the san francisco land-use coalition. san francisco has housing units and the planning commission diamond appointed by mayor breed have consistently approved projects that are inconsistent with objective three of the city's general plan. objective three calls for the protection of affordable housing, especially rental units which supervisor diamond has approved projects where tenants of affordable units have been displaced to make room for luxury condos, by remodeling or expanding the existing buildings. i suggest that your committee ask miss tanner about her commitment to maintaining affordable housing in san
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francisco, and whether she would approve similar expansion projects that reduce the numbers of affordable rental units. also i believe that miss tanner is an airbnb host. is miss tanner compliant with all of san francisco's airbnb host requirements? it would be inappropriate for a planning commissioner to be non-compliant and be ruling on the compliance of fellow san francisco residents. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: hi, good morning, supervisors. my name is randy shortenge, with urban air academy. and based in bayview at this point.
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and (indiscernible) and supporting these (indiscernible) and the equity-centered approach to making sure? the city is accessible for the most important people that we have running our city. i have heard on the call that -- i support the candidacy of miss tanner and i hope and urge you all to support it as well. with san francisco being a unique city, and with all of the history discussed by some of the other callers, i figured that we would talk about racial and social equity and representation has to be a part of every piece of that process and it starts with the people on that commission. miss tanner is very qualified, and not only with the technical
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expertise but to help to drive what the city needs for a long-term vision for what is going to be -- we don't know what the future is going to hold but we know that as far as putting the principles in place and policies in place that keep accessibility for all and to have that unique focus, and we ask that the community that we need someone like miss tanner. we have an opportunity to do that and you would do well to give her your support. >> clerk: thank you. next caller, please. >> hi, this is jennifer fever. i'm a tenant advocate. i filed many discussionary reviews in front of this commission on behalf of the tenants, trying to help the
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tenants that are feeling stuck. so a couple weeks ago we had a d.r. hearing where tenants had been drafted out of their rent-controlled homes by a law firm to make way for a luxury expansion. one of the tenants actually died in the process of fighting this. so for 90 minutes, they heard moving calls from tenants and neighborhoods that we had organized in opposition to the project. when the calls were done it was like it never even happened for many of the commissioners. they seemed more interested in talking about where the garbage cans would go then where the tenants want. the current commissioners appointed by the mayor have bias to landlords and developers in their comments but i glaze over when the public calls in. and this is a city of 64% renters, but we have a group of mostly homeowners calling the shots there. commissioners and staff insist that all tenant problems can be solved at the rent board so they don't have to consider tenants, but that's just not true.
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that's not how it works. in fact, the general plan which they're supposed to uphold has a lot of emphasis about preserving the existing rental stock and protecting the tenant tenants fm evictions, but it often seems that the department has flowery language and no real plan to follow those objectives. so i just, you know, it seems like our housing policy treats the humans that actually live in it as an afterthought, so i just ask that you ask some really, you know, some questions about the existing tenants that are in these buildings and really drill in on that before supporting this. thanks. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: good morning, the land-use coalition. today you will be deciding whether or not to approve another mayor's nominee to the
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planning commission. this is particularly important at a time when the planning commission is stacked with male appointees that are increasingly out of touch with the issues that every san franciscan grapples with. we are woefully ignorant of the general planned policies, our rent ordinance, and the discretion in nature. and san francisco is a city of renters and that's why the preservation of the rental units is plainly stated as one of the objectives of our general plan. and the city with 64% of the population is a tenant, and not one mayor appointee is a renter. she self-identified -- (indiscernible) and she came from a board of appeals, a body that hardly ever votes for the appellants. this is the second time that mayor breed has moved a member to the planning commission. why the musical chairs?
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supervisors, there are important questions to be asked such as does miss tanner know that the planning commission is a discretionary body, and it should be upholding our general plan, preserve the affordability and protect our rent-controlled units? what does she think of cases where the tenants oppose the a.d.u. conversions of their garages and storage spaces that are specifically listed in their leases? how familiar is she with the rental ordinance and the conversion laws? has she ever displaced a tenant? chair ronen, there are 29 duplexes and triplexes currently up for sale in the mission, the district that you represent. in all likelihood, these properties are tenant occupied and they are in the rent eviction upon the close of the escrow. what does miss tanner think -- >> the speaker's time has elapsed. thank you.
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>> clerk: can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: good morning. supervisors, my name is (indiscernible), i'm a housing advocate in district 5, located in district 5, the city-wide orient. i appreciate miss tanner saying that among her priorities are racial and social equity and housing. that's a good start there. but so far on the housing front i heard one good idea about seeing if any builders would build moderate income restricted housing. that would be great if she would be able to locate sources of financing since the international capital does not want to build that. so what she has said about housing though so far is pretty
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much like -- well, we could build more inclusionary housing it's great, but we know that inclusionary housing is just increasing the problem from studies. and also the plethora of legislation from (indiscernible) that these are unfunded mandates. and i would like to see somebody who would be more aggressive about fighting these unfunded mandates as well as thinking and working on things like the san francisco public bank that could provide funding. finally, i would like to say that a large number, as perhaps as 50% of seniors, do not have the income to qualify for affordable housing with rent starting at $2,000 a month. so when those folks lose their current housing or maybe already rent burdened, they have to lose
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their community and their resources and move out of town, if not just die, which we've had those cases too. so, again, we need a commissioner who will do the work, who will not sit there and not say a word -- >> thank you, speaker time has elapsed. >> caller: thank you. >> clerk: yes, can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: um yes, i am angela mayhan. before i start, do i get two or three minutes? >> clerk: you receive two minutes. >> caller: fine. great. good morning, my name is angela mayhan and a resident of the excelsior district and i'm a member of the outer mission merchants' association and a resident for 40 years. a community advocate and one of the few people that have come out in our district and have actually done work to have our neighborhood actually try to
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function the way that it should have functioned with rachael tanner. i support her wholeheartedly for a number of reasons. first, she's smart and she has a confidence approach and she's dialed into many issues. and when the community comes to her she listens to what they have to say. so a lot of people who have voiced concerns about what they think that she is going to do or that because she's a mayoral appointee, maybe the answer to your question should be to call her and ask her, because she will give you an important answer. i'm an african american woman and as an african american woman i love the idea that she will center african american issues, but more importantly, i don't want you to appoint her because she is an african american woman, i want you to appoint her because she's technically sound. she's smart, she has the chops to actually do the job, just not from an african american approach, which is what i appreciate, but from a san
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francisco approach, it would be an approach that will make the city and the planning department better. actually better. and i can't express enough the importance of she doesn't speak at us, she speaks to us as a community and then formulates conclusions to best help the community. so instead of having somebody who is going to be a show either for one advocacy group or another, you're going to have someone who is going to look at things and make things better for the city. so i think that you do yourself and you do the city of san francisco a great service by appointing rachael tanner to the commission. i yield the rest of my time. have a good morning, supervisors. >> clerk: thank you. i want to make a quick statement, if you have not already done so, press star, 3, to be added to the queue. for those on hold, continue to wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted. can we have the next caller,
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please. >> caller: good morning, supervisors. my name is gwendlyn brown. we support rachael tanner for the planning commission. (indiscernible) and it was response to the impact of covid-19 and anti-black racism on black business and cultural space and we are a network of community servants and professionals and cultural forces who are committed to black sovereignty. black wall street understands the importance of having a seat at the table and we need representation on the planning department. and we want a commitment to black lives and centering racial equity. rachael is a professional, and i met her when she came to the o.m.i. and she worked for the planning department. she can committed to reaching
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out to do o.m.i., regardless of my cynicism. she is tasked with bringing us together, which is a very diverse group of stakeholders in the excelsior and the o.m.i. and then working together to find common ground. she has listening skills and the ability to connect with people from all walks of life and a genuine detdcasion to the community -- dedication to the community. this is what we need at the planning commission and we at black wall street urge you to support rachael's nomination for the planning commission. thank you, and i yield my time. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: hi, my name is erica swag and i'm from district 4. i know that this is a mayoral appointment and it will be a
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mayoral appointment. my biggest fear is that the appointment will be like the other appointments of mayor breed's, where they rubberstamp what proposed and don't dig deep, don't question, don't send the planners back to to meet where it's needed. [no audio] rubber stamping without really questioning or pushing the planners to go in a direction other than grow, grow, grow. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please.
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>> caller: hello, i'm kathy multe-meyer, and a resident since 1999. i am the chair of the excelsior action group and i have the very great privilege of working with rachael tanner for two years on an excelsior planning commission as i was serving for district 11 of the office of supervisor safai. throughout this process, it involved over 32 community stakeholders and involved about eight or nine large meetings where we went directly to the public and they were also invited to participate. and the direction of that was led by communities. the project overview was as our neighborhood changes we support sustaining and enhance what makes our neighborhood special. our families, elders, and ethnic
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and diversity and small businesses and local gems. through rachael's leadership we were able to come up with a strategy that really did center on community and specifically on housing development. as we know, the -- oftentimes district 11 is described as the last working-class neighborhood in san francisco. and our strategies regarding land use and housing were to maintain and to build housing stock that serves current residents and welcome people and a range of incomes and immigrants. to not have displacement of homeowners and businesses. so where low and moderate income residents can survive and thrive. and to promote relationships building an intercultural exchange among the many
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different neighborhood stakeholders, and develop and maintain the infrastructure -- >> clerk: thank you. speaker time has elapsed. can we have the next caller, please. >> madam chair, that completes the queue. >> chair ronen: thank you. i want to -- i appreciate all the callers. supervisor stefani, do you have any comments or questions? >> supervisor stefani: no questions, thank you, chair ronen. i want to say that i met with miss tanner last week and i know her briefly from when she worked for supervisor safai. but i was so impressed, and i went through all of these questions and this is not rubber stamping -- i care deeply about who is on the planning commission, having appeared before the planning commission for years and years and years and all of my work in the city, this is so important. this is a very important position. i think that miss tanner is so qualified, not only in
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experience and in education, but in her attitude and her outlook about everyone working together. and listening to all sides. and i truly take her at her word and i have seen her do that and i know that she'll be able to do that. so creating a false narrative that she's this way or that way i don't think that serves or helps anybody. so i also was so impressed in the conversations that we had about the dire need for affordable and middle-income housing in san francisco and how the recession will make that a little bit more difficult, also with regards to our merchant corridors and the small businesses and how the recession is going to also make that difficult. and how we, you know, have a lot of thoughtful solutions to really work through on all of those issues. you know, and the racial and the social equity in housing i think that, of course, she spoke to that well in our meeting.
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and, you know, the woman who appointed her to that also cares deeply about that as people should know. also her work on the board of appeals -- excellent work. i know that the people on the board of appeals are sad to see you go. and i just know that you are going to be fair, consistent and forward thinking. you are more than qualified, actually, and i'm so impressed with mayor breed's appointment. and i just look forward to your service. hopefully i do support your nomination and thanks again for your presentation and thank you to the callers who called to weigh in. >> chair ronen: supervisors, you have any comments? >> chair ronen, thanks and i'm having problems with my video so for some reason it's not working but i'm glad that you can hear me. so i also did want to thank miss
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tanner for the opportunity to meet with her last week and we had a really good conversation. i was very impressed with not just your qualifications to serve on the planning commission but your thoughtfulness on all of the very complicated, complex and challenging issues facing our city and regarding having a lanland use -- but i did have aw questions actually from the speaker from public comment around tenant protections and preserving affordable housing. and just -- and, miss tanner, in your capacity as a member of the board of appeals have you ever voted for a tenant to oppose the a.d.u. conversion of garages and storage spaces that are included in their leases? >> thank you, supervisor mar. i would need to go back and to check my records to make sure that i have -- what my record has been on voting. we always -- though i always
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have, you know, worked to ensure that no tenants' rights are being severed and also to encourage any tenant who is dealing with that to ensure that they are having the resources of the board as well. so i don't want to misspeak on my record on that vote but i can go back and check those cases and get back to you. >> supervisor mar: thank you. and a follow-up question more broadly, what are your thoughts on the term rent evictions, and that are they, in effect,, vikdzs? >> nothing makes my blood boil more than when at the board of appeals we have seen that very same thing. we have seen landlords try to claim oh, it's just a renovation, but as we look at the plans we find that -- wait, how is the person going to live in that unit supposedly while
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that type of work is going on. it's incompatible for that unit to be habitable while that scope of work is going on and what is happening. so we are very -- i have been -- and i have been joined in that support by the fellow board of appeals members, very -- a lot of scrutiny applies to any of those cases, the conditions being applied. we had a case where we imposed hours in terms of construction, we put quite a number of restrictions on how any renovation could take place because it was as you said an effort to try to make it very uncomfortable for that tenant to reside there in an effort to just get them to leave. and i have no tolerance for that type of behavior. >> supervisor mar: thank you again for your thoughtful responses today. >> thank you. >> chair ronen: thank you. i want to appreciate all of the callers, we have a huge pool out
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there who is very excited about this appointment. and to those who expressed reservations, i would just encourage you to make yourself available to those folks to discuss some of the concerns and the issues. i have to say in my discussions with you that i found you to be extremely knowledgeable and committed to equity and i see that in you and i have appreciated your responses very much. and i'm really looking forward to working with you hopefully if you're approved going forward on the planning commission and holding that relationship. also i want to just thank you for taking this on. the planning commission is one of the most laborious jobs that i can think of.
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and anyone willing to do that amount of volunteer work for the city is clearly invested in not only the profession and the role of planning in making the city amazing, or our city amazing, but just in public service in general. so i just want to express my gratitude for you being willing to take this on. it's not an easy role and it's a lot of volunteer time and opening yourself up to a lot of criticism. so i appreciate that very, very, very much. >> thank you. >> chair ronen: and with that i would be happy -- i'm going to try to make this motion correctly to our clerk of the board. i would like to make a motion to strike the word "rejecting" from the motion and then further to approve the amended motion to approve the mayoral nomination for the appointment of rachael
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tanner to the planning comeation and to forward to the full board with positive recommendation. did i do it, victor, correctly, the first time? >> clerk: that is correct. >> chair ronen: thank you. can we have a roll call vote. >> clerk: on that motion [roll call] the motion passes without objection. >> chair ronen: thank you so much and thank you again, miss tanner. >> thank you, okay, bye-bye, thank you. >> chair ronen: mr. clerk, read item number 3. yoirk item 3, an ordinance amending the administrative code to require the department of public health to provide administrative staff to support the behavioral health commission, to expand the membership criteria to conform to state law, and to reset at commission member terms as of january 1, 2021, to be staggered so that no more than one-third
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of the members' terms expire at one time. >> chair ronen: is anyone seeing that audience view? is that a new zoom? very bizarre. it's freaking me out a bit. let's go with it. it's a new feature of zoom or something. anyway, supervisor stefani did you want to open up this item? >> supervisor stefani: i have to agree with that too, it gives an illusion that we are sitting closer than six feet. [feedback on audio] >> we're trying to fix that right now, sorry about that. >> supervisor stefani: thank you, supervisor ronen and supervisor mar for hearing this today. i want to offer a brief history of the behavioral health commission and its structure. the state of california passed the act in 1957 which make counties responsible for providing the behavioral health
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treatment through community-based health programs. as part of that law each county was required to create a local advisory board, what we now call the behavioral health commission. the rules and responsibilities of that body were reformed by the state in the bronson 1992 which put even more responsibility on the county and imposed specific requirements on the membership of the local advisory board to increase the number of direct consumers and their family members. so the responsibilities of this behavioral health commission includes reviewing and evaluating the community's public mental health needs and the service facilities and the special problems in any facility within the county, including but not limited to schools, emergency departments and psychiatric facilities. reviewing and making recommendations regarding any county agreements that are funded through grants from the mental health services act for assistance into transition from
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homelessness grant programs and the community mental health services block grant program. and advising the board of supervisors and the department of public health on any aspect of a local mental health program. reviewing and making recommendations regarding applicants for the appointment of a local director of mental health services, submits an annual report to the board of supervisors on the needs and the performance of the county's mental health system. and reviewing and commenting on the county's performance outcome data and the communicated findings to the california behavioral health planning council. so the reason that i mention all of these responsibilities is because this body is really charged with a gargantuan task when you think about all of that. i know that, supervisor ronen, when you're hearing all of that you're probably thinking, wow, that is something that would have been great to have somebody really be able to focus on. so in the face of our current behavioral health crisis, the b.h.c. must ensure that our
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programs are safe, adequate and meet the needs of our fellow san franciscans. i want to specifically to call out the body, it is uniquely empowered to conduct site visits at any facilities, respond to complaints and interview the real people who rely on these programs. it's a incredible responsibility and everybody who volunteers for a seat on this board deserves our sincerest appreciation and they do very good work and hard work. i am bringing this legislation forward to ensure that this vital commission has the adequate staffing so that it deserves so the members can continue to serve the public to the best of their abilities. when i sat on this body i became aware that it was structured in a very unusual way. currently, the department of public health awards the contract to an outside organization that serves as the fiscal agent for the behavioral health commission. in that capacity it provides staff supports. so the staff that support the
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b.h.c. are actually employees of this friends of organization, not employees of the city and county of san francisco. so that organization called the san francisco mental health education fund has a separate board that oversees the administration and the finances of that organization. many, but not all of the members of the d.h.c. are also on the board of this outside organization. so in april of this year i became aware that the fiscal agent hadn't been submitting timely invoices for reimbursement to d.p.h. and as a result the staff hadn't been paid for several months. i immediately notified the director of public health of the issue in a letter dated april 21, 2020. a few weeks later i became aware that the fiscal agent applied and -- applied for and accepted a paycheck protection program from the federal small business administration. and as we all know the p.p.p.
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program was specifically designed to enable businesses to keep employees on a payroll after this economic catastrophe, instead of laying them off. the decision to get a p.p.p. loan is problematic because the fifiscal agent was funded throuh the p.p.h. and so the two employees' jobs are not actually in jeopardy. the department of health is auditing the contract and a federal investigation into the status of the p.p.p. loan is underway. so while i was troubled by the decision to pursue a p.p.p.p. loan i was equally concerned by the fact that there were two separate boards. one that is public and one that isn't. due to these concerns, i resigned my seat on the behavioral health commission. so none of this information is meant to malign anyone who has ever served on this body. in my opinion they and the residents of san francisco have been poorly served by a structure that undermines their efforts. this legislation will provide
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the d.h.c. with the support they deserves. the individuals should not be burdened with the responsibility of also managing the finances or the administration of a separate organization. and it simply is not fair. and it isn't an obligation that we put on any other commission. similarly, every other county in the state staffs their behavioral health commission through their department of public health. these commissioners are volunteers and their time is limited. i know that every member has spent an inordinate amount of time trying to address the issues that i mentioned earlier, and every minute they have to spend going through the financial statements for an organization is time away from the important responsibilities that the behavioral health commission is tasked with and required to do. the legislation before you will ensure that the behavioral health commission is independent, transparent, and truly public by requiring the
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department of public health to provide continuous staffing support. additionally, this legislation will stagger the terms of the commission seats so they will not all expire at the same time. nearly every seat on this has expired and needs to be filled or reappointed. i understand that the circumstances made it difficult for the body to operate with a quorum and my goal is to prevent this from recurring in the future. finally, i have a technical amendment to introduce here today and your office should have received, so that the current members will not have their terms unfairly shortened when we stagger the seats. you will find that amendment on page 4, lines 13 and 14. i have been assured by our city attorney that is it is non-substantive. the director of ambulatory care and the director of behavioral health services are here to present on how the department will operationalize this legislation. and i would really like to thank them both for their help and their dedication during this
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drafting process. i want to thank you virginia and the city attorney's office who is just amazing and the members of the behavioral health commission who serve this city to address the most important challenge that we face. and finally i want to thank my incredible legislative aide who is vital to making sure that we get this legislation done, and with that i would like to turn it over to the department of public health. >> chair ronen: dr. hammer, are you going to present? >> yes, i am. i am going to present and i am just letting you know that marlo simmons, our acting director of behavioral health services was
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planning to present too. she's been the lead on working with the san francisco mental health education fund, and working with supervisor stefani's office and the city attorney office to figure out this rule change which we fully support. and i just want to appreciate supervisor stefani. your presentation of the issues is accurate, really we very much support this change and the really i think structural challenges presented to the -- presented by how this was initially set up. so as supervisor stefani said, all california counties are required to have a behavioral health board or commission and
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our san francisco behavioral health commission was managed under the fiscal intermediary, the health education fund, and funded through behavioral health services contract. the contract is funded -- the operations of the commission as well as the two staff who supported the commission's work. and this ordinance directs the department of public health to take over providing the administrative staff for the commission with d.p.h. employees. it's in line with how other committees and commissions are aligned with the department that they're mandated to -- to advise throughout the city. and so we support this change.
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we also just really want to reiterate that it's incredibly important for community members, consumers and family members to give input to behavioral health programs for clinical services. this only strengthens our services. with so much going on in behavioral health in san francisco, with the mental health s.f. legislation and our very encouraging progress towards implementing the mental health s.f. vision, we think that it's even more important for the behavioral health commission to be a strong entity and working with the department of public health. and we think that this alignment will give the commission the greatest possible imppac impacte
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transformational work that we're embarking on. so that's just my brief comments on the legislative change brought forward by supervisor stefani and i'm happy to answer any questions -- sorry for the delay. i was just making sure that marlo simmons, our acting director was indeed no longer available. >> chair ronen: thank you. thank you so much, dr. hemmer. always great to hear from you. if there's no more comments, are you ready to open this up for public comment, supervisor stefani? is that okay? >> supervisor stefani: yes, chair ronen, yes. >> chair ronen: great. please open this up for public comment. >> clerk: yes, the members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call 1-(415)-655-0001. the meeting i.d. is 1469652968.
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then press pound and pound again. if you haven't already done so, dial star 3 to line up to speak and the system prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand and please wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted and you may begin your comment. do we have any speakers at this time? >> yes, i currently have nine callers in the queue. i will queue the first caller. >> caller: hello? >> clerk: hi, we can hear you. please proceed. >> caller: my name is marilyn tesconi, the chair of the behavioral health commission. i have seen no value in the current relationship between the non-profit san francisco mental health education fund and the behaviorial health commission. during that time the effectiveness and credibility
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has declined but it's not too late to rectify that. separating the behavioral health commission from the non-profit will help to put us back on the right track. the review of the local health facilities will resume. and the behavioral health care appointments will ensure that this will not happen again. assigning a d.p.h. support staff to the commission will return us to a consistent accountable structure that has been lacking over the last three years. it will strengthen our resources and goals. i see no compelling reason for the non-profit and the commission to remain connected or to share staff. overall the best hope of restoring relevancy and credibility to the commission is to start fresh with new supports, a full membership, and a tangible actionable plans for success. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. the next caller, please.
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>> caller: hi, this is judy drummond. i am -- excuse me -- the secretary of the behavioral health commission. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes, we can hear you. >> caller: thank you very much. i'm the secretary of the behavioral health commission and i'm also the secretary of the smirf board. i joined the behavioral health commission four years ago because i wanted to be involved. i'm very deeply passionate about the mental health care in this city. there are so many things wrong with it. and i have spent my life working with children and parents and the community trying to get better services. i thought that i could help. it did not happen. we have been -- the first board
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did nothing, and it never did what it was supposed to do. we asked and got no answers. the behavioral health commission itself has been with a lack of leadership. we need someone -- clearly we need someone to help us to set up site visits, to help -- help with the board meetings, to help us to recruit new members. we seriously need new members on the commission at all levels. and the site visits are the most important things that we do. we have been able to close some places that were not (indiscernible) their clients horribly. and they were doing a wonderful job, and an example is the transgender program on valencia street. so there's so much that you can do. i totally support your bill because i want to thank you, supervisor stefani, thank you
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very much and your aide, andy, for helping us to get this going. and thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: good morning, the board of supervisors. my name is teresa boura. and i served on the mental health board for almost five years. first as an appointment of supervisor david chiu and then supervisor aaron peskin. i considered these appointments to be a great honor. unfortunately, though as i look back, i do not have very much to be proud of. sure, i wrote resolutions and reports and i participated in meetings and did site visits. but none of what i did changed the behavioral health system. a system that as you all know that is in need of great change.
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this much-needed legislation will give the behavioral health commission a needed fresh start. the appointment of new commissioners will hopefully result in members who recognize this is a working commission requiring a commitment of at least eight hours a month. supervisors need to assure that the potential appointees recognize this as a big commitment. it's more than just a two-hour meeting a month. our commission should not have to concentrate on mismanagement of funds, sloppy bookkeeping, out-of-date documents, the by-laws and manuals that are 20 to 30 years old. this commission has great potential to advise the board of supervisors and the mayor and make a difference in the lives of people with behavioral health
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needs. i want to thank supervisor stefani, her staff, for taking this on. we really need to do this and we need to do this now. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: yes, this is david elliott lewis. i have served for two terms on this commission when it was called the mental health board appointed by at that time the district 5 supervisor. the last supervisor to appoint me was london breed. i currently continue to serve on the smirf board, that's the san francisco mental health education funds which we have abbreviated smerf c.
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the whole process has underserved the commission. we're not getting our money's worth and we're -- and we're not really helping the city. i strongly -- i want to thank supervisor stefani for introducing this legislation. it's greatly needed. and it will help to address -- it will help to address a number of problems. one of the most significant is the failure to really have program reviews. we're supposed to do contracts with the city, five per year in 2019. and they did only two program reviews. these program reviews are where the commissioners go out and they evaluate a city-funded program to see if it's performing to contract, if it's meeting its obligations. and it has found in the past when it did work a number of ineffective city-funded programs. this really helps the public good. when you don't do program reviews, the system of accountabilities and these checks and balances is
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undermined. and the way that smerf works has failed the ability to do programming reviews. that's just one of the many failures. the whole accounting system is broken down. and there's a lot of questionable issues in the accounting system. i have not found fraud myself but i don't have access to the books. i hope that this legislation will be approved as submitted to help to address all of the problems that have already been mentioned. thank you. this is david elliott lewis. >> clerk: thank you, can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: good morning. my name is rochelle soda. i was reappointed by supervisor fewer for a second term on the behavioral health commission. i strongly support the legislation introduced by supervisor stefani suffering the
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behavioral health commission and non-profit san francisco mental health education fund. i hope that you will support it. the current structure shields the directive and the executive director from oversight, wastes taxpayer money and cripples the commission. it has been a painful mentally exhausting and disheartening experience trying to be an effective commissioner. on a commission that is neutered by mismanagement and corruption. this is a harrowing time for all san franciscans. we are all trying to salvage our mental health, not just the stigmatized. this crisis needs the commission's focus, and monitoring and oversight. they need to be up and running and carrying out our mandated functions. please pass this legislation. thank you very much. this is rochelle laslova.
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>> clerk: thank you can, we have the next caller, please. >> caller: hello, my name is commissioner dawson cooper and my pronouns are they, them and theirs and i'm the newest member of the behavioral health commission and i am here because i want to do work on this commission for the most vulnerable in our community. as highlighted by the previous comments made. this legislation gives clear instruction on what to do and to provide those critical supports from the department of public health, like many other major counties in our state. additionally, it provides a clear timeline of appointments to the commission which has restricted the functionality over the summer months. there are two critical edits that i feel compelled to acknowledge that should be made in this legislation before approval. they're on page 3, line 4, and page 4, line 9. where it mentions his or her spouse.
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and he or she. as a non-binary trans person as recognized by the state of california and the commissioner on this board, using binary language like his or her or he or she deludes the idea that i and other gender diversity folks like me are not welcome in this process. while i'm sure this is not your intent on this legislation, intent does not always equal impact. therefore, it is critical that every piece of legislation is reviewed to ensure language that is inclusive and affirmative of the participation of gender diversities of san franciscans in the political process. please make these edits and approve this important legislation. thank you. i yield my time. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: can you hear me now? >> clerk: we can hear you. please proceed. >> caller: great. good morning, david filpel.
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when i served on the sunshine task force a number of years ago i had occasion to attend various meetings at the time of the mental health board. there were some questions that came up about their compliance with the brown act and the sunshine ordinance and i attempted to help to clarify those. so i had occasion to observe how the board at the time was acting. i believe that helena brook was the staff person at the time and bob sabai was the director of mental health services for the city. it was an interesting experience and i'm sure that others can comment on how effective it was at the time. and i have heard comments today on how effective it is today. in any event, i support the proposed ordinance. i think that this is a useful and a necessary change. and i really want to thank
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supervisor stefani for her considerable and dogged work on this. this obviously took a lot of time to sort out and to work with the city attorney and others, including the department of public health to figure out how to fix. and i'm sure that she and her staff and others have spent, again, considerable time sorting this out and proposing the good and a workable solution here. so thank you and i encourage you to report this ordinance out with recommendation. thanks. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please? >> caller: can you hear me? >> clerk: we can hear you. please proceed. >> caller: hi. okay. my name is greta jackson-lane,
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the vice-chair of the behavioral health commission and i was recently reappointed by supervisor matt haney and i am in district 6. i would like to speak in personal response to the legislation. what i would like to point out is that the core responsibility of the behavioral health commission is to empower the voice of the mental health and the behavioral health consumers and the family members and the residents of the city and county of san francisco. i would like to point out that if the behavioral health commission staff in particular, the director, becomes an employee of the behavioral health services, the department is far less likely to understand and accept that the behal behavl
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health department's role is to oversee the department. many other boards and commissions in california have complained that their health departments will not allow them to pursue some avenues of advocacy or to respond to the commission's request for resolutions to the problems and uncovered by the commissioner's suggestions for change. the previous commissioners have stressed the fact that our commission in particular has the opportunity to do site visits and especially to speak to clients and how they feel that the services are being actually, you know, if they're being provided or not. and so i would like to stress that we need to make sure that this behavioral health commission has the independence and the transparency to the residents in the city and county of san francisco. i applaud the concerns that
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supervisor safai has in the urgent needs for us as -- >> your time has elapsed. thank you. >> clerk: can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: hello? >> clerk: yes, we can hear you. please proceed. >> caller: okay. how you doing? this is jeffrey greer. i'm calling because i am very familiar with the mental health board and the treatment on-demand, and recently became involved in behavioral health commission and became involved in that whole brouhaha. we are in such a critical crisis for the underserved community of san francisco, that we don't have time for this bureaucratic quagmire that we find ourselves caught in.
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now whether or not supervisor stefani wants to restructure smerf and b.h.c. or we need to find another person -- i don't understand, it doesn't matter. but it needs to be done with great repeditivity. to wait for the bureaucratic field to turn is a disservice to the community and the public of san francisco. you've got 20 years of history, apparently the behavioral health commission to work sufficiently and probably should have had oversight. and at this point to technically throw the baby out with the bath water, claiming that you'll start all over, knowing how quickly the city services -- the city administration works, it probably won't even get up and running until some time next year -- the middle of next year. i feel that this needs to be handled immediately, with great repiddity and it's very, very serious and you need to get
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another executive director for the health commission and get smerf on board with what they're doing and take care of this business with great speed. thank you very much, i yield my time. >> clerk: thank you, can we have the next caller, please. >> caller: thank you, mr. clerk. i oppose this legislation. the behavioral health commission would be harmed by this legislation. the recent executive director of b.h.c. for 21 years recently told me in an email and i quote, over the years i have talked with a number of commission chairs who have had a lot of problems working with the county department of health, end quote. paradoxically, removing it from staffing d.h.c. could hinder the b.h.c. and its investigation of allegations of massive violations of patients' rights by behavioral health services. san francisco is the worst out
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of 58 counties, by and large by 50% in terms of how many patients are put into long term involuntary mental health treatment in san francisco. san francisco adjudicates 2,500 of these cases per year. that is unbelievably high. and it has contributed to b.h.c.'s patient load currently at about 30,000 patients. 30,000 patients is more than 3% of the population of this city. that's too many people by far to have under involuntary long-term mental health treatment. this has to be investigated. it can only have happened through the violation of patient rights and only happened through the proceedings and totally sealed cases. these patients are not even able to challenge their treatment.
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and we have to investigate b.h.c. how are we going to do that when b.h.c. is providing staff for us? it's going to hinder us. back to you, mr. clerk. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> madam chair, that completes the queue. >> chair ronen: thank you to all of the callers. i just want to thank supervisor stefani for taking this on and for d.p.h. for working to make this happen. i agree that this is a positive step forward for our tons of work and attention that the entire city is putting into our behavioral health system right now and i think that this -- all of this collective work is going to make a major difference and to help serve and to make life better for all of san
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franciscans. so i really appreciate it. and i wanted to see if supervisor stefani wanted to do the honors of making the motion. >> supervisor stefani: yes, chair ronen. but before i do i want to thank everyone who called in and especially to call out the suggestion to make sure that the correct pronouns are used. and also an apology to that individual for there oversight because never would i wish for anybody to feel left out. and so i have texted with the city attorney's office and i understand that we can do that to include they, them or theirs. and we can do that in a way that is non-substantive and perhaps we should confer with the city attorney. >> deputy city attorney ann pearson. yes, you can make those changes. i believe they are on page 4, on line 12 we would replace the
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words "he or she" with the words "the member" and similarly on line 20 of page 4, we replace "he or she" with "the member." >> supervisor stefani: and i'm seeing on page 3, line 4 it says "his or her spouse." >> okay, it could say "the member's spouse." thank you for catching that my office tries very hard when amending to code to capture the correct gender language and i am sorry that escaped us. >> supervisor stefani: so i move that amendment. >> chair ronen: victor? >> clerk: yes, my apologies. i was just typing it. you would like to make those amendments in addition to the ones proposed at the beginning of the meeting? >> supervisor stefani: yes, thank you, victor, for calling attention to that. i also had that technical amendment they mentioned.
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so if we could include that as well. that's on page 4, line 13 and 14. >> clerk: yes. on -- >> supervisor stefani: i move -- >> clerk: on the notion adopt the amendment. [roll call] the motion passes. an additional motion to recommend as amended? >> supervisor stefani: yes. i would like to move this legislation forward as amended to the full board with positive recommendation. >> clerk: yes. on that motion [roll call] the motion passes without
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objection. >> supervisor stefani: thank you, colleagues. >> chair ronen: thank you very much, mr. clerk, any other items? >> clerk: that completes the agenda for today. >> chair ronen: then the meeting is adjourned. thanks, everyone. >> thank you. >> bye. >> bye. >> hell oh everyone. thank you so much for joining us
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today. well, covid has changed our lives. the fact it is has changed how we go to work, how we go to restaurants, how we interact with each other but this year will change how we vote. we want to make sure here in san francisco, we make it as simple as possible. i'm excited to be here to announce that although we can't do what we've done in the past, and provide early voting in city hall, we are going to be doing early voting right outside on grove street in what looks like a beautiful party at the present time. i want to thank the department of elections, and he will talk about more about exactly the steps that his team has taken to ensure that we not only make voting accessible, we make it
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safe. we want to make sure that people feel comfortable if they need to vote early. they can come to this voting center and it will be opening on monday. if they want to vote on election day or drop off their ballots on election day, we'll have 588 locations all over the city. and, what is -- don't be alarmed if you don't receive your ballot you won't be able to vote. this department of elections has received everything. if you didn't receive it in the mail can you provide replacement ballots. if you are going out of town and you need a ballot mailed to a different location, there's a system in place to do just that.
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for whatever reason, you are not certain or uncomfortable accessing a paper ballot, there's just a lot of options. they've been sending things in the mail, sending things online to say our goal is to make this as easy as possible. in the last presidential election, sa san franciscans tud out in record number. it was a '80 turnout. in 2008, it was 81%. this is a city that prides ourselves on making sure our voices are heard. we're not going to covid stop us from making sure that you have access to vote in san francisco at your convenience. i'm excited and i know that there's a lot of confusion out there but this department of
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election has done everything it can to make sure that it's easy to call the department of elections, call 311, go online if you need information for where to pick up a ballot or a replacement ballot. we thought of everything. so, there's no excuse for anyone in this city who is a registered voter not to vote. and in addition to that, if you are not registered to vote, and you would like to register to vote, you have until october 19th. so, make sure that you take the opportunity to go online and this center is open and you can come here and register to vote and you can vote on the same day. in addition to the dress up locations on election day, and
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this voting center right across the street from city hall, we will have a number of of drop off ballot locations the weekend before election day. linda brooks burton library and the branch library. because again, we're trying to make it easy as possible and it's ballots in-person or on election day. if you need more information, please visit the department of elections website at call 311 or call (415)554-4375. so with that, i just want to again thank everyone for their cooperation, the work they do. i really want to express a
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special thank you so john arts and the department of elections staff because they have been working very hard to make sure that no question is unanswered. anything or any scenario that could occur, they wanted to make sure they were prepared to support and address the public. and they work with the number great community organizations and to get out the vote and some of those organizations are with us today, including george chance from the chinese newcomer service center, jackie flynn, the ex you director of and these are organizations who make sure that communities all over san francisco have accessed to vote. and we appreciate the work that they've done for many, many years. i also want to thank martha cohen, the director of special events, for taking such time and care with creating a warm and
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inviting space. thank you, martha for your work. and with that, i want to turn it over to our special guest, joining us here today, you probably recognize him because the tallest person here. our state senator, scott wiener. >> thank you, madam mayor. and i also want to thank martha and also our department of elections and john arts for once again really stepping up to make sure that san franciscans can vote and vote easily. that's one of our core values in san francisco that we want people to vote and we want to make it easier for people to vote so i have complete confidence in our department of elections that we will run a beautiful election here and that we will -- it will just be a really strong showing and a really difficult period of time. this is a partnership between
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the state and our counties including san francisco we took action at the state level to people being able to vote during a pandemic and we authorized global vote by mail o so everyone gets a ballot even if you are not signed up as a permanent absentee and not put barriers in order to get an absentee ballot and normally, it has to be post marked byelection day and i do want to ask people please, try not to rely on post marking on election day and sometimes you can mail it after whatever the pick up is at that particular box and there are unfortunately thousands of ballots each time where people just mail it too late in the day. it doesn't get post marked. make sure you are going to mail it, please, troy t try to mail
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tractor-trailer dait theday bef. even if there's a problem with the post office, which i don't think there will be. you have plenty of time if you mail it right up to election day. it has 17 days to a arrive instead of three and that is a huge change in stay law that we've made to just make sure that every ballot can be counted. what this is really about is auctions. we want people to make choices that work for them and people
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can drop it off in different locations and of course, we have absolutely amazing voting facility here which will respond to our health needs in terms of allowing people to show up and vote safely. and to be able to do it efficiently. the capacity here, as you can see, is huge. it's going to start on monday and also be opening two weekends before the election. we're making it so easy for people to vote in a way that works for them and their family and their own health situation. i have a digital town hall last week with our secretary of state, alex padilla and with con on cause and a representative of the american postal workers union and she was very, very clear that she has confidence that the mail is going to work well for this election. despite some of the turbulence we were saying, they've been able to move through that and
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she assured us our postal workers, who are some of our front line essential workers, who are putting themselves out there during this pandemic so we can do what we need to do as eye society they're going to work incredibly hard and they will deliver the mail and people can have confidence in the mail. so, again, thank you, madam mayor, thank you to our department of elections and let's just run a great election as always. thank you. and now, i want to invite up our director of elections, john arts. >> thank you, senator weren't. thank you mayor breed and also for organizing this event. this is a great timing for an event like this, just before early voting begins. early voting will begin october 5th here at the voting center located outside bill graham auditorium. this is an example of the mayor and the senator wiener have indicated and the department and city have take ep steps to make sure that voting is safe and
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healthy experience for all voters in san francisco. the ballots we mailed actually tomorrow and voters will start receiving ballots on saturday and then they'll most will receive ballots on monday going through the election week. we have a full compliment of polling polic police station ple want to drop off or they don't want to mail their ballot back, just before elections day, is they are outside the voting area so voters don't have to go mud the voting area. they decrease the amount of traffic that voters would experience at election day. and everything that we've done since really the end of the march election going through the cycle for november, has been to plan in relation to conduct an election, while trying to respond to a pandemic. so everything that is happening here at bill graham auditorium,
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is organized so that people can maintain social distancing and there's ppes that our personnel are wearing and useing and the public has provided ppe and hand sanitizers and sanitizing wipes, face shields and things like that and the same for the polling places. the voters and co-workers can maintain social distancing as they go through the election process on election day. we've had p.p.e.s available for the voters and the poll workers on election day. and the in-person voting here at the bill graham auditorium and the polling places there's a cleansing of the areas and materials and the commonly used items throughout the day so voters will go into a clean voting environment when they go to cast their ballot on election day. also, i want to echo the comments about the post office. we've had conversations and meetings with the post office before this election and to make
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sure there was no issues and with the processing and to support the conduct of this election for november. the post office of senator wiener noted, has put tremendous men does attention and focus on their abilities and their requirements to give ballots up to vote and he is get ballots to voters to elections here in san francisco. i want to share the city and the departments of elections has put much time and thought into this and so they're safe and secure and everyone has a good experience on election date i'll turn it over to george chan. >> and even we call chinese and we're helping everyone. so this year we're happy to be
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receiving support from the city to continue the registered people. so, this year, we see the ballot we mailed to you and we help people register. we follow that many times they don't know if you change your address, make sure you update it, ok. so also, if you do know your status, we can help you to check it as well. thank you. >> good afternoon, everyone. my name is jaclyn flynn. i'm the executive director of the a phyllis randolf of san francisco and we're working with the department of the elections in the city to really get out of vote this year. so i ask you, how important is your vote? 2020 is a challenging year as a nation. we have lost over 200,000
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american lives from covid-19 and these fires, as you can see, continue to raise and scorch our state and homes and businesses and and the california economy and our air quality and and they leap gap in time with racial tension zoos tie that they spilled into our streets. so i asked again. how important is your vote? this year and you can help redefine our jail system you can help reform our law enforcement system. you can help fund our parks, you can vote for housing and healthcare and your vote is a vote for change. i ask you, what can you do to
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effect change and if you can, do it early. send it in my mail. drop it directly into a ballot box and thank you to the city for creating an accessible space for folks to do that safely. and if you must safely head to your poll, please wear your mask and vote. i encourage awful us to ask our families, our friends, our work colleagues, our neighbors to do something important, vote. this year has been hard on all of us. and as i think about why it's so important, i think about my own kids. and i realize that i have the power to set a clear example that i'm not satisfied where we're at in this nation today and i'm not going to sit back. i will be an element of change. the a phyllis randolf institute will be on the frontlines reaching out to our seniors and
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over 5,000 units of low income family housing across is this city. we'll be facing this year of covid, hitting the streets to ensure education and access to voting. you can help us in that fight. i'm inspired by san francisco. a city that votes for change. i'm inspired by inspired by a t looks like me. when i vote i celebrate my skin, my lips and my determination to be represented by someone that understanding my perspective. to all my asian brothers and sisters and to all my latino brothers and sisters, we need you. we need bilingual folks and to my caucasian allies, we are all in this together. i challenge everyone to get education and make a plan and vote. thank you.
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>> thank you to the press and the immediate why for getting the word out and most importantly, we want to make sure that voting is easy. if you have any questions or concerns, what is interesting this past weekend, i heard from a lot of folks that said i didn't get my ballot yet, what is going on? what is happening. so people seem to be very excited about voting. we also want to make sure that folks are able to get their ballots and they're able to get their questions answered and we make it as simple as possible and we also keep everybody safe. when we're showing up to our polling places, or our drop-off center or this particular center here across the street from city hall, we're all using the wash center to wash our hands and we're wearing our masks and
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complying with our health orders because that's how we're going to be able to continue to not only get through this but adapt to the needs to make sure that we are able to not only vote but vote safely. that's what this is all about and so thank you all so much for joining us here to the today. [applause]
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>> good afternoon, welcome to the land use and transportation committee of the san francisco board of supervisors for today, monday, october 19th, 2020. i am the chair of the committee supervisor peskin joined by committee member dean preston and soon-to-be joined by vice-chair supervisor safai. our court is miss erika major. do you have any announcements, ms. major? >> due to the covid-19 health emergency, and to protect board members the legislative chamber and committee room are closed. however, members will be participating in the meeting remotely. this precaution is taken pursuant to state and federal orders. committee members will attend
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the meeting through the conference and participate in the meeting to the same ex at the present time as if there's physically present. public comment will be available on each item on this agenda. both channel 26 and are streaming the number across the screen. each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. comments are opportunities to speak during public comment period and call the number on the screen that's (415)655-0001, again that number is (415)655-0001. the meeting i.d. is 146 784 273. press pound and pound again after you enter the meeting i.d. when connected, you will hear the meeting discussions and you will be unmuted, and in listening mode only. when your item of interest comes up press star three to be added to to the speaker line.
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speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television and you may submit public comment. e-mail myself, the land use and transportation clerk at eric erica.major. and if you submit public comment' a e-mail it will be forded to the supervisors and made part of the official file. you may also submit written comments via u.s. postal service to city hall and room 244 san francisco, california, 94102. finally, items acted upon today are expect to appear on the board of supervisors agenda october 27th, unless otherwise stated. do you have any additional comments? >> no. >> could you please call the
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first item. >> item number one is an ordinance accepting certain public infrastructure improvements for purposes of city maintenance and liability including water pump stations and the emission base south redevelopment plan. if you would like to make public comment on this call (415)655-0001 and the meeting i.d. is 146 784 2743. when you express star three, the system will prompt you that you raised your hands and when you get to public comment you will hear that you have been unmuted and you may make your comments. >> thank you, i had a number of questions and i want to thank nad were from the success or agency now called ocii for
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looking into the questions that i had which she can respond to publicly but the answers to those questions and the liability to the city at mission bay have been satisfactory answered for me and with that, e take the floor. >> good afternoon, supervisors. >> we can barely hear you. >> i'm sorry, i do have my -- now you are sounding ok. >> ok, i'm sounding ok. sorry about that thank you for hearing this item again. i appreciate the questions that
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you have. i have my team here with me who will present from public works. mike who can respond to questions specific to the project and we also have a representative from puc as you asked. i want to start with these infrastructures have been completed and have been in use for two to 10 years. when infrastructure is complete, the city is required to accept them but in the process, what is taken us a little longer and we've been working with your office and other city departments to get that working. the engineering and design of the infrastructure was done in conformance with city specific cases and it was approved and permitted by the city. the infrastructure was monitored by public works and the puc has shown us the infrastructure was built to standards. as such, we've been because of the soil sediment at mission bay, we've worked diligently with our city partners to set aside some funds to and they can
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speak us us as well it was available and estimated at cost and the idea is it would be at cost at whatever time the work would be to get done. the reason we're asking for an acceptance to allow for the streets to remain open so that we can continue to partner with the developer to finish the infrastructure. i'll turn it over to john thomas. >> speak to us the subsidence issues if you will and any impacts that might have both on the surface and subsurface
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infrastructure. good afternoon. >> good afternoon, chair peskin and members of the committee john thomas with public works. i'm here to speak to you about the commission bay acceptance. if it's possible, there's a powerpoint that could be shared. >> sure. >> go ahead, please. >> should i do that from here or is that something that. >> we can share your screen. >> e give me one second. >> now that they changed and updated teams, i find it harder to find things. >> your share should be on the
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so you see our infrastructure request for acceptance and that includes streets and sidewalks. street slights, the sewer system, stormwater pump stations, the water system, communication and traffic signals. throughout mission bay and on the blocks described here. next slide, please. as chair peskin alluded there are geotechnical experience and the history of studies on mission bay and our geotechnical team was tread well and roll owe and they studied the underlying slow conditions and determined there was extensive presence of bay mud and settlement was as a result. the team evaluated surcharging of the mission bay area. given the extent, both depth and
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breadth, the decision to surcharge would have impacted many existing streets for a year or more in the expected impacts to the area would have been too bright to bear at the time. there are also various concerns that were raised, the mom connection tee in that would be under those exiting city streets by the surcharging and and the
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site civil was to provide a hand other interface at the sidewalk and building to maintain access for the most part, the intent was to have the main entrances to those buildings setback to allow for setment that would come. we have seen the settlement as predicted and we have not experienced any breaks in. >> fourth and king was one of the first of the buildings that was constructed in the area and while there are problems there, they can be addressed and will be by the fronting property
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owner. subsequent developers have made the appropriate adjustments. >> all of that has been uniform in blocks and there's been no differential settlement? >> that's correct. it has been performing as expected and and settling as one so things are looking pretty good. they have been reviewing all of the installations and it's a rigorous process over the years. in consultation with other city agencies, public works issued determination of completion and the infrastructure was ready for its intended use and as the director mentioned, the street have been operating under licenses with the development
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partner to this point. once accepted, then the departments will operate and maintain these facilities and they're consist apartment with the city's general plan and the eight priority policy of the planning point section 101.1. next slide, please. >> this is construction in the mission bay area and. >> the proposed legislation will accept offered of dedication with streets and roadways for their designated and inpended purpose accepting liability through q&a 17 maps the board is
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establishing sidewalk width and street grades and dedicating the importance for public use. some of the activities that have had begun to occur in the area as the development have been completing and as you can see this is bringing much needed using including dock parks and there is renaming of streets the proposal includes that the change of el doradao and i
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believe members of the border are well aware of karin woods. she was very active in this area and passed away recently and in that section to karin woods way. also, exiting channel street is proposed to rename miss creek in channel street here. that concludes my presentation this afternoon. we also have kahal hennessey from project works from ociaa and available for any questions. >> colleagues, i have had extented officers with ocii and other parties including the puc so if you have questions ask
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them now. >> ceiling none. thank you mr. thomas is there any public comment on this item number one? >> thank you, mr. chair. james, can you let us know if there are any callers are ready. >> no callers are in queue at this time. >> ok. seeing no public commenters, public comment is closed. and colleagues, if there's no objection, i would like to make a motion to send this idea with recommendation as a committee report and on that motion, a roll call, please. >> clerk: on the motion as stated -- [roll call[ roll call vote ]
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>> the administrative code to up plain con ton firm play management and the national flood insurance criteria and to remove provisions and the findings. members of the public who wish to provide public comment, this call the number on the screen. that is (415)655-0001 and the meeting i.d. is 146. >> from the city administrator's office we have mr. bill barnes. the floor is yours. >> chair peskin, thank you for we secretary committee adopt today and last time you heard this there were concerns around
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definitions of regulatory floodway as well as historic resources being more accurately defined so it's consistent with state and local preservation laws. fema sent us the ma'am on september 23rd so our priorities are required to adopt at the local level working with the new federal requirements and of places for state programs and or historic listed on a local inventory and historic placed including the certified by a program or the secretary of interior and we would that you earlier point the out a number of staff and different
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availables if are they'll able and i know the agenda is long so with that i'll secretary committee to adopt the amendments and recommend the items. >> are there any questions or comments from members? i want to thank you for listening to our comments or my comments earlier and i have reviewed those amendments which colleagues are set fourth on pages seven, eight, and nine of the subject legislation and have been adequately described by mr. i don't believe they were substantive in nature but we defer to attorney pearson for her advice. >> anne pearson, you are correct, chair peskin, they're not substantive.
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>> why don't we go to public comment and then i'll make a motion to accept the amendment and let's hear from the public. are there any members of the public who would like to speak to item number 2. >> thank you mr. chair. we have james checking o to see if there are any callers in cue and press star 3. would you let us know if you have any callers on the line. >> public comment is closed and i would like to make a motion to adopt on the bottom of page 24 and 25 page 8 lines 5 through seven and the deletion at line 20 and the deleg as describe lie
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nine. on that motion, madam clerk, a roll call please. [ roll call vote ] you have three ayes. >> i would like to send the item with recommendations to the full board and on that motion roll call please. [ roll call vote ] >> next item, please. >> administrative to require sellers of the multi family residential buildings to provide a new right of first order and
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first refusal for organizations if a multi family residential building is not under contract or remains unfold after one year and after each year thereafter, members of the public who wish to provide public item call the number streaming on the screen. and punch in the meeting i.d. and press pound and pound again after you your code. mr. chair. >> thank you, supervisor fewer, the floor is yours. >> yes, thank you chair peskin and good afternoon supervisors safai and supervisor preston. today i'm happy to move forward on our legislation to enhance the opportunities to purchase act which went into effect over a year now. they have helped qualifying non profits purchase apartment buildings at risk of losing their affordability and preserve them as affordable housing. this is helped prevent the displacement of some of our most vulnerable tenants in san
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francisco by removing their homes from the real estate market and i thrilled to see the state legislate or is not working with some of our community partners on a state wide version thanks to the success in san francisco. i would like to thank our community partners who make it possible and all my colleagues for co response organize this ground breaking legislation last year and they are based on the experience and input of our affordable housing providers on the ground over the past year and these amendment also do the follow things. make it easier for qualified non profits to decide whether to make an offer on a building by requiring this sellers to provide them with more complete disclosures. provide more transparency and engagement by requiring sellers to provide them with an information see about these will
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further enhance cope a and make sure everything is cope asset tick. at the request of the office of economic and workforce development i i have one amendment i will make. they will include a land dedication to the city for new affordable housing construction and this amendment would clarify that these land dedications are not subject to copea, you should
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have received a copy of the legislation with mendment highlighted on page 3. i've been informed by a city attorney this amendment will trigger a continuance so i hope to have your support on this amendment today and on the full ordinance next week. in addition to thanking all our community partners, i would also like to thank supervisors walton, yee, mandelblite mandel. >> are there comments from committee members? let's go to public comment. is there any public comment on this item? >> mandelblit. >> good afternoon, supervisors,
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this is peter cohen with the council of community housing organizations. just wanted to thank supervisor fewer for moving this legislation forward. you know, the community opportunity to purchase act kopa was just passed and implemented about a year ago when it went into effect and these refinements and updates are going to be so we are continuing if you will the tinker with the tool and these are good a investments and i also want to emphasize how impactful and important and valuable it has been and it's been fantastic over the past several years and copa adds more impact and more opportunities and i think we're all going to be very proud to see how effective this is been and how san francisco is a
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leader. thank you to all the board and for supervisor fewer for getting this legislation introduced. >> you n. speaker, please. >> linda chapman. this seems like a good direction to go into actually preserve the affordable housing that we have. and farber to try to have people if you are going to try to create common interests development and it's farber to have people who have relatively similar incomes in a particular project rather than trying to sandwich people with relatively relow resources into these expenses and market rate condos and hope when they're each away doze except their amount of their mortgage and they help with our property tax and so on to manage and i want to say i don't know if you have haven't had this kind of experience and
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that you have no protection. there's state law but you have to hire lawyers to enforce it and even in buildings which the city have at the same time, my board was driving us out and you know, also, if the trust that's not land trust does not understand that when they buy these buildings, there's tremendous amount of work that's going to have to be done, not necessarily advisable but it wasn't in mind which was beautifully maintained building as far as you could see and millions of dollars worth and it
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is on people to pay with their own special assessments and so there are things that need to be considered because people will lose their investment and their homes and i was able to pay the 77,000. but i still lost my home because of the horrible abuses of the way that the place was. >> next speaker, please. >> caller: good afternoon, this is anastasia. thank you supervisor fewer and to supervisor walton, yee, mandelman and co-sponsors of the amendment. this will level the playing field between speculators and communities non-profit organizations and i fully support these amendments.
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thank you. >> thank you. are there any members of the public that would like to testify on this item? there is one more and i unmuted them. >> next speaker, please. >> caller: the council committee has an organization in support of this measure. thank you supervisor fewer for being that multi-year process to create the first kopa and
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bringing up-to-date with lessons learned and working through it and this could not be more timely given what we're hearing on the impacts of covid-19 recession and the amount of money being accumulated by speculators to begin to buy up buildings as they did in 2008 as the previous recession so thank you for this work and our presentation is in support of these amendments. >> thank you. are there any final speakers on this item? >> good afternoon, my name is bruce wolf san francisco community land trust. we support this amendment. we urge you to vote out of committee and i want to say as a
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member of the california cot network we really appreciate the work that supervisor fewer has done and the board of supervisors and their unanimous support to move this forward for the work that we're doing to bring this concept and approach state wide. >> thank you mr. wolf. >> any other public comments on this item? >> that is the last member in queue. >> i would like to offer the amendment described by supervisor fewer at page 3 at line 17-21 a new subsection 7 as well as the cross reference in the long time at lines 11 and 12 on page 1. on that motion, madam clerk, a
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roll call, please. [ roll call vote ] >> i should hit that meeting chatbox. supervisor preston, my apologies. >> no problem. i was just going to wait until after the amendment. i just wanted to thank exercise fewer and all the affordable housing advocates who has been worked so hard on the copa program more broadly and now incorporating the lesson from its first year into the legislation. i would love to be add as a co-sponsor and to thank you for your leadership on this. >> thank you. >> all right. dually noted and on the amendment a roll call, please. [ roll call vote ] >> you have three ayes.
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>> i'd like to make a motion to send the item as amended with recommendation to the full board of supervisors for a hearing next week. on that motion, a roll call please. >> wait, supervisor chair, it's going to be continued. >> excuse me. thank you vice-chair safai. i would like to make a motion to continue the item as amended to our meeting next monday. >> supervisor preston. >> supervisor safai. next item, please. >> number four is a resolution is initiating a landmark designation under item 10 of the planning code for 649 there 651
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and the members of the public who wish to provide public comment should call the number streaming on the screen. and the meeting i.d. if you have not done so already press star 3 to lineup to speak and the system prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand. mr. chair. >> thank you, madam clerk. i want to thank supervisor mandelman for bringing this landmark designation or initiation of the landmark designation to this committee. i would like to be added as co-sponsor and say that i have the pleasure of going to 649 duncan street when phyllis and del were with us and hung out in their living room with them and if there's a deserving landmark this is, with that i will turn
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it over to supervisor pandemic. >> among all the of the things that have happened in 2020, one of them was the loss of phyllis lion back in april. she was an icon of the lgbtq rights movement. she and her long time partner del martin, wer and they were te first same-sex couple legally we had in san francisco in 2004. last m. the home where they lived together for more than 50 years and where phyllis lived to the end of her life sold for $2.5 million. the house is a 750 square foot cottage on a double lot about 5700 square feet that sun developed. their house was the site of group meetings and community gatherings and private parties where lesbians could dance and
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be themselves and where they hosted countless other activist and historical figures over more than a half century as organize and he is community leaders. aside from the history, the property also has, as you may have observed, chair peskin, a stunning view of the city. it's a an area that routinely sees mansions being sold and when i visit requested hered. it was the very last parcel of land and truly the last of its kind in the upside potential and in my view, this is to san francisco and the lgbtq rights movement across the world and it
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should be recognized and preserved that's why i'm bringing this item forward today and i want to thank shane watson and the historical society for quickly rallying the community around this one and historian who co proteasome the historic statement in 2016 and shane called the community with preservation as friends and former care delivers and that lead to the launch of the martin house group by the historical society as well as the resolution before you today and we wish and the board has a aren't to for any property and this triggers review by the planning department and a recommendation and to include
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the property as a landmark in the code so this is the beginning of a process and a critical step to make sure they weigh in on what happens when the site in the future. and i request your recommendation. >> thank you, supervisor mandelman. why don't we open this up for public comment and are there any members of the public for this item. >> thank you mr. chair. looks like we have two listeners in queue. can you queue in the first caller for us, please.
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>> caller: good afternoon, supervisors, this is woody from san francisco heritage. i'm calling to express the strong support for the initiation of this landmark designation and 59 the long time home of phyllis and del as a meaning place of the daughters of the leaders 649 duncan is a locus of civil rights history and significant not only locally but internationally and i believe the national historic preservation has sent a letter of support and recognizing sites and important to lgbtq history are few and specifically less bow an focus sites are even rarer. they support the initiation and request this community recommend it to the full board of supervisors for consideration. thank you and thank you supervisor mandelman for your leadership on this. >> thank you and we are in deed in receipt of a letter of
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support from the national trust for historic preservation for the initiation of the landmark designation for 649 duncan street, next speaker, please. >> this is anastasia and district 8 residents and i thank my supervisor for bringing fourth this preservation are there any other speakers. >> seeing no speakers. public comment is closed.
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